#Talking to anyone but support workers and my cat
im-traumatised · 11 months
Is it wrong to consider trying to date if your pretty sure your aromantic / on the aro spectrum?
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
Hiiii could you do a chubby reader with like 1999-2000s em and like how the media would react to him being with a girl that's bigger than him? But basically 1999-2000s em x chubby reader? Ly <33
I hope you enjoy!!
Pairing: Eminem x plus sized! Reader
Synopsis: He was a popular yet controversial figure in the limelight. He doesn’t appeal to the glamour shots of the industry, but it’s not easy to ignore the wave of women that surround him. Of course, that’s a given after being bestowed as ‘girlfriend’, but that wasn’t what thrived your concerns.
Christina Aguilera and Eminem. Two of some of the hottest artists taking over the Y2K era have caught themselves into this ongoing cat and mouse game. Christina merely started It for the attention, the drama – though she did find him attractive, until much like any other gossip girl, her lips moved far too much and became another name to this man’s list.
Eminem, on the other hand, already had himself a lady. Granted, it started off rough after the divorce with Kim and his current girlfriend being responsible and protective of her heart, but nonetheless, he was a newly taken man by a beautiful woman. However, that was Marshall. As Eminem, by Paul’s words, he has a rep to protect and is involved with a business that thrives off of appearances and glamour rather than emotions.
Specifically, pure emotions.
Once he caught wind of Christina’s ongoing compliments toward him that slowly turned into cheap disses that not even a five-year-old would spew, he played the game. He entertained her and the media, she tried to bring in reinforcements in the form of little Britney Spears. Caught during a childish game, Spears supported her former co-worker as a woman and a friend until her father tightened the reigns and Christina was gone with the wind.
Despite the words and lyrical disses tossed between one another, no careers were destroyed over the feud. Instead, the only harm that came from this – outside of Britney realizing Christina wasn’t a good friend – was his relationship.
“Marshall, if you like her, then you like her,” you huff, marching around the kitchen as you make dinner. “There’s no need for you to drag this out or act like some pre-school boy. If you wanna go then do it before dinner’s done, so I don’t make too much.”
The dyed blond leans against the counter, shaking his head. “Baby, that’s not what’s happenin’ and it never will. Christina just talks too damn much, she started to speak on Kim an’ our divorce an’ then our relationship. She nearly put your information on blast, baby, on the fuckin’ radio!”
“And let me guess, you protected me by complimenting her figure? Standin’ on stage, calling her your reward for a damn trophy?” Your lips curled, snarling, ready to smash the half of the onion in his eyes.
He shakes his head, “that’s, that’s not what happened?” Your head snaps around, “word? As if that shit wasn’t aired? Marshall, don’t piss me off, right now.”
“Not that, I didn’t mean to say that,” he stutters, “but like, she’s a beautiful woman, just talks too much.”  You slam your hands on the other side of the counter, glaring him down. “You engaged her bullshit because she’s pretty, Marshall. She’s the new eye-candy with the picture-perfect body, you wanted her, and you thought it would slide.”
“Well, it didn’t. You’re about as subtle as a damn goldfish surrounded by Koi fish. If you want someone new, someone familiar, hell, a fuckin’ model then be my fucking guest, but don’t you dare insult my fucking intelligence.”
Distracted, you storm out of the kitchen and for the bedroom. He follows, face scrunched with confusion. “What the hell are you talkin’ about? I’m not insultin’ shit, if anyone is insulted it’s me.”
You stop at the doorway, fingernails gripping into the wooden frame to restrain the urge to just throttle the shit out of him. “What… the fuck?” You gawk at the rambling man. “Do you ever, like, listen to the words that leave your mouth or is everything impulsive?”
“You’ve insulted me multiple times as if I don’t notice shit. You did it when you sought after me when your divorce had yet to be final, you did it when Kim kept stopping by my apartment half naked and lookin’ for you, and you’re doing it now with Christina. I’m sick of the bullshit, Marshall.”
He raises his arms, exasperated, “what do you want from me? Huh?” He steps closer, “obviously, there’s somethin’ deeper on your mind. Talk to me.”
Involuntarily, a pout forms on your lips as your body shrinks into itself. You shuffle to the edge of the queen size bed, sitting down. Your face begins to sink as the wear and tear of your demons, your insecurities – the little voices in the back of your head, take over. You were no longer the raging girlfriend who’d stomp around, wave a knife or something, and end an argument with her word as law. You were the little girl who watched everyone she knew find love – the good and the bad – while she stood in the background, waiting her turn.
The same girl who no one would willingly choose, the inspiration behind the heartbreaking dares and victim of explosive, public outbursts and humiliation. All because her heart was as big as her stomach and as warm as her hugs. As that little girl grew older, taller, bigger, the shadows of the past followed her with devotion. It tainted friendships, dates, and even small social interactions. To her, eyes were always watching her. Focused on the way she talked, how many times she stuttered, how’d she walk, how’d she dress.
Her life was a show. She was the fool and people were her audience.
You and Marshall, in another world, would’ve never come into fruition. He’d be a player, yet a gentleman, eyes focused on his music, his daughter, and the skinny groupies that followed his every move. He could’ve flirted and bashed singers like Christina and Britney without worrying if his woman at home would flip out. His decisions would be based on the moment and not on the memories. Meanwhile, you’d live life in a loop, stuck in her bubble of nerves.
“Baby?” He whispers, falling to his knees in front of you, hands hover over your knees. “Talk to me.”
You begin to tremble, fingers clutching onto your lips in hopes to distract you from the pain that wished to spill. “Do you,” you breathe, “do you actually like me? Could you close your eyes and imagine me as I am, happily? Curves and all? Could you… could you look at me and know that even in a different timeline, we’d be together?”
“Where’s all this…” She cuts in with a small shake of her head, “just answer me, please. Just for tonight.”
He gulps, nodding, “yes. I do like you. When I close my eyes and think of you, every inch appears. I can’t, ugh, I can’t focus on just one feature. And – and when I do, I feel at peace. Like there’s nothing expected of me. If things were different, I don’t think we’d be together. I’d think you would meet someone far less douche than me, who thinks about you before they act recklessly.”
You break into sobs, your head shaking repeatedly. Back and forth, back and forth. “Then why… why won’t you go outside with me during the day? They already know you’re dating again, so why keep me hiding? I don’t care if, if we were spending our time at a fuckin’ park, I just want to spend time with you. Out of this goddamn apartment, staring at the same fucking walls!”
“You saw how the media weaseled its way into my marriage with Kim,” he sighs. “Granted, a lot of our problems stem from before the fame, but once the paps started showin’ up at fucking McDonalds or just, whenever I was with family, things got rough. They followed me, stalking for any source of material and stalked her, hoping to catch her in a scandalous moment.”
He looks down at his digits as they mindlessly rub at your smooth skin. “There wasn’t peace, there wasn’t privacy. I was ready to fuckin’ lose it and I did. And then,” he settles on his heels, “I met you. You never asked for a photo, an autograph, or to meet Dre or the boys. You were willing to go at my pace. It pissed me off, but you’d rather wait for the court to announce me as a single man then to just take my word for it.”
“I just want to do better for you.”
Your bottom lip trembles freely, “you don’t have to. I could never do it, no one could. I mean, fuck, look at me now. I’m still huge as fuck. I can’t go outside in a shirt and shorts; I have to be covered. I have to hide. And I don’t wanna hide anymore, Marshall. I’m sick of hiding.” The last of your words slur into cries.
His sits up, pressing your upper body onto him, holding your head against his neck. He scatters soft pecks around your ear and down your neck, whispering words of comfort to soothe you. “Then you won’t. We’ll start slow, get you comfortable with yourself. See your body, your soul, for who you really are. The reasons I love you and we’ll move on. We’ll get better.”
“I love you,” you whisper, lips brushing against the pulse point of his neck. A small smile dawns his face, “not as much as I do you.”
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eepyfaggoth · 3 months
Job Opportunity in Boston
Hello! I'm a multiply disabled medically complex wheelchair user in greater boston who relies on caregivers and i am hiring! No experience necessary, just be resourceful, patient, covid cautious, dependable, and an enthusiastic learner. Especially looking for other fat people! Hoping for someone who drives but I am accessible via the T.
Turning to tumblr as a bit of a hail mary because i am having a really hard time finding someone who can do the job, show up, and also be normal to me as a fat disabled queer through local channels, and i have one worker now who comes as often as they can, but ive been without adequate support for a while. i would appreciate anyone and everyone who reblogs, to possibly get this in the eyes of someone who might be a good fit! welcoming advice as well!
I have the sweetest esa cat
Pay is 19$ an hour funded by masshealth, i have 30-35 hours available and you can work as many or as few of those as you want
Im still very much trying to figure out life with my disability and how to function and organize and communicate my needs and navigating what I'm emotionally able to accept help with, but in general I need help with housework, cooking, managing my medical care, pushing me in my manual wheelchair, sometimes help using a slide board, and I'm still trying to figure out what things look like on a daily basis. going places with or for me. helping me get in the car, helping me pack a backpack if i need to go somewhere. getting mail, helping clean and pick things up off the floor, organizing medical appointments, making phone calls, unpacking medical equipment. emptying a pee jar. Helping me manage/charge medical equipment. I have a hard time lifting my arms a lot because of really bad neck issues, and i have really limited stamina. Putting drinks in smaller bottles, taking packaging off things. I also kind of need help with dressing and bathing sometimes but I have a really hard time coping with that and so like. That happens when it happens and is what it is. I have some systems for washing my hair without actually getting in the shower. I have variable conditions so things might not be the same all the time, on a good day I might be able to sit up for a while and do tasks, on a bad day it's very hard to bring a drink to my lips.
There's no physically lifting my entire body, but I do need someone who can lift the 50lb largest piece of one my wheelchairs and standard everyday heavy stuff like groceries or boxes of protein shakes. And sometimes my limbs. There's also likely things like reaching and stooping, alas, I drop a lot of things on the floor. I have a lot of allergies and some tasks are more complicated than they otherwise might be, and Im really hoping to find someone who can pay attention to detail and is comfortable working through things slowly.
i have a lot of allergies so memory and attention to detail are important, as is a willingness to wash hands frequently. i have a disorder called mast cell activation syndrome and frankly the precautions i need to take feel absurd
covid precautions:
Masks required! I'm hoping to find someone who also takes other precautions.I also need someone to be careful about monitoring yourself and not coming in if you are sick with *anything* because I *will* get it and it *will* be a multiple week ordeal where I likely experience dangerous symptoms. must be able to test weekly and mask with a k/n95 while around me. ideally be someone who lives low risk (masks everywhere, doesnt attend crowded events / spaces, etc). cannot be someone with a high risk lifestyle (has kids in primary school, unmasked in food service areas regularly, etc) we can talk about my precautions too, right now i havent left my house in weeks, i have two way masking with my current pca, and occasionally an unmasked delivery person will come into my apartment though id like to work on solutions to this. i need to like. revamp my precautions. but i dont go anywhere without a mask, i only have unmasked contact with another person if someone comes into my apartment and i cant get to my mask, i am eating while my pca is here and they are masked, or when my also homebound and careful partner is visiting. if someone was working for me more than 25 hours a week and lived a very low risk life i might be open to having a bubble with them during non surge times with precautions like air filters?
i really try to create a calm and positive work environment, though i have complex and real needs and i've been struggling to survive for a long time and i am very overwhelmed. i care deeply about a humanizing workplace, and i am looking for someone who will care enough about my needs as a human being to take the job seriously even though i am as flexible as possible.
About me, in case that helps?
Fat genderfluid dyke. I'm on my third medical leave from college (like a champ!) but I study medical anthropology, disability studies, and linguistics. I don't get out much or do a lot right now because of my illness but i like fiber arts, music, I don't do tons because I spend most of my time in bed but im really passionate about mutual aid, it's been a a minute but I've been wanting to get back into d&d, I think the magicians is the greatest work of television ever written, and I've been trained as a clown and want to try stand up (well, sit down) comedy at some point. I'm a bit neurotic but very self aware. trying to sort out anticonsumerism in the context of my disability. i value creativity, resourcefulness, autonomy, and consent.
(if this went like really well, i am also potentially looking to apply for housing assistance with accommodation for a room for a live in aid, but probably in western mass. idk)
Gwen :) he/they
Message for details
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
c-could we have some crumbs of what Yuu and Yutu’s life was like before Yuu died? any particular moments that Yutu may remember fondly for example? 👉👈
Of course my friend, let me see if I can make this less angsty than some of the other posts (challenge impossible)
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this is part of the fyuuture kid au which can be found here and here
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I want to leave exactly where in the world Yuu and Yutu are from up to the reader, but I sort of see them as having lived in a small town. They moved at least once to get away from the rumor mill of the place Yuu went missing from, Yutu doesn't have a lot of fond memories of Yuu's og hometown. He remembers it as a place where people were constantly talking about where they thought Yuu went for all the years they went missing.
Even after they moved Yuu and Yutu were considered to be weird and seen as outcasts, something I think Yuu was more upset about it than Yutu was. Until the game explains the rules of Yuu's world, in my mind it is sort of functioning off of Kingdom Hearts logic where when traveling to a different world, your form changes to reflect that one so no merfolk forms for the Octotrio's kids, no beastmen traits for the Savanaclaw kids, and no ability to use Twisted Wonderland like magic for anyone. Yutu can still tell he should have those things and it bothered him a lot.
It was a wild experience to be taken through the mirror and have his ears change or learn he was part fish.
I like to think that Yuu had a job working nights so they could spend more time with Yutu during the day, in what field I leave up to you but they were a really hard worker who saved all their pto and vacation days to attend Yutu's school events and any extracurricular stuff he decided to do. That meant a lot to Yutu, his feelings about his dad change depending on a few things but he never felt like he was lacking in support from Yuu.
Little Yutu really liked making crafts for Yuu. He was really into origami flowers for a while and still knows how to make them, though he's a bit embarrassed by it now.
Yutu genuinely likes Yuu's cooking even if it isn't good. I like the idea of Yutu and Yuu baking cakes together on birthdays, picking out a box mix and fun frosting so they can decorate it the exact way Yutu wants to. A bit before they died Yutu surprised them by baking a cake all on his own the day before their birthday, Yuu was very proud of him and Yutu was just a tiny bit smug about it.
I like to think Yuu subconsciously bought Yutu a stuffed animal that related to Twisted Wonderland in some way. A black cat, a white rabbit, a lion, or maybe even an octopus. Yutu isn't very creative with names so he just named his animals after himself, which is something Yuu would have been able to tease him about because he is very sensitive about it.
Any holidays that are significantly important to Yuu are important to Yutu as well. If you have family traditions that you passed on to him he will think of those fondly and will have told his friends, both in your world and Twisted Wonderland, about them. I like to think that Yuu might have come up with someones unique to them and Yutu since their memories of their past weren't great, so the new ones they made with their son were very important to them.
He especially liked Halloween. It's easily his favorite holiday and he used to get really excited to dress up with Yuu.
Yuu used to read Yutu bedtime stories, and he did like those, but he has really strong memories of times when they would work together to make up a story. He could still repeat some of those back to you... if you knew to ask him about them.
I am interested in hearing what sort of things you would think about Yuu doing with Yutu, or hobbies you think would be fun for specific Yutus to pursue.
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satansaidnottoday · 1 year
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Obey me! Human AU Characters.
More information about the characters in my Human AU.
Warnings: Child death, implied child abuse, talk of anxiety and depression.
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The brothers
He spends most of his day working, and then the rest worrying about his brothers.
Not only the ones that still live with him. He will visit Mammon, Leviathan and Satan on the regular.
He's constantly tired.
He only ever goes out when it's a family event or a work dinner. Diavolo tries every day to convince him to grab drinks with him and the rest of his co-workers, but he refuses every time.
His only hobby is drinking wine while he plays his records late at night.
Has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder he refuses to admit he needs help for.
When Lucifer gained custody over their brothers, he had already aged out of the system. They kicked him out of the home the day he turned 18.
He moved into Lucifer's couch, swearing he would move out the moment he got a job.
Lucifer convinced him to do a bartending workshop and that's how he got his job at a bar in the center of town. He only works there on the weekends.
He ended up moving to the studio apartment on top of Mc's Café. It doesn't have a separate entrance and only has one window, but it's affordable and Mc doesn't mind him being late on his payments.
Has some modeling gigs here and there. Recently got accepted into an agency, but hasn't gotten any important stuff.
Lucifer has offered him to put a good word in for him at his job, but Mammon refuses to accept his help.
He does take any opportunity to eat out on Luci's dime, tho.
He has a lot of free time he spends most of it pestering Mc for free food, going to parties and getting high.
While living in the home he would find refuge in his anime and manga.
For his 14th birthday Lucifer bought him a cheap laptop and he filled it with pirated games. It was his most priced possession. When it broke he cried even tho he already had built himself a Gaming PC.
He came out to his family as transgender a few weeks after moving in with Lucifer. It was very emotional, he cried the whole time. His brothers were very supportive.
Got a job at a manga shop. Ended up as the manager because of how good he was at selling people extra stuff.
He streams regularly and makes a few extra bucks, but he's not big enough to make real money.
Rents a small apartment near the mall he works at.
Complete shut in. Only leaves his house for work or family events.
Has a lot of self esteem issues.
Secretly pays for Mammon's rent when he's behind.
He's Lucifer's biological half-brother. Neither knew about the other until Satan was taken from his dad custody when he was six. He was the last one of them to arrive at the home and the one Lucifer spent the least time with before being kicked out.
He has anger management issues, which caused a lot of conflicts for him. He would regularly lash out at Lucifer.
Eventually he got help and learned healthier coping mechanisms. It's still a problem sometimes, but he knows how to deal with it now.
He works as a librarian.
He inherited a small house from his father after he passed. He lives there as he reforms it.
Has a garden he takes care of.
Loves going to the cafe and volunteers to help with the cats.
Has 4 cats of his own that he adopted because no one else wanted them.
He had a very rough life before ending up at the home. In many ways it was an improvement for him.
He enjoyed having a family that took care of him.
He would draw a lot, mostly outfits for his dolls. He started to make them out of scrap fabric and had little fashion shows with them.
He was a very beautiful child and everyone always remarked on it. But it was Satan that told him he had a real talent for design. That was the first time anyone praised him for something other than his looks.
It became his life goal to be a fashion designer.
When they moved together, Mammon got him a sewing machine. It wasn't the best, but with it he started to make clothes for all of his brothers and himself.
He made his own high school graduation suit.
When Lucifer took one of his suits to work for the first time he cried.
He was accepted into a very prestigious private fashion school. Lucifer insisted on covering his tuition so he could focus on school.
He still lives with Lucifer.
He is Belphie's dizygotic twin.
After Lilith's death he got really bad anxiety and ate as a way of dealing with it.
He would eat his nails, nibble at his fingers, and chew the inside of his mouth.
He had to get proper treatment to stop hurting himself. One of the things the therapist suggested was baking classes, since he had always loved cooking.
It helped him greatly, and gave him some direction in life.
He is now a culinary school student.
Lives in Lucifer's house and doesn't have plans to move out until after college. It was Lucifer's idea.
He started to exercise too as a way to burn away anxiety. He's part of his schools Rugby team.
Self proclaimed foodie with an Instagram full of pics of the food he tries. Has a top 10 restaurants for their city.
Mc's café is in there of course. He loves their pastries.
Usually follows Belphegor around when he has nothing to do.
He got extremely depressed after Lilith's death. He stopped taking care of himself and would sleep all day if allowed.
He had to start taking meds for his narcolepsy, but Lucifer was advised against giving him antidepressants at such a young age.
He went to therapy almost daily the first few months.
They tried to enroll him at just about any activity, but nothing caught his interest. Until they visited the planetarium and he became infatuated with the night sky.
Leviathan gifted him a telescope for his 13th birthday. It came with a book that detailed all of the constellations he could watch and how to find them. He still uses it every night.
He's a criminology student.
He wants to move out on his own, so he got a part time job at Mc's Café. He's saving up to hopefully move soon.
It is not that he doesn't appreciate everything Lucifer did for them, it's just he doesn't want to be bossed around anymore.
He resents his authority, but any time he feels bad he looks for comfort in Lucifer.
He's the only parent he's ever had after all.
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The side characters
He's Lucifer's best friend.
His dad is the owner of the law firm he and Lucifer work at.
He had a very privileged upbringing, but was mostly raised by nannies. His dad was always at work and he never met his mom.
He didn't have many friends because he found all of the kids at his school boring.
When he left for college, the same public one his father went to, it was like a bucket of cold water fell on his shoulders. Hearing his classmates stories made him feel like he was raised in a different world.
He wanted to help Lucifer in any way he could, even if his reasons were selfish. That worked well for them, since Lucifer is not used to people helping without expecting anything in return.
Diavolo lives near the bar Mammon works at and goes there regularly. They got high together once, which led to Lucifer and Barbatos having to bail them out of jail. It wasn't even that much, Diavolo was just acting out what he thought drugged people do.
When he heard about Levi's news, he did some investigation (one google search) and bought him a binder. It was too big for Levi, but he was still very grateful.
In his free time he likes to play chess. Not that he has a lot of free time.
Diavolo's personal assistant.
Has been taking care of Diavolo since he was child, yet Barbatos doesn't seem to be a day older than 30.
Only Diavolo doesn't think that is strange.
He's very closed off and no one knows much about him.
He does enjoy baking a lot, tho.
He lives next door to the brothers. He was really surprised when he saw them all together. They shared a home for a short while, when his parents lost custody of him.
It was a money problem and when his dad got a job he was able to get Simeon back. He always wondered what had been of those kids.
He was very happy to see them all together and offered to help with the renovations in their house.
Lucifer helped him in the process of adopting Luke.
The brothers made him a surprise party the day he took Luke home. He was so happy that he couldn't stop crying the whole day, Solomon still makes fun of him for it.
He's a very successful author and makes all of his money out of that. He still helps out at Solomon's store from time to time.
He doesn't know. He can't know.
Simeon's son. He was given up by his birth mother to his grandmother, who took care of him up until her death, when he was only five.
He spent the next few years bouncing around from relative's houses to foster homes. He met Simeon at a reading event for kids in the system. They had a really strong connection from the start and after some visits, Simeon started the process of adopting him.
He was seven when he moved with Simeon.
He had a hard time adjusting to the idea of actually having a home of his own. It took a lot of reassurance to convince him to unpack his things. He loved Simeon, but all of his experience told him he was going to be let down one way or another.
He wasn't a difficult child, just a very hurt one, and Simeon did his best to help him heal.
He didn't like the brothers at first, they were all too loud. He did end up warming up to them, but it took a lot of time.
He loves baking and sometimes makes cakes for Mc to sell at the café. They give him all of the money from those sales. It's his little entrepreneurship.
Simeon's best friend/Mammon's Dealer/General menace to society.
Owns a holistic shop as a cover for his drugshop. He only sells natural stuff, tho. All from his garden!
Owns the store and the house behind it.
He has a very keen interest in natural medicine, spiritualism and magic.
Very witchy aesthetic overall.
Has a pet squirrel that was actually just a really big brown rat.
Simeon had to tell him.
Her name is Mikey.
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That's all of the characters that are currently part of this Au!
Thanks for reading.
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Would you do Uzi with a short drone reader that often makes high end quality of life improvements in the bunker.
Uzi x Short!WD!Reader that improves the bunker!
Wow, someone that's actually competent and doesn't just hide in fear the whole time?! Impossible!
Those were Uzi's first thoughts when she saw you install some quality-of-life improvements to the bunker.
You'd either install security measures or ways to improve the bunker in nice and convenient ways
...some of them were added to support smaller-than-average worker drones which Uzi appreciated a lot, considering how small she is-
You'd also pick fights with anyone who dared to comment on your height.
Uzi admired that a lot about you! But was she gonna talk to you?
The more she stared at you from the distance the more intense her feelings got until at one point she couldn't take it anymore and wanted to find an excuse to talk to you without seeming too desperate
Lucky for her an opportunity showed itself when you struggled to put some cables up because you couldn't reach the place where you wanted to put them.
She knows how sensitive you are about your height but it's still worth a try, right?
"Hey, uhm..." She felt like she was being choked by the words caught in her throat. "I see that you're struggling."
"Ugh, what do you want-" You turn around, expecting the same adults from before to lecture you about your "dangerous work" until you saw that it was just Uzi. Someone you admired too for her work and intelligence even though she was a tad bit insane. "Oh, it's you, Uzi. Need something?"
"I think that it's you that needs something." She smiles, seemingly caught off guard by the fact that you know her name but pleasantly surprised. "I could, uh... Help you up?"
"..." You awkwardly glance at each other. Uzi's smile vanished ever so slowly as she started overthinking her words once again. Did she trigger you? Said something wrong? Maybe even hurt you?!
"Sure." You say casually as if those few seconds have never happened. Or maybe only Uzi felt the intense suffocating atmosphere as she's the one that's stressed, not you.
This marks the day when you two build things around the bunker together, spending lots of time together
And while Uzi build more offensive things such as weapons you still appreciated having her around.
In fact, you couldn't be without her
Working alone on your projects wasn't the same anymore after you met her properly. Now whenever she's not present it's like something important is missing.
Laughing and goofing around while working, trying to solve problems together, or the way her hands would trace over your wounds whenever you'd accidentally hurt yourself-
You fell deep.
And it's not like Uzi got it any easier! She's been more nervous about what you think than ever!
Working together also meant you two would rest together after work.
Countless hours spent talking about nothing and everything, about everything you loved and hated, maybe gossiping about the few adults that were there
And on one faithful night, Uzi decided to gather all the courage she got to confess her feelings to you
You see a little cat-bot waddle towards you, its movement extremely robotic. It held a note between its teeth and only dropped it for you after it stood right next to you. Picking up the note, you immediately recognized Uzi's handwriting.
Wanna date? Would you like to be my partner Wanna got out at some point?
You smile, spotting the black beanie out of the tiniest crack in your bedroom door.
"Of course, Uzi!"
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aleksa-sims · 9 months
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RL Simself Story
Finally arrived at home after a long day at the hospital. N. & I had planned to see each other later, but we'll catch up on our date tomorrow. I was so tired... My family was exciting waiting for me at home. My Mom made dinner. She and Ana immediately wanted to see my Baby's first Ultrasound pic.
My Mom took my Baby's pic and hung it up on the wall next to Ana’s and my photo in a empty, nice frame, where Daniel's & my pic was before.😔 A nice gesture to show me, that she is happy about my Baby. Though the situation was still a bit tense. My Dad wasn’t upset or anything, but he usually didn’t say anything, when we talked about Nico's & my Baby. He was also happy for me, supported me and all this, but he was more reserved when it came to my pregnancy. He was worried about my Baby’s development & health due to the meds I was taking.🙁
After dinner I played with my cat. Ana & I constantly took pics of Lucky. He’s so cute, he really enjoed posing for us. Lucky loved it at my parent's place. He was so happy here. Meanwhile it became his new home.
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I missed my room & my bed, while I was at my grandparents. Here it's just more comfortable for me. My bedding smelled wonderful. Soft & pleasantly fresh. Idk how my Mom does it, but she, her/our home and stuff, always smells perfect. I was even often asked at work by co-workers, who sat next to me in the office, what kind of nice smell this is on my clothes? Anyway! Even though I slept well, the next morning I didn't feel good.
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I realized that I usually felt nauseous in the morning after waking up since I was pregnant. I had to eat something to get rid of my nausea. I just didn't know that yet at that time. My Mom heard me in the bathroom. I coughed and choked, my stomach was empty but my body still reflexively tried to throw up. Anyone who’s ever been pregnant knows what I mean. However, after I was.... done, I was totally exhausted but I felt a relief. As I washed my hands, my Mom came to me in the bathroom. She immediately started scrubbing the toilet.😅🤦‍♀️She's such a neat FREAK!
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Me: Mom? What are you doing? I was just about to clean the toilet.
Mom: It's ok. You can take a shower so you will still have enough time for breakfast before going to work. I just wanna help you... I know how you feel rn. It's.... not fair.
Me: Not fair? What do you mean?
Mom: Well, having a child... Everything always stucks with us women. Pregnancy, delivery and even later. But you're not alone, A. Your Dad are there.
Me: I know. Thanks. But N. will help me too. He wants that.
Mom: Why isn’t he with you? He promised to be there for you. But to me it seems... Nico doesn’t add anything to all this. I mean... your Baby will need a room, a bed, a stroller and many other little things. Like I said, your Dad and I will handle all this. But I think Nico or his parents should add something too. They are doing a lot better financially than us, A. I hope you don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to argue with you or him. But you should tell his Mom. They need to know you’re pregnant. He will soon have to go abroad again. His parents should also help a bit.
Me: You're right! I'm gonna talk to him later. But about N. & me, you're wrong! It was my fault.
Mom: When he was sleeping with you, he didn’t mind you being married. Now that it’s getting serious, you’re pregnant, he suddenly got doubts?
Me: Yea, that's right. He'd say I failed him. He trusted me, but I hesitated with the divorce. You know?
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Mom: Look, I’m staying out of your.... relationship. But some important details, you should make clear to him!... For Nico nothing has really changed. He will continue to play soccer, live abroad and you will be here alone with your child. Make sure he will support you financially! Tell his family, A.!
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And again, my Mom was right! 🙁I'll be here alone. I have to sort all these things out with him. We don’t have much time left. Only 2 months! In September he has to go back abroad.
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You’re in love with senator Heyward,so you decide to create a love potion to make him fall in love with you but he doesn’t need it to fall in love with you….
The boy is mine au 🖤🎀🐈‍⬛
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You were in your New York apartment,you just finished making the Pope Heyward Love potion,a bright pink sparkly potion for the love of your life.
Pope Heyward was the newly elected mayor and you were just a little tiny bit obsessed with this beautiful shy man.You’ve heard so much about him and lately you’ve add trouble focusing on anything other than daydreaming about him.But he was also know to never date anyone,you heard that he said that he would never fall in love.You attended to change that and to spend the rest of your life with him.But without a love potion,there is no way he would love you…
As you sat down to look at your love potion,you heard the tv reporters,Monica and Brandy say : "Newly elected Mayor Pope Heyward is set…"which made you gasp and turn to the small black tv,"to address the media any moment now for a press conference".Since they were talking about your futur man,you turned the sound up.
" Yes,is there any idea what that might be about ?" Monica asked.
"Well,with the laundry list of problems the city faces on the daily it’s anyone game." Brandy responded.
"You know,I would agree he did run a fantastic campaign based around bringing immediate change to the city.",Monica followed.
"Well,here’s his chance to put his money where his mouth is." Brandy said looking right at the camera.
Then suddenly,the gorgeous Mayor Heyward appeared on your tv.
"Thank you,good evening…I’ve arranged this press conference after..thorough deliberation with our city council and various other agencies to address a great and insidious threat to the sanctity of our beloved city…that is our rat infestation."
"Fuck those rats",you said instantly to support your man.
"As you know,the rats have plagued the city for too long spreading disease,terrorizing homes,destroying power grids and other infrastructure bringing many of our essential workers to their brink…So i have created a specialized committee with our city’s animal control,our team has been hard at work on the ground we have gathered the city’s overflow of stray cats and we will release them hungry into the streets to combat this problem at its source.",at the end of his sentence,Pope leaned back to stand tall.
"That’s fucking brilliant",you said admiring him."So hot",you added.
Behind you,you heard your cat Ariana coming in by the window.Ariana started sniffing the love potion while you were focusing on Pope Heyward saying his goodbye,your heart sinking.
Suddenly,Ariana made the potion crashed on the floor which made you turned horrified.You open one of your drawer and rapidly found a syringe to save as much as the potion.You put your glasses on your face and started to save the potion meanwhile Ariana was leaving again.You started thinking about the situation.How can it be him and you ? But you thought it might be meant to be,you couldn’t unsee it but you didn’t want to cause any scene,you were usually so unproblematic and so independent but you had a feeling in your heart that Pope Heyward was yours.
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You started at your Heyward wall,decorated with drawing and painting of Pope,of his eyes and his profil and his gorgeous beautiful dark face and little hearts with « love is forever»,«be mine»,and «soulmate ♡ » written on them.Something about him was made for someone like you.You touched the drawing and begging him to come over,to touch you,to love you to be all yours to way you were all his.But you were trying,my god you were really trying but there’s just no use in denying the boy is yours.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You started looking trough your closet before landing on some options.Tonight was the night.You will make Pope Heyward fall in love with you.
You took your sewing boxes and got to work on your cat woman outfit like he said the cat were hungry and on the streets.Outside of your little love bubble,the rain was pouring down on your window but nothing was going to stop you.The boy is yours.You started taking your time,cutting and adjusting the black silk fabric.You couldn’t believe your mind.The boy was truly divine.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You were standing on your building in your cat woman outfit which consisted of a pair of black leggings with a black leather dress and a black cat mask that covered your eyes.You begged anyone to understand that this isn’t what you planned for,you wouldn’t dime or you life on him and you but there’s gotta be a reason why your heart beat only for him.You talked about it with your girls like you do in every sticky situation and they told you it was fine.It happens all the time for woman to fall in love with man they have never met before.You took your black whip and jump building to building to your soon to be lover.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You finally arrived to Pope Heyward’s apartment.You watched him behind the glass of the window.He was still dresses like at the press conference,he was pouring himself a glass of alcohol.With your fingers,you traced a perfect circle.You licked your hand,placed it on the circle and took it out of the window to enter.
Pope was in the bathroom washing his face.You silently opened the door to watch him…he was so divine.But then he turned his head your way so you quickly left but he thought he saw someone.He rushed out of the bathroom and when he saw you,he dropped his glass on the floor speechless.
You were sitting on his bed,facing him and he thought that he had never seen someone as beautiful as you.But how can it be? A strange cat woman sitting in his bed in the middle of the night.You waved your finger at him,silently sending him the message to get intertwined with you.The stars aligned,you and him in the same room together.He looked at you fascinated as your licked your ear with your hand like the cat woman you were.He couldn’t believe his mind.You were divine but as beautiful as you were he was also a little scared.He tried to run away from you but there’s just no way.The boy is yours.You attract him by his feet with your whip and you know it’s simply meant to be.You take full accountability for all those tears and you promise that you’re not usually like this.This shit is like news to you,you’ve never felt this much passion before.
You got up the bed and went to him.You crouched down in front of him and took the pink love potion in your pocket.You opened it,ready to finally make him fall in love with you.You took his chin between your finger,ready but then…he stopped you gently .Your eyes locked,you didn’t understand what was happening.He simply gently took your mask off,to expose your beautiful eyes.He really couldnt’ believe it.He throw your potion to the wall,he didn’t need it to fall in love with you.Just you was enough to make him fall,just looking at you.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
1 year later 🐈‍⬛
You and Pope were sitting on your couch,giving food to one of your numerous cats.
"Good girl" you said scratching her head.
"Alright,you have some now.It’s your turn.",he said gently to your cat.
"She really love this.",he said surprise.
"Good girl. She’s so into it.",you added laughing.
"I’ve never seen a cat eat ice cream before"
"Wow,now we know."
"That sweet purr,tsk,aww",he loved those cats so much even though he refuses to say it out loud.
"Delicious,dairy free.",you said happily.
Pope sighed before putting his feet on the little table in front of you which made you laugh,he looked like a happy cat daddy.Your little cat dad <3
So now it was you,Pope and all your cat living happily ever after without the need of any love potion ♡
(ps : as you kissed him on your wedding day the only thing you could think of was «the boy is mine»)
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hope u loved it ♡ English is not my first language so i apologize for any mistakes <3
The way i presented this fic is heavily inspired by @princessbrunette please check her blog <3 it’s amazing
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moosemonstrous · 9 months
(don't mind me cannibalising my own bits from before 😳)
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - build your own nightmare
Yegor Ivanov is in charge of security on a large, well-appointed quasi-military base housing twenty thousand people – mostly J-techs and their families, but also a sizeable assortment of soldiers, scientists, medical staff, relief workers and support crew. It’s the most stable job he’s ever had. The general populace is just so grateful for the giant robots he deploys to fight the ever-nastier demons crawling out of the Breach, he barely has to pay any attention to the actual security part of it. His subordinates haven’t reported a single issue they couldn’t deal with themselves in years. His approval makes or breaks people’s careers. He has the respect of the international leaders for keeping Hong Kong off of their priority list. Somehow, in this beautiful, messed up world he managed to carve himself out an existence most people can only dream of. It doesn’t come without its share of headaches, though.
He has been pretty careful in building his strike team. He has the final word on every new ranger. He’s been saddled with a Stark from the very beginning, but while the current one is prone to sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, there is a definite advantage to working with someone who can handwave away what would usually be weeks of financial advisory committees. That seems to be the balance of things – trade a tiresome but overall manageable personality defect for a fantastically useful professional benefit. If nothing else, Yegor is good at dealing with tiresome personalities.
Brooks is barely an effort – military history, some very helpful connections in the underground and, for the defect, as-of-yet undefeated idealism. He can't be trusted with the more... sensitive issues, but tends to stick to the point in meetings, which is why he usually leads on the tactical debrief. This, like most things, backfires as soon as Cho gets involved.
“We’re talking about positioning,” Brooks says. “We’ll get to the hindsight part later.”
“Not if you’re going to point fingers like that. I can’t tell for sure until I get the hide, but drone footage shows the scales opening under pressure, here, let me—"
“Gentlemen,” he interrupts before their argument devolves any further. “Before Mr Reyes loses consciousness, if you please.”
Reyes startles from where he’s been daydreaming in his seat at the table. Every now and then, when the light hits just right, his damaged eye seems to reflect it, like some sort of a nocturnal animal. Like he doesn't give Yegor enough creeps as it is.
There are vanishingly few advantages to having Reyes on the team, but Yegor only has himself to blame for this. Most of the old guard making decisions around Hell Charger’s fate ten years ago have either died or retired into obscurity; other than himself, there is scarcely anyone left to confirm whether the similarities he’s seeing are truly there or just a product of his imagination. Even the way he shreds the label off the bottle of water in his hands, a perfectly common nervous tick, or the way he fidgets like he can’t wait for the meeting to be over – everything is just a little too close.
Not to mention his uncanny overnight progress with martial arts. Or the way he used the chain to choke out a Cat-4 demon. The chain that, as far as anyone can tell, he never had any training with.
Eli was always so fond of his garrotte.
“Sorry,” Reyes mutters, and looks at the wrapper confetti in his hands like he’s only just noticed it.
“As I was saying,” Brooks shoots Cho an impatient glance, but if Cho can be relied on for anything, it is to switch his focus to the weirdest thing in the room and Reyes certainly matches that description. “The last three attacks confirm we need to shorten our approach time. The demons are clearly prioritising civilian targets over a head-on fight with the closest hostile. The jaegers were too spread out, and until the core replacement program gets going we don’t have the speed advantage.”
“I get that,” says Danvers. “But what you’re proposing gives us very little space to react without running into land.”
“Where the jaegers outperform a demon every time,” Brooks points out. “As proven yesterday – even a rookie like Reyes can catch one when the water only goes up to your knees.”
Yegor didn’t truly believe all of his problems would be solved by putting the kid directly in a line of fire, but some part of him is still disappointed. It’s like the universe conspires to ensure at least one Reyes is always a thorn in his ass, and removing it risks perforating a goddamn artery. On one hand, Razorback slithering right past Eden Assassin and making a beeline for the coast is certainly bad news – Yegor has by now learned not to underestimate it when the beasts develop new strategies. On the other, he can’t pretend he wasn’t hoping it will make a short work of Hell Charger before the others caught up to her. On one hand, he’s sure to get the credit for taking a risk on a new ranger and saving Taipei. On the other, the new ranger has so far evaded several ways his removal could be considered innocuous and if Yegor gets any more direct in his approach, someone will notice. Cho has already made him his new fixation, and Stark is like a dog with a bone – it was a mistake to play the hardass card with him to start with. He’s less likely to be helpful now that he’s fallen for the sad orphan routine. Yegor has been making too many mistakes around Reyes, and that on its own is also familiar.
“We have to run this by other Shatterdomes before implementation,” he says, mainly to head off further squabbling. He nods at Brooks. “Work with Reyes on his ability to follow a direct order until we get a confirmation.”
“That’s unfair,” Cho rallies to his pet project’s defence again. “What was he supposed to do, let that thing hit the pier?”
Amadeus Cho is a thorn all of his own. Yegor stopped worrying about him months ago, when it became clear that there was indeed nothing tying him to Banner’s untimely demise. This much interest in not just The Charger but her pilots, though... “Mr Reyes is present to defend his choices, if he so wishes.”
He could, too. Any ranger at the table would likely do the same thing – throw themselves at the danger instead of staying clear of it when told, like a functional human being. If either Yegor or Brooks were to really press the matter, at least one of the pilots would acknowledge it, and he isn’t looking to initiate any feelings of solidarity. Of course, in this one thing Reyes is more obviously like his father than like his uncle – he doesn’t run his mouth at every opportunity. If he spoke up, Danvers or Summers would try to assert their dominance, which would inevitably lead to an argument with the twins, who have been keen on preserving their lone agent status despite the circumstances. Yegor could use the resulting hurt feelings without looking like he has a stake in the game beyond what can be expected. Instead, Reyes merely shakes his head, further convincing everyone that he’s a harmless newbie rather than–
What is this kid, exactly? More than a liability – he’s a threat. Yegor panicked once already, hoping to engineer a tragic accident, and only ended up making the problem worse. He needs to keep a cool head about this. Reach out to Chau, maybe, see if he’s noticed any mutilated bodies showing up on the island. Refresh the surveillance kit so he doesn’t have to rely on Barton for everything. And put a better face on meanwhile – Hell Charger stopped Razorback from barging right into the coast, where it would’ve decimated the ground troops in a blink of an eye. The press is going to want in on the new hero, which will only make the whole situation that much more complicated. You can’t quietly remove someone whose mug is on every news report for a week.
Yegor doesn’t buy for a second that Reyes turned back up in Hong Kong after a decade purely by accident. Not when he’s clearly trained in all of Eli’s favourite moves. Not when he isn’t asking any of the obvious questions, like he already knows what the answers are.
Not when his mask slips sometimes, and he looks at Yegor like he’s only delaying the inevitable to watch him squirm.
(in the highly probable event this doesn't come across clearly, Razorback managed to slip past the jaegers and would've hit a beach if Robbie didn't react. He was ordered not to engage, bc that was the agreed tactic and the others were only minutes away. For ~some reason~ he decided to catch himself a demon instead.)
(yes it is my experience that 90% of any major operations is meetings that could've been a quarter of the time if people stuck to the point, Amadeus would be my enemy at work. I've also cut out his entire aside about ecological impact of trying to curtail urban run-off so that will probably show up elsewhere in a good time)
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whiskey2theveins · 4 months
Time for a pinned post revision.
My name is Anthony, I'm 26 years old, and welcome to my blog!
First things first, this an +18 blog. Nudity is shared. This blog supports sex workers, all body types, and is LGBTQ+ supportive.
A little about me: I'm a dog/cat dad of 3 cats and one dog. I travel around northern and central Illinois for my job fixing air compressors.
I really enjoy collecting old media. I have a large retro game collection and own records, cassette tapes, Laserdiscs, CEDs, and VHS tapes, along with their various players. I enjoy fixing game consoles and boomboxes. If you happen to have any video games or such you're looking to get rid of, lemme know!
Aside from what I have on VHS, I primarily watch anime, mostly fantasy, harem, and romantic comedy. Physically I read Manga, but I list to audible often and enjoy fantasy and smut. I listen to most genres of music, so feel free to send recommendations.
Feel free to messages me or send pictures of your cats! I love to make new friends and I'm not here to sexually harass anyone. I am kink friendly and a Switch if you're wanting to approach those topics.
Current favorite song: Sure Know Something by KISS
Last Read Manga: My Dress Up Darling Vol. 10
Current Anime: Kaiju No.8 and Failure Frame
Current Audio Book: The Gate of the Feral Gods (Dungeon Crawler Carl Book 5) by Matt Dinniman
I really hope you enjoy my blog and maybe one day we can be talking friends!
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 22: characters that would be your crew
💿 Allen, Hokusai and Shogo
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Strange jumble of interesting people, isn't it? Let's start with the simple things: Allen. Did anyone say "nervous breakdown," "over obsession," and "powerful fangirling? WELL. Allen and I are in. With Allen I feel I could bring out the worst in me, we would spend hours talking and freaking out about our favorite music and discussing about how genious the lyrics of that song is, or how catchy is the beat of that other one or the musical base of that other one too. The neighbors would probably hear dubious excited howls but it would just be the passion of two powerful nerds feeding off each other. Let's pass to Hokusai. Well, I've already talked enough about him in the post for Day 7 but, summarizing, we can say that character-wise we're very similar, besides the fact that both of us love cats madly. Hokusai is that ear ready to listen to you and give you support, he's that friend that always fortify you with that right advice you need. Hokusai is a certainty you know you can always count on, both in happy times and in the saddest ones. Finally, Shogo. I myself am surprised, but it's true: I would definitely get along very well with him! Besides being loyal, honest, serious, and a hard worker, Shogo is a very fragile person who always tries to meet others' expectations. This obviously causes him a lot of stress, and I feel that in this we're very, very similar. I can see myself patting him on the back and comforting him (just as Toma would) and I'm sure he would also do anything to help me in my time of need, he would surely be there to cheer me on! I might make an honorable mention of the couple of friends who join us up every now and then, namely Shion (tailing Hokusai, of course, and who would represent the ever-present gay friend of the group) and Chisei, who would just be the guy I would shamelessly hit on.
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freyanistics · 1 month
Welcome to the Black Cat lounge 🐈‍⬛
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A bit about me:
Hello my name is Elliot but I much prefer to go by Black Cat. I’m a 23 year old black butch lesbian who stays in their corner of the internet. I go by any pronouns so don’t be afraid to use any on me. I live in the US and work in the early mornings and basically have the rest of the day off. I also have three cat babies (Barbie, Broomstick, and Kirby). I have ADHD so I tend to be a bit scatterbrained at times and don’t always focus on one thing.
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Media I’m into (stars meaning I’m super hyperfixated on):
Resident evil village
⭐️Smiling friends
⭐️Lumpytouch Waldo series
⭐️Welcome Home
•Will add more periodically
YouTubers I watch:
Lenarr Young/Lenarrio
Harriyana Hook
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Before you follow:
Before you hit the follow button I’d like to put out a few things. This page is 18+, I don’t feel comfortable with minors following or interacting with me. I don’t post or reblog heavy nsfw content but I do tend to say or share things that are suggestive in nature. On top of that I want to have an adult safe space where I don’t have to be careful about what I say just in case. So sorry if you’re under 18 please don’t follow me until you’re a legal adult (and if you do you’re going to get blocked).
On top of that I tend to swear a lot so if that makes you uncomfortable then don’t follow me.
I am not interested in nor will participate in any fandom discourse/drama. It’s the same thing that rears its head up every two months or so and it’s repetitive. I don’t care to see or hear about it. I have my own opinions and I welcome other’s so long as they are respectful. We can agree to disagree.
I do tend to talk about serious topics that’s going on in the world, specifically race and politics. If you don’t like seeing that then my page isn’t for you. The world and its people are suffering and we can’t stay in the dark anymore.
My beliefs:
I am fully ACAB. I do not like or trust the police no matter how “nice” they may be. As a black person living in the US I am constantly nervous about being around the cops, especially if they’re white. Rest in peace Sonya Massey, say her name.
I am pro Palestine 🇵🇸. Fuck isnotreal and anyone who supports a genocide and an ethnic cleansing.
I am also pro Congo 🇨🇩, pro Sudan 🇸🇩, pro Yemen 🇾🇪, pro Hawaii 🌺. Free them all.
I am pro choice. Abortion rights is human rights and no one should get to choose but myself.
Sex work is real work. The porn industry is shady asf and takes advantage of its workers.
Trans rights are human rights 🏳️‍⚧️
Black women are the goat. Will always give flowers to my queens 🖤🤎
Black Lives Matter ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
Health care should be provided to everyone and should be easily accessible.
Homeless people are human fucking beings. Treat them with respect and kindness and leave them the fuck alone.
Fuck AI art. It’s not real art it’s stealing from other artists who actually put work into it.
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DNI (Do Not Interact):
Do not engage with me if you’re into the following
Pro life
Erasure/fetishizing lesbians
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End notes:
I want to end it off with saying at the end of the day this is my page and I’ll handle it however I want it. If you don’t like that or don’t like me for any reason, block me. I don’t need any negativity thrown my way. I don’t mind talking to people and interacting with others who share the same interests as me. My ask box is always open! My page is also a safespace for black people, queer or not. As a black writer any fics I make with a main character or Y/N will always be depicted black since there’s few fics that have us in it. If you want to see my fully feral and nsfw drabbles or thoughts you can follow me on @bearlybella-but-sluttier (although I need to revamp that blog)
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oldmemoria · 1 year
*̩̩̥͙ -•̩̩͙-ˏˋ⋆ Introduction Post ⋆ˊˎ-•̩̩͙- *̩̩̥͙
Carrd Hey there, friendly neighborhood idiot here to introduce himself B) this looks best on a darker mode btw
✯ Basic Info:
Hey! My name is Ash, I go by he/they/cat/ghost/vamp pronouns (I don't really mind if you use some over others). I'm a minor so uh,, don't be sketchy. I'm trans. super cool. also neurodivergent. awesome. I'm an artist, a casual furry, and worst of all... emo. I'm so sorry. /j
Putting the reading thing so it isn't too big of a post, pls keep reading!!
Homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemites, misogynists, TERFS (Trans Exclusionary Radical "Feminists"), SWERFS (Sxx Worker Exclusionary Radical "Feminists"). All of that sort. I don't put up with that shit. also Anti-furs, like can you guys just not for a second
LGBTQ+ Exclusionists. I'm an inclusionist. stay mad.
Harry Potter stans. You can be a casual enjoyer and interact idc but if it's all you post about I might block you.
If you're just looking to pick a fight... just don't. its tiring for everyone.
If I've specifically told you to fuck off.
Proshippers, Comshippers, and, get this, Anti-shippers. Your guy's discourse stresses me out dont bring me into that 😭
MAPs/ZOOs/Anyone who supports those. Please get help.
NSFW Blogs because I am baby.
if you have an nft pfp I will just straight up block you.
✯ What to Expect from this Blog:
Art. Lots and lots of art. mostly of OCs and characters that I my brain decides are the only thing worth focusing on <3
ON THE TOPIC OF ART: My art might contain triggering subjects such as blood, slight gore, bright colors (and effects that may cause eyestrain), Violence, animal violence, and implications or themes of s/h sui. I am not making light of said topics, art is art. I will properly trigger warning said art when needed, dw :D
Random text posts usually pertaining to fandom or just general thoughts or events I experience. I might rant here and there. who knows :3
Lots and lots of gay people (I wish they were real /j)
Catsss im a cat person
Other people's art I wanna promote :D
The occasional comment about politics, it's once in a blue moon so dw about it.
edits... perhaps....
Warrior Cats AUs for like,,, everything..
Overall just whatever I want because no one can stop me >:]
Spiderverse (I am unfortunately a Miguel O'Hara fan, but Hobie is better let's make that clear.)
Warrior Cats (I was introduced to it at the age of 9. I will never be the same.)
Wings of Fire (kind of i dont actually talk about it too much)
My Chemical Romance (also intruduced at the age of 9. I will never ever be the same.)
Gerard Way (His solo music and Comics, love him to death /p)
The Stolen Hope
Cookie Run: Kingdom (kind of... I'm falling out just a tad. Affogato Cookie deniers dni /j)
Sanrio (kind of)
Monster High (kind of)
Umbrella Academy
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
✯ Favorite Music!!
My Chemical Romance
Gerard Way
The Cure
Foo Fighters
Green Day
Jon Bellion
Glass Animals
Lemon Demon
Pierce the Veil
Tyler, the Creator (I'm just getting into his music, thank you Tik-Tok)
Fall Out Boy
The Smashing Pumpkins
Weezer (lol look its weezer blue)
Rage Against the Machine
Taking Back Sunday
Jack Stauber
Billy Cobb
8-Bit Misfits
Mother Mother
TV Girl
The Killers
And many mooorreeee....
What Lurks Beneath
The Exiled
Red Stars
@ACT10N_CAT • Pronouns.page
bye bye lol
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joasis-rp · 5 months
EDIT: Everything outside of replies is running in queue. I will tag accordingly for organization's sake so enjoy all that goodness~
If interested in writing don't hesitate to message me even if I'm a little bit slower these days. I usually reply at least once a day depending on my mood.
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Continue for muse info - All muses are 18+ - STARTER CALL - ASK MEMES - All Muses are Original Characters -
Rio - 152cm - Inugami (Dog demon) Black and white Akita- Autistic, chronically Ill, PTSD, and anxious. - part-time fashion model and part-time shop worker - Pansexual (no preference)
Anxious autistic girl. Dealt with a lot of abuse in her youth and now struggles with the trauma. She relies heavily on her emotional support dog Akachan a lot. She doesn't talk to her parents anymore. Her parents disowned her for being disabled and her mother tried to kill her when she was young. She was homeless for many years and dealt with a lot of abuse during this time. She tends to avoid people as she is afraid of being hurt again. Though she keeps to herself deep down she is desperate for love and acceptance. She wishes to not be alone anymore but is scared to reach out to new people.
Cho Hye-Bin - 172cm - Nickname Hayden - Tengu (Crow demon) - Autistic, PTSD, addictive personality and anger issues - Freelance writer - Bisexual (prefers females)
Autistic and a bit of a loner. Dealt with a lot of trauma from past relationships. She is a protective person who tends to avoid relationships but likes to fool around. She has a sister but isn't close with her. She also doesn't talk to her parents anymore. Her mother always hated her for not being straight. She is soft spoken and rather intimidating looking but she is actually rather protective and caring underneath her often angry looking expression. She has an addictive personality and is trying her best to avoid falling into old habits but even now she drinks to numb herself and quiet her mind.
Hikari Ogawa - 167cm - Half human and half alien - ADHD and addictive personality - Nail artist and hairstylist - Bisexual (prefers males)
Kyou Imai - 160cm - Energy Vampire (feeds off attention and emotions) - Anemia and autism - Aspiring idol and secret cam boy - Bisexual (prefers males)
Autistic and a bit out there Hikari is a style conscious person. She loves partying and takes no shit from anyone. She has a terrible past that she loves to avoid talking about. She's prone to addiction but as an alien is harder to die from them. She is hot headed and outspoken but she will protect you with every fiber of her being and not ever question it.
Though he's an energy vampire he can eat human food. But must consume energy too. Not just one or the other. Though he doesn't have to eat as much food as most.
He's a huge flirt and the type of muse you think is innocent but is the total opposite. He's also a virgin because he thinks no one is good enough for him. Also despite his perverted and lewd side, he's actually quiet and reserved. He's a cam boy because it was that or being homeless and when doing that he wears a cloth mask to hide part of his face. He can be confident because his identity is hidden. In real life, he has no confidence and struggles to maintain relationships. Because of this, he's a bit of a loner with only a few close friends. He has tattoos and smokes, he's not as innocent as he seems but that's what he likes, he enjoys surprising people when they get to know him.
Chaiyo Chaikham - 162cm - Bakeneko (Cat demon) - Autistic and anemia- Aspiring idol and part-time shop worker - Gay
Chai is an aspiring idol. He's a bit clumsy and overly friendly. He's always smiling and overall is very happy. Though he's a bit awkward when it comes to meeting new people due to his autism he does pretty well with making and keeping friends, though he struggles romantically. He is a cat demon which is a yokai from Japanese lore. Though he is Thai his species can come from any country. He has a few siblings but isn't close with them. Overall he isn't very close with any of his family as they dislike the goals he's set for himself career wise.
Arun (Ah-roon) Siriwong - 182cm - Nickname Sky - Vampire (friendly kind) - OCD, sensitive to sun and overprotective - Gang leader and model - Pansexual (no preference)
Sky is a vampire. Known by most as the friendliest vampire. He's lived a long time and has since forgotten his exact age. He's over protective of his community as his mother died because of prejudice against his kind. He is a born vampire while hus mother was turned by his father. He's dated many during his long life but none ever wished to turn for him. He has avoided relationships for about a hundred years now and he's hesitant due to all the loss in his past. He is protective of his friends and anyone he let's into his life. Though he survives well on blood bags, he's prone to going too long without feeding which can be dangerous.
Mitsuki Iwata - 175cm - Inugami (Dog demon) Black Shiba Inu - Autistic and asthmatic - part-time model and part-time shop worker - Pansexual (no preference)
Mitsuki is a model most of the time. He adores fashion and likes being creative. He's socially awkward and struggles to make and keep friends. Being autistic on top of being part alien he tends to keep to himself as he's afraid of being judged by others. He's very close with his family and once he feels he can trust you then he can become very attached. He's quiet and often soft-spoken spoken but he opens up once he knows the person well enough. He's afraid of being judged so keeping to himself helps him feel secure.
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reliablejoukido · 2 years
Life and Project Updates March 2023
Hello friends! Now that Daikeru Day is over, I just wanted to give everyone some updates on what’s going on. I’m pretty burnt out as far as writing Digimon stories goes, so I’m going to be taking a well-needed writing break/hiatus from now until May. I’m still going to be checking out all the lovely stories that everyone has been updating the past few weeks, which I’m really excited about. Anyway, the rest of this update is under the cut.
Fanfic projects: Once my hiatus is over, I’m going to work on the latter half of “Flying Hope”, then chapter 3 of “So Come and Dance with Me”. Updating “Somewhere Only We Know” may not happen until August 1st rolls around.
Fanart/other projects: I’m going to either make a fanart or gifset for Daisuke Week in April. Also I’m 10 (non-bot) followers away from reaching a fun milestone, so I wanted to do something for that, whenever that occurs. But other than those things, I probably won’t be active making content until late spring.
Fun life updates: I have 2 anime conventions coming up in the next 30 days, so I’m working hard prepping cosplay. If anyone is going to Zenkaikon, I’m going as Ken Ichijouji. And if anyone is at Anime Boston this year, I’ll be (hopefully) debuting my Daisuke Motomiya cosplay (as well as cosplaying Ken on Sunday probably). Please come say hi if you see me!
Stressful life updates: And of course, as I previously stated, there are renovations going on in my house through the rest of March and probably into April. The carpet on my main level is being replaced with flooring, and I’m getting my basement finished. I don’t have the ability to work from home very much, so I’m expecting to be really anxious while I leave my cat alone locked in a bedroom while people are working in my house without me there. I know it’s common for workers to be in houses without the owner there, but this is my first time experiencing that, so it’s going to be challenging.
Anyway, I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who supports me in the Digimon fandom. I love having friends here and talking to people on tumblr and discord. Even though I’m going on hiatus, I will still be active on both platforms.
I hope everyone has an amazing next couple of months!
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froggieco · 2 years
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This is my boy Charlie
If you give me your ear I'd like to tell you his story.
I found Charlie at a shelter in 2019 and I fell in love right away. As I was getting to know him the workers told me that he had come and gone from the shelter often, the most recent time coming back from a family with small children who tormented him. On the white patch on his chest there was a blue stain from a sucker that was stuck to him. One of his previous owners had claimed he was so aggressive that they completely declawed him. This poor baby had been picked up and dumped in 7 years. Needless to say I couldn't leave him there.
When I brought him home he was extremely skittish, not wanting to interact with anyone and hiding under my bed basically for 3 days. But it didn't discourage me, I sat on my floor putting food and water where he could get it and just calmly talking to him about anything. By the night of the third day he ended up jumping up on my bed and laying by me. Anytime I moved he would tense but eventually we both fell asleep.
It took a long time to build his trust but 4 years later and we have an unbreakable bond. Every second it took to build was worth more then I can imagine. It's cliche but it was really him who saved me.
The last year he's been having some weird behaviors, the most blatant one is peeing everywhere. I mean everywhere. He peened on beds, clothes, the carpet, just about anywhere but the litter box. I took him to the vet right away and found he had a UTI. Great, I can take care of that with antibiotics! But after he finished them he was still peeing outside the litter box. I thought then that maybe it was the stress of having two new dogs in the house, something behavioral. I did everything, got special litter, picking everything up, got hormone therapy, anxiety meds, spending extra time with him. Everything. None of it was working and I was at a complete loss. I had him checked for another UTI but it came back clear. Eventually I took him to a different vet and asked for a complete blood check because I knew something was wrong.
It turned out something was wrong. Charlie has diabetes. When I tell you I was heartbroken for taking so long to figure it out, thinking it was behavioral, thinking it was nothing but a UTI... words don't describe how guilty I feel. But I'm glad I caught it early, before I found him in keto acidosis. I'm very blessed
The only issue is I am in a horrible financial situation. I'm barely making by and a lot of the time I can't afford groceries. I never let this stop me from giving the best care to my pets, in fact that's where most of my time and money goes to (other then my own medical expenses as I have many disabilities). Instantly I knew I needed help affording insulin for him.
That's why I'm here. I have a GoFundMe that I will use to save up enough for a year of insulin. If I could get a year I'm hoping I can get out of my issue and save up enough to be able to afford it myself. I know it's a lot, I know it's a long shot but I'm hoping for a miracle. I know many people won't be able to donate but even if you just share this, I will be eternally grateful.
If you've made it this far, thank you so so much. Thank you for listening to me and I hope this is able to reach the people who can help me take care of my baby boy
Hello everyone, I thought I would make an updated fundraiser as well as give more information to what I have learned over the year since making my original fundraiser.
Charlie is in heart failure. I still haven't accepted this, even while looking up treatments and seeing the life expectancy. I'm stretched thin with his diabetes treatment and I'm not sure what any heart treatments would be. He is my old man now, 11 years old and still has a car engine purr. This fundraiser is for insulin for a year, which I'm hoping to make the best year of his life.
I want to thank everyone who even took the time to read this, it truly means the world to me.
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