hanzajesthanza · 2 years
milva and regis engaging in "sitcom episode where character A bet character B that they cant go a whole day without talking" type of plot
but the thing is it wouldnt work, because not five minutes into breakfast, the company's morning discussion would land on a conversational topic which could be vaguely shaped, with some contrivance, into some form of philosophical discourse... and regis, tortured by his inability to enter the conversation, would give the absolutely saddest little dark eyes that you've ever seen in a man, and slowly go "i renounce the bet" and immediately get back to talking with everyone else
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fangirleaconmigo · 6 months
I've been going through some of your posts about Geralt and Dandelion's friendship in the books recently because... well I'm back in my book/game phase I guess and I really wanted to know if there are any other Dandelion friendships you like from the books and why? Like him and Zoltan or with the other Hansa etc? [Personally I'm a big fan of what little we see of him with Regis and it always makes me weepy that he wrote a biography about him in the games and fondly remarks abt him smelling like herbs all the time]
Awww yayy thanks for spending some time on the ol blog. I absolutely love this question. I don't get to talk enough about Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, and his relationship with Dandelion (for the newbies, that is Jaskier's name in the books) is so lovely.
Dandelion and Friendships
For those who are just joining us, Tea is talking about my series about Geralt and Dandelion's friendship in the books.
I have also written posts about Dandelion's friendships with Ciri and Zoltan:
Dandelion and Ciri
Dandelion and Zoltan
And for this post, I'll focus on Regis and Dandelion's friendship, which I absolutely love.
Dandelion and Regis Friendship (books)
What really strikes me about Regis and Dandelion, is just how patient and kind Regis is with Dandelion. Sometimes it is almost like he’s dealing with a child he cares about. Considering Regis’s age (over four centuries old), Dandelion (approx in his thirties when they meet) IS a child. 
On top of that, Dandy’s personality is rife with traits often associated with kids:
insatiable curiosity to the point where he endangers his own life, (when they go into the forest or sea, Geralt has to essentially, follow right behind him like you would a toddler),
hyper enthusiasm about every discovery he makes, (he whispers in awe when he sees mandrake for the first time, that’s just how he reacts to everything new)
his inability to censor himself or stop asking questions even when everyone else wants him to shut up (he will ask until he understands, no matter the social cues happening)
the way he will act incredibly transparent and awkward while thinking he is being subtle and smooth
Perhaps that is why Regis seems to be so indulgent of him. And somehow their personalities just fit naturally.
Regis’s most annoying trait is to lecture people at length like a professor and cut people off who are asking a question, since he is too eager to answer it. The vampire loves to hold forth on a topic.
Dandelion’s annoying trait (one of many, bless, we know he can't keep it in his pants either) is to ask questions incessantly. In that way, they really kind of fit together. 
Geralt loses patience when Dandelion is being socially inappropriate by asking too many questions. Geralt really values discretion and manners.
Regis is more willing to spend time explaining things and to open up.
Early in the hansa's time together, (before he manages to surprise folks several times over) Dandelion is often seen as the one who is in way over his head. Everyone else is a warrior or a soldier. Dandelion is the soft one. To add to the indignity, Geralt is angry at him during Baptism of Fire because Dandelion keeps forcing him to make friends (well, to ask for help)
Yet Regis, the new guy, is the one who always makes sure Dandelion isn't embarrassed or ashamed.
Here’s a few examples.
When Dandelion is given a bloody head wound by an arrow, the poet is howling and shrieking. He thinks he's dead already. He is not a stoic man. It is played comedically, but Geralt is also legitimately terrified that he will lose Dandelion. That bit is not played comedically.
But given the circumstances, the rest of them could be forgiven for rolling their eyes at the poet's dramatics.
But Regis (who is treating his wounds as the resident barber surgeon) does not.
Regis speaks to him so soothingly, and kindly. (I am omitting the Geralt dramz because I will get off topic lol)
Dandelion groaned and took a sharp intake of breath....
“I’ll put in a few stitches,” Regis said...”Be brave, Dandelion.”
Dandelion was brave.
“Almost done here,” Regis said, setting about bandaging the victim’s head. “Don’t you worry, Dandelion, you’ll be right as rain. The wound’s just right for a poet, Dandelion. You’ll look like a war hero, with a proud bandage around you head, and the hearts of the maidens looking at you will melt like wax. Yes, a truly poetic wound....”
And when it is revealed that Regis is a vampire, and Dandelion is afraid of him, Regis is incredibly patient and kind about the whole thing. He does not take offense. Geralt does! (Ironic, considering Geralt ran Regis off, but Geralt, bless, is dealing with a clusterfuck of feelings about the vampire and everything else going on in his life.)
But yes, after Geralt tells Dandelion about Regis, Dandelion is scared, and wants to seek reassurance. But the poet (unbeknownst to him it seems) is awkward and bad at it. He tries to bring up the issue with the subtlety of a sledge hammer.
Dandelion...deciding to clear up the uncertainty..began as soon as they set off. With his usual tact.
(I like that. His usual tact. Meaning, zero tact lmaoooooo.)
“Milva,” he suddenly called as they were riding, sneaking a glance at the vampire as they were riding, sneaking a glance at the vampire. “...I fancy eating a hunk of real meat for a change! How about you, Regis?”
Yeah. Real subtle Dandelion.
“I beg your pardon?’ the vampire said, lifting his head from the horse’s neck. 
“Meat!” the poet repeated emphatically. “...fancy some fresh meat?”
“Yes, I do.”
“And blood. Would you like some fresh blood?”
“Blood?” Regis asked, swallowing. “No. I’ll decline the blood. But if you have a taste for some, feel free.”
Geralt, Milva and Cahir observed an awkward, sepulchral silence.
I love that. Awkward sepulchral silence. Dandelion causes a lot of those. But Regis does not dismiss him or laugh. He reassures him.
“I know what this is about, Dandelion,” Regis said slowly, “And let me reassure you. I’m a vampire, but I don’t drink blood.”
The silence became as heavy as lead. But Dandelion wouldn’t have been Dandelion if he had remained silent.
But Dandelion wouldn’t have been Dandelion if he had remained silent. (sorry I am laughing every other line at this part)
“You must have misunderstood me,” he said, seemingly lightheartedly. “I didn’t mean-”
“I don’t drink blood,” Regis interrupted. “...I gave it up.”
Dandelion doesn’t know what that means and keeps pestering Regis to explain. Geralt is embarrassed and tells Dandy to shut up.
However, Regis opens up around the camp fire that night. He tells his life story, and says he hasn’t drank blood in fifty years. Dandelion is incredulous. 
“Not at all?” Dandelion said, and stuttered. But his curiosity got the best of him. “Not at all? Never? But...?”
Geralt is embarrassed again and shuts him down again. Regis, by contrast, is patient and defends Dandelion.
“I beg your pardon,” the poet grunted.
“Don’t apologize,” the vampire said placatingly, “And Geralt, don’t chasten him. I understand his curiosity.”
Baptism of Fire 291-295
That's right. Don't chasten him Geralt.
Regis and Dandelion also just have a wonderful dynamic of picking on each other.
Dandelion teases Regis about his long ass name.
And Regis has a great time teasing Dandelion lovingly. In one scene, Geralt and Regis team up to pick on Dandelion and the secretive way he treats his writing. Dandelion has stolen some paper and pencil from a Lyrian military convoy and is writing whenever they make camp, but gets testy whenever anyone gets near him or looks at his manuscript.
Geralt is good-naturedly giving Dandelion a hard time and Regis jumps in with such adorable relish. (Also, in this scene, we find out that Regis actually named Dandelion's memoirs)
"Indeed," the witcher joined in...."You've become devilishly touchy, Dandelion. One cannot fail to notice that it is somehow connected to the paper which you have recently begun to deface with a bit of lead while we camp." “It’s true,” Regis agreed, “our minstrel has become touchy, not to say secretive, discreet, and loving of solitude recently. Oh no, having witnesses when performing his natural needs doesn't bother him at all...His shameful secrecy and oversensitivity to being watched extends solely to his scribbled notes. Is, perhaps, a poem being written in our presence? A rhapsody? And epic? A romance? A canzone?”
He's like, you don't care who sees you piss and shit, but oh this you care about. lol. Tell us about the poem. But Geralt objects.
“No,” Geralt retorted...”I know him. It can’t be verse, because he’s not cursing, mumbling, or counting the syllables on his fingers. He’s writing in silence, so it must be prose.”
“Prose!” The vampire flashed his pointed fangs - which he really tried not to do. “A novel perhaps? Or an essay? A morality play? Dammit, Dandelion! Don’t torture us so! Reveal what you are writing?”
Dandelion says it is a memoir called Fifty Years of Poetry. Regis says that A Half Century of Poetry sounds better.
“Thanks, Regis, Something constructive at last.”
P 88 -90 The Tower of the Swallow
I admit I'm such a sucker (hehe no pun intended) for whenever Regis's fangs are mentioned, whether he is hiding them, baring them, or unselfconsciously showing them during a warm, silly moment with his friends. (Sobs, I love this vampire, seriously I need an intervention)
Regis also comforts Dandelion openly when the poet is doubting his courage or fitness for a task.
Later in the book, Geralt volunteers for a bloody job/violence for hire that terrifies Dandelion, so the poet protests the plan. Geralt insists he’ll do it alone.
But no! He has a hansa now! He won't be alone! Angoulême volunteers to go. Cahir says he’s coming with as well. Then Milva insists she is coming.
Dandelion freezes.
It would be like the LOTR ‘and my bow and my axe’ yadda yadda scene, but if there was one person left and when it got to them, everyone turned around and looked and they are just standing there frozen like....motherfuck this is scary idk idk wtf do I do. And the way this next paragraph is written, it pleases me.
Dandelion...was evidently struggling with his thoughts. And the thoughts were winning.
And Regis jumps in "kindly." He shows solidarity with Dandelion, and takes the heat by calling himself a coward.
“Stop meditating, poet,” Regis said kindly. For there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re even less cut out to participate in a bloody swordfight than I am. We weren’t taught to carve up our neighbors with a blade. Furthermore...furthermore..,” he raised shining eyes towards Geralt and Milva, “I’m...a coward,” he confessed curtly.
They keep arguing amongst themselves because Geralt believes they have been spied on. And Regis is just...always soft with Dandelion. When Dandelion starts guessing about who is spying on them, and is beginning to ramble incorrectly,
“You’re mistaken, Dandelion,” Regis softly interjected.
The Tower of the Swallow p 182
It's Regis's gentleness that just fuckn kills me. That's always the character that's gonna get me right between the ribs with a shank. (Metaphorically, Regis is too gentle for that)the one that lives in a horror filled, violent, cruel world and is still just kind, even to the loud, awkward, soft, obnoxious poet who is in over his head and is afraid you'll bite him in his sleep and who shrieks when he is wounded.
Geralt and Dandelion are so sassy and old/married with each other, deeply, proudly loving in actions, but always bickering.
It's sweet to see Dandelion have a friendship like the one he has with Regis.
It is so nice to hear that the games continued his love of Regis. (I haven't played them, so I get my info about them from you guys XD)
So thanks again for following me and for the ask! I hope I've done ok answering. I also love Dandy's dynamic with Nenneke and ofc Yen, but I'll stop there.
Hope your week goes really well. x
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seancekitsch · 1 year
Can you do Jaskier catching you singing while doing something domestic?
it’s been a while but here it finally is!
Tumblr media
For Jaskier, hearing his own songs being sung to him isn’t out of the blue. Plenty of people sing along in taverns or forget the titles of his songs and sing a chorus or a verse or two to explain themselves to him. However he’s never heard a voice so lovely, with a tone so clear and timbre so sweet. And really, it’s not like he’s used to hearing any of this outside of a town.
Jaskier stares up at the trees that make his canopy, at the trees that shield the hansa from the elements and you all have slept more or less in a pile under for almost two days now.
“But the story is this: she’ll destroy with her sweet kiss,” the voice sings, and Jaskier sits up with a start, untangling the arms of Geralt, Regis, Milva, Angouleme, and Cahir off of him in their cold little huddle for warmth as they push further into the winter.
He looks about him, and counts. The only one missing… you.
He follows the sound of the voice, now correctly matched to you, the typically silent member of the Hansa; only loud when you argue with Angouleme over who gets the last bit of cheeseboard when you all can afford a tavern. More often thought you are silent, observing, and using it to your advantage when you can.
Jaskier rises from his spot and follows the sound of your voice like a siren’s song.
Your voice, your song- HIS song, leads him to nearest body of water, a small lake still ebbing and flowing before the cold sets in for the season. You’ve taken it upon yourself to grab everyone’s extra clothing from their bags and do some washing.
“I’m weak, my love, and I am wanting,” you sing, your tone growing… sad? as Jaskier approaches, he starts to hum along.
“If this is the path I must trudge-“
“I’ll welcome my sentence, give you my penance,” Jaskier finishes the line, and you jump, practically throwing yourself into the water.
“Sorry!” He grabs your shoulders gently, bracing you.
“Butchered that worse than Geralt would, I reckon,” you joke, peering up at him not shyly, but in that quiet defiance that sometimes shakes him to his core.
“No,” he responds, breathy and stunted like the song took the words from him, “Beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
Your lips ease into a smirk, your whole face softening at his words… the ones he realizes he just spoke.
“I mean- the song, your voice.”
“I’ll take those compliments, all of them,” you joke, and rise to stand with the finished laundry in your hands.
“But can you take these back to camp for me? I only have yours left to finish.”
Even his? He didn’t even notice his own clothing in a pile next to you,
“Why do you do this for us?”
“Easy, I don’t like when you all smell like horse and I don’t want to argue to make you do your own washing,” you answer, shrugging as you turn back to his clothes.
“I like this shirt on you,” you comment, pulling one from his pile.
“And the singing?” He asks, not at all wanting to move from his spot next to you.
“Favorite song of yours,” you respond, dunking the shirt into the water.
Jaskier looks back to the camp, noticing that finally the rest of the Hansa has begun to stir.
“Will you duet with me next time, then?” He asks, hopeful to get another chance to hear that rare voice.
“Maybe if you help me with the washing,” you retort, your smile telling him all he needs to know.
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bourbon-the-huckster · 7 months
anyway this is now a Grandpa Yermak stan account and here's why:
he's been living with the heartbreak of losing his wife and son when the bombs fell
he only stayed working for Hansa because he was afraid for the safety of his daughter, his last surviving family member, until she died of TB
continues working out of hopelessness, he has nowhere to go and nobody to turn to...
... until this one weird ranger who's supposed to be shot dead crawls up from under a manhole cover, in search of his wife, and suddenly there is hope
latches on to the smallest chance to change the status quo, to atone for how long he's been unwillingly complicit in Hansa's mass-murders
risks his life to help these two rangers whom he's only just met, because you know damn well that if anyone from Hansa caught him he'd be shot
he didn't have to do this! he could've let Artyom out of the room you start in, wished him luck, and stayed put! but he didn't!
becomes a vital and beloved (look at how sweet he is to Nastya!) part of the Aurora crew, the only reason the ol' gal keeps running
and, in a weird sort of way, finally gets to live-out his pre-war dream of travelling the railroads of Russia
in conclusion: i love this old man, i want to give him soup and listen to him tell all the stories he's definitely accumilated over the years :)
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endiness · 8 months
(the following contains book and show spoilers.)
i have to say, i think the main reason why radovid was aged up beyond the romance with jaskier was to provide redania with the stability it lacked in the books after vizimir was assassinated in order for the show to have a central pov for the north. because the show almost has that with philippa and dijkstra, but the one area that's really lacking — if the show stuck exactly to the books — is the war itself as redania was not in a place where it could fight until the end of the series. but aging radovid up old enough to be king should fix that issue by virtue of redania actually having a leader and therefore not falling into chaos. and even with that change, the show could still feature later issues redania runs into with the war just by having them run out of money by the end of the series and needing more and/or facing so many losses in their army that they need to hire more soldiers.
and within that whole idea, i can see the show using radovid as a substitute for other northern nobility and royalty. like, given the little that is known about radovid in the books and what philippa's plans in them are, the show could easily use radovid in tankred's role as both characters were almost betrothed to ciri in the books. (and i say this fully as a radskier shipper in radskier shipping mode, but i am still ✨ manifesting ✨ radovid being used as a daniel etcheverry replacement.) (also, like, insert speculation about radovid being jaskier's anna henrietta here.)
all of which is to say that i think it makes sense that the show would do something like that — having a central pov for the north and condensing things a bit — because it is a tv show, and one with only 8 episodes per season at that, and as such there's a limited amount of time to work with. the show's focus just with next season alone will already be split enough as it is between geralt, jaskier, and the hansa; ciri and the rats (and bonhart); yennefer and the lodge; francesca and the elves and the scoia'tael; and nilfgaard with emhyr (plus wherever vilgefortz may fall into.) philippa, dijkstra, and king!radovid round out a northern pov — the one pov that's missing — without having to split the focus even more if the rest of the northern nations were really featured. (just to say: i don't think that means the show will erase the rest of the nations, i just think that when it comes to having a central one to focus on, it'll likely be redania.)
(also just to add: i think radovid being aged up old enough to be king likely has to do with philippa, too, and her storyline — or lack thereof. because yennefer has largely taken her role in the lodge, so she kind of needs another storyline to focus on. at least initially, anyway, as i suspect yennefer will eventually leave the lodge to go to skellige and try to find ciri. but in the meantime, philippa still needs a plot and puppeting king radovid makes sense given everything that happened last season.)
but just to bring it back around to the radskier of it all... i think these reasons are why it does make sense that the show would make them love interests. jaskier is already connected to redania by virtue of being the sandpiper, so they have completely feasible reasons to know of each other, meet each other, and fall for each other — and all without taking up time introducing someone that would never have the same political impact and ramifications to the plot that radovid does by being older. (which i do still largely think was the point of aging him up.)
and then there's how their relationship will affect everything in the future — and we know per lauren that their relationship is going to have ripple effects in the future. i know there's been some speculation that losing jaskier on top of everything else will turn radovid ~evil, but i think that's speculation largely based off of the games — which the show has nothing to do with. i think what will happen is actually the opposite and that radovid will try and do his best to remain a good person and a good king — which imo also makes the most narrative sense, too, given that the place we last left off with them was radovid basically vowing to jaskier that he would prove himself to him. he can't exactly do that in person anymore, but he can still try to prove himself to jaskier even if he’s not with him.
plus i still think that the show hasn't based radovid solely off the stern, either, and that he'll end up being more of an amalgamation of all of the king radovids throughout redania's history. and as far as i know, no one on the show has ever confirmed which radovid he's supposed to be based off of and the only thing we do know is that lauren said he's a character that "continues to show up in the books." but that's a description that fits the stern, the bold, and the great. so i think it's entirely possible that through having met jaskier and falling for him, radovid will end up as the great rather than the stern. (also something something radovid, like the bold, going to kovir.)
and just as far as jaskier's side of things go... obviously there's speculation about radovid being jaskier's anna henrietta. which imo does have merit given radovid's status in society and how what we saw of their relationship in s3 fits the picture (and even the timeline, if only vaguely) of jaskier and anna henrietta's romance prior to the books. i don't know how the logistics of it would work exactly, but i think it's completely possible that when jaskier and geralt (+hansa) separate that jaskier somehow stays with radovid. because jaskier really does need to be put on a busTM to escape the fate of the rest of the hansa, and radovid fulfils the same role of jaskier's love interest that anna henrietta did.
and just for one last thing. but it includes season 4 spoilers. like, for real writer's room spoilers. so, y'know, beware of the following if you're trying to avoid those.
imo the leak that happened already kind of proves at least some of my speculation and theories, specifically about radovid and redania being used as a central pov for the north. because they say radovid will lead the troops out into battle when geralt and jaskier escape the northern army camp. but in the books, the forces at the northern army camp were from cintra and temeria. but in the show, the only forces we know for sure are there are from redania as radovid is the one leading them. so either redania has replaced both forces (i don’t see this as likely as the show could’ve just said ‘redanian army camp’ if it were only them, but it’s referred to as ‘the northern army camp’ which implies multiple northern forces), they're there in addition to both forces, or they've replaced one of the forces — likely temeria. either way, it probably means that radovid will either be there as a daniel etcheverry replacement or a vissegerd replacement.
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yellowspiralbound · 1 year
Since season 3 of The Witcher Netflix comes out tomorrow...here are some of my concerns on adaptation from this season onward. Potential spoilers for the future seasons and definite spoilers for the books. Long post ahead.
The Hansa's Dynamic
I am so worried about how the Hansa is going to be handled in the show. Like shaking in my boots terrified. The showrunners already really messed up Dandelion & Geralt's dynamic...and that's one of the easier dynamics present in the Hansa imo. The dynamic is already going to be screwy because Cahir is a middle aged man and not a petulant teenager if he's present in the Hansa at all (though I think he will be since Emhyr called him and Fringilla out at the end of s2).
Emhyr as a Character
Speaking of Emhyr...I think they might attempt to give him a redemption arc, and I cannot emphasize how bad of an idea that is. They're going to retcon the whole "wanting to impregnate Ciri" bit, which I have mixed feelings on. Like yes, on one hand that's fucking gross but on the other hand, that bit is in there to show how fucked up Emhyr is and why Geralt needs to get to Ciri so quickly; it adds a sense of urgency to the Hansa's travels. If I see Emhyr sympathizers on my dash after this season I will lose my fucking mind.
Milva's Pregnancy & Related Scenes
I suspect that Milva's pregnancy is going to be cut entirely or play up the rest of the Hansa's concern for her as a weird "men think they can control women's bodies" thing which Milva will have to fight with them about so the show can be appropriately pro-choice without exploring any of the pro-choice nuance the books bring up. I can just see Regis talking to the guys about it being turned into a "the father deserves a say in a woman's choice to abort" scenario instead of the "I will give this woman her abortion regardless of what you all think about that (and I've made that VERY clear) but I think she's making this choice because she believes you all will abandon her/not support her if she wants to keep this baby and someone needs to make sure that she knows that won't happen" scenario that it actually is. This is also plays into my concerns about the Hansa's dynamic as changing that scene changes it irreparably.
Characterizing Nilfgaard as a Nation
Right now I feel like the show could go one of two ways 1) Nilfgaard is wrong in everything it does or 2) Nilfgaard is right in everything it does (if Emhyr gets a redemption arc). The show has already made a show of the Northern Realms' racism, which is book accurate mind you, but I fear this will translate to a sort of "Nilfgaard is the better nation as its less racist" scenario. While Nilfgaard is better in that aspect and a few others, it is still a militant slave nation. Nilfgaard and the Northern Realms both have their evils and their virtues; that's a big point in the books and the games. Neither nation is 100% good or 100% bad - they're just nations. I don't think the show will be able to handle that kind of nuance.
Jaskier & Radovid...
Apparently, Radovid is supposed to be one of Jask's love interests this season. Radovid is a massive racist, a war criminal, and a teenager. I'm sure all of that's going to be retconned but for fuck's sake just make a new character if you're going to age up and completely change the personality and insanity of an existing one. Important note: I am 1000% in support of queer Jask. I have never shipped that man with a woman in my life (even in the books and games) but for the love of God why did his LI have to be fucking RADOVID??
Mistle & the Rats
If they make Ciri and Mistle a love story, I am going to be disappointed but not surprised. Let me be clear: Mistle is a rapist and an abuser. I suspect they will change that to shoehorn in a queer relationship (even though Triss and Philippa are RIGHT THERE if they want a semi-canon wlw couple). The Rats as a whole are definitely going to be made into more robinhood-like characters because God forbid a main character like Ciri is morally grey or does questionable/bad things.
Geralt's Disability
If this season ends with the Vilgefortz and Geralt fight, as I suspect it might, Geralt will be disabled permanently by the end of this season. The dryads do not fix it. Magic does not fix it. Geralt becomes disabled and stays disabled. His disability becomes a hindrance during the books and the reader actively sees him grapple with the fallout of this. I do not trust this show to handle that - especially with how much more closed off Geralt is in the show compared to the books. If I had to guess, Geralt's disability will be handwaved away or mentioned in passing and never actually shown to impact him which is not cool.
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ae-azile · 3 months
Progression: Chapter 30 Preview
Running a bit late on chapter 30, but hope to get it done in the next couple of days. Until then, here is another sneak peak! It is told from one of Arm's three year old niece's point of view.
Sneak peak below cut:
This place is FANCY. Their old house wasn't like this! Priyja is so excited!!!
“Now that Uncle Arm is gone, let’s explore! He won't catch on and come find us!” Tida whispers. It's early. If they leave the suite, Mama will get mad. But Priyja doesn't care. Mama said she would love them and take care of them no matter what. She’ll do the same if they sneak out and explore super early in the morning.
“We can go down to the kitchen and see if they will give us breakfast!” Priyja whispers as she gets out of her bed, “Let’s go now!”
“We gotta brush our teeth first!”
Priyja doesn't see the point if they are going to eat breakfast and get food in them anyway. Why can't they brush after breakfast like they sometimes do?
“No!” Priyja says, then crosses her arms defiantly. Tida drags her to the bathroom anyway. Priyja only relents when Tida sticks the toothpaste covered toothbrush in her mouth. It's annoying and pointless if they are going to get food from the kitchen, but she will humor her sister.
“Let's go,” Priyja says once they are finished. This time, Tida agrees.
They sneak to the elevator without being detected. It’s a little easier with Uncle Khun and Uncle Arm being on their trip, but Auntie Hansa, Auntie Nalin, and Auntie Preeda all live close by too. Auntie Preeda seems to always know when they are up to no good, just like Uncle Arm does. It's annoying. They have to be EXTRA careful. They are getting better about that. They make it to the elevator without anyone interrupting their plans.
“Maybe we should sneak food from the kitchen,” Tida whispers as they crouch down in the elevator, “Make sure no one sees us.”
Priyja nods in agreement. They should avoid getting detected for as long as possible. As practice. If they hear Mama is scared and worried, they will come right back. But they are big girls now, and big girls explore.
So that's what they do! They sneak around and get food from the kitchen without anyone seeing. It's still REALLY early. The sun isn't even up yet, and Mama probably isn't either. So while they still have complete freedom, they find a sitting room, act like they are having a fancy lunch, and practice their secret language. They came up with it themselves a long time ago, but now they are trying to make it even bigger so they can talk about everything!
“Yom Rok Oglebay Belt-ka,” Tida suggests.
“Gear-Rum Magletoff Hom,” Priyja responds. It really is a good idea, but Priyja is only going to agree if they can both wear purple.
But before Tida can agree or suggest a compromise, they hear a man clearing his throat, causing them to turn their heads.
“I believe you have taken residence in my morning sitting room,” Korn says as he walks in to sit over on the couch with a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in another, “Is your mother or one of your aunts around?”
Priyja is hesitant to answer. Uncle Arm made it clear to stay away from Korn if they could help it. He told them not to be disrespectful, but to never trust him.
But he seems nice enough at the moment. He isn't going off and telling Mama. Priyja supposes he can stay in their new tea party room for now.
But her opinion on him changes when he reaches for his phone in his pocket, “I will put out a notification and have a guard escort you back-”
“But we’re having fun!” Tida shouts, getting to her feet to stomp, “You're mean!”
Korn chuckles at that. Priyja has a feeling Korn secretly enjoys being mean.
They will need to handle this differently.
“ Sech vae toon unta makay,” she tells her, causing Korn to pause. He's probably pretty smart. Priyja can tell.
But he isn't as smart as them. When she glances over at the chess table by the window, she decides she is going to prove it.
“Come on!” She says, taking the paper away from him to pull on his hand, “We want to play chess with you!”
“It's our favorite!” Tida agrees, pushing at Korn's waist.
“For some reason, I feel like that isn't quite true,” Korn says, but seems okay with being moved towards the table, “However, if you would like me to teach you the basics, I would be happy to.”
Ugh. Grown-ups can be so annoying sometimes.
“Play,” Tida demands as she climbs up on the side with the black pawns. Priyja joins her on the chair and waits. Korn eventually learns his place and sits on the other side.
“The pawns can move one or two squares forward for the first move, but can only move one square after that,” Korn says pointlessly, moving his center pawn two pieces. Priyja holds back the desire to roll her eyes.
“He's really smart!” Priyja says to Tida instead, then grins, “Maro tolas minco alloine.”
As Tida grins back, Priyja knows they are on the same page. They make a couple of rookie moves at first - ones that likely surprise Korn. For some reason, he thought they couldn't actually play!
They’ll show him.
“Bast,” Priyja tells Tida. Tida must feel the same on the next move since she picks up the knight and immediately takes Korn's bishop. Korn briefly looks stunned, but also seems to be more aware of what he may be dealing with. His moves become more calculating and aggressive after that.
Priyja personally thinks he just comes off as silly.
“Kutch puck long,” Tida says, as if she doesn't know that already. Within three moves, Priyja captures Korn’s queen and lets out a squeal! Tida does as well and they both get up to dance out their victory.
“We won!” Tida says, shimmying over to Korn in her bare feet, her nightgown swaying back and forth, “We’re good at chess, huh?”
“We beat you, so that means this is our sitting room now,” Priyja says, dancing over to him as well, “You gotta say yes. It's the rules-”
“One more game,” Korn says, determination in his voice as he puts the pieces back in place. Priyja glances at Tida at that point. She doesn't know why Korn wants to lose again.
“How did you do that? I demand to know,” Korn asks them, almost sounding accusatory. He sort of sounds like Mama when they get into her makeup and wash it off before she can prove they actually did anything wrong.
“You're really funny!” Tida says with delight. Priyja bursts into giggles as well and they both come over to throw themselves over his lap and laugh into his knees.
Uncle Arm and everyone else said to be careful around Korn, but Priyja isn't scared of him at all. He is going to be so much fun to mess with. Priyja can't wait to beat him at every single game there is!
“Plya tarrondo goff,” Priyja says to her twin. As Tida nods in response, Priyja knows Tida is happy they moved here too.
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
Sorry for this stupid question, but I haven't watched or played Witcher (but planning some day at least to watch it) so I think you'll understand me 😅
I saw you reblog at first a lot of Witcher x that young boy (sorry, I have literally no idea what's his name is but he sings cools songs)
And now I'm seeing Witcher x another old man about which I know even less than nothing
Maybe I'm being stupid or something, but these guys are one from the series and another from the game? Idk cuz I knew only about Witcher x young boy and now I'm seeing that old guy and I'm confused because you just haven't reblogged it before and your reblogs are the only thing that teaches me about the Witcher. Idk when I'll watch series, but here's the question. WHO SHOULD I SHIP BRO JUST SEEING THEIR PICTURES AND HAVING NO IDEA WHO ARE THEY BUT STILL CARE FOR THEIR GOOD???
It’s not a stupid question! I’m happy to explain.
The first one is Geralt (witcher) x Jaskier (younger man who is a bard), and most fan-content of them portrays Jaskier the way the Netflix series portrays him. He is an adult, but most people tend to ignore the age gap because fantasy world (Geralt is close to 80 when he meets Jaskier in the show, but doesn’t look it). Plus, henry cavill and joey batey (actors) are close to the same age, so people tend not to think about it.
Jaskier is based off of Dandelion from the original witcher books. In the books, we don’t get to see how Geralt and Dandelion meet, because Dandelion is almost 40 and has reunited with Geralt for the duration of the books.
Another character in the books, that Geralt meets later on, is Regis (the old man). They get along very well, and Regis ends up traveling with Geralt, Dandelion, and a few other people in a group called the hansa. The way they interact is often flirty and sometimes homoerotic. Eventually it’s revealed that Regis is a higher vampire (very powerful and potentially very dangerous), and he and Geralt have a bit of a falling out, but that only lasts about 15 pages or so before he’s back with them.
Regis appears again in the Blood and Wine DLC of the third witcher game (the one I’ve played), where he and Geralt reunite as old friends before advancing the plot together. Regis is not in the Netflix series as of now.
Another character in the games that I’ve been posting about is Vernon Roche (but I wasn’t sure if you were referencing him at all). He’s a major character in the second game and comes back in the third. He’s the commander of the Blue Stripes, a Temerian (country) special forces unit designed to combat the Scoia’tael (a group of elven bandits from the books; they appear in both the second and third games, but much more heavily in the second). I’m not actually sure how old he is, but he’s more middle-aged than Jaskier or Regis.
As for the reasons I ship all of these different couples, it just comes down to a few things:
- I watched the Netflix series first, and therefore started off my witcher hyperfixation and subsequent reblog spree with Geralt x Jaskier. Later on, I learned about the book series, and fell in love with Regis, which led to the beginning of my Geralt x Regis reblog spree, continued vitally by me playing the witcher 3 and loving him even more. Then I made a super awesome friend who shared their love of Geralt x Roche.
- All of these characters, in my opinion, can make Geralt feel safer, happier, and more comfortable with emotional vulnerability. (This is also why I don’t enjoy the ships with the sorceresses, but that’s another post). I enjoy all of these ships because Geralt is an amazing, dynamic character whose relationships with others provide lots of space for good feelings and creative expression.
- I don’t stop shipping any of them when I have a burst of love for one of the ships in particular.
As for who you should ship, I can’t make that decision for you! I’d recommend engaging with at least one witcher series, be it Netflix, books, or the games (or the 2002 Polish Hexer series, which is low budget but made with so much love) and then deciding whose dynamic makes you the happiest! Fandom should be fun, shipping should be fun, so my advice is to just have fun.
Hope this helps! If you want to know anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out. :)
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Part of the family
Well, this is a subject I'll always come back to, it seems. But when I am in a dark mood, I just need my blorbo to be loved and having all the cuddles, but he is not, so I am 😫.
I wish a lot of things for S3, but I am not waiting for them. Things will grandly depend on the thematics chosen for the main arcs. But there is one little thing I need, it's Jaskier's kind of belonging with Geralt and his "family". It's time for him to be accepted. I don't want it to happen in the hansa only.
Don't get me wrong, I love the hansa ! But I will find it heartbreaking that the only way Jaskier can be part of any group with Geralt is when everyone in it is the strangest person you would choose to be part of it.
Even if he is too "noisy" sometimes, in the books, Jaskier has no problem to fit in groups with Geralt.
That family rejection is something that irritated me a lot on the show. Because we saw a more open Geralt, calling people friends, smiling at them, caring and sharing. That was lovely. But then when Jaskier is back in his life (because Geralt chose to, may I add), nothing applies anymore for him. Sure there is the hug and the little smile. We understand that he trusts the bard. We have lovely glimpses like in S1, but where is the new Geralt with him. He is just as closed as before in front him. Like, he knows how to navigate his shenanigans to get what he needs but that's all the way he would go to connect with him.
And the bad part is that Jaskier had learnt his lesson from the mountain. He knows when to step back, when to really shut up, while he is around him. He was WAY more intrusive in S1.
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In S2, he is waiting more of a clear signal that he can actually interact with him and don't overstep the threshold as much as he used to. So why he isn't rewarded for his efforts. It's like telling him he is still too big and annoying or strange.
Harder, the only moments he tries to push a little bit to connect with people navigating around Geralt, he is pushed out. The dwarves (I wish we could have a Yarpen Zigrin more like in the books btw), Ciri and the witchers.
It's pretty clear to me, from S1, that Jaskier wants to be part of Geralt's world. So, even if it's a broken family, we see Jaskier trying but he's received nothing but clear rejection.
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That infamous no will always hurt me.
"Family" is one of the biggest theme of S2. I mean we see everyone struggling to find where they belong, how they find purpose in this world, etc. And this is great. I liked that overall. But why always is Jaskier the one who fails ?
It makes me wonder. Was Geralt more open to the others because they are more like him ? Does it make Jaskier the only weirdo within his world ?
Weird uncle Jaskier
I began to write this post after clipping Joey saying that he is the "drunken uncle Jaskier" in Lucca Comics and Games interview. And I remembered he said something similar in others occasions.
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Source [x] and [x]
This is something Joey said about the dynamic within Geralt found family in S2 and with Ciri. I have the feeling that this is what we will get in the end. I mean if being the "weird one" can give him a place then it's already something BUT if there is no disdain or mockery, which I doubt.
Of course, Jaskier is always a bit off. He is not like any of them. But for me the weirdness is in the combination, not on Jaskier's side only. I feel like they found some balance with Yennefer and him, so why not with the others. One can only hope.
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In the books, he is simply alcoholic because well.. he is. In the series, it goes more into his emotional state, especially brokenhearted. So... Something about the acknowledgement that Jaskier is the "drunk uncle" makes this more bittersweet to me. (Sorry for the extra potato gif - source [x])
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astaldis · 1 year
A most interesting read
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@cake-shop-rarepair-bingo​    @witchermonstermayhem​
Prompts: Reading Aloud, Write a fic based on a local legend, Grim giants
Fandom: The Witcher (TV, novels)
Pairings: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members, Maria Barring | Milva & Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 2520
"Cahir, you can read, can't you?" Milva suddenly asks out of the blue while they are sitting by the campfire together. It is a nice evening, not raining for once, and two fat rabbits on spits are roasting over the fire. With a grumpy expression, Geralt is perched on a tree stub across the fire sharpening his sword, as far away from Cahir as possible, nothing new here. Regis is off somewhere in the woods to collect herbs and mushrooms, and Jaskier is busy close by scribbling something into this inevitable scroll of his that he is so secretive about.
"Yes. Why?"
"Because I can't. But I have this book."
"It'll soon be dark, Milva."
"It's a thin book. Will you read it for me? There's still plenty of time before those bunnies are done. Please?"
"It's not a romance, I hope?"
"How would I know? I can't read!"
"Alright, then. We'll see what it is, I suspect."
"Just one moment," Mila says, almost jumping to her feet with excitement. She fishes a little bundle from deep inside her saddlebag. She unwrapps it. A thin, leather bound book emerges, no, more a booklet than a book. Tenderly, she strokes across its binding with the fingers of one hand before she passes it to Cahir.
"It's a children's book," he says, surprised.
"What if it is? My father bought it for me because of the picture. It's the only thing I have to remember him by."
"Didn't you say your father died when you were a kid? You've had the book for years and nobody has ever read it out for you?"
"There was never the time, or the right person. I want it to be special." Cahir raises his eyebrow questioningly. However, Milva does not elaborate.
He opens the booklet. On the first page there is a beautifully crafted, somewhat scary looking illustration. In the centre a horrible giant hurling rocks at frightened people. A devilish face crowned by a pair of pointed horns is peeking out from behind a gnarly oak tree on the left, wiggling its forked tongue at the desperate humans. Not a picture you would expect to see in a tale of love, and neither in a fluffy children's bedtime story. Looks like an exciting legend or heroic adventure. The script is big and easy to read even in the falling twilight of the evening.
"Once upon a time there was an evil giant by the name of Mils," Cahir begins.
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47385469
This is the Mountain called Milseburg after the Giant Mils, it’s about 25 km from where I live. How the mountain came into being is one of the most famous local legends here.
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essskel · 2 years
Hi, always a pleasure to read your analysis on the witcher' characters but I have a feeling you may going a little too far in the over interpretation of things. I don't think there is any inversion or mirroring in the characters design Sapkowski created. He just…create them (and a lot of them), and he had a lot of fun doing so (and he is very good at it) and then he just trow them away or keep them in the story but they are sometimes damaged because the plot needed it, specially in the second part of the saga.
And that's why I disagree a little bit on this shema. Dandelion is absolutly the "pillar of support that Geralt has" as you beautiffuly said but he appears to me like this since the first book and short stories and there is no really character evolution on this point. And how you interpret that Sapko make him stay in Toussaint instead of helping Geralt and the rest of the Hansa for the final and decisive act? (except that Sapko loves more than anything else than bringing his characters where you didn't expect them to be). And he has regrets, I disagree. On that beach of the lake, in the fog, he saw the members of the Hansa which (my interpretation) symbolize his guilt to not have been with them in this decisive time when they died.
And it lead us to Triss who is seing Coral in the meantime. Dandelion see the Hansa, Triss see Coral. Same guilt, but here it bring Triss to Sodden where she performed so pourly and where she thought maybe Coral died instead of her. Are Dandelion think that Cahir, Milva, Angoulème died instead if him?
Triss is incredibly frustrating to read, I so agree with you, specially after Thanned. The reader always feel this incredible gap between what she could do and be and what she actually is and do. This gap accuentuates the feeling of her doing nothing but actually that"s not completly true. Aside of what she did for Ciri, Sapko uses her as the "agent" of Yen and Geralt complicated reunion. Her participation in the northern kingdom counter coup at Thanned, if it has succed would have put Vilgefortz and Nilfgaard out of the picture and it would have been an incredible service to Ciri, Geralt and Yen..but it would have reinforce Philippa ambition which..is not good. At the end of the coup, as wouded and without magic, she drags a dying Geralt trhough half Thanned until she bumps into Tissaia. Which is weird for a character who is mostly remember for her weakness and cowardice. Tissaia actually told her that everyone has already flee. Actually she is the only character of the saga who save Geralt life and Yen life (when she drags an incoucious Yen out of the angry crowd in Rivia before they triggered the storm), that's a kind of paradox! Still, the megascope scene in TotS with Yen and Philippa is such a climax that it seems to be the photography of her character but, is it? She is doing nothing to help them since the formation of the lodge until this scene, but actually, she tried some things in the background after that, looking for Yen in Skelligue, going to Ellander to perform some ritual/transe to locate them etc…. I mean, only Fringilla is doing something positive (and also negative), even Rita who everyone seems to love is doing absolutly nothing. So, yeah, don't you think you are going a little but too far with Triss. I mean she deserves all the criticisms when it's needed but god knows that she deserves it but she is also doing good things even if yes, most of the time nothing comes from it, specially for a character who the self awaressness of her own weakness strike me in the saga and that since the beginning and seems so uncommon for a mage, she is not Yennefer, but who is like Yennefer? does it make her so awfull?
Could have wrote more, but I will stop annoying you with my wall of text :). Thank you again for your thoughtfull insights. I love them! Even If sometimes I
Thanks for reaching out! These are great questions and a compelling summary of Triss' more valiant moments, but I say this without malice, I don’t think you’ve changed my mind.
I’m gonna try to keep this concise and stick to bullet points, but we’ll see how I do:
Link to original post for those wondering
I’ve been known to reach before, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to compare two characters who are introduced as the hero and heroine’s best friends. That’s the function of their characters that I was comparing, not Triss as a mage and Dandelion as a Bard, but how Triss acted as Yennefer’s best friend of old, versus how Dandelion acted as Geralt’s.
--I’m not saying Triss is a cold-cut villain at all, she’s hardly even the worst of the lodge, but when you put her directly against Dandelion, it’s hard to make excuses for her treatment of Yen.
--They are periodically paired against each other in the text, and often these pairings are contrasts when analyzed (hell, they’re both named after flowers). I don’t think Sapkowski wrote the books as a puzzle, or that he wrote Triss and Dandelion simply to be opposites, he was having fun and telling a story, but he also wasn’t shooting blind, his use of symbolism, wordplay, cross-literary reference, trope subversion, and character mirroring/inversion are in play and worth discussing.
--It’s not strange to say that Yen and Geralt mirror each other in an overarching sense, so why not apply the same framework to their closest companions?
This is not a complete list, also I wrote this in class so a little unorganized:
--Triss’ backstory is of sodden, she’s a heroic, traumatized, and frightened survivor who’s going to do everything she can to not face death again, Dandelion’s backstory is idyllic, privileged, and a bit (a lot) indulgent, he’s walking towards death not knowing how poorly it will treat him or what he will lose, Triss is running from death knowing exactly what it feels like.
--(In Blood of Elves) Dandelion is pushed by Rience to give up Geralt and Ciri but stays loyal, Triss is pushed by Phillippa to turn on Yen and Ciri and does so for long enough to do damage.
--Yen comes to Dandelion’s rescue in Blood of Elves when he’s captured by Rience and his motives are overtaken with Geralt and Ciri’s safety, Triss is called to Geralt’s aid a few pages later and - yes, she’s helpful to Ciri 100% - but her obsession with Geralt is obnoxiously centered. (This is early in the story, they’re more similar in Blood of Elves, but it only makes their respective trajectories more stark)
--Triss flees a scene of chaos and danger at Thanned to take Geralt to Brokolin, but chooses to leave him there and go back on the run, Dandelion gives up his comfortable life to risk his ass entering Brokolin for Geralt, and then swears truthfully to stay with him.
--Dandelion uses Yen as a muse for his ballads, but never pursues her romantically, Triss….does all of that
--On a wider scale, Triss spends a lot of her energy searching for Yen because she’s lost her in every sense, Geralt literally cannot lose Dandelion and he does try lol.
--(Jumping to Lady of the Lake bc I can’t get into everything to do with Triss’ arc with the lodge vs Dandy’s with the hansa) Triss and Dandelion accompany their friends on their funeral march, Triss has come crawling back from a literal minor villain arc and the near complete loss of Yen’s trust for her, Dandelion accompanies Geralt as a shared mourner for the hansa and a closer and more complex friend that he’s ever been.
--Then, as I was focussing on earlier, Triss watches the funeral knowing damn well that she made the tragedy far more painful than Yen deserved, Dandelion watches knowing that he did all he could (that to me is why it’s a tragedy, this violence and this loss was truly inevitable)
--Additionally, I respect your interpretation, but to me, I’ve never thought that Dandelion regretted not going to Stygga. Twice, he very lucidly insists that he doesn’t want to go in LOTL and why. He knows they’re riding into a deadly fight and he knows that he’d be useless in this stage, he knows he’s better off in Toussaint. I don’t think he wants or is very willing to die either, he regrets and mourns that the hansa is gone, but I never got the feeling that he later wanted to go with them, he lives to tell their story and make their sacrifices long-lived and respected, and I can’t imagine that he’d want to do anything else with their loss.
From a more structural standpoint, Sapkowski had already revealed through flashforward and text excerpts of Dandelion’s later writing that he survives the saga. We as readers know this, which makes his sudden departure sinister because now the plot-armor guy is gone - anything can happen.
Dandelion could have gone to Stygga and either survived unbelievably in a way that broke the reader’s immersion, or died instantly and been absent in Geralt’s final days when he needed companionship and support. Dandelion’s refusal to ride for Stygga is a momentary (and well-earned) break in his loyalty that allows for his critical role as Geralt (and Yen, and the hansa’s) eulogist.
To finish, character analysis is nearly always going to be opinionated and reflective of personal readings. Triss and Dandelion are probably my favorite characters, and I look more deeply and speak more passionately about their narrative functions and relationship to each other because of this. I personally have observed patterns of inversion, and I was given an ending where they’re standing next to each other at a funeral, yet spent the saga impacting and guiding the dead in vastly different ways, so that’s what I had to say about it.
I know that you and everyone else are going to have their own readings of this story, I like that, it’s fun, I don’t mind being disagreed with, and I’d find it strange if I wasn’t. However, I really believe that in this case, I wasn’t tin-hatting any more than I usually do, and if I’m being honest I felt for a bit that you were speaking down to me, which was rough. I love to talk about these characters and what you think about them, but please also know that I do value the text, and that I post meta and analysis primarily because I enjoy it. That's all it is at the end of the day, I'm a forest scientist having fun with a fantasy saga.
Hope that answers your questions and clears up some of the vagueness of my original post! Thanks again!
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santmat · 1 year
Light and Sound on The Path: Mystic Poetry of Baba Somanath, Sant Namdev, Soami Ji Maharaj, and Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram -- Sant Mat Radhasoami
Master Blog Archive RSS Feed (for those wishing to subscribe and follow via RSS): 
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Mystic Poetry (Bhajan, Hymn) of Baba Somanath: O beloved ones, repeat the Simran of Naam, Otherwise your life will be spoiled.
Naama sumirana karale pyaare
Nahi to hoya khuwaari (refrain)
O beloved ones, repeat the Simran of Naam,
Otherwise your life will be spoiled.
Kaama kalpanaa chora jaga se, hoya raho tuma nyaari
Cast out fantasies of desire from your heart;
Remain detached from this outer world.
Dhyaana guru kaa dhaara tu, jaise chandra chakoraa
Nirakhata raho nisadina, aatha hi praharaa
Hoi hai dyaala to kari hai nihaala
Pala me deya ubaari (1)
Contemplate on the Guru as the moonbird gazes at the moon;
Maintain your watch all the hours of the day and night.
When He becomes gracious, He showers His blessing on you,
And in an instant you attain salvation.
Dhru, Pralhaada, Vibhishana, aur Bhilani Shivari
Ganika Ajaamila jaise paapi naama anekana taari
Patita paavana naama nirmala
Tuma kyon chale bisaari (2)
Dhru, Prahlad, Vibhishana, 30 and Bhilni Shivari were saved.
His Naam liberated countless sinners like Ganika, the prostitute, and Ajamila, the sinner. 31 
The Immaculate Naam is the purifier of the fallen ones.
Why do you persist in your forgetfulness?
Nita nema kara prema se, svaasa svaasa ura dhaari
Chita dvai nainana madhye, sthira kara samhaari
Dhuna dhadhakaara hotaa jahaa
Ghantaa naada jhanakaari (3)
Constantly meditate with true love; with each and every breath, cherish the Naam in your heart.
Fix your attention between the two eyes; become firm and concentrate within.
Where the Dhun is resounding,
You will hear the peeling of Celestial Bells.
Dala sahasra kanvala ke paarachala, kaala kalaa saba haari
Sthula sukshama kaarana shariraa, mana na maayaa thahari
Sthaan trikuti brahma langa ke,
Manasarovara naahari (4)
When you travel to the regions beyond the Thousand-Petaled Lotus, the tricks of Kal are all conquered.
Rising above the physical, astral, and causal bodies, neither mind nor Maya remain.
Crossing over Trikuti, the region of Brahma, bathe in the waters of Mansarovar.
Hansa hoya sataloka sidhaare, satta purusha hi nihaare
Nita hota bina dhuna jahaa, satta hi satta pukaare
Bhaja Somanaatha naama niraamaya
Guru prataapa te huye nyaare (5)
The swan-bird of the soul departs for Sat Lok, where it beholds Sat Purush, the True Lord.
The music of the veena reverberates perpetually on the air.
In that Realm, the Truth of Truth calls forth.
Somanath says: “Repeat the Immaculate Naam.
Through the glory of the Guru, you will become free from this world.”
Hear It Being Sung by Baba Somanath: Audio: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/19h5GIfdiAx0tonC4-lzlma5gabOZSUoh
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Mystic Verses of Sant Namdev from Three Sources
Namdev advises to accept divine instruction so that humanity may be contented and happy:
When I sing of God, then I behold Him;
Then I, His servant, obtain contentment.
Accept divine instruction, 0 man;
the true guru shall cause thee
to meet God.
Where the heavenly Light shineth,
There playeth spontaneous Music.
'God's Light is all-pervading'--
By the guru's favour I know that.
In the chamber of the heart are jewels
Which glitter there like lightning.
God is near, not distant,
And His Spirit completely filleth mine.
Where the inextinguishable sun of God's Word shineth,
There earthly lamps grow pale:
Through the guru's favour I have know this.
God's slave Nama hath been easily absorbed in Him.
-- Sant Namdev, Vani of Namdev quoted in, "Sant Namdev -- The Facts of His Religious Ideology", O.P. Ralhan, Anmol Publications, New Delhi
I Shall Never Forget the Lord Now
I shall never forget the Lord now,
I shall keep him clasped to my heart.
Were I to forget him, I should indeed lose all I have.
Every moment I offer my body and mind to the Lord,
Never for a moment do I let him go from my mind.
With every breath I drink the nectar of his remembrance --
This beggar thrives on the nectar of the Lord's Name.
Engrossed in his love, I keep repeating his sweet Name.
Were I to forget him, I would certainly come to grief.
Says Namdev, I shall never fix my hope on any but him.
I shall lay down my life to attain the wealth of his Name.
-- Sant Namdev, "Saint Namdev", translated by J.R. Puri, V.K. Sethi
It is your Music
I hear
0 Lord.
The rhythm of drums
and vina.
The supreme moment
has come.
I had chains around
my feet.
But now I have no fear
of this ocean of samsara [world of changes].
I looked within
and perfected devotion
says Namdev.
Govind [God] is right
My heart dwells
at his feet.
Never will I give up
my love for him.
Let people laugh
all they wish.
Govind's [God's] name
will take you across
the ocean of samsara.
Why work yourself
to death
for the falsehood
of maya [illusion]?
A man will stake his life
for his money.
Should a bhakta [lover of the Beloved] not cherish
his love?
All that I want
is to please Ram [God]
says Namdev.
-- Sant Namdev,
"The Hindi Padavali",
Winand M. Callewaert translation
Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi
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Beloved Radhasoami (Lord of All Souls) is Your Protector
Some selections of Radhaswami hymns found in the book, "Niyamawali," published in Agra, India:  
Guru is my Father and Mother. Who can describe His glory and eminence?
Beloved, merciful to the humble, Radhasoami, does good to my soul every moment. (Prem Bani Radhasoami, Huzur Maharaj)
0 Jiva [soul]! Why do you worry? Beloved Radhasoami is your protector. When you were born, He arranged milk for your feed and had your mother bring you up. He took care of you in every way and attracted you to His Holy Feet.
He provided you with all the pleasures of the senses and showed you the transitory nature of the world. He then drew you to Satsang and gave out to you the secrets and mysteries of the Nij Ghar (True Home). By His grace and mercy, go up and open the Tenth Door.
He improves your understanding by His discourses. He lets you examine the true nature of the mind, enabling you to give up your entanglements, delusions and adherences to past beliefs. He applies your Surat [Soul's Attention] to Shabd [inner Current of Sound and Light]. Ascend to higher regions and see beautiful scenes.
He makes the bell and the conch audible to you in Sahas-dal-kanwal [Thousand Petaled Lotus]. He shows you the splendor of Guru in Trikuti [Causal Plane, second inner Region]. See moonlight in the expanse of Sunn, and, reaching the perfect region beyond Bhanwargupha, perform Arti of Sat Guru.
Taking a telescope from Sat Purush, proceed to Alakh and Agam. Beyond lies the infinite Radhasoami Dham. Behold it and be enriched place your head at His Holy Feet. (Prem Bani Radhasoami, Huzur Maharaj)
Have patience. Do not be dejected. Fix your Attention on, and absorb yourself in the Holy Form of Guru. Always sing His praises. Make no excuses. This should be your aim, just as the Papiha (the sparrow hawk) patiently waits in expectation of the Swanti rain with a fixed aim.
Direct your Attention inward, do not allow it to flow out anywhere else. Put up with every thing inwardly. Accept nothing but internal joy. Have patience. Do not divulge acts of grace of Sat Guru to others. Live with Radhasoami like a fish in water. (Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Soami Ji Maharaj)
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thvnderr · 2 years
Morning || Sky ft. Hansa
An early bird always, Sky was fluttering his eyes open at the sound of chirping coming from the balcony. His senses feeling a bit slower than usual, but no danger was sensed in the environment whatsoever, so he let his body wake up at its pace. The thought process lasted a couple of seconds at best, because at the next instant he became aware of the warmth against his body. The spy blinked the fogginess away and soon noticed the woman resting against him in calm slumber.
Sky was quick to recall the night and the actions that had lead them to such an encounter. If someone had told him the previous morning he would found himself holding his ex-fiance in a loving embrace, he would have mocked the audacity of such statement. Now, as her bare back faced him, he sneaked the hand around her torso away, hoping it would not wake her up. He pulled the sheets up to cover her knowing the cold was quick to find home in her bones. It was painful old routine to do this, stand up in silence and begin his day, but... there was not really a day to begin or matters to attend urgently. In fact, the mansion was still silent indicating the staff was given a free day and his parents were either asleep or gone.
He pondered his options.
Eventually, he decided to simply bury himself into the sheets once again, reaching to tangle his limbs around hers once again, letting the warmth fill him. Ah, the butterflies were at it again as impatient fingertips drew shapes on her shoulder slowly; impulsively he leaned closer to kiss the marks he had left on her back, purple blossoms that confirmed the boundless passion they had given themselves to through the night.
But where did this leave them?
A kiss lingered on her skin for too long as he questioned himself. He wondered if they would now go on with their lives after the built up tension had been released as secretly intended. He wondered if now they would go on with their lives separately as they should, if she would go back to radio silence and him to the arms of someone else for the next night.   The simple thought of this caused his chest to twitch uncomfortably.    Why? He felt her shift a little under the embrace and he remained very still, afraid of scaring her away so quickly. "Stay a little longer", he thought. He liked his bed more like this, anyway, warm and not empty; and while he could probably keep it like that with different names, Sky soon realized it was her warmth what he did not want to give away. The question of why he had been particularly weak for her these past weeks opposite to the decade that preceeded them still danced in his head, though. Now, as he tried to convince himself that this meant nothing, his arms held her a bit tightly, burying his face into the dark of her hair.
Still, while his own desires were mostly clear, there was no reason to believe she wanted the same. Hansa had entered the battlefield with a sword of her own ready to charge and destroy and perhaps he thought too highly of his own battling skills, because how would a dainty princess even reach to scar him? Movements and attacks had been played and soon enough, he found himself at her mercy, sword on the floor and unable to fight any longer. Would she claim her victory the way he did almost a year ago? It was only fair.
Right now, Sky still waited for the verdict with bruised armor, eyes up to hers in unwavering acceptance. He had dragged himself to this situation and would now accept the consequences of his actions. The knight propelled himself up on the forearm and started to drop soft kisses again over her skin; over her back and shoulders as his free hand removed the hair from her face to gain access to her temple and her cheek — as if the sword was not already aiming at him, he grabbed the blade with bare hands and pushed it against his heart — "Yours", he muttered against her neck, not sure if she could hear him; but stating it mostly for himself anyways. That word he had not been able to whisper back the night before now rolled easily off from his tongue. "I am yours", he vowed.
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coffeefromthevoid · 2 years
3, 6, and 9 for the favorite oc asks :3
I'm gonna do this for Maz, since he is my specialest little boy.
3. What is something they are really self-conscious about?
Appearance, fully. He's not self-conscious about his usual looks or his body (I mean, hey, he sleeps naked), but the second something messes it up, it really gets to him. A perfect example of this is when a certain someone (not naming names) rubbed a dead rat in his hair and he had to go to a spa immediately.
6. What is something they are absolutely hopeless at doing? Why?
Boy, so many things. The one that came to mind first was singing. He's able to tell when something is good or not, but because he never got into singing (or any instrument) himself, he just cannot replicate it. I think the only person who's ever heard him sing is Celeus, and even then only in a whisper.
9. Tell me your favorite moment with your OC. (Either that you wrote or drew.)
MAN THIS IS HARD. I cannot answer this with just one moment, it's impossible. I love the fic I wrote where he helps Celeus shave. When he brought the dead raven back to Adam, that was so good. The conversation he had with the rest of the Hansa about the possibility of talking to his dead mom again. I think a lot of my favourite moments are the emotional ones, since they are moments when the facade drops and he becomes an actual person for once.
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avicebro · 7 years
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
ok it’s amusing that in blood & wine, anna henrietta angrily, sarcastically proposes that she should have used her beagles to locate the vampire…
because dogs (and horses. and cats apparently) can sense vampires. she was right. that would have been a tactical and clever solution. especially if her beagles were trained to hunt.
so can you imagine if, as she’s shouting this at geralt, a little 💡 appears over his head and he nods, “a good idea, your grace,” and they get the beagles out. much to the chagrine of regis who immediately disappears from the situation
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