lesbianraskolnikov · 4 months
I will read more books i promise though i cannot say if id talk as much as i do this.
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ristoranteivorykeys · 3 years
the valse – chapter 1
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when you thought the greatest of your worries was an unanswered confession, an enigmatic musician has returned to sage island, and the task of investigating him is thrusted onto you.
azul ashengrotto x reader
╰┈➤ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hellooooo !!! so <_< this is a project that i had been working on for probably a month now. azul’s birthday is in a week’s time from now, and i wanted to celebrate it by writing a fic for him 😳 this ended up becoming a whole novel, so for sure i’m gonna be updating this story even after his birthday ahaha. i can’t promise an upload schedule as of the moment, but for sure, there will be an upload on the 24th for his birthday~!  ╰┈➤ 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: @greninjajeje​​ for helping me out with this fic so much 😭 all the late nights i’ve stayed up to write this OTL
𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭: part 2
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You jerked from the startling sound. Looking up to see where the sound came from, you glared at Floyd, whose lunch tray now sat on the spot of the table in front of your own. A nearby student shouted an “oi”, only to look away when he saw who dropped the tray. Diagonal to your left, Azul appeared just as bothered as you. 
“Floyd,” he sternly said with a glare. “I already told you many times to not drop your tray on the table.” 
Floyd simply shrugged while uttering a nonchalant sound, and he sat down, immediately digging into the sandwich served for today’s lunch.
Azul simply sighed, looking away from him to focus on the notes in his notebook once more. 
“Ehh, are you studying again, Azul,” Floyd asked with a frown, a droll in his voice. “Professor Trein’s exam’s in two weeks, y’know.” 
“Yes, and it is going to be a long exam,” he answered with a twinge of annoyance in his voice. “It’s best to start studying early, after all. I’d rather not be disturbed by banging trays and people talking to me, thank you.” 
“Really now, Azul,” Jade spoke with an amused smile. “You don’t typically study for tests unless it’s a week ahead. Are you sure it’s not because of something else?” 
You stopped chewing. Suddenly, your stomach felt heavy from the awkwardness that weighed it down. 
“Jade.” Azul looked up once more but with a glare in his eyes meant to scare someone to silence. However, the aforementioned student merely responded with a chuckle before taking a bite of his food. 
“Jeez, this is all your fault, Sae,” Floyd said as his mismatched eyes averted towards you. He took another bite of his sandwich.
His words added more weight in your stomach. A sense of guilt for being awkward? A slight anger for being called out? Both perhaps. “I’m… I’m sorry?” Calm, you have to remain calm and professional, you told yourself.
“Now now, let’s not throw the blame so carelessly like that,” Jade said after swallowing his own food. “After all, this issue isn’t entirely Sae’s fault. Somebody,” his own mismatched eyes glanced at Azul, whose eyes were skimming through notes again, “still hasn’t given his reply yet.” 
“Tch.” The other twin stabbed a piece of meat using a fork and put it in his mouth. “I thought it was annoying when Azul and Sae would be talking for hours about boring stuff, but jeez, this awkwardness is worse.” 
“Floyd.” You pointedly looked at him, showing enough anger to be stern, but not enough to look ready to start a fight. “Just leave us alone. And anyway, Azul’s still thinking about it, just give him some time.” 
“Yeah well, you could at least be talking normally instead of keeping to yourselves like a bunch of coral fish,” Floyd said. “The no’s always there, anyway. We could at least spare the awkwardness.” 
You didn’t say anything in reply, having nothing to counter his words. Floyd sighed. 
“Y’know what, I’m gonna walk around.” He stood up, picking up his unfinished sandwich. “This place is too stifling, and I don’t like it.” Floyd took another bite of his sandwich before walking away from your table with his hands in his pockets. 
Jade shook his head in amusement before he stood up. “I apologize, but I have to go too. I must do my daily check on my terrariums, after all.” 
“Yeah sure,” you said, but you eyed him suspiciously. You knew. Behind the apology was that desire to leave as well, leaving you alone with Azul. The twins shared a single brain cell, after all. 
“I’ll see you during work.” Jade waved a hand before following his brother. You waved back in return before taking another bite of your meal. 
The awkwardness didn’t leave. If anything, without the twins, it weighed even heavier between you and Azul. You chewed more slowly, focusing on the taste of your meal and on how the flavors danced in your mouth. At the same time, your ears paid more attention to the noise around you: teenage boys’ voices talking and shouting as multiple conversations took place left and right, each one of them saying something but unsure if anyone was taking the time to listen. Then once you swallowed, you immediately took another bite, chewing slowly once more and savoring the taste. 
For a minute, it worked. A minute of a sense of tranquility.
But all it took was an accidental glance towards your left to ruin the peace. Azul’s eyes never budged from the notebook, seemingly unbothered by the noise of the cafeteria. You should have looked away. You knew you should look away, but damn your heart for wanting to gaze at him more. His posture remained straight, his hair – at least the front side – kept its neatness from this morning and framed his face well, and his eyes subtly moved left to right as they analyzed the contents of the page. He’s focused on his studies as always. He’s hardworking as always. He’s beautiful as always. Azul made your heart race in excitement, so much so that it hurts.
“I thought it was annoying when Azul and Sae would be talking for hours about boring stuff, but jeez, this awkwardness is worse.” Floyd’s earlier words repeated in your head. And though his bluntness left you angry, you couldn’t deny the sadness that it left you with. You hated this awkwardness too. You longed for the normalcy you used to have with Azul, the conversations that you two would hold for hours. You wanted to break the ice. But somewhere, the rhythm changed between the two of you, and you couldn’t match it no matter what you tried to do. It’s frustrating. Nobody ever told you that awkward moments such as this would ever occur. 
You blinked over the mention of your name, returning to the real world. Upon seeing Azul’s eyes on you instead of the notebook, you felt your stomach drop. Sheer embarrassment waved over you. Oh no, he spotted me.
“Y-yeah?” I’m stammering, you noted. That’s not good. 
“Is there something you wanted to ask me,” he asked. 
You pressed your lips to a thin line as your thoughts started entering your head with the speed of a bullet train. Do I say that it’s nothing? Do I try to start something? Do I want to ask him, you repeatedly ask yourself. Wait. I should reply fast. The silence is getting too long.
“Ah, um…” Think, think, think! You yelled at yourself. Your brain strained to think. Your eyes wandered around. 
Another second passed. 
… Ah! “I was thinking about our research proposal,” you answered, your voice slightly raised in pitch from nervousness. “The submission’s next week, and well, we should try to finish it and revise it.” Nice one, you mentally patted yourself.
“Ah… that’s right,” he answered as he adjusted his glasses slightly. “There is still a lot of time between now and the deadline, so we can accomplish it tomorrow. Today, I want to focus on planning for the spring season limited menu we’re planning to serve starting March.” 
“Oh okay, that’s cool,” you said while nodding.
“And it would also be good for you to be more familiar with your duties,” he added, a pointed gaze aimed towards you.
Ah, that’s right. You suppressed the urge to groan. You forgot about the fact that you’re now working in the Mostro Lounge. “Yeah, yeah sure.” 
Silence entered between you two once again as Azul turned his head to the notes in front of him. If it was a week ago, it would have been a brief but comforting respite. But at this moment, you disliked it. It grew heavier than before. You wondered if you should end the conversation there or try to start something again. On one hand, ending the conversation here felt awkward as always, but on the other hand, trying to start something would possibly result in an even worse situation. It happened once, and you hated it. 
Or perhaps… bring up the elephant in the room that weighed the atmosphere in the first place. 
… No, you couldn’t do that. The thought left you feeling cold from nervousness and dread. Surely, you couldn’t bring yourself to–
“Um,” you uttered before you could stop yourself, and immediately after, you closed your mouth shut. Dear Great Seven, what have you done?
“Yes?” Azul looked at you once more. His gaze was expectant. Almost annoyed, if you squinted. Or was your mind deciding to play tricks on you? 
You took a deep breath. It’s too late to turn back now. 
“Um… well…” You hated it. You hated how these words wouldn’t come out easily. “I just, um, wanted to say…” 
His expression seemed unreadable, but you knew that he knew what you were going to say. 
“You know, you can, well… no I mean, you can, um…” 
His eyebrows subtly furrowed from confusion. It was a small movement, but you saw it anyway. 
You sighed in frustration. “You can reject my feelings if you want, you know,” you finally said with a slightly shaky voice. A hand scratched the back of your head, and your eyes couldn’t look straight at him. “I mean, I don’t really mind if we remain friends. And um, we’re still in high school, and you’re running your restaurant, so it’s okay and all…” Well, truth be told, it wouldn’t be totally okay. Rejection will always be painful, but you’d take it over the long awkwardness between you and Azul.
“Mm…” His expression became unreadable, but in the corner of your eye, his gaze seemed to avert from you. For a few seconds, you waited with bated breath. Would his answer be different this time? Would you finally get that rejection? Or better yet, would he accept your feelings? 
“I… still don’t know how to respond to your feelings,” he answered slowly. “It’s… it’s a bit complicated right now. I’m sorry. I can’t give you a straight answer.”
You hummed in response accompanied with a small nod. That was more or less the same answer he gave to you when you confessed your feelings to him. It left you feeling both relieved and frustrated. Relieved because there’s a chance. Frustrated because the no still hovered over you like a ghost haunting you.
“But I also must apologize for what has happened between the two of us,” he said. At his words, you found yourself looking at him again, and he’s looking at you again. His expression softened to make way for a smile. No lies tainted his words, and his eyes gleamed with a clearness like water. “I shouldn’t have let such feelings interfere with our relationship. I’ll make sure our conversations will be normal again.” 
For the first time in the lunch break, you smiled. A small one, but still a smile nonetheless. “I’ll do my best as well.” Another lull entered the conversation, but this time, the atmosphere between the two of you felt a little lighter. You breathed. You relished in how much easier it felt to do so. Around the same time, a draft hit your back, surprising you for a moment and prompting you to turn to the nearby windows. Oh, they’re open, you thought to yourself. 
“I must take my leave,” Azul spoke up, catching your attention once more. “Are you alright by yourself?”
“Ah.” You didn’t dare show it, but you couldn’t ignore the way your heart sank over his departure. “I’ll be fine, yeah. I’ll finish my food first, then I’ll leave.”
He nodded. “Alright. I’ll see you after lunch, Sae.” 
“Bye Azul.” You waved at him, and he waved back before leaving the cafeteria. The students around you remained in conversation, yet it felt quiet. A bit lonely, but it didn’t stop the smile forming on your face as you watched him leave the cafeteria. Only when he disappeared did your smile vanish, and you finally turned back to your meal.
Just as you took in one bite, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Hm? Did Azul need something, you wondered as you pulled out your phone and checked the notification. 
But when you saw the name, you swore you could almost hear your short peace shatter. 
A message from Mother.
“There should be no…” the notification read. But you already knew what it said, and much to your annoyance, your mind completed it. 
There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. While there’s life, there’s hope.
You pocketed your phone again with a little more force than you intended. Suddenly, lunch tasted a little more sour. “Damn it, mom,” you whispered to yourself as you gripped one of your utensils. “Why can’t you just stop bothering me?”
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turquoisea · 3 years
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Family reunion
Pairing: Dabi/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Dub-con, Degradation, Brother/Sister Incest, Manipulation, Guilt-tripping, OOC, Smut
Contains manga spoilers. Minors DNI.
Words: 4130
Synopsis: You was kidnapped while on your way home from work. Turned out your kidnapper was someone you knew.
A/N: I don't own any of the characters. Please read the warnings before continuing and we're gonna jump straight to the scene after (y/n) had been kidnapped (because i was too lazy to write the former part OTL)
Unable to escape from the kidnapper’s tight rope around your wrists, you helplessly let him carry you to somewhere that looked like an abandoned building. Not like you could exactly tell where it was, given the fact that your eyes had been covered ever since he captured you until you two “arrived” at the destination. Either had you been able to scream or to call for help, “If you decide to be a naughty little girl and make a fuss, or to even let a single person know about this and hinder my work, I can and I will burn your whole workplace while letting your watch every single second of it.” – the kidnapper had threatened, making panic surged within your body; the only thing you could blurt out to answer his “Is that clear?” was a simple “Yes.” Not wanting to involve any of your aquaintances, you decided to keep your mouth shut the entire time. You thought that it was a better idea to wait until you could learn about what he wanted, his motives behind this before trying to escape.
He placed you down on the floor after carrying you into a small room with the action being a little too gentle for a kidnapper, you thought and opened your eyes only to be met with a pair of turquoise gazes, slightly hidden behind his spiky black hair. Those reminded you of Shouto’s left eye color but they had a rather.. captivating effect, making you unable to tear your eyes off them. More like Touya’s eyes – the recollection passing your mind was quickly brushed off, given the harsh reality that Touya has been dead for more than 10 years. You cautiously opened your mouth to ask, still keeping eye contact.
"What do you want?"
“…What do I want?” He repeated the question before slowly taking off his black face mask. The way he did it was deliberate, elegant even, as if he was putting on a show to reveal what’s hidden behind the mask. In front of you was an abnormal façade: Purple skin lied under his eye bags, his lower cheeks and lower lip, all the way down to his collarbone; connected together with the normal parts of the skin by surgical staples. An audible gasp escaped your throat the moment you realized that the man who abducted you was the wanted criminal you saw on TV.
“League of Villains.. You’re.. You’re Dabi…”
“Dabi? Ah yes, people call me that now. But I thought you would recognize me now, you’re my family after all..” He trailed off at the end, as though he was rather hurt by your comment.
“Family? Stop joking now, we don’t even know each other!”
“You sure? Even when you used to call me Touya-nii with that sweet voice of yours?”
“I said stop!! Listen, I have no idea why you know about Touya but he’s not alive anymore, don’t bring him into this!” Your shaking voice resounded with rage. In the past few years you’d partly moved on from your brother’s death, even learned how to stop tearing up whenever someone mentions him. To say you was mad was an understatement, since the kidnapper crossed the line, pulled out those emotions that you’d tried so hard to hide them away. You couldn’t stay calm anymore. This villain and the audacity to even mention Touya, let alone making such an unbearable joke about him.
“(y/n)-chan,” The way he called your name was too familiar “you still have the habit of defending me after all this time.”
“Wh..What.. do you mean?”
“Don’t you remember? You were always there to patch me up every time I went out training on my own. Those nights that distress and hatred consumed me, you were the only one who was willing to give me a shoulder to cry on, to hear me rant about that stupid family. You were the only one who didn’t refuse to look at a “failure” like me while our father focused all his attention on that “masterpiece”. You made me feel like I’m not useless, (y/n)-chan. Sure you haven’t forgotten, right?”
“You’re.. lying.. Touya-nii is..”
“Yes, yes. Everybody thought so.” He interrupted. “But I escaped from the fire and as you can see,” He raised his hand to touch the staples. “I’m still here. If I’d died in that fire, I would have become a ghost, an evil spirit to haunt the hell out of Todoroki Enji.” The explanation ended with a snort.
But not for you, you couldn’t possibly laugh about it the way he did. You were nothing but speechless. The big brother you once thought wasn’t here, could never be here with you anymore was still alive and kicking. Thoughts of how Touya had managed to live since that day started to emerge your mind and probably because of the invisible connection, the blood connection between you two, you could feel his pain, his suffering, the dull ache that never go away in every single staple on his body… It must’ve been hard for a thirteen-year-old child to manage by himself after crawling out of a literal hell, you thought, mouth still agaped with astonishment. Tears neither stopped welling up, nor did they escape your shiny orbs when you looked at him through your blurry vision. You had so many questions to ask, but none of them could be voiced.
“But that’s the story for another day. Now, we have to celebrate the happy reunion of brother and sister, right?” He interrupted your thoughts before slowly approaching you. His tall body hovered over yours, enhancing the feeling of being small and helpless as your hands still being tied behind your back. He gripped your jaw with one hand, the other started to work on the buttons of your shirt while Touya’s slightly chapped lips met your own in a kiss that was soft at first but quickly turned passionate, sloppy with his tongue chasing every corner of your mouth.
“Touya..nii..” You panted between his kisses, trying your best to stop him from doing what you think he was trying to do. “We shouldn’t.. You shouldn’t do this.. We’re siblings..”
“Ah yes, you’re my favorite sibling after all, one more reason why we should do this, right?” His stapled mouth stretched into a huge grin, then he leaned back to take in the view of your body.
“My little sister has grown up.. To be honest, I didn’t have any of these dirty thoughts when we were children but now, I just want to fucking ravish you until all you can think of is me and my cock.”
His dirty talk sent a shiver thorough your body and you started to feel heat coiling up in your core. As if amused, turned on by your reaction, Touya grabbed one of your breasts and gave it a squeeze, causing a soft moan to escape your pump lips.
“What was that? Don’t tell me (y/n)-chan is aroused by her very own brother, hm? I’ve been stalking you for a while, my little sister. ‘Twas hard to find you since you don’t live at that house anymore. Can’t believe behind all those innocent act is a little whore who gets aroused easily by her Touya-nii.” He spat out, specifically emphasized the phrase you used to call him. Blue eyes looking down at you as if you were indeed what he said – a slut waiting to be bred.
“Touya-nii.. Please stop it.. I don’t want this..” Looking up at him through your wet lashes, you said with a whimper, begging him to stop.
Little did you know it had no such effect for Touya. Seeing your vulnerable face in a helpless state only boosted his ego; he felt as if he was the only one you could rely on, the only one who was able to decide your fate and damn, he could never get bored of this.
“What a pity, (y/n)-chan, because I, in fact, DO want this.” Touya murmured between kisses, leaving red spots blossoming all over your breasts, your shoulders, your collarbone. “Don’t you want to make your Touya-nii happy (y/n)-chan? You see, there hadn’t been a single day in which these staples stopped hurting me whenever I move. My tear glands were burned ever since the fire. I couldn’t cry because when I do, it hurts and blood flows out of my eye bags.” His fingers indicated the purple skin underneath his eyes as he continued. “I've lived with emotional numbness ever since. Your big brother doesn't feel anything anymore, (y/n)-chan..” Touya trailed off.
“But you, the only one who didn’t refuse to look at me... Having you here with me really makes me happy, and the kind little sister I know wouldn’t want to take that happiness away from me right?..” Turquoise orbs looked up at you through black strands of hair. As if wavering, as if pleading, as if he was asking you for your consent.
All to hide the fact that he guilt-tripped you into this.
And with him being a quick-witted, perceptive man, Touya’s tactics were never fruitless. He could tell your conscience would be troubled if you’d turned him down, especially when he phrased the words like that. He took advantage of the shocking state you were in, making you feel pity for him and overlook his immoral behaviours.
Touya waited with bated breath, eye contact still maintained.
“I..I want Touya-nii to be happy..” – your reply after a moment of thinking only caused a chuckle to escape his mouth and it’s almost like this was all he had been waiting for, all in his anticipation. This was the exact reaction that Touya wanted and as your best big brother ever, he couldn’t possibly put off anymore without his hands as your bra, nor could he wait any longer to secure this “happiness”.
“Knew my favorite sister would say that.” Touya couldn’t hide his triumphant expression when he quickly made his way down to your skirt, lifting it up so he could see what’s underneath. Gently, he palmed your groin before dragging his middle finger between your clothed slit only to find that your panties was already soaked.
“Oh? I already knew you were a whore behind your innocent façade but didn’t think you would be this shameless.. Tch.” He clicked his tongue. “Getting all nice and wet for your own brother. You said you wanted to make me happy but in truth, you just need to feel nii-san’s cock inside your hole right? Shameless slut.”
You groaned in exasperation and opened your mouth to protest but before you could even say anything, he ripped your white panties apart, making you squirm in awe. The rough pad of his thumb dragged over your clit while his knees spread your legs wide and held them in places. Touya’s finger slowly rubbed your clit in a circular motion and you couldn’t help but wanting more of those frictions, your hips involuntarily bucked forward.
“I was going to eat my favorite little sister out, but it seems like you can’t wait any longer huh? Look at this little pussy..” He said while using his index and middle finger to swipe at your entrance, gathering your juices on them, his eyes didn’t miss the way it clenched around nothing. “You must be so, so desperate to feel anything inside your pathetic hole, right? Will my fingers be enough to satisfy it?”
“Don’t be vague, (y/n)-chan. Sure you don’t want to hump a pillow like a dumb slut with her hands still tied while watching me masturbate to the sight of you right? Because if you don’t use your words now, I might let us do that for real.”
“Please, Touya-nii, I don’t want to! I want.. to be filled up by you instead..”
Upon hearing your words, Touya started palming the large bulge of his pants before unzipping the fermeture, gently pulled his boxer down to show you what’s underneath. Your eyes widened at the sight of Touya’s veiny cock. It was not as big as what you usually see on movies (not that you don’t know the porn industry isn’t anywhere near realistic), but rather thin and long as it was hard, practically throbbing in his palm whenever he stroked the shaft. However, what made you surprise was the shiny Prince Albert piercing located on the glans, signaling a hard time in the near future for your cervix.
Seeing your face expression only made Touya’s smirk grew wider and he looked like the cat that got the cream when he continued making you use more of your words, making you beg for his cock.
“And you want to be filled by what?”
As hesitant as you were after seeing his cock piercing, the way his fingers ignited sparkles of fire inside your core had your pride, your uncertainty wavering. You’d rather be fucked until your mouth can’t even form a coherent sentence than be left naked and needy while watching him masturbates until he cums anywhere that’s not inside your pussy. So you used your words, like a good girl should.
“By your cock, Touya-nii! I want you to fuck me hard!”
“Sure thing, my cute little slut.” He cooed. “Who am I to refuse to give my sister what she needs? I’m a good brother after all.”
And as a “good” brother he was, Touya even slide his fingers inside your wet pussy to prepare you for his cock. Despite having a fire quirk like your father, his fingers were cold and were only warmed up by the heat inside your core. They smoothly pumped into you, scissored you open, sometimes even curled up on purpose only to slightly brush against your soft spot, leaving you wanting more. His other hand found its way again on your clit, rubbing and circling along with his continuous fingering until you were nothing but a moaning mess, begging for your release.
He decided that he’d prepared you enough and retreat his fingers just before you could reach your climax. You whimpered loudly when he took the orgasm away from you, legs instantly wrapped around his hips to pull him closer. You had never felt this touch-starved before and all you could think of was only your Touya-nii, his captivating blue gazes, his touch, his voice and his pierced cock that somehow fits perfectly on his slim but toned body. You needed to feel him and you clumsily rubbed your pussy against Touya while trying to break free from the ropes tying your wrists together. But all that you could do wasn’t near enough so you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Touya-nii.. Please.. Please give me your cock.. I can’t take it anymore, I need your cock inside me..”
“Fine, since you asked so nicely.” Touya sneered as if he wasn’t the one who purposefully denied your orgasm before holding his cock, rubbing the swollen red tip at your entrance, feeling your juices mixing with beads of his precum then thrusted it all the way in. You both winced the moment you and your brother became one: you from the depth that his cock could go and him from the way your walls clenched around it.
“(y/n)-chan.. Your little pussy feels so tight.. Not that I mind how many people you slept with but damn.. This pussy's a keeper for sure..” Sighing with a shaky voice, he pulled out slowly only to slam back in ruthlessly. His hands used the dagger from before to release your aching wrists then started to rub small circles on them as if to soothe the pain. With your hands now free from bound, you wrapped them around Touya’s neck to pull him even closer, your lips moved under his to meet them in a kiss.
"Touya-nii.. Please move.." After a moment long enough for your pussy to stretch to his size, you broke from the passionate kiss to whisper to him; your tongue softly licked his lower lip, feeling the rough texture while your pussy clenched around his cock. You lifted your hips, inviting your big brother to bury his hot member deeper into you.
"Eager, aren't we?" To your plea, he only chuckled before moving his hand to grab a handful of your tits, squeezing the soft mound, toying with your swollen nipple. "Your wish is my command, my baby sister. Nii-san's going to make you feel really good now." His voice sounded so sensual when he moved his mouth close to your ear, whispered honeyed-words then nibbled at your earlobe, causing you to clench your pussy even more.
Touya's hands traveled down to grab both of your asscheeks, held them tightly in their places before he started thrusting his pulsing cock. "So good.. Touya-nii.." You moaned in rhythm with his hips whenever he bottomed out inside you; his cock piercing rubbed your walls every time he moved. The friction felt heavenly that you could feel your legs started to shake as if you couldn't control them anymore. He was different. His cock was different from anything you'd ever experienced. Touya filled you up so well, both physically and emotionally, making you feel good, feel loved, making tears well up in your eyes.
He let your legs rest on his shoulders as he continued claiming your pussy to himself, each thrust was hard and deep 'til the point that Touya's tip touched your cervix whenever he sheathed his full length in you. It hurt, but it hurt so good that not only did you not want it to stop, you wanted more and more of him, you wanted to indulge longer in this sinful pleasure.
"Fuck.. You're so tight around me.." He groaned as his pace became faster. A hand retreated from under you to hover above your neglected clit before he started stroking it softly, rubbing back and forth, drawing repeated circles onto your bundle of nerves.
Touya didn't leave anywhere on your body untouched: your tits, your belly, your inner thighs, your asscheeks, your clit, your core. His name fell out of your lips between heated moans like prayers and the pleasure kept building up that you felt like you're about to burst into bliss. Everything was so intense and you started to you wonder, is it because he denied your orgasm before or because his cock could actually bring you heaven? Those thoughts crossed your mind but you didn't know the answer. He'd fucked you dumb and now you couldn't think of anything else other than him and the tension deepening in your lower belly.
"Touya-nii.. 'M wanna cum.. Please.. Please let me cum.." You whined when you felt like you couldn't take it anymore, afraid that he would deny it again if you don't beg.
"Cum on my cock baby, let me feel you. And you should be.. Fuck.. grateful that I let you do it.." He didn't stop his assault on your clit as he railed you hard and fast, his thrust grew sloppier when your pussy clamped down on him. Wet noises echoed in the abandoned building along with your whines and the moans that Touya tried to hold back.
"Thank you.. Thank you Touya-nii.. for letting me cum.." was all you managed to choke out before you threw your head back, eyes squeezed shut causing tears of pleasure to fall out and your pussy clenched around him as you released your pent-up pressure.
"Attagirl, nii-san loves you.. Gonna officially mark you now, 'mkay? Gonna breed this little sister's pussy, gonna fill you up with my cum and put a baby in you.." Touya leaned over to whisper into your open mouth, planting chaste kisses all over your face while sloppily humping your body like an animal. You could feel him burry himself deep inside you when his brows furrowed and he muttered "Fuck" before Touya came inside your pussy. His thick ropes were hot as they spilled into your womb, painting your walls with his colour.
A moment passed with nothing but pants as you both tried to regain your breaths. You closed your eyes, basking in the afterglow with his cock still plugged in when you heard the clicking sound of a camera. Your eyes immediately shot open only to find Touya holding his phone in hand.
"Touya-nii.. Did you just.." You warily asked.
"Oh? Did I forget to tell you?" Touya casually looked up from his phone, a smirk tugged at the corner of his stapled mouth and he suddenly looked so strange, as if the person in front of you and the one who just came inside you was two different people.
"You see, there are two possible ways to completely break Todoroki Enji." He began explaining, his voice distant. "One, is to kill his masterpiece Shouto right in front of him by the own hands of his 'failure'."
"And two," His eyes locked with you as his smirk grew wider. "is to let him see his pure little angel being corrupted by the abandoned son." Touya finished his short speech, his hips pulled back so his now limp cock fell out of you with a wet pop. White cum slowly dripped out of your used pussy, all captured by the camera again.
You could see the flame of anger burning in his eyes when he mentioned your father's name and the tone of disgust in his voice when he spoke lowly of himself. There were so many problems that you didn't know where to begin with. All you could do was hang your mouth open, speechlessly watched him typing something on the phone.
"There, all done." Touya cheerfully informed. "Don't worry a thing, my baby sister, no one will get to keep those pictures except for me. I sent them to the old man using Vanish Mode, he'll see them for a few seconds before they disappear forever, just like how his little angel vanish from his life. Oh how I wish I could see his expression when he opens my messages."
You were absolutely stunned. You never thought your dead brother was able to come out alive, let alone to even have a detailed plan to destroy your father's mentality. There were so many things that your mind couldn't process in an instant.
"So you.. So you fucked me just for this?.." Your voice came out shakier than you expected. Your hands unconsciously moved to cover yourself as you hugged your own body, the world starting to crumble in your eyes.
"Partly, yes. But I wasn't lying when I said I love you." Touya planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
"E-Enough with all of this. I'm going home!" You raised your voice and wriggled out of his touch.
"Can't let you do that (y/n)-chan. The world doesn't know me as Touya, you're the first, the honorable one. Can't risk you leaking my secret right? And I plan to torture old man's mind repeatedly with more images of you, just like how he projected everything onto me when I was young." He tilted his head and laughed, and suddenly you couldn't tell whether his laughter was genuine or was an act of mockery. Probably both.
"Besides, I'm a little.. disappointed that my favorite sister actually wants to part so, so soon, especially when we just had a rather.. emotional family reunion, no?" His mood seemed to light up as he continued speaking.
"What.. do you mean by that? Just let me go already! I promise I won't tell anyone!" Tears started to form in your eyes as you slowly realized what the man meant. You were uncomfortable with the room's atmosphere; it's overwhelming you and you didn't want to stay any longer. You looked behind him, trying to figure out an escape path.
"Now, if you wanted to go so badly," - your actions couldn't escape his perceptive eyes - "I'm gonna escort you to a better place, 'mkay? They're gonna track down this place soon enough since I texted him with my phone. But don't you worry, nii-san won't let anyone hurt you, my (y/n)."
Touya had an almost-innocent smile when he approached you with his arms open, as if waiting for you to give him a hug. You backed away, but as stubborn as this Capricorn man was, he still wrapped his arms around you.
Ever since your childhood, Touya's body was warm, Touya's embrace was always comforting. But now, everything he did chilled you to the bone, making you start to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly you felt a sharp prick on your skin; followed by your consciousness slowly slipping away. Your vision started to grow blurry and all you heard before you drifted off was his voice, whispering to your ear.
"Now we won't be alone anymore."
The End.
A/N 2: I hope you enjoyed it! English isn't my first language so please be gentle with me QwQ. Thanks for reading!
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opalmaplehibiscus · 4 years
Roses are Red, Violets are blue – Riddle Discovered Romance Exists and that He’s in Love Too~
**Note: Anon, I’m so sorry for taking so long to write this ㅠoㅠ I really like Riddle as he’s in my top 5 list of characters like, so I hope I did him justice OTL
HC of Riddle x Reader
·       When Riddle first meets you at the welcome ceremony, already from the first glance, he was 100.31415% sure that he didn’t like you
·       You were a trouble maker, chaos-maker, a person who likes to wreck-havoc. In other words, something Riddle absolutely despised – a rule breaker
·       He was expecting, ok-hoping for you to not be accepted as an NRC student by the headmaster. Not only were you a rule breaker, you couldn’t even use magic. It wouldn’t make sense for you to be accepted
·       When he sees you sitting at  lunch with Ace, it proved to him 2 things. 1. You just further proved to him that you were someone he doesn’t want to get close with and 2. The headmaster is as brainless as ever
·       He doesn’t expect to see you come with Ace to deliver a marron tart on the day of the Unbirthday Party
·       Despite how he had reacted, he felt touch that you had come to deliver a tart for him. Yet, rules are law
·       It took everything in him to not flinch when he hears a passing comment from Cater how you and the other 3 trouble makers even had to pick fresh chestnuts to make it. To think someone who wasn’t even in his own dorm decided to help out to make a tart for him…
·       But the feeling of guilt disappears when you, someone magicless, calls him stupid for following the rules! The nerve you had for saying that he was stupid for following the rules that the Queen of Hearts made!
·       He usually didn’t discipline anyone outside the dorm of Heartslabyul unless it was something he witnessed and in regards to the general NRC school rule. He made an exception though when you refused to say “Yes, Dorm Leader”
·       You were in Heartslabyul and as the saying goes, “In Rome, do what the Romans do”. Through his anger, he’s still able to rational think how unreasonable he was being to apply his magic on someone magicless
·       For the rest of the day, the memory replays in his head of how he,  for the first time in his whole life, hesitated casting magic on someone. It didn’t help that the feeling of his hand shaking didn’t disappear
·       When you appear the next day for the duel, he suddenly felt self-conscious. He didn’t know why, but every time he was in front of you, he suddenly had the urge to look proper to you
·       He wanted to show you how much pride he takes in being the perfect honor student as well as nearly coming close to having the perfect image of the Queen of Hearts, herself
·       …Yes. Riddle, at the time, was wanting to look cool in front of you
·       The shame and deep embarrassment he faces when Ace punched him and calls him a baby in front of you of all people…The person he wanted to impress and gain acknowledgement from. And it didn’t help that everyone else didn’t think that was enough before an egg hits him on the head
·       After he OBs, he wakes up lying in your lap though he doesn’t notice as he continues to feel that the world was spinning
·       What he does notice was you hugging him as he cries from guilt, stress, and everything he held inside while patting his head. He refuses to admit that it comforted him, though it causes him to cry harder as he never once was given affection before
·       During the time he was recovering, when Trey and Cater tells him how you were the one that proposed to save him as soon as he OBed, his eyes turned soft from again, being touched, guilty, and confusion
·       He didn’t understand why you had chosen to help him. He knew that his first impression on you was not impressive at all. Yet you saved him
·       On Ace’s birthday, he has fun painting the roses with everyone while getting some sort of redemption on trying to look good in front of you
·       But, when he gave everyone his failed tarts, he wanted to dig a hole and get in it. He’s finally able to make himself look good and it’s none other than himself that ruins it in no less than an hour. Someone, please, help him
·       Seeing you continue to eat the failed tart, he tries to stop you. But jokes on him, when you tell him how the tart was something he made for everyone, which made it still delicious, he blushes
·       He only turns redder when he catches a certain Heartslabyul group talking behind his back
·       Ace: Oh my gosh, I think our Ryocho has a crush on the Prefect Deuce: What? No wa-actually, it really does seem like it, huh Grim: That’s unacceptable! I don’t want Y/N to date a guy like that! That would mean I won’t get as many tuna cans compared to now! Cater: Uuuuhhhhh, you guys should quiet down or else-
·       Riddle makes sure to punish them by lecturing them for 3 hours about respecting their seniors
·       He nearly uses his Unique Magic again when Ace points out how his height makes him look like a middle schooler
·       A few days later, when he sees you checking up on Trey because of his injury, Riddle felt touched from it
·       It made him happy and help the guilt inside him lessen seeing that there were many people that cared for his friend. Especially, from you
·       When he hears you were investigating about the incidents that were happening, he starts wanting to help you. Other than the reason of trying to find the person who used their magic on him and caused Trey to get injured, he didn’t want to lose the opportunity to get closer to you
·       It seemed like fate was against him though when he gets embarrassed by Floyd as he gets called by that cursed nickname and then had to run away from the eel twins
·       However, the fact that he was able to spend his day with you made him happy nonetheless
·       He doesn’t realize this but he starts to become more conscious about you – taking note of how you wear your uniform, hold your bag, etc
·       Listen, he’s more conscious because he acknowledges you as a fellow dorm leader that’s all! It’s totally not because he actually likes you!
·       Yeah, that’s why he fixes your tie and gives you the advice about keeping appearance! Because as fellow dorm leaders, they were the ones to set the image of being proper honor students in NRC! That’s. All!
·       He starts questioning if everything he did in the past is coming to bite him back now when he tries to catch Ruggie but ends up getting his pen stolen.
·       Was it too much to ask of him to look cool in front of you once? Once?
·       Cater: Riddle… I know you’re trying to look cool in front of Y/N but.. Riddle: But what? Cater: …Nothing
·       Cater didn’t want to face Riddle’s wrath like how Ace and Deuce did. He’s a wise man
·       He feels this again but this time with veins popping on his head when he finally gets Jack to agree to his plan and make it work only to lead to Leona to OB
·       He never has ever felt the urge to just crouch down while covering his face with his hands until now
·       When he sees Leona attacking everyone, all thoughts disappear as his worry for everyone’s safety, especially yours becomes his priority
·       He wanted to tell you to run away, go somewhere safe. But he doesn’t because he knows you’ll end up staying to save everyone
·       And this cycle repeats. When he finds out how you made a deal with Azul and the latest being you getting kidnapped at Scarabia, he wants to yell at you
·       He worries, he panics over your wellbeing. But what’s worse was that he can’t even tell you because he knows he isn’t any position to say so
·       The frustration that builds up in him leads him to take it out on anyone who annoys him, especially on those who gives him the biggest headache cough Ace and Deuce cough
·       It doesn’t help that he doesn’t understands why he worries about you
·       You always break the rules, get in trouble, and try to save others nonstop. You put yourself in danger for the sake of other’s when no one is willing to do that for you
·       Ever since you extended your hand towards him, all he’s been wanting was to show you the better side of him – to get you to become closer to him
·       BUT! EVERY! SINGLE! TIME! He tries getting closer to you, he was blocked
·       Fairy Gala – misses the opportunity to see you in your gorgeous outfit - He ends up getting a picture of you in it (it totally wasn’t a bribe from Idia, who was trying to get out of a dorm leader meeting. He was just following the school rules of confiscating all pictures that weren’t allowed to be taken in the school. That’s all)
·       Bean’s Day – Didn’t know the two of you were on the same team - He screamed into his pillow that night when he found about it. You literally were on the same team as him so he had a full, bloody chance to hang out with you. Alone. Just the two of you. Curse Jack and Azul for catching him. He’ll get back at them. He swears on the Queen of Hearts name he will.
·       Things worsen for him as he starts having the urge to hold your hand or want to get to know you. Do you like tarts just like he does? Were your hands soft just like how they look? Do you like to tie your tie in a bow like him or do the traditional Windsor?
·       Did he ever mentioned that he wanted to go “Off with Your Head” on Crowley and Floyd? No? Oh well, he does. And he will. Especially after what happened during that “weird ghost princess’s” marriage
·       He would like to say that he’s not short. He’s smart, considerate, knows what to do and not to do – height shouldn’t matter it’s the quality that does
·       He’s not self-cautious about his height. Nor is he worried about how well he fits into the “ideal” prince aka ideal marriage partner
·       He just wants to show that he’s capable of being a romantic partner! Because as dorm leader, he has an image to uphold especially since he’s closest to the Queen of Hearts!
·       In the end though, all of that turns out to be excuses. He realizes how much he enjoys your presence - how much he likes talking to you, hanging around you, getting to enjoy things without feeling judged or afraid of breaking rules
·       He feels like himself, his trues self, when he’s around you
·       And after listening to what Ace said to Eliza (yes, he remembers her name), he realizes that he sees you as someone like that
·       Realizing that he actually fell for you, his heart speeds up and his face reddens when you come up to him to congratulate him on the success
·       He knows that he doesn’t tell you now, he won’t ever have the chance to tell you. Especially since apparently, people like to block him from evening getting an inch closer to you
·       After looking down and seeing the bouquet in his hands still in good condition, he sends Cater off before he starts taking you towards Sam’s shop
·       He ignores your questions, before he stops right in front of the shop
·       His heart speeds up and nervousness washes over him. But he steels his resolve after thinking about how he’ll never have another chance
·       Getting on a knee, he places a right hand on his heart while offering the bouquet with his left
·       He confesses how ever since you helped him when he OBed, he started to have feelings for you. He never thought about it at first, but overtime the feelings started to grow despite him not realizing it. And today, he realized he fell for you
·       He talks about how he’s never experienced what it’s like to confess and love someone. Yet he promises you on his own name as well as the Queen of Heart’s name that he will devote his entire being to you – never lying nor betraying your heart
·       He says the he understands if you can’t accept being his, however, if only you acknowledge his feelings for him – at least be aware, he’s satisfied
·       Or would’ve if it weren’t for the fact that half way through, he’s suddenly pulled up towards you
·       His eyes widen as he feels your lips on his, actually k-k-kissing him
·       Once the two of you broke away, he looks at you in a daze, not understanding what had happened until he hears you saying that he didn’t have the right to make decisions for you and that you liked him back
·       He blushes to the point his face rivals the color of his hair before he drags you into another kiss out of happiness and absolute love
·       He’s about to say he loves you before he hears something behind the bushes
·       Deuce: OH MY GREAT SEVENS – RIDDLE RYOCHO  ACTUALLY Ace: SHHHHHH YOU’RE GOING TO GET US IN TROUBLE! Although, I have to say, I didn’t think Ryocho had it in him to actually confess Grim: NOOOO MY CANS OF TUNE Cater: whistles Wow~ Riddle and Y/N is a thing then~
·       He makes a mental note to give them punishment as he gets kissed again by you, happily returning it
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luxusnoname · 4 years
Summary: Aeleus faces the challenge of recommending a book to Dilan based on his personality. But how can he do so without giving his own feelings away? A late submission for @apprenticeweek’s Day 3 prompt: Quotes.
Characters/Pairings: Dilan/Aeleus
Rating: G; real fluff hours here folks
Word Count: 1.4k
It wasn’t often that the shift schedule at the castle aligned perfectly to give Aeleus and Dilan the same afternoon off. The only other senior guard was Braig, who was trusted with the duty of overseeing the lower ranked guards only in the absence of the other two. Dilan had grumbled and said there was good reason for it, but Aeleus wasn’t about to complain. 
And so as they often shared their patrols, they shared their afternoon together in the library. Dilan had selected a tome on horticulture, his brow furrowed as though proper soil acidity and cross-pollination techniques were the most stimulating topics in the world. Aeleus settled in beside him with some light fiction.
The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.
Aeleus dog-eared the page, making a mental note to write it down in his notebook later before continuing on with his reading. Beside him, Dilan’s eyes flickered to the book.
“Found another one, have you?” He asked impassively, feigning disinterest even as he leaned over to peer at the page himself. “Let’s see it then.”
Aeleus helpfully tapped at the page with his forefinger. Dilan chuckled to himself. “An apt quote. Your heart is far too soft, my friend. Many would take advantage of that.”
“Better to open it for others than close it off from the world,” he rumbled, a small smile softening the jab.
But Dilan was used to the teasing from his oldest friend. A huff was his only response before changing the topic.
“You must have a quote for every person and situation at this rate,” he muttered as he turned a page, no longer actually reading his own book. “I bet you even have quotes for me.”
“I don’t believe I do.” Aeleus hummed. “But if I find any, I’ll pass them along. Or, better yet, I’ll lend you the book.”
“Oh you know how I do so enjoy fiction and poetry,” Dilan deadpanned. “Though I suppose if you recommend it, I’ll suffer through for your sake.”
Aeleus smiled. His companion didn’t share his love of reading for enjoyment, so the offer itself was rare. Dilan’s choices always served a purpose, academic or otherwise. That wasn’t to say Aeleus only indulged in light reading, but he was the only Apprentice that did so frequently. It could do the lancer some good, he thought. Something to soften the tough exterior.
Aeleus peered at his friend, who was thoroughly engrossed in horticulture once more. It was just about as peaceful as he’d ever seen Dilan. He smiled, warmth radiating from his chest and making its way throughout his body before he turned back to his own reading for the remainder of the afternoon.
A week later, Aeleus had read a few books, but struggled to find the perfect quote for Dilan. Well, that was actually a lie. There was one that made him think of his fellow guard, but it turned out to be more of a reflection of his own feelings toward the man. And it was much more forward than he was capable of being.
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
The verse encapsulated feelings that he’d spent years trying to make sense of, feelings he wished he could one day verbalize to his friend. He had little to offer but would give it all in a heartbeat. But Dilan was slow to let others in, and hard to win over with pretty words. And Aeleus, of course, wasn’t great with words to begin with. Perhaps he could work up to it.
After a few more days - and many skimmed books - he found a line that was perfect for the stoic guard. It was a romance novel, of all things. He would probably hate it. But the quote was so perfectly Dilan that as soon as he happened upon it, he knew it had to be the one.
He was still too young to know that the heart’s memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good, and that thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burden of the past.
It was a gentle reassurance that no matter what trials the heart has suffered, love would prevail with time. After all, it was with time that the man opened up to him as much as he had. If it was time he needed, then Aeleus would give it to him. Secretly, it served as a promise as well. If the time came that Dilan was willing to open his heart… Well, then Aeleus would be there for that as well.
After some hesitation, he bookmarked the page with the quote and handed the book off to Dilan the next day. The lancer accepted it with only a small grumble, promising to read it soon.
By the next week, he still hadn’t reported back to Aeleus with his thoughts. It worried him that the guard hadn’t said anything at all, positive or negative. Perhaps he had come on too strong after all, and he’d been too forward. Dilan’s heart could be a delicate topic, no matter how hard he tried to convince the world otherwise. Hopefully the man had just forgotten and the book sat on a nightstand gathering dust, its bookmarked page blissfully undisturbed.
But one night as Aeleus retired to his quarters after a shift, there was a peculiar book-shaped package at his doorstep. He picked it up and unwrapped it once he was inside. It was another romance novel. One he was familiar with, actually. He’d read it some years ago in his youth. Turning it in his hands to inspect it, he noticed the corner of a page was folded in.
He smiled. It had to be from Dilan. But what prompted it? His friend had said nothing to him about the other book, but clearly he’d read it seeing as how they were exchanging literature now.
Since he had read it before, he felt only a little guilt in skipping to the marked page. As he flipped through the pages, however, a slip of paper flew out and fluttered to the ground. It was a note. He picked it up, holding it under a lamp to read.
I appreciated and enjoyed the recommendation, my friend. But next time, I’d appreciate your honesty first and foremost. Braig brought me one of your other books and told me it was your first choice. Consider this a response to that one.
~ Dil
Wait, when had Braig been in his quarters? Aeleus rubbed his forehead. What book had the nosey guardsman delivered on his behalf? He performed a quick inventory of his bookshelf. The only one that seemed to be missing was… Ah, of course. The confession. But how could he have known it was meant for Dilan?
With a sigh, he concluded that there were many things Braig shouldn’t know but did anyway. His heart leapt into his throat, dreading his friend’s response now that he knew what had happened. He returned to the delivered book and began reading through the earmarked page, searching for the quote.
But Dilan wasn’t a man to bother with subtlety. He had underlined it.
I had not intended to love him; the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; and now, at the first renewed view of him, they spontaneously revived, great and strong! He made me love him without looking at me.
A gentle smile broke out as he sat down, reading it one more time for good measure. It would appear that he should’ve been more forward in the first place. He never would have thought that his own feelings were reciprocated. Moreover, he never would have thought that Dilan would read a classic romance novel of his own free will. He studied the book once more; the spine was slightly cracked and worn, and the pages fanned out with ease. The lancer continued to surprise.
Now, with the difficult part sorted out, Aeleus began to think about his response. He could invite Dilan over for tea that weekend. Or perhaps they could discuss it as they patrolled the castle grounds. But of course, the answer was obvious.
He tucked the book into an empty spot on his bookshelf, thumb brushing over it with a soft smile, and began searching his shelves once more.
Author’s Note: First time writing Dilan/Aeleus \o/ I hc Ael as a bit of a classic lit nerd; mostly adventures and epics, but with a definite soft spot for romance and poetry. Also I’m a terrible reader OTL I just spent a few hours searching for quotes that stuck out to me. In order they are: Ernest Hemingway (no source so probably just something he said but we’ll pretend he wrote it), Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven by W.B. Yeats, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Márquez, and finally the big one: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Maybe Aeleus isn’t the only one with a soft spot after all 👀
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geminijackdaw · 5 years
Fanfic Author Asks
Tagged by @bereft-of-frogs​! 
I... have a really hard time being positive about my own writing, but I tried OTL 
Author Name: I’m KiwiMeringue pretty much everywhere! I might change it to this one sometime? But I’ve changed it before and I don’t want to keep like, switching all the time OTL I should probably just have called it like KiwiWrites or something, but the thing about this username is I just thought it was cute and unintentionally led a bunch of people to assume I was from New Zealand which is patently false advertising and very disappointing when it turns out I’m Canadian xD; 
Fandoms you Write for: I’ve got stories published for the MCU, and Naruto!  Uhhh I’m blanking on things I’m famiiliar enough with to write for but there are a bunch? Critical role, the adventure zone, Good omens, netflix she-ra., maybe? Homestuck, but more @mr-alice and I’s fantrolls and kids, who still have a huge place in my heart, more than canon.  
Where you post: I’m kiwimeringue on AO3 and FF.net, and then any like small prompt fills I’d probably leave here, 
Most Popular One-shot: Hands down, it’s Therapy Dog.  In which a young Hatake Kakashi deals with grief, survivor’s guilt, or PTSD by acquiring an irresponsible number of dogs. (Disclaimer: this does not work irl if you’re not a magic dog whisperer with a large property out of town) 
Favourite Story You Wrote:  This is as far as I got and this has been sitting in my drafts for days because I really, really struggle with this. I have a hard time being proud of anything I write. I guess it’s Therapy dog, becuase it’s definitely the one that’s resonated best with people, and probably my best example of “Look, I wrote a fanfic!” without having to qualify it with a bunch of asterisks. 
I have given myself a self-imposed deadline of from October 1st to halloween to finish a prompt that I got from @portraitoftheoddity​ in her discord server, (it’s not SUPER spooky, but it’s tenuously thematically appropriate enough that I’m making it my project for the month xD) if I can pull this off, it will be this one. It should be fun. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: ALL OF THEM. Time I had some Time Alone (TIHSTA) is like a self-indulgent au of a self indulgent au, and I;m amazed anyone enjoyed it xD It got more of a response that Undying Fidelity (UF), the fic from which is is derived, did, for a while, which surprised me. I sort of what to qualify that I started this before I found the incredible corner of the MCU writer’s fandom that I currently frequent, so uh... this is very much Disney Grandmaster. This is Jeff Goldblum in space. Which is what I’m comfortable writing, but feels really pale and inconsequential in contrast to the horrifically vivid and rich dark carnival of twisted Grandmaster fan content that exists, like welcome to fucking weenie hut Jr’s, population: me. 
How Do You Pick Your Titles: With great difficulty and much waffling! Kintsugi is named for thematic relevance that... I haven’t actually gotten to yet but it’s about to become stupid literal anyone who read version 1.0 knows how I mean this. But the idea of things history, and damage being inextricably linked to them, but that the thing can go on anyway, changed but not ruined, there’s recurring imagery and points of fault lines, places where things have been weakened, but that these are important and necessary. 
I don’t feel like I have to explain Therapy Dog xD it’s about coping with grief... with dogs. 
Undying Fidelity is like, painfully obvious, but it’s what I had started calling it, and it just. stuck. Obviously from Loki’s like... second last line in IW, and Sigyn’s title in the Marvel Comics. I’m kind of wishing I’d chosen something else, because there are definitely other fics with the same title, and it’s the name of a song from the IW soundtrack that is... less than fun. For obvious reason. I mean it’s perfect for what it was used for, but it’s not a “ahhh gonna pop this one on for a listen” kind of piece. I still can’t think of anything better, though we’re kind of in a weird place because I don’t quite have all the cards on the table, yet. On Loki’s end though,I’m hoping that I’ve sufficiently established this like... tenuous vestigial little flicker of affection that he’s been able to more or less ignore, but that simply would not go out, despite how much easier that would have been, that’s been given a little room to breathe now. (I could definitely go on trying to justify this for paragraphs, so I’ll stop now xD). Thematic chapter naming is another thing I love to inflict on myself and I always regret it, though I love it so much when other people do it, ahhh. UF’s chapters are all named after cards of the Major Arcana in the Tarot. I’m going to get to one eventually and you’re all going to see why I did this, and you’re all going to hate me and I deserve it xD 
Time I Had Some Time Alone is the thing that’s repeated at the end of REM’s :”It’s the end of the world as we know it” and does sort of describe our reluctant hero’s state at the beginning xD Thriving in his completely self centered backstabbing Littlefinger party hellscape. (I went off on a huge tangent here that I have removed, I may make it its own post). Anyway, more thematic chapter naming, everything’s based on some apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic story. So 21 Days later (since for Loki it felt like three weeks) instead of 28, and chapter two is now titled “beyond thunderdome” because of course it is. (it was “the man come around” for like, THE ARRIVAL OF DEATH  but that uh... that’s going to be a later chapter now). 
Fic-in-planning stages will be called some variant of “Again, from the Top”? Take it from the top? ugh I’m trying to evoke like... redoing a scene. 
There was also Errant, my NaNoWriMo story from like 2012 or something? xD It was about a bunch of idiots that were basically an RPG party in a shitty High fantasy bullshit setting. So like, as in, “a knight errant” wandering in search of adventure, but also in the sense of like like... they’re a bunch of dumbasses making mistakes. 
Do you Outline: Yes! I definitely need to be more organized about it because my outlines are like these stupid irreverent event sequences that involve me remembering nuance way too well. Like for Kintsugi especially I’m scared I’ll have forgotten important minutia that I didn’t bother including becauyse oh pfft, of course I’ll remember that. And then I ...dont. My initial outlines for UF were an excel spreadsheet with scenes in various tiem periods that I dragged and dropped all over the place xD It was SUPPOSED to be thematically relevant paired scenes, with one part of each chapter being zset in the past and one half on the statesman and it just... did not work out that way. 
How Many of Your Stories are complete: One! And it’s the one-shot! FML!
In-Progress:  Undying Fidelity: Currently working on chapter 10 out of 22 TIHSTA: 2 out of... probably 4+ epilogue? Kintsugi: 13/Mayyybe like 30 something?
Coming Soon: From the Top is in its planning stages~! 
Do You Accept Prompts: Absolutely! I can’t guarantee that a prompt is going to like... spark writing? in me? But I’m always open to the idea. And that doesn’t mean that an idea is bad or anything! Just like, can I, personally, take this idea and run with it somewhere. 
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: Probably from the top, though I am two chapters out from part of of UF I am reeeeeally looking forward to writing :D 
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions: I don’t know who’s been tagged already, I’m so bad at this, so uhh~ If you have been already, or if you just don’t feel like it, please disregard this! And if I don’t tag you but you feel like it, go for it!  @teleris-night @malicemanaged @cosmicmewtwo @not-so-terrible and @ramblingredrose 
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untamedvargulf · 5 years
So for some reason I can’t find it anymore but here is the first ever Fic I wrote for hemlock grove
And it’s still not finished OTL I’ll finish it someday
Please listen to heart Heart head .. by meg Myers :3 it fits the story and it’s what it’s named after
Heart Heart head-
"Just do it man! It's over !" The upir gasped his body broken and unresponsive as he stared at the animal that used to be his friend/something more. "My body is broken and look at you! You're gonna live out the rest of your days as goddamn animal !"
The beast in question flinched as if the words physically hurt, and whined ears laid back as the large white wolf trembled slightly, even now instincts and heart fighting against each other . With one last weak growl the animal walked up to the upir and Quickly lunged for the throat snapping the neck for an instant kill, a small mercy that the last human part of
Peter could give to his suffering friend, before Digging into the tall boy's chest and pulling out the heart walking away feeling as if his own heart had been pulled out as well, tears in the wolfs eyes before he sunk into the oblivion of insanity .
Lynda woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily and feeling tears fall down her face as she clutched her Chest small sobs leaving her shaking frame.
Something was wrong something had happened to her baby boy, her good little boy .. Her good little man. She could feel it in the same way she felt the crack go through her entire body, when the doctor snapped Peter's collar bone in half. in order to help the newborn get unstuck from her birth canal.
She rushed to the bathroom and lurched over the toilet giving up the remains of dinner as she curled into a ball.
Zenada one of Peter's great Aunts placed a hand on her shoulder, "O simt de asemenea, acest lucru este ceva nu mama vrea să treacă prin , voi spune o rugăciune pentru sufletul său înainte de a pleca"
(i feel it too, this is something no mother wants to go through, I will say a prayer for his soul before you leave. )
The old woman gave Lynda a towel to wash her face and left yelling for husband to wake his lazy ass up and find her prayer book and light the candles and prepare a small offering for a safe journey.
The morning sun was just breaking over the Carpathian Mountains, when the small family sat in a circle candles surrounding a picture of a younger Peter around Four or Five holding a slightly disgruntled Black Cat and grinning delightedly up at the family. His hair wasn't as long but it did flop around like a mop.
Lynda felt a lump in her throat as she reached for the picture but stopped they were not allowed to touch the dead an old tradition to stop the spread of the plague.
Zenda and her Husband Alek, sat next to the grieving mother.
Zenda placed a hand on her shoulder, "Nicolai will meet him in the meadows don't worry.." She squeezed her shoulder and brought out the small plate of food an offering for the spirit to help him on his journey.
Alek took a breath before starting the prayer, Lynda closed her eyes and tried not to sob as much during the service.
It was a while after standing outside in their small yard that they burned all the letters Peter ever sent his mother, so his spirit wouldn't have any reason to linger behind.
When the smoke cleared and all that was left was ashes Zenda came up to the grieving mother, "..you know what you must do.. His soul won't rest Until it is done.. Think of it as letting him sleep.." She placed a hand on Lynda's shoulder. ".. The Rumancek line was destined for tragedy since the beginning when vârcolac fell in love with Upir. You know Mikal did not mean to hurt that cold girl child Olivia .. Upir breed she was.
He came back to her after selling the items and getting money for them both but by then she was gone and blood was in water.. They were never meant to be.." She gave her shoulder a squeeze, she knew what it meant to marry a Rumancek, many tribes have heard the story and seen the way the Vargulf's ran amok in the family line, Nicolai her husbands poor younger brother .. The pain and destruction he caused near the end of his days.
Perhaps this was a good thing the Rumancek's kept the Vargulf from spreading to other tribe's moon children, by sadly setting the example of what not to do.
Never change on wrong moon,
Never fall in love with Upir, they can't love anyway.
Never marry a Rumancek they will eat you whole .
A few weeks later Lynda found herself with some new forged documents and passport on a plane heading back to the states, to hemlock grove.
She landed at Harrisburg international and got through customs with little hassle her documents making their way through security, she then got herself a little rental car and small motel to stay the night, she felt strangely numb, as if everything was a dream. She was back in the states , she was here to see her son one last time before-.
She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror, she still looked normal not like a mother who just lost everything, who was here to put her son to sleep.
She tried to get herself to cry to feel something but it was like there was a ice cold wall around her, it was both a blessing by God and a curse from her heritage.
She was grateful for the cold numbness that surrounded her, protected her from the reality of the situation helped her eat like normal and tip the friendly waitress at the all night diner near her motel.
She was sipping some tea and staring off when suddenly she caught site of her baby boy her little Peter, he was 6 years old and charming some of her old coworkers into getting him some extra ice cream secretly of course.
They just couldn't resist his little blue-green eyes, those were the same eyes that begged Lynda to let them keep a cat even though they spent most of their time on the road, the same eyes that held such an intense hint of sadness and guilt whenever he asked if he was the reason he didn't have a daddy like other boys.
Those same eyes that lit up whenever she brought him a sketchbook for his birthday and always held a gentle warmth for the few special people in his life.
Lynda blinked and suddenly it was all gone she was sitting in a nearly empty diner holding on to a tea cup for dear life, the ice wall had its first small crack.
She got up and left putting her jacket back on and her hands touched the pearl necklace briefly remembering their first day in hemlock grove and how her son had gotten her a moving in present with his ever so clever five finger discount.
Another tiny crack appeared in her wall.
She walked back to her motel room and just crawled into bed letting the numbness take her to sleep. She was in California again Peter was 9, and was walking in front of her. they were in the redwood forest the trees were as tall as skyscrapers and she felt so small and unimportant underneath them, and yet her son did not, he felt at home here, as he told her all about the things he found on his full moon run here and all the animals he either chased off or timidly befriended.
"...Would you ever like to stay here Peter?." She asked wondering if her son ever wanted to just settle and maybe be normal well as normal as a young werewolf could be.
Peter turned towards her and tilted his head to the side, ".. Stay? Like forever?" He asked,
".. Perhaps " she smiled, ". We could get a house maybe an apartment more cats and you can keep going to school here"
Peter was quiet for a moment before shaking his head and scrunching up his face "..no I'd miss our car too much.. I like the road I like driving with you .." He then ran to her and hugged her tightly. "..its just me and you mama! forever!" He suddenly turned as he saw something that caught his eye, a bright yellow bird flew by, he was chasing it and Lynda suddenly found herself unable to move. She could only watch as a large white .. Beast that was the only thing to describe the wolf like creature a beast a Vargulf jumped out and ate her little boy whole right in front of her-
Lynda woke up with a shuddering gasp holding her chest and feeling tears prick at her eyes but they didn't fall they too were kept behind the ice wall the closed around her as she sat there in bed. She ran her hands through her hair and gently touched the necklace. ".. You're in my heart.. In my head .." She mumbled to herself an old Lullaby from when Peter was a baby, barely a month old and colicky.
Soon she was in her rental car passing by the welcome to Hemlock Grove sign, her ice wall still protecting her as she drove into the main part of town and stopped by destiny's place, where was her niece? Wasn't she getting married? Why did she never write back?
She parked not to far off and was soon walking down some familiar streets she walked up the stairs to destiny's flat and knocked on the door, perhaps her niece could help with this numbness that seemed to be her very being.
She waited as she heard someone come near the door and was surprised to see a young dark skinned male with long dreadlocks answer the door.
".. can I help you?" The man asked confused as to why there was an older woman in his doorway.
". ... .... uh n-no I'm sorry I just thought .. um my niece used to live here .. she was the former tenet do you know if she moved?" Lynda asked trying to keep the panic out of her voice.
".. uh no mam sorry apparently there was some sort of accident and the lady went missing got this place for cheap cause of it .." he shrugged .
".. oh.. ok.. thank you so much .." she quickly turned and left walking briskly out of the apartment complex.
Destiny wasn't missing she could feel it .. she was.- . She didn't want to think about it .
Lynda went back to her Rental car and drove around for a bit, heading up to the old trailer when something ran across the road, a large white dog? No that wasn't a dog, her heart lept in to her throat as she watched the wolf run away from a nearby flower shop a small bundle of mix matched flowers in its maw as the owner screamed at him and threw some rocks already dialing animal control.
The wolf ran in front of her car and down the road, Lynda quickly followed praying that it was just a random wolf and not her son.
She followed it for sometime and was surprised to see it slip into hemlock grove's cemetery.
She parked her car on the side of the road and got out opening the gate and trying to find him again.
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myladyladybug · 7 years
Unreceived - Chapter 4
Rating: K+
Words: 1402
Summary: Chat Noir is in Marinette’s room at night. Bandaging her up after she had just been attacked. It’s rated K+, what did you think they were doing?
AO3 FF hogeky  buy me a coffee?
1 2 3 4 5 6
Author’s Note: This is a fic based off of a comic written and drawn by @hogeky. Please go there to view images and support her comic!
Permission was received to write this fic.
Here comes the drama my friends…
To say that Marinette was embarrassed with herself was an understatement.
She had just bore her heart out to her long-time partner, who didn’t know he was her partner.
She just sobbed in front of someone she trusted, but he had no idea why she would trust him; at least not beyond the fact that he was given the trust of Paris daily.
She just hugged a superhero who she watched beat a man who had attacked her. This was conflicting, but to be saved for later.
What filled her thoughts presently was the fact that that very same superhero was in her bedroom late at night, tending to her wound. Marinette sat at the edge of her chaise lounge and watched Chat Noir wrap a strip of gauze around her leg.
“Thank you for bringing me home Chat,” she said, breaking the silence the hung between them.
Though, you didn’t have to carry me all the way…
She had probably been heavy, and dead weight. The memory of it was embarrassing.
“Don’t thank me,” he replied, giving her no room to say much in return. His narrow green eyes never left the bandages. “Does it hurt?” he asked, diverting what little conversation they had made. His fingers were careful not to graze her bare skin, and the wrap was snug.
“A little,” Marinette admitted. Even the air was stinging the open wound. She watched him intently while he treated her.
Why do I feel so nervous?
“All wrapped up,” he announced, though with a rather apologetic tone. He really had nothing to apologize for. In fact, the idea that he had felt apologetic somewhat irked her. She took a deep breath before speaking, looking at him unblinkingly as he settled himself on the floor in front of her.
“I want to thank you,” she repeated. He deserved it, even if he didn’t seem to want it. “If you didn’t save me, I don’t know what would have happened. I don’t think I could thank you enough.” Chat Noir’s eyes drifted, a sign that he was shy and uncertain of how to respond to her thanks. Or maybe he was still mulling over the thought that he didn’t deserve it. Marinette could just make out the pink that tinted his cheeks beneath the mask and concluded that it was a mixture of both.
“Are you okay? Is something bothering you?” she asked when he hadn’t made any verbal response. His body tensed at the sound of her voice. His mind must have wandered for him to be shocked at her being there.
“N-no,” he stuttered, “what makes you think –.” His sentence didn’t have a chance to end before he noticed how close her face had come toward his own. Somewhere between then and now, she had leaned toward him so her face was only about a head away, which was really much too close. He jerked, but he didn’t move away. There was a look in her eyes that drew him to her; a sense of familiarity and closeness.
“It’s all in your eyes,” she explained, as if it was terribly obvious. His gaze rested a second too long on her endless blue stare, and it was an effort to pull away from it. That extra second sent a wave of panic through him, followed closely by a pinch of guilt. He flung himself back and away from her, his limbs flailing from their cross-legged position.
Only when he had moved a comfortable three feet back from her was he able to look away, but he could do nothing to hide the flustered look on his face. Unfortunately, he was very well aware of that.
Marinette sat confused, running a hand loosely through her hair, where the second hair-tie had long since been discarded. His behavior was admittedly rather cute, but she had lost track of what he could have been thinking and therefore had no more understanding of his actions.
There was nothing like this in the anime and manga I read! Adrien panicked. What do I do now?
“What is it? Are you okay?” Without another word, Chat Noir dashed toward the window, wanting quickly to end the conversation. Nothing had prepared him to be in these sorts of situations or feel these sorts of feelings. He needed more time to think. “Don’t run!” she cried. “I want to know what’s bothering you. I want to help!” He stopped in his tracks at the sound of her words. “I want to make you feel better.” The last sentence was a whisper of sound, and he could sense the sincerity in it, but it didn’t make him feel any better.
“Why,” he breathed. His eyes remained fixated on a spot on the window, finding an intense fascination with the details of it. It was all he could do to attempt to distract himself from the negative feelings that seemed to fill him. “Why would someone like you, who doesn’t even know who I am, care?”
Marinette’s lips thinned. It took every impulse in her body not to shout out her answer. Even if he was her best friend, he had no idea who she was, and it had been her own desire for secrecy that stopped her from helping him now. He took her silence as a sign to continue. “Even from the beginning, no one ever cared about me. Only one person did, and I wasn’t even able to protect them.” Thoughts of his mother blossomed forth.
“Even the girl I love doesn’t care about me.” He paused. “I guess she thinks I’m annoying.” Again, there was nothing Marinette could say. It wouldn’t have come as a surprise to her if her lip began to bleed, with how nervously she began to bite it. She tried not to feel guilty for making him feel so terrible. For so long she thought he had been okay with her rejections, but it made sense that such things would wear down on even the most optimistic and persistent of people.
“So why would you,” Chat continued, “of all people, care about what might be hurting me?” His hands clutched into fists in her peripheral vision. “Maybe it’s just an act of kindness to the guy who saved you. I don’t know.”
Marinette wished she could reach out to him. Her heart ached at the sight of his back. She wanted him to turn and face her. She wanted to hug him, warm him, and comfort him. She wanted to apologize. She wanted to apologize as Ladybug for making him feel this way. But then what would she do? Her apology was useless if she had no intention of reciprocating his feelings. It would only make him feel worse, knowing that she felt rotten because he was upset. There was no solution to this. At least, not a solution that would make them both happy.
Her arms wrapped around her torso, holding everything together where her mind could barely manage.
A slight beeping sound could just be made out by both ears.
“I don’t understand it,” he said, wrapping up as quickly as he could. It was then that Marinette got her wish. Chat Noir turned his head to face her, his body moving toward the window. There were tears in his eyes, and an expression on his face she never wanted to see. Hurt filled every detail of his visage, and in turn, pain flew to her chest. She didn’t think he realized that his voice was cracking, yelling through his tears. She didn’t think he realized how scared he sounded.
“Why would you care about scum like me? Someone who couldn’t even save you from being injured?” She didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t realized that he had been feeling this way for so long. The only thing that she felt she was allowed to do was look back at him. His lips thinned and he faced the window once more. “Goodbye Marinette.” He had leapt from the ledge before she could even consider stopping him. She took a deep breath, pushing past the hollowness in her chest, and the lump in her throat.
“Chat…” Her words came out in a sigh. Marinette sniffled and swiped at the tear that sat at the edge of her eye aggressively. “You stupid cat. I care about you more than you could imagine.”
Author’s Note: This chapter was so difficult to write OTL. Most of the pictures were of dramatic silences, which I had to fill with dramatic thoughts, which didn’t exist in the comic itself for dramatic reasons. DRAMA. Anyway, I hope I got it right. (Also, I moved around a couple events… it felt more dramatic!)
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illusionsofdreaming · 8 years
Could you write imagines for the siblings reacting to the retainers wanting to marry F!MU. E.g. Xander-Laslow, Ryoma-Saizo, Big brothers-Joker, Elise-Arthur and the others if you so wish, but definitely those top 4.
Notes: So a quick apology for being so, so very late in getting to this! This prompt was a tough one and I was stuck on it for the looooongest time. Instead of scrapping it and rewriting it I decided I’ll post whatever I’ve got so far OTL unfortunately I only got to Xander and Ryoma but I hope it’s alright.. 
Ft: Xander (Laslow), Ryoma (Saizo)
Xander (Laslow): The moment your announcement finished, Laslow could feel Xander’s eyes lock onto him and the room’s temperature plunged several degrees.
Whatever paperwork the prince had been working on prior to the announcement of your engagement was promptly forgotten as Xander stood from his chair and Laslow barely masked his whimper of fear.
Loyal retainer and friend of the high prince or not, from the thunderous look in Xander’s eyes, the swordsman knew he was royally fucked this time.
“Excuse us for a moment ______.” Xander said with a sweet smile that never reached his eyes as a heavy hand dropped on Laslow’s shoulder and bodily dragged him to the side. You, beautifully oblivious to the chilling atmosphere that encapsulated Xander’s private study, missed Laslow’s pleading expression for help as he was dragged behind the dressing divider.
“Explain yourself.” Xander whispered once they were out of your sight.
“I b-believe ______ explained it quite well Milord.” Laslow laughed uneasily, flinching when the prince’s expression only darkened further.
“Do not test my patience Laslow.” Xander warned, the hand on his retainer’s shoulder tightening punishingly. “You are my retainer and my dear friend but ______ is my cherished sister. If this is another one of your frivolous games-“
“It is not a game.” Laslow interrupted, the fierce look in his eyes gave Xander pause. “My feelings for ______ are genuine.” The mercenary met his lord’s eyes evenly, unflinching as the blond prince’s searching gaze seared into him, assessing the validity of his claims.
Slowly the pressure on his shoulder eased off as Xander released his iron grip. “I suppose a threat isn’t necessary.” At the fair prince’s wry words Laslow released the sigh of breath he’d been holding in, knowing that he’d passed some kind of test.
Falling to his knees he bowed his head to his lord and friend. “I promise I will protect and cherish ______ for as long as I draw breath my Liege. I truly love ______ and will do anything to keep her happy.”
“That I do not doubt.” Xander sighed and Laslow looked up in surprise at the wariness that tainted the prince’s voice. His heart skipped a beat in worry as the crown prince turned his back on him.
“My…lord?” The hesitance and sadness that glanced over Xander’s face alarmed the retainer and Laslow struggled to pinpoint its cause. Was it too much after all? He was, after all, just a lowly mercenary, an outsider deep down. A terrible match for the crown prince’s sister and chosen one of divine blade.
“… and what of after the war? Does _______ know?”
Laslow’s thoughts staggered to a halt as his eyes widened in realisation. Ah. It was a topic briefly touched on, the hypothesis of his departure after the war. He should’ve known. Deep down how much the prince took care of his family and friend’s happiness and wellbeing. Whether he was suited for ______ was never truly the prince’s concern, Laslow realised. Ah, I’ve been such a fool.
“..Yes.” He answered honestly. As much as he learned to love the people here, there were others waiting for him on the other side who needed his help. The day you said you’ll follow him wherever he’ll go made his heart soar and brought tears to his eyes. But now he realised as his heart clenched with guilt, it would mean taking you away from everyone here.
“My Lord…” Xander halted his words with a raised hand and his chest tightened uncomfortably at the resigned sigh that came from the prince. Laslow knew. The crown prince was no fool, Xander understood everything behind his short answer. When the war ends, they will be gone.
Laslow watched with a heavy heart as Xander turned around, standing slowly as the prince beckoned him to rise. The silence was slowly eating the mercenary from within as he shifted his weight in nervousness. The urge to explain - to apologize and beg forgiveness was strong but his lord’s silence muted him. He of all people should know how it feels like to lose family and although it’s nothing close to death, the possibility of them returning was slim.
He flinched when Xander’s hand landed on his shoulder again. “Take care of her Laslow.”
Tears welled up in his eyes and his head bowed from the sense of relief and respect that overwhelmed him. “Always… Xander.”
Xander’s smile was understanding as he patted Laslow’s shoulder. “Thank you.” Following his lord’s lead they went back to where you waited anxiously and in one swift move the prince drew you in a crushing hug.
“You have my blessing, little princess.”
Ryoma (Saizo): The brush in his hand stilled as the implications of your confession sunk in.
“Saizo?” he said in a way that was more of a question of confirmation than anything.
He supposed he couldn’t say he didn’t see this happening. Although work has constantly kept him busy and room-bound, he was not blind to the sparks that have been flying between you two lately.
He knew when Saizo started following you around. The ninja had always been a bit wary of strangers and newcomers around camp. Ryoma hadn’t been particularly worried, for he knew the ninja will learn to trust you in his own terms, as he did with all others. So he hadn’t interfered then, knowing it’ll benefit the both of you in the long run. But this…
He gently sets his brush down, trying to buy himself some time to think through the emotions that washed through him.
It only seemed like yesterday when you were brought back to Hoshido, back into their family and now you’re slipping away again, marrying into another family. It was a bittersweet feeling of not being able to know you as well as he’d like but in the end brotherly pride triumphed over all.
“I trust no one better than Saizo, he’s a wonderful man.” He said honestly, smiling. However your engagement to the ninja brought him mixed feelings of joy and worry. For Saizo’s not just any man. He’s the high-prince’s retainer. “I suppose you came to hand in your resignation?” He turned to address Saizo. It would be for the best, for Ryoma knew after this day he wouldn’t be able to send the ninja out on missions alone without thinking of you as well.
At this the ninja fell to his knees, his head bowed. “Milord, I have sworn my life and service to following and protecting you. I am not begging for release but instead your consideration and permission in allowing me to stay by your side.”
Ryoma blinked, not expecting this, then his face hardened. “I am humbled by your loyalty Saizo, however this matter does not affect just us. You of all people should know how dangerous your line of work is, have you not considered how it would affect _______ as well?”
Saizo visibly cowed at the reprimand, hands clenched tightly on his lap and it was here where you decided to intervene. “Brother, I know and have accepted long ago that Saizo’s loyalty and duties lies with serving the royal family first and foremost. The love he holds for you and I may be different but I do not think one is stronger or weaker than the other.”
“______….” Ryoma said with a pained voice.
“I understand how dangerous his line of work is, that one day I might wake to a cold bed. But we are at war brother, surrounded by death and carnage every day and despite all that I still love him, if anything, it only made me appreciate and cherish every second I have with him.” You looked down when you felt Saizo’s hand in yours and although you couldn’t see his expression you felt his love and gratitude through his grip.
Ryoma sighed heavily through his nose but could find no refute. For there’s only truth in your admission and he would not offer false lies or comfort when you both know how dire situations can get in times of war. For a moment he laments on how inadequate of a brother he is. That he can’t promise or guarantee to his own sibling that her husband won’t be sent to his death on missions, nor could he afford to pay special attention to Saizo just because he was soon to be his brother in law. That was the burden of his role as the prince next in line for the throne. He sets down his brush and stood from his seat. The prince couldn’t offer you comfort or promises but at the very least, he wanted you, his little sister, to have happiness.
“Milord, I love ______ and I am also proud to serve by your side. I am lacking in many areas but I promise to protect ________ from anything that means her harm for as long as I continue to draw breath.”
“Even if it’s me?” He asked quietly, ignoring your sharp protest as he met Saizo’s eyes evenly. “If I ever become a threat to _______ will you turn your blade on me?”
Saizo seemed taken aback from the question, his eye widening in shock. Perhaps he should feel guilty for putting his retainer in such a cruel position. It might seem like a question and test of loyalty but Ryoma had to know. He needed to know where the ninja’s priorities lay. Loyalty was a rare and desirable trait found in soldiers but it pales in comparison to the bonds of love and family. Should there be a day - the prince prayed it would never come - the ninja will be forced to choose between his duties and _______…
“Yes.” The ninja said firmly after a while and when Saizo lifted his head, Ryoma was satisfied by the resolve in his gaze. “My lord, I will cut even you.” Love over duty.
Ryoma breathed out quietly. He appraised the man he looked to as a companion and close friend and smiled. “Take care of her Saizo.”
The brightness that shone through both your eyes that moment, simultaneously warmed and broke his heart knowing the perils ahead will be hard. Ryoma could only pray that his fears will never come to fruition.
“I will protect her with my life, never let any harm come to her milord. I swear my name on it.”
Ryoma smiled, “I have no doubt you will my friend. You have my blessings.”
((OOC:: now i dare you all to read this))
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supermenteuse · 7 years
Could you Share some head-canon for Lila's redemption arc??? I would love to read that -Eh'lir-
[Edit: Was trying to update the queue, accidentally re-posted this, sorry about that]
*cracks knuckles* my time has come
so this was SUPPOSED to be like a quick explanation but then it spiralled off into a quasi-fic OTL (this is basically one of my scrapped fic ideas, actually)
* = Listen Marinette recognised Kim’s heart brooch while Dark Cupid was half a block away from her and also freakin’ flying, I’m 90% sure the Miraculous just gave her enhanced eyesight.
Ladybug calling out Lila is captured on camera and people figure out she’s Volpina pretty quickly afterwards. Lila’s reputation is ruined and she is pissed but also pretty sad because now no one likes her or believes her
So Marinette reaches out to her, because she feels guilty for her involvement. Adrien tries to make things up to her because he understands wanting to make friends, and having everyone judge you based on your status and connections rather than you as a person. (I believe that Lila didn’t lie about everything she’s experienced, she only lies about some things because people will believe her anyway)
It takes a while, but eventually Lila just, lets them do whatever, because god knows things can only get worse.
Still, while Lila does end up with some friends, but she’s still not okay emotionally. Maybe she gets jealous about Marinette crushing on Adrien (either because she still likes Adrien, or because she likes Marinette, or because they’ll end up liking each other more than they like her), or she’s just still upset with people still calling her a liar and generally not trusting her.
Or maybe she’s just upset about her life in general, because moving all the time and having no close friends is not a fun thing.
So she gets akumatised again, but instead of becoming Volpina, she becomes Discordia, and she expresses her anger and frustration and loneliness by causing chaos and mayhem. But, before Ladybug or Chat Noir can confront her, she vanishes and the akuma leaves her and returns to the Papillon (without multiplying, because that defeats the purpose of stealth)
But Lila has no memory of doing any of that. She hears about Discordia and just hates Paris and its ridiculousness. 
And Marinette and Adrien are suffering, because without capturing Discordia’s akuma, they can’t fix the damages she’s done. So people are injured, buildings are wrecked and they’ve failed to protect Paris. So they’re both independently freaking out and Lila may or may not notice her friends are uneasy, but everyone’s kinda on edge about this.
Then Discordia shows up again, because Lila’s emotional state is a constant wreck (maybe she feels good about having friends, and improving on her honesty, but then she sees her friends with other people and doubts the validity of her own friendships). She manages to transform back and escapes Ladybug and Chat. People are losing faith in their heroes.
But Lila’s getting suspicious about suddenly missing bits of her day. There’s no way it took her over an hour to go up the stairs of her apartment. Why is she really tired even though she hasn’t left her room?
Then she overhears Marinette and Adrien comforting each other after school, because both of them are stressed over Discordia and it shows. Her jealousy spikes and Discordia makes another appearance and makes a wreck of the school building. Marinette and Adrien manage to excuse themselves to split up, but Discordia escapes and transforms back. Ladybug and Chat Noir see the akuma flying out of one of the school windows. They realise it’s from the girls’ washroom, and rush in in time to find Lila blankly asking what the hell is going on.
They don’t confront her immediately, because they can’t be sure Lila is Discordia, so they just let her go and reconvene. If Lila is Discordia, is she acting of her own volition or is she being manipulated? But Lila’s been getting better around their civilian selves, even Adrien, but Lila’s also a liar and a very good one at that. Suddenly there’s doubt. Is Lila messing with them? Does she hate Ladybug and Chat Noir so much as to willingly work with the Papillon? No, Ladybug says, Lila doesn’t remember what’s happened. She didn’t pretend to be involved in the attack, she genuinely doesn’t know. Still, there is some doubt, and they are not the best at staying normal.
Marinette and Adrien try, and they seem okay to everyone else, but Lila knows body language and something is wrong. It doesn’t help that she’s pretty much certain she is Discordia, but now she can’t tell anyone because look at all the damage the akuma’s caused. Why believe Lila? Lila, who lied about so much already and probably only became friends with Marinette and Adrien because they pitied her? Lila, who probably would help the Papillon to get back at Ladybug?
So her emotional state just gets worse and Paris is terrified and Marinette and Adrien are just so guilty for the people they can’t help or protect and it’s just awful all around. Parisian authorities can’t depend on Ladybug or Chat to take down Discordia, so they step in, and basically can’t really do much.
Because sure, Discordia’s only specialized in offense and speed. She gets in, screws stuff up, and gets out. She has no real defensive ability, but she’s still faster than mundane weaponry. But she doesn’t have a Miraculous, she doesn’t have invulnerability. She lands badly while escaping an attempt to capture her and Lila comes to in her room with a bruised shoulder. There’s no explaining it, now.
She watches the news talk about Discordia, and she can’t deal with that guilt. It doesn’t matter if people believe her, not when her continued silence is hurting people. It doesn’t matter what her intentions are if she’s hurting people. Lila doesn’t matter if she is the one hurting all these innocents.
Lila decides to tell someone. She has to tell someone, anyone. And then a butterfly phases through her window and merges with her bracelet for the second time in an hour.
Who would she confide in, a soft voice asks. Marinette, who can’t even look her in the eye, who ducks her head and looks so uncomfortable around her now? Adrien, who smiles modelling smiles and laughs awkwardly and tries too hard to seem normal? Alya? Nino? People who may as well only be polite to her because Marinette and Adrien liked her?
Who would believe her, for all her previous honesty? Does she really think Discordia’s acted entirely of someone else’s accord? Does she believe Discordia’s actions are not a reflection of her own thoughts? It’s Lila who wants Paris ruined, it’s Lila who wants Ladybug dethroned from her heroism, it’s Lila who is deceiving everyone around her.
And Lila tries to defend herself. No, she doesn’t want to see all these people hurt. She doesn’t like the fear she’s caused. She doesn’t want anything Discordia has done.
But of course she does, the Papillon insists, because she’s just that sort of person. And, even if she denies it, is anyone really going to take her word for it? Even if Marinette and Adrien weren’t so distant from her now, did they ever really like her? Of course not, they felt bad for her, they felt bad for everyone else distrusting her, they only stood up for her because their consciences wouldn’t allow them to be bystanders. They didn’t help her for her own benefit.
Lila says it’s a lie, says it has to be a lie.
And yet, the Papillon says, she believes it herself. 
The worst thing is, he’s right. She does believe it. His words aren’t just attempts to incite her, they’re thoughts she has of herself as well.
However, he says, things don’t have to be this way. Lila doesn’t have to be alone. Her life doesn’t have to be so. She can have her friends, Adrien and Marinette who like her for herself and won’t ever leave her. She can have her happiness.
All he needs is a favour in return.
Lila knows she’s being manipulated, Lila knows it can’t be so simple, Lila knows the Papillon is not doing this out of the kindness of his heart.
Lila opens her mouth, and her bedroom door breaks open.
Jump back about fifteen minutes. Marinette and Adrien run into each other about a block from Lila’s apartment. Just visiting Lila, they tell each other. And they can’t deal with it anymore, they confide in each other that they think Lila’s been akumatised. They’re both pretty relieved it wasn’t just them assuming things. They make it to Lila’s apartment building, just in time to see something small and dark and winged fly through a window*. They realise 1. that’s an akuma, 2. that’s Lila’s room, and 3. they need to get up there asap.
They each try to convince the other to stay behind, try to get away so they can transform, but they’re both stubborn and dense so they just rush up to Lila’s apartment room still in their civilian forms. They don’t have keys, but lucky them, the door’s not locked. They reach her room and aren’t very polite in opening the door.
They find Lila on the floor, crying, with a holographic mask over her face. Neither of them really think.
Don’t listen to him, Marinette pleads, please don’t listen to him. She kneels down next to Lila and grabs her by the shoulders. Whatever he says, don’t listen to him.
But he’s telling the truth, Lila says tearfully, she really is pathetic, she’s the one who hurt all those people. It doesn’t matter her intentions, she still acted on her hatred and jealousy.
That’s not how it works, Adrien says, that’s not how akumatisations work. People think bad things all the time, we feel bad things and sometimes we wish bad things on others. But we don’t act on it, that’s what matters.
But I did act on it, Lila tries to say, but Adrien kneels down next to her and Marinette and rests his hand on her shoulder.
The Papillon is making you act on it, he says, the Papillon is manipulating your feelings. It’s not your own actions, it’s not your choice, if it was, would you feel so upset with yourself?
Lila’s mask begins to flicker. The voice in her head gets louder.
They’re lying, it whispers.
Come on, Marinette grips her hands, we know you don’t mean to hurt anyone. We know you’re better than that. We believe in you.
They don’t, Lila hears, they’re lying, they just don’t want her to become akumatised, they’re just trying to stop her.
And then Adrien hugs her. It’s awkward, from one side, but he’s warm and Lila swears she can feel his worry. Marinette mimics him, and Lila’s just sat on the floor now with her friends hugging her from either side and the mask continues to flicker.
They’re lying, lying, lying-
We’re not lying, they say.
Lila wants to doubt them. Too good to be true. So good it must be a lie. But they’re holding onto her, repeating reassurances. They believe in her, she isn’t cruel, she isn’t out to hurt people, she can fight the Papillon, he doesn’t deserve to use her feelings like that, he doesn’t deserve to witness them like so.
You’re not alone anymore, Adrien says, we’re not alone anymore.
You don’t need to lie to us, Marinette says, you don’t need to impress us.
It can’t be so easy, it can’t be so simple, it can’t be true, Lila says.
It won’t be easy, they say. It won’t be simple.
But it can be. If she lets it. If she trusts them.
The mask shatters. Lila comes to terms with her pain and her grief. She doesn’t need to fight it, she doesn’t need to hate it, she just needs to accept it as a part of her, and move on.
A pure white butterfly coalesces from her bracelet, and flutters off through the window.
And then there’s a lot of hugging and crying and I should have just made this into a fic or something but I’ve spent like three hours on this I can’t believe myself
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