#TW uncomfy
terarria-sunflower · 1 year
very un-fire emblem, but since ao3 is down here's some L death note headcanons I was debating posting, hopefully they will benefit the masses in this time of hardship
L and how he thinks about romance:
(tw for slight sexual references and short icky behavior from an unnamed non-canon character but no non con, could be dub con)
- he had a couple puppy loves when he was a kid that he fell way too deep into and had break his heart. he just had trouble understanding the natural flow of relationships, and his standing with others who expected him to keep up with them, so he kept getting left behind
- he's obviously bisexual
- and i think he had a brief thing with another boy when he was an early teen and living at the orphanage
- probably the kind of thing where he felt like he had found his soul mate, and they spent lots of time together trying to make up for how starved for love their lives had been at Whammy's, and then eventually the other boy started to become disgusted with the system, and with L because he was so integral to it the older he got, and neither of them understood any of that, and the other boy broke up with him very unkindly and vanished all in the span of about a week
- L is a little wiser to what was going on behind the scenes now, but even if he had the full explanation, the pain was just so acute, and echoed his recurring experience with abandonment so that thinking about it just solidifies a belief that he's unlovable
- i think when he got into his later teens at the orphanage and started to have a bit of freedom to wander around unsupervised, he also had a brief relationship with an American girl who was on vacation in the area
- and by brief i mean the literal one week that she was in Britain
- she was a bit older than him, almost enough to be icky and certainly old enough to know better than to play with an obviously vulnerable young boy
- she was bored and on vacation so she decided to use him, and again he was totally smitten, poor thing was still just so desperate for companionship that he didn't question a good thing
- he is a genius, but his emotional intelligence just developed slowly cause of trauma:/
- she manipulated him into being physical with her the day before she went home in an alley near the orphanage. they didn't have penetrative sex but they got pretty well acquainted
- she left him immediately after and didn't come back to say goodbye.
- that experience was where his trust allowance ran out, and a few years later after he and Watari began moving around the world, the time and the physical separation from where he grew up helped him understand not to blame himself
- it's actually really lucky that he became a career law enforcer, because it gave him the needed exposure to how much other people straight up suck, and saved him from a lifetime of self-hatred
- his theme is really being self sustainable
- he doesn't have any qualms about his personal worth
- but he also doesn't think he's good enough for other people, so he's learned to live totally without them
- Watari is the exception, because L knows that their relationship is based on Watari needing him for his talent, and he can know quantifiably that he's good enough for that
- i think romance is something he craves even if the lack of it doesn't torture him, but he is truly and literally waiting for the stars to align in the person he chooses; it's something he will never take a risk on again (cough why I'm anti-Lawlight although no disrespect to the ship or it's shippers at all it's just not for me!)
- attraction is easy! he just doesn't trust it a bit.
- his end-game would have to be someone who's known him and Watari for quite a while, who Watari likes, and who has stayed around long enough that their only possible motivation for wanting him can be- well, wanting him
- but once he's found the right one, and he's safe with them, I think he'd be eager to participate in surprisingly traditional romantic gestures, and a good communicator.
- he's awkward as we know, but when comfortable with the person he loves, i think that awkwardness turns into endearing, just non-current mannerisms. like, he's a big kiss his partner's hand kinda guy, which isn't that weird or outdated really but he does it with the intent and reverence with which a knight kisses the hand of a court lady, and he does it because he's gathered his most complete pictures of romance from books and from old movies that i'm sure Watari has made him watch
- 10/10, perfect baby angel of a man, the geneva war crimes are a part of him and I'VE decided they're funny
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pkmn-smashorpass · 10 months
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You know… I never understood people being afraid of butterflies until SOMEONE had to bring up SOUNDING. Now I’m terrified
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sewerdraws · 3 months
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[Hey this isn't a fun creative exercise, this is a representation of an actual disabled body. Please don't be disrespectful by commenting on the scars]
i wanted to make a little something for disability pride month so woe, i cast "you get my fucking disability" on sniper.
I hc that the respawn machine doesn't heal injuries that happened before its first use so Snipes first has heavy scoliosis from the asymetrical shooting position and carrying his equipment all the time, and he eventually gets orthesis to "fix it". It's a surgery where they put rods n screws in your spine to hold it upright.
It makes him constantly mostly upright, impossible to bend more than a certain amount and comes with its occasional chronic pain flareup 👍
(as a fun bonus, the way i found to make my shoulderblade pop which makes an incredibly loud noise and freaks out everyone, i love it, i think sniper would do it a lot too)
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
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linterteatime · 11 months
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Like a deer caught in headlights
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maximura · 7 months
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
warning this is a bit gross so i'll put the photos under the cut but i think it's important because nobody told me about this before i started T
if you're taking testogel/any other T that you put on your skin, please for the love of god moisturise the skin you put it on
gel REALLY dries out your skin and as someone with dry skin anyway it caused my skin to flake and scab and break out more which has left a lot of scarring on my back/chest/shoulders
(yes, T causes acne anyway, but for me personally my skin didn't get that much worse after i started and it's improved since i've been moisturising more so that was the problem for me)
obviously there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having acne or acne scarring or anything like that (it just makes me a bit insecure and means i have to put off getting tattoos there until it gets better), i just wish i'd started taking care of it earlier
also i would Never want to scare anyone off HRT if they want it because it's been a wonderful magical thing for me but there are some uncomfortable aspects of it and this is just one that i didn't know about
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zoolitsky-fandom · 4 months
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He’s a filthy little whore of a man
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grantmentis · 3 months
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Not trying to call this person out specifically because I’ve seen like 16 versions of this and I want to make this very clear: it’s transmisogyny. While curl has some general anti-lgbt likes, the reoccurring theme is transmisogyny. It is a problem in women’s sports right now that people are “okay” with “acceptable gays” who are gender conforming cis bi/lesbian woman (or at least don’t make them their main target) but are radicalized on their hate of trans women. It is extremely important that anyone who is transmisogyny exempt, especially other lgbt people, recognize this and call this out for what it is and try to make sports safe for trans women and don’t speak over trans women who are going to be most impacted by this, and there’s already right wing grifters who make their jumping in to support her who are all united under issues of transmisogyny
Also I struggle to call the pwhl a queer friendly league because they have literally given 0 support of trans women (as a LEAGUE, not individual athletes in the league) and that means it’s not queer friendly!
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
me n @pootimedes
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fwoglett · 1 year
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↓↓↓ spicy yam hours ↓↓↓
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cherrieguroo · 3 months
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i can say the whole fucking line from memory. watch me
it's amazing, sometimes your bark almost sounds like human words! but dogs can't talk. and dogs don't have fingers, do they? no. dogs have paws. they walk around on little beans, soft, little puppy beans. so, im gonna remove these fingers.. that you STOLE, you naughty boy. and im gonna give you back your beans!
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sketchy--akechi · 2 years
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zorosdimples · 2 months
i don’t fantasize about having kids in my self ships or in my writing. it’s not that i hate kids or anything like that; i simply don’t want children of my own in any universe—i never have and i never will.
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peskellence · 2 months
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let's not jump to conclusions, that could be strawberry jam ᕕ(ᐛ) ᕗ
(Nolan 'Nines' Anderson - Art for Chapter 4 of my Reed900 Mob!AU fic 'Rule Of Nines' tw: gore)
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patheticwhimpering · 3 months
This is going to be our only post on syscourse, because we think it's important.
It doesn't matter if you think they're an "ableist faker" or a "fascist sysmed". Most of the people on here are mentally ill teenagers, you are going to get somebody seriously hurt.
There's a way to have these discussions without asking for somebody's death. I think a lot of people on here need to take a break from social media.
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