psykopaths · 4 months
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Californication, (2007-2014)
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jekyllnahyena · 22 days
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another Bacara after sparring and a little headcanon featuring a very tired Cody and Fox
(I also like to think that if you pissed off Alpha, he'd make you fight against Bacara. Ponds and Gree are like the two people that aren't somewhat terrified of her)
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ne0nthc · 14 days
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frnkiebby · 5 months
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blood in the bayou would make SUUUCh a great campy horror movie, its real in my heart, so real.....
#jrwi bitb#jrwi bitb spoilers#jrwi fanart#cw blood#cw gore#cw body horror#EHEHEE YKNOW WHAT I LOVE ABT POSTING ART ON TUMBLR....#I GET TO TAAALK N TALK N TALK YIPPEEE I LOVE TALKIN ABOUT MY ART!! espeeecially WHEN I THINK ALOT ABT IT#SO this is older. i actually drew this right around the time episode 2 came out. but i WAS kinda stupid slow about it#SOO its a lil old and i dont remember aaall the immediate feelings i had about this episode#OHH MY GOD THIS WAS THE EP WHERE THEY FOUND OUT WHAT THE MAP LOOKS LIKE RIGHT???#DUDE I REMEMBER BEING SO GENUINELY FUCKIN C A U G H T BY THAT LIKE WHAT??? WHAT??? IT LOOKS LIKE A WHUT??? HUHN???? NHU????????#OOH ohoh okay okay THE BARRIER right. have yall ever seen annihilation? that kickass movie with that weird dimension? just look it up#in the movie theres a Wall that separates them from the fucked up dimension. its glossy and strange just like a bubble. SOUND FAMILIAR HMMM#THATS what i imagine the wall looked like. gotta draw that at somepoint. i also used that texture for the background color. do ya see it?#i remember when i was first watching it. i thought that maybe it was actually worse outside#like they finally get past the barrier and its the same everywhere else. like the entire earth is already taken.sighh....#CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE KIAN STONE BTW. AINT NO ONE ELSE HAD THER DICK OUT AS MUCH AS THIS KING. HONESTLY IM A KIAN APOLOGIST#KIAN STONE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG EVER. HE FOLLOWS HIS HEART AND THE MUSIC DUUUDEE!!!!! HIS HEART AND THE MUSIC ARE ONE DUUUUDEEE!!!!#ILL HAVE MORE THINGS TO SCREAM ABT KIAN WHEN I POST MY EP 3 DOODLE PAGE. OKAY. IM NOT SOBBING LOUDLY. I LOVE N SUPPORT KIAN#AND RAAAND oh raaaand he loves his momma.... n his momma loves him.... hes suuuuch a sad lil disaster of a man....#i wanna nurse him back to health like an injured little animal#wtf who said that#anyway ROLAN MY SMARTEST BOY IN THE WORLD#I remember listening to the first episode (right at midnight as i was sleeping) n thinkin#dawww rolans so baby :)) hes so baby girl n small and pathetic#and then i saw the official art of him n im like NO WAY#HE LOOKS WAY TOO COOL IN THAT how could this little man ever be that cool AND BOOY DOES IT PROVE ME WRONG. HOLY SHIT. ROLAN. BEAST OF A MAN#OKAAYAY teehee ill share more thoughts later. if u read this far tell me ALL ur thoughts abt bitb ep 2#kk bye guys ill see u within the next rotatiion mwah mwah love u guys baaaiiiii. please survive for me.
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emblazons · 1 year
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Taking a break from my lil International Women's Day gifset to talk about how I have so many thoughts about this moment I'm finding it hard to articulate them...and I know its because this is the moment that holds the key to understanding Nancy as a character across the entirety of the narrative of this show.
I'm thinking about how this is one of the first moments we hear what Nancy's relationship is to the core themes of "forced conformity" that gets pulled on in season 4—and how we learn that her primary battle is between desiring more for herself and her relationships and complacency, because she doesn't want the life her mother has (which she told Jonathan the scene before this one) but also still feels comfortable in the space that middle class suburbia allots her as an attractive and intelligent young woman.
Thinking about the way it's Jonathan who pulls on this war within her, and is the one who encourages her to step outside of what is easy and into what she wants—and how a lot of the reason we see her regress in S4 is because Jonathan isn't there to challenge the "easy way" that comes naturally to her, even though its not necessarily what she desires...in much the same way her brother is influenced by Will to challenge his own sense of "what he wants."
Thinking about how, no matter how the show ends for Jancy, Nancy will never end up with Steve because he has always represented caving to "normalcy" and social order complacency—even to the point where he talks about being "normal" in much the way Finn talks about Mike trying to be, which anyone who understands the themes of the show (aka championing the outcasts & weirdos) knows is not the winning hand in Stranger Things.
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Thinking about how the only reason we even had a Steve revival was to bring Nancy to her own "narrative low" we saw for every character in Season 4, where she falls back into the comfortable familiarity of Steve because its easy and familiar (much like her home life)...and about how Nancy is currently at the crux of deciding whether or not her pursuit of more for herself as a woman and her relationships is just a phase or something inherent to her.
Thinking about how Nancy is a fascinating character because she, even moreso than Mike, has every single bit of what would make it easy to cave to what is "normal" in her world—and is now being presented with the choice between leaving the "phase" of rebellion with Jonathan to get with that one-time jock who wants 6 nuggets and a Winnebago...or pushing forward with someone who its not as easy to do life with, but who embraces and challenges the part of her that wants more.
....I just. These goddamn Wheelers and their ongoing battle with the familiarity of "normalcy" (and the Byers who always ends up challenging them enough to get them out of it) are killing me. Even down to the way both of them "backslid" in S4 to hit the "you feel like you lost" feeling with the PARALLEL MONOLOGUES of love confessions...only to end up standing next to their true love interest / the one who aligns with their (correctly) fulfilled characters in the end oh be serious
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Today I found out that some people genuinely believe artificial food dyes cause adhd and cancer??? How do you come to that conclusion. 99% of the junk food we eat has artificial food dyes and last I checked most people who eat a lot of junk food don’t have cancer??? Or adhd????
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scrawnytreedemon · 9 months
I want to finish ALBW before I go talking about it... And I want to try and 100% it before then.
I have two heartpieces left.
One I have no idea where the fuck it's supposed to be,
And the other one is Octoball Derby.
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Me as I catch up on the latest chapters of for the nights and days of life writing essay length comments about how Tsantu should have gotten the death penalty actually and cancel culture isn't going far enough and how can he be an ambassador when if he was on Earth after this he wouldn't be allowed within 300 feet of schools.
@mochalottie I now have a bone to pick with u and I've gotten carried away. These are not the notes these are bonus notes of melatonin fueled incredulity.
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
kinktober: hellcheer edition
prompt 19: brat tamer eddie word count: 1.9k
holy shit this might be my favorite one so far i
Eddie loves everything about Chrissy. He loves her soft hair, her fragile smile, the way her laugh sounds like a symphony he never wants to forget. He loves her wit, her kindness, her big doe eyes, how she gets embarrassed if she even so much as burps in front of him. ("Ooh, good one!" "Ugh, no, Eddie.")
He loves her excitement over finishing a hard assignment or finally mastering a difficult D&D concept, and the way she melts like putty in his hands when they mess around. He repeats this list in his head because at the moment, he's trying not to be angry.
Because at the moment, they’re studying for finals.
And of course it’s content from Ms. O’Donnell’s class that’s tripping him up, as if they haven’t been over this several times before. But it’s the huffing that’s getting to him, the little burst of air as she loses more patience, and he knows she’s stressed but come on. Eventually he gets up to pace, trying to remember the difference between electrons and protons and covalent bonds and all that shit, shaking his head because it’s just not sticking. He stops, hazards a guess.
After a long pause. “Ionic.”
She flips the flash card over. “Yep.” It’s the biggest smile he’s seen on her face all day. “See, I knew you–Eddie, where are you going?”
He’s halfway down the hallway as she asks, and his hands are shaking with nervous energy from being idle too long. He grabs his acoustic off the stand, already feeling calmer with the first strummed chord as he returns to the living room. “Eddie?”
“What? Keep going without me.”
“We have, like, twenty more flashcards to cover.”
“I think I’ve got it.”
“You think?” She’s up from the table, taking a few steps closer. “Eddie, this is your last chance. Then you have to take the GED if you fail.”
“It’s probably easier than this,” he chuckles wryly, starting in on the first chords of War Pigs as he lands on the couch.
She could spend the next ten minutes trying uselessly to convince him otherwise, or she could use that time to study for herself. She chooses the latter. He hoped she would, but not with a huff. He shakes it off, continuing the song.
It’s been a while, and he’s lost track of time, but it’s at least the third song he’s played when her hands slap the table. She says nothing, simply gathers all her papers and notes and goes to his room, somehow perfectly shutting the door hard but not hard enough to call it a slam. He realizes that’s probably a product of her upbringing, and yet his hands still tremble.
Eddie tries to keep playing, to just let her do what she needs to, but it’s nagging him like a mosquito because she knows. She knows she can talk to him about anything, and she’s choosing not to. He knows that for sure because he asked her what was wrong on about the first ten huffs. He considers bringing the guitar, but if she huffs one more time, and especially about music…
He knocks on the door, standing outside for a second before remembering, Jesus Christ, it’s his house. Opening the door slowly, he sees her lying the length of his bed, fingers pressed into her temples.
“Need anything?” Huff. “What is that?!”
She looks up at him, slightly startled by the increase in volume, and it wasn’t a yell but it was somewhere close. “What’s what?”
He imitates the huff. “That!”
“I…I’m trying to concentrate, Eddie.”
He lowers his voice, swallowing before he replies. “You were the one who wanted to come over.”
“Because I thought you were still taking all this seriously.”
“I am but, Chrissy, you’ve been at this for three hours straight. That can’t be healthy.”
She sits up, anxiety creasing her forehead. “You don’t understand, I have to pass.”
“Have you ever even come close to failing before?”
“No, but–”
“Exactly! You need a break!”
She growls as she turns back to her books, thinking of how this is exactly why she doesn’t study at friends’ houses. “Don’t tell me what to do, Eddie.”
He makes a few non-rude hand gestures to calm himself, before steepling them in front of his nose. Apparently, it’s one of those days where he’s willing to gamble with his very life. “Chrissy…who’s the master here?”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, my God, that’s only when we’re in bed.”
He has to work to keep from laughing. “And where are you laying now?”
She gives him a withering look, grabbing the pile of flashcards and standing to walk past him out of the room. He doesn’t move. She tries to go around him and he blocks her. “Eddie, seriously?”
Her face gets redder as his smile gets wider and he knows he’s got her. She starts pushing on his chest, grunting with frustration. “Ah-ha!” She drops to the floor quickly, thinking she can crawl between his legs. It’s exactly what he wanted.
He sinks to his knees, pinning her waist to the floor with his hands and she yelps. “What are you doing?!”
“You’ve been misbehaving all day, and I’ve had just about enough of it, Chrissy,” he says mischievously, rubbing one hand over her ass.
“Are you serious right now?” she repeats with a gasp.
“You know the word.”
“Oh, for fu–at least let me up off the carpet.” She’s wriggling in his hands and he’s already getting hard.
“I’m afraid I’m gonna have to punish you first.”
Her pussy clenches a little as his hand dips below the waistband of her shorts, pushing them down to the tops of her thighs. “Eddie,” she whines.
“It’s too late for that, I’m afraid,” he says dramatically, and she sees the shadow of his arm as he rears back. “The hand is your only absolution.”
Her eyes widen. “I’m pretty sure that’s blasphem–oh!” His hand comes down with a crack across one butt cheek, following closely with the other, rubbing the supple pink skin. The shockwaves go directly to her clit, and she can’t hide the groans and pants as he continues. “You’re a damn sadist, you know that?”
“I’m the sadist?” he asks, shifting so he can turn her over on her back. “You’re the one being bratty in such tiny shorts, sweetheart.” He holds out a hand, and she chuckles and shakes her head as she accepts it. But instead of helping her up, he dives for her waist, snatching her off the floor and over his shoulder.
“Oh, my God!” she yells, slapping at his back as he lets loose a goofy evil laugh. “Put me down, you barbarian!”
“Ooh, haven’t heard that one in a while!” He tosses her onto the clear side of the bed, tongue half sticking out as he smiles, removing his shirt.
“You’re incorrigible,” she breathes as he settles over her.
His brow furrows. “Damn, all these big words, when did we move on from science to english, missy?” She laughs as he kisses her, breaking contact only when he’s got a fistful of her hair to tug on, exposing her neck to his lips.
“Eddie, I really have to study.”
“Nope, this is break time.” Her eyes cross a little as he rolls his groin into hers, rubbing at her clit. “Wanna make you feel good first.”
“I thought I was being punished,” she counters somewhat mockingly, so he tugs harder to make her squeal.
“You are, just give me a minute, Christ,” he groans, and she laughs. “Oh, you’re laughing at me now? When will you learn?”
She shrugs, pulling her shirt up. “Guess you’re just not being rough enough.”
He helps her remove it, kneads her breasts in his hands before slapping one. She slaps his arm with an offended scoff, instantly gasping at that fatal mistake. His face is blank but his eyes dance as he side-eyes her, narrowing them when she giggles. “Oops.”
“Okay, that’s it,” he says simply, grabbing both wrists and pinning them above her head with one hand. And yet, she’s still laughing. “Chrissy, seriously, what the fuck has gotten into you today?”
She can tell he’s actually annoyed, but she can’t stop laughing. “I don’t know, I guess nothing matters. I mean, if I don’t pass, I’m dead. My future’s over and who knows what my mom will do because I’ve never failed before. And if you don’t pass, we don’t get to graduate together and you’ll be stuck even longer in this town and I know you hate it here, and if you fail it’ll be my fault. So it’s like…nothing matters until those tests are over.”
By the end, no one’s laughing. Her words trail off at the serious expression on his face, and she looks off to the side but he grabs her chin, so she closes her eyes.
“You know none of that’s true, right?" he asks softly. "Hey.” She opens her eyes with a sigh, her stomach flipping as he tucks her hair behind her ear. “Chrissy, I’ve always had trouble with school, and you’re not the first person to try and help me.” He pauses. “You have been the most successful though.” His smile makes the corners of her lips turn up, but there’s still a tinge of sadness. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine no matter what. And you? You’re not gonna fail, baby.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because if you don’t have the contents of those books fucking memorized after today, I’ll be amazed,” he says, ending on a laugh as she chuckles. She leans into his touch as he caresses her cheek. “Everything will turn out. Okay?”
She nods. “Okay.”
“And if your mom tries anything, you know you’re always welcome to stay here.” He leans up, her chest aching at the loss of contact as he grabs his shirt. He’s about to say more until he notices her dainty fingers on his belt buckle, looks up to see the longing in her eyes.
“Aren’t you gonna finish me off?”
Her little voice goes straight to his dick and he dives back down to her, claiming her mouth as they work to remove her shorts. They’re still kissing as he shoves his jeans and boxers down, rolls on the condom, and she lines him up herself as he sinks inside her. She gasps at the small pinch of pain and he lets her adjust, pressing her down into the mattress to lay flat.
He fucks her thoroughly, and she moans loudly as he rolls his hips again until she comes, wailing. He turns her on her side, slides back in as if his life depends on it, her hand resting over his on her hip as he pounds her. Her toes curl as he pulls out again, pulling her to her hands and knees and taking her from behind.
He holds her by her arms for a bit but it’s not enough, pulling her up off the mattress, one hand tweaking a nipple as the other rubs her clit and she whimpers his name. “I know, babygirl, I know. One more.”
She comes clenching around him, and he lowers her hips as he keeps going. He works her on his cock, pulling her back to meet each thrust as they both scream. They fall to the mattress as he climaxes, pressing into her as she milks him, making him whine as he kisses between her shoulder blades.
Once he’s recovered, Eddie gets up and walks to the bedroom door, her confusion replaced with laughter as he returns with the flashcards she dropped there. He lays behind her as they review them, Chrissy relaxing into the curve of his body.
Like putty in his hands.
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too-tired-omg · 3 months
I just realised why I like the "impossible love" trope so much.
You see, when an "impossible love" is portrayed in media, its about two people that love each other so deep, so much, so hard. The circumstances are what makes it impossible for them to be together, but if it was for them... if it was for them everything would be so perfect.
If it was for them, they would live the happily ever after they've always dreamt of, either together or each on their own. They would kiss and smile out in broad daylight, hold hands, and enjoy the other's smile, their laugh, the sparkle in their eyes. And they would be in love the way they want to be in love.
But they can't. Because of the end of the world, a war, a family feaud, a promise, their duty, pure hate towards them... and it can't be. But they want it to be. It's not that there's no love. It's not that there's no desire or willingness or lack of fear or doubt. Is that there is something bigger than themselves that prevents them from showing it out loud.
And maybe it's terrible and I shouldn't wish for this but, I can't help but want a love where the reason it isn't happening is not because they don't love me or I don't love them, I don't wanna have any more one-sided love, I'm tired of it. I just would like an impossible love that isn't impossible because of us, but because of them.
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polaroidcats · 10 months
I just wrote a very long rant and deleted it again but!! if any of you EVER have even a tiny bit of imposter syndrome when it comes to academic writing I am very happy to inform you that you absolutely do not need any of that, because as I've witnessed countless times by now, even some professors (especially professors) do not know how to use citation software but will also refuse to put any bibliographic information into the WIP document, and instead rely on their asistant's psychic powers to figure out what needs to go into the bibliography of their texts.
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zagreusm · 9 months
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Cover art of a "planned"* rpg horror game based on the spanish folk tale "The giant's ring" (El Anillo del gigante) done for a class
*"planned" as in "I had to create a videogame idea and do a lot of material for it but Im not necessarilly working to develop it"
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fate-defiant · 2 years
A very fun feature of a Princess Tutu/TMA crossover is how much more hopefull it makes the TMA universe and how much more terrifying it makes Princess Tutu.
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tunasama13 · 1 year
Hey so if I post my self-indulgent angsty found family-ish fluff 5+1 Miguel fanfic that I’ll finish on the week the movie comes out and I immediately have to retcon it due to certain events in the film I’m going to
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neuxue · 2 years
《全球高考》: so you know that trope where the full and horrifying extent of a character's pain or injury is revealed, against or without their intent, to others?
Me: y...es?
《全球高考》: so, hypothetically speaking, if I were to present you with a scene in which a character whose defining trait is cold solitude is forced to relive every one of the many injuries they have ever experienced, and due to a strange twist of fortune, everyone else around them is forced to experience these injuries firsthand as well, and are either rendered utterly incapacitated or are horror-struck and then devastatingly gentle as they realise what's happening and therefore what this character has endured and never mentioned or shown... would you be interested?
Me, incoherent, clawing my face off with my fingernails and screaming quietly: yeah maybe why
《全球高考》: no :) reason :) just :) asking :)
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