#Syria … and Twitter
fancyhandsbakery · 2 months
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Keep your eyes on Palestine. We know the illegal occupation launches attacks when Western media is distracted.
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rotzaprachim · 10 months
you can’t follow, know, recognize, react to, and mourn every mass tragedy and mass conflict and mass killing on earth, but you can avoid using language that talks about them being “not that bad” or “not so many children died” or “imagine if this happened in [somewhere This absolutely has happened]” or “nothing like this has ever happened” because it gaslights the experiences and realities of the people for whom it is real, right now
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miku-earth · 19 days
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Traditional Syrian Miku!! Real quick colored sketch c: by AnnicaDraws
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metalobrukht · 1 month
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not-so-rosyyy · 2 years
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oh god... there was another one.... and possibly (I pray to god it's wrong) more to come.... this is horrible.
source: twitter.com
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lilithism1848 · 10 months
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eretzyisrael · 4 days
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dreamings-free · 2 years
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British Red Cross | Oxfam
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starafterdeath · 2 months
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ravenkings · 5 months
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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dk-thrive · 2 years
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There is a correlation between the lack of democracy in a country and the level of destruction left in the wake of natural disasters. In a functioning democracy, those in power can be held accountable, a system of checks and balances will control spending and the public will be informed of every step. Where there is no democracy there is bound to be more human suffering.
The state also failed to carry out swift, systemic emergency rescue efforts. In many parts of the disaster zone, people were left to their own devices, trying to save their loved ones with their bare hands, digging through rubble with whatever they could muster. Some of them could hear voices from under the ruins and experienced the immense pain and trauma of not being able to help their families and friends. A father sat for hours holding the hand of his dead daughter, only her arm showing through the concrete. For impossibly long hours no official help arrived in cities such as Hatay. People trapped under demolished buildings sent tweets giving their location, begging for help. It is mind-blowing that the next day access to Twitter was blocked, at a time when every minute was critical to save lives.
— Elif Shafak, from "Erdoğan, the earthquake and the failings in my homeland." The writer Elif Shafak on a natural disaster compounded by man-made greed and corruption. (FT.com, February 10, 2023) (Via Alive on All Channels)
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grrrlg3rmz · 2 months
People hate on social media apps like tumblr and Reddit because you actually have a choice to view what you want without propaganda micro trend late stage capitalism bullshit shoved down your throat. “you don’t get the trends you’re a sheltered virgin!” I’d rather be a “cheeto dust fat man in moms basement” than be force fed toxic beliefs like dieting and strict two political party bs because I can actually put effort into supporting Palestine, Congo, and other causes without the algorithm throwing me off.
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and one fellow Republican were the only House lawmakers on Monday to vote against a resolution that mourned the almost 50,000 people killed in this month’s earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
The resolution, which praised “the work of humanitarian aid and rescue workers on the ground” and condemned “efforts by the Assad regime of Syria to exploit the disaster to evade international pressure and accountability,” passed 412-2.
Greene (R-Ga.), and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) opposed the measure.
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Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), who sponsored the earthquake resolution, said on the House floor that “to the brutal Assad regime and its backers — war criminal Putin, the authoritarian ayatollah in Iran — there will be a message: your diversion of humanitarian aid during an earthquake is despicable.”
“The U.S. Congress stands united. We will never normalize with you,” Wilson continued. “We will hold all those who attempt to normalize with you accountable, and we will not stop supporting the people of Syria to have a government they deserve based on democracy with rule of law, not authoritarians with rule of gun.”
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Greene, the spotlight-seeking extremist, has called for America to stop funding Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s invasion. In February, she tweeted she was “praying for Turkey and other countries suffering through deadly earthquakes.”
Massie last year voted against a bill to make lynching a federal hate crime.
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shakira-fan-page · 2 years
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ilblogdellestorie · 2 years
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Tre giorni fa questa persona aveva lanciato l'allarme che puntualmente si è verificato questa notte...
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