#TP N°4
valentinasofia · 2 years
Campo y fuera de campo. Un acto en tres partes, le llamo medio en chiste medio en serio. Como esos chistes que nos contaban de chicxs: 1er acto, Val está afuera de la casa de Gonza; 2do acto, Val mira dormir a Gonza; 3er acto, Val -con la cámara de Gonza- se graba en el espejo del otro; ¿cómo se llama la obra...?
Un poco la idea detrás de estas imágenes es dar a entender de manera implícita cosas que me daría pena tener que contar más explícitamente. Val acosa a Gonza porque este dejó el equipo. No la vemos hasta que el otro no prende la luz del patio, y aún entonces sólo vemos el disfraz, pero siempre sabemos que la que está detrás de la cámara es ella. Sólo entra en cuadro en el final, cuando el acto se concretó y no hay nada más que ella, la cámara y el público mientras lo que queda de su cordura termina escapando de Val en esa imagen (que espero resulte tan impactante como me resultó a mí) de nuestra protagonista frente al espejo. De ahí también que la iluminación explote en esa última imagen cuando es casi nula en las anteriores.
Creo que, específicamente, lo que busco generar acá es un poco de suspenso. Todas las escenas hasta ahora son cómicas, con muy poco de lo siniestro- pero no estoy haciendo una simple comedia. Me parecía momento de jugar con el personaje de Val, ver hasta dónde puede llegar tanto mi actriz como mi dirección a la hora de crear un personaje multifacético y aterrador.
Esta otra escena es medio diferente a todo lo demás, y creo que por eso me interesó hacerla. Vemos a Val actuar por encima de un Gonza que claramente está casi al borde de mandarla a yasabemosdónde, y hacer cosas que para ella son muy normales y positivas y para el resto del mundo se acercan a lo sociópata -que alguien le avise que mirar a alguien por un minuto sin hacer ruido no es gracioso sino más bien raro-. Además, teniendo en cuenta la lógica de este trabajo, se juega mucho con las entradas y salidas de plano, los personajes que se esconden detrás del decorado pero que siguen ahí (como Val cuando se está cambiando), y en general un plano que simula no estar pensado con una lógica estética sino más bien con una funcional: Val quería capturar la reacción de Gonza a su disfraz, ni más ni menos.
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plushie-lovey · 9 months
Looking to order a new plushie in honor of my birthday today
#obviously the plush wont be here in time cause again my birthday is literally right now right this second#but this is a gift I wanna get myself#especially because Im sad today. its been a very mid bday#my fam took me out to lunch but my sis took part of my food cause we always trade some#but it ended up being half ofmy portion so I didn't get to eat a lot of the main course#amd other than that I've done literally everything else I do daily today#like I went to look around the nearby mall which Im at literally every day cause its close to work/is my bus stop#and then went home after an hour because I've already seen literally everything there#and now I get to sit at home on the corner of my bed on my phone. ir maybe draw on my pc#like I do every day of my life#amd Im sure some people will be like “why didn't you do smth different” couldn't because I have tp bus everywhere#amd nobody wanted to wake up or get dressed to go out until 2#then we went to eat. amd by the time we were done it was 4#so too late to travel by bus anywhere interesting cause it'd take an hour n a half/2 hours to arrive at wherever#caus by time we get there we gotta get the bus in an hour or 2 before it stops running for the day#and maybe I should just be grateful fpr a normal day and that I got to spend it with family#but my family sucks but I am appreciative#but this is a milestone birthday#idk if it's selfish t want a little more than the norm or not because of it. my mind is leaning towards yes#but anyways. plushies#idk whatIm getting yet#I want something colorful I think#I'll show pics when I choose/order#viti shoosh
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
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darlinqs · 2 years
goooooooood morning i am very anxious
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(This is going to be linked as the card drawing post from now on)
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(List of effects)
TP who TC Gains partial divinity
TP who TC can ask one question to the universe and gets a true answer
TP who TC is immune to all undead for 24 hours
TP who TC can ask one request of the Flock of seagulls
TP who TC gains absolute mastery of there most proficient skill
TP who TC gets there perfect ideal of a follower summoned, the follower is made of stained glass
All people who wants to attack TP who TC becomes completely peaceful
TP who TC has the vision permanently enhanced by 4x
TP who TC brain grows 10x as fast and smart for 1 hour
the next good effect drawn from TD is doubled
TP who TC has everything blue that there touching enchanted randomly.
TP who TC gains a skeleton key
TP who TC arms turned to metal (I forgot to say, for 1 hour)
TP who TC is recognised as a minor noble in the nearest nobility system
all eyes in a 1 mile radius of TD glows gold for a year
TP who LC gets magic equal TP who C's magic capabilities for 1 spell
TP who TC can see how corrupt anyone is
TP who NC has there card effect double
TP who TC can identify if it’s safe to drink any water they see
TP who TC gets 10 currency
TP who HC has control over a small company of knights
TP who TC gains scales for 1 hour
TP who TC begins to be observed by a god
TP who TC will have all cuts immediately scab over for the next month
(Automatic custom card)
TP who TC is turned into an animal chosen by TP who NC for 4 hours. TP who TC keeps their mind, unless this card is drawn again in the same time and the same animal is chosen. If it is picked again but with a different animal, TP who TC will hybridize as both animals.
TP who TC plays a game of 20 question, if you win, you get a clue finding spy glass. If you lose you lose an eye.
TP who TC next spell will go wild
all water in a 30 foot radius of TD turns into wine
TP who LC has its effect happen to TP who TC
TP who NC has TP who LC effect added to theres
TP who NC will gain the ability to know where you are at all time
TP who TC has all there hair light on fire, they are not armed nor is there hair
TP who TC experiences 1 years worth of advanced mutation that would be handy in this situation
all grass in a 3 yard radius of TD turns into a fungus based alternative
TP who TC will lose all their hair and have it regrow in a 24 hour period
TP who TC is swarmed by pollen
TD loses its magical effect for 10 minutes
TP who TC gets struck by lightning
TP who TC if they have a scarred over stump it grows cactus spines making it impossible to restore, if not you are immune to cactuses.
TP who TC loses their sense of smell for 10 min
in a 1 yard radius around TP who TC rain will clouds form and rain for 1 week
TP who TC becomes a telepathic potted plant for 1 hour. they're completely inanimate but still conscious anyone who touches them is given a random effect from these options #1. they too become a telepathic potted plant but without the secondary effect #2. they get healed a whole bunch (regenerating limbs n such. but no resurrection) #3. their clothes are replaced with grass and leaf equivalents that are not very covering.
TP who TC becomes a potted telepathic plant for a year
TP who LC attacks you
TP who TC loses all of wealth
TP who TC has there most prized possession trapped in this card for 1 year or until they tell someone a deep secret
all events that took place in the last hour reverts in a 20 yard radius of TD
TP who TC Dies
TP who NC will gain control of your body for 1 minute
(List of terms)
The person (TP)
The deck (TD)
Drew this card (TC)
Drew last card (LC)
Draws next card (NC)
Holds this card (HC)
You can ask pay for a card with 10 currency
When you pay you can specify our of character whether you want a random card or if you want me to make a new one for you
If I make a new one I’ll add it to the list
Also if the card calls for good or bad it is referring to thirds, the first 1/3 is good, the last 1/3 is bad and the middle in neutral, round down and give the neutral the extra cards.
If you pick random, roll for me out of the numbers and tell me what you get
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maiko-san · 4 months
The Masterlists
Welcome to the Masterlists of my page, this will help you find all the chapters in one go! Thank you for enjoying the chapters so far my friends!
Fandom writing
Poppy Playtime
Linked Universe / Legend of Zelda
Cookie Run Kingdom
。+.。☆゚:;。+゚ ☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..゙((ε(*⌒▽⌒)†
Poppy Playtime x Reader
🐕Dogday☀️ + 🐈Catnap🌙 ( Fluff )
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Linked Universe
Linked Universe + TP! Reader
A/n : For the time being I don't take quests for now, sorry 😔
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hey! i just broke up w my bf of almost two years today and have been really sad.
I wanted to thank you for your works bc there helping me get through this. your hotch x reader works are keeping me sane
idk if your interested but maybe a request of reader breaking up with their partner and is very sad was bc they were so busy w the bau and life so they think its best and hotch is there for her and comforts them. he has feelings for them but doesnt want to make a move bc yk newly single. but he does little things to make her feel better bc he likes to see her smile :)
this is completely self service so you dont have to write but i love you works i think ur my fav writer on here :) i hope all is well love 💜
hi lovey! first off, i'm so sorry that you're going through a breakup. I hope that this can help even just a little bit, please take care of yourself and eat something yummy <333
Today holds new experiences for both you and Aaron. For example, you've never seen him in sweatpants before, and he's never seen you with 4 hours worth of tear-induced eye bags.
As luck would have it, when you turn into the tissue aisle, the metal bars of another cart smash into your own. They weren't going fast, but you were, hellbent on getting what you need and getting out again, so the screeching of metal on metal only makes your headache worse.
"Sorry," You rush, keeping your eyes averted as you yank your cart away from the other. You keep conversation short, but the voice that comes from the person you'd just rammed into makes you stiffen instinctually.
It's Hotch.
It's your boss, the man who you try extra hard to be nothing but professional around. The man who's seen you only in perfectly dry cleaned pantsuits and neat hair is seeing you in pajama pants and crocs with a nose so swollen it looks like you've been stung by a bee.
"Hotch," You cringe, nodding politely as you try maneuvering your cart around his, "Sorry for bumping into you. I was in a hurry."
"I can see that," He grabs onto the bars of your cart to stop you from pushing it anywhere, and you chance a cautious look up at his face; his brow is knit in concern, and his eyes are shining with the same look. But your glance upwards reveals that his son is with him, a boy no more than four years old sitting in the cart and looking at you with a tiny hint of terror on his little face, something that probably stems from your no-makeup zombie look. He's mid-chew on a tiny handful of popcorn that he'd probably begged his dad for at the front.
"What happened?" Aaron asks, pulling your attention back to him, and you're slightly relieved he doesn't go for 'Are you alright?'. Clearly, you're not.
"Uh," You sniffle, chuckling dryly, "Bad breakup. Just- getting some tissues, that's all."
"Oh." He hums, hand loosening on your cart, "I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Um," You glance around the store, knowing not many people are there, but it would still be weird to open up a therapy session in the TP aisle, "No, it's okay. Thank you, though. Really, I appreciate it."
"Okay," Aaron nods, though none of the concern has left his expression, "But if you'd like to some other time, please remember I'm here if you need me. Even if it's late, if you need help I'll give it to you."
His sincerity brings a fresh wave of tears to your eyes that he smiles sadly at, and you smear a hand over your eyes to get rid of them, "Thanks, Hotch."
"Mhm," He hums, looking ready to let you go until his son hooks a chubby fist into his shirt.
"Hm?" Aaron looks down, and leans his head next to Jack's when the little boy tugs him closer.
They huddle for a moment, Jack whispering into Aaron's ear, and the man's hand tightens around your cart once more. Just when you thought you'd escaped.
"I think you should." Aaron nods, straightening up, glancing over, and nodding his head towards you, "Go ahead, buddy."
Jack looks up at you with that same hint of apprehension you'd seen earlier, but he digs a fist into his popcorn bucket and extends the hand to you. You actually feel your heart melting, the organ liquifying and dripping through your ribcage to pool like goo in your stomach.
"Uh- maybe," Aaron reaches for the bucket, intent on giving you a handful that hasn't touched sticky toddler hands, but you take Jack's offering without hesitation.
"Thank you, honey," You croon, and he drops the kernels into your open palm, "That does help, popcorn makes me much less sad."
"Daddy makes it for movie night." Jack's voice is soft and sweet, and you smile, sniffling weakly once more.
"Really? That sounds fun, what movies do you watch?"
"We're watching Monsters University tonight," Aaron informs you, then his posture straightens as an idea blooms in his brain, "Y'know, if popcorn makes you less sad, I think you should come and have some with us."
"Oh," Your eyes widen slightly, and you shake your head on impulse, "No, that's okay. I couldn't-"
"I'm asking you to." It's the firm voice Aaron uses whenever he's giving someone orders around the office; you suppose he can't separate his work life and home life completely.
"I don't like the thought of you being alone," Aaron admits, eyeing the ice cream already in your cart, "How about we pick up another pint and head to checkout?"
"I'll be okay," You reach for a package of tissues, extra large, "Don't worry about it, Aaron."
You don't see it, but Aaron pinches Jack's side lightly, spurring the boy into action.
"Please come over tonight," Jack begs, and you swear he's making his eyes shiny on purpose, "Mike Wazowski is funny, and you can't be sad if you're watching something funny."
Aaron raises his eyebrows at you, and you see the faint hint of a smirk playing at his lips; got you.
You take a deep breath in, speaking on the exhale, "Alright. Um, can I bring anything else?"
"Pajamas, maybe." Aaron hums, "Movie nights are always better in pajamas."
You glance disdainfully down at your outfit, ragged pajama pants and a sweatshirt, "Check."
"Perfect," Aaron chuckles, finally letting go of your cart and turning it towards the ice cream aisle, "Let's go, buddy, if Y/N's coming over tonight, you need a bath. She doesn't wanna sit with a stinky boy."
"I'm not stinky!" Jack insists, looking like he's never been more offended in his life.
Aaron leans in, theatrically sniffing at the space near Jack's shoulder. He bugs his eyes out, turning his head to the side and fake-coughing, "Woah."
Jack roars with laughter at his dad's dramatics, feet kicking at his Aaron's stomach, and the sound of his giggles make the popcorn you're munching on taste a little bit sweeter.
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
The outcast twins (4)
Jake, Lo’ak and reader + sully family
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When enemies from the past came back from the dead, life in the forest felt unreal and unsafe as well. No one knew what to make of this revelation that had come upon them yesterday, as the RDA found another way to fight. Tension in the atmosphere was not good and peaceful, as everyone was in worry or panic of what will happen next. Today decision will be made that might change everyone lives forever.
Y/n " dad supposed to be home but he hasn't arrived back yet"
lo'ak " dad will be home soon"
spider " what do you think the decision had become they have been talking about it since this morning"
y/n " I don't know but I wish we can be with the others"
lo'ak " same but I don't think we are the village favorite people right now"
y/n " we are once again the outcast"
spider " well we are all outcast now these days" all the children were hanging outside of their homes waiting for the return of Jake and norm.
man " hey here comes Jake and norm"
Jake " hey everyone well we came with some news"
y/n " what the news dad"
Jake " well we are all leaving it not safe for anyone here"
y/n " where are we going dad"
Jake " towards the ocean there are some clans there that might wish to help us"
lo'ak " wow that far away"
Jake " yes it this but it will be for all our safety don't worry we will be back one day"
spider " uncle Jake what about all of us humans"
norm " don't worry kid we have some humans baes not to far from where, your friends will be going but you might not able to see that that much"
spider " I understand dad"
y/n " hey we can still hangout time to time as well"
lo'ak " what was everyone else reaction"
Jake " they didn't seem very happy at the moment but Tsu'tey said he will deal with them"
y/n " it going to be hard for everyone but maybe there will be a bright side to the whole situation"
max " iy good you kids can find some good in this but right now we need to plan, to get everything packed and ready to leave for when we go"
y/n " dad how many days do you have until we have to leave"
Jake " two or fours days we need to pack what will be use for us everything else we might have to leave" the group seem to get upset by those words.
Jake " look I know we are all sad but this stuff can be replaced none of you can, I made a promise to you all and grace that I will keep our clan and omatacayia clan safe and that what I will"
women " we understand Jake"
norm " then come on everyone lets get ready to pack up and move"
max " I will make the calls that are need and see what can be done, we might get the chance to send over some of the stuff before the big move day"
Jake " see if you can do that max that will be helpful and see if we can get spider his own avatar body" s
spider " really"
norm " yes if anything happens you will need it"
lo'ak " that will be cool bro"
spider ' come on we have to go tell kiri she will be happy"
Jake " wait hold up there it not good right now at home, and rushing in there will be bad right now"
spider " but I want to tell kiri"
Jake " you can tell her later right now we all have to get ready to leave"
???? " dad" Jake soon looked and saw his three other kids standing there.
Jake " hey kids come here"
tuk " is to true we will be leaving"
Jake " yes but it will be okay where we go we can make it our home"
tuk " okay"
spider " hey kiri I might get my own avatar body"
kiri " that wonderful I knew one day you will get one I can't wait, it going to be so amazing to see you connect with the world"
neteyam " father and mother don't seem happy about the whole situation"
Jake " I know no one is happy about this situation and it will take time, but I know we will get use to our new lives and hey one day we will be back here"
Jake " I know we might miss out on many celebrations and milestones here but I'm going to make sure to make it, up tp all of you"
y/n " dad you don't have to we understand"
Jake " as I father I will do anything to make you kids happy and safe, whatever you all want and wish for the makes you comfortable I will make sure that happens"
tuk " can we have a group hug I want one"
Jake " sure baby" The kids had been brought into a hug by Jake, he really wanted to make sure all the kids are safe, he couldn't live with the thought of harm coming to them. He will do anything to make sure they all stay safe even his former lovers.
neteyam " so we leave in couple days right dad"
Jake " yes we do the traveling going to be long and bit hard, but we get to see parts of pandora we have seen before"
kiri " I cant wait"
y/n " hey tuk maybe during some of the fly you and spider can ride with one of us"
spider " that sounds like fun let do that"
norm " well you kids can plan that all later as we get packed" The children had nodded their heads and soon made plans, about everything. They were all sad that they were going to be leaving their home for who know how long, but they were all hoping that one day they will be back not caring if the returned the same or changed.
The day of leaving
y/n " okay everything is packed away dad"
Jake " good let me make sure everything snapped on tightly"
y/n " yes dad"
lo'ak " he choked mines as well"
spider " well it good we don't have much stuff anymore to move, max plan really worked"
y/n " I'm happy"
norm " well Jake all the others are ready to leave once everyone else shows up"
Jake " they should be here soon this was agreed on time with Tsu'tey" the group of avatars and human are waiting for the rest of the clan to show up, with their stuff and ikrans.
y/n " here they come" you were looking our for the group and soon saw them coming.
y/n " there you all are ready to leave"
neteyam " ......"
lo'ak " hey kiri will it be fine for spider to fly with me for some of the trip"
kiri " sure"
y/n " hey tuk maybe you can with me or one of our other siblings"
tuk " that sounds like fun"
Jake " there you kids once you all have you stuff on the Ikran I can make sure they are on right, and once that all over we can leave"
y/n " yeah let us help you where is your stuff" more avatars have come in hopes of helping their families.
Tsu'tey " we are not coming none of us are going on this journey"
Jake " what do you mean I have told you all it not safe for anyone"
neytiri " we are not leaving our homes we are staying here, some of the clans have offered to help us"
Jake " it not safe for us or anyone else and why haven't you told me this before"
Tsu'tey " because we didn't wish to as you have already ruined our lives once again Jake"
Jake " what"
Tsu'tey " they came back because of you and now they are like us because of you and grace, acting like you are friends when you are all not"
Jake " we can fight this out later we all need to leave us families and clans"
neytiri " we are no longer families or clan members you all have lost right to that"
Jake " neytiri"
neytiri " no Jake you all should leave and take the trouble with you, we don't need you or any of you anymore we are better off"
Jake " please you have to listen to me and understand what I'm saying"
Tsu'tey " no undertand what we are saying we are done with all of you leave now"
Jake " we can all leave and come back"
Tsu'tey " you all leave and never come back never this clan is no longer your home, for any of you if you are seen again then you will be seen as our enemies"
Jake " what of the twins and spider think about the parents here and their kids that are seen as full navi"
arturst " choice have been made the kids who are navi and one of us will say and forsaken their demon blood parents and siblings" you had seen some avatar parents trying to hug thier kids and speak with them, to get nothing in response as their former mates glare that them.
y/n " huh" neytiri soon ripped off a necklace she had made for you many years ago.
y/n " mom you made that for me to symbolize we are mother and daughter"
neytiri " I only have two daughters and that kiri and tuk you are no longer my child"
lo'ak " mom please" neytiri ahd done the same to lo'ak as well taking his necklace.
Jake " ahh what was that about" Tsu'tey had cut Jake a but with a blade.
Tsu'tey " you are here by no longer are mate there nothing between us and you, now leave we are being nice right now" The same actions had been done to other adults.
mo'at " then I will go with them"
y/n " no grandmother the clan need you"
mo'at " take this when you were going to come of age I was planning to give this to you and kiri, for a future role in life this has some stuff that will help you" you had taken the basket and found a place to put it right away.
Jake " do you kids wish for this tell me" none of your siblings were speaking and standing quite.
Jake " I understand if trouble comes and call me I will come running to you all" the whole situation was sad there had been changes to giving hugs, but it didn't happen at all.
Tsu'tey " remember Jake I'm true to my word there is no bond between us and you all, we are no longer families and clans members in our eyes to you ... you can act like if we are but you will be fools" there was so much pain and sorry in the atmosphere, soon the group ahd left saying nothing else.
Jake " come on everyone we have to leave we can try to understand what happened later" no one said anything else everyone got onto thier ikrans or helicopters, soon leave the forest. You felt tears rushing down you face, and you had turned to looked up as the boys did the same. The three teens had become broken by the words and actions that happened, the adults are doing their best to hold everything together trying not to cry but even they are hurt as well. Exiled and disown from the clan they were willing and did everything for hurt the most, but now it was time to see what else the great mother has to offer you all.
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zam-jb · 2 years
Aku Mira seorang adik kepada kakak ku Nurul. Dia isteri kedua kepada suaminya Hans. Abg ipor aku ni seorang bisnesman yg segak dan bergaya.  Dia seorang yg soft spoken bila bercakap. Cool je wlupon keadaan tgh kalot ke apa die rilexs je. Aku sndiri tengok dia pon cair. Aku tinggal dgn kakak ku nurul. Abg hans membelikan rumah  utk kakak di Kuantan dan meminta aku duduk skali dgn kakak ku kerana abg hans x selalu ada dirumah. Maklum lah isteri kedua kan bergilir gilir lah tambahan lagi abg hans sibuk menguruskan syarikat dan kadang² sampai ke luar negara. Aku lagi seronok duduk dirumah kakak ku kerna aku boleh bebas sedikit keluar masuk balik lewat malam. Klu dirumah parents selalu kene bebel je. Tapi dgn kakak ku ok je sporting je.
Aku nak share cite yang aku telah bersama abg ipor aku tu. Aku da lama perati life abg n akak aku ni. Diorg mmg sempoi. Wlupon berjauhan jrg jmpa tp diorg steady je. Mybe akak ku sndiri mmg redha jd isteri no.2 dan dah paham akan selalu kene tinggal sorang. Wlupon abg hans bg kemewahan pd akak , tp akak tetap mcm tu je , takde lah nak mewah mana pon. Rumah akak aku ni ade 4 bilik. 3 atas 1 bawah. Setiap bilik ade toilet dalamnya. Beza pd keluasan je lah. So aku pon lg senang x pyh nk berkongsi bilik air. Blik aku behadapan bilik diorg lah.
Satu hari tu setelah 2 mggu abg hans x balik , tiba tiba je abg hans muncul. Terdengar kereta parking di bawah. Aku sangkakan akak balik rupanya abg hans. Abg hans masuk ke rumah, aku menyambut abg hans dgn salam cium tangan. Abg hans terus dduk di meja makan smbil melihat apa makan yg ada di atas meja.
"Mira, akak masak apa hari ni??"  Soal abg hans.
"Akak masak nasi goreng je abang pagi tadi , abg nak makan ke ? mira hidang kan sekejap" sambung aku.
Memang da jadi kebiasan aku kalau akak takde g kerja aku lah melayan abg ipor aku ni. Aku x kisah pon sbb apa yang kami skeluarga ada harini hampir semua nya pemberian dari abg Hans.
Aku menghidangkan nasi goreng dan air nescafe panas pd abg ipor aku tu dan terus berlalu naik atas bilik meninggalkan abg hans makan seorang. Di dlm blik aku menyambung kerja aku. Aku hnya kerja on9 saja. Buat sale secara on9 dan close sale. Itu lah kerja aku hari²  ngadap macbook retina yg dibelikan oleh abg hans swaktu mula nk menceburkan diri dlm bisnes on9. Aku melihat jam 2 petang. Aku terasa dahaga dan keluar bilik nak ke dapo. Swaktu aku keluar bilik aku perhatikan rumah sunyi je. Aku sangka abg hans keluar aku jengah di bilik nya dgn pintu bilik yg separuh terbuka utk melihat kot la ade abg hans. Aku ternampak abg hans tidur di atas katil tak pakai baju dan hanya pakai boxer sahaja. First time aku tengok abg hans mcm tu. Aku perhatikan sekujur tubuh diatas ktil tu sehigga terhenti di boxer nya. Terlihat benjolan besar pd boxer itu. Telan air lidah aku di buatnya.
"Besarnya batang abg hans, patut lah akak sanggoop je jadi bini no.2 agaknya"  sangka aku berbicara dalam hati.
Bulu roma aku menegak, badan aku panas sedikit sperti nafsuku sedang menaik terus aku turun ke dapur minun air.
Aku tau akak & abg hans dah lama kenal tapi tak dapat  berkahwin kerana bapa aku x bagi. Aku selalu cover line utk akak aku tiap kali dia keluar negeri pergi bercuti sewaktu mereka becinta dulu. Aku mmg pandai cover line janji ada upah nya. Abg hans selalu belikan aku pakaian @ apa saja lah yg dia nak bg. Jam , Hp sbgai tanda terima kasih tukang cover line. Aku sronok je.
Setelah akak pulang petang itu aku pon decide nk keluar nk g balik rumah parents aku mengambil barang2 yg di pos kepada costumer. Lagi pon aku nk bg chance pd akak & abg aku berdua kt rumah. Da lama x jmpa kan. Slalu nya aku mcm tu lah, bila abg hans balik aku akan balik rumah parents aku, uruskan kerja kerja aku , hang out dgn kawan2 or jumpa pakwe or ke mana saja lah. Hari tu aku xde program lain slain ke rumah parents saja. Dari ptg sampai malam aku di rumah parents je. Selepas makan malam aku melihat jam pukul 10,so aku pon balik ke rumah akak aku. Sampai dirumah aku mcm biasa masuk dan naik ke bilik. Pergerakan aku agak slow sbb aku x nk ganggu akak & abg aku yg mybe dlm bilik mereka. So aku senyap2 je lah masuk. Semasa naik tangga ke atas aku terdengar bunyi yg jarang aku dgr. Suara akak ku dan abg hans sedang melayari bahtera.
"Ahh...ahh...abang...sedap...ahh..lagi abang..."  "ahh.......!!"
Hanya itu saja aku dgr. Aku naik slow2 ke atas melihat pintu bilik mereka sedikit terbuka dan bilik nya terang. Aku sangka mereka pikir aku xde so diorg main dgn pintu bilik tak tutup lah. Aku cuba mengintai mereka dr ruang pintu yg terbuka. Ngam2 depan mata aku tegak dr ruang intaian aku melihat akak yg sdang drive batang abg hans. Sudut pandangan yg indah, batang abg hans mmg besar dari jangkaan aku. Akak sangat menikmati batang abg hans. Abg hans meramas bontot akak. Akak menjerit jerit seperti orang yang giler dgn kesedapan yg akak sdg lalui. Tak pernah aku dgr diorg main mcm ni selama aku ada dirumah. Tp tak tahu lah time aku takde. Mmg masing2 menggila lah. Aku perhatikan batang abg hans yg tegak mcm tiang besi sekejap ilang sekejap timbul di dalam pepek akak. Dalam tak sedar sedang melihat aksi live mereka tgn aku kini didalam panty aku dah. Pepek aku basah sangat. Aku cuba menguis nguis biji aku, terasa sedap sgt. Akhirnya aku masuk ke bilik aku meninggalkan mereka yg sdang beraksi. Aku terus menanggalkan kain aku dan panty aku, mengangkang membayangkan abg hans sedang menghenjut aku. Aku mengentel biji aku menekan nekan sampai aku terpancut melepas kan air nikmat aku. Dah lama aku x mengentel sndiri dek kerana sibuk kerja. Maklum lah pakwe jauh. Bulu ari² aku pon dah mula memanjang. Aku telelap seketika sambil melega kan nafas aku. Kemudian aku bangun dan mandi membersihkan diri aku , shave semua bulu² yg ada pada aku.  Sdg aku mandi pntu bilik air ku diketok. Akak memanggil manggil nama aku. Aku buka pintu blik air dan bertanya kenapa pekik² aku sambil melihat akak aku yg hanya berkemban saja.
"Adik..bile ko balik...??"  Soal akak secara pelahan
" dari tadi aku dah balik kak lama dah"  balas aku
"..abis ko dengar ke?  Ko nampak ke..?"
"Mira buat tak tahu jelah akak oi... dah la jgn kaco aku nak mandi ,g sambung keje akak sana, hahahahah"
kami tertawa sambil  aku cuba menarik tuala akak aku dan membuatkan dia lari keluar bilik aku.
Malam itu aku terbayang bayang batang abg hans yg aku nampak tadi. Aku hanya dpt berimaginasi je lah. Nak dapat real memang tak lah kan. Dalam aku mengelamun aku masih dgr akak & abg hans sedang main lagi. Akak mmg da tak cover line lagi suara dia. Ye la dpt benda sedap kan. Jarang dapat .. melalak lah.  Aku terus tertidur.
Keesokkan pagi nya aku bangun agak lewat sikit, aku lihat jam pukul 9 pagi. Aku membelek hp aku mlihat msj wasap yg belom terbaca. Tiba tiba aku terbau masakan yang enak dari dapur. Setahu aku kakak aku kerja hari tu, jadi mesti abg hans yanh masak didapur tu. Aku terus wasap abg hans;
"..morning! Abg masak apa sedap nya bau sampai terbangun tidur mira.."
Abg hans membalas "..eh morning mira, abg masak breakfast je..kenapa nak ke..?"  Soal abg hans
"Nak..nanti tinggal kan sikit ye, mira malas nak turun lagi ni.."
"Ke nak abg hantar kat atas..?"
Aku membalas "Er...rajin nye dia.."  Terus abg hans senyap tak reply.
Tiba² Abg Hans muncul dipintu bilik aku membawa dulang makanan yg di masak tadi. Terkejut aku. Rupanya aku tak kunci pintu bilik tido malam tadi. Aku terus tercengang melihat abg hans di depan muka pintu bilik ku hanya memakai singlet dan short yg sedikit ketat dan menbonjol di bahagian hadapan. Tersirap sekejap darah aku.
"Eh abg..buat apa susah² , letak je bawah nanti mira turun la makan..."  sapa aku memecah keheningan suasana.
"Ala takpe lah, abg masak byk tadi ni..jom sarapan sama2..."  pelawa abg hans.
"Ermm..kat sini ke nak sarapan.." tanya aku
"..boleh ke?  Dah bawa naik bilik dah ni.."  soal abg hans.
"Tak pe lah..sini pon boleh.. abg hans masak apa tu..sedap nye bau..."  tanya aku
"Ala sandwich dgn hotdog je..." balas abg hans.
Aku terus " wauuuu...hotdog.... besar tak..."  selamba aku bertanya.
"Amboii......kalau nak hotdog besar yg lain lah..." abg hans membalas selamba.
"...Hahahahah..." aku tertawa besar  "..takot lah besar sgt.." sambung aku..
Mmg dlm otak aku dok terbayangkan batang abg hans yg aku nampak mlm tadi.
"...oi mira...pergi basuh muka gosok gigi dulu sebelum makan ni.. g cepat..."  sergah abg hans pd aku.
Aku pon terus je bangun menuju bilik air dlm bilik aku tu tanpa aku sedari yang aku hanya pakai tshirt tanpa bra dan panty pink saja. Aku pulak boleh mengeliat depan abg hans. Sampai lah abg hans tegur "...erm..tembam jugak.." sambil melirik mata pada pantat aku yg hanya dibaluti panty pink. Aku terkejut dan melihat ke bawah... terus belari masuk tandas. Abg hans ketawa besar sahaja. Di Dlm toilet aku selesai kan semua urusan aku. Kemudian aku jerit pd abg hans  " abg...ambilkan seluar mira kt tepi katil tu.."  "ala buat apa nak pakai lagi.. abg da nampak semua kan.. cool je lah.. abg ok je..."   balas abg hans.  Aku terdiam memikirkan.. betul jugak cakap abg hans. Terus aku keluar dr toilet. Aku buat tak tahu saja sambil mencapai air horlicks kegemaran aku. Abg Hans mcm tahu je kegemaran aku horlick panas di waktu pagi. Sambil minum aku sempat menjeling di seluar Abg Hans. Benjolan di seluarnya macam semakin besar. Aku buat tak tahu saja. Kami terus makan sarapan sambil berbual kosong hal kerja dan perihal semasa. Aku jarang berduaan dengan Abg Hans , bebual pon bila ada  kakak aku saja , tapi pagi itu rasa macam akrab sangat berbual macam dah selalu sangat. Aku menjadi selesa dengan Abg Hans. Setelah habis makan aku pon bangun  untuk angkat semua nya ke dapor semula. Abg hans hanya perhatikan aku saja. Dengan singlet dan panty pink aku tadi , aku jadi selamba je depan Abg Hans. Ntah la. Da rasa macam tak ada apa. Sewaktu berjalan ke luar dari bilik aku sambil memegang dulang , abg hans  menampar bontot ku.  "Pappp....."  aku menjerit "abanggg....sakit lah....!!" Marah aku. Abg hans ketawa sambil menjawab "hahahaha..geram tengok warne pink bulat2 ni..."  aku terus melangkah laju ke dapor.  Memang tak di nafikan bontot ku bulat. Kalau pakai panty @ seluar tight mmg nampak sgt bulatnya. Maklum la aku rajin buat fitnes dgn kawan² aku di taman di gym. Jage body kan.
Sewaktu di dapur , aku sedang membasuh semua pinggan cawan yg digunakan tadi, abg hans aku tak tahu kemana , mungkin di dalam bilik nya sambung tidur agaknya. Tiba-tiba aku rasa ade tangan memeluk aku dr belakang merapatkan bdan nya terus melekat dibelakang aku. Aku yang tangan penuh bersabun disinki tak boleh nk buat apa2 dah. Aku tahu itu abg hans. Dibisikkan ke telinga aku
"Miraa...memang saja nak goda abg ke pagi ni pakai macam ni je...?"
Aku terdiam. Aku ingat dia ok aku pakai mcm ni , tapi tak tahu lah pulak dia boleh stim.
Aku membalas "..mana ade goda abg, abg yg tak bagi pakai seluar tadi kan...abg kenapa? stim ke...? Kan da dapat malam tadi dgn akak...."
Aku terasa benda keras berada di alur bontot ku.
"..abg jangan nak macam2 dengan mira.. malam tadi abg dah balun kak nurul kan tak cukup lagi ke...."  sambung ku yg cuba menepis ciuman abg hans di leher ku. Aku sangat lemah bila orang cium di leher ku. Pakwe aku sangat suka cium leher ku untuk membuatkan aku stimm.
"Mira lah ni goda abg.. da la tembam bulat mana abg tak geram..."  balas abg hans sambil mengigit telinga aku.
"..abg jangan la... nanti mira stim.. jangan lah abg...." cubaan ku mengelakkan berlaku perkara yg tak sepatutnya namun melemahkan aku.
Tangan abg hans berada di tetek aku. Abg hans mengentel puting ku yg da keras dari tadi dgn permainan ciuman leher nya. Aku terus lemah kaki bila 2 tempat ku dipermainkan. Aku membasuh tangan ku dgn bersih. Tapi tangan abg hans lg sebelah memang laju. Dr belakang masuk ke dalam panty pink aku , dan jarinya terus berada di pepek aku.
"...wau...miraa..dah basah lah..banyak air lah mira ni...." bisik abg hans.
Aku terus memegang tangan abg hans,  "abg jangan lah abg...basah dah ni...." balas ku.
"...miraaa... bagi abg ni boleh..."  smbil menekan biji kelentit aku.
"...abg jangan la...errmmmhhh...." balas ku lemah..
"...bg la abang jilat je..rugi air ni klu buang mcm tu je...."  pujuk abg hans.
Aku lantas memikirkan sekadar jilat je ok kot.. aku pon dah stim sangat. Lagi pun dah lama teringin nk kene jilat. Ngn pakwe aku tak pernah ade peluang untuk jilat pepek aku ni. Asyik kene gentel je dlm kereta.
"...abg janji jilat je tau.  No more lebih².....im still virgin" balas ku pd abg hans.
Abg hans terus mengangkat aku mengendong ku ke sofa bed di ruang tamu dan membaring kan aku. Aku yg bertubuh kecil dari kakak aku memang mudah lah abg hans nak angkat. Tanpa sebarang bicara aku sendiri telah sedia diperlakukan oleh abg hans. Abg hans mencium mulutku, aku terus memeluk abg hans. Abg hans melorot ke bawah menyelak baju singlet aku terus menghisap puting ku dengan rakus.
'....abg..can u make it slow.. mira tak lari abg..."  pesan ku pd abg hans.
"..ok..mira... im sory....geram plak tengok tetek mira ni...tegang..lentik..." sambil di jilat jilatnya di isapnyaa puting tetek aku.
Itu lah ayat yg sama aku dgr dari pakwe aku dahulu sewaktu pakwe aku dapat raba tetek aku di dalam keretanya pertama kali. Memang tak leh dinafikan tetek aku memang tegang dan sedikit melentik putingnya. Kawan² rapat aku sendiri jeles dengan keindahan tetek aku ini.
Abg hans meneruskan ke bawah.. di cium nya paha aku sampai ke jari kaki aku. Geli sedap stim semua ada. Abg hans betol² menikmati setiap pelusuk badan aku. Macam orang da lama tak dapat pantat aku tengok. Tapi aku lagi suka diperlakukan sebegitu. Aku hanya mampu mengerang kesedapan dgn permainan lidah abg hans di badan aku. Panty aku di tarik perlahan lahan, pepek aku kini sudah terlalu basah ,  banjir dengan air nafsu aku. Abg hans sangat pandai foreplay dgn lidah. Patut lah akak aku suka sangat dengan abg hans ni. Abg hans terus menjilat air nafsu aku dari bawah ke atas. Tak dapat aku gambarkan nikmatnya di jilat oleh abg hans. Abg hans terlalu mahir sehingga aku terpancut di muka abg hans. Padahal malam tadi aku baru mastrubate. Dengan jilatan abg hans membuatkan aku ke awangan awangan. Permainan lidahnya dipepek aku membuat kan aku terasa nikmat yg tak terperi. Abg hans memasukkan lidah nya ke dalam lobang pepek aku, terasa mcm btg yg kecil sedang berdendang di pepek aku sehingga membuatkan aku klimak kali ke 3. Abg hans memang hebat. Aku terus terbaring termengah mengah dengan asakan lidah abg hans.
"...miraa...are u ok sayang?.." soal abg hans
"...ok sangat...abg...sedap bang.. dah tak larat ni..." balasku
Abg hans jilat pepek aku membersihkan sekelilingnya dgn lidah nya. Kemudian abg hans bangun mencium mulut ku. Aku memeluk abg hans erat.
"Abg can we stop.. mira da x larat ni..." pintaku pd abg hans.
"...ok syg..nk rest ke..abg angkat masuk dalam bilik ye.."
"..emm...ok abg.." balas ku yg sdg memejam mata kepenatan.
Abg hans mengangkat aku ke bilik ku dan meletakkan aku diatas katil ku dlm keadaan yg masih bersinglet tapi tidak berpanty.
Abg hans mencium dahi aku dan berbisik "thanks sayang , yours so delicioussss...." sambil tangannya menekup pepek aku.
Aku hanya mampu tersenyum saja dan membalas ciuman abg hans. Lalu abg hans pergi ke bilik nya. Aku terus terlena seketika dgn hanya memakai singlet tanpa panty.
Petang itu berlalu seperti biasa. Aku bangun tengahari tu. Abg Hans takde dirumah, mungkin keluar atas urusan bisnes dia agaknya. Aku mcm biasa order grab food untuk mengisi perot aku sambil key in oder kerja aku. Waktu magrib Kak Nurul balik kerja.. dan tak lama lepas itu disusuli Abg Hans balik. Abg Hans hanya tersenyum pada aku saja. Aku buat² mcm tak ada apa. Waktu makan malam Kak Nurul masak. Kebiasaannya klau abg hans ade Kak Nurul memang masak sedap². Ye lah nak bagi laki makan kan. Sewaktu makan Kak Nurul menyatakan dia kene Outstation di Terengganu selama 4 hari. Abg hans offer untuk ikut skali teman Kak Nurul di sana dan aku confirm lah tak ikut. Buat apa nak kacau line diorg nak g honeymoon in work. Lagi pon perjalanan dalam 4 jam sahaja dr Kuantan. So aku ok je tinggal sorang. Lagi pon dah biasa.
Pagi berikutnya Kak Nurul dan Abg Hans bertolak ke Terengganu. Aku pon bertolak juga.. tp ke rumah parents aku je la.haha. haritu aku tak kemana sgt. Just layan kerja pastu aku pergi shopping dgn bff aku berbekalkan duit Abg Hans bg td sebelum diorg pergi. Then g makan² tengok wayang.
Dua hari berlalu, aku bangun pagi² sebab nak balik rumah Kakak aku. Ye lah dah 2 malam stay di rumah parents aku. So aku nk balik check stok brang2 niaga aku. Otw aku ke sana, Kakak aku call aku tetiba, dia suruh aku balik umah tengokkan dalam kereta dia ada tak fail kerja yang tertinggal. So aku yg mmg dah ngam2 sampai terus tengok dalam kereta kak nurul aku.. mmg ada lahh fail tu. So kak Nurul cakap "...ha..xpe lah klu ada lega lah... igtkan tertinggal kat office aku.. nanti jap lg Abg Hans balik ambil fail tu jap.."
Abg hans klu bawa kete mmg pelesit. Lagi lagi benda urgent. Bawa Merc dia tu dah mcm formula one. Aku pon jadi takot.
Dirumah aku mengemas rumah cuci baju semua sambil² buat kerja buat sale di laptop aku tu. 2 3 kerja aku buat dlm 1 masa. Mmg layak sgt aku jadi bini dah.. haha.. tiba tiba aku dgr kereta abg hans memasuki ruang parking. Aku lihat jam pukul 10 pagi, sedang Kak Nurul call aku tadi 7.40pagi. Punye lah laju abg hans bawa kereta. Abg terus masuk ke dalam rumah. Memberi salam. Aku sambut dengan salam mencium tangan seperti biasa lalu abg hans balas dengan memegang kepala aku mencium dahi aku. Aku jadi bengong kejap. Lain macam abg hans. First time in the world buat aku mcm ni. Aku hanya senyum je.
"Abang..everything ok...??" sapa aku pd abg hans.
"Ok je..mana fail yg akak cakap tu..??" Soal abg hans yg sdg tercari cari.
"..dalam kereta akak lah bang.. mira tak keluarkan pon.." jawab aku.
Abg hans meluru keluar ke kereta kak Nurul dan mengambil fail tu kemudian masuk ke dalam rumah dan duduk sambil membelek isi kandungan fail tu.
"Abang nak air ke? Mira buatkan...." offer aku.
"Ermm..leh gak...nes ea.." pinta abg hans.
Aku yang mash menunggu mesin basuh siap mengeringkan pakaian. Sambil2 tu layan jap abg hans. Aku menghantar air pd abg hans di depan. Kemudian terus ke dapur semula mengemas sikit kt dapur. Act pagi tu aku hanya memakai short pants dan tshirt saja. Biasa mmg mcm tu bila aku sorang kt rumah.
Aku baru perasan sejak abg hans balik td lepas dia cium dahi aku rasa mcm gelisah, macam tetiba stim je. Aku sndiri tak pasti kenapa. Waktu abg hans takde sebelom ni ok je. Tp bila abg hans depan mata aku mcm x tentu arah. Adakah ini dinamakan Cinta. Tp tak mungkin. Abg hans sndiri buat tak tahu je. Atau ini adalah Cinta Sentuhan Pertama sejak hari itu. Aku masih mampu kawal cuma kadang2 dup dap dup je bila tengok abg hans. Rasa nk pelok je. Tp tak nak la nanti dia ckp adik ipar die ni menggatal. Sedang aku mengelamun hp aku diatas meja depan berdering. Aku lihat Kak Nurul call. Aku angkat dan loud speaker supaya Abg Hans dengar sekali.
"Hello dik..abang sampai ke? Akk call tak jawab.. nanti ko cakap kat abg.. tak payah rushing2 balik sini..fail tu boleh submit esok..akak dah bincang dengan pengurus sini.. nanti ko bagitau abg ye.. akak call die msj dia tak angkat tak reply.....!!.."  bertalu talu suara akak di ujung talifon.
"Haaa ok kak .. nanti adk bgtau abang... ok bye.." jawab aku.
Abg hans bangun dan meraba dirinya mencari phone nya di kocek seluar. Terus meluru masuk ke dalam kereta nya. Aku melihat abg hans menalifon semula akak..agaknya la. Seketika itu abg hans masuk dan menyatakan diri nya mahu mandi terus naik ke atas biliknya. Aku dr td merasa diri yg gelisah semacam , aku mula plan nak goda abg hans. Lagi pon abg hans dah tak rushing. Kak Nurul pula jauh, so maybe aku boleh bersama lagi abg hans. Lagi pon sejak haritu di jilat abg hans aku terasa macam nak lagi. Cume aku sibukkan diri aku supaya tak terpikir sangat. Hari ni abg hans ade di depan mata 'why not aku cuba minta'.
Aku terus naik ke atas usya line bilik abg hans. Nasib aku baik abg hans x kunci pintu bilik. Pintu nye terbuka sedikit. Aku menyelusup masuk kedalam bilik abg hans dan rapat ke pintu bilik air. Terdengar derusan air pancut mandian. Aku perasan pintu blik air juga tak tutup rapat. Hanya sekadar tutup saja. Aku mula terbayang abg hans mandi bogel, tak semena mena aku jadi stim sendiri. Aku mengintai sedikit ke dalam bilik air. Abg disebalik pintu kaca kabur di  tempat mandi. Ternampak bayangan sedikit jelas abg hans sambil mandi mengurut-urut batang mungkin untuk mempastikan agar batang sentiasa sihat dan bersedia untuk isteri2 dia. Sedang aku asyik melayan melihat abg hans mandi dengan air pancutan, aku membogelkan diri aku dan masuk ke dalam ruang depan bilik mandi abg hans.
Tiba tiba abg hans menyelak pintu kaca, abg hans terkejut melihat aku berdiri tercegat di depan pintu tanpa seurat benang membaluti tubuh aku. Terbeliak mataku melihat tubuh abg hans dari atas ke bawah. Seram sejuk aku melihat batang yang separa keras itu. Cukup besar bagi aku. Aku cuma senyum dengan pipi aku mula kemerahan melihat kekagetan Abg Hans.
” Mira....! kenapa masuk?  Abang tengah mandi ni”  soal abg Hans.
aku hanya melemparkan senyuman yg manja.
Mata aku tertumpu melihat batang abg hans yang separa tengang tetapi semakin menegak keatas. Tak ada usaha pon untuk menutup nya. Aku terus hampiri abg hans dan mencangkung depan abg hans. Tanpa biacara apa terus aku memegang batang abg hanss dan mengurut-urut manja. Abg hans cuba mengelak tetapi aku kuatkan genggaman tangan aku di batang abg hans. Mulut aku terus mengucup hujung batang abg hans. Aku jilat batang abg hans mcm aiskrim. "Slruurrpppss...."  Abg hans hanya melihat sambil tersenyum. Aku menjilat jilat batang abg hans sambil memandang muka abg hans. Cuba mengoda abg hans dengan muka seksi. Tak ubah macam pelacur yang sedang servis batang pelanggannya.
Perlahan-lahan aku kulum batang abg hans. Aku cuba sumbat mulut aku hampir ke pangkal batang abg hans. Hampir nak termuntah aku. Besar dan panjang batang abg hans jauh beza dengan batang pakwe aku. Aku mula mengisap dan sedut manja batang abg hans. Abg hansmembiarkan saja aku melakukannya. Aku mula merasa kenikmatan isap batang besar. Apabila dia lihat aku seakan abg Hans membenarkan, aku pun mula menguatkan kuluman isapan dan jilatan pada batang. Jangan hairan sebab aku dulu selalu juga isap batang pakwe aku. Mcm cara aku belajar nak buat macam jadi seorang yang pro.
Abg Hans menarik kepala aku ke belakang sedikit dan duduk ditepi tab mandi lalu menyandarkan badannya ke dinding bilik mandi mencari keselesaan dirinya. Aku masih seronok mengulum batang dengan penuh berahi. Sekejap aku urut, sekejap aku isap dan sekejap dia jilat.  Semakin laju urutan batang semakin keras. bukan kepalang. Aku belom pernah tengok batang sebesar jagung di depan mata aku. Berurat keras.
Sambil menikmati batang sekali-sekala aku mengomel dlm bisikan memuji batang abg hans. betapa lama aku mendambar peluang ini sejak nampak batang abg hans aritu. Abg hans juga berdengusan menahan nikmat oral seks yang aku berikan padanya. Abg hans meramas kepala aku menarik kepala aku dalam sedang melayan kenikmatan mulut aku. Dua puluh minit kemudian aku rasa mulut aku dah kebas, batang abg hans mula mengembang untuk pancut. Aku masih tidak mahu melepaskan batang dalam mulut aku. Benda bukan senang dapat. Tak semua laki ade besar ni. Aku semakin lama semakin laju dan kuat menyedut batang abg hans. Dalam aku sedang mengila , tedengar dengusan nafas abg hans dan selang beberapa saat kemudian ledakan air mani memancut ke dalam mulut aku. Abg hans memegang kepala aku rapat ke batang nya. Derusan air main abg hans yg byk masuk kedalam tekak aku. Aku terpaksa menelan utk mengelakkan aku lemas dan tercekik batang abg hans.
Ahh....argghghhh..aahhh..sskkk.. sedapnya miraa...” teriak abg hans serentak memancutkan air nya dalam mulut aku.
Aku terima saja setelah separuh aku telan tanpa berhentikan nyonyotan batang abg hans sambil mengenggam erat memerah air abg hans keluar. Aku telan licin air mani abg hans, aku jilat semua baki yang ada di batang dan lelehan di muka aku. Aku tengok abg hans tersandar lemah selepas pancut.
Setelah abg hans ok abf hans memuji aku  kerana blowjob yang terhebat pernah dia rasa. Aku bangun dan sandar badanku pada abg hans. Aku hanya mencium pipi abg hans kemdian ketawa kecil tengok gelagat abg hans yang tidak bertenaga. Abang hans memeluk aku.
"Thanks sayang...u give me a very good suck.." bisik abg hans.
"Ur welcome abg..dapat juga mira nak rasa batang abg..aritu mira dah tak larat nak layan abg..so mira ganti dengan hari ni..." jawab aku manja.
"Oo...ada ganti² ye mira...pandai mira suck..macam da biasa je..."  sindir abg hans.
"Tak lahh..mira belajar kt google la......hahahah pastu pratik kat batang abg... hahahaha...  jawab aku sambil ketawa.
"Eh..kat google ade ajar ea..hahaha..ade je mira ni.." balas abg hans sambil memeluk aku erat meramas tetek aku.
"Abang...can u lick mine... hari ni line clear.. we have much time for us.."  pinta aku sambil menjilat jilat bibir abg hans.
Abg hans tersenyum dan terus mengengdong aku bawa ke atss katil di mana Kak Nurul dan Abg Hans beraksi. Kini aku pula menganti Kak Nurul diatas katil mereka. Abg hans terus kucup bibir aku  dan dengan rakus aku balas kucupan abg hans. Kami saling berkuluman lidah. Menyedut-nyedut antara satu sama lain. Tangan abg hans meramas tetek aku yang putih gebu mengka melentik. Abg hans gentel puting aku yg dah keras dari td kemudian di isapnya tetek aku hingga aku merengek kesedapan
“Ahhhhh…..sedapnya Abangg…isap lagi bang..isap puas-puas”
Abg hans dah macam singa kelaparan. Dia ramas tetek aku. Dia isap dan gentel tetek aku tak henti-henti merengek kesedapan. Jari jemari abg hans mula menjalar turun ke pusat dan ke alur kelengkang aku. Aku sedia mengangkang untuk abg hans. Aku rasa pepek aku da basah lencun akibat perbuatan abg hans tadi. Mulut dan tangan abg hans menjalankan kerja serentak. Abg Hans terus mengusap-usap lembut tundun pepek aku dan sekali-sekala jarinya mencuit-cuit biji kelentit aku.  Aku menarik abg hans cepat seolah tidak mahu lepaskan dia. Abg Hans melihat pepek aku yang basah lencuh banjir dan sedikit terbuka, terus menghadap muka nya kearah pepek aku.
Abg hans mula menjalankan peranan lidah nya bagai singa kehausan. Air mazi dan bau pepek aku boleh sampai ke hidung aku menambahkan ghairahku. Sungguh beruntung abg hans dapat pepek aku. Pakwe aku pon tak pernah menjilat lagi kata hatiku. Lupa aku yang abg hans abg ipar aku sendiri. Abg Hans menggunakan lidahnya merobek alur pepek aku. Aku cuba melihat , nampak kemerahan biji kelentit dan bibir pepek aku. Air mazi aku membasahi lubang dan mengalir perlahan ke atas tilam bercampur air liur abg hans. Aku berteriak kesedapan.
“Abangg sedapnya…. ahhhh..iskkk..ssss......lagi Abangg.....lick mine…” Abg hans hanya meneruskan jilatannya tanpa menghiraukan aku yg meracau kesedapan.
Abg hans menggigit manja biji kelentit aku. Terangkat punggung aku. Makin luas kangkangn aku berikan pada abg hans. Aku meramas rambut kepala abg hans seakan tidak mahu dia berhenti menjilat. Aku sua-sua kan pepei aku ke muka abg hans.
“sayangggg…laju lagi jilat...lagi.. mira tak tahan...ahhhhhhh...abanggg....sayanggg.....” aku merengek.
Abg hans kuatkan jilatan lidahnya pada alur pepek aku. Punggung aku naik turun ikut rentak jilat abg hans. Makin kuat aku ramas tangan aku pada rambut abg hans.  Aku dapat rasa abg hans sedut air mazi aku mcm hirup air teh ais. Aku hanyut dalam jilatan abg hans. Permainan lidah abg hans memang hebat. Beberapa minit selepas itu, Aku menjerit kuatt
"Abanngggggggggg…. sedapnyaaaaaa..........”
“Jilat lagi biji kelentit sayangggg....oooohhhhhhh...ahh...”
Kaki  aku mengejang dan terangkat menahan kenikmatan.
Tersekat-sekat gerak punggung aku. Akhirnya aku klimaks yang teramat sedap giler untuk kali pertama pagi itu. Kalu sebelom ini 3 kali.. tapi kali ni hanya sekali sehingga menangkap segala urat saraf otak aku. Air aku sampai terpancut terkena muka abg hans. Tak pernah aku rasa kenikmatan kesedapan yg mcm tu. Sampai terpancut air aku. Abg hans cakap aku hebat boleh "squirt".  Perlahan-lahan punggung aku turun ke atas tilam. Nafas aku dah seakan-akan lembu disembelih tersangkut-sangkut. Mata aku semakin layu syok sedap dalam kepenatan. Abg hans masih mahu menghabiskan sisa-sia air aku. Habis kering pepek aku abg hans jilat. Abg hans terus baring sebelah aku dan mencium aku. Aku terus memeluk abg hans erat.
"Thanks abang...mira sayang abg...." bisik aku.
"Mee too sayang... mira hebat sangat.." balas abg hans.
Kami bepelukan bergomol seperti sepasang kekasih yg memadu kasih sayang. Dalam bergomol tu aku terasa batang abg hans selalu menyondol nyondol pepek aku. Aku masih belum confident nak menyerahkan dara aku pd abg hans. Aku mahu.. tp aku takot sakit memecahkan dara seperti kawan kawan aku cerita. Kami bergurau senda dalam keadaan berbogel sehinggalah aku duduk diatas abg hans. Batang abg hans betol2 di alur pepek aku. Aku cuba mengesel geselkan batang abg hans dengan pepek aku. Terasa sedap. Lebih sedap apabila pepek aku mula basah dan membasahkan batang abg hans. Nikmat mengesel pepek dengan batang lagi sedap. Abg hans hanya melihat saja perlakuan aku.
"Abg...muat ke kalau masukkan ni..." tanya aku sambil menunjukkan batang dan pepek aku.
"Kalau akak boleh masuk takkan adik tak leh...heheheh"  gurau hans..
"Amboii.... abanggg....ni....nakal...." aku menampar manja paha abg hans.
Abg hans terus memeluk aku dan cium mulut aku. Kami ber cemolot dgn penuh asyik. Sambil itu abg hans cuba memasukkan batang ke dalam pepek aku dari posisi aku yg masih baring diatas bdn nya. Aku berhenti seketika....bertanya
M: "Abang nak masukkan ke...??"
AH: "...mira nak ke...?"
M: "nanti sakit laa..."
AH: "kita buat slow slow ye..."
M: "janji tak koyakkan pepek mira?"
terus Abg hans mengolek aku disisi dan naik ke atas aku. Abg hans meletakkan bantal di bawah bontot aku agar tinggi pepek aku. Lalu dia menjilat leher aku turun ke tubuh ku. Dia hisap tetek ku sepuas-puasnya seperti anak kucing yang berebut rebut nak kan puting mak nya.
“Aahhhhhhhhh….” aku mengerang kesedapan.
Lidah abg hans semakin nakal, jilatanya semakin rakus. Seluruh sudut badanku menjadi mangsa tapi aku memang suka. Lidah abg hans semakin ke bawah dan ke bawah sampai ke pepek aku abg hans berhenti. Dia menguakkan kaki aku, kiri dan kanan. Paha aku kiri kanan dijilatnya. Di gigit² manja. Sehingga lidahnya kembali ke pepek aku.
“Ahhhhhhhhh…abangg....” desah aku apabila kelentitku dikuis kasar dengan lidah.
Tundun aku digigit manja. Bibir tembam pepek aku dicium². Kini dia mula menjilat seluruh pepek ku.
“Aahhh…abanggg.....aahh.. ” aku tak tahan, “issssshhhh ahhhh sedap banggggg....!”
Aku semakin tak tahan. Aku mendesis sekuat-kuatnya menjerit kesedapan. Abg Hans langsung tak peduli jeritan kesedapan ku, dia terus menyedut kelentit ku.
“Ahhhhh…abangg...!!” aku menjerit, “Abanggg....ahhhhhhh sedappp sayaanggg....!” kuat aku menjerit kesedapan.
“Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…...!!” aku merasa lidah abg hans sedikit kasar bermain dengan kelentit ku. Pepek aku semakin basah membanjiri bantal dibawah. Aku menarik narik rambut abg hans mengonyoh kepala abg hans dipepek aku. Tiba tiba Abg Hans berhenti seketika. Aku baru nak sampai klimaks abg hans behenti. Kecewa kejap. Abg hans membiarkan aku tergantung dgn nafsu aku yang semakin tinggi. Aku terasa lidah nya kembali menjalar ke atas badan aku. Kemudian ke tetek aku. Abg hans membuat love bite di kedua dua tetek aku sambil mengentel puting aku. Terangkat angkat aku menahan geli dan nyilu. Leher aku kini diulit dengan lidah abg hans. Aku semakin tak tahan. Desahan dan erangan saja aku mampu keluarkan. Dalam tak sedar kini abg hans berada di atas aku di tengah tengah kangkangan aku. Batang abg hans elok tersandar di tundun aku. Abg hans melihat muka aku yg dah hanyut dek gelora nafsu kegersangan. Abg hans senyum lalu mencium mulut aku. Mencari lidah aku sambil Abg hans memeluk erat badan aku. Aku juga memeluk erat abg hans. Sedap nya  bercemolut sambil berpeluk erat bogel bersama. Sedang leka dan hanyut bercemolot terasa
Abg Hans mengesel-geselkan kepala batangnya pada biji kelentit ku. Aku cuba memberi respon dgn menunjalkan lagi pepek aku pada batang abg Hans. Aku da sedia untuk memberikan dara aku ini pd abg hans. Pepek aku da bersedia untuk menerima batang yang besar harini. Aku rela disetubuhi abg hans harini. Aku sedar hari ini hari terakhkir aku menjadi gadis perawan. Abg hans sangat pandai membuatkan aku stim yg teramat sangat sampai hanyut aku. Dalam kehanyutan aku tiba tiba terasa sakit dipepek aku. Tanpa aku sedar batang abg hans dah suku masuk ke dalam pepek aku. Kini tersangkut di kulipis dara aku. Terfikir sejenak aku, baru suku masuk dah sampai diseparuh lobang aku , kalau seluruh batang masuk memang jejak lah ke pangkal rahim aku. OMG!  aku menjadi takut seketika. Abg hans masih bermain dileher aku. Tangan kirinya mengentel puting aku tangan kanannya memegang meramas ramas bontot aku.
Abg hans memautkan tangannya pada pangkal peha aku supaya dia dapat membuka kangkang aku dengan lebih luas lalu sekali lagi batang abg hans di dalam pepek aku yang kian basah ni ditekan hingga mencecah selaput dara aku. Aku tahu ini akan sakit seperti kawan2 aku cerita. Aku cubamengumpul tenaga untuk menahan segala yang bakal aku terima. Abg Hans meminta aku menolak bontot ke atas bila abg hans tekan, pelan-pelan aku mengeraskan kedudukan aku seketika. Ketika batang abg hans semakin ke dalam pepek aku dan aku terus angkat dan menolak bontot aku. Serentak dengan itu abg hans terus menujah lobang pepek aku. Berderit-derit rasanya bila batang abg hans menyelinap masuk , laju macam tak jumpa dasarnya. Aku terus menggelepar kesakitan,
"aduiii…hhhhh....sakitnya bang… habis lah koyak pantat mira.." terus aku menangisssss. Memang sakit tak boleh handle. Hanya nangis aku mampu. Tak pernah rasa sesakit ini. Terasa menyesal sekejap pun ada.
Dalam menangis aku terasa ade cecair mengalir dipepek aku, mungkin darah dara aku agaknya. Banyak darah yang keluar meleleh sampai jatuh ke bantal di bawah. Abg hans hanya melihat saja. Lalu mencalitkan darah dara itu di kening aku sambil membacakan ayat yang aku tak berapa dengar, lalu berbisik  "i love you Mira" Aku makin kuat esakan menangis. Aku menatrik abg hans rapat ke aku dan memeluk erat abg hans. Lalu abg hans menarik sedikit keluar batang nya kemudian terus menghentak hingga habis batangnya masuk ke dalam pepek aku. Terasa macam disula aku, aku menjerit melaung
"aduhhhhh…senak bang…!!!!
"abang punya panjang dah bang saya tak tahan lagi... pedihnya pantat mira bangggg.....! Merayu aku pada Abg Hans.
Abg hans membiarkan batangnya terendam dalam pepek aku. Abang mengusap-ngusap rambut aku dan mencium mesra bibir aku. Aku hanya terdiam sambil memejam mata. Abg hans mencium dahi aku pipi aku mengusap membelai manja aku. Lalu abg hans mencium mulut aku, aku membalas dan mula tersenyum, abg hans menyeka air mata aku,
"Mira...maafkan abang buat mira sakit, tapi abang dah stim sangat kat mira, tak dapat nak tahan bila mira mengerang sedap tadi..."
"Baiklah bang, its ok, mira juga yang nak abangg.." balas aku
"abang, you can fuck me as you like it but please fuck me good, real good the best way for me.." sambung aku.
Seraya tu abg hans memulakan dayungan keluar masuk batangnya. Aku agak sakit sikit setiap kali abg hans  menekan masuk batang. Mungkin lobang aku terlalu kecil untuk batang abg hans yg besar itu.Aku terus memaut badan abg hans semasa adegan menyorong tarik, aku terasa pepek aku seakan-akan mengikut keluar apabila batang abg hans menarik ke atas dan terbenam bila abg hans menekan masuk batang. Mulut abg hans x henti henti memuji pepek aku yg ketat. Sungguh pun lubang aku banyak air pelicin tapi masih tak memadai untuk aku menerima batang abg hans ini. Abg hans terus menyorong tarik. Pepek aku semakin basah. Aku mula merasa kesedapan bersetubuh. Terasa nikmat. Abg hans memacu batang secara perlahan kemudian laju dan laju betul, aku yang semakin sedap enak dalam kenikmataan menggelepar aku menahan hentakan abg hans yang padu sambil kepala aku ke kiri kanan mencapai klimaks aku yg pertama dengan batang yang pertama meneroka lobang dara aku.
"aduh…duh…bang....sedapnyerr  banggg... rasa sampai ke otak" rintih aku kenikmatan.
Abg hans hanya tersenyum lalu mencium mulut aku. Abg hans menghenjut aku lagi masih dalam posisi Misionary. Abg hans mula melajukan semula permainan batangnya di lobang aku sambil melihat tepat ke muka aku yg sedang mengerang kenikmatan.
"Mira..kita cum  sama² sayang...boleh..?" pinta abg hans.
Aku tau abg hans da nak sampai ke penghujungnya. Aku mula memberikannrespon yang lebih lagi. Aku mengemutkan kan sedikit pepek aku. Abg Hans dapat merasakan batangnya dikemut pepek aku, aku hanya senyum sambil mengerang. Lepas tu dengan punggung-punggung aku mengemut sekali. Abg merasa sedap batangnya dikemut sampai menggigit tengkok leher aku menahan sepitan yang begitu kuat,
"miraa…cepat abang nak cummm"   bisik ang hans ditelinga aku. Aku pon sama semakin nak sampai.
"Abangg..laju lagi...lagi abg..lagi sayang...." gesa aku pd abg hans.
Akhirnya... crut… crut… crut air mani abg hans memancut jauh ke pangkal rahim aku. Terasa kepala batang abg hans sentuh pangkal rahim aku. Seluruh batangnya ditekan rapat santak ke dalam pepek aku. Aku menahan dengan mengeraskan badan aku hanya pepek dan bontot saja yang mengemut. Aku rasa habis kering air mani abg hans keluar dalam pepek aku. Terjentat jentat aku menerima air abg hans. Sikit pun tak tinggal. Batang Ab Hans macam diperah-perah pepek aku yg auto mengemut tu. Abg hans keletihan lalu terdampar atas aku, aku terus memeluk erat abg hans. Lelaki yg pertama merobek pepek dara aku meragut perawan aku sekaligus menjadikan aku dewasa. 5 minit kami berpelukan dengan batang abg hans yg semakin kecil didalam pepek aku. Setelah beberapa keketika baru abg hans dapat tenaga untuk mencabut keluar batangnya yang tersepit dipepek aku  lalu berguling baring disebelah aku.  Aku membelai rambut abg hans. Aku cium pipi nya aku cium dahi lalu aku peluk dr sisi. Aku mula sayang pd seorang lelaki yg bergelar abang ipar aku. Suami kakak aku sendiri. Abg hans mengiring menghadap aku mencium aku terus memeluk aku.
"Thanks mira.. u first time same like ur sister..thanks sayang"  ucap abg hans.
"Ooh...sama ke abangg.. mana lg best mira ke akak..." soalku bergurau.
"Mestilah mira.. fresh lg kan..hahaha" jawab abg hans ketawa besar.
"So lepas ni abg kene layan 2 orang lah tiap kali balik sini..." gurau aku.
"Amboii..nak juga ye..hehe..abg ok je janji jangan sampai kantoi dgn akak dah la.. pandai2 la cover line lepas ni..."  jawab abg Hans.
Jam menunjukkan pukul 1 petang, lama juga kami bersenggama. Abg hans bersiap utk pergi ke terengganu semula. Aku masih lagi berbogel baring di atas katil abg hans. Aku berjanji akan mengemas semula katil dan bilik abg hans setelah diporak perandakan oleh kami. Sebelum abg hans beredar kami sempat bercemulut sambil 1 jari nya didalam pepek aku. Abg hans sempat memancutkan aku lagi sekali dgn jarinya. Aku sungguh puas hari tu. Abg hans memberikan aku duit pd aku dan menyuruh aku pergi ke farmasi membeli pil perancang. Aku hanya mengiyakan sahaja.
Hubungan kami  semakin rapat. Sungguhpon aku sudah tidak dara lagi, tapi aku tak pernah main dgn pakwe aku. Cukup la sekadar geli2  dan hanya batang abg Hans saja yg boleh menyelam ke dalam lubang pepek aku. Kalau aku bendera jepon mulut aku disuakan demi abg hans. Kami pernah buat kerja gila main "quick sex" semasa Kak Nurul sedang tertidur diruang tamu. Abg hans x tahan melihat bontot aku semasa memakai legging tanpa panty. Kami main di belakang meja makan, abg hans menjolok aku dari belakang dlm keadaan aku hanya menonggeng saja bersaksikan Kak Nurul yg sedang tidur didepan tv. Terlalu byk memori kalau nak diceritakan. Hubungan haram kami masih belarutan sampai sekarang. Aku dah clash ngn bf aku kerana sudah berkali aku bg pelbagai alasan ketika dia ingin melamar aku sebagai isteri nya. Aku bingung. -End-
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white-sinner · 1 year
tighnari x male stressed reader
The reader in this story is a hybrid fox just like tighnari and Miko
Warning: this story is smut/lemon
A/n: so I just finish to read Kiraide Isasete and it welcom me to some aides also (d/w=dream work)
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you and tighnari have now been engaged for 2 years, you really love each other so much and you consider Collei as your daughter (and she considers you as her 2 overprotective fathers) so by now tighinari knows your little reactions well and as your companion he is willing to help you with all his heart ❤️
tighnari i immediately notice how stressed and worried you were so after he asked you and you explained that you were stressed because of your job which was (d/w) and you were really worried about Collei's condition his heart couldn't help but melt so he remembered when he was stressed out and you fucked him so much he couldn't remember what he was mad about anymore
so he sat on your lap starting to kiss your neck leaving marks and moving his hips like a slut in heat (let's be honest tighnari he can be a slut if he wants it especially in sex with you) while he moved his hips you immediately understand what was he trying to do so with your tail wagging for lecitations you started to stimulate his ears and his cock it was now 5 minutes that seemed like hours for tighnari and when he finally cum you took him princess style and placed him on the sofa he no longer unable to move due to too much heat from his body
while he was on the sofa panting with his ears down and sweaty you took off his pants seeing the disaster that was there his hard cock his butt just waiting for your cock pumping it inside he wanted it so much so he try to cover his zones with his shirt now impossible to look at you for too much embarrassment you made three lianas appear in tahanks tp your vision one that kept his wrists tied and the other two that stimulated his nipples now you couldn't resist anymore so you thrust your cock inside him continuing saying dirty things to him that only made him arouse more by now he had lost count of the orgasms he only knew that inside him there was your cock that had formed a rise in his belly and you kissed him just to see his tears come down and pray for more desperately once you'd cum inside him for the 4/6th time I think? you took it out to him he kept repeating your name like a mantra and you gently clean him by placing him on the bed on top of your chest you knew that hearing your heartbeat always relaxes him and so you two fell into the peaceful world of dreams
Bonus! "umm master are you sure you're fine it seems you can't walk?" collei asked "don't worry I just fell and now my knees hurt" "if she says so anyway I was worried and I called y/n" "what a-are you done?!" "exactly she called me worried" so upu took him in your arms without caring about his protests "come on don't complain you certainly can't walk like this because of the" fall "my prince ~"
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valentinasofia · 2 years
LINK AL DOCUMENTO DE GOOGLE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CUN_3_SWvocBTtGIzBSGlwJNJ66hFvW8GA_CmBS50Eo/edit?usp=sharing
Proyecto de Trabajo de Graduación de la Licenciatura en Artes Audiovisuales con orientación en Realización
VAL LOVES SHARS. El cine satírico y bizarro como forma de activismo.
SÍNTESIS DE PROPUESTA: En este escrito me propongo hacer un recorrido a lo largo de la historia de la representación medial de los tiburones y analizar cómo esta afecta negativamente a la preservación de estos hermosos animales; y propongo, desde la sátira y el humor, formas de empezar a cuestionar el problema con el cine.
Podría sentarme a escribir mil y una razones por las cuales los tiburones deberían ser salvados y llenar las tres hojas de este escrito con nada más que eso; podría usar mi historia de Instagram para publicar información que a nadie le importa sobre cómo, exactamente, podemos salvarlos (y para la tristeza de mis amigxs y seguidorxs, ya lo hago); podría salir a la calle a gritarle a la gente que por favor, por una vez por todas, haga algo al respecto – pero no veo que sea necesario, ya que Val lo dice todo en sus videos. Sí, se trata de una obra satírica que se burla del activismo y no se toma en serio a sí misma, pero no creo que le falte información del tema sobre el que busca concientizar. Después de todo, Valentina dice casi tantas cosas sin sentido como datos certeros acerca de los tiburones: son más de 100 millones que mueren al año, todo a causa de la pesca –en su mayoría en busca de sus aletas, las cuales son cortadas de tiburones que luego serán tirados al agua nuevamente, todavía vivos, para sofocarse hasta la muerte, lenta y dolorosamente, en el fondo del océano–, y están desapareciendo de a poco, llegando algunas especies a la extinción1. Si fuera tiburón, yo también buscaría venganza de cualquier manera, incluso en forma de veinteañera disfrazada y armada con un garfio gigante.
A lo largo de la historia del cine fueron muchas las películas que pusieron a los tiburones como villanos, que los despojaron de todas las características menos la de ser monstruos, animales sin ningún valor más que el de ser cazadores, salvajes y asesinos de, específicamente, humanxs (y un par de mascotas). Empezó con Jaws (Steven Spielberg, 1975) y se mantuvo vivo con sus secuelas y rip-offs, desde Deep Blue Sea (Renny Harlin, 1999) hasta The Meg (Jon Turteltaub, 2018). Películas que, con estudios que lo confirman, crearon un estigma detrás de este hermoso animal y lo convirtieron en un objeto de horror y misterio para gran parte de la sociedad2. El mismo Peter Benchley, escritor de la obra que originó el mito, se dedicó, con las ganancias de la película y a través de la defensa y activismo por los tiburones, a remediar lo que su propia creación había logrado3. 
Con esto último no quiero decir que es gracias a Jaws que extinguimos al 90% de la populación de tiburones – sería absurdo de mi parte creer eso. Culpo principalmente a la industria pesquera y de belleza, las que cobran más de 100 dólares por una taza de sopa de tiburón (que según Gordon Ramsay, cocinero y activista, en Gordon Ramsay: Shark Bait (Helen Simpson, 2014): "en realidad, no sabe a nada. Casi como simples fideos de cristal") y nos hacen creer que la manera más efectiva de mantenernos jóvenes y bellxs es poniéndonos cremas en la cara que contienen aceites provenientes de hígados de tiburones4.  Son ellxs, después de todo, quienes venden carne de tiburón en supermercados camuflada bajo otros nombres, quienes ocultan de dónde provienen los ingredientes de origen animal, quienes pescan ilegalmente y sin seguir las reglamentaciones de cada país. Los números son, en sí mismos, más terroríficos que cualquier película. 5 personas (y un perro) mueren a lo largo de las 2 horas y 4 minutos de Jaws; en ese tiempo, entre 22 y 60 mil tiburones mueren a manos de pescadorxs5. Lo que tampoco puedo negar es que la forma en que los medios presentan a los tiburones son gran parte de la causa por la que la sociedad teme a los tiburones. David Ropeik, instructor de comunicación de riesgo en la Universidad de Harvard y autor de "How Risky Is It, Really? Why Our Fears Don't Always Match the Facts" (McGraw-Hill Education, 2010), dice que se debe al "cerebro perezoso”6 –“atajos” mentales que nos permiten juzgar situaciones rápidamente y sin tener toda la información: si todo lo que sabemos acerca de los tiburones proviene de la forma en que los medios los retratan –de mirar "Shark Week" y leer noticias sobre sanguinarios ataques en las costas playeras a lo largo del mundo– nuestros cerebros conectan a estos animales con violencia y asesinato, disponiéndonos a temerles. 
No es inusual pensar en hacer activismo a través de la sátira y el humor. Numerosos artistas se ganan la vida con esa fórmula: Boon Joon-ho (Okja, 2017; Snowpiercer, 2013; The Host, 2006), Larry Cohen (The Stuff, 1985), Brian Yuzna (Society, 1989), Terry Gilliam (Brazil, 1985), Jason Eisener (Treevenge, 2008), Karyn Kusama (Jennifer's Body, 2009), John De Bello (Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!, 1978) o Gordon Douglas (Them!, 1954). Podría seguir para siempre. Desde que existe el miedo a que los seres humanos hayamos llegado lo suficientemente lejos como para verdaderamente lastimar al planeta, existe la posibilidad de explotar ese miedo en forma de arte. Algunas se toman más en serio que otras, algunas tienen más o menos presupuesto, algunas terminan en orgías bodyhorrorescas y algunas cambiaron la historia del cine, convirtiéndose en símbolos feministas una década después de estrenarse porque la sociedad no estaba lista para ellas cuando salieron (sí, Jennifer’s Body, te estoy mirando). 
Podría analizar cualquiera de las películas previamente mencionadas e intentar relacionarla con mi proyecto y encontrar algo interesante, creo. Porque todas, en algún punto, se conectan con el mismo. Son probablemente parte del origen de la idea –crecí mirando esas películas, son referentes incluso inconscientemente–. Puedo hablar sobre cómo una película como Society (1989) me enseñó más sobre la lucha de clases que cualquier lección sobre Marx dictada en la escuela; o sobre cómo no entendí verdaderamente qué era un GMO hasta que no miré Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978); pero para eso necesitaría todo un libro de espacio en el que explayarme. Lo que sí puedo hacer es elegir una de las tantas mencionadas e intentar explicar por qué, así como con las otras, siento una conexión entre ella y mi propio proyecto: 
Se trata de una joya desconocida y que, no me canso de decir, merece ser elogiada por todxs. Treevenge, se llama. Un cortometraje de 2008 dirigido por Jason Eisener. Me disculpo por no encontrarlo en español, pero puede verse en inglés en la página de Vimeo del mismo director¹. Como bien dice el título, se trata de árboles (específicamente pinos, de los navideños) que se vengan por los años de ser mutilados y decorados llegada la Navidad. Desde su origen, es imposible tomarse en serio y esperar que el público haga lo mismo: la misma premisa es, después de todo, una cosa ridícula. Árboles que hablan, gritan y desesperan, y una vez decorados y ubicados en sus respectivos hogares, se revolucionan y empiezan a matar a las familias que los compraron. Todo muy Katniss ofreciéndose como tributo en The Hunger Games (Gary Ross, 2012) para luego tirar prender fuego al Capitolio desde adentro, para dar una idea. La considero un referente porque, a pesar de lo que pensé por mucho tiempo, que algo sea cómico no significa que valga menos. Gracioso, satírico, ridículo, desagradable. Nunca pensé que una película que valiera la pena pudiera catalogarse bajo alguno de esos adjetivos, no hasta que deconstruí mi idea clasista (?) de lo que es el “buen cine” y me di cuenta de que hasta lo más nefasto puede ser arte y, al mismo tiempo, contar algo que valga la pena –porque, si la reducimos a la premisa más básica, esta obra nos dice algo importante: estamos mutilando miles de árboles por año para usarlos como decoración por dos días de celebración y después tirarlos a la basura. Hay cosas que nos salen tan naturalmente, que hacemos desde tan chicxs, que son costumbre y hasta se nos hace difícil pensar en un universo en el que nuestra actitud frente a ellas sería diferente, que distanciarnos un poco de ellas y verlas con otros ojos pueden llevar a las ideas más bizarras y entretenidas. Para Eisener, este acto fue el de cortar árboles para Navidad; para mí, es asesinar a millones de tiburones por año para usar sus aceites en cosméticos y aletas en sopas. Manzanas y peras. 
Graciosísimo y tan sarcástico que duele. Y aún y así, ni siquiera ver la cabeza de un bebe explotando después de ser aplastada por un árbol (no me canso de decir, denle una oportunidad a esta obra de arte) le saca valor a la clara crítica social que propone. Incluso creo que le da más fuerza, porque (no sé qué dice sobre mi persona lo que voy a decir a continuación, pero) entre este cortometraje canadiense y un documental sobre por qué cortar árboles para Navidad está matando a los bosques, me quedo mil veces con el primero, y aseguro que voy a recordarlo por más tiempo. 
1. Kameron Schroeder (4 de diciembre de 2014). Shark Finning Kills 100 Million Sharks a Year, International Commission Fails to Address Crisis. ECOWATCH. Recuperado de https://www.ecowatch.com/shark-finning-kills-100-million-sharks-a-year-international-commission-1881982976.html 
2. Brianna Le Busque & Carla Litchfield (2021). Sharks on film: an analysis of how shark-human interactions are portrayed in films [Tiburones en el cine: un análisis sobre cómo las interacciones entre humanos y tiburones son representadas en las películas]. UniSA, Adelaida, Australia. 
3. Dowling, D. (15 de agosto de 2014). How the Creator of ‘Jaws’ Became the Shark’s Greatest Defender. NARRATIVELY. Recuperado de https://narratively.com/how-the-creator-of-jaws-became-the-sharks-greatest-defender/ 
4. What is Squalene? #SharkFree. Recuperado de https://www.sharkfree.com/articles/what-is-squalene 
5. Gavin Naylor, Tyler Bowling. The ISAF 2021 shark attack report. FLORIDA MUSEUM. Recuperado de https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/shark-attacks/yearly-worldwide-summary/ 
6. Elizabeth Palermo (16 de julio de 2015). Why Are People So Afraid of Sharks? LIVE SCIENCE. Recuperado de https://www.livescience.com/51579-fear-of-sharks-psychology.html 
- Helen Simpson (Directora). (2011). Gordon Ramsay: Shark Bait [Especial de Televisión]. Reino Unido: One Potato Two Potato y Optomen Television.
- Eisener, J. (Productor / Director). (2008). Treevenge [Película]. Canadá: Yer Dead Productions. Link: https://vimeo.com/5048966
- Richard D. Zanuck, David Brown (Productores) y Spielberg, S. (Director). (1975). Jaws [Película]. Estados Unidos: Zanuck/Brown Productions.
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ikaakmak123 · 3 months
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Si Pmpuan brtdung brnama NA lebih krg hmpir 6thn bersama ak dan selama ITu juga dia yg telah ak anggap sbgai isteri dan tiap kali brsama hal wajib ialah jalani hbgan suami isteri dgn mnkmati sex. Slma hmpir 6 thn itu Aku jdkan dia sbagai slave wife ak. Sjak dia brsama ak bru dia tahu Dan mcuba adengan sex bdsm/bondage yg mana Aku mahu dia slmanya mnjdi slave Dan ak sbgai Dom nya.. ade Hari Kami tukar2 posisi krna sjak dgn ak betina ni suka rogol ass ak...
Igt Lagi Hari prtama Kali ak mula ikat tgn kaki si dia, spnjang masa mrayu agar TDK diikat katanya tkot Jwb Aku tok dia xperlu takot ptot nya time dia tmat form5 di kg nya Tu yg mane Ada satu Ari 3laki kwn skolahnya jmpot awal Pg dirumah dgn alasan mahu ke bndr kB dgn alasan mahu g ke carnival .. syg time Tu lah ptotnya dia dah Rasa bila diikat dan di kerjakan Oleg 3 laki skali gus krna ITU paling horny tok dia krn trus 3 kote trus harus dilayan.. skrg yg ikat dia ialah ak yg juga suaminya.. siap ak psan ni tok Kali prtama biar ak sorg yg ratahh sluruh bodynya mmyb next time lps dia siap trikat bru akan ade laki2 lain dlm 4 5 kote akan krjakn nya... Dan selama Kami brsama sex bdsm pic videonya ak amek n smpan if one day dia curangi Aku n time Tu dia siap2 tok trima apa sja..
Ternyata prmainan si betina ttap Sama dlm diam2 Sudah 6 Bulan blkng Aku dia smpan jantan sbgai scndal itu yg kekal dan ada 4 org jantan lain yg kenal shari cuma nk dptkan sex semata2.. jelas si betina brnama NA kaki tukar2 kote.. yg ak gram scndal dia yg da bhbngan slama 6bln n stiap hari NA dibwk blk rmah laki tu dgn niat ratah bahan sexnya..
Nak dijadikan cita NA Dan jntan Tu cuma 2 Kali sex brsama tp Cara biasa2.. tok Kali ke-3 n smpai lah Hari kntoinya NA buat silap bila mane lnggar pesan Aku sominya jgn org lain ikat dirinya sbb 100% pasti Akan dipksa layan lebih Dr 1 kote. Tp NA degil mtk scndalnya ikat dirinya dulu sblm NK mula bwk dia blk knonnya saja try sex yg MCM Tu... Lg best NA sperti slave nakal yg mne bru dijmpot blk kje xmsuk lg di kreta NA da hlurkan set tali2 bdsm toys pada jntan smpanannya.. Dan NA xsmpt msuk kete trus dia diikat ketat di Suma bhgian hngga Di tteknya juga smpaikan jelas timbul bulat.. Di luar kete Kira outdoor LPs diikat NA Di Raba Di dada bntot Dan pepetnya hngga NA mrayu stop n mtk dlpskan krn xmahu main diikat.. ksilapan si betina Aku ni xkan Di Bantu.. trus Di pakai ballgag Dan diikat ketat smpai xblh kluarkan ballgagnya... Jelas pic betina time Tu dpt Aku smpan sbgai koleksi.. Aku dptkan time dia kantoi Aku diam2 send suma pic NA Di gangbang tok smpanan Aku..
Skrg NA dah JD isteri org Dan juga sorg ibu.. Dan Aku xpeduli semua ITU krn dia ttap sbagai SLAVE sex Aku n skrg dah mula marah2 Dan xsuka jika ak mahu lg dgnnya.. xmngaapa .. dia harus tahu "what u give u get back" Aku doa Kan yg dia Akan dicurangi jgk Dan dia ttap Di gangbang laki2 lain Suma dlm diam2.. Dan sominya juga Ada ikat dirinya dgn ikatan kuat Dan xkan dpt dilepaskan tmpa bntuan tnyata laki nya slesai NA diikat cuma skali je dia fuck smpai klimaks Dan kmudian ikatan xdilpaskan malah dibawa ke port bangsal tempt slalu dia leak disitu NA dismbg ikatan ya pada katil bujang dgn posisi doggy.. NA mronta mtk dlpskan tp dia xdilayan Dan rupanya lakinya pnggil pmpuan lain dgn pnggilan k.sya ternyata akk tiri NA.. rupanya diorg ade hbgan sulit Dan cuma buat sex.. dpan2 NA diorg brciom mulut dan siap dipesan agar NA xksah Suma Tu sbbnya apa yg dia buat blkng2 lakinya tahu... Dan sngaja dia ikat NA Di port lepaknya sbbnya Akan Ada bbrapa laki nnti kwn2 sominya sndri dtg utk gangbang NA atas printah lakinya .. Dan NA juga xkan dlpskan myb smpai 4 5 hari... Sesi gangbang xtahu smpai bila sbbnya nnti NA Akan dibwk blk Oleh slh sorg kwn lakinya Dan Akan dikurung dlm blik dirumah kwn lakinya.. mamakala somi NA Dan kak tirinya mahu ke resort utk Bulan madu Dan utk sex semata2 Dan k.tiri NA mahu juga diikat nnti.. sblm kedua mreka tggalkan NA sorg trikat disuruh k.tiri NA goda NA ajarkan dia JD lesbian... Diorg dpt la sex seround NA xnak mulanya dgn ssama Pmpuan bila da Rasa trus JD sedap siap mtk ciom mulut lg smbil tukar2 air liur Dr mulut ke mulut.. kmudian NA diikat Suma mlutnya Dan ditnggalkan. Hampir 2jam juga trikat sorg2. Smpaikan tiba2 ade laki xdikenali tiba2 msuk bangsal itu utk curi apa2 blh tp trus nmpak NA yg super seksi trikat dgn pntas NA dirogol oleh laki td dgn tmpa buka ikatan... Dkat 30mnit juga NA dirogol laki ITU Dan dua Kali pncutan trus ke mulut NA n dipksa telan..slbih air mani itu di pncut pada panties yg ada di skitarnya btl2 basah panties itu dan dismbat dlm mlut NA lalu diikatkan lg best lg tu siap curi panties lengging bra yg dipakai NA n dignti dgn yg lain yg ade disitu... Laki Tu pksa mtk no hp klu xnak pic vid trsbar laki Tu mahu main lg next time tp dirumah laki ITU NA pon BG no nya Dan siap psan dia Akan tggu tok laki Tu culik NA blk rmahnya Dan siap dirncg hal Tu cuma diorg dua je tahu.. NA offer sbb xnak apa disebar.. jnji dia puas kene rogol... Dan lpas2 ITU bru la 4 laki2 kwn sominya smpai xckp byk trus NA dismbar Di lumat Suma skali.. 4 kote trus Di mulanya diisap skali dia kote .. diorg ckp NK pncut dlm la apa Suma NA Cuba ckp smbil ronta tiba2 slh sorg selak skit mlutnya Dan trus dibuka trus NA ckp jgn pncut dlm klu kat mulut muka blh tp kene pksa... Plssss... Jgn la rogol lpskan plss..tp rayuan slave xkan laku... Dan diorg pon mula hnjut isteri kwn diorg.. NA akur saja dirogol mcm2 org.. Lagi pon NA mmng gila kote .. dan layak tok semua Tu.. dlm msa sama dia pon mula suka lesbian.. NA smpat bg voice pada iparnya "k.sya uyu xpuas td.. blk nnti diam uyu nk ajak k.sya bedua main.. uyu xksh klu nk ikat jgk jnji nk laga2 pepet lg... Jgn ckp dgn somi sbb ni tok scene lesbian Kita...bye"
NA dihnjut lebih Dr 8 Kali sblm diorg blk Dan NA yg kakal trikat tp posisi lain dibawa Oleh sorg laki Dr kwn sominya dipakaikan collar gag Dan dismbg tali tok tarik lalu NA ditrik tok ikot pnculiknya... Tiba2 Aku call NA Dan dia trangkat trus dgr sore nya yg jelas trikat ak tnya sapa yg culik Dan mahu VC tok lihat NA xnak tp laki td yg tlg Jwb jelas si NA full diikat sksi.. siap Cuba ckp tok mrayu jgn marah2 dia..Aku Pula trus ckp pada yg culik Pmpuan ni tlg send pic video dia semua pada ak...skrg send..NA lg mronta.. dpt je Suma Tu trus Aku ckp trus culik Pmpuan ni... Good slave layak dicolik ramai2 org... Dan Aku ckp pada NA bgus2 laki dia main k.tiri dia hari2 plak Tu Dan ak tnjuk juga yg mane kwn srumah dia si chunek Dan juga k.ipar NA yg dok KL tgh ade Aku rogol...NA tkjut sbb Aku dpt ipar dia skali jln dgn chunek.. Dan Aku psan Suma Pmpuan yg rapat dgnnya Suma slave Aku..
Dan jujur smpai skrg Aku msih cintalan dia nak fuck dia NK ikat dia.. tp utk nak nikah Tu tak Akan sbbnya dia bkan lg kksih MCM sblm ni lpas dia kantoi trus ak NK dia JD hamba sex Aku selamanya... Sbbnya ade time blh Aku open cri customer utk fuck . Betina kaki kote mmng layak sex ramai2... Btw NA I love u...
#nasukakotr #naslave
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cosmicanemoia · 1 month
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 4
       Amelia walked into the attending's locker room, and she saw Owen, Link, and Bailey chattering.
A: What's all this fuss about?
O: Teddy brought home a woman. She said she's a good friend, but she never once mentioned a y/n l/n to me. Not ever.
L: A cute woman who seems very badass
A: cute and badass? Aren't you like in love with Jo?
       Jo popped out behind Link.
J: I think she is indeed cute. She seemed really cool.
B: And friendly and nice. Right?
       Everyone nods, agreeing with what Bailey said.
A: That seems too good to be true. No one is that likeable.
L: Have you met her?
A: I actually have. Chief introduced us, we shake hands, and then we part our ways. That's it.
O: What do you think?
A: What do I think? What!? Of her?(Amelia scoffs and shrugs) Why would I think about some random person. Nope, I did not think of her. (She did, many times, sometimes kept her up at night.)
       Jo, Link, Owen, and Bailey exchange looks with one another and try to hide their amusement, but they all burst out laughing while also looking at Amelia, who has a dumbfounded face.
O: we didn't ask if you think ABOUT her.
L: We asked what you think of her, in general
B: uh oh
J: Someone has developed a crush on a certain someone
L: Cute and badass, maybe?
       Amelia looked down and went to her locker and ignored the teasing. She has a smile on her face, not knowing where it came from, but everybody else knows.
A: I think she's okay. Normal. Although, she smells so good.
L: I think you'll like her once you get to know her.
O: Yeah, I think so, too.
J: I'm sure everybody likes her
       Bailey, Jo, Link, and Owen all went out one by one, and Amelia is left in the locker alone with her thoughts. She smiled, smirked, and grinned as she changed her clothes and wore her white coat.
       Amelia went out to have rounds with the residents on her tail. The residents looked weird and had been holding back a big smile. Amelia ignored such behaviour and went to check up on the last patient. Amelia chose a residence to present the patient's case. After the presenting and small talks, before they all walked out of the room, the patient shouted and asked.
The patient: Dr. Shepherd! Can I ask you a personal question?
      Amelia looks at the residents, then the floor and unto the patient and walk close to them.
A: Okay, sure.
TP: Who got you smiling like that?
       Amelia is left in shock, not expecting such a question to come from a patient in a million years.
A: Ah? What?
TP: Your smile. It's wide and vibrant, and it's not your usual courtesy smile.
       Amelia looks around at everyone who nods in agreement with the patient.
A: Uh. I don't know. I just feel lighter than usual. That's it.
TP: If you won't say fine. But if you are ready to spill, you know where to find me.
A: I will keep that in mind.
     Amelia went to the bathroom to wash her hand and fix her hair. She hadn't notice that someone was in the stall but as the woman plushed the toilet she notices the smell of a certain someone but she kinda got used to it so she didn't mind smelling it all over the hospital. But now there's a chance that they might get to be alone together. She panicked and ran out of the bathroom before the woman opened the door.
       As Amelia rushed down the hallway, she bumped into Yasuda, who dropped the charts and clipboard she was holding; now scattered on the floor. Amelia felt a chill down her spine, and she remember the night in Boston with the random woman and her faint scent, then her phone being caught before it hit the ground, and how she thought it was a strange encounter. She remembers when she almost bump into someone and almost spills her coffee into a random person but gets away before the coffee spills over the floor. With the same faint smell as the woman in Boston. She remembers how the woman said sorry in the same way. "Could it be?" she mutters to herself. "No, it couldn't," she added. She felt a hand grab her shoulder, making her panic and jump out of her daze. It was Yasuda asking her if she was okay.
Y: Dr. Shepherd. are you okay? I'm really sorry. I wasn't lookin-
A: It's okay, Dr. Yasuda. Just help me up, will you?
       Yasuda held out her hand and helped her stand up. Amelia dust herself and power walk into the chief's office. Yasuda was left there standing with a confused and concerned look on her face.
       Amelia opened the door without even knocking, which embarrassed her, seeing as Dr. Altman is not alone in her office. The chief was in some sort of a meeting with Schmitt and Helm.
A: Chief. Sorry, it's urgent. Can I talk to you? Alone?
T: Schmitt, Helm. You're dismissed.
       Before Schmitt and Helm were out of the office, Amelia blurted out, "Your friend y/n is stalking me."
T: That is a bold accusation. Why don't you sit down?
A: She's the random person I bumped with in Boston. In Boston! She's the person whom I almost spilt my coffee on. And I've been smelling her all around the hospital, which means she might be following me. How did you know her?
T: Let's not jump into conclusions here. Y/N is a good person. Her father used to be my commanding officer back when I was serving. He cares for his soldiers and his kind. I've known her for a long time. Okay. And she's not the stalking type.
************Meanwhile in the MRI scan room*************
       Helm, Link, Bailey, Yasuda and Jo are looking at the screen of the computers waiting for a result.
Helm whispered to Yasuda, "Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker."
Yasuda shouted in shock, "What!?"
       They all looked at her with confusion
B: Penny for your thoughts? Yasuda.
Y: Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker.
       Bailey, Link, and Jo synchronously said, "What!?"
Y: That's exactly what I thought.
J: Care to elaborate, Yasuda?
Y: it wasn't me. I mean, I didn't kno-
H: it was me. I mean, I was the one who told her that Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker. We heard, me and Schmitt, was having a meeting with Chief Altman when she came bursting through the door. Before we got out, she said, quote; unquote. "Your friend y/n is stalking me." That's all we heard.
L: y/n? no way! *laughs*
J: That woman? You're joking. *laughs*
B: Are you sure you got the name right? Sure, she's weird and a little crazy. But stalking? *scoffs and chuckles*
H: Yes, I got the name right. How long have you known her?
Y: Do you guys really know her? How did you know her?
J: we met her days ago.
L: Right
B: Right
       The laughter faded out, and silence came.
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miley1442111 · 2 months
in a minute- s.adamu
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a/n: this is PART 2 of two. this is intended for a femreader but you can ignore that and imagine what you want :)
summary: you can't ask sydney out now, right?
pairing: sydney adamu x reader
warnings: mentions of a difficult workplace environment, mentions of verbal abuse, mentions of not communicating, cursing, mutual pining, miscommunication
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Week 4
Was agony the right word? Yes. 
Working this close with Sydney and simultaneously trying to stay as far away from her as possible was proving difficult. It was a constant battle of avoiding her and hanging onto her every word. You were tired of it. You wanted to just ask her out. You wanted to date her. You wanted her.
 It was 1:07am on the second night of the Bear being open to the public. Carmen had gotten out of the walk-in yesterday and hadn't come back. He left a group of deeply upset people behind. 
“He’s such a fucking asshole,” Ritchie sighed as he helped srub down the kitchens. You and Ritchie had been getting closer, and it wasn’t all that bad. He was nice enough. Sydney was in the office, listening in on the conversation, hoping you’d say something about her. She wasn’t going to ask you out, she knew she couldn’t. But there was still a part of her that wanted you interested in her. She wanted you to ask her out. 
“He always was a dick,” you shrugged, exhaustion was taking over and at this point, you were debating sleeping here. 
“How’s things going with Sydney?” He asked and you groaned and stopped scrubbing, turning to him. 
“I thought we weren’t talking about that,” you whined and he laughed. 
“We both know you want to,” he laughed. Sydney’s heart rate increased. This was it. This was the moment that she would find out what you wanted. 
“Ugh,” you groaned. “It’s so dumb. I was such an idiot, I just kissed her and left her standing there. And now neither of us talk to each other.”
“Well, do you like her?” He asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Yes Richard, I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I fucking like her.”
Sydney smiled. So you did like her. 
“So ask her out!” Ritchie boomed and you threw your rag at him.
“It’s just not that easy!” You exclaimed.
“Yes it is! You like her, ask her out,” Ritchie laughed. “Come on, she definitely likes you back. She was practically foamin’ at the mouth when she saw you.”
Your skin felt hotter. “Well, there’s no way she’d ever like me now. I’ve completely fucked it.”
“You never know,” Ritchie smirked. “She could be listening to you right now.” 
A look of genuine dread washed over your face, cooling the rest of your body down. Fuck him. “Don’t say shit like that Ritchie!” You hit him with your rag again and he laughed.
“Night kid,” he smiled. “Good luck,” he pointed towards the office and you saw a figure in there. You also saw the door wide open. You clapped a hand over your mouth, embarrassment and fear consuming you as Ritchie walked out to the lockers. 
What do you do? 
You walked to the office and knocked on the door. 
“Come in,” Sydney croaked out. You took a deep breath and walked in. 
“Hi I just want to say I'm sorry about the other day-” You sped out but you were cut off by her smirk. “What?”
“You’re pretty,” she smiled. So she can be smooth.
“Thank you.”
“I like you too… by the way,” she admitted. “But I’d get it if you don’t want to date me. I can be… a lot sometimes,” she sighed, in the most self-deprecating manner. Your heart broke a little bit. 
You walked closer to her and held her hand. “I really like you, like a lot. Can I ask you out?” 
Her eyes snapped up to yours and you could tell there were a thousand thoughts a minute running through her head. You threw caution to the wind and pressed a soft kiss tp her lips, one she reciprocated. 
She pulled away. “I’ll go on a date with you.”
And that was that. 
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candy8448 · 8 days
Rambles Masterlist
#i do a little ramble (theories and such)
Other Ramble Masterlists:
Original rambles masterlist
Asks n interacts
Playing twilight princess for the first time
Bigenderfluid rambles
GCSEs rambles
Big Rambles:
Flora and the chain senarios
Sky and Sun headcanons
Music in BotW and LoZ (TotK continuation)
BotW cutscenes: 3 7
Legend oh Kohilint (lucid dreaming)
Portals in LU
Random details in LU
Hyrule castle tablet speculation (totk)
Sage themes ranked
Dawn part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 8 part 9 rambles
I finished TotK!!!
Stakes in tears of the kingdom
Memory system in botw and totk
Link, hero of legend (continuation)
Every zelda ost thoughts
Warrior cats new stuff 0.0
Zelda dungeon concept
Hunger games: Ballad of songbirds and snakes
Haymitch's hunger games - 2nd quarter quell
Labeling everything in the lu dec art
Reading mockingjay more dream ending
LU LGBT+ headcanons
My struggles with being raised Christian
Big island dream
We dislike the Zonai
Moving on (lu update) rambles
My art and fic process
Moving on (lu update) rambles
Smaller Rambles:
Pre-TotK speculation & discussion
-tober appreciation
Revisiting my 11yrs old self's wattpad account
The chain as benders
We need a sksw manga
Purple korok forest
Divine dark reflections
Whumptober fluff challenge idea
Sky and various fuzzy creatures
Surface birds
Rain webcomic
Watching sksw in drama dream
Say no to this
Disney channel all star party
Legend protection squad?
Playing totk be like
Legend & Time's birthdays
Super paper mario ost takedowns >:(
Me when blorbo-
Absolutely Tiny Rambles:
Lu boys shiny :D
Girlfriend? Ceased to exist.
Wild success kid
Official skyward sword fancams
Zom 100 animation :0
Skyward sword screenshots
Sealing ground in totk (not really)
Legend and Ravio lookalikes
Oot and Tp manga parallels
The Warriors stance
Hyrule warriors silly
Time travel
Wild fics rant
Lover's pond TotK
Ocarina of time screenshots
Trans Legend
Totally a goron
Master sword pedestal
Peeta's makeup tutorials
My gender is tag game
Snake (mockingjay)
Hyrule sass & more
Warriors not canon
Sad people shack
The most perfectest series of images
BOOP BOOP>:) BOOP! Boop:/ Boop? Boop:0
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maiko-san · 17 days
The Chain + TP! Reader (4/?)
< Part 3
Plot : You are Twilight's childhood best friend, who like Twilight can turn into an animal, that is a crow. You just happen to follow Twilight into the portal in your crow form and meet the Chain.
Reader's clothes - A grey long sleeved shirt, frilled ribbon and a black overall dress.
Note : You and Twilight went out on a small date and being cute.
"Look out!"
You watch as the group of heroes fighting off the monsters, the attack was sudden but these people were quick on their feet to retaliate. You're flying high up in the air, circling around and observing the battlefield.
You see a moblin creeping up behind the younger hero, 'Wind!' you caw out to him alerting the boy who turns around and blocks its mace. "Hyah!" the boy pushes the moblin back as Warriors comes in, plunging his sword into the monster's chest.
"Are you alright?" he asked the boy, Wind smiles. "I'm fine, captain!" he said, his blue eyes look up to you and wave. "Thanks for the heads up, (Y/n)!" he shouted.
It didn't take long for them to clear out the monsters, leaving none to escape their sight. Everyone is exhausted and drenched in monster blood, "Ah, great. My clothes are ruined" Legend sighed as he cringed at the sight of blood on his tunic.
"Guess, we have a laundry day" Hryule smiles, wiping away from blood from his hand.
"The monsters have gotten stronger faster than I expected" Warriors said, swinging his sword to get rid of the blood. "Even if they are getting stronger, their numbers have increases too. I'm worried that we might get overwhelmed in the future battle" Time said, turning to the group "Might as well resupply important needs, especially potions" Time said.
"I will handle the potions" Hyrule said. "Then, I shall start sharpening everyone's weapons!" Four said before trailing off, "After I get myself clean off, hehe" he said. "Alright, after we wash ourselves. We will head to the nearest town. Hryule will handle the potions and Four with the weapons as always. Twilight, Legend and I will rent rooms for all of us and the others will find much needed supplies" Time said. "Yes, sir!" they shouted after receiving their duties.
Twilight looks up to you and holds out his hand, "(Y/n), come here!" he calls out, you shake your head as you eye his blood covered hand. 'I am not landing on that!' you said. 'and you smell too! All of you!'.
True, the smell of blood is everywhere and you don't want to be near it, not wanting to have that scent of you.
'Anyways....I can see a huge waterfall from here, follow me!' you said to Twilight, turning around and flying towards the waterfall. "What did she say to you?" Sky questioned Twilight, the group always sees Twilight talking to the bird and understands her crows. "She sees a waterfall not far from here and wants us to follow her" Twilight said.
"Let's hurry up before the blood dries up" Legend said as he walked ahead.
After they washed themselves up, they headed towards the nearest town and split up into groups. The inn keeper doesn't allow pets in the room much to Twilight's dismay but you assure him that you're fine with it, you told him that you want to take a look around the town.
"I'm going to take a stroll around and see what the pups are up to, Time" Twilight said, making an excuse so that he and you can walk together. "Sure, tell them to return before sunset" Time said. Twilight nods as he walks out the inn with you as he enters an alleyway so you could transform back into a human. You close your eyes as you feel your body shifts and you return into your human form.
"This place looks amazing, let's check everything out!" you smiled up at him. You were excited, it has been days you haven't been to Castle Town— no wait, this one is a different kind of Castle Town! You wonder what stuff they have around!
Twilight hesitates a bit, but seeing you this happy makes all of his worries melt away. "Alright, let's go" he said, holding out his arm for you to hold. You giggle and hug his arm, "Let's go!" you cheered. You drag the blonde to the town centre and see all the stalls, the music is playing and people are having fun.
Twilight's keen sense of smell picks up the others, well mostly Warrior, Four, Wind and Sky. He sees them through the window of a tavern and are enjoying themselves, they seem to be occupied with betting against each other on a drinking competition.
"Link, look! Look!" your voice caught his attention, you're tugging on his arm as you point out that sells twinkling trinkets, colourful pins and more. "They're so pretty and shiny!" you said, eyes sparkling at the sight of the trinkets but something caught your eyes. "Oh, look at this one!" you said picking up a cute wolf brooch pin and showing it to Twilight. "It's cute, right? Just like you" you said, giving him a cute smile.
Twilight couldn't help but cover his face with his hand, hiding his red face. As you're occupied yourself admiring the brooch in your hand, his eyes land on a box that has a beautiful flower hairclip. "Ah it seems you have a really good eye, ay?" Twilight looks up to the clerk.
"Hm, do you want to buy it as a gift for the lovely lady?" the clerk questioned. "It's really beautiful isn't? It was crafted by the finest smith in town! A very delicate process, the jewels are 100% pure!" the clerk explained as he leans close to Twilight, causing him to lean back. "All women love these things! Just imagine how happy she be!" he said. "Here, take a closer look!" the clerk holds out the box close to Twilight.
His nose twitch as Twilight narrows his eyes, 'A fake....' he thought. He smelled a lot of jewellery and can now differentiate between a real and a fake. Clearly this man is scamming people to buy them....
"How much does it cost?" he asked the clerk. "That would be 10,000 rupees" Twilight gawk at the price.
"I think I pass. I'm just—" the clerk suddenly takes Twilight's hands, "Oh no! There is more for you to see! Come, come!" Twilight tries to hide his irritation, "Sir, please. I am not interested in buying" he said sternly as he pulls his hand away. "Besides we're here to have fu— (Y/n)?" as Twilight turns, you were nowhere in sight.
"(Y/n)?!" he said in panic.
"Oh, no. It seems the lady ran away" the clerk mocks, "Shut up!" Twilight barks at the clerk as the man cowers in fear at the rage in Twilight's expression. The blonde looks through the crowds trying to find the (h/c) haired.
You stand here, quite awkwardly. Your (e/c) eyes clashes with blue ones. 'I thought he was my Link....' you thought, sweating bullets. His sharp blue eyes stare at you, his gaze looks down at your hands linking with his arm. "Hey, miss. Are you looking for someone?" he asked raising an eyebrow, Legend was it?
"I-I...uh..uh- umm..." you stutter as you slowly release his arm, about this Legend, he's quite intimidating and doesn't have a really welcoming aura but you know that he's kindhearted.
"I-I got the wrong person! I am so sorry!" you said, before sprinting away, leaving the vet quite confused.
You hold your chest as you try to calm yourself down, your face is red from embarrassment. Oh, Hylia. What were you doing? You didn't realise that you stray away from the trinket stall and went to another one, you thought you followed Twilight but it wasn't him!
"This is so embarrassing— gwuh!" you suddenly trip yourself on a small pebble which causes you to fall on the ground. You lay there, "Gyaaaa! I am so stupid! What kind of a wife who can't recognize her own husband?!" you cried, punching the ground repeatedly.
"Hey, miss. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" a voice said, you slowly lift your head up. Your eyes are brimming with tears, "I'm fine...I just..." your vision clears and you finally see who's right in front of you.
Hryule, his eyes are laced with worry. "Here" he said with a gentle smile holding his hand out for you to take. You take his hand as he helps you on your feet, you hiss in pain and look down to see that you scratched your knee.
"Let me help" he said as he kneels down. You wave your hands around trying to stop him, "Please, it's just a little scratch! You don't have to—". He takes out something from his bag, a small container that has a medicine cream. "I insist, I can't let a beautiful lady like you walking around with an injured knee" he said, your lips went flat as you let him do his job. "I hope this helps! I made this one myself from the herbs I found during my travels" he said. He wipes the cream gently on your scratch knee, it was cool and it makes the pain goes away. He takes out a bandage and wraps it around your knee.
You look at him, "Thank you so much!" you said, "No problem! I'm happy to help!" he said. You shift on your feet as you slowly turn around, "Thank you again!" you said, walking away like a mechanically and as you turn around the corner, you finally loosen yourself up.
'I hope I don't encounter any more of them, if so I will lose my mind—' suddenly the window near your crashes causes you to let out a scream of fear.
A man sprawls on the ground, clearly drunk. You turn your head slowly and see that the tavern is on full brawl mode. "Come on me!!!!" a scream was heard and you see Warrior, who is quite drunk and is brawling with a random person. Sky is passed out on the table, Wind is cheering on the brawl chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!", while Four is spurting nonsense while holding a mug full of beer.
"Hey, lady!" the hair on your body stands up and you turn your head to see a man, looking down on you. He's reeked with alcohol and cigarettes. "You're pretty, let's hang out. I'll pay for your drinks and *hic* make you have a good time" he said, winking at you causing you to cringe. "No thank you" you said as you try to slip past him, but he grabs your arm tightly. "Hey, where are you going? I'm offering you a free drink!" he said, trying to tug you close to him.
"I said, no! Let me go!" you said, trying to pry his hand off but he kept a really tight grip. "Come on~!" he tugs you harshly causing you to yelp in pain, "Let me go!" you shouted, kicking the man's leg but it didn't affect him that much.
Out of nowhere, someone punches the man and knocks the teeth out of him, he collapses on the ground with a loud thud. "Leave her alone!" it was Legend. He turns to you, "He didn't do anything to you, right?" he asked as you shakes you head.
Legend let out a sigh, "It's dangerous to be close to the tavern especially that..." he pointed out to the chaos inside the tavern. "Thank you for saving me, I appreciate your help" you said. "Hmpf.." Legend huffed, turning his gaze away. "Be careful next time okay...." he said quietly. Your eyes lock with his, you couldn't help but give him a smile.
"You're really sweet of you!" you said. Legend blinks as red blush dusting his cheek, he looks away. "Shut up and just go before more weirdos come out! I ain't saving your sorry ass, ya know" he said. He opens one eye to you still standing there, smiling. Legend clicks his tongue, "Geez..." he said as he walk into the tavern.
You make your way to a more crowded area and away from dark alleys, "(Y/n) there you are!" it was Twilight. He let out a sigh of relief once he finally found you, he pulled you into a hug "I thought I lost you....you were missing for an hour" he said. "Did I get lost that long?" you feel like minutes but didn't think you were missing for about an hour.
"I'm sorry for straying away" you apologize to Twilight, "It's okay, love. You didn't do it on purpose" he said, gently tucking your behind your ear. He cups your chin and tilts your head up, "How about we have a little dance?" he asked as you smiled, "Sure!". Twilight pulls you to the center of the town where people are dancing to the music.
Both of you have a fun time together, at the same time you told him what had happened. Twilight didn't like what he heard when you told him about the creep.
"Where is he? Let me give him another punch!" he said. You assure him that Legend saves you and you are fine.
"Still, I want to punch him for hurting my wife!"
[ End of Part ]
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