aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
One of the both interesting and annoying things with Trials of Apollo is Apollo is an unreliable narrator who will entirely straight up lie to the audience.
Like, on one hand, yes technically that is what an unreliable narrator is, but generally with unreliable narrators you are able to parse that they’re being unreliable entirely within the contexts of the narrative and also parse the truth. A good example is actually Magnus Chase - he’s also an unreliable narrator. But he doesn’t wholly outright lie ever about random details. Magnus is somewhat coy when it comes to details about himself or his feelings, but its also generally very easy to see through his pretenses. When we’re introduced to him, he talks a lot insisting that he’s some type of tough loner guy on the streets, and isn’t super into touchy-feely stuff. Then we’re immediately introduced to his found family and spend the next two books seeing his found family grow and finally him literally win a fight with the power of friendship. He claims he’s totally independent, but then also talks about how he keeps sneaking into his uncle’s house and again, has two adoptive dads. We’re presented this information almost side-by-side, so while Magnus is an unreliable narrator, we as the audience are still receiving valid information. And then comparatively Percy is just almost entirely a truthful narrator. There’s never really a question of having to dispute the information he gives us.
Meanwhile, Apollo will exposition at the audience and we genuinely have no way of confirming or denying it, and we do know that he is blatantly lying about at least some of it, which makes basically all of the information entirely useless. The most notable example of this is Apollo spending three whole books referring to Artemis as his younger twin sister. Without contextual knowledge of Greek Mythology, specifically relating to the myth of Artemis and Apollo’s births, there is no reason for the audience to dispute this or not take this as fact when Apollo is presenting it as such. Then, in Tyrant’s Tomb when Artemis actually shows up, Apollo completely 180s into being truthful and referring to Artemis as his older twin. It honestly almost reads as just narrative inconsistency or textual error if you aren’t aware that Apollo is intentionally supposed to be lying to the audience.
And it’s annoying! Because we can’t take anything he says as fact most of the time! Like, we can presume it’s true, because we have nothing saying it’s not true until we do. But also, sometimes we do! Like with Artemis! So there’s a ton of little instances of having to go “Is this a retcon, new information, consistency error, or is Apollo just straight up lying and it will never get addressed?” We don’t know.
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cheerytye · 25 days
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Entry 15:
Things between us are going great!
It's been a few weeks of us dating again. Going out to eat, trying new bars, staying at each other's apartments. I never thought we would get here!
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We've even been talking about our first vacation together!
Things really feel like they're taking a turn to the right direction with us. We're progressing but it doesn't feel rushed like I feared.
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I do still feel like there's always this lingering conversation to be had about Chance. Whether he's tried to talk to me or if I've seen him around. It's always like Kieran wants to bring it up but bites his tongue.
Then it happened. I knew it would at some point, I just didn't think today would be the day.
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It all kinda happened quickly.
Kieran went outside to grab something from his car and Chance was there checking his mail.
It doesn't take a genius to realize this is the man that had his hands on my body a few months ago.
So, Kieran just let it all out.
Even though Chance didn't know about our relationship, and while Kieran did forgive me, he never got the chance to voice his grievances with Chance.
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I think Kieran realized it wasn't his fault.
He found someone he was attracted to and did what any adult would.
But it still hurt him to be face to face with the man that could've ruined his relationship and he let him have it.
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"I don't care if you two are friendly, if I ever see you talk to June again I won't hesitate to kick your ass!"
"Don't look at her, don't breathe near her, don't let your mind linger on her."
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Chance wouldn't take some random guy who was dating his latest hookup talk to him any type of way especially in public.
He told Kieran to watch himself and there would be no issues.
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Of course Olive had to be in the hallway during this.
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Then it all happened so quickly.
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stillness-in-green · 16 days
sorry, didn't see the answer until today. thank you for that but I mean proving AFO wrong that Tenko is filled with hatred and destroying and no one can accept him. we know thats a lie now but Tenko still dies?
Hey again, anon. So, I went back and tried to fit this follow-up context into your original ask—answered here for anyone who wants to look over it again.  My initial answer was based on you meaning that AFO should have been “proven wrong” in his assertions about human frailty and how, once someone has been rejected by society and become a Villain, there’s no way for them to come back.  Reconsidering your issue (that Deku killing Shigaraki doesn’t prove AFO wrong) with the knowledge that what you meant was him saying Shigaraki is only capable of hating and destroying things…
I guess in the end I don’t think the story believes AFO is wrong about that either? I mean, obviously he was, back when he first told those words to at-the-time-still-Tenko. But now? Not so much, at least in the author's eyes.
Below, if you want to subject yourself to my reasoning again, you can follow along as I talk myself through getting to that quite jaded conclusion.  My apologies if I misunderstand or misrepresent you again anywhere along the way!  Admittedly, based on my experience with the fandom and what names we choose to use in talking about the characters, I suspect we’re coming at them from radically different positions, but my position is the one I’ve got to offer you. Please know that, to whatever extent we might disagree on how much "Shigaraki Tomura" was ever a legitimate persona, we are united in our opinion that Deku should have done more for him if the story was serious about him being the Greatest Hero.
So, okay, the biggest issue with asserting that Shigaraki has any kind of moral core or personality independent of his AFO-instilled hatred/destructiveness is that the best arguments for it all revolve around the League and how Shigaraki wants to be their “Hero,” how that’s contiguous with his personality even from when he was “Tenko” because both fit a pattern of reaching out to the outcasts that everyone else around them ignores or mistreats.
I believed that too!  I still do, in fact!  I want to be clear that I think Shigaraki still has legitimate grievances and that his desire to make a world in which Villains will be happier is still, in its own way, noble and true!
But that glorious spread where Tomura says that even if every bit of his hatred is smashed, he’ll still keep going because he has to be a Hero for the Villains that need him?  That spread comes before the montage showing AFO’s involvement in the Shimuras’ lives from before Tenko was even born.  And part of that montage is the absolutely buffoonish reveal that AFO even influenced Tenko’s sense of heroism by leaning on Tomo and Mikkun (the aforementioned outcasts) to encourage him to be a Hero.  I tend to assume that the two of them were from one of Ujiko’s orphanages—I can’t imagine how else AFO would be in a position to give two random children direct orders!—but whatever the case, it means that even Tenko’s draw towards standing up for outcasts is something influenced by All For One.
If you take that away, what else is left?  I could pick a few little traits here and there, but ultimately, what Shigaraki comes back to in the end, in that very last conversation with Deku in the shared mindspace, is destruction.  He pursued it to the end, his last expressed regret is that he couldn’t carry it out, and his final messages to ally and enemy alike revolve around the destruction he sought—telling Spinner he died fighting for it and telling Deku that it’s up to him and his whether any of what he destroyed actually stays destroyed.
To me, that suggests that the manga does believe that Shigaraki Tomura was, ultimately, an existence that could only destroy, and the fact that some of what he targeted deserved to be destroyed doesn’t negate the fact that he was still ultimately defined by the destructiveness that AFO meticulously crafted him to embody.  Even Deku seems to think that, in the end!
Like, really working through the timeline here?  Deku did want to believe that the Crying Child indicated that Shigaraki had some drive other than destructiveness at his core.  One of the (vanishingly rare) times he actually spoke to Shigaraki during their fight was his refutation of Shigaraki’s claims that he’d successfully devoured The Crying Child and thus transcended his humanity.
Running on the desperate certainty that Shigaraki was wrong/lying, Deku smashes his way into Shigaraki’s core and metaphorically uproots his hatred and psychically holds his hands, and Shigaraki still says that even so, the Villains still need him…  And if it ended there, maybe we could say that AFO was “wrong” in the sense you describe—that while the method Shigaraki uses to Be A Hero For Villains is warped by AFO’s influence, his desire to be that Hero is genuinely his own.  But then we get That Reveal, and even the parts of Tenko that seemed to predate AFO are revealed to be just another aspect of AFO’s machinations—Tenko’s heroism, his sense of injustice, even his very existence, all are indelibly stamped with AFO’s mark.
After that reveal, Deku never again pushes back against claims that Shigaraki can only destroy.  He never pushes back on AFO’s claims of authorship of Shigaraki’s life; he never tries to encourage Shigaraki by insisting that his bonds to the League are real regardless of how AFO raised him.  Heck, he never even suggests Shigaraki still has the chance to figure out who Tenko could be as long as he can break AFO's hold and reject his teaching. No, Deku just…accepts AFO's premise, apparently.
And so I come back to the same conclusion I did before: Deku is angry at All For One, but he does not disagree with All For One.
I genuinely think that, as far as the narrative is concerned, the tragedy of Shigaraki’s ending is thus:
Anyone Shimura Tenko was or could have been was overwritten by All For One’s grooming long ago.  Maybe this could have been prevented if things had gone differently—if Nana had beaten AFO, if someone like Deku had been there to intervene the day of the tragedy, if someone on the street had reached out to him before AFO—but as it stands, Shigaraki Tomura is too far gone to save.[See Note]  Deku can end the monster that was behind it all and try to honor the victims that Shigaraki’s actions brought to light by changing the world that created them for the better, but he cannot save Shimura Tenko because Shimura Tenko was lost long before he and Midoriya Izuku ever met.
(Note: One of those "Maybe If..."s the story dangles is Spinner taking some ill-defined step to help his friend, but my opinions are that disingenuous suggestion are just a long string of profanity. Suffice to say, if Shigaraki could still have been "saved" all the way up to the start of the second war, then the Heroes bear way more responsibility for failing to do so than Spinner ever could, and Deku is even more of a fuckwit for not arguing with AFO's assertions that Tomura is nothing but what AFO made of him.)
Of course we wanted more than that.  Of course we wanted Deku to do more than that!  We spent all that time watching Shigaraki grow and bond with the League—why, if the only reason for that growth and those bonds was to prepare him as a vessel for AFO?  We watched Deku resolve to try to save and/or understand Shigaraki’s heart no matter what—why, if everything in that heart was written in someone else’s hand?
The story told us that the best heroes always manage to both win and save, and that we were reading the story of how Deku becomes the best hero—why, if the story was only going to conclude that Shigaraki’s death at Deku’s hand was inevitable because the harm All For One did was impossible for either of them to overcome?
And to me, at least, that’s why Shigaraki’s death and Deku’s role in it feel so wrong: not for the in-universe reason that Deku and Shigaraki don’t disprove/disavow AFO’s claims, but for the meta reason that My Hero Academia lied to us and wasted our goddamn time.  It spent over two hundred chapters building up Shigaraki Tomura—as a villain, yes, but also as a victim, a friend, an enemy, an ally, someone who existed in the world he was rebelling against—only to then turn around and spend its remaining two hundred chapters tearing him back down to nothing and then telling us that’s all he ever was anyway.
All For One killed that crying child a long time ago, and all Deku can do is wipe away his tears and then wave him goodbye. 
By punching him to death.
It’s hard to imagine a bleaker outcome for the “Tenko” that started Horikoshi’s whole career as a mangaka, but I guess that’s what happens when your chosen career brutalizes you so badly that you come to define a Hero as someone who helps people endure their suffering instead of saving them from it.
...Uh.  So, this got pretty bleak itself in the end.  Sorry, anon, everyone.  I write that way to get my point across, and I’m no little bit bitter about the whole thing myself, but ultimately, I just want to remind everyone that the story is over.  I’m not going to try to turn this whole thing into a positivity post all the way at the end, but just embrace that much: your obligation to care about the things Horikoshi wrote—to the extent that that obligation ever existed—is fulfilled.  If you hate the ending, well, so do I.  But now and forever, we and everyone else can go and do what-the-hell-ever we want to do with the characters and world that Horikoshi left us.
I hope we do.  I’ll be rooting for us!
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random-xpressions · 2 months
To reduce the idea of soulmate to an individual is such a limiting belief. This universe and every atom in it has been an eternal lover of yours ever since the beginning of time. It has been plotting all this while to finally bring you out in the shape and form you are today. The moon kept a watch over you while you were still a toddler sucking milk from your mother's breast. The clouds sheltered you while you were playing around in the streets as a kid. The stars were there to hear your heart's silent grievances when you were growing up as an adolescent. Perhaps the tree in your neighborhood may be missing you on the days you have fallen sick and you are on your bed rest. Our misery too is in this unfortunate truth that we deposit all our expectations on a single human being, too frail to manage their own life perfectly, what do you expect? There are flowers blooming in the backyard with whom you could undertake another exciting conversation. There are angels with you day and night keeping your guard with whom you could limitlessly engage. The walls in your room too can hear and see, nothing around you is not without life. I see the entire universe around me for a tremendous potential partnership. I'd never just limit the idea of companionship with a human soul. Every atom in this existence is vibrating with a soul. Without the spirit, the matter cannot exist!
Random Xpressions
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A few thoughts I would like to share.
I'm sharing this because the spirits and gods have been serving me with this wisdom. I hope it's beneficial for you as well.
There is a misconception floating around that the older a spiritual practice is (or can be found on record), the more valid it is. For those of us in the modern age who are inundated with messages from Witchtok (urgh) or random corners of the internet saying that our practices are invalid because it's not historically accurate... here is some food for thought.
For a lot of faiths and traditions (such as a Nordic tradition), there is not a lot of information to go on. Many traditions have, unfortunately, been lost due to acculturation and assimilation over time. I am grateful for the information we do have and is able to be preserved through countless centuries of scholarly work that continues into today. However, we are forced to fill in the gaps in order to continue on for the sake of tradition, preserving the memory of our ancestors, and just because. You don't need a reason to follow a faith you are called to. That's why it's called faith.
There is a lot of misinformation floating around regarding certain practices that do not line up with the historical record. I believe this is happening because there is a weird grievance to justify our faith and everything that we do by making it look like our ancestors have been doing the same things for centuries. In other words, our faith isn't valid in the eyes of others unless we can prove that it's an ancient, historical practice like the powerhouse religions of Christianity/Judaism/Islam or Vedism.
Well, I think that's stupid.
Faith, like humans, nature, and culture, are meant to evolve. It is meant to grow. It is meant to change with the seasons, with the people, with whatever the fuck is happening in the day and age. Things are not meant to look the same forever and ever. It just isn't feasible. And I am fully confident that old gods and vættir realize this. We can't help the fact that a lot of information has been lost. We are having to adapt, adopt, and craft something new to help us connect, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, my siblings.
The idea that every little thing you do for the sake of your faith, practice, or tradition has to be traced back to a historical record is, in my opinion, a trap crafted by the dominant cultures and religions to keep us in enclosed in boxes that we are not meant to settle in.
Now, with all that said, I do believe there are some very important keys from the historical record that should be upheld or, at least, be cross-referenced at some point for the sake of following a tradition that is set in stone. But, considering a lot of us are children of immigration and are no longer in the countries of our ancestors, there are some things that are impossible to follow. That's why we should be open to adapting, adopting, and evolving from where we are to craft new traditions. This was entirely normal and valid back in the day, so why can't it be now?
Remember the past, honor the past, but don't be afraid to take the information we do have and craft it into a faith or practice that suits you and/or your family. After all, someday we will be ancestors, and the practices you do today may be honored by your descendants decades or even centuries into the future. Isn't that neat? Or, if the bloodline ends with you, records of your practice may resonate with someone who is searching for pieces of their truth.
Allow the ancestors, vættir, nature, old gods, and most importantly, yourself to guide you. Everything else is just a means to an end.
TL;DR you are allowed to create something new from historical sources to express your faith. It's perfectly valid despite protests from ignorant people who have nothing better to do than start fights on the internet.
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likesunsetorange · 7 months
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haven't posted anything in a while from this au and was working on it just now, so thought i'd share :)!
The three of them sat at a table at some random café near what Eren assumed was Mikasa’s neighborhood; Levi and Kenny had chatted amongst themselves for the majority of the time while Eren quietly poked and prodded at his food, too anxious for whatever reason to eat. He didn’t feel like talking, but he knew eventually that they would have to address the elephant in the room—the Ackerman girl. 
Eren hadn’t been told much about her, but from the few things he’d heard from the Ackermans visits to the casino and what they had told him when they approached him about the position, she was trouble, and she was anything but an easy task.
“So… What’s she like?” Eren finally asked, interrupting Kenny and Levi from whatever it was they were talking about.
Kenny snickered at his question, clearly amused, before taking a sip of his beer (despite it only being noon). “Mikasa? Well, she used to be great—the sweetest angel. She used to adore me and Levi here; we took her everywhere with us, her favorite uncle and cousin. But after today? We’ll probably be on her shit list too.”
Levi side-eyed Kenny, a look of disappointment on his face at his admittance. It was evident there was some level of truth behind his words, but if he agreed, Levi didn’t say anything to show it.
“Mikasa has her… grievances, you could say, with the family. We, unfortunately, have been tasked to be the bearers of bad news. She’s not going to be happy, considering the things that have been going on recently.”
Eren looked between Levi and Kenny, both of whom were probably being intentionally vague. Familial affairs that had nothing to do with the job he had been tasked with—ensuring Mikasa stayed safe and stayed out of trouble. It wasn’t his place to ask questions, but Eren was smart enough to fill in between the lines they were drawing for him.
“I understand… So she’s angry, for her reasons. Is that something I should be worried about?” Eren asked. Despite knowing there were things that weren’t of his concern, he at least deserved some sort of warning if they were going to give him one.
“She’s perpetually pissed, and knowing her parents went and did this behind her back is only going to make things worse,” Levi said, before taking a sip of his tea. He sighed, placing his cup down on the table. “All I’ll say is, don’t be surprised if she’s a fucking brat—it’s what she knows how to do best.”
“Mikasa knows how to make someone’s life hell, and don’t think just because you’re a stranger you’re exempt from that,” Kenny said, chuckling.
Eren stared blankly at the two of them, unsure of whether or not he was supposed to agree or disagree. It was almost as if they wanted him to back out of the job before he had even started, but he had asked for honesty, and they had given him exactly that.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, nodding.
“Oh, and don’t be surprised if she tries to bribe you or something. Mikasa is an Ackerman—her limits know no bounds,” Kenny added, at which Levi simply put his head in his hands, a large sigh emitting from his mouth.
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
Will Love In Spring (ongoing drama) review so far. Spoilers for up to episode 12 below.
Chen Maidong First and foremost, the most random observation I *have* to make : why is Chen Maidong's name so yellable? LOL Like CHEN MAIDONG WHEN I CATCH YOU CHEN MAIDONG!
Speaking of Chen Maidong... I think it'd be too easy to characterize him as a red flag (okay, given my personal history, maybe I'm not the best person to make this argument but, hear me out). I think he's represented more as a complex, imperfect character. Definitely not a knight in shining armor but also not a complete liú máng or hún dàn.
Argument 1) if Zhuang Jie didn't call out his issues (like him not letting go of the grievances he has towards his parents) - then yeah. Put him down as a red flag. But they discuss his past, her past, and I think they're transparent about the fact that neither are perfect people or good at relationships.
Argument 2) The drama does a fairly good job at representing the different personality aspects of Chen Maidong (CM from here on out). CM at work = gravitas. Respect. Utmost professional. CM with his friends = a glimpse of his mischievous/troubled past self from high school. CM with Chen Nai Nai = also a bit mischievous, bit gruff, but an obviously devoted grandson as well.
I'm not a huuuuuge fan of the grabbing and kabedon-ing but also those aren't dealbreakers for me in analyzing his character. This is fiction, a drama, and while that doesn't fly in real life (huge red flag in real life!) I can overlook it as more "relationship/personality flaws" than OMFG ZHUANG JIE RUN GIRL RUN.
Xixia/Cui Ge However, the main point of this post is our beloved (to me) side couple, City Girl and truly MVP of besties Xixia and the mysterious??? Cui Ge.
It legitimately took a minute for my brain to reconcile the smooth, suave, dangerous mafia type dude in a black suit from episode 9 (funeral home scene) with the goofy dude waving hello at the mall.
But I double checked! Today! Right before typing this post up and it IS indeed our Cui Ge. I'm wondering if there's an additional background to him or if the drama will show him like CM, with multiple facets.
I'd say 99% of the time, I am not a fan of side couples. At all. Most of them feel like a waste, their stories are never interesting (more of a distraction), and rarely am I enamored with the casting. Not really the fault of the actors but the lazy scriptwriting that's done where they become an afterthought.
Xixia/Cui Ge though? I'm so invested.
The drama has done a fabulous job of building up Xixia as a believable character in her own right. Although we don't have too many scenes with her, we know enough about her where we can predict her being not too impressed at all with Cui Ge during the lunch scene.
The amount of second hand cringe I felt during that entiiiiire scene, up until the end where he reached across to acupressure massage her scalp, I was screaming no no no CUI GE DON'T DO IT DON'T- welp.
It'll be interesting to see Xixia's relationship develop with him.
Last sidenote but one of my friends is also streaming this with me and we LOATHE Ji Tong so much. She's nicknamed him Fucktong (lmao) and honestly, fitting. (No hate to the actor though - truly a great casting call.)
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fun-kytown · 2 months
I walked into a small bookstore on Friday to pick up a book I had meant to read for months. I had just finished my previous book and, because I wasn’t home and still had four more days left visiting my sister, I decided to read ‘A Little Life.’
The book was just over 800 pages and I thought that it would be a good read for the next few weeks or so.
Little did I know I’d finish it 3 days later.
I hear stories all the time of people who’ve read the book. Their grievances, their frustrations, their mourning. I hear how they cried every time they opened it.
I didn’t cry once, but I feel broken.
Maybe it was because I felt connected to Jude in some way, to his trauma, to his guilt. Or maybe it was because I myself am still unable to accept my own existence, my own pain.
Though, I also feel like an imposter. A fraud. How dare I connect myself to a character so different than I?
Ever since I was a kid, I formed deep emotional connections with characters in any media I exposed myself to. I believed them to be my friends, my family, or even extensions of myself.
So, when I finish a book, I feel a part of myself is lost. Ripped away. Destroyed.
That’s the feeling I have after finishing this book.
The pain I felt was that, given the book recorded a lifetime, with the characters growing old, I remained young. I sit here, experiencing the entire life of a man, all the while I stay 19 years old in a random week of July.
And as I was finishing the book today, I sat outside in a lawn chair, under a shaded tree. Across from me, a summer camp program exited a building to eat lunch outside.
A kid sat in the chair across from me to begin eating his lunch.
He looked at me. I didn’t look at him.
“What book are you reading?” He asked me.
I brought my head up from the page to meet his eyes.
“Oh, just a grown up book about a man’s life.” And I smiled at him, trying to hide the pain the book had brought me.
“Sounds boring,” he replied, “See, instead of reading about his life, I would just live his.”
The kid continued to eat his lunch and I sat there, unable to form words.
I looked down at the book in my hands, my heart aching for the man in the book, and looked back up at the kid.
He sat in the chair, eating a turkey and cheese sandwich, peeling the crust off the bread, dropping the scraps to the ground. He tore of pieces of the sandwich piece by piece as he kicked his legs while he sat, feet swinging in the air.
“Nah, kid, just live your own life.”
And I hope that kid’s life is as wonderful as he could ever imagine. May it not be tarnished by anything or anyone evil. I wish for all his sandwiches to have no crusts for him to peel off, and for everyday to be sunny so he can play.
I hope his life is everything he could ever wish it could be.
And I hope that it’s more than that.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Also shorter ones today… mostly related to our previous replies and posts!
Anonymous asked:
After seeing Eel Floyd with Riddle
I gotta know -
Did Floyd slip and slide in Riddle?
Did Riddle magically goldfish form and the two had merman sex???
Honestly I wasn’t thinking about Riddle also becoming a merman, but they absolutely have to have merman sex at some point, otherwise it just isn’t fair (to me) lol
And to answer your first question, yes, there might have been some slipping and sliding in Riddle involved~
Anonymous asked:
re: the gaslighting Jade ask. I randomly stumbled on your blog from other ones, and I literally blocked you because shroudcest triggers me. Ultimately, we are responsible for our own safety. As long as it’s properly marked for (which yours clearly is since I blocked you the second I made a tumblr), really all we can do is filter the things that hurt us out.
(im agreeing with you btw. draw what you want i cant stop you. just feel like i in particular make a point worth mentioning from seeing that. you can answer this or not bc obviously i probably wont see it anyway)
Anon! Whether you see this reply or not, thank you very much for writing this despite having us blocked lol
You really are making a good point, and I am glad that you are taking care of yourself and avoiding uncomfortable stuff. I really encourage it. Thank you for understanding and for approaching this issue with respect.
Have a good day.
Anonymous asked:
Gaslighting IS Jade’s love language. Also mushrooms.
Facts, Anon <3 He doesn’t waste his gaslighting and mushrooms on those he doesn’t find entertaining love!
Anonymous asked:
Honestly I can totally see Cater as the kind of guy that now and then buys a random manga just because the cover looks aesthetically pleasing, although if they are BL they are probably more oriented towards shonen-ai than explicit content. But also he wouldn't really read them because he finds the stories and characters a bit ridiculous (is he a bitter anti-romantic? or maybe his sisters used to collect shojo manga and he associates the love story genre with them?). I bet when he had roommates he had fun leaving one of his manga lying around, just to see people's reaction and go "aw, shoot, you saw it? that's sooo embarassing..." or something like that
To be honest, I can see that too. Cater seems like someone who isn’t all that into anime and manga, but is aware of it enough to recognise that the cover is pretty and that there is something gay inside (he might figure out the latter thing later as he looks inside the book lol). His sisters really could be into it though, so I can see him having certain associations.
lol Cater’s roommates “finding” his manga though… Don’t act so coy, Cater 😭
Anonymous asked:
Goddammit! Idia, you cannot escape me for long, one way or another, your chest will be licked! *shakes fist at the sky*
I love how this is turning into a Looney Tunes cartoon…
Anonymous asked:
Idia doesn’t have nipples. He accidentally shaved them off. Tragic 😔 L in the chat for his nipples.
Damn. I’m afraid I have bad news for the previous Anon.
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any HCs for Neige and/or Chenya?
We do have HCs about Neige/Vil and Chenya/Riddle (1,2)!
Anonymous asked:
It is I, 🐩 anon,
So I got a friend into twst and tell me why her favorite character is goddamn Crowley? I'm currently trying to convert her to Divus supremacy. Enough about this. Let me ask my silly little question.
Is there anything about TWST's story plot that you dislike or wished it was worked on more? Or character you wish were more fleshed out? 
Your friend has quite the taste… She is probably a genius of sorts 😔🙏
I feel like I was pretty vocal about it, so I am sorry for talking about it again, but I really didn’t enjoy how Ch2 was handled and Leona in general, to be honest. I wrote a post about my grievances a whole year ago, but my stance didn’t really change. We’ve rewatched the majority of the main story since then, and I thought that maybe with fresh minds and fresh eyes we would enjoy Leona at least to some degree, but unfortunately it didn’t really help. The events don’t really help either…
There might be some other things, but this is the one I think about every time when we talk about the flaws of TWST writing.
Anonymous asked:
what is your notp?
A bunch of Leona ships come to mind, i.e. Leona/Malleus, Leona/Vil, Leona/Idia 🤔 But also a bunch of Trey ships, like Trey/Jade or Rook/Trey…
Anonymous asked:
if you had to go on a date with one of the twst boys who are you picking? i'm picking idia
Idia is a great option, Anon; he would be so uncomfortable and awkward, getting nervous about the smallest inconveniences and whispering “thank god” every time you don’t force him to do something… I would pick him to, but my second option would be Jamil. I think he’s pretty chill.
Katsu would've picked Jade because of course, this is the best pick.
Anonymous asked:
any old fandoms that you feel out of love with?
Can’t think of any, Anon… I feel like we never fall completely out of love with anything, just move on, but there is always an opportunity that we’ll come back at some point. Things like Homestuck are still on our minds constantly lol
There are some titles that we kind of started watching, but then stopped because it wasn’t fully out yet, and since then we kind of lost interest for this thing. And with some of these titles it’s very unlikely that we’ll ever go back, but it’s never 1000% impossible. But then again, it’s not like we loved these titles…
Anonymous asked:
Funfact: The crowley that crowley is named after used to perform sex based magic with men
Damn I hope this is what our Crowley also does. This is his dark secret that is very poorly hidden
Anonymous asked:
I think Riddle would be a really good teacher's pet
Oh he would <3 He is a teacher’s pet.
Ironically, I feel like this makes him a bit boring for Crewel…although it depends…🤔
Anonymous asked:
What is a ship you rarely draw but you love
I don’t draw any of them enough, I love them all! Waaaaah :(
I feel like I don’t draw Sebek/Silver nearly enough for how much we love them, Rook/Epel is also a rare one but we love it, Sebek/Idia could use more love, anything with Jamil too…
Anonymous asked:
Please share with us a full list of the preference of the TWST boys? Top or bottom? I typed up a list for you to use!
Anon, we have a list in our pinned post! But since you’ve typed up a list, I’ll go through the list again :) We also have a post in which we explain our reasoning for each choice, so you can read it too if you’re interested.
Oh! And if you meant some other types of preferences, please let me know. In that case though, we have a list of the boys’ kinks, which isn’t the same thing, but pretty close; so you can read this one too if you want <3
Riddle – bottom
Ace – top
Deuce – bottom
Trey – top
Cater – top
Leona – bottom
Ruggie – top
Jack  - top
Azul – top
Floyd – top
Jade – top
Kalim – top
Jamil – bottom
Vil – bottom
Rook – top
Epel – bottom
Idia – bottom
Ortho  – top
Malleus– bottom
Sebek  – top
Lilia  – top
Silver– bottom
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tapejob · 2 years
who do you recommend voting for to reach max narratives & fucked up vacation plans per team?
HOOOO lets talk abt this, bc this is one of the driving factors and also one of the driving uses for this nonserious mock narrative network analysis (NMNNA) i made. we will be referencing her quite a bit tonight.
let's talk about top narrative candidates:
there is, in a sense, a sort of must in the case of bringing in leon draisaitl (edm). re our NMNNA, draisaitl nurses not one, not two, but three largely evident narrative connections, and all of those affiliated side connections snowballed on top of that. there is, as someone brought up before, matt tkachuk and draisaitl (reunited!) and brady who drai fought a while ago. drai and davo, old and gold and in love. and also, a fun little side story: draisaitl and josh morrissey, who will be reuniting from their days in juniors (and from the jets reverse sweep in the 2021 scp). if you want drama, vote draisaitl.
in the same breath, you might as well bring in tim stützle (ott) while you're at it. give drai a bro to face the tkachuks with. or at least neutralize brady.
another compelling angle to look at here: nathan mackinnon (col). yes, makar-mackinnon-kadri creates an effective 2 birds with 1 puck situation with both an avalanche reunion and also an opportunity for mac to salivate over makar again in a public forum. mac-crosby would commence, showstopping, awesome. but also something to consider: mcdavid and mackinnon together, in a room with their idol (crosby), after the avs singlehandedly crushed the oilers playoff chances last year and we ran that narrative through its course. consider.
we are as always talking about jack eichel (vgk) for jack eichel related purposes. he as always connects with mcdavid for all of the reasons that cannot be stated, but also connects to ullmark and thompson from sabres-related pasts grievances and is linked to thompson for vegas-related future hopes. gaudreau and him were also buddies. and also, a fun little hidden tidbit: the larkin-eichel of it all. this is my agenda and i am bringing her forward.
if we do not bring in claude giroux (ott) are we even allowed to be here. this is honestly a little bit of a crime because we are Cutting Into That Old Man's Vacation but crosby is here and hayes is here and brady is here and everyone who loved him so much last year is too. what are we supposed to do.
re NMNNA, that connecting bubble between jones and larkin is, you guessed it, room for zach werenski (cbj). and that also connects too to gaudreau, in true teammate fashion.
i give a sort of null amount of care about this particular narrative but for those who might be interested, hughes is surrounded by team usa olds. you can give him some company if you'd like (if you're out of ideas, caufield (mtl) connects to both suzuki and hughes relationally. but you guys know that better than i probably).
also something to look at are the "lonely" kids on the NMNNA: pettersson, beniers are big ones, but also robertson, thompson (both of them), nelson, keller, etc, etc. it's on you guys if you want to leave them lonely and looking for random conversation, or if you want to hook them up with a buddy (e.g. quinn hughes (van) connects to both jhughes and pettersson. sort of a two birds with one stone situation).
if you have a personal narrative agenda to fulfill, this is also the time to do that. good ones i've seen so far have been:
tyson jost (buf) (confronts him with both his avalanche days, a sprinkle of wild, and gives company to thompson)
anyone from the 2015 draft class you can get your hands on. wouldn't it be funny if we brought in dylan strome (wsh). wouldn't it be funny.
mats zuccarello (min) for kaprizov excitement boosting purposes
moritz seider (det) for larkin and (if so voted) draisaitl
evgeni malkin (pit) for crosby and ovechkin
literally anyone you can narratively pair to keep specifically those lonely old men company. they have to work today.
as for those of you who hope to ruin the vacations of players: there is only two-ish tips to keep in mind.
1) the more vet you are picking, the more you are in for a vacation-ruining-asg. pick any vet that you want to see get screentime and suffering, because they see the asg for what it is: a time where they need to keep working and entertain the masses instead of fucking off to cancun. do you think erik karlsson wants to be here, for the 7th time in a row. bonus points if they have kids, they are Tired of that shit.
2) it's in florida this year, which means the hot single excited young guns still clamoring for fame are Not going to see this as punishment* (with an asterisk, in that it will be punishment only if they are Alone). tread carefully.
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do you take your ocs for that ask game .. isel
WHY NOT itd be funny to do that
favorite thing about them
i like that hes jsut like the worlds sluttiest oldest 30 year old man who talks in the most obtuse overdone way and everyone loves him for it. except that some people hate him for it. hes a funny guy
least favorite thing about them
hmm hard to say because all his flaws are like. specifically very interesting to me. like the way hes pushy with others and secretive about very basic details about himself are technically things to hold grievances with and he does kind of eat shit about it sometimes but its like. yuuup dudes traumatised and has very underdeveloped coping skills it makes sense....
uh actually i do have an answer. i hate how much he lives in my mind like literally if any of my friends ever ask me like "oh name a character" my first thought will indubitably be ISEL "oh who should i draw" ISEL i dont like him and i hate him actually. for being so handsome and nice
favorite line
ones at the front of my mind come from a play scene i edited last night. i like it when hes mean
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i think his connection with freya is sweet. codependent guys with god complexes, isel acting as a sort of dying ringmaster directing freya and also protecting her.... theyve got some baggage between them but they do care for each other so much
sigh him and olzhas will forever be famous to me their arcs are so entwined and they were very precisely designed to like. complimentary to one another. ive written so much about the meta between them its complicated but theyre annoying and they love each other and it rules
mazin and isel is also very personally funny to me because it feels like basically the only humorous "guys who hate each other" ship and also because i think the idea of isel of all people being mazin's introduction to bicuriosity would hurt him
i also think the hypothetical isel olzhas thuyết polycule is worthwhile. pretentious old men who will argue with each other about anything. its fine
hmm aside for like. evidently weird ones. i dont think i can call any hypothetical pairing between him and anyone else bad i think theyre all funny in some way.
random headcanon
hmm treating this as an opportunity to think of my favorite trivia about him. i think his hobby in like. maintaining old music for himself and being all old-fashioned about record players and the genres of music he likes is cutes
unpopular opinion
i think hes ugly or something
song i associate with them
so many.... found this specific song earlier today so ill share this one
favorite picture of them
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i think he looks cute here i like his expression a lot.... i like pictures of him where his like. a stupid little joker facade is lessened
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icestar-74 · 1 year
Shizaya Week 2023
Day 8 Free Day Part 8/8
Home Sweet Home
So I did it. I'm at the end! For this last one I just wanted to show the house in full and show some other things with it. A peek behind this shabby curtain if you will.
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I never really show the front of the house. It sits on a dresser in my spare room. It's a PAIN to try and rotate but I managed. When my husband and I moved into our first home THIS home was the hardest thing to move. Oh and don't get me started on the these shingles. EACH AND EVERY ONE were hand stained by soaking in dye and then attached one by one with glue. That was a stressful time. Can you spot my three friends in the windows?
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So the side of the house opens for easy access. I didn't wallpaper the inside here due to pure laziness. I hand sanded AND painted the entire house. Building a doll house is a lot of work and took about three months I think. Totally worth it if I could give these boys a bigger home. Anyone that follows me MIGHT remember what their house used to be. It was SO SMALL!
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The railings, oh lawd these railings. Each. Single. Little. Piece. Was hand sanded and painted. I don't recall showing the building progress but if anyone is ever interested I have all the photos. Everything from start to finish. It took a week to just do these I swear. They have broken off a few times and I think are currently on with sticky tac, or mounting putty.
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Here is our front door. Someday I want to do lighting but that's really pricey so.... not today. The front door opens and closes so that's pretty neat. Don't mind them missing hands. I just take a hand off for the pocket pics.
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Speaking of hands. This is how I keep them separate. Pieces have gone missing of course. Izaya's phone and knife are gone so he uses Shizuo's phone. Shizuo only has one cigarette left (THOSE ARE SO TINY). I'm pretty sure I have mixed up their hands at some point but hey, I'm doing my best.
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I use sticky tac a lot. Here it is on Shizuo's butt so Izaya's hand can stick and hold him up. I use it to help them hold things in general if their hands don't work. It's also used to keep furniture in place or things on the walls. It looks like a wad of chewed gum. So if you ever see it in the background where I missed it, I swear it's not gum!
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This. This masterful pile of nonsense is all the supplies I use. I have tried to organize it but that's not easy. I have containers of food, props, seasonal decor, outdoor stuff and just some random crap I've bought. Don't ask about the grapes...
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Here I would like to express my grievances. Shizuo is almost always in his shades because the hair piece WITHOUT them falls off constantly. Sometimes I concentrate so hard it startles me. IZAYA doesn't like to stand and falls over a lot, startling me as well. I jump very easily and when I'm in the zone, loud noises get me. Once I was stacking lil cans and my husband poked his head in to ask me something. Tiny cans scattered, violent words were said and that photo was delayed.
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Finally here is the full space. I'm a 32 year old adult that loves her stuffies, anime boys and crafting. I have many hobbies but my Shizaya house is something special. It's something I worked hard to build and something that continues to give me joy. I really hope that I can continue to use it to spread joy to others as well.
I think I said it in the first post but if anyone ever has questions or needs help with a similar hobby I'm always here! Support your hobbies and just have fun with them. Happy Shizaya Week 2023 everyone ;*
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 2: Hidden Inventory 2
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Wow, lot of twos in today's title. Once more I really feel on the fence about sharing my gripes with JJK, but at the same time I almost just want to feel heard in my disappointment and sadness that we're seeing what we are. I'll probably say it every time, but this doesn't mean that I hate every second and frame of these episodes, there's good stuff within too, it's just that the overwhelming majority feels wrong. So I guess it's time to humor me if you will as I recant my grievances with today's JJK episode.
You know, I really thought it was going to be a one-off. That we just got season one's OST in the first episode for some random reason. Does not seem to be the case. The standout, and "JJK" sounding tracks are all from the first season in this episode as well. What amounts to background noise that is entirely forgettable is the new soundtrack, aside from the choice of classical music over a Toji scene, and the well placed choir later in the episode. This is basically to say, any "JJK Flair" you might catch from this episode is old news, all of the new music moves towards a generalized and far more often than not flat delivery that rips yet another section of this anime's heart out.
And you know, on the topic of simple things that feel robbed of their character? The eye catch. I get it, they want something more "uppity" to match the perceived vibe of Geto and Gojo. But the concept of "the strongest", and the person that's always in their shadow, is not at all grasped through a simple xylophone-esque tune couple with whatever fluttery animation this is.
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Kind of crazy that we haven't made it to the episode itself yet, so let's fix that. Broad strokes first, the composition. What was up with episode 1? It's so obviously better here in 85% of the scenes, and for what reason? I guess in general, the lighting and shading overall is more plain, but it's not like there was a mountain of things to draw in the first episode anyways. That said, there's still very glaring and weird issues with composition through the episode, and I don't understand why. At the very least, they show with today's episode that they can properly composite scenes, but just choose not to with a good few (and oddly enough it's that nearly all of these scenes are just too dark).
For example, these two scenes take place in the same setting/area, but the exposure and brightness are totally different? Gets a pass on the shading on Geto because I couldn't find a good scene that showed Geto properly while including the shading, but just know that it does remain.
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And this is far from the only example of the oddities in regards to composition. The moment a scene is "intense" or combat erupts, they completely crush the lighting and composition for reasons that I simply can't understand. Just take a look at this. I really don't get it. These two characters are facing each other in the scene, so how one is far brighter than the other I have no idea.
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I was tempted to provide a third example, but Tumblr does sadly have an image limit, so I'll be moving on. Though really it's backwards to start my complaints from the top since the broad concept of composition has been covered now. So we go to Geto. What is Mappa's obsession with unnecessary character acting? Not only is this instance excessive like usual, it goes against the actual concept of Geto's character? Not that he can't enjoy tea, but he very clearly is meant to be depicted as a high school kid that's glued to his phone. He's meant to be shown as young and closer to Gojo, but instead we get a scene that frames him as far older? Gosso seems to really have it out for Geto through these two episodes.
And of course, the character acting is another discussion entirely. They age Geto painfully with how they have him behave compared to the manga. Just baffling decisions that seem entirely needless.
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Also please Mappa I'm begging you, why are you treating Toji like this??? Like, I'm sorry, who is this man? It's the kind of pointless thing that gets me pointlessly worked up because there's just such little resemblance to what makes Toji, Toji. They've erased the heart of the soundtrack, they've erased the art style that fans have loved, and now they've moved onto erasing the hearts of the characters and their expressions.
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Expression, let's go there. I'm a fan of how goofy the manga can get with Gojo (and Geto) at times, but I feel like throughout the episode they go from narrow, to very comfortably missing the mark on its humor, and in doing so end up butchering more than a few scenes.
This example is of the more mild misses, but it's pretty easy to see how Gege's humor is completely missing from the anime's version.
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Anyways, back to my poor child Geto, being abused by Mappa. I swear they hate him for some reason, because what is this? Geto feels that two of his curses have been exorcised and tells Gojo they need to go get Riko, but compared to the manga? There's just so much. How Geto tells Gojo about getting Riko before he starts moving in the anime. He doesn't hang off Gojo but rather walks away briskly, and the look in his eyes is just entirely different. I might forgive them for not showing how it is that Geto realizes his curses have been exorcised, but I won't forgive them for changing the very basis of his character. That sinister feel, the cunning that emanates from his sharp gaze, the look that never falters. Geto's in the zone in this moment, and you can tell that from the rip with his narrow eyes and his interactions that are catching up to his thoughts. All of that is missing in the anime though, and it's deeply disappointing.
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You know, if I keep this up I'll be here all day. Question! Which anime is this from!? If you answered JJK... you'd be right, sadly. The art style is just so painfully generic to what Mappa is doing these days that it hurts my soul to see.
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Alright, the next big offence. I'm pretty sure most knew it was coming, but it hit painfully hard today. That is, the combat. There was never going to be anyone that would match Park's combat with JJK, and I wholly accept that as fact. What I don't accept is how Gosso sees how focused on Choreography JJK is, and decides, "You know what? I'm not interested in that, let's do all close ups and isolation for the combat". And it pisses me off, it's good work. It's well animated, and it's entirely wasted as a mockery of what JJK is.
Just look at the difference to the manga. Not even that, look at the difference in combat style. Geto uses an open hand in the manga, but it turns into a closed fist in the anime? I really feel for anime onlies that are getting the anime's version of JJK.
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Back to Gojo. I can't believe they attempted to pull a scene from an anime original gag clip from S1 into S2, and just made a lesser version of it.
The actual definition of "Unspoken Rizz vs Sexual Harassment". If it also wasn't obvious, the manga version of the panel doesn't remotely compare.
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And you know what? It's a good segue to my next issue: it's too damn happy. The episode, and Hidden Inventory as a whole so far, has been too uppity and the added/changed pieces are what makes it worse. For whatever reason, Gosso has taken the idea of goofy Gojo and Geto as the notion that everyone is goofy, and it's a massive misconception, that leads to unnecessary scenes like this one that use chibi characters instead of regular ones to crank the humor up to 11 and have it linger for far more than the manga does.
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Alright, next person, Kuroi. I'm not surprised, I'm really not, I swear I'm not. But God, are eyes and facial expressions just something that the staff don't care about this season? How is this instance of Kuroi meant to compare to and display what the manga Kuroi is? The two aren't even close. And for what reason. It's literally a pair of eyes that someone looked at, and decided needed to be all the way open in blind rage, rather than the reserved yet poised feeling they gave off in the manga.
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To be honest, there's still a bit of episode left with Gojo's fight against Bombastic Bagman, but I just don't have the energy or desire to complain in detail. It's alright? It's a very anime-only depiction of it that changes things, and needlessly so at that, but it's also not terribly offensive. It took this second season only two episodes for me to become apathetic towards the issues we're faced with, and that just feels incredibly depressing. I love JJK a great deal, and within 2 of the 23 episodes this season, I've grown tired of my own complaints.
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Random episode rewatch: 3.05 Au Jus, with an honorable mention to 3.06 Frere Jacques
I decided that pain would propel my workout today so I rewatched 3.05 where Rio and Beth kill Lucy. And yeah, they both kill Lucy. Rio’s men pull the trigger but Beth and Rio’s “lover’s spat” makes it happen. On the heels of El Musgo and one of the most painfully intimate scenes in the entire show, we get Brio heartbreak games – both refusing to give in, both intent on pushing this thing forward, casualties be damned.
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You can’t tell me this isn’t just a power trip for them both. Deadly foreplay. The way he flirts with Lucy, speaks softly to her, uses his kindest voice. And the way it’s all for Beth’s benefit and she knows it. It’s almost sexual. Rio’s lip licks and bites and deliberately maneuvering his mouth in ways he thinks are sexual or seductive. Kinda like he did when he invited her to get on top of her desk.
The very specific ways they try to hurt each other, in the deepest, most intimate ways they can.
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“My girl.” He knows what that means to her. The familiarity of it. The way he looks right at her while reaching for Lucy.
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And the way Beth retaliates by mentioning Rio’s son. That was deliberate and intended to wound deeply. Because he allowed her to know he has a son in good times. He trusted her. He opened up to her. And she betrayed him so deeply. Then used her knowledge of his personal life to infiltrate his family, get close to them, cross boundaries in her greatest betrayal of him. You can see Rio’s face change as she mentions Marcus. Maybe that’s what did it. 🤷‍♀️ Probably not – he would have killed Lucy anyway – but Beth knew what she was doing, knew it was careless, and she didn’t care.
The aftermath of Lucy’s death is what made me do an extra 15 of cardio and watch into 3.06. Because I needed my heart to be in complete shreds. Gets the heart rate up. Burns more calories that way. 😆
All three women are all deeply affected by seeing Lucy killed. Each are desperate to try and process the event. How interesting that In My Room is the song of choice here, particularly performed by a children’s choir.
“There’s a world that I can go and tell my secrets to. In this world I lock out all my worries and my fears. Do my dreaming and my scheming, lie awake and pray. Do my crying and my sighing, laugh at yesterday.”
So a safe space. Annie and Ruby both go to their safe spaces and their safe people.
Ruby goes to Stan and they have a very vulnerable and open discussion about their relationship during which Ruby is ultimately comforted. Same with Annie – she goes to Ben and they have a healing heart-to-heart and both fall asleep comforted.
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Beth goes to no one. She carries the event on her own. Even when she discusses it with Annie and Ruby later Beth never shows much emotion. She never leans on anyone and you can almost see her compartmentalize as she deals with the world around her and tries to maintain. Until she can’t anymore.
There isn’t anyone Beth can take this hurt and trauma to. There isn’t anyone who would understand her. Except one person.
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The way she waits for him at that picnic table is like someone holding a heavy weight that they can’t bear much longer. She needs to unload on her person. She needs that intimate conversation that Ruby and Annie got to have. She doesn’t want to talk to Mick. She wants Rio. She says the things to get Mick to call him, and he comes to her. Despite whatever anger Rio is feeling, he comes to her and sits beside her. And she can finally let go.
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Yeah, they yell and they air their grievances
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But in the end she gets to have her moment of comfort with her person. The only person who understands. Despite all the anger and the betrayal, he’s still the only one who sees her.
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
To Whom It May Concern
An old letter from Polaris regarding a certain dream of hers.
Just Paste It version here: [Link]
= = =
... but today's training session was cut short today after talking to master Antony about a series of dreams I've been having for the past week. As I relayed the dream during potion making, he scrunched his face when I mentioned the name "Prisma". I suppose it was an old friend, or maybe an ex-friend, because as soon as I described what he looked like, he wrapped up the brewing process and said that I was dismissed.
I suppose whatever secrets Antony has can't be hidden away now. I asked him when this event occurred, and he shrugged it off saying that he'll 'tell me later' before gliding off the balcony and towards Turtle Haven.
I guess I should preface this, Zephyr. My dreams might be a result of being in proximity of certain items. Somehow, items with lots of history allow me to "peek" into a segment of where it's been before. Unfortunately, I can't exactly control what part of its history I want to spectate, it's all... random. I haven't had any other related dreams but it's somewhere in the tower and I know that he's keeping it. I don't intend to find it, nor do I want to.
I guess I'll relay the series of dreams to you, too, if you'd be able to help me find who this Prisma person is. I've only heard their name being mentioned by older wizards, but I wouldn't dare talk to them... They're pretty intimidating, hehe.
The earliest part of this dream seems to be Prisma writing in a journal with a quill. They have green-blue hair, swept back and tied in a low ponytail. Their tan skin didn't stop their freckles from scattering all over their face, and they had soft eyes and thick eyebrows.
It stopped there. The next time I had this dream, Prisma hunched over their journal on the ground, their hand furiously scratching at the journal. They seemed so... angry. This was when I realised they were outside Antony's tower, the moonlight illuminating Prisma's journal. Over and over, they would draft letter after letter, scrapping other pieces until they finally settled on that particular piece of paper in which they expressed their grievances to Antony. I couldn't glance at what was in the contents of the letter because it was all so blurry.
The third (and final) night I had this dream, I saw Prisma shed a single tear onto the corner of the letter before ripping the page out and placing it gently into a child's basket- one I didn't notice before- in front of the High Wizards' meeting room. Prisma rang the bell before they jolted away into the night as they materialized into lightning and traveled up the tower to the lightning rod (which is above the tower, mind you). 
Antony rushed out of the tower and floated down onto the ground before taking notice of the child and the letter. He looked up at the tower's roof (which probably indicates that Prisma has done this before) but Prisma was gone. Scooping the baby in his arms, he examined them to make sure they were okay before reading the letter.
I haven't had any other dreams about this event lately and so far I haven't been able to remember if I've dreamt or not... Means that's the end of it, I suppose- usually, at least.
So, you may be asking yourself, "why does Polaris need a temple-keeper's help?" Well, Prisma is now one of my top contenders for helping me understand my past. All I ask of you is to keep your eyes peeled and let me know if you've seen them. If you don't want to, please let me know and sorry for wasting your time. I hope we can meet again for tea- I'll bring Ms. Somnolento as well.
Many thanks,
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Polaris Tang
[ID: Polaris Tang's signature. It's written in cursive, albeit slightly shaky and unsteady-looking from inexperience. At the tail end of the g, there is a star drawn. End ID]
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walkinginland · 2 years
one line, any fic
rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people my brain is pudding and idk who hasn’t done this yet SO if you want to share some lines go for it! consider yourself tagged.
i have so many random snippets of wips, i threw in two of those that I hope to work on some this year :)
thank you for the tag @flyinghome-againstthewind!!!! 😘
Sunlight (the song of achilles)
“Good morning.” He cocked his head to the side, peering up at Patroclus. “What had you so deep in thought so early?”
Patroclus tried to cover over his private dark musings, tried to distract Achilles by laying kisses across his high cheekbone, rubbing his nose gently down Achilles’ as he kissed his way to the line of his jaw.
“I’ve no idea what you’re speaking of,” he murmured to the skin under his ear. He felt Achilles grip his hair again, pulling him back up to meet his eyes.
does heaven have enough angels yet (outlander)
She really is only stopping here for a while before she goes somewhere else. She can hear her name being called, she knows it’s time for her to go, she’s already stayed too long. This isn’t her place; it never really was. She was only here to bring some hope, some faith, some joy, some healing for a little while.
Grievances Raised (outlander)
“I’ll remind you darling, that it was your idea. You have no one to blame but yourself.” She poked him in the chest as she nestled comfortably into his side.
Find a Little Remedy (outlander)
“Go on then, lovie,” she said as she leaned against the sill. “Show me how you dance this one and I’ll join you for the next one, alright?” She was feeling oddly fragile today, vulnerable in a way that she was usually able to keep close in her chest. She wasn’t sure why, exactly; it was no anniversary today, no date with meaning. But as the years passed by, she was realizing that spring and early summer simply felt… tender to her. Too many dates in those months, days of separation and days of birth and wedding days.
To Heart and Home (outlander)
But everyday spent with Brianna underfoot made it increasingly more difficult to distract himself from his grief. The blacksmith wasn’t wrong; there was something about the wee lass that reminded him daily of what could have been if so many things had not gone so wrong.
Practicing rows of letters. Skinned knees. Prayers before bed. A kiss on the cheek.
The fact of the matter was that the threads of grief and joy woven deep in his heart were becoming too strongly entwined for him to separate.
I Would Not Ask (outlander)
That first night lived vividly in Jamie’s mind. Whispered introductions of two familiar lovers not-yet-met and yet fitting together as they had always been intended to.
into the empty parts of me (outlander)
Their eyes met over their mirrored hands, in echoed remembrance of that same shared touch.
return my fists to fingers (the last binding trilogy)
Edwin slowly started working a spell, one hand still clasped in Robin’s, the other moving carefully string-less through the small pocket of air between them. Robin didn’t know how much time passed before Edwin brought his cool hand, tingling with magic, to join their already clasped fists and gentling Robin’s shaking fingers between his own.
For Where You Go (very old outlander au wip that I think i want to dust off and work on this year)
They hoped to find a safe place to settle on lands that once belonged to the Fraser clan. Despite the clearances that had ravaged the country and destroyed the clan system, family was still important above all. Ellen believed that her husband’s relatives would remember that, despite their long absence. Claire could only hope she was right.
The world was not a kind place for a pair of widows alone.
untitled Percy Jackson wip that i would also like to finish at some point
This was her favorite way to hold him. From the moment that he had placed her hand on his back, whispering a secret so massive, so earth-shaking, into the space between them, she had needed to hold onto him, onto this, as tight and closely as she could. He had put his life in her hands and she hadn’t let go since.
It’s been years since that day.
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