#Task Manager portal (oc)
glass-oranges · 3 months
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Did a quick drawing of my OCS to try a different way of drawing handles : )
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hiores · 11 months
Miguel O'hara X Male Reader
('Cause there's just not enough Male Reader ANYWHERE much less Male OC)
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POV: You were the newest recruit
You, just like most Spider People or Spider things in the Spider-Society, were recruited by the one and only Miguel O'hara. Aside from assigning missions and tasks to you and the others, no one else really ever talks to him or tries to make small talk with him. Aside from Lyla, Peter B Parker, Jess, Gwen, and Mayday, there was no one else who really interacted with the man at all, unless it was absolutely necessary. That was until he recruited you 4 months ago.
"I am Spider-Man of 2099," He introduced himself ever so casually after absolutely beating the crap out of you. You weren't too keen on strangers approaching your city, especially a stranger that happened to have Spider abilities like you who arrived in some weird portal, but the man was strong. VERY strong. Much so that he was able to beat your ass in your city.
Miguel sighed tiredly, rubbing his temples as he looked down at you wheezing and coughing on the ground like a dying old man.
"You know, I wouldn't have had to do that had you been willing to negotiate with me at the beginning right?" He asked as he looked down at you. You were laying on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You kept your head down due to your Spider Mask being torn up. You managed to let out a slight groan before picking yourself up slowly to look at him.
"Yeah? Well, can you really blame me? I see a weird guy in a weird suit who came from some sort of mysterious portal. Did you really expect me to just welcome you without feeling some sort of suspicion??" You asked as you finally stood up, slightly recovering from the ass whooping you received from the same man not too long ago.
He sighed tiredly, "Fair enough. Now, let me introduce myself again, for the third time, properly." He walked up to you, his broad and tall frame towering over you as he made his way over to you. "I am Spider-Man of 2099" He stated, looking down at you, expecting an answer from you. You sighed, still feeling sore as you cleared your throat. "I'm (Y/N)," You managed to sputter out, before going into a fit of coughs and wheeze. Miguel took notice of this and sighed.
"Listen, I really didn't mean to beat you up that badly alright? But I need you-"
"For what? Need me for what??" You asked as you looked up at him. You were quite curious as to what he needed you for, but after the beating, you couldn't help but to not trust him a bit.
"Well, if you would just let me speak, you would know," He responded sarcastically, contemplating his decision to run a whole society of spider beings from different universes. He turned to you and began to explain everything, from how the Multiverse worked, to the existence of the Spider-Society, the existence of anomalies, canon events, EVERYTHING. He looked at you, waiting to see how you would react or what you would say. But all you did was stand there, confused and lost. He let out a grunt of frustration, before looking back at you.
"Alright, look. Would you like to join the Spider-Society or not?" He asked, clearly a bit frustrated.
"Uhm...yeah?? Yeah I would," You replied, feeling a bit unsure of your decision, but still going along with it nonetheless. Miguel nodded as he then took you to HQ.
It has been four months since your first encounter with the man. Since then, you've been leaning onto him for support and for help, since he was the only one you felt comfortable talking to. Slowly yet surely you began to loosen up around the other Spider Folks, you learned so much about them, and about how the Multiverse worked. And as for Miguel, well, the two of you became a bit close as the months went by. You were sure to visit his work place and have a small casual talk with him. At first, Miguel found it quite annoying. He tried shooing you away multiple times, even tried to give you extra tasks just so you could leave him alone. However, you were able to finish the tasks quickly and efficiently, which pleased Miguel, seeing that you could complete tasks well enough that he or Lyla didn't have to run through it, but also left him annoyed because he just couldn't get rid of you, so he had no choice but to tolerate you. As time went by, he found himself becoming used to your presence in his work office. You became a regular along with a few others.
Miguel found himself becoming especially fond of you for some reason. He noticed EVERYTHING you did for him. From the efforts you put into your work, the vigorous training you put yourself through as you trained with the others to perfect your skills in both combat and web shooting, the way you would always try to greet him and converse with him, he noticed ALL of it. And he couldn't help but to feel like he grew a bit soft towards you. Lyla was the first to pick up on Miguel's abnormally soft behavior and attitude towards you, although no one else could really tell. She teased Miguel RELENTLESSLY.
"Hey Miguel, try and tidy yourself up, I think your 'boyfriend' is about to come in" Lyla teased with a smug smirk on her face. Miguel only glared at her, threatening to shut her off. She only took this as a sign to keep teasing him. You then entered the room, Miguel turned towards you as he raised his eyebrows and shut Lyla off before she could say anything.
"Soo, how is it Miguel? Did you get any rest?" You asked as you walked up to him, handing him a bag of empanadas to munch on. He took the bag and placed it next to him and sighed.
"Yeah...it's going well" He yawned tiredly. He was especially sleepy due to the most recent mission, but he just couldn't bring himself to rest. Not with the burden of saving the multiverse, leading the Spider-Society, and much more. You smiled gently at him as you gave him a pat on his shoulders.
"Just take some time to rest, Miguel," You say to him affectionately. He looked up at you from his chair, and offered the tiniest smile to you as he laid back on the chair, getting extra comfy.
"I know I can always trust you to take care of work, you do a great job at it, you're one of the best I got." Miguel sighed as his eyes started to feel a bit heavy, before he finally fell asleep. You stayed in his office for a bit, before pressing a very soft kiss on his cheek. Despite knowing how fond of you he was, Miguel was still Miguel, he still kept his guard up around you and he would undoubtedly kick your ass for kissing his cheek. You stayed there a bit longer, watching him rest, with a content smile on your face.
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dragkbluire · 9 days
Ooooh that's a lot of wips ! I'm curious about every of them your titles are very good xbjdnfndn
I'd like to see In your future, in my past !
And I find the title Her and the stars is very poetic (if you'd like to share some oc art :D)
Yup, I have lots of wips because my brain can't stop creating but school is holding me to making them xd
Prepare because this is REALLY REALLY LONG.
In your future, in my past:
It's a comic I want to do about Twilight and Time saying goodbye to each other. I love the trope where they are like father and son so I did that. For now I don't have a drawing but I have all the script.
"We will meet again" That's what he said.
"In your future, in my past".
I never knew what he mean with those words, I just wanted to see him again.
For a long time, I thought that he would come back, that I healed some of his sorrows and he would heal the rest of them.
For a long time, I thought that that golden wolf would appear on my dreams again. That he would get close without attacking me for he has nothing more to teach me.
It never happened.
"In your future, in my past". I repeated to myself endlessly.
When I crossed that portal I recognised him. Not because of his armour or his missing eye, but for his wise aura, full of sadness and his expression, stern but hiding affection.
After all of our travels, before saying goodbye I promised him, "We'll meet again. In your future, in my past".
That's the script :D
Of course I would like to share my oc art! Thank's about the title xd
Her and the stars is a comic about my ocs. My oc is named Argenti, (Ai for short), she's an angel that tried to do what she thought was correct, even defying the heavens for the corruption in that world. She worked reincarnating like a human and dying after completing her task for ages and ages, so she wished for someone that loved her and gave her a quiet life. But because of her being a rebel, the skies kick her out and she was manipulated by a villain, because she knew nothing more than the war. But because of that she met Dragmire (Drag for short), her target.
Drag is a god reincarnated. The god of night and death, he's from another world, the prince in fact, but he was over exploited and abused so when he found a way to flee from that world he did. The prophecy says that he will destroy the world but he denies that, and he just wants to live like a human in another world. But there are 2 villains that want to make him their subordinate to have the control over a power of a god, the villain that manipulates Ai and his son that is searching how to go to that other world.
After battles and more. They went from enemies to lovers. They realise they were very alike and Drag gave everything for Ai to make sure she was happy. But the villains managed to catch Drag and taking him to his world again, and Drag, now full of rage, he teared his heart to destroy the world without feeling anything, but his heart transformed into a silent knight that stayed at Ai's side, and now Ai has to give everything to save Drag.
Sorry for the long explanation, but I had to put you in context.
The comic is about Corvus (the villain in his world) realising he messed up everything so he wants to stop Drag and for that, he visits Ai that now is planning to return Drag's heart to it's place, working as a "witch".
How do you defeat someone whose flesh is almost inmortal? By his heart. Drag has a soft heart (maybe he's a little crybaby).
I want to recreate that scene from Pirates of the Caribbean.
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Translation: "Are you sure it's here?" "People don't stop informing about a witch that knows a lot about Oíche"
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Translation: "Look at that. Clients arrived at the place"
The rest are just sketches so ugly that there's no point in showing them. But I also have the script (It's just that PoC scene xd)
If you want to defeat him. You have to know about him and his soul of stars and death with a single weakness.
What's his weakness? Even if he's mortal he's still a god full of rage.
Maybe light? His own power?
A woman. He fell in love and never stopped loving her. But because of the war you started, because of you condemning this dying world, because of you separating him from her, his heart ached and bleed. And the pain it caused him, was too much to live with it, but not enough to call him to death, so he teared his heart and tried to stabbed it, but his heart would not let his feelings die, so he abandoned it.
You're that woman, right?. And now, you attend this store with this stupid silent knight?
Easy there. If my silent knight is hostile towards you is not because you are a thread, because you're not. He's hostile because he's Drag's heart, and he still remembers how much he hates you.
(I made the script shorter because it's longer)
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chronicroderick · 1 year
Rick Sanchez x OC Oneshot
Pairing for a mutual! First time with an OC that’s not my own, but of course I love Rick and Morty so much how could I pass up a request that was simply SO Beautiful!
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Today was the day Rick decided he was not going to let Morty get away with skipping out on another adventure. Every other week it was "school work" this and "important conversation with Jessica" that.
"As if." Rick muttered to himself as he tinkered with the cloaking device on his ship.
A little bit of drool jumped out of his mouth as he spoke, but he simply licked his lips and gulped down some off planet alcohol from his flask. The longer he lay on his back with his particle level in hand the more he got worked up. Every turn of his vortex screwdriver reminded him that neither Morty or Arrow were around to help him. There was little sobriety left to keep the mad scientist's mind from spiraling down a path of fury. Arrow had been a part of their lives for a long time now – long by Rick standards anyway – but the maroon haired man had disrupted the dominion Rick had over Morty. In a way the reprieve was welcomed, since there was the large part of his heart that loved his grandson to death and disliked the maliciousness of his own nature; Arrow proved to be a more tender mentor for Morty which had allowed the boy to blossom into less of a snively mess. 
Rick's heart began to pound in his chest when he thought about Arrow, with his sharp tongue and careful eye. The younger man had saved him time and time again, never failing to be a loyal companion on every half-cocked errand to a different dimension. Rick shook his head violently in an attempt to clear the warm feeling growing in his chest. It was easier to be frustrated than to admit he was biting back the… L-word.
His pity party had gone on long enough. An adventure was what he needed! Morty would be coming along this time. That was a fact. After sliding out from under the car, he threw the tools on to the workbench in a cavalier manner and acquainted the last of his drink to the half digested contents of his stomach.
"Mortyyyyyyyy!" The old man belted out.
There was a cheerful edge to the call, but overall it sounded like he was gargling the name.
Portaling to the top of the stairs meant avoiding the obnoxious task of climbing them, but a small voice wondered if he could catch a glimpse of Arrow in the middle of some mundane task on the walk to his grandson's room. Maybe he'd be trying to open something in the kitchen that was just giving him more trouble than it was worth and his pointy ears would twitch in the pissed off way they do, or he'd be seated at the dining room table with a snack, and Rick would catch that all too famous flash of his sharp teeth. Each thought sent a tingle down Rick's spine.
His feet carried him through the threshold of his garage into the rest of the Smith's home. Half lidded eyes scanned the kitchen and dining room with mild disinterest as they both turned up vacant. The stairwell proved easy enough to manage since it did little compared to nights spent navigating crowded Nizellin festivals or infiltrating Gromflomite mother ships. It seemed Arrow had gone off on his own. That was fine, all Rick needed was the chance to lay one hand on Morty and they'd be off! Nothing the boy could do could prevent him from being dragged through a portal. Not tonight.
While running one hand through his tousled hair, the old man used the other to grab a vial from his pocket that was filled with fluorescent orange liquid, a stimulant he had got as a gift from Squanchy. He popped the cap off with his thumb which sent it shooting down the hall in the direction of Summer's room and threw his head back as he gulped it down.
"Let's go, baby!  Rick and Morty one hundr…" 
The scientist trailed off as his hand rested on Morty's door, which was cracked open just enough for a beam of light to spill into the hallway. Almost imperceptible, there was singing coming from inside. A voice Rick could pick out in a crowd.
"...I hear the wind call my name
The sound that leads me home again
It sparks up the fire, a flame that still burns
To you I will always return…"
Holy shit. The first thing that came to Rick's mind was the recognition of the steep drop in his stomach. His mouth twitched at the corners as he tried to register what to do, torn between throwing the door wide open or staying transfixed like a statue in the doorway.
"... I know the road is long
But where you are is home
Wherever you stay,
I'll find the way…"
Delicate fingers pushed Morty's door open just a bit more, the whisper of a breath escaped withered lungs, and brown eyes widened as they absorbed the sight before them.
His grandson had his head resting in Arrow's lap, while the man gently ran his fingers through the brunette curls, the look of concern in that arctic gaze paired with the melody that practically caressed the ear drums blessed enough to hear it struck a chord in Rick's very soul. Everything about the moment was tender. Any resolve about the events of tonight quickly faded. Instead a hundred memories flashed behind his eyes.
"... I'll run like the river,
I'll follow the sun
I'll fly like an eagle
To where I belong…"
A horrible day, blackened by the onslaught of violence from Sanchez’s oldest friend. It pained him too greatly to fight whole heartedly. Each blow Birdperson dealt him felt in some way deserved, so his own willpower came and went like a paper boat on the open sea. It had been Rick’s selfishness, his inability to let go, that had brought them to this, then suddenly the only thing standing between Rick and razor sharp talons is a little lizard man, hair shifting ever so slightly in the caustic breeze of enormous wings, but his demeanor not wavering in the slightest. Instead his lips are set in a determined frown while his eyes gave away the rift the fight tore inside him. He’d chosen Rick instead of his cousin by proxy, and that act alone made his cybernetic heart squeal with glee.
“... I can't stand the distance
I can't dream alone
I can't wait to see you
Yes, I'm on my way home…”
The inside of Rick’s ship, flying through the galaxy at a hundred light years an hour without paying attention to their surroundings, instead every molecule of his being is focused on the shy looking figure before him. Arrow’s voicing the concern that the scientist had – not so gently – pulled out of him as one would whisper at Confession. He was afraid of being left behind, afraid that one day he’d annoy Sanchez for the last time and be betrayed like so many times before. Rick did not push for any more details after that, instead he looked out the windshield in an attempt to hide the sympathy that plagued his features. The rage was almost its equal, but he knew the poor man might misplace such a negative reaction. He was engulfed with a furious vengeance against anyone who had harmed such a kind soul – but that distress was something Rick did not quite understand himself.
“... Now I know it's true
My every road leads to you
And in the hour of darkness
Your light gets me through…"
He absent mindedly tugged at the roots of his electric blue hair. The breaking of a few strands under the force brought him back to the present moment for just a second. Butterflies not only fluttered in his stomach, but threatened to take flight straight out of his esophagus, which would only prove to give away his presence. That was something he could not allow, because for the first time in a long time, peace had washed over him. Solace, in this private moment between the two most important people in his fucked up life. 
Rick bit his lip the second such a thought slipped through his mental defenses. Why should such a thing surprise him anymore, though? When it came to Arrow every carefully built barrier cracked eventually. He was the vine that grew no matter how many times you chop it down, the roots tenderly weaving their way between the bricks until the whole structure is compromised. Rick had never been one for pruning anyways.
“... You run like the river
You shine like the sun
You fly like an eagle
Yeah, you are the one
I've seen every sunset
And with all that I've learned
It's to you I will always, always return.”
His sweet voice quieted, Morty’s head still lay in his lap, maybe he had drifted off or maybe the melody had been as calming to him as it had to Rick that grasping the contentment for just a few minutes longer would be enough. Arrow’s head snapped up when he thought he caught a familiar green glow out of the corner of his eye. A soft smile donned his lips, but the bedroom door remained partially closed, and the hall seemed almost drearily quiet. Rick was in his own bed, wishing sleep would overtake him soon, hiding away those few minutes in his garden walls.
@residentclown​ ‘s OC. For you dude, I hope you like it! I went through so many emotions writing it lol
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nopoodles · 4 months
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Prompt: Dare OCs: Aodhán/Sinhán + their father, Sin From: Fae Courts/Winter King Spoilers: No (not yet published, still playing with the universe)
Title: I Thought You Loved Me
Aodhán slammed the door to their father’s office open. Magic crackled, lighting everything possible in the space: candles, lamps, the fireplace that might not have been there before Aodhán’s entrance. The papers, physical manifestations of magical contracts and things to do mixed in with real paper reports from all of Sin’s spies, rustled with the wind Aodhán brought.
Sin glanced up, turning his attention back to the papers across his desk, as if Aodhán’s presence was of little consequence. He glowed. He always did. Dripping sunlight magic wherever he went. Staring too intently was just like staring at the sun itself. Blinding, impossibly powerful. But he’d been a young fool once, as everyone seemed to manage – especially those with magic. And once upon a time, he had taken a piece of himself and formed it into the only being in the entirety of faerie or possibly the entire universes who might be able to withstand that power. And that one singular being was stood in his office right now being ignored.
“Father,” Aodhán snapped.
“Yes, Sinhán?”
Sinhán, little sun. Tiny Sin. His. Defined only as such. Aodhán had been called such for almost as long as they had existed. It had begun as a nickname, but faerie changed these things.
“Aodhán,” they corrected, voice suddenly going quiet. They couldn’t do this. They shouldn’t have started it. They should have let it be. They should have left it. They should have known better than to expect the sun itself to give them the same attention they offered to it.
“Did you need something?” Sin prompted.
“Yes. I… Could you look at me when I’m talking to you?”
Sin’s eyebrows rose but he didn’t look away from his desk. Offended, but not enough to take his attention away from whatever he had decided upon.
“This is important.” Again Aodhán’s voice settled itself in a softer register. Too quiet. They needed to make themself heard and this wasn’t the way to go about it. Sweeping in here in a burst of magic and then soft and demure and sweet afterwards. “Someone opened a portal to the human realm.”
“I know,” Sin replied. “I took care of it.”
“That’s the problem,” Aodhán said. “You set me that task. Guardianship of the portal was mine.”
Sin waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it.”
Aodhán’s hands shifted to fists. Magic burned in their chest, spreading over their limbs.
“You don’t need to light up like a torch, Sinhán, I dealt with it.”
“I don’t want you to deal with it,” Aodhán snapped. “I want you to actually let me do my supposed job. I want you to not undermine me in front of the entire court and beyond.” They waved an arm at the doors behind them. “Practically the entirety of faerie knows you set me to the task of guarding the portals and you just whipped that responsibility away on a whim. It was my job.”
“It doesn’t matter. Your reputation isn’t important.”
“Excuse me?”
Finally he looked up, those gold eyes shining with power. “Your reputation isn’t important except how it reflects on me. You are here as a reflection of my power. I can show just how powerful I am entirely by being more powerful than others with you sitting pretty by my side.”
“No. I will not be some pawn for you.”
“You always have been. You were designed as such.”
Aodhán’s hands landed on the desk, they leaned across it, teeth bared in a feral snarl. “You think I have no memory of my own design? You think you can gaslight me into believing that was my intended purpose all along when you were the one who called me into creation?”
“You need to calm yourself.”
“I willnae.”
Power flashed. Growing around Sin in a swirling yellow and gold display of light. It flared like tentacles, and pressed against Aodhán, hot and dry and heavy. “You dare speak to your king like this?”
Aodhán’s power flared in response. Sin might be the sun, but Aodhán was still fire. They could burn bright and hot and fierce too. “I’d dare do more than speak.”
Sin sucked his power back in. Trust him to do so. Like a click, as if it was easy. He always was a fan of playing power games like that. Out and out fighting was, he said, the realm of the barbarians in the Winter Court. “My child. I think I have the perfect job for you that will help you have confidence in your own skills and power.” He tucked their face in his hands, placing a fatherly kiss on the top of their head. “You can become my ambassador to the Winter Court. Pack your bags, I’ll send the missive now.”
This has been I Thought You Loved Me by Will Soulsby-McCreath. Feel absolutely free to reblog around Tumblr but don't copy and paste to anywhere else (c) Will Soulsby-McCreath
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kitcheninaman · 9 months
fuck you ive had two energy drinks and i feel like shit here's my favourite ocs entire (somewhat abridged) story:
Charles "Chuck" Rodriguez was born a normal, human, man in London, Earth. He had normal parents, went to a normal school, and joined what he thought to be the normal armed forces after graduating.
His younger years, in comparison to his later adventures, were of little importance. In the 9 years he served, he was an accomplished soldier. He had a couple close friends and a girlfriend. He was a normal man.
Until, a random Tuesday when he was 27.
Somewhere along the way, perhaps when he was born, perhaps while he was smoking in the dodgy alley behind Sainsbury's, he had somehow become entangled in part of the World Father's soul, which implanted itself within his. Normally, having World Essence is completely unobtrusive. Most people never know. Because the World Father is dormant, His essence holds no power as it has no will to bend it. Unfortunately for Chuck, on that random Tuesday the World Father stirred. The four multiversal forces were thrown out of balance, and the World Essence awoke.
Normally, this should've killed him. Unfortunately, a young Rainbowian by the name of Adrian happened upon his writhing body and decided it was in her best interests to help him out. She was able to capture some of her brother's soul in a jar to give Chuck a temporary boost to prevent him from dying. This had the side effect of forever implanting that part of the World Father's power in him- making him a deity of his own.
From there, Adrian brought him back to the portal dimension, where she introduced him to her brother, Rai, and her best friend, Keycode. Together they formed the IF- a ragtag group tasked with protecting the multiverse from any threat imaginable. Each of them were tied specifically to one of the universal forces, Chuck taking Strength.
From there, Chuck joined The Council of Gods and Deities. He learned how to control and master his powers. He even grappled with his sexual identity. The IF began their first quest- Defeat Tracy Jones, a rogue Codian Spawn set loose from the Dark Dimension with the intention of multiversal destruction.
In a final battle at the IF HQ, Chuck manages to defeat Tracy. Keycode disappears, and Adrian and Rai run in separate directions. They are never to see each other again.
Chuck returns home, to Earth. With no IF, what reason has he to be away? He tries to resume his life before, with little success. He is now 29, immortal, and chronically depressed. He takes up drinking, comes out as gay, and cuts off his friends. He remains in this state for what feels like centuries.
Eventually he realises his mistake, and sets out to find Adrian. He tracks her down to the Peony Dimension, where she is acting as an advisor to the local Queen. He meets Queen Charlie and her unlikely gaggle of miscreants: An immortal being named Jared, the Fae Prince Daniel, and a 17 year old boy from Earth's sister dimension, Nevn, named Ryo. He and Adrian learn that Rai died in a civil war, 3 years before Chuck discovers the Peony Dimension.
Together, they reform the IF. From the rubble of the IF HQ, Tracy rises again. The Multiverse is in an age of chaos, and its fate rests on unstable scales.
Adrian's nephew, Link, joins the group. Rai's death punched a hole in their ranks, which he tries in vain to fill.
Chuck is expected to head the group in Keycode's absence. She was never found after the first battle at IF HQ, and she will never be found in future. He takes leadership well, and ultimately it is him who ends Tracy's reign of terror.
Throughout this, he is recovering from his depression and his drinking problem. He is finding his place in this world, after he has been forced into new situations with zero knowledge or preparation. He is barely in his 30s, yet has the eyes of a man who has seen entire civilizations be built up around him, only to watch them fade to rubble as he remains unchanged.
He meets a man named Jace, who resides in the Peony Dimension. Jace is a demigod, son of the god of magic, and a journalist by trade. They fall in love- no easy feat. Chuck feels as though letting someone in romantically would only bring pain, but Jace shows him how to stop hiding behind his fragile worldview, and love a little.
After defeating Tracy, and finally bringing about peace, Chuck settles down and moves in with Jace. They marry, and have two children- Henry and Ophelia. Henry is to join the Shadow Guild as a mercenary.
They continue to live a quiet, peaceful life for many years. At this point, he is hundreds of years old, and has ceased aging.
However, he is not permitted peace. Keycode was keeping a secret, back in the early days of the IF. She had annoyed Timekeeper, the being who controls all of fate and prophecy, and subjected her and her closest friends to a curse. He was to be "taken by time".
And so, he disappeared. Much like how Keycode had all those years ago. Jace woke up one morning, and he was gone. No trace of him anywhere. The lack of closure would eat Jace up inside right up until his deathbed, not knowing if his husband had just up and left him forever, or if he would be back one day.
And no one would ever know.
Only Chuck, and only Timekeeper. For that is the cruel truth of Time.
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auspexalien · 1 year
Avatar OC: The Tale of Hanta
Hanta was born in a Republic City slum on the same day as Korra. At a young age, Hanta discovers she's a waterbender, and is convinced she's the Avatar. Even when her (and her parent's) hope that she's the chosen one dies out with Korra's recognition, Hanta is dedicated to being a great and noble hero. Her stubbornness, dreams of grandeur, and inflexible morality conflicts with her surroundings and family- especially her older sister, Yuka. Yuka is a firebender, whose focus is survival and community. Yuka becomes part of a Triad-type Gang in her early teens, and continues to steadily grow through the criminal ranks afterward.
Hanta, meanwhile, disconnects from her family and manages to scrape by to adulthood, still often losing odd-jobs to her explosive temper. Her last odd job was as an Avatar Historian, which Hanta took because of her enthusiasm for the position, and even a hope she could feel closer to becoming “an” avatar.
Korra opens the Spirit Portal in Republic City, and Hanta and Yuka are among the displaced when Korra takes a vacation to recover. Soon after, Hanta meets a wolfbat-like spirit who goes by the name “Chiru.” The spirit makes a enticing promise to the waterbender- Chiru will fuse with Hanta, giving her untold powers, and they will become a new kind of Avatar fusion (as Raavaa is with Korra.) Hanta eagerly accepts! Fused with Chiru, Hanta has the ability to shapeshift into a wolfbat! Even better, any person that Hanta bites gains animal shape-shifting abilities, too.
Hanta decides she'll use the power to take on the heroic task of bringing peace to the masses, by stopping the Triad Gangs (partially controlled by her frustratingly “evil” sister, Yuka) and the returning Equalist movement. Hanta sees these conflicts as Equalists are upset non-benders have no power to stop the “bully” benders in the Triads, so her solution is to give disenfranchised non-benders the shape-shifting powers, so they can protect themselves and work together to take down the Triads.
Not only is Hanta's eagerness to hand over super-powers to anybody with a kind face a little naive, but she is unaware that Chiru is scheming while Hanta sleeps. It's Chiru's power that grants the other people abilities, and Chiru threatens them with becoming animals forever -unable to shift back- if they don't carry out her bidding. Chiru seems to carry a deeply-held grudge for certain spirits, and the humans that work with them. She's looking to bolster an entire spirit war.
Hanta's rise in vigilante heroics soon puts her back in full-force conflict with Yuka and her gangs, of course, but also Dae. Dae is a newly made airbender, who gained her bending powers after Harmonic Convergence, and is furious about it. Dae is an inventor, who took pride in her contributions to technical advancement. She was too young to play a role in the original Equalist movement, but always felt sympathetic to the cause. She feels disgusted by her new powers. Now, Dae is seeking out the Equalists, looking to revive the movement in full-force and discover a way to remove her own bending- and the bending of others, especially the new airbenders.
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Fictober day 1 "i chose you"
Fictober day 1 
fandom - monkie kid
Oc x canon (macaque)  
@fictober-event prompt - “I chose you” 
“I chose you”
    a pang of sadness shot through rongs heart again as the fond memories and emotions those words carried with them came crashing down on her like a wave.
 Memories of her happier days when she was wild. When she was completely carefree. When all she had to worry about was her daily tasks as a guard and what shenanigans her sisters and friends were gonna drag her into. 
before everything had changed. 
   A shaky sigh escaped her as she gazed back up at the moon, soothingly rubbing the backs of the two little baby red and black furred demon monkeys that were currently wrapped to chest. 
   their tails wrapped around both her arms like a lifeline as she rocked back and forth on a porch swing that overlooked the family’s garden 
Eyes glancing over at the time on her phone every once in a while, as she Patiently waited for her husband to return back with wine, baby formula and the egg tarts + plum cakes she ordered ahead for their wedding anniversary. 
  The sounds of cars driving in the distant city, crickets chirping, nocturnal creatures moving around in the distant forest accompanied with her children's purring and cooing noises, and the cool night breeze caressing her skin. 
All was enough to put her at peace again. enough to keep her mind off of the few depressing implications that their anniversary would also bring up and focus more on celebrating.
  Specifically, at least 2320 years of marriage and the love they shared, their first two children who were now fully grown and the two twins she had recently. all of which are healthy, alive and unharmed, the fact they don’t have to worry much about getting old and…. other things…. but those things didn't need to be brought up
  After all the shit they had been through over the thousands of years they have been together, those were pretty huge accomplishments for the both of them. 
  And they were gonna celebrate even if her sisters couldn’t make it. 
  The subtle sounds of a portal opening behind her and the sudden distinct scent of plum scented cologne and freshly baked egg tarts brought a smile to rong’s face.
 “I’m back pretty girl~”
   Rong chuckled at the nickname.  Her cheeks dusting a rosy pink as she turned away from the garden to face her husband standing in the doorway. 
   The handsome monkey demon was leaning against one of the screen doors, love in his golden gaze and his signature charming smile on his face as he looked over at her and the babies. 
  His silky black fur was still a bit ruffled from sleep and he was no longer dressed in the normal outfit he always wore out in public but in a Loose lavender sweater and a pair matching fuzzy pants she bought him as a gift last new years.
   It was meant to be a bit of a joke gift, she had actually made him a new weapon to practice with at the dojo, but she just had to see the look on his face when he opened the box and saw the cutest puppy and monkey patterned pants sitting inside. 
   However, Rong was quite surprised to start seeing him wear them around the house and even when she asked him why he didn’t just wear a different pair of pants when she had to sew a tear in them, he basically told her that they were the most comfortable pants he had. 
  Which was code for ‘i can’t really find a way to express it but i love this gift you've gotten me and i will cherish it forever no matter how cutesy it is’ 
  But That was macaque for you, a powerful cunning and charming demon who was secretly a big softie that managed to make his way into her heart centuries ago
 “Glad your back love” she replied, getting up from the swing to kiss her husband’s cheek “did ya get everything?”
“Yes i did” he purred, his long black tail snaking around her waist “and i gotta say babe, you have excellent taste”
  Rong gave him a smug grin, sitting contents of the bag down on the dining room table before turning back around and reaching a hand out to pet behind his ears.
“you're damn right i do” she quipped, her heart melting at her husband's purrs “you tend to pick up a few things when you spent centuries with such a clever and handsome husband like mine” 
  macaque felt his face and ears heat up at her compliment. His purring intensified as he leaned his forehead against hers. allowing the glamor he wore to fade away, revealing his blind left eye that he normally covered up. 
  Yeah. to others it was kind of stupid that he would practically melt away at a complement his wife would give him every day. But macaque couldn't help it. 
He was just incredibly thankful and happy to have her in his life.
“You flatter me babe” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear “i’m not that handsome”
“Oh hush, you are handsome mihou!” she insisted, pausing when she felt xiaobo and luli squirming around in their wrap “they’re probably ready for bed. Both of them tried to stay up waiting for you to get back home”
“Guess they missed their Baba, didn't they?” macaque cooed, carefully taking the two little demon monkeys into his arms “or they just missed their walking heat source so much they couldn’t fall back asleep without it” he commented sarcastically, the two babies squeak immediately turning into soft purrs and coos as they cuddled up into their father's sweater. 
   Rong chuckled at his comment, leaning against the kitchen table as she looked at them. Taking in the sight of macaque holding the twins with nothing but love and gentleness on his face like a love drunk fool. 
 The same she gave him years ago when she first started to really feel something stronger than friendship for the six eared demon. 
“Rong, whatcha starin at?” 
“Oh it's nothing” she replied, going back to setting a few of the egg tarts and plum cakes on a plate for them to enjoy.
"Could you put them in their crib for me? I’ll set up the stuff outside for us” 
“No problem love” he purred, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek before making his way down the hallway “i'll be right back, don’t start opening anything without me” 
Rong just smiled and rolled her eyes. “don't worry, I won't peek” she replied sarcastically, taking the plate of pastries and the two glasses filled with plum flavored wine outside. 
  After putting the twins in their crib, the couple just sat on the swing and celebrated. 
Their laughter echoing in the night air as they retold and relived memories. Leaning on each other's shoulders as they Ate egg tarts and plum cakes and laughed about the mildly chaotic wedding, they had centuries ago and the ridiculously chaotic week they had after until they were both in tears from laughing so hard.
Then they opened gifts from their older children who had stopped by and visited them earlier in the day to congratulate them on their anniversary.
   Their daughter yuan sent her mother and father two red envelopes with 100 dollars each inside alongside two magical little stuffed dolls of them that had that character shuang xi embroidered in red thread onto the chest of them. Which would bring them happiness and luck. 
   While their son Bolin sent his mother and father two red envelopes of money and he sent them each a magical item he made himself in his workshop. Rong received a beautiful set of broadswords that could return to her when she called for them and macaque received a beautiful red scarf that according to their son's note, would strengthen his powers and slowly heal his wounds when he was wearing it. 
gifts the couple loved and vowed to repay their kids for.
now, the the pair were opening the gifts they got for one another. Gifts that they hid from one another, weeks leading up to their anniversary 
“Alright, now that's settled, let's open the gifts we got for one another '' rong sighed, the couple exchanging two boxes between one another. both boxes being small, similar in size to a jewelry box, and wrapped in beautiful red wrapping paper. 
 Macaque held the box up to his ears, his tail flicking with curiosity as he shook the box gently to make sure he didn’t possibly break the gift inside. Whatever was inside it like metal clinking together. Maybe a necklace or a ring? Some sort of bracelet possibly? A talisman?
 Macaque couldn’t tell exactly, but when looked back over at rong he couldn't help but blush at the excited look she had on her face. Her lavender tinted eyes filled with excitement that made his heart skip beats. Though you could say every time he looked at her at all made his heart skip a few beats. 
  He just loved her that much. She is lover, his friend, his partner in crime,his best critic and the only person he allowed himself to be vulnerable around. 
Even if wasn’t entirely vulnerable, for reasons she knew all too well, she bore with him for centuries and always knew when to check him when it was needed.
All of that managed to make him feel like he was falling in love again every time he saw her face. 
 The face of the beautiful and clever badass warrior with silky black hair that smelled of roses who was hellbent on becoming his friend.
before one thing led to another, and she agreed on the battlefield that she would be his wife. And he couldn’t have been more thankful for it.  
“Hey handsome, don't just stare at me and open your gift” rong teased, watching with anticipation as he opened the box.
rong couldn't help but feel her heartbeat speed up when his expression.
shifting from curiosity to shock when he pulled out a small jade necklace with a little charm of a monkey and a dog wrapped around one another dangling from it. 
“No way” he muttered, nostalgia washing over him as he realized what he was holding  in his hands “is this-”
“The necklace I gave you when we won the huge fight against that demon that tried to take over huaguo shan?” she interrupted, scooting closer to him “yes”
He was too stunned to speak. Eyes still fixated on the necklace in his hands. 
“After..” rong sighed, watching her lover's brows with anger at even the mention of the memory before she continued “the incident...you were so devastated when you couldnt find it…and i didn’t like seeing you so torn up about it..so i every time you went out on a mission, i would go looking for it the inner demon markets just to see if anyone had picked it up”
Gently taking the necklace from his hands, she quickly wrapped it around his neck and clipped the back. Making a few necessary adjustments as she continued to explain how she got her husband's favorite necklace back
“But I had to put looking for it on pause when the twins were born. So, I called on an old friend of mine and she just happened to have it waiting for us in her workshop. She found it a few years earlier in the mountains. She even cleaned it up for you-”
Rong paused when she felt his arms wrap around her. Pulling her close to his chest and burying his face in her hair. 
“Thank you” he murmured “thank you so much for this”
 Rong could already feel tears welling up in her eyes. overwhelmed when she heard the pure softness in his voice and the fact she managed to bring something that brought him and her so many fond memories back.
“Your welcome love” rong murmured, hugging him back and burying her face into his chest for a few moments longer “i’m glad to see you wearing it again”
“I’m glad to have it around my neck again” macaque replied, pulling away scoot rong’s gift closer to her “now you have to open mine” 
   Rong raised brown at the insistence in his voice. Unwrapping the box slowly as she gazed over at his smiling face every couple of seconds to see his reaction.
“Is that new scarf you saw me eyeing?”she inquired
“The new bones to blood book that i saw last week?”
“Not even close”
“Alright i’m gonna guess it's a-” rong paused when she saw the contents at the bottom of the box.
 Her expression shifted between shock, nostiliaga and happiness, Tears welling up in her eyes as she pulled out an all too familiar jade bangle. 
A delicate piece of jewelry that had been completely shattered centuries ago during the incident that made her completely lose trust in what was once their close friend, but also strained her relationship with her sister.
What made this bracelet so special was the words and memory behind it.
Through blurred eyes, the characters carved into the bracelet read ‘ wǒ xuǎn zé le nǐ’ across the bracelet and translated to I chose you
  The exact words macaque had said to her when he had proposed to her during a fight against the demon on the battlefield. After the demon had been killed this was their symbol of unity. Their official symbol of their marriage. He had put on her wrist and basically poured his heart out to her about how much he appreciated her and loved her.
 He claimed that between her and all powerful weapons the demon they killed might have had, he chose her and would choose her every time.
because her being alive was the most important thing to him at the end of the day and that he was going to follow her into any battle or struggle so long as she would have him. 
“You love it?’ macaque asked, wrapping his arms around Rong and rubbing her back as she sobbed into his shirt
“Of course I love it goddammit!” she laughed, wiping her eyes and lifting her head up to press kisses all over his face as they held one another “you know how much it killed me when our bracelet broke! I couldn't even stand wearing jade for years after it had been destroyed!”
  Macaque just smiled fondly at her. His heart swelling with pride and joy as she gushed over the bracelet. Just happy to see Rong so overjoyed to have the simple jade bangle back on her wrist again. Reaffirming her love for him and reaffirming how strong their bond was. 
after calming down from the joyful moment, Rong leaned her head on his shoulder. taking his hand in hers. Looking up at him with half lidded tear-filled eyes.
“Love you mac” Rong murmured, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 
Macaque let out a low purr. His tail instinctively wrapping around her wrist and his hand cupping the back of her head as he melted into her soft lips. 
“Love you more rong” he replied, pulling rong closer to him. Rong letting out a content sigh, the two of them just staring down at the bracelet and the words inscribed on it. Content and thankful they had one another. 
Repeating the phrase in their heads as they glanced at one another 
‘I chose you’ 
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stormtide-leviathan · 2 years
do u have any ocs? if so tell me about em!
Okay so, current "project" (that i've basically only thought about). It's a queer superhero story in a fantasy world.
Billie- The protagonist. Tries to make everyone else's problems her, puts herself in harms way far more than she should when someone else is on the line. Self-care? Mental-wellbeing? never heard of her. Has a past she doesn't like to talk about. Trans butch lesbian. Has minor super-strength and a less minor healing factor. Loves to eat, cause her healing factor makes her metabolism hell. Big burger gal. Hangs out at gay bars and gay masquerades (a big thing in this universe, giving me an excuse to put my superheros in costumes and masks when it otherwise isn't much their style). She moves from job to job, taking on the most dangerous tasks in the factories fully expecting injuries, counting on her healing factor to help her out, and works with union reps to help unionize these dangerous work places using her injuries to radicalize people. Gets her hrt from a local witch who has an apartment chalk full of magic plants and herbs. Tried to get bottom surgery from her too, but her healing factor meant it didn't stick lol.
Bianca- So some ""quick"" backstory.
In this world, there's a thriving metropolis, surrounded by thick walls to keep out the not-quite-kaijuesque monsters from the wilderness outside. At the center of the city is a portal to another dimension, where there's a parallel city spreading out from the portal on the other side, and out side of that massive agricultural fields that supply both cities. Anyone in the metropolis who shows superpowers, as well as their direct family, are all forced into the otherside if they're discovered because the government wants to keep anyone with "demonblood" segregated from the rest of the Metropolis and they need workers in the otherside in order to afford not having that in the metropolis. But superpowers are too useful a tool to pass up. So, certain supers from the otherside are allowed back into the city, to help fight the monsters from the wilds when they manage to get in, to help with policing, and to help keep the portalborder enforced. They're also used to keep other supers in check in the otherside. As supercops, basically.
Bianca is one of those supercops, and at one point Billie was her partner until Billie came to the realization that she hated this and it was hurting people like her (and even her, indirectly), and went into hiding (this is the point at which she transitioned). Bianca can turn invisible. She's bi. She's always hiding everything about herself from everyone in order to hold enough social privilege to stay in the metropolis, to be "normal". She's miserable, and she's hurting everyone around her while she's at it. During the story, Bianca is basically going to go through the same growth Billie did many years ago.
Sarah- Sarah is the third and final character with superpowers, with fire powers. She very recently was forced into the otherside, and is living out of a shelter. She's hotheaded, she's angry at the world, she has a fierce desire to protect people and to have a community where she fits in. She's a whole lot younger than Billie by a couple decades, and when she came into the bar where Billie was hanging out with her friends, Billie saw this young baby butch who was lonely and hurting and saw the literal fire in her eyes and went "welp, guess i have a daughter now" and took her under her wing. Billie shows her the ropes of what the otherside is like, introduces her to the queer scene where Sarah for the first time gets to be more open, gets to be with other butches like her (which doesn't go entirely smoothly at first cause she has a bit of a breakdown cause she still feels different from even the other butches around her but it all works out well). I want her to be kind of a person that brings people together, very community focused; like a campfire, or a hearth. She's not just fire, she's warmth.
Kat and Butch Kat- These are two characters I don't actually have much in the way of plans for, I just thought they would be fun. They're some of Billie's friends. They're long-time partners, girlfriends of several years. They're dorky and affectionate with each other. They have a cat named Lady Katherine, that they named after both of them.
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faebriel · 28 days
PLS braindump abt ur ocs
[floodgate opens]
i've talked about them a little bit here and here, but the general gist of them is that they're a jumblemash of red riding hood, snow white, and snow white & rose red all upended into a portal fantasy where the responsible older sister gets kidnapped by fairies, the foolish younger sister has to trek up alone to go get her back, and from there they just get stuck.
i think on saturday lol i was having endless and spiraling thoughts about bea and cassian. here are their little profiles:
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(it doesn't say on there but their pronouns are she/her (for now) and he/him respectively, and they're at the very start of their twenties. bea in particular is just shy of her 21st birthday.)
they get stuck at the hip when bea takes up a task from one of the fair courts - tracking down an errant fairy who had been in contact with her disappeared grandmother - in exchange for a magical favour and cassian is appointed as her guide. kind of like "okay we need you to go do us a solid but we're giving you a helper so you don't immediately fall into a pit and die." that, and being a 24/7 spy stuck to bea's side feeding information back to the fair court. really anything is valuable but a true name and information about bea's weird, weird hometown (there's a winter fae ruling it) (they don't know yet) (that's a whole other thing) is really the goal. they're looking to sabotage bea's task just before she can complete it herself to avoid paying out her favour, because the fae are fucking scalpers.
cassian's skin in the game is that he owes a lifedebt to the summer court, and successfully digging up as much information as possible before cutting bea loose is the first rung he needs to crawl up to 1) obtain material success 2) obtain approval and validation from his mentor, who has encouraged an entirely unhealthy relationship of one-sided devotion between them for several years now and 3) generally make the lifedebt feel worth it. because he's kind of at the point where he recognises that he's been dealt a shit hand, even if he tries to take it nobly, and isn't quite at the point of looking towards the court that dealt him that shit hand in the first place. all he knows is Use Honed Skill Of Deep Empathy To Manipulate, Make Magic Deals With Unsuspecting Civilians, Eat Hot Chip, and Lie
bea is a friendly sweetheart. a little too nice honestly. she is also under a lot of pressure (sister was stolen) (knows damn well she shouldn't have ignored her mum's warnings to stay out of the fair realm) and is starting to crack at the seams, even when she manages to secure her sister's safety for the time being. cassian puts on a charming front but she can see this surly, cynical part of him seeping through the cracks, and the more she delves into the fair realm (and more time they spend together), she takes up a side hobby of cracking him right open. (and if that snarky loser beneath kind of reminds her of her missing sister, who cares?)
(and cassian is unpicking more and more about bea because like, the mission - but the more he unpicks the more he keeps getting buried in this mess of her family life and what if things could be different and a mix of determination and naivete that is makes her the kindest person he's ever met even if it's literally going to kill her and why did someone like that come here alone?)
and they traipse through the fair realm together experiencing the exposure therapy that is friendship :3 a lot of hiking and aimless conversations and they crash past cassian's work/home post which bea is delighted by and he is so unhappy with lol. all as bea learns more about the fairies that she's been obsessed with her whole life - an obsession she inherited from her grandmother, who has haunted her family to a deranged degree since her disappearance - cassian learns about a world outside the glass bauble he lives in, and they uncover a bunch of weird shit. like how belongings from bea's family are strewn across the realm, and how her family heirlooms are tattooed with fae fingerprints. which is probably fine. all as the wolves are catching up to bea, and they find her grandmother too.
cassian gets to choose his loyalties and he chooses SO fkn wrong. he leads her to a trap and convinces her to burn her iron-laced cloak and watches as she embraces what she thinks is her grandmother (it's not) and fuck he doesn't want to but he's still too scared to step out of line. any small rebellions he's ever made have been ones that he can sweep under the rug and/or rationalise as being in the court's best interest anyway. letting bea go would be neither of those, and he's too cowardly to take action - and in this circumstance, inaction is the killer. so bea gets to have the second worst day of her life (the first one was the day her sister was taken) and hits the dirt wailing that she doesn't know where she went wrong, and realising that maybe being plucky and sweet and stubborn wasn't enough to save her. or her sister. or her grandmother. or even fucking cassian, who couldn't be convinced to help her. many many mental breakdowns
BUT. over the months-long course of their traipsing, cassian came across bea's true name and maybe that should have drastically tipped the power dynamic of their relationship but this was when they were starting to like each other, and so they both just danced around the topic and pretended it didn't happen. can't speak it into truth right? until now, when cassian's mentor tells him to hand it over and bea goes oh, i'm fucked then and cassian just. doesn't. because he can't actively do shit yet, not quite, but he can rebel to the court's face through inaction. he can not say something. and that's the fatal crack in the wall yk !!!
after that - cassian gets a fucking wake up call, he lets bea's sister (a furious woodcutter-warden who's been stewing in amber for months with a literal axe to grind) out and all hell breaks loose. bea and her sister make a break for it, cassian's mentor corners them, they'd gotten close to writing cassian off as a loose end but he slam tackles his mentor into the ocean shallows and gets massively roughed up for it. she tries to drag bea in with her and Well maybe that was not a great idea when the wolf dies of drowning in several iterations of the fairytale myth hm.
it would probably be sensible to part ways after this incident but they're both freaks with entirely too much sentimentality to them so they don't. cassian is Absolutely Determined to make the horror of that betrayal up to bea, and bea swallows her [garbled emotional mess] as she's crowned a champion of the court - with no more interference in the way, she won the favour she coveted - as her sister tells her that no, they're not fucking going home.
that is a lot of braindumping about these two in particular but they possess me at times you know how it is with ocs :'] roiling mess of a qpr waiting to happen. not even getting into bea and her sister's mess of a family or her sister in general or the story that kicks on next with the prince who takes a little too much interest in their whole operation and all the bullshit she brings with her. maybe one day i will fill out one of those meet your oc templates which would be much more efficient. but for now have an old doodle as a peace offering:
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(yeah they form their own court. it goes terribly)
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6D Technologies to Exhibit Digital BSS at MWC Barcelona 2024
6D Technologies announced its participation in MWC Barcelona from 26th Feb to 29th Feb, 2024. The company will exhibit its AI-packed digital BSS platform for telcos.
On this occasion, the spokesperson of 6D Technologies announced its participation in one of the leading events Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024. The company is one of the exhibitors at this event, which will take place in Spain to provide the much-needed stage for the global telecom industry and technology companies. 
As per the shared details, the participation details of 6D Technologies are as below:
Booth No: Stand 2D40 in Hall 2
Venue: Fira Gran Via, Barcelona
Dates: February 26 to February 29, 2024
According to the shared details, representatives of 6D Technologies will showcase different AI-powered products and solutions to its stand visitors during MWC 2024. Canvas, telecom digital BSS suite is one of the popular products of the company that the company is all set to showcase during the stated event. 
Canvas is an AI-packed, end-to-end 5G ready digital BSS solution, which is going to be part of the showcase list of 6D Technologies at the Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona. This telecom digital business support system provides a pivotal technology suite for Communication Service Providers (CSPs) seeking to drive digital transformation in the telecommunications industry. This AI telco product is specifically designed to propel CSPs into the era of 5G-powered connectivity and AI-driven innovation. Moreover, this digital BSS solution is a cloud-enabled platform that offers a comprehensive solution from customer interaction to back-end operations.
"Digital BSS Solutions are the linchpin of transformation in today's telecommunications landscape. They pave the way for agility, innovation, and robust growth, essential elements for CSPs to remain competitive in an ever-evolving industry. With our feature-rich digital BSS solution, CSPs can seamlessly navigate the complexities of digital transformation. Our platform is engineered to accelerate Go-to-Market strategies and foster innovation and expansion", said the spokesperson of the company. 
According to the shared details, at its core, the telecom digital BSS platform revolutionizes customer engagement and operational efficiency with its powerful modules like:
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Billing mediation platform for billing and invoicing
OCS (Online Charging System)
Customer order management solution
Service order management system
Partner management solution
Number management system
Sales lead management solution
Self care portal
Case management solution
Subscription management platform 
Unified product catalog
Canvas empowers CSPs to tailor their offerings and services with utmost precision using automation and AI-driven insights, which was considered a highly intricate task. Moreover, several other operations are streamlined by this platform to create an intuitive ecosystem where customer satisfaction thrives and the telecommunication industry flourishes. 
About MWC 2024
The Mobile World Congress (MWC) stands as the premier global gathering for the mobile industry, providing a dynamic platform for industry leaders, innovators, and pioneers to convene, engage in discussions, and showcase cutting-edge technologies that are defining the future of mobile communications. With its esteemed reputation, MWC draws a diverse global audience, facilitating collaborations and dialogues on emerging trends, industry hurdles, and transformative solutions shaping the mobile landscape.
About 6D Technologies
6D Technologies is a leading global firm dedicated to telecommunications solutions, digital transformation, and innovative products. 6D Technologies continuously reshapes the telecommunications and digital services arena on a global scale. Its persistent dedication to innovation propels its mission of empowering the telecom industry with state-of-the-art solutions, enabling effortless connectivity and transformative digital experiences for clients worldwide.
The company is one of the exhibitors at MWC Barcelona 2024 and Canvas, digital BSS solution is one of the products to be showcased at the expo. To learn more about the telecom digital BSS platform, please visit https://www.6dtechnologies.com/products-solutions/digital-bss-solutions/ 
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glass-oranges · 8 months
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day three for drawtober but <33 I didn't know what to draw so I drew oc stuff instead<3333
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uncreativecinnamon · 11 months
OC: Hoshiko
[FILE NAME: #0$#!K0_T@L@]
┈─ table of contents ❜៹
▸ basics
▸ appearance
▸ personality
▸ relationships
▸ theme songs
▸ credits
❝ Get out, there's the door. ❞
┈─ basics. [ ] ❜៹
꒰ name ꒱
▸ Hoshiko Tala
꒰ age ꒱
▸ 14
꒰ gender ꒱
▸ female
꒰ sexuality ꒱
▸ asexual
꒰ pronous ꒱
▸ she/they
꒰ species ꒱
▸ elf
꒰ nationality ꒱
▸ Japanese
꒰ languages ꒱
▸ Japanese, Lunae
꒰ other ꒱
▸ n/a
❝ Last time I checked, that is not legal. ❞
┈─ appearance. [ ] ❜៹
꒰ overview ꒱
▸ face claim coming soon.
꒰ height ꒱
▸ 5'0"
꒰ weight ꒱
▸ 87 lbs.
꒰ skin color ꒱
▸ rose beige
꒰ eye color ꒱
▸ pale white
꒰ birthmarks ꒱
▸ n/a
꒰ scars ꒱
▸ there is one large slash across her right eye.
꒰ accessories ꒱
▸ she is normally wearing a blindfold, headphones, and portal themed accesories.
꒰ clothes ꒱
▸ fantasy clothing, usually with belts, tight pants, and sleeveless shirts.
꒰ clothes color ꒱
▸ pale or dusty blue, sometimes gray.
꒰ physical disase(s) ꒱
▸ selectively mute.
꒰ extra ꒱
▸ she wears a blindfold, which makes people immediately assume that she is blind. However, she "says" she wears a blindfold because of her eye color, and that "she doesn't need the pity."
❝ Former assassin and realm jumper at your service. ❞
┈─ personality. [ ] ❜៹
꒰ overview ꒱
▸ Hoshiko is a very reclusive girl who usually stays indoors or in her makeup store. She communicates to people using hand signals or smoke.
꒰ positive traits ꒱
▸ calm
▸ easy going
▸ comforting
꒰ negative traits ꒱
▸ rarely happy
▸ acts on impulse sometimes
▸ over analyzing
꒰ likes ꒱
▸ training with ranged weapons
▸ portals
▸ Rubix cubes
꒰ dislikes ꒱
▸ letting someone down
▸ being treated like a child
▸ the color green
꒰ hobbies ꒱
▸ painting nails
▸ talking walks by the park or beach
▸ helping Astra arrange flowers
꒰ habits ꒱
▸ trying to drown herself (will explain in backstory)
▸ double checking everything
꒰ phobias ꒱
▸ atelophobia
▸ decidophobia
▸ doxophobia
꒰ mental disease(s) ꒱
▸ ...
▸ ...
❝ Impressive. ❞
┈─ backstory. [ ] ❜៹
꒰ overview ꒱
Hoshiko was taken away from her family at the age of 4, and was sent to a facility to train to become an assassin. She was released at the age of 13, tasked with gaining as much information on a rival organization as possible. As time went on, she met Natasha, who was, at the time, a healer in her village. This led to the two to have a sister like relationship. Natasha was also the one who taught Hoshiko how to play the violin. She still does work for that organization that turned her into what she is. Natasha took Hoshiko to meet Cinny, which is who gave Hoshiko her portal and teleportation powers. She is also a decently skilled hacker, and can manage to get into simple files like phone passwords. Hoshiko is [ERROR: FILE CRASHED]
❝ Boom. ❞
┈─ relationships. [ ] ❜៹
꒰ mother ꒱
▸ unknown (deceased)
꒰ father ꒱
▸ unknown (deceased)
꒰ siblings ꒱
▸ Natasha (mother and sister figure)
▸ n/a
꒰ friends ꒱
▸ the Sky Sisters
▸ Amon Family
▸ Karla
꒰ enemies ꒱
▸ ...
▸ ...
▸ ...
❝ Bang. ❞
┈─ theme song(s). [ ] ❜៹
▸ Anonymous M by Hatsune Miku
Hoshiko thinks that she isn't human, and that all she is useful for is to be a weapon.
▸ She-Wolf by Shakira
She lies to a lot of people, and therefore feels like she's always wearing a mask.
▸ Sonne by Ramstein
I like to imagine that that's how Hoshiko's voice would sound. Besides, that's the kind of music she plays as well.
❝ My blindfold is not a toy. ❞
┈─ credits. 🖇 ❜៹
template by :: @sakura
images by :: ...
other :: Probably one of my more OP OCs. (Who am I kidding all my OCs are unreasonably OP-)
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ghastlynova · 2 years
hello! I am EasyPlesi, otherwise known as ScaredyGhostie [pronouns: she/her], and this is a little blog about a minecraft extended(?) universe I created originally for a SMP I played with some friends of mine, but has since expanded with various ocs and plots that I really can’t hope to keep up with haha. I’ll be doing a more detailed introduction for my characters later on, but I really wanted to get a blurb out about the main two ocs you’ll be seeing here. As a quick heads up, a lot of the characters that will be featured here - including both Ghast and Nova - were originally created under the inspiration of the Origins Mod. However, a lot of (read: almost all) of the headcanons I have about the various races are almost entirely my own and are not featured anywhere in the Origins Mod.  
Andromeda "Ghast"
Ghast is an Elytrian -- a winged, sentient creature of the End. She is the leader of a group of End refugees who were forced to leave their home for risk of being hunted to extinction for their wings. Although she didn’t see many frontlines in her day, mainly focused on smuggling Enderians and Elytrians out of the End, she is a fairly adept warrior who favors blades over ranged weaponry. 
When she was finally forced out of the End herself, she found herself rapidly overwhelmed with the vibrancy of the Overworld. Used to dark skies and a mainly purple environment, she found herself in what might as well have been an alien planet full of new colors, sensations, and challenges. 
She often finds herself distracted by these new wonders, often accidentally wandering off from important tasks in favor of investigating something ‘new’, like bees, the nearby river, or a rainstorm. 
Nova is an Enderian, the uncorrupted version of the End's Endermen. She was also affected by the hunters and the ‘Corruption’ of the End. Nova, when entering the Portal to the Overworld, was forced to destroy the portal behind her to prevent her pursuers from following her through it. She wasn’t a warrior, and didn’t have a hope of defending herself should they manage to make it through behind her. 
But her drastic action would have dire consequences on the world she would end up in. In destroying the portal while halfway through it herself, Nova found herself teleported to an alien planet much like Ghast’s with only one glaring difference -- it was perfectly flat, and devoid of intelligent life. She would find no signs of the other refugees, nor any inhabitants capable of communicating past hums and mumbles.
The only sign that she wasn’t all alone in this intimidating new world would be a series of mysterious journals, written in a language she would find herself struggling to translate -- phrases of Enderian sprinkled throughout that kept her captivated. The journals highlighted the adventures of a their previous owner, detailing how they too survived this odd planet. Following the instructions of the mysterious author, Nova hopes to eventually find her way home.
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boomhealers · 2 years
Lore about Ruby from my fallout ocs since I absolutely love him part 1
Theres gonna be a LOT of horror/cosmic horror in this and will have themes abt identity and that whole philosophy.
[This will probably also be moderately absurd but thats my jam(Also anyone sends asks abt him i will answer them SOFAST) Also this is the oc x canon oc [heart eyes emoji]. He is dating maccready. ]
So Ruby is a bit of a strange one, even in terms of Boomhealers. And that’s saying a lot since the family has stuff like people without bones(good ole OWB), cowboys, ghouls, pre war specimens that by all accounts should not exist, vault dwellers that defy most laws of the universe, cosmic horrors beyond comphrension, etc. Ruby mainly stands out because hes the only (so far, anyways) synth in the family, as well as being one of the few with connections to Library7.
When Ruby escaped the institute, he opted to keep his memories of being a synth. He did his normal rounds around the commonwealth until he found something that kinda…beckoned to him in a way. In an unknown location, he found himself being drawn to a part of the ocean. Ruby knew that just jumping in there was a bad idea but he had this overwhelming, cosmic urge to pursue whatever it was that was calling to him. So, he said fuck it. He didn’t have much to lose in the first place.
And so he entered the depths and went on the long and treacherous journey to the man made island stuck in an ethereal, terrifying reflection of the old world—Library7.
The journey there was, difficult to put it lightly. You ever try to avoid getting killed by mirelurks, terrifying abominations you never even knew could exist, alongside fucking raddolphins that were way too good at scaring the shit outta you? Ruby did. He’d be dead if the world wasn’t having too much fun laughing at the guy.
The real fun began when Ruby actually made it to the island. Whatever was beckoning to him was louder than before. A horrific, ethereal sense of awe took over him when he saw the island.
Buildings with uncannily pristine conditions with lights that resembled the eyes of a radscorpion peering over the world in the darkness of the night, the only thing obscuring it being the mixture of fog and smoke that floated throughout like a ghost. In contrast, they stood in the middle of a series of untouched yet aged concrete buildings. Fences of rusted steel, extending towards the sky like the gates of hell guarded the majority of the land.
If there was a hell for synths, it would look an awful lot like this.
And maybe he did deserve that hell. Who knows. He didn’t know anything about the original Ruby—not much anyways.
So when Ruby did truly enter the island, he was met with the sight of…people? They looked like people from a distance. But they were certainly not. Some moved in uncanny ways, some straight up looked like nightmares. They acted like they never saw another living thing besides themselves, and took Ruby in as a bit of a “project.” Modifying his DNA, asking him questions, having him do strange tasks—things one might compare to big MT, the major difference being that they seemed weirdly…managed? Moral? Contained? It was hard to describe. The specimens felt more like AI trying to fulfill a request, despite its team being long dead.
Ruby didn’t understand what the hell was going on for the first hour. That is, until he was called upon from the dark, looming pristine building. Never a good sign, he thought. And when he reached it, he saw what can only be described as a portal to hell. Eyes. There were so many eyes. They were everywhere—on the floors, the ceiling, the wall—it was a sight to behold. As he ventured deeper, he saw the source of them all—a woman who could only be described as a cosmic horror extension of what it meant to be human.
Her robotic voice echoed as the eyes connected to the surfaces of the room honed in on Ruby. “I’ve been waiting for someone like you.”
The feeling was indescribable.
Specimen 101 was her name. She wasn’t one for beating around the bush, but she knew best answer the questions before they were asked. 101 explained how the island was a pre war experiment to create near immortal, highly intelligent researchers that would aid the government post war.
Of course, we all know what happened to the government after the bombs fell. Before then, they had made an emergency vault. Like vault 111, they froze the specimens. The previous 100 specimens were all failures, with the remaining 14 being their only chances of success. Of course, there was more complexity to it, but 101 figured it was unnecessary to go into that level of detail.
How this relates to Ruby is simple: 101 worked hard to make sure the other specimens would not leave the island and turn the rest of the world into their hellish lab. However, she could not stop 114 from leaving. Ruby was to keep an eye on 114, so to speak. Thankfully she had calculated that 114 was the least likely to cause harm to the world, but she needed to make sure.
And how was Ruby going to do this? He wasn’t. 101 was going to do all the work. Her plan was to use Ruby as signal. The specimens had a distress signal built into them already—that she knew. The purpose of Ruby’s signal was to attempt to find 114’s exact location, and from that send that data to 101.
101 didn’t trust Ruby, and in a way, wanted to apologize (in her own strange way) for the behaviors of the other specimens. She somehow found a way to retrieve the original Ruby’s memories and implanted them onto him alongside his own while erasing his memories of Library7. 101 did this as a way of ensuring that Ruby would continue to behave in a way that wouldn’t make 114 suspicious of what she was doing with the signal. Adding some extra things to him to make Ruby juuuuust a bit more resilient (afterall, 101 was likely never going to have this opportunity again).
And thus, Ruby was sent back out (in a device that would stop those damn raddolphins from destroying him for sport) into the commonwealth.
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How do you go about designing robots? They all look so cool
TL;DR If you want to design a robot, that means you probably have ideas as to what a "cool" robot is. Find out what you think is cool, think of any backstory you think makes sense, then use existing robot designs as inspiration to figure out the visuals.
I wrote up something really long and rambly, and I'm gonna leave those extended thoughts below anyway; I apologize if this gets too dense and wordy, but to be frank I still gloss over way too much in it, as it's a really big question to answer without being reductive and frustratingly vague, or on the flipside making entire-ass tutorials/process essays on how I made all of my robot characters. I also made a guide for designing ruppets before that sort of answers your question, but I warn you that it's purely text, in-case you were hoping for some visual tutorial.
In any case, on with the ranting.
Honestly I'm more of a worldbuilder, so when I get this question I immediately jump to answering it from a storytelling perspective, not a simple "how to design a badnik" tutorial kinda thing. Robots are made for specific purposes. If they lack purpose, this can be a glaring issue, or a great trait towards your robot's backstory. Figuring out the backstory is pretty crucial, and the sooner you know that, the sooner you'll be able to ride your intuition and figure everything else out.
There's a LOT that can go into it, but there's two aspects, visual and descriptive, both of which are kinda the same thing but kinda not.
Descriptively, good robot design depends on the setting and the story told through text, and depends mostly on whatever one's heart wants above all else.
I come up with a premise I really like/want, and then ask questions to rationalize/reason backward to justify it. What do I want? Why, in its own universe, does it exist?
With these answers, you can figure out how to answer the visual question: How would this thing look like, then?
Possibly my most popular design, Splats, can answer these questions with both a visual and brief-enough flavor text to supplement her. Hopefully.
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1. What did I want? A modern version of Splats, a scrapped Sonic 1 badnik. I thought it'd be cool. People apparently agree.
2. Why, in-universe? Why was Splats upgraded? She was meant to be scrapped in-universe, but didn't get the memo. Used abandoned eggman factories to repair and upgrade herself.
3. How, visually? How would she look like, then? I took elements like her thighs and tails and eyes, and made them more mechanical, taking some inspiration from P-Body from Portal 2, badniks in Sonic Colors, and toys with springs in their torsos. Also, of course, I took inspiration from artwork of Splats as well. Bash these together, and you'll likely get something like this. I wanted to stay somewhat faithful to the distinct shape language of the original, while adding something new and refining it as well as I could manage.
Another example, this time in my own OC canon: K-55, a one-off design I whipped up for fun.
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1. What did I want? I wanted to draw a funny bird robot that had a serious/morally messy profession. The concept is funny to me.
2. Why does he exist in-universe? He wasn't built to look like this specifically. He was more of a standard robot for basic tasks that modified itself to look this way due to an eccentric personality. He has an eccentric personality because having certain quirks in robots can lead to them being creative problem solvers. This has a side-effect of them often dressing themselves up in different ways, whether alienating or appealing. That basically gives me the excuse to make him look as weird as I want.
3. How would he look like? A mess. Visually, he has a bunch of noticeable funny shapes working together to create a distinct, odd outline. His face is a bit wall-eyed, and he has a strange "hair style", which imply strange tastes. With the clear implication that he wasn't designed purposefully like this by anyone else, the design sends clear messages about his personality, and how unhinged he is.
One last example: Kaita, my beloved.
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I wanted a cute, strong, robot wolf woman with a very friendly personality. The idea of a robot wolf woman is absurd on many levels, but I reason she was made as a weapon of sorts, but got misused and now lives her own life. This answers What she is and Why she exists, so lastly, there's How she'd appear as. In her case, I basically just figured she'd look like a furry terminator with exposed internals in some parts, large claws, etc.
There's many different ways to go about that, but by answering the previous questions of What, Why, and How, I can at least not go in blind as I develop the visual aspect of her design, and see if I'm being faithful to the concept. "Nice Terminator Wolf Lady" is basic in premise, but with tons of room for experimentation in execution. I designed Kaita years ago, and only in the past two or three years did she really look consistent.
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