#Take My Online Proctored Exam For Me
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essaywritinghelp · 8 months
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mathexamhelper-tutor · 9 months
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ramsay-examhelper · 9 months
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galariangengar · 1 year
#tbh this professor for this online pharmacology class sucks and has a stick up her ass#like what’s the point of having us do discussion and quizzes on videos if you’re emphasizing to study these dumb flash cards???#she’s also hella strict with the discussions too and like for what???#requiring us to format original posts and replies a specific way/including a word count/ being strict of citations/etc#like this whole class could just be memorizing flash cards and takins exams tbh since nothing else really matters#and again I’ve never had an online class that proctored exams/quizzes require us to do a desk scan before???#it’s dumb af/I gotta lift my whole laptop to do the desk/workspace#I’m gonna be mad if she’s says anything about me working on my dad’s desk/office cuz his computers are off and I removed his notes/notebooks#i still don’t know if I did it right tbh but I tried to show the desk and that no notes or papers were around#idk I’m a bit anxious that she’ll email me and make me take a new quiz with new questions cuz that’s what she threatened us with#but also I only looked at my computer screen/ I didn’t look off to the side or anything like other people did on the 1st quiz#although tbh I did write a couple things on my left hand but I never looked at it#but I’m a little worried if I adjusted my glasses with my left hand and if it’ll flag that my left had had stuff inside…#although proctorio I think only flags of you look off to the side and away from your computer screen which I didn’t…#idk I’m probably overreacting and overthinking… I did good on the quiz and got 14/15 and I did remember the material#jazz uses curse! 💜
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iam93percentstardust · 10 months
On Plagiarism and Academia
Welp, I watched hbomberguy's new video (just like everyone else). And... I loved it! (Go figure) It's a great video, he's genuinely funny and presents the information in an engaging way (I barely even noticed it had been four hours), and we need the information he presented very badly to remind us to independently verify the things we're listening to. But something that he said really struck me because it's something that I'm dealing with in my offline life right now. Disclaimer: this is a hypothesis generated from my own personal observations and experiences and isn't meant to be a sweeping statement of every single academic institution across the entire world.
He seemed really surprised that no one (or very few people) noticed that the Youtubers he was calling out were plagiarizing other people. Like. Really surprised. And at one point, he made the argument that maybe that was because plagiarism was viewed only as a problem in academia, so people assumed it wasn't a problem online and weren't looking for it.
And that hit a chord because the thing is, at least in my small corner of the world, I don't think that plagiarism is a problem in academia. Or, rather, I don't think academia views plagiarism as a problem anymore.
So, if you've been following me for a while, you know I have a whole tag about my struggles in grad school. I've been a grad student for the last six years at [insert major university here], and because my lab doesn't have any funding to pay me, I've been employed as a TA all six years to pay my salary. At this school, in my department, TAs are expected to proctor exams--every single exam for the course and frequently one additional exam from another class.
If we see cheating, we're not supposed to call it out in the middle of the exam. Instead, at the end of the exam, we're supposed to take the student's scantron and hand it over to the professor and give them an estimate on how certain we are the student was cheating so they can pass it on to the university, which, in every syllabus of every class, states they take a hardline stance on cheating and plagiarism. (Yes, I know I'm talking about cheating on exams, which isn't the same thing as plagiarism, but I swear I'll loop back around to it in a minute.)
During the first exam I ever proctored during my first semester of my first year in 2018 (this was three weeks into the semester), I caught a student cheating. Like. Blatantly cheating. Cheating so badly that over a dozen separate people came up to me at the end of the exam to tell me that she was cheating, just in case I hadn't seen it myself. I did exactly what I was supposed to.
I took the student's scantron.
I turned it into the professor and told her that I was 100% certain and had witnesses to back me up.
She gave it to the university.
...And the university came back and said that they weren't going to do an investigation and were just going to let the student take the exam again, this time with a different proctor because they felt I was biased against this student because of the "very serious accusations [she] had leveled against [me] of singling her out for her race." (Newsflash: the student cheated again with that different proctor and got away with it again)
During that first year that I spent as a TA, I reported eight different instances of cheating across six separate exams. Every single one, I was 100% positive that the student had been cheating, and on five of the occasions, I had student witnesses to support my accusation. The university tossed every single accusation out without even a cursory investigation or even filing a report. Oh yeah, really hardline stance there, university.
For the most part (and partially because of distance learning), I stopped reporting cheating, but I tried one more time this past spring to report two cheaters and got back the same result that I did my first year: not even an investigation to see if there was any merit into my claim because they're "busy."
I don't report cheating to the university anymore. They've more than shown me that they don't actually take cheating seriously even when I have more than a dozen people supporting me. Even when I have students half out of their chairs to see what the person in front of them is writing. Even when I have students with their phones out on the desks, looking things up. The university doesn't care, so why should the students?
So how do I loop this back into the discussion on plagiarism? Well, yesterday, while grading my students' final papers, I ran one of them through a plagiarism checker, and it pinged the radar. Two sentences were a direct quote and hadn't been listed in quotations or been cited in the body of the text. If I scrolled through the (long) list of citations at the bottom of the paper, I could find the source, but if it hadn't pinged the checker, I would never have known that those two sentences weren't their own.
The lack of the quotations and the source after the quote is what kicks this over the line into plagiarism, regardless of the source in the later bibliography (the same thing that got Illuminaughtii in trouble on hbomberguy's video). But I was willing to assume it was an honest mistake, and so I emailed the student to ask them to please add the proper citation and resubmit the paper.
This should have taken the student maybe--at most--five minutes to fix. Literally, all it needed was a set of quotation marks and a parenthetical aside with the author's name and year.
Instead, I got a response from the student telling me that they were very busy, it was finals week, and they weren't sure when they could get to it. Oh, and by the way, what grade would they get on the assignment if they didn't fix the source?
It was a stunning lack of regard for the error they'd made on their original submission, and now, because I'd brought it to their attention, if it wasn't fixed, it was willful plagiarism--and we both knew that! They can't claim ignorance or an accidental mistake anymore. We both know that they're passing off someone else's words as their own!
I emailed them back and told them if it wasn't fixed, it would be a 0, and then I messaged the instructor and asked her what happens now? Her response was as disheartening as my previous experience with the university's response to cheating: they'll dismiss it, regardless of their supposed hardline stance, and nothing will happen. Don't even bother reporting it; the most we can do is give the student the 0 I'd already threatened.
So there you have it. This particular university doesn't care if you cheat or plagiarize. Academic dishonesty doesn't mean anything to them--and the students know it. Every year the topic of cheating comes up with my students during my office hours, and every time, the students complain about how their sorority sisters and football team members and fellow classmates get away with cheating over and over and over again because they know the university won't do anything about it, so why should they bother maintaining any kind of integrity? I even asked them if they reported it to their proctors and instructors, and while I got back a few yeses, I got even more why bothers. What's the point of reporting it if nothing is going to happen?
To loop this back into hbomberguy's video, I don't think as few people noticed the plagiarism as he thinks. I think quite a few people noticed (and looking through the comments on the various videos of the James Somerton scandal, not just hbomberguy's, I do see more than a couple comments along those lines). The thing is, I think they kept that to themselves. And though I do think that part of that has to do with the mob mentality of fandoms on the internet and the fear of getting attacked for pointing out something shitty that someone else is doing, I think a lot of it also comes down to this: plagiarism is thought to be an academia problem, therefore the way the academics respond to plagiarism should be what we look to to deal with the same problem elsewhere. But if the way the academics respond to plagiarism is to ignore it and sweep the reports under the rug, then why would we ever think that Youtube, of all places, would deal with it any better?
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shock · 1 year
please send me good vibes im taking my first online proctored exam for a masters class and it's freaking me out I hate webcams and in my mind I'm going to get 0% and they're going to laugh at me
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I am in shock that I pass the board exams 2023. OH MY GOD 🥳😱😱
Passing the Board Exams in my field has always been my dream since I was 16 years old (my high school dream). It had been my long goal to pass the board exams as a first-timer in psychology. Wohoo!
Lemme share my journey...
To be honest, I didn't really study for the board exam. In fact, since last year (due to personal reasons and the pandemic didn't really help my mental state), I didn't really feel motivated at all. But I forced myself to register for the board exam because I had already enrolled myself to a review center at that point. It became even more challenging when one of the board subjects changed and the whole criteria of the board exam changed. And that was announced 9 months before the board exam took place.
The closest I actually studied during my 1 year period before the board exam was attending 2 face-to-face lectures and answering the intense mock exams from the review center (most of my scores at the mock exams had been pretty low). Overall, I was a poor exemplary student 😂😂 (seriously, don't do what I did)
Believe me, I didn't even try to cram-study on the last day before the board exam. I knew it would have raised my anxiety and most of my thoughts at the time were "I'm sure I'm not going to pass the board exams" - In the last few months before the board exam, I was very much resigned and defeated that I was going to be a repeater and that I was going to face the disappointment look on my dad's face that his daughter failed the board exams. I was very much pessimistic because I didn't hardcore study like everyone else. I wasn't even a Latin honor student in my batch. Only occassional academic honor in some semesters, but that was it. I barely pulled my weight during the last 2 years of my college.
I heavily relied on my pre-knowledge of the board subjects from when I was in college. It was basically me trying to remember all the things my professors had taught me. That was it.
Even the new board subject, I have NOT ONCE read a single page from the book during my 1 year study period. I relied mostly on the review materials from the review center and I mostly skimmed the pages.
One of the reasons I wasn't motivated to study for the board exams was that I chose to do it in an online setting. Every weekend I had to listen to an 8-hr lecture. By the second month into my review center, I gave up paying attention to the lectures. I just make sure to attend the mock exams, familiarize myself with the mock questions and answers, and didn't pay attention to what were correct answers and rationalizations behind it. All I knew were my low scores from that.
The original date of the board exams was on June 2023 but was announced a month before that it would be changed to August 2023.
Day 1 of the Board Exams (btw, it is a 2-day board exam. 2 board subjects per day)
Like I said, I didn't cram-study. At most, I skim my day 2 board subject notes 2 hrs before the board exam began.
But I DIDN'T really sleep before the day of the board exam. I only had 1 hr of sleep from 8pm-9pm and that was it. Believe me, I tried to sleep. I even had asked to be a time-out from the discord server to remove distractions lmao 😂
I remembered leaving my home at 4:30am because my board exam location was very far to travel and I had my dad drive me there. I had my breakfast at Mcdonald's (with my ice coffee) drive-thru.
Most of my anxiety during the day was I would be kicked out by the proctor due to my attire (it didn't happen. thank god). And like I said, I had accepted to fail the board exams, but that didn't mean I wouldn't give my effort at all to answer the board exams. I wasn't going to be that careless. I read the questions carefully, take my time to think, and answer once I'm sure.
Imagine my surprise the first board subject (the new and changed one) was easy (at least, for me). The topics were very familiar to me from the old board exam subject (Theories of Personality), and few from my Developmental Psychology class back in college (before you ask, I did take the subjects very seriously during my college days).
Second Board Subject. That had a 40% percentage and carry the most weight in the board exam. This is where my practical knowledge is heavily relied on rather. I didn't rely on lecture notes when it comes to this. And since I'm usually the statistician in my research groups, I did have an understanding of the subject even though I never read the book. Overall, I thought I was okay-ish once I finish answering the exam.
Day 2 (The Last Day of Board Exam)
The last two board subjects were Abnormal Psychology (morning) and Industrial/Organizational Psychology (afternoon). The last day was definitely the hardest compared to Day 1. Enough that I encountered questions that I basically skipped initially when I think too hard and came back for it after.
AB Psych was the subject I was concerned with, to be honest. I always thought this was my weakest one based on my mock exam scores. I didn't really read the DSM-5. I did read the Barlow book up until Ch 4 but that was, again, way back during my college days. I wasn't surprised most of the questions were we were given a case and I had to critically think about what was the correct mental disorder for that case. Though I had to pause in a few questions I read, I thought I was okay-ish (and slightly challenged).
Out of all the board subjects, I/O Psychology was my best subject. And that's because I actually finish reading the whole book during my college days.
So imagine my surprise that my best subject was actually the hardest board subject that I answered. I expected dealing job analysis topics so I was more surprise that the questions I dealt with were more on Organizational Psychology with various references to Group Dynamics. And very few questions were from the Aadmodt book. It was the only board subject where I actually ERASED some of my answers and changed them. There were a couple of times I answered on the wrong item and I had to erase it. I remembered as soon as I fin answering the last item question, I actually doubled back to question 1, double-checking my answers and sometimes changing it when it didn't feel right. THAT's the subject I was most careful about and shocked.
I wasn't confident after that. I finished the exam 1 hr before the assigned time. I treated myself food as a way of cheering myself up and went home. I deliberately chose not to look up the correct answers to the questions I manage to remember. I knew my limits and there was no point thinking "What-Ifs". All I could do was accept that I did read the exams very carefully and think smart about it.
And that was my journey.
Today was the day the board exam results was released. Before that, few hrs ago, I was out with my dad to prepare some legal documents like setting up my social security number and health insurance. I came home around 6pm.
I had a vague idea that the results were supposed to come out any time now. So I just sat on my laptop, refreshing my twitter homepage (because twitter trend was my best friend) and even had my phone set to notify me if the results were out.
Around 8pm, I got the notification the results were out. And even though I fully expected to not see my name on the list of passers, there was a SMALL and foolish part of me that hoped that my name was there. That I would pass the board exam. When I think back the day of my board exams, I thought I was okay-ish but mostly believe to myself that I couldn't maintain ALL the board subjects with the score of 75% or above.
Imagine my surprise that as soon as I was able to access the file (it was traffic jam online), I see my name on the list.
I stared, flabbergasted. I remembered quickly standing up and screaming to my little brother "OH MY GOD I PASS THE BOARD EXAMS! OH MY GOD!" - I immediately sent the text to my dad and DMed a few of my friends in college that I passed the exam. I went screaming to all my other online friends to share the news that I passed.
According to the website, 6,133 out of 8,370 successfully passed the board exams. And I WAS ONE OF THEM.
I didn't believe myself. A part of me is still wondering - how the hell did I pass the board exam when I never hardcore studied like the others? HOW?! Do I even deserve it?
But still, I am happy. And shocked that my dream came true. I didn't think I would pass the exam as a first-timer yet here I am. Oh my gawd. How?!
Overall Message and Advice (to future board-exam takers)
I am not saying the Board Exam was easy. To me, it was challenging but I mostly understood the topics covered on the board exam because I STUDIED THE TOPICS VERY SERIOUSLY WAY back in college. I had great professors. I had friends who encouraged and support me to study. Luck had nothing to do with passing the board exam.
It was surprising considering we were the first batch of examinees after the implementation and changes to the board exam (replacing Theories of Personality to Developmental Psychology). And even though I kept doubting myself and my capabilities, Developmental Psychology was the easiest board subject I faced when I barely reviewed it.
Did the review center honestly help? What was your experience like?
Everyone has a preference. It's a matter of what works best for you to study. (I knew to myself that self-review wasn't going to work for me)
After getting my Bachelor's degree, I chose to pursue taking a year studying the board exams by enrolling myself in a review center
(it was considered the best review center for the board exam I'm taking.. Though I would like say you have to choose a review center that fits YOU best, NOT because others say so. Though admittedly, I chose that review center because it had the highest number of passers for that board exam).
I deliberately chose not to find a job like my most of my batchmates. I knew my strengths and weaknesses, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to study if I ever had a job.
There were 2 options in the review center. Online class or face-to-face. And I ended up choosing online classes even though I study best face-to-face. Why?
The review center was 2 hrs travel time from my home. And even I knew that commuting would have been mentally draining for me. I knew my limits. And because my presence was needed more at home (I had to cook meals for my family, etc.), my dad ultimately managed to convince me to take online classes rather.
Not gonna lie, I did regret choosing online classes. I. Could. Not. Sit. Still. I have a short attention-span. The most I did in review center was never miss the mock exams, quizzes, and intensive exam questions. And when I attended a free face-to-face 8 hr lecture, I was able to pay attention to the lecturers and was able to absorb the knowledge.
Overall, even though online classes weren't for me, the review center helped me familiarize the possible questions I encountered in the board exams. The more you take the mock exams/quizzes, the less anxious you get. It did test me on time-limit. And even though I got low scores from the mock exams like 40/100, 49/100, 25/100, etc. I still manage to retain and familiarize the kind of questions I might face for the exams. For me, the review center helped my test-taking skills mentally and emotionally.
Again though, my knowledge back in college was the number one reason I pass the board exam. I manage to retain and recall all the knowledge passed to me by my great professors.
Another factor in why I passed was that I was surrounded with a great support system: Family and friends who believed in me when I never believed in myself. Even in college, most of my friends were very studious in nature. We help each other whenever one of us struggles with assignments, projects, and topics that are just difficult. I wouldn't have been able to graduate without them.
Don't follow what I did in my 1 year period of studying for the board exams 😂 I just took my studies very seriously back in college (and yes, I used to be very studious back in that day) and was able to retain that knowledge a few years later. And despite the odds, my pre-knowledge was what clutched me to victory. And it was mainly because of that I was able to make my dream come true
My final advice? Don't lose hope in yourself. Believe that you can do it. That you can make it. That you can pass the board exam. It's even applicable to your everyday situation. 🤩
Dreams do come true as long as you believe in yourself AND put effort into that work 🥰
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improper-integral · 11 months
People I wanna know better tag meme
tagged by @supernovasimplicity thank you so much 🥰
Last song? I've been listening to a random mix of k-pop songs on repeat lately, I just checked and it was XG - SHOOTING STAR.
Favourite colour? I love dark blue/navy (so yeah I like tumblr's color lol)
Currently watching? Nothing tbh lol but I was watching Loki Season 2 which just ended. I get it if you don't care about the MCU anymore, I don't either really, but I really enjoy the Loki series in particular. I wasn't even much of a fan of Loki the character beforehand lol I just love time travel and multiple timelines/universes
Last movie? Mine was also Red White and Royal Blue!
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? I have a huuuuge sweet tooth and always have. Though by that I really mean chocolate, not including white chocolate. There's a lot of non-chocolate sugary stuff that I don't like
Relationship status? Perpetually single, but I also haven't used dating apps in years and I don't go outside so that's on me lol
Current obsessions? Not really obsessed with anything in particular at the moment despite what my tumblr may look like. I might reblog something a lot, like OFMD, without being obsessed with it. Though sometimes it does mean I'm obsessed, like when Good Omens S2 came out lol.
Otherwise, I volunteer with OTW, specifically with Open Doors, and I've recently been a bit obsessive with some programming projects I've been working on for them. I already work full-time as a programmer btw, I do this shit for fun, because I'm a nerd lmao
Last thing you googled? "proctorio reddit" because today was my registration day at a community college and I was debating whether to stick with a "hybrid" class (basically meaning only exams are in person everything else is online) or going with a fully online course with online proctoring. I'm still undecided tbh but online proctoring sounds like a nightmare so I'll probably stick with hybrid. This is for Calculus 2 btw lol I'm in Calculus 1 right now. I didn't get a computer science degree (long story) so that's why I haven't taken calculus before. I am taking these classes for fun as well because I'm that much of a nerd.
Selfie? While I have posted selfies here before I think I probably shouldn't post my full face here either, so I grabbed a spooky mask
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Since it's night time my eyes don't look as blue as they would during the day but oh well.
Tagging @wecanbepirates @starrla89 @awff7 @chrryblssmninja and anyone else who wants to! Also feel free to ignore lol
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ohjustkreat · 2 years
Closing the Distance
A Shuri x Riri Fanfic
A/N: Hi everyone! Not much to say other than thank you! As always, Enjoy!- Kreat
Table of contents
Available on AO3/Wattpad (Kreat)
Chapter 16
"Okay, babe, I think that's everything. I'll have the rest of my stuff shipped over."
Various packing supplies scattered the almost empty dorm room. The earlier part of the couple's day was filled with tying up Riri's loose ends. The day had passed in blur.
"Hey, did you talk with your professors? I know your final exams are approaching." Shuri still felt some ping of guilt knowing her girlfriend's leaving was partially her fault. She thought the least she could do was make sure Riri was okay academically.
"Oh, uh, yea. None of them seem to have a problem with me taking my exams proctored online. I don't think they're worried about me passing anyways." Riri let out a soft chuckle.
"I don't think so either." Shuri placed the box she was holding down. Closing the space between them, she pulled Riri in for a kiss. "Come on, let's finish cleaning this up. Ayo and Aneka should be here soon."
Riri sighed as she started cleaning up the scraps and bits of trash around the dorm. " You'd think I'd feel some type of way about leaving but I'm actually , I don't know, glad. It just feels like a fresh start. Somewhere from all of this."
"Mm, why's that?" Shuri questioned.
"A new start? Things were kind of getting boring here. Before you got here anyways. Guess I got kind of spoiled after being in Wakanda." Riri laughs.
"Funny how I just wanted to escape from there." Shuri responded. She had tried to keep thoughts of her homeland in the back of her mind. The events of the last year were like fresh wounds, still tender to the touch and painful.
'I'm kinda glad you did." Riri said, a sly smile growing on her face as she began to walk towards Shuri.
"Is that so?" Shuri said, biting her lip in anticipation as supple lips inched towards her own.
"Mhm." Riri answered, this time it was her who pulled Shuri's face, stealing a kiss.
Just as they were about to deepen it, the door swung open.
"I hope we're not interrupting?" Ayo's unexpected voice surged through the couple causing them to jump away from each other.
"Bast!" Shuri shouted.
"Damn, could y'all knock or something?" Riri asked, now slightly frustrated.
Aneka laughed, "We suspected this would be funnier."
"And we were right. Now, are you all packed and ready? We need to leave soon." Ayo said, still smiling.
"Yea, I think we're ready." Riri answered.
"Any word from Okoye?" Anxiety clung onto Shuri's words as she questioned Ayo.
"Not yet. It's been radio silent. I'm sure we will find out more information once we arrive."
"I'd prefer knowing the situation before landing, but I guess we have no choice. Thank you, Ayo." Shuri was becoming frustrated at the lack of knowledge at her hand. It always seemed as if she were in the dark.
Sensing her girlfriend's frustrations. Riri started to draw her fingers across Shuri's back. The small efforts proved successful as she felt her girlfriend relax under her touch.
"Can we have a second? We'll be down in a moment." Riri asked Ayo and Aneka.
"Okay. Someone will have your things shipped, Riri if Shuri has not told you. We'll be waiting in the car."
"Thank you, again." Riri responded.
Ayo and Aneka let themselves out, leaving the couple in the dorm.Shuri pulled riri into her arms, taking the moment in. Her voice broke the bittersweet silence first. "It's always something. I'm glad I have you though. And I just want to say I'll do my best to support you as you,uhm, as we, step into this new chapter of our lives together. I'm not sure what we're about to step into, but I'm by your side every step of the way."
Riri felt tears threaten to spill from her eyes. "Babe, don't make me cry. Thank you. For always being so supportive. And for always being there for me. I'm excited about this next step. And relax, everything is going to work out Okay? " Riri received only a nod from Shuri. "I love you, Shuri."
"I love you, too, Ri."Shuri grabbed her tighter, not wanting to let go. Even if the dorm was small, any distance between them was too much in Shuri's eyes.
"Alright, enough sweet talk, we gotta go." Reluctance laced her voice, as she wished she could stay in Shur's arms forever.
"Fine." Shuri rooted her eyes as she went to help Riri grab the few bags she was actually taking with her.
As they headed out of the dorm building, Riri stopped. Thinking to herself, she took a minute to take in the fact that she was really leaving. She was grateful for all the university ahd to offer. And this wouldn;t be the last time, just a goodbye for now. Not only was she leaving the university, but also the safe haven Riri and herself had created. A space that was only for them. Oftentimes she found herself contemplating how Shuri and herself would navigate the world they faced. One that wasn't built for them and seemed as if it had turned their backs on them.
"You good, Ri?" Shuri wore a puzzled look, she could tell her girlfriend was thinking about something. She was lost in her thoughts.
Riri snapped out of her thoughts as she turned around, her eyes falling on Shuri's. "Yea, babe I'm good. Let's head out." Riri grabbed Shuri's hand with her free one and they made their way across the campus to the parking garage.
"Look who decided to join us." Ayo sarcasm cut through the frigid air with a warm sense of familiarity.
"Are you always this impatient?" A small smile played on Riri's face as she approached the warrior.
"Only when we have business to attend to." Ayo responded jokingly as she took the bags Riri and Shuri carried, loading them into the vehicle.
Both Riri and Shuri rolled their eyes at Ayo's usual antics as they proceeded to get settled into the SUV. Once everything was loaded into the trunk, the group began on the first part of their journey.
As city lights turned to starry skies and buildings turned to trees and forests, a feeling of calmness took over the group as well. Conversation was traded for silence, as Shuri and Riri cuddled each other in the backseat. Ayo held Aneka's hand from her seat in the front. The wind howled outside as a cold front had been settling in the days before. Coming upon the side road to the safe house, the calmness quickly slipped from the air. A sense of uncertainty taking its place. The vehicle came to a stop once it reached the cement floors of the safe house.
As Riri stepped out into the cold air, she bit back a laugh. Shuri threw her a confused look.
"At some point, you need to fix that desk."
Shuri rolled her eyes before responding, "Unfortunately that won't be any time soon."
"Yea. And I don't think we're catching that Bull's game anytime soon either."
"Full of jokes tonight are we?"
"Just trying to lighten the mood. Your mind seems to be in another place. Somewhere I can't find."
"I don't know. I guess I'm just worried, But we can talk about that on the way. I think they're almost done loading. We should probably go ahead and board."
"If you say so. Come on, let's go." Riri knew better than to push Shuri when it came to her emotions. Her usual sarcastic and hardened self she portrayed fooled many, except Riri. Riri thought of Shuri as her favorite book No matter how many times she read it, there was always something new she discovered. A new piece of information that only made her love for the Wakandan grow.
Boarding the plane, Shuri gave one last glance through the window of the Royal Ralon. She had
been so concerned about Riri, she had failed to think of what her role in all of this was. Returning to Wakanda meant facing all the things she had been trying to escape. In her short time here, Riri had taught her how to care again. Her heart had been hardened by the trauma's of the world, but were softened by Riri's warmth. Shuri had come to learn that no matter how far she ran, her problems would follow her. And rather in the physical world or her nightmares, she was learning how to not face them alone. So long had she been isolated and confined in the realm of her family, relationships outside of that weren't a necessity. Her work had been her only priority.Yet her family was gone; her throne taken. What did she have left? Who did she have left? She realized that in running away from loneliness, she found the answer to these questions. She found them in Riri. Shuri glanced at Riri who was scrolling through her phone.
"Is everyone prepared for take off?" Aneka said at the controls, pulling Shuri out of her trance like state. Receiving a nod from everyone, Aneka pulled at the controls until the airship was out of the safe house and onto the makeshift air strip. Once in the air, Ayo and Aneka talked quietly amongst themselves. Occasionally, Ayo would throw a glance at her other passengers. At some point both Riri and Shuri had fallen asleep, Shuri's head resting on top of Riri's. Who was nestled into Shuri's side, her head on Shuri's shoulder.
"Did you hear how Okoye sounded? Something's off. Something she did not feel comfortable talking about over the phone." Aneka sighed as she put the ship on auto-pilot and turned to face Ayo.
"I am not sure what is going on. We should be getting more details soon. Let's just get there first." Ayo responded as she grabbed Aneka's hand, squeezing it tenderly.
"You're right. I think I'm going to get some rest. We should be arriving soon. Would you mind taking the controls?" Aneka asked as she stretched and got up from her seat.
"Of course, my love. Get some rest." Ayo switched seats.Sitting down, she took the ship off of autopilot. She wasn't sure if they were nerves or excitement that pulsed through her as their destination became closer. She didn't let that stop her from navigating the ship through the sky. Once in view, those same feelings returned. As she landed the ship, she heard movement behind her.
"I guess we're here." Shuri's raspy voice broke through the quiet ship.
"Home sweet home, Shuri." Ayo called out from her seat.
Moments later, Riri and Aneka woke up as well. Not being able to sleep through the ship's descent or their girlfriend's talking.
"We're here babe." Shuri said, rubbing Riri's back who was not fully awake.
"Shuri, what time is it?" Riri asked, still full of sleep.
"Sometime in the morning. Come on. Let's go so we can figure out what the hell is going on." Shuri responded.
Shuri's feet touched the green grass surrounding the airfield. Almost as soon as everyone one had unboarded, they heard the sound of marching in the distance. Looking out into the field, they saw teh Dora Milaje come into view. Their red suits illuminated by the sun. Okoye in front, leading them to meet the party. Approaching the group, they stopped not too far from them and gave the infamous salute. Everyone but Riri returned the salute. Riri made a mental note to ask Shuri if that was something she should be doing.
"Shuri, it is so good to have you back and in good health." Okoye said, dropping her arms.
"At ease." She barked the command at the warriors.
"It is good to be back." Shuri responded, embracing Okoye.
"And it is good to see you again, iIron Heart." She added, offering Riri a warm smile.
"Thank you for welcoming me. It is an honor to be here again." Riri replied.
"I hate to cute this reunion short, but M'baku had requested your audience in the throne room. He saw the Talcon when it landed."
Shuri looked at Riri who looked worried. "It's fine, babe. I might as well get this over with. Okoye, will you have the rest of the Dora Milaje escort Riri to our quarters? And you can take me that over-sized Gorilla." Shuri commanded more than asking, a look of determination now in her eyes.
Riri had noticed the power shift. She sensed it the moment they had stepped off of the Royal Talon. Shuri had stepped back into her leadership role. Her entire aura was different, stronger. As if her homeland had been tied to her strength. Riri knew it wasn't the time, but seeing her girlfriend in this light only made her more attracted to Shuri.
"You ready, Ri?" Shuri asked, pulling Riri out of her thoughts.
"What, oh , uh, yea,babe. Sorry, just taking all of this in. I'll see you later?" Riri asked.
"Of course. This shouldn't take too long." Shuri pulled Riri in for a kiss, not caring about their audience at the moment.
"Everything's going to be okay. And I'll be waiting for you when you're done,okay?" Riri said as she broke their kiss and stepped away to join the Dora Milaje.
"Okay. See you soon." Shuri turned away and began to follow Okoye.
"Now, let's go see what we're dealing with." Shuri's face hardened as she began walking towards the city and onwards towards the palace. She only received a nod from Okoye who was walking with a new sense of pride after having her leader return.
As they approached the city, they were met with cheers and shouts. The return of their beloved Black Panther had caused such celebration. Not concerned with the antics, although grateful, Shuri continued with Okoye by her side. Never stopping to interact with her fellow citizens. There would be time for celebration, but that time wasn't now. Coming to the palace steps, Shuri felt the threats of anger boiling under her skin. Just the mere sight of the palace bought back still tender memories. Making their way inside, Shuri quickly found her way to the throne room. As angry as she was, she was also impatient. Standing outside, she waited until the throne doors were opened. Once the doors opened and M'baku came into sight, she had to fight her emotions. The sight of him on her throne, her family's throne, it enraged her.
"Ah, Welcome back little panther." M'baku said coyly.
"Don't call me that. What are you doing on my throne?" Shuri spat out, walking towards the throne. Before she could get to the steps, she was met with the spears of his warriors.
"Ah, she is fine. Let her pass. And leave us. Close the doors as well."
M'baku instructed his men. He watched as they hesitantly lowered their weapons and walked out the throne room.
"Start talking, M'baku." Shuri demanded.
"I had to be sure we were alone first." M'baku's voice was filled with a concerning tone, one Shuri wasn't familiar with. Standing up from his seat, he made his way towards Shuri."The elders do not think you are fit to be the Queen or the Black Panther. Shuri, they wanted to kill you. And they wanted me to do it. In combat. For the throne."
Shuri pulled away from him in shock. "So that's why you-"
"Yes, if I challenged you while you were gone it was forfeit. But Shuri, that's not all. They want to strip you of Black Panther as well. I'm on your side, and I will do what I can do to protect you. I promised your mother that. But I need you to keep this quiet until I have more time. Until we have more time. I don't know what they are planning, but it's big."
Shuri was still in shock.
"Shuri say something?"
"What do you expect me to say. I need some time. We will talk about this later." Shuri said, responding the best way she knew how.
"Fine. Meet me later tonigh. Outside te city walls. You know where." M'baku said.
"Hm, of course you would pick that spot. And fine. I'll see you tonight. Don't make me regret this M'baku."
"You have my word. Now go before someone starts to get suspicious. The elders seem to have eyes and ears everywhere. Be careful, I'm not sure who we can trust." M'baku Shuri a nod.
Shuri didn't respond as she gave M'baku a nod in response and exited the throne room.
What had she just come back to?
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
accidentally clicked on the newest episode of shinobi no ittoki & just want to say this show is insane. the premise of “kid learns he’s from a family of ninjas & is forced to become one” felt pretty basic until you start watching & it’s like “oh yeah your mom isn’t a ninja but she’s been forced to lead our clan ever since your father died years ago & it has been hell for her, which is why she told me you don’t have to be a ninja, if you run away now we can probably avoid everyone trying to kill you & no one will think less of you because we all know what we’re asking is going to be really shitty.” & when ittoki is like “NO I WANNA HELP MY MOM” they make him take the entrance exam for a ninja school that just casually has an ad online that looks like the MOST basic college ad ever bc “well if someone sees it they’ll think it’s fake so its fine” so he has to play a game of hide & seek in a convience store on the highway thats run BY THE PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL HIM & unsurprisingly the person he’s trying to find is someone who was actively trying to kill him like yesterday so he has to set off the sprinklers to break her camo suit & the exam proctors come in to arrest her & the first thing he says is “oh shit wait if i don’t touch her i lose the exam pls don’t take her away yet” so like. a lot is happening here
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sule-skerry · 1 month
Soon to be RIP the laptop I bought sometime in summer 2020 when my old one expired and took a depressing amount of my data with it (years of poetry and writing, and my music library) and I needed a new one IMMEDIATELY because I was in online school, I probably carried you with me more than any other computer I've owned. You may be the reason I literally cannot work from home and get cranky when I play video games, but you let me go to class and take remote proctored exams and do job interviews. I will remember your squeaky hinge and the weird purple smudge in the middle of your screen.
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