#TRULY did not know what luka's gender was at first
dapperrokyuu · 2 years
The name Luka may be canon, but Luisa lives on in my heart...
And thus, I headcanon Luka as nonbinary, and they use whatever name they feel like on a whim. c:
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rainba · 5 months
Ok hear me out…
Luka and kairos with INSANE baby fever B)
Luka and Kairos both definitely experience baby fever, to some degree… It hits Luka harder than Kairos, but I like to think that Kairos’ side of things is much funnier. 
I… Thiiiink I answered this ask right? 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。I hope I did!
This ended up being a lot fluffier than I thought it would be...
(Darling’s gender isn’t mentioned! Only mentions whether or not they can bear children. (つω`。)
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Kairos knows that he’s broke and definitely can’t afford to raise a kid– not yet, anyway! But once he continues building up his portfolio and raises his prices, he will eventually make a decent wage!
If darling is capable of having children, Kairos’ mind would basically become mushy as he imagines your all’s children together. Like… Whose eye color would they inherit? Would they be a boy or a girl? Ooh, would they take after him and also be an artist–!? There are so many possibilities to consider! 
Kairos would absent-mindedly start drawing out what your all’s future children might look like. ^^;;;;
But also, most importantly: what would you all name your children? 
Kairos would definitely come up with the edgiest, kind of corniest names ever. They sound more like OC names than anything, names like, “Twilight!” Or “Lucifer!” So, unless you also want to name your kids that, you’ll have to tell him that you don’t really like those. ^^;;;;;
If you’re a darling that can’t have kids, then Kairos would also be happy to adopt!! When he has baby fever, he’d get all excited about the idea of going out and going through the process of adoption with you. It’d be a long journey, but a journey he’s willing to take if it’s with you!
The most kids he would want/be able to handle is two, but he’ll ultimately let you decide how many kids you'll both have. (o^ ^o) Kairos would feel so nervous taking in someone of any age, but he’d still try his best!!
He’d absolutely be the pushover dad who just does whatever his partner wants him to.
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As for Luka, the insane baby fever really does hit him hard sometimes. Like– throughout his entire life, the idea of being a father has sounded nice to him. And the idea of raising a child with you makes his heart and mind feel all fuzzy.
As shown in a few posts of him before… He mostly gets that baby fever when he’s in heat. ^^;;;;;; The thought of having a family with you just sends him over the edge, and all he can think about is fucking you until his dream becomes a reality.
Honestly, I think that Luka would be a decent father. Overprotective? Absolutely. Overbearing? Sometimes, for sure. Cruel and abusive? Not a chance in hell. (ノ_ヽ)
If darling can get pregnant, and they do end up pregnant, there would be a few nights where Luka is unable to sleep at night, tossing and turning in bed as he constantly glances over at you. You’re lying there so peacefully, carrying his child… He’d lovingly place his soft ears against your stomach while caressing you gently. He can’t help but feel that he’s incredibly lucky to have you– the love of his life– his obsession- his everything. The first and only person to ever make him feel alive. ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ The two of you are truly bound together, forever. ღ
Luka would honestly end up falling asleep with his head on (or beside) your stomach, all curled up with his pink tail wrapped around you. (o´∀`o)
He knows that he can be, um… An asshole, to say the least. And that he’s not very good at understanding complex emotions. But when you have his child, he’ll do everything in his power to get better at being empathetic and patient, for the sake of you and your all's family. (。╯︵╰。)
(Luka wouldn't stop his games with you entirely, though. It's always gonna be in his nature to tease and mess with you (´-ω-`). )
When it comes to adoption, Luka would have absolutely no problems with adopting multiple kids. For him, his ideal family size is four children!! He would definitely be able to provide for all of them– although, he might end up stuck at work doing overtime more frequently. But doing more work doesn’t matter to him, so long as everyone is happy. (=`ω´=)
Also, side note, Luka would definitely want you to be a stay-at-home, full-time parent. ^^;;;;;; It’s a small fantasy of his to always come home from work and see you all happy and cozy, smiling warmly as you welcome him back. Maybe you’ll have a meal prepared for him, the house will be all tidied up and your all’s kids will be excited that he’s home from work.~
The holidays, the vacations, the good and bad days… (っ˘ω˘ς ) Luka would like to live that kind of life with you, one day, if you let him.
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goldencopper · 9 months
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PATRICK SCHWARZENEGGER, CIS MAN, HE/HIM — The 74th Annual Hunger Games are upon us and here comes ORION COPPERHEAD, a GAMEMAKER. Word around The Capitol is that they’re ADROIT & DUTIFUL but can also be EGOCENTRIC & POSSESSIVE. According to sources, they’re TWENTY-FOUR and were once described as ICARUS FLYING DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO THE SUN, SEEMINGLY PERFECT AND READY TO UNRAVEL, THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON YOUR SHOULDERS, THE CHOICE BETWEEN CONTENTMENT AND ENDLESS AMBITION. What a character! As we always say, may the odds be ever in their favor!
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𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂. full name: orion lukas copperhead gender & pronouns: cis man (he/him) orientation: heterosexual & heteromantic age: twenty-four d.o.b: april 4th zodiac sign: aries sun, scorpio moon, gemini rising traits: adroit, dutiful, egocentric, possessive alignment: chaotic evil cabin number: thirteen (hades) character inspiration: young president snow (songbirds and snakes), effie trinket (hunger games), sejanus (songbirds and snakes)
Deceive 3
Fight 2
Lore (knowledge) 3
Notice 2
Physique 3
Provoke 1
Rapport 2
Resourcefulness 1
Stealth 1
Will 2
Orion’s whole life revolved around a strategic yet simple plan. He had to be the best. No matter the cost. He was the first born to parents he never got to know. Although, that didn’t stop them from putting all their expectations on his shoulders. His uncle worked hard for his place in Panem and Orion wanted to do the same. He held a small amount of detestation for his own father, who seemed to not only enjoy the easy life but who believed his sons should do the same. This only caused the eldest Copperhead to want to work harder. He would be the one to rebuild the name his father wasted. This meant pushing himself beyond what he thought was capable. No one knew about Orion’s internal struggle, nor did they care if they knew. Orion smiled and attended event after event while he trailed behind his uncle with an undeniable loyalty. That’s what they cared about. His image Orion heard it everywhere he went. “He’s just like his uncle… He’ll be the President one day… That Copperhead will go far!” He usually shook it off but one thing was sure, Orion knew what the public wanted. For him to succeed. In private, Orion journaled about what he was sacrificing for this life. His morals? His sanity? Other lives that were thrown away so easily while he always got a seat at the table. He sometimes thought that this was a nightmare. His entire life was some big game and one day, he would wake up in another district where he was forced to go back to reality. He almost dreamt of it sometimes, the people he saw from the other districts. He started to wonder what might be outside the Capitol and how different his life truly was. At eighteen, he graduated top of his class and was offered a position as a gamemaker. Of course having your uncle as the President had its perks in this case. Instead of accepting, Orion wanted to finally understand how the other districts operated. He joined the Peacemakers and for two years he was stationed in District 6, Transportation. The entirety of Panem was confused by the eldests choice but Orion knew he could never be President one day if he had never set foot out of the Capitol. His uncle was disappointed but when Orion explained his reasoning, the golden boy finally got what he always wanted. Approval from the President himself. When Orion returned to the Capitol, he became a Gamemaker. Just like his time in District 6, he took to his role quickly and became well-loved amongst the others. Orion enjoyed the planning, the strategy and the overall excitement of the games but what he didn’t think about was the deaths. Watching the games as a child and a teen had a different tone now. Especially after living outside the Capitol. Orion’s days started to bleed together and while he knew the games meant death, it also meant he was another step closer to becoming President. The pressure and desire to be perfect returned, stronger than ever before. He started speaking up more, offering more plans for the following games and even asking to shadow Head Gamemakers as the years went on. This year, Orion’s strategy is the same as always. Be perfect. Be the best and he will come out on top, just as he always does.
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ogdencollegerp · 8 months
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{ FACECLAIM, AGE, GENDER, PRONOUNS } Is that FIRST NAME LAST NAME? A JUNIOR/SENIOR originally from HOMETOWN, they decided to come to Ogden College to study MAJOR. They’re THE MISCREANT on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
ABOUT THIS SKELETON: At what point did THE GOLDEN GIRL turn to gold ?? Or was she always this way ?? If anyone knows the truth, THE MISCREANT would, growing up as closely with Greer as they did. In fact, they probably know a lot of her secrets. But not where she went - The Miscreant “disappeared” (read: rehab) for a semester too. And coming back from a “mysterious” semester off in college is hard even at the most normal of times. With one student missing and another dead, The Miscreant has no idea what they’re walking into. At least they can’t be blamed for this….or can they ??
Another disappearance from Ogden College - though this one didn’t seem to leave much a mystery. Everyone expected THE MISCREANT to have to go to rehab (type of rehab/program utp - behavioral/addiction/health reasons/etc) at some point, so truly - this was no big surprise. The timing paralleling THE GOLDEN GIRL’s disappearance certainly raised some questions, though. 
When the Commons was set ablaze during commencement weekend, a group of students had been lured there by G. THE MISCREANT found themselves on the first floor, shortly before THE SIREN....fell.
Luka Sabbat, Anthony Keyvan, Aramis Knight, Aron Piper, Brianne Tju, Adeline Rudolph, Malia Pyles, Hunter Schafer, Lana Condor, Ruby O. Fee, Chase Sui Wonders, Jenna Ortega, Tyla, Fernando Lindez, Fin Argus, Jeff Satur
THE MISCREANT grew up with all the same people THE GOLDEN GIRL did… but perhaps the one they have the most in common with is THE UNFAVORITE. Nothing like being the family’s black sheep, right ??
THE HEDONIST and THE MISCREANT always managed to bring out the worst in each other in the past…depending on who you were asking. THE GOLDEN GIRL never seemed to think it was all that bad, rather the opposite - she encouraged it. 
Is that THE GIRL NEXT DOOR hanging with THE MISCREANT now that they’re back on Ogden’s campus ?? What a scandal that could be. But THE GOLDEN GIRL always managed to get away with it, and they all grew up together so…why shouldn’t The Girl Next Door ??
THE ERUDITE STONER and THE SCHOLARSHIP STUDENT certainly weren’t exactly hurting without THE MISCREANT on campus last semester - but they won’t turn away the return of their business. Though the added worry of how much The Miscreant advertises for them isn’t always great - at least they could count on THE GOLDEN GIRL to keep their secrets. 
Did THE FALLEN PRINCESS and THE MISCREANT ever make sense as a pair ?? Not quite, but with THE GOLDEN GIRL - her best friend - missing, The Fallen Princess is more than due to spiral out. And now they have just the partner in crime to do so back on campus. Or maybe she’ll be a good influence. Never worked before, though. 
THE HOMEGROWN HERO could never do any wrong. With THE MISCREANT, the ultimate bad influence, back on campus maybe it’s time for that to change. Because if The Homegrown Hero is trying to follow in the steps of Greer, well.... THE GOLDEN GIRL definitely never shied away from misbehaving. 
THE EXCHANGE STUDENT and THE MISCREANT both weren't on campus last fall, when everyone discovered THE GOLDEN GIRL was missing. Does that make them more or less suspicious ?? Well, only they can really know that.
THE BIG MAN ON CAMPUS and THE MISCREANT could’ve been set up to be best friends from childhood, a pair that could do no wrong. But, they went different paths, and somehow always ended up at odds, rivals for, among many other things, THE GOLDEN GIRL’s attention.
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Under the cut
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Name: Diana Jones Gender pronouns: she/her Age: 38 Birthday: May 17th Occupation: Mortician and Grief Counselor at Hollow Hill Mortuary Species: Human Neighborhood: Shimmering Oaks Face Claim: Anne Hathaway
Bio: (tw: near death experience, prejudice)
Diana, the Roman goddess of the hunt. For the Jones family, they could not have poised their daughter for greater success in their beliefs than in bestowing such a name to her. Had thing turned out the way they’d have wanted, Diana might have become a fearsome hunter of all sorts of creatures, supernatural or otherwise. However, Diana quickly fell in line with Ferdinand the Bull more than any sort of fearsome hunter. Being the eldest, much was expected of Diana and she did her best to follow her family’s expectations to the letter. She was an exceptional student, a beloved volunteer, and a hard-working employee at her town’s florist.
Despite her passive nature, Diana was not immune to the prejudice of her parents. Instead of it manifesting in her becoming a hunter, it grew into an almost irrational fear, one that threatened to keep her from attending college after high school. She’d grown so safe and complacent in her little hometown life that the thought of her going out into the big world full of literal monsters was downright traumatic for her. However, her parents wouldn’t hear of her not going off, and soon enough she found herself kissing her brothers goodbye and heading off to college.
Being away from home on a full ride changed Diana greatly, in more ways than one. The most notable of these changes was that she had her first real encounter with a supernatural creature. Being the eternal momma bear she was, she’d agreed to go as her friend’s plus one to a bonfire and act as a DD, as well as wingwoman. Her friend had stumbled off into the woods with their paramour and after a while, Diana had begun to get extremely nervous. Swallowing her fears, she ventured into the woods in an attempt to find her friend. Following what her naïve brain registered as potentially noises of carnal pleasure, she instead found herself within pouncing distance of about three coyotes that were currently gorging themselves on a deer. Upon her attempt to backtrack, Diana somehow managed to get their attention, and all three animals turned on her on a dime. She swears that her life flashed before her eyes in that moment and she reckoned for sure she was a goner. But their yips and snarls were deafened by something far larger…and deadlier.
Diana still isn’t clear what she saw that night. She can only clearly recall two things: the sound of the coyotes being ripped to shreds and the eyes that stared back at her from the lumbering figure of her savior. Those eyes…That damned, haunting gaze. Even nearly twenty years later, Diana still wakes up in a sweat dreaming about the savage eyes of her savior. While she wasn’t certain about who saved her, she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was some sort of supernatural being. That right then and there changed her entire outlook on much of her life.
Not only did her view on the supernatural change, but her little brush with death also triggered something in Diana, a hyperfixation of sorts. One thing lead to another and she graduated with her associate’s degree in mortuary science and found herself a job as a mortician in a town far away from her family. She started seeing a therapist, which had a profound effect on her. This would soon blossom into her receiving her Master’s in Counseling to also work as a grief counselor for her little funeral home. She puddled along for a little while in this position until she got the call from her folks. Luka had been bitten…by a werewolf.
Diana’s perspective was once again thrown into whack. While she’d been saved by some creature, could they really be so bad as to turn her brother? Was it with his consent or was he truly the victim his parents were screeching about on the other end of the line? Regardless, she knew she had to be there for her baby brother. The idea that her brother could be one of them was something that Diana was entirely unsure if she was able to stomach, but she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to try. Furthermore, knowing that their brother Auggie (Augustus) would be there too made her realize more than ever that she had the chance to make things right for all three of them. How she was going to do that, though, was yet to be seen.
+ Fun-loving, Compassionate, Good-Humored
- Worrywart, Obsessive, Anxious
Diana is played by Laura
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Name: Paloma “Lomi” Desjardins Gender pronouns: she/her Age: 42, appears 27 Birthday: January 17th Occupation: Speakeasy Owner, The Black Rabbit Species: Vampire, Council Member Neighborhood: Shimmering Oaks Face Claim: Camila Mendes
Bio: (TW: death, crime)
Paloma Desjardins had always been described as intelligent; even as a young child. It was hard not to notice, especially when she began to excel in things she shouldn’t. Everyone in her small hometown had known her for monthly newspaper articles that detailed the sheer shock when she began to win competitions aimed at older childern, surpassing children in her year and showing a maturity that was unseen and unheard of.
Paloma was born to Marie and Juan Desjardins in the small town of Great Malvern, just a thirty minute drive from Worcestershire;her parents had met on travels in Russia fourteen years prior. Her father worked as an intelligence officer for a small company known as Beautech. While her mother, worked for the United Nations. Her mother, an American, had always loved that her husband Juan, was British. The connection had been instant and fourteen years later they were married, living in Juan’s home town and welcoming their baby girl into the world.
From the moment she was born, Marie knew that their child would be special, she’d already planned on making sure that they gave Paloma everything they could do she’d excel in everything. Juan knew he’d always be the laid back parent compared to his loving wife, he liked the idea of doing fun things with his daughter like taking her out for ice cream and spoiling her. As soon as Paloma was three years old, Marie had her in piano lessons teaching her every possible thing she could, by the time she was five she was in Russian, Korean and French lessons. Most people thought Marie to be mad but she knew what she was doing — preparing her daughter way before the other kids had even began to think for themselves.
She wanted her to have every chance to be anything she wanted.
It was no doubt that Juan was Paloma’s down time where he’d sneak her away early from lessons, treat her to things her mother said she couldn’t have. But even though Juan was the one most children would classify as their favourite, Paloma always found herself wanting her mother when it came down to things.
Paloma for a six year old child was adult-like in her choices, decisions, and thinking. She liked to think that she was preparing for the world that most of her friends were shielded from, the fact that things were being handed to them instead of them doing things that could help their career. It was then that Paloma became goal-orientated, assertive and extremely intelligent.
However, her intelligence didn’t stop with languages and music, as she grew so did her capability to learn. Books became Paloma’s best friends, sports became her hobby, and knowledge became her everything. If Paloma wasn’t reading, at the gym, or learning something new then she was either sick or tired.
As soon as high school rolled around, things slowly began to change. Everything that Paloma had been learning seemed to become too much, focusing on certain things and tuning others out became a problem. She couldn’t seem to concentrate on one thing without asking a billion questions around something simple, she quickly brought up the problem to her mother; concerned, her mother took her to see a doctor.
After many tests, physical and psychological, it came back that she suffered with two things: Eidetic memory and Low Latent inhibition.
Low Latent Inhibition, a psychological condition in which one sees the world as pieces, rather than mere objects. This allows Paloma to create plans and make thorough decisions rapidly but also when seeing something, she’d notice all the things that go with it instead of just a stand-still object. With her having a high IQ, it aided towards her ability; and after getting it under control, was deemed that the world would likely refer to her as a technical “genius.”
After her parents found out about this they decided that maybe a change of scenery would do the family good, and to their luck Juan was offered a job in the states; where he was originally from. Taking the opportunity straight away, with Paloma just being eligible for High School they knew it was the right thing to do- so they moved. High school became her sole priority after this always wanting to use her mind to learn more, posses more information, and be able to create things that others thought impossible. Still completely in love with music and languages, Paloma began to fall more and more into music; taking as many chances as she could to get local gigs when she wasn’t studying.
Her parents, however, were not the most supportive of that line of work. They’d often end in arguments around the dinner table; they believed she was more suited to a job in languages, as it was guaranteed money. This only drove them further apart, slowly causing a rift.
For the first time in her life, Paloma was not close with either parents.
Senior year came around quickly and when that happened everything in Paloma’s life fell apart. While out with a few of her friends, to which she’d decided to sneak out to attend a local gig at the firefly, she received a phone call stating that she needed to come down to the local hospital. Upon arrival it was announced that both her parents had been in a car collision and both passed away. In that moment everything in her life died.
After her parent’s untimely death, Paloma dropped out of school in order to look after herself, but when she met Harrison Kemp everything once again changed. Harrison, a wanted criminal known for Art theft, bond forgery, racketeering, money laundering, Identity theft and a list that only continued when you got to know him, took a poor beautiful girl under his arm. Paloma became his protégé with her quick silver like mind and intellect she was a perfect candidate to train and use in his game. And Paloma succeeded as she relished in the life of different names, hotels, scams and living the high life. Now she’d parted ways with Harrison, a man who popped up from time to time, she had to look for something, a protection, until he came back
That was when she found her way into that place; a speakeasy playing her favorite kind of music; jazz — and even better that it was an open stage night. Her life had changed since she’d last graced the stage of a place like this. Felt that old feeling trickle through her being. It made her miss her parents, even if she knew they’d roll over in their graves at the turn her life had taken and what she’d become.
But when she stepped onto that stage and opened her mouth; the room silenced. She’d never felt such pure contentment and everyone in the room was experiencing it with her. Fingers moved over the keys of the piano as she belted a classic; Billie Holiday’s rendition of ‘The Way You Look Tonight’ and when the house band began to play along with her, the room erupted.
What she hadn’t expected was to meet Desmond Byrne that night, and that was the night her entire world changed forever.
She’d been a lost and lonely soul; it hadn’t been hard to see if people had bothered to look close enough, really look. She often felt that her life as con artist allowed her to move like a ghost, and slowly but surely she’d allowed it to become part of her personality. Like it’d stolen the light from within her, but she wasn’t sure if it’d even been there in the first place; only when she’d played music and allowed that bit of happiness to come home. She’d often wondered if Desmond had changed her for that reason; to try and give her something to live for, or if it really was just for her talent. After her turning, Paloma had spent time with Desmond to hone herself; she didn’t want to be a feral beast like the stories she’d heard, and Desmond had seemed anything but that. She wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to become a vampire; she’d often find herself awake wondering this. She was a classic over-thinker, and it was something she’d never been able to turn off.
Now in Wolford, Paloma had taken residence here. After purchasing a run down building with an underground area, she’d decided to create ‘The Black Rabbit’ - A jazz speakeasy with a house band every night of the week. It was the first time in years, even since turning, that she’d found that thrill again. She was happy, she was alive.
And maybe she wasn’t so lost anymore. But could all that change in the drop of a hat?
Paloma Desjardins, also nicknamed Lomi, was sophisticated, charming, abrupt and seductive, with a wide range of knowledge from music, art, foreign languages, and culture. All of which was self-taught, a beautiful face occupied the intelligent mind. Paloma was very good at talking her way in and out of things, her beauty something she used often to get her the things she wanted.
Including bank cards and the best of the best in luxuries. Paloma was first and foremost a musician, stating that it ran through her very being; but deep to her core, she was a scam artist. She was good at covering her tracks, very much into the high life, her refined tastes fit more to the likes of fine bars, underground casinos and clubs where she could find her next target. Paloma isn’t trustworthy but she’ll make you trust you with a bat of her eye lashes and her perfect smile.
+ Hopeless romantic, Intuitive
- Explosive, Sly & Aloof
Paloma is played by Angie
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Name: Caspian Taliesin Dragoumis Gender pronouns: he/him Age: 24 Birthday: September 23rd Occupation: Potioneer/Apothecary Species: Warlock, Order of Nyx Neighborhood: Outskirts of town Face Claim: Froy Gutierrez
Bio: (TW: trauma, death)
Cas was brilliant, in the way that small children were after never speaking a word then suddenly spewing a fully formed sentence to politely ask their parents for breakfast, brain like a sponge, nothing and no one could get between him and the pursuit of knowledge. He soaked up everything his parents taught him about the Dragoumis name and the importance of legacy. The second youngest of four with health that wasn’t the best, content to be left in a corner with a book while he darted looks around the room.
The oldest, his brother, was the golden child and said to one day play a pivotal part in an old prophecy of the elders of the Order of Nyx. His sister had her own life and they respected their distance as Cas stole select tomes from the family library and she escaped out of the nearest window. There was nothing the boy enjoyed more than experimenting with a cauldron and a pestle and mortar, content with ink smudged fingers and reading by candlelight.
Caspian’s magic whilst undeniable had always been equally unpredictable, almost tempestuous in nature. The decision to do something about Cas’ little problem was made once he turned fourteen, the instability was a danger to the Coven no matter how hard he worked or how much he studied. A consultant was brought on, a friend of Nyx who suggested a binding ritual that would stabilize the excessive volatile power, allowing him to play his part with the rest of the witches and warlocks. Unbeknownst to him the secret illegitimate circumstances of his birth would change everything.
The binding failed, very nearly killing him, the collective vortex of destructive magic struck out at all present and left Cas in a coma for two weeks. Runic chains are scored into his left wrist as a testament to the failed ritual; wounds that will never fully heal through mundane nor magical means, each time he uses any magic the binding causes him severe pain whilst taking a physical toll depending on the size of the spell.
The following summer spelt more tragedy for the family. It happened on their mom’s birthday in June, they don’t think his eldest brother ever felt the sting but he died in minutes. No grand destiny, just a bee and bad luck. Two black marks in as many years for the Dragoumis’ and home never quite felt the same again.
Once he became an adult the real world beckoned with sun-warmed hands, the narrow world view he’d been forcibly sheltered by shattered in all directions, suddenly he was exposed to scores of new people rather than the handful his family selected. Sick to the teeth of being a damaged chess piece in a murderous game he’d never asked to play, at a snail’s pace he began pulling free millimetre by millimetre. Slowly enough his family hardly noticed. Adagio.
Though Ian is still technically part of the Coven to save face, he is almost never called upon due to the unfortunate nature of his condition. He likes it that way.
On the outskirts of town by an old A-Frame cabin amongst the trees, a garden spills over almost everything in sight, huge barrels of climbers burst forth to drape down from the deck and create a curtain below where vegetables, herbs, flowers and all kinds of flora extend in all directions. This is where you’ll find Cas, if you know who to ask you can find all manner of ingredients, poultices, powders, embrocations and tinctures.
+ Attentive, resourceful, inquisitive
- Captious, dramatic, insecure
Caspian is played by Morrigan
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Name: Seth Hollis Jansen Gender pronouns: he/him Age: 40 Birthday: May 5th Occupation: Professional Photographer Species: Human Neighborhood: Downtown Face Claim: Jesse Spencer
Bio: (TW: car accident, death)
Seth Hollis Jansen was born and raised in Wolford, Tennessee; the son of a pig farmer and a Sunday school teacher.  He and his older brother grew up working the fourth generation family swine farm; hauling feed buckets and shoveling hog pens from the time they were old enough to walk. There was a clear expectation that the two of them would follow in their father’s footsteps–marry good Christian girls, build homes on the property, and raise the next generation of hard working farmers just like they had been brought up–barely scraping by on the simple man’s American Dream.  While his brother seemed content enough to do just that, Seth struggled to reconcile such a future for himself.  The life of a small-time pig farmer isn’t a glorious one; full of grueling labor, early mornings, long days, longer nights, and the kinds of things most people prefer not to think about as they shove a strip of bacon into their mouth.  Seth wanted more.  With talent, wit, a good head on his shoulders, and the determination to make something better for himself than what he’d been born into, he seemed poised to find it.
From the very first time someone handed him a camera, he’d fallen in love with photography.  Seth learned early on that he had an eye for composition, and a passion for capturing the beauty of Wolford’s small town charm in timeless images.  It began as a hobby; hours spent ducking around the town snapping photos left and right, or getting lost in the untamed wilderness on the outskirts.  Searching for the perfect shot offered a sense of escape, if only for a little while, from what awaited him back home on the family farm.  A particularly supportive teacher spotted the young man’s burgeoning talent, and before long Seth Jansen’s work made its way into the hands of a local magazine editor…and eventually onto the pages of several nationwide publications.  Only then did it occur to the farm boy from Wolford that his camera might be his ticket out of the pigpen.
The young self-taught photographer started his own business straight out of High School, specializing in lifestyle portrait photography and local landscapes.  His success eventually allowed him to open a small studio in downtown Wolford, though most of his work is shot with attention to the various on-location backdrops the town has to offer.  For years now Seth has captured priceless memories for the residents of Wolford; weddings, celebrations, families, newborns, first birthdays, and so much more.  His photographs adorn the walls of many a living room across the neighborhoods in town, and some of his more iconic images of Wolford can even be found hanging in the town hall.
While Seth had found professional success, however, his personal life has not taken such a charmed path.  He married his High School sweetheart, Grace, shortly after they graduated, and the two of them settled in town.  They eventually welcomed two children; Ezra, and then three years later, Sophie.  Seth was a devoted family man, and his two young children were his whole world.  Ten years ago, both were fast asleep in their car-seats as he drove his family down one of Wolford’s winding country roads late one evening.  They’d spent the day at the Jansen family farm, and were heading home.  The full moon was bright overhead, eerily illuminating the night sky, and yet to this day Seth swears he never saw the thing that jumped out of the trees in front of his vehicle.  The SUV rolled halfway down the mountainside.  Grace and Sophie died instantly, while Ezra lived for a few days on life support before his small body succumbed to his injuries.  Seth walked away with only a concussion, a few broken bones; and a gaping hole in his heart that has oozed and festered with spite for every day since.  The EMTs said it was a miracle, but after burying his whole family, that outlook was hardly enough to make a difference to him.  Only with the support of his family has he managed to navigate a few well-earned mental breakdowns and a mountain of medical bills.  Still, every day is an uphill battle and at times he’s found himself sinking into depression; often turning to alcohol as a balm and otherwise engaging in reckless behavior.  With his focus on his work and a camera in hand, Seth is struggling to rebuild some of the life he’d had before the accident.
Seth was as shocked as any other human when the whole world was shook with the revelation of the supernatural’s existence.  At least, until he began to look a little deeper into what he’d always taken for granted about his hometown.  Mysterious deaths, unexplained memory loss, strange animal sightings, even the livestock on his family’s farm that had a way of going missing on a full moon; so many things began to make sense, raising as many questions as answered.  Wolford, as it turns out, has long been something of a haven for non-humans.  A year ago the photographer received an invitation to participate in the Wolford Historical Society’s efforts to catalogue vintage photographs of local vampires, with the aim of creating an exhibition to showcase these historical photos alongside current portraits.  Seth has met several vampires around town since the onset of the project, researched their histories in Wolford and beyond, and taken their photographs.      
+ Talented, hardworking, patient
- Headstrong, jaded, reckless
Seth is played by Chell
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Name: Cersei Mahin Gender pronouns: she/her Age: 29 Birthday: June 24 Occupation: Lawyer Species: Witch, Coven of the Raven Neighborhood: Downtown Face Claim: Diane Guerrero
Bio: (TW: drugs, child abandonment)
Born to a normal mom and a warlock father, she was one of three siblings. The middle child, she was always either the center of attention, or ignored. She didn’t care, growing up she was always one of those people who liked to be alone but she still had friends.
When she turned 12 is when she came into her witchy powers, it seemed to have skipped her brother and sister. Her mother was proud of her growing into her magic, as she grew so did her magic. She could cast spells, potions and other things.
At the age of 23, she met and fell for Cassidy, completely forgetting about her goals and aspirations of becoming a lawyer. They both went into drugs, soon after she found herself pregnant. The drug abuse had to stop, after giving birth she was both afraid and inexperienced in being a mother. So she left their daughter with Cassidy.   Now she’s back in Wolford, hoping to open or start her law career after going through the many challenges of getting her degree.
+ caring, funny, calm
- crass, bully in the courtroom, sassy
Cersei is played by Cam/Ash
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Name: Colman Vincent Dragoumis Gender pronouns: he/him Age: 35 Birthday: July 1 Occupation: Owner of Carnelian Night Cottages Species: Warlock, Order of Nyx Neighborhood: Downtown Face Claim: Ben Barnes
The eldest and first born son of Vasileios’ line of Dragoumis, Colman was treated very much like the heir and prince his father considered him to be. He grew to see himself, as well as his younger sister, as superior. After all, who could live up to a Dragoumis?
At fourteen, his parents separated. Col considered who he’d live with, and ultimately chose to stay with his father. He could tell, even at a young age, that he had some of the same characteristics as his father, and those characteristics would hamper his sister’s ability to have a normal life, away from their father and away from him.
Col would take trips to visit his mother and sister in Los Angeles when he could, missing that half of his family. But as he grew older, he recognised that it had been right to separate himself. Rory was having as normal of a life as a witch could. And he… well, he grew to live up to the expectations of the Dragoumis name, becoming an accomplished warlock, using dark magic to his own benefit.
In his late twenties, Col bought a collection of abandoned cabins just outside the Whispering Pines. He remodeled them, turning them into luxury cabins for tourists, or even locals just looking for a little getaway.
+ Ambitious, clever, tenacious
- Artificial, detached, ruthless
Colman is played by Brittany
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Name: Aurora “Rory” Dragoumis Gender pronouns: she/they Age: 34 Birthday: February 22nd Occupation: Songwriter & aspiring Music Producer Species: Witch, covenless Neighborhood: Downtown Face Claim: Phoebe Tonkin
Rory was the second and last child to be born carrying the Dragoumis last name in her branch of her family. Granted, in terms of Wolford, said last name was not exactly unknown, and everyone made sure she and her siblings (as well as cousins) knew how important it was to be a Dragoumis. It gave Rory some confidence growing up, which, as a child with their head in the clouds, they definitely needed.
Things weren’t always bright and shiny on her side of the family, and when she was fourteen and about to start her first year of high school, her parents had a finally decided to put an end to their marriage, thus beginning a nasty divorce process that resulted in her being taken as far away from Wolford as possible and settling down in Los Angeles alongside her mother, while her older brother remained with her father. Despite having had a saying on who she would like to be with, Rory didn’t think she wanted for things to have ended that badly.
At least, she was able to keep her last name, but unlike her childhood home, no one knew who the Dragoumis were in LA, and so, she also lost her privileges as well as her friends, her family, her coven and the access she had to studying magic along with them. Col visited whenever he could, so that eased her mind in terms of losing him, too.
The years were a little rough on her, but Rory was able to rediscover herself as her own person. New school, new friends, new everything. They became lonely, sheltering themselves in the castle they had began to built with the words they were putting on paper. Magic, Rory learned, could also happen as far away from home, just with the bare touch of their pen on an empty page; and magic and music also walked hand in hand.
She started investing in that side of herself, diving deep into the music industry by pretending to know producers, hanging out with rising stars at parties she’d successfully crashed along with a friend, all in the name of her own truth. She wasn’t as charismatic as these pop stars were on stage, but she could write songs that would get them awards if they let her. And for quite some time, they did.
But, after her 30th birthday life started getting dull for Rory. The people were too fake, the parties were too loud, the artists were too annoying… and she couldn’t get the inspiration she once had for Grammy Award winning songs anymore. That, mixed with an old calling coming from Wolford, brought her back to the small town one year ago, in hopes that coming home an getting in touch with her old self, she will be able to rekindle that flame of inspiration that has been burning low for the last few years.
+ Determined, Caring, Loyal
- Unapologetic, Blunt, Stubborn
Rory is played by Bru
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Name: Eloise Dougherty Gender pronouns: she/her Age: 31 Birthday: August 31st Occupation: Casual staff, Twilight Apocathecary Species: Witch Neighborhood: Sycamore Heights Face Claim: Elizabeth Olsen
Bio: (TW: parental neglect, mental health struggles)
Eloise didn’t have an idealistic childhood, with her father in and out of the pictures, a mother who wasn’t super interested in raising her. For a while, she found solace in school, where she made friends, had some stability, pretended like she had a semi-normal life.
However, that fell apart when she entered her late teens, when troubling symptoms began arising. She couldn’t hold onto her relationships any more, her behaviours became more dramatic, impulsive and even self-destructive. Feelings of worthlessness and anger that she’d always had just beneath the surface weren’t as easily pushed down any more, bubbling to the surface in ways she couldn’t control. Despite a recommendation from the school psychologist to seek the help of a psychiatrist for a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, Elle wasn’t in the position to do so, still a minor with a mother who didn’t approve so such things, nor wanted to waste money on them.
Barely graduating, Elle was all too happy to leave home, taking jobs where she could get them, though she rarely lasted anywhere for long. She got by selling her magic where she could, making questionable things for whoever requested them, having little regard for how they were used. She got hooked on being a feeder for vampires, taking a fix wherever she could get it, and often took things too far, ending up in hospital on several occasions.
It was someone from her high school who finally found Elle, finally recognised what was going on with her, and made her seek help. Medications helped a bit, and she was able to mellow herself out a bit, find a job and actually keep it. It was during this time that she met Salim, and he was nice. He was stable. It was foreign to her, a feeling she hadn’t felt since she was in high school.
They dated on and off for several years, though it wasn’t all smooth sailing, Eloise’s mental health always a struggle for her. There was a relapse here and there, but for the most part, Elle wanted to get better, wanted to be better.
The pregnancy wasn’t expected, and honestly, Elle wasn’t sure she was even going to tell Salim about it, tempted to terminate without ever mentioning it to him. But she couldn’t do that. And she wouldn’t have kept it, except for the fact that she knew he would be a great father. Pregnancy wasn’t easy, and the extra hormones made things even harder, but Elle pushed through, for the innocent child’s sake.
On the day of the birth, Salim wasn’t there. It all happened so fast, but it traumatised Elle in a way she couldn’t put into words. As soon as the baby was taken to the nursery, she ran, leaving nothing but her admission bracelet in the bed.
And then she relapsed. Relapsed hard.
The next year was a blur, but there was underground feeding clubs, some close call hospital visits, and a bunch of stuff that Elle would rather not remember. She went back to selling magic, got in with some bad people, but she thought they’d take care of her. That, of course, wasn’t the case.
It was a mandatory psych hold that finally got her back on her meds, got her stable again for the most part. She started group therapy, which helped, and she talked about her daughter for the first time. A daughter she hadn’t seen since the day she was born. Even now, Elle wasn’t sure she wanted to be a mother, or would be any good at it. But eventually, Elle decided she wanted to see Sal, wanted to see their daughter.
So she tracked them to Wolford. And saw her daughter for the first time, playing with her father in the park. She was so big. How long had Elle been lost to herself?
She still hasn’t had the courage to face either of them, but it’s only a matter of time.
+ Self-reliant, generous, observant
- Obsessive. unstable, erratic
Eloise is played by Kaylen
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Name: Kang Taeyeon Gender pronouns: cis woman, she/her Age: 28 Birthday: June 12th Occupation: Bartender, Red Moon Species: Werewolf, packless Neighborhood: Sycamore Heights Face Claim: Bae Suzy
Bio: (TW: death, manipulation, psychological abuse)
Taeyeon was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea to working-class parents, although she doesn’t have many recollections of them. After losing them in a car accident back when she was only six years old, Taeyeon was sent to live in an orphanage, which is where most of her memories come from… both good and bad.
She didn’t have much growing up and a lot of what she did have, came from this patron’s donations to the institution. Min Ko Ryeong was perceived as an extremely private man, who’s son was almost of the same age as hers and happened to take a liking to Taeyeon. She didn’t mind it though, and actually welcomed the attention that was given her. In a way, it felt like having a family again… although they never gave any signs of wanting to adopt her, they’d always take her to their house in the mountains every full moon.
Once she hit puberty, Taeyeon finally found out why the patron and his son Woo Young cared so much about her: they were both werewolves like her.
After the discovery, the Mins took her under their wing. She received the best education, she was taught how to control her wolf, how to behave near the full moon, how to be part of a pack and still be part of a society that wanted nothing to do with her kind (in every way). Growing up, she also got close to the patron’s son, who’s attention towards her grew more into feelings as they moved through adolescence into adulthood. Even though she didn’t quite know how to reciprocate them, Taeyeon accepted those feelings because it was nice to feel cared for. To be wanted.
It wasn’t until she met Seung Jin a few years down the road, that she actually began feeling something for someone. Things were nice with him… easy, even. Dare she say, she was happy.
But her past didn’t leave her alone, and Woo Young kept finding ways to reel her back in whenever Taeyeon tried breaking things off with him. Woo Young would often make her feel like he was the one responsible for taking her out of the orphanage and so she owed his family her loyalty, he would often tell her that Jin would never accept her, that he would never understand her, and by doing so, it clouded her mind and her judgement, keeping her both by his side and Jin’s.
When the marriage proposal was made by Jin, Taeyeon was determined to cut ties with Woo Young for once and for all. She wanted to be able to reciprocate Jin’s feelings fully, but the rich man had other plans in mind. Unable to take his loss in all of this, he told Jin about Taeyeon’s secret relationship to him and ruined the woman’s chances of being happy with a loud fight. Looking back, Taeyeon didn’t realize then that Jin’s anger was towards her infidelity, but Woo Young made it look like it was because she was a werewolf.
Angry and heartbroken for what had happened, Taeyeon refused to take Woo Young’s side after the break up, which only ended up infuriating him even further and, the rich man driven mad by his jealousy and hurt pride, took as far as causing an accident to put an end to Jin’s life and prevent Taeyeon from ever going back to him. By some sort of miracle, Jin was able to survive.
Taeyeon spent the following year sorting things out to leave South Korea quietly and to leave her life behind. She did everything she could to leave no trace behind and fled to the US, hoping to find herself a new life away from the claws these rich people had on her. She ended up going to Wolford, a place she’d heard welcomed supernaturals, and to her, it felt like a good place to start a new life. Little did she know that her ex had also chosen said town to settle down.
+ Adaptive, warm, hard-working
- Hard on herself, insecure, vain
Taeyeon is played by Bru
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Name: Andrea Cromwell Gender pronouns: she/her & they/them Age: 170, appears 30 Birthday: February 14th Occupation: Security, Stoker Species: Vampire Neighborhood: Silver Meadows Face Claim: Rose Leslie
Bio: (TW death)
Andrea was born into a Seelie Fae family, the beloved younger daughter. She had an older brother, and the pair got on really well, always teasing and joking with each other. It was a pretty normal Fae childhood, Andrea spending her time between the supernatural world and the human world. Her parents were very accepting, and knew that the supernatural and human worlds couldn’t stay separated forever, and wanted their children to be ready for whatever came their way.
No one could have expected, however, that Andrea would be turned. Barely past her thirtieth birthday and while Andrea knew she wasn’t drunk, she has no memory of that night. She just remembers stumbling home, covered in dirt, a desperate hunger in her stomach.  
Her family helped her as best they could at first, but she knew she didn’t belong with them any more, and knew that eventually she would outlive them. And she didn’t think she could bare to watch that. So she had to find her own way.
The redhead trailed a few other vampires at first, learning the ropes of her new life, learning how to feed safely. And eventually, just like her parents predicted, the supernatural world was exposed, vampires dominating every headline.
Andrea had never had any prejudices against other species, but now she had a new understanding, a new perspective. And with the human and supernatural worlds colliding, that led her into activism. It wasn’t exactly a safe job, making herself a target from human vigilantes and hunters alike, but Andrea wasn’t one to just sit back and do nothing.
During this time, Andrea met Tatiana, and the two hit it off immediately. It wasn’t long before they were dating, which surprised some people. But as the saying goes, opposites attract, and Andrea enjoyed every minute with Tatiana, whether they were putting their heads together on the political front, or debating one topic or another.
But then the truth came out about Tatiana’s parents, and she was practically outed from the community. Andrea stuck by the other woman at first, but the threats just kept rolling in, and eventually the pair parted ways, Tatiana going home to confront her parents.
Andrea stayed in the UK, the only home she’d ever known, but people didn’t seem to forget her association with the other woman, accused of leading the undercover hunter to more vampires. A target for hunters and ostracized from the vampire community, Andrea had to go underground, something that she hated. Eventually, Tatiana reached out to her again, telling her the Wolford was a safe place, and so Andrea left everything behind to relocate there.
She took a job working security at Stoker, somewhere she felt safe, being among vampires once again, having easy access to blood donors, and doing her part to keep other vampires safe. It wasn’t the world changing career she’d hoped for, but she was making a small difference, and that was enough for now.
+ capable, compassionate, patient
- reactive, blunt, skeptical
Andrea is played by Kaylen
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Name: Genesis Gannon Gender pronouns: she/her Age: 30 Birthday: May 30th Occupation: child care and education/ baker. Species: Werewolf (Gannon family pack) Neighborhood: Silver Meadows Face Claim: Emily Ellen Rudd
Born on one of the craziest days of her parents life, Genesis entered this world on May 30th to the love of her parents. When she first opened her eyes, they knew she was special.
Her parents weren’t the richest but they were seemingly well off. As their pack dealt with a few things: Logging, Horses and hotels. They loved what they did, being the only daughter amongst two brothers ( Virgil & Mack ). It was hard, especially when people feared what they didn’t know.
At the age of sixteen, was when she first experienced her first shift. When it happened the entire pack gasped at the color of her fur, it was a mix between a light blond and black color. To them it was a myth and here she was with the fur no one has ever seen before.
She  was more outgoing than her brothers, but that was just the kind of person she was. Always helping out at her parents businesses, especially at the ranch when needed. A few years in, they sold the business to a neighboring pack. So they could solely focus on their logging and hotel business.
Being a wolf helped her in her athletic career in high school, she loved sports, softball, volleyball and track. Those were her top three, during her sophomore year, she met a neighboring pack male and they hit it off but nothing ever came of it because they had to move. She graduated top of her class, then went on to college.
Fast forward to her college years, she met and fell in love with someone but it ended amicably. Hearing about a town that welcomed supernatural, that’s where she went once she finished her degree in child care and education. Moving to Wolford, Tennessee in hopes of finding and or owning her own business that is near and dear to her heart.
+ Caring, funny, charismatic and  outgoing.
- feisty, sarcastic and quick tempered.
Genesis is played by Cammie/Ash
0 notes
eohachu · 4 years
Post pictures of your first ever (fictional/celeb) crush to the latest one and tag five others to continue the game.
Ali tagged me, thanks. I guess 😘 @lanzhansmiles​
A’ight so I’m simply taking this as an opportunity to show off my frankly impeccable taste 😌 *coughs into the crook of my elbow with my mask on and from a safe distance* More under the cut, godspeed!
I’m tagging uhh I really don’t want to expose anyone but uh. @morifinwes​ @ttaechwita​ @sunshine304​ @treemaidengeek​ @flamingwell​ no pressure tho!!
Since 2006
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Janina Fautz: Die Wilden Kerle, anyone?? Tbh i had a crush on quite a lot of the characters/actors but in hindsight Janina was and is the most influential one. Also probably my first ever girl crush (again, in hindsight bc it took me until 3 years ago to finally find out i’m queer lol)
Eva-Maria May: Yeah well I’m not gonna talk about where I know her from let’s say it was an incredibly bad soap opera my mom used to watch. She was one of the reasons why I went Yeah I Have Always Been Into Girls. I was pretty obsessed with her to the point where mini me secretly printed out a photo of her to look at lmaooo the signs have always been there and it’s truly amazing how I had been missing them for years
Amy Adams: Her as Amelia Earhart in Night at the Museum was also definitely a huge Thing to young me. Again, I had been completely oblivious about this crush for years
David Luiz: HAH! This is the point where we do NOT get into my football/soccer crushes bc this list would get WAYYY too long hahaha. I had to cut loads of people from my list for this post bc I develop a new celebrity crush every 5 minutes basically but yeah. David Luiz was definitely my biggest football/soccer crush out of..... everyone else
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I don’t have a lot to say about any of them since I’m not into m*rvel anymore TFATWS makes me want to stick the tip of my toe back into m*rvel waters but otherwise NO THANKS
Sebastian Stan was, if my judgement of my archive is right, the longest highkey celebrity crush I’ve ever had. Mostly because I love Bucky a lot and he was so amazing in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I must’ve had a crush on him for as long as I had been in the m*rvel fandom
Recent Past
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some celeb crushes from last year that were all more or less short-lived tbh
Ester Expósito: As it often goes I didn’t find her spectacular in the beginning but as Élite went on I started to develop a huge crush on her. I still find her pretty hot but I’m not invested in Élite so yeah..... I have no object permanence
Mina El Hammani: Got to know her through Élite, too. She’s so incredibly beautiful. Had a hard time choosing a photo of her bc I’d stare at every single one for ages. Wow.
Danger Days!Gerard Way: Hah! The ones of you who’ve been following me for longer might remember my posts about wanting to dye my hair neon red. Well, him’s the reason and also clinical depression. Ended up with natural red/ginger bc my hair is too thin for bleaching lel. ANYWAY
Maxence Danet Fauvel: Pretty short-lived crush from my Skam days
Ramy Moharam Fouad: So Ramy has a brother, Tamino-Amir Moharam Fouad, who makes INCREDIBLE music. Ramy made some of his music videos (directed them? not sure), that’s how he came to my attention. Idk man he’s just so incredibly beautiful.... gives me a hint of genvy, too......
Janelle Monáe: Became a fan when Make Me Feel came out, listened to the entire album for days and eventually inevitably crushed on her
Lera Abova: Saw her in ANИА and fell in love. I screamed to my friends for weeks about how she was the most beautiful human being I’d ever seen etc etc. Eventually my crush went away mostly, but I still think she’s stunning
Keiynan Lonsdale: Keiynan said FUCK gender and I said 😍😍😍 and that’s all you need to know.
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*deep breath* alright let’s gooo
Bright (Wachirawit Chivaaree): Crushed on him for as long as I watched 2gether/Still 2gether lmao. I still like him a lot and sometimes lose my mind over him but I’m not exceptionally Thirsty™
Tul (Pakorn Thanasrivanitchai) and Max (Nattapol Diloknawarit): If you search either of them on tumblr you will have to scroll for a long, long time to find seperate photos of them. However, I’m not patient enough so here we are. Re: Tul, actually I want to copy/paste what Ali said bc DAMN a man who is confident about his masculinity and sexuality really is kinda hot. Same goes for Max tbh. Also Max’ lips look so soft I [redacted]
Lukas von Horbatschewsky: Also known as Lukas Alexander. He did an amazing job in Druck and he’s just a person I admire in general. As one of the few out trans actors in Germany, he had a main role as a trans boy in Druck and also co-wrote Druck’s seasons 5 and 6. He’s just a huge role model to me and, apart from that, Big Crush Material (h i s  e y e s)
Li Wei: Someone suggested him as Hua Cheng for the TGCF live action and my life hasn’t been the same since. While I’m open for whoever will get that role in the end, I could look at his face for hours and not get bored. Major Genvy, too.
Li BoWen and Liu HaiKuan: I will have to deal with these two in one paragraph bc LanLan bc they have the exact same effect on me which is. that they’re not 100% my type but I WILL go absolutely feral about them at regular intervals, if you know what I mean
Song JiYang: ohh honey. oh honey.......... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have a natural affinity for aquarius ppl and this one lives in my heart rent free. I’d even make him soup if he’d ask.
Wang YiBo: WELL HOLY SHIT. listen. LISTEN! the hype around him is 100% justified imo he really is That Bitch and I love him so so much for it. Fucking ICON
Honorary Mentions: Gender Envy
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Here’s to the People I Thought I Had A Crush On But Not Quite until I learned the word Gender Envy:
Zhu YiLong: Man, this is the person who’s mainly responsible for me finding out AT ALL about not being entirely cis. The POWER he holds!!! His performance as Ye Zun in Guardian was like a breakthrough point for me which. certain people witnessed in real time hahaha oh I love this fandom!!
Zhu ZanJin: HIM. AAAH!! He’s literally so beautiful and whenever I see him I just go ZANZAN!! in my head and in the tags bc. well. hIM.
Xiao Zhan With Long Hair: Look, Xiao Zhan is always amazing but BLESS the person who made these manips. I can finally rest.
Wang YiBo: uhh what’s he doing here again?? Tbh YiBo is one of the few, if not the only person that gives me Major Gender Envy that I would also [redacted] if they asked. Do I want to be him or be with him? The answer is Yes.
I skipped the fictional characters bc I tend not to crush on them 👉👈 Instead I will just directly crush on the actors/actresses lol!
Thank you for bearing with me. As a prize, you can choose between a ladder supported forehead kiss, or a bowl of homemade soup. ❤
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pgkwriter · 4 years
Just an excerpt from Chapter 18 “The American Dream” of Home because I’m thinking back to these happy cute times with Kerry, Susan, Elizabeth, Abby, and Sandy while I finish edits on Chapter 23 🥺
“Sandy! Kerry! Over here!” Susan called from a few tables over, waving until she caught Sandy’s eye. They weaved their way through an already semi-intoxicated ER staff until they found themselves at Susan’s table. “We saved you seats.” She gestured to the two empty spots across from where she sat. Sandy pulled Kerry’s chair out for her and Kerry immediately sank into it.
“Chuck, have you met Sandy?” Susan asked, smacking Chuck’s arm lightly as he chatted with Malik.
“No - hi,” he turned to Sandy as she took her seat to his right and extended his hand. Her strong grip surprised him if the look in his eyes was anything to go by.
Abby returned to her place at the table then, thanking Malik as he complimented her dress, her highlighted hair curled and cascading gently down her shoulders.
“Kerry, Sandy.” Abby said in greeting with a slight smile, setting down her drink at her spot.
“Abby,” Kerry smiled, watching as Abby sat and took a big gulp of her drink, which could have been a soda water or a vodka soda for all Kerry knew. Things had been awkward between the two of them since Kerry’s unexpected arrival at her apartment the week before, and Abby knew she had noticed the beer bottles. They’d never really spoken about Abby’s drinking problem, but she knew that Kerry had known she had sponsored John for a brief period of time. Kerry was a smart woman, she didn’t need things spelled out for her. Abby felt a tinge of shame, not relishing in the idea that she may have disappointed someone who’s opinion she valued higher than anyone else’s.
“Did you see the cupcakes they have up there?” Susan leaned over to Abby, looking in the direction of the waitstaff setting up the display of desserts for after dinner was served. Kerry watched the two young women chat and laugh together, almost getting lost in their camaraderie before a hand on her arm brought her back and she looked beside her at Sandy’s smiling face.
“Bored yet?” Kerry whispered, grabbing the hand that was still resting on her arm and playing with the ring on her finger absentmindedly. “Regret wanting to come?”
“Fat chance.” Sandy teased, squeezing Kerry’s fingers briefly before rising out of her chair. “I’m going to go grab us some drinks.”
Soon Kerry was watching her wife’s back (or, more accurately, her bottom ) as she wound her way through the crowd of Kerry’s colleagues.
“When are you due, Dr. Weaver?” Chuck asked suddenly, trying to fill the dead air that had taken over their table for an uncomfortable few minutes.
“Chuck, she’s not pregnant.” Susan deadpanned a whispered scolding, eyes wide and eyebrows raised into her hairline. Chuck turned red and then completely white before Kerry could save him.
“She’s teasing you,” Kerry laughed out of pity, Abby completely losing it at Chuck’s expense. “October 5th.” She answered his question as the color slowly came back to his cheeks.
“I hate you,” Chuck whispered quickly to Susan, rising out of his chair and excusing himself to the bathroom. As soon as he’d turned his back, Susan and Abby erupted into laughter.
“I can’t help it sometimes,” Susan confessed, taking a sip of her wine. “He’s just too easy of a target. He’s like Carter-” Susan began before she could stop herself. Kerry had noted the empty chair beside Abby but hadn’t thought much of it until now.
Abby waved off the concerned faces, taking another sip of her drink, but she didn’t say anything.
Almost as if sent from God himself to save the moment, Elizabeth approached their table, the form fitting gold gown stunning every male she’d passed on her journey across the room into silence.
“Look at this group of miscreants,” she teased as she approached, pulling out the empty seat beside Abby and sitting down. “You all look beautiful tonight.” Sandy approached, then, setting an iced water in front of Kerry and taking her seat beside her, sipping her martini on her way down so as to not spill it.
“Elizabeth, do you know Sandy Lopez?” Kerry gestured between the two women, surprised when she could not remember a time over the last three years when the two might have crossed paths.
“Only by name,” Elizabeth held her hand out. “Elizabeth Corday; surgeon, but I tend to crash the ER banquets.”
“Sandy Lopez, firefighter,” Sandy noted with a smirk that Elizabeth’s handshake was more firm than Chuck’s had been. She liked the woman already.
“Well, my late-husband was an attending in the ER for nearly a decade, how did you manage to crash this party?” Elizabeth prodded, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it out loud. She leaned forward and took a sip from her glass of wine - she had obviously had a head start in the alcohol department, her words slurring just slightly.
“I know the right people,” Sandy’s eyes flashed to Kerry whose lips turned up into a slight smile, a blush creeping into her cheeks.
“If you happened to catch Romano’s press conference with the Alderman a few weeks ago… perhaps you could say that this is my husband .” Kerry’s lame attempt at a joke made Sandy choke on the sip of her martini she had just taken, coughing into the crook of her elbow as the other women at the table watched on wide-eyed.
“Ah, I was wondering who the lucky woman was.” Elizabeth said, the sarcasm in her voice so barely evident that only Susan truly picked up on it. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Weaver.”
The table erupted into laughter as Elizabeth rose out of her chair, excusing herself as she saw Haleh in the distance and wanted to go say hello. She took a few steps before stopping abruptly and turning back, leaning against the back of the chair she had just vacated. “Oh! I wanted to ask, did you get the results of your amnio back yet?”
Sandy looked to Kerry, wondering how she was going to handle such a personal question asked so publicly and casually.
“Uh - yes, we did. Everything looks fine.” Kerry’s face broke into a wide smile. “Thank you for asking.”
“Wonderful!” Elizabeth replied genuinely, leaving them with a small wave and continuing toward Haleh.
“I was surprised when Luka told me you RSVP’d, Kerry,” said Susan, taking another sip of her wine as she watched the blush begin the fade from Kerry’s face.
“It was my fault,” Sandy spoke up before Kerry could reply. “I reminded her that the opportunities to party will go down significantly in just a few months.” Kerry could swear that Sandy’s smile lit the table brighter than the candles in the centerpiece.
“That’s true!” Susan raised her glass in a mock toast. “You’ve got what, three months to go? You must be getting really excited.”
“Excited but unprepared - we still haven’t finished putting together the nursery,” Sandy continued. “I think we were both so nervous, you know… that something could still happen.”
“But we’re nearing the safety zone,” Kerry added, sitting up and doing her best to mask the grimace that accompanied the movement, the hard dining chairs doing her hip absolutely no favors.
“God, I can’t wait to have a baby around again.” Susan picked at the appetizers on the small plate in front of her. “I love the baby years, particularly when it’s someone else’s baby and you can give them back. I’ve always been so bummed that I missed so much of Ella when she was tiny.”
Sandy smiled at Kerry, relishing in the friendly, personal conversation between her partner and her coworkers, but noticed Kerry’s jaw clenched and her hand kneading furiously at her left hip under the table.
“With the amount of time Kerry spends at the hospital, I’m sure you will have plenty of baby time. We might as well make her an ID already,” Sandy joked, taking another sip of her martini, trying to make up for Kerry’s silence.
“So you do know it’s a girl.” Abby finally spoke, engaging in the conversation for the first time since sitting down. “I wasn’t sure, and I didn’t want to say anything if not.”
The silence that fell over the table told Abby that she had just made a big mistake and her cheeks immediately flushed. Sandy’s eyes widened and she looked to Kerry who looked equally stunned.
“Oh my god.” Abby could have gotten sick right on the table, absolutely horrified at accidentally revealing the gender of their baby. She hid her face in her hands, not noticing how much pleasure Susan was getting out of the whole situation.
“How-how do you know?” Kerry asked, the pain in her hip gone for the time being, all of her focus being pulled to the panicked nurse sitting an empty seat away from her.
“The amnio, on the monitor,” Abby’s voice was muffled by her hands, her head still down, practically on the table. “I thought you knew, oh my god.”
“A girl.” Sandy leaned over to Kerry but stopped herself before kissing her, unsure of exactly the amount of PDA Kerry would be comfortable with surrounded by colleagues. But Kerry turned to Sandy, her eyes glossy with happy tears, and grabbed her face in her hands, pulling her toward her and kissing her deeply, passionately, and without a care of who was there to witness it.
“A girl.” Kerry whispered as they parted, her hand lingering on Sandy’s cheek for a few extra moments before they pulled away from each other, Kerry looking sheepishly at the small crowd that had formed behind Susan. Luka, Lydia, Randi, and Jerry all stood with different variations of shocked looks on their faces. Abby’s face had yet to recover and she took a greedy sip of her drink.
“What’s going on?” Luka asked with a laugh, observing the chaos of what he thought would be one of the more tame tables at the banquet.
“Well,” Susan started, rising out of her chair. “Abby just told Kerry and Sandy the gender of their baby without realizing they didn’t know, and now I’m going to go take Abby to get another drink.” Susan grabbed Abby by the arm and began to pull her away with a laugh.
“I am so sorry Kerry, Sandy, I really thought-” Abby began before Kerry could stop her.
“It’s fine, I promise. We’ve been saying ‘she’ for months now, it’s nice to know we were right.” The audience of coworkers was not sure they’d ever seen Kerry look so happy as she turned again and gave the somewhat speechless Sandy another kiss. Susan managed to drag Abby away - though the fact that they were going to the bar was not lost on Kerry, even in the commotion of the unexpected news - and Randi’s eyes widened as she stepped away, having thoroughly enjoyed what she’d seen and needing to tell everyone about it promptly . Jerry and Lydia continued in the direction they had been going in when they’d been sidetracked by Kerry and Sandy’s PDA and Luka rounded the table to give Kerry and Sandy congratulatory hugs and kisses on the cheek.
“You really did a great job organizing this, Luka.” Kerry said as he straightened up again after their hug; she hadn’t even been able to meet him halfway, the momentary respite from her pain having certainly passed.
“Last year was good practice,” he chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. “Be glad you weren’t here for that one.” Kerry had heard mumblings about the banquet the year before, something about an unstocked bar and a broken thermostat. “I’m glad you decided to come tonight, though, both of you.” He placed a hand on Sandy’s shoulder who looked up appreciatively. “If you’ll excuse me.” He smiled apologetically as an obviously perturbed Romano waved him down from across the room, and both women were grateful Luka had decided to go to him instead of the other way around. If they could get through the night without an interaction with the Chief of the ER, then they would really know luck was on their side.
Kerry grabbed Sandy’s hand, squeezing it on the table as she laughed, watching Jerry and Randi begin dancing in the middle of the room, prompting others to partner off and join them. Kerry looked at Sandy whose eyes were trained on all the giddy couples.
“You want to dance.” Kerry pointed out, a tinge of sadness in her voice.
“Nah…” Sandy shook her head, looking at her partner. “I’m good just sitting here with my wife. And my daughter.” Sandy pulled her right hand from Kerry’s and set it on Kerry’s stomach for a brief moment. Kerry’s hand found Sandy’s and she rested it on top - the baby hadn’t moved much since they arrived at the banquet but Kerry couldn’t help but think it would be a Hallmark moment if she were to move, to kick, to say hello somehow to her mothers as they so patiently waited for her. If only real life were like the movies. Kerry’s eyes found Sandy’s again, who leaned in for another kiss, their hands still on her stomach. Sometimes, life is like the movies … Kerry thought, and the baby gave one solid kick felt without fail by both of her mothers.
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quickspinner · 4 years
Second Chance - Ch 5 Cold Feet
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6  | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Luka played the chord progression again and sighed. Nothing was working. He put the guitar aside gently, resisting the urge to toss it across the room. He walked out of his studio and threw himself down on his living room couch, glowering at nothing. He checked the time. He had another hour and a half to himself before he had to head back to the studio, but he was making so little progress, maybe he should just go on in.
He missed Marinette, Luka admitted to himself miserably. It was like having her here was a week-long high that he was coming down from. He’d  been  down since her things had vanished from his home. Everything was exactly the way it had been. Plain. Boring. Why hadn’t he ever put any effort into decorating this place? Granted, he hadn’t had much in the way of stuff to bring with him when he moved in, and most of that went in the bedroom. Then he’d been touring, and it wasn’t like he ever had visitors. He lived in his bedroom and on his balcony, he worked in his home studio and at the dining room table.   
He thought fondly of the cluttered chaos of the Liberty. It had only gotten worse since he and Juleka moved out. Without her children coming and going and bringing friends in and out, necessitating a minimum level of order simply so people could get around, Anarka was free to live her precepts to the fullest, and she did. His apartment décor might be minimalist even by normal standards but it was positively barren according to Anarka’s. Juleka’s place was a little better, but Juleka had more interests outside of music. Luka was pretty sure her collection of hair accessories alone would take up more boxes than everything he owned. And Juleka lived with Rose, so there were plants and flowers and unexplainable frilly things everywhere. Rose had given him some plants when they’d all moved in, but...well. Luka was frequently too distracted to remember to feed himself, let alone take care of plants.
He suddenly remembered Marinette’s soft sympathy as she told him, You’ve been lonely.  He’d answered, I guess I have.  
Luka looked at his phone, considering. Anarka was somewhere on the Mediterranean out of touch by anything except satellite phone at the moment, and wouldn’t be back in Paris for another month. His old friends had lives of their own that didn’t include sleeping until noon and eating lunch at dinner time. He scrolled idly down his contacts and paused. Ivan worked construction and his hours were sometimes weird. He was a manager now, too, maybe he would have a few minutes to spare. If Ivan even cared to speak with him. Luka hadn’t exactly been in touch. 
Luka took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and his thumb moved and he raised the phone to his ear. 
“Hey, Ivan, it’s Luka,” he said with a smile. “No, nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to catch up a bit. Got a few minutes for an old friend?”
Really all he had to do was get Ivan rolling, and let him go on about Mylène and all the things they were doing to get ready for the baby. Luka could hear Ivan’s fear buzzing under his words. 
“It’s scary, yeah?” Luka observed once there was a break in Ivan’s words. “It’s scary like all change is scary, and there’s no take backs on this one.”
“I—yeah, it really is,” Ivan admitted. “We both really wanted this and now I’m scared shitless.” 
“Anyone would be,” Luka agreed. “But you’ve got Mylène. She’s probably scared too. You can be scared together, and you can get brave together.”
“She doesn’t act scared,” Ivan said begrudgingly. “She’s all plans and excitement and—“
“And keeping busy so you don’t figure out how terrified she is?” Luka chuckled.
There was a pause on the other end of the line. “You think so?”
“I don’t know,” Luka admitted. “I mean, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you guys and maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I know that she’s facing all the same things you are, plus all the craziness of actually carrying a child in her body. If she’s not completely terrified, I’ll eat my guitar.”   
“Yeah,” Ivan said slowly. “Yeah, I...shit, I’ve been so wrapped up in my own head that I never even questioned it.” He paused. “I gotta talk to her.”
“Probably should. But Ivan, you and Mylène have so much love. I’m not worried about you. You love her and you love the baby and I truly believe you’ll be okay. You can’t play the whole song the first time you pick up an instrument, right? You’ve gotta break it down. You don’t have to be perfect on day one. You’ll learn as you go.” He chuckled. “I mean, if my mom could do it, you guys should be gold.”
“Thanks, man. It sure is good to talk to you.”
Luka smiled, touched. “I’m sorry I’ve been so out of touch. I’ll try to do better.”
“No sweat, man, you’re living your dream. Speaking of which,” and Luka raised his eyebrows because he’d never heard Ivan sound  sly  before, “I hear you’ve been spending a lot of time with Marinette.”  
“As much as either of us can spare,” Luka chuckled. “Which is not nearly as much as I’d like, honestly. She’s…” He paused. “She’s grown up a lot since I saw her last. We’re trying to take things slow and just...see what happens.”
“Luka,” Ivan said flatly. “I know you love her. You’ve been in love with her since we were kids. What the hell are you waiting for?”
Luka sighed heavily. “I don’t know, I...it just seems kind of crazy, doesn’t it? That she would just somehow show up out of the blue and suddenly I can have everything I ever wanted. It just...it sounds too good to be true. I keep looking for the catch. And that’s—it makes me feel like I’m not being fair to her, too.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know, this shit is just...complicated.”
“Marinette makes things complicated, it’s like her superpower or something,” Ivan snorted. “But I never thought you would be the one to get things all tangled up. Just let it flow and be happy, man.”  
Luka sighed. “I want to, I just…after last time...I mean I told her that I don’t hold it against her, and that was absolutely true, but it just...makes it difficult. Moment to moment, I’m so happy, I just—” He rubbed his hand over his face. “Damnit, I  just  got Juleka to lay off the gloom and doom, and now I’m doing it.”  
Ivan was silent for a moment, and then he said, “Maybe I should be the one asking you what you’re afraid of.”
Luka lifted his eyes and stared at his empty living room.  This, he thought.  I’m afraid loving her and thinking she loves me back will change things so much that I’ll never be satisfied again when she leaves.  “I’m afraid she doesn’t mean it,” he said quietly. “That whatever epiphany she had while she was away, whatever it was about seventeen-year-old me that she was missing won’t be enough for her to stay once she’s gotten closure on the what if.”   
There was a shuffle on the other end of the line. “I mean, I guess that’s fair,” Ivan conceded. “So maybe it’s smart to keep things slow. At the same time, you know Marinette overthinks everything, and she cares about everybody. I don’t think she’d have approached you if she wasn’t pretty sure this was what she wanted. I mean, she has to know how badly it would hurt you if she couldn’t stick it out so...she must be pretty sure.”
“I hope you’re right,” Luka sighed. “Most days I think so too. We’re...we’re really good together. It’s—” He blew out a breath and shook his head. “It’s just too damn perfect is what it is. I can’t possibly be this lucky.”
“Now that sounds familiar,” Ivan chuckled. “I seem to remember you saying the same thing at the party we had to celebrate you signing with the label. Ugh, listen, man, I gotta get back to work,” Ivan said apologetically. “But—thanks for reaching out. And for the advice. Mylène’s putting together a gender reveal party, we’d love it if you and the girls could come.” 
“Definitely,” Luka smiled. “Just text me the date as soon as you have it so I can make sure we stay free. Take care, Ivan. I’ll try to be in touch more often from now on.”
“You too, Luka. See you around.” 
Luka lowered the phone and sighed, but he was smiling. He still didn’t know what to do about the song, but at least he felt less alone. He tapped his phone on his knee and stood up.
“All right, Couffaine,” he muttered. “Back to basics.” He went back into the studio, queued up a beat on his sound system, turned up his amp, and picked up his guitar. Forget trying to write, it was time to have some fun. He moved his body to the beat for a moment, and then started to riff.
When he finished at the recording studio that evening, he had a text from Juleka.  Marinette’s hanging out with us until you’re free, just come over when you get home.  
The sound of laughter greeted him when he walked into Juleka’s apartment and he had to smile. He found all three girls sitting around their dining room table. Juleka was laughing a full-body laugh that usually meant she was laughing at him. “And yeah, she was drunk,” Juleka choked out between giggles. “But the girl was hot, I mean sex on legs. So she’s rubbing all over him and she got like, no reaction, he’s just looking at her and his face was bright red but with this bored expression, and so she says, ‘What, are you gay?’ and he said—he said—” Her face was turning red, she was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe, let alone finish the story.
“Whaaaaat?” Marinette whined, and Juleka just shook her head, laughing so hard she was silent. Rose was also laughing too hard to finish the story.
“I said, ‘Maybe I’m just not turned on by a complete and total lack of respect for personal boundaries.’” Luka supplied, leaning against the wall. “That got her to rear back enough for security to get a hold on her and they dragged her drunk ass off me and threw her out. Do I need to get you some oxygen, Jules?”
Marinette burst out laughing, and Juleka put her face on the table, still shaking with laughter. Rose, pink-cheeked and giggling, rubbed her back and encouraged her to breathe before she passed out. 
Luka watched the three of them laugh with a smile on his face and a stinging sensation behind his eyes. I want this. I want to be able to have this forever. “I’m glad you guys think it’s funny,” he grumbled, trying to look put upon. “She smelled like a frat party.” He shuddered.
Marinette giggled.
Luka smiled and held out his hand. “Had enough of these two lunatics yet?” Marinette smiled and took his hand, and let him pull her up out of her seat.
Juleka raised her hand and waved, her head still down on the table, though she was finally breathing and not laughing. Rose did the same, still rubbing Juleka’s back. “Have a good night, you two!”
“I’m glad you came,” Luka said as they crossed the hall. “I know you’re probably tired.”
“I am, and I probably shouldn’t stay too late,” she said, as he opened the door, “but I wanted to see you. How’s the music going?”
He shot a soft smile back at her as he hung his keys back on the rack. “Pretty terrible, actually. I really wanted to see you too. You want to watch something? Or I could put some music on.”
“Music sounds good. Unless you want to play?”
“I do not want to play,” he snorted. “The guitar is in time out after all the frustration today. Which is probably good, honestly, I was playing myself sore and getting nowhere.”
Marinette frowned as she watched him go to his sound system and start up a playlist. “Why so much trouble?”
“I don’t know,” he lied, and then sighed, collapsing on the couch. Marinette slid into his lap and he put his arms around her waist. “I mean...I sort of know,” he admitted. “I get these surges where everything really flows and then there’s always sort of a slump afterwards, so that might be it. Except this...doesn’t feel exactly the same.” He sighed and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I’m trying really hard here not to admit that I missed you so much I was too depressed to write music, but there it is, I’m just that pathetic.”
Marinette giggled. “You’re not pathetic. I think it’s sweet.” 
“I don’t even know how to say it without sounding weird,” Luka sighed. “But it’s just...I don’t know, you just put out this creative energy and it’s easy to get caught up in.” 
"Mm.” Marinette looked slightly surprised and mildly amused, but not put off, and he relaxed a little. “Do you know why I came over tonight?” Marinette asked him, with a tenderness in her voice that he wasn’t prepared for, “Even though I really ought to be either working or sleeping?” Luka blinked at her. “You’re so steady and calm. It’s...I don’t know, grounding? I needed that today. I really needed it.” She shifted to put her head down on his shoulder. “I’ve always been surrounded by crazy energetic people. Nino can be chill, but he can also lose his chill spectacularly. The only people who’ve ever really given me this peaceful feeling are my mother, and you. I didn’t realize how badly I needed it until I was away from you both.” She sighed, but he could hear the smile in it, even if he couldn’t see it at the moment. “So if you’re pathetic, I guess so am I.”
“You think, when your presentation is over...maybe you could help me redecorate?”
Marinette lifted her head, looked around at the room, white-walled, with the same white blinds and off-white curtains that had been here since he bought the place. “ Re decorate?” she said drily. 
He chuckled and squeezed her lightly. “Yeah, I never had the time or the taste to do much. It was fine before but...I think it could use a little color now.” He chuckled. “Maybe some of your energy will stay.”
“We can do that,” Marinette said, turning to look at him. “It’ll be fun. Now if only I could think of a way to carry your steadiness with me.” 
Luka grinned, and dug in his pocket, coming up with a smooth, flat, translucent blue stone. “Sea glass. I found it on a beach we were visiting, oh, I don’t even remember how many years ago. Bigger than what you usually find and kind of a rare color, so I kept it. I’ve carried it with me for years. I like the symbolism, I guess. Seaglass starts out as plain old broken glass, and it takes decades to wear the rough edges away and make it like this. This little rock has been going with the flow probably for longer than we’ve been alive.” He took Marinette’s hand and closed her fingers over the stone. 
“Luka, you don’t have to—“
“I want to,” he told her, dipping his head slightly to meet her eyes. “Whatever else happens, Marinette, I always want to be here for you when you need a calm place.” He cupped her cheek in his palm and kissed her softly. 
Marinette smiled. “Thank you, Luka.” She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. This time his sigh was shaky. 
Marinette tilted her head slightly. “What’s up, Luka? You seem...I don’t know, kind of emotional tonight.” 
“Yeah,” he said roughly, and cleared his throat. “Sorry.” 
“You don’t have to be sorry. Just tell me how I can help.”
“You are helping. Can you just...hold me for a while?”
Marinette moved away to tuck the sea glass stone in her purse, and then shifted their position so that his head was on her shoulder, and her were arms wrapped around him. One hand continued to slip through his hair. “You shouldn’t be so lonely, Luka. I know how much you love your family, but you need friends, too.”
“I’m figuring that out, I guess. I called Ivan today.”
“That’s good.” 
“Yeah,” he said, nuzzling into her neck. “It was good. I need to try harder. I need to be a better friend.”
Marinette pressed her lips into his forehead. “You just need a little balance in your life. I know getting started was hard, I know it took a lot of work to get to this point. But you’re successful, now. You don’t have to be working constantly. You can find a balance. You're good at that.” 
“Yeah?” Luka smiled against her skin. “What about you?”
“I’m still in the hard part,” Marinette sighed ruefully. “I still have a lot of work to do.” She nudged his temple with her nose. “But—and I don’t mean this to sound mean, Luka—I’ve managed to do it without isolating myself. I kept my old friends and I made new ones. And I know you feel awkward with new people, but you’re so kind and so warm and you have such a big heart. There’s no reason for you to feel so alone.” She hesitated. “And...I know from experience that I can’t be the only support in your life. I can’t stand being smothered.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“I know.” Marinette’s fingers moved down to stroke the short hair at the nape of his neck, and his eyes closed in pleasure. “I heard from Juleka how careful you are not to lean on her too hard. But burying yourself in work isn’t the right answer either.” 
“I get it,” Luka said softly. “You’re right. I didn’t realize how alone I felt until you were here. I’ll start reaching out more, I promise.” He cuddled closer to her and changed the subject. “Are you ready for the movie premier Thursday?” 
People were getting tired of the XY scandal and the reporters he’d been dreading were bound to start showing up sooner rather than later.  Luka had an invitation to a movie premiere Thursday night, and it seemed like as good a time as any to go out and officially be seen with Marinette. After some discussion amongst the three of them, Lucille had put together a press release and Luka had sent it to his friend at the entertainment magazine, requesting that he hold onto it until Wednesday and promising him an interview in exchange. At least this way they could control when and how the news got out, and it meant they would be public before Marinette’s presentation to the internship committee. Marinette would just as soon have kept it under wraps until afterwards, but Luka and Lucille were both convinced their secret would get out on its own before then.
Marinette sighed. “I suppose.” She paused. “There was kind of something I wanted to talk to you about for that.”
“I don’t want it to sound weird.”
Luka huffed a chuckle. “Then don’t make it weird. Just say it, Marinette.”
“Okay.” Marinette took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I want you to know I’m not going to wear my designs when we go out together.”
Luka blinked. “Okay.”
“Listen, I know that you know that I’m not after you for your fame,” she said earnestly. “You know that and I know that and Juleka and Rose know that, and whatever anybody else thinks isn’t important.”
“I’m with you so far.”
“But people are going to say it. Especially because of Adrien. They’re going to say I used him to get that internship and that I’m using you now to promote my business.”
“They probably will,” he agreed quietly. “But like you said, we all know it’s not true.”
“It isn’t, but it is,” Marinette shot back. “It’s not the reason why I want to be with you, but it is a side effect. People will pay attention to us when we’re out together.”
“They will. I don’t mind, Marinette. Your designs deserve all the attention they can get.”
“Well, I know it’s probably practical to think that way,” Marinette sighed, “but I just can’t. I don’t want those rumors to be even a little bit true. So, here’s what I’ve been thinking.”
“I’m listening.”
“I made a lot of friends while I was away, a lot of talented young designers who are amazing but who may not get a chance at exposure like this for years. I did a lot of trades. I’d rather wear something from one of them.”
“If that makes you happy, Marinette, I certainly don’t mind.”
Marinette chewed her lip. “You don’t think I’m being ridiculous?”
Luka shrugged, his face still against her neck, breathing in her perfume. “I don’t, but who cares if you are? It’s your body, your business, and your peace of mind. I’ll support any decision you want to make about those things.” 
Marinette sighed, laying her head on his. “You’re so sweet, Luka.”
“I may not have been a great student but I did pass being a decent human being with flying colors.” 
“I missed you so much today,” she murmured unexpectedly, sending a lightning thrill along his nerves. Her nails dragged lightly around his scalp and he muffled his moan in her neck. 
“I missed you too.” He turned his face slightly and dragged his tongue lightly along her pulse, enjoying the way she gasped. 
“I thought you just wanted to cuddle,” she teased, fingers sliding up and down his arms. 
“I did. We did.” He nosed up her neck to press a kiss just under her jaw, and lowered his voice to something deep and warm. “I like cuddling.” Luka trailed soft, slow kisses along her jaw to her chin. “I like that we can talk about things together.” She moved to meet him as he kissed her mouth, softly and then deeper. “I like it when you hold me.” He kissed her again. “I like it when you touch my hair.” Luka rubbed his nose lightly along hers.“I just...like being close.” He kissed her again, trailing the fingers of his left hand along her cheek and down her neck, and Marinette arched into his touch. Her eyelids fluttered and then her blue eyes focused on him with all the warmth and want he could have wished for. “And I like when you look at me like that,” he whispered as her arms wound around his neck. Luka pressed close, sliding his hands up her back and wrapping her as tightly to him as he could. “Can I really have this?” he mumbled into her shoulder. “Are you really going to stay?” 
“What was that?” she asked breathlessly. He raised his head and kissed her long and slow.
“Nothing, baby. Just...tell me you missed me again.”
He kept her much later than either of them intended, lost in soft touches and deep kisses and a burning want that was growing harder to deny. It was tempting to ask her to stay, but her clear exhaustion and his unsettled mood kept the question behind his teeth. 
Luka went to bed alone. 
With the movie premiere date/announcement all planned out, and they were probably on their last few days of privacy now, and Luka hated that they couldn’t spend more of those days together. He had meetings with his record label all day, which always left him a little annoyed. Luka knew he ought to be grateful for their focus on the bottom line, because it kept him bringing in a paycheck, the kind of paycheck he could barely conceive of when he first started in this business, but their general lack of artistic vision and integrity always grated on him. He glanced at the time and wondered if she’d be finished soon. She’d been working a lot of late nights as the deadline loomed ever closer, and he knew she was annoyed to be losing time for the movie premiere at all.
He should leave her alone, she was busy. She was working, like he was supposed to be working. It would be really, really lame to bother her just because he missed her. 
Luka squeezed his phone in his hand.
She probably wouldn’t even answer. 
He called anyway, sighing at his own neediness. 
She picked up almost immediately. “Hey, Luka, what’s up?” 
“Hey,” he grinned broadly. “Just had a few minutes and wanted to check in. Are you busy?”
“Swamped,” she sighed, and his heart sank. He could hear people and machines in the background and concluded she must be on the production floor. “There’s so many things to do and we’re starting to run short on time. Honestly, we might be here all night.” 
“Have you eaten?” he asked, and sighed at the guilty pause. “Come on, Marinette, you know what’s going to happen if you don’t eat and hydrate. You’ll lose a lot of time if you pass out or break down.” 
“I know, I know, I just—I didn’t plan for anything and I don’t have time—”
“How about if I bring you dinner?” Luka asked, perking up at the idea. “I’ve got some time before I have to get back to the studio and I’m not getting anything done here. I could bring in dinner for your whole team if you want.”
“Luka, that’s too much, you shouldn’t—I mean—well, I guess I could ask, but you have your own things to do and—”
“Marinette, I’ll buy dinner for the whole damn building if it means I get to see you for a few minutes,” he said without thinking, and then coughed, embarrassed. “Seriously, it’s no big deal. You want to send me an email with what you want? Or you can just tell me how many people you’ve got there and I’ll call Lu, I’m sure she knows somewhere that would work.”
“I hate to bother Lucille over something like this,” Marinette fretted.
“She gets paid to put up with me bugging her for stupid things, and I don’t do it often, it’ll be fine,” Luka promised. “Just tell me how many people and if there’s any restrictions and I’ll pick it up and bring it over myself. I’d love to see you work, if that’s allowed.”
“Mmmm, sort of? Normally you wouldn’t be allowed, but since this room is only working on my stuff and it’ll be after hours anyway, I can probably get you in. Let me know when you’ll be here and I’ll talk to security.”
“I’ll text you,” he promised, and hung up, grinning.  
There she was. Like lightning on the water, a charge he felt tingling on his skin even from this distance, beautiful and dangerous and thrilling.
Luka made a mental note to write that down later.
The person she was speaking to spotted him and said something, and Marinette turned and lit up with a smile. She waved at him and signaled “one minute.” He raised one hand in acknowledgement and thanked the departing security guard who had escorted him in. Luka set the takeout bags carefully down on the floor at his feet, stuck his hands in his pockets, and waited, humming the bridge he’d been working on to himself.
Everyone in the room had clearly taken advantage of the fact that they were here after hours. Shoes, jackets, and ties were discarded, collars were loosened. Marinette herself was gorgeously disheveled, padding towards him her stockings with her blouse untucked from her skirt and her hair piled haphazardly on top of her head and tied with what looked like a piece of scrap fabric. 
“Holy shit that’s Luka Couffaine,” a voice hissed to his left, and Luka glanced that way.   
“Oh God, he heard me,” one of the young men breathed. The wall behind the young man’s worktable was adorned with a large poster of Luka in full stage gear and makeup, which is to say, looking nothing like he currently did except for the tattoos on his bare arms and the blue tips of his hair. It took a pretty devoted fan to recognize him out of costume. Luka smiled to himself and turned back to Marinette. 
His smile widened into a grin as she walked up to him. “Hey heartbreaker,” he greeted. “Hungry?”
Her eyes travelled deliberately over him and heat crept up his neck. “Definitely.”
“Jaques,” the young man hissed, “Jaques, Luka freaking Couffaine is blushing at my boss and I can’t deal.”  
Luka heard the sound of someone being smacked upside the head and bit his lip to keep the laughter in. “Interesting folks you have working here,” he said to Marinette as she rolled her eyes. “Think you could introduce me to my fan over there, or will he have a heart attack if I talk to him?”
“He might,” Marinette giggled, waving a couple of people over to take the food from him. “But he’ll be too excited to stay dead for long.” 
“You could have warned him.”
She shrugged. “This is so much more entertaining. And to be honest, I kinda forgot.” Marinette made a face at him and he chuckled. 
“I feel so appreciated,” he teased. 
“I bet Francis would appreciate you,” she teased back. 
“C’mon, introduce me before this gets weird,” he laughed, putting his arm around her shoulders.
“Oh my God,” Francis gasped as they came his way.
“Luka, this is Francis,” Marinette said cheerfully. “He’s a big fan of your work.” 
“Hey, Francis,” Luka gave his most friendly smile and offered his hand. “I’m Luka.” Francis kept one hand over his mouth. The other shook as he grasped Luka’s. Luka squeezed his hand lightly, reassuring, and used his smoothest, mildest voice as he said, “Nice to meet you.”
“Your music saved my life,” Francis whispered, and Luka’s expression softened from mild amusement to genuine concern as he covered their joined hands with his free one.
“I’m glad it helped you,” Luka said warmly. “I hope you’re in a better place now.”
“Yes. Yes, I am, but I...I’m serious, I wouldn’t have made it through that time in my life without you.” Francis flinched. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to make it weird, it just—I never expected to meet you this way and why can’t I stop talking—”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Luka moved his hand to Francis’ shoulder. “I’m just a regular guy who likes to play music. Thank you for listening to it. I’m glad my music could touch you, and I’m thrilled that it could help. Thank you for telling me, that was really brave, and it honestly means a lot to me.” 
“You, um…” Francis’ eyes flicked over his shoulder to Marinette, who had retreated to deal with some issue or other. “You and Marinette, are you…like, together?”
“Yeah, but…” Luka put a finger to his lips and winked. “Let’s keep that to ourselves for just a little bit longer, okay? I’d really appreciate it if that stayed off social media for a few more days.” 
“Right, of course,” Francis said breathlessly, nodding a little too fast. “I got it.”
“Well, thanks for being a fan, Francis, and thanks for helping Marinette out. I know she appreciates your hard work, and I appreciate getting her back in one piece and mostly sane at the end of the day. Do me a favor and take care of her for me, okay?” Luka glanced at the poster behind Francis. “I can sign that, if you like.” 
Francis eyes went huge. “Oh my God yes please. Uh, pen, I need—”
“It’s good,” Luka chuckled, reaching in his back pocket for the sharpie he kept there. “I hate disappointing people so I try to be prepared.” He signed the poster, choosing not to hear the frantically whispered conversation behind him that he was pretty sure was about his ass. Thankfully, Marinette was there with a plate of food when he turned around.
“Are you eating with us, Luka?” she asked. 
“I was hoping to,” he smiled at her. “But I don’t want to interrupt your work, I know you’re busy. I can go if I’ll be a distraction.” 
“You can stay for a while,” she smiled up at him. “Unless Francis sews his finger to the garment or something.” 
Luka flinched. “Ew.”
“Sorry,” Marinette laughed at him. “Hazards of the trade. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Come on, I’ve got a work table over here that’s mostly clear, we can eat there.” He noticed the tension in her shoulders. 
“How are things going?” he asked.
“I have faith that we’ll get there,” Marinette said with less conviction than she probably intended. “It’s only my entire reputation and future career on the line after all.” Her hand came up to grasp a pendant on a black silk cord that hung around her neck. When she let go, he saw it was the blue sea glass stone he’d given her, wrapped artistically in silver wire. 
Luka had missed having the stone in his pocket since he’d given it to her, but looking at her now, wearing it and taking comfort from it, having turned it into something practical and beautiful, made giving it up totally worth it.
“You’ll make it,” Luka said with the confidence Marinette lacked. He caught the annoyed look she shot him as she fished out their food, and smiled. “I’m not patronizing,” he said, keeping his voice low. “You’ll make it. You might have to scale some things down, you might have to edit, but creativity and adaptability are your greatest strengths. Even if you do wind up having to change your original vision to make the deadline, you’ll come up with something fantastic. Maybe even better than what you planned.” He caught her hand and squeezed it before letting go. “There’s no shame in having to cut an idea and save it for later. I’ve done it, on songs that weren’t working or when I come up with a good line or riff that just doesn’t fit the melody. It’s a sign of maturity as an artist.”
“That’s true,” Marinette said thoughtfully as they began to eat. “I’m much better at editing than I used to be. That’s—“ she paused. “I’ll be right back,” she said, and suddenly she was across the room like a shot, flipping through a stapled printout and scribbling notes.”
Luka chuckled and continued eating. When Marinette returned he could see in her eyes that she wasn’t all there, so he stayed quiet other than quietly encouraging her to eat when her fork stopped moving.  When she pushed her half-empty plate aside and stood up, there was purpose in her movements.
“Huddle up real quick, team, I want to make some changes.”
Luka watched her give orders to her team with both curiosity and admiration. Marinette wasn’t much older than anyone else in the room, clearly much younger than a couple of them, but she spoke with confidence and conviction. He’d seen her make motivational speeches before and she’d always been good at them, but that was class president good. This was take-the-fashion-world by storm good. 
He had to take a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was stunning when she was in charge. He watched the faces around her go from worried to relieved to excited. 
After she dismissed the team back to their work, Marinette did slow circles around the room, checking in, offering encouragement or correction, carrying things from table to table. She was competent, she was in control, and even stressed out of her mind and on a deadline she was  kind  . She reminded people with still-full plates at their elbows to eat, she corrected mistakes gently. When people had questions, she was confident in her answers, even when it took her some time to come up with them. The place hummed with slightly manic energy and he could feel it seeping into him.  
I’m not going to get any sleep tonight, am I? he thought as his fingers began to lightly tap out a beat on the tabletop.  
“Marinette,” Luka called softly as she passed him, and she turned. “Scratch paper?” She smiled and brought him paper and a pen. He hummed softly to himself as he made some notes, pen in one hand and fork in the other. The fork was quickly forgotten; several times in her rounds of the room Marinette nudged him to remind him to eat. Vaguely Luka made a mental note to talk to Lucille about setting up more collaborations. He was really thriving on just being near the energy of other creators. His head began to bob as he closed his eyes to listen to the bass line forming in his mind.
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emptymasks · 4 years
Wither and Wilt
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Pairing: Rudolf von Österreich-Ungarn | Rudolf Crown Prince of Austria/Der Tod | Death
(as in Rudolf has a crush on Der Tod, it’s up to you whether Der Tod truly returns his affections, I wrote it that he does truly like Rudolf but you’re welcome to interpret it anyway you like)
Words: 2032
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Anxiety | Self-Esteem Issues | Self Confidence Issues | Fluff | Slow Romance | Pre-Slash | Pre-Relationship | Genderfluid Character | Pansexual Character | Bisexual Character | Bisexuality | Bi-Curiosity | Implied/Referenced Homophobia | Period-Typical Homophobia | a little mention of it | Flowers | Flower Crowns | Vignette | Drabble | m/m f/m and other tags because death is genderfluid
Read on Ao3 @ emptymasks. I can’t put the link or tumblr blocks the post.
Notes: Death is based on Uwe Kröger's Der Tod from the original 1992 production, with a little bit of inspiration also drawn from the Hungarian production's A Halal. You could probably picture anyone as Rudolf, I kept imagining Andreas Bieber and Lukas Perman's portrayals while writing it. Death is genderfluid in this because 1. I'm genderfluid and I see Uwe's death as genderfluid and that representation matters a lot to me , and 2. Uwe literally descried his Der Tod as fluid in gender and sexuality. So there's your canon genderfluid, pansexual Death.
So... you will most likely laugh when I say how i got the idea for this fic, that after having several WIP's for various Elisabeth fics, I ended up writing this because, right, I was playing Animal Crossing and of course I've made several of Uwe's and Máté's Der Tod costumes for me to wear in the game and while wearing my 'Uwe Tod Jacket' I put a white wildflower in my hair and literally had to leave the game so I could right this because the idea came straight away.
It was unusually sunny for April. Sunlight peaked in out of the tree branches of the gardens, casting speckles of stained glass windows onto the grass. The many flowers and shrubs only sought to pair with the weather and make the most pleasant day of the year so far.
It was the weather that had driven Rudolf outside. He loved the fresh air, loved feeling it on his skin, despite how his family would prefer him cooped up inside. (Though they always seemed to want him inside when he wanted to be outside, and outside when he wanted to be inside. Forever wanting for him whatever he wished for the least.) He'd forgone a jacket or coat, allowing the breeze to flutter against his white shirt that billowed out as he moved.
A glimpse of sunlight and a walk alone through the gardens was one of the few pleasures in life Rudolf had at the moment. One of the few things that was just his. He was fortunate that the spring air hadn't coaxed anyone else outside and he got to enjoy all of it to himself.
Although... there was one person who couldn't damper his walks, only increase the joy Rudolf found on them. And as if he'd been waiting for Rudolf to think of him, the wind turned bitterly too cold for a moment and a pair of footsteps were at his side.
They didn't speak for a while. They didn't need to. Rudolf found comfort in his old friend simply being by his side, he needn't do anything. They walked in tandem until they came to a small clearly populated by wildflowers and Rudolf could feel the wind high on his cheeks.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" His voice was quiet, as if afraid it was a stupid thing to say.
"Quite," Death's reply was soft and it called to Rudolf like a siren and he turned his head to find Death wasn't staring at the clearly, he was simply starting at Rudolf.
Rudolf felt his mouth part and cheeks flush and he didn't know how to prolong the moment and he definitely didn't want to say anything that would cause Death to leave. He walked a few paces more.
"Would you like to sit with me for a while? It doesn't have to be long, I know you're always busy, and you shouldn't feel like you have to spend any time with me and..." Rudolf trailed off as Death sat down at his feet.
"I assure you, Rudolf, I wouldn't be wasting my time by spending it with anyone I like."
"Oh..." He winced at how stupid he sounded. "Alright then."
He sat down opposite Death, not close enough to touch, afraid of what would happen if they did but also longing to know. Death turned his head and looked out across the gardens and Rudolf took the chance to stare.
Out of all the times Death had come to him, only a couple of them had been outside of his bedroom. (Not that that had any implications, he pleaded at his heart). The few times they'd been outdoors had been at night or in the evening, the light low and dark, Death rivalling the moon with his glow.
This was the first time he'd ever seen Death in the daylight.
Rudolf felt like he had to hold his breath as he gazed. The sun made Death's hair a more buttercup yellow, more colourful than he'd ever seen it, and only highlighted how pale his skin was even more. Where human's skin would darken a red colour, his seemed to be... blue. Rudolf thought about how impossible that was, but this was Death. For all he knew Death's blood was blue, if he even had blood at all. Light gleamed off his skin and it almost looked as if there were tiny, intricate crystals along his cheekbones, glistening and shimmering.
He didn't know what Death could be looking at, and realised Death very well might not be looking at anything at all. He may just be content to let Rudolf stare. And so Rudolf tore his gaze away and looked down. The more colourful flowers had given way to ones of pure white and Rudolf plucked one up with an idea. A stupid, childish idea that Rudolf found himself acting on.
“Here,” Rudolf reached up, the pale white flower trembling in his hand, and tucked it behind Death’s ear. “White looks nice on you.”
Death’s face cracked for a second, broke out of its usual cold and calm expression into one of quiet shock, and then the smallest smile at the corner of his mouth.
“Why, thank you, my little prince,” He spoke and Rudolf thought about how often Death’s voice sounded like it was only for him, as if everything Death said to him was their own little secret. A black gloved hand reached towards the bundle of white wildflowers in Rudolf’s hands. “Why don’t you match with me?”
Rudolf’s hands jerked back and Death’s face morphed back to looking cold. He tilted his head. Always so curious about humans and their funny little worries.
The cold gaze lingered on Rudolf, he could feel it baring down on him as he looked at his hands.
He hadn’t meant to react as quickly and sharply as that. Should he explain himself? He wished sometimes Death would just ask him things more often, but Death was so content to just sit and wait until Rudolf was ready to share and that just caused more anxiety to swirl around in Rudolf’s stomach. What if Death wasn’t really waiting until he was ready to speak? What if Death just didn’t want to know and if Rudolf opened his mouth he’d just be bothering another person, disappointing another person, words and ideas tumbling out of his lips before he can stop them, his passion seen as immaturity and naivety. What if Death was merely humouring him, and as soon as Rudolf spilled his heart all over porcelain skin and black velvet, he was met with jeers; His mother sat on her throne as Death coiled around from behind her and leaned into her ear, lips brushing against skin, heat and temptation and desire pouring out of his mouth as she looked down on him in scorn.
A sudden coldness brushed against his hand, then slowly pressed down and Rudolf fought the urge to shiver.
Death’s hand laid bare against his own.
He knew of course, that all that was ever under those gloves were hands, just ordinary hands (well ordinary looking hands), but he half had expected something monstrous. Perhaps gnarled or scared skin. Perhaps a blue glow that seemed to linger around Death just as he would enter or leave his visits. Perhaps claws.
Instead pristinely manicured nails decorated the soft, albeit cold, skin that rested against him. Death was a prideful being. He still had his head slightly tilted, eye’s deciphering a puzzle.
“This is about more than you not wanting to wear flowers in your hair…?” Death said it like he himself quiet sure he was asking a question.
“It’s…” Rudolf felt like he’d surfaced out of water and had the urge to take gasping breaths. “It’s not that I don’t want to… It’s… It’s not something a man does.”
“According to whom?” Rudolf forced himself to keep still, even as he thought he heard Death almost chuckle.
“Grandmother said-”
“Oh, your family and their silly, little ideas-”
“Grandmother said that men don’t wear flowers. Flowers and pretty things are for women and girls to wear and for men to admire.” Rudolf was surprised at how he continued to talk over Death. From anyone else he would have received a reprimand, but Death looked proud.
“…You’ve put one in my hair.”
“Yes, well, to be honest I’m never really quite sure if you’re a man.”
He didn’t mistake Death chuckling at that.
“I’m never quite sure of that myself, either. I find it tends to change with the wind," And Death got Rudolf to chuckle in return. "So, tell me,” He leaned forward and got that glint in his eyes as if he’d just spotted an opportunity to gain something, some new piece of information or emotion. “Is it wrong for me to be wearing it? Or are you seeing me as a pretty woman to be admired by your masculine gaze?”
Rudolf could feel his face heating up.
“Or perhaps, my dear prince, you don’t think it’s only women who should be admired?” Rudolf tried to pull his hands back, but Death had a firm grip on them. “It’s alright, it’s quite alright. I’m truly flattered. And, let me tell you this because I think you need to hear it, it’s perfectly normal. There’s nothing wrong with it. Your grandmother’s opinions on the other hand… Who is she to say what you can and cannot wear? My future emperor,” Death reached out with his gloveless hand and brushed his fingers over Rudolf’s cheek and he shivered. “Only you are in charge of what you do, how you choose to dress, and who you choose to be.”
He held Death's gaze for what felt like an eternity. Everything seemed to be waltzing around them as they themselves where held captive in their own dance, twirling as the world fell down around them.
Death seemed like he was waiting for something. Rudolf sat, frozen, and Death retracted his hand.
"I think you'd look rather fetching..." Death murmured as if talking to himself, but well aware that Rudolf could hear him. His fingers skated over the flowers standing proud from the ground, ghosting over them but never touching. The flowers almost seemed to bend out of his way, as if they knew who he was, what he could do.
Their eyes met with a challenge in Death's that said 'pick one'. Rudolf's hands moved blindly as he wrapped his fingers against what he hoped was a flower and tugged. He'd thought his hands had been shaking when he tucked one behind Death's ear, but it was nothing compared to how much they were quivering now.
"Will you...?" Rudolf held his hands forward and Death hesitated for a moment, fingers twitching. Was there a reason why he hadn't just picked one himself and placed it in Rudolf's hair? Rudolf knew what Death's kiss could do, and he'd wondered if the reason Death wore gloves was the same. But he'd just been touching Rudolf, and he was still alive.
Death's eyes flickered between the flower and Rudolf's eyes, before he leaned forwards. He picked the flower up carefully by its stem and slid his finger and thumb together, causing the flower to twirl around. He watched it with a curiosity Rudolf would have described as 'child-like' if it wasn't Death he was trying to describe.
He was almost mesmerised by the spinning of the flower that he almost didn't notice it at first. The flower was drooping ever so slightly. He thought perhaps Death's group was just squashing its stem, but it seemed to keep drooping and drooping. Death moved his hand and Rudolf followed with his eyes as the flower was drawn up to Death's face.
White petals brushed over cold lips.
The flower yielded.
It furled in on itself and faded, the top of the stem turning a pale, rusted brown. Death's hand moved and Rudolf was amazed that the petals didn't fall out. Perhaps somehow Death was keeping them in there? Rudolf expected cold brush against his ear, but none came. Death was still moving, picking and plucking more flowers, and as he wove them together they cried out and wilted. He closed up the chain and held it up, inspecting it, before shifting his gaze back to Rudolf.
Death raised himself up into his knees and placed the circle dead flowers on Rudolf's head.
"There," Death said. "A crown fit for an emperor. My emperor."
There was a sound like the ghost of a snapping branch and Death turned his head.
And then he was gone, and Rudolf was alone, frozen as the petals started to fall from his head.
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A handy guide to avoid accidental transphobia
For cis people in the Druck fandom who write fic, headcanons or meta and don’t wanna mess up 
Including questions like: Is David trans? Is he beautiful? Is he wearing a binder this whole damn time?? What’s his story?
hey everybody, I’ve debated making this post for a while now because I don’t want to seem ungrateful to the people who are already trying, and I know that there are other trans people in this fandom who are already doing a pretty good job educating people, but then again, why not share my thoughts as well. 
In this post, I’ll collect a few headcanons, meta, and other discussions that i’ve seen around here and that made me personally uncomfortable - now be aware that i’m only one trans person and that other people can have other opinions on this, but also i’ve done trans activism for a few years now and i’m a gender studies major, so I definitely know what i’m talking about. also, a fair warning: this is gonna get long as heck. okay, let’s go.
Is David trans? The truth is: We don’t know yet. We only know that the actor who plays him, Lukas Alexander, is a trans guy. Now I’ve seen various people speculate if that automatically has to mean that David is trans as well, and obviously, no. David could be cis for all we know, and yes, casting trans actors in cis roles can be a pretty cool thing. However, if you’re cis, it would be cool if you reblog trans people’s opinions on this instead of shouting loudly about your own opinion, especially if it is that David should be cis for whatever reason. Why is that problematic? Trans activists are currently fighting for representation in media. There aren’t many trans characters we can look up to, especially not such young characters in a show that has such a big impact on a generation of young people. Many trans teenagers have never seen themselves represented in media, and many trans adults like myself are still craving for that good, good representation. Most of the time when we get trans characters, they’re played by cis actors - and because it’s mostly cis men who play trans women and cis women who play trans men, it perpetuates the idea that trans people are just especially well dressed up men and women who trick people into believing they’re ‘the other sex’. (ugh) Even though that’s a different problem, it links to this one as well, because trans stories in media are rare, and it’s even rarer to have them portrayed by trans actors. Yes, it would be revolutionary and gender-redefining if trans actors could play cis characters (or just characters whose cis or trans status is never brought up in the first place), but that’s one step ahead of the game in my opinion and tbh, cis people saying that they want David to be cis for whatever reason is just... suspicious.
Is David beautiful? Well, I’m sure we can all agree that this boy is a sight for sore eyes, and i’m pretty proud of this fandom for weeding out the transphobic assholes who called him ugly at the beginning of the season. I’m sure by now they’ve all seen the error of their ways because HECK, in levels of attractiveness, David is a king. Though it might not be the best to call him ‘beautiful’, ‘pretty’ or other usually female-gendered words when you’re cis and describing him. Why is that problematic? Listen, there’s absolutely nothing inherently bad about calling boys pretty or beautiful or whatever - I personally am an absolute goner when it comes to soft boys™ and their aesthetics, and I also think that denying boys to be soft and pretty is misogyny in a way, because it’s implying that female-coded things are bad. However, there are many trans boys (and other trans and nonbinary folks who were assigned female at birth) who feel uncomfortable when these words are used for them because it can be linked to misgendering or remind them of times before they were out. Trans people are often highly aware of their body and looks, because the way we look is heavily observed, judged and policed by society, and most of the time, being seen the (gendered) way we identify is the only way we get respect and basic decency. We don’t know yet if David personally has a problem with being called beautiful or whatever, but we also don’t know how the actor who plays him feels about that, and there are a couple of trans boys in this fandom who’ve already expressed their discomfort with these words. So in order to protect them and make this fandom safe for them, it seems like a small price to pay to consider our choice of words more carefully when we describe David, and try to avoid female-coded words.
What about David’s chest? Now this one is tricky. I’ve seen discussions about it a lot: Does David wear a binder, did he wear it the whole time he was with Matteo, does he maybe not even bind, did he have a mastectomy? The underlying tone of these discussions is worry - we all want David to be safe and comfortable, and seriously, let me tell you once and for all: a binder shouldn’t be worn longer than 8 hours a day, it shouldn’t be worn when sleeping, and it shouldn’t be worn when doing sports (also relevant for our jock boy). It’s not safe and it can heavily damage the breast tissue, ribs, and lungs - it can be literally life-threatening. It’s perfectly fine to worry about this, but it still feels uncomfortable to watch cis people debate the state of a trans boy’s body in such detail. Why is that problematic? Trans people’s bodies have always been scrutinized and judged - by medicine, by the state, by society as a whole. We always have to prove ourselves and our bodies, and convince people that we’re not just tricking them into believing we’re someone we are not. A lot of ‘true womanhood’ or ‘true manhood’ apparently revolves around genitalia, at least cis people seem to think so. Which is why so many trans people (and let’s be real here, especially trans women) have to deal with the question: “Have you had the surgery yet?” - meaning, did they already undergo the one surgery among the various ones trans people might consider, that reshapes their genitalia in a way that is acceptable to society. Cis people often use these questions about our bodies and the way we change them to delegitimatize us and take away our status as a ‘real’ man or woman. Other than that, trans people’s bodies often get portrayed as something freakishly exotic by cis people; there’s a certain voyeurism about it, and it often gets sexualized - just look at the way trans women are treated in mainstream porn. Cis people examining our bodies, theorizing about what kind of operations we’ve had or haven’t had yet, and possibly sexualizing or belittling/dehumanizing us for it, that will always be very thin ice, because it comes with a lot of emotional baggage for trans people individually and as a community.
What’s David’s backstory? We’re all wondering that, especially since Druck is mixing up the whole Skam setting so much and we really don’t know what they have in store for us. Obviously I’m just as thirsty for theories as the rest of the fandom, but I’ve also read a few things that kinda irked me.  Here’s what to avoid: Referring to David as a girl or female in any way, speaking about him in the past with “she/her”-pronouns or coming up with a deadname for him. Oh lord please don’t. It’s nothing but misgendering and it’s so, so wrong. If you’re cis, also please reconsider posting headcanons for his backstory that contain heavy transphobia. Not only can that trigger trans people in the fandom (please use trigger warnings for that stuff, okay?), but there’s also a long history of cis people taking trans narratives away from us and making them only about suffering and pain. Sure, dysphoria sucks, the discrimination sucks, but me, a trans person, complaining about these things is WAY different from a cis person fantasizing about a really painful, possibly violent life for a trans character. Sure I want realism and I want a platform where we can discuss the truly awful experiences many of us have because we’re trans, but I wish that cis people would boost trans voices for that instead of coming up with their own fucked up fantasies about how badly a trans character might have been treated. If you’re writing fic or meta and you want to find an explanation why David changed schools so close to the end of the school year, you don’t have to dig deep into the trans pain to explain it. It’s not that uncommon for trans people to change schools, work places, etc. once they’ve transitioned far enough to feel comfortable - a new start makes the stuff like name changes, new gender presentation, etc. easier. And even if David’d move is related to transphobic experiences, I don’t really need to read detailed descriptions of it. You wouldn’t want to obsess over someone else’s trauma in vivid detail in front of them, so please be cautious when writing about something that’s seen as traumatic by many trans people.
Other useful pointers: There are trans people in this fandom who voice their opinions - seek them out, listen to them, boost their voices, don’t speak over them when they talk about trans experiences. Don’t focus too much on the fact that David is (or might be) trans. Like sure, include that in your writing, but make sure you know that it’s not the only and not the most interesting thing about him. In most regards, he’s just a boy, and he has a lot of character traits that tell us just as much about him, like the fact that he’s really closed-off, competitive af, artistic, a music lover and a complete emo dork, seems to have an active flight-or-fight response,... you see what i’m getting at. Let’s obsess about David on these terms, and I’m sure we’ll get a whole lot of new and interesting meta and fic about him that all of us can enjoy. 
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sir-klauz · 4 years
I can’t wait till I can go to the hairdressers because I’m dying my hair rainbow finally for the first time. I’ve considered it for a decade and it’s so expensive and awful for upkeep but it’s a hair style I’ve wanted for fucking forever and also Luka will LOVE it because he adores colours and I wear black all of the time these days but if my hair is rainbow I just, I just hope it brings more smiles to his face. His nurse visited and he’s apparently hit all milestones of not MORE than expected and I’m so exceptionally proud of him, and the times I feel down about if I’m a good parent are slightly reassured when this sort of thing is said and it makes me glad that we are doing well being first timers and not having family really for help in tips and tricks and whatnot that others could’ve had due to covid keeping us away from one another. He’s beginning to try to walk as well and he almost a whole year old! I can’t believe it. I truly can’t. Sometimes I just say, “I wonder what he’s going to be like” once he’s a little older and starts coming into who he will be as a person but I just hope that I can guide him with having good morals and being kind and as happy with living in this world as I possibly can, and give him things I didn’t have due to not having a father. Well, he’s got two so, twice as many as I did! 😂 I’ve been freaking out with my mind state and confusion about my gender and what he should call me but now my mind is clear again on that front I am reassured much better about being called dad for sure now, as that was leaving me in a horrible feeling position for almost a year now, and I didn’t want him to call me just by my name if that makes sense even if that works perfectly for some people. God, I’m so relieved I reached out and came out, and I’m in a state of communicating again as it comes in leaps and bounds and this isolation has caused me to go through so many things and deeply relive hard parts of my life but a lot more clearly as I haven’t had many people around me for a long time and it’s both been awful but helpful especially on the aspect of getting to know myself again after some deeply troubling years since I reached my teenage years. I’m glad I’m in a better mindset and understanding why I do the things I do, understanding even if it takes a while why I feel the things I feel because connecting to what is irking me takes a long time sometimes or figuring out why something is affecting me a certain way when it wouldn’t others, and coming to assert that it’s not my fault or bad but I can try and work with it and do something about it rather than flailing and no getting anywhere and it just getting worse. It doesn’t help that I’ve been on the wrong medication for such a long time due to worrying about bringing it up with professionals and just sucking it up and actually making efforts to work through so many different options is helping but there’s so many I have a bad reaction to in different ways it’s so long and complicated and takes a lot of energy. What I’m on now is probably the best I’ve had but is working terribly for my insomnia so I’ll have to figure out what’s next on that front. But yeah, but breaths, big plans, hopeful future, I’ve gotten through a lot and I can keep going on despite my brain being the way it is and I will try my hardest.
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noirewrites · 4 years
Nine Lives
“You and me against the world?” “Forever and always, mon coeur.”
Fandom: Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death, Mentions of Suicide
Categories: F/M
Pairing: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain Cheng
Dark clouds loomed overhead, the sharp flashes of thunder and the melodious pitter- patter of the rain surrounding them, as bluebell met emerald green, and something new, something miraculous blossomed in the air....
 A sharp knock broke the boy’s train of thoughts. He quickly composed himself and put on his best smile. Years of modelling sure had their benefits.
“Adrien. Breakfast is ready downstairs.” Natalie said in her usual monotone, her eyes fixed on her tablet. “I will be joining in a minute. Just need to get some stuff together. And uhh…” “Your schedule for today has been cleared. Uh. Are you sure you are fine, Adrien?“ “Natalie, I won’t repeat myself time and again. I am fine.” The boy pinched his nose, sighing in exasperation as he left the room.
 The old father-son picture in the hallway was now replaced by the happy family portrait of three. But, the blonde couldn’t find it in himself to smile. The portrait lacked something, or rather, a special someone.
A pair of slender yet strong hands hugged him from behind. “Morning Mom.” The boy returned with a small smile. “How are you feeling, honey?” “Better. I guess.” His eyes flitted back to the portrait, as he subconsciously fiddled with his right ring finger, where some long time ago, a metal band had existed.
Emilie wrapped a comforting arm around her son, knowing all but saying nothing. Not that she had the courage to say anything in the first place. They both stayed like that for a moment or two, then Adrien broke the silence.
 “Father must be waiting. We should go.”
The voice, it wasn’t that of her carefree sunshine child. No. The monotonous voice belonged to the 29 year old man now standing beside her, a man whom she had given birth to but sometimes knew next to nothing about.
 Breakfast took place in a tensed silence. Adrien continued to pick on his food as his parents watched in concern.
“Is something the matter, son?” Gabriel asked, his voice laced with concern. Adrien looked up, and Gabriel could bet his entire fashion empire on the fact that he still saw the raw emotions in those eyes that he saw in them on that fateful day, nine years ago. “Doesn’t concern you, Father.”
 Breaking the stare, the young Agreste got up. “I don’t feel like eating. Maybe some fresh air would help. I will be back soon.” “Take your bodyguard with you.” “Father, please. Not like I have any crazed fans now that I happily left that modelling career years ago. And plus, I am a big man now. I can take care of myself! I don’t need a freaking bodyguard to assist me everywhere!” “But you are an Agreste. You are my son! The world out there is still dangerous for you.”
That was the wrong thing to say. Yep, it surely was. For Adrien’s eyes suddenly narrowed as he spoke in the coldest voice Gabriel ever heard.
“Do I need to remind you of the situation 15 years ago? How some crazy psychopath troubled the entire city for his own selfish needs and how I used to battle him? Risk my life daily?” The boy laughed mirthlessly, ”When my own blood can put me in danger every single day, why should I care for what the outsiders might do? Tell me Father, TELL ME!” But Gabriel was silent. He couldn’t find the words, or maybe the strength to contradict those words.
The boy stalked towards the door, pulling it open. Stepping out, he cast one last scathing glance at the ex-supervillain as he spoke, “And for the last time, I am NOT your son, Gabriel Agreste. Because you and I both know what happened to him, nine years ago.”
Walking down the streets, it felt like he was having a walk down the memory lane. Paris was adorned in all her glory with red, black and green colors. Today was a day of celebration, a day of liberation. A day that promised hope, that no matter how long the fight lasts, no matter the costs, good will always win over the evil.
The costs…. The blonde couldn’t help but sigh.
His feet automatically took him to the park near his old school. Looking around, Adrien could still find the merry-go-round, the old fountain, the statue….. …It was beautifully decorated. Flowers, gifts, notes of thanks for the cat-bug duo littered the premises near it. People were flocking around, clicking selfies, writing appreciation notes, placing flowers. Children merrily cosplaying and fawning over the red, black and green balloons.
He still remembered, how the unveiling happened, and his stupid boasting of being Ladybug’s special cat to that sculptor…Theo was his name? Maybe. Plagg had teased him days still end about the “special promise” Ladybug had talked to Copycat about…..
…special promise….
 “You and me against the world, milady?” “Forever and always, mon chaton.”
 A tug broke the man out of his thoughts. He looked down, to find a little girl, aged five maybe, dressed up in the cutest Chat Noir costume and looking at him with her big bluebell eyes. Only Ladybug knew how much blue was his favourite colour.
“Yes?” “Uhm, kind sir, I am unable to find a Ladybug for a pic. Can you be my Ladybug please?”
The kitty eyes combined with the kitty costume… Adrien couldn’t help but laugh genuinely. Geez, only another bluebell could have had this effect on her. “Sure, my Kitty Noir, why not? I can’t be your Ladybug, because of the gender issues,” the girl giggled as he comically pointed at himself,” but I can be your Mister Bug.”, he added with a wink. “OOOOH! Mister bug!!! Does that make me the ultra-charming Lady Noir?”, the girl asked, doing a hair flip. “Sure Milady, why not?”, the petname rolled from his tongue with such surprising ease that he himself was shocked. And no matter how much he tried, but he couldn’t ignore the bittersweet taste that accompanied it.
Adrien picked the girl up and put on the Ladybug mask (her mask, his mind supplied) that she gave him. The duo took a set of goofy pictures, all the while the girl happily giggling and trying to put up the best cool “Chat Noir” act.
“Thank You so much Monsieur, Emma won’t give up until she had had her pics.” The girl’s mother said. “No worries at all, Madame. She sure is a sweet bundle of joy. Reminds me of someone with her bubbly nature.” “Ah! I see. I wish the best future for you two.” “Thank you. She means the world to me. And yeah, I look forward to our future.” The blonde smiled happily.
“Sir, keep this as a gift from me for your lady, please?” the girl smiled. Adrien squatted down, ruffling her blonde hair. “I sure will, Purr-incess. She would love it, I know.”
Standing outside the patisserie, Adrien debated with himself. Should he? Should he not? With a sigh, he pushed the door open. The bell chime informed the owners of a new customer, and took the customer down another memory lane.
 “One passion fruit macroon box set coming right up!” “I wonder, are you on the menu for today, Purr-incess?” “MEEPP! Me- menu- yeah! Why not? I MEAN!! Not like I am on the menu- NAHHHH- The menu’s on me!! Wait….I MEAN!! The treats!! They are on me! As in not on me, but the house, like in the house, but treats on house and uhhhh - YOU GET WHAT I MEANNNNNN!!!”
 “Adrien? Is that you?”
Before the man could reply, he was wrapped up in a massive bear hug. “My boy!! Long time no see!” “Nice to meet you too, Mr. Dupain.” “Just Tom, young man. And oh my, look Sabine! How fit he has become!” The petite woman came up, pinching his cheeks. Adrien noticed her graying blue-black hair… these nine years, yet she still looked so sweet, so homely, so motherly. “He sure has become healthy Tom. Now run upstairs child, there are some people you wanna meet!”, the Asian woman winked.
People he wanna meet?
He walked upstairs with a dread in his heart. It had taken so much courage to face Tom and Sabine, could he meet other people too? Nine years away from everyone, he wasn’t to be blamed. He just……didn’t look forward to meets and greets. Lord, had fourteen-year-old Adrien heard his present self, he surely would have beaten some sense into the older man.
Knocking on the door, the blonde was so busy mentally prepping himself for the impromptu meet that he didn’t notice the red blur of hair that suddenly embraced him with full force.
“OOOF!” “Don’t. You. Dare. Ooof. Me. Sunshine!!”, the red-haired blur, known by all as Alya Cesaire, exclaimed. “Where for the sake of all things magical had you vanished?? Do you know how worried we all were for you? After, after, after…….” “Shh babe, it is all good. We all are finally together. That’s the best.”, Nino, his (former?) best bud said, as he hugged the girl from behind, prying her off the speechless blonde.
The meet and greet was, well, better than what he expected. Meeting old friends did ease his worries. But seeing one blue-black haired guitarist made Adrien rediscover some of the teenage jealousy he believed to have died as soon as his lady became truly his.
But what really moved him was the song Luka played. Everyone found those few strums of the guitar as a beautiful melody. “A wonderful melody that lies unfinished. Maybe forever”, the guitarist himself said. To others, it might seem the guitarist gave up working on that little piece. But a certain blonde knew the real truth.
The melody was so pure, so true, so innocent, so brave and selfless, so her. It healed him, made him look through those happy memories again, and then, made him realise how his life changed from the moment he got that silver yet magical ring in a Chinese box. Or maybe from the time when bluebell eyes clashed with emerald green for the first time, entangling him not only in her yo-yo string, but also her charm and love.
Walking along the Seine, Adrien made a firm resolution. No matter what happens, he would NOT walk to the Pont des Arts bridge. Nuh-uh. He was sure, his heart cou-
 "My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! With one scoop or two, I'll find up for you with magical ice-cream flavors!"
Damn. Fate has such a funny way of bringing things into play.
 “Another ice-cream thanks to Mr. Ramier, milady. Seriously, my dietician is gonna freak out about how I am gaining these extra carbs from a carbohydrate-free diet!” “Oh! Never knew my kitty was training to keep himself fit.” “Well, I am a cat with many secrets, Buginette. But I would love to share some with you.” “Easy kitty. You know, no identity reveals. Anyways, you are right. Seems like Hawkmoth is desperate enough to reakumatize Mr. Ramier for uhh…. I lost count after thirty-five.” “Geez. At this rate, he is gonna be named the Pigeon-man of Paris. Maybe France. Who knows? The entire world?!”
 Who says only couples can have Andre’s sweetheart ice-cream? And then again, he was a taken guy.
"Strawberry with black chocolate chip! Blackberries for her hair, and blueberry ice- cream just like her sky-blue stare!"
 Looking down the bridge at the Seine, the blonde remembered his first concert that he had had there with the Kitty Section. His eyes travelled along the railings and…..
Voila! There it was!
Hidden among an array of multi-coloured locks, the special lock of the Lucky Duo of Paris. The yin and the yang, the cat and the ladybug. Red with green polka dots, one of a kind. Just like those who locked it there.
He fondly remembered that Valentine’s day. The kiss they had shared as they locked the symbol of their eternal love to the bridge. The fireworks display behind the lit-up Eiffel Tower, their second home. But he remembered the most the love, the adoration, the happiness in those bluebell eyes of his coccinelle….the love and adoration for him, a meagre alley cat who basked in her presence.
Getting out of the pharmacy, Adrien made his way to the local coffee shop. He had seen posters of UMS 7, and instantly was reminded of how a certain bluenette had handed him his butt on a silver platter multiple times when it came to gaming. Yeah, he had a few victories in his share too, but uhm,
 “You cheated by distracting me! You are too distracting to handle while playing!”
 Well, whatever.
The girl at the counter smiled at him. “The usual two bitter coffees, sir?”
Ah….bitter coffee.
 “Purr-incess!!! What about you? If not you, then what about me? Who will I cuddle with to sleep if you keep working all night?” “Nuh-uh chaton, no pulling up the kitty eyes with me. I need to finish this project. It is due-“ “Next Wednesday. And you already completed like 75% of it! Come on, pleaseee?” “Last time, I paw-mise. And I won’t sleep on my workdesk I swear!” Yet, the next morning, he would be the one to wake a truly exhausted designer up from her workdesk and give her her regular dose of bitter caffeine while he himself savoured his sweet delight.
 “Uh, sir?” “Ah! Sorry. Make it one bitter and one sweet please. With extra sugar.”
With the sun setting behind him as pink clouds floated in the sky, Adrien finally arrived to his destination.
 The grass was damp, yet the homely feeling it gave, it was just....unmatchable. He felt safe, wanted, loved. Just like those past old days. Reaching the solitary elm, away from everyone else, he settled himself down in front of her. This place, in the lap of nature, with chirping birds and her favorite flowers, had been their meeting place for the last nine years. A place no one, not even their parents or friends, knew about, it was their tiny precious secret, just the two of them. And as usual, she sat there, waiting for him with open arms and her precious smile and laughter. She was the light of his darkness, the beautiful morning of his endless night, the Miraculous Ladybug to his Chat Noir.
He sat down gently, laying the purple pansies and roses down beside her.
"Here milady, these flowers brought to you by your alley cat along with your signature mask to adorn your beauty. And your favorite bitter coffee. I don't know why you still like it, and yeah, I admit I developed a taste for it too...but nope, today I have my sweet delight with me. Ha! Sweetness always wins hearts, whether you agree or not, my cupcake."
A gentle breeze brushed his cheek, making him smile. "You liked those pics and the kiss, Bugaboo? I am glad. I brought these today. Our last few memories..." Saying so, he placed the lucky charm, the scarf and the derby hat beside the game controller that had laid there as it is for three years. And then, beside the beautiful stone, he laid the first symbol of their love, the black umbrella.
 His hand brushed against the hard stone, over the soft words written over it.
"Hair as dark as night, her pretty bluebell eyes, Used to wonder who she was, beneath that strong disguise. Everyday we met each other, and one day she became mine. Together our love is so true, here lies my Valentine."
 Eyes wet with emotions, the blonde reached with a shaky hand for the heart-shaped card, the one he still carried with him till date. It was the epitome of her love for him, the only memory of her sweet voice that he held fast to.
"Your hair shines like the sun, your eyes a gorgeous green. I look at you and wonder, your innermost thoughts and dreams. Yes, your Valentine I would be, together our love would be so true. And for eternity, my heart belongs to you."
 My heart belongs to you... ..heart belongs to you.. ..belongs to you...
"CHAT!! Snap out of it!!" But he couldn't. His world was falling apart. Literally. There lay, Emilie Agreste, his Mom, in a glass coffin...
"I am doing this for my wife, all I want is to make her come back. And that can be done only by the Ultimate Wish. Mayura... she is down because of the same curse of the peacock brooch that makes Emilie lie here. And I will do anything for my son!"
Emilie Agreste... ...Wife of Gabriel Agreste... ....father of... ...Adrien Agreste.. ..aka him... ...aka Chat Noir... ..aka superhero of Paris.. ..and the wielder of bad luck.
Was bad luck supposed to be this bad?
The next events, total blur. His messed up thoughts, Ladybug's continued assurances and tries to get him in fight. But who could have managed a fight after such a revelation? All he remembered was him and Marinette lying detransformed on the ground, as Fath- HAWKMOTH! put on the earrings and the ring. Calling on the ultimate power, there was a flash and then... ...where Hawkmoth once stood now stood an ethereal being. Black and white like the yin and the yang.
"WHAT DO YOU DESIRE? DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR WISH HAS A PRICE? THIS IS A FOREBODING! THINK BEFORE YOU STEP!!" "I, Gabriel Agreste, desire for the return of my wife, Emilie Agreste. And for her return, I am willing to pay any price!" "SO SHALL IT BE!"
There was a bright flash, and Adrien heard a distinctive "NO!" before he felt something.
It was... ...tiredness. Extreme tiredness. Like he wanted to sleep. And never wake up.
But someone was there waiting for him. Someone who was calling out to him.
"-IEN! OPEN YOUR EYES, YOU SILLY CAT! ADRIEN!!!" Bluebell gaze filled his view, reducing his tiredness a bit. His eyes flitted over to see Marinette holding the shining black-white ribbon connected to him, as she...glowed?
Were normal people supposed to glow? Wait...what was happening?!
Everything started making sense as the ribbon coiled around his girlfriend, removing his tiredness instantly as she fell into his lap, her eyes drowsy with sleep.
"Mi-Milady? Buginette? Purr-incess?"
She softly cupped his cheek,"You mean the world to me, mo-mon chaton. No matter what happens, I will be th-there for you. Always and forev-ever. Be it as a bre-breeze, as a melody, as a hap-happy tear you get from our memory."
"No, no, no. This- This can't be...NO! Why? Why? WHY??" "You deserve th-this happy lif-life Chat-rien. You deserve this." "Bu-But..."
"Shhh kitty. Your la-lady ain't leaving you. I will alw-always be there, waiting...on the other side. Toge-Together our love, so true, so pure...My heart fur-ever belongs..to you only, mon chaton. Just you. Je t'aime kitty. I, Lad-ladybug, decla-are Adr-adrien Agreste as th-the new gu-guardian of the mira-raculous box."
A flash, a thunder....but he didn't mind them. His lady was here, in pain, slipping away from him.... no, she-she had to know that, that no matter what, he, he...
"Je-je t'aime milady, je t'aime."
But his words fell on deaf ears....
 "You know milady? Paris didn't just lose her Ladybug that day. She also lost her black cat. But not in one go..."
Leaning against the stone, Adrien looked up at the now inky black sky as he sipped his coffee. "They say a Ladybug lives short and lucky, the black cat grieves her parting for nine lives. These nine years, they have been hell milady. I don't belong here, but had to spend these all without you by my side. Luck of a black cat." He chuckled mirthlessly.
"Every year, I lost one life. Starting from that fateful day. My first life....already gone with you. And guess what milady? The nine years end today."
Gazing at his coffee mug, he thought of Tom, Sabine, Alya, Nino, his friends...his mom, his....no. His father was not there. All that remained was Hawkmoth. The murderer of the love of his life, the selfish man who was the shell of his father. Would they miss him?
Well, seeing him here with the prescription of sleeping pills, it won't take a genius to decipher what happened....
As eternal sleep started to do its magic on him, Adrien laid himself on the grass beside his love, toppling over the bitter coffee mug. Watching the brown liquid seep through the grass to the raven-haired beauty lying peacefully six feet beneath, the blonde finally succumbed to the magic of the peaceful sleep, dreaming of bluebell gazes and starry skies spent above the entire city of love.
Dark clouds loomed overhead, the sharp flashes of thunder and the melodious pitter- patter of the rain surrounding him... ...but this time, the rain didn't bring him any joy. For he was left alone, stranded in the rain and the gloom.
Stretching his hand out to feel the rain, the boy muttered, "Luck of a black cat." "Nullified by a cocinelle", a sweet voice replied.
 Shocked emerald met ecstatic bluebell as something old, yet miraculous re blossomed in the air..
 "Mi-milady?" "I told you chaton, I would be waiting for you."
He looked at the black umbrella she held between them two. The symbol of their eternal love.
 "You and me against the world, Purr-incess?"
"Forever and always my prince, Forever and always."
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
Cats and crystals- Lukadrien June Day 27
Fueled by tiredness and the desire to post something for the ending days of @lukadrien-june since come Monday my summer job officially starts and I plan on washing my hair tomorrow which is an all day affair so we’ll see if something get’s posted tomorrow. I got inspired by @write-it-motherfuckers prompts, the first chunk of this actually taken from one of their prompts with changes for Adrien’s gender and such. The other was the possible werecat one who gives them precious stones. It was almost the cat who gives it’s new owner it’s past owners necklace but I couldn’t come up with much. A lot of supernatural cats, wish I had more time. Anyway, please enjoy Cats
Ever since he was little, Adrien always had a strange affinity for cats. No matter where he was, they seem to drawn to him. It isn’t uncommon for strays or other people’s pets to approach him when he was out and about. He’d even watched the big cats at the zoo’s react similarly, bounding over to the glass and rubbing against it insistently. Don’t even get him started when he had a photoshoot with lions – his father didn’t want to but the photographer insisted it went with the theme and had signed so many agreements that the designer would sue him to high hell if anything happened to Adrien. They treated Adrien like he was a cub, messing up his hair and growling at anyone they thought was bothering him until he would pet them mimicking their noises.
It didn’t surprise anyone that when he finally moved out of his father’s eyes, he ended up with quite a few cats living with him. He had been unable to send them on their way, when they were so in need of some love. He grew up with scatter giving of love from someone who was supposed to take care of him, he didn’t want the same for them if he could do something about it. That’s what brought him here, buying a massive amount of cat food at 3am on a Sunday.
As he turned from the now almost empty shelf, ready to go in search of the last few items, he ran straight into a broad chest. Looking up, he stammered a flustered apology, heart pounding with fright. For a moment, he swore their eyes flashed, pupils pulled into slits, but the second you blinked, they were back to normal, or as normal as teal green to aqua blue eyes could be. Ok, maybe he shouldn’t be so judgemental. Marinette’s eyes seemed to be different shades of blue based on her mood and the sunlight reflecting off of them. but he could have sworn the person’s eyes went from blue to green, almost the green some of his kitties’ eyes were, and back again.
The person in front of him, a guy, had dark hair, streaked with so much blue it almost looked like the black had been added in, not the other way around. The small exposed holes of his gauges were mostly hidden by his hair and the hood of his oversized sweatshirt. He wasn’t saying anything, more so staring at the necklace around Adrien’s neck.
There was one particular cat that Adrien took care of but didn’t live with him. The cats didn’t mind the cat, but they never stayed. Only stuck around long enough to beg for pets, steal human food from his plate and give Adrien precious stones and crystals. He was not kidding, he had a ruby, emerald and onyx hidden in his apartment, the crystals taking up residence on the counters and ledges of his home. The one around his neck was a chrysoprase, already held in a next of firm cord, dangling from a piece of soft cord that didn’t irritate his neck. He’d been so moved by the gift; he rarely took it off.
That seemed to break whatever spell was on the guy as he looked up and at Adrien. “It’s pretty, the necklace.”
“Thanks. Um, I’ll see you around.”
Adrien quickly left the aisle, trying to calm his still heavily beating heart. It wasn’t until he was in the taxi heading back home, he realised something. That particular teal green he swore he saw, was the same colour as the eyes in his gift giving feline visitor.
Loud chorus of meows followed him as he refilled the many water fountains for the cats. Most of them followed him to the bathroom and wouldn’t stop bothering him to turn the sink on so this was his solution. He was sure they were also hungry. They always were. A knock echoed and Adrien let out a groan. He was sure it was one of his neighbours coming to tell him off for the loud meowing. He quickly opened the door, stopping at the sight of the guy from the pet store. The one with the eyes.
This time he wasn’t mindless staring at him. He looked embarrassed.
“Hi, um, do you think you could help me? I locked myself out of my apartment. I live across the hall.”
So, this was the elusive neighbour he had. He met all his other neighbours, who all wanted to meet the former model but not this one.
“Do you need me to call the landlord?”
“Could you? I only planned to be out for five minutes, so I left my phone.”
“Sure. Um, why don’t you come in?”
His first sign something was up was the fact that the cats didn’t all scatter to their favourite hiding places when a new person came in. instead, they all gathered at his feet. He took no time leaning down and petting as many as possible.
“Weird, they love you. Usually they all run away.”
“Guess I’m lucky. I’m Luka by the way. Adrien, right? Sorry about startling you at the store.”
“Oh, that’s ok. Um, I’ll go call the landlord.”
His next clue something was up was when Luka quickly found the snacks. His cats were smart, with enough effort, they’d be able to get treats all the time. Adrien had them hidden in a tin in his pantry, yet Luka knew exactly where to look.
“Landlord said he’d be right up. How did you find those?”
“Oh, they kept pawing at the door. Is it ok?”
“Sure, that’s fine.”
His next clue was when one of the cats, Mikki, went missing when it was time for Adrien to cut her nails. Luka eyed the clipper distrustfully and seemed to inch his way to where his keyboard was leaning against the wall. It wasn’t until the landlord arrived and Luka had to go, he found Mikki hiding behind his keyboard. Either he had a stalker or Luka was more intuitive to cats than he was.
Later that night, his usual visitor came by, a new gem in their mouth. A blue tigers eye. The blue and black of the gem reminded him of Luka.
“I swear his eyes were the same as yours, just for a moment. Impossible I know, but still.” The cat just seemed to have a Cheshire like smile on their face.
What really and truly tipped him off was when he had a dinner with his father. It was part of their deal for Adrien moving out, dinner with him every Friday. He hated it. He’d spend the day cuddling any cat that came by, hoping something would happen so he wouldn’t have to go. He’d actually spent the day cuddling his usual visitor, loudly complaining how he didn’t want to go to dinner with his father and how none of his friends were free that night but he even though he told them not to cancel their plans to help him, he just wanted someone there to distract him. The cat disappeared, leaving a kunzite crystal and minutes later, Luka knocked on the door.
“Hey, um, I was passing by your door and I happened to hear you complaining about dinner with your dad and I wanted to offer some help, as a thanks for helping me?”
Thing was, Adrien had been doing most of his complaining in his room. He didn’t know if it was his overactive imagination that cause him to think that, but the only thing he could think of was, was his usual visitor and Luka connect? Was Luka a werecat?
Common sense should have told him to say no, slam the door closed and never interact with him again. But Adrien didn’t usually lead with common sense. It was what got him all the cats in his apartment.
“Sure. We’re having salmon tonight according to Nathalie. That ok?”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
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curewhimsy · 4 years
About that New Project (UPDATED)
EDIT: I updated and I added MORE CHARACTERS (something felt imbalanced still and I couldn’t stop lol) and I actually did general descriptions for all of them... They’re not extensive and may change, however.
The thing I was talking about in my Soune Taya post...
The Mega Project?
Well... it was going to be a visual novel concept.
But since I have no skill in making a VN, I’m just going to write a story. Like the anime that will be based off the VN. Like Clannad’s anime or something.
This is why I said I will never ever finish it, even if I devote my entire life to it.
But it won’t feel right without all these characters. I WANT to have all these characters. I’m a “go big or go home” person. I’m too ambitious and I know that.
Here are the characters.
Haku, Neru, Miku, Luka, Teto, Gumi, Meiko, Lapis, Merli, Lily, IA, Yukari, Uta, Zatsune, Rin, Len, Kaito, Akaito, Dell, Gakupo, Yuuma, Piko, Mizuki, Nigaito, Dex, Daina, Ruby, Taya, Longya, Ling, Momo, SeeU, Ruko, Ritsu, Miki, Aku, Bruno, Clara, Iroha, Yuu, Wil, Kyo, Akari, Qingxian, Anon, Kanon In the story adaption, Uta Utane (Defoko) will take the role as the player/main character, and learns everyone’s backstories. She will be the one with the (gigantic) “harem” around her. Think, Tomoya from Clannad. But IF there’s ever an actual game, I’ll plan on Uta being one of the date-able characters. She’ll be your childhood friend.
The characters are all college students here. They are all college-age, roughly between 18-26, depending on which character. I may give them specific ages eventually.
Here are descriptions I thought of already. For some of these Loids, this is my first time EVER writing or portraying them. Ever.
(Full names are listed in Western order. This is partly due to the story taking place in the USA, in a “Japantown” sort of place to explain the prominent Japanese population.)
Haku Yowane- A shy, gloomy girl who is looking to join in the school’s choir... However, the choir doesn’t have enough members. And it’s not like Haku is a good enough singer to singlehandedly bring it back to life... or confident to work up the courage to even audition. Haku seems to depend on Neru, her only friend, to comfort her when she gets down. Haku is the cousin of the popular Miku Hatsune, the most popular girl in the school and star singer in the choir. Neru Akita- A tomboy with a hot temper. But inside, she hides delicate feelings. She seems to always be with Haku, cheering her up when she gets down. The two seem to only have each other. Miku Hatsune- A very popular girl and star singer in the choir. A bubbly, cheerful sweetheart. Has lots of friends and is always smiling. Idealistic and doesn’t believe in impossible. Miku dreams big, but apparently she gets very depressed when her dreams are crushed. Luckily that never seems to happen... for now. Luka Megurine- A polite and elegant woman. She can appear aloof and intimidating at first, but is actually just shy. She is half Japanese, a quarter French, and a quarter German. Teto Kasane- A bubbly girl who can be childish. Is playful, weird, and a bit demanding. Very clumsy. Gumi- A girl who can be a bit shy, but once you get past that, Gumi is unique, free-spirited, and chill. She likes art and reading books. She keeps a sketchbook with her at all times. Meiko Sakine- The confident, mature woman of the group. Energetic and loves to party. Still responsible. Like a mother or older sister. Has quite a temper, though she mostly uses it to defend others... Lapis Aoki- Merli’s stepsister, who seems to be the opposite of her. Bubbly and playful, and quite childish. Quite friendly. However, she can be a bit selfish at times. Lapis is Japanese, though her adoptive sister Merli is Indian. Merli Aoki- Lapis’ stepsister, who seems to be the opposite of her. She can seem cold and distant, even a bit harsh at first. But inside, she is very thoughtful and willing to help those important to her. Merli is Indian, though she was adopted into Lapis’ Japanese family after the death of her parents. Lily- The school’s toughest female delinquent. IA- An idolized girl in the school for her good looks and singing skills. However, she hides dark feelings? Yukari Yuzuki- Half sister to Akari Kizuna. Looks up to IA but also feels she will never be as good as her. Uta Utane- A rather plain, bluntly-spoken person who doesn’t see much in life. Usually bored, silent, and rather deadpan. Once a bright girl with lots of dreams. Deep inside, she is passionate and caring, really... Can it be restored? She is non-binary, going mostly by she/her. Miku Zatsune- Edgy and hates Miku. She would rather be called Zatsune, because her first name happens to be Miku, like the person she despises so much... But could there be something deeper to her? Rin Kagamine- Rin is a bit chaotic. She is bold, brash, athletic, and charming. She is also just plain nuts. Len Kagamine- Len fries to be cool and hip, but he is just a big dork. He is quite the comedian however, sometimes unintentionally. Kaito Shion- Kaito is a silly boy. He loves ice cream, unicorns, rainbows, and anything fluffy. But he also has moments of seriousness where he says really deep, philosophical things. He is quite romantic. Akaito Shion- Akaito is a sarcastic and grumpy boy, but when it comes to romance, he gets quite passionate. He sometimes flirts around with girls, but when he finally finds a true love with a girl (or guy) who truly changes his life... well... it’s a bit different. Dell Honne- Dell is usually in a bad mood. He currently lives with a father who barely acknowledges him. He tends to keep it all inside, and he’s really just lonely and needs to find someone to vent to. He enjoys computer programming and composing electronic music. He is Haku’s half-brother, but they didn’t grow up together. Gakupo Kamui- Gakupo likes doing kendo and martial arts, and is generally athletic. He is a nice guy who also loves animals and history. He seems serious, but can be unexpectedly silly sometimes. He likes embracing his Japanese and Ainu heritage. Yuuma- Yuuma likes music and is quite popular. He may seem hard to approach, because sometimes he doesn’t know what to say. He is a little blunt at times, but has a good heart. He has a crush on Mizuki. Piko Utatane- Piko is a genius who loves astronomy and excels in mathematics and physics. He is a shy and compassionate person, but whenever he opens his mouth, he sounds very strict. He is bad at socializing and making friends, which leaves him quite lonely. On top of that, he is sickly and absent from school often. Piko wishes to make a friend. His first friend in the school is Lapis Aoki, who pretends to be a fairy to grant his wish. After a while, Lapis declares that she wants to be Piko’s friend. Mizuki- Mizuki is a singer who also plays the a Japanese harp (koto.) She is quite a charming person and seems to flirt with many people... even girls... but not Yuuma. Since Yuuma has a crush on Mizuki, this discourages him. Nigaito Shion- The youngest of the three Shion bothers. Nigaito’s nicknames are Nini and Nii. He is rather sickly, but remains to have a warm and pure heart. Dex- Daina’s childhood friend. Best friends, even though they are of completely different genders, and with very different personalities. Some people wonder how it works. Dex is silly, fun, a bit of a party animal, but he is still very caring and compassionate. He just needs a bit of help devoting himself to his studies. But he is quite intelligent when he is focused. He is Black, Creole, and is learning French. Daina- Dex’s childhood friend. Best friends, even though they are of completely different genders, and with very different personalities. Some people wonder how it works. Daina likes to study and learn, and doesn’t like atmospheres like parties so much. She prefers quiet, peaceful places. She may seem a bit distant on the outside, but she is just a little shy. She is White, with English and French heritage. Ruby- Ruby is rather confident, yet nice, and will always give people a helping hand. She is Black and Latina. Taya Soune- Taya is incredibly polite, bowing at many occasions and also offering to do favors a lot. He speaks very formally. He is non-binary, but go mostly by he/him. Longya Yuezheng- A quite serious man who is dutiful and studious. Protective over his younger sister, Ling, and monitors her safety constantly. This is due to Ling nearly getting into a tragic accident when they were younger, traumatizing Longya. He is Chinese. Ling Yuezheng- Ling is a hardworking student, however she has a playful side and she feels lonely that she doesn’t have many friends and is devoting her life to studying. Momo Momone- A peaceful, sleepy girl. Rather low-energy and tranquil. However, Momo has quite a temper when it comes to injustice. SeeU- A rather eccentric, bold and energetic girl with “the light of the stars in her eyes.” She is Korean. Ruko Yokune- Ruko is one of the most mature characters, having a lot of wisdom about life and many experiences. However, they still have moments where they need a helping hand. Ruko is non-binary, mostly going by she/her or they/them. Ritsu Namine- Ritsu is rather brash, but means well. He is non-binary and mostly go by he/him. Miki- Loves romance anime/manga and is obsessed with “cute couples.” A true fangirl. Acts cute and animated. Iroha’s best friend. Aku Yamine- Hates her name, because it’s pronounced the same as the word for “evil” in Japanese. Prefers to be called Akurin. Aku is a very nice and naive, somewhat clumsy girl with big dreams. Is half Black and half Japanese. Bruno- Black Latino, lived in the Dominican Republic. Polite and soft-spoken, but a talented guitarist. Clara- From Colombia, and is Latina. A rather doting girl who somehow feels like both a mother and a little sister. Iroha Nekomura- Loves cute things and stuffed animals. Is kind of insecure and doesn’t find herself very cute, though her best friend Miki constantly reassures her. Yuu- A sweet, cheerful guy who is always filled with energy. Half English, half Japanese. He is in a band with Wil and Kyo called ZOLA PROJECT. Wil- A sophisticated, fashionable guy who is quite outgoing. He is Black. He is in a band with Yuu and Kyo called ZOLA PROJECT. Kyo- A wild, energetic guy who is always raring to go. He is Japanese. He is in a band with Yuu and Wil called ZOLA PROJECT. Akari Kizuna- Yukari Yuzuki’s half-sister. Cheerful and sweet, and wants to make others smile... even though many heavy thoughts are hiding behind her own smile. Qingxian Mo- She seems very nice, but she’s actually a bit self-absorbed. Since her name is hard to pronounce for English-speakers, she insists on being called Qing (pronounced like Ching.)
Anon- (Coming soon)
Kanon- (Coming soon)
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forthisone · 5 years
The Handmaid’s Tale 3.12 Thoughts
The first 30 minutes of this episode was maybe the most sustained satisfying The Handmaid’s Tale content I’ve ever seen.
Cut for spoilers. This post is long. I have this thing where I ramble. A lot. Welcome to my stream of consciousness.
Comments in some kind of chronological fashion...
Does Beth know that June killed Winslow? When she said June was “fucking fantastic” I got the feeling she only meant the Billy stuff and she didn’t know about the Winslow part, hence why she was surprised about the bruise on her cheek? But, also, how would Beth NOT know what had happened, if she knew about the Billy part? I guess maybe she was just sent the cakes from Billy as a “yes”, and she doesn’t know any more than that?
June being told she’d “got away with murder” and that Fred and Serena had been captured... that was great. I think I would have liked a bit more focus in this episode on June dealing with the fact that she had just killed someone with a pen, but ok. I feel like Season 4 might focus a lot on her dealing with all of these feelings, and dealing with who she has become, but for now she is blocking everything out to get the job done. 
The moment Fred realised Serena had betrayed him. I LIVED for that reaction. That was truly the best.
However, Fred’s “jail” cell was waaaaaaaaaay too fucking comfortable. What the fuck? I expected that boy in an orange jumpsuit, in some rusty cell, in chains. WHY weren’t we given that, as viewers? Literally the most comfortable jail I’ve ever seen, in any show, ever.
RITA. YES. Pretty sure that’s the most we’ve seen Rita all season and it was great. “I want in.” I’m SO HAPPY SHE IS BACK IN THE SAME PLACE AS JUNE. Although, maybe she won’t be for long if she is on that plane. Hoping for much more next season either way.
It was so good to see Moira and Luka again too.
BABY HOLLY LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE NICK OMG. And Moira was FUCKING AMAZING. “Who are you, really?” YESSS MOIRA. “You are the gender traitor.” YES. MOIRA. God, I missed Samira Wiley.
And, while I didn’t like to see Holly upset, it was so satisfying to see Serena be a stranger to her and not be able to comfort her and not be able to refer to herself as her mother in front of her. “You can’t use terms like that, it will confuse her.” Here for it! Serena has got what she wanted but she immediately realises it’s not going to be what she thought it would be.
There was also a shot of Serena that focuses on her wedding ring and her finger stump at the same time, and I appreciated that shot. Just wanted to say that.
Luke punching Fred. A++++++++++ I’m glad Luke got that punch in. I 100% thought that Luke had smuggled some kind of weapon in that folder when he first walked in. My brain full on mapped out an entire storyline of Luke shooting Fred and Fred dying and Luke going to prison for it … what a curveball that would have been! I’m kind of bummed it didn’t happen.
I’m also surprised Fred didn’t mention Nick to kick Luke when he was already down, but I guess Fred himself is still in denial about June and Nick’s relationship, he’d rather think that June felt something for him and forget all about Nick being the father of the baby. Also, let’s be real, at this point it’s like Nick doesn’t even exist anymore, in any aspect of this show, or the memories of any character, AT ALL, IT’S LIKE HE WAS NEVER HERE, so why on Earth I was expecting Waterford to mention him, I don’t know. I’m just desperate, honestly.
Eleanor. I mean, I’m not sure how to feel about this twist at all, except that I feel awful and horrified. At least she is at peace now and she doesn’t have to live with all that pain anymore. But, God, it wasn’t June’s decision to make to just let her die. No June no no no no no. Who even is June anymore? I think Lawrence for sure knows that June did check on Eleanor and I think maybe he will do a 180 on helping her now. His motivation for leaving was Eleanor and Eleanor’s safety. And now that motivation is gone. He doesn’t care about getting out. I guess it will come down to how much he cares about the children and his own conscience. But I think all he ever really cared about was Eleanor.
Remember how this episode started with June pointing a gun at Eleanor? Well, she pulled the trigger, I guess, in the end.
I really don’t know what’s going to happen with this plane. I want it to succeed but I will be so surprised if it does. I feel like the last two episodes have been the satisfying ones (end of 11/start of 12) and now shit has to start going sideways again. But the fact that they’ve said June won’t be on that plane makes me think that maybe it will succeed and this will mean the Gilead/rest of the world conflict will hit the fan in Season 4. I think they might need those children to escape to propel the storyline on. If Gilead can almost go to war over the loss of two Commanders, pretty sure they will implode over 52 lost children. And we’ll see a lot more battle/war next season? I might have biased reasons for wanting to see the frontline *cough*
Also, where’s Emily? I’m ok with her not being shown this episode as there was a lot going on, but I’d really like to see her again before the season is out, please?
(And now, if you don’t like Nick or Nick fans, you can stop reading now as the rest is all about him. I appreciate it’s impressive how, each week, I can still find more to write about a character we haven’t seen for six episodes now, but don’t worry, I managed...)
So, someone on Tumblr posted that Nick was in Episode 12 earlier this week, because of something they’d seen on Instagram. THANKS FOR RAISING MY HOPES YET AGAIN, PERSON.
Because of that, there were a few points I thought he might appear (I live in hope). Firstly, at the beginning, when June was told there were Commanders in the sitting room with Lawrence, I suddenly was like “OMG IS NICK GOING TO BE IN THAT ROOM?”. But we got fuckwit Putnam instead and some other wanker. Fuck it. Secondly, all the talk with Lawrence on the phone about starting a conflict, closing the border… I thought they might show him in Chicago when some kind of attack was launched. Thirdly, I also thought maybe they’d bring him in as some kind of witness in Fred’s trial, maybe even sent from Gilead to try and get Fred back? The latter two ideas still might happen. If they do bring him back next episode I think it will either be something to do with Fred’s trial or something big happening with the conflict in Chicago. I think Fred’s trial might be a focus of next season though, not next episode.
All I can say is I want to see the scene where June fully breaks down over all she has done this season and for Nick to be the person who brings that out of her and finally lets her feel that. I want to see the human side of June again. There was a moment towards the end this episode (after the scene about the wine with Lawrence) where she almost cried and she stopped herself. She often looks on the verge of tears to be honest, but she’s still trying to stop herself from feeling anything. She needs Nick to help her access her emotions. Although, to be honest, June has changed SO MUCH this season that I can’t even imagine how her and Nick would interact anymore. I can’t imagine what that’s going to be like. And, like I said, I’m not sure who June is anymore.
SPECULATIVE FINALE POSSIBLE SPOILER: I am still expecting Nick to be in the finale as Max has spoken in interviews about footage that we haven’t seen yet (and there’s also a shot of him in the Season 3 trailer we haven’t seen yet), but, honestly, at this point, I don’t even know what to believe anymore. Every time I think he will for sure be in the next episode, he isn’t. Maybe Max is wrong and they just cut all his scenes, even the ones that were filmed?!?  And the worrying thing is that I can definitely imagine them doing that.
I really did think we were going to get one Nick-centric episode (with flashbacks to the Crusade) later this season (not even just because I am biased, I just really thought it would happen), to explain his part in it and the cliffhanger they left his character on in Episode 6, but I feel like that ship has sailed now and surely they won’t do that in the finale?
Just let him live through the season, I guess. That’s all I want, so we can actually see him next season, maybe?
But the rest was good...
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The Magnus Archives ‘Far Away’ (S04E01) Analysis
Whatever I was expecting as our season opener, that wasn’t it.  Of course, it fit perfectly.  It just wasn’t what I had anticipated.  We got a new perspective on an issue we’ve seen growing throughout the show, and not nearly as much of an idea what season 4 is going to shape up like as I’d thought we might.  Come on in to hear what I have to say about ‘Far Away’.
Having a follow-up to ‘Dreamer’, as well as a proper introduction to Oliver Banks, seemed a bit of a surprise.  Certainly, after Martin’s teaser trailer, I had expected the Archival staff. Instead, we got a character we haven’t ever met before, although we have heard of him.  But honestly, his perspective and his story may well be very important going forward.  Oliver was a character, much like Jon, who hated what he was becoming, and who eventually had to make a choice.  But the exact nature of that choice, or even the conclusions to which he came, are more nebulous than they might first seem.
I think we can use Oliver’s statement and experiences as one person’s approach to being the unwilling pawn of one of these larger powers, how he tried to escape, and how he may have ultimately even managed it.  Of course, we also would have to address whether or not escape is all it’s cracked up to be in this universe.
Let’s get into the story, shall we?  He more deeply elaborates his own experiences, and how his ability to see the portents of death all around him (likely marking him as either an avatar of the end, or at least claimed by it) not only intruded on his dreams, but increasingly his waking life.  His visions and his dreams exhausted him, leaving him barely sleeping and not getting restful sleep even when he was sleeping.  The claim of one of these powers, even over someone developing into an avatar, could not be called ‘benign’.  
And yet, Oliver also felt a sense of hominess and rightness about what he saw and what he experienced. As much as it horrified him, part of Oliver did genuinely like the power.  I think that’s also a critical part of the avatar.  They have to be someone who is both still frightened by the power that claimed them, yet also attracted to it.  I think Jon is very much this case.  His tendency toward paranoia makes him the sort to hate and fear the notion of being watched.  He hides himself behind brusqueness and anger and academia because the notion of being known and vulnerable is terrifying.  But he also finds the ability to be the one who knows to be intoxicating.  He took to the compulsion rapidly, and his only misgivings appeared when he compelled people he cared about.  Compelling perfect strangers didn’t bother him in the least.  From there, it was an easy slide to embracing his powers more and more.  How wonderful must it have been for him to make logical leaps with little to no evidence, and just be right?  To never need to get a translator.  To KNOW and SEE and not have to share anything of himself in return.  So he fears the Beholding, but he also very much loves it.
Oliver seemed to fall more to the fear side than the love side.  While his prophetic powers were somewhat ‘homey’, the exhaustion and the brutality and the desire to be free of his visions seems to have outweighed whatever appeal there was by far.  So he dreamed of a place with no people and no life whatsoever: Point Nemo, somewhere out in the middle of the ocean, the farthest place on earth from life it is possible to be.  
But when Oliver tried to get there in his lucid dreams, he would feel something begin to pulse and squeeze on his leg.  The claim over him was clearly strong, and clearly not about to let him go so easily. He had to witness the End going about its work.  This is something else we’ve seen with Jon, although in Jon it more resembled physical signs of withdrawal when he couldn’t constantly record.  The Beholding has a job it needs Jon to do, much as the End had a job it needed Oliver to do.
But something Jon seems to have played with far more than Oliver is the parameters of that job.  Jon takes statements directly, he records them himself, he has assistants who record, and may or may not be able to feed the Beholding in his stead.  By finding his powers appealing, he’s found ways of making them work more for his own personality.  Whether that’s something particular to the Beholding that the End lacks, or whether Oliver was so repulsed by his powers that he refused to even try to explore them is unclear.
So instead of either pushing his boundaries or exploring his powers, for good or ill, Oliver instead decided to escape them.  He couldn’t do it in his dreams, but he might be able to physically, by boarding a research vessel to Point Nemo after finding one of the scientists, watching him die, and stealing his identity (noticing Oliver’s increasing callousness about death is also notable, as it seems that even though he’s horrified by what he’s seeing, it’s more a concern for himself than a concern for others.  Actual death didn’t seem to bother him nearly as much by the time he physically saw a corpse.
It’s also interesting to note that, in the ocean, he didn’t see the veins.  Instead, he saw something impossibly large and moving.  Could this be a creature of the Vast, the same thing seen in ‘High Pressure’?  It seems distinctly possible, and if that’s the case, then it’s interesting to note that the ocean seems to have very overlapping themes of the Vast and the Isolation.  Point Nemo has clear feelings of the Isolation, but the thing in the water indicates something of the Vast.  I really want to see the relationships between the Fairchilds and the Lukases more deeply explored, because these two powers either seem like natural allies or natural rivals.
But, even more interestingly, Oliver’s ‘end’, perhaps didn’t seem to be the End.  Although death by falling space debris seems fairly heavily leaning that way, Oliver still walks.  He could be one of the End’s reanimated corpses, yes, but there seemed to be another and more tantalizing possibility:
Oliver escaped at last.
When he talked about spiders getting into his head and giving in to what ‘She’ wants, he seemed to be speaking from personal experience.  It seems to me that, at some unspecified point, the Web may have got its hooks into Oliver as well, just subtly.  But when facing being truly claimed by the End, is it possible that the Web snuck in and claimed him instead?  Could he be its agent now?  Twisting avatars of other powers into tools of the Web seems absolutely in line with the modus operandi of that power.
And who is ‘She’?  It’s notable that Oliver personified both the Web and the End, the former being female and the latter being male, but it’s not clear why he did this.  Was he talking about avatars?  Did he just feel more comfortable assigning primal terrors genders?  Could this imply that Annabel Caine (the Web potential-avatar from ‘Thought for the Day’) is going to play some role in this season?
It’s unclear.  Oliver’s exact role, allegiance, and whether or not he managed to escape the End’s claim is unclear, as Georgie interrupted him before he could finish.  But I find that idea very fascinating, because it ties into a theory I’ve had for a while that it is possible to shake the claim of a power, but likely only by giving oneself wholly to another power.  If that’s the case, it’s a potential way out, but it may also be very much a case of out-of-the-frying-pan-and-into-the-fire. But I also like that theory because it emphasizes the centrality of choice to this story.  People make choices, even in extreme circumstances, and those choices have weight.  Jon had a choice.  He’s not quite human, so the End can’t claim him, but he’s not quite monster, so surviving on his own may be impossible.  Is the choice to give in to the Beholding?  Perhaps.  Or perhaps Oliver was also implying that Jon too could chose to defect.  After all, Jon of all people also knows what it’s like to have the spiders in his head.
But I have the feeling that, for Jon, the Beholding was the escape.  The Web laid the initial claim, after all, and the Beholding has protected him from it.  So did Jon choose the Beholding when he started breathing again?
It’s entirely possible. But I also have to wonder about the sound effect that played as he started to breathe.  While it could be the recorder, it doesn’t sound quite right for that.  It almost sounds like Peter Lukas’ sound effect, that atmospheric whistling.  Is it possible that Jon, in an effort to keep himself at least a little human, allowed the Isolation to bring him back? Could this be Martin’s doing, making some agreement with Peter to bring Jon back, and mixing the sound effects of the Lonely and the Beholding in the process?  Could this be part of Elias’ deal with Peter, and whatever Martin is doing is totally separate?  Could something completely different be happening, and I’ve got the wrong idea entirely?
It’s unclear.  The end of the episode leaves us with a ton of questions, and very few answers.  
And it gave us no context for the teaser, which must have taken place at some point before the episode. We don’t know who Martin was talking to, why he said goodbye in such a definitive manner, or what he’s chosen to do. The easiest answer, as I said before, is that he tried to give himself to the Isolation (likely the power that frightens him the most) in order to save Jon.  
But after Oliver’s statement, I have to wonder if it’s that easy.  Because Oliver was DESPERATE to escape the End, and if he really did manage to defect to the Web, it was only in the extreme instance of having a satellite crashing into him that he managed to do it.  Martin categorically doesn’t want to give himself to the Isolation. He wants to stay with the Beholding, and as I’ve said before, he talks to it like a friend.  He treats the Beholding in a way that no one else does, and he even served as a fill-in Archivist.  The Beholding not only has its hooks deep into him, but it has done for longer than any character we know of save Elias.  
I have the feeling that, if he has tried to make this bargain, the Beholding wouldn’t let him go so easily.  I also feel that Jon wouldn’t give him up that easily.  Not after losing Tim and Daisy and Sasha.  If there’s even the remotest chance he can find Martin and get him back, he’s going for it.
Or maybe, as I said, what happened with Jon has nothing to do with Martin.  Maybe Martin’s deal during the teaser is a different path entirely. Honestly, I sort of hope this is the case.  Seeing Martin get particularly proactive in new, creative, and potentially dangerous ways, intrigues me.  Martin has been a very passive character throughout the story, and even his brave moments have been allowing other people to do things to him.  I really would like to see a Martin who starts making decisions and stands and actions, even if they end badly.  Because as Oliver proved, the horror is inescapable, but as Tim proved, there are things one can do within that horror to reclaim one’s agency.  Having a Martin who is decisive, who will be more than support but instead perhaps a genuine foil for Jon would be very interesting indeed.
Jon and Martin have established themselves as the cornerstones of the show, and I really hope we get both a deeper exploration of both of them, and an actual exploration of their relationship this season.  The idea of Martin saying his goodbyes and then getting sidelined or removed from the story in some self-sacrifice just seems a bit too clichéd for me.  Far more interesting is the notion of a proactive Martin, one who makes choices and mistakes and may even stand in opposition to Jon at times.  
As for Jon, I really want to see him continue to struggle.  While he could wake up and just be a monster, again that feels too clichéd.  Oliver said it himself: Jon has choices to make.  The horror and the crux of this series has always been choices.  Jon became what he is by choosing it.  Maybe he can make his position as avatar work for him the way that Gertrude did.  Maybe he can escape as Oliver may have done.  Or maybe he’ll fall.  But I want to continue to see a Jon who is human-ish, who struggles with his choices and his connections.  I want to see that he still cares for Georgie, Martin, and the rest of the Archival staff.  I want to see him try to protect them, even if the ways he goes about it are increasingly inhuman.  
I want to see all the remaining characters—Jon, Martin, Melanie, Basira, and Georgie—face hard choices, make the wrong ones, make the right ones, and maybe no matter what face something they don’t want to be.  But I want them all around at this point to make those choices.  
What I liked about the way Tim left the show was that he got to do it on his own terms.  That is really the only victory state that can be hoped for in the TMA world, and to see him achieve that keeps the show from being a depression-fest of all the characters being railroaded into their worst possible endings.  Yes, bad things happen to these people (often and repeatedly), but it is their responses to those bad things that make them the characters we find so compelling.
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