irradiatedwarlock · 2 months
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Did he just call Crowley a trollop?
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fuiru · 6 months
I was reminded today of the greatest joke I’ve ever made, which was while doing some DIY my wife said “I hate the reciprocating saw” and I said “it feels the same way about you”
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whosectype · 1 year
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gunpowdertimsleftgun · 4 months
i think my classmates have caught on to my tma obsession… /neg
they keep repeating “jonny sims” randomly and the pure and utter terror i feel every time 😭
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kingtheannoying · 2 months
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suugarbabe · 4 months
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shinkaishoujo103 · 9 months
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Its so suover
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mauvelilywilliams · 6 months
Writeblr Garden Advent Calendar Event: Excerpt
Sadly, I do not have an excerpt yet for the wintery story in my Skyline Spirits stories, but I can still share an excerpt of what I have. :D
Here is a short excerpt with Die antagonizing Old Man Snatch, the leader of the community he lives in. And Die's public reasoning as to why he's called 'Die'.
Depending on your innocence level, this could be seen has having a sexual reference in it. ;) It's left ambiguous as to whether it is or not.
(Excerpt found under the cut)
The man took a pebble and chucked it at the old geezer. It bounced off his shiny balding head, causing him to duck in preparation for more. But none came. At the moment anyway. The young man had another in his fist, at the ready. The old man cursed, supposedly. It was jumbled up. The energy behind it sounded like a curse though. He turned to search for his assailant, and spotted the tall line of grapes along the back wall. The younger man peeked over the wall, separating the concrete bleachers from the grapes and rest of the garden below. The old man took a cautious step forward, not seeing where the other was hiding. And this was too good an opportunity. The young man let loose the other rock. This time it caught the balding geezer in the shoulder. He spat a curse, and caught sight of his attacker's black hair peeking up from over the concrete. “DAMNIT! I WISH THAT YOU’D JUST DIE!” The younger slowly rose up from his defensive barrier with a grin. “Oh? But I did! I changed my name and everything for you!” The old man stomped and went turned red. “CALLING YOURSELF ‘DIE’ IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!” Die pointed before wagging his finger. “Careful Snatch, or you’ll have a stroke!” That caught the old man off-guard. He paused long enough for the moment to feel awkward before shaking his head. “Stop saying stupid things!” Die tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. “You don’t even know what a stroke is, do you?” “It’s when you pet a cat!” Die blinked. Well, the old man wasn’t wrong. Old Man Snatch suddenly stomped his foot, seemingly understanding. “ME YELLING AT YOU IS NOT GOING TO MAKE MY WIFE STROKE ME!” Die coughed to hide the laughter. Way too much information.
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stocious · 1 year
wip game
tagged by @mmmichyyy, thank you! 🖤 also totally stealin’ your formatting okbye. have a very very very rough first draft of this project i’m aming to get out sometime in april maybe.
“You better hurry if you want breakfast, Cinderella,” Mickey mumbles around the cigarette while pulling two eggs from the back of one of the nests. The white hen just blinks at him as he gently places the eggs in his jacket pocket. He looks back, pulling the cigarette from his lips after his final drag and puts it out under his shoe. “Or are you waiting to pick at me like you always do you?”
The chicken just keeps looking at him and he shakes his head. “Yeah, I thought so,” He sighs, leaning in closer to Cinderella’s nest. She pulls her head back a bit, blinking. “Don’t fucking pick me,” he warns as he reaches towards her. Mickey’s hand just barely comes into reach for the chicken to instantly start attacking it, picking hard at the back of his hand twice. Three times. He twitches, curses under his breath but shoves his hand under the animal to feel for more eggs. She starts picking at his jacket around his wrist but it's thick enough to cushion her attacks. Mickey grabs the three eggs she’s laying on and pulls them out, all while still being attacked.
“You can fucking pick at me all you want, I’m still gonna take them,” He informs her uselessly and places her three eggs along with the other two. He’s not sure if chickens are able to show expressions with their face but he’s sure she glares at him with absolute murder in her eyes as he leans away from her and starts searching the other nests on the other side of hers. 
taggging (if you wanna): @notherenewjersey @imsorry-imlate @ian-galagher and anyone else 🖤
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laprimera · 1 year
Mind +
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" I didn't have to read your mind to know that-- "
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caramello-styles · 1 year
Hi Al 👋 just dropping in to say I love and appreciate you 😘
I’m gonna keep you forever jo
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drgmissioncontrol · 1 year
i really want to fight you barehanded, but i do respect you as my colleague. somewhat. but i still want to fight you. does this make sense? anyway, what's the policy about setting off bombs in the dorms. thank you in advance, from a very sorry driller.
Trust me. I wouldn’t be a true deep-space miner if I wasn’t familiar with that feeling. The bombs are an immediate no-no, due to risk of blowing a hole in the Space Rig.
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tau1tvec · 11 months
💌 | It's time to spread some positivity! Send this to 5 other simmers to show how much you appreciate them & their content 💖💖
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black-cat-babe · 1 year
“Sorry,” Ezra apologized, still rubbing his head as distant screams echoed behind him. “I’m really sorry.” He pushed off of the balcony railing and walked back towards the long, winding hall. “I’ll explain it all later,” he called over his shoulder as he rounded a corner and hurriedly walked away. He could hear the screams growing louder as blaring alarms joined them. Deafening cracks echoed from the ceiling above him as the smooth metal groaned.  
“No,” Ezra muttered to himself, walking faster as his heart pounded in his chest, “no no no not now.” He stumbled back as a large chunk of ceiling fell in front of him. He glanced over his shoulder as more parts of twisted metal crumbled and tumbled to the ground. “It’s just a vision,” he muttered to himself, “none of this is real.” He clenched his teeth and carefully stepped over the twisted debris in front of him. He hurried out of the hall into the spacious ship hangar. Many of the larger ships had already abandoned the base while others’ engines were rumbling loudly as their pilots scrambled into their respective cockpits to escape the collapsing base. 
Ezra struggled to maintain his even pace as he glanced around the hangar, ignoring the screams, yelling, and blaring alarms surrounding him. 
A cold chill ran down his spine as a deep, rumbling voice whispered in his ear. 
“I’ve been looking for you, Ezra.”
Ezra whirled around to face the voice, hand resting on his lightsaber. A blood red blade ran through his chest with a loud hiss as the scent of burning flesh flooded the room. Searing hot pain gave way to a cold, numbing feeling as Ezra felt his grip loosen. His lightsaber fell to the metal ground with a muffled clatter as his vision blurred. He was vaguely aware of the hooded figure standing over him as his vision faded to darkness.
Ezra woke with a start. His knees buckled beneath him. His hand shot out to grip a nearby seat for support. He glanced around, heart still pounding in his chest as the scent of burning flesh faded. The familiar metal walls of the Ghost surrounded him as he lay on the cold floor of the common room. He breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing his head as it began to throb. 
Why are you holding back? The voice whispered in his ear as a cold, clammy hand wrapped around his shoulder. Why did you lie to him earlier?
Ezra glanced over his shoulder, reaching up to brush the cold sensation off his shoulder. “Can you wait until we’re alone?” He grumbled. “I’m kind of busy right now.”
You’ve ignored me for so long, Ezra, the voice sighed, I miss our conversations. I have so much more to teach you.
“I told you I’ve learned everything I want to know,” Ezra responded as he pushed himself to his feet. He brushed the dust from his pants and wandered down the ship’s short hall towards the cargo bay. He came to a stop in front of the faded metal door leading to Jacen and Zeb’s room. His finger hovered over the door control for a moment before dropping to his side. With a small sigh, he stepped towards Kanan’s–no, his closed door. The door slid open as a cold rush of air flooded the hall, sending a shiver down Ezra’s spine. He stepped inside, unhooking his lightsaber from his belt  and setting it on the center of the bed as the door slid close behind him with a soft hiss. He reached beneath the bed, fingers brushing the rusted metal handle. He pulled the handle out, hearing a click as a small hidden drawer shot out. A glowing, triangular holocron sat in the center of the compartment, its corners twisted outward as a red, pulsing glow filled the room.
Ezra waved his fingers towards the door, causing it to lock with a beep. He removed his jacket, tossing it to the side, and sat cross legged in the center of the room laying the holocron in front of him. His eyes closed as the holocron slowly rose off the ground and hovered in front of him with a quiet hum. 
Why are you ignoring me? The voice whispered louder. Your desires have not been fulfilled. I can feel it. There is so much more I can offer. I just desire your companionship. 
Ezra shook his head as the corners of the holocron slowly twisted back into place and the glow dimmed. “Now isn’t the time,” he insisted. 
But why not?! The voice demanded. I’m so lonely! I desire to share my knowledge with you! We were making progress! You were growing stronger! Why do you no longer share my desires? 
Ezra sighed as the holocron drifted back to the ground.. “Things changed I guess,” he admitted. “Besides, if anyone knew I was talking to you–or that I had this–they’d think I’m a sith.”
You aren’t a sith, Ezra, the voice whispered as a cold hand gently stroked his cheek. Sith seek to corrupt. They desire power to rule over others. You seek only knowledge and understanding. Your intentions are good and your will is strong. The cold hand moved past his cheek and ran through his hair. If they cannot see that, then they do not know you as I do. 
Ezra shook his head as he returned the holocron to the secret compartment. “I don’t want to take that risk,” he said. “I just found my family, and I don’t want to lose them again. Not because of this.”
I have to be up in--like--a couple hours but I finally finished the next chapter of my fic that took me four freaking months to write. Chapter 5 is out now and things are heating up. Check it out!
archive-of-our-own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41014383/chapters/102790908 (might not be fully updated yet)
fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14098510/1/Tales-of-the-New-Republic
**please note some of the topics I cover aren’t for everyone and it is rated mature for some current scenes in the book as well as upcoming scenes I have yet to write. I do my best to put clear warnings at the beginning of each chapter in case things get a little messy**
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
finally posted the chapter where rosinante d!es and so far it got 3 kudos in one night. ya'll are really foaming at the mouth for this dead clown, huh
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flowers-and-fichte · 1 year
I just wanted to say that you got me down into the Rammstein rabbit hole again. Thanks. I can't concentrate on my lecture because my brain is full of Frau Schneider.
Can't even be mad at that.
I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or give you a happy virtual hug. But I’m proud either way.
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