#Technoblade cinematic Universe
moltengoldveins · 6 months
so we can all agree that the newest 2WEI song (take the crown) is the trailer song for an Antarctic Empires Emerald Duo pg14 movie where Techno is a gladiator who earned his freedom and has vowed to destroy the government that enslaved him and Philza is an old demigod banished to a solitary plane of existence for five decades after attempting to run a coup against the ruling class.
They meet on a battlefield, Techno having joined up as brute muscle and Phil having used some minor illusions to pass as a quirky avian and join the bombardment team. Combining some similar plot beats as Oceans 11 and Atlantis: The Lost Empire, they gather a specialized team of insurrectionists, anarchists, battle mages, and warriors to take down the imperium from the inside, eventually planning on restoring the nation to the democracy it was in Phil’s earliest memories. But will they manage it, or will their bloody pasts and violent present seat Technoblade on the throne as the Antarctic Emperor, with Philza as his right hand, the Angel of Death? (Spoiler, the second option. It’s the most controversial film finale decision of the decade.)
The movie is filmed in a style somewhere between Dune 1, the Prince of Egypt, and Topgun. (denis villeneuve is too busy and too expensive, but it’s clear they’re taking inspiration. Bold colors and lighting and a lot of shots of the sky, wildlife, architecture, or of characters’ hands.) It’s scored by an up and coming indie musician, working under the consultation of Ludwig Gorannson in his spare time as a pet project, though his association with the film doesn’t really come out until it Smashes the expected theatre income in the first two days of release and critics start Raving about it. Techno’s actor is nominated for an Oscar for one of the most compelling intricate portrayals of ptsd and platonic devotion in modern cinema, but doesn’t actually get the Oscar.
Tumblr is flooded with gif sets of Techno in the Obligatory No Armor After Gladiator Fight Scene and the Late Night Vibing With Phil In A Loose Poet Shirt scene (firelit, lots of closeups of his eyes, the film is obviously attempting to express his complex emotional state and his deep relationship with Phil, and is failing miserably at doing Anything but making him hot. The internet is ✨gay✨ about it, because when is the internet not?) Also most of the simps are calling Phil a dilf.
Fit MC is the fan-favorite side character, his four scenes and nine lines of dialogue are clipped and edited and giffed and memed into the dirt. (His armor and prosthetic, the makeup and costuming department say, were the hardest thing to do in the entire film, which is why he isn’t in too many shots.) Though, a close second is Niki, who is played by a woman built like a brick house who doesn’t wear sleeves, so…. Yeah. We all know what the response is there. The effects, including Phil’s wings, are almost entirely practical and the only real places it gets iffy is Steve, the giant war polar bear that’s pretty clearly clipping through a few snowbanks here and there. Nobody can agree on which characters are morally reprehensible.
Within a few years, very few people outside a dedicated fan base have seen it and a few assume it’s made up like Goncharov. It’s also, for some ungodly reason, been labeled a Christmas film. (most of the plot happens in the ice and snow, hence ‘Antarctic Empire.’) I guess nothing says ‘Christmas spirit’ quite like ‘unmitigated violence, platonic yearning, and overthrowing oppressors.’
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childofbraindamage · 3 months
Why is jschlatt always god!??????????!!?!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!
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Images were taken from these videos
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issybettyx · 2 years
Technoblade Zombie apocalypse au - inspired by scu (slimecicles cinematic universe)
—— // death mention, blood mention, neglect
Technoblade had forgotten most things from before the takeover.
He wasn’t sure if he’d had a family or friends, and if he did what had happened to them. He wasn’t sure if he’d had a stable job or somewhere warm to sleep in after a stressful day.
The man’s memory had never been the best.
But what he could remember was looking at a newspaper at 9:47am on a Monday morning, reading the words ‘Humans gone feral!’ In bold lettering, the words beneath it explaining how ‘Scientists are unsure the cause of this outbreak, and government officials are currently pondering over how to go about this. Is it truly the start of a real life zombie apocalypse?’
At the time, it had sounded absurd.
Zombie apocalypses were a made up story idea to scare kids under their blankets.
But in that moment, Techno couldn’t find it in himself to really… well, care.
If zombies took over, so be it, he’d strike them down where they stood if it took everything in him.
Most people found groups when everything got worse, when they were driven out of their home cities by hoards of groaning beings. It was nerve-wracking for most at first, to look into the glowing eyes of the undead as their feet dragged across the blood-soaked concrete. However, Technoblade made a point to travel alone, raiding a hunter’s shack and finding a sword hung on the wall, sharping it until it easily pricked blood from his fingertip.
Now he stood outside a bright white shack in the middle of the forest, eyebrows furrowed as he read the sign beside the door. The takeover was almost a year ago, and the man had survived with little struggle despite it all, pink haired tied back into a swinging ponytail as his blood red cloak flowed behind him, only a scar across his nose to prove he was a surviver.
The sign read ‘Government facility - Employees only’. Except, he had a feeling it didn’t really matter; with the world in the state it was, he’d be surprised if anyone had been inside it in the past 6 months.
The first hint something was wrong was the lack of familiar groaning.
The second hint was the building showed no signs of lack of upkeep, no vines weaving across the perfectly white walls, no rust on the door hinges, no cracked windows - in fact there were no windows at all.
Despite it all, and the terrible feeling in Techno’s gut he’d never ignored til now, he pushed the door open, being welcomed by a set of bright white stairs lit up perfectly by artificial lights. His muddied boots fell onto the clean tiles, leaving behind a red imprint as he walked down, faintly hearing the door shut behind him as he bit his lip to hid the uneasiness in his chest. Something was horribly wrong.
Or maybe he was overthinking the silence.
He ignored it.
When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he was met with an equally white circular room, a carpeted path leading in three different directions. He headed straight forward. The second door didn’t so much as squeak as it was pushed open, and he was met with a strangely decorated office. The walls were wooden, small trinkets on shelves that held no remnants of abandonment. On the desk, there was a picture frame with a severe lack of dust, and when Techno looked at it his eyebrows only furrowed further than they already were.
There were two boys, one hardly 17, the other possibly in his twenties. The younger had blonde fluffy hair, eyes squeezed shut as he grinned, attempting to swat away the hand in his hair. The older man was grinning too, but his brown eyes could be seen through thin slits between his eyelids, messy brown hair sitting akin to a mop on his head as he ruffled the kid’s hair, holding him close nonetheless.
Brothers, Techno’s mind supplied, and he hummed, gaze moving away from the frame and onto the book placed beside it, a pen resting next to it.
Only an ounce of hesitation was in his movements as he flicked the book open, eyes scanning the first page as he bit the inside of his cheek.
‘Day 1 of Project Ruby,
Tommy’s reluctance made me question it all, but years of work to go to waste? I think he understood my predicament, and he entered the portal no problem.
He returned not two hours later, out of breath with a bleeding bite mark on his arm. He’d said how he’d been surrounded by zombies? I don’t know why I entrusted a child to do something like this, because it’s so absurd he’d still be having such childish beliefs of zombies existing.’
Whoever wrote this seemed like a massive dickhead.
He turned a few pages ahead
‘Day 8 of Project Ruby,
I don’t know what to do with him. He’s been sobbing for days, insisting that zombies will have broken through the other portal he saw. At first, I was so resolute on him lying, he used to do this all the time when he was 12, but now I’m not so sure. Recent government reports state they’ve seen ‘feral’ humans wandering the streets trying to bite people, and now the idea doesn’t seem to farfetched.
Tommy’s bite has been healing, but he’s growing tired and the scratching on the door has died down.
I hope he forgives me.’
Something made Techno look back to the frame, and he decided whoever was writing these entries must’ve been the older one, making Tommy the probably 16 year old in the frame.
They seemed happy.
But the man had sent his brother to another world, bringing the infection to Earth and locked his brother in a room, ignoring his cries from his own selfishness.
Knowing most scientists, he didn’t want to be wrong.
Most importantly, he probably didn’t want to be the cause for such a catastrophic event.
In that moment, Techno decided he didn’t like the man one bit.
‘Day 11 of Project Ruby,
The first city has been taken over by a hoard.
Tommy was right.
Dad was right too, in a way. I remember years ago he told me ‘Wil, your confidence and hunger to change the world will be the death of you’, and he said it in such a joking tone I never truly took his advice. Instead of listening to him, I listened to myself, and I’ve fucked us, I’ve fucked the world and all I can do is sit and watch it go up in flames.
I hope my brothers are proud of me.’
But there was only one.
Techno’s thoughts were interrupted by the office door slamming open, and in the doorway stood the brown haired man, eyes wide as he stared at Technoblade, mouth open as he tried to get a word out, but he stayed silent as he stared.
��You’re fucked up you know that?” Techno asked dully, raising an eyebrow at the man who… who was starting to tear up. The scientist who’d sent his brother to another world, only to bring an infection back with him. The scientist who refused to be wrong, to satiate his own want to be a good person.
He was tearing up, and Techno could only stare, eyebrows knitted as he tried to figure it out.
“Techno?” Was what the man said, and that is what made Techno’s thoughts pause.
“How do you know my name?”
“Tech I-“ the scientist started, not taking his eyes from him as he shut the door behind him, only making Techno’s anxiety rise because he had no way out. He was stuck in an admittedly small room with a maniac. And he could only stare. “I’m so sorry. I- we tried to find you, but you’d gone, and it was so scary to be without you and I- I-“
“Listen man,” Techno cut in, ignoring the stream of tears on the other’s face as he sighed, “Whatever sob story you have to justify this,” he said, pointing at the book on the desk with a scowl, “Might’ve worked on that brother of yours, but it won’t work on me, so let me go before this becomes a problem.” His hand itched for the sword on his hip, and the man simply stared, tears still falling as he struggled for words.
“I did it for you, Techno,” he tried, and he laughed because it was the stupidest excuse he’d ever heard for killing most of the population. Say you’ve done it for the person stood there, despite having zero clue who they are? There was a chance the man had heard of Techno through stories, stories of The Blood God, Technoblade, the man who’d slaughtered thousands of zombies without so much as a thought beforehand. Maybe he was trying to get on Techno’s good side, to not be another one of the man’s victims. “You said I would change the world one day, and I tried, so hard. I just- I didn’t expect this.”
Okay but that wasn’t right.
Techno had never spoken to this man, never seen his messy brown hair or his pleading burgundy eyes. He’d never seen the freckles that danced across his face, despite the horribly familiarity that came with them as if he’d spent days and nights memorising the patterns as if they were constellations in the sky.
“I don’t even know you, I’ve never spoken to you, it’s a terrible excuse and you know it.” Techno insisted, drawing his sword and pointing it at the other. “You can’t justify killing the population, along with your brother, by saying a stranger believed in you. I don’t think you’re mentally okay mate.”
That seemed to shut him up, thankfully. The scientists mouth was clamped shut, but the tears only fell faster no matter how hard he tried to stop them, squeezing his eyes shut as he pulled his hands into shaky fists at his sides.
“Techno,” he stuttered out, holding down a sob after he spoke. Techno scoffed, rolling his eyes. “It’s me, Wilbur.”
“That doesn’t help you very much now does it.”
“You’re my twin brother, Tech.”
The room fell silent.
Techno had many thoughts in that moment.
But the main one was loud, screaming and yelling and kicking at the forefront of his mind.
He was angry.
“You killed my brother?” His words were harsh, red eyes piercing as Wilbur flinched, cried escaping him as he fell to the ground, head shaking side to side. “You killed my brother and you want to sit here and blame me?!”
“Tommy isn’t dead!” Wilbur got out between sobs, burying his head in his knees as he rocked himself back and forth. “He isn’t dead! He was bit, but he never died, he’s in a room down the hall-“ Techno didn’t wait to hear anything else, pushing past the sobbing man and picking a random hallway, looking at every door before finding a red one.
He immediately knocked, loud enough that it echoed through the building and he was worried the sound alone would break the door down. The only reply that came was a sniffle.
The door was kicked down before any logical thoughts could change his mind.
There, huddled in a ball in the corner of a bed, blue eyes peeking over his knees as he looked at the door, was Tommy.
Only then did Techno remember them, the sight of those blue eyes all too familiar as he looked back at them.
Memories of school plays, watching the kid jump across stage with a wide smile across his face that Techno couldn’t help hut return.
Memories of violin performances, Tommy’s hand carefully guiding the bow across the strings as he smiled, looking at Techno and Techno alone.
Memories of being tugged into family photos at the dinner table, Tommy tugging his arm towards him so they were side by side, their Dad - Phil, his mind offered - taking the photo as Wilbur covered his grin with his hand.
Techno was running across the room immediately, tugging the boy into a hug, pulling him closer with every sob the boy gave out, hushing him with quiet reassurances as he cried.
“I’m here,” he insisted, rocking the boy in his arms as he rested his chin on the boy’s head, “I’m here now, you’re safe, Techno’s got you.”
“I- I thought-“ Tommy got out between cries, and just hearing his voice brought tears to Techno’s eyes, tears he pushed down immediately so he could focus on the shaking boy in his arms, “I thought you’d died. Wil said you’d died.”
Of course he fucking did.
“What’s the one thing I always promised?” Techno asked quietly, muttering into the boy’s hair as he cried, clinging onto Techno’s shirt like a life-line.
“You promised you’d teach me fencing.”
At that, Techno laughed, pulling back just enough to see the boy’s face, holding his cheek in one hand and wiping away the tears, Tommy’s blue eyes blinking back at him.
“The one other thing I promised.”
“Technoblade never dies.”
He hummed back, holding the boy tighter. “That’s right, and I’m here now, and I’m going to get you out of here, alright?”
“But I’m infected- I’m-“
“And apparently have been for a year, you’ll be okay, we’ll be okay.” Techno tried, feeling the grip on his shirt only tighten. “Okay?”
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anarchy-and-piglins · 6 months
Hello can I infodump about my outline for the Technoblade Cinematic Universe in your askbox
Everybody can infodump about anything in my inbox always, especially if it's techno related
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spectresummons · 11 months
➙ The Ghost Town Collective
Hello! We are the Ghost Town Collective, a dissociative polyfragmented system, and this is our blog! We may block semi-liberally for system criticism & discourse being brought onto the blog, but we are open to being corrected on mistakes! This is for system-related posts & reblogs! Our main is @theghosttown & you can find our art on @alltheghosties!
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➙ Members + Tags
*Introjects sometimes have labelled sources- "Sapphire" will be in blue text, "Crystal" in yellow, and "Lilac" in purple. No source/unlabelled source will be uncolored.
general host tag ⤵
#host posts
Juno/Mouse (she/love) - c & q!Quackity & q!Ironmouse Introject : #lady under the weather & juno.txt
Eden/Hayley (any pronouns, neos included) - Technoblade & Winter Schnee introject : #still so devoted to you & eden.txt
Selene/Matt/Chora (she/he/lune) - c!Ranboo, genloss!Ranboo, cc!Ranboo, q!Tinakitten & c!Tommy introject: #um it's kind of a lot , sel.txt, matt.txt, & chor.txt
Maia Rose (she/they) - hh!rosie (side eye), q!wilbur, c!wilbur, c!dream introject: #and it is well with my soul & mai.txt
*we as a system do not support cc!Dream or cc!Wilbur. introjects are not chosen.
other freq fronters tag ⤵
#ghost posts
Arryn/Quackity (she/lotus) - Protector, c!Quackity introject: #take you down & q.txt
Charlie (any) - Gatekeeper, c!Slimecicle, genloss!Charlie, Slimecicle Cinematic Universe introject: #got something to lose & slime.txt
Thor (any aside from she/her) - Protector, c!Tommy introject: #help the outcasts & thor.txt
Isabela (they/she) - Head Gatekeeper, q!ElQuackity introject: #praise from a new perspective & #isa.txt
Mayree/Drista (she/they/chor/vex) - Head Gatekeeper, c!Drista, Wiggly (Hatchetfield) & @drista-the-parity-goddess / @forksandchaos introject: #spill blood in the court & dris.txt
Kita (she/he/they/blaze) - Primary Protector, c!Sapnap & q!Jaiden introject: #pa' tipo como tú & jai.txt
Dove/Duvessa (she/he) - Protector, c!Tubbo, cc!Tubbo & @tubbos introject: #you are my achilles' heel & tubb.txt & tubbo.txt
tags for other members will often be "name".txt (examples being sam.txt or michael.txt)
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➙ Partner Systems
@thelavendersys - lavender system, partner system of near 2 years!
@cupidcottage - cupid, friends
@blubellsys - bluebell system, partner system of near 2 years!
@sunspellers - sunspell system, besties :bweep:
@bundleofnerium - nerium system, partner system
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snek-snacc · 1 year
Hello Slimecicle Cinematic Universe community. I wrote this
It takes the death of a friend and having a hand in turning the world into a nearly uninhabitable hellscape for Charlie Slimecicle to decide that he doesn’t want to be a god anymore.
It takes Charlie Slimecicle deciding he doesn't want to be a god anymore for a one-sided game of cat and mouse to begin
Chapters: 1/4
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: Gen
Fandom: Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series)
Relationships: Charlie Dalgleish & Jschlatt, Condifiction & Charlie Dalgleish & GrizzlyPlays & Zach | Bizly
Characters: Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle, Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), GrizzlyPlays (Video Blogging RPF), Zach | Bizly (Video Blogging RPF), Condifiction (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Jambo the Cat (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Mentioned Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Alexis Quackity, Fusion of Slimecicle Cinematic Universe and Dream SMP, Web Series: Tales from the SMP, Minor Character Death, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, the lore is putty in my hands
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lunelicmoone · 2 years
rest in peace technoblade <3 i will miss you forever.
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hi! welcome to my blog!
i'm lunelic! (or lune, i dont mind either!)
[I DO NOT support or even remotely like dream or dteam itself. I will not argue with you on this, and I do not want you on my blog. Thanks.]
[You may see some fanwork of characters that Wilbur Soot has created that I've reblogged. Despite this, please know that I have stopped supporting that man completely ever since Shelby has released her statement. Thank you.]
i consider myself to be a multi-fandom account! meaning i post/reblog things that span across different pieces of media! you may catch me mostly posting about/reblogging things from:
qsmp (lore & some content creators)
doki-doki literature club
the arcana (im a lucio hater)
danganronpa (all games, but mostly dr2)
the amazing digital circus
faith: the unholy trinity
the mandela catalogue
percy jackson & the olympians (will be reblogging tv spoilers)
the bear
stardew valley (i am in love with doctor harvey)
sleep deprived podcast & sdmp
criminal case (yes. the facebook mobile game.)
jujutsu kaisen (anime & manga)
and although rarely:
your turn to die
my hero academia (anime & manga)
marvel cinematic universe
stanley parable
animal crossing (new horizons)
the office (us)
south park
the group chat podcast
telltale's the walking dead (#1 clouis defender)
ace attorney (trilogy)
detroit: become human
aphmau (mcd & mystreet usually)
mortal kombat 1
spider-man adjacent media (itsv/atsv, insomniac games, etc)
(i also like to reblog a bunch of posts from specific medias like, the day that i actually get into them. for example, pride and prejudice 2005 and barbie 2023)
[I will absolutely be spreading awareness posts about the acts of genocide happening in the world. This includes what's going on in Palestine. Zionists are free to leave my blog.]
i do enjoy the occasional liveblog (especially for quackity and slimecicle streams, and i've recently done it more for big events such as the 2024 streamer awards), but i'll sometimes forget to tag them. if you notice me forget about the tag and you want to filter it or something, shoot an ask or message my way and i'll happily do it! 🙏
if you see me thirsting on main, mind your business, i'll get over it. /j
i make die/delete your blog jokes with some close mutuals, and i often joke about killing myself over minor inconviences a lot. if you want me to trigger tag those, i gladly will do so!
[do not interact with my blog if you are in 💐blr. i do not want you here, and i will block you.]
any extra personal information like my pronouns are in my blog description!
this is my ao3!
[i'll only really respond to any kind of anon hate if it's funny, so don't bother lol]
— as for tags, i only have a few custom ones:
• lune's drabbles - little drabbles of writting!
• lune's writing - full fics/one-shots!
• lune oc tag - things about my personal ocs!
• lune's random headcanons - random headcanons i have about dsmp characters!
• lune's mandela catalogue au - my tntduo mandela catalogue au!
• lune's snippets - snippets of fics im working on!
• lune's writing again - little shitposts i make about my fics!
• lune cc notices - self explanatory, but just something i made for myself!
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bidoofenergy · 1 year
me talking liveblogging fanfic navigation my original writing my web weaves asks tag ask games games i was tagged in documenting my job hunt work posts posts that i first sent to friends adhd + undiagnosed ???
because tumblr search is Not Good
videos audio files
references hope tag quotes and poetry web weaves moodboard fodder uquizes and tag games art photos engineering tag stories (assumed irl) ao3 i saw this because it was blazed this website's getting old recommendations (books/shows/etc) fandom discourse (NOT real world racism/prejudice)
football by which i mean soccer (men's and women's) indian premier league
crafts crafting references fanfic references writing references writing patterns dungeons and dragons d&d references
fandom - books
percy jackson heroes of olympus good omens (including show) the hunger games (including movie) pride and prejudice (including movie) red white and royal blue (including movie) the sunbearer trials the locked tomb
fandom - other/people
hank green mitski dan and phil defunctland
fandom - shows/movies
phineas and ferb haikyuu criminal minds spiderverse (both movies) marvel cinematic universe dc stuff nimona barbie (all movies) everything everywhere all at once star trek d&d: honor among thieves avatar the last airbender dune leverage
fandom - podcasts/web shows
welcome to night vale alice isn't dead critical role (all campaigns) dropout TV (all shows except dimension 20, cast) dimension 20 (all campaigns) misfits & magic a court of fey and flowers mentopolis (i think you can tell my fav shows lol) unprepared casters (all campaigns)
fandom - video games
mario pokemon legend of zelda breath of the wild tears of the kingdom minecraft
fandom - minecraft (creators and rp)
minecraft youtubers mcytblr (meta, fandom stuff) minecraft championships hermitcraft dream smp technoblade quackity smp origins smp new life smp empires smp (all seasons) hermitcraft empires smp crossover 100 hours hardcore 3rd life series (overarching) life series shipping third life last life double life limited life secret life
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Your Shadow Follows Me All Day
by EpicAxolotls
“Nnope-” Techno had skipped the polite declining, going straight to refusing any offers from celebrating heroes. Who the fuck cared. They needed to get home. Find one of those goddamn wizards that brought them here in the first place, and get home.
 Where Wilbur and Tommy should be.
 Where Wilbur and Tommy will be.
  or: marvel au. tommy and wilbur blipped, techno and phil became vigilantes title from The Moon Song by beabadoobee & Oscar Lang
Words: 1924, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of SBI Summer Bingo 2023
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Marvel Cinematic Universe Fusion, Crossover, Wilbur Soot Blipped, TommyInnit Blipped, Good Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Older Siblings Wilbur Soot and Technoblade, they're twins, Kinda, Vigilante Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Vigilante Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Civilian TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Civilian Wilbur Soot, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Wilbur Soot Has Mental Health Issues, its implied but not really touched on too much tbh, SBI Bingo Summer 2023
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the-bone-shop · 2 years
Gotta say love the BCU (Bone Cinematic Universe)
Mod talking: the. The BCU
...That's it that's what it's called. @wizeard @shatratroleplays @dreamy-okapi @subscribe-to-technoblade you're all a part of the BCU now, no takebacks
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betweenlands · 2 years
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data breakdown of the Blorbo/Scrunkly Survey is going to take a while, so here’s a list of Every Single Fandom Cited just to tide y’all over.
you can also consider these slides to be “there’s a reason we kept reaching out to other fandoms and it’s because we have just So Many hermitcraft followers”
NOTE: this is not a popularity contest or the results of a bracket! it’s the fandom demographic breakdown of a survey we did of 100 people about what they consider to be blorbo and/or scrunkly traits. please don’t discourse at us
Plaintext breakdown of fandoms beneath the cut.
Popular responses:
Hermitcraft -- 84%
Life Series/Traffic Games -- 56%
Dream SMP -- 53%, give or take 2%
Empires SMP -- 51%
Less common responses:
Minecraft Championships -- 13%
Dominion SMP -- 11%
Lifesteal SMP -- 10%
Yogscast -- 6%
Origins SMP -- 4%
Mianite & CaptainSparklez -- 4%
Slimesicle Cinematic Universe -- 2%
Kakujo -- 2%
SMPLive -- 2%
Vault Hunters -- 2%
Afterlife -- 2%
Team Crafted -- 2%
Minecraft Mondays -- 2%
Evo -- 2%
Listed by exactly one person:
SimplySarc (“and other informational MCYTers”)
“whatever the fuck Scott Smajor’s got going on”
FutureTWT alums (“iykyk”)
Tubbo specifically
Stampy’s Lovely World
Manhunt specifically
Technoblade specifically
MCC Pride specifically
Half Hearted Hardcore
Lucian V. Ghost
Truly Bedrock
Tales From The SMP specifically
William Strife
The Irish Lads
100 Hours SMP
Content SMP
Crafting Dead & Fallout
Epic SMP
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moltengoldveins · 6 months
aight, it’s too late here to draw a full poster, but I’ve narrowed the Antarctic Empire poster designs down to two (the rest looked more like special edition posters for like, a collectible or smthn):
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tack-tick · 2 years
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I posted 588 times in 2022
That's 259 more posts than 2021!
89 posts created (15%)
499 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 376 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#dream smp - 81 posts
#technoblade - 39 posts
#philza - 37 posts
#mumza - 19 posts
#misstrixtin - 17 posts
#wilbur soot - 14 posts
#phistin - 12 posts
#rcu - 11 posts
#mcyt - 8 posts
#rena cinematic universe - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#i feel like most of it is just very exaggerated for the sake of a punchline and isn’t considered a serious character flaw by fans
My Top Posts in 2022:
Are you looking for Phistin fics or art?
Are you tired of looking at the tag on Ao3 and most of the fics have Kristin die of an unknown illness a couple paragraphs in?
Well, do I have the discord server for you!
Alright enough with the car salesman shtick basically I’m starved of Phistin content and I figured the hundred Phistin mains could have somewhere to hang out! So, I made a discord server because I’ve got nothing better to do
Feel free to join The Phistin Palace!
43 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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See the full post
44 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
No matter what has happened
C!Techno Stans stay winning that mfer is gone training and won’t lose a life to a nuke let’s goooooo
65 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
What I Know About D20’s Fey and Flowers
So I’ve been seeing D20 on trending like every other week and I always check it out because the set in the gifs is pretty
I have never watched this campaign but I figured it might be fun to guess what I think has happened since it seems to have ended
A furry goblin thing FUCKED an elf
The furry goblin thing also FUCKED an owl
The furry goblin is a CHAD
I don’t think there was any actual fighting in this campaign?
Someone ate a letter at one point, dude just burn it
I can tell the tone is Victorian Romance Novel with Courts. Pride and Prejudice Esque I think?
All the talking seems super flowery though. The kind of speeches in old books that really didn’t need that extra paragraph
Someone probably got in a duel for honor then
Also I think the owl and elf are the same person? Maybeeee?
Is there a love triangle? I feel like I saw it somewhere
Imma be honest I mostly saw people hoping the furry goblin and elf would bang which fair
But nothing else about plot points lol
Was this just a Victorian era rom com?
As someone who’s getting into DND and played about three sessions it looks fun and the production value looks bonkers. I’d honestly give to actually play in person with people but online shall do
So cheers to the D20 peeps and that furry goblin goddamn dude you’re not even a twink how’d you become the local sexy man of the campaign
94 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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POV: Americans had the most Americans response to houses in the ocean
106 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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One-shot request by Dodona request your own one shot with whatever idea and couple you want Words: 523, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Video Blogging RPF, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin (Minecraft), Wilbur Soot, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Eddie Munson, Peter Parker Relationships: Alex | Quackity & Clay | Dream & Technoblade, Piglin (Minecraft) & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Multiverse, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Movie)
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gelatinus1998 · 1 year
Some words before you follow
My DNI: Under 18, MAPS, anything promoting nonconsensual situations, bigots
I am huge simp so a warning for that.
Things I will be posting/reblogging:
My favorite content creators
Matthew Patrick AKA Matpat
Nathan Sharp AKA NateWantsToBattle
Ethan Nestor AKA CrankGamePlays
Tyler Scheid AKA Apocalypto_12
Charlie Slimecicle
My favorite medias
Markiplier Lore Connected Universe
Jacksepticeye's Iris Project
Ranboo's Generation Loss
Five Night's At Freddy's
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Steven Universe
Thank you so much for following!
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
One-shot request
Read it on AO3
by Dodona
request your own one shot with whatever idea and couple you want
Words: 523, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Video Blogging RPF, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin (Minecraft), Wilbur Soot, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Eddie Munson, Peter Parker
Relationships: Alex | Quackity & Clay | Dream & Technoblade, Piglin (Minecraft) & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Multiverse, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Movie)
Read it on AO3
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