henbased · 2 years
full clear for brit. redactions accepted where necessary :) xx
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@adelaidedrubman since u asked too
🙏 Is your OC religious in any way? Why or why not? Do they have other beliefs that govern them in any way?
💍 Does your OC have a specific item that is priceless to them but may (or may not) be completely worthless to someone else? Is there a story behind this item or is it just because they like it so much?
as of writing this, i have nothing in mind, no. as i get further into her fic that may change. currently bouncing around a journal shes had since middle school or so, but we'll see!!!
☄️ Does your OC believe in fate and destiny or do they think it’s a load of garbage? Would they ever get this fortune told? What would a fortune-teller tell them about their future?
they thinks its a bunch of malarky but she'd absolutely get her fortune taken at like, a county fair and believe it wholeheartedly. they'd tell her [shoehorns in fic link here if it was published]
📓 Write a typical diary/journal page by your OC! (or if you’d rather not, describe their journal. Do they keep one, why?)
you get that in previously mentioned unpublished fic
💰 If your OC had all the money they could ask for what would they do with it? Where would they go and what would they buy? Are they the only one who benefits from this wealth?
she'd buy a big fuckoff house for her and her sisters and their families (if they ever decided to have ones) to live out their lives together. a personal movie theater with a sunken sitting area for sleepovers. band posters all over the walls, nobody telling them what they can and cant do, decorated however they feel like and be as messy as they want. a teenagers idea of what their future will be yk.
🤕 What is the worst injury your OC has ever suffered? Do they have any scars or lasting physical reminders of it? Do they get sick often or have any lasting medical conditions?
tw: discussion of self harm brit has a history of self harm and has some scars from it. in her fic she experiences with burning (minorly, its not something i dwell on), but she has cut before.
shes dyslexic and asthmatic and a head ouchie sufferer, and some other stuff i know she deals with but i don't feel comfortable giving her a specific diagnosis on.
🍵 Are there any rumours about your OC hanging around? Nasty ones or just good humoured? Got any gossip to share about them?
this sure would be a great time to plug the fic. shouldve thought this out better tbh i know what stellas like :// my fault.
🧠 Talk about your OCs mental health! Do they have any specific triggers or ways to practice self care? What are some things that are more difficult for them to do because of their mental health?
it's bad. yes. so many things.
✨ If your OC were a deity of some kind, what would they represent? What do they look like? How are they worshipped and what offerings would they expect? What are their places of worship like? Their followers? Their teachings?
🎁 What would be the perfect gift to buy your OC? What would be the worst gift? Are they themselves any good at gifting things or are they really indescisive? How do they wrap their presents?
monster ultra rosa. coffee. she doesn't buy people gifts she gets given gifts.
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
billie and bianca are brit's foster sister's, billie belonging to @8bitpizzacoupons. they're really close but also cannot stand each other and are kind of extremely toxic for each other. brit and tweak make out a little.
🕰️ Has there been an event that happened in your OCs past that affects their future or one that they think about still? Is this a bad event or a good one? What are a few of their childhood memories they can recall?
she thinks about a lot of stuff in her past. you could say it's all she thinks about.
🗣️ What are the most painful words that can be said to your OC to utterly break them? What are the words that you could tell them to cheer them up? Maybe some advice to give them the boost they need!
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👽 Describe your OC as if they were an urban legend or myth!
🗺️ Does your OC like going on adventures? Have they ever discovered something really interesting and significant or are they just too busy getting lost? Where is their favourite place they’ve been? Least favourite?
despite her being the one to want to go on adventures, she's very insistent on her dislike for them. the adventure she chose to partake for the fic is leading her to a lot of discoveries that i find really interesting but she just really wants to get a good night's rest. least favorite is hope county btw.
⚡ What are your OC’s phobias? Is there any reasoning behind these? How do they calm themselves down after getting scared? What are they like when they’re afraid? Is there any chance of them overcoming their fears?
[sitting here chinhands bc its a subplot in the fic] are you happy now stella.
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mecachrome · 1 month
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2024 MIAMI GP | Post-Race Debrief
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dethkrypt · 6 months
⟡ s3e4 × dethmas - knubbler & murderface christmas special .
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statichvm · 7 days
hi y’all.
as many of you know, my baby stella has been going through quite the health journey in the past year, with things really ramping up in the last few months. we’ve reached a bit of a roadblock in her journey — cancer is not off the table, but she isn’t well enough (combined with her age) to pursue the biopsy needed to confirm or deny that diagnosis. in the meantime, we’re shifting towards a tentative chronic pancreatitis diagnosis and treating it as such, hoping her next round of bloodwork in a few weeks might shine a bit more light on things.
we’re happy to try anything at this point, but these treatments (and the bills up to this point — it’s been over 1000 in the last month alone) are really starting to weigh on us financially as we settle into twice a week vet visits. my husband works full time, but i’m limited to part time work because of my own poor health. it’s hard for me to ask, and i certainly don’t want to pressure anyone as i know times are hard, but i’m going to link my ko-fi in case anyone wants to donate to the “keep stella’s motor running” fund. if you can’t spare anything, love and prayers are also appreciated. 💜
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fragmented-king · 4 months
Naturally, Stolas was the one who came to you with the idea.
He was going through your belongings one day, totally not trying to find and steal one of your soft nice smelling hoodies.
While looking around he found an old letter depicting a snowy mountain, humans skiing down its white slopes with "Winter 2002" written in the corner.
He flipped it around to find a note written by non other then, you.
"I just went skiing with some friends. It was nice, until someone messed up and slammed into me... Now my ankle is sprained... WORTH IT! I got to drink some bomb ass hot cocoa."
Stolas knew about snow, of course. But he never had the chance to experience it for himself, and he wouldn’t let this opportunity slip by.
He carefully puts it back in the envelope before continuing to look around. Next time he sees you he'll have to bring it up.
He finally finds what he came for a few seconds later. Quickly grabbing the hoodie from your bed then sprints out of your room making sure to clear any evidence he was ever there as he leaves.
Later that day he started planning a vacation for you two. Somewhere quiet, somewhere cold, somewhere snowy.
You're sitting on one of the many fancy couches in the palace when Stolas walks in a slight sense of worry emanating from him.
"Ahh there you are. I looked everywhere, I started to get worried after I searched your room and didn't find you or a text... I need to speak with you about something, may I sit?"
You nod and gesture to the spot next to you. He happily takes said spot and gets comfy before turning back to you.
"Dear, I've been wondering. Would you... Like to go on a vacation... With me? Everything is already planned. Transportation, protection, and food of course. All I need from you is a simple yes or no."
You sit there in silence thinking it over while he waits for your answer, he's staring a little bit.
After a moment going over it in you're head you agree, a vacation sounds nice. Even if all you do all day is laze about and receive love from a certain owl it wouldn't hurt.
You step through the portal, the chilly frost bitten air wasting no time trying to freeze you to your core, it fails however because of the twenty something layers Stolas made you wear.
You'll admit it's keeping you warm, but it also makes it hard to see... And walk...
You clumsily follow the owl through the snow covered mountainside eventually coming up to a grand looking cabin.
You turn to Stolas wondering if this is the place only to find him beaming at you, guess it is.
Once inside you take your time getting all the layers off while Stolas brews some hot cocoa.
By the time you're comfortable the sun starts going down. You're about to head to bed before Stolas stops you, asking you to join him for a bit.
You sit down with Stolas on two surprisingly comfortable wooden chairs, sipping hot cocoa and watching the sunset through a large wooden framed window, the high altitude of the mountain making the view more special.
It's cold and blue outside, but warm and orange inside. This really is a nice vacation. You should thank him when you're back home.
Convincing this avian royal to think of, non the less talk about the possibility of a ‘vacation’, is not an easy task.
It took you weeks of prying, prodding, and sometimes even begging to get Stella to consider it.
As right as it feels to congratulate yourself for getting her to consider it, only half your work is done. You still need to get her to go.
Once you finally convince her though, she goes from acting like she would never enjoy a vacation in a million years to acting like she waited forever for this.
The whiplash from her attitude's complete 180 might as well have broke your neck.
Sunscreen! Stella cannot emphasize this enough.
Your puny, spongy, soft human body will not be tainted by Earth's sun rays. And it's definitely is not just her trying to justify her rubbing your bare back, or down your sides.
She's 100% doesn't have ulterior motives, at all, why would you even say that?!
Though… If you did get sunburned, then she’d still get to rub that Aloe Vera all over you… Hmm…..
No! Your skin is far too pristine to be burned and roasted like that, no matter how tempting it is.
You arrive at the door to Stella's room, barely even knocking on it before it was swung open an ecstatic Stella greeting you from her well furbished room.
"There you are! I've been waiting for ages!"
She had a light blue sundress on. It hugged her curves well and you'd be lying to said you didn't stare a bit. All of that topped off with the largest wide brimmed sunhat you’ve ever seen.
You open your mouth to complement her appearance but are cut off by her dumping three giant, incredibly heavy bags in your arms.
"Let's get going, you wouldn't want to be late for our hotel reservation, now would you? And I've heard wonderful things about their wine."
Before you could so much as get a word in edgewise she starts dragging you off towards portal, all while you're struggling to get used to the weight of the bags.
While you walk she starts talking your ear off listing off all the activities she's planned for you two.
You nearly scoff at that. She's talking like she's the one who organized all of this. It's not like you spent multiple weeks planning and convincing her.
After a moment more struggling with the bags you catch up and step through the portal after her.
You're instantly hit in the face with a waft of heat, sun, and fresh ocean air. Despite the initial shock it's a nice change from the palace that you're oh so used to.
She gestures for you to follow then speed walks off towards the hotel leaving you with her bags, again. You're already tired, and you haven’t even gone to the beach yet.
After the workout that was getting Stella's luggage up to the room you and her finally relax on the beach together.
Not a single other person in sight. You turn to her calm but still a little confused.
"Where is everyone, an island like this should have tons of staff... Wait... Did you rent out this entire island?!"
She, not surprisingly laughed at that.
"Of course I did. I may be the prettiest girl you'll ever see but I'm still a demon. And, I thought that some alone time would be nice. No guards or servants. Just you, and me."
Mid sentence she interlocked her hand with yours while progressively getting closer. You lean forward for a kiss but feel a finger on your lips instead.
"You should know by now that you have to earn that darling. This is our first day here and you expect me to just give you whatever you want right off the bat. This may be a vacation, but that does not mean you get whatever you want instantly."
You frown and look away, it was such a romantic moment before she went and said all that. But, you're willing to work for it. You wouldn't be here sitting with her if you weren't.
Good luck getting her to relax. She definitely needs it though, as this owl is stressed. I mean, she's got a lot of worries and she's a teenager, so you've got your work cut out for you.
That being said however, she's easily tricked into relaxing if you say the vacation is for you not her, and it wouldn't be the same without her there. That'll make her change her mind real quick.
Then once there, when she least expects it, you strike. Then before she knows it, she's feeling relaxed. Or at the very least a little better then before.
My professional opinion is to take her somewhere that is completely new to her, like nothing she's seen before if possible.
It'll help her forget her troubles easier. I recommend somewhere quiet with tons of greenery. And animals,
And stick around her, she wants consistency, and reliability. That mixed in with tons of quality time.
Just keep close to her if you can, try to make her have a good time, and most of all try and make it new to her.
Time away from the normal and melancholy is what she needs most.
You walk up to Octavia's door and knock. Nothing. You knock again. Also nothing.
You invite yourself in and see her laying on her bed staring at the ceiling, never a good sign.
You walk over and sit on the bed watching her snap out of it when the bed dips. She turns to look at you not moving much.
"Hey, you doing ok?"
She half sighs half groans then flips over to face you better.
"I'm fine."
You frown at that, 'I'm fine' is not a 'I'm actually ok' kind of answer.
"Rough day?"
"Just my parents, again... UGH WHY CAN'T THEY JUST BE NORMAL! Or at least not make their problems mine."
She flops back onto her back, going back to staring at the ceiling her expression shifting constantly as her mind works through her inner turmoil.
"Alright well. Were going on a vacation tomorrow so please remember to pack."
She groans again and flips over this time facing away from you.
"Do I have to... I mean I've told you a hundred times, I don't need a vacation... I just wanna stay home..."
You frown, again. You just gotta convince her to go. You can do that...
"It isn't for you. I want a vacation. And I want you to come, cause it wouldn't be the same without you."
You two sit in silence for a few moments before she groans extra loud. You're about to ask if she's alright before she suddenly gets up and walks into her closet.
You hear things being moved around and assume she's packing. So you'll leave her be, you've have to pack too anyways.
Before you leave you walk up to the doorframe of the closet, peak your head in just so she can see it.
"I love you."
You hear her mumble something along the lines of 'luv you too' before you turn to leave.
You quickly step out of the limo going around to Octavia's side to open the door for her. She quickly gets out before you can.
You know she doesn't like you doing that, but you're just trying to be courteous. Like usual.
Non the less you walk over and take her hand leading her into the medium to large house with a giant glass dome connected to one end.
"I thought you'd enjoy this place. It's a house built in the early 1900's. It has a giant greenhouse with hundreds if not thousands of plant types in it. Perfect place for a week away from home, I think."
You two go inside while some servants unload your things. You start showing her around, just little interesting things you learned from the homes owner.
You walk around for a while most stuff she doesn't react to, but have one more trick left. You pull out a small, old, metal whistle and blow into it. A moment later the dog of the house come padding in.
He's a large old golden retriever named Spike, who's lived here for years. You met him a few days ago to make sure he was friendly. He was, and you know Octavia's going to love him.
You watch her expression change from overall boredom to confusion then finally to a small smile when Spike walks up to her and rests his head against her side.
She look at him for a moment, then up to you clearly a little confused. You smile at her then walk over and start scratching behind his ear.
"His favorites spots are behind the ears, base of his tail, and his toe beans. Just be careful not to tickle him, he doesn't like that."
She cautiously crouches down and starts lightly scratching him behind an ear. You make sure nothing goes wrong then take a step back letting her enjoy some doggo time.
Yeah. She definitely needed this.
Started by Erratic-Sanguine, Finished by @jester089
Cheers Luv, we both appreciate it.
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kr-yoongi · 4 months
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I would like more bisexual c0ps in television please <3
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shortbreadly · 1 year
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and i'd hope that if i found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way
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devilheartsblog · 2 months
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Important thing
Thanks writers for forgetting about Bloom’s healing powers she used to revive Sky in Season 2. Can’t work on a wizard oh no no no
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f1-birb · 1 month
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vernrot · 5 months
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Tabitha + Frou-Frou!
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lesharl-eclair · 9 months
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hello they were insane??????
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darkwingsnark · 30 days
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Smug Bastard...
@swampy-tiefling and I played a game of drawing a panel and passing it off to each other. It resulted in drawing our cats' strange dynamic.
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jatcv · 8 days
Thank you for the 900 followers!!!!!!!
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(You made Stella happy)
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nvmadic · 11 months
oh hey charlie don’t mind me dropping some more roommate!schlatt stuff into your inbox before i go to sleep
on occasion you sleep nude. and one night schlatt goes into your room to go to ask you something only to realize you’re asleep. and also naked.
it doesn’t register in his mind until after he shuts the door and it takes everything in his power to resist opening the door again to look at you. except he gives in. your blanket mostly covers your body but he can see a hint of your ass and he’s absolutely done for. trying not to wake you as he rushes back to his room to relieve himself. :)
-stella <3
the way the dim moonlight just accentuates the contours of your body, wanting to creep in to get a closer look but also not wanting the squeaking of the floorboards as his weight shifts closer to wake you? lingering in the doorway for a couple of minutes to see if you shift in your sleep, whether your blanket reveals some more of your bare flesh. stella ily.
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jovenshires · 4 months
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this is what the dms with me are looking like today btw
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 5 months
I think a JJK x Winx Club crossover would heal the world so I started thinking about my favourite JJK characters and which Winx Club character they would vibe with.
(I grew up with the French dub so Aisha is Layla to me 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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1- Geto
Geto would adore Layla because she somehow reminds him of Gojo. She's a princess who was sheltered from the world as a kid and only had one friend, for the longest. Her character arc in season two is literally about overcoming loneliness and opening up to others. Layla is kind, smart, athletic, loyal and trustworthy, she has an admirable fighting spirit and takes pride in sacrificing herself for others. They'd be besties.
His favourite character would be Stella. As a kid he thought she was obnoxious (takes one to recognise one and disliked how much she reminded him of himself. She's a young lady who grappled with loneliness as a kid and who is always seeking human connection with others. Her loud and insufferable behaviour sometimes works as a facade, a way to cope with the distress she feels over her parents divorcing (and her Mom lowkey abandoning her). He's not loud about liking Stella. However, he is about Layla cause she's mentally strong, utterly admirable (and Geto’s favourite)
3- Yuuji
Yuuji would love Bloom. Just like him, she's a sort of anomaly. She went from being an ordinary girl living an ordinary life to a powerful fairy everyone expects the world from. Also, turns out she was kinda destined for greatness. Just like him. She’s funny, creative and kind. Once again just like him.
Maki would love Musa and Layla. Layla because she's good at combat, courageous and very athletic, Musa because she's a girl who came from nothing and had to fight for her dreams. In terms of personality they are also quite alike (especially season 1 Musa). They're both assertive, unique and won't take disrespect.
5- Yuki
Valtor. He's the best animated villain ever and he deserves the love. Yuki is just like me.
@galaxynajma thanks for the idea btw
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