#TS3 Tutorial
nornities · 4 months
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How to use DXVK with The Sims 3
Have you seen this post about using DXVK by Criisolate? But felt intimidated by the sheer mass of facts and information?
@desiree-uk and I compiled a guide and the configuration file to make your life easier. It focuses on players not using the EA App, but it might work for those just the same. It’s definitely worth a try.
Adding this to your game installation will result in a better RAM usage. So your game is less likely to give you Error 12 or crash due to RAM issues. It does NOT give a huge performance boost, but more stability and allows for higher graphics settings in game.
The full guide behind the cut. Let me know if you also would like it as PDF.
Happy simming!
Disclaimer and Credits
Desiree and I are no tech experts and just wrote down how we did this. Our ability to help if you run into trouble is limited. So use at your own risk and back up your files!
We both are on Windows 10 and start the game via TS3W.exe, not the EA App. So your experience may differ.
This guide is based on our own experiments and of course criisolate’s post on tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/criisolate/749374223346286592/ill-explain-what-i-did-below-before-making-any
This guide is brought to you by Desiree-UK and Norn.
Note: This will conflict with other programs that “inject” functionality into your game so they may stop working. Notably
Nvidia Experience/Nvidia Inspector/Nvidia Shaders
RivaTuner Statistics Server
It does work seamlessly with LazyDuchess’ Smooth Patch.
LazyDuchess’ Launcher: unknown
Alder Lake patch: does conflict. One user got it working by starting the game by launching TS3.exe (also with admin rights) instead of TS3W.exe. This seemed to create the cache file for DXVK. After that, the game could be started from TS3W.exe again. That might not work for everyone though.
A word on FPS and V-Sync
With such an old game it’s crucial to cap framerate (FPS). This is done in the DXVK.conf file. Same with V-Sync.
You need
a text editor (easiest to use is Windows Notepad)
to download DXVK, version 2.3.1 from here: https://github.com/doitsujin/DXVK/releases/tag/v2.3.1 Extract the archive, you are going to need the file d3d9.dll from the x32 folder
the configuration file DXVK.conf from here: https://github.com/doitsujin/DXVK/blob/master/DXVK.conf. Optional: download the edited version with the required changes here.
administrator rights on your PC
to know your game’s installation path (bin folder) and where to find the user folder
a tiny bit of patience :)
First Step: Backup
Backup your original Bin folder in your Sims 3 installation path! The DXVK file may overwrite some files! The path should be something like this (for retail): \Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin (This is the folder where also GraphicsRule.sgr and the TS3W.exe and TS3.exe are located.)
Backup your options.ini in your game’s user folder! Making the game use the DXVK file will count as a change in GPU driver, so the options.ini will reset once you start your game after installation. The path should be something like this: \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 (This is the folder where your Mods folder is located).
Make sure you run the game as administrator. You can check that by right-clicking on the icon that starts your game. Go to Properties > Advanced and check the box “Run as administrator”. Note: This will result in a prompt each time you start your game, if you want to allow this application to make modifications to your system. Click “Yes” and the game will load.
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2. Make sure you have the DEP settings from Windows applied to your game.
Open the Windows Control Panel.
Click System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings.
On the Advanced tab, next to the Performance heading, click Settings.
Click the Data Execution Prevention tab.
Select 'Turn on DEP for all programs and services except these”:
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Click the Add button, a window to the file explorer opens. Navigate to your Sims 3 installation folder (the bin folder once again) and add TS3W.exe and TS3.exe.
Click OK. Then you can close all those dialog windows again.
Setting up the DXVK.conf file
Open the file with a text editor and delete everything in it. Then add these values:
d3d9.textureMemory = 1
d3d9.presentInterval = 1
d3d9.maxFrameRate = 60
d3d9.presentInterval enables V-Sync,d3d9.maxFrameRate sets the FrameRate. You can edit those values, but never change the first line (d3d9.textureMemory)!
The original DXVK.conf contains many more options in case you would like to add more settings.
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A. no Reshade/GShade
Setting up DXVK
Copy the two files d3d9.dll and DXVK.conf into the Bin folder in your Sims 3 installation path. This is the folder where also GraphicsRule.sgr and the TS3W.exe and TS3.exe are located. If you are prompted to overwrite files, please choose yes (you DID backup your folder, right?)
And that’s basically all that is required to install.
Start your game now and let it run for a short while. Click around, open Buy mode or CAS, move the camera.
Now quit without saving. Once the game is closed fully, open your bin folder again and double check if a file “TS3W.DXVK-cache” was generated. If so – congrats! All done!
Things to note
Heads up, the game options will reset! So it will give you a “vanilla” start screen and options.
Don’t worry if the game seems to be frozen during loading. It may take a few minutes longer to load but it will load eventually.
The TS3W.DXVK-cache file is the actual cache DXVK is using. So don’t delete this! Just ignore it and leave it alone. When someone tells to clear cache files – this is not one of them!
Update Options.ini
Go to your user folder and open the options.ini file with a text editor like Notepad.
Find the line “lastdevice = “. It will have several values, separated by semicolons. Copy the last one, after the last semicolon, the digits only. Close the file.
Now go to your backup version of the Options.ini file, open it and find that line “lastdevice” again. Replace the last value with the one you just copied. Make sure to only replace those digits!
Save and close the file.
Copy this version of the file into your user folder, replacing the one that is there.
Things to note:
If your GPU driver is updated, you might have to do these steps again as it might reset your device ID again. Though it seems that the DXVK ID overrides the GPU ID, so it might not happen.
How do I know it’s working?
Open the task manager and look at RAM usage. Remember the game can only use 4 GB of RAM at maximum and starts crashing when usage goes up to somewhere between 3.2 – 3.8 GB (it’s a bit different for everybody).
So if you see values like 2.1456 for RAM usage in a large world and an ongoing save, it’s working. Generally the lower the value, the better for stability.
Also, DXVK will have generated its cache file called TS3W.DXVK-cache in the bin folder. The file size will grow with time as DXVK is adding stuff to it, e.g. from different worlds or savegames. Initially it might be something like 46 KB or 58 KB, so it’s really small.
Optional: changing MemCacheBudgetValue
MemCacheBudgetValue determines the size of the game's VRAM Cache. You can edit those values but the difference might not be noticeable in game. It also depends on your computer’s hardware how much you can allow here.
The two lines of seti MemCacheBudgetValue correspond to the high RAM level and low RAM level situations. Therefore, theoretically, the first line MemCacheBudgetValue should be set to a larger value, while the second line should be set to a value less than or equal to the first line.
The original values represent 200MB (209715200) and 160MB (167772160) respectively. They are calculated as 200x1024x1024=209175200 and 160x1024x1024=167772160.
Back up your GraphicsRules.sgr file! If you make a mistake here, your game won’t work anymore.
Go to your bin folder and open your GraphicsRules.sgr with a text editor.
Search and find two lines that set the variables for MemCacheBudgetValue.
Modify these two values to larger numbers. Make sure the value in the first line is higher or equals the value in the second line. Examples for values: 1073741824, which means 1GB 2147483648 which means 2 GB. -1 (minus 1) means no limit (but is highly experimental, use at own risk)
Save and close the file. It might prompt you to save the file to a different place and not allow you to save in the Bin folder. Just save it someplace else in this case and copy/paste it to the Bin folder afterwards. If asked to overwrite the existing file, click yes.
Now start your game and see if it makes a difference in smoothness or texture loading. Make sure to check RAM and VRAM usage to see how it works.
You might need to change the values back and forth to find the “sweet spot” for your game. Mine seems to work best with setting the first value to 2147483648 and the second to 1073741824.
Delete these files from your bin folder (installation path):
And if you have it, also TS3W_d3d9.log
if you changed the values in your GraphicsRule.sgr file, too, don’t forget to change them back or to replace the file with your backed up version.
delete the bin folder and add it from your backup again.
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B. with Reshade/GShade
Follow the steps from part A. no Reshade/Gshade to set up DXVK.
If you are already using Reshade (RS) or GShade (GS), you will be prompted to overwrite files, so choose YES. RS and GS may stop working, so you will need to reinstall them.
Whatever version you are using, the interface shows similar options of which API you can choose from (these screenshots are from the latest versions of RS and GS).
Please note: 
Each time you install and uninstall DXVK, switching the game between Vulkan and d3d9, is essentially changing the graphics card ID again, which results in the settings in your options.ini file being repeatedly reset.
ReShade interface
Choose – Vulcan
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Click next and choose your preferred shaders.
Hopefully this install method works and it won't install its own d3d9.dll file.
If it doesn't work, then choose DirectX9 in RS, but you must make sure to replace the d3d9.dll file with DXVK's d3d9.dll (the one from its 32bit folder, checking its size is 3.86mb.)
GShade interface
Choose –           
Executable Architecture: 32bit
Graphics API: DXVK
Hooking: Normal Mode
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GShade is very problematic, it won't work straight out of the box and the overlay doesn't show up, which defeats the purpose of using it if you can't add or edit the shaders you want to use.
Check the game's bin folder, making sure the d3d9.dll is still there and its size is 3.86mb - that is DXVK's dll file.
If installing using the DXVK method doesn't work, you can choose the DirectX method, but there is no guarantee it works either.
The game will not run with these files in the folder:
If you delete them, the game will start but you can't access GShade! It might be better to use ReShade.
Some Vulcan and DirectX information, if you’re interested:
Vulcan is for rather high end graphic cards but is backward compatible with some older cards. Try this method with ReShade or GShade first.
DirectX is more stable and works best with older cards and systems. Try this method if Vulcan doesn't work with ReShade/GShade in your game – remember to replace the d3d9.dll with DXVK's d3d9.dll.
For more information on the difference between Vulcan and DirectX, see this article:
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flotheory · 2 months
SIMO tutorial in 4 steps
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These outfit files could be used to dress NPCs with the help of a script mod such as @phoebejaysims's Boutique Mod
you need :
S3PE and the Additional plugins "Grid" wrapper
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sideshowsnob · 4 months
The sims 3, weird shadows under object in game
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How to fix:
Open your package in TSRW and click the misc tab
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Click the three dots next to light 0 and you will be brought to a new screen. In the middle, there will be a tab called "Occluders"
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You want to press the - button on the right there for every entry until they are all gone. Press okay, and your object will no longer have this shadow.
Posting this because I couldn't find a tutorial myself, big thanks for @bioniczombie for telling me how to fix this ❤❤❤
P.S as @millascreativecornerblog stated, there is a way to edit them to look right in game, however i do not know how to do that myself, and this is just a quick solution
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pudding-parade · 3 months
Tutorial: Importing an existing world into CAW
Note: I did not write this tutorial! I copy/pasted it from here. I just don't have confidence that TS3 websites will remain viable in the long term, so I'm preserving this mostly for my own future reference. But, maybe it will be helpful for other folks like me who aren't very CAW-savvy and just want to make some edits to an existing world in ways that you can't do in-game. The slightly edited original post is pasted behind the cut.
1) Install the world in the usual way in your fresh game folder. If it is a real prerequisite, in that Riverview objects are used in the world, you'll need to install Riverview too. Of course this also goes for Barnacle Bay or any other custom world EA may release separately. This is also a good time to check in your Installed Items whether any "foreign" CC came with it.
2) Start CAW and make a new world. It will ask for a .png, press the … box and you'll get a few 'starters', choose any. Accept all the rest and OK. You don't need to worry about parameters for your world as they will be overwritten later anyway. Save As the new world with a name you will use temporarily, not the definitive name you want to give it. Let's call it Temp.world for now. Close CAW.
3) Open S3PE and browse to the The Sims 3 Create A World Tool\UserToolData\Worlds and you'll find your Temp.world file. Open it.
4) Use Resource->Import->From package… and browse to your The Sims 3\InstalledWorlds and open the world file you want to "import". Accept the default settings for Import, when it asks you to save between packages, say No. It will show a progress bar so you'll know it's done. This may take a while.
5) Sort the resources by Type (click the "header") and find UNKN 0x296A6258 there. If all is well you should have two, one already deleted (struck out), right-click the other and select "Deleted" to delete it too. At the bottom of the file you should have two WPID resources, one already deleted, delete the other too.
6) Use the "close" button in the upper right to close S3PE. It will tell you the package has changed, choose Yes to save the changes. The reason for doing it this way is you'll know it's done when the S3PE window closes. This may take a while.
7) Start the CAW tool and open your Temp.world. Wait until the render window shows you a reasonable picture of something in the world. This may take a while and there is no real progress indication.
8) Right-click on the Temp.world on the left pane (World Layers) and choose Add/Edit description. Make sure the Name and Description fields are filled in. You can use your final name and description here. Also make sure there is a .png for the thumbnail. If there isn't, browse up one of the samples you got earlier or make sure you have one ready. This needs to be in the 24-bit 256x256 format!
9) Save As the world with the final name, let's say Final.world. It will give you a "wait" cursor for a while and then a normal cursor. Don't touch it!! It's not done! Leave the computer to it until a window pops up informing you the world is successfully saved.
The opposite direction is quite simple, just start CAW and use "Export world". It will put a .sims3pack in your The Sims 3\Exports folder. You can take that out and put it in the Download folder and install it as usual.
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elvgreen · 4 months
tips for 4t3 converters/CAS clothing creators
3 main things:
non-recolorable presets
DDS. settings
Adult to Teen conversions
disclaimer: i'm not a CC expert, but these are things i've noticed and learned these last couple months converting cc. special thanks to thornowl and the other converters in the TS3 Creators Cave discord.
Non-recolorable presets:
we obviously know that ts4 lacks a CASt tool, so ts4 creators rely on recolors. In my conversions, I do include a couple of the item's recolors. these usually are patterns that CASt does not have.
one thing I've noticed more and more converters doing is putting such item recolors in the 'Overlay' tab in TSRW.
let me show you what that looks like for a non-recolorable preset:
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it looks over-saturated, and almost crunchy. but there's another place you can import the recolor into: stencils.
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stencils will be found at the bottom, under patterns. hit the plus sign next to stencils to open it.
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opening it will show you this:
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by default, it will be enabled as false. import your recolor into the texture tab as you would do for any other texture tab. make sure you tick the 'false' to 'true.' stencils override overlays, so if you want to use an overlay, enable stencils back to 'false.'
here's what the recolor imported into stencils looks like:
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here's the two side by side:
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see how different they are? let's see how they are in game:
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click on the pictures to really see the difference in quality. since TS3 uses DDS. format, it compresses the texture, which results in the crunchy texture. importing the recolor into the overlay tab makes the DDS. compression more noticeable. it ultimately is up to you and whichever one you prefer, but do keep it in mind.
the overlay tab is good for small details that you want to maintain on all recolorable presets, like zippers, buttons, tags, etc. just look at EA clothes for reference, especially their shoes and male clothes.
another thing you can see from the images are the bumps on the mesh. doing normal maps can help you keep those same details on the recolorable presets without importing the recolors.
DDS. settings:
something I also see and used to do myself is bloat package files with large file sizes, specifically normal and specular maps, as well as masks. the Sims 3 Tutorial Hub provides a link to plain maps, but the file sizes are unnecessarily big.
let's look at some of EA's maps in TSRW:
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here's the specular from one of the basegame sweaters. notice the image size, DXT format, and compression size.
a lot of converters don't want the shine on regular clothes, so we use a plain, black specular map. but ask yourself, why do you need a 1024 x 1024 purely black specular map with no details?
let's try sizing it down:
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notice the difference between the image and compression size. instead of bloating the package file, we can keep it down by using a 32x32 plain black specular map instead, since there aren't details we want from the specular map.
same goes for normal maps:
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and masks (meant for 1 channel only):
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now, notice how I underlined the info about DXT MipMaps. see how the normal map has a different number there compared to the specular map and mask.
the reason these textures use different DXT is because of the colors and alpha channel.
here's how my DDS. settings appear when saving:
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DXT1 (no alpha): this keeps only the 3 color channels and has the strongest compression. it results in half the file size as DXT3/5. 3 channel masks should be saved with this, as they don't need an alpha channel.
DXT1 (1 bit alpha): this includes an alpha, but only black or white. it also results in half the file size as DXT3/5.
DXT3: this one is rarely used for TS3 textures. it really is only used for overlays. it compresses the same as DXT5, but may not be the best for images with smooth-blended alpha regions (Neely).
DXT5: multipliers and normal (bump) maps should only EVER be saved with this. it's best for colors but has a larger file size. this is why it's important to reduce the multiplier and normal map image size, especially if you don't make a normal map.
if you DO decide to do a specular and normal map, they should be regular image size, 1024x1024, and saved in the right format.
here is more information on which textures should use which compression.
Adult to Teen Conversions:
the default for converters is obviously AF and AM. a lot of people want the items for teens too. I've seen several converters just enable it in TSRW:
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please don't do this. it's honestly the lazy route. you can hardly ever get away this, specifically because of the body differences between adult and teen.
some major issues with this include gaps, seams, and unnatural body characteristics:
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so please, either skip the teen mesh entirely or spend the time reshaping the mesh. @/sweetdevil-sims has a great tutorial on converting meshes from AF to TF here. the inevitable seams on TF meshes are also now fixed, thanks to @/thornowl with their new version of mesh toolkit.
here are reduced file sizes and corrected settings of the plain mask, specular, and normal:
Neely, G. ‘Buckaroo’. Working with DDS/DXT Files. Available at: https://www.buckarooshangar.com/flightgear/tut_dds.html (Accessed: 28 May 2024).
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thefairykey · 2 months
Hi, can you please tell me how u made the light shine through the window like that in your "good morning" post? ♥ I've been trying to find a reshade preset or light mod that does this but I couldn't :0 It looks so stunning!
Hello! yeah, np... I don't really use reshade and the only lighting mod I have is Uranesia Lighting Mod and my game settings have the lighting and shadows option activated for better ambiance. For that kind of post I usually edit the images in Paint tool sai
I'll leave a mini tutorial if you want to try to do it to!!!
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rollo-rolls · 11 months
How To Convert Eyelashes
I was asked to make a tutorial on converting eyelashes. Well, here it is. Dirty, badly explained tutorial by Rollo. I'm assuming you know how to work with required programs, it won't teach you the basics, just a process of converting eyelashes from ts4 to ts3.
TSR Workshop
Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter
These files (full credit goes to @gruesim)
Graphical program that works with .dds files
Let's go:
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Open the desired lashes in S4Studio. Export diffuse of the ones you want to convert (you only need the black ones). You can also export the thumbnail. Close the program.
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2. Unzip the folder that you downloaded from this tutorial. You will find a .dds files called "sclub eyelash". Open it up in the graphical program. Make a black layer above it and hide it for now.
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3. Now open up your ts4 eyelashes file. Start from the upper eyelash, crop it and go to the sclub eyelash.
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4. Paste it, click ctrl+i, it will make ts4 eyelash white.
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5. This is the worst part. You have to make the ts4 eyelash fit to the sclub one as close as possible. Use every method possible!
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6. Unhide the black layer and see if your eyelash look alright. It may need some sharpening.
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7. Now crop the bottom eyelash and follow the exact same steps as for the upper eyelash.
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8. It should look more or less like this. Bottom eyelashes are always harder to adjust and may need even more sharpening.
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9. Merge your upper and bottom eyelashes, duplicate the layer. Click ctrl+a, ctrl+t, then right mouse button and choose "Flip Horizontal".
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10. Voila. You should have a complete set of your new shiny eyelashes! Save them as .dds. You can close the program. We're moving to TSR Workshop.
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11. New Project -> New Import. Import Eyelashes AFBase from the downloaded folder.
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12. Name your project, name your file and click "Next".
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13. You should see this. Go to Texture tab and click "Edit" on the Transparency Map.
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14. Import your eyelashes and click "Yes" when asked.
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15. You should see your lashes, yay! But this is TSRW, they won't look exactly the same in game, as they look here. If you want a set of eyelashes, add more presets.
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16. Now this is important. If you want to see your eyelashes in Accessories, go to Project tab, Clothing Type and change it from eyeliner to glasses. You also have to do this if you have more than one preset in one file. They won't show up in Eyeliner section. If you want to have set of eyelashes in Eyeliner category, you have to make each preset into seperate file. Also, eyelashes are recolorable ONLY in Accessories section. Don't forget to check Categories section to see which outfit has the eyelashes available.
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17. Now you're ready to export your file! Export -> To Sims3Pack. Use the Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to convert your sims3pack to package file. We're moving to s3pe.
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18. THESE STEPS ARE ESSENTIAL! Open up your shiny new package in s3pe. Click on the GEOM with the right mouse button.
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19. Click Replace and choose AUID.simgeom from the downloaded folder. AUID is for adults, CUID for kids and PUID for toddlers. We have one more step to do.
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20. Now click on the CASP normally (left mouse button) and click Grid on the bottom of the program.
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21. A small pop up window appears. Scroll to the very bottom and find a line called OverlayPriority.
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22. Change the 8 to 2. This will make eyelashes not being visible through hair that's covering eyes.
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23. Save your package. You're ready to test your converted eyelashes in game!
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Here they are. Nothing fancy, it was a quick conversion :D They're also compatible with S-Club eyelash sliders ^^
Btw, you don't necessarily have to convert both upper and bottom eyelashes. You can have upper or bottom only. Play with the lenght, not all eyelashes have to be very long. Convert it for males, kids, toddlers. You just have to remember to change the options in TSRW and replace the correct .simgeom file in s3pe. There is a lot of possibilities and you'll probably get better in this than me :D
Good luck! ♥
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nightospheresims · 9 months
The Sims 3: How to Make your Sims not Ugly! Tips and Tricks for Pudding Face
Someone suggested a long time ago that I show how I make my sims, so here it is! In this video I basically just go over my personal process of making sims that look more realistic compared to the base game sims. Sliders, facial ratios, cc, and everything else can affect your sims' appearance.
Download the face sliders I used in this video
Master controller integration (requires Master Controller)
Nosemasks Pack
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Editing occlusion shadows on objects
This is a tutorial aimed at creators and converters who want to understand, at least a little, how to improve the appearance of their objects in the game. Yes, it’s a bit exhausting, just like creating an object from scratch, mapping it and texturing it, but the result is worth it. The shadow dynamics of TS3 are different from TS4. In TS4, the game itself creates these shadows when the object approaches a wall. In TS3 it is necessary for these shadows to be created using “lights” in TSRW. Of course, the occlusion is not perfect, but it gives the game a more realistic aspect by creating this idea of depth.
The icing on the cake: keep these shadows if they are large objects, like cabinets, sofas, beds, tables, chairs… Small decorative objects, like clutter, you can just delete these shadows. But if you are crazy about perfection and details, and really want even an ant to create its shadow when approaching a wall, my tip is that you clone using a small object as a base as this will make editing the shadows easier.
I will use as an example this armoire that I edited a while ago. The shadows have been edited and look like this when you open them in TSRW:
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In the game, this is how the shadows appear when we position the object close to a wall:
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To edit the shadows, you must click on the "MISC" tab in TSRW. These shadows are right below, where "LIGHTS" is written. Note that there is a + sign next to it and when you click it, a drop-down list appears with all the shadows separated. In this example there are 3 of these shadows. The names are the same, but let's say we have shadow 1 (front), shadow 2 (top) and shadow 3 (side). Edits must be made in the order they appear.
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Click on the three dots to the right of lights. A window as shown in the image below will appear:
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The lights that must be edited are found in the part where it says "OCCLUDERS". In this case, "Entry 1" corresponds to our "SHADOW 1" (front)...
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For the front shadow, we will start by changing these two parameters that correspond to the width and position of the shadow. My tip is that you copy the original value, change this value to 1 and then click on "OK" to see what happens (that is, to see what changes when changing the value, so you will know if you need to change it to a higher value or smaller...). If it's not what you need, just paste the original value copied previously into the corresponding field and change it little by little until you reach the correct size of the object.
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Front shadow height:
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For the distance the shadow is from the object, this field must be edited - remembering that we are still editing the front shadow (which corresponds to the shadow that will replicate the width of the object on the wall):
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For the other shadows, you must follow the same path: changing the values until it is proportional to the size of the object.
Bonus tip: Open various base game objects in TSRW and see how shadows are created. For example, select a chair and study each shade individually. With practice, you will realize that all you have to do is create a shadow on all sides of the object. For example: on a bed, you should have a shade for the headboard, another for the footboard, another for the side and another for the top, which would be the mattress. Therefore, it is important to study each type of object separately.
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Now you might be asking yourself: Oh, yes, thank you very much... But where do I start? How will I know how to create a shadow from scratch? OMG! Help me!
Don't worry, it's very simple: when cloning an object, like a bed for example, it's obvious that you will use a bed from the game as a clone... So just edit the original shadows that correspond to the clone, so that they are the size of the bed you are creating for the game. Only that.
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I say again: each object is a specific case. This tutorial is just a simple way to show you the way to understand how these shadows work and how they are generated for the game.
Yes, creating a beautiful object is hard work and requires dedication, time and effort. Therefore, value the creators who strive to deliver you a quality object ♥.
If you feel like helping me, here is a link for donations. Thank you very much ♥.
Tutorial inspired by: @bioniczombie and @sideshowsnob
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greenplumbboblover · 11 months
How to summon any (prop) item
I've actually been doing this a lot lately! While @omedapixel 's Debug Objects are a storyteller's help, It doesn't have every prop in it (which is totally understandable, since it's a lot).
However, recently I found out that Nraas can be really helpful for this! Let's say we want to summon a coffee cup...
Nraas Debug Enabler
Click on the ground > Debug Enabler...
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2. Click "Options"
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3. Click "Create Object" from the huge list (Should be the second option in the list)
4. Now you see this modal! Great! This is where the magic happens.
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5. For demonstration, i'll type "CoffeeCup" in it.
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"That's cool, but this looks really advanced!"
I've started a list of props you can copy/paste that I directly got either from EA's source code, or from particular packages. All tested, so IU know they work :)
I'll keep updating these too!
List of Prop Names
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thornowl · 1 year
Quickly converting painted-on textures (TS4 to TS3)
i don’t have much to say lol. if you convert clothes to the sims 3, you might find this useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMlEVlv9vC0
i didn’t focus on this, but to make the bake work, you need to select the original mesh, then shift click the final one. should look like this:
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works in newer blender versions too
you can also do this with pretty much any mesh, from accessories to objects, if you need to change the uv map and don’t wanna spend ages editing the texture in photoshop
if you have other textures (like normal/specular maps) you can transfer them in exactly the same way (bake them as diffuse too)
hell, it works for any game, not just sims 4
might make a proper tutorial if this isn’t descriptive enough and there’s demand for it — let me know if you need it
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exhabigou · 2 years
sorry to bother but how do you get your werewolf sims to not have the werewold sim face?
hello! no bother at all <3 and it's not that tricky! you just need to have a nude clothing category! ( also made this on my phone so sorry if it's messy )
for this little turorial, we will use randy. thank you randy for your contribution.
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and now turn him into a wolf. you click on transform
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and here we see the ts3 werewolf. how stunning. we will fix that.
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click on clothing ...
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and then naked!
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and now you will see randy is turned to his human form!
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and then just edit him the way you want.
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generally, I do keep the resemblance of the ts3 wolf but not too exaggerated lmao. but yeah, that's how you do it. hope this helps! 💕
also note: any changes you make for the wolf form doesn't affect the human form so if you like change their body and wanna keep it for the wolf form as well, you might have to redo it on the wolf form as well. and some makeup that you apply to the wolf form will disappear idk why lmao but yeah.
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alexanderssimblr · 4 months
How To Remove Bad Sims 3 CC Using Sims 3 Dashboard
Hi! This is my first tutroial but I hope its helpful.
Side note: There are non auto-generated captions on screen as well :D
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sideshowsnob · 27 days
[sims 3 tutorial] how to make lazy previews of objects with TSRW & GIMP 2.0
bordered, borderless, and borderless with transparency
You can download this tutorial in .docx form here or read it under the cut -->
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P.S for all of these, i made the drop shadow invisible in the mesh tab before starting.
Standard borderless previews for objects without special effects
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this circle option is the bump map
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this option turns the background white, which we need
Take two pictures of your object, one with the bump map on, and one without.
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use the 'magic wand' tool to select the black parts of the bump map version 'copy' the entire regular image, and 'paste' 'into selection in place' on the bump map version. copy while the selection is still active, and paste as a new image.
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[black to show no background]
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How to make a bordered preview of a standard object with no special effects
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this option turns the background white, which we need
Take a picture of your object in TSRW at your desired angle.
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Open this image in your desired photo editing program. I am using GIMP 2.0.
Use the magic wand tool at threshold level 1.0 to select the white part of the image. you may need to shift select more parts of the image if they are closed off like the area between the prongs.
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go to 'select' and 'invert selection' depending on the image, you may need to use the 'remove holes' tool. in the 'select' tab 'grow' the selection to your desired thickness. i like anywhere from 5-10. 'copy' your image while the selection is active, and 'paste' as a new image.
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All done!
How to make a borderless preview of an object with transperency…
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i have this fruit parfait that has 3 groups [drop shadow, glass cup, and the parfait itself. these groups can be hidden in the mash tab by toggling 'true' or 'false'. im gonna mark these true or false depending on what i want to take a picture of.
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this circle option is the bump map
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this option turns the background white, which we need
I need a photo of the parfait only, one regular, one with the bump map on. a photo of the glass only, one regular, one with the bump map on. I do this using "windowed mode" with the snipping tool so that my pictures are in the same location.
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Open all of these images in your editing program of choice, however i am using GIMP 2.0 so things might be a bit different.
Open a new transparent image 1000x1000
'select' the black bump map image with the magic wand tool, until it is completely outlined
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Then copy the entire regular version and 'paste' into 'selection' 'in place'
copy this while the selection is active and paste it in place to your transparent image.
Now for the transparent part, do what we just did and paste it as a new layer on the transparent image. erase parts of the image that do not appear, for me i erased the top part since its actually behind the parfait.
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Much better. now lower the opacity and merge this layer with the one below it
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All done!
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omedapixel · 2 years
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Have you wanted to make custom food for ts3, but the tutorials were too intimidating? Cause I did, and turns out it’s not as hard as I thought (just time consuming!)
A couple people have asked about making custom food, and I thought it might be fun to create some food together - the plan is to go step by step through the process and you can follow along, asking questions if needed! I’d love for more people to get into creating recipes, i want to see what you all can make!!
i’ll see how many people (if any lol) join the discord before i start. i really hope this will be helpful :) i’ve made a channel already that lists everything you’ll need!
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yorithesims · 5 months
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