lunaetis · 1 year
@maquiscursed asked :
Adepti needn't sleep - it is only on Lumine's insistence that the Vigilant Yaksha deigns to close his eyes for a semblance of rest. Adepti needn't sleep; but perhaps he has overestimated his ability to resist it, when no danger lurks, and the Traveller's luminous aura shines gently near him. As they sit and contemplate the views of Dihua Marsh, Xiao unwittingly drifts to sleep; his head tilting to the side, just barely resting upon her shoulder, teal-coloured hair a stark contrast against the white of her dress. Adepti needn't sleep, but in her company, it is a luxury too enticing to resist its comfortable call. (I saw you wanted soft so I send you a little soft)
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「荧」─  it wasn't the first time he told her adepti don't need sleep. the OUTLANDER had heard it not only from him, but from other adepti themselves how they do not require sleep the same way humans do. the traveler was far from human, even so, she did feel the need to rest her mind in slumber from time to time. perhaps, that was also why she insisted for the guardian yaksha to take a small rest with her. there weren't any need for them to be on alert. the air was peaceful, with the wind caressing each their skin and she sat there, offering him a starlit smile he had known her for while patting the empty area next to her.
                she could see a hint of hesitation upon his expression, but her smile remained. and eventually, he relented. the celestial traveler wondered if he spotted the way her smile became just a little wider when he seated himself next to her and closed his eyes. maybe he did, but he humored her anyway.
                gaze of GOLD took in the sight before her, the view that reminded them how precious this world is and how it was the land they swore to protect. him by the oath he had given, and her because this was his home.
                what about her home ?
                the thought crossed her mind momentarily, just before she could feel the small weight of the vigilant yaksha leaning towards her own. it was a peculiar sight, to see him allowing his guard to drop in such a way and while lumine wanted nothing more than to record this moment into picture, that temptation was swept aside in replacement of absorbing the moment in and out of itself. she could hear the faint sound of his breath, and catching a GLIMPSE of his sleeping expression from the side. the ANGLE itself didn't allow her to see proper without moving, and she certainly didn't want to wake him.
                one wouldn't believe that he who had deliberately pulled himself away from others would allow his presence to be so close with someone.
                quietly, the CELESTIAL reached her hand out, partially gloved digits finding his own before filling the gaps between their digits with each their own. the way her fingers fit so perfectly within his own caused amber hues to mellow incredibly. it felt WARM, his fingers, his hand, his palm. it felt right.
                finally, the TRAVELER allowed her head to tilt slightly, barely making a sound as her head rested over his own, being careful not to wake him up in the process. how the contrast of her golden locks seemed to cut through the dark emerald strands of his. some mixed together in a twirling sea of colors, before long lashes draped over her gaze, and her own breathing evened out.
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                their hearts SYNCHED, unconsciously so. the rhythm of two hearts fell into one, accompanied by a faint glow of gold that seemed to trace their backs. a translucent outline barely visible to the naked eye. an invisible bond known only to them, tied with a sort of red golden string at the end of their fingers. fated. bound.
                what about her home ?
                the inquiry popped into her half-conscious mind, slowly slipping into deeper slumber, and lumine ying unconsciously curled her fingers upon their connected hands a little tighter as her mind slowly drifted to sleep.
                her home is right here.
                after all, it's a person, not a place.
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apoloniaspiegelgold · 9 months
Feeling very soft again thinking about how he just got back to work after being sick and the first thing he does is to come to my office and ask me to tell him all about what happened to me in the week that he couldn't be here. So I say something like "my supervisor had the audacity to criticise my paper despite saying that he hasn't even really read it yet" and I had been actually quite mad about that, but then he goes "Oh, but that's what you want, isn't it? Someone criticising your work, someone fighting back a bit?" And I stopped and felt my anger disappear instantly and I thought ... actually yeah, you're right, why are you right? Why was I even mad? Why do you know better what I want than I do?
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numinous-scribe · 2 years
*cries in dead languages* the things that I do for fanfiction
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lovedaruma · 8 months
their spot ♥︎
sukuna x princess! reader
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ー in which you and sukuna meet when he unintentionally saves you and you continue to meet him everyday in the same spot.
fem! reader, heian era, grumpy x sunshine, reader is innocent and playful, fluff + short smut
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"Your Highness! Please don't go too far!" you hear your personal maid shout from the distance as you continue to run, laughing and waving her goodbye.
Any other princess wouldn't be allowed to go into the wilderness on her own, but as for Y/N, her family could not care less if she went missing the next morning.
You have already wandered through so many paths, yet there was still more to explore. You take a new route and stumble on an open area, seeing a hill in the distance and couldn't help but gawk at the beautiful area.
You cheerfully run towards the hill, taking a few breaths once you reached the top. From this height, you could see the beautiful view of the ocean, together with the breathtaking sunset. "Oh my..."
The sun continued to set as you watched from underneath the tree, sitting in a comfortable position. The comforting sounds of nature soon make you drift of to sleep.
A growl from the distance awakes you from your slumber. You jolt awake to see that the moon was already up in the sky. "Gosh, how many hours have passed?"
The sound of your voice summons another growl and you start to get nervous. You turn around and look down at the hill and see a big wolf that was twice your size, bright red eyes trying to scare you. However, you were too distracted at the sight of the furry animal.
"Oh my, It's a wolfy! Come boy, come!" you wave your hand, beckoning the wolf to come closer. It hesitates but slowly starts to approach you. "Here boy... I'm nice, I swear!"
The wolf is now in front of you sniffing your leg, you bring your hand to his neck and started scratching. "Aren't you a cutie~ I'm gonna name you-"
Your words were cut off as you watch the wolf get sliced in half, the blood splattering on your kimono.
A voice was heard from behind the wolf, you see a handsome man with four arms and eyes, marks which seemed like tattoos all over his body.
"Hey~ Why did you kill the wolfy?" you whined.
"Shut up, Human. What are you doing here?"
". . ."
He furrows his brows and growls, "Answer."
"But you said shut up." you smile playfully, clearly teasing him.
"You... Do you know who you're talking to?" He slowly approaches you.
He was trying to intimidate you with this slow steps but was shocked to see you stand up and walk over to him instead.
"Well, No! You haven't introduced yourself yet. I'm Y/N. What's your name?" you reach out your hand as you introduce yourself.
". . ."
". . ."
You watch as his four eyes stare at you, trying to figure you out. You smile up at him and put your hand down.
"Well you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! I still would like to know why you killed the cute wolf though..." you pout as you look over at the furry body in pieces.
"You foolish woman. That wolf was going to make you its dinner." he glares at you, "And this area here is mine. I slaughter everything and everyone that trespasses."
He raises one of his hands to kill you in one swoop, but stops as you perk up and grab one of his hands in joy.
"Oh, so you saved me?! Thank you, kind stranger." you give his hand a small squeeze to show your appreciation.
He stares at both of your hands together for a few seconds before he smacks your hand away, "Tch, How dare you touch me."
You pout as you rub your wrist, "Oh, my apologies . It was bad manners of me to grab you without asking. I'll do that next time!"
"Hah, next time?" He chuckled pure evil, "There will be no next time. Don't think you're coming out of here alive, human."
"That can't be, I have to repay you! You saved me, after all... Even though I don't have much influence, I'm still a princess!"
"Princess? Stop lying woman. The only child I know of royalty here is a prince."
"Yeah~ That's my brother!" you smile, unbothered that people weren't aware that there was a princess in the first place. "And I have a name, you know."
A few seconds of silence pass, him just staring at you. He scoffs and turns to walk away. "Leave."
You were about to retort back but realized how far in the night it is so you stand up and call out to him, "Hey~ I'll be back here tomorrow okay?"
You laugh as you see him turn his head to scowl at you.
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The next day soon arrives and you're back at the same spot on the beautiful hill. You sit down under a tree and bask in the view.
The silence was interrupted by a familiar voice. "You have a death wish, huh?"
"Hey there! Come, sit!" you giggle and pat the spot next to him.
"Tch, this is where I usually sit, woman." He scoffs as he sits down, not showing he was curious at the human interacting with him.
"So... I heard a few guards talking about a certain king of the curses...." you side-eye him, smiling playfully. "Hehe, what even is your name?"
"Ryomen Sukuna. Remember the name of the one who's gonna kill you." He smirks.
"Then why haven't you killed me yet?" you tilt your head.
"I'll have my fun with you for now. You're quite the peculiar human."
"Oh, tell me in advance when you're gonna kill me then, Sukuna!"
"You..." he glares, "Do you not value your life?"
"Meh, not really... No one would miss me anyway." I frown, but a smile quickly replaces it, "So I've decided to just live to the fullest. If I die today, at least I had fun yesterday~"
Sukuna stays silent as he watches you cheerfully talk about death with his brows furrowed. You hum a tune while enjoying the comfortable silence for a few minutes and then turn to look at him.
Your lips part when you continue to stare at him, his features complimenting his handsome face. Sukuna, for some reason, found it hard not to look back at your stare. After a while, he turned his head to look back into your eyes.
You flinch as his eyes look into yours. Your cheeks tint at his intimidating state and you give him a shy smile.
"So... um... what's... your favorite color...?"
Silence fills the air at the random question, and your cheeks tint even more. You let out a small laugh at your own embarrassment.
Sukuna takes a peek at the warm flush of your cheeks and lets out a huff, "Red."
You whip your head to him and flash a bright smile, "That really suits you! Mine is white hehe~"
". . ."
"So... what do you like to ea-"
"Shut up."
You zip your lips shut and sit more comfortably next to him. The silence was so oddly comforting that you drifted off to sleep. Your head slowly leaning to to direction Sukuna was sitting.
His shoulder was too high for your small figure, so your head rested on the side of his arm. Sukuna looked down, careful not to move his arm. "Tch, unbelievable."
Although he looked annoyed, he didn't move his arm for the rest of his time there.
You wake up and your eyes slowly open. The sun in the horizon has just set and the moon is starting to peak into the sky. Your head lifts up from an... arm?
"Wha..." you let out a yawn.
You hear a scoff, "Why did you sleep for so long?"
You put the pieces together and realize that Sukuna let you sleep on his arm until you woke up. The thought of that making your cheeks warm.
"Sukuna... that's so sweet of you!" you show a downturned smile to express how grateful you were.
He scowls at you and in a blink, he disappears.
"He didn't even let me say bye..."
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You arrive at the same spot under the tree on the hill. Surprisingly, you see Sukuna already there.
"You're here!~"
He opens two eyes to see your figure running towards him. He sighs and shuts his eyes again, slowly getting used to his human's presence.
You stop right in front of him, admiring his face once more, being less embarrassed now that his eyes were shut. Soon, you give into your temptation.
He opens an eye.
"Can I touch you now? I asked first this time!" you clasp your hands and interwine your fingers to say please.
He scoffs and shuts the eye. You frown letting out a small 'Hmp' of sulk.
"I didn't say no."
You gasp in excitement and reach out your hands to his face. Your fingertips gently touch his face. You didn't notice the subtle flinch Sukuna did.
Your fingers trace the marks on his face. He exhales from his nose, the air hitting your skin making you feel warm inside. You slowly lift your thumbs to caress the area next to his bottom eyes, the rest of your fingers at the back of his ear. You couldn't help but hum a small 'woah~' in admiration.
"Your eyes are beautiful." Flustered at your own words, your cheeks tint in embarrassment.
His eyes open, both of you staring into each other. He glares at you and whips his head to the side, your hands still on his face. "How absurd."
"It's true..." You let out a chuckle and kneel down next to him. This time, you trace the marks on his arms.
What you didn't notice earlier was how Sukuna's cheeks warmed up at your compliment, with the same grumpy face. He shook his head and sighed, focusing on the feeling of your skin on his.
The rest of the day you just held onto his hand tracing lines and giving light massages while bringing up small conversation topics. He gave small answers, but you were overjoyed at your interactions.
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Two weeks have gone by since then. As the days continued, Sukuna began to warm up more to you, talking to you in longer sentences and not telling you to shut up anymore. You were currently on your way to meet him again. Meanwhile, Sukuna was starting to realize his feelings for you.
"Princess Y/N, Please! Finish your food before you go!" The maid sighs as she watches you run away. She looks over at the unfinished plate, wondering what in the wilderness is so interesting to her highness.
As she takes a closer look in the plate, she gasps. "Oh my heavens! T-This is... The Princess is allergic to this!"
Without a care in the world, you skip towards Sukuna's spot, excited to meet your king of the curses.
"I'm here!"
Insted of sitting in his usual spot, he was standing near the cliff, looking at the horizon.
"Sukuna! you admiring the view?"
He doesn't reply and you look at his back, confused. The dark clouds in the sky let out a thunder.
"How dare you."
He turns around and scowls, "How dare you make me feel- Ugh."
"Huh?" you say confused, raindrops start dropping on both of you.
In a flash, he disappears from where he was standing and was now in front of you. His hand swiftly attacks for your neck but he quickly stops and is an inch away from your skin.
You flinch, but don't move. you give him a chuckle.
"Sukuna... I told you in advance to tell me first before you kill me." you laugh.
He growls in frustration and puts his hands down. "Ugh..."
"But... As strange as it may seem, the time I spent with you was the happiest I've ever been. Thank you for showing me kindness, even in your own way. Farewell, Sukuna. I will never forget you!"
You stand on your tip toes and met your lips with his. It was just a gentle peck, but it sent shivers down her spine.
As you pull away, content, you couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes. 'I wonder what face he's making right now', the thought making you smile. You grab the same hands that tried to attack you earlier and wrapped them around your neck.
"Huh?" you look up at him confused, only to be more confused as you analyzed his face.
'He looks... troubled? I'm not so sure'
He pulls his hands away from your neck and sighs. He grabs you arms and rests his head on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. "What kind of sick curse is this..."
". . . Sukuna?"
Although he wasn't exactly hugging you, you wrap your arms around him and hug back. The rain hitting the both of you as you warm up in each other's arms.
". . . I'm confused, are you still killing me or not?"
". . . Pft."
You gawk as you hear Sukuna let out a chuckle. Seeing his lips turn up was a better view than the horizon behind them.
You look up at him and smile, "Hehe, you still haven't answered m-"
The moment was interrupted when you cough out blood. A sudden burning sensation you feel in your chest. You let go of him to hold your chest in pain, your body slouching as you groan.
"D-Damn...I-I shouldn't have-ugh... ate those."
The sound of his name flow out of his voice made your heart flutter but the pain overpowers that.
"Agh-" You drop to the floor, "Don't w-worry, these are just allergies."
He gets on his knees and uses his reverse cursed technique to heal you from your suffering. The pain was too much for you to handle though, and you pass out in his arms.
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You jolt awake in your room, looking around confused.
You call out for him but nothing happens. His scent still lingering in the room so you're sure he tucked you back into bed.
You smile as your heart flutters, going back to sleep.
"Y-Your Highness! Are you sure you're okay?" your maid stutters as she hands you your breakfast the next morning.
"Yes yes~ Don't worry about lil' old me!"
You quickly finish your breakfast, wanting to see him as soon as possible. You quickly run and you arrive at the spot in no time and you see him there.
You don't even call out to him, you just run towards his sitting figure, bend over, and wrap your arms around his neck.
He jolts in surprise but immediately calms down as he takes a whiff of your hair.
"Sukuna, you saved me twice already. Thank you for yesterday." you smile, embarrassed to make eye contact with him.
He places a hand on your back to push your body into his. Now, you're straddling his lap and you stay in position.
You fidget your hands, "Ugh~ It's kinda awkward now after I did a whole farewell speech yesterday..." you whine as you recall the events yesterday.
"Yeah, you're farewell kiss too."
You blush and groan into his shoulder, clenching your fists in his robe in embarrassment.
"Hah, is the princess embarrassed? Look at me."
As if it was a spell, you comply immediately and shyly pull away to look at him.
He grabs your chin and pulls your face closer.
"You have to take responsibility for what you did yesterday." He smirks.
"R-Responsibility?!" you squeak.
"Don't think I'll be satisfied with a mere kiss, Princess."
He smashes his lips onto yours. Unlike the sweet and short peck, this was hot and passionate. His upper arms land on your waist and slides the up and down the side of your body.
You feel his tongue enter your mouth and you shift your hips to adjust your position, making you grind on his crotch. The friction making you both groan in pleasure, all of his blood rushing to the length under his robe.
"S-Sukuna." you couldn't help but whine his name in the middle of your tongues dancing. Hearing his name turns him on even more, and his hands go from your hips to sliding inside your kimono to grab hold of your breasts.
You let out a moan at his touch on your bare chest. His bottom arms sliding up your kimono underneath you, his hands traveling up to grope both cheeks of your ass. Wanting to touch him, your hands go down to his chest, sliding inside his robe to touch explore your hands around his bare chest and abs. Your touch making Sukuna groan and start grinding his hips underneath yours, you moan in his lips and grind on him as well.
His hands slide off your kimono, leaving you in your undergarments. The cool air hitting your skin, but you couldn't feel it from the heat of the intimate moment. His bottom hands start to tug on your panties and he whispers into your lips.
"You think you can handle me, Princess?"
You moan in confirmation, sliding off the top part of his robe and continuing to grind on him. He hisses in pleasure and rips off your panties and throw them to the side.
"Ah!" you squeak in embarrassment, pulling away and looking down at yourself, but what caught your eye is the visible bulge twitching underneath the fabric of his robe. You curiously grope it, causing a moan to slip off his mouth, and snatches your hand away.
He grabs both of your wrists and pushes you to the clean grass. He looks up and down your naked body and smirks, feeling another twitch from his cock. His eyes landed on your pussy, already soaking wet.
His eyes darkens and he grins, ready to devour you. He brings a hand to your folds and run his fingers along the wetness dripping down your thighs. "How can you be this wet already?" he chuckles and inserts a finger inside, his other hands playing with your breasts.
The sensation making you moan in pleasure, the back of your hand covering your mouth in embarrassment. The moans continue when he starts thrusting the finger in a moderate motion. After a few seconds of adjusting, he shoves another finger in.
The sounds of his fingers fucking your wet pussy fill the air. He feels your walls clench and sees your body start to arch. He sees the way you were making a mess already just with his fingers. Your moans get whinier and he loses it.
He grunts and shoves the robe of his body and your eyes widen. You stare at his two cocks twitching in the air, gulping at its huge size. "S-Sukuna..."
"You want to stop?" you whine and shook your head immediately, "That's what I thought. Now come here, princess."
Not giving you enough time to process, he picks you up and puts him in the stradling position you were earlier in, the tip of his cock goes in and he thrusts inside.
"Ngh- Ah~ S-Sukuna." He grunts in reply, feeling your pussy clench in his hard cock.
"Fuck, princess."
The pleasure was nothing you ever felt before. You look down and see his other cock twitching against your stomach. You reach your hand to grab his length which causes his head to roll back in pleasure and let out a deep moan.
You pump his cock, while adjusting to the other cock that was already inside you. "Prince- Agh, Shit." Your hand going faster and faster, the sounds of his groans making your walls clench, making him groan even louder.
He grabs your hand to stop you. "I can't hold it anymore. I'm gonna destroy this tight little pussy, yeah?"
He grabs your hips and starts bouncing you up and down, his cock thrusting inside of you without mercy.
"Ah... Suku- Agh~" You were drowning in pleasure, eyes rolling back as you listen to the sounds of your wetness and both of your skins slapping against each other.
He was thrusting into you mercilessly, your mewls just making his climax come closer. He feels your walls clench uncontrollably and he moans your name.
"Y/N. Fuck- I'm going crazy" he huffs, acting like an animal in heat.
He pushes you back into the soft grass into a new position, bringing your knees to your chest, his cock thrusting into you sloppily. A visible bump in your belly when he thrusts inside. Two hands behind your knees. One hand rubbing your clit. One hand pumping his other cock.
"Agh~ T-There... Sukuna-"
He hits a certain spot causing your body to twitch and making your eyes water up from the pleasure.
Sukuna pounds faster into your pussy, his precum smeared along your soaked walls. You were letting him use your body and it felt so good.
You feel something building up inside of you, and you whine. "Ah- wait! Sukuna~ I- I-" you whine in pleasure as your body arches, your juices spilling into his cock.
"That's right, princess. Let it out." he coos into your ear. "My turn."
You gasp for air as he thrusts again into your sensitive pussy, making your mewl echo into the air. Your juices increase the sound of the wetness as he slaps his skin into yours, the mix of your arousals filling the air.
"Fuck- I should fill you up, huh? Breed my precious princess?"
"Agh- P-Please!~ I-"
He moans as he shoots his load into you and fill up your pussy, having both of your juices mixed up. His other cock also shooting cum onto your stomach. Your body twitches at the feeling of his seed inside you, grabbing both of his arms for support. He sighs in pleasure and pulls out, watching as the juices ooze out of your aching pussy.
"You did so good, Princess." is the last thing you hear before you pass out.
You flutter your eyes open to see a room that wasn't yours. Sukuna lying down next to you in bed. You look down on your clothed body to see you were cleaned up and well taken care of after.
"Sukuna..." you mutter, eyes still droopy "I can't move my legs~"
"Heh, you're gonna get used to it."
"Hm?" You tilt your head.
"You're mine now. This is the consequence of your actions, right? You can't escape now." He smirks as he picks you up and puts you on top of him.
You stare at him in shock then laugh, "Now why would I dare leave my king, he'll get lonely without me~"
You plant a sweet kiss on his lips and pull away to see a smile on his face. His smile making you feel warm inside as your cheeks tint. You giggle and snuggle into his arms and you enjoy each other's warm, and will continue to enjoy each other's presence in the future.
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katskitoshi · 9 months
synopsis: he helps you with something and it's only fair you pay him back, right? (liyue vers.) (mondstadt vers.) (inazuma part one vers.)
characters: dom! zhongli, xiao, and baizhu x gn! sub! reader
includes: (nsfw themes) zhongli is kinda mean, big cock zhongli, kissing kink, worship kink, biting, drool kink, cream pie. xiao is whiny and desperate, fingering, whining, praise kink. baizhu is mean, cockwarming, riding, missonary on desk, implied thigh/leg humping.
zhongli, the vago mundo.
it's only expected that you'd owe zhongli something after how much time you've spent in liyue and with him. he's knowledgeable and there is not much he could want from a mortal such as yourself. well, that is until he starts falling back into his more primal urges, and decides its time for you to repay him.
-- "i'm being gentle, okay?" he truly was too kind, especially now as a gently jerked his hips in to sink his cock deeper in your hole. he was even kind enough to take you in his mortal form and stretch you out with his 8-inch human cock rather than his much larger adeptal one.
his tip, hot and heavy inside you, made you squirm and pant under your boyfriend's loving gaze. he kissed your check gently, slowly traveling down to your neck as began to leave love bites in his wake. "m-move, please, zhongli. need you, real bad- ah, fuck !"
your eyes could have popped out your skull when you suddenly felt yourself get stretched impossibly further. zhongli kissed you to distract you from him pushing even deeper inside. he pulsed inside you, leaking precum to lubreacte himself as he kept going. your fingers dig into his back your your legs wrap around his waist.
the kiss was hot, and drool connected your and zhongli's lips and he pulled away. he smiled. he could already see you turning into a devout little worshipper for him. you move your hands from his back to the back of his head to push him in for another kiss. you miss the first few times, but ones your lips meet, your tongue explore each other.
finally, he bottoms out and you moan so sweetly into his mouth. you pull away from his lips, arching your back as your eyes roll to the back of your head. you came almost immediately and he revels in the mess you make of yourself. he does not wait, gently beginning to pound your sweet hole. one of his hands slaps the side of your thigh and squeezes the fat of your ass.
"fuck, barabatos, thank you, thank you!"
you dare call another man's name -- another god's name while he fucks you? how foolish you are, mortal.
you don't even notice the dangerous glint in zhongli's eyes. he grabs the back underside of your knee and pushes your legs so knees reach your ears. your eyes meet his at last and you can tell he's changed a bit. "zh-zhongli?"
you can only respond in a loud, lewd squeal of his name when he pulls out to the tip and thrusts in so deeply you swear he could rearrange your guts. drool escapes your lips and you try to recollect yourself. lewd squelching noises echo through the room as he dips to your neck and leaves hash bites.
"think you can just call another man's-- another god's name when i'm the one fucking you? think again." he growls into your ear and never stops thrusting for a moment, you cum again and pull him closer, silently begging for a kiss.
he does not oblige, allowing you to just lay desperate for him. he removes one of his hands that holds your legs up and positions it on his shoulder. his now free hand is used to push your cheeks together, drool still falling from your lips.
"he, he is not your god anymore. i am. the only name you'll be calling from now on is morax, understand, dear?"
he doesn't bother giving you the chance to respond, just sticking two of his fingers in your mouth for your tongue to play with. you try to speak, but can't simply because zhongli's ungodly pace knocks all the wind out of you.
his cock pulses inside of you, and you can feel yourself coming closer to your next release too. he removes his fingers from your mouth and plays with you, forcing you closer to your climax. and you can only release silent moans as he finally, finally, delivers a final thrust,
his cock, hot, heavy, and leaky inside you bursts, painting your walls and golden white color. you feel full, resting a hand over where zhongli's cum rests, panting heavily at the feeling inside of you.
he doesn't pull out, but slowly starts thrusting again. "zhongli! m'too sensitive! can't take it!"
"dear, call me morax. and we aren't done yet. you've still gotta take all of me, in my adeptal form, so i can truly show you which god you belong too."
xiao, the vigilant yaksha.
xiao has never really wanted much in return for helping people, especially from mortals. what could you give him after all? but upon meeting after saving you one fateful night, all he wants is to make you his.
"f-fuck, y-you're so tight -- e-even around my fingers!" xiao leans into kiss you once more as his fingers continuously hit that soft, sensitive spot inside you. the kiss silences his moans, his body weight is on you with his thighs on either side of your hips. one hand between your legs, and the other cupping your face as your tongues intertwine.
you bucked your hips upwards to meet his hands. the hand that cups your face moves down to push your hips downwards, stopping you from meeting his eager fingers. his lips shush yours as he pulls away from the kiss. you reach your arms around his neck and pull his lips back to yours. "m-more. w-want you inside me, xiao."
"i know. i know, baby. j-just a little longer -- gotta feel you cum from my fingers first." he speeds up, and you can feel your orgasm coming closer. his face is flushed red and he looks just as flustered, if not more, than you. and all from watching you come undone just for him. you were a sight for sore eyes right now and always.
hands digging into his neck, cheeks heated, panting and whining from his touch because you wanted -- no, need him in these moments.
his fingers curls against you in a way you never thought you could feel and your climax arrives. you moan into his mouth as your thighs shake and eyes roll to the back of your head. he swore he could have came in his pants just then as he hears you whine out his name, hands clinging to his body for his support, for him.
his fingers don't stop as he slowly works you through your orgasm, gentle pumping in and out as he whispers praises that make you lose your head. "shh, baby. i know it's a lot, but not too loud. don't want the humans downstairs to hear you, yeah?" the slight movements makes you squirm from the overstimulation youre feeling and your whines get louder, but he doesn't kiss you to silence you.
"fuck, you're so pretty right now, you know that?" he pulls his fingers out, taking in the look of your twitching hole and panting body. "but you're always pretty," he kisses the tip of your nose, "always." pulling down the waistband of his pants and pulling out his throbbing, leaky cock, he rests it on your stomach. his flushed red tip leaks precum over your stomach.
"need you. p-please put it in, xiao." and he complies. his tip lines up with your hole as he slowly and steadily pushes it inwards, he wants to squeeze his eyes shut from the sheer tightness and wetness and pleasure just putting in the tip has given him, but his eyes focus on the way you smile. dazed out, drool running down your lips and you desperately whine out his name.
do you have any idea what you do to him, mortal?
he continues to push himself in, and he can feel your walls tighten around each vein and each inch he pushes in you. he leans in to kiss you once again, his hands cup your cheeks as you sloppily make out.
once he reaches the base, he slowly begins to pump in and out. a steady pace, one that leaves you dizzy as his cock never fails to reach the part of your body that makes you squirm. the kisses get sloppier, you hands hold onto him tighter, all as he keeps a steady pace. deep and slow.
skin slapping accompanies the wet kisses and whines that leave xiao's lips, your hands upwrap from his neck and push at his chest. you need air, and you pant, greedily taking in the air so you and your lover's lips can reunite once again. xiao's eyes squeeze shut as he whines into your mouth again.
he begins to speed up, muttering out a quick apology. xiao was fast and his thrust were apologetically brutal. though unforgiving as he fucked you deeper, faster, harder, -- still caring and sweet as his fingers moved to intertwine with yours. your legs are propped over his shoulders and he gets a better angle to pound you.
moans and whines are exchanged between you two as you kiss, you can feel your orgasm approaching once more and you squeeze his fingers tight. a silent sign that he reciprocates as he throbs inside you, leaking loads of precum inside you.
and you cum, your walls squeezing so tightly he's not even sure how he hasn't dumped his load inside you. he forces his lips from your own in a desperate attempt to warn you.
"f-fuck, baby, i'm gonna cum. l-let me cum inside you, okay? please? i-i need to claim you, make you mines, th-those adeptal sigils aren't enough. need to - fuck! - need to mark y-you as mines, k-kay, baby?"
baizhu, beyond mortality
baizhu is a man who always gives but alas, he still has wants. he still has needs. he helped you out so long ago, and now, its only fair that you repay the favor, correct?
"stay still dear. if you keep moving, there'll be a punishment in store for you." baizhu doesn't even bother to look at you, only focusing on his papers as he gives your thigh a gentle pinch as warning. with your head tucked into the crook of his neck and you arms gently clawing at his back, you felt as if you could cry at any moment.
how couldn't you considering you had your boyfriend's thick, pulsing cock so deep inside of you and it was still? your walls clamped around him, eagerly trying to pull him in deeper, but baizhu stayed still. was this not punishment to him too?
to be so close to you? to feel you? to be balls deep inside you but not move? it was unfair, and you wanted to just grind your hips downwards, back and forth, up and down -- anything to feel him move inside you. his hips did not thrust upwards except once, when he used it as a warning. threatening you to be good or he wouldn't let you feel him at all. that you could just go back to humping his legs like a pathetic dog.
you should be grateful to even be on his cock -- to feel it pulse inside you in all it's hard, thick, pulsating glory. it's certainly an upgrade from grinding pathetically against his thighs and legs. at the thought of your prior punishment, you whined and squeezed your thighs around his hips harder.
you couldn't take it. he was still, not bothering to even look at you or help you at all. he was so mean, so cruel in these moments that you don't even regret what you're going to do. you unwrap your legs from his waist and lift yourself up, slamming yourself down on his cock.
yes, you're legs were sore from not moving for a while, but the look of shock on baizhu's face is enough to push you to keep going. you both moan at the feeling of finally having movement. lube runs down to the base of his cock as you don't falter for a second -- finding a steady rhythm of lifting yourself of and dropping yourself down while grinding to reach that spot that has your vision turning white.
it continues for only a minute, and when baizhu's shock finally wears off -- you were in for a surprise. his hands grasp your waist firmly, and he lifts you up and positions you on his desk. your back on various papers and pens as he looks down at you as if you were scum -- but lovingly.
he finds his own pace, one much faster than what you were going at and way more harsh that you thought he could even do. it was hot, seeing him panting, seething, upset but somehow still tolerating your bratty actions.
you can't even lift your hands to try to hold onto his neck, they scramble and hold onto the shaking, creaking desk baizhu pounds you on. his cock pistols deep inside you, and wet squelching along with the sound of skin slapping fills the room.
biazhu's cock reaches you in ways you can't imagine, especially now as it pounds into you so deeply. you squeal out his name as a particularly deep thrust reaches the most sensitive spot inside you. your vision goes white, and you clamp down on him so hard that all he can do is grit his teeth as a groan escapes him. his cock pulses once, twice, and one final time before long ropes of his white cum paint your insides.
he slowly rides himself through his orgasm before pulling out. a second later, his cum begans to drip out. you feel so full, but so empty as it leaks from you still clenching hole. baizhu pants, feeling content but not yet satisfied.
"b-baizhu-" you aren't allowed to finish your sentence, not when a squeak interrupts you after baizhu slaps your hole still dripping with his cum.
"don't think we're done yet dear. i thought i was letting you go easy with the cock warming, but you're just so ungrateful. so i guess i'll just have to fuck you until you learn your lesson, okay?"
(mondstadt vers.) (inazuma part one vers.)
i kind of answered these two requests so here to my two lovely anons!
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feyascorner · 7 months
Astarion definitely gains a bit of weight when he meets Tav, and he's so proud of it.
He's still lean, but he has a lot more meat on his bones than he did before since Cazador would keep him bordering on starvation to keep him from becoming too powerful. Being with Tav lets him feed on a regular basis, not just from them, but also in battle. He never goes to bed hungry anymore, even if you have the woozy feeling of being bloodless each morning. He doesn't worry about this much in the beginning, but once he becomes more attached to you, he does start to feel a bit---off, to say the least.
"Perhaps I shouldn't drink from you today, darling. You looked tired this morning."
You blink at his words. "I'm okay, though. I was just dizzy for half an hour."
"Precisely. We face a constant threat of death every day," his shoulders sink. "I'd rather my hunger not be the reason you're not at your best and cost you an injury. Even worse, your life."
"Since when do you care about that?"
He doesn't know. He doesn't know when he started to rely on your presence each night, or when his eyes naturally drew to you even amidst a battlefield, but it's too late to ponder on that now. He's not sure what you are to him, but he knows you can't die. Not as long as he remains on the face of Faerun.
"Since today."
It's been weeks, actually, but he doesn't mention that.
You eye him inquisitively before shaking your head. "You don't have to worry about things like that."
"Drinking my blood also makes you more powerful, no? If you didn't have me to drink from, you're also more likely to get hurt," you reply, baring your neck. "It goes both ways."
"I'm immortal, if I'm careful-"
You hush him. He doesn't need to say it out loud for you to understand what he's saying. "I want to keep you safe too."
With a hesitant pause, Astarion finds himself offering you a grin that's a tad less perfect than it usually is. You offer him one back, and he lowers his lips to your neck, gently placing his hands around his waist and mouthing the skin on your throat. He hopes it soothes the pain, if anything.
He decides then that he'll use the strength you give him to repay you for the kindness he most certainly does not deserve.
2K notes · View notes
cherrylovelycherry · 3 months
Hi! I wanted to say that I really love your writing, I spent hours binge reading without even noticing! I also love how creative your "menu" is. I wanted to ask if you take requests? If so, could I request a Boothill x Fem reader souffle? It can be any kind of plot or without plot at all. I just really like your writing and would like to see one of Boothill. Thank you so much for your time -anon
.note. hihi anon! aww it's nice that you like my writing, thanks! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) this took me a while, uni is being hard on me. sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language. anyway, i'm kicking my feet as i write this. i have the hc that boothill is sweet and gentle when it comes to intimacy, the complete opposite of his appearance, so yeah. hope you like it! ദ്ദി (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)~✧
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𓂅new order. "soufflé and a éclair au chocolat."
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You know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboy!
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pairing. Boothill x fem!reader cw/genre. nsfw, fluff, cunnilingus, blowjob, some praise kink, first time, mdni synopsis. you ended up fucking a cowboy full menu
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You're were with Boothill this afternoon, as he was willing to give you lessons on horse riding after he realised how incredibly inexperienced you were.
You were lucky he taught you, though you assumed it would be his way of repaying the favors you did him, fixing and improving his robotic body countless times.
The countryside is just outside of the busy city, so, as somone who lived in the city, being with Boothill in the countryside was very different.
After an hour or two, you started to grow tired and Boothill noticed it. He offered for you to come to his house, or so you thought, since that was where he was staying for a while, instead of walking all the way back home in such a tired state. You nodded, exhuasted, just wanting to lay your head on a pillow.
As Boothill walks with you check your phone, and there's a message from your roommate asking where you were. You quickly text that you're staying at Boothill's for the night.
Another message appears, and when you open it, it says;
"You're staying with Boothill for the night?? OMG, you know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboyyy!"
You felt the heat rise to your face almost instantly as you read the message. Which caused curiosity in him, approaching where you were.
"Hey, you ok? You're turning red, darlin'."
As if trying to see what the message was about, you moved your head to the side. Which ended up being for the fun of it as you quickly put your phone away.
The evening sun was already peeking out, being chased by the darkness of the night.
With somewhat quick steps, it managed to set before you, curiosity etched across his features, Boothill reached out to touch your cheek. "Seriously, you look like a ripe tomato. Did somethin' happen?"
Your heart skipped a beat as his fingers slowly touched your cheek. You took a shaky breath as his hand continued to touch your face.
You quickly looked away, trying to avoid his gaze.
"I'm fine, just tired. That's all," you said quietly, trying to sound convincing.
The feeling of his hand on your skin sent chills down your spine, reminding you of the message your roommate sent.
You let go of his grip, as you both continued walking.
Was it possible that…he was thinking the same thing?
You shook your head slightly at the thought.
"Just my stupid roommate making a dumb joke." You tried to laugh it off, but even you could hear how forced it sounded.
Boothill continued to watch you intently, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment longer before he spoke.
"Darlin', I can tell when you're lyin'. You're makin' it kinda obvious," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Hah, right, whatever you say." You scratched your cheek with your hand, hurrying your pace.
He merely laughed lightly at your response.
You both walked towards where Boothill was staying, it was a somewhat remote house, but it was in the city.
The house was somewhat large, the owner of which was a grandmother, who Boothill had once saved. She was extremely sweet to let him stay there if he needed it.
As you arrived at the house, you noticed how the sky had darkened even more, the stars slowly appearing as the night settled in.
As you both reached the house, Boothill unlocked the front door. It creaked open, and he stepped back to let you walk in first.
With a muttered "thank you", you entered the house. It was cozy and comfortable, a warm place that seemed to radiate with a hint of nostalgia.
Boothill closed the door behind him and led you into the living room.
"Make yourself at home darlin' I'll go and let her know I've brought you with me," he said before disappearing into the hallway.
You took a seat on the couch in the living room, and as soon as your butt met the cushion, you felt your phone vibrate.
Another message… probably from your roommate.
You fished your phone out of your pocket and quickly unlocked it, curiosity getting the better of you.
Sure enough, it was another message from your roommate, still riding the horse/cowboy joke.
This time, she sent a gif of a cowboy riding a horse, with the message; "Yee-haw! Ride that cowboy, babe! 😉"
You couldn't help but sigh, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. And even some amusement at the gif she sent. Your roommate was way too invested in your supposed "crush" on Boothill.
You groaned inwardly Great. It was never going to end. Your roommate was going to make this into a running joke for months, maybe even until the end of time.
Your irritation was interrupted as you heard footsteps approaching from the hallway.
Boothill appeared a moment later, walking back into the living room. He took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, still maintaining a respectable distance from you.
"She's just glad I'm finally bringin' someone here," he chuckled, referring to the house's owner.
He leaned back into the couch, his eyes still fixed on your form. There was a small smile on his face.
You shifted in your seat, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth at his words.
"Yeah, well, I'm sure she's had to deal with your antics for a while now," you quipped, trying to sound lighthearted.
Boothill let out a mocking gasp, placing a hand over his chest in mock offense.
"Excuse me? Are you implyin' that I'm a troublesome guest? Me? A perfect gentleman?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
"Oh yes, the perfect gentleman," you said, sarcasm dripping from your tone.
He feigned an expression of innocence.
"I'll have you know, I am a model guest. I make sure to clean up after myself, respect the property, and always ask for permission before snackin' on somethin'."
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempts to defend himself.
"Right, because asking for permission to raid the fridge is the epitome of good manners," you teased, raising an eyebrow. "And let's not forget the time you accidentally broke a vase and tried to mend it with duct tape."
He fakely frowned a little.
"Hey, I still stand by that duct tape solution. It looked pretty darn good once I was done with it," he chuckled, a hint of guilt in his voice.
You shook your head, still amused.
"You're lucky the house's owner has a soft spot for you. Otherwise she wouldn't let you stay here any longer."
He shrugged, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.
"What can I say? I'm irresistibly charmin'."
He stretched lazily, his metal arms extending with a soft whir.
"But seriously, she knows I ain't cause no real trouble. And besides, I keep the spiders away for her," he added with a wink.
You snickered. "Ah, yes, the dutiful bodyguard against the eight-legged critters. She must be so thankful for your bravery."
He laughed, clearly enjoying the playful banter.
"You laugh now, but when you have a spider the size of your hand crawlin' up your leg, you'll be beggin' for my services," he teased.
"Please, like I'd ever let it come to that," you retorted. "I'd fight that spider off with a rolled-up newspaper if I had to."
He chuckled again. "Oh, I don't doubt that for a second darlin'. You ain't afraid of much, are you?"
The lighthearted atmosphere was refreshing, and you found yourself enjoying the exchange.
"Heh, I guess not."
You put a lock of your hair behind your ear, while Boothill turned on the medium-sized television in the room. The fireplace made the cold outside not felt at all.
The soft glow of the television filled the room, casting shadows on the walls.
Boothill grabbed the remote and started flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch.
"Anythin' ya want to watch?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the TV.
You tilted your head, pretending to think for a moment before answering.
"How about a cowboy movie?" you suggested, a teasing tone in your voice.
"Hah! A good one then."
As you glanced at Boothill, you noticed the way the light reflected in his eyes, their artificial luminescence dancing with the flicker of the screen.
"You hungry? I can whip somethin' up for ya in the kitchen," he offered, his voice still carrying a hint of humor.
You considered his offer.
"Nah, I'm alright," you replied, your attention half-focused on the TV.
The more time passed, the more interesting the movie became. You both let out one or another comment about this. Until you and him were silent.
He leaned back against the couch, his metal arm resting along the back. Despite his mechanical parts, he still managed to exude a sense of comfortable familiarity.
His gaze flicked away from the television, locking onto yours.
"You okay, darlin'? You're a little quieter than usual."
You were caught off guard for a moment, surprised by his perceptive question.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you answered, a little too quickly. Lie, you were falling asleep.
The truth was, you were fighting the urge to yawn.
"I'm just a lil tired ," you added, trying to sound nonchalant. Another lie, your whole body hurt from the physical exercise you were doing earlier in the field with Boothill.
He raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his gaze.
"Uh-huh, 'a little tired,' ya say," he said, clearly not buying your act.
He leaned forward a bit, studying your face.
"Your eyes are heavy, and you're yawnin' more than a kitten."
He thought for a second before placing a cushion from the couch, which they were sitting on, over his legs.
"Here." He said, patting the cushion a few times, so you could lay your head there.
"Are you calling me a tired kitten?" you protested, unable to stop a small yawn from escaping your lips as you spoke, proving his point.
Your eyes widened slightly as he patted the cushion on his lap, offering it to you like some kind of makeshift pillow.
Your heart skipped a beat, the situation feeling suddenly more intimate.
But your body yearned for rest, your tired muscles calling out for a moment of peace.
He smirked, clearly amused by your tired protest.
"I dunno, if the shoe fits…" he joked, his gaze still fixed on you.
As you hesitated, hesitating to accept the offer, your tired body won out over your embarrassment.
With a defeated sigh, you slowly leaned down, resting your head on the pillow of the cushion, now laying across his lap.
Your heartbeat quickened as you felt the firm but gentle support of his thighs beneath you.
He chuckled softly as he noticed your hesitation, but allowed you to lean down and rest your head on his lap.
"There you go, darlin'," he murmured as you settled into the makeshift pillow.
A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Boothill remained silent for a moment, observing your tired state.
"Comfy?" he asked finally, his voice a low rumble.
"Mhm." You let out an affirmation towards his words.
You closed your eyes, surrendering to the exhaustion that tugged at your eyelids.
The sound of the movie in the background faded away, replaced by the steady rhythm of his breathing.
For a moment, there was a silence between you, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
Instead, it felt soothing.
He watched you closely as you let your guard down, your eyes slowly drifting closed.
With each breath you took, your body seemed to relax further, almost melting into his lap.
Boothill's metal fingers gently traced the outline of your hair, almost on instinct, as if seeking to provide some kind of comfort.
A soft, almost silent chuckle passed his lips as he noticed your tired state.
You felt your body relax as tension drained from your muscles, the weight of the day's physicality finally catching up to you.
Boothill seemed content to remain silent, allowing you to rest in comfortable respite.
Your mind started to wander, thoughts blending together seamlessly. You felt strangely at peace in this position - head resting on his lap, his metal fingers brushing against your hair, the sounds of the movie like a distant hum.
You felt utterly at ease, your tired body finally getting the rest it desperately craved.
Boothill's presence was both comforting and grounding, his touch a constant reminder of his attentiveness towards you.
Your thoughts gradually faded into weary tiredness, your mind struggling to stay awake longer.
You found yourself drifting on the edge of sleep.
He continued idly running his metal fingers through your hair, a soothing rhythm that seemed almost designed to lull you deeper into relaxation.
As your breathing slowed, growing more rhythmic and steady, he could tell that you were moments away from drifting off to sleep.
His eyes never left your face, taking in your relaxed expression and the soft curves of your features.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. There was a certain satisfaction in seeing you at peace, especially after a long day.
You felt his fingers running through your hair once more before you fell completely asleep.
Your mind slowly slipped away from consciousness, and the world around you faded into a drowsy haze.
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You don't know how much time passed, but you slowly opened your eyes, keeping them half-lidded.
You weren't touching the couch and you felt like they were grabbing you.
Oh, you were being carried.
Keeping your eyes the same way, you looked up, watching as he was carrying you up the stairs.
You felt like in those princess stories in which the prince carefully carries the princess.
As he carried you up the stairs, his grip firm and gentle around you, he took note of your half-lidded eyes slowly fluttering open.
He chuckled softly as he caught your gaze, realizing you were half-awake.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," he teased quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
He continued up the stairs, navigating carefully to not accidentally hit your head or anything else.
"Go back to sleep, dear"
He was taking you to a spare room so that you could sleep more comfortably.
Even in your semi-asleep state, you heard the soft rumble of his voice, the sound soothing your tired mind.
A small, sleepy smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you heard him call you "sleepyhead." It was a nickname you hadn't heard from him before.
He carried you gently upstairs, the sound of his footsteps on the hardwood floor blending with the silence of the house. You kept your eyes half-open, still disoriented and groggy.
"Mmph…" you managed to mumble in response, your drowsy brain struggling to form coherent words.
He chuckled at your sleepy attempt at a response, finding your disoriented state endlessly endearing.
"Shhh," he whispered, his metal fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"You're barely awake, darlin'. Just go back to sleep, we're almost in the guest room."
The soft hallway lights cast long shadows ahead of him, dancing softly against the walls as he continued on.
Finally reaching the spare room, he carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Gently, he laid you down on the bed, tucking the blankets around you like he was handling a delicate artifact.
As you were gently lowered onto the bed, the soft sheets and blankets wrapping around you like a comforting embrace, your body automatically snuggled into their embrace.
A small, satisfied sigh escaped your lips as your tired muscles sink against the mattress.
The cool sheets felt soothing against your skin as you slowly settled into the bed, still in a half-asleep state.
You felt his touch once more as he carefully adjusted the blankets, ensuring you were tucked in properly.
"There we go," he murmured, his voice low and almost soothing.
As you were laid on the soft mattress, the blankets wrapping around you like a cosy cocoon, you felt the exhaustion fully taking over again.
Your tired mind was too drowsy to think clearly, your eyelids feeling heavy once more.
You vaguely registered his movements around you as he seemed to be adjusting something near the bed.
"…Boothill?" you mumbled his name, your voice still thick with sleepiness.
He paused, looking down at you with a hint of surprise at the sound of his name.
"Yeah, darlin'?" he replied quietly, his voice a gentle rumble.
He finished adjusting the blanket, ensuring you were completely covered and tucked in.
He then leaned closer to the bed, his eyes studying your sleepy face for a moment, before a soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"You need somethin', or are you just makin' sure I'm still here?" he teased gently.
Your sleepy brain struggled to form coherent thoughts, the drowsiness making it difficult to string words together.
"Mmph… jus' makin' sure…" you mumbled, your voice barely audible.
You felt strangely vulnerable in this half-asleep state, the tiredness leaving you without the usual guard you had up.
The room was quiet, the only sound being the soft rustling of the blankets as you shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable.
You could feel his presence close to the bed, his eyes still fixed on you.
Literally the idea of what you were going to try to say left you. So you frowned, keeping your eyes closed.
Until you managed to remember something, "The girl who is with you will be…very, veeery luckyy,"
He raised an eyebrow at your drowsy mumble, his grin widening slightly.
"Is that so?" he murmured, his voice soft and amused.
When you mentioned the hypothetical luck of his future girlfriend, his gaze softened, a hint of something unreadable in his expression.
He chuckled lightly, shaking his head slightly. "You're still dreamin', darlin'."
He reached out, his metal fingertips lightly running through your hair once more, a soothing gesture.
He stood silently nearby, watching you as you fought against the fog of sleep.
As you mumbled something about the girl he might date, his expression softened even further. He couldn't help but find your sleepy ramblings both amusing and endearing.
You hummed with pleasure as you felt his metal fingertips gently run through your hair once more, the sensation sending a soothing wave through your tired body.
Your eyes remained closed, too heavy to open, and yet some part of your tired mind stubbornly held on to consciousness.
"Mm…not dreamin'…jus' sayin'…" you protested, your words slurring together slightly.
Your mouth attempted to form more words, but fatigue weighed heavily on your tongue, making it difficult to speak clearly.
"Lucky…" you mumbled once more, the word sounding more like a sigh than anything else.
He chuckled softly beside you, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite place.
"…Darlin', you're not exactly makin' sense," he teased, his tone warm and affectionate.
He continued to run his mechanical fingers through your hair, the soothing motion seemed to melt away any tension still lingering in your body.
As you mumbled about luck and being lucky, he chuckled again, the sound low and gentle.
Your words came out alone, almost like a yawn that couldn't be stopped. "C'mere…" You said, as you looked at him, you opened your eyes a little this time.
His hand paused in your hair, caught off guard by your request.
He looked at you, your half-open eyes peering up at him through the haze of sleep.
A mix of surprise and amusement played across his face. "You want me to come closer?" he asked, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
He stood there for a moment, as if trying to decipher your sleepy request, before moving closer to the bed.
“Mhm,” You blurted out, affirming his words.
His eyes scanned your face, taking in your half-open eyes and the sleepy smile on your lips.
"You're a bossy little thing, even when you're half-asleep," he said with a soft chuckle, shaking his head slightly.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight.
He leaned over slightly, his metal hand still resting on your hair, gently smoothing out the messy strands.
By the time he got close enough, your body acted on its own.
"Lucky.." You murmured as you grabbed his face with both hands and placed your lips on top of his, quickly but softly.
Caught off guard by your unexpected move, his eyes widened slightly when he felt the softness of your lips against his. For a moment, he froze, his brain trying to comprehend what was happening.
But it didn't take long for him to respond. His hand on your hair slid down to your cheek, the coolness of his metal fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
He returned the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a gentleness that contradicted his cybernetic appearance.
After a few seconds, he pulled away slightly, "Darlin', you're gonna be the death of me…" he murmured
As you felt his response, his cool fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
You leaned into his touch, your eyes still closed, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips.
Your tired mind was still in a sleepy haze, but the kiss seemed to awaken a different kind of energy within you. You let out a sleepy giggle at his words, your eyes still half-lidded.
“You’re a little too cheeky when you’re sleepy," he admonished, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You're gonna give a cowboy a heart attack."
It was a nice way to put it since he physically had no heart.
His eyes tracing the curve of your smile on your lips. Your tiredness seemed to fuel a playful energy within you, making you even more endearing in his eyes.
He shifted his position slightly, his body now facing you fully, one knee on the bed. His metal hand cupped your chin, tilting your face up towards him as he leaned in slightly.
"And here I am, trying to be all gentlemanly and let you get some sleep," he teased, his voice low and full of mock reproach.
A sly smile tugged at the corners of your lips, the drowsy state making you even more cheeky than usual. Besides, despite being tired, your consciousness was more exact. You were leaving the state of drowsiness.
"Gentlemanly, huh?" you mumbled, your words still slightly slurred by sleepiness.
You pushed yourself up on one elbow, leaning towards him as much as your tired body would allow. "That's cute," You commented, your other hand reaching out to touch his chest.
You chuckled softly, "Besides, whose fault is it for being so irresistibly kissable?" you retorted.
You liked to see how his face turned slightly red, being visible only by the night light that came through the window.
You were enjoying the unexpected turn of events, the boundaries between friendship and something else starting to blur.
His eyes widened slightly at your words, the compliment catching him off guard.
He watched intently as you leaned forward, your touch against his chest igniting a spark under his metal skin.
Thanks to you, who had been able to connect and 'create' new nerves that would be connected to his robotic parts, managing to have at least a slight sensation of touch in his body.
His eyes flicked down to your hand before returning to meet your gaze, his expression a mix of amusement and something else he couldn't quite hide.
Your words had found their mark, and he couldn't deny the reaction they provoked. Despite his usual confidence, there was something about your sleepy flirtations that had him uncharacteristically flustered.
He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his usual cool demeanor, but a hint of a blush betrayed his reaction.
He leaned in closer, his body nearly hovering over yours as you leaned up on your elbow. His metal hand moved from your chin to the back of your neck, his fingers tracing circles on your skin.
Your senses seemed hyper-aware in this exhausted state, and the feeling of his metal fingers tracing circles on the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine.
The way he loomed over you, his body hovering just above yours, made your heartbeat quicken. There was a sudden tension in the air, a subtle shift in the dynamics of your relationship.
You looked up at him, your eyes no longer had that flash of tiredness.
He could see the change in your eyes, the drowsiness slowly giving way to a sharper focus. A silent understanding seemed to pass between you both; the tiredness had faded, replaced by a different kind of awareness.
He leaned in even closer, his face now only inches away from yours. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and barely concealed desire, studying your features as if seeing you in a new light.
The air thick with an unspoken tension. Your skin tingled where his metal fingers touched your neck, a mix of cool certainty and unexpected delicacy.
"You're awake now, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice lower than usual, hinting at the effect you were having on him.
His fingers continued their gentle dance along the back of your neck. He seemed to be wrestling with something, caught between his customary charm and the unfamiliar surge of vulnerability.
Your lips parted slightly, the proximity making it difficult to focus on anything but him.
His eyes were searching yours, studying every detail as if trying to memorize each inch of your face. His gaze remained fixed on you, watching how your eyes responded to his closeness.
But, oh, he was holding back, there was an evident hunger within him.
A hunger he never thought he wanted, specifically from you.
He saw your reaction, the slight intake of breath, the way your lips parted slightly.
His mind was hazy with a million thoughts, all centered on you and how much he wanted to close the remaining space between you.
His metal fingers moved up from your neck, tracing a path along your jawline before gently brushing against your bottom lip.
"Tell me to stop," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your breath hitched slightly at his touch, the feeling of his metal fingers on your lip setting your nerves alight.
His voice was soft but laced with a barely restrained intensity. He was struggling with his own desires, trying to hold back but also aching for more.
You hesitated for a moment, caught between wanting to give in to the budding intimacy and fearing the consequences.
Your eyes met his, searching his gaze for any hint of insecurity or doubt. But the desire in his eyes made it clear that this was not a whim or a passing fancy for him.
"But I don't want you to stop," You responded also quietly. Your eyes left his for a moment, looking down at his lips.
Your words were like music to his ears, banishing the last remnants of his hesitation.
His breath hitched slightly as your eyes drifted to his lips, the silent desire in your gaze mirroring his own.
His hand shifted, moving to cradle your face, his thumb resting just under your chin, tilting your face up to meet his gaze.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
And, with just a nod from you, he couldn't help it anymore.
Being careful not to hurt you, he somewhat carelessly brought his lips to yours, pressing them with need.
Your confirmation was all he needed.
The moment your heads met, there was an explosion of sensation. He deepened the kiss, his other hand gripping your waist, drawing you closer to him. His body pressed against yours, the coolness of his metal chest contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
His tongue eagerly explored your lips, seeking access to your mouth, a silent plea for more, for more of you.
There was a certain urgency in his actions, a hunger you could practically taste in the way he held you, the way his tongue moved against yours.
As his tongue sought entry into your mouth, you didn't hesitate to respond in kind.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer, needing to feel more of him against you.
His hands roamed restlessly over your body, as if trying to memorize every inch of your skin through your clothes. He needed to feel every part of you, as if the physical contact could quench the hunger burning within him.
The kiss grew more urgent, more demanding. His cool metal fingers gripped your waist, holding you tightly as he pressed you further into the mattress.
His tongue danced with yours, a silent battle for control, each movement charged with raw desire. There was a hint of something wild in his demeanor, the usually controlled cowboy succumbing to his most primal instincts.
He groaned softly into the kiss as your hands tangled in his hair, the feeling both pleasurable and arousing.
Your body responded eagerly to his touch, arching against him in a silent plea for more.
His hands explored your body, tracing the contour of your curves, the cool metal of his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He broke the kiss, his lips moving to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and gentle nibbles along your sensitive skin.
"You drive me crazy," he murmured against your neck, his voice hoarse with desire.
A gasp escaped your lips as he moved from your mouth to your neck, his teeth grazing against the sensitive skin.
Heat pooled in your core, his words and actions igniting a fire within you.
Your fingers gently tugged at his hair, a silent signal urging him on. A soft moan escaped from your throat as he bit down lightly on a particularly sensitive spot.
"You have… no idea," you managed to gasp out, your voice shaky with need.
He hummed against your skin, the sound vibrating along your sensitive skin.
Your gasps and slight moans only fueled his desire, the sound of your voice shivering with need causing a shiver to run down his system.
His hands roamed over your body, tracing every curve, as if mapping out a territory he now desperately wished to claim as his own.
He smirked slightly against your neck, his lips leaving a trail of kisses that were slowly moving down to your collarbone.
"Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea," he retorted, his voice carrying a low, sultry tone.
His hands moved lower, resting on your hips, gently guiding your body against his.
His smirk against your neck sent a shiver down your spine. You could feel the heat of your desire growing with each passing moment.
His hands roaming over your body and his lips tracing a path down your collarbone added fuel to the flame.
You tilted your head back, giving him better access to your neck. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling slightly as he continued his assault on your skin.
"Boothill…" you whispered, his name sounding like a prayer tumbling off your lips.
Your whispered plea, his name falling from your lips like a litany, sent a shock through his system.
He paused his ministrations for a moment, lifting his head to look at you.
Your eyes were half-lidded, your cheeks flushed, and your hair slightly disheveled. You looked utterly captivating in that moment, your desire for him written all over your face.
His hands left your body, this time heading to your shirt.
I was about to roll it up until his brain made him stop for a moment.
"Do you want…to do it?" He dared to ask you, seeking your consent. His eyes boring into yours gently.
You met his eyes, seeing the mixture of desire and restraint in his gaze.
Your breath still slightly ragged, you nodded slowly.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want this. I want you."
As he pulled your shirt off, his hands skimmed over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, partially undressed before him.
"You're beautiful," he murmured, his eyes roaming over your body, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and admiration.
His words, a simple compliment carrying more weight than usual, caused your heart to skip a beat.
His eyes trailed over your body, taking in every detail as if you were a masterpiece hanging in a gallery.
The way he looked at you, with a mixture of desire and admiration, made you feel both vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
His eyes were fixed on you, taking in every inch of your exposed skin.
"You're perfect," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
He leaned down, his lips finding your neck, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. Finding your bra very annoying.
The combination of his touch, his kisses, and his words made you feel like you were slowly unraveling.
His mouth trailing along your skin was driving you insane with need and desire.
His lips trailed down your neck and down your chest until they reached the barrier of your bra. He paused for a moment, his hands gently tracing the edge.
"Can I?" he asked quietly, his fingertips brushing against the fabric.
The way he was handling you, with a mixture of reverence and desire, made you feel both cherished and desired.
His lips returned to your neck, leaving soft, teasing kisses as he waited for your response.
As his fingertips traced the edge of your bra, your heart pounded in anticipation, your body aching for more of his touch.
His request, whispered in a soft, hoarse voice, set your nerves on fire.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper, "Yes,"
He didn't need further coaxing. His hands quickly unclasped your bra, freeing your chest from its confinement.
His lips continued their journey, leaving a trail of kisses down your newly bared skin. He seemed to savor every inch of you, as if unable to get enough.
The feeling of his lips on your bare skin was nothing short of maddening.
His hands, now free from the barrier of your bra, roamed freely over your torso, as if he were mapping a new territory.
His hands instinctively went to your breasts, massaging them slowly and gently, touching the tips of your breasts. Causing you to flinch at the coolness of his fingers.
Without further ado, his mouth moved to one of your breasts, his other hand touching the other.
He sucked and nibbled gently, drawing a gasp from your lips.
His mouth on your sensitive skin sent a shiver down your spine, your breath catching as his tongue flicked against one of your nipples.
Your hands tangled in his hair, holding him close, your fingers clenching tightly as he continued his ministrations.
You gasped, arching your back towards him, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His hands continued to explore your body, his touch firm yet gentle, as if trying to memorize every contour.
His fingers traced circles over your hip bone, then moved lower, slipping under the waistband of your pants.
This time he didn't ask, he raised his head and looked at you, with those eyes full of pleading.
Oh, that look you never thought you'd see in him.
The look in his eyes was one you never thought you'd notice coming from him.
It was a silent plea, a silent "Let me take care of you."
Hearing your gasps and slight moans, he wondered why it had taken him so long to cross this line with you.
You could feel the desire growing inside you, a burning need for more contact, more of him.
You raised your hips, silently giving him permission to remove your pants, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
Slowly, he slid your pants down along with underwear in one go, his hands skimming over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. You could feel his eyes on you, taking in every inch of your exposed body.
He ran his hands gently down your thighs.
Now you were completely naked in front of him, your body on display, vulnerable and exposed.
His gaze roamed over your body, taking in the sight of you in all your glory.
In his eyes you were the most perfect thing that could exist, a goddess, an angel come down from the heavens.
"Beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with reverence and desire.
He leaned down again, pressing his lips against your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses. Then, he pressed light kisses on your legs, moving closer and closer to where you needed him the most.
Your body was aflame with desire, every touch of his sending your senses into overdrive.
Your legs opened slightly, inviting him closer, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His lips moved over your skin, his kisses growing more insistent as he made his way to the inner part of your thighs.
"Please," you managed to gasp out, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him most.
He chuckled softly against your skin, enjoying the fact that he had you completely at his mercy.
His chuckling set your blood boiling, your body arching towards him in a silent plea.
He knew what you wanted, what you needed, and he was enjoying every second of it.
"Patience, darlin'," he drawled, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
He was taking his time, teasing you, drawing out the pleasure, and driving you insane in the process.
He continued his assault on your inner thighs, leaving gentle bites and kisses, slowly moving closer to your center.
His hands were now firmly gripping your hips, holding you in place, preventing you from bucking up against him in a plea for more contact.
Until after that little torture of his, his lips hovered over your aching center, kissing above your lips, softly and gently.
You were a wreck.
Your body ached for more contact, more of him, and he was purposely taking his time.
Instead, he began to trace small, feather light kisses around your aching core, his lips moving slowly but purposefully, avoiding the place you wanted them most.
You gasped again, barely managing to hold back a whine in protest.
"Please," you repeated, your voice a desperate plea, "Please, Boothill."
He chuckled against your skin again, enjoying the way your body responded to his every touch.
When he finally moved his lips to your center, his tongue lightly flicking against your sensitive bud, you gasped loudly, a shiver running down your spine.
His tongue started to explore your most sensitive parts, flicking and swirling gently, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Your head fell back against the pillows, your eyes closing as you surrendered to the sensations he was creating.
His tongue's teasing touch against your center sent sparks of pleasure through your body, your breath caught in your throat.
Your hands tangled in his hair again, pulling slightly as he continued to explore you. "So beautiful and sweet," he murmured against your skin, the vibration of his voice adding to the sensations he was causing.
He wrapped his lips around your clit, gently sucking and nibbling, driving you even further into frenzy.
Then, his fingers entered the equation, slowly slipping inside you while his mouth continued to work its magic.
Your body trembled, the combined sensations overwhelming your senses.
You were at his mercy, your body completely under his control, writhing and gasping under his expert ministrations.
His fingers moved inside you, curling and stroking, while his tongue continued to flick against your sensitive bud.
The sensations were quickly building toward a climax, your breath coming in quick gasps as you tried to hold back.
"Boothill.. I can't.. too much.." you managed to gasp out, your body arching off the bed.
He seemed to know exactly how to push your buttons, his mouth and fingers working in perfect harmony to elicit the most intense reactions from you.
You couldn't think straight, his touch sending you into a state of ecstasy that was almost overwhelming.
Your body was caught in a tempest of pleasure, every touch of his tongue and fingers driving you closer to the brink.
His fingers curled inside you, hitting a particularly sensitive spot that made your breathing grow ragged.
It looked like he was licking and eating a candy.
Your fingers gripped in his hair, tugging slightly as the pleasure built within you.
"Oh god," you breathed, your voice a ragged gasp, "Please, I-"
Then, suddenly, he stopped, drawing back just as you were about to reach your climax.
You let out a gasp of frustration, your body aching for release.
"Not yet, darlin'," he murmured against your skin, his lips leaving a trail of kisses along your inner thigh.
At the lack of his lips and tongue on your clitoris, you felt a slight breeze that made you shiver. Not to mention how you felt it pulsating.
His free hand gently massaged your hip, as if trying to reassure you.
Your body was taut like a bowstring, the sudden lack of stimulation leaving you feeling empty and needy.
He slid his fingers out of you, stretching them a little, watching as your juices covered them completely, almost spilling out.
He let out a light chuckle, before bringing his fingers to his mouth, drinking in your delicacy.
Your view, which was clouded with ecstasy, focusing on the scene of him sucking on his fingers, was completely provocative.
It was all too obvious that he was more than needy.
Your breathing grew ragged as you watched him suck on his fingers, your eyes wide.
The sight of him enjoying the taste of you was almost too much to bear.
"You taste so good, darlin'," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could do this all night."
When his eyes met yours, that's when you realised.
You had been so focused on your release that you hadn't realised how much he wanted this.
His face flushed, his lips moist.
Oh, he looked so damn needy.
He looked completely undone, like he was restraining himself from taking you right there on the spot.
He was tense, as if he was holding himself back.
Your skin thrumed under his hot gaze, and you could see the way his body reacted to the sight of you sprawled out before him.
It was the cutest thing to see him like that.
You rose slightly from the bed, pushing his chest back now, almost to where you were lying before.
You knew it was now your turn to make him feel good. More than he was.
As you gently pushed him back, reversing your positions, he let out a low growl, but he didn't protest.
He leaned against the wall, watching you with a mixture of curiosity and desire.
He looked absolutely wrecked.
His hair disheveled from your hands, his face flushed, his body thruming with need.
All that for you.
You straddled his hips, sitting on top of him and relishing the position of power you suddenly found yourself in.
Your hands roamed over his chest and bare torso, feeling the firm metal muscles. You could feel the heat radiating off him. His systems were beginning to overheat.
You leaned down, peppering kisses along his neck and jawline, enjoying the way he responded to your touch.
He leaned his head back against the wall, exposing more of his neck to your touch, a low, guttural groan escaping from his throat as your lips and tongue traced a path along his sensitive skin.
His hands gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as you kissed along his neck and jaw.
He let out a low moan when you nibbled on his earlobe.
He was coming to terms with the new sensation of being underneath you.
He was used to taking charge in many situations, but something about letting you take the lead seemed different.
He liked it.
He needed it.
His moans and groans were music to your ears, showing you how much he was enjoying your touches.
His breath was becoming ragged, and his hands held onto your hips tightly, as if anchoring himself.
"Darlin'," he gasped out, his eyes half-lidded as he looked at you.
Your hands began to wander lower, tracing the line of his abdomen and feeling the metal muscles twitch under your touch.
As your hands reached the waistband of his pants, you paused and looked up at him.
"Can I?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded eagerly, his eyes dark with desire.
He was more than willing to let you continue.
His eyes were dark with desire, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps, and his body was taut with tension.
"Yes," he managed to say, his voice thick with need, "Please."
You tugged on the waistband of his trousers, and he lifted his hips to help you pull them down.
He was begging you, and he didn't care.
As you slid them down his legs, you couldn't help but notice the evidence of his arousal straining against his boxers.
Oh, you forgot that could happen.
You remember that at his request, you made a modification to his robotic body.
Specifically a synthetic limb.
It was one of your best modifications as it was also connected to the nerves that you also gave him. Not to say that his blue blood would help bring it to life when he had to go into action.
You didn't really think you could test if it really worked.
Would you be the first to see if it worked properly? You didn't know.
You hadn't really thought much about it before. After all, it was just a standard modification that you had done. But now, as you saw the physical evidence of his arousal, you couldn't help but wonder if it would work as intended.
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when he groaned loudly, drawing your attention back to him.
You had started touching his length over his underwear without even realising it.
With just the touch of you, you were surprised to feel the slight warmth that came from it.
He inhaled sharply at the touch, his body tensing even more.
"Please," he repeated, his voice hoarse, "I need you. I need you so bad."
You smiled at their pleas, apparently it was a very good idea to amplify the sensitivity around the area.
He was already a mess, and you had barely touched him yet.
His gasps and moans filled the room, and his eyes were dark with desire.
You could see how badly he needed you, how much he wanted you.
He was begging you, pleading with you to touch him more.
You looked down at the noticeable bulge in his boxers and then back up at his face.
"You're so beautiful," you murmured, "So needy."
He let out another gasp, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch him through the fabric.
After a while of appreciating the good view you had, you pulled down his underwear, revealing his length.
His breath hitched as you pulled his underwear down, exposing him to your view.
He felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but he didn't care.
"Oh god," you blurted out at the sight of his limb.
At first glance you could tell it was working properly.
You were kind of proud of it.
He shuddered at your words, the sensation of your eyes on him enough to make his body shiver.
He was so sensitive, so receptive to your every touch, and it was all thanks to your modifications.
You moved down towards his arousal, cupping it with your hands and releasing light kisses that went from base to tip.
He let out a guttural moan as you kissed him, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through his body.
Your touch was light and teasing, driving him wild with need.
"Oh, sweetheart, that's so good," he gasped out, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch and tease him.
He was putty in your hands, completely at your mercy.
He had never felt this way before, completely surrendered to another person.
And he loved every second of it.
He looked down at you, his gaze full of desire and need.
Without waiting too long, you licked his tip, without taking your eyes off his face.
You were beginning to like the way he was moving beneath you.
He groaned loudly at the feeling of your tongue on his tip, his body arching slightly off the bed.
He couldn't believe the feelings you were invoking in him.
He felt like he was on fire.
He needed more your mouth, more of your touch, more of you.
He reached down, tangling his fingers in your hair, trying to hold himself.
To that, you smiled.
And, without further delay, you shoved as much of his length as you could into your mouth.
His entire body trembled as you took him into your mouth.
He could barely believe how good it felt, how good you felt.
"Oh god," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening.
He was completely lost in the sensations you were giving him, unable to think clearly.
He felt like he was on the brink of explosion, barely holding on.
Your mouth felt like heaven against him.
You continued, lowering and raising your head, while also moving your hands up and down his length.
You looked up at him from time to time, just to watch him come completely undone.
His face was flushed, his eyes half-lidded, his mouth open and panting.
His breathing was ragged, and he was making little gasps and moans that sounded like a mixture of your name and incoherent praise.
He was a mess, and it was all your doing.
He was completely under your control, and he loved every second of it.
His breaths were coming in short, ragged gasps, and he was clinging onto you like a lifeline.
His body was trembling, his systems threatening to overheat.
"I'm close," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening even more.
He was teetering on the edge, completely at your mercy.
"Please," he panted, "Please don't stop."
You loved the way he was begging you, the way he was completely at your mercy.
You didn't stop, if anything you increased the pace, determined to push him over the edge.
His grip on you grew tighter as he got closer and closer to the brink.
"Oh, swetheart," he groaned, his voice thick with need, "I can't- I'm gonna-"
And, before I reached my limit, your movements stopped, ceasing to suck his length.
You laughed lightly, catching your breath for a moment as you watched him frown in frustration.
He stared at you, his body still shaking with need, his breathing ragged.
He looked completely wrecked, and he was not happy that you had stopped.
"Why'd you stop?" he gasped out, his voice full of frustration and need.
He was so close, so damn close.
He needed you.
But you just smiled at him, enjoying the way he was squirming beneath you.
You smiled as you stood up a little, stretching your back.
"Patience, sweetheart." You somewhat mockingly repeated his words he gave you moments before.
He groaned in frustration, his body still thrumming and begging for release.
He wanted you, he needed you desperately.
How could you be so cruel?
He watched as you stood there in front of him, your smirk making him even more frustrated.
"You're a tease," he grumbled, his voice rough with need.
You positioned yourself on his lap, without sitting down.
With one of your hands you cupped his cheek, as you placed a soft kiss on his lips.
"You were a good boy."
His breath hitched as you cupped his cheek, and he leaned into your touch, despite his frustration.
Your words made him shiver, the praise stirring something in him.
"I was," he murmured, his voice slightly pouty.
He was still needy, still on edge, but he loved the way you were handling him.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close, as he nuzzled your neck, breathing in your scent.
"Can I have my reward now?" he murmured against your skin.
"Heh, of course you do." You said, as with one of your free hands you grabbed his length, positioning the tip at your entrance.
He gasped at the feel of your hand on him, and he held onto you tighter.
He was so sensitive, every touch sending sparks through his senses.
"You're so perfect…," he whispered, his breath hot on your skin.
As he felt you position him at your entrance, he felt a shiver of anticipation. He needed you, he needed to be inside you.
He was on the brink of losing his mind from desire and need.
"Please," he pleaded, "Please don't make me wait any longer."
You smiled, as you slowly tried to make his length spill inside you.
Which in itself was difficult and painful for you, as this was your first time.
He could feel how tight you were, and he felt a pang of desire mixed with guilt.
As you tried to take him in, he noticed your slight discomfort, and he immediately stopped you.
He looked up at you, concern in his gaze, and he gently lifted you off him.
"Sweetheart, are you alright? You're hurtin'," he asked, his voice filled with worry.
He was still needy and desperate, but he didn't want to hurt you.
He cupped your cheek, his thumb gently stroking your skin, as he watched you intently.
You tried to hide your discomfort, but he saw right through it.
His concern and tenderness made you feel warm all over.
"I'm fine," you said, trying to downplay the pain you were feeling.
"I just need a moment to adjust," you added, a slight tremble in your voice.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes searching yours, looking for any signs of discomfort.
He gently caressed your leg, his fingers tracing light circles on your skin.
"We can do it slowly, without pressure, my dear" he said, his voice gentle.
Your body relaxed at his words, grateful for his understanding and patience. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
He took his time, gently guiding himself inside you once again, with great care.
He was still sensitive, craving your touch, but his main priority was ensuring that you were comfortable.
He slowly pushed himself in, his eyes locked on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort.
He could see the mixture of pain and pleasure on your face, the way you chewed your lips, trying to hide your discomfort.
He continued to move slowly and gently, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation. You took deep breaths, trying to relax and get used to the feeling.
It was slow, and it hurt, but having him be attentive and considerate, made you feel safe.
As he gently slid further in, the pain began to subside, replaced by an unfamiliar but not unpleasant feeling. He stopped once he was fully inside you, pausing for a moment.
He leaned in, placing gentle kisses on your face, trying to soothe you.
"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice tender and worried, his gaze fixed on you.
You looked up at him, meeting his gaze, and gave him a small nod to let him know it was ok to continue.
His gentle and patient manner was making your heart flutter, and the way he watched you with such care made you feel even more connected to him.
"Y'know, sweetheart? This is my first time too." He said, still not moving.
He tucked one of your hairs behind your ear. As he placed several kisses on your cheeks in an affectionate way.
You blinked in surprise at his words, not expecting that revelation.
You really thought he would have done this many times by now because of the way he behaved, you were wrong apparently.
The realization that this was his first time too, and that he was just as nervous and uncertain, added a new layer of intimacy to the moment.
You reached up, cupping his cheek, and gave him a gentle smile.
"I didn't know." you said, your voice soft, "You're being so kind and patient with me."
Then you reached up, running a hand through his hair, feeling its texture and smoothness between your fingers.
He nuzzled into your touch, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation.
He felt a little vulnerable admitting that it was his first time too, worried you might think less of him. But the way you smiled at him, the warm touch of your hand on his cheek, made any anxiety melt away.
He leaned into your touch, enjoying the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair. It was soothing and grounding, helping to steady his racing thoughts and nerves.
He gently began to move again, slowly and carefully, still watchful of your reaction.
He watched as you ran your hands through his hair, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.
"Besides, I wanna make sure you're enjoying this just as much as I am." He whispered, his breath warm on your skin.
You shivered as he began to move again, the gentle friction sending small tremors through your body.
The way he was moving inside you was still a bit uncomfortable, but the pain was beginning to fade and be replaced by a different kind of sensation.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the sensations you were feeling. He was being so considerate, taking his time and making sure you were comfortable.
His words made you smile, and you opened your eyes to meet his gaze.
"I am enjoying it," you replied, "more than I ever imagined it could be."
Your hand continued to run through his hair, and you pulled him closer, pressing your forehead against his.
His heart skipped a beat as you pulled him closer, a warmth spreading through his chest.
He was relieved and happy to hear that you were enjoying it. All he wanted was for you to feel good and safe with him.
He continued to move gently, trying to find a pace that was pleasurable for both of you.
He relished in the feeling of your hand in his hair, and he loved the way your body felt against his own.
"You're so beautiful, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could lose myself in you forever."
He leaned in, kissing your neck and collarbone. He opened his mouth to bite your neck, leaving a mark much more noticeable than the others he had left on your thighs.
The feeling of his mouth on your neck sent a shiver down your spine, and you let out a soft gasp as he bit down.
You could feel his teeth sinking into your skin, and you knew it would leave a mark, a reminder of this moment.
You tilted your head back, giving him more access to your neck, silently encouraging him.
The sensation was a mixture of pleasure and pain, but you didn't mind. It felt possessive.
Claiming. You wanted him to claim you, to make sure that everyone knew that you were his.
You arched your back, pressing closer against him, encouraging him to continue.
"Please," you murmured, your voice low and wanton. "Don't stop."
He was sensitive, and the feel of you around him was almost overbearing.
He felt your body arch against his, your voice low and pleading, and it made him shiver with desire.
He loved the way you reacted to his touch, the way you leaned into him and asked for more.
Hearing the words "Don't stop" spill from your lips was like music to his ears.
He continued his assault on your neck, his mouth moving to new spots, nibbling and biting and sucking, marking you as his own.
Instinctively he moved his hand to one of your breasts, pulling the tip and massaging it.
He began to move a little faster, a little deeper, his pleasure increasing. He groaned against your skin.
The feel of his hand on your breast sent ripples of pleasure through your body, your breath catching in your throat as he teased and played with your nipple.
The combination of his mouth on your neck and his hand on your breast was almost overwhelming. You let out a soft moan, arching your back in response.
As he began to move faster and deeper, you felt a wave of sensations wash over you. The pain had faded, replaced by a pleasure unlike anything you had ever experienced.
You could feel him beginning to lose himself.
Unconsciously, your hand moved down to your clit, touching yourself as you moved your hips slightly with his every movement.
That increased the pleasure you felt, making your inner walls clench at his length.
He looked down at you, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and awe.
He was lost in you, drowning in your scent, your touch, the way you moved against him, the sounds you made. He couldn't get enough of you.
As he watched you touch yourself, his breath caught in his throat. Seeing you give yourself pleasure while he was inside you was an image he was sure to never forget.
He groaned, unable to keep his own pleasure contained.
"You're so perfect, sweetheart," he gasped out, his words interrupted by his ragged breaths.
He kept moving, faster and deeper, his mouth never leaving your neck. Every gasp and moan that escaped your lips only spurred him on.
Every movement, every touch, every breath felt like a shock to your body.
You were lost in the sensations, your mind unable to form coherent thoughts.
"Please," you panted, "Please, I need you-"
You weren't sure how much more you could take, the pleasure was almost too much to bear.
The combination of his words, his touch, and his movements were making it hard for you to think straight.
Your mind was swirling with sensation, and you couldn't focus on anything but the feel of him inside you, and the pleasure he was bringing you.
One of your hands grabbed onto his hair, the other one still rubbing your clit. A constant stream of soft moans and gasps was falling from your lips.
He walked away from your neck, having left countless marks all over the area.
His face could not have been redder at that moment.
The sight of him with narrowed eyes, tilting his head back and mouth open, trying to formulate sentences and words that would not come out, being replaced with incoherent sounds.
It was simply a delight for you.
He tried to form a coherent sentence, but the words were escaping him. His mind was consumed with desire, his body on the brink of ecstasy.
You knew he was entering his climax, as his movements became somewhat erratic and slightly sloppy.
And, him doing so, hit your g-spot.
He was losing control, his body moving on its own, driven by pure animalistic need. He wanted to hold on, to make this moment last, but he knew he was reaching his limit.
He leaned down, his forehead resting against yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
He looked at you, trying to steady his breathing and speak. But all that came out were ragged gasps and incoherent sounds.
"I wanna-" he pleaded.
For that, your eyes were full of tears of pleasure.
You could feel him reaching his limit, the way his breathing was growing more labored and uneven.
The way he was trying to speak, but unable to form words, only adding to the intensity of the moment.
You were lost in the sensations, your body on fire. Each movement, each gasp from him was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
"Please," he pleaded once again, his voice ragged and needy, "can I…?"
His words trailed off, but you knew what he was asking for. And you were more than willing to give it to him.
You could see the desperation in his eyes. He wanted, no - needed to release.
He was on the edge, and you were right there with him.
You could feel him getting close, his movements becoming more uncoordinated, his breaths coming in short gasps.
"Please," you whispered, your voice trembling.
You were so close yourself, teetering on the brink of ecstasy. You could feel it building deep inside, like a coil winding tighter and tighter.
He turned his lips to yours, both of you stifling your moans and groans.
He moved his lips against yours, his tongue tracing your lips, seeking entry into your mouth.
You parted your lips, allowing him in. The kiss was messy and needy, both of you clinging to each other in search of more contact.
He let out a low moan against your mouth. He tried to hold back, to draw out the moment a little longer, but he was too far gone.
He looked into your eyes, his gaze pleading.
"I'm gonna-" he gasped out, his voice strained.
But he couldn't finish the sentence. He was completely lost in the sensation, the pleasure almost overwhelming him.
He buried his face into your neck, his body shivering against yours, as he held on to you tightly.
"I'm gonna-" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
You could feel him on the edge, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He was close, and so were you.
"Me too," you breathed out, your voice trembling with need, "I'm so close. Please-"
You gripped onto him.
He moved his lips to your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin.
And so, giving a few more deep penetrations, he reached his release. At the same time as you, as he pressed hard on your sweet spot, he made you come without hesitation.
As the waves of pleasure washed over him, he shuddered against you.
He let out a guttural moan, his body tensing up, as he released himself deep inside you.
He held onto you tightly, as he rode out the waves of pleasure. His eyes were closed, his breathing labored.
He tried to speak, to form words, but the only sound that came out were unintelligible gasps and moans.
For a few moments, you both were lost in the intensity of the moment. All that could be heard was the sound of your erratic breaths.
He collapsed against you, his body trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure. His forehead rested against your shoulder, his breaths ragged and heavy.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, as if afraid to let go. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent.
For a few moments, neither of you spoke. You both laid there, your bodies tangled together, simply enjoying the afterglow.
His breathing slowly returned to normal, his body relaxed against yours.
He lifted his head from your neck, looking down at you.
"You're so amazing," he murmured, his voice husky.
He cupped your face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. His eyes were soft and filled with tenderness.
"That was…" he trailed off, unable to find the words.
He let out a low chuckle.
"There are no words to describe how incredible that was."
You let out a shaky breath, a sated smile on your face.
You smiled weakly, still feeling a little boneless from the intense pleasure.
"Yeah," you agreed.
But you couldn't find the words either.
"Intense" was an understatement.
You turned your face into his hand, nuzzling into his palm, enjoying the feel of his cold skin against yours.
"I felt the same way," you replied, your voice soft and gentle.
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"You're perfect," he murmured, his lips brushing against your skin. "Absolutely perfect."
He shifted slightly, pulling out of you with a soft groan.
He gently placed you on the bed as he leaned further back on the bed, no longer sitting up.
He pulled one of the blankets off the bed and placed it over his body, then took you in his arms, placing you on top of him, making it slightly more comfortable for you than just being pressed against his metal body.
He pressed you against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
For a few moments, you both lay there in silence, enjoying the closeness and the feel of each other's bodies.
His arms cradled you spectacularly, in an attempt to make your body try to unwind from the previous physical activity. Then he ran his fingers through your hair, his touch soft and soothing.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
You lay on top of him, your head resting on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
His fingers were gentle as they threaded through your hair.
When he spoke, you could hear the concern in his voice.
You shook your head, lifting your face to look up at him.
"No, you didn't hurt me," you assured him. "You were perfect."
You shifted slightly, snuggling deeper against him.
"Now I'm just very tired.."
He chuckled softly, hearing you say that you were tired.
He continued running his fingers through your hair, rubbing soothing circles on your scalp.
"Exhausted, huh? I take that as a compliment."
He smiled, feeling a sense of pride that he had managed to tire you out so thoroughly.
He gently shifted under you, making himself more comfortable beneath you.
"You can sleep, sweetheart. I'll be right here."
He covered you with the blanket you were on top of, making sure you didn't get cold.
You melted into his touch, the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing and relaxing.
You let out a soft laugh, a little delirious from the lack of energy.
You snuggled against him, feeling more relaxed than ever before.
His touch was soothing, his fingers in your hair creating tingles on your scalp.
You let out a small sigh, feeling the exhaustion start to wash over you.
"Thanks," you murmured, your eyes drifting shut as you nuzzled against his chest.
He chuckled again as he felt you relax against him, your body sinking into his embrace.
He continued to lightly massage your scalp, knowing that it would help you fall asleep faster.
He felt your breath start to slow, your body growing heavier in his arms.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.
"Sleep, sweetheart," he whispered.
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Your eyes opened slowly, getting a little used to the light coming through the window.
Attempting to stretch out, you felt trapped.
You looked up, seeing Boothill lying there. His eyes were closed.
Perhaps he was recharging his battery, you looked down again.
As your eyes cleared, you saw your legs and torso almost uncovered, which caused you to wake up completely.
You felt an incredible heaviness throughout your body, as if every bone and joint ached.
Mentally recoiling in an attempt to remember why, your eyes opened wide.
You'd had sex with him, in someone else's house, out loud. Your face turned red, "what a shame," you thought.
You sighed, leaning your head back on his chest.
Oh, but before you could try to get any more sleep, your hand reached as far as it could to your trousers, which were at one end of the bed.
When you managed to reach them, you pulled out your phone, going straight into the chat with your roommate.
You deleted the incomplete message you didn't get to send yesterday, typed in a new one and then proceeded to send it.
It read; "I rode a cowboy".
The chat almost immediately began to fill up with messages, none of which you read, proceeding to toss your phone to the side, closing your eyes again.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
If I had a cute pizza boy show up at my door, giving me free pizza with special 'sauce' for weeks on end I would either sneak a slip of paper with my number on it into the tip or try to invite him on a date, depending if I'm feeling confident or not -3-
I am a sucker for cute boys in a uniform what can I say?
Yan "Pizza Boy + Reader
If Brie had to pick something he disliked about visiting you - it would be taking your money.
"You really don't have to give me anything. Just doing what I love!"
One might call into question the fulfillment delivering pizza for a living may bring, but he wasn't lying. For the most part anyway. This job as fictitious as it was birthed the real feelings he had for you. If anyone should be paid it's you for putting up with his awkward attempts at small talk or when he nearly drops your food whenever your fingers touch. Taking your money felt like a bigger crime than everything he's done up to this point. He refuses to take it nine times out of ten-
Today you weren't giving him any chance to escape.
"I insist! You've been coming here for weeks, Brie. It's the least I can do for you."
No- Don't do that. How is he supposed to say no when you say his name like that? The day you ended up on a first name bases was the same day Brie's cheeks were sore for a full twenty-four hours for smiling so long.
"Take it. For me? You deserve it."
"Ha...." Brie sure of it now- You'll definitely be the death of him someday. "If it makes you happy. I can't thank you enough for your kindness."
"Hope I see you soon-"
The implications of your words are lost to Brie as he aimlessly drifts off back in the direction of his car, tripping over a crack in the pavement he's step over many times before. His spirits remain high as he corrects himself and hopes into the vehicle. He was good on cash and it'd be crazy to spend money you gave him. Brie digs his wallet out of the glove compartment- He'll keep the bills in a separate compartment away from the rest of his money for good luck-
Something hits his foot. A small folded piece of paper nestled between the bills. A receipt you forgot maybe? His... His name is on it though. Next to a heart.
Brie snatches the paper off the floor.
"Buy something nice on the way home for me. Wish there was more I could do to repay you. How about dinner this Saturday?
Call me. XX"
Dinner? This Saturday? That almost sounds like...
"A date."
You. Him?? Brie reads the note aloud to make sure he read it correctly. He waves a hand in front of his eyes to check if they're working right. You, want to go out with him. On a date. He thought you were just being nice the last time you called him cute.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
The repeated hammering of his feet against the floor as he kicks his legs alerts dogs walking past his car with their owner. Brie waves bashfully as the dog walker from his side mirror. He brushes his hair out of his face, adjusting his posture as he places his hands on the wheel.
Brie drives over to the gas station nearest to him. He buys himself a bottle of iced tea with his tip money - assuring at least one dollar remains from his purchase to tape up in his car at a later date. He drinks from the bottle, taking smaller sips every other swallow to savior what was probably the best bottle of tea he'd ever had.
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navybrat817 · 2 months
Puppy Dog Eyes
Pairing: William Miller x Female Reader
Summary: Will feels betrayed by someone he thought was his ally.
Word Count: Over 1k
Warnings: Fluff, humor, established relationship, talk of threats and interrogation, slight feels (it's me, okay?), William Miller (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Inspired by this post @ghotifishreads tagged me in. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Will counted the seconds in his mind as he stared his adversary down. Someone he should've considered an ally. Maybe even a friend. But now? He didn't recognize the beast in front of him.
He was used to people playing dirty behind enemy lines, but this? Betrayal in familiar territory? The sting was like a bullet to the gut.
“Before you test my resolve, I want you to know that I have forty three confirmed kills.”
A huff was the only reply he got.
Crouching down so he was at eye level, he huffed, too. His enemy was much smaller in size, but looks could be deceiving. “Now, I’m not going to hurt you. It wouldn't do either of us any good,” he said, tapping a finger against his thigh. “I just want to know why.”
He didn't get an answer. Only a defiant stare. The silent treatment. That was fine. Nothing he hadn't faced before. He had ways to make enemies talk if it came to that. And the puppy dog eyes wouldn't garner sympathy from him.
Battle had hardened him too much for that.
Shut down. Control. Manipulate. That’s what he did with his human instincts until he completed his mission.
Will continued the staring contest until the smaller one whined. It wasn't an answer, but it was a start. “You made this personal, you know. And I’ll throw you out in the rain if you push your luck,” he threatened, tilting his head to maintain eye contact. “No. You don't get to look away. Not after what you did. After I took you into my home.”
And how did he repay him?
Your voice pulled Will’s attention away from the task at hand. “Yeah, baby?”
You leaned against the doorway, a smile tugging at your kissable lips. “Are you interrogating Bandit?”
Bandit, the puppy Benny got weeks ago. The puppy you offered to watch since his brother was going out of town for a few days and he didn't want to board him. The same little rascal who chewed up a pair of tennis shoes. New tennis shoes.
And hadn't touched a single one of his chew toys.
Will nodded to his ruined shoes. “You saw what he did.”
“I did and I'm sorry,” you said, though you had no reason to apologize. It wasn't like you chewed them up. “He’s a puppy and they’re going to do those kinds of things from time to time. Is it really worthy of an interrogation?”
“Yes, it is.” Bandit swung his head toward you and whimpered. “No, don’t you-”
“Aww. Is the former Captain bothering you?” You walked over and scooped him into your arms. The light golden puppy snuggled close, but looked at Will like he was taunting him. You had a soft spot for dogs and Bandit sensed that. Used it to his advantage.
“Taking his side?”
“I’m always on your side, Will,” you said, softening his resolve. “Now, Bandit, you know you aren't supposed to do that. Play with your toys, not shoes. Okay?”
Bandit barked. He actually barked for you. How did you do that?
“And apologize to Will,” you urged.
He barked again.
“Good boy,” you smiled as Will stood up and crossed his arms. “And don't worry, we won't throw you out in the rain.”
“I still might just to teach him a lesson,” Will half teased. “Or I can just put him in his cage.”
Bandit whined and hid his face. “Don’t you dare. He’s a puppy, not a soldier. And you were happy with watching him until now. Besides, he said he was sorry,” you said, giving Will your own set of puppy dog eyes.
You had a point. Bandit was a pretty well-behaved puppy, all things considered. He didn't bite. Didn't make a mess when he ate. Went to the door when he had to go outside. And he seemed content to sleep in his dog bed and didn't demand to sleep with the two of you.
“Fine. No cage,” he relented.
“Thank you. And I’m sure Benny will buy you a new pair of shoes once he gets back,” you added.
“Maybe,” he said. He wouldn't hold his breath to get new shoes or money for the damage done. He may be Benny’s big brother, but Benny adored his puppy and would likely blame him for leaving them out in the first place. He had a routine though. He put his shoes in the same spot after he exercised.
To be fair, he should've been more careful. He would be in the future. If anything, he could try to see the positive side of things and use this as a learning experience. That's what you tried to do when you ran into unfortunate situations.
“Is it a bad time to suggest we get our own puppy?” You asked, smiling as you lifted Bandit up higher and put his cheek against yours. “Chewed up shoes and a scratched up couch aside, it might be nice.”
Dogs did make for great companions. He’d be lying if he said he hadn't pictured the two of you having a kid and a dog for them to grow up with. Someone who would be a friend to and watch over his child.
“What do you think?” You smiled when he stayed quiet for too long.
He softly smiled. Most people couldn't sway him to do anything, but you had a way about you. Maybe it was because he loved you. “I’ll think about it.”
You put Bandit down before you leaned in and brushed your lips against Will’s. “Thank you.”
He went in for another kiss, but stopped when the words fully registered. “Wait.” He narrowed his eyes. “Did you say scratched up couch?”
“...Did I say that? I don't recall.”
“I remember everything you’ve ever said to me,” he told you.
You put a hand over your heart. “That is so romantic.”
“And you said ‘chewed up shoes and a scratched up couch aside, it might be nice’, so what exactly did he do to our couch?”
Your eyes widened as you took a step back. “Run, Bandit!”
And he did.
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I couldn't help myself. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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karasuno-planet · 3 months
Haikyuu boys coming home after practice ♡
Includes: Kageyama, Oikawa, Hinata
genre: soooo fluffy, sfw
Post time-skip players coming home to their s/o!
a/n: just cutesy stuff tn for you all! requests are wide open and screaming to be filled so shoot me anything! <333
Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama gives it his all during every practice, meaning he comes home completely exhausted every night. And awfully hungry.
On days where he had already showered he just came in the door, said hello, took off his shirt and hopped straight in bed. Face-down.
It takes him a little while to re-gain his energy, so he just lays there for a good fifteen or twenty minutes until he usually stirred upon smelling whatever you were preparing for dinner.
You usually took care of dinner after his long practices, because you had the extra time and it was one thing that always made Tobio happy. To repay you, he usually made breakfast for you in the morning after he went on a run.
He would get out of bed, walk to the kitchen, and approach you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and peering at what you were doing over your head.
"Mm.." he hummed, still waking up, "I love you.."
You chuckled in response, "Do you love me or the food I'm making?"
"Definitely both..."
Be the time you were able to sit down and eat Tobio was fully awake. It might just be his ravenous appetite, but on thing you always loved about Tobio at dinner is that he would listen a lot more than he spoke. He just seemed to like hearing about everything you had gotten up to while he was away.
After dinner he opted to spend more time with you, watching TV usually, but he was up for whatever you suggested. You typically fell asleep before him, and sometimes he would get so excited just to be around you that he would unwind and set a volleyball to himself in bed next to you until he was tired enough to fall asleep.
Oikawa Tooru
He is definitely the kind of guy to sneak up behind you, cover your eyes and say something random. However, over time he switched to wrapping his arms around you and you felt like the things he would say to greet you became less cringey, but maybe you had just fallen even harder for him.
He always felt slightly energized after practice, something about the validation of hitting a perfect serve or receiving a compliment from his teammates gave him a boost. Even on days where he didn't have the best practice, he always put on a smile for you.
He would insist on being the one to cook or take you out, and it was his favorite thing when you decided to come sit on the counter and talk to him while he made dinner.
When he gave updates on the team and his day, he often kept it kind of vague. If you inquired about another player his smile would drop to kind of a stand-offish expression and he would dismiss it, simply saying something like, "Oh yeah, he's fine."
After all, he only wanted you to be thinking about him.
He would change into comfier clothes after dinner and naturally start to get more tired, the endorphin rush from practice having worn off, and the exhaustion setting in. But he would totally pretend he wasn't falling asleep to you. Even gaslighting you that you're definitely the tired one. This would result in a lot of laughter, and you eventually being swept up and carried to bed.
Hinata Shoyo:
He comes home an absolutely energetic freak! You can't mistake his arrival as he struggles to turn the key in the door as quickly as possible, usually resulting in him having to start all over again.
When he does eventually get in the house, he beelines it right towards you and engulfs you in a hug.
"I missed you!"
You struggle to respond, muffled in the hug, "I missed you too Shoyo."
"Practice was great.."
"Tell me all about it."
He's always all over you upon returning home, with a million stories to tell. If you asked about his day, rest assured you would hear about nearly every detail. His tendency to share even the smallest details is something he used to be a little shy about, but you always listened so attentively that over time he had completely gotten over that insecurity.
Neither of you wanted to leave each others' side long enough to cook a good meal, so you usually ended up ordering in. It was quite the struggle just to get Shoyo off you to get the food sometimes though, but when he did get it, he would practically inhale his meal and then finish whatever you didn't eat as well. It was sorta nice having a human garburator around, after all.
You and Shoyo would often fall asleep at the same time, sometimes still in a conversation together. Either you would wake up and drag him off the couch and to bed, or he would practically shake you up and take you there.
One of the best things about living with Hinata was how appreciated you felt from the moment he stepped in the door. He wanted everything to do with you all the time, and that feeling of devoted love was next to nothing.
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lynnlovesthestars · 6 months
Lesson one
Pairing: Astarion x GN!reader. Genre: fluff. Warning: Mention of Cazador- and that itself it's a warning. Insecurities. Synopsis: Astarion needs a reminder that you don't want anything back. WC: 1.2k AN: You can thank my delulu brain at night for this one, i simply dreamt of it a few weeks ago, n just found the guts to post it. Taglist: @sessils @spacebarbarianweird / Masterpost / Kofi / Patreon
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His lips lingered on your neck, hovering over the punctures as his hands still cradled you to him.
He let out a pleased hum before he kissed the mark, quickly stealing the stray droplets of blood with his lips.
You noticed right away how his body stiffened once he had laid you down. His hand cupped your cheek as you were quickly pulled to his lips. Despite his clear discomfort he pushed himself on top of you, his hips pressing against yours as you gently pushed him away.
“Astarion, stop” You murmured as he stared at you, his eyes full of confusion and something you couldn't quite grasp, but lacking the usual light they kept. His hands were holding the hem of his blouse, ready to be tossed away. He was doing it again.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked with furrowed brows, as he let go of the cloth.
“Yes, what are you doing?” You asked softly as you sat up, gently moving him with you until he was on his knees next to you.
“I'm clearly repaying you for your kindness” He smiled coy as he crawled few steps closer, one of his fangs peaking our from his lips while his dark eyes tried so hard to paint a different picture from his body. The confidence of his movements was shadowed by the uncertainty pooled in the crimson of his eyes.
You placed a hand on his cheek, softly grazing over his peachy skin. “Astarion, this is not a transaction” You shook your head as you admonished him kindly, your hand lingering on his cheek, focusing on the tense lines of his face, that begged to be eased.
“What do you mean?” He asked, confusion written all over his face, either for your physical response or your logic. Regardless it was foreign to him, everything was a give and take and he had just been given sustenance, it was logical he had to repay you.
“You don't need to repay me for anything” You leaned forward, kissing his cheek. “I'm doing it because I want to do it” You explained, not missing on his confusion.
He hesitated, it was too good to be true. There was something he HAD to give back, either with his blood or his body. Cazador had demanded always something. “I don't believe you, everyone always wants something back.” He crosses his arms and sat back. “No one is kind for free” In a way his harshness was like a slap to you, implying you wanted something back was by far unlike you, but then you remembered. You remembered what it when through and you understood if only briefly and theoretically.
“I never wanted anything back, Astarion.” You explained as he evaluated your words, you just gave him time to let them sink in, all the times he had bedded you, they were not because he had to do it, or because you expected him to fuck you as a payment, but because you wanted to.
“So what am I supposed to do, just get up and leave?” He raised an eyebrow skeptic, despite understanding he still was not completely sold on the idea of taking without giving up something.
“If that's what you want yes” It was astonishing to him how you didn’t hesitate, as if this was the norm, even though Astarion knew. He knew how the world spun and if there was something about it that he grasped effortlessly, was that nothing was free and no one was so selfless. Yet he wanted to believe you, even if just for a second.
“I-” He hesitated. He swore that if he still was alive, his chest would be thumping like crazy in that moment. “Want to give you something back” He lowered his eyes with a sigh. “I don't have much to offer besides sex though” He explained, a wave of nausea hitting him harshly. The mere thought was gagging him as he couldn't help but revive one of the countless nights he was forced to bed someone to survive. How he was devaluated to a simple piece of meat, and yet you saw him as much more than just his cock.
“One: you are much more than sex” You raised one finger up, admonishingly. “Two: if you truly want to do something, then come and lay next to me” Your voice softened, just like your body as you offered a soft smile and patted the softness of your bedroll eagerly.
“What?” It was Astarion only reply.
“Come and lay with me, here, under the duvet, in my arms” You spelled out almost purring like a cat at the idea of cuddles. True that Astarion had cold skin, but it wasn't any less enjoyable, and that seemed like enough of a repayment for you.
“You are kidding right? You want to cuddle” He chuckled holding his stomach, half in disbelief as the previous uncertainty dissolved to give space at the new emotion.
“Yes” You nodded. “I want to hold you and care for you” You scooted to the side and opened your arms for him.
“How's that my way of reciprocating the favour?” He raised an eyebrow, how could something so mere even compare to giving up your blood to feed a vampire.
“You are allowing me to love you” You said simply, urging him to join you with a hand gesture.
“Love?” He asked taken aback.
“The point is” You ignored his question casually. “I’m not giving you blood for sex, I'm doing it cause I know you need it” You gestured for him to come closer again. “and I don't want anything back” You closed your eyes and breathed out. “as a matter of fact, if you don't wanna cuddle you just have to say it and you can leave”
“No, no” He sat up, rejecting the idea of leaving, deep down he enjoyed your company even though most of the times it seemed as if he had to put a mask on, but you knew why it was like that, didn’t you? “Don't get me wrong, I'm confused, but I don't even know how to do it.. what it feels like” He admitted as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Then come here”. You simply said as you lifted the blanket to your legs and invited him in the warmth. “And let me show you, small spoon or big spoon?” You asked casually as he climbed next to you, unsure how to position himself as you draped him with the blanket as well.
“Why does it even matter? I usually prefer using a bigger spoon if I have to pick, though I’m a vampire, why would it matter how I eat soup?” He rolled his eyes as he tried his best to ignore the blush that surfaced on his cheeks once you wrapped your arms around him and dragged him to lay. You couldn’t help the giggle at his sudden naivety as you guided his head on your chest as if to invite him to wrap closer with you.
“This is..” Astarion thought for a moment as he allowed you to handle him while your warmth enveloped him. ‘..nice” He hums as he snuggled closer and closed his eyes.
“I’m glad” You murmured before placing a kiss to his temple and tangling your legs together, he didn’t resist to it, he simply molded with you as you rested together.
The weight of the day slowly sunk on the two of you, and lulled by the cicadas, you were asleep before you could say anything else.
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three times hyunjin wanted to kiss you plus the one time he finally did | h.h.j
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pairing... bsf!hyunjin x gn!reader tags... best friends to lovers, "unrequited" love, fluff, 3+1 prompt
hyunjin really, really wants to kiss you. but he can't, because that's not what best friends do.
wc... 1.4k words a/n... was supposed to have class today but there was a really bad storm so i whipped this up during my newfound free time <3 this is longer than i planned it to be tbh
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° ONE
Hyunjin was bored to death. He had done nothing all day except use his phone, watch tv, use his phone, pretend to work on his laptop, and use his phone. Now, here he was, lounging on his couch, tapping away on his phone and looking for food to order.
He contemplated texting you, his best friend, but decided against it, thinking you were probably busy.
Right as he was about to pay for his food, Hyunjin's phone buzzed and a notification popped up. his eyes lit up, realizing it was a message from you.
y/n <3: hyun! y/n <3: are you busy?
Typing as if his life depended on it, Hyunjin quickly replied.
hyunjinnie: nah hyunjinnie: i was about to order dinner tho y/n <3: do you want mcdonald's? was thinking i could pick u up and we can get drive-thru
Ah, times like this, Hyunjin really just wanted to give you a big fat kiss. You were always spoiling him, after all.
hyunjinnie: YES PLEASE!!!! hyunjinnie: maybe we could watch a movie after too hyunjinnie: i mean, only if you want
He was nervous. He's invited you over many times before, but not since he realized that he was maybe, kind of, sort of in love with you.
y/n <3: definitely!!! sounds like a plan <3 i'll be there in 15
And just like that, Hyunjin's smiling like an idiot. Words can't explain how excited he was to see your face, to smell your perfume, and to hear your voice. And if his eyes trailed from your eyes to your lips, that was his business and his alone.
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° TWO
Fifteen minutes had never felt longer. Hyunjin was anxiously waiting for you to arrive, eyes darting between his phone and the clock on the wall. Were you purposely driving slow to make him crazy?
As if on cue, you knocked on his front door, making him jump up off the couch in excitement. He slid his phone into his pocket, grabbed his wallet and keys, and walked over to the entrance of his apartment.
When he opened the door, you were greeted with a huge smile and a big, warm hug.
"Hi! i missed you," Hyunjin said, though it was muffled due to the fact that his face was buried in your hair. You giggled at his affection and replied, "We just saw each other last week!"
"I know, I still missed you, though." Smiling sheepishly, he let go of you and closed the door to his apartment. He took your hand and pulled you towards the elevator. "Come on. I'm starving."
After a long wait at McDonald's, you finally paid and got your food. Pulling out of the drive-thru, you began your drive back to Hyunjin's house.
"No way, I've been scammed!" Hyunjin gasps dramatically, raising his hand to his forehead and slumping in his seat. "They only gave me five nuggets when i ordered six. I'm legally obligated to one more!!!"
"What? No way." you quickly peeked inside the box Hyunjin was holding, seeing that there were, in fact, only five nuggets. "Alright, we're going back there."
Surprised, Hyunjin sat up and stared at you. "Wait, huh? No, Y/n- I was just kidding. It's just one nugget difference. It isn't a big deal, let's just go home."
"Don't be crazy, Hyun. you paid for six nuggets, and you're getting those six nuggets." The look on your face was one of pure determination. Your brows were furrowed, your eyes focused on the road, and your lips��god, your lips—looked so pretty and soft. 'Perhaps,' Hyunjin thought, 'I should repay Y/n for all the trouble with a kiss.'
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° THREE
Hyunjin's heart was beating a mile a minute. The two of you had chosen to watch a horror movie after eating dinner, which was a bad idea considering you both hated them. But the reason for his pacing heartbeat wasn't the movie, no, it was you.
You were sitting next to him on the couch, huddled under the blanket. Your legs were touching his, your hands were clutching his arm, and your neck was resting on his shoulder. He wasn't even paying attention to the movie anymore, not when you were this close to him. Not even the jumpscares affected him. He was far too focused on how your grip around his arm would tighten, how you would try to scooch even closer to him, how you would hide your face in his neck.
After the movie ended, the two of you stayed in your position on the couch, too comfortable to move. Hyunjin had his arm around your shoulders, keeping you safe in his grasp. You were telling him about your past few days, eyes lighting up as you recalled your happy memories. The corners of your lips perked up when you talked, pulling your cheeks higher and bringing your eyes to a crinkle.
You looked so pretty in his arms, Hyunjin swears he could just lean in and kiss you right then and there. But he doesn't, because that's not what best friends do.
ɞ° ‧₊˚ ◡̈° PLUS ONE
The stars were twinkling in the midnight sky. It was late and you were too scared to drive yourself home, claiming that the horror movie "changed your brain chemistry." So, like any good best friend would do, Hyunjin invited you to spend the night. In his bed.
"Are you sure, Hyun? I'm perfectly happy sleeping on the couch." You were standing by his bedroom door, watching him pull out your favorite hoodies of his. He walked to you with a soft smile, handing you the hoodie so you could change into something more comfortable than your old (and probably a size too small) t-shirt. "Oh come on, it's fine. I'm the one who asked you to stay over, anyway. It's only right that you take the bed and I take the couch."
Reluctantly accepting the hoodie from his hands, you sigh. "Okay, okay. I'll sleep on your bed. But! Only if you stay here with me."
A deep blush crept onto Hyunjin's cheeks at your request, but still, he gave in and nodded. "Sure, anything for you, Y/n."
It was a long, nearly sleepless night. Beside Hyunjin, you slept peacefully, lying on your side and facing him. He spent many hours staring up at his ceiling, silently cursing and thanking god at the same time for putting him in this situation.
Don't get him wrong, Hyunjin was so glad to have you with him in his bed, but he was so anxious that he'd make you uncomfortable. Were you okay sleeping while facing each other? Was he hogging too much of the blanket? Was he too close to you?
Eventually, these thoughts subsided and Hyunjin finally fell asleep. After a couple hours of rest, the sun started to seep through the curtains, filling the room with soft rays of light. Opening his eyes once again, Hyunjin was delighted to be greeted by your face in front of his.
You were so beautiful. Hyunjin admired the way your plump lips still curved into a small smile despite being asleep. Your hair was covering your eyes, so he slowly reached his hand to your forehead, gently brushing the stray pieces behind your ear. His hand hovered there as he thought to himself, 'I could just kiss them, right now. No one has to know.' Shaking the thought away, he brought his hand back down to his side, choosing to continue admiring your beauty instead.
"Are you going to keep staring, or are you going to kiss me?" you whispered, eyes slowly opening. "I mean, if you won't do it, I will,"
Hyunjin's mouth dropped open. Did he hear you correctly?
You giggled at his reaction, bringing your hand to his cheek. He immediately leaned into your touch. "Last chance, Hyun."
This is it, he was gonna do it. He was going to kiss you. Closing his eyes, Hyunjin leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. It was everything. He could've sworn he felt fireworks explode in his chest. He placed his hand on the small of your back, bringing your bodies together. You moved the hand on his cheek to the hair at his nape, playing with the soft strands.
Pulling away, Hyunjin took a deep breath and opened his eyes. You both smiled at each other, happy in each other's arms. "Finally. You don't know how long I've wanted to do that."
"Took you long enough," you laughed. "I was so sure you'd kiss me after the movie. I was waiting all night."
Hyunjin chuckled and leaned in for another kiss. God, he could get used to this. "Had I known you wanted me to kiss you, I wouldn't have waited for a single second."
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! © like-a-diamondinthesky 2023
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rene-darling · 1 year
CASH- app or zelle?
Sugar mommy/daddy AU
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Scaramouche never really needed a sugar mommy nor a daddy since he was a harbinger. He was rich...but now that he's wanderer...things have changed.
Ever since Nahida enrolled him in the Akademia he's had to find out how damn expensive some of the books he needs for his essays are
What the fuck! Why should he spend a million mora on a damn book he'll only use once!
While he was complaining about this to the traveler she jokingly suggested that he become a sugar baby.. " hah- do you think I would lower myself to such a degree-" once piamon mentions how he could basically get all the books he needed for his essays for free..he was sold.
One thing Wanderer didn't quite get the grasp of is what he needed to do for you in return...
His sharp breathing filled the room as your hips snapped in and out at a rough pace- he didn't know this was a part of the deal!!
Though he couldn't find it in himself to complain, as he gripped onto the bedsheets till his knuckles grew white "Hahh..fuuuck"
"you have to repay me for those books after all, don't you, so be a good little darling and hold fucking still." he wants to say he tried but it was nearly impossible! That fake dick slammed into him so hard! He couldn't! How could you except him to hold still
"i- hah.. I'm trying yo- mmh!" he was glad that he was facing away from you he most certainly didn't want to see that amused smirk on your face.
Xiao didn't realize how it even happened, he just thought you brought him gifts and such out of kindness
Right, it had to be kindness. What else could it be?
In time, he began expecting your gifts and trinkets patiently he would sit on the railings waiting for your arrival, and when you finally arrive he greets you still sitting on the railing
Xiao didn't even realize how this relationship developed. Due to his duty to guard liyue he never went anywhere too far from it, so whenever you would come back from your trips and expeditions you would give him gifts and trinkets.
And in turn, he would give you himself for the night.
He lets out breaths in a set rhythm "hah..hahh" his breaths come out as pants and his body jerks up and down at every touch
He's so damn sensitive, twitching at every minor touch, you can milk his cock all night and he'll try his hardest to be your good boy. To follow your commands without a word,
He'll grab into you so tightly so desperately trying to hide his embarrassment in the crevis of your neck
Albedo gets paid well by the knight of Favonius but lately, with some of his rather grand projects, he hasn't enough funds for them.
He thinks of ways to get more money, maybe he could work overtime. No, he already does and it's still not enough. He's in a stump. That's when he learns the term sugar baby from a drunk venti and kaeya
They both were drunk only jokingly suggesting that the man become a sugar baby if he was that desperate
What they didn't know was, yes. He is that desperate. He absolutely needs more funds, so this is the best and easiest option.
All he needs to do is lay himself on his table on Dragon spine, and the rest is up to you, you can do whatever you please with his fair skin, leave as many marks as you wish,
He thought it was easy enough. All he has to do is lay pretty and let you ravage him. He is a homunculus after all, he was confident he could take it,
"oh f-fuck mhm..." it seems he had overestimated how much his delicate body could take
Though he didn't mind, he enjoyed the feeling of being pushed to his utmost limit. His nails dig into your skin leaving red scratches all over, he can't help it you drive him insane.
Much like Albedo the Fox Boy needs funds for his experiments and expenditures, the scholars at the Akademiya after hearing his reluctance to join them being petty decided to cut his funds in half!
He's annoyed but he's even more petty than those stuck-up scholars, so even with his funds cut he decides to come up with another way to secure them
It wasn't his idea to become a sugar baby, but it came up when he was talking to his friends during a game of TCG, Kaveh had the same problem being in debt and not having enough funds to cover them.
He told Tighnari about how he planned to sign up to become a sugar baby, and so Tighnari albeit reluctantly decided to try it out. He means, what's the worst that could happen?
This is the worst. Though, he's lying.
His breathy pants fill the room his scratching and digging into your back, creating deep red marks on your skin,
"ah- ah..mhm, Hah-" he forces his head up to look at you, flushed cheeks tinted a harder red the more you stared back. "Y-you'll buy me t-the- mhm!" you couldn't help but chuckle.
His tail desperately wraps around you as he lets out a whine, he pouts a little at your teasing, "Don't worry darlin', I'll get whatever you want, so don't worry your pretty little head over it."
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k-germsworld · 2 months
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Yuju x M! Reader
2.4k words
"WHAT !!! Rejected again." Yuju looked at the rejection letter in her hand and sighed. She sent her resume to many companies but was rejected without exception. "Damn it, is it that hard to find a job now?" She was fired from her last company two months ago. 
"Ring.....ring...." Her phone rings. She answers the phone and realises that it is her mom.
Mom: "Yuna ya, I heard from others that you were fired?" 
Yuju: "No, never. Mom, I'm very busy right now. I'll call you later." 
Yuju quickly hung up the phone. She didn't want her family to know that she was fired from her previous company, so she had to hang up the phone quickly. She also received many letters from banks telling her how much money she owed and that she had to repay it within certain time frames or face legal action. All these factors made her feel very stressed. She checked the time and realized it was lunchtime. Even with all the stress, she still had to fill her stomach to continue looking for the next job. So she headed to the nearby cafe. On the way, she passed by a notice board and saw a job hiring on it. That job hiring post is from a top company. It says that they are hiring a female secretary, and you only need to know a little paperwork, as long as you are willing to learn and do it. Salaries are up to 6 million won per month.  
Yuju was attracted by the job posting and quickly emailed her resume to this company. While she was having lunch, she received a reply from the company and they already arranged an interview for tomorrow.  She felt so happy that she almost cheered loudly. When she got home, she began to learn about the company so that she could be fully prepared for the interview tomorrow. 
The next day, she was well-prepared and headed to that company. When she arrived, she found that so many people were waiting for their interviews. Yuju looked like the last one to arrive, so she had to wait until everyone else was done. "Next, please." After waiting for almost an hour, it was finally her turn. After she tidied herself up, she confidently walked into the interview room. She saw three people sitting and waiting for her. The person who interviewed Yuju was not anyone else, but the boss of this company. 
"Good morning, my name is Choi Yuna. You can call me Yuju. I'm here to apply for the boss's secretary position." Yuju makes a simple greeting to them. 
"Have your seat please." The boss said. 
The three of them holding the resume emailed by Yuju. "Choi Yuna, 26 years old. The reason why you were fired from your last company was because you leaked company information, causing your company to miss out on a large investment. For this reason alone, our company should not hire you." The interviewer sitting next to the boss said.  
Yuju was shocked to hear this, they knew that the person who leaked the company information was her. She knew that this company was her last chance because other companies were afraid to hire her because of her previous company, so this top company was her last chance. "I can swear I won't make the same mistake again." 
"Why should we trust a guy who has no credibility?" The interviewer told her in a more stern tone. 
"I can do anything, as long as you give me this chance." Yuju please them.
"I'm sorry, miss.  We can't give you this job, please leave." The interviewer motioned Yuju to leave. 
"Ahem...." The boss's cough made them stop arguing. "Are you willing to do anything as long as you can do this job?" Yuju nodded her head. After seeing her answer, the boss looked at the other two interviewers and asked them to leave the room. After making sure the two interviewers had left, the boss stood up from his chair. Yuju is very curious about what kind of test the boss will give her. The boss stood in front of the table and took a look at her resume. "Yuju ssi, let me confirm with you once again that you can do anything just to get this job?" She nodded firmly and continuously. "Yeah, that's right. I'd do anything to get this job." The boss smirked. “Stand up!” She stood up according to the boss' instructions. He walked over to where Yuju was and looked her over. "Such a beautiful and sexy woman." The boss said in his mind. He lifted her face with his fingers. She shyly avoided the boss's eyes. "Yes, boss? So what can I do now?" However, the boss still didn't give her an answer yet. He walked up behind her and sniffed her hair vigorously. "Ah...ah. It smells so good." The boss spoke out what was on his mind, leaving Yuju speechless. "What is he doing?" She said in her mind. She was curious about what the boss was observing her for.  
The boss hugged Yuju from behind, scaring her. She tried to break free from him but the boss was too strong. “Hey, let me go.” His hands moved from her waist to her tits. His hands began to grope her tits. “This is what you need to do if you need this job. I am hiring a secretary just to please me and help me release my stress." Yuju finally understood why the wages were so high. “No, I wouldn't do this shit if I had to sacrifice my body." After hearing this, the boss let go of his hands. She was also confused at once. "Okay, you can leave now. Wait for our call." The boss pretended that he had not done anything to Yuju. She had no choice but to leave according to the instructions. Just as she took a step to leave, the boss suddenly said something to her. “I know you need this job, but no one in this industry will hire you if you dare to step out from this office. And everyone knows how you were fired from your last company.” This made her very angry, but she did not dare to contradict the boss because he was telling the truth. He went on to say, "And if you listen to me, I guarantee you'll get this salary easily. And you don't need to do much."  He knew that although these words were frivolous, they were a great temptation to Yuju. She gradually felt that what her boss said made sense. She really needed a job and money to pay off her debts, and she didn't need to worry about her mother.  "So as long as I listen to you, I can get a fixed salary of 6 million won every month?" She couldn't resist this temptation, so she thought about it for a while before leaving the office and said to her boss. The boss knew he had succeeded. "Yes, it's not a big workload. As long as you are willing to please me and help me relieve stress when I need it, you can easily get this salary." He went towards Yuju’s direction and removed her clothes. She didn't resist and let the boss do whatever he wanted. He touched her tits again. Yuju's tits were just the right size for the boss. He didn't like big tits so he did everything he could to keep her.
"Before you become my official secretary, I still need to test you." He glares at his pants, and seems like he wants to ask Yuju to help him to take off his pants. She understood what he meant, so she knelt on the ground and took off his pants. She didn't pull off his panty at once but she can see a bulge on his panty. Even though she hadn't seen the real thing yet, she was already surprised by the size of the bulge. "Continue!" The boss saw that she seemed dazed, so he reminded her. Yuju continued to pull his underwear down. This time she finally saw his cock. His cock was not as big as she thought it was, but thicker, so it looked bigger in his underwear. She slowly stroked on his cock. She felt very strange but had no choice but to continue in order to get the job. She used both of her hands to stroke his cock. Her hands were just big enough to completely encompass the length of his cock. So she began to stroke his cock up and down. While she was stroking, she also looked at the boss. He seemed dissatisfied with her performance and did not seem to enjoy it at all. 
Yuju knew that if she wanted to make a guy cum she had to use her mouth, but she really didn't want to put a dick in her mouth. “You‘re so sucks at pleasing me. If you want me to cum, you need more than just a hand job.” She continued to stroke her cock with her hand and ignored her boss’s mood. As she continued to stroke his cock with her hand, she began to get horny. She looked at his glans and suddenly felt like putting the cock in her mouth. Since she only wanted to use her hands, the boss was getting less and less interested in her, so he wanted to stop her. When he wanted to stop her, he found that she already slightly extended her tongue to lick his glans. She began to lick his glans with her tongue. She also began to slowly lick around his cock. "Yes, that's it. That's what you need to do to make me cum." It seemed that because of the praise, Yuju became more and more skilled at licking without realising it. She was able to take her boss's cock in her mouth and spit it out, while her hands played with his balls. She also took her balls into her mouth while her hand continued to stroke his cock. “Yes, you're a fucking genius in this.” She was very happy to hear these compliments. He saw her horny face, which made him pat his dick on her face. She lets her boss pat his saliva-covered cock on her face and she seems really turned on.
Yuju couldn't wait to take his cock in her mouth again. So she opened her mouth and waited. The boss saw this and stuffed his dick into her mouth. But this time it wasn't Yuju who took the initiative, it was the boss. The boss's thick cock kept entering her mouth, causing her mouth to be constantly enlarged by the thick cock. Although the length was not long, it could at least deep down her throat. The boss couldn't help it, he grabbed her head and started facefucking her. “OH fuck Yuju, your mouth is so hot and good on taking my dick.” She couldn't answer the boss because she could only make the gag sound. Her mouth was drooling but she enjoyed being facefucked by her boss. The boss stopped when he hit the deep of her throat. He enjoyed the moment when her throat was tightened and wrapped his dick tightly. She patted his legs when she almost ran out of breath. The boss realised and pulled his dick out. Yuju was panting so hard when he pulled out his cock. He is watching his dick is dripping with her saliva. He also saw that her chin was full of saliva, he went over and licked clean all the saliva on her face. They have a passionate kiss. She grabbed his face and didn't want to let him go, and put her tongue into his mouth. The boss also put his tongue into her mouth. He held her waist and slowly moved her to the table. He laid her on the table but never stopped kissing her. 
The boss took her bra off and ate her nipples. She was so aroused that she couldn't bear it any longer. “Just fuck me already, boss. Stop teasing me.” After hearing that, the boss couldn't wait to take off her panties and stuffed his cock into her already wet pussy. "You are so perfect, Yuju. Your pussy's shape is so perfect for my cock. I promise to make you happy every day if you become my secretary." After that, he continued to swing his hips and thrust into her. Before Yuju could even get used to her thickness, he was already pumping rapidly, and it didn't take long for her to squirt. He felt that she was about to squirt, so he pulled out his dick, and at that moment, Yuju squirted a lot. After squirting, she lay on the table and twitched. Her juices spurted all over the table and the floor. But the boss did not blame her. Instead, he looked at her glistening pussy that had just squirted and prepared for the second insertion. 
Before she could rest, the boss had already inserted his dick into her. This time the insertion was easier than before because she had just squirted and her pussy was wet and warm. "Oh, boss. You fuck me so deep. I can't......" She couldn't even finish her words because of the boss's skillful thrusting. "Ah... you suck me so tight, it feels so good." The boss hasn't had sex with a girl who feels so good for a long time, and he feels like he's about to cum. He grabbed Yuju's waist and increased the speed of his thrusts. "Yes.... boss. Fuck me like this. Ruined me with your dick please." “Fuck… Yuju… I am about to cum.” Along with the boss's moan, he also shot his semen into her body. He took out his cock and watched his semen flow out of her pussy. “It’s so hot inside me.” Yuju felt his warm cum in her pussy. The boss didn't want to cum inside Yuju, but she made him feel so good that he accidentally cummed inside her. 
She picked up some of the semen with her fingers, took a look at it, and then lay on the table, gasping for breath. "Is my performance okay?" He smiled and said: "You're hired, Yuju ssi." "Thank you, boss." He approached Yuju again and aimed his dick at her pussy. “This is your orientation party.” He smirked and inserted his dick in her pussy again. Yuju didn't stop him and they both had sex until both of them were tired.
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luveline · 9 months
hi jade i’m going through a breakup right now and my ex was really toxic so i was wondering if you could write something with Steve, where reader is dating him after and thinks that everytime he does something nice for her she has to repay him with sex. like even after a date or when he buys her something. that’s literally how my ex made me feel
if not it’s totally cool and thank you💕
hi my love, I'm really sorry that that was happening to you, it isn't okay! you're much more than your intimacy with someone and you deserve to be given good things without expectations. I hope this is what you wanted to read <3
tw past implied coerced sex /sexual assault
“Up you go.” 
You shriek, clawing at the hands on your hips as Steve lifts you up a step. “Don't!” you laugh, failing to get out of his grips. 
“M'just helping you, babe, alright? Don't be so ungrateful.” 
He's joking, but the air feels like it's been knocked our of you. Steve continues to heave you up the steps to the house, sandwiching you between his front and the door as he unlocks it. 
“Come on, beautiful,” he says, practically dragging you inside, “what happened? Your legs stopped working.” 
It goes without saying that Steve is really nice. Eddie told you he's always like this when he's in love, but you're reluctant to call it love just yet. Dating is difficult for you sometimes —you overthink when you should be kissing, and flinch sometimes when he's kind. But you're having a really, really nice time with Steve and you want to keep trying to be with him. 
He knows you've gone somewhere else, his hand coming up around your chest to rest on yout sternum. “Hey, you okay?” 
“I'm fine.” 
“Yeah?” He walks you to the living room. “It was a good day, right?” he asks into your cheek, propping a soft kiss there. “God, you make me so happy.” 
Your face and neck flush with heat. Steve gives you a squeeze of a hug and encourages you to sit on the couch, where he immediately kneels at your feet. What he's saying is lovely, but when he starts to untie your shoe laces, you realise it had been a prompt. To be grateful, to show him it was a good day. He slides your shoes off with a grin, and your hands go to your button. You unzip your jeans, and Steve's smile stutters. 
“Do you want to?” you ask, paused. 
“Want to what?” 
“Take them off for me?” 
“Are they hurting you?” 
You realise different things at the same time. Steve your intentions, and you his lack thereof. “Shit, I'm sorry,” you say, as he says, “Oh, oh, um?” 
“I thought you wanted–” 
“You're perfect, and I want to if you want to, but I wasn't trying to come on to you,” he says, holding your ankle. “I'm sorry, I'm embarrassing you. Don't be embarrassed, please, I'm such an idiot–” He puts his face against your knees.
You pull your shirt down over pants to hide their open state. “You… we had such a nice day. Don't you want…” You cross your arms over your stomach. “I wanted to. I mean, you should get something back.” 
“I should get what back? Why would you think that?” he asks. Steve gets quiet when things are serious. He has a mixture of shock and hurt in his eyes looking up at you, but his hands stay gentle as they climb your legs.
You can't admit it. The weight of it stays on your tongue. 
Steve thinks about it, and maybe he sees it in your face, but eventually he says, “With him?” 
You look away. 
Steve climbs onto the couch beside you with a quiet huff. “When I said we had a good day, that's all I meant. That's…” He takes one of your hands, pulling it toward him, his gaze insistent on your face until you meet his eyes. “I really, really like you. Like–” He puts your hand on his chest and holds it there. “You don't have to do anything for it.” His lips pout gently. “Am I saying the wrong thing?” 
He leans in to kiss your cheek. “Good,” he says, and kisses it again. 
You smile, tilting your head to your shoulder, tickled at his breath as it fans out by your ear. 
“Baby,” he murmurs, “are you okay?” 
You nod, worried about how you might sound if you speak. 
“You never have to do that.” 
“I didn't mean to make it seem like you thought that I did,” you mumble. 
“I know. It's confusing, right? Being with someone new after a long time with someone else. But I want to be with you, and I'm sorry that you– that he made you feel that way, that he could treat you like that. I'm sorry.” 
“It's okay, Steve. I'm sorry too.” 
“Well don't be.” He works his arms around you in a hug, a careful hand behind your neck. “I don't want you to be sorry. You didn't do a thing wrong.” 
He sounds angry for a split second, and you know undeniably that he isn't angry with you. You hug him back with much more gusto, so tight he actually groans. He doesn't make you stop, though. Just hugs you closer in response.  
“You want me to get you some sweatpants or something?” he asks. 
You nod into his neck, slinking down further into his embrace. Neither of you make any efforts to actually pull away. 
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heartfullofleeches · 3 months
Carnis [Cow Hybrid Yan] with Farmer Witch Reader- A witch and their lab grown giant cow puppy who stumbled onto their farm one day. Witch Reader judt might end up putting off meat entirely despite being aware of Carnis' immortality/regenerative abilities after Carnis works up to courage to tell them what happened in the lab. Eating living fruits and vegetables is one thing, but Carnis has been through so much already they couldn't possibly make the poor butcher themselves for their benefit. Witch Reader is relatively neutral to most things that happen on their farm, but they aren't a monster.
Carnis is intentionally hurt that the farmer doesn't want their meat. They've heard Reader reminisce about the days before they moved away to the countryside where it was quite easy for them to exchange their magic in return for goods from the humans. Do they not like beef? Do they think Carnis would taste bad? Witch Reader hardly wants anything from Carnis besides the cow helping them finish any left over produce, but they can see how sad Carnis is with no way to repay their kindness. They give Carnis small tasks around their farm which lifts the hybrid's spirits and gives them more locations to check for trespassers. If Witch Reader doesn't want their meat the least they can do is offer the witch the same protection they've given them.
"Carnis. I know you're excited, but you have to stay still just a bit longer. I would hate to cut your hair, but there's still lot of dirt I need to scrub out."
The hybrid wriggles against the porcelain floor of your bathtub, splashing soapy water all over your lower body as you kneed your finger through their hair. You're sure an apology would've followed had they no been so preoccupied getting a good look out the window. Your fields are all they've been able to keep an eye on since you gave them free range of the property. A part of you wished to inquire more about their life before now. All you could do to settle your curiosity now was give them time.
The softness of their voice catches you off guard.
"You can go outside after I'm done washing your hair, Carnis. It won't be long."
Carnis shakes their head, the smooth side of their horn bumping against your wrist. "I want to stay inside - with you... If....if that's okay?"
"This is your home now if you wish to stay. Do as you please."
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