berryunho · 2 years
literally was just bawling uncontrollably for like 20 minutes bc im convinced everyone hates me and im annoying but then I remembered im on my period and instantly stopped crying and felt better. cannot DEAAAALLLLL BRO
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spencer-is-dead · 9 months
All my disorders coming together to create an obsession with a fictional man
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transbirdgirl · 3 months
Sometimes I forget not many people have my super human ability to remember people. I work with people I knew I Highschool and maybe interacted like once and I’ll see them and be like “Hey that’s so and so from Highschool.” And 100% guaranteed they have no clue who I am.
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cottagepunx · 10 months
i am just about to never talk to anyone again, i have almost no friends or life in person
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fluffycity · 2 years
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this is so fucking funny. what
you need horomones cause you're a transgender right?????????
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grimescum · 1 month
im coming off my period bare with me but im so jealous of integra sometimes (/j) . why does she get to have a sexy ass butler who calls her sir and does dverything she asks with the utmost importance and smiles at her always
i wish i could extinguish a cigarette on his tongue. stupid sexy butler. he still makes me emotional after all this time
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borgiatargaryen · 6 months
returned to my old stomping grounds and found out
the world moved on but i'm still fourteen
trying hard not to breaking down
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sunlitmcgee · 8 months
watching this video abt nekopara has made me feel a lot less worried about that one off bit of lore I put into hwhbh about different hybrid species having mating cycles coming off as creepy. if it ain't on the level as the Bell test, I think I'll be fine
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juice-enjoyer · 7 months
i know myhouse.wad is "so five months ago" but i feel like something i never really saw people talk about was the subtext of gender confusion in certain parts of the game. bathrooms are consistently dangerous places throughout the game, and when you go into the bathroom in the airport you go into the women's restroom, but when you come out, the sign has changed to the mens restroom. the pills you also pick up on the way out of the now-mens bathroom give a message that says "feelin' fine". i know a lot of people interpreted these as antidepressants or some kind of stimulant, but maybe they were meant to be horomones? make of that what you will but i personally think the character of the creator of the map was trans or gender questioning.
anyways sorry for myhouse.wad-posting, i'm not very eloquent lol. i just still think it's really cool, it's been one of my favorite games of this year.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
Being Their Friend Headcanons:
• you don't like someone? collectively, the guys don't like them either (even though they never met them, they all have beef with your 80 year old aunt susan)
• if you're a girl and you got your period while you're with them, expect mild panicking from raph and/or mikey cause how are you not dying??? (once it's explained, expect princess treatment)
• game night and movie nights on the weekends. monopoly is banned
• head pats and hair ruffles all. the. time.
• if you're short (under 5'5) expect to be the designated forearm rest
• if you wear makeup, expect lots of questions, like how does the eyelash device not pinch your eye?? and why can you remove your eyelashes???
• sleepovers are a thing and it will be a huge fight on who's bed you're gonna sleep in (spoiler: you always end up on the couch with mikey clonked out on the recliner)
• self defense training cause obviously
• leo tries his best not to parent you, but does it unintentionally. you're comfortable enough to call him out and he appreciates it. you end up parenting the guys together...a lot.
• mikey is your go to fun and cuddle buddy. it's not uncommon for you two to be seen playing video games or curled up watching some cartoon on the couch
• donnie and you bond over tv shows and you tend to gossip with him quite a bit. his sleep schedule is all messed up, so if you want to cause trouble at 2 am, he's definitely your guy
• raph is the brother you never wanted but always needed. very loyal but he can and will call you out on your bs. playful banter and stupid nicknames are strong.
• lord help you if you're sick/hurt and you say nothing. they will r i o t
• you cook for them (or bake...or bring them snacks if you do neither) all the time
• leo likes to have tea with you in the morning when you sleep over cause you're not a morning person so you keep quiet
• raph can and will bench press you randomly. you're reading? not anymore, you're now being used as a weight
• you want to find out if the girl who bullied you in elementary school is pregnant with her step dad's baby? donnie's on it
• you need a hug or someone to let you vent? mikey will get all the snacks and drinks galore, he's all yours until you feel better
• you make them watch the eras tour movie and you were shocked to know they all knew the words???
• splinter just kind of adopted you and you're now his child. congrats! you don't have to do the hashi, but instead have to do the guys' laundry when you act up
• they kiss your head all the time
• annoying little shits when you're mad..they'll tighten all the jars so you have no choice but to talk to them..or put everything on the top shelf
• you're a girl? congrats! the guys are now all hardcore feminists for you and april both
• you're in the lgbtq+ community? cool! you now have four attack dogs protecting you
• oh you're on horomone treatments or transitioning? leo reminds you take your supplements, raph will help you buff up if you want, donnie is making sure your transition is going smooth, and mikey is your number 1 hype man
• it's not uncommon to find one of them passed out on your couch
• it's also not uncommon to find them all in your apartment eating take out when you get home from work
• you suffer from a mental illness such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc? prepare to have 4 mother hens watching you closely at all times
• 'i love yous' are not uncommon
• overall, they would make the coolest and bestest friends
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
could i request headcanons of tom wambsgans taking care of his s/o on their period? gender neutral term-wise if u can pls
hi anon!!! thank you for requesting <3 I love Tom so much akdjkwkdkf
I love you enjoy xx let me know what you think!!
on your period (tom wambsgans)
ᝰ if there’s one thing we know about mr. wambsgans is that he’s well read
ᝰ so when you start complaining about your cramps or you’re upset you stained a pair of pants he’s literally on it
ᝰ “let’s go for a walk before you start cramping. that’ll make it not as bad,” he says every single time
ᝰ he has a secret stash of chocolate just so he can treat you when you’re on your period
ᝰ has the exact name brand and type of menstrual product you wear memorized
ᝰ doesn’t even ask you if you need new ones
ᝰ he just knows and has them put in the cabinets on your side of the sink
ᝰ if you text him at work caught off guard by an early period? flowers and your favorite period craving on your desk within the hour
ᝰ if you’re cramping particularly badly, he literally won’t let you get out of bed
ᝰ he makes sure you don’t let go of your heating pad
ᝰ he makes breakfast, lunch, dinner, whatever it is that day (as opposed to your alternating days of cooking)
ᝰ and then the two of you cuddle and watch tv until it’s not hurting anymore
ᝰ kisses all over your face 24/7
ᝰ like he never lets go of you
ᝰ he strokes your hair, gives you massages when you ask, rubs knots out of your back
ᝰ if your hair is long enough, he’ll even ask you to help him learn how to braid
ᝰ after you teach him, it becomes tradition during your cramp cuddles for him to braid your hair back
ᝰ and if it’s so bad for you that you’re throwing up, he’s sat next to you on the floor holding your hair back and stroking you soothingly
ᝰ he doesn’t ever want you in pain or uncomfortable
ᝰ he wishes so desperately to be able to take your pain away from you
ᝰ when you’re curled up together in bed, sometimes he just stares at you with that look on his face
ᝰ his eyes all lovey dovey and a stupid grin on his face while he strokes your forehead
ᝰ if you have chronic illness regarding your reproductive health, like pcos or endometriosis, he’s your biggest advocate
ᝰ when doctors don’t listen to you speak it’s like this passive-agressive-off between him and the doctor
ᝰ and tom’s just standing there holding your hand while he says something about how ‘doctors like you get people killed and people like me kill people who kill people’
ᝰ you don’t really know what that means
ᝰ it’s kinda contradicting
ᝰ but it’s cute he stands up for you in his own weird way
ᝰ he helps you keep tabs on any meds you have to take
ᝰ whether it’s just painkillers or birth control for horomones
ᝰ at the end of the day, you know if you need anything ever, you can go to him
ᝰ he never makes it weird when you talk to him about your period
ᝰ and you’re both firm believes that it shouldn’t be weird- between the two of you or anyone else
ᝰ he’d move heaven and earth for you
ᝰ and he makes sure you know it
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
After finally agreeing to go on a Date with Jaune how would Weiss react to discovering Jaune is FtM.
Weiss: You know, when someone agrees to a date, it's generally bad form to show up late.
Jaune: *Panting* I know! I ... I know ... *Huff* The pharmacy just got Nora's ADHD meds and my T in.
Weiss: *In Disbelief* A doctor prescribed you with "Tea?"
Jaune: T as in testosterone, not Oolong or Earl grey- Not a drink.
Weiss: The horomone?
Jaune: Yeah, as part of my Horomonal Replacement therapy.
Weiss: What's that?
Jaune: Well, I was born in a girl's body and it made me uncomfortable. I talked to my doctor about it, and got a prescription. HRT makes it so that I look and sound more in line with my Gender Identity. I'm a guy, despite how I was born with a Estrogen heavy endocrine system. The Testosterone is taking the estrogen's place to be more like a male-born body.
Weiss: Huh ... I believe I heard something like that before.
Weiss: One of the families in Atlas, the Marigolds- Henry, who's really not a fun guy to be around, talked about how his "Brother" dressed like a girl and acted like one too. I never met her, but I know she calls- I know her name is May. I just don't have much ... you know ... experience? knowledge about it?
Jaune: That's fine, you've been way better with this information than a lot of other people.
Weiss: If it's not too personal, what do you ...
Jaune: I have had top surgery, so I have very little breast tissue in my chest, and I have not had bottom surgery - I probably won't until we graduate Beacon because I don't want to miss anything due to recovery time.
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onestormeynight · 7 months
The First Fight
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Ricardo was spending the weekend with Penelope. They had managed to get Rosalie down with a fair amount of ease and were spending some quality time together while they could.
"Hey, Pen?" He asked.
"Shhhhh, hold on, I'm doing some of my best work here."
"No, we need to talk about something, it's been eating at me."
With a heavy sigh and uncomfortable loins, Penelope pulled herself away from him and cleared her horomone riddled head. He didn't look pleased. She bit her lip and twisted her hand around her wrist.
"Okay, Ricky. What's up?"
"When are you moving home?"
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Penelope rubbed her forehead. Not this again. He had brought it up several times over the last few months and she'd done her best to skirt the question. Maybe being direct with him would have been better but she had hoped he'd just take the hint. She had hoped he knew her well enough to know she was home. She had hope he would just drop it already.
"You cannot possibly think you can stay out here forever, Pen." Ricardo's voice was starting to pick up emotion, intensity. He was positively simmering. "You barely have electricity. You don't have a real bathroom. For God's sake, Pen, Rosie doesn't even have her own room!"
"Yeah, well, I didn't exactly come with a lot of money when I was fleeing the Harpers, Ricky! I had to start somewhere! Do you know what I'm making off my flowers? I've been saving everything I can. I'm so close to being able to afford a proper house here, you just have to have patience with me. We're going to have a wonderful home!"
"You think I'm going to move out to the middle of nowhere? I never agreed to live out here in the boonies!"
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Penny just stared at him in astonishment. Maybe he wasn't the only one who was assuming things they shouldn't have.
"You...you don't want to live here with us?"
"I do want to live with you, both of you. In civilization. Not in the middle of absolute nowhere. My parents have been robbed of their grandchild, Pen! Did you even think of that? You were so busy trying to rob your own parents of their grandchild, you didn't stop to think you did the same thing to mine! My parents have always loved you, Pen, how could you continue to cut them out?"
"Well, I mean, they didn't love me when they found out I was pregnant."
"Who was happy with the situation!?"
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How did this happen? Penelope thought. We were having such a good day, how did we start fighting?
Ricardo was huffing in his anger, staring at her.
"You owe it to them, to me, Pen. You have to move back."
"........I think you should leave, Ricky."
Ending Credits: "u turn me on (but u give me depression)" - LØLØ
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((The Soundtrack))
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hanniiesuckle17 · 6 months
Hey guys I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in….quite awhile. I know I said a new series was coming soon. I’ve been battling some real intense depression which I’ve done before and always been able to write, but somehow I just can’t bring myself to do anything I like anymore.
Don’t worry about me. Im talking to my therapist and getting help from my doctor. The boy is being more supportive and helpful than I could have ever imagined or dreamed and shockingly so is my mother.
But until I can get all this chemical horomone shit under control I’m officially putting the hanniiesuckle account on hiatus. It’s not fair to you guys especially those who were really excited about the new Seungmin/Jisung series : Cue Lights, or any of my regular readers or new readers.
I may come back occasionally to read or check up on tags but I probably won’t be responding to a lot of dms or asks. Mooties who have my number can contact me there and mooties who don’t are welcome to ask bc I love y’all.
I love you all so much. I hope to see you again sooner than later💛
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oot-the-clown · 3 months
im so tired of all of my negative emotions being chalked up to horomones because im a teenage afab person. Whether horomone induced or not, they're still very real feelings. I shouldn't be talked down to and invalidated whenever i have a bad day.
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So is Donnie's mating season ruts the reason why they have 7+ kids? xD that note, did they, like, know she could get pregnant from him or was it a surprise?
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LMAO I mean... Depends on who you ask. 😂
Some of the kids were planned (Jeremiah, David, and Galileo) but the rest were little bundles of surprises for Tams and Don, so the times Donnie was going through the feelings of the seasons, there's a very likely chance that the reason they have as many kids as they do is purely on his instinct to breed once a year.
Of course if you ask Donnie he'd immediately go on an embarrassed ramble about how their children were merely surprise at random from extremely private and personal nights with his wife ["W-which you have no reason to bring up with me mind you!"-Donnie probably] And not because he was acting, as Tamsin would put it: 'A wild, walking talking horomone.'
And to answer the question of if they new they were able to have kids... Kind of?
I mean, before Karai and the rest of the babies were born, Donnie knew it was probably a likely chance he and Tams could have children given his reproductive system wasn't too different from a normal human, he had human genes. What he was a little unsure of how the child would be born or how they would look- if it would work like a mammal/human birth or reptilian birth (thank HEAVENS that isn't how it turned out) But that question was answered later on.
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