snowysoong · 2 months
haayyy kills uou with hammers ☄️🍽🎨
☄️: headcanons about a favorite character: OH MY GOD OHMY GOD OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY OKAY lore soong my wife! HELPMEMEM ok my fav headcanon i have for him is that he never got rid of his tic he just made it so he could repress it and not show it so whenever he doesnt want people to see his tic he can just hide it ^_^ when hes feeling heavy emotions however like really mad or really sad then he cant control it and tics all over the place
🍽️: alien food/drink i would try: OH UMMMM THATS A HARD ONE i dont really remmeber any food besides klingon food which i would NOT try HELP hmmm i would try that klingon blood wine lowkey though i mean its just wine and blood right
🎨: favorite piece of star trek fanart: IHAVE SEVERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill put a few right here artist in order are Rachael Stott (shes on twt idk about tumblr), thespacecreature, pirpintine and a-prawn ^_^ ignore that its all lore i love my wife
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angeltism · 8 months
I keep realizing I often like the idea of being in love more than actually . . . being in love . No idea what this means but Hey Yeah that's a realization . I guess .
#➳ the fool speaks#I'm already arospec and it's INCREDIBLY hard for me to fall in love apparently#or ok . even if it's nawt love like . i don't tend to feel romantic attraction much . I've only ever truly felt attracted to like . 3 beings#meanwhile so many i know have already had actual ''i want to date uu'' attraction towards like . 10 other beings already ???#like i get tiny crushes but they fade in a few days#I've only ever actually wanted to date 3 beings as I said . but i constantly want to date .#despite how rarely i actually feel attraction to others enough to actually . well . do that .#ithink tbis is a very fun combo of me being hyperromantic but also greyaromantic . great .#a fun side effect of this is it takes me a lot to leave relationships when they aren't working fjdjfjdjhd#bc i dislike the idea of being single to a probably-too-close degree to how much i dislike being in a relationship that makes me unhappy#. . . . . that makes my chest hurt a little#i stayed w two beings who made me have sobbing fits practically every day just cuz i love the idea of being in a relationship too much ._.#welp . all part of the Aqua Existence™#anwyays who wanna fake date me so i don't feel alone but we both gradually fall for eachother as time goes on#but are both too scared to tell eachother bc it was just supposed to be a silly fake thing haha .#but then we eventually confess and-#ok shutting up i just needed to lighten up this somehow and annoying romantic fantasies kinda work for that . kinda .
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…something been in draft for while:
idk how say this exactly but often like. use what look like binary clear cut dichotomy that have set definition this is this that is that. because oftentimes call “cake” “cake” instead of “flour milk egg baking powder salt etc etc” that kind language faster simplier and nuance can easily put word count 10k+. and. with language communication disabilities not always able translate all nuance into tangible word on paper/screen/type sometimes have to call something with imperfect blanket word. and then you find out other people not really hold as much nuance as you & still simplify your nuance into something binary this this that that
but reality rarely that binary— say on here that nonverbal mean not mouth speak at all all time & semiverbal is struggle all time but can mouth speak some & verbal but actually more nuanced than that like some severely apraxic people who mouth do say thing but not in their control not what they want say & they still call self nonspeaking because it not intentional meaningful speech; or someone labeled nonverbal who actually do commmunicate with mouth words just not full sentence & not full clear pronounce but still labeled nonverbal anyway as almost like microaggression of not recognize their single or two word mouth word phrase as valid enough communication worth listen to; or someone with echolalia that not mean anything with it (vs someone with echolalia that is use echolalia as communication (think gestalts, etc)); or some research showing even able say 1-2 words more ability than those with 0 word; or research debate about where minimally verbal end is it 20 words 30 words 50 words
when combat “go nonverbal” crowd often say there is clear cut about what nonverbal and what isn’t and yeah there is clear cut but also is there
many not ready for this level muddiness & nuance because some take bring nuance as invite to say like “i nonverbal but can still (intentionally) mouth speak” or gateway to claim nonverbality as if fun new identity collect instead of some complicated complex experience with mixed emotion but often some level of grief at some point that get lot targeted awful ableism & discrimination like denied education refuse accommodation like IEP or put in segregated classroom without even consider accommodation in general ed to isolate away from peers n not actual to help nonverbal person where they best thrive, or secluded or restrained, or denied healthcare, denied communication, which all still happen now btw it still common now it not rare obsolete it majority still
which make me feel like this image
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[id: meme. left side is philosophers (school of athens painting) with caption “talking about nonverbal nonspeaking with other nonverbal people”. middle say “vs”. right side image is parent guiding infant to look play at toy and captioned “talking about nonverbal nonspeaking with not nonverbal people. end id]
because sometimes really is that but also even this is binary. thinking about how some motor nonspeaking people without intellectual disability who language okay say their mind intact that they not stupid thus deserve education and not deserve abuse and throw people with ID & language impairment. or how nonverbal nonspeaking from autism so different from (but so similar to) from motor apraxia from cerebral palsy from intellectual disability from genetic or chromosomal disorders from stroke from TBI from aphasia from vocal cord dysfunction from dementia from from from… how talking to someone nonspeaking from primarily motor reasons without cognitive intellectual language disabilities as someone nonverbal because high level autism cognitive language disabilities, we not guarantee understand eachother experience, same with talk someone from acquired things vs mine neurodevelopmental, how what i say about nonverbal here may not apply to someone who not speak not because autism etc
but “if words so meaningless if experiences so boundless let abolish all” not helpful because for all kind way be nonverbal there experiences that 100% not nonverbal there experiences so different from nonverbal “not able meaningfully intentionally speak all the time” for every meaningless there meaningful reason nonverbal people use nonverbal and deserve word “nonverbal” for ourselves and how this difference in experience is intracommunity issue issue within nonverbal nonspeaking community something we have to grapple with and not invitation for people outside to talk about how “if nonverbal so wide, drawing line at going nonverbal & say that isn’t nonverbal is ridiculous and gatekeep” because as much vast different experience there is reason why there community why there this word we all call ourselves and. not one. of the reason is we can slide in and out of not speak and speak daily or weekly or monthly or regularly. there still common theme to what we call nonverbal despite different
wide word isn’t “functionally useless” it just you not know how n when use it
& this conversation not just apply to nonverbal but many other words n other things as well
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theabominable · 2 years
hcs pls abt beel just being the sweetest bf ever to an s/o whos like so much smaller than him pls?? :(((
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omg omg. the sweetest bf ever
so gentle with u bc he's SOSO much bigger than u he treats u like porcelain
he's always looking down on you with that expressionless look on his face but it's actually kinda hot bc of the fact of how much bigger he is than u 💀
also v overprotective of u when out in public bc literally everyone in the devildom is a giant . holds ur hand (thats def so much smaller than his) everywhere
will carry you like anywhere anytime if u get too tired or just don't feel like walking LOL
like you say the word he'll bend down to let you hop on his back or get on his shoulders
or he'll just pick you up bridal style in front of everyone (baby doesnt get why this flusters you 😭😭)
he also walks like 10x faster than u with those long ass legs so he almost always ends up giving u piggybacks
man it's so fun . cute bf and car in one
always wants you to eat more so you can grow more
but if you don't really feel like eating or don't have a big appetite he'll hoover up ur food without a second word LMAO
forehead kisses are a MUST. (although if u wanna give him one u have to ask him to bend down 😭)
but if he wants a kiss on the lips he won't ask, mans will just bend down next to you and wait expectantly
give the good boy what he wants😠
also so warm and cuddly in bed like. you don't even need a blanket or pillow he'll literally just lay on top of u
just the thought of waking up being spooned by beel those muscular ass arms around u makes me SJQOSBIWHDHD
in conclusion giant bf beel x tiny s/o best thing ever
"hey, i'll protect you, so don't worry about being smaller than everyone else."
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a/n: as a short person i appreciated tbis rq
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davekat-sucks · 4 days
putting tavris on the same level as crotuna
You did that yourselves, I wanted other ships to be the finalists.
fixating on hating vriska again
Idgaf about Vriska. She still crippled Tavros, killed trolls, blinded Terezi, and forced Sollux to kill Aradia. And that's only before their session started. She killed Tavros. Mituna calls Cronus bro and makes fun of him. He doesn't give a shit. Tavris is objectively worse than Crotuna and the dancestors are tertiary characters that don't matter.
and shipping a mentally disabled man with his grown ass abuser that wants him dead + the ableist misogynistic bootlicker that stalks his gf,
This is the last time I will say it. Read the comic and form your own opinions instead of adopting a headcanon as if that actually happened. What Cronus says or thinks is useless to discuss ad infinitum because CRONUS HIMSELF doesn't matter. He didn't do ANYTHING useful in the story, and he didn't kill or cripple anyone unlike Vriska /AND/ Kurloz, who is actually Mituna's abuser because he's his moirail who disabled him in the first place and actually has said genocidal statements. HE is the one that wants Mituna and everyone else dead, and actually did things to achieve that.
Read THIS:
So why didn't you vote for Meuloz or Kurtuna to be a finalist instead anon? Those are more comparable to Tavris.
Second one is Kankri, I think. What's even wrong with shipping Kantuna? Because Kankri is the only one that pointed out that someone with a tbi shouldn't be doing a high risk sport and hitting his head further if he still hasn't recovered? Even though they are all dead so it doesn't matter if Mituna hurts himself so that means he is just worried for Mituna's health? And why is he misogynistic? Because he disagreed with Porrim? Is Porrim casteist and misandrist because she disagreed with Kankri and unironically said that HIC did nothing wrong and put all the blame of HER crimes on Lord English? Why would Latula say she's glad she's friends with Kankri if he was stalking her?????
like crontuna or kantuna is sm better than davekat
They are, if only because they piss you hypocrites off so much. Therefore,
Kankri <> Mituna, aka "Are We Still Friends: The origins" aka "Troll Megaman and Protoman" aka "Sk8r Boi and Tumblrino" aka "Canon and Real", h*lding h*nds but also sloppy makeouts under the moonlight is better than davekat and kurtuna
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Quote in question from Openbound.
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Kankri ♦️ Mituna aka Kanned Tuna is better than Davekat. Mituna sprite and BG frofm @befriendus Kankri sprite by QueenofBunniez
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
OC ask time once again :3. I honestly have no idea if you've answered something like this before already.
Your characters are given the ability to time travel once as a one way trip to whenever/wherever they'd like. Who uses it immediately without hesitation? Who never uses it? What do they do once they're in their new time?
Oooh man, a one-way trip? That's got the potential to get a little dark... interesting
Thank you for the ask!! This one's really interesting!
Rae: Decides she's going to save it for when things go really wrong, and never actually ends up using it. She doesn't want to change what already happened, even the traumatic stuff, since she doesn't want to change where they ended up
Robin: Goes back and avoids her TBI - keeps herself and Six out of the room with the feral Beast clone, blocks up the door, and continues on. She recovered from it, but it took time and she'd really rather not have to go through it at all.
Madison: I feel like she'd actually weigh the merits of a bunch of different times, just for the hell of it, but would end up balking at the fact that it's a one-way trip and wouldn't end up using it at all. It does become a running boredom buster, where she'll daydream about going to another time and how good or bad it would be to live there. (like my irl boredom buster of debating the merits of whatever building i'm in as a bunker in the zombie apocalypse. i maintain that movie theaters would be the best)
Ophelia: Stops her father from running his experiment with the tritium reactor, which effectively spares both her parents. It means she has to go through all of college and her doctorate program again, but it's worth it to have her parents alive with her again.
Katherine: Hm... realistically, she wouldn't use it at all since she's happy with the life she has, but just for fun I'm imagining her going back to Ahk's reign in Ancient Egypt and meeting him there, stopping his murder, and eventually resulting in the two of them being remembered in history as benevolent rulers. Their tomb is eventually discovered and, in a cyclical and slightly paradoxical way, both become exhibits in the museum.
Kestrel: Saves it for some split-second moment - if they, Warren, or someone else they care about ever ends up being badly injured or killed in a way that can't otherwise be fixed, that's their get-out-of-jail free card.
Quinn: Goes back to stop what happened in Kyiv - stops herself and Billy from falling, herself from being injured, and warns him of everything Lex was planning with the Kalahari. It's not quite as emotionally rich of a story for her, but it saves them a lot of pain and trauma
Jasper: Goes back to just before that fateful frat party and begs Kyle not to go - he's incredibly confused by all the intensity, but trusts them enough to listen. They have a quiet night in instead, studying and playing Minecraft on their survival server, and the bus crash is on the news the next day. Crisis very much averted.
Eris: Saves it, but with the full intent to use it in the future. His plan is to save it until Rick passes away (hopefully of old age), then to go back to just before they met him and do it all again. It still doesn't compare to their immortal lifespan, but it at least would stretch the time she gets with him. (but eh I'm a metahuman Rick Flag truther anyway so Eris probably never has to actually use it)
Nikoletta: Just about the only one who would just jump to some other historical period and start a new life - she'd go somewhere (and somewhen) where she could use her modern knowledge and shadow abilities to be seen as some kind of witch queen or oracle, lives in wealth and power for as long as she can... and probably dies of some illness that's eradicated in the present.
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After 7 years, Workin' Moms is over and I'm gonna miss having a show based on Toronto that I can catch all the references
Kate Foster was a gem of a character (shout out to Catherine Reitman) and I spent so much time laughing while watching this show. Literally the zombie mannequin head giving Kate oral sex honestly killed me 😭😭
Kate and Anne's friendship was a rollercoaster and I really didn't love where it ended up, plus I dont think that Anne and Alice's storyline ended in a way that made sense (why is she going to Australia? What happened to Anne's TBI from the beginning of the season?)
High level opinions: Jenny was the worst she should have been written off. Sloane was great, and she and Paul were such a fun addition to the show. Val was weird and whatever. I actually missed Frankie even though I didn't expect to and I really miss Giselle. Nathan Junior was the best cast addition that the writers made. Lionel was too sweet for Anne
Basically the show was a fun watch for the last 7 years! That being said, this final season was very all over the place - like Kate and Ram was the a storyline for half the season and then it fizzled into nothing else? Plus out of no where Kate selling her her company and then going back with Rosie, Richard and Mo made no sense?
There were definitely a lot of areas where there was room for improvement, but overall it was a funny show and I'm glad to have been able to watch it over the past few years. Watch our review here (plus we have a guest this episode!) :
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lesbian-de-chat · 8 months
talk about el gato (langur de chat!!!) anf uhhhgmf. cappuccino vs langues parents I just lovb seeing ur ramble posts ok .
Hi i love you so much ok im finally getting to this ask im sooo eepy but oh well my rambles are the best when im exhausted . I think that cappuccino isnt usually intimidated by people ,,, if anything shes the one who usually is intimidating others but for some reason langues parents Actually scare the living shit oit of her like he does NOT want to talk to them ever.
Langues parents dont rlly like her (disorganized, constantly grumpy, messy appearence, smoker, coffee addict, etc. just a bad influence for their perfect precious angel child) but like They arent MEAN about it they just. Respectfully dislike her. they arent even mean or rude to cap in any way but once shes around them she starts acting really awkward and unlike himself like. Trying to stand straighter and sound more professional. they ask her if she likes burgers and shes like "oh great heavens no!! theyre far too greasy for my tastes" and langue is like ??? Are you ok do i need to rush you to a hospital are you havinf a stroke rn
like. its ooc but thats the point and its very funny to me HZBDKFB cappu can ridicule people in court all the time, she doesnt neccesarily care what people think of him and doesnt put much effort in his appearence because of that (unless its something that will actually affect her reputation and interfere with his job), but when langue is like Oh my parents will be there then suddenly for some reason cappuccino is desperately trying to get all the tangles out of her hair with his fingers. Do you see my vision
possibly its because of cappuccinos past experiences with her parents (she had Awful biological parents and equally as bad adoptive ones) but idk . havent thought much about that.
Anyways i do think that cappu grows on langues parents . Langue would hide their relationship for as long as they can (they know that their parebts already dont like cap very much and they are Very overprotective and picky about partners) and while their parents would probably give cap some looks at the start i think . they would grow to like her and probably spoil him just as much as langue . Which she is not used to ! Cappu is not used to supportive and affectoionate parents
ok im gonna eep . thank you for this /gen tbis was so fun to type :3
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thelastspeecher · 11 days
Having a really terrible time rn so I'm here to distract myself with thinking about your stormchaser au because my job training today had us do 3 separate "severe weather" information and response trainings.
Anyways I've been thinking a lot about the implications and consequences of a head injury severe enough to give amnesia and I think this was a plot point and not supposed to be like something backed up by giving Ford medically accurate symptoms and disabilities but that's what happens when you're a disabled gravity falls fan in the medical field.
So a severe traumatic brain injury on that level is gonna have some things that are what you'd expect (vision changes, delayed reactions and confusion, issues with decision making and starting tasks and all that fun executive function stuff long term as well...) but also a common symptom, especially if there's damage to the right hemisphere in general, is impulsiveness as well as personality and mood changes just being a thing.
And I imagine for a while after he wakes up and is treated and even after he's released from the hospital and staying with Jack that's really tough - because I imagine at checkups they're gonna ask repeatedly if there's been any significant changes to his mood, functioning, abilities, and "Bill" and Jack have no clue at all. They have no idea who he was and if it's different.
So when Stan and Ford reunite I imagine it's a relief in you can tell me who I was kind of way but also hard bc Stan definitely sees that Ford's changed. Significantly. But is it because of time? Is it because of new influences? Is it because he didn't know who he was so he became someone different? Or is it a fucking symptom?
I got ahead of myself this ask was supposed to be about imagine "Bill" and Jack going to the grocery store soon after Bill gets out of the hospital and is convinced yes he actually should stay with Jack for the time being and they have a grocery list but Ford/Bill is putting pretty much everything in the cart because he's having a really hard time with impulse control and 20 bananas is not excessive we could need them what if I wake up feeling like eating 20 bananas and Jacks like. This man's a mess. Compels me though
Aaaaaaaaaa Anon I loved getting this monster beast of an ask, esp because I myself have also been Going Through It this week.
What you were saying about the personality change and the doctors asking if "Bill's" personality changed after the accident and neither Jack nor "Bill" knowing how to answer it, that's something that I've actually addressed in a different AU. Because I am a hoarder of AUs and I have one where STAN lost his memory in an accident and that's something that was brought up in stuff I wrote for it because I am a Scientist and I do my Research.
Idk if I've addressed the personality change thing much in Storm Chasers AU (which, btw very glad that my little AU is on your mind, it makes me happy people are thinking about and enjoying my stuff), but I have set that up! At least in my head. The biggest thing: "Bill" is remarkably chill. Like, he's just an easygoing kinda go with the flow type of guy for the most part. He's very sweet and gentle and just sort of accepts things and takes life slowly. The taking life slowly is partially due to, as you pointed out, some function being lost from the traumatic brain injury, but it's also partially due to said TBI causing a personality change.
Some aspects of the Original Ford do pop up every now and then. He still gets all Researcher Excited about things, particularly the weird and magical things of Gravity Falls. But he has a different perspective than canon Ford. He treats the magical creatures with more respect and viewing them almost as peers. Once he's calmed down from his initial reaction of "omg omg OMG!" Even with his respect for them, many of the magical creatures don't really like Ford, just bc he goes overboard excited with them so much.
Another thing that sticks around, sorta burned into Ford's DNA at this point, is his, ah, "difficult" relationship with his father. When "Bill" and Jack adopt their first son (the Shapeshifter, whom they name Forrest), "Bill" is constantly fretting about whether he'll be a good father or not. He's paranoid and scared and confused and Jack has never seen this side of him. Jack eventually gets "Bill" to calm down by promising that he'll help keep "Bill" in line and let him know if he does anything wrong. And then he says that he won't need to step in at all bc he knows his partner.
(And then a few times Filbrick's parenting shows up and Jack does need to step in.)
Uhhhhhh I got sidetracked just like you lol.
I agree "Bill" has some impulse control issues. Arguably, canon Ford has those already (as does Stan, in some ways, worse than Ford), and those just get dialed up to eleven for "Bill". "Bill" constantly trying to throw things into the shopping cart is just a sign of what is to come. Luckily, Jack has the patient of a saint. Jack also finds "Bill" incredibly attractive, which definitely helps with his tolerance for the odd behaviors lol.
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mountttmase · 8 months
Girl about the family day concept 🤭🩷
You live in London and usually drive up to Manchester on Friday and semd the weekend with him.
Maybe you told him you were not going to be able to be there cause you have an emergency at work or you have to do your overtime...so of course he is super sad cause not only you were not going to be there fir the family day but he won't be able to see you that week.
Of course he can't be so sad cause it's not on your power, you just had to stay in London and summer is going to be over for the first time for more than a day so he has to make sure to be the best uncle everyone no sadness accepted
You somehow manage to do all the work on Saturday, maybe working till super late, let's say midnight, so you run home, have a shower and get in your car/train and go to Manchester.
You arrive at 5 am and call him, he answers the phone and is super scared cause why would you call him at this time and you just tell him to open the door...he doesn't connect the dots immediately so you tell him that you're outside and you're freezing so he gets up and looks out of his window course he still doesn't belive you and you're actually there.
He opens the door and after hugs and kisses you go back to bed.
In the morning summer has the habit to go in uncle Mason bed and wake him up but as soon as she opens the door and sees you die starts to scream all excited so you wake up and it's all a big group cuddle.
You and his family have breakfast all together and have a perfect morning with him taking you around Manchester with summer on his shoulders and you by his side.
After lunche you go at the training pitch and it's all fun with Mason and Summer running around.
At some point you sit down with jaz and Debbie and they start talking about how good Mason is with summer and Mila, and you obviously agree.
When you go back at his is actually time for you to go back in London cause you have to work but you have two last surprises. Let's say you're alone cause his family left when you turned back from the training ground....you go to your car and grab a little package and tell him to just open it
And he finds inside a work contract foe a job in Manchester...so you are going to finally move and live up there with him and he is already super happy
But there's something else for him...while you were a the training centre you bought a little uniform and you give it to him too...he thinks it is for Mila so asks you why you didn't give it to jaz when they were there but you tell him that it's not for her and take out of your pocket a pregnancy test🥹🤭
he’d be so upset that you couldn’t make it and when you tell him your outside he’s so bewildered and then he can’t sleep cause he’s so excited you’re there and just wants to hold you and not miss a second.
And you just have the best day together like he can’t wait to show you around and show you what he does all day 🥺 and he’s so good with the babies
And then telling him you’re moving I bet he’d be so floored like he wanted you there from the start but he knew you had your own life to sort out
And then a baby in top omg I bet he feels like all his Christmas’s came at once 😭 I wanna give him a baby 😭
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
hear me out:
future/married juke where julie and the phantoms are the musical guests for snl but julie is the host, and during the promos it’s just multiple variations of takes of julie going “hi i’m julie molina (patterson?) and i’m hosting snl this week with musical guests julie and the phantoms.” but luke will hit on her every single time, like “so julie, you got any plans after this?😏” and she goes “yeah i do actually. with my husband,” and then flashes her diamond ring at the camera, he pouts, she rolls her eyes and kisses him. snl ends up using it
i’m listening
wth?? tbis is so cute?? and i can 100% see this happening. just luke flirting with julie like they’ve only just met cause he still can’t believe his luck that she married him. like she’s his wife
his wife
and it’s so fun to see her get so giggly and pleased whenever he flirts with her like that - it’s an added bonus that makes him so happy?? and then everyone around them just think they’re cute af and alex is so over it (but is secretly so happy for his friends cause they deserve the world) and reggie just the usual juke shipper playing luke’s wingman and just going along with it
and the crew is a little confused at first like “i thought they were married??” but once they catch on u have some of the crew falling for these two and the other half wanting to quit cause this is too much this can’t be real
where’s the fic op(anon)
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chthonicgodling · 4 months
10 for chal and 18 for pho and icy ?
Ty!!! again questions from here w ocs from here - aaaand again behind a cut cause LONG Lmfao aaughhhh
10- If they have a love interest how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? (Re: Chal)
FENIXE AND I DIDNT PLAN CHAL AND BEL GETTING TOGETHER AT AAAAALLLL just like everything we’ve ever done it just sort of happened! So Chal was pretty solidly the way she was since before Bel, BUT certain traits of hers did definitely end up becoming emphasized just by nature of putting the two of them next to each other especially one specific thing like
The thing about Bel is that, as a mindreader and also as a split god linked to his own twin sibling, Bel’s not…. good at…….. communicating his own thoughts and feelings? Like Bel’s always been used to Ty just knowing everything about him all the time cause the two of them are ALWAYS in each others heads they can’t turn it off. That’s not to say Bel isn’t extremely well spoken and emotionally intelligent he just uh. Forgets to Do That On The Outside.
‘Cause then you put him next to someone like Chal who is not only incredibly imperceptive of how other people are feeling (she has gotten so much better with this but lmao still!!) but also NOT in tune with her OWN thoughts and emotions, and so all of that “Chal-ness” about Chal just jumped way more intensely to the forefront. Bel’s always poker faced and never reveals what he’s feeling - Chal, his partner, is frantically babbling every single thing she’s thinking and experiencing the second anything pops into her head. Bel himself summed up pretty concisely a while ago (yes I went back to 2017 to find tbis exact quote lol) - “I think the way we love each other is different.  You're more intense, I'm more subtle.”
so was that on PURPOSE okay no like I said Chal was never designed with Bel specifically in mind but. Is this something about Chal that’s become more pronounced as she developed alongside Bel! yyeeessss. So to foil alongside Bel Chal has gotten LOUDER and BABBLIER
fun fact re all of this though that idk if I’ve ever shared - they have had MANY conversations about their extreme communication differences cause it has caused problems due to Chal not!! being able to read minds and Bel!! forgetting that not everyone can read minds!!!!! They have a rule set up between them that Chal can ask at any time “what are you thinking” and Bel will always answer honestly no exceptions 💞 Chal asks this 40 times a day and it’s become so second nature to them that she’s even occasionally slipped up and done it to like, Tory, Gany, lol
18- What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? (Re: Icy & Pho)
the way these are both Chal related cause the last time they were really around in canon doing anything was around her lmfao—
For Icy: I’ve yet to formally do anything about this in canon but Icy’s still on and off crushing on Chal solely because I think it’s really funny so i’m stalling as long as possible since Neo and Icy are forever endgame anyway. HOWEVER I have discovered in my daydream planning that the way Icy will finally and definitively stop fawning over her is gonna be the moment he finally has an actual in depth conversation with Chal in order to discover that Chal, just like Icy, is an anxious wreck disaster - maybe even more so - and the shock of looking in a metaphorical mirror will be enough to knock some sense back into him. No way can Icy be the put together confident one in a relationship they can’t BOTH be falling apart aahhhh. Icy’s gonna realise that he can only date an opposite! HMM WHO’S ICY’S POLAR OPPOSITE AND CONVENIENTLY HIS BEST FRIEND AT HIS SIDE —
For Pho: this came to light for me the moment Pho and Chal actually met each other in canon cause I hadn’t realized how Pho was going to behave until he was behaving as such (I said, as the person responsible for writing and controlling all of these characters — shhhhhhhh) — is the discovery that Pho REALLY can’t stand Chal and it’s NOT for any of the reasons anyone else has hated her lmfao?! Literally nothing to do with Thanatos?!?!!
Pho and his dayglo glitter projection self has always existed outside of “time” in the sense that since like, physical age 4 onwards Pho has never actually ACTED his age, babbling in competent paragraphs due to his powers as a brain-mental(dream) god advancing him well beyond typical development. Kid-not-really-a-kid. Who else in the palace was merely kid-shaped but actually mentally existing well beyond their physical age???
Why, mindreading mindgods Ty and Bel of course, who froze themselves deliberately in the shape of children at age 7ish to be 7 forever with their big sister Meli, despite their powers advancing them outside the confines of age and space and time. they’re mind gods - they’re every mind!
and that’s a lonely life to live forever but not when you have a glittery buddy who’s also masquerading the same way to hang out with :-) besties! Except of course then Bel and Ty moved to Chal’s house— and dropped the facade, for Chal’s sake, to actually appear as the adults they were. For Chal’s sake! happily ever after for Chal!
…well. then. Pho was quite dismayed to discover that his besties weren’t kids to hang out with anymore. they didn’t even tell him fffdkfkff whoops??? like they just showed up at the palace again all different and Pho hanging out there with Icy was like what the FUCK??? so when Pho finally met Chal the discovery - suddenly became very clear to me that he harbors QUITE a bit of jealous resentment against her for “taking Bel and Ty away” and uhhh. will this be a grudge Pho holds forever?! maybe lmao! everyone’s oblivious no one can read Pho’s mind cause it’s all glitter sooooo……….. hm…….. keeping that one in the back of my mind……
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james-p-sullivan · 2 months
so i think things have been doing better in terms of recovery from the tbi i had last year. reading and writing is still nowhere near where id like but i also don’t want to ignore the progress ive made over these past few months. i still have a lot of trouble reading large pieces of text at a time if im unfamiliar with it, but i think writing has helped me get used to prose and new story lines again (which is good because there is SO much fan fiction in my tbr pile that ive been dying to sink my teeth into)
i still have no memory of the accident itself or even the days surrounding it in general. there’s pretty much an entire week that results in a 404 error in my brain when i try to think about it. every so often someone will say something and im like ‘OH YEAH’ or have zero recollection so there definitely are things that ive forgotten. im trying to be forgiving about this but having amnesia was one of my biggest fears and then it freaking happened so yeahhhhh 😬
but all in all, i can slowly feel my creativity coming back. im having sudden bursts of inspiration and ive been crocheting and brainstorming personal projects, it’s been so much fun! there’s a novel plot ive been kicking around since 2019 that im actually starting to develop now and im super excited about it (you guys will start to hear about it soon hehe)
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nan0-r0t · 2 years
please info dump to me about your randy headcanons, i love the way you characterize him
Im super pleased this is my first ask it is funny to me. But no YES im actually very exccited i love talking about randy anyone whos seen me in phonecord knows how much of a tangent i can go off on about him.But this is just Headcanons so i will contain.
>I hc randy as a mixed latino guy! Mexican and spanish. But he's not super knowledgable about his culture and his ability to speak his language is poor. I imagine he learns a lot from Norm who I hc is from mexico seeing ... Vaqueros
>Pre op transbi guy (hence the big clothes). I imagine he was on T prior to his accident, went off of it following, and went back on after getting on his feet again.
>He has adhdtism and this one i feel STRONGLY because he's like actually.coded for both.i can literally make it its own post. General lack of social approach, difficulty making connections, how easy it is for him to get sidetracked/distracted, stuttering being a symptom of adhd, "strange" posture. I could go on
>I hc randy likes to draw! Its a big thing of mine that he likes to doodle in the notebook he takes notes in.
>Firm believer that randy isnt tall and lanky but instead Short and chubby. You won't catch me drawing him tallskinny and hairless. He is 5′4
>Chronic pain sufferer following his tbi. A little hc ive never talked about here is the idea of randy getting a support dog following his recovery, and i always imagined oliver bein the one to get it for him :J
>We already know randy is emo as shit and likes music like green day and mcr But i looove the idea of him liking mexican punk/rock music and mexican music in general. It is special to me
>I hc randy to be a chew stimmer hence why he has holes in his shirt collar but ive been forgetting to draw them lately. DOnt ask how this works with a phone im not really sure
>This is a general dialtown headcanon but Cord tails! I give all electronic object heads cord tails. Randys is a nokia charger.
>I hc him to be very fidgety and stimmy in general which is reflected in game (him making repetitive motions when excited/under stress ((scene where you ask him on a second date + scene where the mugger is threatening you))) Hes just very. Movements
>When it comes to outside my own drawings i hc he expresses himself with emoticons on his phone screen :J
>Randy voiceclaim is Jesse eisenberg or Wally wolordaski (Kylie) tbh First one i jive with the most though.
Most of the rest of them are really small details like stims i hc he has or little interests.But these are !! Generally my biggest ones. A lot of these are projection because i am Disordered He is very dear to me i lvoeoeeeee randy I should post one of my randy analysis things here sometime just to make sure everyone knows. Fun fact i wrote.like 99% of the randy wiki and did it in a Sitting but at the same time thats why his is so extensive compared to everyone elses im sorry dt nation
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wolffyluna · 4 months
Make sure you read your prompts kids, lest you accidentally write something for the wrong ship. (I luckily caught it my mistake, but. uh. I have an idea for the misread ship, so I ended up writing it down anyway because it is a good idea.)
But anyway, I now have a fun dynamic for Shadowheart/Lae'zel, the correct ship, I'm just stuck on how to turn it into a story.
[spoilers up through the creche-ish]
So, Shadowheart has amnesia, because she got mindwiped by the church she worked for for security reasons. She is fine with this. But it leads to things like-- she doesn't know why she wants to achieve her goals, just that she does? She is on an important mission for Lady Shar and she will do it well because she is part of her church. It doesn't matter what her initial reasoning for it was. It's like-- she woke up on a road with no memory of she got there, but she's going to keep walking, because she presumably put herself on a road and walked there for a reason.
There's also a whole lot of stuff she knows how to do, but she does not remember learning at all.
Meanwhile, Lae'zel can end up going in a machine she thinks will remove the tadpole from her head, but actually removes memories and does Bad Shit to her body and brain. Like, she gets a chunky permanent penalty to her Int and Wis that takes her from Average to Noticeably Below Average.
which is fun! give your faves TBIs it's easy it's fun it's free. (and I joke, but like. I do want to write this from a perspective of 🐛 "Lae'zel has a magical TBI and this would super suck for her, both because TBIs suck in general but also because one would really knock her self esteem." She's wrapped herself so much in being The Very Best For Vlaakith, that when she can't do it-- even if she doesn't actually want to do that anymore-- it's going to hit hard.)
And with the way it manifests as an Int penalty and how that stat works in the game, you could have an interesting contrast to Shadowheart, where Lae'zel has a bunch of things she distinctly remembers learning how to do! she just can't remember how to do them!
and like. depending on your choices lae'zel soon has her worldview completely rocked. the ideal and goal she was chasing was… a lie.
And I think that could lead to a fun dynamic of both Lae'zel going "how do you even know your goal makes sense, you don't remember why you chose it" while also going "how come. when you're amnesiac. you remember how to do things"
And Shadowheart is hella defensive about the first thing, and would have deeply unhelpful advice for the second one if she even deigned to give it, because her problem is actually quite different.
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Oooh alright thank you!! I think instead of discussing just one fic this time, I'm gonna give you the director's commentary on roughly how I come up with new OCs, since I think that's kinda cool to think about and compare
Okay so obviously I write a lot of OC x canon, since I really like using OCs to explore the canon characters' personalities and character development over time. Some of what I decide about an OC is at random, or just based on vibes/what I find interesting, but I also try to come up with some solid themes when coming up with the OC and core conflicts of the fic. I mainly use a lot of opposites to accomplish this, since it gives a good amount of both internal and external conflict to work with
Here, have some examples:
Billy (6 Underground) moves fast, and it's canon to the movie that he was betrayed by his ex-girlfriend in the middle of a high-stakes mission. So I give him Quinn: someone who once could move as fast as him, who knew him so well they were practically chained to the hip, but who was affected mentally and physically by the same betrayal. Billy hates luck, but Quinn's injuries make it clear that he was the lucky one for walking out virtually unscathed.
Peter Maximoff is impatient and impulsive, he can't slow down and gets bored easily. So I give him Robin: someone who he loves dearly, but who he couldn't be with unless he changed his habits, learned to slow down, and pushed past his immediate boredom. She's Deaf, which meant him learning ASL and changing some of his habits (like talking with his mouth full or starting a conversation without getting her attention first) in order to communicate effectively with her. Then she gets a TBI on a botched mission, and recovery can't be sped up, so he has to learn how to be patient and steady as she recovers.
Alex Summers is prickly and hostile, and keeps people at a distance. So I give him Madison: who doesn't at first seem like his opposite, since she does the same thing, but it's growth for both of them. She's not comfortable with a fast-paced fling or relationship, so he has to learn to let those walls down and prove she can trust him before pursuing romance. They're definitely a "behind closed doors" couple, though - in public, they tease and poke fun at each other to no end.
While he's caught in the fighting ring, Warren Worthington feels like he has nobody to rely on, and no future to strive towards. So I give him Rae: who would risk her own life to save the people she cares about, who will claw towards her future with everything she has, who's filled with so much fire and vitality that it gives him a reason to keep fighting, who won't back down from a fight even if she's horrendously outmatched.
Even Kyle and Jasper: obviously they get along well from the beginning, and they end up sharing a lot of interests, but visually they're very different people. It's a play on college stereotypes, seeing the straightlaced frat boy with the queer nonconformist punk. Most of the play on opposites here is less with Kyle vs. Jasper and more Pre-Death Kyle vs. Post-Death Kyle (at this point he's basically an OC too lol, the show gave us so little to work with for him). But there's still a lot of roots that I've laid down for that, particularly in how gentle and patient Kyle is in the early parts of the story.
This is true for pretty much all of my OCs, actually - including the ones like Eris and Nikoletta who I haven't fully written about yet. It's not quite "opposites attract" since usually they've still got a lot of similarities to bond over too, but there's almost always some core trait that drives them both to evolve as characters.
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