#accounting homework solution
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Online Accounting Homework Help and Its Convenience
Homework help is a great support to the students in reducing academic pressure from them. Therefore, it brings overall development of their personality. Students entering university for the first time need to be well prepared. Students who have previously used online homework help will be better placed in college classes. Online Homework Help is an affordable service that revolutionizes the way students get their accounting homework solutions.
How is accounting important for business?
Accounting plays the central role in running a business, tracking income and expenses, ensuring regulatory compliance, and providing quantitative financial information that helps in business decision-making, management, and investment decision-making. Accountants help businesses in maintaining accurate and timely records of their finances. Accountants are responsible for keeping records of the company's day-to-day transactions and compiling those transactions into financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. The main purposes of accounting include-
Record transactions
Monitor activity
Managing the business
Measuring the financial performance
Business accounting is the most critical part of business. You can’t run the business without recording the transactions of the business.
Online Financial Accounting Homework Help
In today's competitive scenario, everyone is trying to excel and establish his/her own identity. To excel, you need to do the multitasking. Everyone is trying to learn different things at the same time. Today students have very busy schedules and cannot devote all their time and energy to accounting homework solutions online.
Financial accounting is the process of summarization, analysis, and reporting of the financial transactions of an organization. This information is usually presented in financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements that summarize the company's finances for a particular period. Third-party stakeholders like banks, tax authorities, and financial regulators requiring information about a company's financial condition typically request these reports to make informed decisions.
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Best Online accounting homework Help
Need Accounting Homework Help is a top-notch online accounting homework solution offering comprehensive support for all of your financial accounting homework. It offers one-on-one tutoring and accounting homework assistance from highly qualified subject matter experts with hands-on experience in the field.
The company works with clients around the world and its online accounting experts are available 24/7. For providing round-the-clock support services, its subject matter experts are well-versed in the different time zones that allow them to use the service without any hassles. So you don't have to worry about taking help at any time. There is always an experienced tutor waiting for your call.
Are you struggling with your accounting assignments? Hiring this online accounting homework help stands out and gets you prepared to score high on your accounting paper. When the clients desire professional accounting help, the organization provides support in such a way that the clients secure the highest ratings. This is achieved by hiring the best accounting teachers from top universities. Timely delivery and flawless write-up are the best parts of the services. You are sure to find original, grammatical error free and relevant services.
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essaywritinghelp · 8 months
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catherinelwriter · 10 months
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Dear Tumblr users,
We are excited to offer an exclusive discount on our website Accounting Assignment Help just for you! As a token of our appreciation for your support, we are offering up to 20% discount on all accounting assignment help services.
Whether you need help with accounting homework, essays, dissertations, or any other academic project, our team of expert writers is ready to assist you. We guarantee high-quality work that is plagiarism-free and delivered on time.
To take advantage of this offer, simply use the promo code AccountingAH20 at checkout. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to get professional accounting assignment help at a discounted price!
Thank you for choosing Accounting Assignment Help.
Best regards, Bill Smith Expert at Accounting Assignment Helper.
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anothermansjeans · 5 months
a.h x f!reader
cw: some slight angst (blink and you miss it)
wc: 1k
a/n: hiiiii!!! this is based on this request! sorry for taking a bit, i've been swamped with homework. i have one more in my inbox but im still taking requests! you can uses any of the prompt lists linked or just send me any request you have!
Hotch had a problem. He didn't necessarily want this problem, but he also didn't want to fight it. He had started to develop feelings for his coworker– who is also his subordinate– Y/N.
It started pretty recently. The team got back from a case and he told Jessica he would need her to watch Jack for a couple more hours. Unfortunately, that couldn't work for her, so he asked if she could talk to the babysitting agency and get someone in before she left. All was well when he last heard from her, and he was told that if they can't get someone out, they'll call him.
That’s why when his personal phone rang, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering “this is the one time I’m wishing they’re calling about my car’s extended warranty.” Alas, he picked up the phone and saw it was the agency he used, and they couldn't get anyone out this late in his area. He was so frustrated, he wanted to cry, which was more common than not recently.
After hanging up, he was so lost in his head, preparing to head out and take his work home with him (he never liked doing this, too scared Jack may see something he shouldn't). He didn't realize his door was opened the entire time, and he certainly didn't realize that Y/N had popped her head in with a mildly concerned look on her face.
“Hey, I was just heading out… are you okay?”
He jumped the tiniest bit, and looked up at her. “Uh, yeah. I’m actually leaving too.” He stood up and grabbed the pile of files in his desk, preparing to shove them in his briefcase, when he looked up for a millisecond to see the confused look on her face. “Jessica can't watch Jack for the rest of the night and there are no babysitters available this late of notice. I have to bring work home.”
Hotch didn't know what to expect from his oversharing, but it definitely wasn't the next words out of Y/N’s mouth. “I can watch him!” He looked at her. She looked at him. Y/N suddenly laughed to herself and shook her head. “Sorry, I meant to say if you need me to, since I’m already heading out, I can watch him until you're finished up here. I know how you feel about bringing those files home.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that–”
“You're not asking!” She promptly cut him off. “Trust me, Hotch, I want to do this for you. The sooner you say okay, the sooner I can go relieve Jessica.”
He numbly nodded, putting his briefcase on his desk. “Yes, thank you. I owe you for this. I’ll let Jessica know and I promise I won't be too long so that you can enjoy the rest of your night.”
And it was that simple of a solution. He did his work, you watched Jack, and when he got home, he was able to witness you putting his kid to bed. It was sweet (beyond sweet, really), and since then, whenever the team got back from a case and he needed extra help with Jack, Y/N would volunteer without being prompted. He loved seeing the little moments Y/N had with Jack, so much so that he would sometimes come home a little early (he could survive the extra work on a night Jessica was babysitting) and offer to have Y/N stay for dinner, which turned into bedtime for Jack, and then a little wine after he was asleep.
He didn't know when the feelings began to develop exactly, but once he noticed the excitement of going home to not only Jack but also Y/N, well he wanted to put a little bit of space between them. He wishes it was a gradual thing– really, he does– but he kind of just started declining her offers, making sure to book a babysitter hours (sometimes days) prior so that there were no issues with someone watching Jack. He hadn't taken into account what Y/N would be feeling about this shift, and he wasn't sure why he was so surprised when she marched into his office after a case; a time where they would normally arrange for her to watch Jack.
“Did I do something? Did I hurt Jack, or offend you, or literally anything wrong?”
“Excuse me?” His head whipped up from the papers under him.
“We had a routine. Something happened to disrupt the routine. I just need to know what I did wrong.” She looked sad. That was something Hotch didn't see on her often.
“You didn't do anything wrong.” He placed his pen down and stood up, closing his office door and standing in front of Y/N. “I have this problem.” He didn't know how else to state it, but he had to say something now or she’d think that his problems are her fault (and he would say a hundred times over that this was never her fault). “I don’t want to feel things for you but at the same I have this need to be near you 24/7.”
Eyes wide and deep breaths, the only thing Y/N could utter out was “what?”
Hesitating, Hotch stepped a little closer. “After seeing you with Jack and spending more time with you I…” he scoffed and shook his head “this is so juvenile.”
“Keep going, please.” Her response was quick. She needed him to finish.
“I want to be near you all of the time and I got scared of that– we work together, I’m your unit chief, I shouldn't be feeling things the way I do so I just… I pulled away.”
The silence was suffocating for the minute Y/N took to digest all that was said, but after what felt like years to Hotch, he felt her hand tentatively touch his, gently raking her nails down his palm before interlocking their fingers. “You don't have to… pull away.” The shy look was turning into one of awe. “We can… be around each other more often. See what happens. If you want.”
Maybe Hotch didn't have a problem. He felt a warmth spread through his body at the mere thought of being closer to Y/N, to seeing what happens with them, to a future. He definitely didn't have a problem.
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bambi-slxt · 5 months
✨a concept✨
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acts of service
he's a problem solver. “chris i can't get the dishwasher to work, can you-” and he's already ordered a new one, set up the installation, and made sure you'll be home for it. he hates the idea of you floundering alone, and is always quick to take on whatever tasks he can, even if it's as small as running a bath for you before you get home.
words of affirmation
chris is the type to look for things about you that other people don’t seem to notice and compliment you on them. “you’re so well-spoken, like the way you word shit, it's just incredible.” he also likes to hear about your goals and how you're achieving them, and enjoys affirming your choices in life.
quality time
he's SO BIG on quality time. chris loves to be near creativity and one of the ways that manifests is with music. lil skies drops a new album? chris is gonna call you first so you guys can listen to the whole thing together and yap about it.
gift giving
he has such a squirrel brain. chris will see something at the store that reminds him of you and put it in the cart, forget about it, do another lap around the store, see it again, and put it in the cart. he just wants to make you happy.
physical touch
chris doesn't feel the need to be possessive. he shows his physical touch kind of love through soft touches on your back when he's walking behind you (“i'm here, don't get startled”), tapping your thigh in the car to the beat of his music, and standing so close to you when y'all brush your teeth that your hips graze each other.
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acts of service
matt doesn’t like showing off the things he does for you, so often you’ll find that things get fixed or chores get done in the quiet background of your day. he fixes the leaking sink when you’re out shopping, and cleans up the kitchen before you get back so he can help you put groceries away, all without bringing it up once. he enjoys helping you out and taking some of the mental load off of you, but hates the idea of being appreciated for it - matt feels that it’s just his job as a partner.
words of affirmation
he’s big on writing notes. since he doesn’t have a typical 9-5, he’ll make your lunches and put a little post-it note on the inside. “i’m so proud of you, you’re gonna have an amazing day.” on your birthday or anniversary, he always has a hand-written letter for you along with any gifts or celebratory activities.
quality time
matt likes to body double, which means that the two of you don’t necessarily have to be doing the same thing to be engaging in quality time. he’s perfectly content to work on his personal brand or account while you read or play his games while you’re doing homework. he also loves teaching you Fortnite and other FPS’s, or trying new things together like cooking or making crafts.
gift giving
he enjoys giving practical gifts, things that will help make your life easier. it’s his way of saying he notices you’re struggling and he wants to help however he can. this also connects back to his words of affirmation - matt knows that words are powerful, and many of his gifts involve written sentiments of love, pride, vulnerability, or compassion towards you.
physical touch
matt was never big on physical touch. he’s always very aware of his body and someone else coming into contact with it only exacerbated the problem. but soon he came up with a solution for the two of you - ‘three taps means i love you’. soon he taps you all the time, even in his sleep.
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acts of service
nick is never afraid to confront your problems head on, and he feels no apprehension taking time out of his day to do things for you. one of his favorite ways to perform an act of service is to help you manage your days and be as productive as you can be - he wants nothing more than to see you succeed and achieve your dreams.
words of affirmation
he doesn’t always show love this way, but when he does, nick could talk about you for hours. he calls attention to all of your wonderful traits, cute quirks, and special interests, making sure to bring up how amazed he is by all of what makes you, you.
quality time
quality time with nick can look like a lot of different things depending on his mood. some days he wants to go get aćai bowls, thrift, go on a walk by the harbor, and visit the farmers market and some days he wants to stay in bed and talk or watch movies until 3pm.
gift giving
nick is incredibly good at getting gifts. he tries his best to pay attention to everything you like and all the hobbies and interests you have so he can go look them up later and find you presents based on that. he also really enjoys diamond paintings, crafting, or any other artsy, homemade gift he can give you, because to nick, those feel the most authentic.
physical touch
he’s always been a bit jumpy when other people touch him and he’s not expecting it, but once nick knows it’s you, he doesn’t mind at all. when he’s in the mood for it, he loves detangling your hair, hiding his hands in your hoodie pocket, or just brushing up on you as much as he can. 
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thanks for reading!
bambi <3
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i99zhuo · 1 year
How to live like yena ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁₊˚⋆ lazy day routine
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This is a guide on daily routines inspired by Choi Yena! These routines are ideal to do in a lazy day when your motivation and energy are both low, but you still want to get some things done!
content list (routines):
shower and self-care
(_ _ ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧ ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊·
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✸ ꒰ morning routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Yena starts her days checking her phone, it's important to not do it immediately after waking up, take some time to remember your dreams or drink water until you're fully awake. Checking social media in the morning can change your mood drastically, so always make sure to detox your socials! Unfollow or block people you don't want on your feed + follow inspiring accounts.
Next step is to get ourselves our favorite sugary drink, although it's not healthy to have this amount of sugar every day, giving ourselves a treat, specially when we are feeling off can't be harmful! (just remember to drink water the rest of the day (;° ロ°)!)
Now it's time to play video games! Choose one that gets you out of bed like just dance or some kind of VR game, if you don't feel like moving because you're sick or have period cramps, you can play a phone game like kartrider rush+.
After having fun, it's time to make chores (っ- ‸ - ς) Yena doesn't really like to do them, she even tricks her older brother Sungmin to do them for her! But still, she ends up doing them anyway ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა some chores you can do is making your bed, clean your room, organize laundry and do the dishes or anything that makes your room clean and functional for the rest of the day.
Time for breakfast! Yena's favorite is inspired by the movie "howl's moving castle", basically it's eggs, bacon, toast and cheese with a cup of tea, if this doesn't seem like your type of breakfast, you can try another recipe based on movies or shows or just one that you've been wanting to try for some time now!
Finally, it's time to get ready! Do your skincare, brush your hair into a comfy hairstyle and only wear comfy clothes. You decide if you want to wear makeup today or not, but if you do, try some new styles or colors to refresh your style, you can even try Yena's makeup looks!
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✸ ꒰ study routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
When we're feeling tired, the last thing we want to do is to study, but sometimes we don't have other option. If you have no other option than study today, you can do a little revision of the content, organize and delay some tasks to do any other day and do some simple things like easy homework, you can listen to your favorite songs to boost your mood!
After this short study session, you can "reward" yourself and watch some kpop content (Yena is a huge kpop fan!) like variety shows your favs appear in, MV's or live presentations.
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✸ ꒰ workout routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Yena is actually not good at doing heavy workouts, usually she does short routines with Sungmin! So what are we're going to do is a do a 5 min workout for our target area (arms, abs, legs, etc.) or a low impact full body workout!
If you actually feel a little more energetic now, you can do a kpop random dance, these are so fun to play especially if you're a multistan! Or you can try and learn some new choreographies from scratch too.
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✸ ꒰ shower + self care routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
A relaxing bath is always a good idea on a lazy day! First, set the mood with some relaxing music and your favorite scent, then wash your body using a sweet-scented body wash and then use a scrub to soften your skin, for extra soft skin, use a light body lotion after. Only use dry shampoo today, you’re probably too tired to wash and dry it today ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
After refreshing it's a perfect time to take a break from your phone and do some journaling, search for prompts on Pinterest to see why you were feeling down or lazy today and search for a solution, if you're feeling creative, take some stickers, memo pads and cute pens to start scrapbooking! Listen to some music if you find it too boring.
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✸ ꒰ night routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Yena starts and ends her days gaming, so get comfy in bed and start playing cute games! Some ideal games to play at night are animal crossing (pocket camp, new horizons, etc.) hello kitty dream café, cooking mama or hello kitty world 2!
Before going to sleep, watch an episode from a kdrama, cartoons or anime! Some recommendations from Yena are saiki k and chainsaw man
don't stay too late tho, you need to sleep well tonight (ᴗ˳ᴗ)💤
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(_ _ ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧ ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊·
ty for reading!!! I really wanted to do this guide cuz yena is my fav soloist, her style is so cute and i don't see much content about her often + I'm really into routines and self care, but they always require to do so much stuff everyday and i can't help but feel tired after doing them, but then i feel guilty if i don't do them, so i wanted to make a toned down version so I can recharge energy while being productive :3
Remember to always take breaks!!!!!
Next part of these series is going to be about a le sserafim member so stay tuned if you're interested 👀
anyways I think that's all
toodles 🍡
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youremyheaven · 1 month
Ermmm saur… I’m in a situation and idk what to do. So like my mom has like a friend who works in tech right? Today she got mad at me and told me that her friend has sent her my social media dms and shit like that. Mind you, I’m almost 20…
Her friend has done this before. My boyfriend and I took a nude picture of ourselves in his bed just for shits and giggles. Mind you, it was waist up. I immediately deleted it from my camera roll (including my recently deleted thingy) afterward. Tell me why a few months after this happened, she told me that she knows about the picture and she had the picture on her phone bc her friend sent it to her??? I told her that was weird of her friend to do that and she told me it’s not. My mom also tries to paint me to be some kind of w*ore just bc I have sex with my boyfriend. My boyfriend is quite literally the only person I’ve ever slept with🙄 idk what to do. She also says that I try to act innocent just bc I don’t tell ppl that I have sex and stuff like that. Idk what to do. She pays for my tuition and I’m scared of getting kicked out of the house.
WHAT 😳😳😳😨😱💀💀💀💀😨
this is illegal asf wtf
im at a loss for words
but to all girls reading, START MAKING YOUR OWN MONEY ASAP. dont wait until you finish your degree and apply to jobs or whatever. ANY kind of work you can do to make money, DO IT. babysit for others, work part time, intern somewhere, digital marketing, content writing, tutor kids, do someone's homework for a fee IDC,,, PLEASE MAKE MONEY. open your own bank account and start putting all your money together. you may think you're only 16/17/18/19 and you dont NEED money for anything rn BUT GIRL, you will always NEED money!!!
hopefully everything is okay at home for you but I hope you can start working in some capacity and saving money from now so that you can move out and live independently. as long as you live with her, she will continue to GROSSLY INVADE your privacy like this. the only solution is to LEAVE.
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Game Theory Homework Help Services: A Head-to-Head Comparison
As students navigate the intricate world of game theory, a subject known for its complexity and strategic thinking, the need for reliable homework help services becomes paramount. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of Game Theory Homework Help Services, conducting a head-to-head comparison between EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com and its competitor, EconomicsAssignmentHelp.com. Our exploration will focus on accessibility, expertise, affordability, and the ethical concerns surrounding the phrase pay someone to do my Game Theory Homework.
Understanding the Significance of Game Theory Homework Help:
Game theory, a branch of economics that examines strategic interactions among rational decision-makers, often presents challenges for students. The demand for online Game Theory Homework Help has surged as students seek assistance in understanding the subject, completing assignments, and preparing for exams.
Accessibility and Convenience
Both EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com and EconomicsAssignmentHelp.com acknowledge the importance of accessibility and convenience in student learning. Offering online Game Theory Homework Help, these platforms ensure that students can access assistance from the comfort of their homes. The 24/7 availability of resources accommodates different learning styles and schedules.
Expertise and Quality of Services
EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com prides itself on delivering high-quality services with a team of experienced tutors well-versed in economics and game theory. Meanwhile, EconomicsAssignmentHelp.com claims to provide solutions through subject matter experts. To determine the superior service, students should explore reviews, testimonials, and sample solutions from both platforms.
The cost of availing Game Theory Homework Help is a crucial consideration for students. Both platforms, EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com and EconomicsAssignmentHelp.com, assert to offer competitive pricing. However, students should carefully compare the cost of services, taking into account additional features or guarantees provided by each platform.
Turnaround Time
Meeting deadlines is paramount in academics. Both websites emphasize their ability to deliver solutions within specified deadlines. Students can assess the efficiency of each platform by checking reviews or seeking recommendations from peers who have used their services.
Comparative Analysis of EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com and EconomicsAssignmentHelp.com
Accessibility and Convenience:
Both platforms offer online Game Theory Homework Help, ensuring accessibility and convenience for students.
Expertise and Quality of Services:
EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com emphasizes its experienced tutors in economics and game theory. EconomicsAssignmentHelp.com claims to provide solutions through subject matter experts. Students should assess the expertise through reviews and sample solutions.
Both platforms claim to offer competitive pricing. Students should compare costs, considering additional features or guarantees provided by each.
Turnaround Time
Efficient delivery within specified deadlines is highlighted by both platforms. Peer reviews can provide insights into the actual efficiency of each service.
In the dynamic realm of education, Game Theory Homework Help services play a crucial role in supporting student learning. Platforms like EconomicsHomeworkHelper.com and EconomicsAssignmentHelp.com contribute to a comprehensive understanding of game theory concepts. Students must carefully evaluate the quality, affordability, turnaround time, and ethical considerations to make informed decisions about their academic assistance. Striking a balance between seeking help and actively engaging with the subject is key to maximizing the benefits of these resources.
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loganowenblogger · 11 months
Excelling in Math with MathsAssignmentHelp.com - A Lifesaver for Students
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Are you struggling with your math assignments? Do you find yourself scratching your head over complex problems, feeling overwhelmed, and desperate for a helping hand? Look no further - MathsAssignmentHelp.com is here to rescue you! In this testimonial, I will share my experience with the incredible services offered by MathsAssignmentHelp.com, explaining why you need this service when you want someone to do my math assignment, how to find it, and the simple steps to submit your assignment and receive a top-notch solution.
What Services Does MathsAssignmentHelp.com Offer?
MathsAssignmentHelp.com is a one-stop solution for students grappling with mathematics assignments of all levels. Whether you're in high school, college, or pursuing advanced studies, this platform offers a wide range of services, including:
Homework Assistance: Get instant help with your daily math homework, ensuring that you grasp the concepts and complete assignments accurately.
Online Tutoring: Receive personalized one-on-one tutoring sessions with expert math tutors who will guide you through challenging topics and help you understand them better.
Assignment Help: Submit your math assignments and receive step-by-step solutions with detailed explanations to ensure you grasp the concepts thoroughly.
Test and Exam Preparation: Access comprehensive study materials, practice tests, and guidance to help you excel in your math exams.
Dissertation and Thesis Support: For advanced students, MathsAssignmentHelp.com also provides assistance in writing dissertations and theses related to mathematical research.
Why Do I Need This Service?
Mathematics can be a daunting subject for many, and not everyone has the same aptitude for it. Whether it's struggling to grasp algebra, calculus, statistics, or any other mathematical discipline, MathsAssignmentHelp.com is your lifeline. Here's why you need this service:
Enhanced Learning: By receiving expert guidance and solutions, you can better understand math concepts, which will not only help with your assignments but also improve your overall performance in the subject.
Time Efficiency: It saves you precious time, which you can allocate to other subjects, co-curricular activities, or simply enjoying a stress-free student life.
Improved Grades: With the help of professionals, you can expect better grades and an enhanced academic profile, opening doors to various opportunities.
Reduced Stress: No more sleepless nights struggling with complex math problems. MathsAssignmentHelp.com takes the stress out of your academic life.
How Can I Find This Service?
Finding MathsAssignmentHelp.com is as easy as a few clicks. You can access their services through their user-friendly website. Just follow these steps:
Visit their website at www.mathsassignmenthelp.com.
Browse through their services and select the one that suits your needs.
Register for an account or log in if you're an existing user.
Upload your assignment, specifying all the relevant details and requirements.
Make a secure payment, and the experts will get to work on your assignment immediately.
What Are the Steps to Submit My Assignment and Receive a Solution?
Once you've uploaded your assignment, the process is straightforward:
Assignment Submission: Share your math assignment on the platform, including all necessary details, such as the deadline, special requirements, and any specific topics you want the solution to cover.
Payment: Complete the payment for the service. You can choose from various secure payment options.
Assignment Processing: The team at MathsAssignmentHelp.com will assign your task to a subject-matter expert who will start working on it promptly.
Solution Delivery: You will receive the completed assignment along with detailed explanations before the agreed-upon deadline.
Review and Learning: Go through the provided solution and explanations, which will help you understand the concepts better.
In conclusion, MathsAssignmentHelp.com is a valuable resource for students struggling with math assignments. With their comprehensive range of services, expert tutors, and efficient assignment submission process, it's a lifesaver for anyone seeking to excel in mathematics. Don't let math-related stress hold you back—leverage this incredible service to boost your academic performance and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. Say goodbye to math woes and embark on a journey towards mathematical excellence with MathsAssignmentHelp.com!
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dododan · 5 months
Forgotten Perseverance - Chapter 5
Prologue Previous Next
Gaster decided to take care of the injured girl. She seemed harmless, no matter if she was injured or not. If she did something, he would solve the problem himself.
By the way, Sans makes jokes at certain points in the story. Unfortunately, I don't know much about jokes, but I tried to convey his humour in the story somehow. I hope you will be understanding of his jokes.
I slept on the bed covered with a duvet. I had always been a light sleeper, so when I heard the door creak I open my eyes. In the doorway stood my father dressed in a white apron down to the ground. His typical work attire. Did I mention that Dad was a workaholic?  
He could go to the lab even on weekends and sit there until noon, and then home - as if that wasn't enough - he would bring paperwork.     
Sometimes he would sit with us, playing if he didn't have a project on his mind. Most of the time it was me who took care of Papyrus - we coloured together, did homework, played in the snow.     
I looked at my father with sleepy eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at the watch on the dresser. The hands pointed to a few minutes past six.     
Dad walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. In turn, I managed to lean my back against the wall.     
"I would like you to take care of Papyrus and Katharina today," said father.     
Then I thought how he could ask me to do that. I was supposed to take care of a human who was a potential threat to us. I was furious with him and made no secret of it.     
"I don't understand why I should take care of her at all. If she doesn't die from her wounds the king will kill her," I replied coldly, without looking at my father.    
 Yes, I disrespected my father. I resented him for saving the human. I wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible from here.     
I felt my father's stern gaze on me. He didn't like my expression. Now that I look back on it, I don't blame him. I said terrible things.     
"Sans, I understand your concerns. I have similar ones myself, but the girl is injured. If something were to happen you would be able to handle her without a problem" replied father, standing up. "And as for the king, I am sure he will understand the situation. Maybe there is another solution than killing" He walked to the door, and was about to leave. "I hope that you will too." He added on his way out.     
How did I feel then?     
I was frustrated by it all. I didn't understand my father's actions and I was sure, although I didn't know the king personally at the time, that he would kill Katharina anyway.  I thought that he would have no mercy by having people take his children from him. I didn't take into account that the father as well as the king might have thought otherwise.    
I hated people because of what Bravery was like. I took into account only him despite the fact that people before him were not so wrong.     
Katharina gave me no reason to hate her, at first I could not accept that she was different. I had the blindfolds. I did not see the girl's fear. I only saw what I wanted to see.     
After my father left I settled down to sleep again. Paps got up around nine o'clock or even later at weekends, so I had plenty of time to make breakfast. 
Only thoughts swirled around my head not allowing me to sleep. My father's words hurt me to a certain extent. Even then I began to wonder if I was doing the right thing. I was too stubborn to admit to myself that the girl was not a threat.     
 I wrestled with my thoughts for a long time, and remorse wouldn't let me sleep. Maybe I had reacted too harshly?     
 I looked at my watch again. It indicated half past eight. Somehow I saw no point in continuing to sleep, or rather trying to. I crawled lazily out of bed. I sat down on its edge, stretching. My bones ached a few times. A new day had to begin.   
 Dressed I went downstairs. Katharina was lying on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket. She was asleep. I didn't even go up to her, but headed for the kitchen with the intention of making pancakes. Although it may come as a surprise I could cook. I didn't always dine at Grillbi's or his father Netsu's. I went to Netsu's bar occasionally. Usually when I didn't want to make meals.     
 I made breakfast quickly and efficiently. I also prepared a few more pancakes for Kath, but I did this out of remorse and a desire not to let his father down than out of concern.     
 By the time I finished it was getting to nine o'clock, so I headed to my brother's room to wake him up. I quickly found myself at Papyrus' bedroom, skipping up the stairs two steps at a time. I didn't even knock just opened the door wide, letting the light into the room. I heard quiet murmurs of displeasure. The room was illuminated by the faint glow of lamps from the corridor. The outlines of Paps' bed, desk and a few cupboards appeared in the darkness. I turned towards the window with the intention of letting in more light. However, something stopped me, more specifically the scattered books. I stumbled over them and landed on the floor with a bang.     
 Suddenly the light came on and I heard my brother's voice.    
 "What are you doing?" he asked, yawning.     
 "Educating myself," I said, standing up. It may not have been the joke of all time, but it was enough to make Paps nervous. Sometimes... Well, okay. I always made jokes to annoy him. Then he would pretend he wasn't amused by my jokes, trying to hold back a smile. I had a lot of fun in the process, seeing his poor efforts. He was then funnier than my rusks.     
 "They are awful!" announced Papyrus, getting up abruptly from the bed. I massaged my skull, heading towards the door.      
 "Since you're up, let's go to breakfast" I replied, opening the door. "I made pancakes." 
 At the word pancakes Papyrus was already in the corridor. My brother was even fond of pancakes with strawberry jam. They were a good way of getting Paps out of bed. I made them every other weekend. This one I decided to make an exception because of a recent rather unusual experience.    
 "Are you coming?" shouted Papyrus from the top of the stairs.  Well my little brother wasn't too quiet, so I figured he had also woken Katharina up with his morning screams.   
"Yes, just don't run up the stairs," I admonished him, leaving the room. As usual it was of no use, because after a while I heard him running down to the ground floor.  Like a pea against the wall... Going downstairs, I wondered when Papyrus would start listening to me. The paradox was that if he had listened to me and stayed at home, I would have done something to Katharina that I might have regretted later. To think that by my brother's disobedience we had saved this girl's life.     
"SANS! Hurry!" Pap shouted  from the kitchen. As a kid he was always in a hurry to go somewhere, especially to breakfast. 
"Put out the plates and I'll wake up our guest," I replied.     
Paps and I had been behaving terribly loudly for some time, and the girl didn't even react. A normal person would have woken up some time ago, but she was still asleep. Either she was in such a deep sleep or something is wrong. With this thought, I walked the distance between the stairs and the couch.     
Katharina was lying on the couch covered up to her head with a blanket. I couldn't see her face because her hair was covering it. Something didn't feel right here.     
"Hey, get up" I crouched down by the sofa. I brushed a few strands off her forehead. Her eyebrows were furrowed in a strange grimace and her cheeks were slightly flushed. As if that wasn't enough she was breathing fast with a slight effort. "Are you all right? " 
"C-cold" she said with difficulty, covering herself with the blanket. I touched her forehead. She had a fever and a high one at that.     
"F$ck" I said briefly. Fever and chills boded badly, especially in a person whose body I knew nothing about.     
"SANS! What are you doing?" Papyrus asked, looking out of the kitchen. I looked at him. I must have looked worried because he responded immediately. - Big brother, what's going on? " 
"I need to call my dad" I said, standing up. I walked over to the cabinet by the other side of the couch. I reached for the phone, dialing the number for Dad's lab. "Kath has a fever. " 
I heard three beeps... Nothing... I called the number again... Nothing... I was annoyed. My father didn't answer. He probably didn't hear the ringtone, muted it. I couldn't wait. I had to do something. I gave the phone to Paps and told him to dial the number until it rang. Bro listened to me, and in the meantime I went running to the kitchen. Katharina had a high fever, so it had to be brought down somehow. The only thing that came to my mind was ice. I took a towel and took the ice out of the freezer. I wrapped my ankles in the towel, heading towards the living room. I put the compress on the girl's forehead. I didn't know what to do next. I didn't have the faintest idea what could be wrong with her. This... I knew a lot about anatomy, I may not have been a top student, but I knew the basics. But as far as people were concerned I knew absolutely nothing, maybe some residual information. There wasn't much of that. All I could do was sit and wait for my father to kindly tear himself away from his work.      
Fortunately, we didn't have to wait long for an answer. As soon as my father picked up Paps handed me the phone. I walked away from him a piece. If it turned out that she was going to die I wanted to relieve him of that somehow. I surprised myself that I cared about her after all. Papyrus took an instant liking to this girl. Somehow at the time I did not want to contribute to her death.     
"What is it, son?" asked the father quickly. From the background I heard some calling, shouting... I was surprised. Dad didn't like working in a hectic environment.     
"Dad, are you OK?" I asked uncertainly. What was going on there?   
"Sans, if you were just calling for...." he didn't finish because he was interrupted by a bang, and after a while I heard the screams of Doctor Resma. She was a cat-like monster with bluish fur. She also worked as my father's subordinate together with Mr Timo the human-like green monster and Dr Tarel, who was a big white head.     
There were other scientists working in the lab in Hotland, but these monsters belonged to my dad's team of royal scientists. Ah... I would almost skip Saere. The young monster looked like a pink lizard with no arms. She mostly wore plaid shirts. She was, as Ms Resma put it, "a person with potential", so it was no surprise that she became her assistant.... And she was only three years older than me!      
Good! Let's better get back to the story before I lose the thread.    
After the situation at my father's had quietened down for a short while, he came back to me. "Son, we have a little problem here and if it's nothing important.... "  
"Katharina has a high fever and chills" I interrupted my father. He fell silent. On the other side I could only hear the sounds of running and someone's calls. After a short while, my father answered me.    
"Sans, listen to me. Try to bring her fever down. You have to make sure that her temperature doesn't exceed 40 degrees and that it doesn't drop too much," my father said calmly, but I could sense the uncertainty in his voice. I didn't know what was wrong with her and I was in no way reassured by my father's statement. "I will try to come back as soon as possible. " 
"OK, I'll take care of her" I looked at the girl and at Paps standing next to her. She really didn't look well. "But what's wrong with her?"    
"Sepsis" that's all I heard in reply. I didn't really understand what he meant. Paps must have realised that I didn't know what it was, because after a while he added. - I will explain it to you later.     
After that he hung up, and there was nothing left for me to do but follow his advice and wait. I put the phone down on the table and sat down on the floor next to the sofa. Papyrus was sitting close to Kath, watching her with a worried face. As soon as I sat down it was Paps who looked at me, anticipating any response.     
"Dad said we should do her compresses and he'll try to get back as soon as possible,' I said scratching the back of my skull." But something happened in the lab, so I don't know how long it will take him.     
The youngster said nothing but returned his gaze to the girl. You could read from Papyrus like an open book. He cared about the girl and wanted to help her somehow, but he didn't know how. I felt sorry for him. That sad look on his face made me feel guilty, even though I had not contributed to the girl's illness in any way. Maybe the very realisation that I wanted her to die made my conscience seize up.     
"Bro, don't worry," I said, and Paps looked at me. "'I'm sure our father will help her. He is a royal scientist after all "  
A small smile began to appear on my little brother's face, which after a while turned into a big grin, and his eyes flashed orange.     
"You're right! Father manages everything," he said, standing up abruptly. I shuddered at his impulsiveness. "I can help too!"  
He said and ran to the floor. He skipped up a few steps at a fast pace and disappeared behind the door of his room. I stared at him the whole time, wondering what had hatched in that little skull of his. I soon found out, because just a few minutes later he was standing next to the sofa, holding a teddy bear - his favourite mascot - in his hands. He had received it when he was less than two years old from his father. He slept with it every night. He surprised me by bringing it. 
"Mr Candy supported me when I was ill, so Kath will help too," Papyrus said proudly, puffing out his chest proudly. I smiled. Paps could be really corny at times like this. And how could anyone not like him?    
My bro placed the toy next to the girl's head. The plushie's head tilted slightly, peeling against the armrest of the sofa.  Paps sat down next to the girl on the sofa. I looked at him and suddenly, as if someone had cracked a whip, I remembered my breakfast. I had also forgotten about my hunger. But now he was making himself known with redoubled force.    
"Papy, there's no point in both of us sitting here. You'd better go have breakfast," I said to my brother. He immediately got up without stammering and went to the kitchen.     
I thought he would eat there, but my brother can surprise. He came into the living room with a plate of pancakes in one hand, and in the other he held the plates, and on them stood the jam.     
I smiled slightly. Sometimes my brother could surprise me. He sat down next to me on the floor and we ate pancakes together. In the meantime, I changed Kath's wrap.     
"Sans, will you get me some water?" asked the teenager weakly.  
"Sure, I'm coming," I said, getting up.    
When I was in the kitchen I heard Papyrus talking to the girl. I could mostly hear my brother. Kath was probably nodding weakly.    
I picked up a glass and poured water into it. I was back in the living room with the water when the door swung open abruptly, letting the cold wind in. I looked together with Paps in that direction.   
"Daddy!" said Paps, running up to his father.   
Paps had just managed to close the door when the youngster hugged him.  
"Yes, Papyrus I'm happy to see you too," said his father, hugging Paps. "And now we'll take care of Katharina," added the father, looking at me.    
Papyrus moved away from dad, and he followed me into the living room. Katharina, who until then had not reacted to anything, raised her head with an effort. However, she immediately lowered it. With her fever and general weakness, even this was too much effort for her.    
Gaster approached her, putting his briefcase down next to the sofa.  
"How are you feeling?" He asked, crouching down beside her. "Where are you in pain?" 
The girl did not really respond to her father's words. The fever must have been tormenting her.    
After a while Papyrus stood up, looking for something in his bag.  
"Papyrus bring a medical bag, not a first aid bag," said the father, without even looking at him.    
Paps immediately ran upstairs to his father's office. I didn't understand what his purpose was when Paps took a syringe and a vial with a strange substance out of the bag after a while.  
"What is this?" I asked. "And why did you make him go upstairs?" 
"These are antibiotics," said my father calmly, pushing the clear liquid with the syringe. "And I have something strengthening in my medical bag" he added, checking for air in the syringe."Can you help me?" I nodded. "Roll up her shirt sleeve"  
I did as he instructed and it was over. Literally a moment later Papyrus ran down the stairs carrying a first aid kit in his hands. Bro placed it on the table where the plates still stood.   
"Paps, go wash the plates," I said to him. Surprisingly he took them without the slightest objection. This was completely unlike him. Perhaps he was beginning to be responsible?    
At this time my father took another substance out of the medical bag. It was a strange green colour. I don't know if I thought it, but this substance was flickering.  
"Are you administering magic to her?" I asked. "Will this not harm her?" 
"As perceptive as ever" said the father, handing Katharina the medicine. "Magic does not harm people. Now people have residual amounts of magic in them. They used to have more of it, but over the years they have forgotten how to use it. Increasing the concentration of magic will help purify her blood." 
"Why should it purify her blood? Is it related to that sepsis you mentioned earlier?" I asked. At the time I didn't know much, or rather at all, about the human body. I didn't know how magic was supposed to help her.   
My father put the syringe back in the medicine cabinet. Only now did I see what he looked like. He was wearing a slightly smeared apron and in some places it was torn. This sight heightened my growing sense of curiosity. What had happened in the laboratory? However, I doubted he would answer me now, if at all.  
"Sepsis is a bacterial or viral infection of the blood. With all sorts of infections, microorganisms enter the bloodstream. If the body cannot cope with them there is a general infection of the body," the father explained. "Sometimes it occurs in monsters with corporeal shells, but it does not occur in skeletons."  
"I guess sepsis can't get under our skin," I said.   
Father looked at me, smiling slightly. After a moment Papyrus ran into the room with a large bag. He placed it next to father on the table. Dad opened it and looked through some vials of medicine. I didn't really know what was in them.    
I preferred not to disturb my father, so I took Papyrus upstairs. Little brother had to do his homework eventually. It was a bit difficult to drag him away, but his father's support helped.   
We sat together in my brother's room. We were doing maths homework. As Papyrus put it the greatest bane of the Underground. He simply hated it, even though he did well in it.   
After an hour we were down to the last assignment. However, there was one thing that did not give me peace of mind. And that was Katharina. I didn't mean her health. That was a completely different tale. I was more concerned with what would happen to her now. Would she stay with us? I didn't know anything yet at the time.    
Although by then I had already started to have doubts.    
She may have been with us for less than two days, but she had done nothing to make me worry, even though she was unconscious most of the time. Above all, her father had decided to take her in himself. He wouldn't do something like that if Kath was dangerous. And then something came to my mind. King Asgore.   
I jumped off the chair like a scalded man.  
"What happened to you?" asked a confused Paps.   
"I just remembered something" I said, walking towards the door. "I need to talk to dad" I added opening the door. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the youngster make a victory gesture. Oh it's not that easy with me. "Finish this task and I'll check it later" I said closing the door. I didn't even have to turn around because I knew he wasn't happy about it.    
I went down the stairs. The father was no longer with the teenager. Instead, she was standing next to her with an IV. I thought she was probably in the kitchen and I was not mistaken. Dad was sitting at the table, drinking coffee.  
"Her condition had improved. She'll recover in a few days" Gaster said as soon as I entered the room. I wanted to say that he was wrong.... But he was right. I silently pushed back my chair and sat down. Gaster took another sip of coffee. I ostensibly wanted to ask him how the King thing was going, but I didn't want it to come out that I was worried about it. I guess he guessed that I had no small problem with it, because after a moment of silence he added. "I spoke to the king. I told him the situation. And he agreed that the girl could stay with us...."  
"But? " 
The father sighed heavily. You could see that this matter was bothering him terribly.   
"If she does something suspicious then..." He fell silent. Father looked at me. He was anxious. "I am then to solve the problem" he finished grimly.   
I knew what he meant. He meant that he would have to be the one to kill Katharina. Yes father had killed a man before. It was Bravery, but it was in self-defence. Two completely different things. I don't know if Father could ever kill a defenceless person.   
After that we both didn't speak. We felt quite uncomfortable in the situation. However, the silence was broken by Paps' loud voice coming from the living room.  
"And how are you feeling Katharina?"   
"A little better" I barely heard her.  
Paps got up and moved towards the living room. After a while I followed his footsteps. Kath was sitting on the sofa, tightly wrapped in a blanket. She was still pale and her cheeks were flushed, but she was conscious. She smiled weakly at the sight of her father.  
"Good morning," she replied.   
"It is good to see that you are feeling better" said the father, smiling slightly. I leaned against the door frame. I preferred to watch them from a distance.   
"YES! Mr Candy certainly helped you with taht!" replied Papyrus, sitting down next to the girl. Quite quickly she realised that he was talking about the teddy bear that was lying next to her. She took it in her hands, hugging it.  
"You're right, his help was indispensable," she said.  
Eh... That's when I really started to doubt my rationale. Thanks to her, Papyrus is smiling. The father is at home. He's not trying to get home at all costs. I seriously didn't know what to think about her. Maybe I should give her a chance? After all, her father did, and he couldn't be wrong.    
I walked slowly over to the couch.  
"Are you hungry?" I asked, leaning with my hands against the back of the sofa.  
She turned to me. She was looking straight at me with those violet eyes of hers. For a moment I thought they shone.  
" I'm sorry, but I'm not hungry just Katharina" she said smiling slightly. Well... I have to admit that I didn't expect something like this. Either she's trying to befriend me or.... And let my suspicions run wild! I laughed along with my father, and Papy, as Papy does, scoffed.  
I couldn't stand it and neither could my father and Kath. We laughed and Paps, even more upset, got up abruptly from the sofa and started stomping his foot.    
This sight was really disjointed. It was only after a good minute that we calmed down.  
"OK, now for the serious stuff," Paps began, heading towards the kitchen. "He'll take care of dinner. " 
I sat down next to them on the sofa, taking the remote control in my hand.  
"Then why don't we watch something?" I asked, turning on the TV.   
"YES! HOW ABOUT 'MR ARIS AND HIS FRIENDS'?" suggested the youngster.   
Kath just shrugged her shoulders. I didn't care either, so we turned on 'Mr Aris and His Friends'. A children's series about the adventures of a monster dog and his friends. One of the few series that flew on Underground Television. Yes, we had a studio in Hotland, but.... There weren't many people willing to run programmes. There were a few cooking programmes, science programmes and children's cartoons. We also created fake films that went underground. You're probably familiar with 'A Christmas Story'? In ours, instead of Ebenezer Scrooge, there is a spider called Sting Y. Freak. The story was the same as the original, but the names of the characters were changed. And there was no connection to religion. There were a few more films like this e.g. Lone Alone at Home.    
But there was still an anime broadcast. It had different stories depending on the genre, so there was something for everyone. There weren't many of them flying on TV, because you had to find a whole season on the Dump and see if it worked. One of the anime I happened to watch was 'Sailor Moon'. A story about a girl who turns into a moon heroine and saves the world from evil. This one... I only watched one episode, not even to the end. In my opinion it was too girly.    
Coming back to the rest of the day, it passed in a nice, friendly atmosphere. My father prepared broth for dinner. Although he cooked infrequently, the soup turned out well. We watched some more television. We talked about everything from TV programmes to interesting books.    
I didn't even notice when it was evening. There was some kind of adventure film on the TV, I don't remember much what kind. I was already tired. I looked at my brother. He was sleeping cuddled up with Kath and she was cuddled up with him. It was a really sweet sight.  
"I'd better take him to bed," my father said, turning off the TV.   
When Dad put Paps down in his bed, he stopped in the doorway of my room. I looked up at him. My eye sockets were closing from exhaustion. I had the feeling that I could fall asleep standing up.    
"I'm proud of you son" my father said, closing my bedroom door.    
This really made me swoon. Dad said he was proud of me. In that moment I felt happy. I know he loved me, but he rarely said such words to me. THAT made me happy. Maybe giving this girl a chance isn't such a bad idea? I thought, going to bed. 
3 notes · View notes
catherinelwriter · 1 year
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amarantine-amirite · 2 years
Outrun, Outpace, Outlast
I looked at the dog's breakfast of instructions for my writing assignment and said, "I can't take this. We had so much work put on us today, on top of what we got all week, and I can't possibly get it all done. I don't know what I'm going to do."
Mom heard me and replied, "I'm busy, too. I did the grocery shopping and I went to work. The only reason I made dinner tonight is that you forgot. Evelyn, is it so hard to make meals once in a while?" She didn't even look at me when she spoke.
Mom only told me I'd have to make meals for the 66 days that it took her to complete work on the Clappison file. She never told me I would be on dinner duty permanently. "You finished the Clappison thing a week ago, so why do I still have to make dinner?"
"Why is this such a big deal for you? It should be second nature by now" Mom huffed.
It would be second nature, except I have so many other things happening. I have school projects that require a lot of extra tools with cryptic setup instructions, textbook readings I have to do because the teachers can't teach, and college applications that crash so much as you look at them the wrong way. You can't build new habits if you are constantly fighting fires. "You just don't understand what I'm going through! You didn't have the same...never mind!" I stormed off, foolishly leaving the computer unattended.
Mom ran with the idea that social media was to blame, and one day, she deleted every single one of my socials when I wasn't looking.
This had deeper consequences than it appeared to. After Mom deleted my account, she tried to turn on the parental controls to block the social media sites I frequented to stop me from signing up for a new account. The computer crashed twice as she tried to do this. She had to reboot twice.
She got frustrated by how temperamental the computer was, so she did a factory reset. The factory reset erased all sorts of important stuff, like her will, my college essay, and loads of old family photos and past homework assignments.
There's a backup of my college essay on Mom's work computer. Getting it back wouldn't be easy. If she emailed it to me directly, it would put her security clearance in jeopardy. She's already got two strikes, both of which came from when I sent it to her the first time. If she gets one more strike, she loses her clearance, and if she loses her clearance, she gets fired.
The only way that we could recover the college essay would be if I copied it down from either the work computer or a printout. Both options require me to wait for Mom to provide the solution for me. She either has to ask permission to work from home because she can't bring me to the office or find a way to sneak the document home after she prints it since you aren't allowed to take printouts from work home with you. Neither one of them looks like it's going to materialize.
I can't just pick a new prompt and come up with something else. The common app picks your topic based on your month of birth. I was born in March, so my prompt was "what does the word gratitude mean to you?"
I got stuck the first time I did this because what looks like an open-ended prompt had a "correct" answer. They were looking for one of two responses: either "I am grateful for my health because I have an ailing family member" (this would sort you into pre-med or biology) or "I am grateful for my friends because my parents don't like me" (this would sort you into literature). I had to strategically write it so that it would sort me into the program I wanted, but at the same time, I wouldn't have to say anything that wasn't true. My essay said the first thing, but I used a lot of technology metaphors so that the sorting algorithm my schools of choice used in the admissions process would at least sort me into engineering.
Things weren't lining up for me to recover from the delete. That is, of course, until Heather told me that she found a USB stick with a copy of my college essay on it.
I had no idea it would lead to this.
I can see why Heather had us do this on skis. You can cover a lot of ground on cross-country skis. Plus, since only the toe of your boot is attached to your ski, cross-country skiers can go up and down, various types of terrain. It's a lot easier for cross-country skiers to go downhill than the other way around. "Heather, if you had told me that I would need to go cross-country skiing in the back field of a ski resort accessed through a deer path at the side of the road so I could recover my college essay, I would have thought you'd lost your marbles," I said
"I like cross-country a lot better than downhill because you don't have to get special poles with a ski blade on them. You can just put your ski boot on the prosthetic leg and go," Heather replied.
We made a good pace along the deer path. The terrain got easier once we made it to a dish-shaped clearing that glistened soft hues of pink and purple as the sunset reflected off the snow. Heather made the time-out T sign with her hands. "See that valley down there?" she said.
"Yeah," I panted, "is my USB stick in there?"
Heather nodded. "At the bottom of the valley is a cave that a very high profile criminal gang keeps their ill-gotten booty." She made a circling motion with her hand, emphasizing the fenced-off nook in the rocks on the east side of the basin. "The only thing guarding that cave is some caution tape and safety fencing"
I looked at her with a shocked expression. "Really?" I said with my jaw open like a codfish, "There's no way it can be that easy"
Heather chuckled, "Well, most people see the signs and think it's hazardous terrain. Some people get the idea that there's something cool back there and try to remove the safety fencing so they can see what it is, but give up because it's screwed down pretty tight." she then removed a large, impressive pair of wire cutter from her backpack, " but we came prepared"
We cut down the safety fencing and searched the cave for the USB stick. I poked around the remains of some Chinese lanterns, a piñata with the head missing (probably so they could hide drugs in it), what looked like a couple of stolen Frida Kahlo paintings, and some plastic ferns. "I don't see it anywhere" I heard Heather say.
"That's because it's here," I said, pointing at the Regency-era aired desk with angel figurines, candles, and shot glasses on it. I reached into the shot glass with Kermit the frog printed on it, pulled out the USB stick, and we both got the hell out of there.
I slipped the USB stick into the pocket of my snow pants. Once we got somewhere well-lit, Heather and I both high-fived.
"I don't believe we pulled this off!" I laughed.
"Me neither"
"Yeah, aren't they going to notice that someone was there?" I said.
Heather shook her head. "Probably not. If Ski Patrol sees the safety fencing cut down for any reason, they'll patch it up. Even if it isn't theirs."
"But what if they see all the stuff in the cave that we knocked over?" I asked.
"Again, not an issue. They'll just think one of their own was trying to hide something"
We had successfully liberated the USB stick. Job done, right?
Wrong. Two gangsters saw us make our way back to the car. They must have come back to the cave before the ski patrol people patched up the safety fence. They knew someone had been there.
One of them grabbed me from behind and pinned my arms behind my back. His buddy held Heather down and aimed a gun at her brainstem. "Bitch, give us back the USB stick or else!"
Things looked bleak. One false move and one or both of us would be dead. I had to think quickly. "Oh, we're not the guys who took your USB stick," I said, "they went for that helicopter." I pointed at the Channel 8 News Chopper with my head. "If you hurry, you can catch them!"
Both gangsters unhanded us and motored towards the helicopter, while we went in the opposite direction, back to the car. I went north, and Heather went east
I found somewhere high up where I got a good view of them grabbing onto the helicopter by the blades. It became increasingly clear that they had no idea how helicopters worked.
Helicopters don't start up right away. It takes 10 to 15 minutes for the blades to rotate at full speed. The first guy fell off before the blades could even complete their first rotation.
The second guy managed to hang on. But hanging on the blade destabilized the helicopter. Adding a human to helicopter blades causes more vibrations than you think. The chopper flipped over before it got off the ground.
I went another 100 yards and my phone rang. "Evelyn, where are you?" Heather said.
"At the chairlift dropoff, where are you?" I asked.
"I'm on the patio," she responded.
I turned around. I was up high enough that I could see the main building of the ski resort. Sure enough, they had a patio.
I made my way down to the resort's main building through the woods in between the hills "Lover's Lane" and "Swan Dive". Once I got to the resort, I instantly saw what Heather meant she said she was on the patio.
She lay there on her back with her prosthetic leg and skis missing. "You OK?" I asked.
"Funny story," she said, "I went off the end of the ski jump."
All she had to say was I went off the end of the ski jump, and I had a picture. Upon landing, she lost both skis and took quite a spill. It looked like she rolled down the hill eight times before finally crashing into the seating area of the resort. Her skis came off, and the leg came off. "Where did your skis go?" I giggled.
"Look around," Heather said.
I looked at the city bus and noticed that the ski attached to her natural leg went through the front window. "Oh look, here comes my prosthetic leg."
I soon saw the stray prosthetic leg ski down the remainder of the slope right into a group of kids in a ski lesson.
Heather got off easy. Sure, it knocked the wind out of her and wounded her pride, but seeing the disembodied leg in a ski and ski boot uncontrollably hurtle towards them scared the bejeezus out of ski lesson kids.
I don't think the ski lesson kids are going to ever be able to ski again. I think even looking at skis will be enough to trigger PTSD.
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The alpha Brain wave Yoga and
Monatomic gold
The alpha brain wave is well known in tibet for their deep states of mediation ,
Ormus gold or Monatomic Gold puts the body in the elite Alpha brain wave state, a meditative and healing state 7.83 Hz and the earth’s frequency vibrates at 7.83Hz. An unusual coincidence.?
It has been proven to balance the left brain right brain hemispheres 
A small study 
looked at a brain stimulation technique called transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and found that it could increase alpha brain waves and reduce depression symptoms in people affected by major depressive disorder (MDD).
Ormus Gold also cleans the body of toxins and increases one’s aura so that the body is functioning on a high vibration and energy status.
How Ormus Monatomic Gold is beneficial for immune system?
Ormus has the ability to alkalise the body’s system due to its high PH levels, an environment that disease doesn’t like.
A nutritous organic substrate full of trace elements .
Elixir Ormus also increases your aura, the energy around the body that senses peoples energy from cortisol being released from the cells in the body.
Have you noticed when you can sense a persons agitated or angry when you enter a room its because they are releasing cortisol and we have tiny receptors in our cells that pick up on this. When this aura is increased our intuition is raised.
Negative sentiment on Ormus or Monatomic gold
There is negative sentiment over the internet on some accounts like any product ,and Ormus can be harmful if made with Dead Sea salt , Compared to Pacific Ocean sea salt ,or if the proper alchemic procedures are not followed. Some of this negative sentiment  could be attributed to this .
Is Ormus Dangerous
There are several ways of extracting or processing Ormus or Monatomic gold, some use real golden heat it  and use hydrochloric acid and a number of horrible processes, or a Dry method ,
Im relating to particularly the Wet Method made from Organic Sea water harvested from safe places away from marinas.
A Japanese scientist also did study on just sea water he called it Hado water 
study on sea water benefits
The simple method layman's explanation is clean filtered sea water is obtained then to raise the  PH to 10.78 no higher or dangers can occur ,Vortex the water  then the white precipitate falls out with all the minerals , Ph needs to be adjusted then the solution needs to washed many times to remove the high concentrations on sodium . Please don't use this method it s a lot more complicated and a alchemist will need to follow the correct recipe from ancient Egyptian clay tablets.
After researching approx 100 websites reviews it seemed approx 80% are positive on a generalisation with some astounding claims.
However many companies don't have a spectrometry detailed assay list of trace elements.
If done correctly Ormus becomes the Ancient Egyptian elixir that was believed that the Pharos and kings ingested for higher spiritual consciousness and longevity that is completely organic and GMO free.
But do your homework on the trace minerals and see what you think.
SPHINX ORMUS  Ormus assay
Other elements to be found in this form are Copper,Cobalt,Ruthenium,Rhodium,Silver,Palladium,Platinum,Osmium,Iridium,and nickel due to there Monatomic form they do not show up under spectrometry.
.[Parts per million]
These organic minerals relate to  historic nutritional research of assisting Cognitive function,
Wound healing for burns,
Reducing stress anxiety and depression,
Elasticity of the skin and collagen production reducing wrinkles, 
Assisting the nervous system,
Increasing brain blood circulation and electro impulses and cognitive function. Anti-inflammatory properties are helpful for many autoimmune diseases and Arthritis, 
Detoxification and rid of free radicals.
Helps build strong teeth and bones, has anti-inflammatory properties helpful for arthritis, speeds up wound healing, Prevents vitamin D deficiency, and balances hormones.
Sulphur 587
Increasing circulation to the brain is helpful for Alzheimer’s or Dementia, It assists in detoxing the body, and is essential to connecting tissues, helping elasticity to the skin reducing wrinkles, it supports insulin production, assists in vitamin B uptake to convert carbohydrates to energy.
Sodium 8,264
Improves heart performance, and the nervous system, prevents muscle cramps, and assists in glucose absorption, sodium is needed for blood regulation, it regulates the bodily fluids and transmits electrical impulses in the body, prevents sunstroke, improves brain function, defends free radicals and is in many skin care creams, eliminates carbon dioxide and controls blood pressure.
Magnesium 2,350
Regulates blood sugar, boosts athletic performance, is involved in approx 600 reactions in your body, energy creation, protein formation, muscle movement, nervous system regulation, may reduce anxiety and combat depression, boast anti-inflammatory properties, bone Heath, gives good sleep,
Potassium 1,317
Stimulates neural activities,, improves the nervous system, regulates fluid systems, maintains water balance, reduces anxiety and stress levels, boosts heart health, boosts metabolisms, strengthens muscles, stabilises blood pressure, enhances bone health, stabilises blood sugars,
Is ok in small doses it’s in all our vegetables and water and is good for painful joints and alleviates fatigue, The average daily intake is 10 mg per day.
Aluminium RDL
Aluminium is toxic if exceeding the daily recommendations
Strengthens Bones prevents baldness and Alopecia, prevents brittle nails, is good for skin, assists in elasticity, reduces ageing, increases collagen, restores mucosa, prevents Atherosclerosis, promotes healing, and prevents aluminium toxicity.
Gold is a great anti-inflammatory, as is a superconductor assisting the neural pathways.
It has been used in ancient cultures to increase longevity and enhance spiritual awareness,
 LT Lawrence Frego stated Gold raises the IQ by 20 basis points over 30 days
Phosphorus. 49
Strengthens teeth and bones, detoxes the body, supports cognitive development, stimulates protein metabolism, boosts cell repair, helps hormonal balance, promotes metabolism, facilitates nutrient uptake
Strengthens bones and teeth, assists in a stable weight, protects cardiac muscles, has anti-cancer potential, reduces pre-menstrual depression, prevents kidney stones, controls the alkaline PH, regulates blood pressure, and assists transportation of nutrients
Strontium 9.28
Strengthens bones and aids in alkalising the bones. Assists in the absorption of calcium, Prevents tooth decay, is used in treating prostate cancer,
Lithium is used for treating depression, and anxiety, it has anti-inflammatory properties, and it boosts cognitive function. Tests in 26 counties in Texas in 1990 showed that counties with a low rate in the water had a 40% higher suicidal rate
Barium 0.38
Other organisations have set guidelines or regulations pertaining to the concentration of barium in drinking water. The World Health Organisation established a guideline for drinking- water quality of 1.3 mg/L for barium. The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s standard and the guideline established by the Australia National Health and Medical Research Council are both set at 2.0 mg/L. The European Union has not established a limit for barium in drinking water. High quantities of barium above daily intake are harmful.
Iron 2.88
Enhances Haemoglobin, regulates body temp, treats Anaemia, oxygen carrier prevents chronic fatigue, assists energy and metabolism, improves appetite, prevents restless leg syndrome, prevents hair loss, improves muscle health, improves brain function and development, boosts immunity, promotes sleep, boosts concentration, helps heal wounds, neurotransmitter synthesis
Zinc 0.52
Wound healing, DNA synthesis, Protein synthesis, Gene expression, and Immune function, Aid in the growth development of Mitosis and cell division.Anti-inflammatory.
Manganese 0.39
Bone health and strong antioxidant properties help reduce diseases, reduce inflammation, particularly with chondroitin and Glucosamine. Assist in blood sugar regulation, is Linked to lower amounts of epileptic seizures, assists in the role of metabolising nutrients may reduce PMS symptoms in conjunction with calcium, may protect the brain from free radicals and improve brain function. Assist in good thyroid health. assist in wound healing by aiding in collagen production.
After reading my List of Minerals / Trace Elements In Ormus I suggest you google the daily intakes for each mineral and do the math. It is important not to exceed the daily does of Ormus as its such a rich mineral elixir you can exceed the daily recommended doses. I suggest you google to do the RDL under the world health organisation.
It is also great for plants here is a organic  broccoli I grew from watering with 
1 teaspoon per 10 litres approx 10 times, sitting on a 10 litre water bottle.
How Energy Affects Ormus 
If you are interested in energy Ormus has some very unique traits,
You will be aware no doubt of Dr emoto research on structured water 
how he found that thoughts directed at water can change the structure of water and words written on water containers can change the shape of the water molecule.
Dr Emoto study video
Research has shown that water can carry as much as 440,000 pieces of information on each molecule , and we are made up of approx 70% of water ,look at the quantity of this stuff we consume ,
approx 730 litres a year to the average person at 2 litres a day.
If we consume that much water wouldn't it be clear that we would want the most pure and high vibrational nature?
If it carries memory surely this would affect us?
Ormus has also been found in the human body ,plants and soils and rocks and is in high concentration in Purple coloured foods and products of the ocean like sea weed, sea food, 
Wouldn't it be fair that you would only want to drink liquids in this hexagonal shape of love ?  as in the photo here after the frozen water molecules is put under a microscope .
The negative thought traits and words certainly show a negative vibe , you be the judge!
Different ways of supercharging your Ormus into the Hexagonal water molecule elite state. From the earths energy .Ormus is very sensitive to sound and vibration.
Raise your vibration with Ormus 
Sacred geometry 
crystals and grids
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Violet coloured glass and the violet coloured spectrum
528 Hz imprinted in the Ormus [the miracle tone]
The OHM tone 
Triskelions  [ a sacred Egyptian length of copper formed into a geometric shape giving off electromagnetic energy proven to structure water within hours
Copper torson rings [ reduce the EMF ]
intensions of love kindness and compassion your dreams affirmations and goals.Imprint the water with these memories and then consume them .
Vortex the water [ toroidal energy ] this energy is all of nature from the solar system , the DNA, the merkaba of the heart, Plants or just water spinning down the plug hole,.It even comes down the Egyptian pyramids to the kings chamber.
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Pyramidal energy 
Using these energies you can raise the vibration and the structure and the memories of your Ormus and help manifestations speeds.
Peoples claims are predominant in energy boosts, and stamina.
Ormus vibrational healing methods
People are discovering ormus after the recipe was hidden in ancient texts from alchemists guarding there valuable substance, but its clear that people are doing there research and key words on google for Ormus using 236% and monatomic gold 126% for 2022 alone 
Make your own decision to this organic substance and do a thorough research to this truly interesting substance that has many uses
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