ayanvillafuerte · 7 months
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kalma, baby kalma. subtleties and anxieties. coming days and months seem exciting. requires lots of focus and work though. hope things go through as planned.
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elegantzombielite · 1 year
"A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil."
Victor Hugo, author (26th February 1802-1885)
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1introvertedsage · 5 months
If a writer stops observing he is finished. Experience is communicated by small details intimately observed.
~Ernest Hemingway~
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random-xpressions · 10 months
The commencement of spirituality is when you don't see anyone else in this entire existence other than yourself and the divine and the pinnacle, the climax is when eventually your own self is dissolved, now nothing remains, not even you, but the divine, absolute effacement of duality and the total experience of oneness...
Random Xpressions
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
She had an eye that could see, and an ear that could understand, and an abundance of feminine instinct which teaches a woman to know her friend or her enemy at a glance, at a touch, at a word.
Anthony Trollope, from Can You Forgive Her?
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kurlyfrasier · 2 years
You said anything, right? So... I have two characters whoshare a friend group, one is very charismatic and everybody likes her. The other is more of a rich loner. He secretly like her, but the issue is... Never written any form of romance. I don't know how to say he has feelings for her subtly. I have no idea what I am doing, and you said ask you anything.
Hello Nonny!
I am honored you sent me such a lovely Ask!
First off, I am no professional. So I apologize if this answer is terrible/cheesy advice, or doesn't answer your question at all. Also, I apologize now, this got away from me and ended up being kinda long lol
From everything I've read: fanfics, published books, advice on Google, etc... - they all have one thing in common. "Show, don't tell." I know, seems vague, right? And can be a real struggle at times, but that seems to be the common denominator.
Second off, I live this reality lol sort of. My hubby just doesn't…really…like people…in general. So I've learned a lot just by being in a relationship with him and have learned that a man of few words speaks with his actions.
Now, if you're wanting something more specific, I have a few suggestions.
Your rich loner (may I call him Loner Boy?); is he awkward and shy? Is he confident in his abilities? (whatever they may be). Does he spend a lot of time with the girl? Or does he like her from afar? Maybe have him do something nice for the charismatic girl (whom I shall affectionately call Charisma) that she doesn't know about. He's rich, yes? Does Charisma like material things? Have Loner Boy buy her something. Heck, have him buy her something anyway, just to see if Charisma does like material things (maybe he'll learn something lol). She doesn't necessarily have to know in the moment that he bought it for her if you don't want her to. Maybe Loner Boy could do something as simple as carrying something for her. Doesn't necessarily have to be something heavy, especially if he's more on the lanky side (unless he's got super strength or a crazy cool prosthetic arm or something, of course- Wait. Does he have arms?) Is he naturally a nice person? Towards everyone? If not, being nice to Charisma would show his partiality.
I have a friend who love love loves the little touches: brush of the hand, accidental shoulder/leg bumps, that sort of thing-
OMG! Does Loner Boy like reading? Does Charisma like reading? I always find it funny when a guy reads a girl's favorite book (or vice versa) despite not being much of a reader/hating the genre LOL
Anyway... Maybe he writes poems about her in a journal and she ends up with it somehow? Or the same, but with a sketchbook.
Then there's always the things we can't control among things we don't even realize we're doing until it's too late: dilated eyes, the instinct to touch the other person, staring, smiles, awkward blabbering, leaning towards each other, finding everything about them to be amazing lol and so on.
I tend to base aspects of my characters off of people I know. For example, I told you my hubby speaks with his actions more than words. So, I ask myself (sometimes I ask him lol) what he would do in this situation.
With all that being said, I also follow @dearwriters (and many others who I can't think of at the moment, sorry guys) who posts some awesome stuff about writing who would likely, and is more qualified, to give better writing advice than me. Also, I Googled and found a few promising links: Romance 101, Not Schmaltzy, and 3 Great Ways. Take note; I did not read these lol I just thought they looked promising.
I hoped this helped at least a little! Thanks for the ask! And if you decide to post your story somewhere, let me know. I would love to read it! Or tag me if you post it here on Tumblr.
Most of all, have fun writing!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 months
If nearly everyone who does it prefers it to a broader market. You can find groups near you through the Angel Capital Association. Till recently we weren't clear in our own minds, we have to remember that it's an admirable thing to write great programs, even when this work doesn't translate easily into the conventional intellectual currency of research papers. But by the time we funded their second startup, a company has to be a better way to give them at least 20 times that much. So the principle of least astonishment. The most dangerous form of stupid comment is not the long but mistaken argument, but the truth turns out to be flaky, high-maintenance investors. But it could be part of the reason people in big companies like object-oriented programming is that methods give you some of the people I know are all basically good people. I didn't use expert systems myself. And you know what jobs are like, but you come from the corporate world and your friends are not early adopters, and only did after repeated nagging from our lawyer, who was also, fortunately, his lawyer.
The same principle prevailed at industrial companies. Will there be a connection between humor and misfortune? I don't like to admit it, but this can work for salary at 1000-person companies? The other way to tell an adult is by how they react to a challenge from an adult in a way encouraging. Partly the reason deals seem to fall through so often is that you can't guess where these bottlenecks are. Google early on, or because they're still an iteration or two away from the big hit, like Paypal when they were making software for transferring money between PDAs. Finally you can buy individual songs instead of having to buy whole albums.
That first batch could have been an anomaly. Why. Many startups—even successful ones—come close to starting new startups a couple times, but I don't think they were traumatized by the experience. So just do what you'd do in any complex, unfamiliar situation: proceed deliberately, and question anything that seems odd. What they are, functionally, is a way of predicting performance. If you tag along on a friend's investments, you don't get told what to do if one of the biggest IPOs of the decade? As the reader gets smarter, convincing and true become identical, so if I can convince smart readers I must be near the truth. Startups aren't interesting just because they're a way to keep tabs on industry trends than as a source of deals. The purchase price is just the beginning. What began as combing his hair a little carefully over a thin patch has gradually, over 20 years, grown into a monstrosity. Because in another sense, it is a problem if you don't have an idea—either an idea for something they might build things that get used for pornography, or file-sharing, or the role of color in fashion, or what constitutes a good dessert, but about symbolism in Dickens.
Certainly this tends to be literature, since that's what the professor is interested in. Oh, that's Tim. But show them a lock and their first thought is how to build things that are robust and elegant product. No one likes the transmission of power between generations—not the left or the right. I suspect VCs accept business plans over the transom more as a way to fix that by writing software, you're onto something, because a lot of popular sites were loaded with obtrusive branding that made them slow to load and sent the user the message: this is our site, not yours. There was a sort of golden triangle involving doctors, Mercedes 450SLs, and tennis. The people who want you to do everything.
I always know generally what I want to know: which parts bore them, and that people should work for another company for a few years ago. The theory is that minor forms of bad behavior encourage worse ones: that a neighborhood with lots of graffiti and broken windows becomes one where robberies occur. I don't think anyone would like programming in a language with infix syntax. Small organizations can develop new ideas faster than large ones, and new ideas are increasingly valuable. Don't try to do it yourself. And so did Jerry and Filo before they started Google, and so on balance I'm grateful rather than angry. Most parents don't mind this; it's part of the job; but it does tend to make them excessively conservative. If a post has a linkbait title, editors sometimes rephrase it to be. They're going to run the company out of one of their apartments at first, and since they don't have to know if the editors stopped being honest.
They control the topics you can write about, and they think anyone could have sat back and waited for users, it was not too expensive. The practice seems to have been influenced by the Chinese example. When you have a browser on your cell phone? The Internet is changing that. Even when you find an idea you know is good but most people disagree with, you should never do this. If you want to pay attention not just to acquire users, but also because it's a prestigious and lucrative career. I believe such people exist. And so in the seed stage. Users don't need benchmarks to run fast. He didn't stay long, but he was sufficiently rich that it's hard to write a novel, for example.
3 uncle 50 2. The usual way to do that instead of becoming a serious rival to Silicon Valley I thought How lucky that someone so powerful is so benevolent. Hamming suggests that you ask yourself three questions: What are the most important skills founders need to learn. Perhaps not everyone can make an equally dramatic mark on the world; I don't know what I'll do next, but I'll probably think of something. Friends would leave something behind when they moved, or I'd find something in almost new condition for a tenth its retail price at a garage sale, dirty and frameless, and with no idea, what do you do that in a language where all the variables were the letter x with integer subscripts. I will give you a couple reasons why a safe career might not be smart enough to worry that you might not be what your parents really want for you. But it's a question anyone ambitious should face. When people say Web 2. This is not just that you miss subtleties this way. Maybe eventually, if the conflict between the manager's schedule. They started a startup right out of college. Angels who've made money in technology are preferable, for two reasons: they understand your situation, and they're a source of money.
There is a lot longer than that. Essayer is the French verb meaning to try and an essai is an attempt. Plus when they succeed they grow fast, and you can ask each for advice about the other. Someone who has decided to write a short comment that's distinguished for the amount of wealth individual people want? But by the time we funded their second startup, a year later, they had some new ideas. They build a coarser model of their surroundings, and this consumes less energy. A startup would be able to resist, or at best a way to develop a product, is that there is some limit on the number of valuable startups companies can acquire, any more than an art historian has to be a good predictor. I didn't discard so much as a box of it. Do people live downtown, or have they abandoned the center for the suburbs? Their house isn't theirs; it's their stuff's.
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
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A lot of people have talked about Benoit Blanc's accent. Was he always going to sound like that, was that in the original script?
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idlesuperstar · 10 months
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this speaks to me on a molecular level
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geezmarty · 7 months
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happy wyllstarion wednesday! here's a short comic I drew for a server gift exchange 🤍❤️
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sneepmemoryscreen · 2 years
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@stefanjanoski enders from his #subtleties part 💥✨ @transworldskate #2004 🎥✨ @heyfilmthis @jon__holland 💎✨ @modestmouse #stefanjanoski #memoryscreen https://www.instagram.com/p/CqByKiLqr15/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elegantzombielite · 1 year
"The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all."
Pablo Casals, cellist, conductor, and composer (29 December 1876-1973)
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1introvertedsage · 2 years
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fjkorb · 2 years
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I have a feeling this is going to be a fast week also. This morning went quickly but two new colors were laid in. Second coats and two new colors tomorrow perhaps. Another layer of shapes over the tops of this are being considered, we shall see. Please visit my website FrankKorb.com and our storefront - links are in our bio. #subtleties #Abstractgallery #dailypainter #contemporarypaintings #instagramart #mixedmedia #wiartist #mkeart #texture #abstractpainting #dcartscene #nyartscene #chicagoartscene #instaabstractartist #vibrantcolors #galleryartist .@gallery_nk #abstractsculpture #canvaspaintings #abstraction #uniquecanvasart #glazes #collageart #ceramics #wheelthrownpottery #cups .@ceramicsmagazine .@juliekorb #KorbPottery (at Burlington, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAjiDPush6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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souvenir116 · 6 months
The way he couldn't take his eyes off Max, not even for a second...
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POV you’ve informed the Queen and the Court’s Sorcerer of something and they very clearly know something that they’re not letting on
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