#Sunflower Tattoo Ideas
nicolesanabriaart · 2 years
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The End of September 🌻
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I think I need a sunflower tattoo in my life
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asterchats · 6 months
i absolutely do not immediately require another tattoo just bc the artist who did my shoulder has some excellent / designs to adopt/give a home, yknow
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🦋 ♥︎🌻 #tattoideas
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queerhydrangea · 1 year
this silly football show means so much to me, i can’t belive it’s gonna end soon. recently, it’s been so many small things—like the comparison of teds and jamies mother that made me think a lot about my own mom and our relationship. or the fact that i brought three pink and purple dresses today because i like the colour, they make me happy and i try to overcome the ‘too girly’, ‘to childish’ stereotypes ect ect
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willfullwanderer · 2 years
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run and run
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demonicguything · 14 days
i need a real tattoo. NOW.
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hearmiioutblogg · 11 months
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Get inspired!
Sat here after a session with my counsel 😈 and it was swift, as the speed of light
Now I’m fighting an impulse. Tattoo idea. Clever and Naughty. Lovely and Me. Floral and Perfect placement!!!
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tattoomyidea · 1 year
Sunflower Semi-Permanent Temporary Tattoo Idea & Design
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marimbles · 5 months
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happy holidays @0ellestrid0! I was your secret santa for @mlsecretsanta 💜
I don’t know much about solarpunk but I was intrigued by the concept and wanted to give it a shot! hopefully this is ok. random silly solarpunk AU ideas under the cut hehe
since solarpunk is about solar power and green/eco-friendly societal structure, I figured plants would be central to an ML solarpunk AU. it’s cool to imagine a version of Paris with lots of green areas and clever, space-saving, clean-energy solutions. I like the idea of the dupain-chengs having their own greenhouse where they grow ingredients for use in the bakery. And I wanted marinette to have her own greenhouse too where she grows plants that she uses as fibers and dyes for making clothes! So that’s what I drew here. Chat Noir likes to help marinette in her garden and he nerds out about the plants which she thinks is very cute:)
The plant in the middle is associated with ladybug and chat noir. I love sun/moon symbolism and that seemed to fit a solarpunk AU really well so I ran with it haha. in this AU I thought tikki could be a spotted sun beetle and plagg could be a black moon cat (or panther?). sun beetles would be associated with the sundrop plant (first image), and moon cats would be associated with moonflowers (second image). chat noir’s tattoo is a moonflower and in my mind ladybug would have a matching one that’s a sundrop.
The moonflower is inspired by the actual plant of the same name, which blooms only at night, except I wanted to also make it bioluminescent bc that’s cool lol. (I’ve been playing lots of tears of the kingdom and I always love the blue nightshades and silent princesses that glow blue in the dark!) irl moonflowers are actually a type of morning glory, which typically bloom in the morning in full sunlight and then close up at night. so in this AU the sundrop is the corresponding plant (since “sunflower” is already taken, haha) and it would also glow, but only during the day when it’s blooming.
I thought maybe sundrops and moonflowers could have magical effects and marinette is experimenting to discover them. maybe there’s stuff about them in the grimoire and she’s trying to unlock special powers for her and chat noir. maybe those effects and the symbolism of the plants could help her understand more about her and chat’s roles and abilities and potential and even help her discover the key to defeating hawkmoth…hmm… (I really haven’t thought too deeply about it lol I just like glowing plants)
As for their outfits…I was just trying to make them look sort of “punk”-y 😂 I feel like in all the punk AUs like steampunk, cyberpunk, etc, people are always wearing goggles and boots and aprons and vests and stuff with pockets and zippers and arm braces. So. I made a vague attempt fjdkkd
anyway thanks for humoring me with my rambling lol I hope you enjoy and that you had a good holiday!
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audhd-nightwing · 11 months
punkflower headcanons:
- miles already has his ears pierced but only wore really basic gold/silver studs until he met hobie, after which he started wearing a bunch of cool earrings (him and gwen buy cute earring packs and split them so they each get half). hobie is starstruck the first time he sees miles in dangly earrings
- miles, being an artist, is actually really good at painting nails and does it for hobie all the time (he claims his hands are too shaky to do it himself but really he just likes miles holding his hands)
- hobie lets miles doodle all over his battle vest and miles lets hobie put a few pins and patches on his favorite hoodie
- they make each other playlists/mixtapes (i’m gonna be fr with y’all i have no idea what time period hobie’s dimension is)
- miles sketches hobie a lot, hobie pretends not to notice but finds it very endearing
- hobie is ecstatic when he finds out miles is into graffiti and brings him back to his dimension so they can do a bunch of it without miles getting in trouble with his dad
- hobie teaches miles to play guitar. i believe this with the entirety of my heart and soul
- hobie gets a tattoo of one of miles’ drawings (without telling him) and miles cries when he sees it (it’s a sunflower ofc)
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midnightcrw · 9 months
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Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x Reader
Summary: Daisy is bored
a/n: I hope you all will like this, and hopefully, it's okay for me to name his daughter Daisy. You all can just imagine a different name if you shouldn't like it
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Simon was lying on the floor with his arm stretched out. Five markers were spread out on the floor as Daisy scribbled and colored in his tattoos "Having fun?".
You had gone out to meet your friends, leaving your husband and Daisy alone at home. Daisy is your and Simon's two-year-old daughter. Since you don't usually leave them alone, Simon had to come up with a plan that ended up with Daisy drawing and colouring his tattoos.
He had his tattoos covered with various colours and drawings. He had his eyes closed, hoping that Daisy would move on to something else. However, when he heard her footsteps moving away from him, he opened his eyes to see her approaching him again with more markers.
The markers were in all kinds of colours. Daisy sat on the floor next to her dad's laying figure as she coloured more of his tattoos.
”Daisy, come on-“ he protested half-heartedly. "Dont you have paper to draw on?”.
Simon was about to grab the markers and put them out of Daisy's reach when she drew another line on the side of his bare neck, giggling to herself. He sighed and closed his eyes again.
In fact, Simon loved it when his daughter enjoyed herself. And even though it would be a pain to remove all the drawings, he let Daisy continue doodling and drawing on his body.
Daisy then drew a flower on her dad's hand. He opened his eyes and looked down at his hand, then back up at Daisy, "Is that a sunflower?" he asked softly. Simon was really proud of her. His smile turned into a playful grin once she nodded. He turned his head and kissed Daisy's cheek, "Well done, Princess."
Since Daisy had already had her fun drawing on him, Simon took one of the markers and attempted to draw a tiny heart on his two-year-old daughter's hand, which looked a bit squiggly, but was still recognizable enough to call it a heart.
Daisy squealed with delight and kissed the squiggly heart on the back of her hand. It was a small thing, but it meant the world to her. As she did so, Simon drew a few more marks on her arm.
"You want more marks? You little artist," he smiled at her as her laughter filled the room again. It seemed that Simon had forgotten his actual intention of getting Daisy to stop doodling on him.
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"I'm home," you called as you walked into the living room.
As you looked towards the couch, you saw your husband and Daisy sitting on the floor. Both of their bodies were covered in drawings, both of them looking hilarious. Even their faces were full of doodles.
While you were giggling at them, you suddenly saw Simon secretly handing a marker to Daisy, indicating for her to run over to you and draw on your body as well. "Don't you dare," you said.
Simon pretended not to know what you were talking about, he even put the cap back on the marker he had just given to Daisy. Daisy giggled her head off and started to make her way over to you. You saw her other marker in her hand, and she was ready to draw a few squiggles on your body.
Hours later, you were all sitting on the floor together, your bodies covered in scribbles as you glared at your husband for giving Daisy the idea to draw on you.
Simon gave you a devious smirk as he stared at his masterpiece. You weren't angry, but you felt pretty silly with the bunch of random drawings all over your skin. Daisy was just as bad off as you, with multiple drawings all over her body.
"It's all your fault. I hate you," you told him, not at all serious with your statement, as Daisy was still drawing on your arm.
He pulled Daisy off your arm and kissed the top of her head as he chuckled. "Whatever you say, love," he turned to you and playfully nudged your arm, looking rather proud of himself. In fact, he was absolutely beaming.
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"Hey Lt, since when do you have a sunflower on your hand tattooed?" Soap asked him as he looked at the back of his Lieutenant's hand.
Not at all, knowing that it was actually Daisy's doodle of a sunflower that Simon got tattooed a week later.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Random Headcanon!
Buggy Paints on his S/O
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• Buggy seems like a fairly artistic person. Naturally due to his interest in performing arts and him having an infinity of doing his own makeup
• This translating to him being a fairly skilled tradional artist as well- Mainly painting. It was something he did if he had spare time and often sold under a Alias to different art vendors or collectors.
• As his S/O however you were both his greatest model and his muse. Him often sketching you to get ideas
• or using the excuse of nude sketches to get you undressed ;3
• He never spoke about this Hobbie to anyone accept you.
• Sometimes Buggy would do light ink sketches on your arm or fingers if you asked or was bored enough. Nothing large or with color
• Till one hot summer day
• It had been by accident really, a lazy day on the ship due to the sudden heat wave that fell over everyone. Buggy had given the crew a day to themselves since it was too dangerous to sail and possibly give people heat strokes.
• So he was in his cabin. Shirt off, in shorts and his hair in a messy bun ontop of his head as he tried to do some basic gestures. You laying on the bed shirtless and only in your favorite underwear trying to stay cool as you red.
• Buggy glanced back at you. He stares at your naked back for a moment watching you read and mindlessly doze off into your own world.
• You snap from your thoughts momentarily as you feel the bed dip. Glancing back you see Buggy staring at you as he ran his hand over your naked back.
• A shiver goes through you as you can't help but blush at his actions.
• "Bugs?" You ask calmly? Him only humming a response as he seemed to make up his mind.
• "Can I paint on your back? I have those skin safe paints" He asked, however already heading over to were he kept some clean brushes and said paints. You chuckling at this
• "Alright but don't make a mess" You hum as you settle into the bed once more
• Buggy returning with the paints as he saddled himself on you. Sitting very lightly on your ass and clearly making himself comforble.
• "Ah no funny business l" You say with a giggle as you feel him getting very comforble.
• "Of course~ I'm a gentleman afterall" He says. This making you both snort a laugh.
• He soon started, a chill going through your body at the cold paint hitting your skin but soothed by the almost ticklish touch of the brush strokes going down your body.
• You glance back only once to see Buggy in full consideration.
• Your book long forgotten as you laid there enjoying the slow and well thought out feeling of brush strokes on skin.
• It was incredibly relaxing for you.
• You didn't know even but eventually you dozed off and fell into a light sleep while Buggy was painting.
• He would gently shake you awake once he was finished and pepper a kiss on your cheek. "It's Done Doll, Wanna see?"
• You stretch and nod softly still trying to shake the sleep from you.
• He helps you up and uses two mirrors so you could see the finished work. Smiling brightly at the beautiful sunflower and butterfly painting that decorated your skin.
• "Oh Bugs its beautiful!" You gush, Smiling brightly at the sight. Half thinking this would be a fantastic tattoo idea!
• "I'm glad you like it my Muse~" He purred out and kissed your naked shoulder. A blush going across your cheeks as you rolled your eyes
• "Pervert, If I didn't know any better I'd say you used this as a way to get touchy~"
• "What if I say thats true?~" He said with a smirk. Rubbing his hands over your unpainted form.
• "Then I'd say you did a damn good job~" You purred out, Buggy Laughing at this as he scooped you up and tossed you back onto the bed. Earning laughs from both of you as he kissed you ravenously.
• The heat effecting both of you in a different way it seemed-
• The next morning you were pissed at the dried paint all over the bed sheets- Which you forced Buggy to clean.
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tiagems · 8 months
I'm obsessed with the idea of a soulmate au where every universe's soulmate thing is different. Tattoos with your soulmate's name, matching eye colors, feeling each other's pain.
On Earth 138, it's a birthmark tattoo that matches your soulmate. There's a lot of variation in that one and it fits the style of the world. Of course, Hobie doesn't like the idea of soulmates, just in general he doesn't believe in them. Despite the sunflower printed on his left shoulder, he's very loud and proud about how he "doesn't have a soulmate" and how he doesn't need some weirdo cosmic power telling him what's best. "It's creepy," he says when Gwen asks one night, looking at her own soulmark(a black band around her ring finger; it was pink when Peter was alive). "Some dickhead up in the clouds makin' decisions for me? Gross."
Earth 1610's soulmate mark is the nickname your soulmate will give you written on your wrist. Miles spent his entire childhood not really paying attention to it, but as he grows older he starts to get anxious. "Sunflower" isn't exactly a common nickname, but then again isn't that the point? And then he thinks that maybe Gwen is the answer- except she can't be, because she's from another universe and besides, she's never once called him anything other than Miles or Spider-Man.
And then he starts spending time with other Spider-Men his age. Pavitr, Margo, Peni. Hobie.
And one day Hobie just casually says "Wanna go for a swing, sunflower?"
Miles thinks his heart has exploded.
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synnamonroll666 · 8 months
Make It Rain
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Prompt 4: Showering Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: All you want to do when you get home from a stressful day at work is take a shower. When you finally get under the warm stream of water, your Zaterran boyfriend gets an idea... Warnings: Nudity, Light Sexual Innuendo, Fluff... Word Count: 1k A/N: I guess this technically isn't smut, but I just felt like taking a more softer approach with this one. I wanted to write something more peaceful and fluffy, with just a small pinch of spice. It doesn't have any sex in it or implied sex, just two lovers enjoying some skin-on-skin contact. So I hope you all enjoy it regardless! 💚 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kinktober MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @queenkhepri.
After a long day of work, I craved nothing more than a nice hot shower and then a comfy bed to slumber deeply in afterwards. I barely even muttered two words to my boyfriend as I entered our shared home and stumbled past him on my way to the bathroom. That's how much I wanted this.
After gladly kicking my shoes off and quickly discarding my clothes, I turned the shower facet to hot and waited until it was nice and steamy before stepping in to encase myself in the soothing heat.
I didn't even bother lathering myself with soap right away, since I was too tired to do so. I just stood in the heavenly stream falling from above, letting all my tense muscles relax from the stressful day I had had.
But that moment of peace came to a quick end when I felt two arms snake around my nude frame to pull me tightly into a hard chest. A startled scream tore from my throat as I attempted to pull away, but the arms only locked tighter around my body. I screamed my boyfriend's name, and then a voice shushed me from behind.
"Shhhhhh; it is only me, my little sunflower." The familiar voice of Syzoth rang behind me, causing my chest to fill with a burning heat of anger.
"Syzoth!" I shrieked in rage and the man merely chuckled mischievously behind me, only making me even more mad. "You nearly gave me a damn heart attack!"
"I am sorry, but I could not resist." He said this as his chuckle faded into words. "Besides, you know how much I like things wet—especially you."
Despite the fact that my heart was beating rapidly due to his little practical joke, I was still relieved that it was him and not some creep sneaking in to get a feel of me. But I should have known because Syzoth would never let an intruder get past the front door. His predator instincts would kick in as soon as he would sense an unwelcomed presence nearby, and he would quickly tear them to shreds.
"How silly of me to forget." I countered in a semi-sarcastic yet seductive tone to tell him that I was no longer mad at his little antics. In fact, I now welcomed them. After all, how could I stay mad when I had a beautiful naked man pressed up against my back?
He lowered his head to press a few soft kisses against my neck and shoulder before resting his face in its crook, and I could feel his loving smile against my skin. My heart rate began to gradually decrease as a sudden feeling of relaxation fell over me once again. Between the soothing warm water showering over our bodies like rain and being trapped in his strong embrace, I truly did feel happy and at peace; he was the best kind of medicine to cure all my stresses and anxieties.
After awhile, I turned in his arms and rested my head against his chest to hear the beautiful song his heart produced for me. I pressed my lips against one of his tattoos on his shoulder and began leaving kisses down the design as he let out a happy and pleased sigh. His hand eventually tangled within my now-soaked hair to caress my head gently as he enjoyed our little moment; it truly was something beautiful that we shared.
After nuzzling my face into his left peck and leaving a few more kisses across his skin, I gazed up at him through my lashes with love. His lips stretched into an adoring smile as his eyes drank me in, causing heat to creep up in my cheeks once more. Then, his hands dropped from my wet locks so he could firmly wrap his arms around me to keep me as close to him as he possibly could.
"I love you," I whispered with love and appreciation filling my tone.
"I love you too, sunshine—more than you know." Syzoth murmured back before pressing a tender kiss to the top of my head.
"Thank you," I uttered breathlessly as I rested my head upon his broad chest, feeling as if everything in our happy little world was finally at peace once again. 
Syzoth then looked down at me with enough confusion painted on his face to cause a light chuckle to escape my throat. He was a smart man, but sometimes things really did fly over his head. But I wouldn't have that any other way; it was adorable. 
"For what?" He asked as he raised a questioning brow. "The kiss? Expressing my love back to you? Invading your shower?"
I couldn't stop myself from laughing at his tsunami of questions and shook my head in response as I tried to stifle my fit of giggles. He was always the cutest when confused, and it was one of the things I treasured the most about him.
"No, no—" I breathed as my laughter died down. "I meant, thank you for making my day better."
His features softened into an expression of adoration as soon as I elaborated. I think it was safe to say that he knew I had had a rough day, and he was happy that his attempts to relieve my stress were appreciated. But the truth was that he never had to do much to take my mind off of the struggles of everyday life. He was the perfect distraction from everything, and he made my world a whole lot better when he arrived in it. I couldn't have been more grateful to receive such a gift from above.
"Anytime, my little sunshine." He murmured in a tone so soft that I could have cried. He lowered his head to press another kiss against my forehead before resting his head atop mine.
So there we stood, bodies free of our fabricated prisons and tangled together tightly in a warm embrace, while water rained down on us like a soothing waterfall. It was exactly what I needed to end such a stressful day.
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greyskyflowers · 10 months
I have all these half hearted soulmate AU ideas and I hate to just delete them, so I'm just going to post what I have and roll with it. Please enjoy some rough draft soulmate AU ideas that I'll never finish ~
Visible soulmate marks
Strings - brook
All his strings are tangled in his rib cage.
Vivid red that's thickly woven and caught between several ribs, always moving and pulling Brook forward.
Dark green tangled up, knotted and fraying in some places but still one of the strongest looking strings he has.
Grey blue that's tied securely towards his inner ribs, usually tangled up with the dark green, and close to where his stomach would be if he had one. Yohohoho
Shimmering orange ribbon that shines on the edges and doesn't pull so much as guide with gentle tugs.
Brilliant yellow in twine, multiple smaller pieces braided into one larger stand and tried off on the bone is a messy knot.
Peaceful pink that's carefully tied with a bow and drapes in gentle loops to a lower height before fading.
Deep purple silk thread, it's thin and slides like water over bone, deceivingly sharp to the touch.
Neon blue wire that's bent on a few places but strong, wrapped over bone in multiple coils.
Flower tattoo - robin
Sunflowers cover her back in messy lines, sprouting into long leafy stems and then giant detailed blooms, a heavy and bright presence always at at her back.
Gladiolus grow up her left forearm in thick inked lines that intersect with fine perfect ones, and lush blooms, one of the larger blooms sits where her arms cross.
Blue stars cover her right forearm with elegant and surprisingly subtle line, the most stunning one parallel to the Gladiolus and they meet when her arms cross.
Dahlias grow around her ankles, beautiful and healthy with lines like a rough sketch, looking wind swept and rain drenched.
A mix of peonys grow on her collarbones, they're sweet and inked in childlike handwriting, the blooms hide playful behind each other in a bunch of petals
Clematis bloom on her chest, they're the largest bloom and are messily arranged, the lines are reminiscent of blueprints with scales and measurements.
Daffodil climb up her left side in elegant white ink and tangle together in all stanges of life: bud, bloom, and wilting with petals dropping.
Marigolds cover her right side in ink that mimics paint strokes, the blooms more detailed than any of the others and look like something from an old gardening book.
Color spots - luffy
Luffy is cover in color, everything from pale, watercolors to vivid metallic
Green covers his right hand and forearm, always visible and on the side that he throws the first punch with.
Pale blues mix on his left hand and forearm, intermixed like different depths of water.
Gold drips down the right side of his chest like spilled ink, a shine to it that catches the light and gleams.
Yellow shines like sunlight on his left knee, it's a burst of courageous color and quick to draw the eye.
Pale pink is whispy on his lower back like cotton candy, edges soft and happy.
Crisp, black is in sharp lines against his left ribs. They site between each rib like a shadow and curl like skeletal fingers.
Purple stains his fingers dark like fruit, it finds its way into his finger prints and trace the shape like it's memorizing it.
Solid grey wraps around his ankles like bands, gleaming like metal and strong looking against his skin.
Moving tattoos - zoro
Zoro is full of life, even when he's fast asleep
A sun, filled in with all the colors of a sunset and whispy, white clouds that roll lazily over the design before fading away and reforming again on the other side. The only mark he ever wants on his back
A part of a map wrapped around his upper, left arm. It flutters like it's catching the wind and the edges shine vivid gold and copper.
Flowers bloom on the back of his right hand, they drop petals that fade like they're sinking into water before the flower starts as a bud again.
Gears turn on his left side, little blue stars tumbling between them before flickering out and reappearing at the top.
The going merry circles his left ankle, it bobs happily under a half circle shape with 5 prongs on the inside.
There's a sheet of music wrapped around his upper, right thigh. Binks Sake, the notes jump like they're being played.
Smoke curls around his right forearm, spitting embers and flashing flames in dark smoke before settling back into a gentle grey.
Hoof prints walk in happy, steps around on his right ribcage. They're there and gone in quick black prints like soot in snow.
Names - nami
Luffy curls around her right wrist, vivid red ink that forms the letters in playful strokes.
Zoro is inked on her lower back in a strong, green.
Sanji rests in greyish blue under her left collarbone in clean, neat lines.
Chopper is a warm brown that wraps around her left ankles, the O replaced with a little hoofprint.
Usopp wraps around her right ankle in messy yellow like paint.
Robin is on her right ribs in dark purple, it's a beautiful cursive.
Franky is neon blue and sits on the back of her neck in block letters.
Brook is one her left ribs, black ink spelling his name in thin, curling strokes.
Usopp - constellations
Taurus in red like blood across his collarbone, a rough circle with proudly raised horns growing off to the sides.
Scorpio in black ink around his upper left arm, razor thin lines that raise high and curve before dropping back down and closing off in an arrow.
Cancer like copper coins behind his ear in tight, storming swirls and long tails.
Pisces in silver around his upper right thigh, two curves back to back and gleaming.
Aquarius in pearl around his fingers in waves that creast in points.
Capricorn in bronze on his right ribcage dripping down and up before curling into a circle and trailing off
Pisces in cobalt on his left shoulder blade, a second pair of curves sliced through but this pair is has thicker lines.
Aries in platinum down his spine, the curve starting by one side of the neck before dropping all the way down his back and back up to the other
Something from home - Sanji
A jungle tree cover his right arm, a small treehouse tucked in between all of the leaves and branches.
The outline of a small building rests on his lower back, the large doors are open and even though he hasn't seen it in person he knows it's a dojo.
A orange tree has roots on his right ankle and grows up his leg into a tree baring healthy, ripe oranges.
The outline of a snowy mountain covers his left ribs, the tops snow tipped and the shadows adding a depth.
A whale rests on his left hip, it's got a scar and a sprout of water above it
A trains follows it's tracks in loops around his left ankle and up to his kneecap
Another tree grows on his left leg, smaller around the base and larger around the middle with little dots like windows in the trunk.
The going merry sits between his shoulders, she's bittersweet but he's honored to have her on his skin.
Franky - bands
Red band that ties like an anchor hitch knot and the edges are wavy like the sea
Green band that's frayed and threadbare in some spots with 3 razor sharp lines carefully cut
Gold band with a little bow and faint maps designs almost light enough to overlook
Purple band with a design like lace, elegant flowers and hearts mixed in
Yellow band with textured like a rope and a little ship he knows but never met sailing on top
Brown band that looks like gauze and just barely covers a little hoof print behind it
Blue band that looks like fish scales and has smokey edges
Couldn't decide what to do for Chopper so let's just say his fur covers them 😀
Soulmate AU ideas
Where you share parts of everything with your soulmate. Random thoughts, wounds, knowledge, etc will sneak through before disappearing
Luffy saying something he absolutely should not know and Robin grinning
Nami sharing in the heavy sleeping feeling from Zoro
Usopp showing off the brief wounds he gets from Sanji like they're his own before they disappear from his skin
Chopper being musical in a way someone with hooves shouldn't be
Franky having medical knowledge that a cyborg doesn't have much use for
They all know they could weld Zoro's swords if they needed. None of them trained in any type of swords style but they can feel the ache of the repetitive motions that come with training and way it feels to attack with the intention of killing. His swords are weary of them, aware of the power soulmates have. They all know what happened at Thriller Bark, felt the acceptance of death because it meant their captain wouldn't have to.
They all love Ace as their own immediately, memorizing everything about him in the way you do for a loved one. They have a fondness for Shanks and others that they've never met besides in stories. Their hands have been busted again and again, the skin splitting over broken bone. They've felt fire in their chest, a loss far deeper than skin.
They've all felt wind against exposed bone, even with there own safety wrapped in skin and muscle. They've felt strings under their fingers and hum melodies they've never heard. There's a loneliness in their heart that speaks of a lifetime lost, one they never lived.
They all felt the foreboding feeling of knowing a storm is coming while looking at clear skies. They wipe at their fingers like ink stains them and there's an itch that only comes from old scars that always sits on their shoulder. They trace maps in their heads and itch for a pen, calculations springing up in their minds for properly scaling.
They've all had situations where their hands knew what to do before they did, their eyes tracing over someone and seeing all the injuries like it was written on their skin. They've felt their noses itch with a influx of scents, knowing immediately what belonged to who. They've felt the zip down their spine of that animal instinct when in the presence of a predator.
They've all felt the feeling of being too big, metal where skin should be and a loss of nerves. They've felt the heavy satisfaction of building something new and impressive, constant bigger and better in their minds.
They've all spoke of books they've never read and place they've never been. They have felt multiple spines break and necks snap under their hands. There's knowledge in their heads that feels heavy and overwhelming, it wants to spill out from their mouths to make room. They miss a place and family that they never knew.
They've all had that vicious huger, the desperation only caused by starvation. They've felt the fleeting attraction to a stranger and also the beauty of genuine love. They have the itch for nicotine, lungs begging for something they've never had.
They've all had times where the day is clearer, a haze they didn't realize was there lifting off their eyes and letting them see further than they had before. They've felt the snap of a slingshot and the swelling urge of creation in their chest.
They never held Zoro's swords
They never mourn the loss of Ace the way Luffy has
They never taste a storm on the back of their tongue the way Nami has.
They've never aimed with the knowledge that people will get hurt if they miss like Usopp has
They never felt hunger as fiercely as Sanji has
They never saved someone's life with enough confidence the way Chopper has
They've never ran their fingers over the last of something the way Robin has
They've never traded skin for metal the way Franky has
They've never met death quite like Brook has
Soulmate String of Fate AU?
Strings tangled in or around:
Zoro's swords
Luffy's hat
Brook's ribs
Robin's fingers
Sanji's wrists
Chopper's antlers
Franky's arms
Nami's bracelet
Usopp's hair
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