yeesiine · 6 months
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The intimacy of deep conversation.
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ericshoney · 4 months
Talkative ~ Matt Sturniolo
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Warnings: Mentions of mental health, anxiety, selective mute!reader
You were sat on the sofa, waiting for Matt. The two of you had planned to spend the day together, Nick having a meeting for Space Camp and Chris already gone with some other friends.
The house was unusually quiet, which made you feel more relaxed. You and the triplets had been friends for a while now and were great with your anxiety and selective mutism. You would talk more to the guys at home rather than out and about, a few words here and there, or a nod of your head. The triplets were understanding and knew if you needed anything.
"Hey, you ready?" Matt called as he walked through from his bedroom.
"Yeah." You answered quietly.
You loved all three of the brothers, but with Matt you felt as if you could talk more and not have to shout. It was more calm and relaxed with just Matt, which sometimes, you needed.
You both went down to the garage and got in the car. Matt put some music on low so you could still hear it, but not be overwhelmed by the noise.
"Where do you want to eat?" Matt asked you as he began driving.
"Mcdonalds please." You answered, making him nod.
Matt then drove towards Mcdonalds. You looked at your phone, notifications from TikTok popping up. As you watched some videos, small giggles escaped your lips, making Matt smile.
"What's so funny, sweetheart?" He asked.
"This girl pranking her brother. Like it's so simple but so funny and he never sees it coming." You explained.
Matt smiled, he loved when you talked more. He fully understood your struggles and was there to support you along with Nick and Chris, but when you were in a chatty mood, it made him smile more.
"Sounds fun. Oh look we're here, what do you want?" He replied.
You looked up and realised you had arrived at Mcdonalds quite quickly. You gave Matt your order as he pulled up in the drive-thru. Once he had ordered for you both, paid and collected the food, he turned to you.
"Now where would you like to go?" He questioned.
"Can we just park up somewhere and people watch?" You responded.
"Sure." He replied.
Matt then drove to a spot that wasn't too busy, but a few people so you could watch. You both started to eat your food, watching the world go by.
"Woah look at this dude!" You exclaimed.
Matt looked at where you were pointing and saw a guy walking past. He had bright green hair.
"That's a bold move." Matt said.
"Yeah, could you imagine having that hair colour? Have you ever thought about dying your hair? Imagine if Nick tried green hair!" You rambled on, making Matt smile. It wasn't often you had bursts of energy to talk, but boy did he love it.
"Nick would look so goofy with green hair." He said.
"He would." You nodded in agreement.
You two soon fell silent again, whilst eating, before you turned to Matt.
"Matt...am I weird?" You questioned randomly.
"What, no. Why would you think that?" He replied.
"Just that....Sometimes I don't talk a lot....or at all, but today all I wanna do is talk." You said, looking at his blue eyes for comfort.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. It's what makes you, you. We, I, understand your selective mutism and your anxiety. It's all okay to not want to join in a conversation, or talk at all, or talk loads. What matters is your happiness. Nick, Chris and I all understand and are fully supportive and here for you whenever. Don't put yourself down, darling." He said, making you smile.
"Thanks Matt." You said.
"Of course. Now how about you finish up and then we go get Happy Ice?" He suggested.
"Yeah!" You cheered loudly.
Matt smiled wide at your reaction and knew you were happy, which made him happy.
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wellmetmat · 12 days
My American sister-in-law said that when she was little, her class learnt to sing 'Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree'.
(This is a ditty which goes: "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree; merry, merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, kookaburra, laugh, kookaburra; may your life be free.")
And she was but a small American child who did not know what a kookaburra was, nor what a gum tree was (they have lots of them in California but apparently always call them eucalyptus), nor that "bush" metonymically meant "forest", nor that "laugh" referred straightforwardly to a real sound kookaburras make. So it made sense to interpret the song as a nonsense rhyme about a made-up being, like the jabberwock, sitting in a made-up tree (which possibly bore chewing gum as fruit), exulting in sinister triumph over the absurd achievement of ruling over a single bush.
I wonder how often my own impressions of other countries' lyrics and so on are like this.
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addiesanatomy · 9 months
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Chilling, but feeling talkative! Yay for taking ADHD meds late in the day. Lol
I was planning to clean and do laundry. Lol
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
Can u do a tony stark with fem reader that is talkative then one day she heard her friends talking about how she wouldnt shut her mouth now shes insecure then tony finds out about it the comforts her (sorry for the bad grammar) THANKYOUU
Fake friends
Warning: fake friends.
Parings: Platonic! Tony x daughter reader
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Being the daughter of a billionaire certainly had its advantages and disadvantage, one of the biggest disadvantages was that you couldn't really be sure if you had real friends or if they only wanted your dad's money.
After years of having fake friends, you finally thought you had found actual friends that didn't just want your money. Most time people didn't like you because you talk all the time, you were extremely talkative. But those friend didn't seem to mind your talking. You really loved them as a friend, and you thought they did too. That was until you caught them talking behind your back.
You all went shopping at the mall, of course you were paying for most of the things since you were really generous. You were at a table eating lunch that you paid, of course you were talking about school. “I'm going to go to the bathroom, I won't be long.”
When you came back a few minutes later you could hear them talking, you were curious what they were talking about. You listened closely, and you heard they were talking about you.
“Gosh! How long are we going to have to pretend to be friends with her, she is so annoying, I swear.” Lisa said. “I know but look what we got, we have like 4 bags just of clothing and all for free. And all we have to do is hear her talking for hours.” Dylan said. “I know, but she is so boring. I swear she is lucky to be rich, otherwise she wouldn't have any friends.” Holding back tears you stormed out leaving your bags to them, you called happy to drive you back home.
Before happy arrived, you had time to dry your tears completely. You got in the car and smiled. “Are you ok?” He asked, looking in the rear view mirror. “Yeah, why wouldn't I be?” “I don't know, you told me to pick you up at 5, and it's only 3.” “Oh, uh, one of my friends had something to do so they had to leave.” Happy nodded and you both stayed silent.
When you arrived home, both your parents were working, even though it was Saturday. You went in your room and tried to occupy your mind enough to not think about what they said. You tried in vain, but it is inevitable your mind kept thinking about what they said. And before you knew, your mom called you for diner, you want down and sat down at the table and started eating. Your fake friends made it clear that your insistent talking was unwanted, so during dinner you stayed quiet, which surprised your parents.
“Are you ok honey?” Your mom asked. You looked up from your plat and nodded at her. “Yeah why?” “I don't know, you just seem really quiet.” You shrugged and continued eating.
Some days passed, and your parents were really questioning your silence. At school your fake friends saw you stopped talking so much and didn't buy them stuff anymore after only 2 days they dropped you, they stopped being with you and talking to you. And now you were alone and you hated it.
“Alright, what's going on with you?” Your father entering your room. “What? Nothing why.” “I've never heard you this quiet before, what's going on.” You look down. “I hate being rich.” You say. “That not someone usually says, but ok. why?” He said, sitting at the edge of the bed. “Because I never know who I can trust to be my friend. I can't trust that they're my friend because they like me and not for my money.” Tony nodded but then frown. “What about Lisa and Dylan, aren't they your friend?” “I thought so, but no, they were just my friend to get free stuff. “ You say. “How do you know that?” “I heard them talk being my back, they said that I was so annoying, and I talk too much and if I wasn't rich nobody would be my friend.” You said tears being your eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, honey. But don't listen to them ok they don't know what they are talking to them, you have an amazing personality people would love you no matter how much money you have.” He said hugging you. “Thanks, but you're only saying that because I'm your kid.” “No I'm not, I mean it, you're an amazing young woman, if you don't believe me asked the team they love you.” “Maybe but they are adults I want friends my age.” you said Your father got up and asked you to come with him.
“Where are we going, you asked, following him. “I want you to meet someone.” Getting in the elevator. “I told you j don't want to meet a friend of yours, they're too old.” “I wouldn't call him my friend, he more like my protégé.” He said, “where is he?” “He's just downstairs.” You looked at him funny when you say that.
“Why is he downstairs?” “Because I needed to talk to him. He's name is Peter, by the way. I just now realized but you guys go to the same school, he talks a lot too so no worries about talking too much and well for some reason he doesn't seem to care that I have money.” You nodded, he does seem like a really nice guy.
You got out of the elevator and entered a room where peter was waiting. “Hey Mrs. stark! Hey.” Hey, said to you and your father. “Hey kid, I would like you to meet my daughter. Y/N peter, peter Y/N.” You waved at him with a smile, and he did the same. “So you guys go to the same school, so I thought that. Maybe you too could talk. I'll let you two do that.” Tony said, and just walk away.
At first peter was kinda shy but as you kept talking he became less and less shy and you guy really got along. He even presented you to Ned and MJ who were really nice, fun and the most important they didn't care of how much money your father had.
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dumblr · 2 years
Talk to me. Tell me about how much fun you had yesterday, the joke that made you laugh until you cried, the dumb thing you're too embarrassed to tell anyone else. Talk for hours about the things you love because there is nothing I'd rather be doing than listening.
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minuslinus · 5 months
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Charlie Brown - Drive-By Breeze-Shooting Victim
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agavegator · 8 months
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my favorite activity
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stankypanky333 · 30 days
i need a yapper to yap to me i’m bored
if anyone wants to rant abt anything good or bad lmk i wanna listennnn
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yeesiine · 9 months
A mature relationship is when yesterday's fight doesn't affect today's communication.
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wellmetmat · 3 months
I complimented my love's adroitness in eating tomato soup around the cat, which was trying both to get patted and to lick the spoon. Glee suffused his face as he explained that it was due to his souperpowers.
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“Parts of my Classic Alvin side are definitely showing again. It’s a good thing, because I missed them.”
“It’ll probably make going back to school really rough. Or maybe not? Maybe I’m overthinking.”
“Gosh I missed having so much to ramble about. Keeping so much inside is really draining.”
“I’m just so…Happy? I can’t remember the last time I was this happy. I just hope that I don’t annoy my dad too much.”
“He said I don’t manage my ADHD that good, uh, I mean well. That’s ridiculous though! I manage it GREAT! I can see where the confusion comes in, because I am definitely more outwardly hyper than I was when I was sad and irritated and worried.
“I’m also doing like…all my chores. My clothes are hanging in the closet too! They’ve been hanging up for a week now!”
“So, yeah, ADHD is pretty much under control. I just have to know when to hold back my talkative nature.”
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reanimateobjects · 2 years
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vrtualvr · 3 months
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eccentricphilosoph · 4 months
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luvflowers · 8 months
is it too late for me to stop school and just become a wizard? no? cool
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