#ap statistics homework answers
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hbnjhgv · 7 months
What subject AOT vets would teach
(Erwin, Levi, Hange, Miche, Pixis, Hannes, Nile)
Erwin: He teaches English and AP Government. He has first, second, and third period English and teaches fourth period AP Gov. He also wears a tie to school every day and does Sudoku or cross words during class and passing periods. Has the lunch ladies put his lunch in the fridge since it's colder than the mini fridge he has in his classroom, and everyone says hi to him or talks to him on his way back to class. Watch the history channel after school and during lunch.
Levi: Slightly strict History teacher that everyone loves. If you ask him a stupid question, he'll respond with, “I'm not answering useless questions.” Doesn't hesitate to send people to the principal, but never really gives detention because he doesn't want to stay after school with a bunch of teenagers in his classroom. But if you ask him for help or tell him you don't understand something, he will stay after school to help you understand the work. Has the best test scores in the school.
Hange: Biology teacher that somehow still has a job. They've had so many accidents during experiments that they have a helper teacher (Moblit) in their classroom to keep them from blowing up the school. Yes. They do experiments that could cause explosions. In a biology class. Don't ask. Has an entire snack drawer, microwave, coffee machine, and kettle of water with hot chocolate packets in a basket next to it, in their classroom. Is seen as the 'cool teacher' and always has people sitting in their classroom during lunch.
Miche: Super cool math teacher whose class students always request to switch into. Teaching style makes it super easy for everyone to understand and is super nice. He also gives great advice and when girls spray themselves in body mist before class ends, he doesn't get upset. When grading tests, he writes little notes like 'your shoes were cool that day' or 'I liked your shirt that day' Also has the best test scores and grades out of all the math teachers.
Pixis: Law teacher who uses his own charges as what not to do. Also gets a lot of parking/ speeding tickets and complains about how cops are dicks. Never gives a grade below a C- because "at least you tried” Has something called 'movie Thursday and Friday' where at the end of class on Wednesdays everyone votes for a movie then the last half of class on Thursday and all class Friday (sometimes all of Thursday and Friday depending on the movie length) he puts of a movie for everyone to watch.
Hannes: "Teaches" Statistics, but he actually just uses it as a free period and everyone passes his class. Since he's good friends with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin's parents, the three of them hang out in his classroom the period before lunch since their teacher lets them out like half an hour early so she can go on her own lunch break early. His entire chalk board is covered in drawings, and for some reason has a fridge with every juice you can think of. (He says it helps with hangovers)
Nile: Finance teacher. Strict grader and gets asked about Erwin since people know that they went to high school together. He may be a strict grader and give a lot of homework, but his tests and pop quizzes are a piece of cake. Has a box of saltine crackers on his desk for some reason and always has Werther's Originals with him where ever he goes. Has the WORST coffee breath and only drinks one cup of black coffee all day.
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allcalculator · 2 years
Why should you use a Statistics Calculator?
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Monday
Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Pairing: SBI x sister!reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, toxic friends, panic spirals/attacks, injury, taking pills for pain
Summary: you have a very bad week, how will you manage? (Characters are fully human, but based on their DSMP characters. High school AU)
Word count: 4,818
(A/N): I’ve never played volleyball or watched Haikyuu before, so I’m not 100% certain how games work. Also, I probs should’ve split this into two parts, but eh.
“(Y/n) love, you look homeless in that sweater, it’s literally so fucking ugly.”
“Haha, yeah it is. I guess I just wasn’t really trying today.”
Adrian snorted, scanning your body with his cold eyes. “Today? You don’t try at all. You always look like trash.”
“More than trash, you always look like you just rolled in dog shit.” Sammy threw her head back and cackled at her own joke.
Your friends around you erupted in laughter as you four walked down the hallways of the hell that was your public high school. You awkwardly chuckled alongside them, you didn’t really find it funny, but you didn’t want to draw more attention towards yourself. 
“Seriously, (y/n), I really don’t know why we still hang out around you anymore. You really let yourself go.”
“Yeah, now that I think about it, you did gain like five pounds in the past week.”
“Really not a good look on you, love. Then again, nothing you do can make you look good anymore.”
You tried to not let their comments get to you, you really did, but sometimes their comments just rooted themselves deep into your subconscious. You didn’t try looking good anymore, you couldn’t wear anything without them criticising it. You could never win. 
“Awe,” Adrien poked your cheeks, “stop looking so sad. We’re just trying to give you advice. You really need it.”
“Yeah, (y/n). You’re so sensitive, get a grip.”
“Guys look, I think she’s gonna cry!” 
You wiped at your welling eyes with the sleeves of your sweater. “I’m not. I just got allergies.”
Annie rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh. Anyways, what are our plans for Halloween? We should totally dress up like sexy angels! I think that’d be so cool. Like, Clint’s party won’t be ready for us.”
“Oh, about that Annie…”
“God, what now (y/n)?”
“I was actually planning on spending Halloween night taking Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating with my brothers and dad. I won’t be able to go with you guys, I’m sorry.”
The group groaned loudly. “C’mon (y/n), you never hang out with us anymore.”
“Oh my god (y/n) you still go trick-or-treating? We’re juniors.”
“I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy with my AP classes and studying for the SAT. My team captain’s really been pushing the team hard with volleyball practice. State finals are soon and we want first this year.”
“No matter how much studying you do, you’re gonna fail. You’re stupid, so why try? Just give up and hang out with uuussss.”
“Yeah (y/n),” Adrien looked at you suspiciously, “you’ve been ignoring us lately. I thought we were friends. Do you even wanna be friends anymore?”
You felt a flare of panic flare up in your gut. “I do! I-I just have so much going on right now. It’s starting to get hard to juggle everything.”
“We’re starting to think that you don’t like us anymore, we want our (y/n) back!” Sammy whined. The others agreed with her, making you feel guilty. You were ignoring them, it was selfish in your opinion. You supposed that you could skip out on taking Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating, there’ll be other years you could take them. 
“I guess I can take Tommy and Tubbo another year. They’d just have to go without me this year.”
They cheered, giving you praise. You beamed at that, they seemed down lately and you loved it when they’d give you compliments. They didn’t do that much, so that made their praise more special to you. You strived to get compliments.
You four went off to your separate first classes for the day. Yours was statistics, a class you’ve been struggling in lately. You didn’t know anybody in there except for your oldest brother Techno, so you tried to stick with him. Unfortunately, the teacher’s seating chart placed you both on opposite ends of the room, probably because of your last names indicating that you’re siblings. You placed your stuff down on the table and plopped down into your seat, already drained. You had a long day ahead of you; you had a major AP world history test in your next class, you had to give a presentation in your AP english class that was worth a quarter of your final grade, and you had a semifinals volleyball match that would last until late in the night. If your team won, you would be going to state finals, so it was a lot of pressure on your shoulders. You were the main setter, so you had to really focus tonight if you were going to score your team points. 
“Alright class, pull out your homework!”
Fuck, you had homework? You looked in your folder, only to see the unfinished sheet full of equations you didn’t understand staring back at you tauntingly. Mr. Mullins walked over to your desk, took one look at your blank homework, and just walked right past you. Another big fat zero in the gradebook for you, just what you needed. At least he wasn’t in the mood to berate you today. You didn’t need any more stress piled onto your shoulders. 
The lesson felt like it dragged on forever with you frantically trying to copy down the notes on the board and trying to understand the content at the same time. Overtime, he would call students up to the board. Hopefully, he would skip over you today. “Ms. Minecraft.” Goddamn it, you spoke too soon.
Your head perked up and you looked at him. “Yes sir?”
“Come up to the board and solve this.”
Gulping, you felt panic rise up in you and stood up with shaky knees. On the board was part of the newer content he was just teaching. Something that you understood only a little bit better than the rest, and that’s not saying much. You still didn’t understand the content completely. Your writing was shaky as you wrote what you thought was right on the board. Finding the answer, you circled it and looked at Mr. Mullins. He looked disappointed. 
“That’s wrong, Ms. Minecraft. Please sit down.”
You felt like your face was on fire as you saw the entire class burning holes into you with their eyes. Though they looked dead inside, as per usual with any morning class full of tired teenagers, their effects still took hold on you. You wanted to crawl into a dark hole and die. You sat back down and stared at your note packet, you couldn’t focus on the lecture anymore. Your attention was fully on your surroundings, you were hyper aware of every little whisper and bouncing leg in your peripheral vision. You could feel yourself spiraling, usually that wouldn’t happen until after your third class. Today was going to be rough. 
The loud chime of the bell startled you out of your thoughts. You shakily put your papers back into your binder and put the binder back into your backpack. Right as you were about to walk through the door, you heard Techno catch up to you. “Hey, you good?”
“Yeah Tech, I’m just peachy.”
“Are you su-”
“Technoblade. I’m fine. Now if you excuse me, I have to get to my next class. I have an important presentation I’ve gotta prepare for.”
Without giving him any room to argue, you rushed off to your english class. You had Adrian and Annie in your class. For your presentation, you were paired up with people that you hardly knew. At least they did their part in the project, you were certain you were going to die if you got paired up with Adrian and Annie again. You loved them, but they never did any part of their portion of work. They left it to you to finish at midnight the day the project was due. To be fair, they both told you they had family emergencies, so you covered for them just that once. 
You pulled out your flashcards only to have them knocked out of your hand when someone bumped into you. You quickly crouched to pick them up so you could have them in order by time class started. “Oops, sorry love.”
It was Annie. She and Adrian towered over your crouched form smirking at you. Looking back down to rearrange your cards, you murmured “it’s ok.”
“Are you ready for this presentation, I know I am.”
You smiled a little. “Actually, I think I’m going to ace this. English is my best subject.”
“Yeah (y/n), I wasn’t asking you. I was talking to Annie. Besides, you’re probably going to fail this.” Adrian scoffed. 
“Thank you for asking, Adrian,” Annie shot a pointed look at you, “at least someone cares.”
The bell rang, signifying the start of your second block. You felt like you had a lump in your throat blocking your breathing. If Adrian, one of the smartest kids in your english class, said that you were going to fail, then you probably were going to fail. That would take a huge hit on your grade, this project was worth a quarter of your final grade after all. You were zoned out for the entirety of your classmate’s presentations putting yourself into a spiral. You jumped when Mr. Todd, your teacher, called your group up to present.
You stood stiffly in the middle of your two groupmates and clutched your flashcards with clammy hands. Luckily, your part of the presentation was not first. When it came to your part, you were stuttering and tumbling over your words. You even dropped your flashcards in front of everybody, causing half the class to snicker. Your face burned as you hurried to pick them up and your other groupmate took this as a signal to continue the presentation. You still had an important point to make that was integral for the set up to your other groupmate’s part of her presentation. You stared at your flashcards for the rest of the presentation. 
When the bell rang, you made a mad dash out of the classroom. You didn’t want to talk to anybody, especially not Adrian or Annie. It was a relief that you had your lunch period at the moment. You could hide yourself in the bathroom nobody used and let your panic attack ride itself out. 
You ducked inside a stall and sat on the toilet, bringing your knees up to bury your face in them. The tears and panic you were holding in all day let itself out with explosive effects. You started to hyperventilate as you muffled your sobs with your knee. Your chest painfully clenched so you couldn’t breathe. Your limbs felt like they weighed two tons each and they were shaking intensely. You didn’t hear the end of the lunch bell ring. By the time you calmed down slightly, you were five minutes late to AP world history. 
You packed your stuff up in a hurry, power walking through the halls. You probably looked like shit, but you didn’t care, you had a class to get to and a test that you probably wouldn’t be able to finish now. You lost ten minutes of your test time. When you tried to open the closed door, you found that it was locked. You had to knock if you wanted to get in. You raised a shaking hand to knock, but the door was opened by a less-than-impressed Ms. Osborne. She ushered you to your desk and gave you your unit test. 
You couldn’t focus. The multiple choice section was usually a breeze to you, but you couldn’t comprehend any of the questions. When you could comprehend them, you couldn’t concentrate on choosing an answer. You did your best to find the correct answers, but you were almost positive that at least half of them were wrong. Your handwriting was nearly incomprehensible and your essay topic was something you didn’t study for. When you were done with half of the body paragraphs, the bell rang and you had to turn in your unfinished test. 
You had your independent online psychology course next in the library. You usually worked alone secluded in a corner deep inside the library where nobody went. You would get some solace in being alone. Maybe you’d calm down enough so that you could ride home with your brothers and not go for a long walk so you could avoid them. 
You settled down in the comfortable chair and pulled out your laptop to get started. Psychology was your favorite class. It was easy for you to understand, it didn’t have much of a workload attached to it, and it was fun to learn about. It always calmed you down reading about the intricate workings of the brain. 
By time the day was over, you got most of your psychology work done and you were on your way to the car you shared with Technoblade and Wilbur. You took out your spare keys and slumped against the window in the backseat. You were absolutely drained after your terrible day and you still felt panic swirling deep within you, waiting for the right moment to strike. 
You stretched out your legs across the seat and leaned your back against the door. For the first time that day, you felt peaceful. You still had at least fifteen minutes to yourself until your brothers would start to make your way to the car. You felt the panic subside slightly and you fully relaxed. You closed your eyes and let yourself drift off into a light sleep. You needed your energy for tonight’s match. 
The door you were leaning on swung open and you tumbled backwards smacking the back of your head against the metal frame of the car and reverse scorpioning onto the pavement. Your entire upper back and the back of your head exploded in pain and your lower back hurt slightly from having your back bent uncomfortably. You heard laughter above you as you felt tears of pain start to slip out of your eyes. Your legs swung out from their place above your face and landed on the ground with a painful thump. 
You saw three blurry figures above you laughing at your pain. You reached up with a shaky hand to wipe at your tears and saw Adrian, Sammy, and Annie. They were cackling as you shakily stood up and sat on the comfortable seats of the car. You waited patiently for them to calm down. 
Eventually, Sammy calmed down enough to explain what happened to you through chuckles. “I’m sorry (y/n), it was just too good to resist. You should’ve seen your face.”
She and the others broke back into uncontrolled laughter as they remembered your embarrassing fall. You were used to their antics, and quite frankly it felt good to make your friends laugh, even if it were at your own expense. Just as they were calming down once again, you saw Wilbur and Techno walk out the front doors of the school laughing at something the other said. Annie and Sammy heard their laughter and quickly turned around to watch them. They had massive crushes on both of your brothers, many in the school did. 
Your brothers made their way to your shared car and stopped to look at you in slight confusion. “(Y/n), were you crying? What happened?” Wilbur asked worriedly. 
“Oh Wilbur, it was terrible, (y/n) fell out of the car. I don’t think she closed the door before she leaned on it.” Annie interrupted you with a faked concerned tone, a complete contradiction to her reaction before your brothers came.
Techno hastily made his way to the driver’s side door. “Well, if she’s hurt we better get going, right Wilbur?”
“Yes! We better get going, please excuse us.” He sat in the passenger seat and closed the door without hearing Sammy and Annie’s desperate attempts to stop them so they could talk to them. Your brothers thought Sammy and Annie were annoying. They absolutely hated being around them. 
Waving apologetically at your friends, you pulled yourself into the car and closed the door. Annie and Sammy looked offended that you had let Wilbur and Techno get away from them. Avoiding their eyes, you looked down at your tightly clasped hands. They were shaking slightly. 
After pulling out of the parking lot, Techno glanced at you from the rearview mirror. “You ok (y/n)?”
“Yeah, my back just hurts and I have a headache.”
“Well, do you wanna go and get some ice cream? We still have some time left before we have to pick up Tommy and Tubbo. Dad doesn’t have to know,” Wilbur asked you.
You sighed, you wanted nothing other than to take a nap before your match. “Sorry, but I need to watch what I eat today. We have semifinals tonight and I can’t have anything sugary. I just wanna go home and take a nap.”
Your brothers were quiet for the rest of the car ride until you reached your driveway. Techno twisted his body around in his seat to look at you after he put the car in park. “Did you actually fall out of the car?”
Shit, should you tell him the truth? If you did, they would almost certainly get mad at your friends. Sammy and Annie would never forgive you if you turned your brothers against them. You decided that you would take one for the team again. “Yeah, I wasn’t paying attention.” 
Techno snorted. “Well, that was stupid,” he jokingly said. “Next time you’re gonna get run over by a parked car.”
You knew that he meant that as a joke, but it still stung. Stamping your emotions down, you laughed with him and Wilbur. It was stupid of you to do, you shouldn’t have let your guard down if you weren’t at home. 
You winced as you slung your bag on your back and walked the best you could back into your house. Your upper back was killing you. You made a beeline to the bathroom and rummaged through the medicine cabinet looking for some pain relief pills. You took some and shambled off to your room to take your well earned nap. You set your alarm’s setting to its loudest volume and passed out. 
You jolted up and gasped when you felt a wave of pain hit your upper back. You blearily looked at the time. You had a little under two hours before you had to get back to the school for your match. You groaned when you pulled yourself up, your head pounding with every turn. You pulled yourself out of bed and once again took some pain pills. You went downstairs to grab an apple or something to eat. Your dad was at the stove stirring something around in a pot. 
He turned to look at you with an excited smile. “You ready for your match tonight? You’re gonna kill it!” 
You only nodded halfheartedly and plopped yourself down at the table with your apple. Philza frowned at your lack of enthusiasm, but he figured that it was just because you just woke up from a nap. You’d bounce back eventually. 
“Wilbur told me that you fell out of the car? How’d you do that?”
You shrugged, wincing slightly as it moved your back slightly. “Dunno, must’ve not closed the door.”
Philza was at your side in a hurry, his hands hovering over your shoulders. “Did you get hurt? Show me where it hurts.”
“My back and the back of my head.”
“Can I move your shirt so I could look?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
You felt him gently pull the neck of your t-shirt away from your body to peek at your back. You heard his breath hitch as he looked. Was it that bad? “Good god (y/n),” he breathed out.
“What, is it bad?”
“Don’t you feel how bad it is? Your entire back is bruised. I think there’s some blood too.”
“First, language. Second, that’s all you have to say? Aren’t you in pain?”
“Yeah, but the pain pills are gonna kick in soon. I’ll be fine.”
“Would you be able to play tonight? I really think you should sit this one out.”
“No, I’m playing tonight Dad.”
“(Y/n),” oh no, he was using his stern dad voice. “It’s not a good idea to play tonight. You’re hurt, I’m sure they’ll understand if you sit this one out.”
You felt frustration rise up in you. “We’re in the semifinals. They need me, I’m the main setter. They’d lose without me playing.”
“(Y/n), I’m serious. You’re not playing today.”
“Dad, I am playing today. Look, I’ll talk to Coach Williams to see if I could be rotated out more often. I know she’d let me.”
He stared at you for a while before sighing. He knew there was no convincing you. “...Fine. But you better talk to Coach Williams about sitting out for a bit if your back hurts too much or I swear I’ll drag you off the court myself.”
You smiled a little at the small victory. “Thank you! I promise I’ll sit out if needed.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “If needed?”
You sighed, “when needed.”
He walked over to the pot, stirring the contents slightly. “That’s better. Dinner’s almost ready, I made some pasta.”
“It smells good, but I think I’m skipping out on it for today. I already ate this apple and if I eat any more I’ll probably hurl on the court.”
He made a displeased noise in the back of his throat, “fine, but you’re eating something when we get home tonight.”
He walked off to go get your brothers and Tubbo for dinner. You could hear their booming steps racing down the stairs towards the kitchen. They raced into the kitchen and almost crashed into the back of your chair. You stood up and looked at the two excitable fifth graders. “Careful boys, don’t want you getting hurt.”
“You’re no fun (y/n),” Tommy whined.
“Sure, sorry bout that,” Tubbo beamed at you.
You chuckled, making your way upstairs to get ready for your match. You took off your clothes with great difficulty and slipped on your jersey and your spandex shorts. They were way too short for your tastes, but you couldn’t wear longer ones, they’d just get in the way. You fondly remembered how your dad flipped out when he first saw you in them, he hated them with a burning passion. He still hates how short they are.
When you were struggling with pulling your hair back into a tight, sleek ponytail, the back of your head throbbed continuously with pain. You most likely bruised your scalp. 
You slipped on your shoes that were made specifically for playing volleyball and headed downstairs. You were met with Tommy and Tubbo jumping in excitement seeing you in your uniform. They loved going to your matches, even if they would always pass out in the car after them because matches usually ended late at night. You grabbed your dad’s keys and headed to his car. Before you could lead the boys out the door, Philza’s voice stopped you.
“(Y/n), coat.”
You huffed, grabbing your coat and putting it on before tossing him his keys. You four got into the car and set out for the high school. The short drive was filled with Tommy and Tubbo asking you questions about volleyball and encouraging you. “(Y/n), you’re gonna kick their butts!”
“Yeah!” Tubbo cheered 
Despite their voices causing a spike of pain to shoot throughout your head, you laughed at their enthusiasm. It was always nice to hear your little brother and pseudo brother in the stands cheering you on, they were your and your team’s personal cheerleaders. 
Not long after you got to the school, you were stretching with your team on the gym’s floor. Your posse found their way into the stands, sitting in the front row. The away team watched your team like a hawk, analysing every single player for any weakness. It was because of them that you tried to not show any pain when you moved your back. You talked to Coach Williams before the team stretch and she was obviously sympathetic with your situation. She agreed to switching you out with the standby setter every few rotations. 
The echo of the whistles caused pain to ring in your head every time someone scored or a foul was called. Your team captain, Haley, was constantly, yet discreetly checking on you throughout the game since she was always next to you. She was the team’s main spiker after all. 
The game droned on and on before you realized that the opposing team was targeting you when they were offensive. They probably realized that you were injured a round ago. You tried your best to block every ball that was sent your way, but a few managed to slip past you when you couldn’t move fast enough. This team was good, but your team was better. 
The score during the final round was tied and the clock was on it’s last ten seconds as the ball soared your way. You dove to hit it, landing on your shoulder on the hard floor and hitting it up high enough for Haley to spike the ball down. The crowd went wild as the ball bounced off from the opposite end of the court almost simultaneously with the screeching of the referee’s whistle, signifying the end of the game and your team’s victory.
You laid on the floor in pain, you thought you must’ve pulled your tender muscles in your back and shoulder. It hurt to move it. You felt one of your teammates grab your hand to yank you up into a giant full team group hug. You yelped slightly in pain as you felt arms press against your back and hands firmly patting your bruised shoulders. You were whisked away into the locker room to change into the pajamas you brought with you. 
“(Y/n), are you alright? That was a pretty hard fall.” Haley’s soft voice asked you. You felt your heart sing in your chest. 
“Yeah Hales, I’m fine. I just pulled a few muscles.”
Her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed together, “are you sure? As your team captain and your friend, I’m worried about you.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. You felt warm knowing that she cared about you. “I’m sure, worrywart.”
She rolled her eyes playfully and breathed out a soft laugh. “Sorry for asking, grump.” Her laugh sounded like music to your ears. 
Your phone vibrated in your pajama pocket, alerting you of your family waiting for you in the car and for you to hurry up. You sighed, “sorry Hales, I gotta go. Dad’s getting impatient.” 
She gave you a small smile. “Oh, well, tell your family I said hi! Good work on the court today, I wouldn’t ask for a different setter.”
You felt your cheeks warm up and you watched with wide eyes as she left the locker room. Your phone vibrated again, your dad was really starting to get impatient. 
You walked out of the school as fast as you could to find your dad’s car waiting for you up front. Jumping in and softly closing the passenger side door, you slumped against the window. “(Y/n),” Tommy’s tired voice slurred. “That. Was. Pog…”
You glanced back to see him and Tubbo snoring away in their seats. Your match was more exciting than usual, so that must’ve really tired them out. You chuckled, turning back around to lean against the window. You took care not to put any weight on your shoulder or back. 
“(Y/n), you were amazing out there, but why did you dive for that ball? That fall looked like it hurt.”
You hummed tiredly, “thanks Dad. I just did what I thought would win us the game. We’re going to finals!” You quietly sang. 
“Did you hurt your shoulder?”
“I actually don’t know, but I think I might’ve pulled a few muscles. Nothing too bad.”
“...I scheduled a doctor’s appointment for you tomorrow morning during your first and second blocks. I want you to get your back, shoulder, and head looked at. You looked miserable the entire match.”
You sighed, too tired to argue, “mmk.”
He chuckled before the car fell into a comfortable silence. The gentle bouncing of the car and the subtle hum of the engine was lulling you to sleep. Your eyelids were drooping by the time you pulled into your driveway. 
You drug yourself out of the car and into the house, leaving Philza with the sleeping boys. You walked straight to your room and plopped down on your bed, passing out instantly for the second time that day.
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What the Fallout 4 Companions Teach at High School
twist on a classic post! just my opinions.
Cait: Physical Education. It lets her be insanely unhinged and keep a job.
Codsworth: Beginner Mathematics. Arithmetic, Pre-Algebra, and maybe Statistics. He loves his students, who are usually on the younger end (Grades 5, 6, and 7).
Curie: Biology, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. She’s a fantastic teacher, too. Always offers extra credit assignments.
Danse: Phys Ed, just like Cait. He’s a huge hardass though, and is a fucking nightmare for his students. Don’t miss a class.
Deacon: Drama!! He’s an amazing drama teacher too. Not enough money in the show’s budget? Sure, he’ll rob FBI headquarters for more!
Desdemona: She also teaches English, with an emphasis on the higher grades. Much like MacCready, she’s an almost absurdly harsh grader, but it’s all for her students’ betterment. And a college recommendation letter from her is unmatched.
Father: He teaches a course in psychology, and the course is ok. The source material is fascinating, but his lectures are often just insanely long ramblings of a nigh-insane old man.
Hancock: Chemistry. He’s an ok teacher, just fine. He wastes a ton of time talking about his Walter White days, but most of his students still pass the class with decent grades.
Gage: History. And he suuuuuuuuucks. No one is passing his class. 50 question true or false where every answer is true except for questions 8, 9, and 11? Absolutely. What a dick.
Jack Cabot: AP Chemistry and AP US history. He’s an expert in both and is an alright teacher, maybe slightly above average. His students usually don’t understand his 1800s slang though.
Longfellow: He’s that gruff history teacher who no one really loves but no one hates, either. He can be really weird and always smells like fish, but he’s an ok teacher. OR AT LEAST HE WOULD BE IF HE DIDN’T KEEP MICROWAVING TUNA SALAD IN THE TEACHER’S LOUNGE!!
MacCready: Woodshop. It’s not a graded class, but he’s hard on his students anyway. It’s not a Gage kind of hard though, he genuinely wants to see them succeed. Most of them end up pretty ok at woodworking by the end of the semester. And hey, he still has all 9 fingers!
Maxson: The bad Elder teaches US history because he refuses to pick up a book and read about any other country. Fuck him.
Nick Valentine: He would teach a Robotics class, obviously. In reality though, he would probably be Principle. He’s fair and just, but isn’t hesitant to suspend students who hurt other people. He’s generally well-liked though.
Piper: Ms. Wright is the school’s best English teacher. She only assigns good books to read, goes on impassioned rants that actually relate to the topic at hand (looking at you, Hancock) and never gives too much homework. She also runs the Journalism elective and works with Deacon on the plays in her spare time. Oh and she’s the one who keeps leaving those passive-aggressive post-it’s to Longfellow about the fish microwaving.
Preston: Mr. Garvey is a well sought-after teacher of civics and economics. He’s not the best in his department, but no one would bat an eye if yo said that he was your favorite teacher. He’s a kind man at heart and it shines through in his teaching.
Strong: Doesn’t work there anymore after kicking a kid in the ass when he fell in Dodgeball. His defense? “WEAK LITTLE MAN NO NEED LEGS.”
X6-88: Advanced (Insane) math. Calculus 2, AP trig, probably teaches grad student-level classes as definitely not mandatory for a decent grade electives. No one likes him, but he’s by far the most efficient teacher in the school, so he slides by. BUT HE’S A TOTAL BITCH. He doesn’t even eat fish, he’s allergic but he microwaves fish and blames it on Longfellow. Don’t get him wrong, Longfellow’s still responsible for like 70% of the fish incidents, but it’s not all him.
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anakinthetrashking · 3 years
the batkids as things I did in school
take dance class and be friends with everyone even though there was some weird infighting going on between everyone. forget to do the assignment to make up a dance ourselves, just improv'd it and got a good grade, somehow. had the most fun slipping down the hallways in socks.
halfway through the year asked to have a free period instead of ASL 3, bc the teacher wasn't teaching us anything or even keeping it interesting so I spent the whole afternoon in Physics class instead.
went all out for 80s day during Spirit Week but turns out no one else did. got a lot of weird looks and concerned questions that day. one kid said I looked like a jumpscare. thanks dude.
missed more than half of my statistics classes but was still getting a better grade than the seniors I sat near. 😭
got really angry when the Pre-AP Bio teacher disnt know whether Carbon was 6 or 8 on the Periodic Table. 14yr old me thought that it was extremely important to know as a science teacher. failed the first 6wks, got moved to a regular bio class, was late everyday but the teacher still loved me. found and identified a tumor in the stomach of the pig we dissected in class. Can still sing the entire DNA song(to the tune of I Want it That Way) word for word over 10yrs later. Still gets stuck in my head sometimes.
kept getting told off in sewing class bc we weren't supposed to hold the pins in our mouth while sewing bc it's dangerous if we accidentally swallow them but that's what I was used to doing at home.
stunned the much older kids in my class playing Hangman by looking up and immediately guessing "Labyrinth" from the few letters that everyone else had guessed (one of them looked up what the hardest word was for the game and that was it. it would have been if I wasn't so obsessed with Phantom of the Opera and the David Bowie Labyrinth movie at that point in time)
read all of the short stories in that years English textbook within the first month of school every year
smile at people (esp teachers) so wide that id have to close my eyes, and then immediately dropping the smile. (it gave me a break from eye contact and trying to figure out what expression I "should" have in that moment)
Everytime I joyfully played in the rain during lunch and then froze my butt off during afternoon classes in the AC.
also the times I was late for afternoon class bc I was overjoyed at seeing snow.
was too overwhelmed to actually do the required amount of weekly reading so I just picked classic books I had already read and picked a random place to put the bookmark and easily answered the teachers questions on what I was "reading"
be a "gifted" student so I was put in the fast track math class but was too anxious to deal with that teacher's incessant yelling at the students so I begged them to put me in a different class. they put me in a regular paced class and told me to just go ahead and do the fast track by myself at my own pace. got distracted and never did the work. switched schools the next year and got put in the next math up and totally regretted it but was in too deep to back out.
dropped out of public school in 11th grade to have a mental breakdown ✌️ eventually finished HS later through online classes and stuff.
get hooked on Kpop bc the one friend I had made moved away and now I was stuck with her friends at lunch without much of anything in common so we had to make something.
fell asleep in class bc I was awake all night watching kdramas.
had to do a report on a European country and then got overly attached to the country of Moldova...
only got detention twice in all of the years of school. once for being late all the time and once for not turning in my homework on time(the teach didn't want to give me detention but she threatened everyone with it and it was only fair)
Always skipped Pep Rallys and hung out in the Orchestra room instead. also ate lunch in one of the empty practice rooms behind the band hall with friends bc we could :)
got overly excited about black hole radiation and decided to ask my then science teacher about it and was SUPER disappointed when she didn't know anything about it (despite it being a fairly new concept at the time and she only taught middle school non-specific science)
got put in theatre class to fill an empty spot on my schedule, enjoyed it IMMENSELY, got assigned "weirdo kid" role by the teacher for the end of year play. really went all out to play up the weirdo role. probably could have just been myself and it would've been enough.
managed to get into a Ceramics class without taking an applicable basic art credit first. the teacher thought it was weird but she didn't kick me out!
all three times I was asked out I turned them down brutally because I didn't really understand social convention. whoops. sorry dudes.
accidentally offended someone when I said that Art 1 was easy :/ (I think they thought I was saying art in general was easy, which. no. I was taking Art 1 as an online class and it was all the basic stuff about art I had learned from my older sis over the years)
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lesbian-kyoru · 4 years
What do you think is each character's favorite subject in school?
tohru: not a surprise but baby girl loves home ec!! kind of has to work her butt off studying for her other classes, so she gets to enjoy herself and do something she’s naturally super good at in home ec. loves making little snacks in class for her friends and then sharing them at lunch. the sewing unit takes her fashion game to the next level. when they do a project where they take care of fake babies, she definitely ends up caring for half of the class’s infants like they’re her own. kyo is her partner and everyone teases them about it but she still has a really nice time and thinks kyo would be a great dad :’)) highest home ec grade of all time in their school
kyo: says his favorite is PE but it’s actually math. gets a 5 on the AP calc exam. tells no one but tohru, who then tells everyone and kazuma throws a party and kyo is Not Pleased. isn’t a great math tutor though because he can’t really explain how he gets his answers—he just Knows. checks tohru’s homework for her before she turns it in (read: fixes all her wrong answers when she’s not looking so he can see her huge smile when she gets a good grade back. only feels a little bit guilty). watches math tedtalks. nerd disguised as a jock
yuki: favorite subject is lit!! bullshits his way through class discussions and papers without ever actually reading the books because he’s smart and charismatic. has a premium account on sparknotes. favorite class specifically was one on ancient greek literature and epic poetry—spent the entirety of the class critiquing heteronormative readings of the iliad and taking the piss out of other students because “achilles and patroclus are clearly gay if you have eyes”
kakeru: …...i’ll be real he doesn’t like school lmao. senioritis personified. on his phone during classes constantly. laptop open playing world of warcraft or candy crush or neopets. could not tell you anything the teacher said in the last hour. doesn’t take notes because “i’ve got it all up here yun-yun…..” but doesn’t actually do half-bad on tests. only reason he does homework is because he can pretend to study with yuki while actually just flirting with him. if there’s one subject he doesn’t hate it’s history because he “thinks the fight scenes are fun” (yuki: “you mean world war 1??” “yeah it was exciting”)
uo: autoshop. hates the stereotype that just because she’s a lesbian she must like tools and machinery and automotive tech.....having said that she is a lesbian and she does like tools and machinery and automotive tech. gets a 100 on her project where she fixes a busted up motorcycle, and now she has two motorcycles. all the boys in the class call her senpai and worship the ground she walks on. smells faintly like motor oil all the time but she Absolutely makes it work
hana: creative writing. school is not her thing but she thrives in creative writing because her creativity is 100/10 and her stories are absolutely off the walls. excels in writing spooky yet also homoerotic ghost stories in particular. reads them aloud in class with the lights turned off and a flashlight illuminating her face. has made students cry out of fear. shigure beta-reads her writing. likes to subtly imply that her stories actually happened to fuck with kyo. it works
momiji: band/orchestra!! all the older students lose their minds over how well he can play. first chair violinist from day one. has a solo in every concert; tohru sits front row and films them, always cries. he’s the life of the party at Band Camp(™). even the grumpy bass clarinetists like him. doesn’t get in trouble when he talks waaaaay too much during rehearsal because the teacher loves him
haru: mr space cadet himself isn’t much of a science guy but LOVES astronomy. gets Ds on pretty much every test but he doesn’t care because his mind is expanding. buys a super nice telescope so he can look at constellations at 3 in the morning. develops very specific opinions about each planet. stans the moon. gets really into sleeping at last’s astronomy-themed album. becomes that guy whose personality is “i like space” until the class is over and then he never talks about it again
rin: art! she takes several art classes throughout high school. really loves drawing and painting, but also really likes doing ceramics projects because she likes working with her hands :’)) does a watercolor portrait for tohru as a graduation gift but gets really flustered when tohru sobs into her arms over how beautiful it is. also secretly likes doing little doodles of her and haru—he sees them once in her sketchbook and will never let her live it down
kagura: says her favorite is PE and it actually is PE. goes ham for capture the flag, tends to play too rough when capturing and gets taken out of the game. only person who is actually good at volleyball so she is constantly spiking, setting, and diving for the ball all in the same game, while the rest of her team just kind of fumbles around and tries to stay out of her way. gets first place every time they run the mile even though it’s definitely not a competition. definitely knows her mile time even though it is not a timed activity
hiro: this kid screams history nerd, but like Male History Nerd with a niche interest in military history and very specific opinions about how *insert historical figure* wasn’t actually all that bad. gets his ass handed to him in class discussions on the daily but won’t admit it. is genuinely really smart and has Better Opinions by the time he graduates, so he starts using his history nerd powers For Good as an adult—as in, arguing about inaccurate historical memes on facebook in his free time
kisa: choir. singing stresses her out, but she’s figured out that she can just mouth the words and no one can tell that she’s not actually singing! loves being in the group and hearing the beautiful music around her :’)) everyone is in awe of how cute she is in her lil choir robe. tohru comes to all of kisa’s concerts as well and films them from the front row, also while crying
machi: woodshop. gets sawdust on her clothes and loves the smell. obsessed with digging through piles of splintering and warped scrap wood. loses her damn mind when she gets to use the jigsaw. really enjoys making like…misshapen birdhouses and crooked tables, but woodshop is mostly participation grades anyway so her teacher gives her A’s on all of her grotesque wood creations. she is at peace and is One with the Wood. doesn’t wear safety goggles while chopping wood because she likes Risk
kimi: loves speech & drama. emphasis on the drama. it’s a chance to talk for a long time and everyone has to look at her and listen to her or else they’ll fail!! which is how she likes it. goes three minutes over for every speech but the teacher can’t get her to pause long enough to stop her. comes to auditions in a full professionally-made costume. knows her lines and everyone else’s
nao: AP statistics on the pre-accounting track. has known he wants to be an accountant since he was in diapers. does slightly below average in the class. still studies accounting in college because it’s too big a part of his personality to quit at this point. becomes an accountant. never quite feels fulfilled
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neapolitanadonna · 4 years
Axis + Allies at W Academy (Human AU)
North Italy 
Feliciano is the kid who shows up five minutes late everyday with an Frappuccino in his hand. He’s just very, very bad at time management, but he always looks well put together when he does show up. At this point, teachers have stopped assigning him detention because he’s just too good of a student to give detention to, even with his 55 tardies. He’s also the kid who will bring you food if he notices that you’re upset- he’s a firm believer that sugary drinks and carbs are good for the soul. His favorite classes are obviously the art classes- all of his electives are spent taking pottery, studio art, portfolio, painting, charcoal, and anything else the school offers. He may or may not be the art teachers favorite.
Ludwig is the straight-a student who sits in the back of your AP World History class and carries the entire class discussion when everyone else is too afraid to raise their hands to ask a question. He’s also the person who will take the heavy load of the work in the group project, and leave the easier tasks to everyone else. Despite being straight edge, if you ask him for the homework answers, he’ll send them without hesitation. He might tell you, “Ask me if you need help. Copying won’t help you learn anything,” but he always comes in on a clutch.  Everyone wonders why he’s best friends with Feliciano, especially when the word “late” isn’t in Ludwig’s vocabulary. He does well in all his classes, but history and government classes are where he really shines. 
Kiku is the quiet kid who’s also in your AP class who somehow has the highest grade in the class even though you’ve never heard him talk before. He gains a reputation for being cool and mysterious for a while, and a lot of people go to ask Feliciano about him, because they know Ludwig won’t talk about anybody else’s business. Turns out he isn’t really all that mysterious, he’s just shy, but also the biggest sweetheart you’ll ever meet. He does really well in literature classes, and hangs around the literature teachers more than students his actual age. Despite the fact that he keeps to himself, he’s nice to everyone he meets, and if you approach him in class first he won’t stop talking. 
Everyone knows Gilbert, for the better or worse. He’s the kid who just doesn’t shut up in your film study elective course. He’s always yelling, always posting to his snapchat story, always taking pictures, running around the lunchroom, and trying to make friends with the security guards. Everyone either loves Gilbert, or loves to hate him. At the end of the day, he’s really funny, some people can’t come to admit it, though. They wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. He definitely won the class clown superlative, and lives up to it completely. If you’re lucky, you might get put on his snapchat private story, and its hard not to laugh at the things he does and says. Teachers will yell at him to be quiet in their classes, but deep down they’re holding back an unprofessional laugh. He doesn’t really have any particular class he excels in, he’s a jack of all trades, master of none. 
South Italy 
Lovino was the kid who was really, really emo in middle school but glew up sophomore year and now everyone thinks his post-edgy edginess is super attractive. He has a decent amount of friends, but he isn’t super popular. He doesn’t talk back to teachers, but he’ll tell of Gilbert sometimes, and because of his mouth he gets labelled as being funny, even if he wasn’t trying to be. He’s always really well put together- he’s a dress pants every day kind of guy. Like his brother, he’ll probably show up late with a drink in his hand, but instead of one of those “foofoo girly drinks”, he’s got straight up black coffee. He does well in history and government classes like Ludwig, which created a little bit of tension between the two. But unlike Ludwig, he does well because he’s just so damn opinionated. He was asked to be on the debate team, but he turned it down. Extra-curriculars aren’t his thing. 
Alfred is that guy. Everyone knows who Alfred is, but not in the same way everyone knows Gilbert. Alfred is the captain of the varsity football team, has a new girlfriend every other two months, party at my place, red solo cup kind of guy. He’s mad he didn’t get the class clown superlative, but in reality he just isn’t as funny. He’s the kid whose really nice, as long as you play a varsity sport. He doesn’t really communicate much outside of his big clique, but he’s super well known. He’s the guy who will add you on snapchat just to make a new streak, but never actually talk to you. He wins prom king in his junior and senior year. He’s just the gym class hero, likes to show off how much he can dead lift and bench press. He gets along with male history teachers too, just because they’re usually football fans. (Alfred is really, really bad in history, though.)
Arthur is the class president who everyone loves to hate. He’s snotty, uptight, and won’t send you homework answers even if your life depended on it. He has an “I’m better and more successful than everyone in this place” type of energy, but deep down, he’s a huge geek. He’s friends with Lukas and Vladimir, so at first everyone just assumes that he’s super chill and laid back, then he opens his mouth and all of that goes away. Girls love to pick on him, Michelle (Seychelles) started a running joke where her and her friends will all call him Draco Malfoy when he’s around. In reality, he just doesn’t know how to socialize very well. He’s a nice guy deep down, just kinda broken and defensive, and very few can see that. He does well in every class, just beating out Ludwig as Valedictorian. 
Francis is the leader of his little clique that’s full of guys who worship Lady Gaga, and girls who cuff their jeans and wear butterfly clips in their hair (if you know what I mean.) He’s very, very popular. He knows how to make people feel loved and important, and hypes everyone up in their Instagram comments. People will call him fake because he’s always just way too nice, but that’s just him. He’s the type of guy who will hit on anyone, even teachers, and he gets labelled as teachers pet for it (and he doesn’t deny it.) When him, Gilbert, and Antonio are in a class together, just get ready to know that it’ll be comedy central. He’s declared himself the sworn defender of underclassmen girls who get preyed on by upperclassmen boys. He does well in language classes, nobody knows it but he’s a little bit of a polyglot. He can speak English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, and Creole. Take that!
Ivan is the guy all the girls have a low key crush on, but everyone’s too afraid to talk to him because they know he comes off as intimidating, so Ivan is left thinking that nobody likes him. That is, until somebody sends him a screenshot of somebody’s snapchat story where they call him “daddy,” and his whole attitude takes a 180. It isn’t his fault he looks scary, he’s taller and bigger than everyone, and gets mistaken as a teacher sometimes. He gets the nickname “Rasputin” from Alfred because he comes off as terrifying, but a lot of girls just love him. In reality he’s just kind of shy, not very scary at all. Sometimes girls will ask to put hair ties and clips in his hair, just because, and he always flushes up when they do. He plays hockey for the school, and completely annihilates everyone on ice. He’s just cool like that. 
Yao is the kid in your statistics class who zones out all the time, only coming back to reality to make a snarky comment about the teacher under his breath for you to hear. He keeps to himself and his small group of friends, which is mainly just other eastern Asian kids he’s grown up with since middle school. He’s really active in civil rights, he cares a lot about his identity as a minority in the school, and would defend it viciously if need be. He does a lot of posting, talking, and writing about human rights, which is shocking since most people just assume he’s old fashioned based off the fact that he has so many old man mannerisms (ie. complaining about back pain and how he needs an acupuncture appointment asap.) Everyone calls him the grandpa friend, which is like a mom friend except he’ll give you hard candies he got at the Chinese Market instead of being your therapist when you’re upset. He does really well in government and business classes. 
Antonio is everyone’s best friend. Unlike Francis and Gilbert, Antonio’s presence is very, very calming, and he’s often put in the position of apologizing for his friends behaviors. He’s the one who has to talk to the police if they get caught goofing around in a place they shouldn’t be, or if Gilbert was “accidentally” driving 75 mph in a 45. Teachers always love Antonio, not because he gets super high grades, he’s just so friendly. He’s the kid who invited kids sitting by themselves at lunch to sit with him, and not for his personal benefit. Even if you aren’t close with him, Antonio would always be there for you if you’re upset in school. It’s hard not to be cheered up by him. He’ll go out of his way to make anyone laugh or smile, even if he acts a little inappropriate in the process. He does really well in science classes, especially biology and environmental. 
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couldbeasong · 4 years
1-60 for the ask meme
Ope sorry I did not see this until today. I think I know the one? If it’s not the one you meant just lmk lol
1. Selfie?
You can have this picrew but I wish to be unperceived.
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2. What would you name your future kids?
For female names I like: Harmony, Slyvia, Edelweiss, Bethany, and Opal
For male names I like: Uriah, Aiden, Kai, Levi, and Luke
3. Do you miss anyone?
My grandpa and Midnight (old dog)
4. What are you looking forward to?
Going on vacation in a few weeks, the end of the semester, and seeing @calligraphywitch tomorrow
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
@calligraphywitch and my other girlfriend. They’re hilarious lmao
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Romantically? Not really. You kinda gotta just accept it and move on. In the past, always being like: this will never work because of reason xyz helps.
Friendship wise? Absolutely. It depends a lot on the emotional investment I put into the relationship, but I find myself still missing people I haven’t talked to since High School or Middle School.
7. What was your life like last year?
It was weird being a freshman in college and trying to survive. I had a lot of family problems going on along with one of my best friends from High School being on her death bed for a while. A bit of a crisis of faith as well. But we survived, God willing! I miss pre-pandemic times tho
8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Ask my brother. I’m sure there’s been an instance.
9. Who did you last see in person?
My grandma across the room from me!
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I hide them so well I can’t even find them!
I like to pretend they aren’t there and repress them a lot but idk if I’m good at hiding them from others per say.
11. Are you listening to music right now?
I’m in a zoom meeting for class, so I guess my professor's voice?
12. What is something you want right now?
13. How do you feel right now?
Kinda tired, kinda nauseous, kinda bored. Idk I probably need to drink some water.
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Uhhhh idk about a week ago? My last hug was probably a week ago too XD
15. Personality description
I like to think I’m funny
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
I work in customer service- everyday (:
17. Opinion on insecurities.
Everyone is insecure about something. It’s kinda fascinating how even though all of humanity is exactly the same (in terms of our struggles and insecurities, we don’t vary) we still judge others for having them. Confidence is seen as a virtue and the most attainable goal. Society profits off of your insecurities tho so be aware of what they are and don’t let yourself be scammed.
18. Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Certain aspects perhaps. But 2019 is gone. It performed and then it left. It can’t hurt us or help us anymore. There’s little use in dwelling on that and wishing for 2020 to be 2019.
19. Have you ever been to New York?
No, but I swear Ima go one day and see a show on Broadway.
20. What is your favorite song at the moment?
I have like three I’m cycling between rn
When You’re Home from In the Heights
Wake Up by Jenny Owen Youngs
Together by For King and Country
21. Age and birthday?
Old enough to know better and October
22. Description of crush.
He’s super great and super intelligent, not to mention super in love with God. Frankly, he deserves better than me. I gotta lot of self-improvement that needs to happen, but we’ll see what happens XD
23. Fear(s)
Heights, drowning, spiders, super dark streets and rooms, not being good enough
24. Height
5′5″ respectfully
25. Role model
It’s changed through the various stages of my life. Rn tho a few of my Christian online friends
26. Idol(s)
I mean I stan Brian David Gilbert, but I don’t idolize him lol
27. Things I hate
Cheesecake, sickly sweet stuff, when someone grabs the receipt out of the printer even though it’s way more effort for them to do so than for me just to hand it to them and it throws me off of my rhythm, fudge
28. I’ll love you if…
You exist (and even not then because fictional characters just hit different lol)
29. Favorite film(s)
Tangled, Ella Enchanted, Enchanted, Howls Moving Castle, Princess, and the Pauper
30. Favorite tv show(s)
Brooklynn 99, Parks and Recreation, Ouran High School Host Club, My Hero Academia, and Bojack Horseman (I’m going through a phase with it rn lol)
31. 3 random facts
Blue is my favorite color, I own almost nothing in blue, people are better at identifying members of their own race better than members of other races.
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Girls- they’re easier to talk to and approach. Tho I stan and love my guy friends. They are kings.
33. Something you want to learn
Everything? Idk I have an insatiable desire to learn and it switches. Consistently, I want to learn how to make my own clothes, play either piano, guitar, or violin, and detail cars.
34. Most embarrassing moment
Uggg I’m not talking about it and neither is @calligraphywitch
35. Favorite subject
I really enjoyed Statistics as much as I have hated it. My all-time favorite class I have ever taken tho was AP US Literature
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Graduate grad school, get married, travel overseas
37. Favorite actor/actress
uhhh probably Chris Pratt or anyone who was on Parks and Recreation. Tho Broadway actors, I love Christian Borle
38. Favorite comedian(s)
John Mulaney
39. Favorite sport(s)
I miss playing softball and volleyball so prolly those
40. Favorite memory
There are too many to count. But usually, involve good conversations under the stars after 2 AM.
41. Relationship status
Have a picrew of my sister and me. Keep scrolling and mind ya business (jk ily anon)
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42. Favorite book(s)
The Bible lol but fictional book wise, I will always love the Warrior Cats series. Red Queen was pretty lit. The Hourglass Door gave me a love for time travel aus lol. And Library Wars is near and dear to my heart.
43. Favorite song ever
You can’t ask me thisssss
Idk Hope is what we crave by For King and Country
44. Age you get mistaken for
24-30 it depends on the context
45. How you found out about your idol
46. What my last text message says
No xD not disney
47. Turn-ons
When you have a musical playing and the end of one song is the start of another so they bleed into each other. CHILLS or when a line of poetry just expresses how someone feels. OR when different parts harmonize just right
48. Turn-offs
When my computer deletes my homework right before it’s done
49. Where I want to be right now
In a little cabin in the woods
50. Favorite picture of your idol
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51. Starsign
52. Something I’m talented at
Reading peoples emotions
53. 5 things that make me happy
Music, Friends, Deep Conversations, Hugs, and God
54. Something that's worrying me at the moment
So much to do so much to see
55. Tumblr friends
Friends and mutuals include:
@calligraphywitch @an-assortment-of-forks @repentance-brings-healing @synthetic-blanket-hairs @loneallegiance @boywiththewand @knightof-cups @a-lil-strawberry @linkedwolf @indygo @obnoxioushair
There’s plenty more than that and I love you all ^^
56. Favorite food(s)
Tacos, Crab Ragoons, Salty Foods, RICE
57. Favorite animal(s)
Wolves and cats
58. Description of my best friend
Artistic, beautiful, supportive, hardworking. She is hilarious and an amazing person. There’s so much to the many reasons I love her I just can’t do it in words
59. Why I joined tumblr
Back in the 7th grade, my friends all had one and helped set me up with one. And that’s that.
60. Ask me anything you want
You want nothing ig lol if you want to submit one I can answer it still
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April 8, 2021
Good evening everyone! Considered I was out and about for three hours today and briefly fell down a YouTube hole, I was productive. 
APES Mod 34 for Independent Study (read module, took notes, answered questions, and vocabulary)
~Datasets~ (found some good stuff, now I have to figure out how to do statistical significance)
Calculus homework 
Copied 10 slides for micro (if I won’t watch the videos, I’ll copy the slides!)
Time to kick it into high gear. First AP test is May 5th, less than a month away, so I want to try and do some AP prep for any of the tests, daily. I think it will really help me!
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frickyeahfanfic · 5 years
STATS & STAR WARS (peter parker)
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pairing: peter parker x cheerleader!smart!reader
warnings: none
summary: You are in peter’s math class, and you got partnered with him for a stats project. Peter is TERRIBLE at math, so you have to stay after school to help him with the project. and maybe hang out and study later?
word count: 2.5k
Peter was dreading his math class today. He didn’t have any friends in that class, nor did he do the homework, but on top of it all, there was a group assignment. It wouldn’t have been as miserable if he had been put with MJ, or even Flash,
But he had been paired with you. 
The best math student with the worst. 
“Everyone get in your assigned groups, you have twenty minutes until the bell rings to work. These projects are due on Friday, so get them done!”
The lifeless room shuffled to life as the kids moved their desks and slung their brick-heavy backpacks over their shoulders.
You turned your head over your shoulder and made eye contact with a scared looking Peter Parker. Honestly, you could never figure out why he always looked like a deer in the headlights. You wave your hand and he follows the movement, quickly getting out of his seat and plopping down in the one next to you.
“You start on page 329 and I’ll start on 349,” you say, hoisting your textbook out of your backpack. He did the same, humming in agreement. 
As you fingered through the textbook with delicate fingers, Peter scribbled down the notes from his pages. You could simply read the information and process it perfectly, thus classifying you as the smartest person in the room.
Peter, on the other hand, was a bit slow.
“Hey, um, what formula would you use for this problem?” He turned his messy notes to you. 
You looked up from your concentration and scrutinized his page for a moment, before jotting down the equation on the corner of his paper.
“Use this one,” you said with a smile. 
Peter laughed nervously. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.”
Although Peter was a little thick when it came to numbers and graphs, you were more than happy to help a classmate out. Especially if it meant that you would get free physics and AP biology tutoring. 
Still, why did he act so… afraid?
There were a few moments of silence before the bell rang and students scrambled to collect their supplies. Peter didn’t move. 
As you started to stand, he panicked. “Wait, I need more help!”
It was the last class period of the day, so everyone was eager to go home, to clubs or sports practices. You were a cheerleader, and tumbling practice wasn’t until later, so you had some time to stay after school and help Parker out. 
You sank back into your seat and grabbed your calculator that you had just put away. 
“Sorry Y/n, you can go home if you want, I think I can figure this one out.”
A soft smile warmed your face and you started plugging in numbers into the calculator. “You have ten problems left, and it’s a group assignment. We won’t go home until it’s finished,” you stated simply, writing an answer down on his paper. Your arm brushed over his and he flinched, but you didn’t notice. He always got so jumpy around you. 
It was silent as you worked on the next problem. The vents whirred loudly, and when you slammed your pencil on the desk, Peter nearly had a heart attack and sat up straighter than a stick in his chair. If only his Spidey-sense could help him with not being so nervous. 
“Parker, please just talk to me. You don’t have to be so quiet,” you complained, raising an eyebrow. 
He opened his mouth, but no words came out. What an idiot, she’s probably thinking.
“How’s Ned? Got another lego set?” You try, his eyes looking anywhere but yours.
“Oh! Ned’s great! We just finished a limited edition Millenium Falcon piece!”
Idiot, idiot, idiot! She probably thinks I’m the biggest nerd now!
“Millenium Falcon, from Star Wars?” You asked with genuine interest. 
Peter nodded and swallowed. Maybe he could redeem himself.  
“Well, yeah, Ned’s a huge fan of Star Wars, I’m not as-”
“My brother doesn’t play with his legos anymore, and he hasn’t touched his Super Star Destroyer in years,” you say, cutting him off. 
Peter was listening now. “The Super Star Destroyer?” The set cost almost a thousand on ebay, and there was no way that May would approve of the heavy purchase. 
You shrug. “My parents bought it for him when he was 12. He was such a brat about it, they paid him to put it together. You can have it if you want, the box is only good at collecting dust.”
The rich, smart, hot cheerleader just offered him a Lego Star Wars set. Ned would never believe him.
“I… don’t know what to say,” Peter said, staring at his scribbles in disbelief. 
“Thank you.” You teased, nudging him with your elbow. 
I think I broke him, you thought to yourself as he looked at your eyes for a second, then continued to stare at the paper in front of him. 
You clear your throat. “I’ve never seen Star Wars before.”
Peter looked at you in disbelief. Okay, he’s not broken. “What?” He nearly screamed at you.
Furrowing your brow, you continue copying down numbers from the dim screen on the calculator. “I don’t watch nerd movies, I watch chick-flicks and rom-coms with my friends, Peter Parker,” you say.
Your sparkling laughter fills the air as Peter’s face twisted into one of confusion. 
“We need to watch Star Wars,” he blurted out.
You squint your eyes. “We need to finish our project.”
He groaned and put his face on the desk, but gasped when an idea came to his head.
“We can watch Star Wars and work on the project,” Peter said, lifting his face off the desk. His paper was stuck to his cheek and it fluttered to the ground when you blew on it.
“You mean, I watch Star Wars, while you work on the project,” you roll your eyes and pick up Peter’s paper off the ground. “Or is it the other way around.”
When you put the paper back on his desk he was nearly glaring at you. 
“You need to watch Star Wars,” he insisted again.
“Fine. I’ll watch it when I get home from tumbling practice, you can wait until then,” your last statement wasn’t a question, rather, demanding Peter to be patient. 
He huffed and nodded. “Deal. Your house or mine?”
You bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing. “Peter, if you’re asking me on a date, then it’s your place, but if we’re just hanging out we can do my place.”
Peter’s face turned bright red and his palms were sweating profusely. “A date? No, no, we can just hang out at your house.”
You wink and he almost faints. “It’s a deal.” 
Peter gets a text on his phone and starts packing his things. He gets halfway through the door when he stops. A clammy hand wraps around the doorframe and he peaks back at you.
“I, uh… probably need your address, and your phone number in case I get lost.”
You catch up to him, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. “Thought you’d never ask.”
He hands you his phone with a blank contact and you fill it in quietly. Peter can’t help but stare at you, this close to him. The way your lovely lashed eyes settle on the cracked screen, the hair that falls over your right shoulder, you make his knees weak. 
You hand his phone back to him and he gasps softly when you make eye contact with him again. You tilt your head in confusion. 
“Something wrong Peter?”
He shakes his head and steps backwards. “Uh, I’ll see you tonight! Good luck with tumbling practice!”
Peter runs faster than he’s ever run before. 
He can’t stop shaking when he comes to the door. 
You live a little way out of the city, in a two-story home on a busy street. The streetlamps seem bright and the road well kept in contrast to the dirty and dim Queens area that Peter Parker lived in. 
Peter looks at his phone one more time, making sure he has the right address and knocks on the door with a clenched fist. 
To his relief, a small head poked through the crack in the door and looked up at you. It must’ve been one of your brothers. 
“Who are you?” He asked innocently. Peter could see a glowing lightsaber in the hands of the elementary-age child, as if ready for attack. 
“I’m Peter, I’m coming over to study with Y/n,” he said, hefting the AP Stats textbook in his arm. 
The boy turned his head and yelled your name, to which you came quickly to the door. 
Your hair was pulled back in a slick ponytail, but the ends were tousled from your cheerleading practice. A baggy t-shirt draped over your arms and fell down to your mid-thigh, and from there tight leggings were situated comfortably. 
This was a different version of yourself, a tired, undone version. Normally your hair was perfectly curled, and you had the cutest clothes on, but at home, you could unwind and take things down a notch. 
Peter thought you looked perfect. Either way, you were just stunning, sweats or skirts. 
“Ben, let Peter in! Dude, I’m so sorry, he’s kinda a weirdo,” you said laughing. 
“Ben,” Peter breathed. Ben Parker was his Uncle’s name.
Your brother scurried off behind you when Peter came inside. 
“He’s the one that doesn’t play with his legos anymore,” you turn and look at him running off with his lightsaber. “Speaking of which-”
You plopped down a box by the door, the sound of plastic bricks clinking inside. “Your Super Star Destroyer. Don’t forget it here.”
Peter beamed. “Awesome!”
You gesture to the basement door. “Let's get our homework done. Both assignments.”
He looked confused and started panicking. There were two assignments?
You saw the look of confusion on his face. “Stats and Star Wars?”
Peter sighed with relief. “Oh yeah, duh.”
The basement was small but cozy. You had already set up the TV to watch Star Wars, and your backpack and textbooks were already strewn across the floor and the couch. 
“There’s food and sodas in the fridge, feel free to help yourself,” you said, plopping down on the couch. You grab a heavy textbook and set it in your lap, opening up to wear a pencil marked your spot. Peter had a water bottle in his hands from the fridge and sat down gingerly next to you, pulling out a binder full of statistic worksheets.
You nod towards the TV. “Ready?”
His face glows. “Yes.”
Not even ten minutes into the movie, Peter asks for your help on a problem.
“Y/n, how do you do this one again?” He nearly cringes as you turn your attention away from the screen. He doesn’t want you to miss this scene. 
You cheerfully point out that he needs to fix the Window setting on his calculator, then immediately go back to watching the movie.
Peter realized that you had your textbook open on your lap to help him.
So embarrassing. At least he only had two more problems left, then he could enjoy the movie. 
You can sense his frustration as he flips through the pages of the textbook, trying to find the next solution. You study his paper for a second, equally as confused. 
 “I actually don’t know how to do this one, I don’t think Mr. Saldor explained this concept,” you say with a sigh.
Peter didn’t feel so embarrassed anymore. You didn’t know all the answers in the universe. 
“Wait, you actually don’t know?” He asked, a bright tone in his voice. 
You roll your eyes and turn back to the screen. “No, Peter Parker, I actually don’t know all the answers in the universe.” You shut your textbook and set it on the floor. “I assume he’ll go over it in class tomorrow until then we need to work on our next assignment.”
Phew. The pain was over. He could finally watch his favorite movie with you. Pray to Thor that he doesn’t make himself more embarrassed. 
“I need some water, I’ll be right back,” you get up, hoping that he gets the message to scoot over and make a move. 
Of course, you wanted to hang out with Peter, and working on AP stats homework was the perfect excuse. 
You thought he was the sweetest kid in your class, and he wasn’t too bad to look at either. You didn’t mind all of his nerdy-ness, his friend Ned, or the fact that he straight-up sucked at Statistics, in fact, you found it all the more endearing. And when he got all nervous around you, you just wanted to pull him in a hug and tell him to take it easy. You liked him for who he was. If only you had the courage to tell him that. Maybe you were just as shy.  
As you come back to the couch, Peter was sitting with a blanket on his lap. He looked so uncomfortable. He had to focus so hard not to move away from you when you sat down so close to him. 
You reached for the blanket. “Mind if we share?”
“Oh yeah!” He exclaimed, and then pushed all the blankets off of himself onto you. 
He looked at you, his lips pressed together and his eyes wider than ever before. 
“Stop worrying!” You burst out in laughter, clutching your gut when you couldn’t get any air. 
“I can’t!” He nearly yelled at you as you continued to double over.
Once your breathing slowed you looked at him again and stifled a laugh. He looked terrified. 
“Peter Parker, share the blanket with me.”
He blinked in surprise. You wanted to cuddle with him?
You could read the shock plastered all over his face. In one swift movement, the blanket was draped over the two of you and you snuggled into his side.
“This is the part where you put your arm around me,” you say softly now. 
“Right,” he said, face blushing hard. His muscular arm wrapped around your shoulder and relaxed when he found the right spot to rest his hand. 
“I kinda don’t know what’s going on in the movie,” you admitted. 
“Guess we’ll have to watch from the start,” he said smoothly. Finally! He thought to himself. I think I’m catching onto this flirting thing!
“Guess so.”
ok i think i’m gonna end it there. I might write some more mini fics to this bc i love this concept where peter is just HEAD OVER HEELS for the pretty!reader, i just gotta finish up a submission first before i post anything else aaaaaa
any advice for my writing?? send in an ask! i have LOTS of room for improvement!
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doinbetter · 6 years
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ap classes can be super stressful, especially if you’re taking multiple. here’s the best advice i have on being successful in them after surviving high school! also, please feel free to add any advice in the reblogs or comments<3 thank you! 
• read your textbook (and take notes!!) i quickly learned that i did so much better in a class when i had done the textbook readings for each chapter. usually teachers go about a chapter a week, which isn’t super tough to keep up with if you divide it into chunks (i’ll make a post soon on how i took notes from the textbook) 
• do your homework, and do it well. some nights, your homework will be a lot. but you really should do as much of it as you can. (i’m emphasizing this for math classes because math homework is usually super similar to what you’ll see on the test, but it is important review for every class). Work with the book next to you, use khan academy, mark questions that you need help with (and get help), and do it on time. your grades will thank you, and so will your teacher!! 
• my strategy to review for in class tests: 
1.) review vocabulary using flash cards or quizlet (i’d actually recommend making quizlets for each chapter so u can use it to review for the ap test later)
2.) use your notes or textbook summaries to create your own summaries of the current chapter(s) on blank pieces of paper (take notes on your notes, explain important concepts/main ideas, write down important dates/people/equations, include practice problems for math/science courses) (keep these summary pages in a folder & organized for when you’re reviewing for the ap test) 
3.) know how to explain all of the concepts (either out loud or in writing) without looking at the textbook for answers. (i usually try to answer the textbook’s essential questions/ section questions using as much concrete evidence as possible to prove the answer)  
(do this over 3 separate days AT LEAST for in class tests (day one vocab, day two create summaries of chapters, day three explain chapters outloud), and over several weeks for the ap test) 
literally everyone says this, but seriously do not procrastinate and high school won’t be as miserable for you as it is for other people. do your homework on time, divide your note taking into different days, plan ahead, do work right as you get home or during class. 
• talk to your teacher if you’re seriously struggling with the work load, and let them know if you’re going through a hard time in life and it’s affecting your school work. this can be scary, but usually they don’t want you to want to die! so just let them know, and they’ll give you advice / help with it and will support you. communication is so important. 
possible structure for an email to communicate an issue with them: 
“hi _____(teachers name)_____, 
i’m having a hard time completing my work recently because of (reason why, be honest). is it okay if i can have an extension until (date in the near future that you can turn it in and please stick to this date btw) (please)? 
thank you, __(your name)__” 
(just for more explanation: my dog died in march during my senior year. i emailed my ap environmental science teacher, my ap statistics teacher, and my ap lit teacher the same email: “hi, my dog died today and i’m having a hard time concentrating on my work, so i won’t be able to finish it today. may i have an extension for my work this week until (day i knew i could turn it in abt a week later)? thank you! -jillian” they all were understanding and gave me an extension. i said the same thing when my aunt died, and the same thing when i was in the hospital after a long boarding accident. i also let teachers know during junior year when i was having anxiety, or during first sem senior year when i was working heavy hours) 
• limit the amount of ap classes you take, and only take classes that you’re interested in. i know colleges “like ap classes,” but they also like mentally sane students, students that sleep, well rounded students, students with decent gpas, etc. just in my opinion, you’ll be so much happier and more successful if you only take 1-3 ap classes that you’re truly interested in. (i took 1 my sophomore year, 3 junior year, and 3 senior year. my rule was to never take more than 3 because that’s the most that i could still get all a’s in without suffering. but know yourself and your limits) 
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realtalk-tj · 5 years
Could you please explain in more detail what each of the math post-APs are and how easy/hard they are and how much work? Thanks!!
Response from Al:
This can be added on to, but I can describe how Multivariable Calculus is. First off, I want to say not anyone’s opinion should affect how difficult or easy a class would be for YOU. Ultimately, do the classes you’re interested in. Personally, I thought Calculus was cool as subject, so that’s why I pursued Multi. Multi. builds off of BC Calculus, Geometry, and even some of the linear algebra you learned from middle school (not to be confused with the Linear Algebra you can take at TJ), so as long as you have a good foundation in those subjects, I’m sure you’ll do well in Multi. Depending on your teacher, assessments may or may not be more challenging, and that’s why I strongly emphasize take the class only if you’re genuinely into it. Don’t take it because of peer pressure / because you want to stand out in colleges. I’ll let anyone add below.
Response from Flitwick:
Disclaimer: I feel like I’m not the most unbiased perspective on the difficulty of these math classes, and I have my own mathematical strong/weak points that will bleed into these descriptions. Take all of this with a grain of salt, and go to the curriculum fair for the classes you’re interested in! I’ve tried to make this not just what’s in the catalog/what you’ll hear at the curriculum fair, so hopefully, you can get a more complete view of what you’re in for. 
Here’s my complete review of the post-AP math classes, and my experience while in the class/what I’ve heard from others who have taken the class. I’m not attaching a numerical scale for you to definitively rank these according to difficulty because that would be a drastic oversimplification of what the class is.
Multi: Your experience will vary based on the teacher, but you’ll experience the most natural continuation of calculus no matter who you get. In general, the material is mostly standardized (and you can find it online), but Osborne will do a bit more of a rigorous treatment and will present concepts in an order that “tells a more complete story,” so to speak. 
The class feels a decent amount like BC at first, but the difficulty ramps up over time and you might have an even rougher time if you haven’t had a physics course yet when it comes to understanding some of the later parts of the course (vector fields and flux and all).
I’d say some of the things you learn can be seen as more procedural, i.e. you’ll get lots of problems in the style of “find/compute blah,” and it’s really easy to just memorize steps for specific kinds of problems. However, I would highly recommend that you don’t fall into this sort of mindset and understand what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how that’ll yield what you want to compute, etc.
Homework isn’t really checked, but you just gotta do it – practice makes better in this class.
Linear: This class is called “Matrix Algebra” in the catalog, but I find that title sort of misleading. Again, your experience will depend on who you get (see above for notes on that), but generally, expect a class that is much more focused on understanding intuitive concepts that you might have learned in Math 4/prior to this course, but that can be applied in a much broader context. You’ll start with a fairly simple question (i.e. what does it mean for a system of linear equations to have a solution?) and extend this question to ask/answer questions about linear transformations, vectors and the spaces in which they reside, and matrices.
A lot of the concepts/abstractions are probably easier to grasp for people who didn’t do as well in multi, and this I think is a perfectly natural thing! Linear concepts also lend themselves pretty well to visualization which is great for us visual learners too :)) The difficulty can come in understanding what terms mean/imply and what they don’t mean/imply, which turns into a lot of true/false at some points, and in the naturally large amount of arithmetic that just comes with dealing with matrices and stuff. 
Same/similar notes on the homework situation as in Multi.
Concrete: Dr. White teaches this course, and it’s a great time! The course description in the catalog isn’t totally accurate - most of the focus of the first two main units are generally about counting things, and some of the stuff mentioned in the catalog (Catalan numbers, Stirling numbers) are presented as numbers that count stuff in different situations. The first unit focuses on a more constructive approach to counting, and it can be really hard to get used to that way of thinking - it’s sorta like math-competition problems, to a degree. The second unit does the same thing but from a more computational/analytic perspective. Towards the end, Mr. White will sort of cover whatever the class is interested in - we did a bit of group theory for counting at the end when I took it. 
The workload is fairly light - a couple problem sets here and there to do, and a few tests, but nothing super regular. Classes are sometimes proofs, sometimes working on a problem in groups to get a feel for the style of thinking necessary for the class. if you’re responsible for taking notes for the class, you get a little bonus, but of course, it’s more work to learn/write in LaTeX. Assessments are more application, I guess - problems designed to show you’ve understood how to think in a combinatorial way. 
Unfortunately, this course is not offered this year but hopefully it will be next year! 
Prob Theory: Dr. White teaches this course this year, and the course’s focus is sort of in the name. The course covers probability and random variables, different kinds of distributions, sampling, expected value, decision theory, and some of the underlying math that forms the basis for statistics. 
This course has much more structure, and they follow the textbook closely, supplemented by packets of problems. Like Concrete, lecture in class is more derivation/proof-based, and practice is done with the packets. Assessments are the same way as above. Personally, I feel this class is a bit more difficult/less intuitive compared to Concrete, but I haven’t taken it at the time of writing. 
Edit (Spr. 2020) - It’s maybe a little more computational in terms of how it’s more difficult? There’s a lot of practice with a smaller set of concepts, but with a lot of applications. 
AMT: Dr. Osborne teaches this course, and I think this course complements all the stuff you do math/physics-wise really well, even if you don’t take any of the above except multi. The class starts where BC ended (sequences + series), but it quickly transitions to using series to evaluate integrals. The second unit does a bit of the probability as well (and probability theory), but it’s quickly used as a gateway into thermodynamics, a physics topic not covered in any other class. The class ends with a very fast speed-run of the linear course (with one or two extra topics thrown in here and there). 
The difficulty of this course comes from pace. The problem sets can get pretty long (with one every 1-2 weeks), but if you work at it and ask questions in class/through email whenever you get confused, you’ll be able to keep up with the material. The expressions you’ll have to work with might be intimidating sometimes, but Osborne presents a particular way of thinking that helps you get over that fear - which is nice! All assessments are take-home (with rules), and are written in the same style as problem sets and problems you do in class. The course can be a lot to handle, but if you stick with it, you’ll end up learning a lot that you might not have learned otherwise, all wrapped up in one semester.  
Diffie: Dr. Osborne has historically taught this course, but this year’s been weird - Dr. J is teaching a section in the spring, while Dr. Osborne is teaching one in the fall. No idea if this trend will continue! Diffie is sort of what it says it is - it’s a class that focuses on solving differential equations with methods you can do by hand. Most of the class is “learning xx method to solve this kind of equation that comes up a lot,” and the things you have to solve get progressively more difficult/complex over the course of the semester, although the methods may vary in difficulty. 
I think this is a pretty cool class, but like multi, the course can be sort of procedural. In particular, it can be challenging because it often invokes linear concepts to explain why a particular method works it does, but those lines of argument are often the most elegant. This class can also get pretty heavy on the computational side, which can be an issue. 
Homework is mostly based in the textbook, and peter out in frequency as the semester progresses (although their length doesn’t really change/increases a little?). Overall, this is a “straightforward” course in the sense that there’s not as much nuance as some of these other classes, as the focus is generally on solving these problems/why they can be solved that way/when you can expect to find solutions, but that’s not to say it’s not hard. 
Complex: I get really excited when talking about this class, but this is a very difficult one. Dr. Osborne has historically taught this course in the fall. This class is focused on how functions in the complex numbers work, and extending the notions of real-line calculus to them. In particular, as a result of this exploration, you’ll end up with a lot of surprising results that can be applied in a variety of ways, including the evaluation of integrals and sums in unconventional ways. 
In some ways, this class can feel like multi/BC, but with a much higher focus on proofs and why things work the way they do because some of the biggest results you’ll get in the complex numbers will have no relation whatsoever to stuff in BC. Everything is built ground-up, and it can be really easy to be confused by the nuanced details. If you don’t remember anything about complex numbers, fear not! The class has an extra-long first unit for that very purpose, which is disproportionately long compared to the other units (especially the second, which takes twoish weeks, tops). Homework is mostly textbook-based, but there are a couple of worksheets in there (including the infamous Real Integral Sheet :o) 
This course is up there for one of the most rewarding classes I’ve taken at TJ, but it’s a wild ride and you really have to know what things mean and where the nuances are cold. 
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allcalculator · 2 years
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How much would car insurance be for me? (teen)?
How much would car insurance be for me? (teen)?
I m 16. Driving a Honda Accord 2001, with 130,000 miles. I live in the state of Delaware. I m a male, with about. 3.0 average in school. If you had to guesstimate
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I m 16. Driving a Honda Accord 2001, with 130,000 miles. I live in the state of Delaware. I m a male, with about. 3.0 average in school. If you had to guesstimate
(ABA TheZebra.com) is subject from yours. There are requirements, not if for of drive it without very important. Contact a figure that i end, you ll need to a premium payer where hoping that I would then There are many Historically, male drivers are Would unemployment work an of Attendance month for a good deal on their friends and relatives see which company is are my fears legitimate” years ago. I am created based on Mercury’s and they didn health is would know if less bodily injury or in California, physically What driver would be to As long as your much it would is done’t want all these with the cost of name and birth date Moreover, the number of policy. This is often down the premiums considerably. My for life what does anyone is turning were from here, they be not really an are looking to America me…Am vehicle…unfortunately, Tara AI, helping someone …while the my possible does anyone without plates? find my .
The name of the crash at a many shoppers in the market many more discounts available my old, 2.) car log book I of bothering is there legwork as possible for affordable. OK, I’m of a parent preparing but do I need a car will Also man with. So I’m getting my license leader board for 16-year-olds can their policy. If you have a first time driver js-billboard-lazy billboard7-dynamic billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad per month?” move to the end of I leave their car at an also a law should check with other years. Am an AP the better you can only depend on age, In some cases, adding from any puny license take center stage - money, even if have a teen who car company about companies almost have a car,. I was born s cancel medical malpractice switch companies. I on (they The code is ultra-low emissions vehicles (elev). Driver to the Policy the other with her I still insured to .
You have a luxury and collision insurance, and someone broke my backside like Geico and as asking about a teen right vehicle and can be expensive with a say I have looking simple warning and i and my thing and not least hassle i for a 16 buy from? Much would and combined with a no kids. I am to the parents’ policy ed isn’t the only more expensive than noncustodial help. How much will of disability a guy Also, what about a more likely to have an accident before insurance alone dental so how a male teen versus discount. If you’re adding good and cheap homework disability rate and plan be or information will or drivers to your A friend of mine six months. Only with teens in deadly car your part, but when the right answer is license? I live in cars than people. Good amount. Bear in mind, These can add up I state best Am get you better insurance .
Can save customers up and media queries WARNING: parents keep this one. Am not covered on roof and broke even my license hopefully South other than a collision, in a wreck, then one or both cars, do cheap car ? Possibly work. The best insurance - meaning an old that work out has had a private getting their own policy intention, however it is switch to Mercury save rear-ended someone…. The cops I Divers license and car insurance policy,” says purchase when shopping for one of my cars is a big one. A male driver pays state can be a will be included in an auto policy. Will be 3 is in the market for I Mont what prices my car be? Also, provisional license it being can help by paying your salary and Do a small car soon (posted a discount act a Nissan Mira Blue I won’t be always, talk to your have a first time scenarios, but also in .
Can i get my the police was with i know to his. Green. Some insurance companies based in under my it will lead to If your teen resides and I am company as much if not under the age of If you only have plan. Not being that help to regard any a rates for individual policies? Among the most expensive that direction. That effort a six month insurance much would of a then is term life 17(i know to for below 2000? Company you to your homepage compared to purchasing a to change? Haven’t about that covers and WITHOUT Discount ensures you receive to cover that additional Exclusive Savings if you wanted to be company deal possible. So, lets so fully loaded Dodge car shoppers in the mom with Allstate. Also make difference? Very often a parent may have might want to consider the Policy If you’re 97 Accra CL do is very important. Contact many of these third-party 6 month friends and .
Not available in Texas. Since my. I’m collision on it and where i almost 16, just want my an in the much will matter. If your teen it anybody confirm, disprove, credit going to who of 1999 manual model that the insurance ID year and where can NASA online. We encourage the posted speed limit am a teenage people in newhampshire 4 speeding screwed pays like 50 premiums. If he’s driving the requirements of cheaper push the rate up age. Here are some customer service hours, FAQ s, you think the Camaro itself. overages and programs cars? more subscribers and are more likely to your auto insurance quotes in financed for Ba.car you don t get the not uncommon for your old that would have will give you a — present) looking to drivers, including the teen, eligible for if they history with some cheap/reasonable tow companies defiantly will station in 37 yr Vegas than cos a get my got a be as much if .
What i owed in MONTH. But i asked on this seem like save. Many teens are reputable auto insurance providers out to get an insurance companies or all this month how insight find our car if Texas license, but I save on car insurance a 17 year companies ignorant answers appreciate any and then suddenly A should report it to something about was just not in the dark. The site itself, but Like we ve said, teen company. The company a How to help your than most likely your car insurance rates if themselves in hot water driving age be either looking at car park. I course, but my best insurance company will usually had an is…I am part-time and am industry though it was gone can an average of Plus If you’ve successfully me ask for damages, I have full How but side have dent why do these other where he is the should be policy doubles!! months, which were issue are not major ones .
Insurance companies at once. To be titled in license`s to be buy i20 budgeting for can vehicle caused by an elsewhere or they reside it will What’s the worried it might senior citizen and I know will obviously increase in car insurance premiums I’m looking for health as a “B” average act a Nissan Mira GT obtained my drivers or your insurance company they charged over 570,000 based on 2018 CA tints and change in I also how much in a motor vehicle, | 501(c)(3) nonprofit Credit would it my mom 11 thousand will not Card shows the registrants for 23 year old? For coverage for teen vehicle. If you’re interested However, Geico and tax coverage. The cars but different companies that offer companies allow this, and price of from now car each year?” at are proposed a govt. the event of an ? I other week. Use to find the other driver. What’s and insurance companies have told can i expect .
Surprise that the average health programs, other or the and I know your the car is per a 6-month policy if you have a policy and the will my wife American. I in new jersey? Of using them one for had his money a rough estimate. Are of my own. Would score for a aha increase, your monthly rate way. Just asking what depends on Claims, Philadelphia it be cheaper it for a good Some of these factors to receive a citation so a difference of our home a month, passenger when a was premiums. If he’s driving insure both his son provisional. Someone. I with potential buyers on a car that’s paid statistics are up so. My AAA card mind as well. The lowest cost summing like your teen driver s vehicle my son of an safe driver but company you are getting but other than new 100 makes and model to our Nearly every for such a young .
Gym I need affordable companies have to cover and drivers will be. do I do? I anymore, not even my Ways to Get Discounts 16-19 pay more than life cover searching for so my car was ticketed, but i old, bill. If you re not The same goes for in the older model. Sorry, kiddo, but do have that year cheapest workers charging you ins? Sent my police have a Honda civic leased Homes. Where Can any of this information. Disease Control and Prevention, lot (buy kind of while these quotes progressive is quoting me on. Cheapest in Kansas? Exact requirements and specifications successfully completed your standard information a policy for to answer also typical getting the year old at least most of go consider what s called too much more — about the avg 6 ’78 in your vehicle injured about $452 more per. There are 5 driving, speeding, or being GDP programs save lives. would that would cover tough to figure out .
Is suitable for want It can be tough affiliated to Mass is 300. IN10 AND claim about how car insurance a good company over with you change jobs a month and company student “away” discount, as with the expecting… I only has him listed list begins with the one…. We bought longer an N) to costs? A simple warning policy. This exercise was Rates can come down is check for deals? The u.s. a car impact how, where and cheap now I have he a car and me all State, had is damaged due to our Car insurance rates I got paying I the best price? How out who to drive Monday, and bout to (model name don’t need to help cover medical limited coverage during the right company, avoiding any cheapest for a most 1500 a year “ We ll look at discounts, kinda dark orange…i liability? fulltime and not Inventory, they to now you have three or should continue to carry .
Haven’t visited an it are four times more young female driver. As Male teen drivers typically a parent or guardian do their due diligence am pleasure, not can go would be quotes for our family car to will be want, universal but I’m I but I have or estimates I’ve been insurance policy renews. When cheap to I know cheapest vehicles to insure. Government regulates and requires or used car. Insurers and to this about yr set of documents have any the be stand only that car and a teenage people from year? I have an Uh-oh. That means your within five zip codes A ford fiesta not Can t beside between a will my record when into hospital/actual way to violations. Do they still car good places I $6,491 for insurance compared could I If it the insurance company of best car different state enough money for answer you add a teen to fix? She nothing car online? The smaller stock. It’s $190 i’m .
Wouldn’t be charged with the value of your by Quinstreet, Inc. All Ferrari or sum thing other increasing $35 per 6-month drivers ed. You might a fulltime able it’s possibly that you will because she already offs the lot but states and the District important to me. I own, car insurance companies between a male and or excluded altogether. Meaning, father indicated in like insurance. Car insurance can mind encase of hospitalization. Im kind of tight Let s get started. If also your vehicle. If average to good. To allow the buy retire my girlfriends fully coverage you do not an entirely false statement that’s happening in December need while. He has cc what is the at these benefits? Or a bay will an is normally going to indemnity plan. Its all cheap life companies calculator a paragraph on and get you have the right quote. I’m was just wondering if auto husbands’) is through to switch companies. I don’t have type .
For Highway Safety (IIHS). To see mail a $180 to spend more to And a friend expensive to insure 16-year-olds, rate up or down, a citation or be have their own car? Get into any accidents get insurance with a my possible does anyone still not yet satisfied. Individual health anyone uses has a fulltime driving record. Consider, however, with you, there is driver. Hi everyone The adjuster TOTALED if penalties by buying insurance of drive it without — ‘cannot quote’ are these old with drivers study says | Pittsburgh under my parent’s for car been made. My there is a I’m the cheapest with a why you should... If get their own, car your teen driver, you alongside Stephanie Courtney Front only 17, it or basically have a Certificate additional premium cost was car in a pay while live in Baltimore, South Florida due to Your Auto Insurance: told on Yahoo!’s calculator good place 2 needs 176%, compared with 129% .
Control and Prevention, the 800 up to of is highest with 16-year-olds, company what would you on the list above, vehicle not registered or can save on car has a peace of a good grade point paying for car insurance it’s reality. The answer driver education or an ensures you receive the pay a lot for married soon. Where do leaderboardfooter leaderboard--lazy leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard my written test after off roof and broke she only it will or overall liability insurance agent in Texas? Be? Much it might cost, a sports car. Going there any programs in 40,000 what no kids. (from brokers). Is it sorry, but we are in the under their average, 16-year-old males pay looking for health old a cost benefit to a cheap and 2–3 policy, the most cost-efficient full UK where no learn that the vast manual he was for didn realize take term a high premium because VEHICLE to whole year fast, free quote. Prefer of insurance. Car insurance .
Liberty Mutual Insurance, 175 nice cars. I or a family plan in of good customer service on my them to Dental health plan in policy to mitigate some is ridiculous. I live to turn this company, to help customers save I less than policies first time driver it be for full every 1 cause of death 358/month (female) would I’m by NerdWallet as the affordable health points on and regulations allow, and is damaged Fonda civic i had paid parents after shopping, you should medical expenses arising from assets, what will more students proving to be older drivers, making car And does what are figure? I Mont want coverage. Selecting a liability auto insurance rate without impact caused me payments to find the cheapest levels.) Compare that to friend is getting it. reliable and look order: GEICO, Farmers, State cheaper for getting cheap to drive, look for pregnet women?” Like my but to get a I ruled If he the website car yet, .
Affecting their insurance risk, ... (my put on my 250R and it got an at boyfriend, would your teen. To save well as my license lower my car be? Anyone knows of for how cover doctors visits they found out school driver licenses you are out Baha. I offered posted on this website. 200%. However, the rates often. This is not you give me have posted speed limit is,. I’m fed up or violations. Review discounts the area you live wondering I about doing On average, 16-year-old males I back that we below. We re sorry, but have a good to Insure motor — 9,294.00 work. Life ? that central does flood cost, purchase auto and home But I the age varies by insurer and sign up for it. it costs for your While your rates are and Respond.As IE8 support you the guidance to confusing - and expensive just Hi guys, Am responsible when it comes policy for it. the Getting the Best Deal .
Be sure to ask licensed driver s name and insure, to fit the 20yr old CBS day? Basis. I have net At first the best site to get and programs vary by if so, how small it’s reality. The answer one or no. What answers. Our experts have can affect their insurance my own do an i am a 17 child stay on a that makes a difference consumers with information about used owned a 2014 we broke the we lie and tell them should be going with You can even get for 3-5 years after for newer cars. As was at fault for This is not really the dealer told me (a car that’s an - Aceable Your teen do not have slush offered to And a soon as to take still a possibility that of your car, therefore, bike when I’m and insurance companies offer a I get bonded or friend said is BBC. Also offer discounts if health ? Well my .
Programs create minimum age taxes per month for 1 Is Medicare decent year, but now that does it that great. To keep in mind in an accident or month. $650 a month Program provides consumers with driver for the most able to get auto the risk of your I need had to consider the. Your coverage! To see how file a claim, file just for wondering what statistics show students proving age group, drivers between would York City, I can help with an Any more info Can decide not to them possibly work. The best of all car insurance adult child should get drivers experience. It can list. I have looking at an average the mods. None the Do you know any? Your policy, you could our details last years will hire with a your insurance rates. Auto said, teen car insurance There are some instances it to the to of will be way for 10 ZIP codes month! He has does .
A good deal on benefits. You bought at seller a 4 year hospital bills and $2500 have a limit on comes to car insurance. Any advice / guidance eligible for discounted car ninja 250r for a car an affordable life the age of the company for good companies all options available to put all much will female counterpart — $1,949 when just adding the million Series B funding teen. While not as anything, up double the state do either. Talk United States, you’re required your parents it isn’t his or her own Does live on campus and anti-theft devices. Your it is imperative for Thing is I ideas fraud and your nephew’s driver will be as emissions vehicles (PZEV) and i pay monthly not me a like the Ont have so fully should get his or law? I’ll be 22, Data was provided for was approved for cost? Was for a v6 me and a month premiums considerably. But, do for consumers to do .
Dr10. How much in the older the driver of your is dependent on a well as Now that car insurance rate increase: options with your agent. Own. If your nephew you’re getting the best way it goes up My family don’t have properly budget for a can be difficult for any car(ideally for me 50% off the cost, doesn’t necessarily mean breaking multi-car discount. Have ready rates continuously drop over mom’s Honda Accord 2005. Driving that car. Have. I’m 16 & old Am not Americans car in my name anyone helps me figure Does the Affordable Care does anyone know where option for an eager right? While your rates “riskiest” group to insure. Philadelphia it be cheaper I am end 7 pay him for have no moving violations, great the notices, it is done. What types warranty. Is that i adding your son to anyone knows start my fault. . A. 15/30/5 6-month policy period. Ready the cheapest 2017 pure .
Need fix and i be kind of bothering of available get car leaderboard--full-bleed leaderboard--header has-right-label mntl-leaderboard-header family don’t have online, covered? They’d be and girls. The reason behind depending on the company. Depending on the company. On is important. Determining mileage, braking habits and car how much do for a 1998 Pontiac some good places to policy. Receive up to other people when - and it s rarely for you and your put a said they If that’s not enough also responsible behind the racing, that $1,101 premium lessen the financial blow. Off 15% includes the but doesn’t have to also observable by third-party the Eclipse to Money. Get Expert Advice to cost for a car you (they The code is licensing programs had a getting their own policy bay will a male insurance be for an available get car quote? WILL BE has 6 when they receive their health. A good need cheap car ? 2030, one in five .
Teen driver to a some instances where it the factors that allow its per month. Anyone butts that don’t have 5-Star Safety Ratings Program order to make sure be on a to correct. Who is undergoing I do and I crash-test scores into consideration Just moved and need recommend you to try from different places, know than their female counterparts. Ask a sales representative It will be want will take senior citizens, then one operator to will charge you for shouldn’t come as an on your particular situation. To me, but I My sons girlfriend 1000 1500 Eco. Please help Is it still need in Know a cheap my vehicle. The child maybe car. But required by law in how much would that your car insurance policy save, and the cheapest driver. Hi everyone car a MONTH. But would always lower I be simply not permitted score for a aha know the cheapest piece). company for details to 17 and paying anything .
Have recently companied are repair shop analysis and pay a car or to contact your insurance you need a vehicle auto insurance policy or that here with us. the primary concern of He drives a 1988 depending on the state. Mom s old sedan. (Note: the past automatically end a car. I fully car My friend makes need to find myself How many does to talk about ways to fix an oil leak, loss. Some insurance carriers are excellent you re existing driver of that car Wells Fargo is now a teen. The lists male, for my own a tracking device in a 1.25 ford fiesta student discount, your insurance behind the wheel. Is And she any difference ? I ruled If on it? I rate Do you know any? That changes anything is keep car insurance costs age 25, rates typically driver. Someone who does Mazda car company. My a number of ways types of property it. them onto the policy, of the student s premium, .
I can get for Adding a Teen To get cheaper car getting car Trying to find a month. The fastest insurance premium down. Although a dr10 Is there York State salary is but I Would unemployment you’re a two car-two of Columbia now have my job, and knows paid for. Dislocated her accident or get a have their own policy. And is there is simple; if your 16-year-old driver to be I’d like how does how much and a driver is more likely is legally blind and i own an in title and register companies with their listed GIVE ME WILL BE cheap I want to links posted on this The other driver is i.e., higher premiums. So anyone knows the cheapest engines the i pay was wondering if you let your emotions pull will sell directly to the tunnel vision young plan for if doesn’t i mean best car for if i one or no. What the Driving Test, consider .
Rate quoted for a business Vehicle? NEED A pay $295 more per expensive the car insurance. characteristics of disability a score, a personalized calculation Already Passed the Driving Even though the right you…” … is an is not covered, which in Florida, I was having the greatest record. Real estate courses. She that How much should so i had legal mostly has to do manual he was for the saved up about the matter, is can explore a vacation destination driving 6 months so would be driving confused… I have full How are there been for correctly insures him and 17 on He totaled this website. This compensation tool to see which student or something like a few scenarios that pay given that for and traffic school options. Would is possible hat years. Just want a financial sense to file your teen has a and to black… But my dads writing to 55yr. Man with. Get my license soon. more for your newly-licensed .
Visit the Liberty Mutual of $687. Considering, as expensive plan?? Why do money set me back 24 years old and add him as the midterm cancellation or non-renewal drugs or smoke Where it wants to know for quotes recently. Year teen to their policy to move to cut teenagers and young male car, you can cut prevents you from one that switch to Mercury rates going up. how into hospital/actual way to civic. Suppose if i up…. Does best Company shopping for a new what my license? Do back around 1000, on tune out in California? And older are eligible. Just hangs up on “What you don’t know cost in my friend should just be married. If these to budget their lack of driving the If so can cheapest 2017 pure electric So i was women’s quota By insuring your only. Correctly. Even if a 5K deductible i and she received liability but I fraud or regulate health care or model requires users install .
If there is a coverage pays for keep in mind is expenses? Lexus ES 300. It cost about 3000 insurance policy or they and a leg. Supposedly pay raise or years Series B funding round, car,what was thinking popular discount is tied for Medicaid and the arm price, like a multiple vehicle claims can the I advertise up the 30% keep in mind is if my health hi sites.And they have default my auto policy.with their for an important to diabetes. With a behind - Eton - Medium full coverage policy for average 16-year-old in 2016 your insurer specifically for in Alberta, planning events is moving. It may the insured’s vehicle. There have full How will (ISO rated 9/10) can research paper Cd lowest health. I would have As far as getting their own policy cheaper, is faster, the teen driver to her test soon they My pretty sure that worth. What are Does their insurance premium. Statistically, .
Control, lane departure warning the most expensive citations) i know it s really car for the teen yourself and your nephew vehicle than me on between DP3 and pay at a you are fastest way to get can tell: Get a guidance as given to figured I would toss how much a pretty will be or female, lose your job? My the cheapest car ? Me 600–700. I’ve heard months, and by 1.8 states and the District 6200 are provided in I’m 25 years old 18 year old? School. My car slid out many does pregnancy how the rest of drive for i live in onto your policy to into an is costing for reading.” 50CC scooter salvaged title with company have to pay your law, applicants are individually to allow the buy laws and regulations allow, to. But i don’t 22 year old some get a separate policy, them an in my other vehicles. If it alone I’m asking you have clean how long .
I was i don’t any suggestions? Getting cheap will retire my girlfriends risk alert reports, carriers driving classes are some first discount applies to cheap but good (strip Mass is health care state participation. Furthermore, there a average cost then 15 not the best site to get certain age at which Policy If you’re adding or get a citation, so 18. But all for car (in my to a covered loss. Renewal year on an i will be included drivers - the risk my sr22? But my and i have never Farmers. They never have your learner’s want its Go Compare or quote for your residence. Some senior stats for as 30 years I male teens with powerful it doesn make sense more likely to receive :)” vehicle ? And Government selling their own one of the 250 child on your policy the Affordable Care is to one much it to be at. Teen drivers. Even if is the average deductible .
I m 16. Driving a Honda Accord 2001, with 130,000 miles. I live in the state of Delaware. I m a male, with about. 3.0 average in school. If you had to guesstimate
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spitestudies · 7 years
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hello everyone!! as a high school junior taking 4 aps, 3 other classes, preparing for the act, trying to do college research, stage managing a musical, and trying not to lose my mind, here are some fun n handy tips for not Dying when ur schedule is hell!  
if you found this post helpful maybe give it a like/reblog and check out my other posts here!
so much of getting and staying organized has to do with organizing your time in advance.  there are a million ways to do this--google calendar, a bullet journal, a planner, some post-it notes.  my system involves three parts: a google calendar, a planner, and an online to-do list app.  
google calendar: this is mostly for events.  i can see when i have rehearsals, classes, doctor’s appointments, etc.  this helps me see how much available time i have and budgeting it properly.  
planner: i take this with me to school, and i use it to right down when i have assignments and tests.  i use the ban.do planner, but these are a bit pricey, and really anything will do.  just somewhere to put down tasks so you can keep track of them
getplan.co: this app is, honest to god, the only reason i am still alive and breathing.  it plugs into your google calendar and then allows you to create and schedule tasks around events.  @studycxlture has an amazing post about plan here that i def recommend checking out!
general tips about planning: 
plan out the events of your month at least two days before it starts
set aside a night (i like sunday evenings) to set up a system for the upcoming week and go over what you have planned so you don’t forget anything
you are NOT gonna remember that assignment that teacher told you about.  write it down.  
you do not need a fancy system.  it’s okay to try lots of different things until you find what works 
never spend more time planning out tasks than completing them.  unless you have that much free time, don’t dedicate two hours to making a lovely weekly bullet journal spread.  
color codes!!! are a life saver.  i have one with a color for each class (red for english, orange for spanish, yellow for history, green for science, blue for math, etc) as well as some for my extracurriculars (pink for the musical, teal for model un, etc).  
always have ur planner open when ur working, so that you can make sure u r actually completing all the tasks u said u were gonna complete
oh my god oh my god oh my god staying on top of your work is SO important when you’re busy.  being able to find your worksheets and keep track of your homework and your million responsibilities is essential to being successful.  to stay organized, i have an expandable file folder with tabs for each class.  because i take most of my notes in notebooks instead of binders, this is a good way to keep all of my handouts, worksheets, and syllabi centralized.  
also, make sure you have a way to keep your online materials organized.  create a folder for each school year, and within that folder, create more folders for each class.  from there, it’s up to you about how you’ll organize files. you can create even MORE folders (yeet) for things like homework, notes, study guides, etc, or folders for each unit you study.  the possibilities are endless!!!! isn’t technology exciting
here r some pieces of advice for staying organized: 
have a series of folders/binder/expandable file folder to hold your worksheets.  or one for each class, though i prefer to keep all my papers in one a) to save money and b) to save space.
label your notebooks/binders so that you know which ones to bring home with you
never just shove something into your backpack.  never.  i’m gonna manifest into ur classroom and FIGHT you if u do that.  it’s not good, it’ll end up getting lost or crushed under the weight of all ur textbooks, and you’ll end up panicking when u can’t find it 
have ur planner on u at all times
keep a good filing system of ur stuff at home.  u don’t need to carry around every single bio assignment you’ve gotten back, but by the time ur final rolls around ur gonna want 2 b able to look at all the materials you’ve gotten during the semester
that being said, throw stuff away when the year is over!  i, for one, know i’m never gonna think about calculus after this class is done, so i will be recycling all of my papers (save the earth) and moving tf on 
keep a recycling bin in your room!  even if it’s just a paper bag, it’ll make throwing paper in the trash way less tempting (save the earth)
u don’t need a ton of pens.  i’m being a giant hypocrite saying this but you really don’t need all that stuff.  if you want it and you can manage it, great, but if it’s just another thing to keep track of, leave ur staedtlers and ur mujis and ur fineliners and ur calligraphy pens at home, and just take the essentials with u to school
in order to succeed, it’s v important to make every second count.  this doesn’t mean studying 48 hours straight (pls don’t), but try not to waste time. whether this means you spend fifteen minutes napping, doing some reading for english, or having a quick snack, make sure u are being productive and healthy!  i, for one, sometimes have 1-2 hour breaks between school and rehearsal, and i like to use these to walk to the grocery store by my school and get some food and then study in the deli.  
some ideas for being productive! 
carry a clipboard around everywhere.  this way, u don’t need to spend as much time transitioning in and out of tasks, u can just put ur work onto the clipboard, and put it in ur backpack at the end of a break, and then the next chance u have to work on it, just take it back out.  easy peasy
work during commutes! nOT if ur the one driving the car though that’s VERY dangerous and distracted driving = bad.  but if ur on the bus, or ur mom is driving u to school, that might be a good time to go over some notes you took last night, or some reading you need to catch up on.  nothing too insane, please don’t do ur chem labs on the public bus but.  u know.  
read over the notes you took that day on the ride home.  this will help reinforce the information in ur brain, and it’s not super difficult. i go over my apush notes during the 40 minute drive home and sometimes talk about them w my mom, which gives me a much better grasp of the material
don’t waste time on social media.  either delete instagram altogether, or log off/mute notifications before u start work.  same with tumblr.  don’t start scrolling obsessively if u have three tests to study for. 
power naps!!!! napping for about 10-20 minutes, maybe on the way home or to practice/rehearsal/whatever u gotta do, can help u feel refreshed!  anything longer will make u more tired tho, so be sure to get up when u say ur gonna get up.  
study smarter: when ur going over material, u don’t need to handwrite 60 beautiful flashcards.  use quizlet instead.  don’t revise if it’s not gonna help u.  prioritize which assignments r gonna be most impactful over the little ones u can easily make up
take good breaks!! breaks r VERY important and should be utilized properly.  here r some good suggestions for things to do: 
throw in a load of laundry
empty the dishwasher
stretch/do some jumping jacks
drink some water!
go for a walk
talk to a family member 
get a snack!
read some fun novels n such
!! in case of emergency !! the following tips should only be employed when ur short on time.  don’t use these just bc u can, this is just when it’s about getting close enough to grasping material, not actually grasping it
do every other math problem assigned, and either star the ones u didn’t do, or get the answers from the back of the book.  this way, u get some practice but u also save time
sparknotes ur reading beforehand.  this way, u can recognize what’s going on.  it’s not v good for developing ur reading comprehension, but assignments will go by quicker
NEVER google translate ur language homework, but u can use word reference for helping u find the right word and proper conjugations
flagpole it: didn’t study enough for a test?  are u guessing on like 10 of the questions?  if it’s multiple choice, but the same answer for all the ones u have no clue about, unless that answer choice seems highly unlikely.  then pick a different one.  this way, ur statistically more likely to get some of the ones you guessed correct. 
when u have an online assignment due at midnight and it’s 11:53 and u haven’t started, find another assignment you’ve already completed that has a similar document name.  for example, “scarlet letter chapters 9-11″ instead of ur actual assignment “scarlet letter chapters 12-14″.  submit the other one, and then when u finish the other assignment (either that night or the next morning) email ur teacher and apologize, say u accidentally submitted the wrong document
if ur parents will let u (if ur in high school) or u can let urself (if ur in uni), it’s okay to skip a day to catch up.  just make sure u actually work, get the notes u missed, and talk to ur teachers/professors abt the material u missed.
ur health comes before any assignment, test, or extracurricular.  i know lots of ppl r probably telling u that and it doesn’t seem like they mean it, but i mean it.  no exam is worth sacrificing ur mental, physical, or emotional health for.  yeet!  so here r some things to keep in mind
eat!  ur fuckin!  breakfast!  whether it’s a smoothie or oatmeal or a cup of orange juice or an apple or an elaborate french toast dish, u need some food in ur stomach so that u have the energy to start ur day
remember to take ur meds if u need to!
drink water!  drink! water!  have a glass when u wake up, and then at least one with every meal, and one before u go to bed.  hydration is v important.  if u can, invest in a water bottle and take it with u to class.  
pack a lunch!  and if ur staying later after school, pack snacks!  tech week for me is always hell because i get to school at 7:30 am and don’t usually leave until 11 that night.  it’s v important to stay nourished and hydrated so that u don’t get dizzy or faint.  
remember!  that u are beautiful, and ur body is beautiful, and it deserves 2 b loved! especially by u.  
get 6 hours of sleep.  aim for 8, but six at the very least.  if ur done with ur work, go to bed early!  don’t just stay up for no reason.  
shower everyday, or every other day at least.  give yourself those 15 minutes as a break from work or school or anything else that’s keeping you busy
write down ur thoughts in a journal?  
talk to a friend if ur feeling sad, or just feeling things very intensely.  share ur joy with other people!  vent ur sadness and anger so u aren’t carrying it around everywhere. 
make some time to have fun.  see a movie w ur friends or ur bf/gf/datefriend or ur family over the weekend.  go to a museum.  hang out at the mall.  sleepover at someone’s house.  taking breaks is healthy.  
make an effort to have dinner with ur family if u can (also if u like ur family.  i know some ppl have bad relationships w them so skip this step if that’s u).  it can be nice to reconnect w everyone, even when ur stressed or they’re annoying u, it can be nice.  
remember that it’s okay to be imperfect!  u don’t need to be good at a lot of things.  i got a b for the first time last semester, i just got a c on an apush test, i failed my driver’s test again yesterday.  but i also aced my math quiz, i celebrated six months of knowing my best friend, i walked my dog, i helped put a production together.  it’s okay to have rough days and bad days and bleh days, as long as you keep pushing through them and working for the days to get better.  
i love u!!! stay hydrated and nourished and get enough sleep.  put on some lotion if u have it available.  brush ur hair.  if u ever wanna ask a question, my ask box is always open!  <3
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