#THEN die
moonspirit · 8 months
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"He crosses the distance and kisses her."
@annawayne drew this moment from the end of Ch.11 of VBEOW. And I haven't been able to breathe, Anna it's so gorgeous (and please stop springing surprises on me like this, my heart can't take it T////T) Thank you, thank you SO MUCH - they're sooooo pretty and you got it exactly as how I pictured this moment in my head. I'm so in love T////T
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Fr there’s gotta be an “I let Gwen Stacy Die” au with tdp, where Callum catches Rayla but the force accidentally kills her 😰
I’m not sure Callum in the throes his 14-year-old romantic angst could’ve handled that. He was already fully prepared to die alongside her if he couldn’t save her.
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hoom · 7 months
did this character have wasted potential or do you just wish she was completely different from who she is. think about it
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
I hope you're having a fantastic day!
I just wanted to say that I'm OBSESSES WITH YOUR MONSTER TRIO! Ugh- I can't even! When I started One Piece I was a full-on Sanji simp (and others as well), but with the masterpieces you make. 🤌
You have me giggling, kicking my feet, and simping harder for the monster trio!
Thank you! I wish nothing but all your dreams to come true! Win the lottery! Marry a handsome rich person/celebrity/love of your life. May all the wonderful things in your life attack you viciously 💖❤️
i have never recieved a more lovely, and politely aggressive message :') now i shall marry a rich man because you said so
but jokes aside, thankyouu so much for reading!!
thankyou to you and any other people who enjoy what i write yall mean the world to me <33
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toruro · 11 months
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Gonna do
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In retaliation?
not while i was doing the groceries RJ (me acting as if i totally didn’t ask for this and was totally not waiting for this) i’m actually on my deathbed rn
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fantarain · 3 months
I think every ceo should die
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herzkonigin0103 · 7 months
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mortal-song · 2 years
i have decided klaus is aromantic and here’s why.
1.) he’s always been more or less indifferent to the idea of romance (when he told five his longest relationship was two weeks, and that it wasn’t even a real relationship. also when he said that dave was the only person he ever loved more than himself — hinting that he’d never experienced your typical “romantic” feelings.)
2.) the aromantic identity is a wide spectrum. some aros DO, in fact, experience zero romantic attraction, ever. which is very cool. however, other aros may experience romantic attraction only once a deep connection is formed with someone. they may experience romantic attraction rarely. they may also experience romantic attraction in a much different way than an alloromantic would, hence why the aro label is more comfortable to them. and much, much more. no two aro people will have the exact same relationship with the label which is part of the beauty of it.
and that being said, klaus being in love with dave AND being on the aromantic spectrum are two things that can coexist! and if anything it makes his relationship with dave even more beautiful (the allos wouldn’t get it).
also i’m on the aromantic spectrum and i say so. you can rip this headcanon from my cold dead hands. (i have a twt anon riding my dick about it which just makes me want to spread the aro klaus agenda even more hence this post <3)
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sun-and-moon-side · 10 months
I would be a very beautiful and mysterious horse but unfortunately I would get scared and break my legs very quickly
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the-prophecy · 1 year
Atleast you'll die after that phew
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parker-likes-tea · 2 years
quackity's doing more lore? damn i feel like he's gonna be drinking a lot, he's been through a lot. y'know what he should be drinking though? some milk. I think I know a guy who could help with that.....
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steampunkforever · 7 days
I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.
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bunabi · 1 month
I'm in awe of how we ran historical revisionism on the civil rights movement so bad that people truly believe it was quiet self-sacrifcial non-disruptive christ-like activism that forced progress and not — like — the incredible economic pressure of boycotts and outbreaks of illegal civil disobedience
Yapping to the choir but eughhh it burns me up girl effective protests have to be loud and inconvenient for change to happen because silent cries die in the dark that's the entire pointtt
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softwaring · 5 months
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this reply kills me 😭 article link
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hycinthrt · 3 months
people are calling what happened today in gaza “the flour massacre”
the flour massacre
these people just wanted to get food for their families, something as basic as flour, one of the things that the very core of humanity is built on, and israel used it as a trap to murder them in cold blood
evil is not enough of a word. there is not a word to describe what they are doing to palestine. they are bleeding her out, they are torturing her and crushing her and hoping that nothing is left to remember her by when they are done. how can anyone stand and watch what is being done with indifference? how can you watch this level of human suffering, this crime against life and feel nothing, do nothing
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animesickos · 11 months
We're on a new platform with a totally different audience...we have to prove ourselves all over again...convince a totally new group of people to think we're funny and worth your attention....so allow me to drop some of my "A" material....the funniest thing I got.......here goes....... jeef berky
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