#Talkie chapter this time not quite as intense
silverskye13 · 9 months
In which the right Hand informs the left
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inuiiwonderland · 6 months
Twisted captivity
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Chapter 2
Twst third years x fem reader
I need to make a schedule or something so you guys can know when I’ll drop a new chapter😭😣 I be feeling bad when I have you guys waiting without a proper schedule😞
Words: 894
2 hours
You were in that damn office for two FUCKING hours. You felt like quitting right then and there before even getting the job because of how long it took Crowley to explain to you all the things you were going to be in charge of from now on.
And it took an extra hour in that office because he gave you LOADS of paperwork for you to sign. And if you were being completely honest, you barely read anything that was on there. Which was probably a dumb idea considering that you didn’t know what you just signed up for.
But after those dreadful two hours in Crowley's office, you finally got to go home and start your first day as a researcher and caretaker tomorrow.
Let’s just hope that everything goes well
You yawn as you make your way down the long white halls. Seriously you were dying of sleep since your mother and father suggested having a little celebration party last night after you got the job. You grabbed your key card from your pocket before scanning it and watching the doors to the enclosure open.
Today you will be visiting two different locations. The first one being the heartslabyul enclosure and the second one being savanaclaw.
You walk in and couldn’t help but admire the scenery in front of you.
You wonder how much Crowley paid for all of this
You dig through your bag before pulling out your notebook and pen. Crowley specifically said to always have your notebook and pen on you at all times and to always write down every single bit of interaction you have with the mermen.
You didn’t ask why since you didn’t want to stay a second longer in that office.
The sound of water splashing and light laughter was enough to pull you out of your thoughts. You looked to where the sound was coming from before slowly making your way towards the sound.
The sound of water splashes, clicks and chirps soon grew louder as you saw two mermen messing around with each other. You silently watched as the one sitting on top of the rock cackle and pointed at the blue hair merman who angrily clicks and chirps at the red head.
You opened your notebook before quickly jolting down the interaction.
He did say to write down every single interaction the mermen have with you or with each other.
As you continue writing down stuff in your notebook. The sound of Crowley's voice coming from the Walkie Talkie made you jump as you dropped your notebook and pen. And you weren’t the only one who got scared too.
The two mermen who were just splashing each other with water and bickering not too long ago soon stop before quickly turning to where the sound came from. The moment they saw you they both went underwater.
You said as you quickly scrambled to get your things.
“W-wait! I don’t mean no harm!” You say as you walk to where they were last seen. You continue to call out for them but nothing.
You were a bit bummed out but didn’t hold it against them. You would’ve been scared if someone was watching you and your every move too.
You waited for a bit before turning around and getting ready to leave but just when you were about to start walking you heard a tiny splash from behind you.
You turned around and saw red and blue eyes staring intensely at you. They weren’t fully out of the water. Only halfway up so the only thing you can see is the top of their head and eyes.
You grew a bit uncomfortable and nervous since it looked like they were about to rip your head off.
“Uh…hi” You waved.
The two mermen didn’t say or do anything. They just continued to stare at you.
“My name is y/n. I’m-"
“I..saw…you” He said. You can tell he didn’t know how to speak the human language as he stuttered a bit and would pause from time to time to get the right word.
“Me?” You ask as you point at yourself. The boy nods.
“I saw you…here ….last time” You were confused at what he meant by that. Until you remember the strange sound and the feeling of eyes on you when Crowley first brung you here.
“Oh! Wait, that was you?” He nods again.
“Last time?” The one with blue hair finally spoke up as he looked at the red head and then you.
“Mhm! Crowley was showing me around yesterday” His mouth forms an O shape before nodding.
“I’m y/n! You guys are?”
“Deuce” You smiled.
“Nice to meet you ace and deuce!” You extended your hand for them to shake but they just looked at it confused.
“Oh um it’s a handshake”
“Mhm like this” You grabbed your own hands and shook them. Demonstrating on how to shake hands.
“Like that!”
You then stick out both your hands as the two grab it and shake it.
“Nice to meet you guys”
“Nice to meet you!” They both said in unison.
The two boys smiled and you couldn’t help but find it adorable.
They both look really young.
I hope Crowley didn’t kidnap literal children!
If only you knew….
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination @owodi @mochi-lover26 @coffee-or-hot-cocoa
Ask if you wanna be in the Taglist!🤍
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shootingcookielover · 2 months
Yeah alright let's see how this lil villain!donald au shakes out, shall we? Prologue here if you're interested lol (it'll provide some, probably needed, context)
(i still need a name for this au urghhhh)
New one-shot/chapter whatever under the cut
Too good to be true. That was all Dewey thought as he sank into the backseat of the car, arms crossed, pout twisting his beak. His brothers similarly displayed their disappointment, though Huey seemed quite nervous for some reason.
Louie was leaning against the door, head placed on his hand as he stared through the car’s window.
“I’m glad I got to you before anything could happen.”, Donald was saying, adjusting the car’s mirror to look back at his nephews. “And you don’t have to worry! I’ll make sure nothing that dangerous happens to you again.”
Dewey muttered “Great…”, under his breath, tone sarcastic, while Louie let out a long, disappointed breath.
“Yup.”, was Huey’s contribution, hands tightly clasping his seatbelt. “Never again! That was way too dangerous! Why would we wanna do that again? Hahahaha!”
Even through his own emotional turmoil, Dewey noted that his brother was behaving oddly. He looked over, finding that Huey was sweating with anxiety, but when they made eyecontact, the red triplet only mouthed “Later.”.
The blue triplet glanced over to Louie, but he was still looking out the window. Most likely lamenting the loss of his future inheritance.
Donald, meanwhile, was frowning in the front seat. His hands clenched around the wheel as he took a turn. His eyes flickered over to glance at his boys once more.
Huey’s disposition screamed trauma and Donald couldn’t blame him. Adventures weren’t for the faint of heart, and while the red triplet had always excelled at being a Junior Woodchuck, anything more intense than a family cook-out would generally send him spiralling.
And now Scrooge had taken him on an adventure – to Atlantis! Where they’d probably faced deathtraps and monsters and… well, they’d definitely faced Glomgold.
Donald grimaced. Facing that guy tended to leave one with burns and tinnitus, all thanks to his fable for bombs. Or shark bites.
He’d have to take the day off tomorrow, to make sure his nephews were fine and wouldn’t face any long-term consequences from this excursion. Director Bradford would understand; he was the one who’d informed Donald of Scrooge’s little adventure, after all.
Even after Della disappeared, he risked her sons in exactly the same way---
The car came to an abrupt halt, surprising even Donald himself, even though he was the driver. He blinked a couple of times, finding that he'd driven back to the houseboat easily enough. Still, he shouldn’t make zoning out like that a habit; it was dangerous.
“Alright, boys, let’s go.”
Huey was smiling. Dewey didn’t understand why. What was there to smile about?!
They’d just been banned from ever hanging out with their unquestionably coolest relative ever, and were expected to be grateful for it! As if exploring Atlantis wasn’t the most exciting, awesome thing they’d ever done in their lives!
But nooooo, uncle Donald was too concerned about their safety. Pfff.
Sure, he’d always distrusted Scrooge – had always talked about him caring more for money than family, being too reckless, untrustworthy – but uncle Scrooge had saved Dewey from several deathtraps! And he’d trusted Dewey to recognize the mechanism behind the trap in the main treasure chamber!
Was Huey pulling a Walkie Talkie out of his hat?!
“I smuggled a Walkie Talkie out of the mansion so we can talk to Webby!”
“You did what?!”, exclaimed Louie, that sentence alone enough to pull him out of his stupor. His eyes widened as he stared at the Walkie Talkie.
Then his attention slid upwards, narrowing as he returned Huey’s anxiously happy gaze. “Who are you and what did you do to Huey?!”
The red triplet let out a nervous laugh, averting his eyes. “Well, Webby kinda shoved it into my hands while we were going through the ruins of Atlantis and I was supposed to give it back to her but then uncle Donald showed up and I totally forgot.”
“That makes more sense.”, Louie admitted as he leaned in to expect the device. “You think it has enough reach to get to the mansion?”
“Only one way to find out!”, Dewey exclaimed, grabbing the Walkie from Huey. “Webby? Can you hear me?”
There was a tense moment of silence, each triplet staring down at the Walkie Talkie in anticipation. But nothing happened.
Dewey groaned and threw the device aside. “Of course it doesn’t work, we’ll be stuck in this stupid boat with no friends until the end of our lives.”
“I’ll become a crazy old cat guy.”, Louie muttered, expression slipping back into despondence.
Huey rubbed his shoulder, feeling bad to have given his brothers hope only for it to immediately shatter into nothing. He went over to pick the Walkie Talkie up, where Dewey had thrown it. “Maybe there’s something in the Guidebook about extending it's range…?”, he said, though it came out more like a question.
A sudden crackle of static filled the room.
Everyone’s attention snapped to the Walkie in Huey’s hand.
“Dewey?! Is that you?!”
The blue triplet was at his brother’s side in an instant, shouting into the Walkie Talkie. “Webby! You can hear us!”
“Are you sure about this, boys? Maybe we should just have a quiet day in. I can still call in sick at work…”
“It’s fine, uncle Donald. This is exactly what we need, now, something nice and familiar! We’ll be fine, you’ll see.”, Louie smiled, the expression purposely comforting.
Dewey was giving double thumbs-up in the back, while Huey kept stealing glances at the building behind them.
“Besides, what’s a safer place for us than Funso’s? We’ve been here dozens of times!”
Donald sighed, finally relenting. “…Fine. I gave Huey some money for food and if there’s any trouble – any whatsoever! – You call me and I’ll come pick you up, okay?”
Louie nodded. “Of course! Thank you, uncle Donald.”
The adult nodded, pulling at his tie once more as he turned. Before he actually got back into the car, however, he leaned down to Louie, expression serious. “Keep an eye on Dewey for me?”
The green triplet gave a grave nod. “Always do, uncle Donald.”
That wasn’t entirely true; it was a responsibility shared between him and Huey, generally, but Donald knew that well enough. He nodded. “Alright. Bye, boys! See you later!”
The car drove off and Dewey shouted with excitement. “Let’s go!”
“Why are we sneaking behind uncle Donald’s back for this, again? He’s always so worried about us, making a friend should be a positive, shouldn’t it?”, Huey was evidently having second thoughts, wringing his hands, gaze darting around anxiously.
“You’re kidding, right?”, Louie responded, grabbing Huey’s arm and pulling him after Dewey toward Funzo’s. “Any other friend, sure, maybe, but this is Webby we’re talking about. He’ll spend one minute in her presence and decide she’s too adventurous for us.”
He stopped, glancing around to make sure Dewey was out of earshot as he leaned in and whispered, “You know he barely tolerates us hanging around Dewey. You think he’ll be okay with Webby?”
The red triplet sighed. “I know, I know, I’m just… Ugh, I hate lying to uncle Donald.”
“You get used to it.”, Louie assured, giving Huey a semi-comforting pat on the back.
Suddenly, there were arms thrown around their shoulders and an excitable duckling was pushing herself between them. “Oh my gosh I can’t believe you asked to meet me outside after everything! This is the best! I brought everything we could possibly need – I have a grappling hook and heat vision goggles and---”
“Woah, hey, Webby, calm down.”, Louie interrupted, extricating himself from the hug. “You won’t need all that!”
“Oh, I’m just so excited!”, she gasped, eyes catching on Dewey who’d come back outside to check on where his brothers were. “Dewey!”
And she ran off to tackle him, too, into a hug.
Louie gestured at the display, one eyebrow raised. “You see what I mean?”
Huey sighed. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. Now come on, we gotta show her the ropes before she and Dewey burn the place down.”
“Wh- you took them down by yerselves?”, Scrooge exclaimed, looking the scene over. Beakley had walked over to Webby, proudly giving her granddaughter some headpats.
“Yep!”, Dewey answered, wide grin on his beak. “You should have seen us! It was awesome!”
“Though, honestly, most of the credit should go to Webby. She was leading around Ma Beagle like a champion!”, Huey added.
“No, shhhh, it was all us!”, Louie interrupted, before leaning in close to his brother, “Maybe he’ll give us a reward! You wanna split that four ways?”
The glare Huey sent was quickly answered by an innocent raise of Louie’s hands. “What? She has a grandma! I’m sure she’ll get a reward from her!”
The talking was abruptly cut off as a single, incensed voice echoed through Funso’s. “What’s going on here?!”
“Ah, phooey.”, everyone sighed under their breath, as Donald stomped his way over.
His expression was furious, which meant he’d most likely already made up his mind about what had happened here, and there was little anyone could do to change it. The triplets knew the look well.
Dewey ducked behind Huey. He was definitely getting grounded.
“I told you to leave them alone!”, Donald yelled, to everyone’s surprise, at Scrooge.
“The lads were kidnapped by the Beagle Boys!”, the trillionaire responded, anger creeping into his voice as well, “What, you want me to leave the wee ones whenever they call for help?!”
“Well if you hadn’t taken them to Atlantis the Beagle Boys would never have known them!”
“The lads were practically begging me to go adventuring with them! I’d have had to be heartless to leave them behind!”
“Oh, so now you’re concerned about being heartless?!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“You know exactly what it means!”
“The spear of Selene was not---!”
Silence, everyone’s gazes settled on Huey who shrunk a bit into himself at the excess amount of attention. “Uh, I just, maybe we should stop fighting…?”
Donald sighed. “…fine. Whatever. He knows what I think of him.”, he glared at his uncle as he turned around.
“Now, come on boys. We’re going home.”
Two dejected ducklings moved to follow their uncle, but the third glanced up at the man who had given him the most amazing adventure ever, the man who’d run half-way across town to save them from being kidnapped, with nobody but his housekeeper as back-up. He looked over at Webby, who’s face had sunk into dejected sadness, who’d never gone out of the mansion until she’d met the triplets. The first true friend they’d made outside of each other.
And he said, “No.”
Donald stopped, flinched unnoticeably, but turned around. Faced Dewey with an expression that would have made the duckling wither in fear were he not flanked by somebody who’d saved his life no less than three times.
“What was that?”
“I said no. I’m not going back home with you.”
“Dewey—“, Huey began, but the blue triplet cut him off with a decisive shake of his head.
“You’ve only ever told us that uncle Scrooge is a terrible, selfish person, but the only terrible, selfish person I see is you.”, Louie sucked in a surprised gasp of air, “He saved my life! All our lives! And he didn’t even yell at us afterwards! These past two days were the most amazing of my entire life! I’m not letting you ruin that!”
Silence hung between them, even as Donald tried to string together a response.
He was beaten to it by Louie. “He… has a point, uncle Donald…”, a disbelieving glare, a hurt thing that wanted to return pain as much as it received, was turned on the green triplet. He shrunk back into himself, averted his eyes, but kept talking. “You’ve never trusted us to do anything more than spend an afternoon at Funso’s. You ground us anytime we do anything – or anytime anyone says we did anything, even though we didn’t! And that’s…”, he trailed off, shrinking further into himself. He didn’t know why he’d started talking. He didn’t know why he kept talking. But maybe, just maybe, he was sick of being treated like a fragile thing, yet also as though he were a delinquent. Maybe he was sick of the treatment, of the miniscule amount of time the triplets had ever spent away from the houseboat.
He met Donald’s eyes again, something that was almost resolve shining in his eyes. “That’s not okay.”
He stepped back, just enough to end up beside Scrooge. He was greeted by an unexpected touch to his shoulder.
When he glanced up, his uncle was giving him a soft smile. “It’s alright, lad.”
Louie didn’t quite feel like that, he felt like crying, but he gave a shallow nod.
There was only one triplet still stood between Scrooge and Donald, one triplet who had surprise scribbled over his expression, surprise and uncertainty.
“Huey?”, Donald asked, voice barely above a whisper. His expression had shut off, not at all displaying the emotions burning away inside.
“I…”, the red triplet began, but his voice died in his throat as he glanced between his brothers and his uncle.
He itched to pull out the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, as if it contained any sort of answer to this situation. As a shield against the amount of eyes that lay on him, awaiting his decision. His skin crawled under his feathers.
He’d never gone against uncle Donald’s rules – not really. He had rarely been punished, especially not as severely as his brothers. The most he ever got was a week-long grounding, while Dewey at points had received entire months.
Not that being grounded was particularly different from normal, but still. He’d never been locked into their room, or been disallowed to attend dinner – having to eat away from their family – for any of his transgressions. He’d seen it in his brothers, of course, had seen them heaped with punishments that only ended up pushing them further toward misbehavior, but—
He’d always reasoned that it was that way because of how they’d acted. That, if they could just listen, could just stop misbehaving – like Huey, if they could just act like Huey – then everything would be fine.
But they couldn’t do that. They never could. They weren’t him, and no punishment could ever make them be him.
Huey’s gaze flickered from Donald to Scrooge, to his brothers, to the floor at his feet.
Uncle Scrooge had understood that after spending two days with them.
How could uncle Donald not, after raising them for ten years?
Huey’s hands balled into fists. He reached up, pulled out the meagre allowance their uncle had given him for lunch. He made eye-contact with Donald as he threw the money at him.
“Sorry, uncle Donald.”
He stepped back, felt reassured when Louie and Dewey each wrapped a hand around his.
The next day found the newly formed family stomping through snow, hiking gear loaded on their backs, ready to make it all the way up to the top of Mount Neverrest.
Well, all except Louie. The green triplet had looked quite put out when Scrooge had mentioned there was no treasure to be found on this adventure. “Why did I even come along…”, he muttered, kicking a pebble on the ascent.
“You know, you don’t have to come if ye don’t want to.”, his uncle remarked, watching the disappointed duckling trotting behind their group.
Louie stopped, eyes widening. “Wait, really?”, then his expression fell, “Ugh, you want me to wait in the plane, don’t you? No, I’d rather climb a mountain, actually.”
“In the plane?”, Scrooge echoed, a genuinely puzzled expression decorating his face. “I mean, only if you want to. I thought more along the lines of drinking hot cocoa in the town, until we return.”
Louie’s eyes widened again.
Before he could say anything else, Huey spoke up. “Isn’t that incredibly unsafe?”, he questioned, “Being all alone? In a foreign town?”
“Ach,”, Scrooge responded, waving the concerns away with one hand, “It’s a tourist town, everyone here speaks english. The crime rate here is incredibly low and besides, Louie already stole my credit card. I’m sure he could pay off a couple of criminals until we return and hunt them down to get my money back.”
The green triplet tensed. “Oh, he, you know about that.”
“It’s alright, lad.”, Scrooge assured, before a somewhat serious expression overtook his face, “Though please don’t overdo it with the purchases, alright? We already have way too much junk with all the equipment Launchpad bought.”
“You’ll thank me when we’re not dying of ice fever!”, said pilot replied, giving a thumbs-up.
“Sooo… I can really stay in the town? Unsupervised?”, Louie asked, just to be safe, voice somewhere on the edge of uncertainty.
“’Course, lad! I trust ye, besides, we’ll be back before sundown.”
The green triplet ran forward and hugged his uncle, before throwing off his climbing equipment and taking off toward the town.
Scrooge shook his head fondly. “Never seen a lad that age so concerned with safety. What’s up with that?”
Huey shrugged.
Dewey responded: “Oh, it’s cause uncle Donald never let us do anything on our own and whenever we did do anything on our own we’d get grounded or something and now we have a crippling fear of--- hey, Webby, no, we’re not far enough up yet!”, the blue triplet ran over to where Webby had planted her sled in the snow. “Maximum opportune moment!”
“Ah.”, Scrooge said, blinking a couple of times, “I see.”
Yeah. :D
Louie, after their confrontation with Donald, to Huey: Okay, but did you have to give him back the money?
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Chapter 10: Into the Abyss
This chapter is a bit intense. It’s our little foray into atmospheric/cosmic horror. So…Lemme put a few disclaimers. Yes, this chapter is also a collaboration. =)
TRIGGER WARNING: Near-death experiences, mentions of death, claustrophobia, scary caving/spelunking, getting lost, mining accidents, minor injuries (cuts and bruises), mentions of old-timey racism (mild, but still present), and darkness.
Rated: T for language
*In the morning, we all meet up in my driveway at 8 am, ready for our search.*
Me (running through the checklist):  Okay.  We have everything, right?
Tear: *Frowns down at the gear spread out and neatly organized* I would think so… I still think I could have brought more food though… *Points at the rather bountiful display of lunches*
*Stephen checks through it as well, carefully testing a few things cautiously.*
Trix: I brought some walkie talkies! I had them for camping and thought they could come in handy! I also brought a lawn chair cause, y’know, it might take a while
Me:  Good!  Okay.  Hmm…Not sure if the walkies will work far underground, but we’ll try ‘em.  Oh!  Also, Trix, take this whistle.  It can be heard up to a mile away.  Each of us will have one.  One blast just indicates where you are.  Three short blasts is an SOS signal.  Got it, guys?
*Stephen nods.  I hand out the whistles.*
Tear: Perfect! Now on to the fun part because I left the best for last. *I untie a plastic bag from my backpack and start handing its contents out* I found a pair of wishing wands I got for my sister the last time we went to Disney World, they light up quite well and I got them new batteries. I also have two extra pairs of neon Mickey ears so we can always spot each other in the dark… aaand I knew Stephen was going to make that face, so I got you glowstick necklaces instead although I won’t stop you if you wanna wear the ears. *I slip on my own headband with neon Mickey ears, completing my outfit that includes light-up shoes and a glow-in-the-dark Disney backpack*
*The sorcerer in question raises an eyebrow at her with an odd expression.*
Stephen:  “Wishing wands”?  
Tear: *Pulls out a plastic wand with a big star on its tip* They always sell them right before the fireworks show. Too much? I figured it would be difficult to get lost down there if we were all glowing like jellyfish… *I turn the wand on and it glows bright blue, complete with the magical noise of pixie dust*
Stephen (looking at her funny):  Erm…maybe a bit, but understandable.
Trix: Oh shit I have some glow ears at home, I could match the aesthetic. But great call! We don’t have actual magic so commercialized magic shall be our guide!
Tear: You can have the extra pair of ears if Stephen won’t wear them *Hands them over to Trix*
Stephen (awkwardly):  Okay…
Trix: Sorry, a bit enthusiastic to get answers and a lifelong Disney nerd.
Me:  All right.  Since we have everything and a bit extra, let’s go.  I told Hank we’d meet him at the mountain pass by 10:30 am.
*We all pack the car and get in.  The drive is about 2 hours and the last hour is pretty rough due to the dirt roads.  Stephen does his best, but since now we’re in the middle of nowhere, he asks to get out and uses the Cloak to fly next to the car for the rest of the trip, only getting back in before we can come within sight of Hank.*
*Hank is a hairy, slightly short man with thick-rimmed glasses and a warm grin.  He’s wearing jeans, checkered flannel, a cowboy hat, and steel-toed boots.*
Hank:  Hey!  Glad you made it here okay!  
Me (grinning back):  Thanks for having us, Hank.  Is the caretaker in town?
Hank:  Yeah.  He’s really busy, though.  Working at the new museum he made in the old saloon.  Doing curator stuff at the moment.  So, you guys wanted to see the mine?
Me:  Yeah.  Just a look around for a few hours.  Nothing too major.
Hank:  You all going down?
Me:  Just me, Tear, and Stephen.  Trix is going to help you operate the lift.
Hank:  Nifty.  I’ll show you how it works.  It can be a tempermental beast at the best of times.  I’ll give you a run down while we walk and then show you a few times before we get started.
Trix: Sure! I have to fight some sort of beast today to keep my morale high!
Hank:  That’s the spirit!  
*He walks us into the town while talking to Trix about the mechanisms of the lift.  It’s definitely a generous definition of a “town”.  There are several dusty wooden buildings with tin roofs, quite a few piles of rubble that were once cabins, a burned-out husk of a building, and it’s quiet.  Not to mention a bit of a chill in the air despite the harsh sunlight.  Stephen is subtly scanning the area, trying to detect anything there.  The caretaker notices us and comes out of the saloon to greet us.  He’s a very skinny man with scraggly red hair wearing boots, an open flannel shirt, a dirty t-shirt underneath, and jeans.  He has unnaturally white and large teeth as well as sunken eyes and pronounced cheekbones.  Not only that, but his eyes themselves are incredibly wide-open, giving him a permanently-surprised expression.*
Caretaker (waving):  Hello there!  So, up for a bit of exploration?  You got safety gear and everything?
Hank:  We’re all set, Andy.  
Caretaker:  All right.  You be careful…There’s more than just old dynamite down that mine…*The way he said it implies something.  There’s something a bit off about Andy.  He’s getting twitchy.*
Stephen:  What do you mean?
Caretaker (slightly taken aback):  Just…be careful is all.  *He’s evasive, as though he knows something, but doesn’t want to say it out loud.*
Trix:……Well have fun down there guys. I’ll be sitting up here with my baseball bat.
Tear: I’m starting to wish I brought a pair of lightsabers too…
Me:  We’ll do our best to be safe, Trix.  Hank, you good?
Hank:  All good here.
*The caretaker grins widely at us with his huge, white teeth before waving and backing into the saloon, watching us.*
Me:  Erm…Everyone ready?  *I’m nervous, but swallow it down silently to hide it.*
Trix: Good luck!
*Stephen, Tear, and I get onto the lift.  Trix and Hank talk over what to do and then turn it on to lower us down.  The 100 year old, rusty leviathan lurches into life with an unholy, slow grinding of massive gears.  The cables unwind lazily and the lift starts moving with a pained screech.  The surface of the earth rises gradually above our heads as we lower into the inky blackness of the main shaft.  Said platform is just a rickety cage of rust with a wooden plank floor and very primitive brakes on either side of the railing.  The walls of the shaft are mere inches from the edges of the lift.  To make matters worse, the lift occasionally gets stuck on the timbering for a second before suddenly plunging down a foot or so in a split-second freefall.  The circle of light above us gets smaller and smaller.  I’m trying to keep my cool.  Though, I’m holding onto the railing so tightly my knuckles have turned white.  My jaw is clenched.*
Tear: *The descent underground is not as unnerving as the sudden drops from the lift. At the first hint of vertigo, I clench my teeth hard and latch on to Steward’s backpack to help me keep my balance* Ave Maria purisima que estas en el cielo… *I close my eyes and cling on for dear life, letting out little squeaks every time the lift freefalls*
*We eventually reach the bottom of the shaft.  It felt like an eternity.  I take a deep breath to calm myself down and lightly pat Tear’s hand both to soothe her and let her know the descent is over.  Then, I gesture for Stephen and Tear to plug their ears, then use the whistle to indicate to Trix and Hank that we’re okay.  When I hear Trix blow her whistle back, I know that it’s all clear.*
Me:  Okay.  Let’s leave 4 glowsticks here to indicate that this is where the lift is.  Then, we’ll proceed.  If you guys hear echoes, it’s hard rock and safe.  If things sound muffled, it’s soft rock ready to collapse.  Also, if you see any old dynamite, we all have to be quiet and either turn back or go silently around it.  That stuff gets more unstable over time and leaks nitroglycerine.  It’s so sensitive that even a loud noise can set it off.  As for water, if it flows, we’re good.  Still water…don’t disturb it.  There might be poisonous gas.  That’s the safety briefing.  Follow me so I can scout ahead and make sure it’s safe.  All right?
*Stephen nods.*
Tear: Okay, we’ll follow your lead. Are we setting any sort of time limit for how long we’re going to spend down here?
Me:  Hank and Andy set it.  We have 5 hours.  Andy usually spends around 8 to 12 hours down here at a time, but since we’re new here, he didn’t want us stuck for too long.
Stephen:  Are you sure you remember everything?
Me:  Yes.  I double-checked earlier.  *Sets my watch alarm for 2 hours and then 4 hours and 30 minutes so we can be here early just in case.  The first one is a warning for the time limit.  The second one is to get our butts into the main shaft so we can get in the lift.*
Tear: Alright~ *Switches flashlight on* Into the unknown we go.
*I turn on my headlamp and set the 4 glowsticks.  It’s in a small pile on the lift platform so it can be obvious and visible.  Then, I carefully advance into the tunnel ahead.*
Me:  Stay within sight.  Otherwise, at least within earshot so I know you’re both okay.
Stephen:  Understood.
*I look around as we proceed, dropping glowsticks every 100 feet or so, keeping them on the left-hand side to indicate our path downward.  That way, when we need to ascend, they’ll be on the right-hand side to show the correct direction.  There are cracked timbers and rusty pieces of track in various areas.  Also, the occasional old bucket or empty dynamite box.  There’s a slight crunchy noise that differs from the gravelly passage.  I look down and pick up a yellowed old newspaper from 1933.  It’s an article about the dust bowl.  Apparently, someone got bored down here.  There are some black carbide scribbles on the paper, giving a big curly mustache to one of the people in the newspaper photos.  I smirk.*  
Me:  People never really change, do they?  
Tear: *Peers down at the paper* Huh, 1933. You know, that’s the year Hitler reached government. News about his speeches kept popping up in the papers that year. This could have been a nice piece of history if it still had its front page.
Me:  Want to keep it so we can take it up with us?  I figure Andy might want to put it in his new museum project.
Tear: *Shrugs* Sure, if he’s interested in this stuff.
Stephen:  Wait a minute…*He seems to be focusing.*  …I’m still uncertain about this place, but I feel…something.  It’s difficult to pinpoint.  We should keep going.
*I raise an eyebrow curiously.*  
Me:  Okay…Tear, watch out for that puddle.  We don’t know what might be in it.
Tear: I know you mentioned gas before, but I can’t help but think of the Guardian outside the Mines of Moria.
*I curl my lip, morbidly amused.  We go deeper in.  There are several branches coming off of the main shaft.  Some are collapsed.  Then, a sudden chasm emerges from the darkness.  We can’t see the bottom.  I throw a rock and we listen for the impact.  It takes a few seconds to fall all the way and the impact is faint.*  
Me:  Holy crap…Okay.  Let’s check the other areas first and if they’re dead ends, I’ll show you how to rappel, Tear.
Tear: Haha, yeah, well… Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Let’s look around some more.
Me:  All right.  Let’s see.  Want to go right or left?
Tear: Stephen? Got a better grasp on those vibes you mentioned yet?
Stephen:  We’ll attempt to go left.
Me:  Left, it is.  
*We explore the left corridor.  Unfortunately, it’s collapsed.*
Me:  Okay…Let’s see the right side.  
*We turn around and go right.  It leads in a half-circle, attaching back to the main shaft.*
Me:  …Oh.
*I look at them.*
Me:  Sorry…Looks like we’re going down.
Tear: I thought I would be safe from heights if I went underneath the hill instead of on top of it. *I peer down the tunnel, to where the drop is waiting for us a few feet ahead. I can’t even bring my feet to inch closer before I’m already sweating buckets* I’m not particularly strong, and–and what if I slip? I’ll be useless to you with a broken leg…or worse, a broken head! *Whines* Steward…!
Me (doing my best to be calm and reassuring):  I’ll make sure we’re safe.  Don’t worry.  Now, Tear, pay close attention to what I’m about to show you.  This is how to securely place a climbing bolt and tie the correct knots on the line and harness.  
*I show her each step carefully while explaining, making her follow along with me and answering any questions.  I test the rig to make sure it’s secure before putting the harness and helmet on.*  
Me:  Okay.  One last thing…Please, for the love of all that is holy, pick up any loose rope aka slack on the line you see and hold it.  That way, if I slip, I don’t fall or get tangled in it.  My last partner got distracted and forgot.  I was nearly hanged.  We don’t climb together anymore.  So, please…Stay focused.
Stephen:  Wait.  The Cloak can lower us.  However, the belay system is a decent backup.  
*I look relieved.*
Me:  Okay.  Let’s do it, then.
Tear: *Slumps against the tunnel wall in relief with a hand over my heart* Oh, Stephen santísimo, bless your smart, beautiful soul. I’d trust the Cloak over my own hands any day. Are you willing to help us out, Cloak?
*The Cloak comes off of Stephen and onto my shoulders.  It picks me up and carefully lowers me into the chasm.  My headlamp has become little more than a pinprick.  Several seconds later, Stephen and Tear hear me shout up from the darkness.*
Me:  All clear!
*I pat the Cloak gratefully.*  
Me:  Thanks, Levi.  
*The Cloak brushes my cheek gently before leaving my shoulders and picking up Tear.*
Tear: Whoa! Please, please, please no sudden drops. I will scream at you so hard if you do.
*It lowers her down nicely so she won’t get more scared than she already is.*
Me (sincere):  You’re doing great, Tear.  Really.  I’m grateful that you’re down here with me.  You’ve been really brave.  Let’s hope we find something down here soon so we can get back home.
Tear: *I sigh deeply in relief once my feet touch the ground again, promptly illuminating the space with colorful, flickering lights from my light-up sneakers* Of course, Steward. I was not expecting so many deep drops, but they were definitely easier thanks to the Cloak. *I pat one of its golden clasps lovingly in thanks* 
*The Cloak hugs her comfortingly before going up and bringing Stephen down.*
Stephen:  …There’s definitely something here, but I can’t quite discern it yet.  
Me:  I’ll do some scouting.  Stay put, both of you.
Tear: Wasn’t it recommended not to split up?
Me:  I’m staying within earshot, as recommended.  Trying to find a safe way that doesn’t involve more big drops.  I’ll be out and back quickly and safely.  I promise.
*I go into the center tunnel and after a few minutes, return holding another newspaper page.  This one is from 1901.  It has been scribbled on.*
Me:  We’re reaching the older parts of the mine.  So, I think we’re on the right track.  
*Stephen looks at the page.*
Stephen:  “There once was a man from Nantucket—“  Nope.  Not finishing that.
Tear: *Grins impishly* What’s wrong with a man keeping all his cash in a bucket?
Me (smirking):  After all, where else would he chuck it?
*Stephen groans in exasperation.*
Tear: *High fives Steward*
Me:  I’ll check the other tunnels really quickly so we can advance.  
Stephen:  Be careful.  
Me:  I will be.
*The left tunnel is collapsed about 150 feet in.  There’s also old dynamite in there.  I leave silently and quickly.*  
Me:  Stay out of the left.  Trust me.
Tear: *Looks up at Stephen while Steward once again disappears from view* Not picking up anything odd yet?
Stephen:  It’s…fuzzy.  Present, but I can’t get a decent reading on it.
*I check the right tunnel.  There’s a well filled with cold, clear water.  It appears to be flowing.  I remember my thirst and take a sip from my water bottle as I walk back.*  
Me:  Looks like the middle tunnel is the way to go.
*We proceed.  It’s getting more precarious and the workings here do look older.  Stephen almost goes ahead a few times, as though he senses something more.  We find another paper.  This one is from 1878.  It reads, “The work here hasn’t been the same since the collapse that trapped those boys.  It feels colder now and not just from the well.  Different.” *
Me:  That’s…Reassuring.  *I’m being a mixture of sarcastic about the disturbing miner’s journal and relieved that we’re on the right path.*
Tear: I’m more surprised all these papers have survived down here for so long. The note mentions a well, but I don’t think we’ve passed it yet, have we?
Me:  The climate down here is consistent and basically acts like a time capsule.  The well was in the right tunnel back there.  *I point back at the area.*  It’s big and deep.  With how low the ceiling is, we can’t really levitate over it.  So, best not to attempt passing through it.  Plus, it’s freezing in there.  
*We go deeper.  The water from the well has made the passages in this area cold and damp.  As we progress, our breath eventually becomes visible.  With our sweat from earlier, we’re starting to shiver.*
Me:  G-Geez…So much for stable temperatures underground…
Tear: Are they supposed to be stable? I’ve only ever gone down a few buried pyramids, and they are always cool and damp. *I shrug off my glow-in-the-dark backpack and rummage around until I can pull out one of the extra sweaters I brought* Here. I hope you don’t mind the size. I wanted to make sure it would fit either of us in case of emergencies. It’ll help keep you warm.
Me:  N-Normally, y-yes.  Underground c-climates are usually the s-same t-temperature and humidity year-round.  Th-Thanks, Tear.  *I accept the sweater gratefully and put it on, breathing on my hands to warm up.*
*As we continue forward, there’s another exceptionally slippery area right next to a vertical shaft.  We help each other get past it.  On the left is another collapsed tunnel.  This one looks old.  There’s some miner’s graffiti here.  It says “Caution”.  We carry on.  Around 10 minutes later, we come across some very old pages that are almost disintegrating.  They’re written in Chinese and the date is 1873.  Seeing as Stephen is multilingual, we pass the pages to him.  He reads through them.*
Stephen:  “The ore veins here are good, but we are going through candles too quickly.  The darkness swallows them.”  This one is from a few weeks later…”The white men do not work on this level.  It is only Qi-Long, Zhang, me, and 27 others.  Yet, none of us feels alone here.  Li came forth the other day to ask who had called him.  None of us did.  This has continued with many of us.”
*Tear and I jump a little bit when my 2 hour alarm goes off.*
Me:  …If this were any other situation, I would suspect someone playing tricks.  Also, we’re 2 hours in.  We should finish this up soon to head back.
Tear: Hmm, I guess it would be possible if the men were left down here many days without sunlight. I know of a few cases of hallucinations and claustrophobia in the mines and trenches of World War One, and judging by the writing on the note…I don’t think the “white men” cared about these miners enough to offer them breaks.
Me:  They often were, yeah.  Also, they usually didn’t.  Chinese workers were treated as expendable or second-class at best.  Plus, if these guys were the victims of the collapse…
Stephen:  I suspect we’re getting close.  I can sense it properly now.
Tear: Hmm, well, we’ve hit the two hour mark, so I feel compelled to strongly suggest you two to take a minute to eat something. I have a feeling it might be disrespectful to do it later if we are heading toward a burial site, and it won’t do to have low blood sugar while we investigate. I brought some quick snacks…sandwiches and energy bars and a few fruits for comfort. I can put our trash away, too.
Me:  Oh.  Right…Good point.
Stephen:  Good call.  
*We accept the food gratefully and take a moment to eat. Soon enough, we continue our descent until a fork in the tunnel.  There is another huge drop across from another collapsed tunnel.  This collapse is incomplete, held up partially by some large boulder.  I test it for a moment and then carefully wriggle through to assess the situation.*
Me (faint, small voice from within the area):  Oh crap…
Stephen:  What do you see?
Tear: Need more light in there?
Me:  …Let’s just say that even though I can’t read Chinese, I can tell this isn’t good.  No.  No.  I need out.  
*I say this rapidly, obviously disturbed by whatever I found in the collapsed area.  I scramble back out of the area quickly, looking deeply shaken.  I pass Stephen more pages.*
Stephen (reading them):  These pages are very smudged.  Barely legible in some parts.  It says: “We blasted a new tunnel, but the rock was too soft.  It collapsed.  Li, Huang, and many others were buried.  Qi-Long and I are trapped.  We have air, but little food and water.  It is dark despite the candles.”  *He looks at another page.*  “It is just us.  Yet Qi-Long is gone.  I am alone, yet not.  The shadows will swallow me too.”  
Me (small voice, almost a whisper):  …There were no bones.  No sign of any remains.  Only a few scraps of old denim from miners’ uniforms and some spent carbide, but **something** is in there.  I never believed in this stuff until now.  
*I’m chillingly sincere.  After decades of being guided by scientific principles, it’s clear that my reality has been shattered.*
Tear: *Places a comforting hand on Steward’s shoulder* This collapse happened over 130 years ago. Any remains could have decomposed in that time, but the denim takes much longer. *I sigh sadly and cross my arms as I look up at Stephen.* It’s clear we’ve reached the spot, but I can’t say I feel anything else other than belated grief as an outsider. Can you feel the same thing Steward did?
Me:  No no no…It’s not remains…You don’t understand…I *felt* everything.  I don’t know what it was, but we shouldn’t be here.  *I’m usually very grounded and scientific, but something in there rattled me beyond anything I’ve encountered before.*
*I’m shaking slightly and usually try to be strong, but I accept the comfort without protest for once.  This is unusual for me.  Stephen stares at me for a moment before composing himself.  He suspects something’s up, but he still can’t quite put his finger on it.  So, he looks at the final page, lost in thought for a moment.*
Stephen (avoiding the question for now because he doesn’t have a good answer quite yet):  Here’s the last page…*It is the least legible of all.  As though scribbled by a madman.*  ”We are not alone.  I do not know of other survivors.  The darkness is hungry.  I am hungry.  There is only me.  The air ripples.  They call my name.  Such glorious sights could be mine.  I cannot get out.  So, they shall take me.  I cannot get out.  Have mercy on us all.”
*I feel a shudder snake its way through me.*
Me:  …We need to go.  Leave this area alone.  *My face is filled with genuine fear at this point.*
Tear: *I glance at Steward and frown down at the area where the cave-in happened. I’m still skeptical after I fail to pick up any energies, and discard the final note as the evidence of madness. Still, our original reason to come down here has me once more looking at Stephen to make the choice.*
Stephen:  I understand.  The strongest signal I got is from the drop.  We’ll check it and then leave.  
Me (trying to keep my cool):  Okay.  *I’m subtly getting closer to both of them.  This is unusual.  I typically prefer my personal space.  So, whatever I felt in that collapsed tunnel must have really scared me.*
Tear: I wish I had brought something to leave behind as a show of respect. Maybe we could set up a crowdfunding project to commemorate their lives. Wouldn’t that be nice, Steward? *I offer a small smile, clearly trying to lift the somber mood and calm Steward a bit.*
Me (calming down slightly):  Yeah.  I think that would be a nice idea.
*We head back towards the drop.  Yet now, our lights are getting dim, as though the batteries are dying.  However, they’re all freshly replaced.  I thump my lamp to align the batteries.  It goes out.  I fumble a bit and replace them, using the light from Tear’s Disney gear…Nothing.*
Me (small voice, almost a hoarse whisper):  No…
*Tear’s Disney lights are starting to fade now too.  Even the light-up shoes.  I try my flashlight.  It turns on, but despite the light turning on, we can’t see anything.  Like a surreal yellowish disc that emits nothing.  It suddenly feels stuffy in here.  The light no longer penetrates the darkness. I freeze, the bile rising in my throat.  I take some deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself.*
Tear: *I shake the flashlight in my hand in confusion and look around at the increasing darkness.* Okay…memory check, we didn’t climb down any deeper, did we? *I take a step closer to the others so that we are crowding together and gently stomp down on the heel of my sneakers, confirming they are now useless.*
Me:  …No, we didn’t.  
*The darkness feels almost suffocating.  Like we’re being enveloped in thick cloth.  The echo of our voices is gone.  Muffled.*
Stephen:  It’s here.
Me (trying to stay calm):  Okay…
Tear: Yeah. Sure would be nice to know what “it” is though. *I take deep breaths to keep a clear head and shift my hold on my flashlight to use it as a club instead. With our sight compromised, I strain my ears in hopes of picking up any noise that might approach us.*
*It’s pitch-black, but it seems as though the air itself is “rippling”.  Almost like it was a simple visual hallucination from the sensory deprivation we’re experiencing.  Yet, it feels almost…alive.*
Me (small voice):  You’re both still here, right?
Tear: Haven’t gone anywhere. *I inch even closer, ensuring that all of our backs are pressed together in a triangle for both reassurance and protection from all sides.*
Stephen:  Yes.  I’m scanning this anomaly.
Me (unnerved):  So…Neither of you called me?  
Tear: No, why would I?
Stephen:  No.  Did you hear something?  
Me:  …I-*I pause.* You guys aren’t messing with me?  *I’m really hoping that one of you is just playing a trick.*
*There is a very faint voice, distorted as though stretched out through unimaginable eons.  It sounds vaguely human, but only just.  It sounds as though it’s in distress and in another language.  Yet, we can all understand it.* 
Voice (faint, but echoing through the shafts despite our own voices and sounds being muffled):  …Help me…  *It seems both near and far away at the same time.*  Please…Come find me…
*Chills run down our spines.  There is a visceral feeling.  We know it’s a trap.  That this, whatever it is, wants us to follow.  It’s baiting us.  We’re all stuck in the pitch black within the bowels of the Earth and this thing has been waiting.  We’re being hunted.  There is a deep rumbling somewhere in the distance.  The sound of another collapse far away from us.*
*We hear Stephen moving and faintly see some sparks from him.  However, the light from his current spell seems muted.*
Stephen:  Dyzakk’s Cage!  *He shoots at the rippling, briefly illuminating the shaft.  The darkness recedes, bringing the now-contained rippling air into view.*  This is an interdimensional rift.  I contained it for our safety.  With the effects of this universe on my magic, I cannot determine which universe this opens up to.  However, this is the likely culprit in the demise of the miners who survived the initial collapse.  
*There is a crackling sound.  Stephen looks.*
Stephen:  We need to go.  Now!  *At this point, even **he** looks alarmed.  The spell doesn’t look like it’s going to hold.*
*My headlamp flickers back to life for the time being.  So, we flee.  Unfortunately, as we turn to leave, it seems some glowsticks are missing.  Others appear to have been tossed aside in random directions.  I make a small, strangled noise.  Stephen goes ahead.  He utters a brief incantation, conjuring some will o’ the wisps that fly just ahead of us, guiding our way out. Apparently, exposure to the rift helped Stephen boost his abilities a bit.  We rush forward.  Unfortunately, the slippery patch is ahead and Tear slips, plummeting down the shaft.  I lunge forward, hand outstretched in an attempt to save her.  It’s too late.  The accident happens too quickly for either human to react.  Miraculously, the Cloak flies off of Stephen at an insane speed and stops Tear’s fall, bringing her back up safely.  We’re in shock and watch silently.  The only sound is my rapid pulse as my heart bangs up against my chest.  After a few seconds, Stephen and I snap out of it.*
Stephen (worried):  Tear, are you okay?  Are you hurt anywhere?  *He looks her over with concern, checking on her.*
Tear: I’m okay, I’m okay. *I blink back tears and cling to the Cloak wrapped around my shoulders. I’m white as a sheet and trembling all over, but my mind seems like it is still lagging to catch up. The fall had been so sudden I hadn’t even been able to scream, but I register no injuries other than a smarting bruise on my hip and a scraped elbow from when I first hit the ground.* It was just the fright, really. We gotta keep going. *Feeling the urgency of Stephen’s containment spell, I stumble back to my feet on wobbly legs, mostly with the help of the Cloak.*
*I hug her tightly when we know that she’s okay.*
Me (having one of those massive surges of adrenaline rushes mixed with fear and concern):  Be careful, damnit!  *I’m not actually mad.  Just worried.  Though at this point, I’m shaking quite badly and look like I might vomit from the stress.*
Tear: *I giggle deliriously, too pumped full of fear and adrenaline to even register Steward’s tone.* I’ll keep that in mind.
Stephen (urgent):  We need to get out of here.  Whatever is in that rift, it’s not worth the risk.  Follow the wisps.  Whatever else is down here is tampering with your equipment.  Go!    
*He holds up the rear while his wisps glow ahead of Tear and me.  We quickly but carefully get to the main shaft where the lift is waiting.  We’re roughly an hour early.  I look at Tear and Stephen, confirming that they’re both here and okay.  I’m pale as a ghost.  We’re all wet, muddy, and have many cuts and bruises.*
Me (relieved to be back at the lift):  Ready for me to whistle so we can head up?
Stephen:  Yes.  *He has a stony expression and keeps looking back towards the shaft we came out of, as though expecting something.  We hear some more faint rumbling from deep inside the mine.  The sorcerer is more on-edge than we’ve ever seen him before.*
Tear: *Wheezing* Just blow the damn thing. *I pat at the Cloak still over my shoulders and motion for it to return to Stephen with a tilt of my head, hoping it will help ease some of his tension.*
*I gesture for everyone to cover their ears before I blast my whistle.  We listen for Trix’s whistle before stepping into the lift and being slowly hauled back up.  It feels like an eternity.*
Me (hoarse):  …At least we found something…*Trying to be positive.  Though I know that Tear and I will have nightmares from this ordeal.  I’m still shaking like a leaf and deathly pale while drenched in sweat.*
Tear: *Huffs out an incredulous laugh as I fold over to rest my hands on my shaking knees* Well, the nightmares will go nicely with the ones I have from the time I got lost up on Mount Rainier. Maybe hiking and spelunking are just not meant for me. *I straighten once more and wince over my stiff muscles. I’m still panting and wheezing as I try to regain my breath from our little dash back when I turn to Stephen.* I had never, ever, heard of a dimensional rift opening in our universe though. Were you able to gather anything from the energy source?
Stephen (deadly serious):  This mine is too dangerous.  We won’t come back here.  It was something, but not worth the risk again.  Whatever was in there, it was far bigger than any of us anticipated and it was NOT friendly.  I got a small, short boost of energy from it when I got close, but that was it.  That rift wasn’t from any dimension that I’m familiar with.  Though the entities coming from it were definitely hostile to sentient life.
Trix: Oh god, it was that bad, huh? If we have scary shit in our world with no magic that is terrifying.
*I nod.*
Me (looking sick while coming down from the adrenaline rush):  We barely made it out alive…
*The subsequent ride back is sober and quiet.  I put the radio on so we at least have something to diffuse the tension.  When we get back into town, I give Tear a respectful look.*  
Me (sincere):  Tear, you went above and beyond down there and I hope that we never have to endure an ordeal like that again.  Trix, thank you for coming with us and helping us get in and out safely.  Guys, if you need or want, you can stay with us tonight.
Tear: I would have never forgiven myself if I had let you and Stephen go down there on your own. I’m not sure I was of much help, but no one should go through what we did alone. *I turn to look at my parked car over my shoulder, weighing my options. I find myself dreading the drive back to my place at night and faring on my own once I get there.* If…if I’m not imposing…I think I will take you up on that offer to stay. I don’t think I’ll get much sleep tonight anyway, if at all.
Me:  That’s understandable.  Also, you did plenty with the supplies and doing your best to help me through that passage.  I almost had a serious panic attack down there.
Stephen (serious):  Thank you, all of you, for what you did today.  It may not have gone the way that any of us intended, but I’m grateful that you made the effort to help me.
Tear: *Smiles* We did say we would be here for you no matter what. I just wish we actually had the power to find a way back home for you. Today was…annoyingly fruitless despite all we went through.
Trix: I honestly feel bad that I didn’t come help more but then it would have been four of us in danger.
Stephen:  You did what you needed to do by helping us evacuate.  If you weren’t up there, we may not have made it out.
Trix: *kinda shuffles awkwardly* Always glad to help. Just hearing the noises coming out of there was worrying.
Me:  It was starting to try to trigger collapses to box us in.  *Slowing down as the very last of the adrenaline leaves my system.*
*I’m practically dead on my feet.  Driving us back took all of the remaining energy I had left.  Right now, it’s only willpower keeping me from collapsing in the driveway.*
Stephen:  I’ll unload the car.  Go ahead inside.
Tear: I’ll help him and put something together for dinner later tonight.  
Trix: I’ll stay over tonight if you don’t mind. I think it certainly is the type of night to stick together.
Me (yawning):  Okay…Thank you, Trix.  As for dinner, it’s a nice thought, but right now, I’m barely conscious.
Tear: *Halfway in the trunk* I meant for me! I eat when I’m stressed, so I’m emptying your fridge tonight.
Me (slurring):  Okay…Do you guys need help?  *I’m attempting to resist the fatigue because I don’t want to be lazy or selfish.  The fridge joke Tear made didn’t register in my now-zombified brain.* 
Tear: *I flap my hand up and down to wave Steward off* Nah, we got it, don’t worry. I’m sure Stephen can tell me where you keep your condiments.
*I blink slowly.  You can practically see the “System Processing…” prompt going on in my head.*
*I shamble to the front door and unlock it, stumbling inside.  At this point, the adrenaline and shock have fully worn off.  Now, the pain from exertion is hitting me.  My knees feel like they’re filled with splinters and I know there are plenty of scrapes and bruises from bumping into things and crawling through that horrible collapse.  I know I need to go upstairs, but dread the ever-increasing pain shooting through my legs.  So, I stare up at them for a few seconds before gritting my teeth and practically pulling myself up using the banisters.  I head to my bathroom to clean up and get ready for bed.  It’s early, probably around 7, but I don’t care.  After sorting myself out, I limp over to the top of the stairs to check on Stephen, Trix, and Tear.*
Me (slurring):  You guys doing okay down there?
Tear: *After putting away our gear and cooking up some tuna melts in the toaster oven, I raid the linen closet with the Cloak’s help and build myself a nest on the cushy sofa in the living room. I put on episodes of the Looney Tunes cartoons on the TV in a low volume, and proceed to let Bugs Bunny numb my anxiety. My eyes droop sleepily but I stubbornly refuse to fall asleep.* I think we’ve got everything covered. There’s tuna melts being kept warm in the toaster oven in case you get hungry. *I don’t look away from the TV screen as I answer Steward.*
Stephen:  We’re fine.  Get some rest.  
*He’s watching the show with Tear while sitting in the armchair next to the sofa.  Though also deeply thinking about what happened.  So, watching, but not really watching.  More just keeping her company and thinking.  The Cloak is with Tear because Stephen figures she needs it more than he does right now.*
Trix: Yeah! Let us know if you need anything!
Me (mumbling):  Okay.  Thanks…Good night, all of you.  If any of you need anything, just holler or text. 
Stephen:  We’ll be okay.
Tear: *I tilt my head back to finally return Steward’s gaze.* You too. Don’t hesitate to come downstairs or reach out tonight. You sure you don’t wanna throw a sleepover in the living room?
*I look rather terrible even after having cleaned up.  My eyes have shadows around them and my walk has gotten worse.*
Me:  M’kay…It’s tempting, but I don’t really want to do the stairs again.
Tear: That’s fine. I hope you get some rest then. *I’m worried but know better than to coddle. Instead, I get comfy on the sofa with the Cloak again and go back to watching king Bugs bonk a man over the head with his scepter.*
*A few hours later, I acquiesce and stumble downstairs, almost falling.  I catch myself in time and limp over to the living room, deciding to curl up in the remaining armchair without a word.  It’s a rough, but deep sleep.*  
*Unbeknownst to any of us, Stephen’s containment spell on the rift issued an echo across the multiverse.  A magical version of a ping.  Somewhere in the multiverse, a Wong notices a faint and familiar magical signature.  Perhaps…?*
***To be continued***
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popcorn1989 · 3 years
Tɦe Mɑƞ iƞ tɦe Mσuƞtɑiƞs
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Pairing: x Female Reader
Warning: Blood, Death, Hate, Desperation, Fear, Resentment, Detailed description, Hunt, Helpless, Psychically, etc.
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Words: 2518
Chapter 1: When Night Falls - Click here
Chapter 2: Run
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Yoh was slowly getting up again, he was just as pale as Annika, you put your right hand over her wound, with the other you stroked her blond hair. Jack had come to the bed, his green eyes surveying your girlfriend, then his eyes narrowed. "That..." - "She would never do such a thing... Never!" you said with a shaky voice and started to cry a little. Jack, whom you had interrupted, looked at you sympathetically. "Hey... She didn't do it" he spoke softly, looking out the door, down the hall, Yoh was gone "Somebody did it..." he spoke again pushing one side of her blouse aside.
You saw the deep wounds, that bled far more than the wounds on their arms you held so desperately. You notice the open wound and the damp flesh under your hands. When your eyes met Jack's. "But....." you shake your head, nobody in your group would do such a thing. Until the scales fall from your eyes, Chris had been making such insinuations the whole time, you let go of your girlfriend's wrist and stood up. Jack looked at you questioningly, his long wavy hair was tied back in a bun. You wipe away your tears, with your sleeve, and nod slowly. "I... I'll go have a look..." but you couldn't get any further, Jenna came running, "The phone is dead!!!!! Somebody cut the wires"
Your eyes widen in shock, that's a bloody nightmare, even Jack looked scared, but maybe it was just an act? You just didn't know anything anymore. He was just about to get up, when you held up a hand to show him to stay on the bed, only now you realize your hand is covered in blood, there was so much blood everywhere, in your girlfriend's clothes, on the bed that slowly flowed to the floor. You felt nauseous, and you grab Jenna's arm and slowly push her out of the room. "What?" Jack asked slowly, when you still had your hand raised, then you pointed at him "Stay... here... please" you're trying to sound normal, but it's not quite working.
He narrowed his eyes, looking at your girlfriend. "It wasn't me," he said, standing up. You and your friend jumped slightly, but he realized you were scared of him and sat back down. His eyes begged you not to believe such a thing. You and your girlfriend slowly backed into the hallway, then turned and ran to the phone, which was on a round table next to the couch. You grab the cables and followed them until you saw the smooth cut, your heart started racing, you dropped the cables and search in your pockets "The cell phones" you yelled at your Jenna, who was standing next to you and ins saw emptiness.
Now she was moving again and also searching her pockets "They're dead" Yoh came out of the kitchen, holding a cell phone "All cell phones are dead" Your head started hurting right away, this trip wasn't great and something went damn wrong here "What do you mean?" you said sour, Yoh looked at you pointing at something in the kitchen "all the cellphones are in the full sink, in the water everyone is dead" you couldn't believe that, you were only in the kitchen a few minutes ago, when you remembered that you never reached the sink. You looked back down the hall, Jenna had run into the kitchen, Jack was standing at the door frame looking at you, "Do you... do you have a cell phone?" He shook his head and stepped out into the hallway, his gaze intense, "I have a phone and a walkie-talkie at my cabin…"
He kept talking, but you were distracted and caught your breath as Chris, came out of a room and stand behind him. Likewise, he looked at you, so intently it gave you goosebumps, especially as his face was covered in blood, that was dripping onto his shirt, he leaned against the wall. Your heart skipped a beat, when you saw a large ax in his hands, blade pointing to the ground. Then everything happened quickly, he pushed himself away from the wall, raised the axe and wanted to run towards Jack, you yelled his name and so Jack was able to dodge just in time. Jack ran into the room and closed the door.
Chris hit the ground with full force, he breathed wildly and looked at you "don't believe a word he says" Jenna and Yoh ran to you "What's the matter?" yelled Jenna, and it was exactly the question you wanted to ask. Chris ripped the ax out of the ground, leaving a big notch "It was him, I saw it... he attacked me, knocked me out" he took a deep breath at a few words. Then Chris came up to you, grabbed your shoulder, with one hand and looked you deep in the eyes again, we have to call the police "It can't work, the cell phone, the phone, everything is dead" Chris slowly looked at Yoh "What ?" he tightened his grip on your shoulder until it hurt you. When the door flew open and Jack stepped out. He looked at the group, caught your eyes for a moment, that look again, you thought. Chris turned and swung the axe, he was so frantic he didn't realize, how he almost hit the others. Jack dodged again and ran down the hall to the back door.
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You grab Chris' shoulders, "It's okay, he's gone... he's gone" you try to reassure Chris. He turned to you "Grab things you can use to defend yourself" Yoh nodded, grabbed his wife's hand and ran into the kitchen with her "I told you...when I saw him, the first time..." You nod and interrupt him by taking his face in both hands and examining the wound on his forehead. His wound wasn't deep, he had a small tear in his forehead, and it was bleeding profusely. He looked deep into your eyes. "I don't want anything to happen to you," he said softly, and you saw his sad face.
You were hoping, that this topic wouldn't come up again, but now that you're in danger, he brought it up again, "I told you before..." - "Not now Chris, I should clean your wound, and then we have to think about, what we're going to do... I mean... Annika is dead" you let go of his face and tears filled your eyes. Annika, your best friend, was dead, and you will never hear her voice again. Chris took you in his arms "I love you...." he said, and his hug got tighter, why did he do that? Why right now, "Chris... I... I don't want to tell you again" you break out of his embrace "I want to advance my career and... damn it, my girlfriend is dead, I don't have one Head for it."
You caught how pissed off he looked as you walked into the room where your girlfriend was lying. Chris followed you, "He just stabbed her... I couldn't stop him" you ran your hand over her cold face, tears streaming down your cheeks. "Why does he do that" you sobbed, "Because he's a lonely man... he's crazy" - "I'm so sorry, that I didn't believe you" you said and looking at him. Jenna and Yoh came to you and stood behind Chris, they had several knives in their hands. "Yoh says we have to get to the car," Jenna said quietly, and you nodded, it was the only way to get out of here and get help. You looked at Annika, you had to leave her here alone, for the time being. From outside, you heard a bark, your heart, which had just calmed down, started pounding wildly again.
"Shit..." - "What?" did Chris and Yoh ask almost simultaneously. "That's Roxi, his dog...he's still here" Chris' face took on a form of hate as he pushed Yoh aside, you and the others both of them followed him, Jenna gave you a big kitchen knife. Chris stepped out of the house, axe still in his hand and walked down the patio steps, everyone looked around wildly, until you saw Jack on the right-hand corner of the house, just standing there, his dog next to him the dog barked again, Jack raised his hand and roxi lay down on the ground. In a deep voice he said your name "you mustn't believe him" he pointed to Chris "it wasn't me"
Chris looked at you and spoke softly "He has a crossbow" only now you looked from Jack's face to his hands, and you swallow, he had the crossbow in his left hand, pointing to the ground. Your grip on the kitchen knife tightens, and you try to stay calm.
"I wouldn't kill anyone... and I've never touched him" - "You're calling me a liar," Chris yelled now, "Look what you've done" he pointed to his head wound "So, Would I have done this to myself?" Jack gave a short laugh. "No, but maybe the girl you killed." Chris grabbed your arm, Jack raised the crossbow and aimed it at him. "Get away from the others." Jenna and Yoh breathed loud and fast, but didn't speak up until now. "We should run," Chris said now, tugging lightly on your sleeve. Your head was so empty and yet so confused by it all, that you couldn't think at all. You started sweating, and the fear slowly crawled up your back.
One shot, Jack had one shot, then he had to reload. You nodded to Chris, he started running, Yoh followed him so fast, you heard the crossbow string snap, Yoh screamed and lose his knife, before you even started running. He was holding his leg. Chris stopped and turned to you, Jenna knelt by her husband and cried and screamed and you... you just stood there, incredulous at what you saw, your gaze turned to Jack who raised a hand "This... I didn't want that," he said, then looked at Chris and reload the crossbow. "Let's run now" Chris had run towards you and Jenna and dragged you both with him. You ran "Don't leave me here...don't friggin' leave me alone" Yoh yelled after you, you looked back briefly to see Jack move next to Yoh, looking at him, before he looked after you.
He whistled and pointed in your direction, it barked and Roxi ran after you. Jenna and Chris were way ahead of you. "Faster, faster!" you yelled as the three of you ran through the dense forest, in the night.
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You ran fast, here and there you had to climb over fallen trees, the dog was hot on your heels, but now and then he must have lost your scent, because he hadn't reached you yet. "Over there," Chris shouted from afar and pointed to a wide creek, you had heard it from afar. And if the Situation were better, you would have fallen in love with this place, because a waterfall rushed down a big cliff. When you reached Chris, he shifted the axe to his other hand and grabbed your shoulder, Jenna collapsed "Oh Yoh" she yelled. You turn away from Chris and crouch down next to Jenna
"We had to go, we... you'd be dead too if you stayed there, we didn't stand a chance.... we have to move on" you were so out of breath that you could barely speak "but I just left him behind" she screamed and cried again. "Through the water, the dog will lose track of us", said Chris and grabbed your shoulder again, from far away you could hear the dog barking, and he came closer and closer "Right now" said Chris, you nodded to him, helped your girlfriend up, she didn't stop crying, and dropped her knife. Together you ran through the water with her, closely followed by Chris.
The sound of the water was so loud, you couldn't hear the words Chris spoke. Jenna stopped, but Chris grabbed her arm and pulled her along, "We have to move on, don't stop" It was still night, and you didn't see, where you were running to. For a moment you worried, that you would get so lost, that you would never find the car again, but Chris didn't slow down. Your path became more and more strenuous, it was rising more and more and in some places there were such big cliffs, that you had to find another way, you were about to climb a mountain. And unfortunately for you, it started raining, Jenna wouldn't calm down, Chris had his axe in his hand and was looking so dangerous you thought he was ready to fight a bear.
"It's your fault..." he said, and now you heard his voice, "What?" you ask because you thought you misheard. The rain slowly began to soak through your clothes. "I said it's your fault," he yelled, turning to face both of you women. "What do you mean by that" you got angry, "It was your idea, you had contact with this guy, and you rented the house" His hair was wet on his head, you could see his blue eyes even in the dark, and he looked at you angrily. Jenna shook her head, "No, no..." she said softly, letting go of your hand and sitting on a log, slowly rocking her body back and forth. "I can't know that he's like that," you said slowly, swallowing your anger.
Chris raised the axe, pointed the direction you guys just came from and walked towards you, "No... No, but I have..." It barked and Chris went silent... "Shit," he said, "I have to kill him" - "What?" - "The dog, we have to get rid of him" he looked at you briefly, before he looked around "There, go in there and wait for me" he said and pointed to a small cave, that was in the hillside, "Immediately" yelled he, when he noticed, that you looked at him questioningly "You can't kill a dog" you said. Chris came so close to you now, that your face, his almost touched "Immediately" he spoke softly, but with emphasis.
You met his face again as you walked over to Jenna, grabbed her armpits and pulled her with you. The cave wasn't big, it was more of an indentation, but it was well covered with branches and leaves. Jenna was still crying, and you sat down close to her and took her in your arms, "Everything will be fine" you kept saying and trying to calm her down. Jenna grabbed her ears, she rocked back and forth again, then you heard it too, a dog growling dangerously, Chris screaming, the dog whining. The dog barked and Chris yelled again, the dog whined wildly and Chris moaned and yelled so loudly, then there was silence. You only noticed the raindrops, falling on the leaves of the trees and bushes. You looked at Jenna and rubbed her back, "Everything will be fine" you said again, this trip was really a horror.
Sequel follows....
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wonderful-writer · 4 years
11 - Never Mine
Summary: A fire burns down the camp’s meat house, leaving everyone available to go hunting in pairs. Y/n and Harper go together, allowing Harper to fill Y/n in on what happened on Unity Day. When she arrives back to camp, she sees something she didn’t want to see. 
Word Count: 2.07k
Based Off: 01x11 “The Calm”
A/N: So my phone is supposed to be coming sometime today and I’m really anxious about it, also I’m almost done writing season two and I might be taking a break from posting for a week to catch up and get even more ahead on chapters
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You’d given yourself every watch shift that you could, even relieving some people of their own to do double shifts as a means to distract yourself from your constantly wandering thoughts. Since there was no movement or signs of grounders, standing on guard didn’t do much.
You were constantly reminded of Jasper’s and your mothers when yesterday, Bellamy had come himself to lure you away from your post when Monroe informed him that you shooed her away when she came to take over for her shift and that you had been there since dawn.
You saw him talking with Clarke ahead of you, making sure to glance back at you every so often. He walked off with Clarke, back into camp. A commotion inside camp drew your attention away, seeing a fire starting in the meat house. You rushed away from your post for the first time since this morning.
You checked over Octavia as Bellamy broke up the fight that had begun. She assured you that she was okay and you patted her shoulder with a smile, which she returned.
“Now what the hell are we gonna do?” Octavia yelled over the flames. “That was all the food!”
Nothing was able to be salvaged, and there wasn’t enough food on the dropship to last everyone, so Clarke decided to get everyone available out to hunt, even with the threat of grounders.
“Each group takes someone with a gun. And they’re for killing grounders, not food. We don’t have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting.” Bellamy shouted over everyone’s movement and murmurs. “Bring back what you can and be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark.”
You didn’t feel the need to take a spear with you as you had your sword and daggers, but you teamed up with Harper, who was good with her gun and someone you knew you’d be able to be around.
As you left camp, with your eyes sharp, you decided to finally ask about Unity Day.
“What the hell happened on Unity Day?” She giggled at your question but replied.
“How much do you remember?”
“I remember everything up until we were at the fire.” You admitted, stepping over a tree root.
“You can’t even remember the best part!” She laughed. “We played truth or dare. Me, you, Monroe, Jasper, and Monty.”
“And?” You asked.
“And it was pretty boring until I decided to ask you if you would have sex with Bellamy if you had to.” You blushed at the words but stayed silent for her to continue. “And you said, and I quote, ‘Hell yeah I would jump his bones if I absolutely had to’.”
“Oh, God.” You groaned, putting a hand on your face. Note to self, never get drunk again.
You sighed, still feeling confused about everything afterwards, and how you ended up in your tent. “Wait a second, how did I get back into my tent?”
“Oh, that.” Harper smiled giddily. “Bellamy carried you there almost immediately after you answered my question. Said he was preventing you from saying or doing anything else incredibly stupid.”
Your blush increased tenfold, knowing that he heard your honest response. You wondered if Jasper lied about Bellamy knowing your true feelings, but shook your head at the thought and focused on getting food for camp.
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You and Harper hauled back a boar and some smaller animals, but nothing else. You went to clean your sword and daggers while she took the game over to where the new meat house was supposed to be.
After they were cleaned, you put them back in your tent and decided to tell Bellamy about how much food everyone gathered. You pulled back the flap as you began talking, eyes focused on the ground. “Everyone’s back now, we didn’t-”
You cut yourself off at the sight in front of you. Bellamy, sweaty and quite possibly naked in bed, with Raven pulling her pants on by the bed. You gasped and started to back away from the scene, eyes wide and tear-filled, as Raven looked at you apologetically and Bellamy tried to get you back in the tent as much as he could, being naked and all.
As soon as you were out of the tent you went to Jasper’s tent, praying he was in there. The tears in your eyes and falling down your cheeks made it hard for you to see, but he wasn’t there. You wiped your tears and took a shaky inhale, walking back out to bump into Octavia.
“Y/n? What happened? Are- are you okay?” You shook your head and frowned at her question, another flow of tears running down your face. She pulled you back into the empty tent to comfort you and figure out what was wrong.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay.” She pressed your head to her shoulder as you wrapped your arms around her waist, sitting down on one of the beds with her. She stroked your hair and calmed you down enough to get you to talk.
“What happened, Y/n/n?” She asked as you lifted your head from her shoulder.
“God, it was awful!” You sobbed. “He- Bellamy slept with Raven!” You cried again. You didn’t know that it would have this kind of effect on you. That he would have this effect on you.
“And Jasper, he- he said that Bellamy loved me back because I love him, I really really love him.” Your voice was thick with tears, and Octavia never thought she could hate her brother more than she did now.
“Oh, Y/n. You’ll be okay. He’s no good for you, anyways.” She comforted you.
“But that’s the thing, Octavia. He’s my best friend. He knows me like the back of my hand and we’ve only been down here almost a month! And I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever loved, and I don’t think I want to lose him, too. He doesn’t love me and I can’t look at him knowing that and I fucking hate it. He's my best friend and I hate him, but I love him too.”
“Sweetie, I don’t know how to help you. I’m sorry that I can’t help you, I really am. But the best thing for you to do right now is to ignore him. Give yourself time to heal. And if he tries to approach you, come to me. I’ll punch him for you. Or better yet, punch him yourself.”
You laughed at her words and wiped away your tears, composing yourself. “Thanks, ‘Tavia. I’m gonna go freshen up, you get some rest.” You patted her knee and left the tent, willing all emotions to leave your body as you went to wash your face and attempt to cover up the tear stains.
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Soon you found yourself alone in the woods with Bellamy, while Octavia, Monty, and Raven were split up, communicating over the walkie-talkie to look for Clarke and Finn, who hadn’t yet returned from their hunting trip.
“Just keep the moon to your left and you’ll find us,” Bellamy repeated to Monty. You walked in silence, sword drawn.
“Listen, Y/n-”
“I don’t want to talk about it, Blake. You wanted to have some fun, Raven was fun. I get it. Now shut up and keep your eyes peeled.” You said coldly. His eyes showed that he was hurt by your words, but when Monty kept talking over the walkies, Bellamy cut in.
“Damn it, Monty. Just pay attention.” He commanded. “Do you see anything?”
“Report.” He demanded when no response came. There was a screech and then static until Raven’s voice came through.
“There’s someone in the bushes.” She said in a low tone.
You moved to where they were, seeing Myles laying on the ground, injured. “Clarke and Finn, where are they?”
“Grounders took them.” He wheezed out.
“Take it easy,” Bellamy instructed. “We have to get him back to camp.”
“Bell, what about Clarke and Finn?” Octavia asked worriedly.
Raven stood and began to cry softly when no response left Bellamy’s lips. “Raven, I’m sorry.” You rolled your eyes at the exchange, even though you probably shouldn’t have.
“We need to make a stretcher.” She decided before walking off to find materials.
“Monty, we’re heading home. You copy?” Bellamy spoke into the walkie-talkie. “Monty, can you hear me?”
The lack of response worried you.
“Monty.” Bellamy tried again. “Monty, where the hell are you?”
Raven came up with enough material to make a stretcher to bring Myles back to camp with, You carrying one end with Octavia while Raven and Bellamy carried the other. Having everyone in such close quarters made the trip back home long, awkward, and intense.
“Put him over there,” You pointed with a free hand to the empty table in the dropship. You planned on tending to Myles’ wounds as much as you could until you found Clarke and she could finish patching him up, but you couldn’t do much for him.
You spent the better part of an hour just removing the arrowheads from his body, as they were difficult all on their own. Once they were out you attempted to stitch him up based on what you’d seen Clarke do for you when you ripped your own, and by then he was passed out from the pain. The quiet unnerved you, but you didn’t mind.
The only sound that was heard was water dripping when you cleaned the blood around his freshly stitched cuts so you could put bandages. You were glad that you had helped heal him, but you felt that leaving the dropship wasn’t going to do any good for you.
And you were right. Bellamy was waiting for you outside the dropship, and as soon as you descended the ramp, he began to talk as you looked straight ahead.
“Listen, Y/n, I’m sorry, I-”
“I don’t know why you’re apologizing to me, Blake.” You deadpanned, stopping to turn to Bellamy with a cold face.
“It’s not like I’m your girlfriend or anything. I don’t need an explanation. You’re a grown man and everyone has urges. So just give up and drop the apologies. And while you’re at it, just leave me alone for a while.” It took almost everything you had to will the tears to not make an appearance, and it took just as much to keep a straight face and say what you did.
You saw the hurt in Bellamy’s face and your heart broke knowing that you caused it, but you walked away and into your tent anyways, forcing yourself not to turn around and comfort him. Because that isn’t who you are anymore. Earth changes people. Pain changes people.
You noticed that Jasper was back, and decided to pay him a visit. He was the one to comfort you when you were children, and you could use some of that now.
“Hey, Jasp.” You greeted him as you entered, a sad spark in your tone as you threw him a tight-lipped smile.
“What’s wrong?” He immediately asked.
“How do you always know when I’m upset?” You asked curiously.
“That tight smile, for starters. And your voice, I could hear it when you said hi.” he pointed out, causing you to nod, before slowly dissolving into tears. Jasper came to your aid, wrapping his arms around you in a hug.
“Are you okay?” Your only response was a shake of the head.
“He doesn’t love me,” You whispered.
“What? Of course, he does, Y/n/n,” Jasper attempted, rubbing your back.
You raised your head at his words and looked at him with your red eyes. “Oh, yeah? If he felt anything for me, anything at all, why the hell would he sleep with Raven?”
Jasper’s eyes widened at your comment, before his face filled with anger. “That son of a bitch-”
You stopped Jasper before he could move out of the tent. “Don’t. I took care of it already. I’m going to ignore him for a little while, I’ll be fine. I just need time for myself.”
Jasper nodded and you let go of him, shaking your body a little to relieve some of the extra energy you had, until one of the others called out from outside of the tent.
“Everyone's gotta get outside! We’re building foxholes!” 
It was going to be a long night.
Taglist: @soullessbabee | @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis | @dummythiccwitch | @sireddobrev | @gxvrielle
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cosmic-has-moved · 3 years
The Vamp N Wolf - Chapter 4
The Mistress was quick to send out an investigation inside the castle for these small cameras, her daughters coming back with no results of these devices. Despite there being no more spotted, the Mistress still advised keeping an eye and ear out for anything out of the ordinary.
After that she decided to go find Hayden. If there were people spying on the castle, there’s a chance they’re also spying on the village.
It was easy finding him since he mostly spends his time in the piano room, he stood in the room arms crossed and cupping chin in deep thought. Alcina brushed it off as just concern about the cameras. “Hayden, I need you to do something for me.”
He snapped out of his thought and looked at her before standing straight. “What is it?”
“I want you to go patrol the whole area, including outside the village.” Cupping her chin she furrowed her brows. “If someone is spying on us, there’s a chance they’re still here.”
Hayden nodded “Than I’ll be going.” He went and walked passed her, but a hand on his shoulder made him stop and look up at her.
Alcina looked back down at him with a concerned expression. “Please be careful.”
He smiled reassuringly and patted her hand before making his way out.
It had been nearly five hours since Hayden went on patrol and the four had grown worry, but Alcina chose to wait more. Thankfully their worries were quickly gone when Hayden returned, with what looked to be the spy over his shoulders.
Throwing the body onto the ground, he began speaking. “I found this person just outside the areas border. He was hiding in a hut that was built in the ground.” Lifting his hand that held the person’s cutoff hand, there was a walkie talkie in its grip. “He went to call for back up when I came in, but I put a stop to it.”
With a silent order from their mother, the girls began examining the body. It was clear that the guy was dead due to there being a large hole through his chest, Hayden explained that it was self-defense because the spy shot at him.
Examining the body vest and other items, Alcina knew who started to spy on them. Mother Miranda only mentioned them a few times because of their concealed reputation, it was the Umbrella Corporation.
“You did wonderful, Hayden.” Alcina ruffled up his hair and turned to her daughters. “Do with the body as you please, it’s practically useless to us now.”
With a nod, Daniella and the two grabbed the body and walked off. Leaving Alcina and Hayden to themselves.
“So I take it you have an idea on what’s going on?” Hayden asked as he gave her the bloodied hand.
“I was told of them from time to time, I heard that they have a bad reputation for creating a dangerous virus but that could just be Chinese whispers.” She wrapped the limb up in a cloth and called over a servant. “But they are a group that shouldn’t be taken too lightly. They’re easy to deal with, just annoying.”
After a servant came over and she gave the hand to them, ordering them to keep in the dungeon bin, with a nod and bow they left.
Hayden furrows his brows while mumbling the corporation name, “Umbrella Corp? Silly name.” Placing his hands on his waist and tilting his head. “We might need to do some digging if they’re spying on us, or at least get word out.”
The Mistress gave him a nod and smiled. “Yes, but I do think Miranda already knows what’s going on. She has eyes everywhere, nothing is safe from her.” Turning around and gesturing him to follow, she walked off. “Now come, I believe it’s nearly time for dinner.”
A huge grin grew on the young man’s face as he happily followed.
Long after their dinner and everyone separating to do their own thing, the Mistress laid in her bed wearing her nightgown.
She barely sleeps due to lack of needing it, her energy lasting for a whole month or more. But when she does need sleep it can be quite difficult to wake her, this was one of those situations. The whole experiment Mother Miranda was running and previous troubles had caught up to her, she was psychically and mentally exhausted.
Closing her eyes and exhaling loudly, she allowed herself to fall into slumber.
She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in the family room, the fireplace crackling from the flames burning the wood. Looking down she saw her daughters, but they were way younger. Daniella and Novella were nearly in their teens while Anna was about six or eight.
“Ah.” Alcina came to the conclusion that she was dreaming up a memory, memories she has long forgotten and desired.
Snapping herself out of her train of thought, she looked over at the source of the shout. It was Daniella wrestling with Novella while Anna cried over a torn teddy bear, she remembered how often the two would fight while Anna stood back keeping to herself.
Smiling and getting up off the chair, Alcina went over to break up the fight. It was easy separating the two and sending them off, next she picked up Anna and walked her over to her sewing machine that sat in the corner of the room.
The little one watched in interest as her mother sewed the bear back up, the thing was old but Anna still loved it. She smiled joyfully as Alcina handed her back her teddy bear and thanked her before running off.
Watching her child run out she sighed happily and stood up, the atmosphere to the Mistress felt nice. The warmth from the fireplace mixed with the smell of wood made it comfortable.
“I should sleep more often.” She whispered to herself before sitting back down on the lounge chair, quietly wishing she could take here forever.
While laying in the chair she noticed a taste in her mouth, leaning forward and slipped her index finger in her mouth before pulling it back mouth. No blood, yet she could taste it. It started out as feint but quickly took over her taste buds, it shook her enough for her to wake from the dream.
Her vision was groggy upon waking but the first thing her eyes met with was a clenched hand, the taste of blood filling her mouth as her fang dug into the person’s wrist. It was strongly delicious that she continued drinking without a care, later letting go of the hand and moving to the neck. It had been so long since she had her fangs dig into someone’s neck, especially from the ones who previously worked for her as her private toys. Their screams of submission echoed in her head, it deeply aroused her.
Her tongue tingled as her body heated up, her other hand caressing the person’s chest. Something was telling her to stop but her body continued. Occasionally she would pull her teeth out and lick their neck before going back to sucking.
After what felt like hours which were only five minutes, Alcina finally let go and sat up panting heavily. Licking the blood off her lips she looked down to see who had unluckily decided to be her meal.
Her eyes widened in horror as Hayden laid below her looking as pale as snow and close to losing consciousness, her hand gripping his wrist that was cut.
She was quick to get off of him and getting him up off the ground. “No no no no no no, what have I done!” She laid him on her bed and squeezed his wrist to stop it from bleeding. “What the hell happened!?”
Letting out a weak groan, Hayden opened his eyes a bit. “I’m sorry, Mother Miranda gave me orders to give you a bit of my blood. She said it was important or something.” He winced as his wound started healing. “It was only suppose to be a bit, but you tackled me to the ground and I didn’t want to wake the others.”
Alcina sat there with a look of deep regret and anger, that damn woman had nearly gotten Hayden killed again. Placing his hand on her lips she hushed him. “It’s not your fault, just rest.” Using her free hand she stroked his head and continued hushing him. “Worry not, everything will be okay.”
Slowly Hayden shut his eyes and fell asleep, Alcina making sure he was still alive after a few seconds. Placing his hand down she stood up and clenched her fist in anger, “How dare that old hag bring harm to my boy.”
The morning was young and cold, Hayden still laid in Alcina’s bed resting peacefully.
Alcina herself sat at her desk staring intensely at the phone, waiting for it to ring. Mother Miranda would for sure call for results of her orders, if only she was given a phone that could call instead of answer.
As soon as the phone rang she picked up and answered, “About time you rang, I have a few choice words for you.”
There was a couple seconds of silence before Mother Miranda responded, at first she laughed. “So I take it Hayden did as I ordered. And judging by your attitude, you nearly sucked him dry.” She laughed more before calming down. “I only did that to see if my theory of his blood becoming irresistible was true.”
“Do you have any idea how angry I am, you caused me to nearly kill him!” She gritted her teeth as to hold back her yell of anger. “You better stop with this experiment with my son and pick someone else, I can’t bare to see more of my children hurt.” A bit of sadness trickled out of the last sentence.
Yet again there was silence, but there were quiet mumbles in the background. The silence was broken by Mother Miranda clearing her throat. “Fine, I’ll stop.”
Alcina smiled a bit upon hearing that, “But I do need him for one last thing, by the sounds of it he’s managing your blood very well.” Alcina’s smile quickly disappeared and she dug her claws into the desk. “This experiment only involves him mating, nothing more nothing less.”
After a few moments of thinking, the Mistress let out a defeated sigh. “Fine… Just stop hurting him.”
“He’s a stubbornly tough kid, he’ll be fine.” And with that she hung up.
Putting the receiver down, Alcina rested her head on the table. “This is just a huge emotional mess.” Lifting her head up and looking back at Hayden, who was sitting up on the bed yawning. “Hayden!” Alcina sat up off the chair and swiftly sat next to him on the bed, hugging him.
The hug startled him but he patted her back in return, “How long was I out for?”
Letting him go she smiled at him. “Not long, I was just worried since last nights incident.” Rubbing his neck she was relieved to see the bite mark has vanished. “Next time Mother Miranda ask you to do something, let me know first.”
Hayden gave her a slight nod, an apologetic expression on his face. “Again, I’m sorry about last night. If I had know that you’ll react that way, I wouldn’t have done it that way.” He was silenced by Alcina’s finger lightly pressing against his lips.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Hayden. Mother is the one I’m angry at.” Lowering her hand and getting up off the bed, “but more importantly, how are you feeling?”
Giving himself out of her bed, Hayden stretched his body. “I feel fine, bit sore and drained but a warm shower will help with that.” He went to walk off but Alcina grabbed his shoulder, causing him to turn around. “Hm?”
Removing her left glove and getting a claw out, Alcina made a large deep cut on her palm. Hayden protested but was hushed by her. “The least I could do after last night is let you drink from me. It’s safe to say knowing that you can handle my blood perfectly, you can drink it.” Extending her bloody hand towards him, she continued. “I’m ordering you to do so.”
Letting out a sigh, he took her hand and pressed the wound against his mouth. It did give the Mistress some relief that he’ll be fine blood wise now, she could now only hope that he’ll be fine afterwards.
With a lick of the cut and lips, Hayden let go of her hand. “I’m full, thank you.” After rubbing his mouth he looked up at her. “I’ll be going out on patrol today, just in case there’s more of these Umbrella folk. I’ll be sure to let you know of anything interesting.” And with that he left.
Alcina knew she should’ve mentioned Mother Miranda’s next plans for him, but chose it’ll be best to wait until he gets back. Figured it was best to leave him be for now.
Some time had passed and the sun had lowered enough for the sky to be a dark blue, the snow storm that had been warned of coming was just misinformation. The cold temperature hasn’t changed and most likely never will.
The Mistress sat in the family room, Mother Miranda sitting just across from her drinking tea. It was visible that the Mistress was troubled by her sudden presence but kept quiet about it, she knew she was here for Hayden but a carriage would’ve been sent down, Miranda likely had something else to do to be here.
“It was a good idea to let Hayden patrol, it helps his health and hunting skills.” Miranda put her empty cup down and looked up at Alcina. “I have gotten word from your brother about the small incident, you should know by now how I feel about you two killing each other.”
Sitting back in her seat and taking a sip of her own drink, “My apologies, but you know how I feel about people sneaking around my castle.” Twirling her glass she looked at the lit fireplace. “But lets change the subject. I know you’re here for something else other than Hayden.”
The woman let out a slight chuckle, “You’re always sharp, that’s why I like you.” She lend down to a bag she had brought with her and picked it up. “When I first put Hayden into your care, I thought that afterwards you’ll keep him as one of your sex toys.” She lightly tossed the bag to the tall Mistress.
“So I was quite shocked to hear you call him your son, never thought you’d take him in as your own. After some thinking I thought it was best to give you all the information I have collected about him.” She crossed her legs and smiled. “I figured you’d want a copy of them.”
Opening the bag and leaning forward, Alcina got out a folder with Hayden’s full name labelled on it. She had to admit, she was surprised that Miranda had given her this. “I appreciate this, but I don’t know why you’d think I want a whole folder of information about him.” She opened up the folder and stared wide eyed at the photos.
“Oh there’s more than just files on his past life, it also includes notes from the test I’ve done to him and more.” Looking at Alcina’s shocked expression she continued. “I started after seeing him survived such a crash.”
The photos were of the crash site Hayden was found in, it was like a crime scene. But that wasn’t what shook Alcina, it was the photo containing Hayden laying in the drivers seat, a tree branch thick enough had been lodged into his head that only his bottom jaw was visible.
Going through the photos more she picked up three that showed his head regenerating back, each one of them labelled four days apart. She stopped looking at the photos and went to read through the files.
“There you are.”
The Mistress snapped her head up and at the source of the sound, making sure to close the folder.
Hayden stood at the room entrance holding a small box, his smile towards Alcina moved over to Miranda as he looked at her. “Oh it’s you, the soup lady from a while back.” He walked towards Alcina and stood next to her. “It’s safe to say that I couldn’t find anything out of place, but I’ll still look around again tomorrow when I can.”
Giving him a satisfied smile, Alcina patted his shoulder. “Good job for making sure the area is safe.” She looked over at Miranda as her smile faded. “Hayden, this is Mother Miranda.”
Hayden blinked a few times before looking at the woman in question, his body straightening up. “Oh, so we have met before.” Walking over to her he extended his hand to greet her. “Well it’s still a pleasure to meet you.”
As Miranda took his hand, he leaned down and kissed it. The gesture made her smile in response and wanted to be vocal about it. “My my, what lovely manners.” She looked at Alcina. “You have done well, Alcina. The women back in my home will appreciate it when I bring him back with me.”
The last sentence caused the young man to stared at her puzzled. “Being me back with you?” He looked over at the tall Mistress. “What is she talking about?”
“I was going to tell you when you got back, but she surprised me with a visit before your return.” Alcina put her drink down on the table. “You’ll be staying with her for an experiment, it’s harmless judging by what’s involved and you’ll hopefully be home by tomorrow.”
Looking back at Mother Miranda, Hayden tilted his head and asked. “What kind of experiment?”
Standing up off the chair, Miranda answered. “I need you to have sex with a few women, get them pregnant. If it’s successful and the babies turn out fine, you don’t have to worry about being involved in their lives.” Noticing his frightened expression, she giggled. “Now that you know, we better get going. I’m in a bit of a rush.”
As she took his wrist to drag him out, he spoke up. “Wa-Wait. Before I go, I have something for Mother.” Alcina blinked a few times in confusion as Hayden walked over to her, handing her the box he was holding when he returned. “It took some time to finish, but I made you this.”
Before she could say anything in response, they left. Mother Miranda must’ve been in a rush.
Sighing in frustration, Alcina looked at the box before slowly opening it and gasped. She got out a choker necklace. The golden curb had small pearls connected to it with a flower matching the choker material dangling slightly on the center.
A blissful smile grew on the tall lady’s face, “It’s beautiful.” She whispered before putting it on, it fitted perfectly. Gently caressing the metal flower, she hummed.
Her humming stopped upon remembering the folder, looking down she opened it up again. Grabbing the files she flickering through them, she picked out the top file and read it. While reading it was clear that Mother Miranda is interested in Hayden, but it was in a twisted way. She felt sick to the stomach knowing that she'll likely mate with him, but they were already gone so there wasn't anything she could do. She closed the folder and rubbed her temple.
"She better return him."
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[Masterlist] Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers But as slow as you can go until the anticipation kills us all… Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS BUT IT WILL BE BURNING AN ETERNAL FLAME!!! Rating: PG-13 and above Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 1.7k Announcement: This one is a little longer and I didn’t get to explore as much as I wanted with the boys but, I think it will get there. But trust me there will be some talking next chapter. The boys are trying to distract themselves while they are feeling pretty rotten and it isn’t going as well as they hoped.
[Part 1]  [Part 20] [Part 22] [Tag Yourself Here]
Yoongi had been spending his time in the laundry listening to the constant churn of the machines, he moved the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer. Once they were finished he ironed and folded each piece, at some point he even learned how to hand stitch a few holes in items. He couldn’t stand being alone in his studio, which was such a strange notion and he didn’t know what else to do. It seemed the whir of the machines and the constant moving of his hands, gave him enough time to think. That dreaded conversation overlapping in his head again and again. He cried at some point as embarrassing as it was for him to admit but his words so brutal cut even him when he remembered the tone in which they were spoken.
Taehyung was taking his frustration out on the saxophone, he had locked himself in Jungkook’s studio and was playing obnoxiously loud until his lungs felt like they would give out. He was angry and wanted nothing more than to start a fight but he found this tired him out without bringing the conflict to the group. 
Jimin and Hoseok we’re keeping themselves busy online turning themselves out with posts and lives and people kept asking where the others had gone and why they looked so sad but no matter how hard they tried to deny it they knew they were just trying to escape their problems by focusing on the army. 
Each boy was overextending themselves, Namjoon putting himself into his writing and getting thoroughly pissed at the result of his work. He had stayed up through the night something he didn’t really like to do, walking to their dance lesson both on edge and exhausted. 
The boys were practicing their dance routines, not that they had to perform any time soon but with nothing else to do they just kept going over the choreography making sure it was ingrained into their memory. They were partway through the routine when Namjoon turned too quickly his arms held out a fraction further than intended. Smacking Jungkook to the ground. Jungkook felt a pop and he laid there in intense pain, they were worried crowding around.
“Jungkook, I am so sorry, are you okay?” Namjoon asked the younger boy, who was laying on the ground trying to muffle his pain. 
“I’m okay Hyung?” Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth. They tried to help him up despite his yelp and protest. They looked him over trying to examine him for damage when they noticed how his arm was hanging limply from his body.
“It looks worse than it really is” Wincing as he spoke wasn’t exactly convincing them. They contacted their health equivalent within the building who called the hospital for someone to collect him and perform proper care. They didn’t want to damage the shoulder further. 
“Please tell me if you feel the urge to push okay, or a stinging sensation” Asking for her clinic book you took pictures sending it to the doctor for him to translate and explain if there were any possible complications. Encouraging her to lean on her couch on her knees, you rubbed her back and helped her breathe through it. 
Her husband’s phone died about four hours in and she was crying for him. “He will be back okay” you assured her, “you are doing so well, this is your special moment between you and your baby.”
“I can’t do it without my husband” she cried “You can do it, you are tough, you are a beautiful powerful woman and you don’t need a man to prove how strong you are, Myunghee you got this okay, can I check to see if you are progressing?”
You asked nervously, she didn’t want to move and you knew it had to be time. Helping her to get into a comfortable position, Myunghee allowed you to check once more, according to the doctor she was ready and the baby was crowning. She had entered the second stage of labour and was ready to push. 
“Okay on your next contraction I want you to try to push, if it doesn’t feel right I want you to stop but pushing should almost feel relieving. When you push remember to breathe okay your baby needs oxygen. I will count for you each contraction you push for ten seconds okay” She nodded and the next contraction came and she started to push. 
“Breathe out two three four five in seven eight nine ten, okay how did that feel,” you said she nodded pushing continued for twenty minutes and Baby’s head was almost out “okay I need to check that the chord isn’t around the baby's neck so if I tell you to stop pushing, you have to stop, it will be hard but think about your baby okay at that moment think about how strong you are okay”
She nodded pushing again and you told her to stop, she did her body shaking as she cried out. “The cord is around the baby’s neck, let me move it okay”
You unraveled the cord while she was whimpering in pain. “Okay next push and I think your baby will be out. So big push okay use all your muscles okay” she nodded and you had moved everything you had sterilized in hot water. You didn’t have to wait long but you took a deep breath and got ready.
The baby came out and you caught it in a towel using a sterilized turkey baster to suction any fluid from the nose and the baby cried instantly. Taking the clamps from the bag and clamping the umbilical cord either side to be safe you cut it. In the middle, you wiped the baby down and smiled “it’s a little girl” you grinned and she held her baby in her arms. She began breastfeeding and you did a quick amount of research on breastfeeding and gave her some tips. 
You relayed the tips and she seemed grateful for the help, you waited to help her deliver the afterbirth and checked that it was completely whole and you smiled helping her into the shower and getting dressed. She laid on the bed and you handed the baby over. 
“I will stay and watch over you both until the other doctor comes” you measured and weighed the baby. You prepared some food for Myunghee and checked she was okay every few hours and you smiled telling the father his wife was sleeping and showed him his daughter telling him how much she weighed and how tall she was and the time she was born. 
He was ecstatic, “I will get her to call you the moment she wakes up” he continued to thank you. She woke later to the baby’s cries and you smiled. “How are you feeling, your so tough, your daughter will definitely be proud of her mother”
Myunghee smiled “I couldn’t have done it without you, you were really amazing you made me feel safe” “Yes you could have done it on your own, you got a call while you were asleep, I told him everything went well and you were both resting, tell him about how good you were”
She smiled talking on the phone with her husband and showing off their daughter, the walkie talkie went off. You moved away from her to answer, “this is Y/N. Miss Bu Myunghee has successfully given birth to a baby girl weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces and 48 centimeters long, both mother and baby seem quite well and are being monitored, there was no tearing or major bleeding from mother and baby is eating well. I can stay until the doctor comes out?”
“That would be ideal, please keep on the lookout for any signs of regression” they explained what to look out for and you nodded heading back inside.  “Come here” Myunghee beckoned and you rushed over alarmed.  “Is something wrong?”
“Miss we would like you to be our baby’s godmother,” the father asked in English and you looked shocked.  “Really?” You searched their expressions, they smiled nodding back.  “If you want to, you have done so much for is already” “I would love to, what is her name?”
“Choonhee, it means born in spring” “Little Choonhee, you are so cute” “Would you like to hold her?” You held your arm out and gently took the baby and smiled she was so small and your heart warmed with a feeling you thought lost, you tilted your head back crying”
Everything you said to Myunghee, about being strong and tough and that she didn’t need a man that all stemmed from you, that was your subconscious talking to you. You smiled wiping your eyes with your clean sleeve. You felt like you were rebuilding like an epiphany began that this was the pivotal moment. You had been tossing around back and forth your self worth about being nothing and something and it not mattering but now you were sure you were worth it, you always were in the ups and the downs you were worth it”
It took guiding someone else through there fears and suffering to realise you weren’t lacking anything.
“We will try to send someone over as soon as possible, Please ice the wound and call back if the situation changes or the issue worsens” The doctor from the clinic hung up feeling light-headed, he turned to the receptionist with a pale face. Staring at her while he dialed your number. 
“What seems to be the problem?” Your voice coming through the phone seems to have more color than he had heard in a long time” “We got a call, for a possible dislocation, there is too much swelling to re-position the joint safely but the problem is, it’s from that building”
“Which building?” “BigHit”  “Oh ok, I will head over, do you know who got hurt?” he blinked, surprised you didn’t completely collapse in on yourself at the mere mention of the company they came from.  “I think it was Jeon Jungkook”
“I will be around as soon as I can, will Myunghee be okay alone here, after just having a baby?” “You have been reporting her and her baby are in excellent condition and the ambulance will be collecting her and her child the moment the sun is out. I will notify the husband to call if anything seems to have gone wrong”  “Okay I will let her know and then I will head straight over”
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[Part 1]  [Part 20] [Part 22] [Tag Yourself Here]
Tags:@bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaebq​ @seveniefive​ @w0lfqu33n​ @anaiss97​ @moccahobi​ @maddymal​ @lilacdreams-00​ @lethargicalyssa​ @knjkitten​ @pieislife​ @bunnyboyenthusiast​  @vividwoosan​ @seesawsmin-flower​ @tinyunknownflower​ @gguksfilter​
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chelsfic · 4 years
Chapter 6/18 - Safety - Bucky Barnes x OC Soulmate AU
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Summary: Soulmate AU! Bucky/OC. Our soulmarks appear at the moment of our soulmate’s birth. The Asset’s mark appears in the Spring of 1987. The words imprinted into the skin of his forearm. “Please! Don’t hurt me…”
A/N: I wrote this fic over the course of 2017-2018 and it was originally published on AO3. Recently, I decided to do some light revisions in order to fix inconsistencies in the POV, some awkward diction and typos. Please note–I’m aware that a lot of people love this fic just as it is. This is not a rewrite, I won’t be changing major plot points and I’m purposely leaving most of the writing alone. Just sprucing it up. Since I wrote this before I started posting fic to Tumblr, I decided to take the opportunity of posting the revised chapters here as I edit them. If you got to the end of this A/N: thank you!!!
Warnings: Kidnapping, Angst, Violence, Eventual happy ending
The windows of the (clearly stolen) SUV were tinted almost totally black. There was no hope that anyone in a passing car would be able to discern Sophie through the window--so that avenue of seeking help was cut off. Even if she was daring enough to attempt a tuck and roll in the middle of a highway she couldn’t. He’d tied her wrists together with a nylon cord and roped them to the headrest in front of her. This not only impeded her from unbuckling her seat belt and opening the door, it also meant that she couldn’t lean back in her seat or lower her arms. So this was her state: arms numb and tingling, head aching from all the crying she’d done, body sore from her brief but intense struggle with the man, and the muscles of her lower back forming into one giant knot.
And she had to pee.
She squirmed in her seat for the millionth time in a vain attempt to seek comfort in an alternate position. She hadn’t spoken since he’d loaded her into the car almost an hour before, but she couldn’t take it anymore. She wiggled her hands through the gap at the bottom of the headrest so her fingers could nudge the back of his neck. Even now, she felt the tingle ripple through their soul bond when she touched his skin. This is so messed up.
“Hey, um, you. Man, I wish I knew your name... Maybe we could pick one?” he continued to glower stormily ahead, ignoring her chatter. His silence, like everything else about him, unnerved Sophie. “C-can we please stop soon? I have to use the bathroom.”
Maybe politeness was the way to go. If she couldn’t escape she was going to have to change his mind about whatever mission he was so hell bent on completing. She knew that he felt guilty about putting her through all this, she could feel it. So, he was conflicted but he didn’t think he could disobey orders from whoever was controlling him. Maybe she could work with this. They had a soulbond after all...she could really lay it on him and go for the guilt factor.
“Please! I’m hungry too. I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning.”
There it was. She felt the flair of guilt radiate through their bond. And something else. He was irritated with himself. Had he seriously forgotten about food?
“You have to feed me, you know. That’s, like, the care and keeping of soulmates 101. Food. And, you know, being nice to each other…”
He sighed quietly. “There’s a rest stop a few miles ahead. Will you make it?”
“Yes!” she squeaked hopefully. She returned to her quest for a more comfortable position, but left her fingers where they were, gently brushing the back of his neck. He hadn’t told her to move them after all. And even after all of this, physical contact with her soulmate felt...comforting.
The soldier had never considered what it would be like when he met his soulmate. He’d never had much time to consider anything outside his missions. He had the vaguest memory of the day they first discovered the mark. He’d felt...hope? It was the smallest spark but it was there, a seed planted within him all those years ago. Now she was here. But everything was wrong. He tried to think back to what he knew of soulmates and bonds. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be, was it? She wasn’t meant to be another mission. She was different, special. He felt the strong desire to protect her and keep her safe. He longed to hold her close to him but the exigencies of the last twelve hours had not allowed it. And now he had her tied up in the back of a stolen vehicle on their way to a Hydra conditioning center. This was all wrong.
When she said she was hungry he hated himself for not thinking of it last night. He’d taken her from her home when she was clearly already exhausted, driven her out of the city against her will, yelled at her, demeaned her, been physical with her and handcuffed her to a bed. And he’d neglected to consider her most basic human needs.
They pulled into the parking lot of a busy highway rest stop. He parked the vehicle and turned in his seat, looking at her with hesitation clearly written on his face. She seemed to read his expression. Or maybe she felt it through their bond. He could certainly feel her. She sent him a wave of comforting assurance.
“I...I won’t try to get away or anything. You don’t have to worry about that.”
She looked profoundly sad having to say those words. And the soldier felt another stab of self hatred that he had made her feel that he was someone to be escaped. He gave a single nod, took out his dagger and sliced through the cord connecting her wrists to the head rest. She nearly moaned in relief as her aching arms finally fell downward. He reached around the seat and gently unwound the cable from her wrists, wincing as the reddened skin beneath was revealed. He took a moment to rub up and down her arms, stimulating blood flow. The act of touching her seemed to fire his nervous system and the strange, invisible bond between them thrummed inside his chest. He tried to ignore the sensation. The girl sat there, eyes wide as saucers, staring at him.
He felt awkward as he spoke, “We’ll go inside and get something to eat.”
She gave him the smallest most pitiful smile and it quickly fell from her lips. But still, it touched the cold depths of his heart.
Inside the lobby of the rest stop, Sophie stood awkwardly at the man’s side. It was designed sort of like a mall food court with a few different food stalls lining the wall, a convenience store in one corner and a large bathroom entrance tucked into another corner. She shifted back and forth on her feet a little. He noticed her discomfort and immediately stalked toward the restrooms, his hand gently grasping her elbow.
“I’ll wait right here,” he said, indicating the spot immediately outside the ladies room. She nodded and went inside. She could still feel the tumult of his emotions riding through the soulbond. It pained her to feel her soulmate so conflicted. But the pain was justified, after all. This was not how it was supposed to be. She shuffled into the ladies room and made her way to the nearest stall. The bathroom was huge and she didn’t have to wait, thank God.
When she was finished she stood at a long bank of sinks rinsing her hands and staring at herself in the mirror. She looked...not good. She stood there for several minutes, allowing the never-quite-warm-enough water of the tap to run over her hands as she stared ahead. Her mind was blank, as if it’d had enough frantic thinking for one day and had given up. She nearly screamed when a redhead, slightly taller than herself slid up behind her and spoke into her ear.
“Sophie, follow me quietly we’re leaving here. I’m taking you someplace safe, understand?”
She locked eyes with the woman in the mirror, clearly weighing her options. Sophie had no idea what she was caught up in and didn’t know for sure that she’d be able to differentiate between help or danger. But something in the woman’s crystalline green eyes conveyed her sincerity and she silently nodded, following her into a supply closet at the back of the bathroom she hadn’t even noticed. As they entered she realized it wasn’t a closet at all, but a service corridor with an exit to the outside. The woman slunk ahead of her, cracked the exit door open and motioned to someone outside. Before she knew what was happening the woman was gone and she was being ushered into yet another nondescript vehicle by a couple of stoic looking men in dark suits. They shut the door behind her and she was alone. The A/C in the car blasted and she shivered against the cool leather upholstery.
About half a minute after they’d stuck her in the car she heard distant shouts and pops like fireworks...or guns. Then she felt the sickening tug on her soulbond. He was in pain, and panicked. She sensed his worry for her and his fear and confusion. She threw open the car door and burst forward, fully intending to find him and make sure he was okay. The men in suits immediately grabbed her and refused to allow her to leave.
“Let me go, please!” she shouted. “He needs me! He’s hurt!”
“Calm down, miss. Barnes will be just fine. Orders are to capture not kill.” She realized this dumb dumb had meant to comfort her, but the words capture and kill weren’t really doing it.
She growled furiously and struggled against them but they wouldn’t budge. She could still feel the man’s fear pulsing into her. In desperation she tried to comfort him, sending him waves of affection and peace. But if they got through to him she couldn’t tell.
She heard a tinny voice coming over a radio, “Suspect in custody. Is Ms. Reynolds accounted for?”
One of the men pulled a walkie talkie from his hip and responded, “We have her, Sir.”
“Alright, everyone proceed to SHIELD HQ, we’ll be right behind you.”
Sophie didn’t have time to consider what was happening as the men herded her back into the freezing cold car. She could only ponder the sudden quiet that had come over her bond mate.
tagged: @watsonwise​
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tb5-heavenward · 5 years
Prelude, I am COUNTING on you to write a post-finale series for TAG. You write the boys soooo well, you know their voices as if you were related to them and I must know how it all works out now that Jeff's back. Like, is Scott still in charge or does Jeff become the lead again? Do any of the boys (read: John, because we love him) have a hard time with the change? Are Pen and Ink official?! Who is the spy in the GDF?! What does Jeff think of EOS?! Who really is the Mechanic?! I need to know!!
okay well, boy, well okay
full disclosure, as of this answer I still haven’t found the mental energy or brainspace to watch the latest and lastest ep, which is a sad but accurate commentary on how far this show has fallen in terms of importance in my life, because I remember the early days of staying up til five in the goddamn morning, with fuckin hola vpn doing all manner of evil via my IP address, just to watch the latest eps live on ITV. But times change, and times have changed so much that I’m no longer awake at 5AM anyway because I have to nurse a one year old back to sleep, but instead I have to be in bed by 11:30 at the latest so I can walk a six year old to school. Times change.
Anyway, that personal note aside, as far as my writing goes, my major projects have always been a magnification of the aspects of TAG I find the most interesting. Heavenward dialed that lens in on John and EOS and the intensity of their relationship, Harvard likewise focused on John and his most fundamental nature, and these days TA’s focal point is on Gordon/Penny as a couple and the way that all of the relationships both within and without this family ripple outward and overlap and interfere with each other, like a handful of stones thrown into still water.
I’ve been pretty transparent about how I feel re: TAG and the way its latest season went, and the problem with me taking the metaphorical cueball of TAG’s canon and trying to bank a post-series fic into the corner pocket is that I fundamentally disagree with the arc that canon’s taken, pretty much from the end of Season 2. Right up to the finale of S2 there’d been nothing I couldn’t manage to work with, barring a few mental tweaks and adjusted details here and there, but S3 just went so buck fuckin’ wild compared to what I would’ve done, storywise, that to try to write past the end of it is fairly untenable for me personally. 
And while those are all interesting questions, I’ve already addressed a lot of them. The spy in the GDF was a literal fucking rando in a goddamn raccoon burglar mask with a walkie talkie in hand. That is how far the writing had fallen, because if you want a couple of those questions answered right here and now, the mole in the GDF should have been Colonel Casey. And who the Mechanic really was should’ve been was Casey’s son, kidnapped and brainwashed and leveraged against her by the Hood, because that’s a poetic and perfect and poignant level of betrayal---Casey betraying IR as a mother who loves her son, as much as those boys ever loved their father.
Anyway. Here’s the bigger problem I have right now.
(TA spoilers-ish below the cut, a loose discussion of the map of the rest of the story, leave this unread unless you want some insight into my process re: currently unanswered but fairly obviously rhetorical questions and the overall arc of the story)
What the finale does do is makes me ask a fairly critical question about the work I have ongoing now, and makes me wonder if I might want to make it into the venue where I explore what I would’ve done with the series’ larger plot (ie: see above re: colonel casey). talented amateurs is, as mentioned above, fundamentally a fic about exploring relationships within IR. TA is my homage to the art of the slow burn, only I’ve done it bassackwards on account of the pair of them fell in love and promptly slept together within the first five chapters of the work. TA also started as a straight-up mood piece, just something to explore what that moment of an initiated relationship between Gordon and Penelope would look like. Needless to say, it blossomed, and now about 200k later, here we are.
In the same manner that TA wasn’t initially intended to be the behemoth it’s become, it was also at one point a question whether the thrust of the plot would concern Penelope’s pregnancy. Obviously it does now, and the works that follow it will continue along that essential arc---that’s the fundamental three act structure of this story, the three trimesters of pregnancy.
But ever since it started getting serious and started making itself apparent as my Next Big Thing, its been teetering on the knife’s edge of the question: Do I want to bring Jeff Tracy into this? Do I want to overshadow the future of IR with the spectre of its past? Do I want to bring him back?
Because the thing with TAG is that, if you’re the sort of person who can perceive the fundamental shape of an overall story---even one as disconnected and disjointed as TAG’s was---it was always transparently apparent that one day they would find their father. It was the series’ biggest macguffin and it’s kind of like, invisibly woven into the tapestry of the narrative. I can’t even quite clearly articulate why it always seemed so obvious---probably simply because they open the show by searching for that last desperate trace of him, but there was never a doubt in my mind that one day that would be the resolution of that question and the ultimate expression of the boys as IR. Their father wasn’t dead and they got to save him.
So it seems like any fic taking place in TAG’s verse must have that truth baked into it---their dad isn’t dead. He’s out there somewhere, alive and findable. I think the question of where could be more compellingly and believably answered than by “he’s been fridged in the fucking Oort Cloud for eight goddamn years” and I think as a writer I could take the bones of the show we’ve got and craft a more interesting version of that story. TA is a Season 2 AU in the same way that hwd is a Season 1 AU, and as far as canon is concerned, it doesn’t consider anything from S3 to be true. In TA, the Hood is still in prison and he’s going to stay there. Havoc and Fuse and Rigby don’t exist. The Mechanic is the biggest unanswered question, but also no longer IR’s problem. As far as TA’s cast is concerned, their dad is dead as a goddamn doornail.
And maybe that would be the bolder move. Maybe he could just be dead and that’s the deeper and more interesting and more poignant thought. What I can’t decide about TA is whether or not I want it to catch a case of Plot. It’s a double-edged sword, because on the one hand, the interpersonal happenings of this story are easily as interesting than anything like an actual high-stakes narrative about their father being alive could be. But equally I know I could tell that story as well or better than the actual writers actually did, and it seems silly to pretend that I’d ever do it elsewhere, though it would be a hell of a thing if I did, and I only know that because I’ve done it already.
Anyway. I’ll know in about ten chapters or so. Til then the coin’s still in the air.
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jaydcstories · 5 years
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Read this and other stories on my blog: JOHN DEE COOPER'S ALL-MALE SLAVERY STORIES
PAULO by John Dee Cooper © 2020
Chapter 7 Incredible to believe, but only the day before this I’d been free. OK, I was a runaway hiding in the woods, but at least I had choices. I could have chosen to turn around and go back to the orphanage. I could have chosen to find work somewhere and build a new life. But instead I chose to stow away on a truck, and because of that one stupid decision I had lost everything and become a slave — although it was still a struggle to get my head round what that really meant.  
The road away from the Slave Processing Centre was long and winding. It seemed to go on forever, and although the buggy Señor Boronda was driving wasn’t travelling very fast there was no let up. I wasn’t used to running, and it isn’t easy keeping your balance when your thumbs are tied behind your back. I was terrified of tripping up and getting strangled by the rope that linked our collars together.
The tarmac bruised our feet and although it was a chilly night our bodies were dripping with sweat. Luis seemed to be coping alright. He was more athletic than me and was striding along bravely. But poor little Tomas was having difficulty keeping up.
I kept going over in my head what the Señor had said about his special English clients and their Brothels. I knew what a brothel was of course. But what made the English ones so different? And by now of course I realised he was talking about me as well as Luis and Tomas. We were the three items of cargo he was so desperate to get on to the English ship. But what exactly was going to happen to us after that?
I was truly scared now. I was running towards a terrible unknown fate. Everything about me, my nakedness, my shaved head, the leather strap around my balls (which was stinging like hell), the metal tag sewn into my ear, each of these was a curse. I wanted to shout out for help, but I couldn’t. I was too frightened. And anyway I was out of breath.
When we finally got to the dockside, the Señor stopped the buggy which meant with our thumbs tied we all stumbled blindly into the back of it, giving Miguel an opportunity to give us one final wallop with his riding crop.
I was in agony. I had a stitch in my side. I was panting so hard that my throat was on fire and I felt sick. I was angry too. It was as if I was being punished for something I hadn’t done. Even running away from the orphanage didn’t deserve being forced to run stark naked through the open street. And anyway I was sure they couldn’t make you a slave without giving you some kind of warning. How did I know if it was official? How did I know they hadn’t just made it up? I wanted to shout at the old man and tell him to stuff all that shit about service and sacrifice — but instead my knees buckled under me and I threw up.  
Señor Boronda, who obviously didn’t give a fig about me being sick, grabbed my collar and hauled me onto my feet.
An official in uniform, the dockyard foreman or something, appeared and took a note of what was written on our ear tags. Then he started talking to the Señor in a language I didn’t understand. It might have been German, but thinking about it now, it was probably English. Whatever it was, it ended up with us being led away to another part of the dockyard by a couple of workers. I call them workers but judging from their pierced ear-lobes and shaved heads they must have been slaves as well. But because they wore shorts, tee-shirts and sandals, they were way above us and could boss us around as much as they liked — which they did.
Once we were out of earshot of the Señor, we started firing questions at these workers. It turned out they were all foreigners, though they could speak Spanish pretty well. They were armed with canes and used them to bully us back into silence — but not before dropping a few hints about us having to be “cleaned out” before we could be loaded onto the slave ship. I had no idea what they were talking about but I think Luis did, because he pulled a face and swore.
They took us to a secluded spot behind a low wall. This, we were told, was the “cleaning area” though it just looked to me like an open drain. There were three steps leading down to a narrow stream of running water and we had to stand on the top step with our backs to the stream. Our thumbs were still tied and the rope linking our collars had been tethered securely to the wall so we couldn’t move. And then we had to bend over while the workers went along inserting the ends of thick rubber hoses into our arseholes.
It was quite a job as we were all virgins in that area and it took a lot of poking around with their fingers before they could ease the hose-pipes in. And we weren’t exactly co-operating. They had to gag Tomas to stop him howling, and I kept trying to kick them away — which ended with me getting a nasty caning on the back of my thigh.
I still hadn’t got over my attack of nausea so it was quite a struggle when they started to pump the water in and my bowels began to swell up. What made it worse, they kept poking our stomachs to see how full we were. Any sign of leakage and we got whacked with the cane.
Soon the pressure was so intense there was no way of disguising the agony. But they kept pumping the water in until I thought my stomach was going to explode. Even after they’d taken the hose-pipes out, we still had to hold it in, and to make things worse, they made us run on the spot — they said it was to make sure the water worked its way through our systems, but thinking back on it now it was probably just so they could have a good laugh at our expense. They were giggling a lot as we begged them to let us empty our cramped bowels.
But what a glorious relief it was when they finally gave the word and the contents of our aching bowels cascaded down the concrete steps. We’d only had a mouthful of porridge to eat all day so it was mainly just liquid, but we squeezed out every last drop until our overseers were satisfied that our bowels were completely empty.
I felt surprisingly alive, as if the whole inside of my body had been cleaned out. The night air was sharp but pleasant and I began to feel a little more confident about coping with the challenges ahead.
It must have been around midnight now and the floodlit dockyard had a strange, unearthly quality about it, with the shadow of the cliffs looming up behind us and the open sea ahead, stretching out into unfathomable darkness.
Two ships towered over the dockside like sleeping giants. It seems that most of the cargo had already been loaded onboard, but there were still a few crates and barrels standing around in neat piles along the quay’s edge.
One small area in particular, on the side furthest from the waterfront, caught my attention. Penned in by a crude wooden fence, and under the watchful eye of several armed guards, were about fifty or sixty slaves — men, women and children of all ages and races. They were close enough for me to see them quite distinctly. Like us they all had metal tags hanging from their ears and were completely naked, with their heads shaved and their hands bound behind them — even the children, of which there were more than a dozen. They looked as if they had been waiting a long time. They had probably been off-loaded during the previous day and were waiting either to be taken inland for sale, or to be put aboard another ship to continue their journey. Some of them were lounging around, some appeared to be asleep, others were just standing there staring at the dockyard. But what struck me most was how quiet they were. One or two were humming dolefully, some were whispering to one another, but most of them were simply waiting silently, wondering what unknown destination awaited them.
I’d just started to ask myself the same question, when I was knocked off my feet by a jet of cold water. The workers were giving us a final hose down before taking us back to the quayside, where the foreman was waiting for us. The ship’s cargo officer had joined him, but there was no sign of Señor Boronda. He’d finished his business here and gone back to deal with Rico and Adolpho, I suppose, leaving us in the hands of total strangers who spoke a language we couldn’t understand. Tomas pressed up close to me, but I was just as frightened as him and if my thumbs hadn’t been tied I would have put my arms round him. Luis was the bravest of us, and I wondered how much he already knew about what was going on.
The cargo officer looped a chain through our collars and pulled us over to one of the big ships. We stood shivering in the shadow of its huge metal hull while he made a call on his walkie-talkie. We heard the distant rattle of a crane and watched as a small wooden crate was lowered over the side of the ship to a spot a few feet away from us. The cargo officer pulled open one of its sides and told us to get in. It was made of rough wooden slats bound together with rope and didn’t look very sturdy. It wasn’t very big either. There was just enough room for the three of us to squeeze in. We huddled together convinced it was going to fall apart as soon as it left the ground.
The signal was about to be given to haul us up when there was a shout from the other side of the quay. The cargo officer made some hurried calls on his walkie-talkie, opened the crate and pulled us out again.
It seems there was more last minute cargo to be loaded aboard.
Running towards us were two naked slaves. One was Caucasian, the other a Negro, and both had herculean bodies. The Caucasian was leaner and more athletic in build and his head was partly shaved, leaving a streak of hair down the middle, Mohican style. But the Negro was all muscle. His skin was as black as ebony and there was not a hair on his head or his body. As they got nearer I could see that there were pieces of metal attached to every part of him, including his nose, ears and cock. Both slaves were heavily endowed and they had steel rings round their balls, which made their loose genitalia bang against their thighs as they ran.  
I remember noting at the time that there was no-one attending them. They had been sent over on their own, and when they arrived they stood quietly to attention awaiting orders. These were serious, fully trained slaves. Not scared and bewildered rookies like us. And they were a lot older and way, way bigger than us. Was this what we were meant to grow up to be?    
The cargo officer and the foreman discussed what to do and came out in favour of jamming us all in the same crate. How they managed it I couldn’t say because I was in a state of shock. I’d never seen such muscular men before, let alone been  squashed up naked in a wooden box with them. These two giants were put inside first and we had to squeeze in around them, so that our backs were jammed against the wooden slats and our noses pressed against their sweaty bodies. With my thumbs still tied behind me I had to bury my face in the Negro’s massive chest to steady myself. He was still heaving from his run. The heat coming from his body was overpowering and I could actually feel his sweat dribbling down my chest. His pulse was thumping and his enormous cock was pushing its way between my legs — almost lifting me off my feet!
I managed to twist my head round enough to see that Luis was jammed up against the white slave and poor Tomas was stuck somewhere in the middle.
It was a living nightmare. Luis, Tomas and I shrieked like babies when the crane started to lift us off the ground, the wooden slats bending and creaking under our combined weight. We pressed ourselves tightly against the two older slaves, who were completely nonplussed by the whole business. They’d probably been through this a hundred times before. I could hear the white slave chuckle quietly, but the Negro was as silent and as steady as a rock, even though I was sticking to him like glue.
As we swung high above the dock I was convinced that the crate was going to snap into pieces and send us hurtling to our deaths. If my hands had been free I would have clung to the Negro, as it was, all I could do was cushion myself as best I could against his thick leathery muscles and take comfort in the hot musky smell of his black flesh.
Daring myself to peer down through the cracks in the wooden crate, I watched as we swung up over the ship’s side and then, after hovering for a moment above the deck, dropped down towards a giant black hole.
I couldn’t bear to watch anymore. I looked up at the Negro’s face and just as our eyes met, I detected the flicker of a smile as we were plunged into total darkness.
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Jane Eyre - 1934 - 4/5
Vodka-less and tired and very cold, we begin our journey to the very first talkie version of Jane Eyre.
ow my bra hurts. I wish I had vodka. this is so sad. wait i have a rokerdelig brb. depression strikes syet again - i drank it earlier. alright lets get started in the 30s whoop. wow audio quality 10/10 lolol. opening with john reed hunting her down and she's blonde oh no she's been found.  holy fuck he's throwing shit at her - SLAP BITCH GET HIM. nooooooooNOOOO why is it errored. okay fixed. aunt mary? oh damn she collapsed cause he pitched that cup at her what an ass - bessie is reading to her naw. she's cut out of a lot of them and never shown so kind at the time she's actually. oh shit. ahaha 'they're bad and i hate them.' 'since you hate us so much i bet you'll be happy to know i'm sending you to an orphanage.' 'yes i am happy' looool. 'go away! GO AWAY! goodbye!" hell yeah lil Jane you stand up to that bish. not quite the snappy shebang she says in the others but very satisfying nonetheless - a lot braver and more obstinate love it. oh no her curls snip snip. ohh her hair is cute af. and very 30s ahaha what a coincidence. wow she talks back like hey ahah. she's looking down at lowood preacher dude down her nose ahah. didn't say hell? ahahaha omg this is great so far. she's the best lil Jane I think I've seen. ohh interesting way to show passing of time - the flipping book pages and the showing of the top of the next chapter - skipping quite a few ahead. skipped helen? straight to her ahah oh shit -- teaching. she's standing up to brocklehurst like no ones business. 'you're dismissed! get out!' 'I'll get out - gladly!' ohmygod she's great she's so great none of that simpering and passivity she's taking the world by the balls.  'you cruel dingy childbeater!' 'you ought to be tarred and feathered you ugly old crocodile!' lmao im in love with her. she walks off laughing and happy about being dismissed. miss temple loves her and gonna miss her so sweet, brocklehurst was like holy damn wtf. ahaha her drivers a drunk, fukn flying across the road she's like bye m8. she's proud and above him and annoyed she has to walk rather than die in a carriage crash. oh damn now she meets no? yeah she's not even made it --oh fuck that horse FLIPPED. she helps unprompted and isn't hesitant in talking back and speaking up oh my god she just stalked off after helping him up ahaha. ahaha oh shit the drunk driver works at thornfield and when they asked why she walked instead of taking the carriage she covered his ass and said she just wanted to walk through the meadows and he's like oh thank fuck thank you jesus she just rolls her eyes with a smile. she speaks 3 languages and draws and plays - very accomplished. he's adele's uncle? Samuel Poole ey what a g m8. and he warns her out of the blue to keep her door locked at night. that 30s makeup is crazy awesome. round face, rosy cheeks, long brows and dark eye makeup and lips. short hair. Adele gives her the tour. she's proud and self-assured. poh damn they're only allowed on one side of the house - sam is married to grace poole. just dunno why she's blonde? probs cause she's supposed to be like angelic? anyway she's gorgeous and the angles are nice and the lighting is good--andw what era are these dresses jfc there's no way she could afford that dress fuck. and who curled her hair and that's a low bow whats happening it looks like a southern gone with teh wind situation. he's smaller than she is. he's bathed in darkness - the light is dimmer on him than her. she's even got a necklace. they're not sitting by the fire. he was too busy looking at her to notice her giving his tea. awkward sips ahaha. it's got like a diamond on the necklace. he looks like he's squatting on that tiny chair. oh shit she's gonna sing instead of play. yikes i hope she can--she's literally taller than him. oh she's gonna play and sing. she looks like blanche is supposed to look? and of course she can sing - all framed by candlelight and hanging crystals. the audio is crackling ahah wow incredible they can do it at all - one of the first talkies damn. 'lovely' wow she a mary sue? please don't be a mary sue.sings and yeets outta there not even finished her tea. far out that dress is not doing it for me. what world would a governess be dressed like that? she wears nothing but white. and journalling is never a good idea. but my god she's gorgeous---lots of SCREAMINGGG. and they're telling Jane that its just a servant and its clearly not grace poole doing the screaming? Fairfax knows? Jane can't blame Grace? Jane's like not freaked about it - i suppose she's journalling about it. Adeles a 'mischief' lol nice. she's ran from her lesson and climbed a tree and now she's stuck up there and Jane like doesn't hesitate just scales that tree after her 'uncle edward help! my foot's caught!' 'her foot's caught' 'her foot's caught, so i gathered.' he seems so gentle and kind and pleasant. gets adele out of the tree - 'and where would you like this package delivered, miss eyre?' ahaha cute ooh they know when rochester is leaving to london. he's handsome i'll give him that, it's better --wait when was blanche introduced. asking him when he's getting married and he says next month and adele asks if he's gonna marry blanche and he avoids the question and she starts on but is interrupted by a frantically gesticulating Jane shaking her head, and she cuts herself off and skips away all innocvently lol til she slips moron kid hit her knee ahahaha what a dumbass. Jane's helping clean the chandelier? and Adele is helping as well, that's cool. wtf this kids a moron getting herself headdown stuck in a vase and JAne smashes that shit and snaps at Rochester's amused quip at breaking his shit and blanche laughs and Jane turns on her lol what a savage and storms off. dancing around her room to the sound of the music downstairs that's nice and cute I'd do the same thing ahaha. she's all petulant cause brought blanche who hasn't been introduced properly? is she gonna put her fancy dress on? no? i hope not. damn they're in a ball room? nice. blanche has dark hair and looks much older than any other, not a bad thing just different. they call her beautiful and pretty - not even trying to pretend she's plain and simple. he's suddenly all over her staring intensely and accompanying her into the room and now they're dancing no way? no? no. governesses and landowners don't dance? she's down here without adele. he's sad she didn't dress up - she didn't want to appear as anything than what she is : a governess! at least she's proud of it. he's amused. and charmed. she thinks he's mocking her. now they're being introduced - an interesting way of doing things but rather natural compared to immediately knowing each other. Adele's sitting here with some old guy talking shit about people wow that's mean. fkn kids and this lord ingram is encouraging the hell out of her ahaha. but when she taunts him suddenly its not so funny ahaha. blanche is nice but sarcastic? it's a wedding party ooooh? adele m8 letting things slip? it's 2am and she's dreaming of him - and damn she's going straight for the curtains with that candle and its not lighting? then we see an altogether put together lady return with teh candle to the room upstairs before crazy cackling. god Jane is pretty. oh shit the house is on fire. nah just his room. there's no dramatic music - yes! she's the one to tear down the curtains and open the window - she's legit the most assertive main character i've seen - he's woken up and the fire is like already out. she's got this sorted all he has to do is give her a blanket 'why didn't you call for help?' 'I didn't think it necessary...' noice. here have some alcohol - from the same cup: might as well kiss. she burnt her hands and HE KISSED THEM. she's like bye. she is outies not taking any of his affections like she got better things to do, like sleep. he's in her room? he brought her a book. they're standing very close. he wants her to help redecorate the west wing - he's quite sure he's getting married in a month and that she'll have things to suit the lady's taste. eyeyeyeyyy. its a pupppppppppppyyyyy. oh it's adele's room. ohmygod so fuckin cute rochester is putting adele to bed and she's saying that she wants an aunt that she can choose and she wants it to be miss eyre and he says she wont have them and she says he has to ask her and she'll make sure she says yes. 'that'd be very nice'. cute af ma8. 'don't forget to ask her!' he grins happily. she chooses a cutain (?) and rochester jumps in 'we prefer this one!', and ol mate says 'i congratulate the lady on her discerning taste - the room will look delightful!' what a thing to say. she looks fkn miserable lolol she thinks she's choosing shit out for blanche - they're choosing out jewels now. she's fkn despondent. she flees the jewellers, he follows her and she cries and tells him she's off on holiday. he's not happy like did you think that would go well?? she's not even saying goodbye to him ahaha bye adele and fairfax nevermind here he is marching up the stairs weren't you gon' say goodbye????? tajes her bags and back upstairs to show her the room she designed? she loves it and he's happy and taking the coat off - 'it's incomplete' 'incomplete? everything seems to be in its proper place - what's missing?' 'you.' ohmygodddddddd. 'can't you see i've been falling in love with you all of this time?' rochester yaaaassss. she's not about to argue lol. whoops - 'you must never decieve me again' she chides lovingly and he laughs and shakes his head. like duuuuude i haven't forgotten this is Jane Eyre. okay he's very handsome and she's gorgeous what a lovely couple. now she's dressed in enormous dresses and jewels much more fitting now I suppose, though she did just say she didn't want to be lavished and pampered. oh what the fuck lol what 'edward my husband!' ahaha oh shit bertha just popped nicely out of nowhereeeee -'you can't separate me from my husband again! no one shall!' oh shit. oh shit. wow that was so brushed over - 1930s sensibilities??? Jane's like uhhhh what was that explain yourself he's like I love you you make me so happy i didn't want to tell you I was married to a psycho that I keep in the attic and take care of. she almost forgave him then he rushed off to help with his violent wife - what she gon do?? she waiting forever surely not she's better than that. yas ohmygod is she gone? SHES GONE AHAHAHA YAS DAMN GO GIRL. she wrote a goodbye note to Adele but not him ahaha savage I love her. ohh a star wars cut noice. he's just gon sit in his library? took mrs fairfax to be like yo dude she couldn't have gone very far ahah she's hiding from him in the shadows all misery and rain. searching for her in the dark- thornfield's on fire! oh yikes it's seriously on fire.  get out of there ya;ll. it's so odd not to have any action music oh damn he's going into the house to get bertha he's in his tophat ahaha fire effects! fire effects! fire effects! whoo. she's found herself in a soup kitchen very nice Jane you're an angel. she's going to india huh oh damn we speeding through this bit - 30 seconds after we meet Rivers he's proposing ahaha. she looks insulted, thanks him and storms out. she's pouring soup an hour before her wedding to Rivers and Sam's just popped up looking fucked uppp. i think he's just drunk tbh. bertha burned to death. Jane's frantic and upset m8 and yeah Sam's drunk af. so JAne went to him - he's blind and angry and an't see her and she's crying and he's shocked my god he's in the light and he's in the dark and he's reaching toward the light and touching her face - lol she raced back to thornfield in a day. lol you want some tea Eyre, it's nice for you to call. he's convinced ---ohhhhh--- "strange, you pity me when I'm blind and yet when I was worse than blind you had no mercy.' he's sending her awayyyyy noo he literally just told her they never belonged to each other and they never did like damn son that is fuckin colldddddd. she's so emotional and he's like yep I guess. She was awesome, he was handsome and had his fine moments. It was cute af m8 noice.
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harvest-honeymoon · 6 years
Tearing Gatsby A New One
hancock’s in the mood for a petty chat, so he asks anna her thoughts on The Great Gatsby. nick eavesdrops.
this is dialogue practice that I really liked writing so I’m putting it up here. Anna has a Transatlantic accent which takes a little wrestling for me. XD
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16096250
“Simply put, I can’t stand it.”
Anna took a drag from her cigarette as she looked out over the balcony of The Old Statehouse, Hancock looming besides her.
“And not so simply put?” Hancock asked.
His grin invited Anna to be petty. The buzz of Mentats made him alert and eager to hear some conversation. Otherwise, he’d probably get to thinking about himself too much.
“The Great Gatsby is a badly written, poorly characterized, and overrated work of a narcissistic hack. You’d hate it if you read it.”
Nick’s audio processing heightened across the hall. Instinctually, he turned his head their way a couple degrees.
“That’s still comprehensible, Anne,” John let out a raspy chuckle. “Come on. Foam at the mouth a little.”
“Should I be worried a ghoul is asking me to do that?” Anna asked.
“You should be more worried throwing a comment like that outside my place,” Hancock replied, though good natured.
“My apologies,” Anna said. She dipped her head a little, taking another drag.
“Still, though, it’s quite a bloated read, even for its time. Prose was simplifying then from the Victorian era, with the loosening up of social norms.”
“Uh huh,” Hancock replied, somewhat listening. Anna rolled her eyes.
“Do you want to know how far Fitzgerald went out of his way to make himself sound poetic?” Anna asked.
“How far?” Hancock challenged.
“Have you ever heard of a seismometer?”
Nick’s head turned a little more. His thoughts pulled away from the next case he had planned and more with the current conversation.
“No,” Hancock said with a shrug. “But that’s Latin, right?
“Close,” Anna agreed. “It’s Greek. Seismo-, from seismos, ‘earthquake’, and meter, from metron, meaning ‘measure.’ Such a device was also known as a seismograph.”
“And it’s some kind of... Counter, right?” Hancock guessed. “But for earthquakes.”
“Right you are,” she nodded. “The device had existed for hundreds of years, but the word seismometer was coined in 1841. I’m afraid I can’t remember by who, though.”
“So what’s this got to do with Scotty Fitzgerald and his shit book?” Hancock snickered.
“The Great Gatsby was published in 1925,” she explained. “And he mentions a seismometer in the introduction of the book... In the most abysmal way I’ve ever heard.”
Nick felt a flash coming on. He can’t remember where he is, but he knew he was a younger man and he had Gatsby in his human grip. Past feelings of rapt interest bubbled among present day surprise and suspicion. He squinted at the wall, across the spiral staircase, trying to pick out the words he surely read then.
“So The Great Gatsby is told by another character, Nick Carraway, to us,” Anna explained.
”Nick is what we used to call a framing device. He sets the story as it’s meant for the reader to see.”
“Uh huh,” Hancock nodded.
Valentine’s brows furrowed.
“Nick was friends with Gatsby,” she continued, snuffing her cigarette. She left a black mark on the white paint of the balcony.
“But Gatsby died, and his aim in this first chapter is explaining the profoundness of Gatsby’s existence.”
“This already sounds wordy an’ you haven’t even gotten to the quake counter,” Hancock grinned.
”God, it really is,” Anna laughed. “We were forced to read it, when I was a younger girl in the Vault. I hated every page.”
Nick’s fingers drummed on his own knee. Human impulses creeped through a steel and wire skeleton as he listened.
“You were sayin’?” Hancock said, now turned fully her way. He flicked his cigarette off the balcony and onto the ground below, nearly landing it in someone’s hair.
“So Nick uses the seismometer in a metaphor, to try and explain the effects of Gatsby’s death. And get this.”
Anna turned Hancock’s way, but her eyes didn’t hold his. Such was her way, when she got passionate.
“This is how he uses it.”
She put her hands out in front of her, gesticulating as she spoke, like a silent movie star on talkie film for the first time.
“Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book,” she quoted. “Was exempt from my reaction.”
“Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.”
Hancock raised his eyebrows, or lack there of. Nick turned Anna’s way more, out of his trance and in the now. The synth’s expression disguised the intensity of his thoughts and internal calculations with this new information.
“How on Earth can you write a novel, for anyone,” Anna asked. “And think that’s the least bit legible?”
Hancock barked out a laugh, the chems accenting his reaction.
“And you said that word, seismometer, was around... What? 84 years before he sat down and wrote that?”
“Yes!!!” Anna said, throwing her hands in the air. “That had to be in the public lexicon! You can’t tell me people of the 1920s were so booze blinded and sex addled, they didn’t know the word seismometer!”
“God, that is fuckin’ stupid when you put it like that,” Hancock wheezed. “Was the guy bein’ paid by the word or some shit?”
“Probably!” Anna agreed exasperatedly, earning another snicker from the ghoul besides her. “Knowing how pulp fiction was published, then.”
She lowered her hands and sighed, labored by her experience of reading the book. Hancock looked across the room to Nick, grinning and eager to sip more of the metaphoric tea the two served.
“Would you happen to know anything about that, Nick?”
Valentine blinked and looked his way. He chose to play dumb, still getting his thoughts together.
“About what?” the synth asked.
“About... Y’know, what she said,” Hancock said. “Pulp fiction and quake counters and stuff.”
Nick looked to Anna. Anna seemed a bit sheepish now, realizing she’d gone on a rant, but... The way her lips pursed made Nick feel things, good and bad. It reminded him of interrogations with faceless people, beyond his time.
“Can’t say I heard,” Nick replied. “I was running a diagnostic while you two were talkin’.”
Anna breathed a quiet sigh of relief. It was mostly invisible, save for her nostrils. Nick noticed, but made no comment.
“Aw, forget it,” Hancock said, grinning and waving his hand dismissively. “It’s nothing.”
“You should probably get goin’, huh, Anne? I’ve been shooting the shit so long, it’s a case of the runs.”
Anna rolled her eyes with the comment.
“Did you come up with that one yourself or is that the Mentats talking?” Anna quipped with a motherly tone.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Hancock asked.
Nick shook his head with a grin and stood up, crossing the divide between the three of them to stand by Anna’s side.
“Alright, alright,” he said. “We’re burning daylight with your banter. You still open to making that terminal sing, Lovett?”
“Depends,” Anna replied. “What does it hold?”
“I’ll tell you on the way over,” Nick said. “Not exactly keen on admitting that sort of thing here.”
Hancock smiled knowingly.
“That’s a good call,” Hancock agreed. “You two have fun.”
Nick gave John a little nod, then headed for the stairs. Anna followed after him, though she looked over her shoulder to wave to Hancock. Hancock reciprocated, letting them go.
Nick kept himself quiet until they’d gotten out of the Old Statehouse, halfway between the colonial building and the door to the Commonwealth. Once there, he couldn’t help himself.
“Gatsby‘s a favorite of mine, you know.”
He shot Anna a playful smile. Anna gasped in mock offense.
“And The Shadow dresses in all black. Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
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chewykookie11 · 6 years
Bonding Desire jjk | 4
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chapters: 4/17
pairing: jungkook x oc
summary: all she did was speak her mind at a fan meet. not a good idea when jungkook is in one of his moods. little did she know that she was destined to meet him. destined to be forced to remain within 45 feet of the idol.
status: complete | editing
word count: 2255
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
A/N: the italicized text is special!
“There’s no way this was just a coincidence. They both fainted at the same time,” Jimin reasons.
“They don’t have fevers, and they’re not pale or sickly. They really just fainted for no reason.”
“I guess we’ll just have to wait until they wake up” I hear voices in the distance, but I don’t have the energy to get up. Ugh. My head hurt so much. Why did my body feel so heavy?
“Why do I have such a bad headache?” Jungkook? Why is he speaking in my head? Am I still dreaming?
“Jungkook?” I call out tentatively inside my head.
“Yeah? Wait... Cathleen? How are you in my head?!”

“How are you in mine?!” We both jerk awake, immediately sitting up in bed. Bad idea. We groan as our headaches grow more intense.
“This has got to be the worst headache I’ve ever had,” Jungkook whines, rubbing his temples.
“Hey, you two are up!” Jin immediately runs a few tests to check our blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. “You’re perfectly healthy. Nothing is out of the ordinary.”
“Except for this horrible headache,” I groan.
“Well yeah, except for that,” he snorts. He hands us a couple painkillers to hopefully ease the pain, before leaving us alone in the room.
“I can’t even remember what happened.” My head turns towards Jungkook. His mouth hadn’t moved at all.
“Did you just say that?”
“Say what? I didn’t say anything,” he answers in confusion.
“You said you can’t remember anything.” His eyes widen.
“I said that in my head, not out loud. How did you hear that?” I hold up a finger, telling him to wait. I close my eyes, and “speak” a random sentence. “Your favorite color is emerald green?” My eyes shoot open.
“You can hear the thoughts in my head,” I gasp.
“I think it’s more like we can talk to each other in our heads,” he snorts.
“I thought that only happened in like Harry Potter.”
“Well, either we just took a wrong turn into Hogwarts, or something is really wrong with us.”
“Do we tell the others?”
“I feel like they would freak out. I mean we kinda are and we’re the ones experiencing it.” I sigh. He’s right
“Let’s keep it a secret for now until we can figure out more about what’s going on. I’m going to get changed. If something else happens-” I tap my head with a smirk, insinuating that he could just call for me telepathically.
I rummage through my drawers, looking for my favorite pair of leggings. Finally finding them, I turn around a bit too quickly, hitting my funny bone against the dresser. I hiss at the unwelcome feeling that spread throughout my whole arm.
“What just happened?”
 Jungkook asks.
“What do you mean?” 

“I just felt a dull pain in my elbow.”
 I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.
Which elbow?” I ask.
“Left. Why?
“I just hit my funny bone on the dresser. The left one.”

“So we can feel each other’s pain as well?”

“I’m so confused as to what is going on,” I groan.
“I think we need to tell them. We can’t figure this out on our own. I’ll call a meeting in the living room. Come when you’re done.” I feel him disconnect in a way. Was this like having a pair of walkie-talkies in our minds? I shake my head at the absurdity of this situation.
I finish getting dressed and head to the living room. The guys are all sitting around the room, waiting to hear what the meeting was about.
“First, I have a question,” I start. “How long were we out after we fainted?”
“I think it was only about 30 minutes, maybe less,” Jin answers.
“I feel like this will be easier to explain if I can prove my theory is right.” They all stare at me in confusion “Is there anywhere we can go that’s big and hidden from the public?”
“We can go to the BigHit parking lot,” Yoongi suggests. I nod. That would be perfect. “Hoseok, you got a tape measure?”
He narrows his eyes before answering. “yes,” he says hesitantly.
“Alright then. Let’s hit it. To the Bang Mobile.”
“Hey Cathleen.” I glance at Jungkook.
“Never, and I mean NEVER, say that again,” he smirks. I pout as the rest of the members try to contain their laughter.
“I thought it was cute and creative!” I cry out.
“If you don’t consider the fact that there will be 7 guys and one girl in this BANG Mobile,” Yoongi snorts. My cheeks grow red as a I realize what they’re talking about.
“YAH! You guys need to get your minds out of the gutter,” I snap before storming off to the car.
“You ready?” I can see the concern in his eyes, so I shoot him a smile to show him I’m ok.
“We need to do this. Besides, I have Jimin and Jin to catch me when I fall, and I trust they won’t drop me.” His face drops in annoyance.
“I wish I could say the same,” he says dryly, looking at Taehyung and Hoseok giggling next to him.
“Cathleen? Jungkook? You guys to do whatever it is you guys are doing?” I nod at Namjoon and take a deep breath. Standing directly in front of Jungkook, I slowly walk backward, not letting my eyes leave his. Yoongi follows pulling the tape measure that’s being held on the other end by Hoseok. The two boys on either side of me walk next to me, ready to grab me when I faint.
“You feel ok?” I ask him after walking quite a ways.
“Nothing weird yet.” I continue to walk back for what seems like forever when he finally gives me a warning.
“I feel it. I think you’re almost there.” I nod and keep walking.
“Get ready,” I warn the Jimin and Jin. They extend their arms out, ready to catch me. Soon, the familiar feeling washes over me, and I grow dizzy.
“Now,” I mumble before blacking out.
“Cathleen, explain what is going on.” I'm immediately questioned as soon as I wake up. Thankfully, the headache isn’t as bad this time.
“How much?” I mutter, rubbing my temples.
“How much what? Oh, that. 45 feet.”
“45 feet?” I repeat. That isn't too bad. Better than 5 feet.
“Yup, that’s when you guys fainted,” Taehyung nods.
“At least it wasn’t something ridiculous like 37.64 feet. We would’ve had to carry a ruler around with us everywhere we go,” Jimin snorts. We all laugh at the thought. I look over at Jungkook.
“Guess there’s no point in keeping it a secret anymore.” He nods, and I turn to look back at the other members waiting impatiently for an explanation.
“We’re connected somehow. We can talk to each other telepathically, we feel each other’s pain, and we have to be within a certain distance from each other or we faint. 45 feet as we just found out.” They all stare at me with blank faces. I can’t decide if that’s a good reaction or not. “If you don’t believe me, ask Jungkook.” He nods, confirming what I had just explained.
“Well shit,” Jimin mutters.
“Jimin!” I give him a light slap on the arm, and he smirks.
“But why?” Jin asks.
“More like how. You guys both fainted at the same time,” Yoongi says. We both shrug.
“She’s right. They are connected somehow, but I just can’t figure out how. It can’t be a soul bond. You two have never had any kind of sexual contact.”
“You act as if you know all about soul bonds,” Yoongi groans.
“He acts as if he knows all about my personal life,” Jungkook snorts.
“Wait, you guys haven’t done anything, right?!”
“What happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom,” he smirks. I smack the back of his head. I do not need any of the members thinking I sleep around. Especially not with Jungkook.
“We haven't done anything," I snap, glaring at the boy rubbing his head. "We thought we both hated each other up until last night. No room for any type of sexual activity."
“By sexual activity, I mean just kissing too,” 
“The most we’ve ever done is a hug.” I feel a sense of guilt, and turn to look at Jungkook suspiciously.
“That can’t be enough,” Namjoon mumbles.
“Hey! Doesn’t this solve our handcuff issue?” Taehyung throws in. “Now you guys are stuck to each other without the handcuffs!”
“Which also means she has to come with us everywhere,” Jin adds.
“Isn’t that lovely,” Jungkook mutters dryly. My heart aches slightly at his comment. I didn't think I was that miserable to be around.
“Maybe it’s just a temporary thing. We never would have found out about whatever this is if we hadn’t fainted, so maybe it will go away after a week or two.”
“Well, I’m going to sleep. All this fainting really drains my energy,” Cathleen yawns.
“I guess I should follow suit. I’m pretty drained too.” She looks at me suspiciously, and I give her a wink in return. She rolls her eyes before heading to her bedroom. I follow her until she stops at the door and turns around to face me.
“Are we sharing a room now?” I open my mouth to say something. “You sleep close enough to my room, we shouldn’t faint if we sleep in separate rooms.”
“I need to talk to you,” I state.
“You can speak to me through the bond.”
“It would be better in person,” I sigh.
“But I’m going to sleep.” I grow irritated with every excuse she throws at me.
“Am I really that undesirable to be with!?” I explode before storming to my room. Me and my wonderful temper. I sigh, plopping onto my bed. She’s just so frustrating sometimes. I think back to the night I spoke to her while she was sleeping. I kissed her goodnight. Was this all my fault? She doesn’t even know about the kiss.
A slight feeling of nervousness creeps in my heart. Is that Cathleen? A few seconds later, I hear a soft knock on my door. What now? I forcefully throw the door open to see Cathleen standing on the other side, wringing her hands. I feel my mood calm with her presence
“What,” I ask softly.
“I can’t sleep,” she mumbles. “I keep tossing and turning, and even though I’m really tired, my mind keeps telling me that I can’t sleep unless I’m next to you.” I stepped aside to let her in, but she just stares at me with her wide hazel eyes. The light smell of vanilla hits my nose, and I grab her wrist, pulling her into my arms.
“If you can’t sleep alone, I probably can’t either. I’ll have Tae sleep in another room, so just stay with me tonight,” I whisper. Did I really just say that?
Is he crazy? I want to say no, but my mind reasons that I won’t get any sleep if I do.
“Fine,” I begin as I push myself out of his embrace. “But we should just go to my room. I have a bigger bed, and we shouldn’t make Taehyung sleep somewhere else just because of our situation. Also, you’re sleeping on the floor.” I giggle at his loud groan.
“This is so unfair,” I hear him grumble from the floor. “I’m going to be so sore tomorrow, and we have a long dance rehearsal,” he whines.
“Just go to sleep, you big baby.” I turn off the lamp and close my eyes. I toss and turn in bed. We were near each other, so why can I still not sleep?
“I still can’t sleep.”
“Me either.” Guess we have no choice.
“You can sleep on the bed,” I mumble. He jumps up so fast and is under the covers in seconds. “But you have to stay on your side,” I say sternly, pointing to his side of the bed.
“I wouldn’t want to sleep close to you anyways,” he mutters, and I roll my eyes. We move as far away from each other as we can, and my eyes finally grow heavy with fatigue.
“Goodnight Jungkook”

I’ve never felt so rested before. I feel secure, tightly wrapped up in the covers, a comfortable warmth radiating all over my body. I never knew my covers could be so warm. I also didn’t know they moved… and breathed... I open my eyes and Jungkook’s face is centimeters from mine. I try to pry his body off of mine, but his grip tightens, trapping me in his arms.
“Jungkook, let me go,” I hiss.
“Yeobo it’s not time to get up yet. We still have 15 minutes,” he mumbles. Yeobo? Last time I checked we’re just friends. Not a couple. Maybe he’s dreaming.
“Jungkook get off-“
“Yeobo? Why are you being like this? Is something wrong?” He’s finally awake, but why was he still calling me that?
“Jungkook, what are you talking about?”
“Are you mad at me? You stopped calling me Jungkook after we started dating in the other world.” I stare at him incredulously.
“What other world?” His eyes widened.
“What do you mean “what other world?” Did you forget?” he says in panic.
“Forget what?” I ask hesitantly, afraid of what he’s going to say next.
“We were sent to this world together, Yeobo. Don't you remember?"
next chapter
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yourdailykitsch · 7 years
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Texas Forever: Taylor Kitsch Is Doing Hollywood His Way (Exclusive) Taylor Kitsch isn’t here to impress. “I get so bored if I play the same or look the same in every role,” Kitsch says on a pleasant January afternoon in Pasadena, Calif. The 36-year-old actor is gearing up for the most transformative role of his career in Waco, the six-part Paramount Network miniseries about the 1993 siege premiering Wednesday, Jan. 24. The Kelowna, British Columbia, native plays David Koresh, controversial leader of the Branch Davidians, who, along with 75 of his followers, perished in a deadly fire following a violent 51-day standoff with the FBI. “Maybe it’s an older school mindset,” he theorizes, leaning back in his chair in deep thought, a cool, laidback confidence radiating from him. “I love the grind.” Kitsch first broke out onscreen in 2006, as brooding bad boy Tim Riggins on Friday Night Lights, becoming a favorite among young female fans of the NBC drama. Since the show ended in 2011, he’s largely steered away from roles akin to the character that propelled him to heartthrob status, instead leaning into parts that weren’t exactly tailor-made for him to begin with: a gay activist in The Normal Heart, a villainous operative in American Assassin, a successful weed dealer in Savages and most recently, one of the elite firefighters battling the Yarnell Hill Fire in Only the Brave. “I grew up on these guys, like the Sean Penns and the Gary Oldmans. I think there’s a high to that. I love that challenge,” he says. “When I started studying acting that was kind of what it was about: figuring out your process to create these different characters.” As Koresh, Kitsch unlocks another hidden ability in his growing breadth as an actor, exuding a level of charm and magnetism in Waco that is both mesmerizing and mystifying, only because the man he portrays wasn’t a good man at all. “There aren’t many characters like this that exist. He’s enigmatic and crazy brilliant and crazy, period,” says Kitsch, who calls Austin, Texas home. In order to realistically embody the sect leader, Kitsch -- who also serves as an executive producer -- grew out his hair and dropped 30 pounds in four months; his 500-calorie diet consisted of egg whites, coffee, vegetables, a tiny bit of protein and, after 4 p.m., broth. “Losing weight when you already don’t have too much to lose, it’s no fun, but it’s just part of it,” Kitsch says of his transformation, adding that it played “a huge part in the cadence” of a “mad genius” like Koresh. “The way you walk, the way you feel… It reaffirmed how smart he had to be because it was never blunt force. It couldn’t be. He couldn’t intimidate that way.” It also required Kitsch to lose himself in Koresh’s world -- and he took it quite literally. For months leading up to filming in Santa Fe, New Mexico, last April, Kitsch devoted “eight to 10 hours a day” familiarizing himself with all facets of David Koresh’s intricate life. That included four hours of guitar and singing lessons, scripture readings, dissecting hours upon hours of Koresh’s tapes and researching his difficult upbringing. “It was almost laughable in the beginning. I would joke around about how much prep I had,” Kitsch recalls. There were moments during the production of Waco that proved challenging. Kitsch zeroed in on the sermons as being particularly “tough” to memorize and he became obsessed with nailing the improbable task. “I’m more known for saying less is more,” Kitsch says, alluding to his famous FNL character, Riggins, “so to be as talky as Dave… But when you’re mixing in scripture, it’s just so hard to infuse into my brain. I’d be in my house in Santa Fe and I’d have all these white boards all over the house of scriptures and psalms and everything that I had to remember in episode five, six or in a monologue. Everywhere in the house I could see it, I would say it out loud, walk over there, see it and say it out loud.” The most daunting part about playing Koresh, though, had nothing to do with memorizing nine-page sermons and everything to do with standing in front of a mic. “The singing and guitar was ******ing scary man,” Kitsch confesses, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. (Koresh performed with his band in local Waco bars and church services. Survivor David Thibodeau, whose 1999 book on which Waco is based, said Koresh recruited members through music.) “I’ve never been in a ******ing singing booth either, putting it on a track so we could go film it two days later. So I’d go in the studio with a real band, which is scary to begin with, and be like, ‘Hey, I’m about to sing ‘My Sharona,’ are you ready?’ and they’re like” -- he gives a knowing look -- “‘All right...?’ They were awesome and supportive, and I gained a lot of confidence from that.” There was once a time when Kitsch’s stardom was fast approaching elite status. Fresh off the success of Friday Night Lights, Hollywood came knocking with two very expensive tentpoles, Battleship and John Carter -- films that held the promise of proclaiming him the next franchise superstar. It just didn’t happen. Both films bombed at the box office and were panned by critics. “I’ll read articles, but I won’t go on Rotten Tomatoes,” Kitsch, who only recently joined Instagram, cracks. Though it didn’t seem that way at the time, in hindsight, his failures were blessings in disguise: Kitsch had the opportunity to redirect his career on a far more interesting path. “I feel I’ve stayed the course,” Kitsch says, analyzing his ups and downs with a refreshing candor. “I’m proud of the way I reacted to John Carter. I’m proud of the way I reacted to Battleship. I still have no regrets really. At the time in your life that these opportunities present themselves, I would have done it again knowing the circumstance and knowing what was going on. What I’m proud of is my work ethic throughout. I’ve never wavered. I feel like I’m getting better and better. I think Waco is a great example of that.” “When you have people who believe in you and give you these chances, I just won’t let go of that opportunity,” he adds, his steadfast loyalty and gratitude to those who have seen him as more than just a pretty face unwavering. “I don’t know if it’s something I’ve learned; it’s something I’m proud of -- that I’ve, in that sense, kept grinding. It’s kind of all I know now. I’ve always -- in sports, in life -- there’s a way I make it where I have to grind, you know what I mean? It’s the underdog thing. It carries me or I carry that with me, whatever that is.” Kitsch has rarely spoken about the much-maligned second season of HBO’s True Detective, in which he portrayed closeted highway officer and ex-military man Paul Woodrugh. He acknowledges that the 2015 season was far from perfect though his experience was “really, really positive” (“Obviously, it’s not the best case that people didn’t react to it that way,” Kitsch says). While it may seem, from the outside at least, to have been a contributing factor in the long gap between TV projects, Kitsch assures that wasn’t the case. “I remember watching season one [of True Detective] -- I haven’t told anyone this -- and sitting in bed and I was like, ‘If I could ******ing get on a show like that…,” he remembers. “You’re allowed to let go a lot easier when you understand you put everything you could that you had control over that you felt you knocked out. You can walk away a lot easier.” Kitsch still keeps in touch with creator Nic Pizzolatto (“I’d go work with Nic tomorrow”) and he’s looking forward to the third installment with Oscar winner Mahershala Ali (“They got an amazing cast”). There’s an ounce of disappointment in his voice when he eventually evaluates what went wrong. “Season one was incredible and I think it’ll go down as all-time, and that says a lot because there is some amazing stuff in the last 30 years. I think the bar was crazy high, which I have no problem swinging for, but there were some constraints in the timing of it,” Kitsch says. “Sometimes you’re on a movie or you’re in a relationship and the magic just isn’t there, or you are in one and everything just seems to play out the right way. I’m sure I could speak for the other leads in it -- man, we were all proud to be there. Everyone came beyond prepared -- you have to when you’re working with Nic -- and we swung.” Next for Kitsch is a tale that has stayed in his brain for the past several years, like an earworm that just won’t leave his head. Titled Pieces, Kitsch plans to write, direct, star and produce the feature film based on his 2014 short about three guys who grew up in the worst part of town with a sudden opportunity to change their kids’ and families’ lives. “It’s a bit savage-y. It’s a bit Western-y. It’s a grimy movie. Everything f***king goes crazy,” Kitsch says with a glint of excitement piercing through his deep green eyes. He’s never done anything this intensive before, executing his own idea from page to screen. Could this be Kitsch’s next chapter in his career? “We’ll see how this goes,” he says with an anxious laugh. Asked if he’s nervous about jumping into something so deeply personal that will truly be his, Kitsch didn’t mince words: “You should be. Hopefully, I’m nervous about my next job too. It’s a story that won’t leave me. I want to do this and I want to do it my way.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
A Head, A Heart, & A Movie {Biadore} Chapter 1 -C*NT
A/N: I want to apologize to all of the mobile readers because this is a 7.5k monstrosity. But on the other hand, I know you guys love the long chapters so I hope you all like this! Sorry it’s been so long since I updated last, I’ve had a battle with writers block and it was winning for quite some time. For those who are just tuning in, this is the sequel story to A Head, A Heart, & A Crown, so it’s set in the same universe. Of course, this AU is about Bianca and Adore begining to film Hurricane Bianca 2, but there is going to be a more established side of Witney for this one(is it really one of my fics if there isnt a side of Witney?) as well. TW for alcohol, a panic attack and weed. And as always, a tad bit of angst. Enjoy!! 💕 PS: If I ever write a short A/N, something is seriously wrong lol.
After an unfortunate flight delay from New York, one lost bag, and an incredibly sleepless night, they had finally made it to Austin, Texas for Hurricane Bianca 2.
It was already a warm day for January, 70 degrees at 9 am. It wasn’t an unusual weather pattern for the south, but it was quite a jump from the 40 degree chill that New York City was currently experiencing. Adore began to feel sticky in the humidity the minute she stepped out of the car as Bianca’s fitted blazer clung to her arms uncomfortably.
Bianca had been smarter: she checked the weather, and had made sure to wear a knee length sundress and lightweight cardigan. Unfortunately, Adore’s role required a more business like approach, so she had no choice but to wear thicker garments. B had given her the thinnest blazer she could find as an effort to help combat the bipolar weather of the south, and hoped Adore wouldn’t drench it in sweat. Especially since they were filming in HD.
They had managed to rent out an adult continuing education school for a couple of days to film some of the classroom scenes, which was way more realistic than doing it in front of a green screen on a Hollywood set. It felt more authentic to Bianca, thus making it easier to get into character
“How are you feeling?” Bianca asked, peering at Adore curiously through her heavily lashed eyelids.
They stepped through the maroon double doors of the school, feeling instant relief as the air conditioner hit their skin. For being an adult school, Bianca was surprised at how well kept it was. It was huge, first of all. There was a large stadium in the back, and the hallways were long and wide. She smirked to herself and thought, that’s what she said. It really was the perfect place for the movie.
Today was their first day on set of Hurricane Bianca 2, and Miss Del Rio would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous about it. She knew Adore had a little bit of acting experience, but never performed in an actual movie setting before other than on drag race. Which she was fabulous on.
Well, in the last acting challenge of the season anyway.
“I’m great!” Adore bubbled nervously, twirling a piece of blonde hair around her finger.
Adore definitely wasn’t great. Her wig was sticking to her forehead from the humidity, her palms were clammy from nerves, and she had only gotten 2 hours of sleep last night. She had spent the better part of yesterday going over lines on the plane, trying her hardest to drill them into her head. This wasn’t drag race, she couldn’t charm her way through the movie if she didn’t know her lines. She was already feeling like a catastrophe and she hadn’t even uttered her first line.
“You’re doing it again.” Bianca warned, eyeing Adore closely. She had been running her hands through her hair all morning long, which B learned a long time ago was a nervous habit of hers. When she was anxious, Adore was more susceptible to crumbling under the slightest bit of pressure, even if she knew what she was doing. She was easy to psych herself out, which B didn’t understand because she was so talented. She just needed the confidence to go behind it. B was worried about her performance later today, to say the very least.
“Ugh, you know my every weakness!” Adore exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. The last thing she wanted was for Bianca to worry about her today.
Twirling her hair around her fingers was one of many signature nervous habits.
And Adore was incredibly nervous.
This was her first major role on screen since drag race, and it was in Bianca’s movie. She knew she couldn’t possibly afford to fuck it up, and was well aware that she’d be compared to Bianca every second she was on set.
Bianca would work on something until she got the job done, no matter how long that took. Adore on the other hand, could only do so much before she began to fade or lose passion. Whenever she lost passion, she lost interest because she found no point in continuing if she wasn’t giving it her all. She was the type of person that needed to step away from a project and come back to it later.
Their work ethics were quite different, but what worked for Bianca was too intense for Adore, and vice versa. Adore was scheduled on a really intense filming schedule, since she had such a big role - she had been cast as Miss Del Rio’s student teacher who was in almost all of the scenes. She knew it was going to be really challenging for her, but for the time being, Adore didn’t have much of a choice. She would have to do her best to work through the long hours and the many lines of script. All while impressing her peers, and not pissing off Bianca herself.
“You got this, it’ll be okay.” Bianca encouraged warmly, noticing the unusual quiet atmosphere between the two of them. Their heels were clicking together in unison as they walked down the school hallways. Adore found comfort in their walk together, and smiled to herself as she looked down at their coordinated heels: both were wearing modest looking black pumps. The matching shoes had been Adore’s idea, and she didn’t expect B to agree to it - though she was thrilled when she did.
Adore nodded silently as they made their way towards the classroom. It was weird seeing so many cameras inside of a school. Camera men were everywhere, rushing back and forth to get supplies and other equipment ready for the first scene.
They came to a hault in front of the burgundy classroom door, both of them staring nervously at the bright gold star stuck to the center of it that was labeled “Room 5, Miss Del Rio’s Room.” This was it. The begining to their very crazy first day of filming.
Adore reached for the door handle but was stopped abruptly.
“Hey, hang on a second.” Bianca murmured, gently grabbing Adore’s hand.
“What is it?” Adore asked confused. She knew she had been very quiet, but that was mostly because she was running through her lines in her head over and over again. She was just trying to get the right characterization down, which was proving to be more challenging than what she realized.
“Listen, you’re going to be great.” Bianca soothed, stroking Adore’s cheek gently. She swore she melted underneath her warm hands every time. She smiled as Bianca cupped her cheek and pecked it softly. “Please don’t worry. It’s okay to mess up. Nobody is perfect. You should’ve seen me on the set of the first movie, I didn’t know shit!”
Adore smiled at Bianca’s valiant efforts at comforting her in her time of need. She couldn’t imagine Bianca ever truly fucking up at anything, especially since she was such a seasoned performer. In her mind, it was completely unrealistic to even imagine such a thing. But what Bianca was trying to tell her was exactly what she needed to hear, despite it not really breaking down the voice inside her head telling her otherwise.
“Thanks B.” Adore smiled weakly, putting on her best game face.
As soon as they opened the door to the room, they were swarmed by a whirlwind of crew members. People were speaking into walkie talkies, taking notes, and re-arranging cast members. Bianca was immediately surrounded by a swarm of people asking her questions, powdering her face and meticulously checking every single angle of her outfit.
There were already extras waiting on set, sitting down neatly at the schoolroom desks and off to the side of the classroom. The front of the room had a blackboard, podium and teachers desk. It looked just like any real classroom would look.
When the crew was satisfied with Bianca’s appearance, they moved quickly over to Adore. One woman blotted her nose and forehead, while another person removed the lipstick print from her cheek swiftly with a makeup wipe. Bianca had left it no earlier then 2 minutes ago, and just like that it was gone. She was stunned, the crew had combs, wipes, makeup brushes all within reach. Her long blonde waves were combed out a little more by a shy looking intern. When she was satisfied with the way that it looked, she sprayed her vigorously with a can of hairspray. A cloud of product surrounded her, and Adore swore they used at least half of the bottle on her.
“Jeez get the hair, not the actress!” A nearby camera man howled as he saw Adore squint her eyes shut.
“You’re unlockable. It’s not fair.” The intern, who Adore learned was named Mary, muttered. Adore chuckled and thanked her, mentally noting that she already liked the girl.
“Places everyone! Let’s start with Miss Del Rio.” Matt called. The crew shuffled Adore out of the camera’s view and off to the side.
Bianca cleared her throat nervously and looked directly into the camera. She had done this a million times over, but yet felt a little anxious with Adore watching her on the side of the room. She didn’t want to let her down, or make her feel like she had lost her spark.
She smoothed down her white cardigan, and straightened out her paisley print dress. They had gotten a few of the student actors back from the last movie, including her favorite student “Bathmat.” She smirked at her as she spotted her near the back wall of the classroom. The whole bathmat bit from the first movie had been improv on her part, probably her most favorite improvisation she had ever done.
Action!” Matt shouted.
“Guess who’s back? That’s right children, I’m here to actually teach you something this year.” She smiled for the camera and paused dramatically. She slammed her fist down on her podium, startling the students. “You. Yeah, I’m talking to you Bathmat!” Bianca yelled, going deeper into her dialogue as she continued to pick on the girl.
Adore watched in wonder as she breezed through her lines. It was like Bianca had a switch that she would turn on everytime she got in front of a camera. She would go from a normal human being to Bianca Del Rio, one of the only queens that could read you to filth within seconds of meeting you. It was amazing to watch.
“I hate her.”
Adore turned around and noticed Willam had arrived to the set. A day early, Adore realized grimly.
“Why?” Adore asked, making sure she didn’t seem too uninterested in the conversation. She really couldn’t care less about who he hated, but Willam and his antics truly scared her. He was so honest, and always made her feel incredibly stupid whenever they got into debates about current events. She would rather be short with him then spend all of her free time arguing.
“She’s a natural actor, and it’s not fair. I saw her shoot pretty much half of the first movie in just one take. Do you know how fucking rare that is?” Willam hissed into Adore’s ear, trying to talk low so the camera’s wouldn’t pick up the sound.
“You’re telling me.” Adore muttered, now even more nervous than before. Bianca had conveniently failed to mention that part earlier. She had made it seem like she had fucked up a ton when they were talking about the first one on the plane. But seeing that she was clearly over exaggerating to make her feel better, just made her feel even more nervous. She was going to look like a moron if she messed up.
“And cut! Fantastic. Let’s clear the set and prep for Miss Delano’s debut!”
“Fuck me gently!” Adore groaned, but soft enough so only Willam heard. She didn’t wanna seem ungrateful for the opportunity because this whole experience was a huge deal. But at the same time she was terrified.
“Are you nervous?” Willam asked bewildered.
“Of course I am. This is Bianca’s fucking movie.” Adore exclaimed.
“Bitch we were all nervous. We all thought she was gonna kill us every time we fucked up. Every time we’d fuck up, she would give us the worst look ever. I mean, seriously if looks could kill: we all would have died. Then, whenever we were done filming for the day she’d read us all to filth afterwards. But since it’s you, she’ll probably just shove her dick down your throat a few more times than normal and call it a punishment.” Willam shrugged.
Great, like that was going to make her feel better.
Adore heard a loud roar of laughter, and realized that Bianca must have heard the tail end of their conversation. She smirked as she heard B’s signature laugh ring throughout the set, making her chuckle along with her.
“I’m going to shove my foot up your ass if you don’t shut the fuck up.” Bianca exclaimed in between cackles.
“The old man has supersonic hearing.” Willam said annoyed.
“Yeah and you have a thing for imported skinny blonde twinks. Your point?” Bianca cocked her head, grinning at Willam knowingly.
Adore grinned amused at her other half. Bianca winked at her before she turned her attention to one of the crewmembers.
Bianca was talking about Courtney of course. Willam and Courtney had this weird on again, off again fling going on. Sometimes they’d be together, sometimes they wouldn’t. Adore had learned to stop asking about it after awhile, but she knew they made each other happy and they would always made it work when they wanted it to. But when they were on good terms, they also kept their relationship under wraps; probably because they couldn’t stay serious.
However, for the time being they had had some sort of falling out again- usually it was because Willam was a bit of a whore, but Adore was never sure.
Flustered from Bianca’s comment, and now beet red, Willam excused himself to get a glass of water.
“Okay Adore, you’re up.” Matt, the director called.
Adore gulped, feeling the butterflies in her stomach resurface as she was escorted to the front of the classroom. She was suddenly feeling really hot again.
“Okay Adore, do you remember your lines?” Mary asked.
“Yeah totes. I got this!” Adore exclaimed.
“Great! So I’ll count it down then.” Matt said.
Bianca shared a look with her, trying to read her emotions to see if she really ‘had it’. Oddly enough, she couldn’t really tell how she was feeling. Adore looked at peace, despite being a nervous wreck earlier.
“3, 2, 1 and action!”
“Hi, Miss Del Rio?” Adore entered the room, doing her best to look intimidated.
Bianca’s lips twitched up ever so slightly. Adore was starting out strong, already fitting the part as the incredibly hot student teacher. It reminded her of the beginning of a cheesy porno, where the hot girl teases the teacher and acts innocently before they fucked. Before Bianca lost it and ruined the scene for the both of them, she did her best to correct herself, making sure that she was giving Adore the meanest mug of her life.
“Who the fuck are you?” Bianca snapped, making sure to scan Adore’s outfit with disgust. Adore was dressed very much out of character, in a small knee length plaid pencil skirt and black blazer. She was holding a binder and a clipboard as well, and had a small black satchel wrapped around her body.
“I’m your new student teacher!” Adore exclaimed excitedly.
“You must have the wrong classroom sweetie. I don’t do student teachers.” Bianca sneered putting air quotes around student teachers.
“Well…” Adore trailed off.
Fuck. Her line. What was her next line?
There was an awkward pause. Bianca froze as she began to see Adore’s mask come off. She looked petrified. She had forgotton her line.
Ugh, she had told her she needed to go over her lines more.
“Line?” Adore asked meekly.
“Cut!” Matt called. “Can we get Adore her line?”
“ ‘Well, you don’t have to do me Miss Del Rio, but you can give me a task to help the students with.’”Mary read from the script.
“Oh okay!” Adore said, running the lines through her head a couple more times.
Bianca waited patiently as Adore mouthed the lines quickly over and over again.
“It’s okay Adore. You’re doing good so far.” Bianca encouraged.
“I’m ready.” Adore announced.
“Great.” Matt said monotonically. “Action.”
“Well, you don’t have to do me Miss Del Rio, but you can at least give me a task to help the students with.” Adore snapped back bitchily.
Just a minor setback: you got this, Adore thought.
“Miss Delano was it?” Bianca asked sweetly, stepping towards her. Her heels clicked ominously against the tile as she approached the young girl. She stopped, standing only inches away from her. She glared at her through her heavily lined eyes, making sure she had her attention.
“Y-yes.” Adore stammered.
“First of all, your skirt doesn’t match your outfit. Secondly, this is my classroom which means it’s my rules. If you want any chance at doing anything successfully as a teacher, you will listen to me. Understood?” Bianca spat, lips only inches away from hers now. She did her best to glare deeply into the younger queen’s eyes, resisting the urge to kiss her plump, pink lips.
Adore was so shocked by how well Bianca just acted that she erupted into nervous laughter. First it started out as a giggle, then it turned into a long roar. The laugh went on for a few minutes, varying from cackling to pure hysteria.
The room was silent as Adore laughed loudly to herself. If you dropped a pin on the floor, you would probably be able to hear it from the parking lot.
Bianca froze, her heart pounding nervously as she scanned the room. The classroom shared the same look of confusion and being absolutely mortified at the same time. She was afraid to even look at Matt, hoping that he wouldn’t be getting too frustrated with Adore. This was only the second time she had messed up, but she had already been somewhat unprofessional on set.
Bianca didn’t know what had come over her, maybe it was the nerves; but she could not stop laughing for whatever reason. She began fidgeting nervously with her rings, twisting and turning as she pretended to disappear. She sent up a silent prayer, hoping Matt wouldn’t yell at Adore.
Get it together Adore, Adore thought to herself.
Adore was trying her hardest to hold it together and calm down, and finally got herself down to a giggle when she looked around the room.
Matt, the director, didn’t look the slightest bit amused. The crew was silent, they all looked incredibly uncomfortable - some even looked afraid by the sudden outburst.
Then she looked up at Bianca, who looked horrified. Adore felt her heart stop as she saw how grim Bianca looked. Her lips were pursed tightly together as she had her arms crossed in front of her.
She was fucking up her movie.
Everything that Adore had reassured Bianca wouldn’t happen, was happening, She wanted to he professional for her, and make the role work for her. She wished she could just erase what had happened just now, but alas it happened. Now Bianca probably thought she didn’t know what the fuck she was doing, and most likely had zero confidence in her ability to act professional.
She didn���t want to look like a failure to her.
She felt her chest tightening and tears start to sting her eyes as they threatened to come out. Her heart ached, she felt like shit.
She was humiliated.
She felt like she was going to have a panic attack.
Everyone in the room was staring at her, waiting for her to explain herself.
Adore felt her chest tightening as she tried to figure out what to say. She was finding it harder to breathe in the tense atmosphere. She saw two makeup artists share a look and Adore realized something. They were all thinking that the rumors that they had heard about her were true. That she was lazy, unprepared, and unprofessional. It was written all over their faces.
“I, um. I need a minute.” Adore gasped, turning away from Bianca and running out of the room.
Bianca looked after her with wide eyes as the door slammed shut behind her. What the fuck just happened?
“It’s a good thing she’s charismatic.” Willam mumbled, leaning against the far wall of the classroom. He was happy he wasn’t the center of attention for the time being.
“Shut the fuck up Willam.” Bianca snapped irritated. His commentary was underappreciated, and Bianca was one snarky comment away from punching him in the face.
“Can you go and talk to her? We’re on a pretty tight schedule.” Matt asked annoyed, examining his clipboard.
“Certainly. I sincerely apologize.” Bianca said, rushing out of the classroom.
Adore was standing in the unisex bathroom, trying to get her breathing under control,
She had to go back in there.
Why was she like this?
She looked at herself in the mirror as she wondered.
What made her act like this?
She sighed as she turned on the water faucet, splashing water on her cheeks where the mascara had run. She had been crying from the second she ran out of the room and hadn’t stopped. Her eyes stung from the mascara irritating her tear ducts.
“Why can’t I be more like her?” Adore asked herself, thinking about Bianca and her strong work ethic. Why couldn’t she be mature enough to handle a serious gig? She sighed to herself, feeling a breakdown coming as she dried her hands with a papertowel.
“You can.”
Adore jumped at the unexpected voice. Startled, she turned around and saw Bianca staring at her sadly.
“When did you get here?” Adore frowned, even more embarrassed now than before.
“About a minute ago.” Bianca answered, as she leaned against one of the bathroom stalls. “Nice to know these are just as disgusting as how I remembered them.”
Adore giggled softly, but then stopped when she looked in the mirror at her. Bianca looked visibly upset. It wasnt often B let her guard down enough for you to actually read her real emotions, but she could tell she was disappointed in her.
“Look, B I’m really sorry. I don’t know what came over me. You were just so impressive, and I knew you were amazing but I guess I never realized how incredible of an actor you really are. When we were doing that scene, you just blew me away and I guess I just didn’t know how else to react.” Adore confessed.
“Adore, this is a serious job. This isn’t a gig at a club or a concert.” Bianca started. “I didn’t expect you to memorize all of your lines, but I did expect you to act professional.”
“You’re saying a concert isn’t a serious job?” Adore raised her voice annoyed, bypassing the second half of what Bianca had said to her. What, so now her work wasn’t valid?
Bianca had instantly regretted her words the minute they left her lips. She sighed frustrated.
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Bianca groaned.
“Do you realize I perform live in front of an audience of at least a couple thousand people now? I have to train my voice vigorously and follow a strict diet. I have to eat foods that nourish my vocal chords at least once a day, otherwise my performance is altered. I practice singing every single day. Somedays I can hardly even speak, you of all people should know that.” Adore snapped.
“Adore, your work is valid. I know what you do is hard. What I was trying to say, was that being in a movie is a different kind of hard. One that you aren’t necessarily used to. Not even well trained actors are used to this-”
“I’m not stupid. I don’t have to be a well trained actor to do well in your movie Roy.” Adore spat. She was angry now. B clearly thought that she was a complete idiot, and didn’t understand how being part of a film worked at all. Yes it was foreign to her, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t acclimate to it.
Bianca felt her throat close as Adore’s blue eyes pierced hers angrily. She really didn’t mean to upset her, she was just trying to explain the difference to her. She thought maybe it would help calm her down enough to go back to the set.
Clearly, that wasn’t happening now.
“Well, you’re obviously in the wrong state of mind to continue filming today. I’ll go tell Matt-”
“No. We’re fucking finishing this today. I’m not a diva that has a meltdown and just walks off when shit hits the fan.” Adore interrupted, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll meet you back on set. We’ve already lost enough time.”
Adore stormed out of the bathroom and left a very confused yet stunned Bianca in her dust.
I’ll show her, Adore thought.
“Action.” Matt called wearily, noticing the tense atmosphere between the two of them.
Bianca and Adore had resumed their positions in the scene. The tension between them was very thick, the rest of the cast could tell something had happened between the two of them once they had returned. Usually Bianca would tease the other crew members and joke around with everyone, but instead she stood rigidly as they touched up her hair and makeup. The room had been unusually quiet, until they had begun the scene again anyway.
“My skirt may not match my outfit, but at least I know how to apply makeup for daytime. Have you ever heard of a color other than black?” Adore grimaced, gesturing to Bianca’s heavy eyeshadow.
The two had no problem going through the rest of their lines, especially since the scripted exchange was negative. Adore felt like she wasn’t even acting anymore, she was allowing herself to truly be a bitch to Bianca.
So this is what it felt like to get into character, Adore thought.
Bianca was impressed. Adore had whizzed through the rest of her lines in one take, which was the exact opposite of what she had expected from her, especially after her mini meltdown. They had bounced lines off of each other seamlessly, proving that they worked very well together.
“Cut. Your guys’s chemistry is…incredible.” Matt said stunned. “Adore, I am pretty impressed with you. One meltdown isn’t bad at all for your first day.”
Bianca felt relieved to hear Matt say that. She knew from the past that he had a bit of a short fuse, so knowing that Adore’s performance had impressed him was a relief. During the first movie, he had fired 5 actors for forgetting their lines on the third try. He was a hardcore director, but he knew how to get the job done, which Bianca respected.
“Thanks man!” Adore said excitedly. “I’m not a trained actor, but I know how to spit my lines.”
Bianca swore Adore gave her side eye as she spoke to Matt. She groaned internally as she realized Adore was still pissed off at her for their conversation earlier.
She would never hear the end of this. Not until the end of time. Adore truly proved her wrong.
“Wow, looks like your girl is just as good of an actor as you are.” Willam commented.
“Of course she is. Did you really ever doubt her?” Bianca asked.
“No, but you did.” Adore hissed, walking past Bianca swiftly as she exited the classroom. She let the door shut loudly behind her, and Willam visibly winced.
“Out of all of the people that could’ve been in the dog house today, I truly did not expect it to be you Del Rio.” Willam mused.
“Willam, why the fuck are you here?” Bianca changed the subject annoyed.
“I had a gig in Austin last night and decided to come join the party.” Willam smirked, throwing his arm around Bianca’s shoulder as they left the room. “Besides, I need to pick your brain about Court.”
Bianca groaned as they walked out of the school and into the parking lot of the school. The last thing she wanted to do was to even try to begin to understand the fucking relationship between the two of them.
“Can we do that later? I have some damage control to take care of.” Bianca questioned.
“Sure. Meet me at the bar down the street later.” Willam called.
“Not likely.” Bianca grumbled as she power walked to her rental car. The kinds of bars Willam liked were not her cup of tea. She would make him go to a bar she preferred; if she even met up with him at all. She was expecting to see Adore waiting by the car, but was surprised when she realized she was nowhere in sight.
Was she really that extra that she would take a fucking Lyft back to the hotel? Her phone buzzed in her hand, and she looked down just in time.
Adore:I took a Lyft. I’ll meet you at the hotel later.
Bianca sighed heavily. This was the first time she had really fucked up since they had gotten together. She really didn’t mean to upset Adore, but the situation had escalated so fast she didn’t know how to stop it from snowballing further.
Maybe Adore just needed time to cool off, she thought. She exited out of their conversation, and began to type a new message. It had been quite a rough first day, so she decided maybe she would take Willam up on that drink after all.
BDR:Meet me at the bar on 2nd street in an hour.
Willam:What happened to defusing the bomb?
BDR:I’ll tell you when I see you.
She shoved the phone back into her purse, and got into her car.
She didn’t know what haf d came over her, but since Court wasn’t here, she had no other option but to vent to Willam about all of this. Hopefully he would actually give a shit about her problems, and not make it about himself.
After de-dragging and slathering his face in expensive moisturizer, Roy left the empty hotel room and ended up at a very modern looking bar with an already very buzzed Willam. He idly wondered where Adore had gone off to, but he pushed the thought away as he listened to Willam vent.
“So I told her, it’s either me or the dating show. And she chose the dating show! Like, I understand that she wants to stay relevant and meet new people but seriously? I have to see her instagram live go off every few hours, and it’s her with all of these different men. They’re all gorgeous too. It fucking sucks.” Willam complained, taking a sip of his cocktail.
Roy knew that Courtney had an odd obsession with staying in the public eye, but he didn’t think Willam was telling the whole story. Courtney wouldn’t just go on a dating show out of the blue like that. Especially since he knew how Court felt about Willam. She wouldn’t give that up for no reason.
“And you swear you did nothing to push her towards that decision?” Roy queried, scrolling through Courtney’s instagram. Her whole page was full of content from the new reality show. There were videos of her dancing with very attractive men, selfies, and pictures from a wild party that she had thrown in Austrailia.
“I swear!” Willam yelled, a bit too passionately. The bartender jumped, turned around and gave Willam the side eye before she continued mixing a drink for another customer.
“Okay, cool it. I don’t want spit in my next drink.” Roy hushed, lowering his voice hoping Willam would take the hint. Willam rolled his eyes and took another sip of his drink, shugging. Roy didn’t know how he didn’t see what Courtney was trying to do. It was so obvious it was almost adolescent.
“I know for a fact you aren’t telling me the whole story. Because it’s clear as day that Courtney is trying to make you jealous.” Roy explained sternly.
“Well I mean, I might be omitting the truth a little bit…” Willam trailed off playfully.
“Okay, so explain that to me then.” Roy huffed frustrated, finishing his drink and sliding it away. He waved the bartender down, flashing a 20 at her to get her attention. He was going to need more than two drinks to deal with this.
“I may have said that I wanted an open relationship.” Willam shrugged. “I didn’t think her going on dates with other people would bother me so much though!”
“That’s because YOU’RE usually the one messing around with other people, while she’s staying exclusive to you.”
“Well I don’t like her with other people damnit!” Willam snapped.
“Then when she gets back, you need to tell her that.” Roy explained. “If you really care about her, it’s what you have to do. No more games, no more bullshit.”
“You’re a smart old man. I hope I can be smart when I’m as old as you.” Willam smirked.
“And you’re clearly feeling better.” Roy said dryly.
On cue, the bartender set down their next round, and Roy slipped the 20 to her; encouraging her to keep the change for having to put up with Willam’s antics. She warmly thanked him and left to go help the other guests.
They sipped their drinks in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each others company. Willam was always interesting company to hang out with, he always had something fun to talk about, or something to say regardless of the subject matter at hand.
“So.” Willam started, setting his drink down, “You had your first major fuckup today didn’t you?”
Willam was also keen on reading people’s emotions, even Roy’s. Which was impressive, because Roy always made sure to keep his face as neutral as possible especially when he felt upset.
“Clearly. I was only trying to help.” Roy sighed, hanging his head down in frustration.
“What exactly did you even say? I’ve never seen her that pissed off before.”
Roy groaned as he went through the conversation in his head again, trying to remember every last miserable detail. The anger flashing through her eyes, the hurt written all over her face. He truly felt terrible about what he had said, and didn’t know what to do to fix it.
“I was trying to comfort her, and I said that not even well trained actors could do well in movies.” Roy muttered.
“That’s true, but that’s not what set her off.” Willam stated. “It would’ve been something more than that.”
“Well, I tried explaining to her that being in a movie and performing in a concert are two very different things. You can’t just wing it for a movie like you can during a-”
“Stop. Do you realize what you’ve done? Jesus Roy.” Willam interrupted, staring at Roy with wide eyes.
“What did I do?” Roy asked bewildered. “Please enlighten me because I don’t know what the fuck I did wrong.”
“You completely underestimated her. First of all, performing at a concert IS different but the majority of it is still scripted if you think about it. Adore usually follows a general setlist at all of her shows. If something does go wrong, yes, she can improvise and fans will still be okay with it but honestly? It’s not that different from being in a movie. The environment is different and there’s singing and a band but that’s it really. It’s still show business.” Willam explained.
Roy nodded as he realized how he spoke to Adore had been really condescending. No wonder she had looked so upsetz
“I talked to her like a child, which probably made it worse.” Roy admitted with realization written all over his face.
“Probably.” Willam agreed sullenly.
“I didn’t realize how much I cared about her until today.” Roy confessed.
“Gross. Go whisper that in her ear or something.” Willam rolled his eyes.
Roy downed the rest of his drink and stood up.
“I think I will. Thanks for listening.” Roy patted Willam on the back before he walked away.
“Don’t forget to douche!” Willam called after him.
When Roy got back to their room, Danny was already home, de-dragged, and on the balcony smoking a joint. Roy sighed in relief at the sight of his boyfriend. He just wanted to fix things between them, but for the moment he was fixated on his ass. He was wearing a beanie and his favorite black pajamas, which meant he had been here for awhile now.
Despite what everyone thought, Danny was actually somewhat hygienic.Not when it came to his dirty laundry or makeup, but when it came to showering he was very precise. He wouldn’t just get home and change into something more comfortable. He would go through a ritual, removing his wig, then clothes, and then going directly into the shower. It was pretty cute. Roy felt his heart flutter at how sexy he looked in all black as he scanned his boyfriend up and down.
Danny turned around, feeling eyes on his backside and met Roy’s gaze through the sliding glass door.
Roy bit his lip and looked away, pretending that he hadn’t been staring but it was too late. Danny smirked slightly before he turned back around.
It was now or never, Roy thought.
Roy stepped outside and sat down on their patio. Nestling his back into the cheap paisley print outdoor pillows, he sighed loudly as he attempted to get Danny’s attention.
“You don’t have to speak to me, or even acknowledge me if you don’t want to.” Roy began, taking a deep breath. “But I owe you an apology.”
Danny inhaled deeply, letting himself focus on the smoke hitting his lungs.
It wasn’t like Roy to apologize. He was stubborn, and would’ve stayed firm to what he had said to him unless someone interfered. Which meant he had to actually vent to someone about what had happened.
Danny was impressed that Roy had even let his guard down enough to do that. Despite them both having their relationship public, they kept their sex life and other details very private.
That didn’t mean he didn’t feel hurt about what had happened. Danny took his job as a drag artist very seriously, and to have him take his talent for granted reminded him of his early days where he was consistently being invalidated by other queens. It had hurt to come from Roy of all people, who had defended him against the very kinds of people in the past.
“I was wrong to say those things to you,” Roy continued, silently noting that Danny’s shoulders were starting to relax as he processed what he was saying to him, “Singing is just as valid of a performing art as acting is, and not just anyone can do show business. But you can sing, act, and dance. You really impressed me today, and I promise I’ll never underestimate you ever again.”
Danny smiled, elated that he had impressed Roy with his first day despite the mental breakdown in the middle of it all. He was relieved that Roy had realized he was wrong, and that they were okay again.
“I told you man, I can fucking act.” Danny laughed lightheartedly, pressing the last of his joint into the ashtray next to him.
Roy chuckled, shaking his head.
“Apology accepted. I’m sorry I freaked out. You’re like scary good at acting. It’s fucking goom.” Adore drawled.
“Oh god, enough with the ‘goom.’” Roy rolled his eyes playfully.
“Grumpy man.” Danny muttered.
“So we’re okay then?” Roy asked, cocking an eyebrow upwards as he scooted closer to Danny.
“Of course baby. Nothing can’t break us.” Danny smiled, pulling Roy close to him by his black v neck. Their lips met, and Roy smiled through the kiss.
No matter how many times he kissed Danny, he always got butterflies. He would never get tired of it. He always felt the same as when their lips met for the very first time, butterflies fluttering through his stomach like a little school girl.
Danny pulled away, smiling widely.
“What is it?” Roy asked smiling wide, showing off his signature dimples.
“Nothing, I just really enjoy being with you.” Danny mused.
They hadn’t said the lovely L word to each other yet. Danny knew he loved Roy, especially after Roy shared his crown with him on the night that she lost All Stars 2. But Danny didn’t want to be the one to say it first and scare him away. He had done that too many times in the past, and didn’t want to fuck things up between the two of them. Plus Roy could be very particular when it came to certain emotions, and Danny had known him long enough to know that love wasn’t something Bianca Del Rio usually associated herself with.
Danny didn’t mind enjoying the relationship the way it was. Other then today, they really hadn’t fought since they actually got together. He knew it was because they were still kind of in the honeymoon stage, but he felt like they could’ve fought a lot more over the last few months. He was thankful that they didn’t.
Roy was thankful that the silence between the two of them was comfortable. They were lost in their own thoughts, and Roy was thinking about home. He hadn’t been back to New Orleans to see his parents in a while now, almost a year. He wondered silently how they would feel about Danny, especially since he looked much younger than him. The first question they would ask him would be his age, and after that his ethnicity. Which he was not looking forward to.
On the other hand, Roy knew that Danny and his mom would get along great. Dan had that infectious personality thay could mesh well with pretty much anyone. He could talk to anyone in any age group and have something in common. It was unfair, Roy was 42 and still didn’t have that skill.
Roy hadn’t brought a man home in a really long time. The last time was over 15 years ago, and his parents had ended up hating him. Turns out, they had a good intuition about him because he ended up leaving Roy for a woman.
His mom would know the minute he brought him home that the way he feels about Danny is serious, which scares Roy. Especially because there’s always that small possibility that they won’t like him.
That also meant that for the first time in a really long time Roy was in love. He had made up a silent rule with himself: don’t bring home a man unless you know you love him.
He had known for awhile that he loved Danny. He didn’t know how the fuck to tell him though. Roy hadn’t loved another person in almost 15 years. It was different now. He was older, he didn’t know if he was supposed to say it in a grand way, or if he was supposed to just blurt it out over donuts at 6 am.
Once he figured it out, he’d say it to him. But for now, he planned on keeping it to himself.
“Let’s go inside.” Danny suggested, finally breaking the silence. He had been studying Roy for what felt like forever, but he had been so engrossed in his thoughts Roy hadn’t noticed.
The two of them got up from the patio, and walked back into the hotel room. On cue, a loud knock sounded against the door.
“Who the fuck is here? I swear to god if it’s Willam-” Roy started, unlocking the door.
At the door was an upset looking Shane. He looked like the shell of himself. He was covered in a large white sweatshirt and baggy grey sweatpants. He had a single bag strapped across his shoulder, and his skin looked sallow and dry,
He was an absolute mess.
A mess neither one of them were prepared for.
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