#THAT was the real deal like thats exactly the vibe
theafterglow83 · 5 months
Stray thoughts from an unhinged mind caused by a song called Robin
Since my teens, I have always been a Karlie Kloss fan. No amount of vitriol from the Swifty’s has ever strayed or strained my conviction that Karlie is on many levels, and aside from being absolutely gorgeous, a better human being than Taylor Swift.
By that I mean she seems to project a warmth and a level of kindness and humanity out into the world that is so pure and honest, when compared to Taylors, sometimes vengeful and darker persona ~as well as her being Queen Mother to one of the worlds most vindictive and exhausting cults who would gladly fillet anyone at “Mother’s “ request. Taylor (the brand) has made a career and a fortune from feeding her tales of romantic misfortune and presumed ex lovers to her hungry mob with merchandise to match.
Karlie on the other hand has a nurturing and supportive side to her and don’t let her beautiful and seductive exterior fool you for below that sultry surface she gives off a warm and fuzzy golden vibe- like a puppy. She’s sophisticated, highly intelligent, NYC chic and street smart , often silly and maturing like fine wine while somehow becoming more beautiful as she ages. She also appears to be one Hell of a good mother to those babies.
All that being said about their personalities is exactly why I believe Karlie’s sunshine is the perfect match for Taylor and her moody, broken, impulsive ,often over indulgent, midnight rain personality. Not only are they equal in status - they have a Yin Yang balance to them - Only that sunshine can dry up the rain in Taylor .
I’ll continue.
While listening to songs off of the TTPD I was stopped dead in my tracks when I came to the song, Robin. I listened three times and found a tear rolling down my right cheek. I was choked up and the tiny hairs on my arms stood up . To say I was moved would be an understatement. There was something so raw, so pure and so loving in those lyrics. I had to sit with my thoughts for a while but I feel the need to share them now among those who i consider “my people”.
The Kaylors.
Sidebar confession: Yes, I’m a Kaylor.
I firmly believe Taylor Swift, and Karlie Kloss had a long running romantic relationship. They were more than friends. They were lovers too. The level of denial it takes to doubt that is astonishing. It wasn’t just Kissgate that sealed the deal. It’s the way those two looked at each other and communicated in a secret language all their own. They were deeply in love.
I believe it all started prior to the public meet up at the VS Fashion Show and even long before the “your kitchen or mine cookie “tweet.
I believe Taylor and Karlie first met when Taylor was showing up at fashion shows that Karlie was walking in as far back as 2009. Where they had a relationship then? Probably not because they were both involved with others but the sparks were flying. Thats when the foundation was laid. The attraction was there. The seeds planted. Destiny and the Universe did the rest.
Think Love Story lyrics
“We were both young when I first saw you” which I believe Taylor wrote about Karlie and which also happens to be Karlies favorite song. I believe they had an ongoing relationship that continued on until late 2017-early 2018 and then I believe something happened and they broke up, as many long-term relationships often do. My guts tell me it was cheating and it was on Taylor’s part and the regret from that will haunt Taylor for her entire life because it caused the trajectory of their path to change.
Karlie married in 2018 yet many speculate they were still together and the unofficial story is the real trouble actually came in mid 2019.
Taylor was furious over the masters, fingers were pointing everywhere, cheating rumors flew. This entire story certainly has all the drama of a Netflix series that could easily do 8 seasons
There’s so much more to this Masters incident than the public is aware of. Also the fact that Josh’s families company ~ the Carlisle Group provided the funding to Scooter is an often overlooked storyline.
Was Taylor angry at Karlie for that but how could Karlie control that if she was even in that loop of that drama. Or~ was there more -because in any good mystery - there’s always several layers more .
What did Scooter have to leverage getting that kind of money from them to buy the masters? Being Karlie’s manager at the time perhaps he has something on her or Taylor or both of them and used it as that leverage . It’s a whole other rabbit hole that I don’t have time to visit right now but regardless Taylor is still angry about to this very day which tells me it goes way deeper and my gut feeling is that Taylor’s dad was the one involved with knowing things and not Karlie Kloss who got fed to the sharks over the situation.
So I’m going on record here saying I never believed Karlie had anything to do with Masters Heist. I believe that story was used as an explanation to explain their separation. I know there’s a whole other level of messy lore involving this and a love blackout and Trumps election and Karlie’s association with the Kushner’s but I’m going to skip over that season and move on -except to say that it was absolutely shameful the level of hate Karlie was forced to endure because of that and still her sun shinned while she was being made the villain online and much of it still continues to this day. At any point during that scandal Karlie could have spoken out but she didn’t. She quietly took one for the team.
I’m not going to pretend that I know what happened during that murky period or what is happening now - because honestly -I do not…but there have been a strange set clues and way too many “koincidences to simply chalk up to being coincidences.
It’s just a gut feeling but I also don’t believe their connection went fully went away or ever will for that matter. They are and will forever be tied together even in the times they are apart but I kinda think they reunited ( again) in early to mid 2020.
I’ve read all the theories. I’ve heard all the rumors ,I’ve been to the rabbit hole, I’ve climbed out, I’ve fallen back in, and most days now you’ll find me sitting on the edge dangling my feet still and kinda wondering. I live my life ~ they live theirs.
So am I a LSK?
No, not really, but some days …ok, maybe. You see for as much as I try to say no…there’s just this tiny string I can’t help but see so I keep my feet planted on the ground but my mind open.
By open I mean open to the possibility that Taylor and Karlie are in one of those kind of “relationships” where as hard as they try ~they just can’t seem to quit each other and they go through periods of on and off times. “pauses” is what I like to call the brakes or bumps along the way. You know that couple that’s over but they’re never really over ?
Where are they now? I have no idea.
Taylor has another year of touring and promoting and probably Travis. My money says Taylor Swift will be the halftime show at next years Super Bowl.
Karlie, along with her modeling contacts ( Carolina Herrera, Estée Lauder, Donna Karen etc ) is venturing into the business world. Along with running Kode with Klossy, she’s CEO of her newly formed media company. She bought I-D magazine and also Life magazine, which Josh also invested in , this year. She’s got a lot on her plate
Yes, Karlie is married but is she really married in the traditional sense of what we all consider marriage to be? On the surface, yes… but once again- the layers and the lore here is incredible.
What a character she’d be on that Netflix show I imagine in my head . Just give her an Emmy already.
Does she love Josh? I’m absolutely sure she does- but the real question is…is she IN love with Josh? You know- romantic love -which, I as an observer ~don’t believe she is or ever has been. You can just kinda tell and no matter how many pictures she posts the connection just isn’t there and whenever I see her with her beautiful babies (even if he’s in the photo) she gives off that “ single mother vibe “
That level of chemistry, no matter how the pictures are posed~ or the hand in hand walks are staged -the passion ~ the look in their eyes - it just isn’t there and honestly it never was.
They have always given off that bff energy and frankly ~ Karlie’s friendship with her “big brother “ Derek actually feels more real, relaxed and genuine.Then there are the gay rumors ( past and present) surrounding their entire little multiverse ~but we won’t go into them right now either. We’d be here all night.
And yes, Taylor has had her share of public relationships but have they been real? Have they had their moments? probably. Did some become more than PR for a brief period of time. Possibly She’s been linked to everyone she even walks by or talks to but somehow it all pales and fades in time. I’m sure there have been flings along the way but flings don’t fly and usually run their course in that 9 1/2 week period that flings seem to take.
If I’m being honest, as I observe from the treetops all of Taylor’s relationships and Karlies relationship with Josh, they never reach the level of the real connection and happiness that I saw between Taylor and Karlie. That’s something you just can’t fake or reproduce with another .
Whatever is going on with Travis is so cringey and sadly embarrassing.I tend to think it’s PR but if it’s real then he truly is her obnoxious karma and karma isn’t usually a good thing. But hey the moneys good. Maybe they’ll even get lavender married so she can stay in her closet and continue to throw red meat to the $wifties.
The future is yet unwritten.
All that being said, I’ll get back to my original point of this ramble and that’s a song called Robin.
So yes, I’ve heard the rumors, I’ve read the theories, I’ve seen photographs of visual evidence. Karlie Kloss was in Los Angeles during the pandemic, the same place where Taylor was in fort part of 2020. When she returned to NYC if you count the months - she was pregnant even if she didn’t look it. I also believe Karlie was there in the shadows during the Long Pond Studio recordings in Upstate NY. Jack kind of gave it away when he referenced “Joe the dog” as being who he thought Taylor was talking about when she said “ Joe and I wrote a song”
I’ve also heard the rumor that there was a ceremony between them that they tried to pass off as a ceremony between Taylor and Joe which Tree later denied that there was ever a ceremony of “any type”.
Ok buckle up because here it comes
I’ve seen the “turkey baster”( IVF ) post that Karlie made. Like who uses a turkey baster in May? What an odd thing to do unless you were signaling an IVF pregnancy situation. Regardless ~ she was extremely happy that day.
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I’ve seen the cinnamon buns post ( think the expression “buns in the oven ) that Taylor made a few days later back in May 2020. She was “proud” of her cinnamon buns.
Happy & proud …hum
Is that a crazy set of coincidences? Hand on whatever holy book you set before me ~ I’d have to say “yes”
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And it’s Absolutely crazy considering the fact that Levi was born a little over nine months later.
Add in the fact of how emotional Taylor got accepting her Grammy for Folklore when Arron thanked his “ wife and kids “during the acceptance speech.
For a few moments there you could feel the raw emotion in her as she nearly burst into tears andJack tried to console her. Blonde was gutted. It cut deep.
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Yes Aaron has a son named Robin but he’s 9 years old and other than the name cleverly used for gentle cover of the truth in case damage control is ever needed~ there is no connection to that child or a secret, no showmanship to cover it up or anything that would make Taylor react as she did. Other than his name there is no connection to the words in the song
But the fact that Levi’s birth was announced during the Grammys absolutely does connect.
So I’ll just put a pin in that and move on.
Listening to that ballad yesterday rocked my entire world . It was so soft, gentle and living. So heart wrenching that I just let my emotions flow through me as my mind wandered back gathering and processing all the previous rumors and lore I had heard along the way. It left me rattled as it tumbled through memories. Could it all have been true?
So now I’m just gonna say it out loud running the risk of being attacked and also sounding like a supermarket tabloid…here goes “could Levi be Karlie’s and Taylor’s child?”
I know it sounds crazy…secret love child but …
I’m not trying to out anyone and I want to respect the fact that a child is involved here. Honestly I had second and third thoughts about posting this but if I’m being real ~ it’s also a collective of things that have been shared openly about Taylor and Karlie here for years. Somehow the song was like a puzzle piece that snapped into place.
…those loving words ,the emotion in Taylor‘s voice as she sings about her strong heartfelt attachment to a young toddler, as she encourages him in being wild and free in his wonder years, playing with abandon and roaring at the dinosaurs~
There was real love in those words
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Looking out his window over his kingdom (NYC) and speaking gibberish
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She also advocates for him keeping his innocence for as long as possible and then speaks of a secret that a inner circle of people have chosen to keep from him” in sweetness” to protect him and the “showmanship” to cover up that secret that he has no idea of.
And as she watches his unabashed play in his toddler purity she prophesies there will come a time in the future when the world he faces will have harsh words for him and she reminds him that he will bounce back like he now does on his trampoline.
“ and you have no idea
Buried down deep and out of your reach
the secret we all vowed
to keep it from you in sweetness
strings tied to levers
slowed down clocks tethers
all the showman ship
to keep it from you in sweetness
way to go, tiger
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I’m not crying , you are and Levi looks just like his mommy 🤍
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Let’s keep this in the family ✌️🤍🏳️‍🌈
God I love this show .
Stay tuned for next season
233 notes · View notes
icallhimjoey · 8 months
Define Close
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: What good are flatmates even, if they don't comfort you when you need it most? Or when you need it a normal amount? Or, you know, when you don't really need it, but just really want it?
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, afab!reader, hurt/comfort i guess? idk we're sad a lot and joe cheers us up a lot, talk of period blood getting onto things
Author’s note: i need everyone to understand that there's no real plot going on here, it's just.... it's just vibes, i hope thats ok!
Wordcount: 3.4K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
You looked at your reflection and sighed deeply.
With your tummy sticking out more than usual, no matter how much you tried to suck it in, with your boobs feeling sore, and with your mood swinging like a pendulum in a hurricane, there really was no denying the monthly doom that resided in your lower stomach.
Obviously, the cramps accompanied by your uterine lining leaking out of you was plenty proof, but just in case that didn’t sell it, your jawline decided a few big spots would be just the thing to remind you of the fact that you were dealing with hormones. That you were a woman. One with a period.
It fucking sucked.
Painkillers helped a lot. Really dulled the sharpness of the cramps and the persistent ache in your lower back.
But they didn’t help the irritability. Or the complete lack of patience you harboured. Or the cravings. Or the need to drown yourself in oversized clothing.
Joe had noticed.
Oh, he had noticed.
He noticed the lead up to it as well, your PMS, but didn’t want to ask. Didn’t want to check if he was right, because asking if you were on your period after you snapped at him for something you wouldn’t have pointed out at any other time, was exactly what would get you to snap at him.
But then, when he wanted to throw on one of his hoodies, he noticed that the one he pulled out of his wardrobe wasn’t his.
You had the same one, just a size or two smaller. The women’s fit slightly different from his.
“Hey, I think this is–” Joe’d walked over and stopped in your doorway.
You were sat on your bed, one foot on the floor and the other pressed into the mattress as you put on the coziest pair of socks you owned.
“Yea, that’s mine.” Joe pointed right at you. “This one is yours.”
You looked at what Joe was holding, then down at your own frame, and you knew he was right.
“No, it’s not.”
But you weren’t going to admit that you might have mixed them up when you’d done laundry the other day. His was baggier. Easier to hide yourself away in. Large enough to curl your knees up into, if you wanted to.
And, you wanted to.
“Yes, it is, look,” Joe took hold of the hoodie in his hands by the shoulder seam, held it in front of him to show how short it was on him.
You didn’t care.
You weren’t going to take off the hoodie you were wearing just because Joe barged into your room with wild claims about you having made a mistake.
You had.
But... no.
“Looks fine.” You said dryly, voice flat, facial expression completely neutral.
“Looks fine? What– oh, my God,” Joe huffed, and just to show how right he was, he moved his arms into the hoodie to put it on. “Can’t even get my shoulders in properly, see, watch this,” Joe made a show of stretching the fabric, pulled it over his head and pretended to get stuck a second.
When it was fully on, you saw how it was obviously not Joe’s fit.
Because that was your hoodie.
Made sense.
You just stared at him, both feet on the floor now, shoulders slumped, and Joe made a face, eyebrows raised high, as if to say, see?
Could Joe not read the room?
You said it looked fine.
When Joe didn’t budge after you just blankly stared at him a minute, you audibly sighed. Let it rumble in your throat to really make sure Joe understood what an absolute bitch he was being, and started taking an arm out of a sleeve to take it off.
“No, you don’t–” Joe sighed, huffed a laugh, and you froze. “You don’t have to take it off, just, that one’s mine. Get it back to me later.”
And somehow, that just pissed you off even more.
“Well then why the fuck make such a fuss about it in the first place?” you raised your voice, brow furrowed deep, clearly annoyed. “My God, Joe,” you grumbled, sticking your arm back into the sleeve and getting up.
“All right,” Joe indignantly spat back, expression wild, clearly not all right with the way you were speaking to him.
You frowned at each other a second.
“What?” you snapped when he didn’t say anything.
Joe looked ridiculous in your hoodie. It had eaten up half the hem of his T-shirt underneath, exposing some of his bare stomach just above the waistband of his jeans.
“What?” Joe mocked you, high pitched voice and all, and you were sure it was meant to showcase your vile attitude and make you turn it down a notch.
It did the opposite.
“Thank you, Joe, for letting me borrow your clothes and not being a real dick about it,” Joe said pointedly, and then changed his facial expression into a wide grin that nearly squeezed his eyes shut and responded to himself with a much nicer, “Not a problem, you’re so welcome.”
You blankly stared at him once more, and then winced a little when you felt the faint sting of a cramp that managed to push through the painkillers you’d taken earlier.
You needed your hot water bottle.
“Thank you, Joe,” you spat at him, angrier than you meant it, and you were about to walk around him, to make your way out of your room.
But Joe blocked your path by moving to the side an inch, just enough to stop you in your stride.
He raised a well-meaning hand, was about to touch you on the arm or the shoulder, you didn’t know what he was going for, because you slapped it away before he could make contact. You used flappy hands that slapped his hand and arm several times. Made Joe flinch, duck into his shoulders and step aside.
The snort of laughter that startled out of him made you actually want to hurt him. You weren’t being funny.
“Are you being se–”
You used both hands to shove him, just for good purchase, making him lose balance and step back to catch himself. It felt a little like how you used to fight your brother as a teenager, big difference being that Joe wasn’t fighting back.
Joe called your name after you when you walked out.
“Leave me alone!” you called over your shoulder.
And you’d meant those words then. Felt a little like you were 16 again.
You were achy, and bloated, and in pain, and not in the mood for any of Joe’s usual goofy shit.
But regret came shortly after. Because you definitely weren’t 16 anymore.
You found your hot water bottle and filled it up with the hottest water your tap could manage. Shoved it into the kangaroo pocket of Joe’s hoodie and felt how your lack of patience for everything and everyone also meant you didn’t have any of yourself.
You didn’t actually want Joe to leave you alone.
And, had you had the patience, you would’ve moped around for a bit. Would’ve drowned in your own pride for ages, because normally, you were stubborn like that.
Not now though.
You didn’t hesitate to make your way back over to Joe’s room, where you found him in front of his wardrobe in his T-shirt. His bedroom was messy, clothes sort of... everywhere. Some on the floor, some piled up on a chair in the corner. Your hoodie laid discarded on his bed as he pulled another from a pile. Standing in his doorway, you just watched him and waited, and felt how your lip pulled into a sad pout all by itself.
Joe had put on his hoodie, one that actually fit him this time, before he even noticed you were there. When he did see you, he sighed at the look of you and then comically gave you a pout of his own as his head dropped to his shoulder.
Then you just looked at each other a second.
You could’ve easily said you were sorry for that bullshit you just pulled. This was the perfect moment.
And Joe would have easily accepted it too, you knew.
But you didn’t really have to say the words.
A lot of things went unsaid between the two of you.
And this was one of them.
“All right,” Joe said definitively, like he’d just decided something. He looked around, bent to pick up some clothes, and said, “Go on, I need to get this sorted. I’ll join you in a minute.”
There was no need to hide your smile.
Cat that got the cream.
If you hadn’t had hot water sloshing around in your pocket, you would’ve skipped over to the sofa.
You let yourself fall back into the corner of the L-shaped sofa and it was only about a minute later before Joe walked into the living area and closed the door of the hallway behind him.
“Do you want some tea?”
“Ooh, yes. Big mug, please.”
And whilst you scrolled through Netflix's new releases and asked which one’s Joe hadn’t seen yet, Joe put the kettle on and prepared two steaming mugs of builder’s tea, done exactly how you liked it.
This was the kind of stuff Sundays were made for, you thought.
You could do without the dull ache in your lower stomach, but the hot water bottle felt nice and comforting, and now you were going to watch a film with your flatmate. No doubt you’d have pizza for dinner later.
When Joe eventually joined you, he carefully put the mugs down on the coffee table and then turned to grab hold of your knees that he pushed aside.
“Move, this is my spot.”
If you were just going by his tone of voice, you could’ve been fooled he was being serious. His eyes gave him away, though.
“I was sitting there.”
Joe hadn’t even been close to the sofa all day, you thought, but... it worked.
It got you to laugh as you let yourself be shoved aside just enough for Joe to squeeze right into the corner, using his knees and elbows to make enough room for himself. Arguably, it was the best spot of the whole sofa, especially right in the centre of it, where you could feel the sofa cushions curve around your shoulders on both sides. Fighting over who got to sit there made sense.
Joe sat down, wormed himself into place, and it left you pressed into his side with your back, his shoulder digging into the area between your shoulder blades. You felt how he wiggled his bum as he settled before he let out a content sigh.
“So comfy. Are you comfy? I’m so comfy.”
Joe pushed harder into your upper back, and you gave a deadpan stare into space before you swore under your breath and tried to hit him, reaching for him over your shoulder. Playful this time, though. Joe was laughing, and so were you.
He caught your hand, which had no malicious intent, and helped you manoeuvre until you were both comfortable. You ended up with both legs swung over his lap, both tucked into the corner where even without a blanket covering you, it felt incredibly cosy. Joe let both his hands rest on your legs, one on a shin, the other just above a knee, and you took hold of one of his arms to hug, hand curling around a bicep.
“What’s this?” Joe saw a bit of rubber stick out from your pocket.
“Hot water bottle.” You answered, eyes not moving from the TV screen where you tried to read a bit of information on a film you thought looked interesting.
Joe frowned at it.
“Are you cold?”
Then Joe frowned at you, stared at the side of your face.
“Just in pain.”
He only hesitated for a second, because ten minutes ago he was afraid to say anything, knew it would’ve likely made you attempt to give him an actual black eye then, but this felt like the moment he was allowed to bring it up.
“Are you on your period?” Joe asked quietly, voice soft and serious, but it made you huff a laugh anyway.
“What gave it away?”
You were well aware of how ridiculous you were behaving. But instead of making fun, Joe turned soft. Asked if you had taken any painkillers. If there was anything else you needed to feel better. If pressing his elbow into the hot water bottle a little, to give it some pressure, helped.
You ended up choosing a film neither of you had ever heard of, and after Joe nearly let you drop onto the floor as he sat up to get the mugs of tea, you settled in properly.
Everything was so warm.
The tea was warm, the heat coming from inside of your pocket was warm, and Joe was warm.
About twenty minutes in, Joe carefully took the empty mug from your hand and chuckled lowly.
“Are you falling asleep already?”
You absolutely were. Your eyes were still open though, just slightly drooped and blinking slowly, but you were still watching TV.
You weren’t really following what was happening though, weren’t really watching. This was something that tended to happen when you put on a film that was more something of Joe’s liking, rather than yours.
“I’m not even tired.”
A lie.
Joe didn’t fight you on it though.
Instead, you felt how he turned to you a little before a hand snuck under, into your your hoodie and found burning hot skin, the soft flesh of your lower stomach. When you didn’t flinch at his touch, Joe softly pressed his fingers in and started rubbing side to side.
“Does that help?”
It did.
Joe was a good flatmate.
His soft kindness kind of made you want to cry a little.
The fact that none of your ex-boyfriends had ever been like this angered you to no end. It had always just been mocking jokes and complaints, always stupid comments on how they couldn’t go near you for a week now. You didn’t know how that was your fault, exactly, but it always got treated as such.
It probably took about five more minutes before you’d dozed off completely.
Wasn’t your fault that Joe made everything so nice and comfortable, all warm and nice. You’d argue that the rubbing of your stomach Joe was doing, he solely did to make you fall asleep in the first place.
Which was exactly right.
Joe loved it when you fell asleep on him.
Loved the soft and gentle touches he got to give that made you hum with satisfaction.
Loved that somehow this was just what you did without it being weird. Well it was weird, but only in the best way. Weird without the need to discuss anything, without the need to have an awkward chat about what any of it meant.
It didn’t mean anything. Not in the sense people would probably assume if they knew that you spent your time together like this a lot. But it also didn't mean nothing.
Joe knew it meant something.
To him it did, anyway.
Just... something to be determined later. Or maybe even never. He wasn’t sure.
What he was sure about, was that he fucking loved it. Couldn’t get enough of it.
He could’ve just woken up from the longest sleep of his life, have the energy to power through several days without issue, but having you curl up all pressed into his side? You’d fall asleep so easily, and then what chance did Joe even stand? It would leave him just as drowsy. Nine times out of ten, he’d slowly drift off too.
Which is exactly what happened this time as well.
Your slow rhythmic breathing linked up, two lax bodies sagged into one another for at least a good hour, hour and a half. When you did finally stir awake, it was to the end credits of the film and to cramps that felt like something was quite literally trying to eat you alive.
You groaned at the pain and pushed your forehead into Joe’s arm, muscles tensed, coaxing you to double over.
Joe awoke with a sharp inhale.
“Hey,” he whispered. “You all right?”
“Fine,” you croaked softly, voice a little strained.
You were fine, you know, in the grand scheme of things. Just something you had to deal with in the moment, that you knew would pass within a day. Mostly, it was just very annoying.
“Need the toilet.” you frowned as you struggled taking the now cooled hot water bottle out of the large pocket of Joe’s hoodie and let your legs slide down Joe’s lap until your feet touched the floor.
Joe sat up too, and groaned loudly as he stretched in an attempt to wake up a little more. He blinked a few times before he yawned and watched you disappear into the hallway in his hoodie.
He decided then that he was never going to make an issue of it again. You could wear anything from inside his wardrobe, and he’d make sure to keep his mouth shut. He didn’t even really know why he brought it up earlier in the way that he had done.
You made your way to your own bathroom, your ensuite, where you kept all of your tampons. When you sat down on the toilet, you saw how you’d fully bled through... well, through everything.
“Oh noo,” you called out, loudly, so Joe could hear.
“Did I bleed onto the sofa?”
The question echoed through your flat, and you only realised after the words had already reached Joe’s ears that you probably should have been embarrassed to even ask.
You realised then that you weren’t.
Which was weird. But, weird in the best way.
“Yea, a little,” Joe called back, and you made a frustrated noise. Getting period blood onto anything was sort of gross and annoying, but onto a light coloured sofa that was difficult to clean? The most gross and annoying.
That was likely going to stain, and then, from now until forever, you’d see that stain every time you’d sit down and you’d be reminded of that one time when you bled through all your clothes.
When you’d have people over, they’d see.
When Joe had people over, they’d see.
You were more embarrassed for anyone else to see a faint period blood stain than you were for Joe to see a fresh one.
You hurried through cleaning yourself up. Found new underwear and leggings to wear. Double checked if Joe’s hoodie was fine, which, thank fuck, it was.
“Sorry, I know that’s so disgusting, I’ll clean that–”
“It’s gone.”
You walked in and saw Joe stand up straight from a hunched position, damp dishcloth in hand.
“There was barely anything there, it’s fine.”
Joe bent down again and gave it another rub.
You just... stood there.
“You... you cleaned it?”
“Yea, sofa looks fine. Wet now, though.”
“You cleaned my period blood...” emphasis on the period blood.
Joe looked up, made eye-contact and slowly grinned at your facial expression. Then he shrugged. He didn’t think this had to be a big deal, because to him, it wasn’t.
You were flatmates.
You lived in each other’s flat.
Shared a living space.
Were close.
“Yea.” Joe said all casual as he made his way back to the kitchen, presumably to wash the dishcloth in the sink.
“No worries. Should we get a pizza?”
You confiscated it when he walked past you, though.
He wasn’t going to rinse out your bodily fluids, your vaginal fluids, in the kitchen sink.
That’s where you prepared food, for fuck’s sake.
That dishcloth was going straight into the laundry.
“You’re insane.” was all you could muster up in response to what you’d just witnessed, and Joe just laughed. Didn’t think he was being insane at all. Thought you wouldn’t shy away from cleaning his blood off of furniture if he got some on anything, so why would he be weird about cleaning yours?
You were close.
And sure, ask literally anyone else, and this would definitely be classified as weird.
But, Joe was all right with weird.
Because it was weird in the best way.
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @bylermaxmayfield, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn, @dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma77645, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mexicanfolklore, @miserybeans, @munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
do whatever u like, oh anon. everything i post here is for sharing <3
anyway have i mentioned i love that vaggie's weapon is a spear. i love that her weapon is a spear
vaggie is exactly the kinda practical, pragmatic, kill kill kill lady who'd say no thanks to the "cool" weapons like swords (coughcouchlutecouch) and go for something works best with the people around her (group of spears for the win) while helping her specifically (short lady equips weapon with Reach) and that just makes me feeeeeel she'd be not just GOOD at heading into a fight first to assess things and clear the way, but also tactically minded enough (cough cough the manager mindset cough) to sign up for that so she can be SURE it gets done right and
good character weapon choice in media means a lot to me... i love it
when she's calm she chooses a shield so she can protect and deflect (call out to her emotional issues of not dealing with her own) without causing lethal HARM
but the moment she's pissed and hurt and wants to HURT SOMEONE, she calls up a TRIDENT
you can say "she's a demon princess of hell of course she's have a trident it's iconic traditional shorthand for demon weapon" and YES THAT'S TRUE but also, in real life, tridents WERE used as weapons! Where????
in entertainment. by gladiators. who used fun and unusual weapons and weapon combos as part of putting on a Good Show
meaning theater bi charlie who loves breaking into broadway musical style songs while dancing her way down the streets of hell is, even at her most murder-y and dangerous, is STILL thematically tied to her parents' shared vibe of public performance and entertainment
(lucy boy with his carnival land and lilith with her singing)
and HER weapon isn't a choice of what's easiest to fight with or kill with, oh no. it's intimidation. it's for catching someone's weapon on. it's pinning someone down (so they will LISTEN). it's a PROP
a prop she fully stabbed a guy with but yeah, you know. as it goes
even chaggie's WEAPONS both match AND contrast each other! that's so COOL!!!
both have polearms, one for efficient killing especially in a group, one for NOT killing while usually in a one-on-one fight, they are stabby stabby girlfriends who's characters are sooooooo well matched by their choice of stabby tools lg;;kakgk;gkkfgkd;k;e ARGHHGHGH
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crguang · 3 months
I remember you saying that you'd have a thot daughter while Kafka would have a gay son in one of your posts before, but what are your headcanons on this? Like if Kafka has a daughter alongside your precious son :> (also I'd also be a girl mom too LOL)
OKAY OKAY OKAY SETTLE DOWN EVERYBODY. first, let me just say that i think she’d be the same type of fun dad regardless of her kid’s gender but what i like to think about is her having an extroverted, hyperactive son and a reserved, introverted daughter okay just hear me out—
kafka connects with her son instantly like they share the same vibes, that’s her mini her fr. he’s adventurous, curious, independent and he looks up to her regardless of whether she’s always around or not (if she isn’t he believes it’s cause she’s “changing the world”… i guess thats not a total lie.) it’s easy for her to take care of him because he’ll fall and dust himself off, run around with no fear of bugs or small creatures and even as a little baby, he didn’t fuss much in her arms.
the real test is when the second baby arrives and it’s a beautiful little girl with a completely different temperament— as a baby she can barely be left alone, clings to you and gets fussy whenever kafka’s holding her for too long. she’s much more sensitive to noise and things like that so as a toddler, she prefers spending her time with her parents. she’s a scaredy cat, hesitant to try new things, and needs lots of reassurances all the time
kafka thinks she doesn’t like her. she hands her over to you because she just wont stop crying and she’s tried everything and “she doesn’t like me. just take her.” she’s a very patient woman but she gets annoyed every time she thinks about it, which makes her more reticent to be alone with the baby
it’s rare to see kafka not be good at something and get irritated because of it; this really weights on her because she doesn’t know how to deal with babies, they can’t communicate properly and she’s not exactly well versed in their behaviour. she knows that if a baby cries, check their diaper or try feeding them and that’s most of it. so for the first 2 years she really struggles and just follows your lead
you have to reassure her that babies have different personalities and that not every one will be like your son, and she tries to internalize that but she still feels a little down about it. she leans on the crib with her chin in her palm and a pout on her lips, staring at the baby who’s looking up at her and says, “do you hate me?”
she has a harder time connecting with your daughter because she’s unable to feel fear and your girl is very easily terrified. babies will be scared of grass, like it’s funny but when they need reassurance, kafka is nottt the person for that. she leads by example and usually just doing whatever her son is scared of and going “see? easy.” gets him moving but it doesn’t work on your daughter so she’s at a loss. being able to predict grown people’s reactions based off their fear ≠ reassuring a two year old that the vaccum is not a monster like she can’t do it because she’s never had to get over her fears and that’s a baby who’s just learning how to talk
it makes her feel a little incapable and she leaves a lot of matters concerning your daughter to you because of it, it’s not that she doesn’t try she just doesn’t wanna mess up. you have to tell her how her baby likes to be held, what usually works when she’s overwhelmed, that if she’s irritated or lashing out it means this and that, etc. once she knows, it’s easier
also, once kafka figures out that all your daughter needs is to believe that she’s safe with her, it’s a piece of cake. if there’s one thing kafka is, it’s powerful. she tells the kids she’ll “make the bad guys disappear” if they ever get picked on (“please stop telling our kids you’re going to murder people.”) and when they’re out together, she pays a lot of attention to her baby’s behaviour so she can anticipate her needs and avoid a disaster
if your daughter grows up to cherish her own space kafka has no problem with that she’s chill as hell LMFAO. if she’s still clingy, well, kafka feels some kind of way about the fact that she’s choosing to turn to her first. they’ve come a long way <3
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candystudios · 8 months
I hear you have a Bad Crowd theory? :3
Ok so listen to this
On so we are ALL AWARE that Bedtime’s history books don’t add up anyways due to the Bluster in the book is not the same as the Bluster in the show. But when I actually started to look more into the recent events of the show and compare it to the history books, A LOT DOESNT ADD UP AND IT REALLY MAKES YOU QUESTION
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For starters, We don’t know why old bluster made a deal with the Care Bears back then. And now they say he’s “Broken the agreement”. Why would there be a need for him to strike a deal with the Care Bears in the first place?
Then I started to think about the Wiffels and the Seeds of caring
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Personally, I don’t believe that these things are actually native to the silver lining. With their brighter more vibrant colors and just how they are when the Cloudseeker crew arrived, it’s safe to say that they definitely don’t belong here when you take into account the Bad Crowd. Also “Seeds of Caring” sounds way too much like a Care-A-Lot thing.
Now, here’s the scenario that made me go crazy with this idea.
Picture this:
The Silver lining was home to only Bad Crowd. Their lands created from the bad vibes from earth, exactly the same as Care-A-Lot.
Then, all of a sudden, Care Bears discover the Silver Lining and start planting they’re seeds of caring, with help from the Wiffels THEY brought along, to not only expand Care-A-Lot but also vanquish the “evil bad vibes”.
Naturally, this caught the attention of the Old Bluster. I imagine he would try to stop them from planing the seeds, but it never worked. It may have gotten to a point where his acts were seen as “Villainous” to the elder Care Bears, giving them more reason to plant them. After many failed attempts in stopping the bears, the Bad Crowd get so pushed back out of the silver lining that Old Bluster had to do something too not only keep whatever land they had left, but make the bears leave. That’s where the deal comes in.
And while the Care Bear and Old Bluster stick to the deal, thsi doesn’t stop Care-A-lot. First, they plant the tree of caring and leave the Wiffels to continue they’re work. Next, they build a barrier around the silver linging and a gateway that can only be unlocked via Belly Badge power. Effectively keeping the bad crowd in in case they decide they want revenge
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It would explain why the Bad Crowd have their own area full of bad vibes and why no where else in the Silver lining is like it.
But here’s the real kicker to this theory
I hear you asking, “Why wouldn’t Old Bluster just bring bad vibes back to his land? What about the bad seeds”
You may want to take note that the “Bad Seeds” are actually a new thing. Their made from Robbie’s invention. Old Bluster didn’t have this ability. So when a seed of caring was planted, there was no undoing it. Thats why he had to strike a deal with the Care Bears because in his eyes all their land would have been wiped out and changed permanently, causing them to have to survive without Bad Vibes, which probably would not go well.
Bluster doesn’t even realize the power he has with the Bad Seeds.
He would have gotten away with bringing bad vibes back to the silver lining, IF the Cloudseeker crew didn’t show up. They see Bluster being evil and are trying to stop it. History is literally repeating itself, only this time the Bad crowd has the ability to actually fight back
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Also, the reason bad crowd is “Evil” in the first place, I think I can explain that as well.
I don’t think they were made to be evil. We know they have good in them. From both Robbie and Malcolm but even Bluster himself. They claim to have no good in them but when Bluster got all his badness taken away from him, he became all bubbly and happy. He has good. But after the Care Bears showed up ages ago, I could see a lot of Old Bluster’s people saying how they need to get revenge and Old bluster refusing to take part in revenge due to not wanting to lose the land they have left. Because of this hatred and anger, I can imagine it evolved over the centuries and eventually even they thought that they were born to be evil. They know about the Care Bears because their a big part of their history. Bluster knows about his history, considering that one, They are aware of the Care Bear’s existence, and 2, He openly states “We don’t need more Care-A-Lot. We need Blusterland” in ep 1, proving he knows. I do want to believe that there might be a history book in Blusterland that could give us the full truth on what actually went down.
Bedtimes books being wrong would make sense! History was written in a way that made the Care Bears look good and Blusterland look bad. It’s very similar to real life history where it will be rewritten or told to us wrong in school to make certain people look good and justify their actions.
But let me know what y’all think!
(If this isn’t season 2 I swear I’ll make it myself)
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dorylinae-supremacy · 1 month
Tags: Dark SBI, dark Phil, dark Techno, royalty au, memory loss, implied character death, he doesnt die though, skrunkly Techno, Wilbur is in here just a heads up, just the character though, fuck the real guy, this is full of brainrot, you get the vibes as you read, its like 1K minimum I think
AU where Techno is a prince who gets kidnapped by political rivals.
Obviously, they know theyre gonna get caught. All they can do is cause as much damage as possible to the family before theyre caught and inevitably killed.
So they wipe the princes memory and toss him out on the streets. The blood prince, famous for his violence and cruelty, reduced to a confused wreck with no idea of who or where he is.
Anyway so they're caught and die with the knowledge of wherever they dumped Techno so the entire nation is just on a massive search party.
Tech is presumed dead because there is literally 0 universe where he wouldnt immediately make himself known to his family and that just makes Phil even darker when it comes to keeping his last remaining kid safe.
(I'm thinking Tommy so there can be some dark clingy Tommy action later on)
I think Wil eventually bumps into Tech and is confused on why theres just some random guy on his own in his bakery with like no clue how to do anything.
So he takes him in.
Not really intentionally at first but he gives him a place to stay because he's lonely and he'd feel bad if anything happened to Techno but they get along really well and become attached.
Obviously that means stuff has to go wrong but before that I'm thinking there are a few moments where Techno vaguely remembers stuff from who he was and just doesn't know what to do with it.
Maybe Wilbur braids his hair a certain way and it feels so familiar and somewhere in his mind he just knows that someone did this for him before.
Meanwhile Phils in the castle all sad because he misses braiding Technos hair every morning.
But maybe he also sees some kids playing and being mischevious and he feels so fond but has no clue why. The kids push each other around and mimic sword fights and he thinks he can remember knowing a kid who did the exact same but never being able to really grasp it.
He just misses people who he doesn't know and cant describe and he gets very skrunkly about it because clearly no ones been looking for him so obviously they didn't care about him as much as he did them.
But he gets very close with Wilbur and maybe Wil leaves to go off and get something so Techno mans the bakery while he's gone.
Thats when Niki comes in. Maybe Ranboo dragged her in or something because they've heard nothing but good review but either way they walk into some random bakery and just see the fucking crown prince working as the casheir.
The same crown prince that has been presumed dead for months and has had an entire funeral thrown for him already.
Techno is obviously very confused when they start asking him where he's been and what he's doing there but doesnt exactly get a say in anything as he's dragged out the shop and put on the first carriage back to the palace.
There's obviously a reunion that only makes Phil even darker because his baby doesn't fucking recognise him and barely lets him touch him so he's torn between playing nice and letting Tech come to him and just crushing his son in his arms and never letting him go.
He finds an odd in between where he tries so hard to be patient like a spider in a web but he misses his sonboy and occasionally slips up real bad which freaks Techno out.
He also tries to give all the things Techno used to love. People to kill, gold, weapons etc, but none of it really works. All Techno wants is the only comfort he's had since he woke up confused and lost.
Meanwhile Wilburs being angsty because he got supper attached to Tech and thinks he just wandered too far but no ones seen him so he's just really sulky and sad.
Techno really was just kinda his emotional support buddy / pseudo brother so now he's dealing with just so many abandonment issues and he's worried sick that Techno could be sick or hurt somewhere and just as confused as when he found him.
That is until the fucking emperor himself turns up at his door and demands to know what Wilbur did to his son.
Wil is terrified and genuinely has no clue what is going on but rambles like everything he knows anyway. Phils pretty unconvinced but gestures for the guards to bring in Tech and Tech practically crushes Wil in the strength of a hug.
They both just immediately break down because they were so worried and scared for each other (brothers <3) and Phil really gets to see exactly how much Technos changed.
His memory is gone, there's no real way to recover it so in a way his son did die but Phil is bitter and possessive and he won't lose him twice so he keeps him anyway.
Maybe he decides that Tech is still Tech and clearly some of his personality has stayed so there's totally a way he can just rebuild him into who he used to be, or at least as close as he can get.
He tries to drag Techno away because he's very bitter about his son (who's been basically terrified of him) hugging some stranger meanwhile he literally mourned him for months.
Techno obviously doesn't take well to almost getting dragged away and says that if he really is Phils son and he's as indulgent as he says he is then he'll let him keep Wilbur.
Everyone is shocked by this and Wil is not happy with it but Techno still has that dark streak in him despite now also being skrunkly so he cuts off any argument and basically calls Phils bluff.
Phil tries talk Tech out of things but Technos obviously super adamant about keeping his new bestie so Phil just sighs and glares at Wil like the entire way back to the castle.
Maybe he also hoards Techno away too and says that since he's indulged him once today, Tech has to pay with nest time (something he's been avoiding a tonne) and its very dark and fluffy later.
I'm not sure where the AU goes after this but its probably a lot of family bonding where Wil is slowly assimilated against his will and Techno regains some part of him that was removed when he got his mind wiped.
There's probably some very sweet moments where Phil and Techno maybe share a piano and Tech slowly remembers the tune that they first did and obviously theres lots of bonding with Tommy where he asks Techno to 'put on a show' and swordfight for him and Tech slowly regains some muscle memory on that front.
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goatpaste · 2 years
can we see your sbr Giorno's friends?
yknow i was gonna just draw Gio with maybe one or two of the ideas for lil buddies she'd have and talk about them a bit
but per usual I went over the top and drew her a whole main group of friends so here you hope this is what you wanted
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a solid lil group of five that vary in how much iv fleshed them out,, i just have for sure i wanted a lil Lisa Lisa type lady to be in Gios group, and settled on all of them being named after Renaissance paintings and painters.
I dont have much thought out in the ways of them meeting one another or any goals for them, or stand abilities or much of that. But know that these guys are FRIENDS and can fit SO many issues in them <33
I do think giving it a more p4 storyline kinda vibe thats more center to one small area problem and being on the more slice of life style of story telling could be fun...
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Mona, the oldest of this lil rag tag group, meant to be a lot like a Lisa Lisa type for the group ^^
im thinking shes the only non stand user of their group but mm debating it truly. I imagine a more focus on her character as one of the last of the guards to be full tried in spin for this use. if she had a stand to any degree it be like gyro where its hardly a thing.
I also do like the idea of her having history or forming a connection with Jorge with him being a reoccurring character through Giorno as the two grew up kinda distant but fairly close none the less form of cousins to one another.
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Taking, obviously a bit of inspo from the Pucci's on this one. Floridian man struggles with microaggressions on multiple different fronts, loses faith in god and struggles to figure out how to see the good in life.
I dont know much of what i wanna do with his stand but Daisy did suggest an invisibility facet to them,,, potentially thinking to take some inspo from portal on this one specifically with the slime they introduce with being able to build up speed or make bouncy floors and stuff, something along those lines but a lil more built up,,,
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very silly wild girl kinda character, a real richy rich philanthropist type. All talk, wouldnt know how to handle herself if things went wrong for her for even a second.
i have NO idea what to do with her stand ability I just really like the idea of it being made out of fashion magazine clippings (again ty Daisy for such a baller suggestions)
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Of course theres our protag main girl, Giorno. Daughter of Diego and Hot Pants. Named after Diegos mother's maiden name. Very much meant to be like a mixture of P5 Giorno and Trish. Giorno whos a lil louder and meaner and has a bit of a more broken moral compass most of the time but is just more or less broken as a person who cant seem to be able to snuff out that last little golden light in her heart that tells her to do good.
Her stand Born to be, which is the name I think I'm 100% settling on for it... im still not 100% sold on what I exactly want its power to be, but I am thinking it would be like a "healer" type stand of the group and having a "mending" like ability with being able to patch anything together or treat any material like fabric and sew it to other materials like a brick wall to clothing fabric. or sewing parts of concrete together to make a wall... just throwing some ideas at the wall, seein what sticks.
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And! last and youngest member of the group, Venus. A bit of a loner who has suddenly found herself glued to Gios click and cant seem to figure out why shes so terribly fascinated with being around them. Yes Mona is teaching her spin and Gio is like a russian doll with layers she wants to unwrap, but she doesn't need to hover around them everyday for that... So she's kinda wonder what the deal with that is? is it? a sense of found family??? or?? something? gross..
As for her stand i again dont have anything set in stone beyond it being able to do stuff with technology, maybe like an old school paisy park kinda beast. maybe something to do with noises,,,
I do like the idea of Venus learning spin from Mona and Venus using it like a dog toy for Atomic dog and playing fetch with it as a way to incorporate her stand ability with her spin ability.
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its 2 am, its me, its a new truckdump of songs for just about everybody
got a little weekend project planned, gonna kill my parents and deal a worm for unthinkable power and then it all goes downhill from there shwoopsie
Muriel flexing his deal after he got it xdd sidenote do you think asra was immune or did they have a brief period there where muriel totally accepted his only real friend forgot him because he wished for it but at some point asra was chillin in the shop huffing some myhr and went "nice. anyway wow i wonder how my best friend muriel is doing these days"
nah they probly arranged the myhrr thing together ig god how tf do you spell merr fuKIN MYRHMHGR MYRRH also why the hell does morga get to remember him too like what does she care how does this freaking thing work. what cuz she saw him once when he was 3? whats up with that cause i was like hm ok maybe cause she knew him before the deal but then i realised yoU DUMBASS EVERYONE KNEW HIM BEFORE THE DEAL N THEY FORGOT THATS THE POINT so idk whats the metric by which the forgetability is assigned or whatwver those two got some weird thing goin on that i never received an explanation for. it might just be me being a dumbass again tho hkchvndt
this one kinda gave me a asra+ilya vibe specifically their lil colloseum performance i say jolly good show. god that ginger bastard would love ol' chicago.
ok this one is barely anything but going strictly off of the absolute girlboss vibes its putting out its giving me nadia. "is your mother worried. would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother" goes hard
i think i had more but i forgor anyway the actual point of this message is i hope youre doing okay and not regretting putting yourself on a schedule too much dgjyhkvd youre a cool dude n you can do whatever you want forever i hope everything is going exactly your way and if its not then thats absolutely fucking ridiculous but i know youll nail it
@tetsuooooooooooo those are all such good suggestions! I've put them on the playlist and now I'm putting them on the tag ^.^
And may I say that you've just opened a whole new can of worms in my head about Muriel's curse and the myrrh thing?! I mean, let's say there wasn't space or time for Muriel to plan things out with Asra ahead of time, what if Muriel spend several weeks wondering if he wanted Asra to remember him? Finding relief in a place his trauma couldn't reach him for the first time in years, and having to decide between having a completely fresh start without his oldest friend, and keeping this oldest friend around, even if that means keeping the memories of his past life around too -
Or what if he had to figure out the myrrh issue himself, and there was a time when he wanted Asra to remember him but needed to figure out how? Did he do that with Asra's help, showing up at the shop door like "you don't recognize me right now, but I'm your oldest friend and I need your help to figure out how to let select people remember me. Oh and as proof that I'm not lying, here's a list of all your most embarrassing moments since you were seven that I was there for."
Well there goes the next few hours of my day XD
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tentronky · 3 months
Okay so. Have my little Dream rant. It's also on tiktok and it has like 1.5k views so why not post it here too.
Have funeh
I had this discussion in rp once. Dream (I wasn't role-playing him) got angry because Error (yep thats me) kept mocking him for being generally pissed off (as far as I remember.) Dream ofc snapped, and Shatteded started lecturing him about how immature he really is. And the roleplayer themselves was also talking about it in the discussion channel.
And you know, Dream has all the right to be immature. He was turned into stone when he was SIX YEARS OLD. Of course he wouldn't know exactly how to deal with situations like an adult. He got out of the stone, around four fuxking centuries later, and everyone expects him to act accordingly to the age of his general existence. His real age is still six. He was mentally and physically a child when he was shoved into a world full of adults and w@r. Of course Dream is going to act like a teenager in development by the time he is starting to understand stuff around him!!
And he forces himself to be as mature as he can, to fit in with the adult world he was suddenly dropped into. Because that's what everyone expects him to do. They treat him like an adult, Dream never had the chance to be a child because of how he was used in the village. Sure, they loved him and all, but he was that one perfect people pleaser that would help with everything he was asked to do. He never experienced not having responsibility. Everyone always expects something from him.
So Dream pushes himself. Dream pushes himself softly enough to not snap, but hard enough to keep going with the sudden change of flow. Like imagine going from 16th century to 21st??? With no warning??? He doesn't only have to be an adult, but he has to be a modern adult too. And if someone pushes him a little too hard along with how he's already pushing himself, he would snap under the pressure. ANYONE WOULD.
I felt really bad for him, more pissed off that Shattered in the roleplay kept hating on him and repeating his behavior back to him. Dream is aware enough of his situation to try and explain why he acted the way he did, but Shattered dismissed it as fuxking trauma dumping??? Saying that he had similair experiences and that it doesn't define Dream any different. Mind you, Shattered is also way older than Dream at this point. Two different timelines or something idk. But he's older and more experiences in life. Dream is still in his child development.
Do you ever have this thing when you try to say sorry to your parents and they just keep ignoring your apology and keep telling you how ungrateful and stupid you are for acting basically accordingly to your developing years? Take that feeling and apply it to Dream. He apologized so many times, and Shattered just kept rubbing salt into the wound. He felt upset, in more of a sad way rather than angry.
I finished that whole argument off with Error just accepting the apology because he felt horrible. But he didn't say that of course, he just claimed it was getting boring and repetitive. Which it was too.
The fact that he has to keep the positive vibe at all times while also trying to fit in with the adults and be a generally good Guardian of Positivity is so sad. PLEASE let Dream be an innocent child at least once a day for a bit. He needs a genuine hug of empathy and a break.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Hi! What is a substitute memory (if you don’t mind my asking)?
asdfalkaklj I actually haven't called upon my brain to define this in a bit so it might not be the "cleanest" definition, but what I'm assuming the bingo was referencing was substitute beliefs (broad term) and specifically when those beliefs are presented with "substitute memories"
Substitute beliefs are concepts / aspects / understandings of self and events that aren't exactly what is actually true / real / accurate but reflect it in a way that it is often easier to handle, accept, and bear for the person with the trauma.
Thats a mouthful, but a simple example would be say... someone's trauma was nearly drowning - they might then have an alter / develop a substitute belief that "I am a mermaid" or have the idea that being underwater like that was wanted because they are "spiritually a water creature" or that the drowning nearly happened BECAUSE they were confused and thought they were a mermaid rather than due to malice / neglect. In both cases the context of that memory might be reframed with a sort of substitute buffer to cover over the hard aspects of a shitty situation to make it more palatable
Those are more "extreme" examples because I can't really think of a more mundane example - but its a common defense mechanism people with DID and other people who were traumatized at a young age kind of do to sort of buffer the blow of being aware of the shit that's happened without necessarily having to deal with the entire reality of it.
I just got vague vibes from back there that it's fine to share, but the Riku subsystem was trained to be our sisters attack dog to a pretty extreme point of her manipulating dissociative barriers she knew of and as a result XIV has always really taken a lycantropic form, particularly when put in aggro mode and while he is aware he is not "actually a werewolf" it actively leaks into his day to day life and it is a really quick "blur" over topics that if dug more into could cause things to be uprooted that we aren't quite ready to.
Similarly, there are substitute memories that can happen where the memory of an event itself might be too hard to "digest" and as a result some people get similar but "slightly off" memories of things that didn't happen. I've seen this mostly talked about in terms of introjects and them developing memories related to trauma the body did experience but instead in the frame work of their source rather than the actual real lived body. Rather than remembering and processing feelings of neglect with your actual parents in reference, the part may still have the feelings that stem from a real trauma and experience the body had, but instead process it in the terms of "people who don't really exist" which makes it easier to operate and handle in an environment where it might be difficult to do that with the real people (often living there still and what not)
In substitute [anything] its really the brain just kinda blurring the details and shuffling around the lines to make it look like something easier and nicer to look at than the reality. It's usually similar to what ACTUALLY happened but often with a few details that are weird / wrong / obviously not real (ie, characters don't exist, werewolfs dont exist, mermaids don't exist, etc.)
It's been a while since I've seen it brought up so it might be a bit off of an explanation but hope that makes sense?
It's easier to process "I'm a werewolf" than process the implications of having been through mental abuse and directly trained as an attack dog for another's benefit.
It's easier to believe that the time you nearly drowned is because you were a "delusional kid and forgot you couldn't breathe underwater" than it is to address possible neglect or malice intent of someone who is supposed to be close to you.
It's easier to (not necessarily for the fictive themselves, but often for the rest of the system) see the struggle of their system member Sasuke processing the trauma of Itachi's betrayl than it is to see and process the betrayal of trust that the sibling you live with and have to see daily.
Substitute beliefs and memories are also often on a sliding scale of how seriously and literally the affected parts / people experience them and how real they actually feel, so theres a lot of variety.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
so I had originally started this season doing a loyal Lewie route but these last 2 weeks just really rubbed me the wrong way so I went back and did an Ozzy route and honestly it makes the season a million times better! Ozzy actually feels like a real character and you actually have chats with him more than just "where's your head at?" It sucks for the people doing the og LIs routes (+Roberto) cuz they shouldn't have to deal with all of them basically becoming the same person. that is the biggest flaw of the season and if fb actually had different routes for them it would improve the season by a lot.
OMG bestie.
Ozzy is def the main LI this season.. im convinced after these last two weeks. the way fb "branched" out the LJR + Roberto storyline honestly makes zero sense. For example, you can be all about Lewie from the start...kiss him a million times then Roberto comes in and maybe your heads turned a bit and you start flirting and kissing him too. When the girls ask u, who ur more into let's say you tell them "im still into Lewie but Roberto's a bit of me and I think he's turned my head". Ivy starts to crack on with Roberto and tries to kiss him. so maybe thats turned you off him a bit and made you look back to Lewie. So then when Grace tells you he's planning to kiss you that night you say "absolutely we're back on the Lewie train"...then this man attempts to kiss your sister. so u say f*ck this and choose Roberto at the recoupling only for your sister to say well Lewie and I kissed last night. BITCH WHAT????? like how is this a real thing??
meanwhile Ozzy is just sitting in the corner cracking jokes and watching MC to see if she laughs....yea I'll stick to Ozzy lol
fb needs to have different routes for the different guys. they shouldnt be so easily interwoven like the example I laid out (which btw an anon sent me that this is what she basically did) Especially bc the three personalities are so different. Like Jamal has had many more partners than Lewie but acts exactly like him?? I feel like someone with as many partners as him, who's only ever had situationships he'd be more conflicted about settling down so fast. I wouldve loved for his route to be a bit more chaotic, maybe he really likes MC but he's scared to get hurt/settle down. The Ryan we saw at the end (if ur on Lewie or Jamal's route) chatting to all the girls and trying to see where everyones head was at makes more sense to me than a super, dopey and lovestruck for MC Ryan. Especially because he too had so many partners and seemed to be more "go where the wind takes me vibes"
sorry this is so long but I had so many thoughts 😭💖
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ash-and-books · 11 months
Tumblr media
Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: A clever con woman must convince a skeptical, sexy farmer of his property's resident real-life ghost if she's to save them all from a fate worse than death, in this delightful new novel from the author of Mrs. Nash's Ashes.
Fake spirit medium Gretchen Acorn is happy to help when her best (read: wealthiest) client hires her to investigate the unexplained phenomena preventing the sale of her bridge partner’s struggling goat farm. Gretchen may be a fraud, but she'd like to think she’s a beneficentone. So if "cleansing" the property will help a nice old man finally retire and put some much-needed cash in her pockets at the same time, who's she to say no?
Of course, it turns out said bridge partner isn't the kindly AARP member Gretchen imagined—Charlie Waybill is young, hot as hell, and extremely unconvinced that Gretchen can communicate with the dead. (Which, fair.) Except, to her surprise, Gretchen finds herself face-to-face with Everett: the very real, very chatty ghost that’s been wreaking havoc during every open house. And he wants her to help ensure Charlie avoids the same family curse that's had Everett haunting Gilded Creek since the 1920s.
Now, Gretchen has one month to convince Charlie he can’t sell the property. Unfortunately, hard work and honesty seem to be the way to win over the stubborn farmer—not exactly Gretchen's strengths. But trust isn’t the only thing growing between them, and the risk of losing Charlie to the spirit realm looms over Gretchen almost as annoyingly as Everett himself. To save the goat farm, its friendly phantom, and the man she's beginning to love, Gretchen will need to pull off the greatest con of her life: being fully, genuinely herself.
A con artist who makes her living as a fake medium finds herself in over her head when she begins seeing an actual ghost and now has to help him break the curse on his family... except said family member is a hot grumpy farmer who sees right through her and wants her off his farm. Gretchen Acorn is a fake spirit medium and has become one of the best at her job. She has only one rule though: to leave her clients better off than when she met them, thats so she can be different from her father, a horrible con man, Gretchen might take money from people but she's adamant that they're happier when she's done. Gretchen isn't a bad person, but she's not exactly a good one. When Gretchen's client pays her to help a friend she can't help but say yes, what was suppose to be an easy pay day is ruined when she finds out that Charlie Waybill, the friend she was suppose to help isn't an old man on a farm but rather a very hot farmer who is unconvinced Gretchen can communicate with the dead. Yet Gretchen is in for the surprise of her life when she actually begins seeing a ghost, this time the con isn't fake and she is really communicating with a ghost. The ghost is related to Charlie's family and tells Gretchen that she has to help him break the curse on their family and to save Charlie. How can she save Charlie when he wants nothing more for her to get away as far as possible. Now Gretchen has to find a way to convince Charlie that the curse is very real and that she can actually communicate with him. Gretchen won't leave so Charlie offers her a deal: she'll work on the farm for a few months in exchange for room and board, that'll give her enough time to try and save Charlie. Yet the more time they spend together the more the feelings between them begin to grow. Gretchen is about to face her biggest challenge yet: being her true self and possibly opening her heart up. Can she break the curse before it's too late? This was such a cute and cozy autumnal/spooky romance vibe book. I love a fun con artist story with a touch of ghost. Charlie and Gretchen were really cute, despite how much they thought they were different, they had so much in common and cared so much about each other. This was a really cute feel good read and I had fun with it!
*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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topconfessions · 2 years
You are so real for saying the thing about the main reason TOP was chosen for the dearmoon crew. Im not throwing shade. It is was it is. The man doesnt get enough credit for his networking skill. Dare I say he is naturally better at the game than most people would think. Everything about his personality just magically aligns to create this image of warm-on-the-inside cool guy which is already appealing to most people, which I believe he really is but to a much more exaggerated degree in the case of stage image. The thing is, people expect him to be this wild card so even its just him loosen up a bit its already a game changer. He effortlessly charms everyone that way. I think he definitely awares of this power and knows how to use it well. And thats just the tip of the iceberg. Unlike SR, TOP is lucky his main interest is arts. Artist circle has always been full of elites and old money. These guys know how to keep their things behind the curtain. And idk if most fans are aware it, unlike what TOPs trying to do give off that aloof vibe, he care a great deal of what others thing of him. With dearmoon, he definitely has good intentions but it seems lacking self-awareness the way he put it as “for greater cause”, especially when we also have a space-dedicated youtuber on the same crew. Tbh the way I see it, dearmoon is a space business trip lol. TOP just happen to tick all the boxes they have in terms of needing someone with big social influence.
Thank you so much! yes, I had to keep it a 100 and call it for what it is. If top never knew that billionaire or made a close friendship he would never ever be a part of something like this cause technically if we're following merits it should be GD instead of him but TOP is more cultured, wordly and sopthsticated than everyone else in BB by default cause he expanded his interests in mature and lucrative things that he knew would keep him paid for life and elevated. His networking through the art and high art industry paid dividends for him and I'm a little upset for GD not reaching that level himself....He really doesn't get enough credit but at the same time, TOP is seen as so cool and smart that nobody feels the need to credit or praise him cause it's innate and he got it like that LOL.
Yes, exactly. You get what I am saying, TOP picked a lucrative and highly esteemed hobby that has done more for him than he has done for it, but top gives the illusion he has done a lot for the industry. Seungri got wrapped up in the maknae curse of not outgrowing his idol and agency duties of picking activites and business ventures where you yourself have to work overtime to exert physical involvement and be the hype for your product. Seungri played checkers and TOP Played chess, you don't see top involving himself in activities and deals that require him being in public pandering, putting in a lot of work and literal socializing to make his projects a hit like the aori ramen (I may have gotten the name wrong) or burning sun. Burning sun was the worse investment SR ever made and he had to over involve himself in it and overexert himself meanwhile TOP, I mean this nicely, picks hobbies he can be physically lazy in that he already has great interest in that is easy to finnesse if you know what you're doing. what top does despite his immense passion for it, is no different than what a typical tumblr user who loves art just as much as him does. He just incorporates it into his personal and professional life with consistency and the aura of being a master at what he knows.
Also, yes, top knows what he's doing. TOP has excessive spending habits and loves a lavish lifestyle now. He knew and knows he needs an interest / side career that can keep that lucrative income in his pocket. Art is old money and new money combined, the most powerful people in the world are invested in art or have some inclination to it. Seungri took a carrie bradshaw ignorant route and involved himself with ventures that don't pay at all and don't keep your money long, sigh. Good for top though. honestly, if I ever dated an older man or someone of means, I would rush straight to the art scene and snag a man LOL. Sothebys auction house baby, here I come. I'm still waiting for him to do more work with Sothebys but it seems on a stand still and a one time thing back then. TOP needs to get his wine into another business that sells all sorts of wine and not just be a self seller of it, he's too big for that. Also, although it's criminal, you can launder and store money through expensive paintings so we never know if top is the tax evading type to do that.
another thing: I think top avoids relationships at least that serious and mature like the plague cause he knows he wouldn't have the freedom and room to be fully focused on the art world and his wine if he was with someone. this sounds mean but dating is like being a parent to an adult you are having sexual / romantic relations with. I know thats a weird analogy but it is. Especially with top dating the younger girls. it's a responsibility and you can't really rise in the art world with a hanger on unless it's a woman who has her own wealth and interests or is from the same industry.
Basically. He fit what they were looking for and he had great influence but wasn't TOO overhyped or like craze worthy i.e a bts guy that would have distracted from the mission itself. The billionaire chose well in picking top. Yeah, this is honestly just a pleasure cruise and space business trip for experimenting. It's not for any charitable cause or specfic Nasa research, you know how top is, he has to verbally elevate things to make it grander than what it is LOL.
goodluck to top and I hope he has fun this will breathe new life into him for sure. He will accomplish something many humans never have. This is what he needed to rehab and repair his image. Once he does this space mission he will no doubt have the weed scandal 100% behind him especially if he can capitalize off of it more. I hope he continues working on that album too.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 15 hours
SISHSJSJ ok wait you’re full on selling me on the hydration idea now wait the goodra hydreigon opposite vibes plus the territorial behavior study sort of thing??? Ok lowk im glad you did some reworking (couldn’t be me id probably flip a table atp) HUT IM GLAD YOU MADE IT WORK because the more i read the more I was like “haha….what if….” Ok I was actually contemplating asking like what if you replaced Dragalge with hydreigon but I figured you probably had some insane type matching involved in that and besides dragon their other typing isn’t the same so I was just like “er yeah idk”
UAHAHAHA LUNA GETTING DOWNGRADED TO A MUK sorry no hate to muk fans i just think its so goofy and its just like the classic team rocket/enemy team grunt pokemon HSHSHSH but yeah Luna will make do fs thank god for your big brain I feel like readers team also feels more stacked now LMAO
EVIL TEAM NAGI LNFAOOO real??? I love the matchups though it’s like that one meme pic of the pink Barbie looking house right next to the pitch black one
LMAOO pursuit is an itoshi free zone…we will note have Emo eyelashes here
OOOH ok very slay ik some pokemon characters have wild designs or very themed designs so wasn’t sure if that was gonna get mixed up or not the crow feather iridescent does slap though
MAMA Y PAPA imagine its a like one of those “a day in the life” videos and imagine garchomp and nidoqueen are also wearing matching aprons like karasus while they deal with all the babies (im also specifically thinking that there’d be some moments wheres there’s the excessive pink flowery aura used in some anime/manhwas where it’s like happy sunshine rainbow family LMAO you can probably tell that’s one of my favorite meme formats)
LMAOO exactly get the best of both worlds the ultimate angst crack fluff combo
After reading your drafts/outline/thoughts for the future peregrine chapters that Nagi is probably the most down bad person to exist like down bad to the point that NAGI is speeding over to catch up to reader before she leaves like bro is MOVING??? Insane ok but fr is some hardcore yuki stan could just throw out some ideas or thoughts I don’t think itd be hard for me to see the vision/get converted just need some guidance….
AHAHAH omg imagine a tabieita breakup SHSHSH ok wait im pretty certain ive read a fic on here that was actually kinda tabieita beef except I think it was like Karasu liked reader but reader liked otoya after Karasu introduced him to her and then in the end he runs to her house in the rain trying to confess before it’s too late but otoyas already in her house and they’re just hanging out and he’s like ok nvm like ok way to step on my heart that fic had me reeling
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT “haha…nice…” is SO Isagi coded he would totally say something like that (I’m pretty sure he DOES when his old classmate tada is like lmaoooo u just got lucky with that shot no skills lmaoooooooo) wait I love that LMAOO that’s actually the perfect approach to not making it angsty just make Isagi stupid /j LMAO but whether he’s just dense or stubborn or both I feel like that matches his vibe either way soooo
It looks like Mario and Luigi got fused with a piranha plant because what the fuck is that……..but fr tbh I thought I had convinced myself that I’d continue playing anyways just for the sake of following through and I enjoy the gameplay generally too but the new designs I CANNOT I mean I get it because they’re already made so many pokemon they’re probably bound to run out of ideas esp if the design team isn’t changing much but wtf is Gen 9….like I pulled up the dex for serebii and they’re so ugly SHSGSHS also the weird past future versions of old Pokemon whyd suicune become a dinosaur and raikou a giraffe??????
STAY STRONGGGGG real though just like the tags here the edits of them are SO abundant like pleaseee where is the variety!!! But tbh with the way u20 arc goes plus how saes nonexistent in nel I think it would take eightbit their entire studios worth of budget to make me convert so
Oooooh icic im not as in tune to interaction patterns so I lowk didn’t realize that might be the case LOL based off your rules for no exact repeats of trope and character are allowed hopefully the next three will give enough room/inspo for non overlapping ideas though! I’m assuming you’ll probably be safe plus what are the odds right….
LMAOOO imagine once pursuit picks up people are gonna think you’re a Barou blog /j if people actually start fully associating you with sae idek how id react atp it’s so ironically funny…no actually dw when peregrine eventually makes its big comeback people will all go back to their roots and be like “oh yeah this is that really good nagi series yup this is the nagi blog” LMAO
AHAHAH BAYOSAGI in the back as npcs deadpanning like “bro wtf” while aiku and arbok are vibing our running around trying to look cool and pick up girls
Wait I got distracted and forgot to send this earlier but talk abt perfect timing literally right when I choose to come back here and send this in ITS BEEN PUBLISHED BAROU OAEUUUH
- Karasu anon
YESS WE MADE IT WORK i’m so glad i love hydreigon and reader having one matches the vibes of her team so well LMAOAO like between gyarados houndoom and hydreigon alone her team is 50% demons that everyone is afraid of but they LOVE her and they’re actually just sweet and cuddly (actually hydreigon is going to be lowkey sassy but still he really likes reader just can be a bit teenager-ish at times) BRO THE REWORKING HAD ME CRASHING OUT NGL i was literally typing a response to your ask where hydreigon is the starter and donphan is replaced by nidoking but dragalge is replaced by espeon (in a situation where otoya and reader get eevees at the same time) at the same though i was just like 😐😔 the whole time because while espeon provided some type coverage it just felt so BASIC and reader’s team is meant to be fairly non-basic the halfway through typing out the explanation i was like wait…keep houndoom keep the theme get rid of the members we don’t care as much abt and BOOM done and done
LMAOOO no because there truly just aren’t enough poison types and ig muk is decently good…his star is his roserade anyways so it’s fine we’ll just have muk be one of the first pokémon he throws out!! wait also reader having a nidoking is so cute imagine it becomes friends with hiori’s nidoqueen 🥹 DHDKSJS okay wait do you remember the quick ball idea we had w phanpy…lowkey it would be even funnier with deino (baby hydreigon) because they’re not really found in the area so reader’s going ham trying to catch it and accidentally uses all of karasu’s quick balls?? HAHAAH hold on actually this could be done right around the arc where otoya gets his happiny (in that arc otoya flirts with a nurse joy too hard and accidentally gets himself and reader involved in busting a pokémon abuse ring) maybe deino escaped from that ring and that’s what tipped nurse joy off to its existence as well as being an explanation for why there’s a random deino wandering around!!
NO THAT’S EXACTLY THE VIBES like all of reader’s pokémon are 👹💥😈 and nagi’s are 🧚🏻‍♀️✨💖 meanwhile reader herself is super kind + gentle looking (and she actually is) and nagi’s the king of idgaf who would sell anyone out (except reader) for a lukewarm donut (jkjk he’s sweet too just not in the same way as reader)…i honestly rlly like the dichotomy plus reader having all villainous seeming pokémon adds to the “team x thinks she’s one of them” vibe in the beginning of the story…agreed her team is much more stacked now i like it!! zero weak links it’s all absolute monsters i KNOW the league conference hated to see her coming 😓
the most the itoshis get is a mention that they live in another region in like the isagi ova…maybe sae’s an elite four member and since in my mind the elite four candidacy process includes traveling abroad and training with the elite four members there perhaps isagi knows of the itoshis via that?? that’s why he’s not around when barou’s abt to challenge the champion too he’s in a diff region which is why he doesn’t know what actually happened to barou
HAHAHA you know how doggy daycares irl send like updates of what your pet is doing imagine the spin off is just karasu taking photos of all of the daycare pokémon up to stuff so we have garchomp and nidoqueen in the aprons looking after everyone and karasu with his camera just clicking away and each scene starts with like an image with a handwritten caption and then it zooms into the image and we see the scene it’s describing 🥹
NAGI INVENTED DOWN-BAD-ISM peregrine nagi my beloved…he is super simple with his gestures BUT it’s like the smallest things mean so much with him!!! agreed i need a yuki fan to enter my inbox and show me the light LMAAOAO
HAHA i think i read that fic too i was like bruh in no universe (except hollyhock) would i choose otoya over KARASU that was before miraeita was real too so it was especially emo to read
DJDSHSJA OAEU BAROUUU YESS i hope you like it!! it is SUCH a silly story 😭 but yeah agreed isagi not necessarily rejecting her just refusing to accept that she’s confessing is so him i think it’s perfect (and that way isagi stans can still imagine that he does secretly like them)
no because all of the new pokémon keep getting uglier and uglier and they keep doing stuff with the old ones and from i’ve heard the gameplay isn’t that good 😔 i’ll stick w my gen vi and before games thank you very much 🤩
LMAOO you’re so right the itoshi edits are everywhere it’s so funny…hopefully the love is spread during s2 but the good thing abt being a nagi lover is he also gets a lot of edits and content due to having a lot of s1 screentime so at least I’ve got that going for me
yeah just based on my guesses/what usually happens all of the people that follow me and would’ve requested have already done so!! so it’ll be randoms for the last three spots but they likely won’t find my account until i post the first event posts and those gain traction ☝🏻 unless people find me via oaeu barou and happen to see my event ig 🧐
PLS technically pursuit is a nagi story so hopefully once it picks up people will associate me w nagi?? although you’re right in that it is very barou centric so it might give me more of a barou reputation (for example the funeral invite that people keep liking) HAHAA no because somehow seabird is my most popular bllk work?? ig it is pretty good but come on now guys…read bfb…read hollyhock…LMAO PEREGRINE NEEDS A COMEBACK ASAP THE WORLD NEEDS TO REMEMBER WHO MY MAN IS
HAHAAH bayosagi are so done with aiku they all think he’s a major dumbass but he’s also a genius?? considering he’s supposed to become a professor and all…the bayosagi + aiku dynamic is hilarious i honestly love the prequel group just as much as i love reader and co + mc trio they’re so silly yet so sweet
WE LINKED UP YET AGAIN FKDKSJ looking forward to hearing your thoughts!! i think i’ll take a break from the oaeu for a sec after this to work on other stuff but the barou version is nice and long so that should tide people over
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missr3n3 · 5 months
Greetings spooky skellie, I have thoughts running through my head about Rotten Roots and I don't know how to feel about these thoughts
1.) The cult was never caught // 2.) I want to believe that when Peter was writing that letter, he was crying but the only thing holding him together was the thought of Sarah being happy never seeing him again (and Mittens) // 3.) When Sarah was reading Peter's letter, she was either groaning and rolling her eyes or sighing and shaking her head in disappointment // 4.) Norman is trying to hunt down Peter to finish what he started // 5.) Peter frequently gets weird looks when he's in town and a lot of people ask him what happened to him, telling people this made-up answer hurts him because he's lying to (most likely) innocent people and he wants to tell the truth so badly but he doesn't want to make it more worse than it already is
And, I'm having a bit of a rough time trying to start chpt 1 of the crossover, but I'll come up with something sooner rather than later. Okay goodnight!!
indeed! although i think the lack of snitching here was less a combination of personal fear/shame like williams, and more a case of sarah and peter not wanting to endanger everyone else around them.
thats pretty much exactly what i was going for, particularly with the struck out portions of the letter. just his worst thoughts taking a hold until he shakes himself out of it and scribbles out the parts where his self-hatred was doing the talking
i think sarah's reaction is a bit more complicated than that tbh. for how much she's still angry with and even a little fearful of peter, i think she was genuinely hoping he'd be okay after she left him at the hospital, and there was a real sense of relief at finding out that he was not only alive, but actually making an effort to deal with the things that turned him into a monster in the first place. at the same time. yea she was pretty pissed at peter thinking the cult had a point lol
norman is probably taking peter's escape the most personally, but the whole cult has an interest in tying up all their loose ends, probably including williams too 👀
yea, it rly is hard for peter having these physical reminders of both the trauma he went thru under the trap door, but also the trauma he caused that led him down there in the first place. the one silver lining is that even ppl who know about his past as an abuser are a little more willing to take his desire to improve in good faith because. fuckin look at this ratty shelter dog of a man
also for what it's worth, whenever im struggling with creative block i find music helps the best! maybe listen to some songs that fit the vibe of what ur trying to write and see if that helps?
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corneliastreetinramada · 11 months
Interview/podcast with myself ep1: goss and trust
:so gossip, they say that i have them, alot of them, and i really cant defend myself anymore cus its true right?
:absolutely, people will come straight for you or used to right?
:ya, i mean i dont find gossip it finds me, yk giving i dont chase i attract vibes
:and can we pleaseee stop the nonsense gossips
:well all gossips are nonsense right?
:i mean yeah kind of
:its the who is being talked abt thats important and makes the gossip MORE valuable and juicy and more interesting to hear!
:i mean do i like the fact that i spreqd gossip around? no ofc! but im not the one who made that certain goss, half the time, i just get it from my sources then it just slides into different conversations i have with friends and alot other ppl and yk that can fkng start a conversation lets be fr.
:totally! and the only important part abt spreading it is that u have ur identity protected, nobody will know that it was YOU who spread goss, in short, nobody will snitch and tell it to other people that it was u who spread.
:exactly! like i had this one friend who had MAJOR goss issue but only my how can i say this, a certain circle of friends only know it, she was like, i dont wanna make this a bigger deal so lets keep it between us all yk this group, BUT IM ME I want deals to be bigger, but ofc I gossed it to my other friend and turns out she already knows it because another gorl from the groupchat, that circle, has already told her, because they on the same circle, so im like ok thats cool, it was actually hilarious, because we laughed at it, and seriously i thought i was the first to break but no.
:now lets talk abt loyalty thats something
:thats really something
:for you what does it mean to be loyal anyway?
:well, loyalty really depends on how they treat you and yk the treatment u get, for me if i see and know that ive basically crossed mountains, swam across oceans and eat dirt just to be a friend for you and youll just basically hurt me and treat me like fkng trash i dont know why i should be fkng loyal to you anymore
:that makes sense
:but, that doesnt mean i wont be your friend, its just that I will be finding other ppl to hang out with, talk to, and be more loyal to
:yeah,same with trust yk, cant mend something that can easily crush in to alot of peices, and think that a simple sorry can bring it back yk, its not just like that, yk, its not like microwaving cold food for u to eat warm, its not that simple.
:i agree totally.
:and if u let it like be like that, yk, u trust them like immediately after ur trust on them got broken, thats not healthy. really youll just get urself hurt again and again if u just trust them that quickly
:ppl who really give their trust to other people like that really quick are fools, im sorry ik that sounds rude or smth, but ye, as humans we must have the ability to think "is this person a real friend?" yk we must think twice before trusting them that quick.
:absolutely. trusting someone is really really antagonizing thats why some have trust issues as they call it.
:at the end of the day, people are the ones at fault how they do shit, how they treat others, care for others in short theyll be the main reason why people hurt, hurt each other rather.
:that ends this episode.
my mind is now unboggled till next time!
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