voidimp · 7 months
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oflgtfol · 10 months
ok so for clarity im making this post in two parts because i had originally saved the original post as a draft but now something else has happened to complicate the situation but i feel like you still need to see the original post to know my feelings over time
[original post, drafted on august 29th:]
anyway i need a bit of a reality check on this like am i being weird and overthinking it or what
so my store has traditionally been all or almost all entirely women. the most we ever had was like 1, at most 2 guys working replenishment. we’ve had several long stretches where there was not a single male employee
my new SM is, well, a man. and we have many many problems with him for reasons that i wouldnt say are sexism but is mostly just that he’s a bad manager and the store is falling apart because of it and we’re bearing the brunt of it. especially weird dynamic because hes a 50 year old man and the entire rest of the store’s staff are all young women, at most mid 20s, and a sizeable number still literally in high school. our two full time managers, one in her mid 30s and the other in her 60s, have left for various reasons, which means that there is no sort of mediator to advocate for us anymore. its just this middle aged man overseeing a bunch of young women. add on how overbearing and bad he is as a manager in general and its like toxic lol
and so now hes finally started hiring for seasonal and its…. As far as i can tell, literally the only people calling the store saying they have interviews, have been guys.
and so i feel weird, and i feel weird thst i feel weird about it, that we’re now hiring like 5 men. but i also feel kinda justified in feeling weird because i almost feel like this is the SM pulling more weird shit. that he doesnt like this all female dynamic and is now trying to like, idk
IT FEELS WEIRD verbalizing it but hes a very condescending guy and the store is falling apart and so it almost feels like hes now giving up our current all female staff and trying to bring men in to fix it?? like he cant fire any of us women bc we’ve been here longer than him but now hes gonna bring in his own people for the first time and its all men? fundamentally changing the dynamic of the store that has been here for years longer than he’s even been with the company, and to further establish a disconnect between him and his young female staff ?????
am i overthinking it and reading condescension/superiority/whatever the word is into this. like i feel weird for being put off over hiring more than 1 dude per season but also this SM is backhanded like that so i really cant discount that there might be some weird vibes or motives behind this
[original post’s accompanying tags for the full picture:]
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[new addition on september 3rd]
so now i just found out that this guy, who was literally the guy in the break room having his first day on august 29th, is being considered to be promoted to a manager
which is killing me because theres been all this talk among the managers for literally almost a year now about making me a manager and ive been indecisive because i dont know if i want to or not but ultimately its just been a “what if” situation to me because the actual SM hasnt said a word to me about it! he has never given me an offer. he has never even vaguely mentioned it to me. the only reason i know about it is bc im friends with the other managers and they tell me that hes been thinking about it for a while now
and my framing manager told me that this new guy was being considered as a new manager and i said “well. im actually kind of offended now that hes only been here for a week. meanwhile here i am” and she said “didnt SM give you an offer though?” and i told her that no the SM has not uttered a word to me about this and she was shocked
and its just. this kid has been here literally five fucking days? what the fuck? what the hell is going on. like yeah i am kind of offended actually. i still dont know if i would accept if given the offer but my indecision comes from whether i’d get an adequate raise and i cant come to a final decision without being able to negotiate my raise, which i cant do that if i havent been given the offer !!!! ive been here over two years i know pretty much everything in this store im cross trained on everything and everyone else in this store looks up to me as a non-manager superior and ive been told multiple times by the non-sm managers AND my non-manager coworkers that i should become a manager. meanwhile this guy has been here five days, ive interacted with him for two minutes, and of those moments i spent near him he barely spoke a word to me, and im sure he doesnt have the trust + camaraderie with my other coworkers yet as well, and yet SM wants him to become a manager like five days into him being hired ?!?!?
and again i dont know if i’d accept so thats why i feel kind of stupid for being offended but also like it’d still be nice to have offer ! especially compared to the guy who just started five days ago!!
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kingscanyon · 2 months
hey, sorry for disappearing again. 24 has been hitting me like a truck. i havent had time to myself or to write much of anything let alone make gifs :(. that being said though, new wyll set in the morning/early afternoon and new tav (maybe) below the cut ^-^
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idk their deal yet, they're just pretty idk. i downloaded a save file that had a human tav loaded up to a lot of key romance scenes for people that want to get clips and photos and i wanted to see all of the new kiss animations but i didnt want it to be calpurnia for.. reasons ig. idk lol. to ME they give dickhead sword for hire vibes. not really evil or anything just kind of rough around the edges IDK
also got these lys reactions from the post-araj scene with astarion and lemme tell u, when i find him, he is BONES, baby, bc look at herrr :( (also if u couldn't tell yet: i am obsessed w hearts' heads)
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and bc she is my number one son, here's purn <33
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i dont rlly have a definitive say of when i want to start regularly posting again bc i truly dont know, in case u didnt know im the only one in my household with a car and we also live in the middle of bumfuck NOWHERE, so im driving everywhere for everyone almost every single day of the week. im doing mentally/emotionally okay though, i just havent been able to be on tumblr specifically very much (or my pc.) i get done with the run-arounds for the day and i am lucky if i am able to catch wrestling or get a couple of ow games in or w/e. also admittedly it hasn't been just since march, i'd say late october was more like it. the time managment thing is what has gotten worse.
see yall soon, gifs will come at ya whenever i feel like they're not too uggo to post <33
ps. almost forgot abt kasdeya. i should never do That, she might bite me (i'd let her)
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also quick moodboard ft my actual son <3
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princessdreamie · 4 months
DBH part 39
New chatacter: Maggie Larson (Ma: Bu's partner in crime)
Once they came into the waiting area at the end of the hall, Bu and his companion met up with the others. Br & Bu hugged eachother, catching up on what was going on, while the parents spoke to the tall woman he came with. She told them that she came to record his progress while he was back home. N had some suspicions about the whole ordeal, so she kept all that information in the back of her head.
The brother and sister duo, were standing further back in the background and the teenager talked about her endeavors after his time overseas. And that's what he was counting on. He knew that his big sid had some valuable information, even if most of it was just some boy crazy drama. Most of the time he kept his facade in tact, that was until she started talking about their girl cousin and her clique. He was already pissed at her, since it was her fault that he was shipped away. Once he heared Lo's name and that he started being friendly with the other kids, the mood shifted inside of him. He was aware that the boy was weak. But he never would have thought that Lo might turn his back on him one day. His frozen face concerned Br so he had to make up a lie to cover his feelings.
The family of 4 sat in the car and they keep asking what it was like with the doctors and how long he would be staying. In his words: „As long as my company guide it going to let me.”
N & Br were happy to hear that. Not knowing how this was not exactly how it will go.
Flashback to Bu's room at the psychological institute
The boy was laying on his small and narrow bed, contemplating on how to get out of here. His door opened, sitting up ready for a new day to break another dorks mental state.
But this lady didnt look like she was working for them. And that's caugh him off guard. She didnt act all friendly and professional. She was not even scared of him as she walked up to his bed.
Standing over him next to his bed, the woman introduced herself as an ally of his. Saying that she has a grudge against some of his own enemies. She wouldnt say who but the person made sure to get him on her site.
It didnt take too long for him to jump on board and they layed down a plan to follow up on.
End of flashback
The rest of the stantons, excluding K & Na (K had work to do and N had a sleepover with her girl friends) wait in anticipation of the young boy's return. J didnt tell K or her daughter about Bu's return bc she didnt want her kid to freak out and separate herself from her family any further as she already was. Even if his arrival was short notice they had a feeling that he might have changed. Lv was not sure if they could trust him just bc he was allowed for a visit. All this was just to abnormal. They didn't even hear from St yet if his was a legit visit.
Mav tried calling his friend but to no avail. He would have asked his assistant, but he didnt have her private number saved.
Lv made a mental note to ask Fa or C for her number, both know her personally so that might not be that hard.
What would be is finding her. Mt and Co had different workplaces and they dont get home until late evening of they work overtime.
Long after they had stopped arguing over the matter, the front door finally opened. Everyone, including Fl, looked around the corner. The first thing that caught their eye was a very tall woman with white jacket and grey pants. But no N or even Ct insight. Not even the kids had arrived.
Long after they had stopped arguing over the matter, the front door finally opened. Everyone, including Fl, looked around the corner. The first thing that caught their eye was a very tall woman with white jacket and grey pants. But no N or even Ct insight. Not even the kids had arrived.
One of the butlers asked the stranger who let her in. To which she responded in a tired tone: „Relax, my good man. That is not a way to speak to a doctor. I got the location of the spare key from your young master, so this not going to be a problem, now is it?”
The ppl still in the other room were baffled at her rude behavior. Once the woman walked up to their location they acted like they didnt witness her rude behavior just then.
The woman introduced herself as Maggie Larson, Bu's supervisor on this trip. Her duty was to figure out if the boy was ready for 'the next step'.
Lv and Gr didnt like the sound of that. It was just to strange to find out about it from Bu instead of one of the emploees of the institute.
The other thing they got was an email from an assitant a few days after Bu and Br texted eachother. Some things still didnt add up on other things as well. So Gr & his son took some caution forwards her.
But since they couldnt get a hold on St they kept to themselves.
Not long after another car arrived. This time it was N and the rest of her brats.
Tt, who was sitting on the sofa all this time, glanced outside the window and growled at the boy ouside. He sent a quick notice to Ll, warning her for an upcoming disaster.
Cut to E's firm
Ll was swaying on her dad's shoulder when he got Tts warning. E asked her what made her so anxious all of a sudden.
As usual she passed on the information and sure enough, the CEO was not happy about the news.
Another message came again, this time Tt asking if he could ask Mt to send Co's phone number to Lv so he could talk to her about her boss.
E ordered Ll to message his assistant about it b4 he went back to work.
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our-inspire-verse · 6 months
More sad below
(Written earlier, posted when i got time) my art VV
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Its just sorta sucky bc everyone apparently knew before i did. And it wasnt like it was denial, Cadance looked at me with so much pity and i had no reason to understand why "this tired is different" meant i would LOSe him. I didn't know that the "sometimes i got tired and need to rest for a few days haha! I'll be alright" didnt extend past his 50s. I had no idea to even fully comprehend that he wouldn't always be there. I wasn't stupid, I'd grown up around death and loss and change, but I'd spent 30 years being aggressively shown that people i loved dearest wouldn't leave me for anything in the universe, and would face death for me. I never paused to think too hard about it because i didn't know what i would do. And i was right. I didnt know. I froze.
I keep seeing the memory of realizing things were about to change. Me, Cadance and Danny were playing in the living room with pool noodles. It was just a random fucking day man. It was just, us being us. Stupid bullshit when my world was collapsing. Everything was about to be the worst it ever EVER would be for me. And i was laughing so hard i was lightheaded with Dan. We were slinging styrofoam at each other and i didnt even notice the phone ring. I didnt think too hard on seeing Alder's face, i thought, oh, work. He'll tell me when he hangs up:)
And the playing got softer from the other 2. I didnt understand that they were eavesdropping subtly. I didn't know they'd seen that phonecall enough to know why i should have stopped. It didnt matter, they told me eventually. It didn't matter because Alder pulled me aside, alone into his room.
He told me he had a very serious doctor appointment coming up, and he needed me to be there for it if i could. Of course, anything Bobby. I called him Bobby, because Aldi used to make him mad. Only playfully, he wouldn't really get that mad much, save for protecting me. He told me that this was going to be really hard, and he was sorry in advance for everything that was coming up. I got scared finally. I said whats wrong?
"They think they found something... In my head. They didn't... say that. But i can infer" he was choked up. "I can infer around the silence. The 'you need to make an appointment' instead of 'you're clear, sir.' I just. I need you to understand something very real is going on right now." I didnt understand, or i didnt want to. The fragility of humans i used to rub in Dan's face during fights was biting me and drawing out all of my blood. I didnt want to see it.
Alder was only 67. He was only 67 and he got like 35 years with me. That number repeated for the whole year since i first fronted and got labeled as host. Since the memories started coming in. 35. That stupid, terrible number. Sucks. That now, years and timelines and dimensions apart, souls changed over massive time periods, and im feeling the weight of the first night i slept on the idea that i could maybe possibly lose him soon. And soon I'll have to sleep in this life again, knowing alllll that new information about what happened between then and now.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Do you write yandere? If so, can I request skz yandere headcanons on how they would react when S/O rejects them because she doesn't wanna deal with whole drama that would come with dating an idol?
i mean kinda?? i have a seungmin yandere fic in my drafts sooo BUT YEAH
oh also, requests are not open but im just gonna do this one cause headcanons are kinda fun BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED <33
also why is the felix one so short-
Warnings; yandere!skz, rejection, k-dnapping, slight gaslightning or like manipulation, restraints, threats, aggression, mentions of masturbation, stockholm syndrome
nobody rejects him. nobody.
you two were friends from school and you were sooo happy when chan made it as an idol, finally persuing the dream he had been yapping on about for years. 
but in the midst of that he realized that he had feelings for you, he missed you all the time, just wanting to hang out with you and maybe explore the things he had on his mind. so,, he decided to confess when you guys were at a cafe.
“look y/n,,, there’s something I wanna tell you” he started to which you tilted your head
“nooo,,, are you guys going on a tour again,,, i wil miss you sooo much channie” you said with a pout but the boy shook his head.
“i like you y/n” 
your mouth stood agape, this was not what you expected and truthfully,,, not what you wanted. 
“chan,,, y-you know thats not possible” you said with a frown, looking at him straight ahead.
“of course it is,,, why wouldn’t it be? w-what are you trying to say y/n?!” his voice started growing louder, you looking around in order to see that people werent turning their heads towards your table. 
you have made a big big mistake my friend- 
wont even hesitate to keep you hostage in his basement LIKE IM NOT JOKING-
might just tie you up and like,,, not even do anything to you, just talk to you and admire you, maybe tracing your facial features and cuddle closer on the cold floor
just wants to keep you as a pet or smth and you are scared out of your mind cause you cant move cause of the restraints, you cant speak because you have silvertape across your lips that he only removes to feed you but if you start screaming you wont get any so you deicde to just stay calm and quiet before someone saves you and play along. 
i mean you do,,, kinda fall for him but you know you cant,, but you cant help but to fall for him and miss him whenever he’s out on schedule things
he always returns to you and you get so happy when you see the little crevice of light from outside when he opened the basement door
whenever he lies next to you, you put your head against his shoulder and take in his scent the best you can
he told you everyday that he would let you go if you agreed to date him but you shook your head,, maybe cause you liked being his prey. 
he’s more of the threatening type of yandere,,, like,, not that he’s violent but if you try to block his number he will create new ones and keep on sending you messages about how you have betrayed him and how he wished that you loved him back and all that,,,,
you guys often meet because you go to the same college and are students in the same department sooo,,,, avoiding him is pretty impossible 
he stares a lot at you,,, you guys have a couple of classes together and he just stares the entire time, his eyes are just filled with revenge, he somehow wants you make you his, own you but he doesnt know how yet, for now he can just look.
watch this fucking message conversation just be this;
[why did you talk to him during class?]
[you could have just asked me]
[nobody loves you like i do. no one y/n]
you are never getting rid of him basically,,
he’s gonna get to you first ;))
i feel like he goes more to the stalking route than the kidnapping and drugging and whatnot- 
ok,,, you rejected him,,, but that doesnt mean you’re getting rid of him.
ohmygod what if he turns into a peeping tom- cause he obviously knows where you live. 
like yall were not even that close?? he just saw you backstage at one of the concerts and thought you looked good so he decided to go up to, you werent an idol so no problem he thought.
but he gets a bit too,, hasty with his decisions and often falls for people randomly and so when he politely greeted you and gave you his number you simply shook your head, explaining that this wouldn’t be possible since you worked in the same industry and you needed to stay clear out of any scandals in order to keep your job. 
no was not answer in Hyunjins mind. 
luckily he managed to catch your full name by flickering through some papers in an office and also saw your full adress there, knowing exactly what he was going to do on his free time. 
if im being completely honest,,, i have no idea-
like,,, he gives me kinda pervy yandere vibes,,,
what if youre like his ex before he became an idol and now he wants to get back together with you-
oh,,, he masturbates to your pictures-
i feel like he always thinks about you, wondering what you like and wants to write songs about you but he doesnt do much-
but when he finds out that you have been hired by the same company as him to work as a like,,, economics accountant thingy he is all of a sudden vEEERY interested-
always asking the manager of when the group will have meetings with the accounting team,,, although they had nothing to do with them-
he just wanted to be in a conference room with you (and think pervy things about you in your tight office skirt and white blouse)
you went to the toilet on day and you saw him lurking around the same floor,,, WHICH ONCE AGAIN WAS NOT CONNECTED TO THE GROUP AT ALL- 
and idk,,, probably sneaks in with you and locks the door before you even react that theres someone else in the toilet- 
i feel like he’s pretty mild,,, but when he’s alone with you he is aggressive broooo
probably pins you to the wall and threatens you or smth along those lines,,,,,
(writing this is what my life has become to-)
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you turn around again, you had just thought of just leaving with a vague answer to his question but he was not having it. 
his words sounded cold, his dark voice making an entrace, the exact one you’ve heard on many of the songs you listened to.
“felix,,, you have to understand,,, u-um,, if we date theres gonna be some issues” you said but he just stared at you with cocky eyebrows and a dark gaze, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
“do you think i care? would i ask you if i cared?” he said to which you shook your head automatically, what more could you do?
“you get until tomorrow to think and if i don’t get the answer i want well,,, we’ll see what i’ll do to you.”
he plots shit behind your back yk?
he’s more of the sneaky type of yanderes (oop spoiler to a fic heh)
like he makes this like fucking year long plan where the objective of the mission is to make you obssessed with him-
he starts kinda subtely,,, first its going to the same gym as you and like,,, knowing where you placed your stuff
and then he starts putting small notes like under your waterbottle when you went to grab something that say like “i think youre cute, call me” and then his number
you obviously dont react,,, because why the fuck would you contact a stranger at the gym 
BUT THEN you realize that its him, its mf kim seungmin. yo,,,, u didnt know he went to this gym,,, that was not,,, the best-
of course you got a bit interested,,, you wanted to know how he was off camera,,, like just in his everyday life and i meeean,,, he was attractive but obviously you should stay away bc,,, he’s a celebrity but seungmin didnt want to stay away
he notes somehow started to get more aggressive,,, suddenly being like “why are you ignoring me?” and such,,,
and one night you were left alone in the gym with him,,, it was sooo quiet, only the sounds of your strained breaths as you lifted a dumbell
here where the plan came to play ;))
he’s obsessed with you and you are not going anywhere, even if you rejected him. 
he’s more clingy?? LIKE HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ok sure,, he falls more into the stalking category too,,, 
also veeeery much a obssessed kinda yandere,,, like his mind is not thinking about how to like capture you,,, more about how to make you soooo comfortable and fool you into loving him despite the circumstances?
i just imagine that you work in a cafe and jeongin often meets you there when he buys coffee and you are already in awe when you see fucking yang jeongin enter the coffee shop on your shift but you were even more excited when he leaves his phone number on a napkin and slides it over the counter before leaving. 
you thought about it,,, contemplating multiple times but,,, you decided it would be best not to since well,,, safety purposes 
but he would visit you and every day his face got more and more perplexed cause he wondered why you didnt call
mf would not leave you alone, he would even wait outside the coffee shop until you finished your shift and walk you home,,, so now he knew where you lived- 
and then do the same thing over and over again until you talked to him.
does. not. give. up. 
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mizunetzu · 4 years
hi!! i just found your blog and i may or may not have binged all the fics 😼😼 i was wondering if you could write a dabi or hawks x male reader where the reader is a rly gentle and kind barista and dabi/hawks is just wHIPPED for him? i think thatd be mad cute 👉👈
Headcannons - Dabi and Hawks whipped for their local barista
⚠️Warnings - kidnapping (dabi)
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Ok so like hear me out
At first
you didn’t catch this mans eye
In fact, he didn’t go to the coffee shop you worked at much because yknow...villain...
But it was late at night one day yk
And mans was like “oh boy, i sure am thirsty after committing homcide and robbery”
N the first place he sees
Dun dun dun
Is the 24 hr coffee shop you worked at HAHAHA
So he goes in, preparing to like-idk, threaten ur life for a cup of coffee or smth mean n whatnot
The door bell rings, and you turn around and give him the KINDEST MOST GENTLE-EST SMILE HES EVER SEEN
As a villain, and just someone who looks out of the ordinary in general, he never got much of that
Mans usually isn’t at a loss for words but HE IS NOW
Instead of threatening you for a cup of coffee, he actually orders like a normal person
He’s the only one in the cafe since it’s so late, and you had the late night shift lucky you
He sat in the corner with his coffee in silence, occasionally stealing glances at you sweeping the floor or counting the money in the register
what was this foreign feeling in his chest whavabwhshs
He didn’t notice when you walked up to him
mans almost roasted you alive
“Are you doing okay? Do you want a refill?”
He wasn’t really thirsty anymore but he did get a refill because he wanted to stay and watch you work some more like a creep
Yeah, one refill turned to three and he ended up talking to you for the rest of the night AWW
He was honestly suprised you didn’t know he was a villain, with the dark coat and scars and stuff
He ended up buying more coffee to take back to the league with the money he stole HAHAHA
Toga, sipping on her third coffee: yo why u buy so much damn
Dabi: 🤠
He started coming over more and more in the dead of night, on the days you worked which he totally didn’t find out by sneaking into the back room of the cafe and checking the schedule
You, somehow, didn’t find it suspicious that he’d always visit whenever you worked
One day, on one of the numerous times he’s visited, you mentioned how you used to be a bartender before switching over to being a barista
Something just...clicked
He’s a villain, right? Why’s he going so far to appeal to you, when he could just kidnap you and convince you to join the league?
So he did just that
You woke up in their weird club bar room hideout, tied to a chair with dabi and a few unfamiliar faces
Dabi lowkey felt bad (even for him) because even though you were literally just kidnapped, you gave him one of those heartwarming smiles
Even if it was a bit scared and forced, and probably a coping mechanism out of fear
“Look I ain’t gonna hurt you, dude. You’re one of my favorite people, so I’m offering you a deal.”
“Shut the fuck up, Toga.”
Dabi nudged the girls side.
A girl with blond hair and a school girls uniform pointed a knife at you. You flinched and dabi kept talking
“You said you used to be a bartender, right? I’m sure you can help this guy out behind the counter. Join us.”
Dabi motioned at Kurogiri. He waved, LMAOO
“Join me...please”
As scared as you were, you couldn’t deny the fact you had a soft spot for this scarily intimating man who’d sit in the corner and sip coffee everyday at work
Hell, sometimes (all the time LNAJS) you joined him and you’d talk for hours
And hearing this guy say “please” for the first time?
You nodded slowly, and dabi smiled
It was a nice smile, even if it was a bit scary
How could you possibly refuse?
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Since he wasn’t yknow...fucking iilegal and a villain, he came by to your coffee shop during the day
He was workin, caught and turned in a villain yk the usual
And he was kinda far away from his house, n he was gettin kinda hungry
He was flying around the city, when he spotted your lil coffee shop
Well, it wasn’t really a coffee shop, more like a food stop that so happens to sell coffee n drinks aswell
And hEY
you just opened up too, it was a relatively new place
My mans hawks supporting new & local businesses <3
He goes in right
He sees yakitori on the menu and goes :D
So he goes to order
“Hi Mister! What can I do you for?”
I think the main reason hawks was drawn to you was the fact you didn’t treat him like a celebrity and kissed his ass n whatnot, mainly bc you didn’t really keep up nor care about the trending hero’s and stuff (no offense to hawks and none taken)
He choked on his yakitori when you walked up to his lil table and asked for a picture for ur grandpa (who was a BIG fan, unlike you)
He kept going out of his way to visit ur shop frequently even though he lived preeeeetty far off
I mean mans has wings so it ain’t a problem but-
This simp-
He doesn’t show up in his hero outfit (unless he’s coming from patrol) so you didn’t really see him as “Hawks the hero”, more like “Keigo, the man who has stupid endeavor shorts and likes yakitori”
It’s really sweet he shows up in stupid graphic shirts and sweatpants he looks comfy-
He openly flirts with you, and at first you laughed and smiled because you didn’t wanna be rude (it still did things to Keigos heart)
but then
Ur laughs n smiles when he drops a stupid pickup line? They real
The way you offer to take over ur coworkers shifts just to see if Hawks stops by? It’s love just admit it
The totally unfair discount you gave him on yakitori, not mentioning the way you know how Keigo prefers it by heart? Just ask him out already DAMN
You two didn’t have any personal info on eachother, no numbers, emails, hell, Keigo didn’t know your first name (in Japan, you don’t really go by first names unless ur with fam or close friends yk?)
So when you nervously hand him his box of yakitori one day?
Hawks is like 🤠👍?
He opens it and sees:
“(Xxx)-xxx-xxxx -call me, and maybe we can, I don’t know, go out on a date and get to know each other more, yakitori-kun? ~(Y/n)
So ur first name was (Y/n), huh
He looks over at you, hiding ur face and sneaking glances at him while ur coworkers stiffing snickers and nudging ur side
you bet ur ass hes calling u later and saving ur contact as “My yakitori man (Y/n) ✨❤️”
Thank y’all for 700, by the way !! I love you all !!
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torchiiko · 2 years
i will now rant about howard (this is also Quite Long)
idk what randy sees in him tbh. my biggest issue is that he knows randys the ninja, how much randy likes being the ninja, and most importantly the kinds of threats norrisville deals with on a regular basis! and hes still mad everytime randy has to go Save Everyones Lives!! like ok. itd be upsetting to have your friend constantly bail on you but when said friend does it to literally protect the very town you both live in, i dont think you have much room to complain
the number of times howard has tried to convince randy Not to ninja out when there was actual danger is! concerning!! and it shows how selfish howard is bc he would rather let a monster rampage around than lose some of randys time. theyre both far too dependant on each other, but with randy having a responsibility as important as being the ninja, howard should understand that he cant be around 24/7
remember when a previous ninja left a stanked student in the freezer so he could go to prom and said stanked student thawed out and started causing trouble? and randy specifically said that he didnt want to lock him up for the next ninja to deal with the same way the past one had? and then howard still wanted to leave the student behind so he could go buy a new game
the episode where howard made casual friends (at randys insistence iirc) wouldve been a perfect compromise for them both and im disappointed it went the way it did. randy was far too jealous and felt left out, and acted out at howards expense. i saw a post about this episode (i think?) suggesting randy has trouble talking to people and making friends and that, socially, howard doesnt need randy the way randy needs him
... but howard does seem to need randy for everything else. he always has randy pay for stuff and apparently doesnt know his way home? and hardly ever appreciates randy for everything he does. unfortunate that the entire episode about learning to appreciate what people do for you and not taking them for granted apparently didnt stick in howards mind
howard also pushes randy to do things that go against his morals! a lot! at least he can recognize when randy goes off the deep end and reel him back in but it wouldnt have been a problem if howard hadnt pushed him to begin with!! the ninja turns down a free pizza bc it didnt seem ninja-like to accept, but howard gets frustrated and tells randy that no actually free stuff is more important
i will admit, theres been times where howard wasnt so bad! he acknowledged that bringing the power ball to julians party was a bad idea, he subbed for randy as the ninja when randy accidentally mindwiped himself, he helped convince everyone randy wasnt the ninja when debbie outed him, he even dove after and saved randy when randy dragged the sorceress into the land of shadows!! howard has the potential to be a good person and there are times he does care, but more often than not he does things mostly (if not only) for himself
heres more nitpicks: he ignores both the machine and randy when advised not to eat more than 2 soupsicles despite how sick it makes him, he gets mad at randy for giving the last remaining golden doctors note to julian even tho if he hadnt left julian alone thered still be more notes, he also doesnt care when they find julian in the land of shadows, instead being annoyed that theyd be stuck there with him specifically, he gets upset that randy is uncomfortable with his oversharing and that randy has some things he keeps to himself, he tells randy his enemies are just too easy and spends the rest of the episode playing tricks on him to prove it (which leads to randy giving ghoulian the power ball thinking it was another of howards tricks), the time when howard lied about the ninja wrecking his living room and convincing randy to leave a message for his dad, which then leads to his dad trying to Kill Randy, the episode where they both get jobs and he uses his manager position to treat randy poorly and act superior to him, and basically the entirety of snowklahoma. julian didnt deserve that </3
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
I was gonna make a request based on your Eren x Gamer Reader post but then I saw you take poly requests... Erejean x Gamer Reader? (She/her pronouns btw ^_^)
sure thing anon! your brain is huge. i started a one shot which is now sitting in my drafts bc i literally dont know how to finish it. maybe i'll post it later but for now here you go headcanons woohoo
eren and jeans dynamic makes it look like its impossible for them to share a girlfriend but it actually? works surprisingly well?
arguing is kinda their love language in a very strange weird way. if theyre not fighting somethings wrong but their like constant bickering actually is rlly important to you three's relationship lmfaooo a lot of communicating is just eren and jean fighting and then you pick up on something they say and you three talk it out. plus its gets all their energy out at the end of the day... like when puppies run around in circles bc they didnt go on long enough walks
jean is the planner of the couple, always making sure you guys get tickets to see this that and whatever, always figures out how ur gonna get places and when everyone will be picked up, makes sure everyones schedules are free and that theres no big game release that you'll miss and eren doesnt have work and jean isnt volunteering
in terms of nerdiness jean is a decent middle ground between you (who says "ummm actually..." unironically) and eren (who thought dungeons and dragons was a kinky thing) because he lives with connie so he gets roped into playing stuff like rainbow six seige and watching battlestar galactica into late hours of the night. also he's an only child who was prone to boredom as a kid so he played video games like any other only child. that being said he has a more extroverted personality and aptitude for sports so he just never got as absorbed in it as you did
this kind of makes eren jealous tbh because he thinks jean has more to relate with you then him. but jealousy is like a natural feeling and despite his feigned reluctance jean is happy to share his knowledge with him.
plus eren realizes that what he lacks in video game and movie knowledge he makes up in anime bc jean is clueless on that front. once you went on this huge rant about how sailor moon would decimate goku in a fight and jean just goes "gokus the pirate with the fox spirit, right? hes trying to become number one pro hero right?"
speaking of eren eren and jean are on the same volleyball team (i hc they play volleyball bc theyre tall but i think theyd be cute on any sports team because im weak hearted) and you become their fave cheerleader <3 they look for you in the stands before each game and have their own little ritual for good luck. when he spots you jean jumps really high (despite the team captain, levi screams at him to save it for when the game starts) and makes a heart with his arms and blows you a kiss when he gets in the air and its so embarrassing so eren just dogpiles the embarassment but giving you an over exaggerated wink its the worst theyre gross
jean gets you into connie's discord server after you complain that people are really rude to you in online games and eren is quick to demand an invite too even though he literally plays nothing and has no idea how discord works. he will log in and ping you to show you a meme and even though connie's server is really chill with rules (like 10 ppl max, just some friends hanging out) he has always wanted to say "no memes in general" so he does it every time. you have to show eren how to use private messages once connie jokes abt eren being his discord kitten.
cuddle pile while watching movies... jean is a film buff so you three have movie nights rlly often. its usually you sandwiched in between them with jean behind you and eren in front of you so you can play with his hair. jean's movie taste is actually really broad and you and eren both find a ton of new favorites through him.
they both really like listening to you ramble. you can explain soooo much lore abt your fave series and theyre both really invested. eren is more invested in the characters while jean is more focused on what happens next, but theyre both listening rlly well and making sure you know they care. they kinda care in different ways though? while eren is just passionate and because he's so passionate he must know about all things you like, jean is either interested or just likes hearing your voice. of the two jean is more likely to give you short answers and he'll be more dozed off so he's good to go to when you just want to rant. eren is going to ask you more questions and get wayyy more confused so he's good to go to when you want to explain or flesh out your points.
jean finds eren's jealousy of fictional characters sooooo ridiculous. whenever eren is pouting about some new video game guy youre in love with jean is rolling his eyes because of course its eren jaeger he's just looking for things to get angry at. "what are they gonna do idiot, come out of the tv?" but then one day there's a character that looks a lot like eren and suddenly he understands everything. but he realizes you have a thing for guys with long hair. he'll keep the mullet around for a while
they both really like having you sat in their laps and (unbeknownst to you) in order to avoid conflict they created a system. cozy game? eren. reading? jean. watching anime? eren. watching something live action? jean. playing a game on your phone? eren. watching an analysis video for your favorite franchise? jean. just messing around on your computer? rock paper scissors, best of three. eren likes to hug you tight and rest his head on your shoulder while talking to you. when it gets quiet he'll nuzzle his face in your neck and give you small kisses there. while jean likes to put his hands under your shirt and rest it on your stomach while you two chat. he's puts his head on your head or throws it back depending on your height and kinda just likes letting his hands wander, like rubbing up and down your arms or tickling you lightly.
you: i hate this stupid game
eren: yeah babe that game fucking sucks (has never played it in his life)
jean: then stop playing it?
you and eren, at the same time: what? no.
all in all they are good boyfriends 10/10 would recommend.
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starglow-xx · 3 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada & port mafia (part 1)
platonic! edogawa ranpo x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting these fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them! but only at the cost of your peace and sanity. 
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
author’s notes: this will be a multiple part series of head canons and this is only part one! this series will include both the agency and port mafia members, and then something special for the end. maybe i’ll even write a real one shot/scenario for it. if there’s enough interest, i might open up a tag list for this! i hope you all enjoy!! <33
also, ranpo is 25 in this part; kenji, atushi, kyouka, and the tanizaki siblings aren’t part of the agency yet, only yosano, kunikida, and dazai are, but in the next couple parts, it will be established that the tanizakis are
and (n/n) means nickname :)
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meeting the greatest detective
your bakery, Sakura’s, which you named after your late grandmother (who was also your guardian), went into business when you were 18 right after graduating high school
who needed a culinary course when you were trained by dear ol grandma?
your grandmother died when you were 16, just as you started your second year of high school
you were devastated of course, but you knew she wouldn’t want you to wallow over it too long
so in those last two hard years of high school, you took part time jobs at other bakeries and saved lots and lots of money
by graduation, using your life savings, the money your grandmother had left for you, and all the money you earned working, you were able to buy the small building—with a reasonable amount of money left over to survive— you and your grandmother had been eyeing back in her hometown, yokohama, to start your bakery
the building was a bit run down, but you were planning to give it a makeover anyways
it was a bit smaller compared to other buildings around, only having two stories, but on the plus side, the second floor had taller ceilings and was an apartment
is that realistic? probably not but bare with me here 
you finished putting your bakery up in about 4 months, then finished up your apartment 2 more after
you opened Sakura’s at 7 in the morning then closed at 8 in the evening
when you first started, you did quite well!!
especially with those who went to work on early mornings and families
the time when you first opened was the most peaceful, but you admitted that it was a bit boring, and you wished for a bit more excitement
and boy, the day edogawa ranpo stepped into your bakery was the catalyst for the chaos and excitement that was soon to come
not that you knew that
if you did you would’ve never let him in
you were 19 when ranpo discovered Sakura’s, and it was completely accidental
he finished solving a case and was on the way back to the agency, and he—not surprisingly—got lost and then it started to rain really hard
it was pouring; there was even the cliche thunder strike and everything
you saw the brown clad man across the street and you ran out with two umbrellas (almost getting hit by a car mind you) handed one to him and practically dragged him inside
with the heavy rain on the forecast, Sakura’s was empty, so you gently pushed him down on a chair and you rushed away to find towels
even though the two of you had umbrellas, the two of you were still soaked 
finding said towels, you quickly dried yourself the best you could then you draped your towel over your back and rushed over to give him his as well as a warm pastry and your special hot honey lemon tea
ranpo laughed as you placed down the refreshment and snack, thinking that you knew who he was and was giving him special treatment
poor bby blinked and went :0 when you said you didn’t
“you don’t know who i am?”
“no. am i supposed to?”
the 25 year old blanked and you worried that you broke him and started to apologize profusely 
he cut you off claiming that he got over it he didnt but seeing as the bakery was empty and it was pouring pretty badly, he demanded you give him all your attention sit with him so he could tell you all about himself and what he’s done
the two of you got along quite well
you were amazed with all the stories he’s told you 
you honestly acted like a cute little kid listening to fairytales
he told you that and in response you threw a napkin at him
“wow ranpo-san! that’s amazing!!”
“you look like a little kid”
cue the napkin
he was happy with all the attention, praise, and sweets you gave him
the agency gave him praise sure, and made sure he had a lot of snacks but it was refreshing to have someone give him this much and your treats were the best he’s ever had
after he told you all his most interesting cases, the two of you just rambled about the most randomest things; going from the best desserts and snacks to the stupidest things his coworkers have done
you guys were on that last topic for a while
you two talked and rambled for hours, and when it hit hour two and the rain was still pouring, you just went ahead and slipped the “we’re open” sign to “closed” even though it was only 2 o’clock
you thought that this was probably the loving goofy older brother relationship that you missed out on
“ranpo-san, you’re kind of like the brother i’ve never had”
“and you’re still like that little kid”
cue another napkin to the face
don’t worry, he already adores you <3 
he just likes to make fun of you </3
*cuts you off as you’re talking to squish your cheeks* “(y/n) you still have a lot of baby fat and you’re pretty short...are you sure you’re still not in high school or smth??”
*incoherent talking due to pressure on cheeks* “ranpo-san you have 3 seconds before i kick you out”
at around 6, the rain came to a stop and by then, the both of you were all dried up
before he left, you gave him a map so that he hopefully wouldn’t get lost again and gave him a couple boxes of treats for him to have and to share with his coworkers
you closed early so you had to give away at least some of the remaining treats somehow
he wanted you to go to agency with him so he didn’t have to carry everything but you declined saying that you didn’t want to bc you wanted to rest
and for payback for calling you a little kid
you were 19 goddamnit
you already placed everything neatly into two bags so it was easy to carry but this bitch still had the audacity to pout and whine at you
and he calls you the little kid, jeez
you never told him but, you almost gave in
you never told him. but he probably already knows
ranpo san knows all after all; even you knew that by now
the two of you had also exchanged phone numbers and when the two of you showed each other what you each put for a contact name along with the note below, the two of you broke out into grins
you named him “the greatest detective <33″ & put the note “new nii-san <33 & bully </3″ and he named you “cute bakery girl” with the note “best follower, sweets supply & annoying little kid”
when he left, you properly closed the bakery and taped a sign to the door saying that you closed early for personal reasons
when everything was cleaned up, you marched up into your bedroom, plopped on your bed, and took a nap
you deserved it
at the agency not too long after that, ranpo had arrived and when he opened the door, everyone rushed towards him in concern asking if he was okay
he waved them off and walked towards his desk and plopped down in his seat
he placed the two bags in front of him and took out a box of cream puffs and started to snack on them
his coworkers watched him blankly as his scarfed down one after another
after finishing that box, he rummaged through the bags to look through the different kinds of pastries you’ve given him 
noticing that there were people still staring at him he paused before sighing in exasperation
he began to whine at his coworkers saying that no one told him it was gonna rain and that they were lucky that he happened to be in front of Sakura’s
“why did no one tell me?! it was pouring and i was soaked! you guys are lucky that (n/n)-chan’s bakery was right there! you would’ve probably lost me! how would the agency even function without me here?!”
no one wanted to be the one to tell him that they had no idea who he was talking about and that they did in fact tell him that it was gonna pour
they can save that, and their questions for another time
next >>
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
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gayspock · 3 years
(monologuing in the park with the birds) you see, well, im actually the most tortured man alive bc frankly one of the few things i ever really wanted to explore f*nfiction for - which i must censor not to keep my tongue clean, but lest i call upon demons on this here website as i type it up - was star trek tos, and listen my loves, i dont rlly care that much for aos at all and i just stay away from it bc i know i would hate it and it'd make me angry so bad so why on earth would i watch it you know, my loves, like simply in the "oh heavens this just isnt for me... this just isnt at all is it sniff sniff sniff" manner, and im not so fussy since i KNOW its some people's cup of tea you know and i do terribly respect that, i have loved and admired and respected aos fans and theres nothing wrong love is love, but also allow me the fact that oh christ alive on the + and oh the late christ on the + too (lets cover our bases) it just- oh we cant get into that now, as people will think im positively loopy, but oh... oh goodness me. oh goodness me. the fleeting fanbase it had (still has, but it boomed and fizzled you know) because of COURSE it came out at a time when fanficcers were particularly feral in, likw, 2009-mid 2010s im not sure... well it did awful numbers on the kirk/spock selection of RECENT fanfiction (as we all know, there are archives stretching back yonks- but forgive me, i do want more recent works) and you see, the plague it unleashed perhaps it did save me in that regard, perhaps it did carry my soul from damnation, because every time i read about aos kirk/spock dynamic i get onto all fours and start wretching like a cat with hairballs stuck in its gullet and yet that characterisation is somehow what dominates the dreaded a-triple-o site that also shalt not be named directly lest i, again, put out the flypaper for the flies so to speak, where even ayy ohhh essss fics are just tagged as "tos too!" like you can SAY that! it isnt TRUE. and its all the very worstly types, and all: why the dickens does my star trek fanfiction smell like a teen wolf fanfiction here? hard to quite describe what i mean, but listen my girls aos already ripped of twok WHY must you go ahead and cannibalise tos for the tarsus plot and load that also on james t kirk (aos) who oh. oh im so angry i hate james t kirk (aos) i'll get him you see oh my goodness me... aos contributing to all the misconceptions abt spock and kirk in popular culture, even canonising them in the new timeline which okay dokay sniff sniff, if thats whay you want to do but you're making me a little sad, a little miserable, and mister jayjee abrams you didnt NEED to tell us you barely watched tos i could tell bc even if you did justify it within the plot i can tell you werent a tos fan with the direction you took this all in, and for all these silly little fics to be like its like aos and its like tos babe when you know damn well that simply is not the case my beloved.... charged enemies to lovie dovies (eek) is fine have fun with that elsewhere, which i feel a little ill calling it THAT, you know, i hate saying terms like that with my heart and not as a silly little joke but well thats what it is and the thing is saying this but i dont uhm. mindddd that dynamic between two characters i guess in other cases, but oh oh oh (shakes like a pathetic wet dog) whys it in my house? in my kirk and spock? as kirk dreamily gazes into mister spocks eyes and says why you almost make me believe in miracles, i assure you there was never a bone in his body that held disregard for my bestie babe mister spock. and all the characterisation for kirk in particular, aos kirk in particular- its just the worst, most agonising thing ive ever seen, and my dear thomes who bless their heart has only seen aos was rather shocked when i informed him "no my love it isnt like this at all in tos" like oh dear oh dear my dears if you follow me you must know i dont at all like aos kirk/spock which fine if you do but cries softly .... dont mischaracterise me, it simply isnt ME- and back to the point
because you see, on the dreaded red and white webbed site, i used the filters... wahh... i used the filters so many times its like a coffee in here, baby! its like a fish tank in here, baby! <- choose whichever one of those sentences takes your pleasure and your fancy. but i used oh so many of them. and you know what? i still god the damn greek alphabet soup porn too an all! WOE is me, WOE is me! (digs my own grave and sniffles quite a bit whilst i do so) i cant even wail for i am spent on coke zeros in the vending machine
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indomies · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag up to 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
sabrina @lanwangiji​, my love, tagged me to share my process of making this typography edit! check out her explanation of her the untamed edit and her edit tag. 
i once opened lyrics edit requests so i can learn and practice typography. this edit was a request as well. i asked them which lyrics they wanted to have and the colors they’d like. since i got several requests and it was hard to keep tabs on them, i made a trello board so i could organize everything. i’m still using the trello board for every edit idea i have, the board makes my life easier.
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above is what i filled the card in the board with. basically just information of the requests.
once i got the request, my first thought was to find the vibe the song/lyrics exude. “it’s an old curse” screamed witchy vibes to me, so i went to pinterest to find some inspirations. at first i was looking for witchy poster designs and i came across this. i liked how it has smoke-ish graphic and i thought the smoke suited the “old curse” lyrics. and tbh pinterest is a rabbit hole, they gave me suggestions after suggestions, like this and this which became my inspiration for the color palette (i added the gold from those pics) and the sun moon design gave me the idea to incorporate space stuffs too. i somehow landed on this too, and because i wanted to include space theme, i made a simple phases of the moon. ultimately the hero of this edit was the lyrics, i didnt want the graphics took the center stage. i was inspired to make a crystal ball and do this kind of typography but after several trials i couldnt get the the typography right, so i scratched that idea and went with the space theme instead.
after i was feeling inspired enough, i went looking for the right colors. i usually just type “color name” and “palette” on pinterest. example “dark grey color palette” and i chose the one i liked best. when the request only asked for 1 color, i always searched for either a complimentary or contrasting color to give it a jushz, to add sprinkles. that’s why i added gold on top of the dark grey. 
this is the hardest part. the fonts play important role to the design. they need to convey the vibes of the lyrics, in this case witchy/magic vibe. i needed to find fonts or font just as magical and a bit whimsical. tho i hoard fonts... i like to use new font for every typography edit lmao sue me.
i highly recommend going to creativemarket free goods site, pixelsurplus font freebies and behance to search for fonts. i always use 100% free fonts, that means i can use it personally as well as commercially. creativemarket gives me desktop license for the fonts, which means i can use it for commercial as well. the reason i do this because i want to open an etsy shop someday, and i want to have the right license when i sell my stuffs. i almost never buy fonts bc they are expensive lmao. 
the fonts in used are “Vintage” for the main typograpy (i think i was a freebie from creativemarket) and “Morganite” for the title of the lyrics and the name of artist. 
once i have my materials and ideas, i open my illustrator and hope it doesnt crash every 5 min.
for this kind of typography edits, i use 600x700 px. tbh i dont like using 540px, the suggested tumblr size, as the width bc to me it doesn’t look as good in quality, so i up the px. but more on this sizing later. i utilize the artboards function in illustrator, and i use 2 artboards.
i use illustrator (ai) bc i’m working with vectors. when i work with vectors, the graphics/texts or whatever im making in ai wont become blurry or lose its quality when i enlarge or shrink it. in compare to photoshop, i need to make for example the moon graphic very big, so i wont lose the quality when i reduce and enlarge it again. with vector, i can start small and when i expand it, it’s still as good as when it’s tiny. 
i started with the gradients first. i created a rectangle as big as 600x700px and with the “freeform gradient” tool in ai, i played with the colors. below is the color palettes i used
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once the gradients are done, i worked with the lyrics and graphics right away. when i first doing this edits, i made typos a lot lmaooooooo. so i copy and pasted the lyrics on top of my artboard, so i wouldnt have any typos. 
i had 3 layers in my ai. one for the inspo pics and the OG lyrics. the rest for the edits themselves. i broke up “It's an old curse/dreamers diving headfirst” into to parts, hence the 2 more layers
i almost always started with the lyrics first then the graphics. but for this edit, i made the smoke first so i can layout where my text would be.
tbh the process of making the lyrics is a trial and error. i tried bunch of different stuffs and i chose whatever the best. but i worked like methodically, i made sure i finished the first part of the lyrics first then i could move on.
i was lucky with this font “vintage”. the font offers me several glyphs like these
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and i chose the one at the bottom. you’re very lucky if you find a font and they have glyphs.
excursion: glyphs vs fonts
glyph is an individual character. It might be a letter, an accented letter, a ligature, a punctuation mark, a dingbat, etc.
A font is a digital file which is used to display a typeface, which contains the entire upper- and lowercase alphabet as well as punctuation, numbers, and other special characters.
after i was finished with all the lyrics i added some graphics to make the edit pretty like small stars or dots. i added the song title and the artist too, sometimes at the bottom sometimes at the top. and i added my watermark put it as small as i could and made it a bit invisible but still can be seen.
exporting! this is where i’m going to go deeper with the dimension of my work. in ai, i always choose to save with “export as screens” function. it automatically divides the artboards i have and save them separately. i always save as png, bc the size is smaller than jpg but can maintain the quality.
now the export tab looks like this
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see the formats? i always scale up my edits, 2-3 times the original artboard size. reason is, to maintain the quality. i have tried to save it as original, 600x700 px, but it turned out a bit blurry. bc everything in ai is vector, when i scale up it doesnt lose the quality. BUT once i save it as png, it’s not a vector anymore, and when you zoom in until a certain degree it’ll be pixelated. that’s why i always scale up, to avoid it becoming pixelated when it’s just zoomed 1 or 2 times.
i opened my photoshop and also pray it won’t crash. import the png of my edits, add some grains/noise. the reason i use photoshop is, the noise filter is way better than in ai. it’s smoother somehow. and then i export my edits.
(i have a timelapse of how i made one of my edits, it’s not this one, but it’ll give you a better visualization. find it HERE
now the hardest parts are done, we go to posting!
i uploaded the 2 posters on tumblr as photos then i wrote the captions. for this typography edit, i always chose another lyrics that i like from the same song for the caption. i bolded the lyrics, add link to all of my typography gradient edits.
i always use this link to color my caption. i usually choose 3-4 colors, and i took the colors from my edit. but this was not until recently lmao. before i just took a guess and looked for similar colors that match the edit, but then i thought “why didnt i just use the color in the posters lmao”
ok after i have my html code for the caption, i go to this site to replace the “;” with “ “ so tumblr can read the code.
i’m not one who puts their edits in draft, bc i just cant wait to post it. i have to option here, either i post it immediately when the time is right (i usually post between 4-8) or i schedule it, if im finished before 4. 
i put all the necessary tags and click post! i am done finally!
i’m tagging:
@thetriangletattoo​ for this amazing series
@deludedandlostcause​ for this impressive gif
@half-lightl​ for this spectacular edit
@gayndrew​ for this stunning drawing
@thechampagnelovers​ for this cool collage
@cloudslou​ for this incredible edit
@heyangels​ for this incredible edit
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
WARNINGS: age gap, student x teacher (platonic then romantic) SPOILERS FOR MANGA CHAPTERS 280+
probably really bad spelling
Ok bitches, it’s midnight and my mind is ROLLING.
This obviously has to do with bakugo. I’m a bakugo kinny so don’t @ me plz.
I really do be thinking that he’d fall in love with his teacher. But like let me explain.
You’re one of his teachers but you aren’t a hero, 100% a vigilante bc you don’t believe in the Hero morals bc you think they are a little twisted. You’re the only teacher in UA who’s not a “real” hero, personally i think Aizawa is a vigilante bc in the beginning we see that he doesn’t like Toshinori and i think it has to do with his Hero ways.
ANYWAYS, getting out of pocket here.
After the UA festival you have a big soft spot for bakugo and midoriya (especially bkg but don’t tell deku). One day he accidentally fell asleep in class bc he’s been having nightmares and you notice. Ofc you do- he’s basically your kid smh. You don’t even bother to wake him and you threaten the ones who try, especially denki and mineta. Your quirk revolves around blood manipulation but u can make it into a physical form (i guess like elsa but w blood/ u can manipulate not just yours) So when they try to wake up bakugo you just put two scary blood creatures beside them and they threaten them for you. If class is over and he’s still asleep, deku looks a little worried but you pat his shoulders and let him know it’s okay.
not you waking him up with a blood figure bc your scared of him 😔 just a lil
he obviously wakes up startled with the blood beside him, unknown to you, it reminded him of the Sludge villain. you rush to his side and start to apologize, stroking his hair but he just slaps your hand away. He’s not used to this type of affection. “Bakugo.... Are you sleeping alright?” He obviously doesn’t crack under the first attempt and decided to leave, calling you an old hag nun the less. He’s muttering “Why should you care?” and “Mind your business old hag.” Mind you, youre only like 7 years older than he is. (Bakugo is 16, aka the oldest of the class making you 23, one of the youngest teachers too) You only stop him seconds before he’s out the door to let him know that he can talk to you when he wants to. Obviously flips u off bc he doesn’t see you like an elder like Aizawa or All Might.
The fourth time Bakugo is distracted or falls asleep, he slips up. You wake him after Iida complained to you about not waking him up, low key threaten him too- u know that he almost murdered stain 💀 shuts him right up. You stroke his hair this time, trying to be gentle and not startle him like last time. You ask if he’s okay again and that’s when he slips up, “Just nightmares n stuff...” He is NOT fully awake or conscious, so he kinda frazzled up again and we are back to our regular program of Bakugo barking in your face to mind your business. But you don’t expect him to say thank you right before he walks out the door. You’re like ????? that’s new.
It’s probably the last time bakugo falls asleep is when he starts developing a crush on you. You run your hands through his hair again and he kinda rubbed into it like a cat being pet behind the ears. Both of you are like 👁👄👁
He BOLTED. No way he had just developed a crush on his teacher. No fucking way. Try’s to distance himself from you. Doesnt sleep in you class anymore. Doesnt ask you for your help or anything. You don’t mind since it seems like he’s getting by better than he was before.
But when he gets captured by the LOV and youre at camp w aizawa as extra help and you don’t see bakugo back with the rest it’s like a piece of your heart was ripped out. ( BTW in this point in time the feelings you have for bakugo ARE NOT ROMANTIC, it’s kinda like Eri and Aizawa situation, you unintentionally took bakugo under your wing and care for him a little bit more than the rest)
You don’t sleep until you find him. You’re at the press conference and you’re blood begins to boil when they said bakugo would become a villain. You spoke over Aizawa “I can assure you that you can drop those theories and accusations of my student. Bakugo Katsuki is talented and strong willed. What you saw during the festival was a mier fragment of who he really is. He’s a good kid who wants to be the number one hero one day... he wouldn’t give that up to be a villain.”
“And how do you know this fire sure, (hero/name)”
“I know my student better than anyone.”
When you hear that Midoriya, Iida, Momo, Kirishima and Todoroki went on a rescue mission to save Bakugo- you freak out. You paced all night until All might won the battle against AFO. Shota called you in the middle of the night to let you know that Bkg was gonna be in the hospital for the night. You rushed over there and once again your blood began to boil- you overheard the converstantion with him and his mother. Her calling him weak. What kind of mother was she?
you purposely walked in, “Oh sorry... You must be the Bakugos, I’m H/N- his teacher.” Mitsuki shook your hand and so did Masaru. You guys chatted a little before they left. “Your fathers such a sweet guy... how’d he end up with your mom?” Bakugo chuckled, “Old hag basically jumped on him at work.” You two chuckled together.
A very long chat between you too happened. More on how he was feeling and how you worried about him. At this point Bakugo knew that he could confide in you... He looked down at his lap and he began to sniffle. Something you where NOT expecting. “It’s all my fault... All might lost his power because of me... Becahse i was weak.” You heart ached for him UGH. Taking his hand in his, “Bakugo you are not weak... You’re the strongest kid I know. This isn’t your fault. If anything it’s mine... I couldn’t protect you kids fast enough... I’m sorry.” Caressing his cheeks. “It’s getting late. Get some sleep bakugo.” Youre about to let go of his hands but his grip gets tighter. “Don’t make me say it old hag.” He mutters before you chuckle a little and sit back down. You fall asleep you head on the edge of his bed, still in your chair while he finally began to drift to sleep. Your hand now in his.
When he figured out Deku’s secret he has one condition. “We tell L/N”
Deku’s like ??? “You mean H/N??? But kacchan!”
“No buts deku! We tell L/N or i tell everyone.”
“All Might! Do something!”
“I trust her”
“HA! Stupid deku!”
Bakugou’s kinda excited to tell you while y’all have tea and discuss Deku’s quirk but your sipping your tea when they tell you and your like “Oh, yeah i kinda figured that out myself... You guys are really bad at hiding a secret.” Bakugo calls the irresponsible and the rest is history 💀
Also you side intern w a 1-B student Shiozaki bc y’all have manipulation quirks and he gets mad jealous 💀💀 also hates that u intern w Vlad King and hang out w Hawks WAY TOO MUch
If he’s ever around you guys and Hawks starts flirting OH MAN bakugou with start to bark.
Hawks is the first person to notice his crush and he tells you and your like “Pft BAKUGOU?? You’re crazy!” but then you low key begin to notice small things that you didn’t before and your like oh- Oh shit.... this ain’t good
“Bakugo, have lunch with me will you?”
Denki and mineta make dirty jokes and you slap both of them w your shadows before the exit class.
You’re both mid into your bento box as you just blurt it out “Do you fancy me Kacchan?” yes u intentionally call him kacchan bc he chokes on the spici bento u made him. “Oh wow... hawks was right...”
“Just told me you had a crush on me... Didnt believe him until now...” You eat a little more bento and just put it down bc ur don’t like the tension in the room. “Bakugo you know nothings going to happen between us right? You’re my student and i care about you. I obviously favor you but that’s all it’s gonna be.”
“Watch your mouth old hag. I’m 18 in two years, let’s see if i don’t come back and bite you in the ass.”
you burst out laughing and he just barks at you for laughing at him. “You will not my dear bakugo. Unless you graduate top of your class, turn 21 and make an image for yourself, then we’ll talk.”
“Mmm i promise ima gonna follow you till u love me too, L/N.”
“you’re disgusting, eat your bento.”
You’re horribly injured. Gashes and blood spilling from your wounds as you watch Midoriya fight a battle alone with Shigaraki. Bakugo is sitting you up between his legs, making sure you don’t pass out. Your blood isn’t regenerating your wounds like it usually would. Your body has its limits and you’ve almost passed them.
But when Aizawa goes out cold, Deku claims Nanas float quirk, it’s up to you and Endevor to keep everyone safe, even if your body is screaming at you to sleep and rest.
There’s a moment when you see bakugo look at you when he sees that his child hood friends is in grave danger. “Don’t... BAKUGO!” He’s already in the air and your blood whips aren’t fast enough to move them. Shigaraki is faster and pieces through his chest and abdomen... It’s like you could feel it. “NO!!BAKUGO!!!” Everyone around you can hear the horror in your voice as you push yourself up in the air w the rest of your energy and catch him in your arms before anyone else does, but your body feels limp, luckily enough Todoroki Shoto is seconds behind you and catches the both of you safely.
At this point you can’t even tell who’s blood is on your hands. “You idiot.... Damn it ... Hey, hey you’re alright, look at me Bakugo. You can’t leave me too kid.” If it weren’t for your regeneration you’d probably be passed out the way he is right now. “We’re gonna get you to safety alright.... You gotta keep your promise... as stupid as it is.”
The second your feet step into a medical, everyone is looking at the both of you in horror. You tears a falling onto him and you just look like a tired mess. “Please take him. No- No not me, him! He needs help not me, please.” The doctors are quick and they try to help you but you keep screaming that it’s bakugo that needs help and when he’s not in your arms anymore and you see him getting the help you need that’s when your body collapses into the arms of a doctor.
Once everything is over and everyone is safe. You’re the last one out of the group who wakes up, which frightens bakugo. He’s in his room and he’s nagging you at his nurse to let him see you (your legit a curtain over) but she keeps saying that you need rest and blah blah. “Let the kid in nurse.” You croak and bakugo almost falls off his bed to get to you.
he regrets his decision. you look pissed. “You could have died.” was the first thing you tell him when you see him. “Do you know how selfish that was Bakugo? You could have died in my arms? Did you even think about that-
“My body moved in it’s own...”
“I had to do something...”
You start tearing up, “get over here you stupid pomeranian.”
After that you watch Bakugo from afar, you give up you job in UA. You felt unworthy to have that position especially when you couldn’t save your student for the second time. Sometimes bakugo calls you and ask where you are while he’s on a grocery run. “I’m a lot closer than you think Kacchan, now get home safely, it’s getting dark.” You hang up in him and follows him back to UA, making use he’s fine.
This goes on for two year until he graduates. He’s taking pictures with his friends and aizawa gives him a box. “What is this?” he shrugs. “She just dropped it off.” He walks away leaving bakugo confused.
He opens the box and it’s a picture of you and him that Toshinori may have taken while you laughed together eating your bento. Behind the picture, there’s ink w your hand writing “give it back in 3 years” and inside there’s ring hanging on a necklace, he chuckles while reading the next note “p.s i’m not proposing. i just want something else to look forward to other than your presence”
“stupid hag.” he mutters before pulling the necklace over his head and tucking it into his graduate uniform. his hand is over the necklace and you see his smile from the top of the UA roof. When he looks up, he sees you. You smile softly and disappear when he blinks- he was afaid that would happen.
the next three years go by a lot quicker than he realizes. He’s interning under the agency you created w hawks but your no where to do seen. You’re never. in office.
and when april 20th hits, it’s the first time people see you in the office in three years and you go directly to Bakugos cubicle. You place a white box in front of him and smile “Happy birthday Dynamight.” His eyes widen when he locks eyes with you. Your hair is different, you look more like a woman than you did 5 years ago. he’s speechless and u just chuckle and roll your eyes. “My necklace, Kacchan.”
“I want my birthday present first.”
“What are you talking about, the box is your present now hand over my neck-“
“that’s not what i’m talking about.”
“the what-”
all eyes are on you two when pulls you into a kiss that he’s been holding onto for five years. “This necklace is mine now, just like you are. I promised you didn’t i?”
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
i have decided i am now going to blow up your inbox bc i csn i’m sorry codi focnnf
b u t!! anyway i’m going to rambling abt my new dad for all au [whixh was the au i sent you that ask abt]
alrighty so all might is now midoriya’s dad. that’s a thing. i like to think that inko and toshinori were high school sweethearts who broke up after graduation but met again when all might was called to recuse some hostages and inko was one of them!! anywho all might recuses her, they go on a coffee date, realize they’re still in love and start again
they get married and have izuku, who keeps inko’s maiden name [midoriya is now inko’s maiden name bc i do what i want]. he’s the cutest baby who has inko’s green hair, but has one blue and one green eye! [these are /important/] inko and all might talk abt maybe giving izuku all for one when he’s older, but they decide against it bc they don’t know if he’ll have a quirk or not
spoiler!! bitch baby has a quirk!! he gets a quirk that’s so much different than inko’s quirk and !!! ahhh!!! the basic explanation is that all might’s all of one genes mixed and then “corrupt” inko’s like 3 generation quirk-having genes or smth and izu has a very, very complex quirk now. it’s called astron, and astron allows him to fucking astral project into the center of the university and shit chxnc
astron works two different ways: using his blue eye he can project other people into his own personal astral plane and do whatever he wants. while the person’s physical body is still where it was, their mind is in the astral plane. if he uses his green eye, he can project himself to his astral plane and fuck around without consequences!!
[there’s an untold third ability of astron using both of his eyes, but izuku tried doing that when he first got his quirk and immediately fell into a coma for like a month? it was bad and his mind couldn’t handle the stress and dipped lol]
ANYWAY, izuku grows up with a bomb ass quirk and still has his kacchan with him thru his childhood so things are a lot different than canon? the wonder duo are little shitheads together and i love them, they wreck havoc and i love them
i have more ideas for this story but this is all i have for now, codi this is so long i’m sorry i’m blowing up ur inbox 🥺😭
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me opening my askbox and seeing the length of this au: holy shit
me reading the actual whole au: HOLY SHIT
(serious writing/plot below - blood and vomit mention)
oh god and now im imagining deku like. being this extremely feral and annoying lil shit whos extremely powerful and now bakugous got someone on his level so hes a lot more humble as hes growing up but also him and deku are the?? BESTEST OF FRIENDS. and i imagine when bakugou is being a little shit deku just. astral projects him out of his body for a while and apologizes to whoever kacchan yelled at LMFAO---bakugou comes back to his body and is all like “....fucks sake stop doing that”
AND THEN omfgkjfds imagine morally grey deku who does whatever he can to win?? he knew he wouldnt get into UAs hero course fair and square (all might offered him a recommendation but he declined because he wanted to get there on his own with kacchan) because robots didnt have souls he could astral project so he practices his quirks limits like YEARS prior and he tells bakugou about it but never rlly shows him but on the day of the entrance exam?
he shows up. everything goes as normal and he finishes the written exams and then moves on to the practical exam (still seperated from kacchan like in canon) and like. Every one goes dashing forward and deku doesnt really try to beat anyone. He waits until theyre all in the center engaging with robots when he walks to the center of the room.
and he sees the zero pointer in the distance.
“THE ZERO-POINTER’S HERE!” He yells and points at the gigantic mech heading their way. All at once everyone’s heads whip up to catch sight of the robot, enraptured by its sheer size and power. 
As they all look to one direction, Deku makes eye contact with them and smiles.
All at once, every single participant in the area goes limp. Astron throws their souls into the astral plane with little fanfare and everyone watches in awe and annoyance as their bodies uselessly crumple to the ground from the outside. The green-haired boy is suddenly given free reigns of the arena and they seethe as one by one he deactivates or disables robots that were once under their purview.
(What some of the smarter ones notice however, is the way he seems to be leaving some stray 3 pointers untouched... almost as if he was doing the calculations in his head as he goes... on how to ensure the number one spot while others can still score points...?)
One by one however, they start struggling and reaching to reconnect with their bodies. Their gleaming bright souls bob up and down with frenzied energy and Deku feels it. He feels it like itches on his skin and goosebumps that turn into hills that dance up and down his back. He feels it like he feels his limit reaching.
Its still around 10 minutes though before he actually loses control and everyone comes back to their bodies. His quirk times out and almost like its angry, the astral plane takes his body in exchange for the dozens he kept in there. He gets sucked through and passes out while everyone else runs and destroys the remaining bots. It doesn’t matter though, because he knows he’s racked up enough points to stay on top. He lets himself rest and observes the blue-haired tall guy with engines who contemplates carrying Deku’s body to safety.
Until, he sees her.
Just under some rubble and very close to getting crushed by the Zero-Pointer’s foot, Deku spots a brown-haired young girl that he recalls has some kind of floating quirk. He sees as everyone runs past her, prioritizing their own safety instead of hers.
He makes a decision.
Quickly--recklessly, a familiar gruff voice says in his ear--he forces himself back into his body and looks around. He runs to the girl and attempts to dig her out from the rubble before she gets crushed. The robot comes ever closer.
Using the little strength and flexibility he’s learnt from years of sparring with Kacchan, Deku abandons her in favor of climbing up the broken concrete and metal to meet the robot’s visor. He knows he won’t save her by digging her out of there, but by god is he gonna let her get injured without a fight. These robots weren’t designed to kill, but they were designed to destroy.
Focus. Focus and listen to what’s around you, Izu-kun.
The world around him reduces to tunnel-vision and suddenly Deku is face to face with the Zero-Pointer. It stops, as if calculating how to discard of Deku without hurting him severely with its own strength.
Everything has life in it. You only need to focus and look for it.
Izuku Midoriya looks at the robot.
In a whirlwind of blue and green, he reaches inside of himself and searches for life. Cold steel and hard-wired code meet his gaze and he plunges even deeper. 
Then all at once, everything in his visions snaps into sudden clarity, like he’s never seen before. He feels everything. Sees Everything. Smells, tastes, hears--and he hears how the metal beneath him bends and groans. He feels how it winces and shudders. He sees it as it opens its maw and its visor bends in a facsimile of eyes, pleading him as if asking how?
The robot beneath him comes to life and stumbles back.
Quickly, he scrambles to the nearest ledge which happens to be a broken support beam. Distantly, he thinks he feels his arm being sliced open on the edge of it and the warmth of blood streaming down his side as he nearly falls. 
“HEY! YOU WITH THE ENGINES!” He hoarsely screams to the still remaining, slack-jawed contestants. “I CAN’T KEEP THE ZERO POINTER DOWN FOR LONG! GO HELP THE GIRL AND TAKE HER TO SAFETY NOW!”
With a sudden burst of energy, the fellow participants start taking others out from the rubble while the blue-haired boy helps the brunette he was protecting earlier. As he watches them clear the rubble to drag her out, he feels a pang.
Who am I? a lost voice calls out. It’s raspy and almost-robotic sounding and only he can hear it. Where am I? What am I?
And Deku’s vision flickers.
In and out, he sees flashes through eyes that aren’t his. He hears voices that are simultaneously faraway and way too close for comfort. The world tugs at the sides of his perspective and a strain is pulling at the back of his head tearing his brain to shreds. He doesn’t know what he’s focusing or straining on, except that its working and keeping the zero-pointer down.
He grits his teeth. “Hurry the hell up! i can’t do this any longer--”
Bursts of pain appear behind his mismatched eyes and he wants to scream so bad and if he were looking any clearer he’d see the way that the zero-pointer thrashes on the ground in time with the pounding on his skull. Bile crawls up the back of his throat and Deku screams.
Izuku lets go and his vision goes black.
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heartachebf · 3 years
16, 17 (Tweek), and 25 -Batz 🖤💜
fandom asks
16. favorite behind-the-scenes insight ive actually got 2 answers for this !! first off, i love the fact that kenny is based off a Real Life kid trey knew growing up, who was Also named kenny n wore an orange coat that nobody could hear him over And was the poorest kid in town. and i rly love that kyle is blatantly based off matt stone ^_^ i have a big gay crush on matt so obvi that makes kyle one of my favs
17. 3 things you love about [insert character]
1. the fact that he can play piano And sing And act ^_^ i love that artsy little dweeb so much 2. the fact that his tics slowly got better over the years... sobbing n wailing.... AND the fact that he barely tics when hes around craig.... love wins 3. i love that he can kick ass should he choose to ^_^ he could maim someone so easily and i think he deserves to bonus number 4 bc i love him so much. i love that he can bake ^_^ i like to think that he stress bakes and will try out new recipes n then he'll take what he baked to school to let his friends try ^_^ hes god tier actually
25. favorite episode of [insert season] u didnt specify which season, so ill give my favs of each season (below the cut bc this post is getting long) (id also probs do this even if u Did specify which season bc. peace and love)
s1: i cant pick between episode 7, black friday (bc i Love the feel of all the early halloween episodes) or episode 10, damien (bc damien supremacy ^_^ im forever obsessed w the fact that he, the son of satan, has a super high pitched voice)
s2: EPISODE 17, GNOMES !!!!! i think that was tweeks first introduction and as such, its my fav ^_^ i rly love his voice in that ep <3
s3: episode 5, tweek vs craig, bc duh ^_^ the beginning of an era <3 plus its proof that tweek is tough n doesnt need protecting
s4: either episode 6, cherokee hair tampons (bc i love how fiercely stan tries to help kyle + its revealed that kyle has diabetes ^_^ i will forever cry over the fact that stan didnt hesitate to offer his kidney to save kyles life) or episode 8, something you can do with your finger (bc i love their silly little boy band + i love wendy joining their boy band + kyle wanting to be the tough one of the band + randy backstory/him being a lil insane but in a funny way)
s5: episode 3, super best friends ^_^ the origin of stan n kyle being super best friends ^_^ i also kinda love episode 10, how to eat with your butt, bc kenny is very endearing in it And we finally get to see what kyles hair looks like <3
s6: either episode 9, free hat, or episode 11, child abduction is not funny bc theres so much excellent tweek content ^_^ i also like ep11 bc of how dumb the parents are in that one, thats always amusing
s7: either episode 8, south park is gay (the fact that everyone was acting a lil fruity ^_^ gay rights ^_^ and also kyle rejecting dressing fruity and getting made fun of for that. so funny considering the fact that he Is gay, i prommy, kyle told me himself) or episode 14, raisins (bc butters was very sweet that episode + goth stan was introduced ^_^)
s8: omg this ones so hard to pick. i love episode 4, you got f'd in the a, bc stan having to get in a dance battle??? comedy gold. i love episode 6, the jeffersons, bc we stan n kyle being dads to blanket, gay ptide. and then i also love episode 11, quest for ratings, bc i love the guys having their own news team And i love that craig had a show dedicated to just showing cute animals. dork craig rights
s9: episode 10, follow that egg ... more silly little stan n kyle content ... stan gets rly fruity here and im obsessed w it. that whole episode gives me silly little au ideas ^_^
s10: episode 14, stanleys cup. froths at the mouth. that one anon of mine, hockey fic anon? theyre writing a silly little fic based off an au of That episode ^_^ that ep is so quality
s11: goes insane. episode 8, le petit tourette bc i loved seeing cartman in anguish + dork craig content. episodes 10, 11, and 12 aka the imaginationland trilogy bc. god. just so good. i cant even explain it. episode 13, guitar queer-o bc it gives me Another great au idea + stan n kyle are fruity in it. and finally, episode 14, the list, bc there was lots of good wendy content And kyle got a little unhinged ^_^ as he deserves <3
s12: this is another one where its so hard to pick... episode 1, tonsil trouble, bc kyle got to go in attack mode again. episode 3, major boobage, bc we got silly little kenny content ^_^ episode 9, breast cancer show ever, bc thats when wendy beat the shit out of cartman <3 episodes 10 and 11, pandemic and pandemic 2, bc. craig content ^_^ and also ive already talked on my blog abt how its the best 2 parter ever. and episode 13, elementary school musical, bc stans gang was particularly goofy n their musical number was so fun ^_^
s13: episode 8, dead celebrities, bc kyle and ike content!!! i love them so much!!! and also episode 11, whale whores, bc stan Attacked And Killed all for the love of animals, n i love him for it
s14: episodes 11, 12, and 13, tha superhero episodes ^_^ i loved getting to see everyones superhero costumes in action And we got to learn more abt kennys immortality, which was so exciting !!
s15: episodes 7 and 8, youre getting old and ass burgers. starts sniffling and crying and collapses on the floor while sobbing. thats all i have to say about that, peace and love
s16: episode 5, butterballs (bc stan is so! hes just so !!! yknow. the anti bullying song in it is So good, And i live for butters standing up for himself ^_^ also the song at the end is god tier), episode 6, i never shouldve gone ziplining (its so fuckn funny, and i live for the live action bit at the end), and episode 11, going native (bc of that sweet, sweet butters n kenny content ^_^ i also live for butters Attacking in it)
s17: episode 4, goth kids 3: dawn of the posers. probably my fav goth kids centric episode ^_^ its so good n funny
s18: episode 3, the cissy. starts sniffling and crying again, but this time in transgender mode. i also love episode 6, freemium isnt free bc we get another Glimpse into stans issues w addiction ^_^ peace and love on planet earth
s19: episode 6, tweek x craig. love wins, gay ptide, etc etc
s20: um. i actually kinda hated this season. but ig if i Had to choose one, itd be episode 10, the end of serialization as we know it, bc it finally ended that season ^_^ no offense to any s20 stans out there, i just thought it was so boring
s21: episode 2, put it down. tweek n craig content, gay ptide ^_^ this is also the one where we learned that tweek can sing, play piano, And bake, and we also got to see craig learn how to support tweek better, which was very sweet ^_^
s22: episode 10, bike parade. i didnt super love this season either, so its kinda a case of picking the one i wasnt bored with. plus in a way it kinda felt like one of the original episodes, it was like a lil blast from the past !
s23: episode 2, band in china ^_^ we got stans band, crimson dawn !! it was great learning more abt how stan felt abt having to move to a farm, plus butters ripping it on a guitar was so funny. and then randy did stuff too idk
s24: this season has just been the 2 specials so far, but i liked the vaccination special, episode 2 the best ^_^ bc 1, the brovorce arc started, n im rly excited to see what happens with that. and also the way it ended left me hopeful that maybe the shows gonna go back to the way it used to be a little bit <3 i also liked how we saw stan gettin really mentally ill with freaking out over the pandemic, but that mightve been in the first episode instead...
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yyxgin · 4 years
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BTS as your neighbours *˙︶˙*)ノ
okay so I really like doing these and I hope ya'll like it at least a little (^º◡º^❁) *ready, set, give me validation* !!
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kim seokjin
your next door neighbour
always haves friends around
not too noisy, but you can hear him angrily shout really fast from time to time
you catch him singing one time and you swear you want to marry him after hearing his singing voice
the hall always smells nice when he cooks
you two propably start talking because he cooks or bakes something
and he baked way too much
so he decides to give some to his lovely neighbours
and you were the last one he came to
but its okay he saved a lot for you !!
you'd be so surprised
and tell him that you won't take anything and that you don't want to bother him and stuff
but he insists
so you call him inside and you eat the rest of whatever he's baked together (´∀`)
and he starts to come over like this more often,, but this time he only goes to you and not the whole apartment complex like the first time
over-all really fluffy if u ask me :')
asks u on a date a little while after
min yoongi
he lives in the apartment above yours
but you dont really know lmao
since you moved there only recently
one time it rains really hard
and you forget your umbrella bc you're a dumbass lmaooo
and you cant find your keys anywhere so you're just standing in front of the apartment complex,, soaking wet and desperate to finally go inside
until you feel someone's presence
and you see a very attractive hand unlock the front door
he lets you inside and the two of you awkwardly ride the elevator,, both of you soaking wet lmao
you shyly thank him as you exit the elevator one floor sooner
you two greet each other now whenever you see each other
cute smiles always on ur faces
asks you out once you two randomly meet in the elevator one day
jung hoseok
lives in an apartment above yours
you know him bc he's really nice and always greets everyone on halls with joy
you know he's a dancer bc you've seen some pics on instagram not that u are stalking him
but also because when he dances at home you hear every stomp on the floor
you normally dont mind bc he always stops before its time for u to sleep
but today ur head hurts a lot and you just want to sleep
so you ring the bell and tell him
"look, I'm really sorry to bother you but your dancing makes a lot of noise and I can hear every step you make on the floor, I don't mind normally, but my head hurts a lot so..."
he doesnt even let you finish
"omg i'm so sorry! I'll stop for today!"
since then you dont hear him dance that much
and u ask him about it one time you meet him
and he just kinda apologizes because he didnt know that it makes that much noise and asks u out for a coffee to make up for all the noise he's been making B)
kim namjoon
lives next to u
the two of you share the same hall and stuff,, so u meet him quite often
he's a really nice and polite guy !!
you like him really much
he put some bonsai trees to the hall to decorate and some other plants as well and you find it so cute
you compliment him on it one time and he blushes really hard
one time you hear a ring on ur door
he's there asking u to take care of the bonsai trees bc he's going away for a week
and u say sure !! why not !!
u thought you knew how to care about bonsai trees but turns out you dont
so you kinda over-water them :)))
and one of them dies :((((
it hurts your heart
so when joon comes back you tell him and you're close to crying
but he just tells u its okay and asks u to go out with him to buy a new one !!
so since than you're both proud bonsai tree parents and you've been going out together (*^▽^*)
park jimin
next door neighbour as well !!
he's pretty neat and quiet so u never complain
he's hot as well so bonus points
he has a roommate -- kim taehyung
you're convinced that the two of them are soulmates for sure
one day you hear a knock on ur door
and there's park jimin at your door
it surprises you
so you ask him whats up
and he's all blushy
"i'm really sorry to bother, but i've forgotten my keys and i'm waiting for my roommate to come back, but i really need to go to the toilet right now..."
say no more
you guide him to ur bathroom and help a boy out
you just kinda continue to talk in ur apartment until his roommate comes back
and he asks for ur number bc he wants to hang out w you
kim taehyung
your cute next door neighbour
he just moved in a couple of months ago so you dont really know him that much
but once u two meet in the elevator
surprise surprise
he has a dog
the cutest dog ever, may i say
but surprise surprise
you have a dog as well :')
and they seem to really like each other !!
tae just smiles in the cutest way possible when he sees your dogs hapilly playing together through the short elevator ride
"that's so weird, he's usually agressive around other dogs." he says
"yeah!! that has to mean she can feel you are a good person ;))"
you blush really hard
and he's not even flirting with u or is he
u seriously dont know
you meet in the elevator more and more often bc turns out your schedules kinda match
so one day tae's like
"we should go to the park and let them play more freely some day"
and u are all like "sure!!!"
bc you really wanna spend some time with your hot neighbour
so one day he rings your doorbell
and you accept his offer
and you've been going out ever since
jeon jungkook
okay so we all know that jungkook is the sweetest human being on this entire world
so i think you two would meet on the first day of you moving into the apartment
he saw you struggling with the heavy boxes and offered to help you
because he is just that way :')
you accept his offer bc u geniounly feel like you'd die of exhaustion if u didnt
the sight of his biceps lowkey makes u blush
he helps you with all the boxes
and than he says goodbye and its really sweet
turns out he lives next to you
and he hears your screams of frustration days later when you're not able to build your furniture
so he knocks on your door and offers help
witch u,, take bc why not
and you talk a lot and he stays for dinner bc you want to pay him back somehow
he leaves with your number
and asks you out a few days later :)
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