#Syrian army
cid5 · 2 months
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Syrian Commandos - Lebanon 1980's
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workersolidarity · 2 months
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📹 Scenes from the results of the Israeli occupation forces' (IOF) violence and aggression policies against its neighbors, with the latest strikes targeting several areas of the Syrian capital of Damascus.
According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), a Syrian soldier was killed and three others wounded as a result of an Israeli air attack that took place in the early morning hours of Sunday. The strikes targeted a number of Syrian military sites in the southern region of Damascus.
A military source told SANA News that the aggression was launched from the direction of the Syrian Golan Heights, illegally occupied by the Zionist entity, while Syrian air defenses confronted the occupation's missiles, and despite their numbers, succeeded in shooting down several targeted missiles.
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cicadaland · 5 months
it makes me a little disappointed but ultimately i think I am a lover not a fighter... just like in the practical sense. im not very good at sports and being levelheaded and am probably not mentally stable enough to have a chance in the like. trenches or whatever. and I would keep falling in love with the other soldiers :(
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papa-squat-89 · 8 months
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Syrian/Iraqi improvised tanks
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meeting General Issam Zahreddine's mother for Eid al-Adha, 28 June 2023
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melikemordemjaponi · 2 years
✽ #very important
US Chief of Staff Mark Milley: "We will begin a new phase of relations with the Autonomous Administration and the SDF on the economic, social and military levels.
#Mark _ Milley, "Our allies in Syria need to strengthen their defensive capabilities to confront any external aggression, so we will work to open academies in this regard to train their fighters on modern and advanced weapons"...!!!
Rojava security on Twitter (+photo)
✽ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı MARK MİLLEY:
"Özerk Yönetim ve QSD ile ekonomik, sosyal ve askeri düzeyde ilişkilerde yeni bir aşamaya başlayacağız. Mark Milley, "Suriye'deki müttefiklerimizin herhangi bir dış saldırıya karşı savunma yeteneklerini güçlendirmeleri gerekiyor, bu nedenle savaşçılarını modern ve gelişmiş silahlar konusunda eğitmek için bu konuda akademiler açmaya çalışacağız"...
Twitter üzerinden Yavuz Özcan
マーク・ミリー米軍統合参謀本部議長 「我々は、(北および東シリア)自治政府とシリア民主軍との経済、社会、軍事レベルでの関係の新たな段階を開始する。シリアにいる同盟国は、外部からの侵略に立ち向かうために防衛力を強化する必要があり、この点でアカデミーを開設し、近代的で高度な武器について戦闘員を訓練するよう努力する」...!!!!
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etccsy · 2 years
Operation Claw-Sword
Four armored vehicles flying the American flag, accompanied by combat units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, headed on December 2, 2022, to the vicinity of the Al-Malikiyah "Derik" area in northeastern Syria, with the aim of monitoring the Turkish-Syrian
By, Issam KhouryThe Czech-Slovak Institute of Oriental Studies Dec 08, 2022 Four armored vehicles flying the American flag, accompanied by combat units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, headed on December 2, 2022, to the vicinity of the Al-Malikiyah “Derik” area in northeastern Syria, with the aim of monitoring the Turkish-Syrian border, and a similar patrol went to monitor the Syrian-Iraqi…
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sayruq · 5 months
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Police in the Turkish city of Adana detained 11 suspects, five Israeli and two Syrian, on allegations of organ trafficking, the Daily Sabah reported on 5 May. The Provincial Directorate of Security's Anti-Smuggling and Border Gates Branch began investigating after examining the passports of seven individuals who arrived in Adana from Israel about a month ago by plane for the purpose of health tourism. The two Syrian nationals, ages 20 and 21, were found to have fake passports. Further investigation revealed that Syrian nationals had each agreed to sell one of their own kidneys to two of the Israeli nationals, ages 68 and 28, for kidney transplants in Adana. During searches at the suspects' residences, $65,000 and numerous fake passports were seized. Israel has long been at the center of what Bloomberg described in 2011 as a “sprawling global black market in organs where brokers use deception, violence, and coercion to buy kidneys from impoverished people, mainly in underdeveloped countries, and then sell them to critically ill patients in more-affluent nations.” The financial newspaper added, “Many of the black-market kidneys harvested by these gangs are destined for people who live in Israel.” The organ-trafficking network extends from former Soviet Republics such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova to Brazil, the Philippines, South Africa, and beyond, the Bloomberg investigation showed. Accusations of Israeli involvement in organ trafficking also apply to the occupied Palestinian territories. In 2009, Sweden's largest daily newspaper, Aftonbladet, reported testimony that the Israeli army was kidnapping and murdering Palestinians to harvest their organs. The report quotes Palestinian claims that young men from the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israeli army, and their bodies returned to the families with missing organs. "'Our sons are used as involuntary organ donors,' relatives of Khaled from Nablus said to me, as did the mother of Raed from Jenin as well as the uncles of Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, who all had disappeared for a few days and returned by night, dead and autopsied," wrote Donald Bostrom, the author of the report.Bostrom also cites an incident of alleged organ theft during the the first Palestinian intifada in 1992. He says that the Israeli army abducted a young man known for throwing stones at Israeli troops in the Nablus area. The young man was shot in the chest, both legs, and the stomach before being taken to a military helicopter, which transported him to an unknown location. Five nights later, Bostrom said, the young man's body was returned, wrapped in green hospital sheets. Israel’s Channel 2 TV reported that in the 1990s, specialists at Abu Kabir Forensic Medicine Institute harvested skin, corneas, heart valves, and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians, and foreign workers without permission from relatives. The Israeli military confirmed that the practice took place, but claimed, "This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer." Israel’s assault on Gaza since 7 October has provided further opportunities for the theft and harvesting of Palestinians’ organs. On 30 January, WAFA news agency reported that the Israeli army returned the bodies of 100 Palestinian civilians it had stolen from hospitals and cemeteries in various areas in Gaza. According to medical sources, inspection of some of the bodies showed that organs were missing from some of them. On 18 January, the Times of Israel reported that the Israeli army confirmed reports that its soldiers dug up graves in a Gaza cemetery, claiming its soldiers were trying to “confirm that the bodies of hostages were not buried there.”
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 months
Like, this may come as a shock to people like Tumblr liberals who are totally stuck in the Western anglophone neoliberal ideology echo-chamber but like, outside of the west, out there where the majority of the worlds people live, Kwame Nkrumah's thought is taken more seriously than Milton Friedman's. So why will left liberals engage with Friedman's thought, even if only to debunk it, but not engage at all with Nkrumah's writings on neocolonialism, and just write it off?
There's a common charge leveled by supposedly "open-minded" liberals toward anti-imperialists, that we just 'blindly' support any force that's contravailing US the US on a regional or global scale, but how am I supposed to take this seriously as anything but projection?
We anti-imperialists often make specific, verifiable claims about happenings in global geopol, such as that the so-called "Free Syrian Army" consisted mostly of salafi jihadists allowed into Syria through their northern border with Turkey, and that it doesn't make sense that a civil war could simply Materialize in a country like Syria which right before the war started had one of the lowest ratios of guns to people in the world, or that the Maidan coup regime that swept into power in Kiev in 2014 was heavily infiltrated with fascists, and would not have been able to consolidate power without the instrumentalisation of fascist gangs and paramilitary organizations.
The liberal response to these specific claims, then, is to point to reports from corporate media with every incentive to lie, themselves doing no independent investigation but instead parroting verbatim the word of the State Department as fact, and dismissing all independent media investigations out of hand with no further thought.
In a situation such as this, can that response really be considered "open-minded"? It seems that time and time again intellectual rigor is reserved for discussions of technocratic tinkering within the west's iron curtain, and not the lives of people outside of it.
There's plenty of brain-juice to be expended on justifying why the US economy is actually in good shape and the people saying they're struggling more than before are just stupid, but when it comes to considering why African heads of state choose the China Development Bank over the IMF as an economic partner or Russia over the NATO states as security partners, these leaders of millions are dismissively written off as histrionically anti-Western, paranoid, and too mentally weak to see through Russian and Chinese propaganda. Is it this really a 'rational' way to look at the world?
Personally, I think not.
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reportwire · 2 years
General who led Syrian bombing is new face of Russian war
General who led Syrian bombing is new face of Russian war
The general carrying out President Vladimir Putin’s new military strategy in Ukraine has a reputation for brutality — for bombing civilians in Russia’s campaign in Syria. He also played a role in the deaths of three protesters in Moscow during the failed coup against Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 that hastened the demise of the Soviet Union. Bald and fierce-looking, Gen. Sergei Surovikin was put in…
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bogleech · 7 months
"This has to just be antisemitism in disguise because everyone cares suspiciously more about Gaza all the sudden than Ukraine or Syria" is a sentiment I've now seen a few times.
The thing is, no other atrocities have people defending them to my face right now. None. You can find thousands of users on Tumblr posting long diatribes about how Palestinians deserve indiscriminate death for various crimes ascribed to their leadership or simply that their deaths are tragic but acceptable collateral in what's supposedly just proportionate retaliation (which it isn't).
I have to go out of my way and dig deep to find anyone arguing that Ukrainian or Syrian deaths are for a greater good, or that you're the evil one if you express anger at their killers. But when it comes to Gaza, I can get hate mail for saying absolutely nothing other than "don't bomb children."
Just what the IDF fully owns up to, even boasts about, is also as bloodthirsty and sick day after day after day as any single isolated slaughter in my lifetime. Something that would normally spark international outrage for an army to engage in just once is evidently the IDF's typical fucking afternoon. And again, that's if you were to only believe what they themselves gladly confirm.
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workersolidarity · 7 months
🇮🇱⚔️🇸🇾 🚀💥 🚨
📹 The moment Israeli occupation missile strikes hit targets in Damascus, the Syrian capital in the latest aggression.
According to the Syrian air defense forces, at approximately 9:35pm [Damascus time] the Zionist occupation army launched several missiles from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights towards a number of targets in the Damascus countryside.
Syrian air defense forces said most of the missiles were successfully intercepted, however a few hit their targets, resulting in material damage.
No casualties were reported as a result of Israel's aggression.
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vexnatos · 9 months
There are currently 110 recognized armed conflicts in the world, however, Israel is the only country which the Secretary-General of the UN has accused of "collective punishment." When asked to name any party, in any conflict of this nature, ever, in the history of the world, they have not been able name even one army that has done better than the IDF.
When someone tells you the UN isn't anti-Semitic, you can send them that.
45 of these conflicts are in the "Middle East" and North Africa, and as of a few weeks ago Assad's Syrian Army bombed a city full of civilians because they don't recognize the regime as legitimate but no condemnation came out of the UN.
This level of condemnation has not even been passed on Russia which executes Ukrainian civilians that do not side with Russia when their homes are occupied.
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matan4il · 7 months
Update post:
The biggest thing everyone's talking about on the news in Israel right now is the finding of a MASSIVE Hamas compound underneath UNRWA's main headquarters in Gaza, and finding proof that UNRWA were supplying the compound with electricity and internet services, supply which allowed Hamas to develop their intelligence, used during the Hamas massacre among other things. When Israel published the finding of the compound, the head of UNRWA claimed they found nothing up until October, and weren't able to check anything since. Israel responded by pointing out that a compound so developed most likely took no less than ten years to dig and build, and that UNRWA was repeatedly told that Hamas is operating under its headquarters, but chose to ignore this. What I think is most telling is a tour taken by an Israeli journalist in the compound, where they showed him that the server farm in the Hamas compound is found directly under the server farm of UNRWA, and that cables from the latter were running down into the terror tunnel compound directly beneath it (source in Hebrew, here's a vid in English giving viewers a tour of the compound, I'll attach the vid itself below, too). Something like that doesn't happen by coincidence, and without the knowledge of those in the server farm above groud. Some of the cables were also cut in the UNRWA server farm, like someone realized the IDF was coming, and tried to hide the link between the two server farms. As one officer pointed out, if you're an innoncent, interenational humanitarian aid organization, you have no reason to cut the cables of your own server farm, or remove the name tags from the doors of the rooms inside your headquarters. You only do that if you have something to hide.
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Israel's army has been fighting Hamas in all of Gaza, except the southern city of Rafiach (Rafah in English). There are a lot of Gazans there, who have been evacuated from other zones. There's also 4 Hamas regiments there, which means Israel will have no choice but to fight there. So the only question is how to fight in that city, in order to minimize the harm to the civilian population. There are reports that Israel's Prime Minister has asked the IDF to present plans both on how to fight Hamas in Rafah, and how to evacuate the civilians.
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In that context, I got to hear a radio interview with an Israeli minister, who used to be the head of Shabak (Israel's equivalent of the FBI). When asked about the US warning for Israel not to fight in Rafah during the upcoming month of Ramadan, Avi Dichter said that it has never been a month during which Muslims have not fought in wars. In fact, in 1973 the Egyptians and Syrians (with soldiers from even more Arab countries fighting alongside them) chose to attack Israel on Oct 6, despite Ramadan that year starting on Oct 4, causing the war to be known in the Arab world as "The Ramadan War." More than that, in Israel Ramadan is always a time of peak alert, because so many terrorist attacks are carried out during it (here's an example from Mar 2023, when Hamas was encouraging individuals to carry out terrorist attacks during Ramadan, and here's another from 2022). Dichter suggested that if Muslims can carry out terrorist attacks during Ramadan (and it has happened outside Israel, too), the war in Gaza which was started by Hamas can continue during it.
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On an Israeli TV news panel, someone shared the estimate that over 100,000,000 dollars (one hundred million dollars!) is the sum of money that Hamas made just since the start of the war from selling to the civilian population the humanitarian aid that was allowed into Gaza, and which Hamas stole from the Gazans (more than once, by using violence).
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This is Chagit Rein.
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She lost her son Benaya in the Second Lebanon War, back in 2006. I got to hear an interview with her following the fact that during this war, she decided she would try to visit the shiva (the mourning week following a burial) of every fallen soldier. According to her, she has so far visited the families of 400 soldiers killed on Oct 7 or since. "If they see me, then it's living proof that there can be a life alongside the loss. That was our kids' last will and testament. They died so we could live. So we have to live." When asked what she's asked most often when she visits the families, she said it was what she did first after her son's shiva. "My other son was being drafted into the army, so the first thing I did was to accompany him in that." She was asked whether there were moments when she was overwhelmed herself. She replied that she's seen wounded soldiers making incredible effortrs to come to the shiva of others who were killed, to offer their families some comfort. In one case, an injured soldier recognized her, and told her that it was thanks to her son Benaya that he was an officer in the armored forced. He tried to hug her, but was at first unable to get up or reach her from the stretcher he was on. Chagit recounted that she tries to make sure her visits would be about the families she's conmforting, not about herself, but that's when she broke down and cried.
This is Doctor Elai Chogeg-Golan with her husband Ariel and their baby daughter, Yael. On the right, their house in kibbutz Kfar Azza.
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On Oct 7, due to Hamas' massive rocket attack, Elai was inside the bomb shelter in her home with her family from 6:30 in the morning, when Gazan civilians got in at around 1 in the afternoon. The Gazans tried to get the family to come out, but it wouldn't. Then, those invaders set the house on fire, probably thinking that would force the family out. Instead, Elai and the family tried to keep themselves safe using water. At some point, she recounts they even fought face to face with the Gazans, who tried to beat them with sticks from the outside. She said she managed to grab a stick, and beat them back. These Gazans then threw in two gas balloons into the burning house. Elai says that most of the burns she sustained were from the fire ball that that created. At some point, the Gazans moved on, and that's when the family got out, because the whole place was on fire, they were choking from the smoke, and even the roof collapsed. They hid nearby, but then baby Yael lost consciousness, and the parents decided to try and get out of the kibbutz. At the entrance, they met soldiers who helped get them to a hospital. Elai had severe burns on over 60% of her body. She was in a coma for 53 days, but incredibly, they all survived.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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