wttcsms · 1 year
as it was ; suguru geto.
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pairing suguru geto x f!reader  word count 4.2k  synopsis suguru comes back, only to find that you've been waiting and wanting this whole entire time. content contains modern no curses!au, gojo's sister!reader, brother's best friend, creampie, pet names (good girl, baby), most of the fic is geto's introspection, possessive sex, mutual pining/longing author’s notes im not even horny for geto like that, but i wanted to write angsty smut abt spreading ur legs for a guy that left u & who else is better for this than geto <3
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First words are always a bit tricky to get right, especially whenever he has to take into account that he essentially ghosted you a couple of years ago, after taking your virginity no less, and now he’s back in the godforsaken city he swore he was never coming back to, and he’s just at a loss about what to say and more importantly, how to say it. 
He supposes an apology, for starters, would be a good first move. And maybe it would be, could be, should be, if only he wasn’t him and you weren’t you, and the two of you were not something so confusing and intricate that it’s hard to put into words and harder still to describe with emotions. The two of you are something raw and painful, both of you taking turns playing both sadist and masochist. 
Even to himself, the extent of your relationship sounds twisted, but there was always an underlying purity to it, something that justified its existence. To this day, Suguru Geto is certain that you’re the only person who ever loved him for him, with a love so pure and just that he tries to hide it from everyone else before they can get their filthy hands on it and taint it, twist it into something it’s not. 
Sorry I left won’t cut it, and Geto doesn’t even bother trying to come up with any other variations of apology because it’s not necessarily your forgiveness that he’s come back for. The opportunity to say “I’m sorry” and have it actually mean something has long since passed. All that’s left to say is the truth for why he left, which for some odd reason, seems even harder to do than his original disappearing act.
I missed you — that’s a slight improvement. It’s the truth, if not an understatement of it. He doesn’t regret leaving Tokyo, he just regrets leaving you. Which he could say, if you would actually open the door to face him. 
He figures it’s what he deserves. He deserves worse, if he’s going to be entirely honest. He deserves a slap to the face, or a kick to his balls, or for you to tell him that you hate him, that you never want to see him ever again. 
He knocks on your apartment door, harder this time, as if it’s something urgent. And maybe it is. He’s felt more like himself than he ever has after moving, but the solitude of the countryside got boring soon after, leaving him only with the ghosts from his past to keep him company. He thinks if he doesn’t see you, in the flesh, he might actually go insane. 
He knocks again, only to be met with more silence and a door that’s starting to become more of a familiar sight than he would like. Fuck, what is he even doing? Showing up here was a bad idea to begin with, and it’s only seemingly getting worse by every agonizing second that ticks by. Even if you do open the door, there’s always the chance that you won’t let him get a single word in — that’d be the smart choice, anyway. 
And you’re a bright girl, don’t get him wrong. Something about the Gojo bloodline makes your family incapable of producing anything less than prodigal sons and daughters. If you’re not proof of this fact, there’s your older brother.
Yet another reason why showing up here is such a shitty plan. Satoru will catch wind of his visit, and when he does, he’ll show no restraint in showing Suguru what all of his private boxing lessons are good for. A broken nose and missing tooth would be a fair exchange to see you for at least a second, though. A tradeoff that he doesn’t need to debate on. 
You have to leave your apartment eventually. Suguru dances with the idea of just making camp outside your door and waiting for your stubbornness to fizzle out. It’ll be embarrassing, and your neighbors will surely have something to say about it, but it would be well worth it.
He hears the ding! of the elevator opening and human reflex causes his head to turn at the sound of the noise. 
The world becomes contradictory at this very moment. The air suddenly stills, but the atmosphere itself seems to come alive at the same time. Stagnant air, bursting with electricity and something awe-inspiring. Everything seems to slow down, but suddenly he’s acutely aware of just how alarmingly fast his heart is beating. It’s been a while since he’s last seen you, not even bothering to check up on your social media because he knows one DM from you would have him crossing the ocean to be back by your side. 
The reason why you weren’t answering your door was simply because you weren’t even home. Relief floods his body, makes him less tense, only for him to stiffen up once more whenever his eyes trail over to the warm body awfully close to you. 
Or maybe it’s the other way around, since you’re the one clinging onto him.
You and Kento Nanami both look like you two have seen a ghost, and all things considered, you wouldn’t be wrong. 
“What are you doing here?” You’re the first to speak, with Nanami’s arm wrapped protectively around your waist, and it’s this closeness that’s the only thing Suguru finds himself able to focus on. It’s been years. He shouldn’t feel this way. You’re free to do whatever you want with whoever you want. It’s your life. He’s the one that chose to walk out of it, anyway. 
“I just wanted to talk,” he answers. Which isn’t a lie. He wanted to talk. He wanted to fight and make up and fuck your brains out and beg for forgiveness and cook you breakfast in the morning and warm your bed, amongst other things, too. But, he figures the condensed version of his list will do, especially considering that three’s a crowd, and most of his itinerary was for your ears only. “Did I come at a bad time?” 
You bite your bottom lip, slowly removing yourself from Nanami’s grip. Nanami looks at you first, concern evident in his warm eyes, eyes that you wish were just a bit darker and colder, so that they would be the ones you’re so accustomed to drowning in. 
You like Nanami well enough. He’s kind and looks out for you, and sometimes you even consider making a move on him first since he’s too much of a gentleman to cross any boundaries. Then again, you don’t think Nanami sees you as anything more than a little sister, and the last time you fucked one of your brother’s best friends… 
It’s why you just give Nanami a smile, one that tells him that you’ve got this under control. His facial expression doesn’t give any indication of what he’s thinking, but the glare he sends Suguru’s way says enough. 
Suguru can appreciate the fierce protectiveness Nanami has towards you, but it doesn’t mean he likes it. Especially when it’s Suguru that’s considered to be the threat.
You move to unlock your door once Nanami makes his reluctant exit, and when you enter your apartment, you conveniently don’t shut the door. Suguru trails behind you.
You turn on the lights, your living room and kitchen blending together in an open-floor plan, bathed in the stark, white lights hanging from your high ceilings. Your apartment, at least what Suguru can see of it, is tastefully decorated. Courtesy of your mother, he’s sure. He would ask about her, ask how she’s doing, but he figures now’s just not the right timing. 
It doesn’t seem to be the right timing for anything he wants to say. He wants to mention that he’s thought about you, thought about reaching out — sometimes to explain himself, and other times just to discuss the mundane aspects of life — but he thinks that would be even worse than apologizing. It would be cruel of him to dangle this information in your face, haunt you with the knowledge that all this time, he’s truly been avoiding you. Knowing you, you would have questioned him on why he didn’t bother reaching out, and he would have been stuck admitting that it’s simply because he was too scared that you wouldn’t answer. 
“Want a drink?” You ask him, back facing him as you peer into your fridge. He catches a glimpse of shiny glass bottles, water bottled in Europe and with the optimal pH balance, he’s certain of it. His throat feels a bit dry, but he tells you no. 
“I drank enough water on the drive up here,” he tells you, which again, isn’t a lie. Suguru feels a bit pleased with himself, even if it is a bit narcissistic of himself for expecting a pat on the back for doing something so simple. He supposes it’s just because he’s gotten so used to never being honest with himself — or others, for that matter — so his current streak for telling the truth seems like something to celebrate. 
“I didn't drink enough.” You say, and he can’t tell if it’s alcohol you’re talking about or water. You’re a lightweight; yet another trait that seems to be passed down the Gojo family. That explains Nanami escorting you home, then. 
“Aren’t you going to ask how I found you?” Suguru helps himself to taking a seat on the white couch in your living room. Because there’s no walls separating the two different spaces, he can still look at you from this position as you rest your elbows on your kitchen’s island, as if needing the support. 
“If you wanted me to know, you’d let me know.” It’s the way you say it that reveals that this comment isn’t made just in reply to his current question, but for everything else Suguru was going to follow it with. Don’t you want to know where I went? Don’t you want to know why I left? 
It’s amazing what humans are capable of. Nearly six years since the two of you have lost contact — since Suguru broke all contact — and yet, you can still read him just as well as he can read you. You see him for what he is, not whatever mask he wants to disguise himself with, and it’s scary, he thinks. Scary to be seen by someone. And nice. It’s nice to have someone know you’re a monster and still not run away.
He’s not quite sure what that says about you.
“It’s a bit of a funny story.” He says, trying to steer this conversation to a more lighthearted tone even though the two of you are nowhere close to feeling light and the jury’s still out on whether or not Suguru Geto has a heart. “You don’t need the reminder, but don’t ever tell Mei Mei a secret you want to keep.” 
The mention of your shared friend — if Mei Mei can even be considered one — makes the corners of your pretty mouth tilt upward. Mei Mei was born with a silver spoon, but the running joke is that it wasn’t in her mouth because she bartered with the doctor and blackmailed him into giving her a gold one. If you have the funds, Mei Mei has the information you’re looking for. 
She’s the only number Suguru saved in his phone contacts, and it’s only because he knew that if he needed anyone else’s number, Mei Mei would readily give it after her Venmo request goes through. 
“Of course she would tell you my address.” You say, but you don’t sound upset at all. Just amused, like this whole situation is something endearing, and you don’t harbor any ill feelings towards either of them, even though both Suguru and Mei Mei technically violated your trust. Suguru more so than Mei Mei, but, well, semantics. 
“Aren’t you mad?” The “at me” is unspoken.
“Mei Mei is a free spirit.” It’s a joke, and Suguru makes a sound from his throat that resembles a laugh. Mei Mei may do whatever she wants, but nothing about her comes free.
He knows you know what he was actually asking. He’s been trying to gauge your reaction to everything he says, trying to see if you hate his guts or not. 
“I missed you.” You tell him suddenly, and while he’s imagined those words coming out of your mouth, it still shakes him up a bit. It’s hard constantly posturing as if he’s cool and collected, nothing ever bothering him, his body and expression never betraying him. But it’s his heart that gives him away, and it’s heart that you hold, and no matter what face he puts on, he knows that you’ll know what the words he won’t say are.
“Don’t apologize.” You continue, closing the distance between you two and opting to take a seat next to him. There’s about six inches of space separating you two. The distance shapeshifts in his mind, sometimes becoming mere millimeters and sometimes feeling more like there’s an ocean between you both. 
The sorry was on the tip of his tongue and it traveled all the way there from his heart. It would be a waste of a journey for him to not say it, but he’s certain the apology would do more harm than good, even if it is genuine. 
Suguru stands out against the stark white of your apartment. Your mom likes the aesthetic of it, and since it’s your parents’ money, you merely shrugged and let her do whatever she wanted. In his black pants and black sweatshirt, he looks almost out of place in your home. 
The thought that he doesn’t belong makes your heart hurt more than the burn of the alcohol from tonight going down your throat. 
You don’t waste time wondering where Suguru went because for all intents and purposes, you never even knew where he came from to begin with. You knew him since you were children; your favorite out of all your brother’s friends because it was always Suguru who let you tag along and trail behind them. No one really knows much about Suguru’s life, his past, present, and future all a big blur to anyone but himself. From the way he slowly turns to face you, dark eyes meeting yours, you start to think of the possibility that maybe not even Suguru is an open book with himself. 
Suguru looks like a shadow, standing out from the brightness of everything that is surrounding him in your living room. You want to ask him the questions that plague your mind ever since he’s been gone, but you don’t, because you’re scared he is a shadow. One wrong move, and he just disappears from your grasp once again. 
There are the hard-hitting questions, of course. The ones that search for why he left and why he told no one and why he didn’t bother taking you. Then there are the gentler ones that would still require him to rip himself open and bare himself to you, things like how’s your new place and meet anyone interesting? You feel his gaze travel from your eyes to the slope of your nose and the apples of your cheek, downward to your lips. The intensity of his stare makes you nervously lick your lips, a tiny, quick action, but his eyes greedily take in the sight of the tip of your pink tongue casually making an appearance, only to retreat behind your pretty pink, glossed lips. 
“Are you mad that I came back?” Suguru finds himself taking the role of interviewer, since it’s evident to the two of you that you know better than to bother asking him any questions. He feels like you’re treating him a bit like a stray cat, all cautious and scared of provoking him or forcing him to run away. He wants to tell you that this is not the case and that he actually plans on staying this time around, but he hasn’t entirely convinced himself yet, so he’s not going to break your heart with any more empty promises. 
“No. Like I said, I missed you.” He wants to be able to blame your honesty on account of you being drunk, but he knows that you’ve just always been honest to a fault. 
“You shouldn’t.” He tells you this, and you scoff. Probably because Suguru is the last person who should be giving any sort of life advice. 
“Guess what I’m thinking.” You say, and Suguru feels something come alive from within, like he’s been frozen for the past six years, and the more he gets to bask in the warmth of your presence, the more he starts to defrost. There’s not a single hint of anger or malice in your tone, just the familiar, lighthearted, girlish tone of yours. 
“That you think I’m a creep and want me to get the hell out.” 
You frown, rolling your eyes, tucking your feet beneath you to get more comfortable on the couch.
“I’m thinking about that last time you told me I shouldn’t be doing something.” There’s a gleam in your bright eyes that clearly spells out desire, and Suguru is very, very close to defrosting. In fact, there’s a heat that’s beginning to settle deep in him, and maybe he should know better than to indulge in it, but it’s been years, and you are sitting here in front of him, pretty and fresh, and his hindbrain takes the driver’s seat. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But he does know, and he knows that you know that he knows, just as you seemingly know everything about him. Maybe not about his childhood — or lack, thereof — or what he’s been up to, but you know the important stuff. The things that make him tick and all the words he fails to say. Three words. Three words that he doesn’t think he’ll ever muster enough courage to say to you, but from the look in your eyes, you already know. 
“I’ll jog your memory.” 
And suddenly, your lips are pressed against his. You’re kissing him, and like the lovesick fool he is, he’s kissing you back. It’s pure muscle memory, maybe even animal instinct. He thought that leaving Tokyo was the right thing to do, and for the most part, it was, but with your lips perfectly melding with his own, he thinks that leaving was stupid. 
Making out is such a juvenile ordeal, but he relishes in it because Suguru feels like he’s spent most of his youth trying to outrun it, and now he’s trying to take advantage of what his boyhood should have consisted of. The kisses are now bordering on sloppy and hazy, and somehow, you end up straddling his lap. He’s hard, and he should be embarrassed at popping a boner just from wet kisses, but it’s you. You have an effect on him that no one else does. His Achilles. The one weakness only he can feel. 
Suguru knows that he is not a good person because a good person doesn’t go behind their best friend’s back and fucks their little sister. He had told, thirty minutes before introducing you to the feeling of his cock stretching you out, that the two of you shouldn’t be doing that. Suguru knows that he is not a good person because he cannot be any happier at the fact that history has a funny way of repeating itself. Six years later, and the two of you are back in a similar position.
You’re starting to rut against him, your dress riding up your thighs and exposing more of your skin to him. Suguru helps himself to handfuls of your soft flesh, squeezing in a manner that can’t be defined as gentle, but he loves how you take him as he is without any sort of complaint. All you do is let out a low moan, your pantyclad pussy grinding against his equally clothed bulge. 
Your movements are a bit desperate, frenzied. You’re getting lost in pleasure already, and he hasn’t even done much to elicit such a reaction. The idea that only he can get you this riled up with doing so little makes him impossibly harder, and he looks down, realizing that you’re so soaked, your panties are practically translucent. 
The two of you have the option of taking things slow, but neither of you want to do that. When you spend some time starving, you don’t savor the meal, you scarf it down. 
That’s what the two of you are — hungry, greedy — as you both hastily strip as much clothing as you can bear to spend time getting out of. Your minidress is tossed carelessly on the living room floor, and Suguru can only bother with unzipping his pants and pushing down his briefs just enough to free his cock. 
The intrusion of the tip of his cock entering your wet, needy cunt is less of an intrusion and instead akin to something rightfully returning to where it belongs. Your hands are tangled in his hair, and he relishes this feeling. This wholeness, this concept of being complete.
The inviting warmth of your pussy makes him want to cum right on the spot, but he can’t waste it. He’s spent years pining after you, missing you, and he wants you to feel like the time apart had been worth it. 
“I missed you.” This time it’s him who makes the admittance. You tighten up at this confession, and it evokes a low groan from him, almost as if you had forced the sound to come from all the way down his throat.
“I know.” You gasp out, not able to speak clearly with how deep Suguru is hitting. Your living room is filled with the wet clicks and slaps of skin against skin, your juices coating his cock every time he pulls out. 
The vein on the underside of his cock rubs against your walls, and the slight curve of it enables him to hit that gummy spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. You’ve never given much thought to cocks, but you know that Suguru’s is the prettiest of them all. 
“Tell me you’re mine.” He grunts out, lips brushing against the soft skin of your neck before biting down; gentle enough not to draw blood, sharp enough to still leave a mark. You rock against him, hips moving in tandem with his thrusts, the steady hum of pleasure continuously building up in your lower belly. You are dizzy with pleasure; blanketed in it, being spoon fed it. 
He doesn’t need you to say it to know it’s true, but you moan it out anyway, both to appease him and because there’s a sort of pride in knowing that you belong to him. 
“I’m yours. I belong to you.” The words are separated, punctuated, by the little gasps for air you give out because with every word, he thrusts up even harder, hitting that special spot that will have you cumming all over him, making a mess. 
“Yeah?” It comes out sounding like a shaky breath, and he’s close, you know it, you can feel it. 
Calloused pads belonging to fingers much larger than yours are being pressed against your clit. You’re soaked, and the dryness of his hands combining with your overall slickness gives way to delicious friction that has you cumming with his name as a broken moan filtering through your swollen lips. 
“That’s it, baby. Good girl. Good fucking girl.” He mutters, relishing in the way your walls tighten, spasm, clenching and unclenching sporadically as your body loses its energy and you press yourself up against his chest.
He follows after just a few more sloppy thrusts, the last one forcing himself as deep inside of you as possible. His cum is hot and thick, and it’s filling you to the brim. If he pulls out now, it’ll flood out of you, and the thought is both sad and hot at the same time. You want his cum inside of you, to serve as a reminder that this is real, that he’s real. 
But seeing the physicality of him staking his claim, white seed dripping out of you, turns you on. Him, too, with the look of fascination and boyish wonder he has in his eyes as he stares at how the two of you are connected.
Before he can bother with confirming a round two, a sharp knock on the door has the two of you comically jumping a bit in surprise, both of you glancing at the door and then at each other.
“[Name], I know you’re in there!” You freeze. 
Suguru wants to try to calm you down, whisper to you that everything’s going to be fine, but the anger laced in his best friend’s — former best friend’s — voice is enough to make him freeze up, too. Not just his icy tone, but what he says.
“I know you’re back, too, Suguru.”
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meowsforyujin · 8 months
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Clubbing- Han
Han x fem bodied reader
(Warnings- !!smut!! , choking, drinking, oral, fingering, unprotected sex)
!not proofread, I’m lazy
Clubbing wasn’t something out of the ordinary in your friend group. What WAS out of the ordinary was that literally everyone had found a “ride” home but you and freaking han jisung. Jisung was your best friend’s brother, aka pain in your ass. You did not like him AT ALL. You didn’t like his gorgeous figure, his perfect slim waist, his gummy smile…
Okay just because you think someone's good looking doesn't mean you like them. 
Jisung was annoying, for starters. He’s always messing with you, and FLIRTING with you. He’s always making it seem like you have a crush on him, and it pisses you off. 
“Me? Have a crush on YOU? You wish” you’d say.
“Whatever you say princess.”
What was really blood boiling was that your best friend didn't seem to care one bit. If your brother was flirting with her, you’d kick him in the nuts. But not her, she either laughed or ignored it. 
Fast forward to present, here you are sitting lonely at the bar with no one to take you home, since everyone had luck tonight BUT you. 
“Why are you so lonely at a club, it’s depressing.” you hear that stupid fucking voice that makes your heart beat oh so slightly faster
“No reason that's your business asshole.” you snap your head around. 
“Is someone grumpy that they aren't getting laid?” He asks smugly, sitting down next to you. 
“I think you're teasing me because you're upset YOU'RE not getting laid” you say, annoyance visible in your tone. 
“I have a better chance than you.” he stuck his tongue out like a child  
The bartender handed you your drink and you spaced out, eyes on the dance floor. You loved dancing. Han also knew you loved dancing because he loved watching you dance. He wasn’t ever one to be in denial, unlike you. 
“Well since it's just us less, I suppose we have no choice but to dance together.” 
You come back to your senses and look back at him, making a disgusted facial expression before shaking your head. 
“Come on, it's your favorite song, you want to dance so bad I know it.” He says holding out his hand. 
You opened your mouth to protest, but gave up and hesitantly took his hand. It was your favorite song, though you don’t remember telling anyone. 
There isn’t anything in the world that could make Jisung regret asking you to dance, he’s sure. You’re the most pretty thing he’s ever seen. He doesn't like to watch you dance because you're good at it, no. You’re exceptionally bad at it. It’s absolutely adorable. 
You hate to admit, but this is one of the best times you’ve had on the dance floor. You don’t know why, it’s not really any different from dancing with your other friends. Maybe you just like watching him smile and laugh more than the others. 
Everything was going pretty wholesome until a few drinks in the song changed to a more slow, sexual song. But it’s fine right? Jisung is just a friend, it doesn’t mean anything when you're dancing with your back pressed against him, slightly grinding against him. But youre a little tipsy, and so is he, and to be quite honest neither of you see each other as a friend. 
But you’re quickly sober when you feel a bulge press against you, you're breath hitching. 
“Hm?” he replies, head still on your shoulder.
“Are you hard right now?” 
He just hums and plants wet kisses on your neck. 
“HAN JISUNG” You turn around, fully intending to scold him until you see his gaze.  
He’s staring at you, hands still on your hips. His eyes half lidded, lips parted, hair messy, eyes absolutely filled with lust. You feel small under his gaze so you move your attention away from his eyes, and it’s just now you're noticing the way he's dressed. He’s wearing a button up that frames his biceps so well it's insane, unbuttoned a bit to where you can see the slight outline of his pec muscles
Your thoughts are brutally interrupted when you feel his hand pull up your chin to met his eyes. 
“What.” he repeats himself. 
“I um, your, uh, um” You forgot how to speak English all of a sudden. 
“Are you shy baby?”
It was like you were hypnotized by him, because instead of scolding him you simply nodded. And he did nothing. He just stared. But you wanted him to do something, anything. 
“Jisung, please.” You're voice came out more of a whimper than you intended. 
“Please what princess?”
You faulted for a moment, not knowing exactly how to put into words what you wanted.
“Can you, can you atleast just kiss me?” You breathed. 
And he didn't waste any time fulfilling your wish, almost crashing his lips onto yours. It felt like he has been waiting to do that for forever (he has). The kiss was sloppy and heated, tongues tracing each others mouth, teeth gnashing together every now and then. The heat in between your legs was beginning to become unbearable. 
“Please, can we get out of here?” you pulled away looking at him with pleading eyes. 
When he got to his car, he truly didn't expect you to be this impatient. His plan was to drive back to his apartment before resuming anything, but CLEARLY you had other plans. 
Your hips on either side of him, grinding softly while attacking the skin on his neck. 
Jisung couldn't help the moans that escaped him, and he didn't want to either. 
“Princess, we can't do this here, l, let's just get home first hm?” He huffed, pulling your hair behind your ear. 
“Please just let me do something before we stop.” You whined, the wait was too long already. 
He sighed and nodded, not knowing what to expect.
You pushing the driver's seat back harshly was more attractive than it should've been. You got down off the seat, onto the ground of the car. Your hands crept up to his zipper while he looked at you with great anticipation. You palm his bulge slightly, pulling a beautiful whine out of him, before taking out his member completely. You try, you really try to hold the gasp in when you see his size. You couldn't help yourself, you had to get your hands on it. 
You run your fingers up and down his member, causing ticklish yet still pleasurable sensations. Jisung moaned, bucking his hips up slightly, trying to show you that he needed more. You hum before licking a long stripe up his dick, earning a long whine from him. You circled his tip, collecting the bits of precum leaking from it. Without wasting any second you take him in, his tip hitting that back of your through as tears prick the corner of your eyes, threatening to fall. You began bobbing up and down, leaving jisung a moaning mess. His hips buck up as he hissed, trying to hold himself back. You pull off, unsatisfied. 
“Don’t do that, don’t hold back.” You watch his beautiful face turn a deep red as he shyly nodded. 
You went back down, this time sucking at his tip on the way up, which seemed to be his limit. His hands found their way to your hair, holding you in place before thrusting into your mouth. He only got in a few thrusts before his hips stilled, cock twitching as he came. You swallowed every bit while watching his gaze on you, chest falling up and down heavily. 
The drive home felt agonizingly slow. As soon as the car stopped, you all but ran to the front door, eager to get in jisungs pants again. The moment the door opened you were pinned to the wall, jisung kicking the door closed behind him. Your lips reattached after what felt like forever, and he took this opportunity to pin your wrists to the wall above you. You let out a satisfactory moan when he did so, causing him to grow harder and harder in his pants. He moved from your lips to your neck, leaving open mouth kisses. The gentleness was quickly replaced with his teeth slightly sinking into your skin,  sucking harshly. You enjoyed it though, your whimpered sure as hell confirmed that. 
Jisung reached under your thighs, pulling slightly signaling you to jump. And you did, wrapping your thighs around his waist, and kissing him once again. He set you down on the kitchen counter, your legs still wrapped firmly around his waist, trying to pull him impossible closer. His hands reach under your shirt, tugging slightly. You pull away from the kiss, granting him access to take off your shit. He practically lunged towards your chest, leaving wet kisses along your cleavage. Your breath hitched as you felt his hands going up your skirt, feeling your heat. 
“So wet baby, for me?” He flashed you that stupid cocky smile of his.
“Just do something about it sung, please?”  You looked up at him with pleading eyes.
The nickname definitely hit a soft spot, as he's never heard you call him that. He couldn’t say he didn’t like it though. 
He bent down, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder. You watched his strong hands reach up your thighs, rolling your skirt back. He attached his lips to your clothed clit, causing a desirable cry from you. You whines at the lost contact when he pulled away, removing your underwear and then getting back into the same position. 
You whined feeling his warm tongue lick up your pussy. He starts painfully slow, kitty licking every inch of you, just wanting to taste every spot. While this was nice, it wasn't any of the right movements to make you cum. And you wanted to cum, so bad. All of a sudden it was as if he read your mind. His lips curled around your clit, sucking gently as he pushed a finger into you. You let out a cry of satisfaction, begging him to keep going. He pumped his finger in and out of you while sucking your clit, and soon one finger became two. Soon after the second finger was added, you were cumming all over his face with a cry of his name. 
Jisung cleaned you up with his tongue, not wanting to miss a single drop until you whined from the overstimulation. He gives you a quick peck of the lips before taking you into his arms, carrying you to the bedroom. 
He sets you down on the bed and then turns around, confusing you. 
“Where are you going?”
He turns back at you with a soft smile, “Just going to get stuff to clean you up, and then clothes for you to sleep in.”
You frowned, “Who said we're done?”
“Oh, I um, thought maybe you were tired..I didn't want to pressure you.” why was he so sweet? It was bothering you.
“No sung, im not tired, want you to fuck me.” 
He blinks a couple of times, breath caught in his throat, before hurrying over to the bed toppling over you. Before you could laugh at him, he's already kissing you. Both of your clothes are off in seconds, thrown somewhere unimportant. His eyes were glued on your naked figure, with an unreadable expression. You turned your head away nervously, crossing your arms over you. 
You yelped when he harshly removed your arms and pinned them up above you. 
“You’re so, so beautiful. So much fucking better than I imagined.”
You felt your face burning at the last comment “What do you mean imagined sung?”, you chuckled softly, but really you wanted to know. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this, to make you mine.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling his crotch down to meet yours. 
“I’m not yours yet, you better hurry up”
He let out a “Tch” sound before entering you without warning, filling you up so perfectly you wanted to never be empty again. You felt every inch of him against your walls, tip so sweetly brushed against the spot you loved most. 
“Fuuuck sung please move” you cried, rutting up your hips trying to get some friction against your g spot. 
“Mmm only if you say your mine.” 
“Shit sung, okay okay I’m yours.”
“I’m yours.”
You rolled your eyes, “Han Jisung, I’m yours and only yours.”
And with that he began thrashing his hips into you, hitting your spot everytime. The room filled with the sounds of skin slapping and both your moans. He pulls your legs back around his waist, trying to hit your spot better, and holy shit he succeeded. You were so so so close, and he was too, you could feel his dick twitching inside you. 
“Sung, im so close please” you begged, tears falling from your eyes.
“You’re so fucking good for me” he grunts, thrusting faster.
“Please choke me” You whined
He was hesitant at first but shortly complied, wrapping his fingers around your throat giving it a light squeeze. All of a sudden, time stopped. All on your mind was bliss as your walls clamped down onto him, pulling a high pitched moan from him while he came too. 
After you both came down from your high, jisung picked you up and took you to the bathroom. He set you down on the sink while he ran the bathtub. You simply just watched him, soaking in his beauty. 
For a good solid 10 minutes, you both were silent, just sitting, feeling each other's warmth. Eventually Jisung picked up a bottle of soap and began to clean you. 
“I can do things by myself jisung.” You glared at him
“Mmm but I want to help you, love. And also I prefer my new nickname “sung” now.”
You scoffed but let him continue his task, picking up the bottle of soap out of mere curiosity. 
“Vanilla?” You laughed “Your soap is vanilla scented?”
“I like vanilla, what’s wrong with that?” he pouted.
“Nothing.” You whispered, giving him a soft kiss. 
“So, for the record, you did have a crush on me.”
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steddieasitgoes · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 16 Prompt: Angst Themed Sentence Starters
3. I don’t know what you want from me. and 5. I don’t want to fight with you. Not tonight.
Tags: Established Relationship, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mentions of Past Child Neglect, Protective Eddie Munson
wc: 1184 | Rating: T
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
“I don’t know what you want from me!” Steve shouts, arms thrown in the air.
He’s glued to the floor in their living room watching as Eddie stalks up and down the length of the room in the dim glow of their Christmas tree. Steve’s hands are clutched around the cordless phone, double-checking that he properly hung it up.
The last thing he needs is for his mother to overhear the argument currently going on.
The same argument that happens every year, without fail.
An unofficial tradition that Steve fucking hates.
“I want you to stand up for yourself!” Eddie shouts back.
Their voices may be raised, but they’re not screaming at each other. At least, not in the ways they were raised too. Their voices may be loud, but they don’t hurl insults at each other. Nor do they shout directly at each other, shouting their concerns into the void of the room instead.
“I do stand up for myself!” Steve defends, crossing his arms.
“Not when it comes to them!” Eddie growls, flippantly waving his hand in the air. “I thought we decided after last year's disaster that we weren’t going to put up with it anymore. If your parents wanted to be in our lives, they’d be there for us every day and not just on the choice fucking holiday so you’re mom can take her family picture that conveniently always makes me look terrible.”
“I know. Okay? I know we said that!” Steve uncrosses his arms, one hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. The other hangs limply by his thighs, opening and closing into a fist, tethering him to the moment. “But they’re still my parents!”
Eddie scoffs, shaking his head. “Just because a piece of paper says they’re your parents doesn’t make it true.”
“I know, but—“
“No! No buts! They’re shitty people, Steve! I’m not going to apologize for saying that because it’s the truth! They only want you around when it's convenient for them and then they leave. You might not see it, but every time they walk out that door you turn into that lonely, abandoned teenager you’ve worked so hard to grow from! I’m not going to let them keep doing that to you!”
“Eddie,” Steve huffs. He’s not wrong, not in the slightest. But it still stings hearing it. Knowing that even though he tries to hide how he feels when his parents walk out the door every year, Eddie sees. That he hurts just as much as Steve does.
“What if it was my dad who called and said, “Clear you’re scheduled for the 20th, we’re having Christmas dinner since I’m going out on Christmas but still need to show face with my friends and see you?” What if he did it every fucking year for seven years, only to bitch and moan about every little thing? Questioning my life choices, talking shit about the man I’ve become because I didn’t live up to his expectations. Making snide comments about you when he thinks you’re not listening. Would you let him keep coming?”
“Of course not!”
“Then you understand where I’m coming from!” Eddie says, slowly making his way over to Steve. “I wish things were different. I wish your parents saw you for the amazing man you are. Saw us for all the work we’ve done to better ourselves. But they don’t. They never will. And I’m tired of pretending for a few hours every year to be okay with their bullshit. You deserve better than that.”
“I—“ Steve breaks, the first tear racing down his cheek before he can even register what’s happening.
He’s wrapped in Eddie’s arms in an instant, pushed and flushed with his warm chest. His shirt is soft, soothing the prickly feeling spreading across his own cheeks as he lets the tears fall. Eddie holds him, strong and firm. Rocks him slowly in his arms, and runs a hand soothingly up and down his back. Whispers encouragement into the wild tufts of hair on the top of his head.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie coos. “It’s okay. S’gonna be okay.”
“I don’t want to fight with you,” Steve hiccups, pulling away from Eddie’s embrace. “Not tonight. Not ever.”
“I don’t want to fight with you either.” With a gentle hand, Eddie swipes the tears from Steve’s eyes before cradling his face in his hands. “Especially not about your parents. Maybe about your questionable taste in movies—“
“Hey!” Steve laughs, swatting at Steve’s chest. “You’re the one with the questionable taste.”
Eddie hums, shaking his head. “Keep telling yourself that, big boy.”
They stay like that for a few moments, wrapped in each other's embrace. Letting the tension ease from their bodies and minds. The air in the room already feels lighter, the lights on the trees twinkling brighter.
But there’s still a weight pressing on Steve’s chest. One he knows isn’t going to go away until he figures this out. Once and for all.
“What should I tell them?” he mumbles, words nearly lost amongst the quiet hum of their space heater.
“You could tell them we’re going on vacation? Or that we already made plans.”
“I don’t want to lie to them,” Steve sighs, feeling the pressure building behind his eyes again. “If I tell her that she’ll want to see pictures or hear stories and then it's one lie after another.”
“You could tell them the truth?” Eddie suggests, arms wrapping around Steve again. “Tell them that they don’t deserve to spend Christmas with you because of the way they’ve treated you. That we don’t need their negative energy in our lives.”
Steve grimaces. He wishes he could have a conversation with his mom. Wishes they had the type of relationship that allowed him the grace, to be honest with her. To give her space to listen and hopefully learn. But they don’t. They never have. All that will get Steve is an earful of guilt and yelling, followed by a call from his father about he broke his mother.
Still, what other choice does he have?
If he doesn’t want to lie, the truth is the only other option.
“Will you stay by me while I make the call?”
“Of course, sweetheart. M’not going anywhere.”
“Okay,” Steve says, letting the plan take shape in his head. “Okay. I’m going to tell her the truth.”
“I’ll be the whole time,” Eddie says, squeezing Steve’s hand. “But if she starts yelling, I will grab that phone and hang up on her. You understand that, right?”
“I think you hanging up on my mom is the kindest thing you could do to her.”
“Damn right, it is!” Eddie laughs. “Now come on, let’s rip this bandaid off so we can start planning what we’re actually going to do now that we have the 20th free.”
“I’m sure you already have ideas.” Steve laughs, watching as Eddie’s eyes light up as they drink him from head to toe.
“Yeah,” he says, dragging his tongue across his bottom lip. “I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve.”
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
coming from one of those "born in mid 2000s and is now suddenly an adult, making everyone feel old," people, do you have any resources to learn how to bullshit your way through getting a job with zero experience. cause i cant even put like "babysitting" or anything since covid prevented literally any teenage-typical jobs and i kinda dont know what to put on a resume beyond the university im currently attending and the high school i graduated from. and they still dont teach you this in school even though we've complained for years 😭
Okay my chilluns, listen up. This is how to bullshit your way into a basic 1-page resume even if you think you have absolutely dum-dum-diddlysquat to put on it. I completely feel you, as it's hard as hell to get a job even in the ordinary course of things, and especially when everything seems to want 10 years of experience and a bachelor's degree (and still pays like shit). But you gotta be persistent anyway. So here follows the step-by-step guide of How To Resume:
Open a new Word (or other word-processing software of your choice) document.
Pick a nice, professional-looking font (for the love of God, no Comic Sans). Times New Roman is fine; you don't have to overthink it. My own CV is currently in Perpetua, because it's a nice serif that looks crisp and a little different, but it is still clean and readable. Garamond or Cambria or other starter typefaces are fine too. Make sure it is the right size, usually around 12pt.
Put your full name at the top, centered, in BOLD CAPITALS. Increase the typeface size a few more points on this, to make it stand out and to make it take up space.
Underneath this, in regular-sized text, put your contact information: mailing address if you're comfortable sharing it, or if not, at least your phone number and email address. Use a school email if you have it, and not some weird/in-jokey personal email.
Start a new paragraph. In a slightly smaller font (italic if you want to make it look classy) write a few words about yourself. This should be something like I am a [Major] student at [University] looking for a part-time, entry-level position in [sales, retail, office, etc]. A [year] graduate of [High School] in [City, State], I am [prompt, reliable, detail-oriented, mature, friendly, etc] and a hard worker who is eager to gain experience and positively contribute to your business.
Start a new paragraph. Change the alignment from Center to Left. Create a new heading in bold underline labeled Education.
Under this, fill in your education (college first, followed by high school). Include the institution name, city, and state, the year you graduated or expect to graduate, any honors or awards, any extracurriculars, any grade-point averages if they're good (i.e. 3.0 and above), and your expected major in college.
Start a new paragraph. Create another heading: Experience.
This is where you put absolutely anything you can think of (in chronological order, most recent first and counting backward). Did you volunteer for something ever in your life? Put it down! (Title of work, dates, location, brief description of work). Did you do yard work for someone for a weekend? Put it down! Were you (or are you) part of a student club or organization in high school or university? Have you organized or taken part in any local initiatives in your community or neighborhood? Put it down! Basically, absolutely any kind of work, paid or unpaid, that might be relevant, regardless of how long it was or when it took place.
Under that, put the new heading/paragraph Skills and Interests.
Have you worked with Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Adobe, Photoshop? Put it down! People love that shit! Do you use social media and/or know how to work it better than the average grandma? Put 'er down! You get the idea. Think of anything in your daily life that can be put in Job Language and then see if you can do that. You are in university; do you have any projects, papers, or other things that you're proud of? Have you successfully managed a (gasp) group project? Do you make any kind of art? Are you a registered voter who has taken part in civic/political organizations, drives, or events? (If not, REGISTER TO VOTE! This is your angry grandmother speaking). All of that can go down. Even if it's not job experience per se, it's life experience and shows that you are someone who is engaged with the world and working to gain more.
Last paragraph and heading: References. Ask a few trusted adults who know you well and aren't related to you, such as a favorite high school teacher or a university faculty member/degree advisor, if they'd be willing to serve as referees. Put down their full names, titles/place of work, email addresses, and phone numbers.
Voila! You have a full page resume, probably even a little more if you're lucky. Proofread, make sure the spacing is even and the alignment is right, it doesn't look weird, the text is a consistent size, it's all the same color, there are no glaring typos or grammatical errors, etc. etc. Save it as a PDF.
Boom. Done. You are now a Job Hunting Maestro.
If you get an interview, you don't need to pretend that you have tons of experience or that you're something you're not, but you can present what you ARE in a positive light anyway. Don't apologize for yourself or play yourself down pre-emptively; be confident about yourself and what you can offer. You're a college kid looking for your first part-time job, COVID prevented you from a lot of normal teenage work experience, you're willing to work hard and learn new things. Here's your resume. What would be a good time to talk again.
Good luck! I believe in you.
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yumizurueleonora · 1 month
idk if you still want to take requests for the angsty sentence starter thing, but maybe 1 for akitoya, and then 13 and 17 for toya and harumichi? you can pick one or all of them haha
1: “I’m just so afraid.”
Fuck. Fuck.
Akito can’t breathe.
He has to practice. He has to keep going.
The night stretches out, and that’s just another reminder of how Akito can’t stop.
Chasing that moon. That… gorgeous, delicate moon.
There’s so much fear in his chest. It’s suffocating.
That gentle voice is ringing in his head, saying words that make Akito’s heart shatter. Cutting him every time he tries to pick up the pieces.
“Don’t you think it’s about time you grew up and stopped chasing some tiny event that no-one’s even heard of outside of this town?”
It was a long time ago. Akito knows that. But…
But it’s still ringing in his head. He can’t stop it.
And that face is in his vision. Bruised and cold.
So cold.
He’s a terrible partner.
That voice keeps ringing in his head no matter how hard he sings.
And it’s only getting louder. Louder and louder.
It’s almost like… he’s here…
His eyes flutter shut, and there are suddenly arms around him.
He doesn’t even need to see them. He knows those manicured fingers and long arms.
“…How’d you know?” Akito asks, and Toya chuckles softly.
“Partner sense.” He responds, but then his tone changes. “What are you doing, Akito?”
“Practicing.” Akito sighs.
“That wasn’t practice. That was… dangerous. Violent. Your voice was a honed blade.”
“Oh, come on. You’re exaggerating.”
“Am I?”
Akito stays silent, and Toya sighs.
“I’m afraid, Akito. I’m just so afraid for you.”
There’s another pang in Akito’s chest, and…
And Akito doesn’t know what to do.
So he just stays silent. In Toya’s arms. Feeling the pain that’s shared between them.
“Come home with me. My parents are out, we can play Pokémon or something.”
And Akito wants to tell him that he needs to keep practicing. That he’s also afraid. That he’s scared that Toya will leave him again, for good this time.
But he knows his partner. He won’t let that go.
So instead he just laughs softly and opens his eyes.
And again, the pain continues. But that’s alright.
It’s alright for now.
13. “You never listen to me.”/17. “I have to leave.”
It’s always so… messy whenever Harumichi and Toya get into a fight.
Toya’s pacing the floor back and forth, an intense expression on his face.
It’s like looking in a mirror.
“You never listen to me!” Toya starts, his eyes flashing with a cold fire. “Why?! Why can’t you understand, Father?!”
“You’ll understand when you’re older.” Harumichi simply says, keeping his own temper under control.
It should come like second nature, but there’s a strange bubbling in his chest.
He’s a child. There’s no reason to yell.
But Toya keeps going, and he can’t keep repeating the same thing over and over again.
“Insolent child! You’re so stubborn!”
“Pot, meet kettle!” Toya snaps back. “Yes, I’m so stubborn! It’ll lead me to ruin! Then to my ruin I shall go! Why do you insist on dictating my life?!”
“Because for us, there is no other path for happiness than classical music!”
“No other path?! If someone told you that your only path to happiness was to be a doctor, when you can barely stand going to the hospital to see Saki, would your heart not strain to be free?!”
That sentence… breaks something in Harumichi.
And there’s an echo in his head.
That grating voice.
“Worthless, worthless, worthless! God, why did I have to be cursed with a child like you?!”
“That’s different.” Harumichi says, almost robotically, and Toya’s entire body tenses up.
“You don’t even care, do you? All you want is for me to be made in your image! I need to leave, I’ll be at the Tenmas’!”
Toya walks out the door and slams it behind him, and Harumichi collapses onto the couch.
He’ll never understand, will he?
That this is the only path for their family. It’s what they’re meant to do, and people will try to pull them away from it all their lives.
And they’ll go, for only a pinch of that sweet thing called love.
Fate has decided it long ago.
And all Harumichi can do is try to drag Toya back from that pain, that torture before it’s too late.
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angywritesstuff · 2 years
The one with the “Call her Daddy Podcast”
Summery: you are invited to partecipate to the “Call her daddy” podcast, and after a serious considerstion, you decide to accept and to be unfiltered
Pairings: Henry Cavill x reader (demisexual!reader)
Warnings: 18+(there is not smut, but there is mention of sex), bad english (ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE ANY MISTAKES). This is not proofread, sorry!
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When you had been asked to partecipate to the “Call her daddy” podcast, the first thing that had come to your mind had been an HARD NO! There was no way you were going to let anyone convince you otherwise: you were a shy person, you felt uncomfortable when people asked you too much personal questions during interviews. This side of you was so well known that many of your costars were always ready to come to your help when you started to get too flustered about the questions you were asked during interviews.
So no, there was no way that you were to be a guest of a podcast during which you were going to be asked personal questions for sure. 
Your agent had asked you to think about it a little bit more before turning the invitation down, she had pointed out that even though you had been an actress for long people still didn’t know much about you, and even though there wasn’t nothing bad with being a private person, it would be good for your career if you would be able to open a little bit more, just a little bit so that your fan could know you and sympathize with you and your life. You had promised her to think about it, because she actually had had a point, even though you were sure that after giving a couple of more thoughts and after talking with your boyfriend, you would have still come to the same conclusion: you couldn’t do it.
Your boyfriend, like the goddman perfect man that he was, had told you that he couldn’t make the decsion for you, that it would be something huge for you, so that you had to really think  it through to understand if you could do it: it wouldn’t make any sense if you decided to go but in the end wouldn’t be able to be very honest and answer even some uncomfortable questions. He had also told that you could never know if your interview wouldn’t end up helping someone finding out new things about thmselves.
So yes you had decided to try in the end and here you were trying to sit comfortably on a sofa ready to do this.
“Y/n Y/sn, welcome to call her daddy. How did you decide what you wanted to wear today?”- the host, Alexandra Copper, asked
“Well I just wanted to be comfortable so there wasn’t much of a choice. For a moment I had thought to come in my sweatpants, but then I thought I should at least put a little bit of un affort, so yeah in the end it was a jeans and a sweater ”- you smiled, you hadn’t expected fot that first question, but it actually helped calm you a little bit.
“I mean, sweatpants would have still been a great choice but you look really cute and comfortable so that’s what matter. So Y/n you are a very well known actress and I saw when you arrived how many paps followed you, how do you deal with that?”- Alexandra asked
“Well first of all thank you for the’ very well known’… I mean it’s not ideal and it’s not my favorite thing about my career for sure, but I think what helps is that they mostly bother you when you are in LA, anywhere else they are few and far and they usually are more interested in me when I am with my boyfriend. If I am alone most of the time I manage with just a couple of photos you know, so they can say they did their job; but when my boyfriend Henry is with me they go bananas. So I get that the solution for me would be to change boyfriend”- you and Alexandra both laughed in the end, both knowing it was a joke.
“So let’s get into it, you are in a relationship with one of the most famous person in the world, Henry Cavill, Superman himself. What are the best parts?”- she asked
“Well for starters Henry is one of the best person, if not THE best person, i have ever met in my life, he is one of those people that always thinks about others, that always does his best to make people happy and comfortable. So yeah the very best part I think his Henry himself. We met in a very delicate moment of my life and, even before we started dating, he had always been there for me, to support me, he is like my rock you know, my best friend”- you said, hoping that you didn’t sound like a fangirl with her first crush
“You guys are really cute together and I think that the love you two share is so pure and authentic that a lot of people can see it, even from the outside, even just watching you talk with one another, I think that’s a reason why like almost everyone really love you together”
“Thank you, it’s really nice to know people are supportive of our relationship, not that people hate would change how we feel about each other, I mean he would still be my soulmate even if there was a lot of hate direct at us, but it’s nice”- you smiled and you really meant it because when Henry had asked you out the first time 6 years ago you had been very unsure: he was already very much famous and you had just started your career and the last thing you wanted was for people to even remotely think that you were just dating him to boost your career. And adding to that there was an age difference that didn’t make either of you uncomfortable but you knew that most people probably wouldn’t like that. It had taken you a little bit of time to let your fear of what people could think behind and just decide to do what your heart was telling you to do.
“How has you dating such a famous person impacted your identity?”
“That’s a good question, I think that dating Henry, as Henry not as famous person you know, has added to my identity a lot like any other relationship would. I was a lot younger and he was a little bit older than I am now when we first started dating so I actually grew up during the relationship so yeah it has changed me for the best I think. Dating him has for sure helped me become the woman I am now; I dont’ know if I am explaining myslef”- you laughed sure that you had made a mess
“No no I get it, every relationship teach you a lot you know, have you ever received hate at the beginning of your relationship because of the age gap?”
“I mean people can be judgimental and at the beginning of our relantioship it was a real fear of mine, not of Henry, he didn’t care, again he was more mature than me back then so he was like ‘I am not doing anything wrong, I’m not hurting anybody so fuck them’ you know. And in the end Henry’s attitude rubbed off on me and when the months went on and then years went on and we were still together and people couldn’t say that he was with me only for sex or I was with him only for his money or his fame, it all passed. So yeah, he never cared about the possible hate and I started to not care anymore after some time too.”
“I get it, you know haters gotta hate so the only thing you can do is be happy”- Alexandra said
“So this is a question that I hadn’t planned to ask so you can decide not to answear without any problem I swear, but it has been a curiosity of mine for so long that I have to.”
“You are scaring me”- you laughed trying to stay calm
“no no don’t be scared, I’ve watched your last film the other night, wonderful job by the way”
“Thank you”- you stopped her for a second
“So  there was a very intimate scene in the film and I have always wondered how are you able to play that scene, I mean I know you are an actor and of course it’s your job but isn’t it difficult to pretend?”-Alexandra finished her question
“Oh my god, you really scared me but I can answear that. It’s difficult, it really is, for me in particular it is more difficult to shoot an intimate scene than one where I am supposed to be sad or angry or whatever. It becomes easier with the experience of course but it wasn’t at the beginning. I still remember my first sex scene, it was such a flop because when you shoot an intimate scene it’s basically like you have to fake an orgasm and I really didn’t know how to”
“Oh come on every woman knows how to fake an orgasm because everyone has had to fake at least once”- alexandra argued
“I know it sounds difficult to believe but I haven’t, I have had my first sexual relationship, and can’t believe I’m actually saying it, with Henry and I haven’t ever needed to fake”
“Wait, leaving behind that you have never needed to fake with your boyfriend so lucky you, you didn’t date anyone before Henry?”- you thought a second before answering, you weren’t ashemed of who you were, of your experience but this was the first time you actually opened up about this side of yourself
“I had some dates before Henry but never a sexual partner before him. I am actually demisexual, I don’t feel sexual attraction if I don’t have an emotional connection first and a lot of people don’t have the patience to wait for me to get there. So I tried dating for a while but once I saw people getting impatient after the second or third date I actually stopped dating for a while. Beside I had just started my career and I knew I needed to be focused so I swore off dating, at least untill I met Henry, that is. And even then it was a while before I agreeded to a date but he is a very stubborn person”- you took a deep breath
“I didn’t know that”
“It’s ok, I don’t think anyone did other than my friend and family”- you smiled at her
“I’m really glad you decided to open up and now for the most difficult questions”- she started and you both laughed because you knew what was coming -”this is the part where we talk about your sex life if it’s ok”- Alexandra double checked even though you had already given the all clear before the interview began
“I’m ready”
“We need to give the fan what they want, to give them a little taste. So are you a morning sex or a night sex person?”- she asked
“I’m more like the morning sex kinda girl because it gives you a boost for the day you know. But both Henry and I, we work a lot and even though we try to make sure our work plan align as much as we can, it’s not always possible. So the real answear would be whenever we are together and have time.”- you could see the mirth in Alexandra’s eyes
“You gotta make it count right?”
“Right”- you nodded at her
“Has anyone ever tried to have a threesome with you and Henry?”
“If you mean if anyone ever have approached us in person, no, but a lot of people have asked on tweeter And the answer would be a no anyway, not only for me but even for Henry. He is not into sharing I’m afraid and not even I am. Sorry guys”- you laughed , yu were finding yourself to have actually fun… who would have thought
“Do you and Henry have the same favorite sex positions?”
“I think so”
“Can you give us one?”- Alexandra smiled trying to get more from you
“We like to change and experiment but my all time favorite would be cowgirl”- you answered in the end
“You heard it here, what is the sexiest think that Henry does that turns you on?”
“I mean you have seen my boyfriend, he can just look at me with those beautiful eyes of him and the love that I always find there is always enough to get me ready to go”- you laughed not even understanding how was possible for you to feel so comfortable to answear withouth any problem -”but one of the thing that turn me the most on is actually watching Henry work out”
“What is the sexiest thing that you do that turn Henry on?”
“wearing his clothes probably”
“Y/n Y/sn we are done, thank you for being here and thank you for being so open and honest, it was really nice to have you here”- Alexandra said at the end.
“Thank you for having me, I thought long and hard before agreeing to come because I knew of course the question would be really personal but I am actually gald I accepted to come”
And you meant it, you were glad in the end that you had changed your mind but you couldn’t wait to leave the building and go back to your boys.
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Henry Cavill and charachters taglist: @xxxkatxo @mansaaay @thorins-queen-of-erebor @maan24 @grounded-in-light @omgkatinka @xprettyqueenx @marytudorbrandon @kebabgirl67 @narnianaos 
All around taglist: @jwspiter​
I hope I didn’t forget to tag anyone if I did I’m sorry so please remember me, if you name id crossed id because I wasn’t able to tag you
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have you already done the alola starters?
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[I covered popplio a good while back, so I’ll link that post at the bottom of this one. I flipped a coin to decide between litten and rowlet to cover for you, to work towards filling out the trio!]
A litten would, TRAGICALLY, not be the best pet for a lot of owners. There’s a few reasons for this, which we’ll get into, but I really need to emphasize how sad this C tier makes me. It’s messed up.
Littens are just the right size to be a pet: they’re pretty much just the size of a real-world house cat with a huge head. These critters are common first partner pokémon in the Alola Region, but it would be a mistake to assume this means that they’d be your best buddy right away. It takes patience to befriend a litten: they are generally solitary creatures that don’t trust humans easily (Moon). There’s a general rule-of-thumb that the harder you try to befriend a litten, the less they’ll open up to you. And, even when you do finally earn their trust, they aren’t the most receptive to affection, and they’ll still try to keep their emotions hidden from you (Sun, Ultra Sun). Essentially, they’re a tough nut to crack when it comes to friendship. If you adopt a litten, you’re going to need to be ready for a long journey of fiery cold-shoulders and grouchy scratches (Shield)! That being said, their status as starter pokémon indicates that they should be receptive to training, which is something that is really important for fire-type pets. That being said, littens do have some behaviors that may prove a fire hazard regardless of training…
For one, like real-world cats, littens like to groom themselves to keep their fur clean and tidy (Sun, Sword). This fur builds up inside their stomach, and when they cough it up they can set it alight to attack enemies (Sun). This is gross! But also dangerous! Maybe? It’s hard to say: can littens cough up hairballs without setting them on fire? The pokédex doesn’t really say. What is certain, however, is that littens set themselves on fire twice a year: see, their fur coats come and go in cycles, and when the time comes to grow a net coat of fur, littens set themselves ablaze to burn away old fur (Ultra Moon). A very dedicated litten owner may be able to track their pet’s fur growth cycle to anticipate this behavior and move their litten to a fire-proof location when the time comes. However, considering how temperamental littens are, they may catch onto you and change up when they decide to burn their fur. I know my cat would.
Littens’ fiery abilities don’t end there, of course. Like most fire-type starter pokémon, littens can use many dangerous moves that a lot of firefighters aren’t going to be fans of. Or doctors, for that matter. Littens can use Ember and Flamethrower to burn anemias from a distance, but they can also use moves like Fire Fang and Flare Blitz to attack with a physical fiery vengeance. They may be small, but a grouchy litten can do a lot of damage. Since we know how temperamental and occasionally anti-social they are, this is definitely a concern.
I hate to say it, but as far as fire-type starter pokémon go, littens are definitely not the best choice. It can be tough to break through to them and make them feel safe and loved without feeling smothered, and that journey is going to be littered with pain and property damage. Only consider adopting a litten if you really know what you’re doing when it comes to fire-type pokémon.
[As promised, here’s the popplio post as well!]
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artemivsa · 2 years
sentence starters taken from the first six tracks of daisy jones and the six’s album aurora (2023). change pronouns as you see fit. 
track 1: AURORA. 
❛ you found me in the flames. ❜
❛ you’re my morning sun. ❜
❛ when i was away, you called me from a fever dream. ❜
❛ i kind of think i wanna make it last forever. ❜
❛ i’m here, i won’t disappear again. ❜
❛ how soon can you come? ❜
❛ where did you turn when you reached out for my touch and i couldn’t give you much? ❜
❛ i was running from your life. ❜
❛ strung out on the lies, with my tongue out of my mind. ❜
❛ i kinda thought the night was gonna last forever. ❜
track 2: LET ME DOWN EASY. 
❛ you found me lost in a daydream feelin’ i’ve been awake too long. ❜
❛ my eyes are open while my heart keeps sinking deeper. ❜
❛ every lie’s true at the time, baby, that’s the thrill. ❜
❛ won’t you let me down easy, if you’re gonna let me down. ❜
❛ don't you go and tell me that you love me while you're leavin'. ❜
❛ i could see us waving from the distance, like a mirage on sand. ❜
❛ that could be us trading secrets no one else could understand. ❜
❛ i got you under my skin now. ❜
❛ why do you make it so hard? ❜
❛ don’t leave me broken and free. ❜
❛  won’t you tell me where you are? ❜
track 3: KILL YOU TO TRY. 
❛ i’ve been an angel all summer long, i swear i’ve done nothing wrong. ❜
❛ i want all of your tears to be gone, come along. ❜
❛ so close to get and so far away, come along. ❜
❛ could the words ever be unspoken? ❜
❛ could the truth ever untell those lies? ❜
❛ could a promise ever have been unbroken? ❜
❛ would it kill you to try? ❜
❛ since i found you, i can’t stop laughing. ❜
❛ i need you, baby, you’re my better half. ❜
❛ come back home. ❜
❛ what is it i must do for you? ❜
❛ call me back to bed to tell you a lullaby. ❜
❛ you got no damn right to be so damn heartbroken. ❜
❛ let me come home to you. ❜
❛ if i tell you, promise me you’re leaving. ❜
❛ show me, i’d blind myself to see it. ❜
❛ boys were invincible lovers, just begging to be destroyed. ❜
❛ i’m bathed and going back to bed. ❜
❛ this was never any cause for alarm. ❜
❛ it seems you have a choice to make. ❜
❛ all i need’s a promise i can keep to myself. ❜
❛ i know those mornings are as good as it ever can be. ❜
❛ feeling our hearts are beating tenderly, two against three. ❜
❛ i’m nowhere near you. ❜
❛ i don’t know who i am. ❜
❛ baby, do you know who you are? ❜
❛ is it out of our hands? ❜
❛ tell me how we made it this far. ❜
❛ did we unravel a long time ago? ❜
❛ is there too much we don’t wanna know? ❜
❛ i wish it was easy but it isn’t so. ❜
❛ we could make a good thing bad. ❜
❛ you’ve been crying in the dark. ❜
❛ how did we get here? how do we get out? ❜
❛ baby, look at us now. ❜
❛ this thing we’ve been doing ain’t working out, why can’t you just admit it to me? ❜
❛ we used to be something to see. ❜
track 6: REGRET ME. 
❛ you regret me and i’ll regret you. ❜
❛ except i don’t care what you feel. ❜
❛ so go ahead and regret me but i’m beating you to it, dude. ❜
❛ you couldn’t handle your liquor and you can’t seem to handle the truth. ❜
❛ i’m perfectly ready to strike. ❜
❛ i’ll do anything you please. ❜
❛ go ahead and regret me but i always will too. ❜
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fullstcp · 7 months
"Aurora" Sentence Starters
"You found me in flames."
"You're my morning sun."
"You're the one."
"When I was away, you called from a fever dream."
"The crazy ways are done."
"I kinda think I wanna make it last forever."
"I'm here. I won't disappear again."
"How soon can you come?"
"When you reached out for my touch and I couldn't give you much."
"I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever."
"You found me lost in a daydream."
"My eyes are open while my heart keeps sinking."
"Doesn't mean I couldn't believe it."
"Doesn't mean I won't believe it still."
"Every lie is true at the time."
"Won't you let me down easy if you're gonna let me down?"
"Don't you go and tell me that you love me while you're leaving."
"I got you under my skin now."
"Why do you make it so hard?"
"Don't leave me broken and free."
"Won't you tell me where you are?"
"I've been an angel all summer long."
"I swear I've done nothing wrong."
"I want all of your tears to be gone."
"Come on home."
"Could the words ever be unspoken?"
"Could the truth ever untell those lies?"
"Could a promise ever have been unbroken?"
"Would it kill you to try?"
"Don't rip me out of this photograph."
"I need you, you're my better half."
"What is it I must do?"
"What is it I must do for you?"
"Call me back to bed with that old lullaby."
"You've got no damn right to be so damn heartbroken."
"It would kill you to try."
"Let me come home to you."
"Promise me you'll mean it."
"This was never any cause for alarm."
"It seems you have a choice to make."
"Either way, it's just as well."
"All I need's a promise I can keep to myself."
"I know those mornings were as good as it ever could be."
"I'm nowhere near you."
"Nowhere near where I should be."
"I don't know who I am."
"Do you know who you are?"
"Is it out of our hands?"
"Tell me how we made it this far."
"Did we unravel a long time ago?"
"Is there too much we don't wanna know?"
"I wish it was easy, but it isn't so."
"We could make a good thing bad."
"Now, where do we stand?"
"No one knows who you are."
"Tell me why you've been crying in the dark."
"How did we get here?"
"How do we get out?"
"Oh, baby, look at us now."
"This thing we've been doing ain't working out."
"Why can't you just admit it to to me?"
"We used to be something to see."
"You regret me and I'll regret you."
"I don't care what you feel."
"I'm the slippage in the system with a natural gift."
"So go ahead and regret me, but I'm beating you to it."
"You couldn't handle your liquor and you can't seem to handle the truth."
"I'll do anything you please."
"Go ahead and regret me, but I always will too regret you."
"Can't you tell by my face there are things I'm trying to erase?"
"The future is over now."
"Memories are nothing."
"There's no life left to see."
"Nothing ever seems to stay that way, not for too long."
"Where were you?"
"When I needed you, you were gone."
"The hand that pulled me through the center of the night was you."
"How about I turn it off?"
"Every story has an ending."
"Then it's not our job to stay."
"Just forget it like it's gone."
"We'll forget about the way you turn me on."
"I still need a drink for all the glasses in the sink."
"For the record, I'm fine with what's left of what's mine."
"Almost took you by mistake for someone else."
"You're just a wild guess in a see-through dress."
"That little thing you do just ain't right."
"You're more fun to miss than to be with."
"You're more fun to kiss than to be with."
"Now, do I shoot straight or do I cheat fate?"
"It does a number on my head."
"Another shot at just the wrong place and time."
"You'll be more fun to miss."
"Please, I'm down on my knees."
"Please, it's a deadly disease."
"I need what I can't unsee to disappear."
"I know what I'm doing here."
"I need you to say no, please."
"Let me take it onto myself."
"Meet me under the table for a kiss."
"Please, know I'm better than all of this."
"Please, never give me a second chance."
"Will you stay with me forever?"
"Will you chase me in my dreams?"
"You had a choice I couldn't make."
"Give me your hand, here is my heart."
"Where does it end?"
"When do we start?"
"I'm an echo in your shadow."
"In your shadow, I'm in too deep."
"I lost you here."
"I know this isn't fair."
"It's a promise you couldn't keep."
"I know I love you now."
"Everything I've tried so far, it don't feel right."
"I just don't know the words for what I'm trying to say."
"If all I could do is stare at you, don't take it the wrong way."
"I'm at the end of my mind trying to do the right thing."
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breath-of-venus · 8 months
Mercurial Lavender Oil for the Sight - Reviewing my results
I’ll also describe the recipe and specifics under the cut
So, I’ve been using this oil on and off for about six months now (damn I thought less time had passed) and here are my thoughts on it!
For starters, I think my choices for the oil were a bit unusual: looking back, considering my goal is to hone my Sight — and I’m using this word very loosely — I wonder why I chose Mercury instead of the Moon. In a way, it makes some sense, but my experiences (or the particular way I’ve used the oil) seems to diverge from a general sharpening of psychic capacities, which was my initial objective, to a more time-limited flow of spiritual information, and thus, the oil has been a great ally in aiding my divination, and I have felt that there is a significant difference between my readings when I use it properly and when I don’t.
I’m not naturally sharp in any sort of psychic ability — save for that one time as a kid — so learning to divine has been like learning any other activity from scratch, and now I can say I’ve come to a point in which I’m satisfied with my level of divination and with my relationship with my Tarot. That’s why I was so shocked when I tested the oil out during a reading and it was the clearest I’ve read in all my years of hard work lol. I’m obviously not advocating for only using the oil and putting no effort in getting better at whatever you're doing.
Using the oil while I divine feels like, as I read the cards, the general pieces of information I would otherwise have to consciously connect and interpret, simply fall into place, as if I’m reading a letter and not colorful pictures. However, I have felt that awakening the Oil and requesting it’s help is essential for it’s usage, or it’ll just feel like not using anything.
In conclusion, this seems to really help the flow of information, as you’d expect from Mercurial magic, just not in the way I had envisioned. I also wonder if this can help the flow of magic itself, but that’s something I am yet to test.
Materials: olive oil, lavender; sandalwood incense and some sort of drink as offerings.
When: Day and hour of Mercury.
How: lightly crush your lavender and, during the appropriate hour, light your incense, call for Mercury and make him a short prayer. Mine was along the lines of “Mercury, planet of paths, spirit of communication, come to me, and be present in this ritual, bless my work so in gratitude I will make offerings to you.” With your hands above the lavender, say something like “Lavender, I call for your strength and your spirit. May your power spread into the oil, and may it unlock my psychic potential. Thank you." Put the lavender inside whatever you’re using to store the final product and add the olive oil on top. Mix it as you pray: “Glorious Mercury, force that brings the information, bless this oil with your grandeur, and let it unlock my psychic potential. Lord of the roads, open my paths of communication with the spiritual world, tune my perception and make knowledge flow. Thank you. I thank the forces that were present to bless this ritual and strengthen my magic. Glory to you, dear spirits.” After that, offer the liquid and let the incense burn until finished. Keep the oil in a dark and cool place for a lunar cycle to steep before using it.
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archaictold · 9 months
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what's this? a permanent plotter repost? in my isola radiale, at 5am? it's more likely than you think... it has been a HOT minute since i've done anything like this. seeing as zhilan has long settled into spirale, i think it's about time i cast my reel into the pond a second time and start strengthening long-term plots for him. i'll preface this by saying we do not need to have threaded before for you to express your interest! if you think your muse can vibe with any of these  ( or even if you have an idea i haven't covered here! ) , you're more than welcome to hop onto this plotter call. 'what does this do, exactly?' you might be asking. i'll tell you! by liking this, you can guarantee:
me hopping into your IMs to plot!
memes for meme day!
spontaneous starters! ( with your permission, of course! )
… and all things good for development! now! onto the real meat of this post!
RELATIONSHIPS. these are the bonds i want to see zhilan develop! some of these include——
FRIENDS. if you've been around zhilan for longer than 5 seconds, you've probably noticed that he is extremely friendly! zhilan has the personality of a sunbeam: it's bright, it's cheerful, it's warm and everything you would expect of a walking beacon of positivity. he's pretty talkative, even when faced with less talkative muses. he's also really trusting and believes the best in people, sometimes to his own detriment. he'd make a good friend to just about anyone, being a rather personable individual! he's got some good ones here, too. i'd like to have him strengthen those, while opening him to new ones! GEEK SQUAD. do you have a muse that's also super nerdy? you're in luck! they probably stand a chance of coming across zhilan in his natural element, that being his lab at the university or one of the libraries scattered about spirale. there is no greater joy to him than positing theories and discussing the nature of one's work. even if their fields differ, he'll want to hear all about it! ENEMIES. now, i feel like it's hard to get under zhilan's skin unless you're the absolute anarchy of humanity, BUT! i do think his optimism can rub people the wrong way, especially if they're more jaded. i'm not expressly looking for people to antagonize zhilan, but i do think it's impossible for him to get along with everyone. thus, i'm leaving this here! SPARRING PARTNERS. you wouldn't know it from zhilan's scrawny stature, but he does dabble a bit in martial arts! now that he's gotten his polearm back, he's actively looking to improve his combat skills… which are admittedly not that impressive, unless he's acting as a support. maybe your muse could act as a mentor, or even a fellow peer! THE MUSEUM. zhilan has a job position here! it's… kind of an odd choice, yes, but he doesn't exactly want to pursue an academic position at the university. so where better to put that treasure trove of knowledge to use than a museum! if you're visiting for any reason, you'll likely come across him among the gallery. just, er… not the abyssal gallery. he tends to keep out of there. THE UNIVERSITY. zhilan borrows one of the lab spaces here for work related things while he's in the middle of setting up his own establishment. zhilan doesn't have his own work office set up yet, but he does spend a lot of time in this one. he's gotten into the habit of helping history and anthropology majors with their research as they've started visiting him alongside clients. he's not a professor here, he swears. but he can't say no to those seeking knowledge! you'll find him here fairly often, when he's not at home or in... YESTERYEAR. zhilan frequents this branch rather often, being the sort to gravitate to old dilapidated ruins and forgotten history. if you know a thing or two about this branch, he'll be incredibly interested to hear about it! who knows! maybe the two of you can explore it together… CASTMATES. zhilan might be a fandom oc, but i'm really keen on the idea of him developing some established bonds with his canon counterparts.  ;v;  their shared canon background already gives them a good basis for interactions, so i'd like to nurture some connections for him with his genshin fellows! aaaand that’s about it! of course this doesn’t cover everything, so if you’ve got an idea and you don’t see it here you’re free to hop on this post and shoot it my way! thanks for reading!  :^)
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schrijverr · 10 months
I Dig You 5
Chapter 5 out of 8
Robin is tentatively excited for her first internship: an archaeological dig in the Netherlands, where she has been studying. However, when she gets there, Steve is there too. The dick of their uni that she now has to work with. Great. But being stuck digging for six weeks makes people bond and maybe he isn’t too bad. Maybe he can be her friend.
AKA an archaeology interns, modern, enemies-to-friends stobin au
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Chapter 5: Party
They don’t really talk much about their encounter with Dustin on Thursday, except for mentioning him in their daily reports. Steve luckily remembered to snap a picture of the sherd they showed him, so they can reference the find number.
However, the kid becomes a topic of conversation when he shows up again the next day. This time sans d’Art, but with a gaggle of friends.
At that point they’re digging on the other side of put seven, which is further from the road and next to the forest. It’s a nice area and she is very jealous of people who can afford to live there (and she’s heard colleagues complain about how the government isn’t investing in starter homes, which further cements that she won’t ever afford it).
The lunch break is nearing when the group of teens comes stumbling out of the forest, since they’re no longer right up along the road. Dustin’s voice is the first thing that gets their attention, exclaiming what is likely the Dutch equivalent of ‘Found it!’
They all look up to see him with four other kids, two brunet boys, a black boy and a girl with bright orange hair. Everyone with varying levels of excitement and interest.
Robin immediately looks over to Steve to see his reaction. He looks pleasantly surprised, though also a little unsure, glancing between the group and their fellow archaeologists. Robin gets it, she also doesn’t know how okay it was for Steve to have given a lecture yesterday.
It looks like Astrid is about to call out to the kids, but before she can, Dustin yells again: “Steve!” and waves excitedly.
“You know them?” Astrid asks him, confused.
“Uhm, I kinda told Dustin – the kid there – about archaeology yesterday, because he was interested and told him he could come back if he had more questions,” Steve confesses, looking a little embarrassed.
Robin decides to be a good friends and backs him up by piping up: “He leashed his dog. And didn’t touch anything.”
“That’s great,” Astrid smiles. “We always try to do outreach projects. There would have been an open weekend on this dig if we could’ve organize it with the construction. You can go talk to them some more, if you’d like. It’s nearly lunch anyway.”
“You’re sure?” Steve checks, less tense than before but still anxious.
“Yeah, we’re not finding anything until the afternoon. It’s always right before going home,” Astrid jokes, shooing him away.
Robin can see Steve wants to, but she knows the feeling of being told it’s okay, only for someone to get mad about not helping. So she goes for the best friend award as she grabs his hand and starts to drag him away, saying: “Come on, dingus. I promised them bone facts,” her own anxiety being overridden to help Steve.
As they come closer, Steve fully relaxes, since they’re not being whistled back. He grins and waves as he greets: “Dustin! How are you, man?”
“Steve, tell Mike about the pots. He doesn’t believe they’re cool,” Dustin demands immediately, motioning to one of the brunet boys – the one that is looking sour – to indicate, which one is Mike.
“They’re not cool, they’re boring,” Mike rolls his eyes. “We kunnen ook naar El gaan.”
“He wants to go visit our friend, but she has had a brainshaking and can’t have many visitors,” the red haired girl explains, the last part pointedly directed to Mike, who pouts and crosses his arms.
“Brainshaking?” Robin repeats the word, able to figure out they likely mean concussion, but still thrown off by the word choice and interested.
“Yeah, she hit her head pretty hard and had to have like surgery. They shaved her hair off and everything,” Dustin says.
“Oh, she has a concussion?” Steve asks.
Robin adds in a mutter: “Sounds more like head trauma to me.”
“Concussion?” Now it’s Dustin turns to repeat the word with a cocked head.
“Ik denk dat ‘concussion’ hersenschudding is,” the black boy tells his friend, connecting the dots between the new word and their conversation.
“Oh, yeah, I knew that,” Dustin says, likely not having known that.
“I hope she’s feels better soon,” Steve says, then swiftly moves on from the topic, by saying: “But I can only talk to you about archaeology or our boss will yell at us.” That last part is a lie, but Robin isn’t going to call him out on it. She is too awkward to talk to people about injured friends, she only sees injured people when they’ve been dead for centuries at least.
“Thank you,” the quieter brunet says softly and the others swiftly follow.
“Tell them about why pots are cool,” Dustin demands again, apparently not pleased that his friends aren’t excited about a topic he also wasn’t excited about until yesterday.
Steve happily obliges, catching the others up about why pots are cool in an abridged version of what he told Dustin yesterday. Dustin proudly throws his new knowledge around too, sometimes even interrupting Steve, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He’s good with all of the kids. It’s weird, Robin thinks.
They learn that the black boy is named Lucas, the redhead girl is Max and the other brunet is named Will. All of them warming up to the topic
“Wow, you’re like some sort of pots wizard,” Will says when Steve finishes up.
“I’m not really,” Steve chuckles a bit bashfully. “I like pots, but I’m actually quite bad with materials, though pots are the easiest for me. I am actually specialized in European prehistory.”
“You can do that?” Lucas asks.
“Yeah, most archaeologists specialize in either an area and period or a material,” Steve says. “It is too broad a field to know everything about everywhere at any time.”
“Another reason why Indiana Jones sucks as a movie,” Robin decides to also be part of the conversation, because these kids are quite fun. “I specialize in archaeosteology, or bones. I’m useless nearly everywhere else, but if you want fun bone facts, I’m here.”
“Can you give me a fun bone fact?” Max asks immediately, eyes lighting up.
Robin concludes that Max is one of the coolest people here and excitedly replies: “When sexing Dutch skeletons the mandible is disregarded, because they’re squarer than usual, so often indecisive or misleading. Though, I must say that sexing a skeleton is always a general indication and can be inconclusive and inaccurate, since people are so diverse. And on top of that, even if you have someone’s chromosomes, the complete data can have degraded over time and cultural factors also play a role when saying who the person was, who the skeleton belonged to.”
Most of the kids are now looking confused and Robin realizes that most people already have a hard time following her, these kids are doing it with an added language barrier.
“Uhm, sexing a body is when you say a person is female, male or intersex,” she attempts to explain it better without lingo, looking to Steve for guidance, who gives her an encouraging nod. “It’s not always easy and you can be wrong, because people are diverse- uhm not all the same,” she goes on. “Dutch jaws are often squarer, so they’re not used in the process, since they can be misleading.”
“That’s pretty cool,” Max says and it’s one of the first times someone has understood Robin and seemed interested. “What sort of places are used?”
“Of course there is like height, you also look at the hips, since you can see if a baby fits through it, and the sacrum – bone between the hips – as well as the jaw, like I said – and the skull. The skull has multiple things, but one you can actually feel is the external occipital protuberance, which is fancy speak for a bump on the back of your head. They tend to be more pronounced in male skeletons,” Robin says.
Hands shoot to the back of their heads as they try to feel it, Mike’s eyes growing wide as he exclaims: “I can feel it,” in an excited voice, despite his earlier sour attitude.
“Ik ook!” Lucas says, which Robin mentally translates to ‘me too’. Her Dutch is getting better she thinks.
“Laat me voelen!” Max demands, the tone of voice giving that part away, along with how she pulls Lucas’s hand out of the way to touch the back of his head, prodding around until she calls out with a grin, likely having found the spot.
“Do you have more bones facts?” Max asks Robin excitedly.
Robin can kind of get why Steve likes this. It’s fun to have willing listeners when talking about a subject you love and Robin sure does love the topic.
“Well, I especially like bones that are malformed, because of illnesses and injuries,” Robin answers, gauging if there is interest in that, smiling when Max lights up and nods, the others also crowding around to listen.
“Well, one that is always really crazy to find is people with a collapsed spine, which is a compression fracture occurs in the thoracic spine- uhm, the middle part just falls. It looks wild, it just folds in on itself. Google a picture one day,” Robin says. “Must be crazy painful.”
Some of the kids wince at the picture she paints, but Max is suitably fascinated.
However, Steve is making a tone it down gesture, so Robin goes on in a slightly different path: “But it can also be smaller, like when people have arthrosis- uhm, I don’t know the Dutch word.”
“Reuma, I think,” Steve pipes up, surprising Robin.
“Like when people get old and their bones hurt?” Dustin asks.
“Yeah,” Robin nods.
“Yeah, then reuma,” Dustin says.
“Okay, reuma then, you can see that, because the cartilage – the parts that isn’t bone, but bone-like, it’s also in your ears and stuff – it cushions the bones, but it can wear away and the pain is the raw bones rubbing together,” Robin says. “You can see when that happens. And it can say something about the person. Which is the whole point of looking at a skeleton. Though you do have to be careful with it.”
“Careful? Why would you be careful?” Mike asks. “If they have the weird bones, they have the weird bones.”
“Well, the chieftain of Oss was famously wrongly aged, due to it,” Robin answers, getting distracted as Steve flails. “You okay, dingus?”
“Oh, yeah, I just love the chieftain of Oss. It’s a beautiful grave,” Steve says. “But ignore me, tell us more about it.”
Robin shoots him a look, mentally noting to let Steve talk about the chieftain, before saying: “He had this vertebrae AKA a part of his spine that was fused weirdly. It has a fancy name that escapes me now, but it made researchers think that he was old, about 60 and obese. In reality, he’s in his 30s or 40s and very muscled, he would have had nothing more than a stiff back sometimes. The reason it’s associated with those people is because they just get more MRIs than the average person.”
“That’s pretty cool,” Max says, eyes shining.
“It is,” Robin agrees excitedly.
“Isn’t the chieftain of Oss that one guy that’s buried next to the highway? My grandparents once took me, something about local pride,” Lucas says.
“He is buried next to a highway, but he was there before the highway,” Steve says, sounding a little amused. “And it’s the most famous Dutch prehistoric burial. Very rich. It’s early Iron Age and a local adaptation of the Hallstatt culture from Austria.”
“Is it really that famous?” Lucas asks. “Didn’t seem that important. I mean, they built a highway over it, right?”
“That was an accident and it’s not over it-over it,” Steve says. “It was found in the 1930s, but they kind of lost the exact location until the late 90s and then the monument was made. But it’s pretty famous, even many non-Dutch archaeologist know about it.”
“And it was found nearby here?” Will asks.
“Yeah,” Steve answers with a smile. “You should read up on it and ask you history teacher about it, because it’s an interesting time. The Iron Age is often a little forgotten between the Bronze Age and the Romans, but it’s fascinating how metal influenced people. We actually are finding Iron Age stuff right here too.”
“You are?” Dustin asks, probably only now realizing that he never actually asked what they’re digging up right here next to his house.
“Yeah, so far it looks like we’re finding stuff from the Iron Age ‘till the Medieval Period, which is pretty common for sites in this area,” Steve says. “They might have been occupied in the Bronze Age too. There was a lot of site continuity, despite the amount of time that passed, people still knew the landscape. For example, the chieftain of Oss was laid to rest with a Bronze Age burial even though he dates from the early Iron Age.”
“They could just have forgotten and accidentally put it there,” Mike protests.
“Sure, they could, good observation,” Steve says and Robin sees Mike fight not to look pleased about that. “But the grave for the chieftain was slightly to the side as to not hit the Bronze Age grave and we see more of certain areas being used for burials for long times, so it’s more likely that people knew about places in the landscape that held cultural meaning. The same as how we are still respectful of churches, even though the religious population has declined.”
“I guess,” Mike mopes.
At that point they’re interrupted by Astrid again, who says: “Hey, not to interrupt the fun, but you two have to go eat, so we can go back to digging soon. We need all the hands, Bas found a well, so we might be fucked and stuck here if Jeroen decides to dig it out today. You always find something Friday afternoon.”
“Of course,” Robin immediately replies, intrigued by the well and not wanting to do something bad.
“We’ll be there soon,” Steve promises.
The kids are disappointed, but allow them to leave, excitedly claiming how they’re going to tell El all about it. Robin pities the girl, if she has a bad head injury and they’re still as excited when they get to her house, but she doesn’t comment on it.
They eat their lunch, lather themselves in sunscreen, then go back to digging.
Jeroen fortunately decides against attempting to coup the well that Friday, something that would have never worked out and would have forced them all to stay late. So, they tape a tarp over it instead and hope no one tries to play Indiana Jones over the weekend or decide to use the putten as biking course – two things, Robin is horrified to learn, that happen more often than they should.
They do try and get as much done in put seven as they can. It’s a pretty crowded put with a lot of sporen, so they likely won’t get to put eight before their internship is over. That makes Robin a little sad, if she’s honest. She liked this excavation more than she thought she would. And more surprising is that a large part of that is due to Steve. Who would have thunk? Not her.
It also makes her realize that this will be their last weekend together, before they split up for the rest of the break.
Steve probably has an expensive holiday lined up to go on after this and Robin will stay here, try to work as much as she can now that she has used up most of her holiday days to do this internship and try to survive the summer until classes start again. By then, they’re both doing their minors, maybe even at entirely different faculties and she won’t see Steve again until the second semester. At that point it is likely that Steve has forgotten all about this summer and their interactions will be like far off acquaintances.
The one person she’s had a click with, will slip through her fingers in about one week. Robin feels a little faint.
So, she’s a bit subdued as they finish up for the week and bike home. Steve gives her a look, but lets her have her quiet time, which she appreciates. She doesn’t know if she is up for talking, there is just so much spinning through her head.
At home they dump their shit and rock-paper-scissor the shower. Steve has a tell (he always does his in a rotating pattern, Robin doesn’t know how purposeful it is or if he even noticed), so she gets first dibs.
It also means that she is already writing her daily report when Steve comes to join her on the terrace, a routine the two have built where they peacefully write together. Robin usually enjoys this time, but today all she can think of is how she’ll miss this, making her sigh morosely.
Steve looks up again and he makes a soft noise, questioning and prompting. Robin sighs again and shakes her head. She doesn’t feel up to answering yet.
At her shake, Steve nods and finishes up his own report. He’s done before her, because she keeps being distracted by her own running brain, but Steve waits in the quiet without making her feel like he’s waiting on her and being annoyed. Companionable silence is a novel, but nice feeling that she hasn’t often had with friends. She’ll miss that.
When she finally clicks her laptop close with a decisive noise, glad to be done with it, Steve breaks the quiet, asking: “Do you feel up to an adventure?”
“An adventure?” Robin asks, uncertain. “What would this grant adventure entail?”
“I don’t feel like eating the food we have and I wanna go explore around town, eat cheap food at some diner and just wander around. My treat,” Steve says. “Just to get out of this place for a bit and be people. Playing tourist.”
“We technically are tourists,” Robin points out, but she’s smiling anyway.
“Maybe you are, I’m here on a student visa. I live here now,” Steve grins widely as if what he has just said is highly amusing. Robin is less loathe to admit than at the start that it is.
“Alright, dingus,” Robin rolls her eyes fondly. “Lets pretend to be people out there. I mean, if it’s your treat… Let’s go wild and have a party.”
“Oehh, already getting out of hand there, Buckley?” Steve jokes, eyes still crinkled.
“You haven’t seen me go crazy, Harrington,” Robin says, like she isn’t way too awkward to have ever gone crazy anywhere. Though she can’t help but feel joyful. It’ll be nice to get out and have some good memories before it all falls apart. Besides, this might help get her mind off it.
You can’t tell me Max is not a bones girl, like she’s a weird girl in my heart already and she thinks bones are the coolest and I will not change my mind
I am having a lot of fun telling you all about archaeology, promise I’ll go back to the regularly scheduled plot soon xp
Also, here is my PSA: DO NOT touch the trenches/putten and DO NOT attempt archaeology! I know it does seem like it might be difficult, but there is so much knowledge in the context that so called ‘amateur archaeologists’ (I hate that term btw) ruin, so it’s lost forever. Please, please, do not touch a dig site or something you find on your own, but let professionals dig it up. I promise we’ll love you if you just notify local authorities about it <3
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 1 month
It has been... a very weird week for Morgan. Chelaver has been crowned king at the start of it. A meeting was to be held as well between representatives of the four local kingdoms. Morgan also attended as a representative of minority groups. It confused all the princes, but Silvio.
"I'm here as a representative of minorities of each of your countries. I have people working in and helping those who need it there. It's new, but we have grown fast."
"So you also have demands then?"
"Of course, I'm here to be a voice for those who can't voice it themselves. I'd rather project their voices, but it's not safe yet."
Sarel had a look of realization go over his face "that would explain the exess bodies found..."
"Exactly, so along with your peace treaties. I'd also like to be able to have representatives of minorities within each country as well to beable to have a voice in each royal court."
"Why should we take you seriously?" Chalaver questioned, seemingly distant
"Well, for starters. I've got someone trying to kill me because I'm fighting for equity."
"Don't you mean equality?"
"Nope. Equity. It's to support those who are disadvantaged. For example, if I were to take Gilbert's cane away. That would be equality since none else here has one. But he has one because he needs it. Ergo, Equity. I want those who need supports like that, find ways to make things on par with those who can do things others can't. You've all had soldiers lose life and limb in battle. Shouldn't they be able to have peace after it? Shouldn't they find something to feel normal and safe in their homes."
"Alright. I'll have someone be found to be a part of Rhodinite's court for your cause." Chalaver nods
Keith looks to Morgan "I have to ask, what's in it for you?"
"Well, I'm disabled and queer. "
Keith nods "I see... I'll see if I can get someone in Jade to support your cause then"
Gilbert smiled at Morgan "Well, I have someone in mind for such a position."
"Thank you, Gilbert." Morgan bowed deeply to the princes and king.
After the meeting was done, Morgan went to their room, let out tears of relief, and flapped their hands in joy. They did it! They convinced the princes to help!
They soon heard a knock at their door, then some fighting.
Confused, Morgan dried their tears and opened the door to see two of the princes fighting with one another. Calmly, from Gilbert, and a lot of swearing from Silvio.
"Uh- can I help you two?-"
Gilbert turned to Morgan and smiled "I came here to talk about the Obsidian Minority Representative thing you were on about earlier"
Morgan remained cautiously optimistic "alright, what did you have to ask?"
"For you to come home with be and be the Obsidinaite representative exclusively for that?"
"Like hell they are going back there! And they're already Bennonites representative, so you can't keep them."
"It's the butterfly's choice, not some rageing dogs"
"Why do you want me back there? I'm nothing like Carlo or Kayden. I was just a housewife there."
Gilbert growled and pulled Morgan close to himself. "You are more than that, and you know it..."
Silvio tham pulled Morgan away from Gilbert "Exactly. That's why they need to stay with me where they are loved."
"You think you can buy their love?"
"You think you can scare love out of them?"
"What are you two talking about now?-"
Gilbert giggled a bit, then sighed "well Morgan, I've loved you for a long time now. It broke my heart when the time came and I couldn't take you as mine... I'm not letting this opportunity escape me again."
Morgan was shocked, tearing up a bit and shaking. This pissed off Silvio even more, holding them close and growling at Gilbert. He looked to them and sighed.
"Morgan, I loved you for a long time. I don't know when it started. But I found that it's hard to be without ya. I just-" he sighed softly.
"... I... I love you both..." Morgan mumbled softly
"What?" Both men replied, shocked at this
"Silvio... I've loved you for a while now... I was just... scared... I didn't want to hurt you... I didn't want to become a monster... and... Gil... I... I'm sorry..." They cried softly "... I was convinced that... you never cared for me... that... I had none left... even though I loved you so much... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." They were in the ground, sobbing.
Silvio knelt down, pulling Morgan close and kissing their head gentley. "Hey... you're not gonna hurt me... youre to kind to do such a thing... and... if you love eyepatch too... i guess i can share you with him. Only if he promises not to harm you."
Gilbert got onto the ground and held Morgan from behind "honestly... I still have the book you found for me... I cherish that story a lot... of the Phantom in love with a talented girl... who does what he can... and the girl being in love with another... I guess, if I must, I can share you... since you seem to love the dog so much... and yes, I won't harm them..."
Morgan looked at the two men and smiled weakly, giving them both a loveing kiss "thank you..."
After that, the week continued to be weird. They had a celebration with the siblings.
"Finally! It was painful watching the loveing stares and Gilbert's multiple attempts of murder, " Monie complained
Andre was annoyed at Silvio for confessing to Morgan before he could confess to Rio. But Rio being back and learning that Silvio played a part in helped him relax.
Getting to know Kessie as Gilbert's other partner and spy for both him and Chalaver "it's... very complicated"
It was a lot, and by the end of it, they were at home, asleep in Silvios' arms
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vr-trakowski · 3 months
What bugs me the most is that they made it so hard to do the right thing
I got sick this week.
High fever, fatigue, chills, shortness of breath, loss of appetite. Some kind of virus. A lot, in fact, like the time I got COVID a couple of years ago.^
My OTC test popped negative. But - it took two days to go positive the last time. And I know the OTC tests aren’t always accurate with the newer strains anyway.
So I thought I’d better get a PCR test. Where to start? Why, with my state’s testing centers, of course. My wealthy, blue state.
Found the page. Link to the search is dead. The phone number’s disconnected.
Okayyyyy…on the county.
County site says “call this number”. Which is the CDC.
CDC at least gives me a live person. Why aren’t you asking your primary care physician? she says. Well, for starters, because I don’t want to walk into a room full of people most likely not wearing masks and potentially give them what I’ve got, even though they’re idiots for not wearing masks in public and particularly at a doctor’s office?
All right then, here’s a site where you can search for places offering the test.
They’re all pharmacies and the like. Apparently there are no testing sites left, at least in my area. Oh well, one of them is my pharmacy. Nice and convenient, even if it presents the same risk to others as the doctor’s office. Not like I have a choice at this point.
I go online and make the appointment. I’m very clear that I want the PCR test, not the OTC one. At least I can get an appointment later the same day.
Arrive for appointment. Breathless walking in from the very small parking lot, even with cane. Took ibuprofen to break my (almost 104) fever because an hour and a half of shivering with chills is ridiculously tedious, so I’m now soggy with sweat. Check in; have to wait about ten minutes but at least there’s an unoccupied corner.
Medical professional takes me into the appointment room and opens up the test…which is the OTC version.
No, I say, I wanted the PCR version.
Oh, you have to make an appointment for that.
I did make an appointment. I said so when I checked in. I specifically wanted the PCR version.
We go around this circle a few times and get no forreder. Finally I tell her I’ll take this test, in part because it apparently checks for a couple of varieties of ‘flu as well and I’ve already paid for it, but I want the PCR test.
Test done, she sends me out to wait for a bit, then calls me up to the counter. Spends about seven minutes on the computer (not her fault that I can barely stand at this point - standing is always harder than walking) and finally confesses that she can’t make me an appointment, there’s something wrong. Here’s a corporate number I can call, they should be able to help.
(This test comes up negative too, on all counts.)
Next day: I call the number. It’s one of those artificial person phone systems that’s designed to make it nearly impossible to reach an actual human, but eventually I do. I explain the whole mess, she’s sympathetic but I’ve ended up in the wrong area, she’ll transfer me to the correct one.
Which turns out, of course, to be where I’d originally gone in. This time I get to a point that tells me the only way to make a testing appointment…is online, or in person at the pharmacy. Not over the phone.
Somehow I resist throwing my poor phone at the wall.
The sites have failed me, the pharmacy has failed me. I call my primary care doctor. Sorry, they don’t do COVID tests.
The only other thing I can think of is urgent care. I call the one near me. Yes, they do PCR tests. I can even get a same-day appointment. Of course, my insurance hates this brand of urgent care, so I’ll have a copay and then a stiff bill later, but what choice do I have?
I manage to clean myself up a bit, and go. Traffic’s appalling (about two miles out of my way due to mismarked detours), my blood sugar’s in my socks, and the online check-in (on my phone, whose stupid idea was that, typing on the phone is slow and miserable) is absurdly repetitive. Certain information has to be entered at least three times and the choice of “have you been exposed to COVID-19” is limited to “Yes” or “No”, no option for “I have no fucking idea because people are stupid”.
At least they don’t make me switch out of my Flo Mask, which I appreciate deeply.
Finally, finally, a PCR test. They tuck me in another room to wait for the results, and while the TV in there (why does it need a TV?) is playing “Zillow Gone Wild” (gag)* it is at least doing so at minimal volume (I do look for a remote but I can’t spot one).** I can ignore it in favor of my phone, or drowsing.
PCR test…is negative.
I don’t need Paxlovid, I don’t need to worry about taking more brain damage from that wretched virus. I don’t need to isolate at home for a week, trying to WFH with a truly terrible Internet connection (it took two minutes for an email to send this morning).
I don’t need to worry about infecting my elderly, frail parents, or my immunocompromised friend, or my idiotic (affectionate) colleagues who don’t wear masks. I mean, sure, I won’t go near the first three until I’m recovered, but. But.
It shouldn’t be this hard.
It took me two days to get this test. While dealing with the illness itself. A little bit sicker, a slightly higher fever, and I wouldn’t have had the stamina to keep trying.
I know. The cruelty is the point.
But still.
^Fever dreams are wild. I particularly liked the one with the bunnies.
*The commercials were interesting, though. Decent mix of ethnicities, and I kept seeing things like laundry detergent or ovens being advertised using men as well as women. I stopped watching commercial TV years ago so maybe that’s standard now, but it wasn’t what I was expecting.
**I really, really hate the modern trend of TVs that can only be used with a remote. At least put on/off and volume buttons on the device itself! And while we’re at it, any computer monitor that requires more than a blind button push to shut off is unnecessary. One of mine at work requires three separate moves to power down.
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dreamy-bibliophile · 4 months
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Like every other novice in reading my first book was also IT ENDS WITH US. I made several attempts in my past to develop a reading habit, by reading self-help books or some serious shits. but I failed to complete all those books. It felt boring and unmotivating to read all these books. It used to take an overwhelming effort to just open a book. So, I came to the assumption that maybe books and reading is not my thing.
UNTIL I found this book IT ENDS WITH US. This book made me realise that I LOVE READING but not non- fiction or self-help book. For a starter this book was great. I love the fact that this book is beyond just a romance book in fact all the fiction books are beyond just a romance. They have stories, morals and much more content that provide something more than any non-fiction would.
The story in this book start from the perspective of the female lead character, who is on the roof on a building thinking about the funeral of her father she just came from. The story contains very pure emotion. You don’t need to beat yourself up to understand the story. The book has shown the domestic violence from both victim and guilty perspective. And also, the impact of growing up in these times of family.
While growing up I have seen enough victims of domestic violence, and every time I saw them crying while their body is covered in blue green marks, I questioned myself why don’t they end this? Why are they still hanging around? Don’t they care about their children and themselves? What so hard about getting divorce and just ending these harrowing doings? However, when I read this book, I understood the reason and difficulties a victim goes through. It made me realise that even though the victim knows that whatever is happening to them is wrong but its very difficult for them to get out this vicious cycle because they still hope for things to get better, they still hope for the person they love to realise their mistake. They hope for the change so strong that they forget that this hope is just killing them mentally and physically.
While growing up lily also questioned her mother’s choices. She hated her mother to be with her father after so many abuses. The story also shows us the manipulation this guilty do to make the victim still hoping. whenever lily’s father used to beat or harassed her mother, the very next day he used to take them out for the dinner or someplace beautiful and also apologise to his wife to make lily believe that he is the good father and to make his wife hoping that change will come through. But this didn’t change the image and beliefs she holds about her father as an abuser, manipulator and liar.
But when she went through the same thing from the person she loves so deeply. it made her understood her mother and her choices. She got that how difficult is to accept that the person you trusted for your safety and well- being is the one you are most unsafe with. Ryle was very skilled surgeon who dreamt of becoming the most skilled and best surgeon in the world. He has his own trauma which is one of the reasons for his anger and destructive behaviour.
And there is one more character. I know all of you have heard of at least once on tik tok , Instagram anywhere. That character is a hand down THE GREEN FLAG you will see in this story. He has his own past. I love the way that every character in this book has their own space, story and importance. They are not just randomly put into the scene but placed with a great thinking. The second you will read into the chapters introducing ATLAS I am DAMN SURE you will fell IN LOVE WITH HIM. The character is so comforting and personally he is the standard for me.
I Hope You Like This Blog, It’s My First Ever.
Please Comment Down or Share your own thoughts About the book or anything.
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ss-trashboat · 2 years
snippet snippet, i give a snippet. so full disclosure: the last time i wrote something was in may of 2022. i'm quite rusty, and haven't written anything from this pov before so be gentle with me lol. but i noticed a severe lack of kyle x reader fics so gotta make them myself lol
Hearing the doorknop click open, your eyes shot over to the doorway as you saw Kyle poke his head through, a large smile plastered on his face as he shimmied through the opening. You raised an eyebrow as you noticed his arms behind his back, knowing he could read your puzzled expression as he shuffled over to the couch you were occupying.
“You’re gonna like what I found,” he grinned, the smile growing wider as you giggled at his sing-songy tone. “Okay, pick a hand.”
Pursing your lips as you contemplated your options, taking all the time you wanted as you knew he could only be so patient for so long, the smile crossing your lips as you watched him begin to fidget more on the spot he occupied. You tapped your pointer finger to your chin, pretending to think a bit more as you could hear the soft impatient groan above when you used your free hand to point to each arm, weighing each choice.
“How about…” you started, noticing him bounce on his spot as he anticipated you finally making a decision. “Or…”
“Babe come on...”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the whine in his tone, feeling slightly bad for pressing his buttons, but the small pout on his face made it too hard to resist. “How about the left then?”
Watching as the smile grew back on his face, you noticed him shuffle whatever he had behind his back before stretching out his left arm, narrowing your eyes as they landed on the familiar item in his hand.
“Wow… my Switch,” you started, taking the console out of his hand as you watched him roll his eyes. “You… really shouldn’t have.”
“Unlock it silly.”
You felt the couch shift as he took a seat next to you as your fingers fumbled with the buttons, your eyes lighting up as they landed on the new graphic on the home screen.
“Wait you actually-”
“Davis found ‘em while we were out,” he beamed, fiddling with his own Switch to boot the game up. “I know you’ve been wanting to play so figured I’d surprise you.”
The smile grew on your face as you clicked on the graphic, the wave of nostalgia upon seeing Dialga rushing over you as you watched the opening sequence, eyes mesmerized on the small chibi-like figures moving on the screen. Feeling the weight slowly press against your side, you slightly turned your head to see him peering over your shoulder at the Switch.
“So, what starter you picking?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you made your way through the opening screens, clicking mindlessly through the screens you knew by heart from playing the other games, feeling his expectant stare as you started making your character. “I haven’t even gotten that far yet.” You turned to look at his own Switch, chuckling as you saw it was still on the title screen. “Kyle you haven’t even started!”
“Well, I don’t want to pick the same one as you!” Narrowing your eyes, you turned to look at him as he started clicking through the screens, simply shrugging as he glanced up at your puzzled expression. “How else will we fill the Dex?”
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