bcyhoods · 1 year
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synopsis: you ask to sleep over at eddie’s for the first time, and he undoubtedly is head over heels for you
word count: 1.2k
authors notes: somebody requested this before i started my blog over! if this finds u, im sending you a cookie and a kiss, as promised x
warnings: fem!reader, use of gendered pet names (princess, pretty girl), dialogue is…….cheesy cringe a little😔, clueless eddie, kissing !!!
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Eddie hisses beside you at the jumpscare on screen. It was the quietest sound, drowned underneath the blood-curdling screams in the film. It probably would’ve gone completely unnoticed. Unluckily for him, it didn’t. Luckily for you, your legs were draped over his lap, so the mechanical jolt of fright sent your own legs jumping into the air.
His head is thrown against the back of his couch as he slaps his free hand over his eyes. You giggle as you watch his skin flush scarlet underneath your stare.
“Eddie, it’s okay,” you coo, voice shaky in between your laughter.
The embarrassment doesn’t quite subside, but the sound of your infectious giggle and the feeling of you moving into his lap to pry away his fingers is enough to have his chest rumbling with mirrored joy. He gazes up at you as you hold his hands.
“You scared, Eds?”
You don’t mean for it to sound like you’re teasing, but he laughs anyway. With a grin, he shakes his head wildly and clasps his hands around your back.
“Nope, I’ve got a princess to protect me.”
He pushes you down into the couch so that he’s hovering above you, and you respond with a squeal. Your legs are locked around his waist as his hands dig into the plush of the cushion beside your head. He leans down with a proud smile to press a kiss to your mouth.
The kisses are sloppy. He litters your face and neck in open-mouthed love bites, none hard enough to leave any mark. When he reaches your lips, it’s more smiles and spit than any real kiss, but neither of you seem to mind. Not when the smell of his citrusy shampoo wraps around your figure to make you dizzy. Not when your hands roam along his biceps and up to the nape of his neck like you’re the only thing keeping him from floating away.
It’s a mess of hushed teasing and giggles and clashing teeth, and it’s perfect.
As he pushes himself up for a moment of air, he looks off to the side before releasing a displeased sigh. “Shit, it’s getting late,” he observes solemnly.
He sits back on his heels, just far away enough for you to hold yourself up. You follow his line of sight and find that the digital clock on the shelf reads 11:15. Your shoulders deflate and your heart sinks.
“It is kinda late, isn’t it?”
Once you turn back to him, his eyes are stuck on you. Gorgeous, dilated pupils run across the high points of your cheekbones and back down to your lips. His gaze commands a rush of heat to caress your skin until your insides are set ablaze and your mouth is painfully dry.
The utter lack of urgency may as well have been a weighted blanket.
One of his arms snakes around your waist to pull you into him further. He leans forward, tilting his head ever-so-slightly to catch your lips.
This one is less playful than the ones you shared just seconds before. His movements are languid, purposeful. Like all the air had been stolen from his lungs and you were oxygen.
Your elbows threaten to buckle underneath your weight. Though, you’d happily sink back into the couch cushions and let them swallow you whole, if it meant you got to kiss him all night. And he’d just as eagerly take up the opportunity to have you underneath him for as long as he could entertain.
But he’s pulling away. Your foreheads rest together as you wear matching expressions of bliss: eyes closed, and slick, kiss-bitten lips parted. His thumb sinks underneath the hem of your shirt to dance across your skin. Another weighted blanket.
“I’ll drive ya,” he whispers reluctantly.
You watch as Eddie stands to stretch, and the warmth follows. A pensive wrinkle makes home between his brows as he slowly moves to grab his jacket. This, along with the nagging feeling in your chest, was routine whenever you spent the day at his place.
It’s not that he hasn’t offered for you to spend the night before, because he’s suggested it quite a few times. It was just so scary. The nerves bubble and spill over and it’s just all a mess inside your head whenever you want to ask.
Today is something different, though. All that occupies your mind is Eddie, Eddie, Eddie and suddenly, you think it’d be impossible to spend the night without him.
“Really? You’re not tired?” The questions run off your tongue without a second thought.
“Well, I’m wide awake now,” he jests, running the metal of his rings over his bottom lip. He pats the pockets of his jacket for his keys, and when he comes up empty, he searches the kitchen counter.
The fear creeps back into your head as you watch him rifle through drawers. It makes you shrink in on yourself as you trudge over to your shoes that lay haphazardly by the door.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to drive if you’re tired,” you ask softer.
Noticing a change in your demeanor, he looks up at you to see your teeth worrying at your lower lip. “I’m sure,” he insists sweetly, “Can’t let my pretty girl drive alone in the dark.”
He finally finds his keys and moves over to where his own pair of shoes rested beside yours. He sends you an easy grin and it makes it all the harder to swallow down your anxieties.
“It’s foggy out,” you mention faintly. You don’t know what the weather is like outside. It was merely you grasping at straws to freeze him in his motion. You’re sure it’s blatantly obvious at this point, expecting a light tease from the wavy-haired boy.
But oblivious as he is, Eddie peeks out the blinds anyway to scan the trailer park. He hums. It’s a little gloomy, but hardly anything to worry about. Just as he’s about to reassure you again, he pauses when he spots your fingers fidgeting with a loose seam in your sleeve. You’re staring down at your shoes — which you’ve purposely done a poor job of putting on, as they’re only halfway on your feet — with your tongue bitten between your teeth.
“Maybe…” you pause to take a deep inhale. “It’s probably better if I stay? If that's okay with you, I mean.”
Then, does Eddie freeze. And he feels like an absolute fool.
He feels like an absolute fool for being the one to get up first. For not getting the totally conspicuous hints you’ve been trying to give him for the past minute and a half. For being so focused on trying to find his damn keys that he hoped he’d lost in the first place. And for standing in shocked silence for so long that you’ve begun to frown and properly shove your ankles inside your shoes.
“Yeah,” he replies abruptly, reaching out for your arm.
“Yeah?” The hopeful rise in your inflection makes him gently squeeze your elbow.
“Yeah, of course you can stay. I want you to.”
You nod. You duck your chin to your chest to hide the shy smile on your lips, but to no avail. Eddie can spot your bright grin from a mile away and makes him go weak in the knees with a blush that he’s sure is making its way to his cheeks.
“Just to be safe, ya know,” you add before toeing off your shoes and pushing them closer to the wall.
“Right. To be safe.”
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astralnymphh · 2 months
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i think it's a gospel fact that ellie has sensitive hips. she fucking seethes when you thumb her hipbones— pressing ripples in her boyshorts, a press so fierce the waistband begins to tug down. it's inescapable at this point; always waking up in nothing but those damn briefs, enticing your sunrise eyes amped for a bite, and a grip. "shh— fuck," a serpentine hiss connects the pits of her teeth at the pushy huddle you take at her backside, tamping the fore of her hip–nubs into the bathroom counter, the harsh cold of marble kissing through thin cotton, "g'mornin' babe, what's up?" sounding falsely equanimous in the betrayal of her tight fists, tucking on the counter edge, and her light wince, threading her throat when your digits curled into the natural dip her hipbones provided. fuck— ellie can't multiply the sensations enough to fill her groggy skullspace with it, neither can she humiliate her lips for a second hand, or a lustier press— but she can certain as heaven tense herself under your present grip, and squirm about it like a bitch. "the movie theaters, baby. we gotta get ready n' go, can't play the waiting game now." you remind, remind, remind. "seats won't warm themselves." soft haste remind, and she nods in comprehension with the wick of her toothbrush returning to her lips, then— that second grasp, adorned by a groan you gave her by biting her angled shoulder. and she's gasping, flooding her lungs, and tugging her intent brows inwards, royally expecting you to eat her out— right here, right now. "sorry— just felt like doing that. you have really gnaw–able shoulders. loosen up, els."
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pinkrelish · 8 months
do you think once miss mouse and eddie were in an established relationship she’d bake cakes for his and adrie’s birthday every year?? i feel like she’d go full out for adrie like full on multi tiered princess cake and the first time she does it eddie and his baby just go absolutely feral in the best way possible
ps typ is my favourite slow burn EVER i love it withh all my heart ur so talented
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today's my birthday so it seems fitting to answer this! wc: 496
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morning dawns soft blue in a kitchen warmed by low lights, and orange coils. a kettle boils water too hot for a third cup of instant coffee, and cooked sugar enriched by vanilla bakes through the small apartment. suffocating heat from the oven on the early june day breaks sweat on your forehead as you re-whip the frosting you made an hour ago, plastic bowl in your arms still cold from the fridge. the yellow cake cooling on the rack simple, homemade. jack of all trades, master of none, it's nothing impressive, just something to tide adrie and neighborhood kids over until the big party on the weekend.
still, when your big snoring man shuffles in with a bedhead halo and plaid pajama pants with one drawstring longer than the other, his raw wonder catches the husky sleep deep in his throat—"aw, baby, what're you doin'?"
you shrug, too shy to admit how early you woke up to do this, suddenly embarrassed with your effort to make a good impression on his daughter's first birthday with you in her life. he had no clue what you had planned for her real cake, and already your cheeks went hot from the lovesick shine flooding his eyes, big softy about to cry while he scratched his stomach under his shirt.
"you're too much," he says in a shake of his head. too much on a thursday morning when her party comes saturday afternoon.
his bare feet scatter the balloons creeping across the carpeted floor, blown up by him late last night until he felt faint, and ready to be popped in the energetic rush of cake for breakfast. on his way to you, he passes the one wrapped gift of a latch hook rug kit beneath the happy birthday banner you hung crooked even with his help. it was a creativity driven present to keep her busy before she got her big girl bike in two days time. training wheels most definitely included.
any second now adrie would run through the streamers you both taped to the top of her door frame, so eddie made quick work of putting the frosting aside and smothering kisses atop your head, wielding his dad strength to hug you tight to his chest, steering you into a twirl by his hold on your wrists, rocking from foot to foot until your back was crushed to his front.
tucking his chin to mash his nose to your hair, his heavy hum vibrates through your skull as he surveys the usual munson fare mingling with your new traditions, slowing your bodies to a gentle sway until his sigh empties from his lungs. "you mean everything to us, you know that?"
"i know that," you answer so softly it was lost in the bubbling hiss from the kettle before he shut off the burner. "you're everything to me, too."
"thank you, baby."
"thank you, handsome." thank you for this moment, this family, this love.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 8 months
akaashi keiji, fem reader, NSFW 18+ wc: 438
“use your words.” 
he’d whispered that sentence too many times to keep count, and it stayed grating. 
“keiji.” it was a struggle to speak. “you - you know what i want.” 
“i don’t,” he said, and it was a taunt. “how will i know if you won’t say it?” 
you pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt and he toppled over you, landing on a kiss. 
“just touch me.”
you didn’t see his smirk but you heard it. “anywhere i want?” you nodded until you felt his hand on you. 
it started at your thigh and drifted up and up until you were gasping, but that touch was fleeting. his hand pressed flat on your stomach and pushed. 
“shit, you are sensitive.” your hips weren’t stronger than his hold keeping them in their place, but they tried to buck free. “when’s the last time somebody else made you cum?” 
“i don’t know,” you said - a whine, a cry, a beg. there were tears in your eyes that would fall with time.
his touch dipped again, this time crossing the barrier of your underwear’s hem. you made a sound like a wail, and you stayed looking at each other as his fingers wandered. 
your leg hooked over his hip like you were trying to keep him in his place, and it had him pushing closer. his forearm rested by your head, his thumb traced your hairline, his nose nudged yours. 
your staggered breathing told him where to touch you; moans of his name taught him the right pace. and it was perfect. you’d never felt anything like it, and it seemed like he could tell. 
“he doesn’t touch you like this, does he?” 
you whined, shook your head. 
“you poor thing. my poor baby.” his circling fingers sped up, and it was hard to hear his words over the ringing in your ears. “it’s not hard, is it? it doesn’t even take much time to get this cunt this wet. she just needs a little attention, huh?” 
he had one goal and was doing a good job at reaching it - almost as fast as you could.
“he’s never even found your clit, has he?” you shook your head, and then he gave that very spot a pinch until you yelped and looked at him. “answer me.” 
“he’s never - never found it. keiji, please, please.” 
and he pressed his lips against yours as his fingers sped up again, touching you just how he’d learned how to, daring to make you cum in record time. 
“it’s a good thing you have me, then, right?” 
send a request and i might write it ^_^
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Bruce was being watched. Again.
He didn’t know where it was coming from, and that was a problem at the moment. He was hosting another gala, intent on putting on the “Bruice Wayne” mask for the public. None of his children were attending, unfortunately, but everything was going okay so far.
Then he kept feeling a cool breeze on the back of his neck. His hairs stood on end, and he shivered randomly. Someone mentioned that he looked cold. But Bruce wasn’t cold. He was Batman! Batman is never bothered by something stupid like the temperature. It just felt like there were multiple pairs of eyes staring at him from all directions.
Bruce tried to catch whoever it was, but when he looked, there was no one there. He even made extra laps around the room, easily slipping between socialites and chatting his way through the crowd. He scanned the tables, checked the stairs, peeked outside, and even snuck at glance at the chandeliers for fuck’s sake! There was nothing. No cameras, no lingering eyes, nothing.
Bruce could feel his heartbeat quicken. There was something in the room. Something dangerous.
Eventually, the source of his anxiety came to him. The gala was small, being in the middle of the off-season for social events. It was a relatively quiet gathering. Still, Bruce flinched when someone tapped his shoulder from behind when he was making another waltz around the room. He turned, and was faced with a boy no older than 16, but no younger than 14. It was hard to tell his age. He wore an ill-fitted navy suit and scuffed dress shoes. His tie was no where to be seen, and the boy had a platter of finger foods balanced in one hand. He hadn’t heard anyone approach at all.
What made Bruce freeze, however, was the fact that the boy looked exactly like the portraits of the young Thomas Wayne that were hanging innocently in the Wayne family home. His crystal blue eyes seemed to glow in the overhead lights as they bore into Bruce. It felt like the boy could see his soul. The air was more chilled than it had been all night, and everything in Bruce’s mind was screaming DANGER!
“Y’know…” Bruce’s breath caught in his throat as the boy spoke. His midwestern accent was heavy, and the boy took a slow moment to polish off a baked feta bite before continuing. “You look like the kinda guy to have a secret basement. The bloody kind. Nice party, though!” With that, the boy disappeared back into the crowd, taking the cold air with him.
Bruce never got out a word.
Danny sees all the wandering souls and shades attached to Bruce Wayne, and comes to the obvious conclusion that the billionaire is a serial killer.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
belong to you.
🎀 we need to talk about jealous ellie. smut + ellie being a sulky jealous gf
you hadn’t seen her when she’d been stood in the doorway watching you patch up dina’s arm after she’d fallen down on a patrol. her rational brain was telling her that she trusted you, and there was nothing to worry about. but her heart…
she couldn’t imagine someone looking at you and not falling in love. you were sat close to dina, and ellie pictured the way she could probably feel your hair tickling her arm when you leant in to get a closer look. how she could probably feel the warm radiating off your skin, how your pupils got all big and eyes twinkled in the low light. your brunette girlfriend pushed herself off the doorframe, leaving you to it. she heard the two of you giggling over something that probably wasn’t that funny as she stepped away, her fist clenched by her side.
she wasn’t sure why it had bothered her the way it had. she never had pinned herself as the jealous type, seemed more like your gig if she was being honest (not that she’d ever give you a real reason to be jealous, but who wouldn’t be possessive over ellie?) she was stood mulling it over in her brain, swaying as she tugged absentmindedly at her blue denim short sleeve button down that she wore over a tank. ellie was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt your presence, you were behind her nuzzling into her. “ellie. missed you t’day.” you pur, face pressed into her and she flushes. your voice was soft and sweet and she was filled with ugly feelings.
“didn’t really seem like it.” she snarks before she can stop herself. when you pull your face from her to look at her with concern, her face has already contorted into one of wide eyed guilt.
“how so?” you manoeuvre round to her front, taking her hands in your own. ugh, she thought. even when i’m being an asshole you’re still so sweet to me.
“just seemed like you were… preoccupied with dina that’s all. i’m… being an idiot about it.” she shrugs it off, avoiding your eyes by playing with the bracelet on your wrist. your brows furrow and you gently pull your hands away so she has no choice but to look at you.
“ellie… you know i wouldn’t —” you begin but she cuts you off, already shutting down what you were about to suggest. “i know.” she’s adamant, stepping forward into your space now. “i know.” she repeats softer, not wanting to come off too accusatory. “and i like dina, she’s cool. just don’t want her… gettin’ any ideas. i can’t imagine being around you and not…” she sighs out and you raise your eyebrows urging her to go on.
“and not what?” you practically whisper. her eyes raise to meet yours again and she takes yet another step towards you, your back gently rebounding off the wall. “and not wanting to kiss you.” she stares into your eyes, voice gentle and raspy. you lean forward, capturing her lips with yours. as you wrap your arms around her neck she wraps hers around your waist pulling you flush against her making your mouth open in a quiet gasp. she takes that opportunity to slip her tongue in, the muscle well acquainted with the inside of you lapping against your own tongue making you quietly moan into her mouth. she pulled away slightly, a pleased smile occupying her lips now. “kiss you, amongst other things.” she added with a teasing tone making you giggle, spoken against your mouth as if she couldn’t bare to be any further from you.
something came up, and the two of you were forced to separate until later on, reuniting in the social area where everyone seemed to be in high spirits— dancing, laughing and drinking. ellie manspread on a chair with a bottle of beer, and you were situated on her lap. you were all over her, she couldn’t seem to fight you off. you weren’t the biggest on PDA usually, but tonight you were grabbing at her clothes, lips to her neck, whispering in her ear all night long. she didn’t mind of course, just taken aback. “whats with you, huh?” she smirks, managing to peel you off her for a moment. you licked your lips, eyes glazed over as you sway on the spot completely distracted by her appearance. “hm?” “you’re all over me, babe.” her voice is soft, she didn’t want you to think she didn’t like it and plus she knew you were sensitive. you met her eye pensively, taking a hold of the collar on her jacket to pull yourself closer to her. “just want everyone to know i’m yours.”
that’s how you ended up back in your room with ellie, your back arched off the mattress with your pants and underwear completely discarded. ellie’s tongue was working your clit over whilst she was knuckle deep in your cunt, grinding the pads of her fingers against your gummy spot making you clench around them. “wanted everyone to know who you belong to tonight, isn’t that right?” she mumbled, voice low as she mouthed at your sensitive button.
“mhm, belong to you.” you choked out a sob making her chuckle at the seemingly obvious statement. her fingers stayed inside you, her thumb replacing her tongue as she sat up to kiss you, letting you moan into her mouth.
“don’t know what i was worried about. look at you moaning for me. i got some real gifted fingers huh.” she smirked, all that insecurity washed away by the wet gasps leaving your throat as she drew you closer to your orgasm. she pulled back with her eyes low and dark, mouth glistening from you. “shit, i wouldn’t leave me either.” she comment quietly on the pure euphoria you were experiencing. she was right, no one could make you feel the way ellie made you feel.
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roronoagem · 2 months
cw // yandere themes & creepy law lol + not proofread
yandere!law stopping by your island for a supply run and when he saw you working at the pub of your small town, he couldn’t help but fall for you.
yandere!law that offered you a visit to his submarine, noticing how you looked at his ship in fascination, stating that “i’ve never seen a pirate ship like that! it looks so cool!”
yandere!law that noticed you were running a fever one day and offered to visit you, wanting to help you feel better. a side of him wants to take advantage of that and lie, lie about your health.
“i’m sorry [y/n]-ya, but it seems that you have a rare disease. i’m one of the few doctors who know how to treat it… it’s really dangerous and i don’t want to leave you in such a state,” he started explaining, you were completely unaware of what he really did while visiting you.
yandere!law that started using medicines to prevent your legs from fully functioning and you started panicking, because the disease he was talking about must be showing its symptoms and he was the only one able to help you!
you must leave with him, he said he could help you feel better. he offered you to go with him since he would go on a trip to look for a final medicine to cure your disease, but he couldn’t leave you there alone. and you accepted because what could possibly go wrong? he had really good intentions!
you were truly sick, it was dangerous not being around him at this point . . . right?
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hoodzgyal · 10 months
I feel like Jason is such a lover boy. He acts all tough but he’s just a hopeless romantic at heart.
oh absolutely. the thing is, baby boy is so used to being guarded, keeping his feelings tight to his chest for the sake of protecting himself. it takes months of dating and quiet patience from you before he feels comfortable enough to act on those romantic urges.
he quotes shakespeares sonnets on occasion. the two of you have made a guessing game out of it, where hell quote a line and you’ll guess what number sonnet he’s quoting from. if you get it wrong, jaybird kisses you, teasingly murmuring something along the lines of, “absolutely incorrect, doll face. try again?” you’ve yet to get one right.
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anianurst · 5 months
OMG IGNORE THE OTHER ASK ME I MEANT MORE BIG BROTHER SUKUNA ur first one was rlly good (poor yuji) but it was rlly good 😜
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summary: being with sukuna is like riding a seesaw. good thing his sweet, younger brother, yuji, is there to hear about your problems and be a shoulder to lean on. too bad you don't feel the same for him.
a/n: a part two! i wanted to continue with the band au thing that I wrote about in the first part. i was rewatching victorious and oml jade and beck is kinda of what i picture y/n and sukuna being like (but like more intense). song used is "you don't know me" by Elizabeth gillies (the actress for jade) (here's the link)
warning(s): mentions of toxic relationship, sexual acts!!, leading on (mostly on yuji's part), one-sided feelings (again on yujis part I'm sorry bb), mentions of manga characters not yet introduced in the anime (yorozu and kashimo hajime)
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"I told you that I don't want you talking to her anymore! She keeps fucking flirting with you, and I don't like it!" you yell at Sukuna, and like always he rolls his eyes at your antics. Scoffing, you cross your arms and wait for Sukuna to say something, anything at this point to ease your worries.
"Yeah, and I fucking told you that you're overreacting. Yorozu's always like that," he replied, his face pulled into a nasty scowl, his eyes narrowing into a cold gaze. His words do little to ease your anger (or worry) and cause more rage to flare in you.
"Are you fucking kidding me? That's it? That's your excuse for her basically fucking herself on you the entire night?!" you scoff. You think back to how this whole fight started, and a deep pit at the bottom of your stomach starts to form.
Why hadn't you listened to your friends? They knew the type of guy Sukuna was and they warned you about getting involved with him. How someone like him would never allow himself to be tied down to one girl. How he wasn't "boyfriend" material at all.
And they were right. Even though your relationship with Sukuna had evolved past that of a one-night stand to the point where you'd see each other for dinner or even movies, that didn't stop him from basking in the attention of other girls, Yorozu specifically.
Ugh, you hated her the moment that Sukuna had introduced the two of you. The boom of the music that always filled you with a rush of adrenaline and energy seemed to dull as your eyes landed on the girl who clutched onto Sukuna's arm and pushed her boobs into his frame. Her love-sick eyes that always followed him and that ugly high-pitched laugh of hers set off something ugly in you.
The sound of the door opening makes the two of you turn. Yuji walks through the door, his gym bag slung on his shoulder and hair a little matte with sweat. His tired figure seemingly brightens up the second his eyes fall on you, and he's smiling oh-so sweetly at you. It doesn't last long as he notices how there are tears pricking the ends of your eyes and how your arms are crossed in anger.
He's quick to put his gym bag down, head over to you, and place a hand on the small of your back. "You ok? Did Sukuna say something rude to you?" he asks, his voice and eyes filled with nothing but sincere worry and softness.
Sukuna's quick to scoff, and before he knows it, he shoves Yuji away from you. "She's fucking fine," he spits out. Without another word, he turned on the ball of his feet and headed towards his room. His door-slamming echoes throughout the apartment, and with him gone, you finally let your tears fall.
Strong, warm arms are quick to wrap around you as you let your head lean on Yuji's shoulder. Small hiccups leave your lips as Yuji whispers sweet nothings into your ears and rubs comforting circles into your back. "I-I just need to go. I'm sorry, Yuji," you say and quickly step out of his arms and grab your bag from the couch.
"I'm always here for you if you need anything," the pink-haired boy says, and there's a strange tug at your heart. A small and quick 'thanks' is all you can muster before rushing out and away from the apartment.
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"You think you're so funny, huh?" Sukuna sneers at you, his eyes glaring down into yours as he holds your wrists together. His leg pushes between your thighs, and a whimper falls from your lips as you feel the familiar hot warmth pulse throughout your body.
"Do-Don't know what you're ta-talking 'bout," you manage to say, lying straight to Sukuna's face. It seems you both know that you're lying, and he lets out a deep chuckle as he lowers his lips to bite into your shoulder. A yelp escapes your lips before you try to hold back a moan.
"Really? So, you weren't throwing yourself on Kashimo like some slut?" Sukuna says back. Your eyes narrow into a glare as your gaze meets his. You can feel his boner pressing into your thigh, and you hate how you can feel yourself getting wet.
"Fuck you," you spit at him, and he laughs again.
"That's the plan, darling."
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"Are you sure you are good to go on, y/n? You look like shit," Shoko says, a cig hanging from her lips. A puff of smoke follows, and you grimace as you try to wave it away from you.
"I'm good. Just kinda tired," is all you say, and Shoko doesn't look entirely impressed with your answer. She sighs before putting her cig out and holding your hand in hers.
"Maybe it's time you put an end to whatever you have with Sukuna," she whispers quietly enough so that Satoru and Suguru don't hear it (even though you're pretty sure they're listening in anyway since they, too, are worried about you). And you hate how she says it, "whatever." Shit, you hate that it accurately sums up the relationship between you and Sukuna. Because, in truth, you don't know what you and Sukuna are anymore. You two argue, you fuck, you go out to parties together and then go back to arguing. You don't remember ever having fun together like you did in the beginning. Instead, you've gotten so used to your routine that you've begun looking forward to what happens sometimes after you argue.
How when Yuji comes back to the apartment, and you and Sukuna are in the middle or nearing the end of a yelling match, he'll whisk you away and look at you with those love-filled eyes. How he'll tell you some stupid story that happened to him and his friends, or how he'll take you to the nearby ice cream shop in hopes that it'll cheer you up. How your heart feels much heavier every time you say goodbye to him, and you catch a glimpse of his red, rosy cheeks.
You know that Yuji likes you, but not in a friendly way. No, that he genuinely wants to be in Sukuna's place. He wants to treat you so much better than his older brother does. And you know he would, but you simply can't feel the same for him. No matter how much ice cream you eat or how many stories he tells you, your heart doesn't beat the same for him as it does for Sukuna. And you feel so incredibly guilty about how you let him take you away from your big-bad-scary 'whatever' and act like the two of you are together.
With a huff, you stand up and down the rest of your drink before smiling back at your bandmates. "It's almost time for us to go on."
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How fucking shameless can Sukuna be? you think as your gaze sweeps the crowd and lands on him and his friends. Uraume (who you actually like and you think likes you back) is bobbing their head to the beat of the current song while Mahito cheers wildly (he's so wasted) and Hajime is sipping on his drink, and of course, Yorozu is wrapped all around Sukuna.
His eyes aren't on her, though. No, they're staring straight back into yours, and you hate how, after all this time, it still sends a shiver down your spine. The world seems to fade away as you finish the last line of the song, and you're turning to bandmates. "We're doing the new one," is all you say, and they're quick to grin back at you and follow your request.
You think you know me but you don't know me You think you own me but you can't control me You look at me and there's just one thing that you see So listen to me, listen to me!
Your grip on the mic tightens as you push your hair out of your face, a flush rising on your neck. The crowd seems to roar even louder.
You push me back, I push you back, harder, harder You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-louder I'm dangerous, I'm warning you But you're not afraid of me and I can't convince you You don't know me
Sukuna shoves Yorozu off his arm as he takes a couple steps forward. There's a smirk growing on his face as your eyes meet again, and there's an ugly but warm pleasure that spreads throughout your body.
And the longer that you stay, the ice is melting And the pain feels okay, it feels okay, hey
You think back to all your arguments with Sukuna, and for a second, you wonder if that's what love really is. Is it supposed to leave you feeling overwhelmed and enraged to the point where you feel too addicted to that same feeling? Well, whatever you think. Maybe it's not supposed to feel that way to other people, but to you and Sukuna, that's what makes the two of you work.
All the pain and yelling is what keeps your hearts beating for one another, and maybe it's toxic and not right. But who cares.
You push me back, I'll push you back You scream at me, I'll scream at you louder, louder Louder, louder, louder, louder Louder! Louder! Louder
Maybe you're both messed up to keep 'whatever' going on, destroying one another and then rebuilding one another through sex. Maybe you're more messed up for dragging poor, innocent Yuji into your hideous cycle. For making him think that perhaps one day you'll wake up and throw yourself into his arms.
You push me back, I push you back, harder, harder You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-louder I'm dangerous, I'm warning you But you're not afraid of me and I can't convince you
Poor Yuji, having feelings for someone who already seems to be taken by his cruel older brother. He watches you sing your heart out and shine so beautifully that he knows the flush on his cheeks isn't from the alcohol. He notices that your eyes always seem to go back to the same spot, and as he turns his head, his heart drops as he sees Sukuna standing there, his cheeks flushed a deep red and grin now replacing his smirk.
He watches the spark grow brighter between the two of you, and every nerve in his body tells him to leave. But he can't, not when he starts to see a love-filled grin start to spread on your face.
His heart seems to come back to life as it beats faster while he watches you perform. Someone bumps into him, and then he's brought back to the reality that your gaze and grin aren't directed at him.
And I don't have to, I think you know me
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eiightysixbaby · 1 year
best friends to lovers eddie x reader blurb inspired by this ask, following up this request 💗 i am leaning into fem!reader for this, just a heads up. 18+ please.
cw: fingering, eddie is extremely touchy, reader struggles feeling confident in the new relationship, and yeah I think that’s it? this is smutty but soft smutty, eddie is a gentle baby
Things had been going great since you started dating Eddie, your best friend of 6 years. Once you’d jumped over the hurdle that was your first kiss, it’d been getting easier for you to lean into the couple aspect of things. You felt comfortable stealing kisses from your boyfriend not just in private, but out in public too. Quick smooches on the cheek as Eddie tries to keep a serious face during his Hellfire campaigns, pecks on the lips at restaurants when you go on dates, so on and so forth, you were head over heels for the curly haired doofus you had the pleasure of calling yours.
However, for some reason you couldn’t fully shake the awkwardness around doing… more… with Eddie. You’d had your first time together already, and it was wonderful, honestly. Sweet and passionate and slow, gentle touches here and intimate kisses there. Eddie was good, he knew what he was doing. But you just found it hard to be bold with him, to be handsy and clingy and rile him up. Eddie, however, was nothing if not touchy. He was testing the waters, and he was testing them hard, putting his hands on you whenever he possibly could. And it didn’t bother you per say, you liked his confidence, liked the way he claimed you as his with subtle touches, and he’d never touch you if you revoked consent, but you just felt…. awkward. Made you feel guilty that you couldn’t shake the awkwardness. You hadn’t spoken up about this to him, but he was sure to find out at some point.
It’s a Tuesday night, and the two of you agreed to go out to eat with Steve and Robin, meeting at the local diner, a couple weeks into your relationship. Eddie’s rust bucket van pulls into the parking lot, the fluorescent neon sign flashing teal and red onto the pavement. Stepping out, you see Robin waiting by the door with Steve beside her, and you excitedly run to her for a hug. Eddie strolls up behind you, snaking his arm around your waist as he greets your friends, giving Steve a friendly shove as your group walks through the diner doors. You feel Eddie’s hand squeeze your ass lightly, no one behind you to see, thankfully. You squeal softly in surprise, and Eddie leans down to press a kiss to your head, pulling you closer into his side. Your feel your cheeks heat up as you follow Steve to a booth by the window.
The time passes easily as you chat with your friends, catching up on the last week or so since you’ve seen each other. You all order burgers and a shitload of fries to share, you and Eddie splitting a chocolate milkshake with more whipped cream on top than you could ever imagine. Eddie playfully scoops some of the white fluff onto his index finger, waggling it at you to get you to lick it off. Hesitantly, you take his finger into your mouth, sucking the whipped sugar off, and your boyfriend wiggles his eyebrows at you as you do. Steve gives a low wolf whistle as Robin laughs.
“Okay, lovebirds, we get it!” She jokes, rolling her eyes playfully at the two of you.
You give her a small smile, but you honestly feel like sliding down under the table to hide. Their attention feels weird, the awkwardness bubbling back up in your throat. Thankfully, the conversation shifts and Eddie’s antics are forgotten.
But with Eddie, the antics are never really over. Throughout the remainder of your outing he’s gripping your thigh, wrapping his arms around you, squeezing the skin of your hips, even slinking his fingers under you to attempt to grab your ass yet again, which warrants a yelp from you as you slap him lightly on the arm. The goosebumps that form on your skin under his touch and the heat that rises between your thighs bring you to a realization, then. You like how Eddie touches you, but you simply find it hard to lean into the way you like it, the way you crave it. You feel awkward because you want more from him, and it makes you a little uncomfortable to have these kinds of thoughts about your original best friend, in front of your other best friends. You’re having totally filthy thoughts about Eddie, and it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that this is going to be a normal thing.
On the drive home, Eddie can tell that you’re tense. He snakes a hand over to your thigh, resting mere inches away from the spot where you desperately want his hands to be. When you slightly flinch under his touch, he cocks an eyebrow at you.
“Babe, is something wrong? Do you not like when I touch you? I can stop, shit, we can take this slower if that’s what you want…” he’s rambling slightly, nervous. He so badly wants to get it right with you.
“No, Eddie, it’s not that. I promise,” you reassure him, squeezing his hand. “It’s just, I- I’m so not used to you touching me like this. I’m not used to wanting to be touched like this by you. I need more, Eddie. And it feels awkward still, and I can’t shake it,” you blurt out all at once, rushing the words.
Eddie’s gaze softens, looking from the road, to you, and back to the road.
“You need more, baby?” he’s smirking now, and you’re not sure if you like it.
You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. “What’re you grinning like that for, Munson?”
“No reason, doll. Just that I think I can make this all a lotttttt less awkward for you.”
You tilt your head in question, but he says nothing the remainder of the drive back to his trailer. When you get inside, Eddie’s quick to shut the door behind you, throwing his keys on the table. He cups your face in his hands and kisses you, passionate as ever. You melt into his touch, your stomach doing flips. He grabs your hand and pulls you towards the sofa, letting you sink down into the worn cushions.
“Eddie, c’mon, what’s in that head of yours?” you urge him to say something, let you know what’s on his mind.
“Lean back for me, sweet thing,” he coaxes you so you’re sitting with your back against one armrest of the couch, your legs stretched out across the cushions.
Eddie sits beside you, lifting your legs up and over his lap, spreading them slightly. He turns to face you, hovering over you before he’s pressing more kisses to your lips, his tongue prodding at your bottom lip slightly. You open for him, letting his tongue slide over your own, fully sinking into him and allowing him to take control. Eddie’s hands run up and down the sides of your body, making you shiver.
“E-Eddie,” your voice is a whisper as you say his name, but he cuts you off.
“It’s okay, sweet girl. I know you want more, it’s okay. You’re safe with me,” the backs of his knuckles run over your cheek gently, soothing you.
He hooks his fingers through the belt loops on your jeans, looking up at you, a silent prompt for your consent to remove the clothing. You swallow a lump in your throat that you didn’t realize was there, nodding at him slowly. You want his hands on you so bad, need his hands all over your body, but you’re so embarrassed to ask for it.
Eddie pulls your jeans off your legs in one swift motion, exposing you to him a bit more, now only concealed by your underwear. He’s soft with his touches, starting by reaching up under your shirt, under your bra, until he finds your breasts. Squeezing the flesh, rolling your nipples between two fingers, making your breath hitch. He works his way down, lightly caressing your sides, squeezing your hips and thighs, making you mewl softly for him.
“You want this, baby? Want me to touch you?” Eddie purrs, big eyes gazing at you intently.
“Yeah, Eddie. Please,” you take a deep breath, relaxing your nerves.
Eddie lightly runs his thumb over your clit through the soft cotton of your underwear, and your hips involuntarily buck up ever so slightly. Your cheeks flush, and he leans over to kiss you once more, reassuring you that he’ll take care of you.
He continues to kiss you, lips never leaving yours as he slides the fabric of your panties to one side, a finger slightly breaching your entrance. You tense up for a moment, before ultimately relaxing into his touch as he pushes his finger further inside of you.
“That’s my girl,” Eddie coos, finger sliding in and out of you slowly. “Doesn’t it feel so good, baby?”
You nod instantly, grasping for purchase on his shoulder with one hand, digging your nails into his sweatshirt. Eddie adds another finger, gauging your reaction as he does. You throw your head back, moaning softly for him, which only encourages him to keep going. His two fingers curl expertly inside your gooey walls, the heat from your cunt engulfing his digits. And that’s how you spend the next half hour, Eddie teasing you, drawing out orgasm after orgasm as he fucks you with his thick fingers. The awkwardness you once felt fades away the longer he’s inside you, the more orgasms he pulls from you. He’s gentle with you, taking care not to hurt you, or do something to scare you away. Doing everything he can to make sure you feel comfortable under his touch, that you feel comfortable wanting him.
When you finally decide you’ve had enough, Eddie turns on the shower for the two of you, holding your body to his chest under the warm water. Calloused fingers running along your whole body, and finally, finally, you let yourself give into him without a second thought. No hesitation. You find your own hands roaming his body, wrapping around his neck, running your fingertips down his chest, tickling the trail of dark hair that travels below his belly button. This is a turning point for you, you’re ready to sink fully into the bliss that is falling in love with your best friend. You allow yourself to be comfortable touching him, allow yourself to crave him, to ask for more. And he’ll give you everything you ever want for the rest of his days.
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haykawas · 7 months
he hides it well behind a broad smile and silly jokes, but you don’t think you’ve ever met anyone who cares as much as satoru does.
you notice it in the little things. by the way he runs his fingers over your bare skin and soothes you when you feel stressed, always listening so intently when you need to rant. you notice it in the way he speaks fondly of his students after hours, praising their small accomplishments every chance he gets, asking your advice on where to take them out to dinner to reward them for their hard work, his eyes focused on you as he scribbles his ideas on a little post-it note. you notice it in the way he always seems to be a little wary when he tells you to ‘text him once you’re home’ yet again, while you laugh and wave him off with a “yes, dad!”.
it sometimes makes you laugh that people often think of him as some kind of red flag, even though he may be the greenest of you all. you know it’s not out of ill will, really, that he gives that impression because he’s loud, loves himself a little too much, and was a little too spoiled growing up.
but as you see him perched up on a tree, spying on megumi to make sure he gets home safely in the dark of night, you can’t help but snort.
yeah, you don’t think you’ll ever meet someone who cares as much as he does.
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 11 months
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not stopping till we're dead idc, and the hat stays on during as well. like hello??? what the fuck, how does he look so beautiful?? im sobbing.
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certifiablyinsanez · 8 months
I just like the idea that Crowley uses the word “marvelous” to describe things related to Aziraphale as a sweet nod to his whole Fell the Marvelous act.
Like imagine their first real kiss. It’s private, passionate, and slow. They pull away and a bit of doubt creeps in for Aziraphale. He’s read all about this in his books, and seen humans do it for ages. But did he do it right? He doubts Crowley has kissed anyone else, but what if he has? Is he as good?
“Was that okay?” He whispers against his demon’s lips. Crowley embraces him tighter.
“It’s marvelous, angel.”
Or, OR BEAR WITH ME NOW, time has passed and they’ve had many kisses. Aziraphale is feeling like teasing a little bit and tries to include some type of magic in the kiss. A new trick he’s been practicing, hoping to get just right. And he does, because his magic tricks are never better when it matters most. Crowley hums pleasantly.
“Fell the Marvelous indeed.”
Aziraphale has his mustache drawn on and Crowley kisses it all over, teasingly, until he extracts a [SCRUMPTIOUS] begging whine from the angel where he finally kisses his wanting lips.
Aziraphale is wearing his little cape and Crowley pulls the hood up and uses it to pull him in, shielding their stolen kisses from sight.
Crowley asks Aziraphale to show him how he did the bullet-in-the-mouth part of the trick. Aziraphale does, when Crowley bites the bullet and puts it into his mouth and asks Aziraphale to show him again.
Better yet we can switch out these “ors” for “ands” 😏
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wormdebut · 6 months
67 if the steddies is still open!!!
HELLO THERE! Hi! Sorry this took a second, but it is here. And it certainly is something. #67 on my Spotify Wrapped is Judas by Lady Gaga The following blurb is rated a Hard M/Soft E. There is religious fuckery, daddy kink, hand kink, and spit. (Isn't there always with me?) Anywhozle, minors DNI. Everyone else, Enjoy.
Eddie loves Sundays. Sundays are great. He has time to lay down a few new guitar tracks, he gets high at noon, lounges around his house in his boxers. Sundays are great. Lately, Eddie gets something better than all of that though.
He gets Steve Harrington, pent up and in his Sunday best.
Eddie fucking loves Sundays.
He checks his watch, 12:15. Lovely. Steve should be here any--Eddie smiles to himself when he hears the soft knock at his front door. His soft boy.
Eddie waltzes over, pulling the front door open and Steve's eyes--big and wide--meet his own.
"Hi." Steve breathes as his eyes run up and down Eddie's shirtless tattooed chest. Eddie holds back a laugh, but can't stop the smirk when Steve's eyes go wider when he drags his gaze over Eddie's half hard cock in his boxer--He was tracking a bad ass song. So he got a little excited. Kill him. Steve's eyes snap back up to Eddie's.
He has a staring problem, Eddie's boy does. Eddie grabs him by the waist, Steve letting out a soft hum as Eddie pulls him inside. Sweet little thing.
"Hi baby boy." He says before pulling Steve in for a kiss. It's not even anything, a quick thing. Eddie has done much worse to his baby, but Steve whimpers. Melts into it.
So, church was rough today then.
Eddie can work with this.
He deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue into Steve's soft mouth, past his pink lips. Steve's lets out a noise between a sigh and a moan. Whines when Eddie pulls away, chasing after his lips.
Eddie leans back, grabbing Steve's face. Steve leans into his hand, hums. Eddie runs his finger over his cheekbone, delighting in the red blush running over his pretty face. He cocks his head, "Rough service?"
Steve shakes his head, still leaning into Eddie's touch. "D'wanna talk about it. Just want you." Steve jerks his head out of Eddie's hold and leans forward, trying for a kiss and Eddie clicks his tongue against his teeth, dropping his hold of Steve completely.
Eddie makes his way back to his sofa and Steve just stands by the door, eyes wide, frown wider. "I--Eds please." He breathes.
Eddie throws the strap of his guitar over his back and levels Steve with a sharp look. "Please what baby boy?"
"I--I need--" He stutters and Eddie raises an eyebrow. "I need you, daddy."
Oh. Steve only pulls that out when he's particularly down. Eddie tries his best not to smirk. His pretty baby will get what he needs, always does.
"I know you do, precious. But, I need to get this guitar tracking finished. So why don't you come over here and wait while I do?"
Eddie watches as Steve pouts. Perfect pink lip jutting out. Eddie sighs, "Stevie, you better put that bratty little lip away right now. You wanna be good, don't you?"
Steve straightens up and nods. Lets out a breathy "Yes."
Eddie smiles at that. "There's my good boy. C'mere, kneel in front of me. I want you to watch."
Steve is quick, doesn't even bother to take off his suit jacket as he rushes over. Eddie is quicker, throws a pillow down, before Steve can hurt himself on the damn hardwood.
"Jesus, baby." Eddie breathes. "Be nice to yourself."
Steve just kneels, eyes locked on Eddie's, doesn't speak. Doesn't want to. He is a man of little words on Sunday afternoons. His stupid fucking church ruse takes everything out of him.
Eddie hums, leaning forward to run a hand through Steve's hair, before he settles back into the sofa and hit the record button on his mac. This song is intense. Heavy guitar, he loses himself in it, like he is wont to do. Things couldn't be better for Eddie, he's got a successful music career and a fucking angel at his feet.
It's over before he knows it. He looks to Steve, still dutifully kneeling on his pillow. Eddie expects Steve's eyes to find his, like they always do, but Steve isn't looking for eye contact. He's looking at Eddie's hands. He watches as Steve's eyes track his fingers as he pulls off the guitar, sets it on the couch. Steve's eyes follow. Eddie smirks.
He snaps his fingers and that's what does it. Steve's eyes jerk up.
"Whatcha thinking about baby?" Eddie asks.
Steve just hums. "Your hands--fingers. Want 'em."
Eddie smirks, patting his lap, come here baby boy."
His boy scrambles up, quickly sitting in Eddie's lap, he leans forward for a kiss, which Eddie allows, before he leans back running his thumb across spit slicked lips. Steve's mouth drops open, tongue lolling out and Eddie--well.
Eddie pulls, forcing Steve's mouth to open wider and spits. Steve moans, but doesn't swallow. Knows not to.
"God, you are such a good boy." Eddie growls as he plunges to fingers into Steve's mouth, running them over his tongue, mixing his and Steve's spit. He pushes them back, into Steve's throat, "Swallow baby."
Steve groans as he swallows around the fingers in his mouth. Eddie can feel his cock through his dress pants. Today will be fun.
Eddie pulls his fingers out, watches as Steve's tries to lean forward, pull them back in. He taps at Steve's cheek, rubbing the spit up and down his pretty cheek.
Steve whimpers. "Oh my god."
Eddie laughs, darkly. "Mm no baby, God's not here."
Jesus is my virtue, and Judas is the demon I cling to.
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sp4ceqtown · 1 year
TikTok Trend - João Félix
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You had heard about the latest TikTok trend that was taking the internet by storm - "Putting a towel on the bed to see your boyfriend's reaction." You couldn't resist trying it out on your boyfriend, João Félix.
As you put the towel on the bed, João looked at you with a smirk on his face, clearly expecting something more. But you just smiled and said that you were just folding the towel.
João's disappointment was evident as he had been hoping for something more exciting. However, you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, João," you said, still chuckling. "But sometimes a towel is just a towel."
João shook his head, clearly still disappointed, but he couldn't help but smile at your playful teasing.
"Next time, maybe you'll surprise me," he said with a wink.
You couldn't wait to see what other TikTok trends you could try out on João, but for now, you were content with just teasing him with a simple towel.
Author's Note :
to be honest, i don't even know if this is a TikTok Trend 😭, i just saw it on my YouTube Shorts.. i wanna try it with different players but João was the first one that i wanted to write for! I hope you enjoy it<3 If you wanna see other players with this 'TikTok Trend', send me requests with the football player you want!<3
- Megi.
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bonefall · 8 months
oo snowkit becomes snowcarve?
He does!
In StarClan, you can use the names and appearance that you could have had, if you died young. It's very rare that you get permakits or permapprentices. I lifted from the COTC story about Smallstar and his siblings.
(Though, in BB those kits actually survive and it's MAPLESHADE’S kits who lead to the law on protecting children, Darkstar's Commandment, the Queen’s Rights. Smallstar is the leader of WindClan and xey're super chill. Xey own a lovely shawl.)
So Snowkit chooses to appear as Snowcarve, an Honor Title he would have earned for the creation of a full written Clan cat language, expanded from the simple glyphs. I'm not sure if he's a popular patron, but I do know that Bramble and Tawny invoke him sometimes.
Unfortunately though he's more invoked for general guidance by the two of them, not for possibilities like I think he'd like. He watches over them though, like a guardian angel. A lot of cats secretly have those.
I'm not sure who he follows around more often though. I think he LIKES following Tawny more because she's a better listener to his omens. But he feels like Bramble NEEDS him more, y'know?
Also notably, Snowcarve was technically their uncle, but the relationship is best described as "1st cousin." Rabnir in Clanmew, a familial role about somewhat distant but parallel growth, seen also with Brightpaw and Swiftpaw.
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