"But I am the wizard Sky."
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leninisms · 9 months
they should make another d20 foundry with murph where he has to help stat out baron from the baronies
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thisisnotthenerd · 9 months
as the fhjy premiere is upon us, i'm back with another edition of thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats. it's just the updates that are relevant, since relationship tracking is taking so long to do and i got sidetracked by polls for a few months. this will be sorted by the categories i have data for--you can look at the spreadsheet to find data for all d20 seasons. or you can read it on ao3. anyway:
player data:
runtime and episode data:
before the start of junior year, we have spent 88 hours, 40 minutes, and 14 seconds with the bad kids on-screen, including in oneshots. this is about 3 days, 16 hours, 40 minutes, and 14 seconds.
that's 41/221 d20 episodes, 22 of which were battle episodes.
we've spent 125 hours, 37 minutes, and 32 seconds in spyre as a whole, or 5 days, 5 hours, 37 minutes, and 32 seconds.
that's 57/221 d20 episodes, 32 of which were battle episodes.
cast appearances:
brennan at the top of the list, with 19 d20 appearances, 15 of those as a gm/dm.
next is lou, with 11 seasons as a player; 8 intrepid heroes seasons, 3 sidequests.
followed by ally, zac and siobhan, each with 2 different sidequests under their belts
second to last is emily, with 9, with acofaf
and in last is murph, with only 8. if aabria is in 2 of the 2024 d20 seasons, she's in the running to beat him.
seating preferences:
junior year tipped a lot of the intrepid heroes into a distinct preference, simply by setting them on one side of the table.
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emily axford: strong left side preference (6/8), most commonly in L1 and L2. paired next to zac 5/8 seasons, and across from murph 5/8 seasons. fig sits in L1.
zac oyama: strong left side preference (6/8), most commonly in L2 and L1. paired next to emily 5/8 seasons, and across from ally 7/8 seasons. gorgug sits in L2.
siobhan thompson: weak left side preference (5/8), most commonly in L3 and R3. paired next to lou 7/8 seasons [doubled across 5/8], and across from emily 3/8 seasons. adaine sits in L3
lou wilson: even split preference, most commonly in R3 and L3. paired next to siobhan 7/8 seasons [doubled across 5/8], and across from murph 2/8 seasons. fabian sits in R3.
ally beardsley: strong right side preference, most commonly in R2 and R1. paired next to murph 6/8 seasons, and across from zac 7/8 seasons. kristen sits in R2.
brian ‘murph’ murphy: strong right side preference (7/8), the strongest of the intrepid heroes, most commonly in R1 and R2. paired next to ally 6/8 seasons, and across from emily 5/8 seasons. riz sits in R1.
character data:
given what the bts's have shown, there might be some changes to these that i'll update during the premiere, but as of now, this is a quick summary of the bad kids' data, including dnd race, class, level, highest stat, feats, and age. you can go through the thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats tag for my previous commentary on this data, or check out the spreadsheet.
i'm putting them at level 9 for now because that's what we left off with, but more than likely they're starting at level 10 or higher. we know about riz's respec, but there may be others that crop up during the season.
fig faeth: tiefling. lore bard 8, hexblade warlock 1. CHA. actor, lucky. 17-18
gorgug thistlespring: half-orc. berserker barbarian 8, artificer 1. STR. orcish aggression/fury. 18
adaine abernant: high elf. divination wizard 9. INT. spell sniper, war caster. 16-17
fabian seacaster: half-elf. battlemaster fighter 6, swords bard 3. DEX. sentinel. 18-19
kristen applebees: variant human. twilight cleric 9. WIS. human determination, inspiring leader. 17-18
riz gukgak: goblin. arcane trickster rogue 9. DEX. healer. 17
all of the bad kids have some magic now--the ladies are all full casters, while fabian is a split multiclass, gorgug is a 1/2 caster multiclass, and riz re-subclassed into a 1/3rd casting progression. still an even split of multiclasses and pure classes, though that may change. riz's re-spec has bumped arcane trickster up to the most common rogue subclass, with 6 arcane trickster characters, 4 of whom sit in R1.
and that's it! all of the intrepid heroes/bad kids data that i have updates for! see you all at the premiere of fantasy high: junior year tomorrow!
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percentageweirdo · 1 year
Fantasy High stats
A summary of statistics from season 1.
I have only counted d20 rolls, and only by the players as it is pretty much impossible to track Brennan's rolls. I only counted nat 20s, nat 1s and "other rolls" since the players do not consistently announce what they got on the die. I also kept track of advantage and disadvantage but I am sure some of those slipped by me unannounced.
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As you can see, the vast majority of rolls by the players are skill checks — just over 60%.
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This chart is really the star of the show! It is why I started this whole godforsaken mission in the first place.
NOTE: This chart is tracking percentage of each player's individual rolls! It is not representative of raw numbers, but instead each column is relative to that player's total d20 rolls this season.
For this one I factored in the advantage and disadvantage rolls, and any way you slice it Zac still rolls the most nat 20s by far.
What surprised me was that Ally rolls proportionally the most nat 1s. That has somehow not entered into the consciousness of the fandom at all, maybe because they roll the fewest dice so the raw number of nat 1s isn't the highest. Conversely, Emily rolls the fewest nat 1s! Murph has rolled more nat 20s than Lou, but he also rolled the most dice so he rolls proportionally fewer 20s.
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Gorgug and Fabian go toe to toe in most number of attacks made overall, and both get to make multiple attacks per turn. Riz shoots his arquebus a decent amount. Fig and Kristen barely attack, instead relying on spells that require saving throws. Adaine has some offensive spells, as well as an affinity for fisticuffs.
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The players roll perception checks more often than any other kind of check, followed by insight and investigation. They don't make any nature or survival checks. As a mystery that takes place in a large town, that absolutely tracks.
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Sometimes Brennan asks the players to make a check based on a prime ability score. Not very often though.
The saving throws the players make the most often are Dexterity and Wisdom. They don't roll any Intelligence saves.
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There is not a single nat 20 death save in Fantasy High season 1.
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It is probable that Siobhan made 14 portent rolls — however, she only uses 13 of them. In the house party fight she rolls a d20 three times to see if she is able to use Blink. (Two succeed.) Lou and Emily each make a luck check this season, and in the finale Murph rolls to see if the police get there a total of 10 times. During the fight on the Bloodrush field Emily makes one joke roll to see how gross her spit is. And of course, Ally rolls an absolutely wild nat 20 in part 1 of the finale.
That's it for now! Follow for more Dimension 20 stats, and stay tuned for Bloodkeep.
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dropouttvpollbrackets · 3 months
Most Unhinged Dropout Cast Member Poll Bracket - FINAL RESULTS!
Alright, folks, that does it for this unhinged poll bracket! Our winner is (to, I'm sure, very few people's surprise) Ally Beardsley!!! There could not possibly be a more deserving person for such a title. Whether you know them best from their hilarious sketch performances from back in the days of CollegeHumor, their mind-boggling character choices on Dimension 20, their unwavering commitment to the bit in every Game Changer appearance, their stoner shenanigans on Paranoia, the bonkers stories from their actual real life shared on Dirty Laundry, or the very real psychological torment they inflict on both Grant O'Brien and us, the audience, in Total Forgiveness, I'm sure we can all agree that Ally Beardsley has never encountered a hinge in their whole damn life.
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Also deserving of a big shout out right now are the winners of our two mini-brackets - Oscar Montoya, the most hinged cast member, and Jacob Wysocki, winner of our honorable mention mini-bracket - as well as, of course, our runner up, and therefore the winner of this bracket's Brennan Lee Mulligan Award, Vic Michaelis!
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Now for some final poll stats for the whole bracket:
The poll with by far the most votes was our final poll between Vic and Ally, with 2,221 votes
The person who received the most votes in a single poll was, perhaps unsurprisingly, Ally in the final poll, with approximately 1,495 votes, which is more votes than any of the other polls received in total
Our most unanimous wins of the bracket were Lou and Erika who beat Murph and Raph respectively with about 93% of the votes in each of their polls
The closest poll was Emily against Brennan, in which Emily won with a mere 52% of the votes
Though it wasn't ultimately the closest poll, the semi-final between Emily and Vic was also very close, and was the only poll in the bracket that a) was tied for a while and b) switched who was in the lead after the first day of voting
Anyway, thank you all for voting in this bracket! I'd still be interested in doing a mini-bracket between cast members who weren't in these polls, but I need some submissions to do so, so please drop me an ask! Also, sorry for taking a while to get this post up, I've had a busy couple days, and I foolishly hadn't prepared victory images for Ally and Vic beforehand. Anyway, keep an eye out for another bracket (or possibly some polls to help me decide on a next bracket, or some interim mini-brackets) coming your way sometime very soon! Thanks again for participating in this beautiful democratic process with me!
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stone-stars · 8 months
Murph: Yeah, I think-- I think Con is my good stat, and everything else is average-ish. Caldwell: Mhm. Murph: I think we all have-- Emily: I think you're-- I think you're higher intelligence than wisdom. Caldwell: Oh, for sure. Murph: Interesting! Caldwell: Yeah. Emily: Yeah, I think you're-- I think you're maxed out intelligence, and I think that you're-- um, but then you have decent wisdom. Murph: That is-- That is very sweet. I think that-- I think like a +5 in-- Emily: I think I'm maxed out both wisdom and intelligence! What up, heyy! [Everyone laughs.] Murph: I think-- I think +5 intelligence would make you like, the smartest person in the world. Emily: Okay. Murph: 'Cause those are like, level 20 people. So I think like-- I think you're +5 intelligence. Emily: I'm here be-- Wow, thank you so much. This is so sweet. Murph: I think I'm not +5 intelligence. Emily: I give you +5! Murph: I think someone who's like, smart, is like a +1 intelligence.
murph saying +5 int makes you the smartest person in the world and then immediately saying that emily has +5 intelligence is so sweet
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fillingthescrapbook · 4 months
Let's Talk About: Fantasy High Junior Year and Rock the Boat
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Who knew the opening minutes with Ally hijacking the intro would lead to Brennan quitting just before the episode ends? I guess we did. We were told. By Ally's before-the-season featurette, and by the episode description. We were told.
Almonds almost took out Brennan before Ally could. We got a little ghost with hairy feet--showing hole! And then we got the wrong graphic at the end? I think?
And now Zac's the dungeon master.
The biggest thing I learned from this episode? How dim the lights that are on Brennan have to be, just so he doesn't wash out. Like, look at Zacky in that photo. The lighting team is truly amazing at their work, just to be able to balance Brennan out with the rest of the cast.
But joke's aside--
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The Intrepid Heroes are one hundred percent some of the best players of tabletop-roleplaying in the business. And not just because they're making us laugh--it's because they're able to deliver some outstanding storytelling alongside the jokes!
Yes, a lot of kudos goes to Brennan too. For his amazing DM-ing. But the cast? A standing ovation for the lot of them. Even just Ally pointing out how Gorgug and Kristen being the first of the Bad Kids to die--and being in direct line of fire with the dragons? Accidental narrative drama! (Edited to add: It was Gorgug who remembered they died, and Kristen—looking at all the dragons surrounding then—who said it could happen again still.)
Fabian having invested so much on his popularity track pays off. Riz and Eugenia being an amazing team, Siobhan and Ally giving outstanding support, and Fig (and Emily!) finally getting over their cursed rolls--it was all so brilliant. Blimey!
Gorgug was the MVP of this fight though. Zac's rolls and Gorgug's stats truly kept the Bad Kids afloat. And Brennan asking Zac to roll for things Gorgug was concentrating on gave me the loudest laugh of the episode. Because the only thing he was concentrating on: was staying alive!
And, please, talented artists out there. Let's make a music video for Fight in the Sky by Fig and the Cig Figs. Using vulture footage taken with GoPros.
I don't have much else to say. Next week looks even more wild. And Murph is now the Expert of the Cocked Dice.
Oh, and "Shoot Grandma and gas it."
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in honor of his greatest ever move, please enjoy this, a tribute to our Berry Boy (note because the audio makes it seem like he might die: he passes his death saves and ends up okay)
[The clip begins with audio from C3E24 and then moves to alternating audio from C1E86 and C3E29. The line breaks (--) indicate episode changes.] Cooter (Murph): I was a Berry Boy once. Caldwell laughs. Sol (Caldwell): What? Callie (Emily): Berry Boy…? Cooter [overlapping with Callie]: I fought a tarrasque. Well I didn’t fight him, I handed out berries to people who fought him. – Cooter: If we just wait this out, we’ll be okay. Beverly (Caldwell): Cooter! Cooter: Yeah? Beverly: Listen to yourself! Cooter: I - Beverly: Come on! Cooter: I’m not a fighter. Beverly: I know. You’re the Berry Boy.  – [Winter Sprite plays in the background]  Murph (narrating): But you see dead Cold Elves everywhere. It looks like they were mauled by a giant beast. And you see Maw Maw, the dire possum - Caldwell cackles. Murph (continuing): - is unconscious, but still breathing. – Cooter: I’m the Berry Boy! Beverly: We need you to be the best Berry Boy that has ever lived. You must fly on the wind and deliver berries. You must prank people, for good, with your delicious, healing berries. Do you understand me? – [Winter Sprite plays in the background]  Murph: And you see Cooter is lying next to her, unmoving with a bag of Goodberries spilled out. – Murph (narrating): Cooter looks super inspired. Cooter: I was born to be the Berry Boy. – [Winter Sprite plays in the background]  Murph: It looks like he healed Maw Maw, and it may have cost him his life. [The audio ends]
also this is a reminder as always that had Cooter not participated in the tarrasque fight and gotten a better stat block because of it, he would not have had the hit points to survive the 5d10 psychic damage that came from resisting Geas :)
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captainpondlilly · 3 months
-Sol gets turned into a gold coin by the Gold Troll Gold Toll-
Caldwell: I'm tired of being objects :(
Murph: You have negative five to all stats but you can use an action to flip yourself! (:
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rolling-uuuuupthehill · 6 months
Insane theory but I feel like The Bad Kids are gunna get to the end of the season, Augfort will return from fixing the time weirdness only to go “Congrats on completing your senior year!” Like it’s all just messed up memory stuff because of the chronomancy time travel shenanigans.
Cause Fig is 10 months behind on the sophomore album, Fabian is older, gorgug and Zelda are broken up, student body president is a well and established position in the charter that can take over as acting principle when Penny was just told Augfort would never allow himself to be usurped by a student government. So like what if they get to the end of the year only to find out it was their senior year all along but they had no idea cause of the time space reality weirdness. Junior year happened already but something time travel stuff made them forget and when augfort comes back it all snaps back into chronological order.
Is this me desperately trying to cling to the last shreds of The Seven as it gets retconned, yes. But prior to them announcing this season I fully expected they’d skip junior year and just do senior to close out the archs. Emily said she wanted to retire fig, Ally and Murph are having to reconfigure stuff that no longer fits but stuck with weird stats. I think it would be very plausible for this to be the end. And also would be insanely hilarious to me.
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plagispec · 5 months
fhjy ep 17 spoilers
i think its underated how brennan has been using the casts insane dedication to their silly bits as consequential actions towards the main plot.
emily you want to keep doing insane shit that always works because of your insane stats? the fbi is after you.
oh you want to talk to that vulture? that random vulture in the fight? sending you to the vulture dimension.
oh you want to do an extended bit where fabians house is a mess? you refuse to hire a maid or clean it or hire a cleaning service at least once? its funnier if he lives in a mess of leftovers to you guys? ping pong ball spells integral to the main plot that couldve been discovered and prevented have been hiding in the mess the whole time.
he's been weaponizing their dedication to their bits... he's been using it for plot... only murph is immune to this and its somehow making him roll well this season...
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becausesure · 5 months
Some of the Interpreted Heros are the embodiment of both luck and unluck
Murph has luck so commonly bad that it has been shown through multiple DND shows that he cannot win with dice
Lou Wilson has famously bad luck being Fabian on Leviathan, Pinocho in Never after, rolling for Chungledown Bim's stats (rolled 10d6 6 times and didn't roll an 18) , or Fabian this season with anything acrobatics
Ally Beardsley is known for their insanely timed NAT 20s which are so important I can't mention them without major spoilers
Zac Oyama who I believe still hold the most amount of NAT 20s as well as the entirety of the last stand
Now of course they have all experienced both good and bad luck but for the most part they are fairly consistent
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 month
active stat tracking for never stop blowing up: episode 7
systems of die types in spreadsheets, oh my
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another incredible episode folks. we saw all of their new group abilities come into play, had some fantastic character progression, and some truly absurd scenes. quick note: ally said they only had 2d20, but by my count they have 3, so there may be some discrepancies. as always i am one person, watching and trying to catch as many rolls as i can.
everyone is up to a d20, so the final ability, dark night of the soul, will be unlocked. can't wait to see what that is. on that note, we saw some crazy progression this episode, notably, jennifer drips going from a d4 in stunts to a d20 in a single progression, and benefiting from the double explosion twice to end up with 24 tokens. absolutely crazy.
at this point average progressions are out the window, given that they're working their way up so quickly. everyone still has at least 1d4. jennifer, g13, and greg all have multiple d20s. we're at the 70% mark and things are looking crazy, people. everyone progressed at least one skill, with vic only getting 1 (d12 in hot), and jennifer getting 4 (d20 in stunts, d20 in brawl, d12 in tough, d20 in wits)
we saw two impossible dc skill checks: dang farting people into unconsciousness, and liv crushing usha back into g13's body. insane asks turning into insane moments. this season is a distillation of ostentatia's divine intervention, markus' fog of war, kristen's ribbon dancing, daisy shitting out a window, conrad's appeal to spirit, and jacob wysocki, all chucked into a centrifuge and then distributed into every single moment.
we've now gotten our final interface, with jennifer and russell, and russell finally understanding feminine rage.
no big mechanical changes, save mentions of the wildcard strength, which rekha is allowed to use once in the season. i don't know what it will do, and i'm afraid to ask.
also, we got confirmation that the system combines kids on bikes and murph's increasing dice game, with tokens to make it a little more reliable.
paula donvalson / jack manhattan
abilities: duelist, relentless, studied (brawl), quick healing, protector
stunts: d8
brawl: d4
tough: d10
tech: d4
weapons: d20
drive: d8
sneak: d6
wits: d10
hot: d8
liv skyler / kingskin
abilities: wealthy, trouble maker, demolitions, quick healing
stunts: d6
brawl: d20
tough: d12
tech: d10
weapons: d8
drive: d10
sneak: d4
wits: d10
hot: d10
andy 'dang' litefoot / greg stocks
abilities: trained (brawl), mastery (weapons), smokin', quick healing
stunts: d12
brawl: d0
tough: d20
tech: d8
weapons: d6
drive: d12
sneak: d4
wits: d8
hot: d20
wendell morris / vic ethanol
abilities: transporter, protector, trouble maker, quick healing, resilient
stunts: d10
brawl: d12
tough: d12
tech: d6
weapons: d6
drive: d20
sneak: d4
wits: d6
hot: d12
russell feeld / jennifer drips
abilities: trained (hot), neck snapper, quick healing, inspiring
stunts: d20
brawl: d20
tough: d12
tech: d4
weapons: d6
drive: d4
sneak: d12
wits: d20
hot: d8
usha rao / g13
abilities: wildcard, hacker, stealth, quick healing
stunts: d20
brawl: d4
tough: d10
tech: d20
weapons: d4
drive: d20
sneak: d6
wits: d20
hot: d6
group abilities:
la familia (stepping in for a tough roll, lending tokens at a 1:1, sharing skill dice for optimization)
diesel circus (doubling number of tokens on a double explosion, roll 2x on first roll after injury, successful drive check allows a second skill check on top)
alpha squad (gaining 2 tokens when the group suits up, reduce explosion range by 1, two characters roll and add the result)
the ones (reroll a nat one with a different skill, take a nat one as a max roll and blow up, accept a nat one and get 1/2 the tokens of the die value)
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rooolt · 1 year
can’t believe Murph based a character off a stat block called “the smiling one” and the joker jokes were entirely unplanned
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dropouttvpollbrackets · 4 months
Most Unhinged Dropout Cast Member Poll Bracket - Round 2!!!
Round 1 has officially wrapped up, and that can only mean one thing: time for even more polls! Thanks to everyone who has participated in my wacky li'l bracket so far, and I hope to see even more voters in the upcoming rounds! I also fully expect the decisions to only get more difficult from here, so buckle up!
Before moving on, I thought I'd share some fun stats from round 1:
The poll with the most votes in round 1 was Brian vs. Siobhan, with 1,133 votes
The contestant who received the most votes was Brennan, with approximately 1,026 votes
The most contentious poll was Siobhan (57%) vs Brian (43%)
The most unanimous poll was Lou (93.4%) vs Murph (6.6%)
The winners of this round received, on average, 80% of the votes in their polls
Also, there's just a quick thing I'd like to clarify before round 2: though I envisioned these polls as primarily judging people on their behavior in Dropout content, I understand that many of you might know some contestants from outside of Dropout, and obviously I can't expect you to ignore that when deciding how to cast your votes. Also, just in general, I have no control whatsoever about how anyone is voting in this, and as I said before round 1, the criteria you choose to judge people on are really up to you. What I do have control over, however, is what I post. So I've decided, in the interest of keeping this blog on theme, that going forward I will only post or reblog propaganda that primarily features Dropout content (if you want to throw in a little external recommendation, that's fine, but any videos, images, gifs, or specific quotes or stories should come from Dropout). Hope that clears things up a bit!
Alright folks, time to start thinking about which cast members have "senses of humor that regularly make you feel like you're going insane," (quote from @narcissistcookbook) or frequently get "that insane glint in their eye of a door that has fully lost contact with the adjacent wall" (quote from @cloudprincesslady), because it is time for round 2, baby!!!!
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lovecolibri · 7 months
"I think I would want some kind of persuasion or something because I feel like, I don't know, I mean I must have some base level charisma 'cause I'm able to, you know, play D&D for a living but I feel like there's just a lot of effort coming from me at all times."
Murph has never been more relatable, what a mood. And then Emily saying his effort is what is charismatic 🥺🥺🥺 they're TOO CUTE!
"Thank you so much hun! 20s all around for you. Everybody else has commoners stats."
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