jas-the-shrimp · 7 months
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starswirly · 10 months
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Ink -> Comyet
Ink aka my favorite drawing test subject :]
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millspyxis · 3 months
@thisnameisnotspokenfor your wish is my command🫡
here is the asha fanart ive been working on (plus my inspo hehe)
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if only their "appointment" hadn't been interrupted by those people...😔
teeny cepheus (he's ready to commit some crimes for asha)
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thegreenhordes · 7 months
Just lost like, hours of progress on some pages for the Big Post. So I'm taking a break from drawing tonight. Ugh
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charhuahuakelly · 11 months
okay honestly everyone complimenting my line work is making me rlly emotional bc I was shaking while doing over half of it 😭 SO glad to see whatever’s going on isn’t taking my reputation for clean line work away because it’s always been my whole thing
& I’m so so excited to queue up everyone else’s posts after my midterm tomorrow <3 ugh the amount of talent in the zine!!!!
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shoyoist · 2 years
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𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 — haitani ran.
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haitani ran doesn't care for anything. 
he has always been that way. laid back look in eyes, lips set in that impassive slant that somehow passed as a smile. you've known this about him for the lengthy amount of time you've been friends, and you were used to his languid attitude — and you didn't mind it, honestly.
you knew he only really cared when it was something about himself. his hair, his pride, or something to do with his little brother getting into danger.
which is why you're staring at him the way you are. 
watching him rub the darkening bruise at the left of his mouth as he fixes his hair (of course. his ever so precious hair.) after it had come loose, seated on your couch with that nonchalant look in his eyes — like he hadn't just beat the absolute shit out of your ex boyfriend.
thinking back on it, you weren't even sure why you'd called ran and told him about it. 
all you knew was that you'd just barely managed to move on from the way your ex cheated on you and dumped you months ago; and seeing the jerk at your door, hearing him tell you that he regretted everything and wanted you to give him a second chance — it had you fumbling for the phone in an instant.
"ran," you'd muttered, trying to keep your voice from reaching the guy standing more or less patiently behind the door you'd slammed in his face. "ran, he's here. and he says he wants me back. after everything he did—"
ran had cut you off with a simple 'give me five minutes, yeah?' — and then he was there, grabbing your ex by the collar and spitting in his face before throwing him onto the ground.
you'd stood there for a moment, confused, shocked and stunned to see the anger in ran's usually placid eyes. to see the way he used his fists, rather than the weapons he preferred. to hear him cuss your ex out, talking about how you deserved better than a piece of shit, about how if he ever showed his ass at your door again, he'd kill him on the spot.
you'd only snapped out of it when your ex managed to land a punch on ran's face, sending his head twisting to one side, blonde-and-black braids following the movement — and then you were stepping out, screaming at them to stop. 
ran looked up at you, recognized the upset written over your features, and withdrew. not without one last kick, but the fact that he'd immediately, actually stopped was another surprise. "get the fuck away." he'd hissed at your ex.
naturally, your ex had left the scene without further protest, hopefully never to return, but you were still stunned. because for a moment, it looked like haitani ran cared.
"lemme get a glass of water," he'd mumbled, all casual, shouldering past you into your house and making his way into your kitchen.
you followed, poured him his water, watched him drink and wash his mouth with it, and then followed him back into your living room where he now sat, redoing his hair.
deciding that you'd stared enough, he looks up. "what is it, huh?"
"ah," you scramble to find words that would make sense. "i was just wondering. you got here pretty fast."
"i was on my way." he explains dismissively.
"you were?" you ask. he nods, fixing one braid and undoing the other, letting the alternating waves of dyed hair fall across his shoulder, creating soft shadows over the slant of his face, against the watery sunlight coming through your window. "was gonna take you out for some ice cream."
"oh." and then you realize that in fact, he'd been doing that a lot the past weeks, after your break up.
showing up unannounced and asking you if you wanted to go out for some nothing-in-particular, telling you almost teasingly that he'd freed up some time just for you, so you better accept his offer.
you'd been appreciating his gestures as kindness shown to you by a friend — albeit one that was involved in various criminal activities, that you'd decided to look past because you'd known him for long enough to not care — but now, you were starting to wonder if it was something more.
the signs were all there, after all.
"ran, do you—" the words spill from your lips without your intention, and you hesitate, even as he looks up, flicking a strand of his hair out of his eyes that were now glowing with the light pooling in them. "yeah?"
fuck, you think, as his gaze grows sharper, steeling itself against yours.
"i'm just, uh," you really don't know how to say what you wanted to say. "it's just, you ... do you care?"
he raises an eyebrow, giving you a scrutinizing look. "the fuck's that supposed to mean, hm? care about what?"
"about ..." you take a deep breath. "scratch that. do you like me?"
he freezes momentarily, upon hearing your question — only for a fraction of a second — but you're watching him closely enough to catch it. you don't know what else to say, and there's silence in the air between you two for what feels like an age, before he simply finishes braiding his hair and stands up. 
your heart starts to beat faster, wondering if he was about to walk out with no explanation — perhaps you'd hit a nerve, perhaps you'd assumed wrong and thought too much about something that had no meaning. "wait—"
"look, i don't wanna be a rebound or anything." he starts, voice a little stiff, a little cold — and you shut your mouth, allowing him to continue. "i'm not about to get played or made a fool out of. so, so we'll take things slow. i'll wait for you to get over shit at your own pace. you take your time, and tell me if you ever wanna give me a chance."
"g-give you a chance?" your heart picks up pace again, because god, you weren't expecting him to say all of that. it wasn't like him to be so — so this way, and it was rendering you just a bit speechless. "ran, i . . . you, you really—"
he turns to you again, rolling his eyes — but you don't see any real annoyance behind it. "not in the mood to talk about it right now, love. let's just go get some food. and you know it's not gonna be any tacky shit like what ass-face treated you to, so hurry up."
and now, after that thrown out half-confession, the way he called you love sounded softer, less of a joke and more of something else. you felt bad, but you also can't help but feel relief. 
why relief?
because you know how you used to have a crush on him. 
hell, you'd been in love with ran, going as far as to break things off with your friends that tried to convince you that he was no good. 
and because you can't help the way you've been looking forward to his impromptu visits as of late, daydreaming and wondering when he was going to surprise you next, and with what.
you know how you'd seen your ex at your door and only felt fear and anger stir in your gut — and you know how you'd immediately dialled ran, and felt near-tears with consolation when he picked up so quickly, when you heard his voice in your ear.
because you were starting to wonder if your past love for him was slowly coming back.
you still needed some time to move on, and ran knew that. which is why he'd just said, that he's willing to wait. because he has feelings for you?
"but are you sure you're willing to," locking the door, you turn to him and walk after him, out to where he had his motorcycle parked across the street. "you know, willing to wait?"
"whatever." ran shrugged, not looking at you. you quickened your pace, catching up with him and grabbing his sleeve to cross the street together. his gaze was fixed on his motorcycle, but it didn't look like he was focused on the vehicle.
the breeze rustles gentle in your ears as you walk with him to the other side of the road, and the sound fills in any awkwardness that blooms between you two.
the sequence of events that had just played out, hadn't taken even an hour. but as you search your surroundings for any signs of any unwanted presences, you see nothing.
there's only a couple of kids passing by on bicycles, birds coming down to land on the branches of a tree growing some distance away, and pale sunlight sifting down frim between the clouds to pool on the asphalt at your feet.
you feel calm. ran shakes away the grip you've got on your sleeve, but as your hand falls down to rest slack at your side, he grabs it, and gives it a small squeeze — and you feel a tingle of something bright and hot run through your chest. 
swinging his leg over, he leaps onto the motorcycle, slipping the key into the ignition. you get on behind him, grabbing onto his shoulders for support, suddenly feeling warm despite the chilly wind that was starting to pick up. 
"i've waited long enough already, anyway." he added belatedly, sounding ever so laid back, despite the cherry colour tipping his ears. "take your time. nothing to it, waiting some more."
and as your heart warms, you think that perhaps you were wrong. 
perhaps haitani ran does care. for you.
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note: interactions, reblogs & feedback are much appreciated!<3
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stozkpile · 9 months
body hair tutorial? (tbh very stupid request but i LOVE how you draw hair both on the head and on the body LMAOFOFAOFO)
NOT STUPID AT ALL THANK YOU BTW I will be honest I draw body hair like 70% by intuition and 20% through reference images so I hope this diagram kinda illustrates how I think of it (red arrows are general direction of the hair but yeah it's not uniform and curliness can affect the appearance of thickness as well as the amount of hair and how it's distributed...)
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ALSO you want the hair to look placed randomly which is to say that the appearance of randomness is actually very intentional so I end up undoing/redoing a lot of the strokes... HOPE THIS HELPS
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oliversrarebooks · 4 months
Brainwashing Chair CYOA - Get the mask off your face
Masterlist > Next
tw: pet whump, drugging, conditioning, captivity, discussion of brain surgery
Fighting the effects of the drug trying to turn your mind to sleepy mush, you try to rally yourself. If you want any chance of resisting this, you're going to have to get the mask off of your face as soon as possible. The sedatives are already sinking into your brain and making you feel so docile and sleepy and euphoric, and if it goes on for much longer, you're not going to have any ability to fight.
Your arms and legs are firmly strapped in, but not your head. Holding your breath as much as possible and rubbing the back of your head against the back of the chair, you can feel the strap holding the mask on shift upwards. You turn your head and push the mask against your shoulder, hoping to dislodge it. After a few moments of uncomfortable wriggling fueled by one last reserve of adrenaline, you manage to break the mask's seal around your face, pushing it away from your mouth and nose and onto your cheek.
You gasp for fresh, clean air, and your head starts to clear. There's still sedative gas pumping in from the mask stuck to your face, but you're getting a much smaller dose of it now. Your fear returns as you wake up. You knew that pet processing was unethical -- the entire reason you undertook this mission -- but you weren't expecting to be drugged and brainwashed the moment you arrived. And it very nearly might have worked, if you weren't struggling so hard, or if the workers were more attentive.
Even with your regained faculties, the straps holding your arms and legs to the chair are too strong to budge. You manage to nudge the headphones off and they drop in your lap. You know very well that you've only bought a short period of freedom.
There's nothing to do now but keep yourself awake and think about your situation. You hope at least that the footage and information will be useful to your journalist group. It's undeniable proof that the pet processing facilities use unethical methods to train unwilling pets. If you have to sacrifice your mind and your identity for this information, you can only hope that it makes a difference.
The door opens and the lights flick on, the man from earlier entering the room. You shake yourself, not sure when you zoned out or for how long. He scowls at you.
"I thought you promised you'd be obedient, and here you are with the mask and headphones off," he says.
"I'm not trying to cause trouble," you say. "I was sitting here quietly…"
He puts both hands on your bound wrists and leans in close to your face. "You think you're clever for this, don't you?" he says in a firm, intimidating voice. "Cleverness is not a trait that we desire in pets. Keep it up, and you'll be scheduled for a procedure that removes your cleverness permanently."
"What kind of procedure is that?" you say, blood running cold with fear.
"Brain surgery. I don't know what it is exactly they do, because I'm no surgeon myself, but I do see the pets go in there kicking and screaming and come out docile and compliant, with big dumb smiles on their faces. So you'd better not push your luck."
"Y-yeah." Pet liberation organizations have long suspected the use of neurosurgery in pet processing, based on scars sometimes found on pets, but the processing facilities had always denied it. They had the evidence recorded now -- at least you hope.
"I'm telling you this because we don't have time on the schedule for redoing your conditioning right now, so I have to take you to the dorms. But I'm putting this down as another strike against you, so you're on thin ice. Don't give me trouble unless you want to see the inside of an operating room, okay?"
With the leg restraints still in place, he undoes your hand restraints and easily cuffs your hands together. He keeps a firm grip on the cuffs as he removes the leg restraints and pulls you up. You still feel groggy and dizzy from the amount of sedative you absorbed, but you're mostly okay.
"Follow me. We're just going to the dorms," he says, pulling on the cuffs. "You know that resisting like this is just going to make it worse for you, right? You've already signed up to be a pet, and it'll go a lot easier and faster if you just cooperate."
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traumasurvivors · 1 year
This is an informative piece I wrote on hypersexuality and sex repulsion. You can read it below the read more as well if you prefer!
Hypersexuality has been referred to by such terms as “hypersexual disorder,” “sex addiction,” “nymphomania,” or the term that is in the most recent International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), “Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder.” In clinical discussion it is often given many possible causes, with little focus on (or even outright exclusion of) a very important cause - trauma. The idea that hypersexuality and trauma are connected is nothing new. And yet, it is rarely discussed. Today, we have a greater understanding of trauma and its effects on people than ever before. The connection deserves to be talked about more than it has been.
In much discussion of hypersexuality, it is defined by having repetitive and intense urges for sexual activity. These are defined to be well above “normal” levels of sexual activity, and some but not all definitions require it to cause significant problems in other areas of life and/or personal distress. The hypersexual person may get little or no pleasure from the sexual activity. Even if this is the case, they may continue to actively seek out sex and may also engage in a lot of self exploration.
In a person with trauma, there are many reasons for this activity. Some of these reasons may, unfortunately, cause them harm. They may feel that sex is “all they are good for”. They may feel a desire to retraumatize themselves. Going along with this, they may seek out rougher and more traumatizing sexual activity. Sex may become a part of how they define themselves - including that they may see themself as an object. If they were traumatized by someone who they believe cared about them, they may feel that sex is the best (or only) way to feel cared for again. They may believe that pleasing someone else sexually is the best way for them to feel loved or valued. Some people may dissociate during sexual activity. Hypersexuality may cause them to deny parts of who they are.
Some hypersexuality may be motivated by other purposes as well. The person may be attempting to undo their trauma, or redo it with changes (such as a more “positive” ending). They may feel their actions give them a sense of control. They may find it extremely satisfying to be able to give active consent to sexual partners. Even with healthier seeming motivations, hypersexuality can be harmful. Some people may feel a huge amount of control when they are making arrangements to have sex, but then feel a loss of control during their activity. With that said, some people may find hypersexuality can help to heal from trauma. And avoiding sex can have issues of its own.
Another sexual issue that is connected with trauma is sex repulsion. Stigma around discussion of sex can make it difficult to discuss it even with a therapist. But this is also an issue that needs to be discussed openly.
Sex repulsion occurs when someone feels disgust at sexual activity, often even at speaking or thinking about sexual activity. This can be related to an extreme level of anxiety about sex. A person may not consciously feel “nervous” about sex, but may feel physical symptoms of anxiety such as an increased heart beat or stomach issues. This may be related to a feeling of a lack of control in sexual activity. The person may be worried that they could be triggered during sex, especially if it has happened in the past. They may be unsure what they should tell a potential partner, which adds to their anxiety.
Sex repulsion may be caused by other emotions as well, a frequent one being shame. This can occur on a subconscious level, especially if the person was traumatized as a child. Sexual arousal as a child can cause the pathways in the brain which relate to arousal to become associated with emotions like shame or fear, bringing these emotions back whenever the person thinks about sex. These emotions may also be related to more conscious thought. A sex repulsed person may feel like allowing themselves to have or enjoy sex is saying that their abuse was “okay.” These type of thoughts may make them get disgusted at the very idea of sexual activity, because they feel it is “wrong” to enjoy sex. If they do enjoy sexual activity, they may feel a huge amount of guilt, which can then feed into their repulsion.
While hypersexuality and sex repulsion are often related to sexual trauma, they can be caused by trauma that is completely unrelated to sex, as well. The chemicals and hormones that are more active in the brain and body during trauma than at other times can cause associations that create a compulsive need for sexual activity. Alternatively, they may cause the body to be unable to feel the level of safety necessary to relax and enjoy sex, causing it to become anxiety-inducing and repulsive.
Hypersexuality and sex repulsion may sound like opposite experiences, however, many people may find they experience both hypersexuality and sex repulsion at different times. This can occur in the same month, day or hour, etc. They may even experience both at same time - for instance, they may feel compelled to have sex with someone even though the idea also disgusts them. These responses to trauma are valid, and more common than you might think. If you feel your sexual appetite is extremely high, or the very idea of sex is awful and disgusting, or even both, you are not alone. And you are valid.
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i will never get tired of "character with an absurd amount of locks on their door undoing or redoing them all rapidly"
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hopeymchope · 6 months
(Yeah I probably misread something)
There is something I am curious about that I wanted to share with you
If I remember correctly (please correct me if I am wrong here) in the answer yukari becomes more antagonistic towards Aigis because she’s heartbroken over makoto’s death because she lost the guy she loves
One thing I want to bring up is in the kotone route some of the ship tease scenes with yukari are replaced with akihiko and as we all know all yukari’s scenes with kotone are mostly platonic along with her feelings so I doubt if there was a kotone version of the answer yukari would take it as bad as she did(not saying she wouldn’t but not as hard is all I’m saying)
So if we had a kotone version of the answer who would take yukari’s place
(Personally I’m leaning towards akihiko)
Yukari is antagonistic in "The Answer" because she wants to bring Makoto back to life regardless of what it would mean. From what I can recall (and this might be a little off the mark), they'd have to redo the battle against Nyx to try and destroy it completely OR they'd have to remove Makoto from his service the Great Seal to protect all life from Nyx — thereby endangering the world. But Yukari's so desperate to see him again that she (along with Mitsuru - who sides with Yukari for reasons left unstated) winds up fighting new protag Aigis (and whoever is with her party by then).
It's not explicitly stated to be romantic, but her desperate desire to see him even if it undoes the entire point of his sacrifice (...that he didn't fuckin' know he was making, I should note) definitely comes off that way IMO — regardless of whether you choose to believe Makoto returned those affections. After all, Junpei even compares it to how he'd feel if he could go back and save Chidori (which is sure an interesting bit of dialogue given that her survival seems to be canon in P4A). I guess you could argue that it's at least up to interpretation whether Yukari's feelings were a romantic love or something just intensely platonic.
The easiest and most logical answer here is to just say "Yukari gets that role in any version of The Answer." So whether that makes her bisexually in love with Kotone or just very emotionally attached to Kotone as part of her found family, she should probably remain the person who fights against keeping them gone, because that's just her character and because it reduces the amount of work a dev team would undertake.
But let's say we want to do something more radical and ensure that the person who fights back is a potential love interest with a legit romantic hangup on the protagonist. When you look at Kotone's potential love interests — Ahihiko, Theodore, Ryoji, Aigis, and even fucking Ken — who among them seems most likely to be so messed up over a (theoretical) Kotone death that they'd be willing to undo the purpose of her sacrifice for the chance to see her once more?
There are really only two options, because (A) Aigis is the lead protagonist of 'The Answer' and pre-determined to take the side of maintaining his sacrifice. (B) The velvet room attendants are established to be on the side of maintaining the sacrificer... although we do learn in Persona 4 Arena that Elizabeth leaves the Velvet Room to go on a quest to destroy Nyx and thereby release Makoto from being stuck as the seal, returning him to life. Maybe Theo could do the same in the Kotoneverse? (C) Ryuji is off the table for obvious reasons related to his identity.
That leaves just Akihiko and Ken. Akihiko would be a really dramatic interesting route to go, and I think I'd honestly prefer it? Because to see someone with his level of determination get so undone would be REALLY intense. But... I also admit that Kotone's worst romance option is the one that makes the most sense.
Because like I said, jst because The Answer strongly supports the idea that Yukari loves Makoto doesn't mean it ALSO supports the idea that they were canonically together. I will never support the idea that Kotone had any canonical feelings towards Ken, but regardless of that, I still feel like Ken is the obvious pick to take up Yukari's role as the one who has trouble accepting that Kotone's truly gone. It's easy to imagine him as the character who is nursing an unrequited love that's THAT hardcore, leaving him to take up his weapon against the squad.
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darkfictionjude · 3 months
📜 ➡️ 🔍 ⤵️
Hello! It's been a while since I last played We Wretched Creatures, and I instinctively hovered to the left expecting to find the back button, only to realize…it wasn't there 🙉.
Personally, I rely on it to save on save slots. I use the saves at the beginning of new episodes, for critical choices or events. The back button is when I want to see how a character reacts to a different dialogue option than what my MC would normally choose, or when I need to backtrack because this time I picked a choice that didn't reflect my character well ( non self-inserting readers will understand ). It's handy for non native speakers and for those who have trouble grasping the real meaning/ intention behind a choice or even for those who restarted the game, breezing through it, picking their usual choices and accidentally end up misclicking another, without the need to redo the episode. For example, when we got to pick a clothing style only the name of the style was listed but the actual clothes were detailed once the style chosen, I didn’t like what I ended up with and I didn’t save for a while before that so I had to restart the chapter.
Without the back button, I find myself saving at flavour/ aesthetic choices like these in addition to the beginning of an episode and at major decisions. However, the limited number of save slots means I resort to unnamed disk saves ( multiple ), which I then have to search for in my countless downloads and try each of them to end up with the one I am looking for ( run game -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one -> go back to browser -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one ->… ). When I could just “ turn back a page “, now I have to search for that particular page among dozens because no matter what “ the bookmarks “ always end up scattered which honestly makes what was supposed to be a leisure reading feels like a chore.
Believe me when I say horror was the last genre I thought I would end up liking, but playing 💪🥊 WWC 🥊💪 made me realize it wasn’t so bad. I was in literal tears when we had to hide from the white draped mouth blower ( the vivid description of that scene made it incredibly easy to visualize, especially the way the "ghost" breathed. I find that this applies to the whole IF, the words used to describe what's going on are as straightforward as can be, which removes nothing of the horror element. I am also fond of the ads that serve as interludes ). I still randomly get mental images of the cheese rats ? mice ? that spill blood when hurt ( instead of liquified cheese ?! ) and I have never felt more disgusted when I think of cheese. I never thought that reading horror would make me actually feel the fear and enjoy it, but you did, and I still get caught by surprise even with the back button. 
I have been meaning to continue where I left off, but just thinking about the amount of work saving and loading will require I feel discouraged. Please bring back^2 button-kun 🙊💗. Also 👀, Nia is of Algerian🇩🇿 descent ? ( glad to see some representation in IF format ).
So I’ve had this question before and I’ve said the say thing: I’m sorry but I don’t want to do that 😭 it’s a choice I made and there’s nothing I see wrong with it given many ifs have the same thing and no one says anything. I’m a non-native English speaker too so I get it but I can’t think of every problem every player can have, that’s not fair to me.
The very reason I made this choice is for the reason you stated, that there are certain critical choices I want to actually be felt. What’s the point in me making choices that I want to have an impact and not be taken back and someone can just click the back button and undo it? To me that just means the choices don’t matter and that there’s no point in me caring about what I write to get myself and you guys excited because it can be so easily undone. In video games the thrill is sometimes messing up or saving to try again, not clicking back immediately. In books main character make choices that will have consequences. IF blends these two things together. I guess maybe on the other side as a reader, you not understand what I mean but since I put so much work in this already can’t I have it matter in-game? It’s not too much to ask for. Given that I put so much work in (300,000+ words) is it awful for me to ask the readers to be slightly inconvenienced?
I hope I don’t sound offended or angry at you nonnie, I swear I’m not. It’s just when people ask me this I feel they think I did this just be an asshole and not because I had a reason. I’m trying to give my pov. You can dislike the choice but please don’t ask me to undo it because then all it ends up doing is making me feel bad and then I’ll add it against my own wishes and that will motivate me to just stop really caring about what I’m writing if it can so easily be undone and this will be just another IF that gets abandoned
Although for the clothing options I will end a return button like I did for the faking dating side quest countries section.
Thank you for your kind words on the game itself though, I tried my best to have the ROs have background not that common and I’m so happy people liked the morgue scene I was really doubting it’s potential when I wrote it 💜
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son1c · 1 month
does jack like getting or receiving gifts? and does she prefer homemade stuff (even if its kinda shoddy) or bought gifts?
do you think fibula would have like...grave mouth (makes stuff taste less strong, especially sour things) after coming back from the dead or no?
when teddy makes sweaters and scarves and whatnot, is he REALLY precise with his craft or does he just kinda go with the flow? i assume he's really proficient but how does he handle making a mistake in the middle of a project? does he just let it go and pretend it didn't happen? stress about it? undo a bunch of work just to make sure the whole piece is perfect?
and a bonus for any shatterspace sonics or shadows: who has the best opinion of og sonic (by the end of the shatter space's arc), and who has the best opinion of og shadow by the end?
i hope these are fun questions, i love your ocs~
she's very vain, so yes she loves receiving gifts lol. she thinks she deserves a constant stream of them. nice things should be hers forever and ever! but i don't think she's used to handmade stuff. if she ever had an admirer, for example, who made her a little necklace or something... i think she'd look at it with her nose upturned, like, what is this shoddy thing? not diamond, that's for sure! but once she found out it was handmade, she'd be touched. probably an embarrassing amount. not that she'd let it show lol
fibula definitely experiences taste... differently... now that he's undead, but i think more extreme flavors (like the sour apples he loves) would be unscathed. it's only milder stuff that wouldn't taste like anything anymore. and probably sweet stuff too. his palate is oriented almost entirely toward chaos energy, sour, and spicy things. so, no chocolate for him lol
teddy is a perfectionist and takes his craft very seriously. especially since a lot of things he makes are gifts... he won't allow them to have a fumbled stitch somewhere. he'll undo a row and redo it to fix it. it's not difficult to do that with knitting anyway, it just takes extra time. he wants to be proud of what he makes so he'll devote as much time as necessary to make sure everything is just right! that's love baby
hmmmmm... funnily enough i think bermuda might have the highest opinion of prime sonic by the end. despite starting off LITERALLY rock bottom, sonic does the impossible and changes bermuda's heart. and bermuda is better for having met him. but shadow... that's harder... probably windthrow and halcyon. windthrow always liked shadow, but halcyon saw through shadow that there was another way to solve the conflict in their world. and he's grateful for that
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buybricks · 1 year
Mini crochet dump
I’ve been spending the last couple of months altering/redoing/undoing some of my older projects
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One thing I did was redo the patchwork cardigan into a sweater and a bag (the cardigan looks really good in this picture but it was waaay too big and the squares weren’t all the same size so they didn’t sit flat). Even with making these two things I still had a decent amount of yarn leftover, and I also unraveled two tops since I was never going to wear acrylic tank tops
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I ended up making this blanket from the scrap yarn and some old yarn, and I ended up with exactly enough yarn for 36 squares. It was also my first time doing an invisible join, still gotta figure out how to do the corners but definitely learned a lot doing it!
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(Also this was my first time blocking squares, featuring my homemade blocking board (yes it took me forever to make it. and yes my hands hurt just thinking about it))
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And don’t forget about the snag (snail bag)! I don’t really think there’s much else to say about it
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mynameisnowwyrm · 2 years
thundermans future au
This won't so much have a concrete plot as just stuff I think would happen in rough chronological order.
So I would like to make clear that I never finished the show so I’m going off the wiki for how it ends.From what I read it says that max and phoebe become the leaders of a new elite hero group and they hire the rest of the family to be part of it and i think that’s stupid so I’m changing it. Instead of their family they recruit a bunch of other heroes their age and their family stays in hiddenville that’s it.
So Max and Phoebe graduate in 2018 I think so right after that they go full into hero stuff and leading the group. I know the whole last season was basically phoebe not trusting that max was fully a hero now and I want to extend that. Since the whole team will be other teen heroes who probably mostly remember max for how hard he was trying to be a supervillain, max is still going to have to deal with a lot of shit.
Throughout the show we see hank and barb treat phoebe better than max, which is presumably what lead him to wanting to break away from the hero role that was expected of him. His whole mentality is that it’s better to not try at all than risk failing, the fear that your best isn’t good enough, failing in this case meaning not living up to his parents expectations. We can see evidence of this thinking in the episode where max is continually failing math and phoebe finds out that he doesn’t even try bc he’s scared of failing. This does not go away overnight and max will likely need to spend a long time working on his own self worth.
Also max did spend a few years of his life actively trying to become a villain, even if it was just a phase I don’t believe that none of the villain mentality stuck. Sure deep down he doesn’t want to physically hurt anyone but what is his internal policy on theft, cheating, lying? Furthermore he has to be fully aware of the injustice that exists in hero society from experiencing it himself and being influenced by the likes of dr colosso over the years so I believe he is currently working with an “i can fix it from the inside” viewpoint.
All that combined will likely cause massive amounts of friction between him and the team. I think that if they were doing missions as a side thing until everyone graduated and everyone had less constant exposure to each other the inevitable breakdown could be staved off but once they start spending time together and going on missions full time the cracks in the foundation would be immediate. I give it maybe a year before everything goes to shit and max once again quits being a hero, only this time he’s not going back to being a villain but rather some in between as a chaotic neutral vigilante.
With max out of the hero game phoebe is scrambling to pick up the pieces. Pr decides to fix the mess by completely redoing phoebes hero persona to distract from everything. She gets upgraded from thunder girl to thunder woman, solo leader of Z-force and gets painted as the “feminist hero”. Not that she didn’t already hold any feminist views they’re just really leaning into the marketing. Since billy and Nora are set to debut as heroes they get pushed into the thunder twins role.
Nora is greatly frustrated with being stuck with billy, especially since he usually gets the credit for her ideas. She comes up with a plan, he runs and does it, teamwork. Except billy gets all the attention from the press, leading him to get more attention from hero society.
Max leaving hero work undoes a lot of closeness that was between him and phoebe resulting in the two barely speaking anymore and everyone only ever really seeing max at big family holidays.
A few things I’m just gonna put in bullets bc it’s important to know
Both max and phoebe are autistic, bc I said so
They are both queer. Not sure exactly what labels they fall under but it's not straight and both are suffering from comphet/internalised homophobia. Basically max is be gay do crime, phoebe is be gay fight crime.
Chloe is their cousin who they occasionally babysit, not the fith sibling. Adding another child was a completely stupid move I dont care
Hank and barb are not good parents
Billy is not an idiot, just oblivious which is valid
So we cut to five years later. Phoebe is a well established young hero, the z-force team function as a teen titans thing where they meet up regularly to fight crime as a team while still doing solo hero work. Max is doing vigilante shit and was initially doing freelance tech stuff to finance it but at some point a rich client screwed him over so he stole all his money. His newest venture is to get rid of all of the hypocrisy inside the hero community and he's trying to figure out the best way to go about it. Billy and nora are rising stars in the hero world but mad that she constantly gets overlooked, nora sabotages billy so that he will get cancelled on social media and she can advance.
Phoebe is dating a female hero named chromatica with light powers but wider society does not know about this bc phoebe has to keep up her image and being gay will hurt that or whatever excuse her homophobic pr team gave. The building pressure and max releasing blackmail he has on multiple corrupt hero's puts a strain on their relationship and at one point she has a complete breakdown causing her to track max down and they finally have an actual conversation after years of not speaking.
Nora's scheming leads to a massive falling out between her and Billy. Not wanting them to go through the same thing they went through, max and phoebe get billy and nora together so that they can all talk about their issues as a family. They come to realise that no matter how much they want to deny it, they all are still fighting to get out of their parents shadows, trying to be the perfect heroes. Even max, who at this point is much happier with his life than his siblings, is still effected by his parents. This whole talk does not fix everything, they all still have the same problems they went into it with, at least now they know they can rely on each other.
Billy is still trying to do pr cleanup and as an apology nora is publicly supporting him. Phoebe's relationship is still in ruins and she realises that its going to take more than an apology to fix things. Coming out is not the answer bc she is still dealing with a lot of internalised homophobia on top of the potential stress of being a queer superhero who has to defend themselves against millions of people and she is not ready for that.
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veradragonjedi · 6 months
85, 20 and 30 for the weird asks pls (:
20. Preferred place to write (i.e., in a notebook, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it-notes, etc.)?
Ngl, when I first read this, I thought it meant where — physically! I was gonna say, my back garden, in the forest, on the swing at the park, somewhere outside when it's warm.
Anyway, I've written all my 300k words (including unposted works) of fanfic on my phone! In my notes app- because the laptop that I was supposed to receive exploded (hyperbole...). But it serves me well :)) I have a Samsung/Android so I get to italicise, embolden, undo/redo, colour words, it's not so bad!!!
30. Places that you find sacred?
I am not religious, but if there's a way to be intensely spiritual without being religious at all, it's me. Personally:
The 400 year old tree at the centre of the forest, with a swing hanging from it — the amount of people having grown up with that tree, swinging for generations, writing there stories there like I'm doing now!
The graveyard surrounding the church near my house, purely for aesthetic reasons. I also know the guy that cleans the graves, and I think that's an important role in society. Caring for the dead and appreciating them is a huge deal in so many cultures — why not Western??
Mariana trench — we don't need to go down there to know this.
The horizon line, the one that nobody can reach because the closer you get the further it moves.
85. Fairy tales or mythology?
OOOOOOO mythology probably. I obsessed over dragons for ten to twelve years of my life, and they're still a huge part of my life. I had that dragonology book that signalled that I was neurodivergent definitely... I loved Greek and Roman mythology for a very long time, and loved figuring out how they were so different but so similar. Viking mythology was a favourite for a while, and I collected poems and stories. The latest chapter of my largest fanfic — BBB — is called Odyssey! It still lives with me.
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