#Tell your teachers thank you....unless you had finals today
r-is-typing · 1 month
the music teacher | s.r
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summary: in which spencer finds love in an unlikely place
requested?: yes! by anonymous!
pairing: professor!spencer reid x professor fem!reader
content warnings: none!
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If you knew Spencer Reid, you knew he loved to ramble. So, of course, the thing that made sense for him to do during his required thirty days off from the BAU was just that; rambling, well, teaching.
Emily Prentiss, the BAU’s Unit Chief, had came up with the idea for him to teach seminars on any topic under their profession that Reid sees fit, thanks to the Spencer’s reinstatement conditions that for every one-hundred days he worked in the field and for the BAU, he’d take thirty days off.
So, there he stood, in front of a class of about fourty-five people on a Tuesday morning, beginning his first lesson. “A trigger,” he begins. “is a sensory event experienced by an offender that precipitates subsequent behaviors.” He animatedly talked with his hands, looking at the class.
“Where as, a stressor is a longer-term pattern of behavior or circumstances which push,” Spencer thrusts his hand up in the air. “a person into behaving differently than they normally would.”
Spencer notices now that no one in the class was writing anything, so he adds one last quip. “You’re probably gonna want to write this down.” He suggests awkwardly.
“I shouldn’t be telling you guys this, but I’m definitely putting this on the final.” He says, shoving his hands in his pockets.
Y/N, another professor at the University, stands in the back of the class by the door, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed in a polite, sophisticated manner.
She had snuck in sometime between the conversation of modus operandi (more commonly known as M.O.) and Spencer discussing the differences in pattern between female serial killers and male serial killers.
"I'm only auditing this class." Y/N watches a girl tucks her hair behind her ear nervously, looking up at the tall professor. She watches as Spencer's brow furrows, looking around the room.
"Is anyone else auditing this class?"
Y/N sees a sea of women's hands, and even a few men's hands raise at his question. She softly chuckles under her breath. Spencer nervously checks his watch. "U-uh, unfortunately that's all the time we have for today. Thank you., guys."
People pass her, nodding as they leave the classroom, recognizing her as another professor on campus. She moves slowly, making her way to the front of the room, watching the man gather white papers and manila folders into his satchel.
"That was a really interesting lesson today."
Spencer's eyes dart up. "Oh, uh, thank you. A-are you a student?" He frowns. "I don't think I saw you." Y/N softly laughs, shaking her head. "No, no. I'm a professor here. I teach music, actually." She smiles at him.
"Music, but an interest in Criminology?"
"Well, I actually have an undergrad in Criminology."
This peaks Spencer's interest. Y/N nervously laughs. "I know, it's probably weird, but I find it fascinating. I've actually sat in on one of the BAU's lectures a few years back. Well, probably about six years ago now?" She shrugs.
"Your team had come to my college, my undergrad class actually, and spoke about profiling. Kind of the same stuff today, but more.. in depth?" Y/N smiles shyly.
"Oh, the Tommy Yates case!"
Y/N nods. "That would be the one. I'm surprised you remember." Now, Spencer smiles shyly. "I actually have an eidetic memory, so it's hard to forget."
"Wait, so.. if that was your undergrad only six years ago, and you're a professor now, you must be really young, unless, of course you started college later!" Y/N shakes her head.
"I just turned thirty."
Spencer nods. "That's very impressive for your age." He says, but she rolls her eyes, knowing he's done more impressive things at a much younger age.
The two converse until the bell rings, signaling another class coming in to learn from the FBI's resident genius. Y/N makes sure to get his number, excited to have made a new friend as most of the professors at the university were old or just plain rude.
A few months go by, and they're closer than ever. Spencer was reinstated within the FBI, but had asked Emily, for his own mental state if he could still teach as often as he did before the reinstatement.
What he didn't tell her though was that he did it so he could see her every day. He didn't think Emily would understand what it felt like; the things he felt for her. The mornings where the two would meet for coffee in her classroom, followed by lunch in his perspective class, and then on some nights, they'd even spend time together and hang out after classes would end and everyone would go either home or to their dormitories.
On one particular Friday night, the BAU had just gotten back from a case, and wanted a wind down. So, in true Penelope Garcia fashion, she suggested going to a bar. Of course, the idea was met with high praise, even surprisingly from the 'good doctor' himself, as Garcia deemed him.
So, there they were, sitting in a corner of the bar, having drinks, eating bar food, and laughing. Across the bar, Luke eyes a group of women. "You stare anymore, your eyes are going to fall off." Tara quips with a smirk. Luke flips her off, sending a glare her way.
"C'mon, you don't think they're good looking?"
Tara shrugs, Emily stays silent but watches, Rossi puts his hands up in innocence, JJ and Garcia laugh, and Spencer, his face turns white as a ghost.
His eyes lock onto a familiar person. Y/N stood with the group of women, throwing her head back in laughter as she clasped a drink in her hand. Spencer watched as she took small sips, slightly wincing. He assumed from the alcohol.
Y/N wore a tight dress that had accentuated her features, making Spencer's mouth go dry. "You okay there, Spence?" JJ chuckled, seeing her best friend go what Emily had liked to call 'just like that; an IQ of 187 slashed to 60'.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine."
His coworkers shared looks, knowing him well enough to know that what he said was far from the truth. They eye the group of women and watch for a moment.
As if Y/N could sense eyes on her, she looks up and to the right. Her movements stop, seeing the familiar face of her friend (and the guy she had become enamored with) in a booth on the other side of the crowded bar.
Y/N loudly excuses herself so her friends could hear, beginning her walk to the other side of the bar. "Hey, you." She says as she approaches. "I thought you don't drink, much less at a bar." Y/N raises her brow as Spencer looks up at her with a shy smile.
"I don't normally."
Y/N chuckles, sipping her drink. "Who's this?" The antsy, excited voice of Penelope Garcia spoke up. "Oh, right." Spencer laughs, placing a hand on the back of his neck. "Y/N L/N, meet my team. Guys, this is Y/N, her and I work together at the university I lecture at. She's a music professor."
"It's nice to meet you all, I've heard so much about you."
"I wish we could say the same."
Spencer looks between his newer friend and his team with a little guilt. "Well, now you've met." He chuckles nervously. He feels a hand on his shoulder and feels his face heating up. "Don't feel bad, Spencer, I know your team is very busy."
Y/N smiles at him as the two lock eyes. "Listen, this may very well be the wrong time to do this, but drinking makes me very... honest." She laughs nervously. Spencer eyes her, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Do you want to go out with me next Saturday?"
Spencer chokes on his saliva, staring up at the woman. She frowns slightly, afraid she had said something wrong, or worse, thought there was something there when there wasn't. So, to save face, she started to speak. "I-If you don't want to, I totally get it, I just-"
"I've been trying to ask you that since I met you!"
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r is typing...
hi! i hope you all enjoyed :) sorry this took so long, i've been really busy and just came back from visiting family. in a few days, i'll actually be leaving again so fics may be sporaddic but please please please, keep requesting! i love writing for you all <3
anyways, thank you to anon for the request!
r is signing off...
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
hey can i request romantic moments between cullens and reader? btw i love your works🫶🏻
Romantic moments with the Cullens
Thank you so much! I think I’ll always be shocked whenever anyone says they like what I do so thank you.
And this one was a lot of fun to make! I did get a bit carried away at some points tho… I tried a new form of writing for me so hopefully it's good
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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You and Edward had been dating for almost two years now
You were about to graduate high school, your first time and his 100th
You had talked about doing so many things to memorialize your senior year
A scrapbook, a picture every day, a custom t-shirt
Literally everything
But you just kept forgetting
Between all of the stress of moving into your final year, saving up for college, working your part-time job, and all of your extracurriculars, fun stuff just slipped your mind
And now you were helping Alice set up for your graduation party and you’re realizing just how empty the place is
Not that there aren’t decorations, which there definitely are, it’s just nothing you wanted
The place was covered in black and gold and your favorite color
There were piles of your favorite foods
But then you looked at the empty table where all of your mementos are supposed to go
You have everything you technically need
Your baby pictures, all of your awards, your school picture from every year, and your acceptance letter to your future college
But it was still missing something, all of those little projects you had been wanting to do so badly but simply didn't
You turned away from your sad little table tucked away in a corner of the Cullen house when you see Edward standing in the doorway
He's carrying a huge box in his hands, stuff overflowing from the top
"Edward, what is all of that? Don't tell me it's more streamers, we don't have room. Unless you want to cover the entire house in them-"
"Shh. It's not streamers I promise. It's for you. I promise you'll love it."
He sets the box down on your memento table and instantly you recognize it all
The wooden box with your name on the side carved in fancy cursive lettering holds everything you wanted
You pull out a leather-bound journal, opening it reveals picture upon picture of you from every single day that year
Next is a basic white shirt, but scribbled all over it are signatures and notes from all of your friends and your favorite teachers
Underneath that is a framed picture of your senior parking spot, though it looks like Edward redrew it because you don't remember yours looking this good
In the bottom of the box lies a Build-a-Bear of your favorite animal dressed in a little cap and gown
You were speechless. He remembered every single thing that you wanted, all of your dreams that you forgot to fulfill, and he did them for you
"I have so many questions, but for right now just come here and give me a kiss"
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Today was your one-year anniversary of being turned into a vampire
And for your surprise, Alice decided she would take you to do something that you had always told her you wanted to do
Sit on the bottom of the deep end of the pool
And naturally, Alice went all out
You were out at the store with Esme when you got a call from Alice telling you to put on the clothes she laid out on your bed and to go into the backyard when you got home
To say you were confused would be an understatement
But you did it anyway
After you and Esme got home and you helped her bring in the new couch she bought, you trekked up to yours and Alice's shared room
Laying on your bed was a swimsuit that you had never seen before
It was your favorite color and it was adorned with jewels
Queasily, you wondered if they were real diamonds
Fake or not, you were still careful pulling it on
Of course it fit like a glove did you expect anything else
You walk out the back door and you see Alice sitting next to the pool, the sun reflecting off of her shiny skin with a big smile on her face
In her lap there was a small bag that was zipped tightly shut
"Okay, what's all this?"
"Well, remember when you were still human and you used to tell me all the time how all you wanted was to just go to the bottom of the pool and take a nap down there?"
"So that's what all this is? I can't even sleep anymore"
"Oh shush I know that, of course I have something else planned"
With that, she grabs the bag and dives headfirst into the pool
You can see her bright purple bikini as she makes her way to the bottom of the pool only stopping once she's 12 feet deep
You hesitate as you're about to follow her
You know that logically you'll be fine, but a human part still exists somewhere inside of you
Swallowing back your fear, you jump in, swimming down to the bottom to join Alice
"You don't need to hold your breath, silly. Go ahead, let it out"
You didn't even realize you were holding your breath
"Now, for the main event. Since it's your anniversary, I figured we could have a nice romantic dinner down here."
With that, she pulls out a small battery operated candle and flicks it on, the water above making it just barely dark enough for the candle to be visible
Next, she pulls out two pouches that have screw-on lids
"What is that?"
"Blood, of course. Fresh from the moose I caught this morning."
She hands you one, and underneath the pressure of the warm water, huddled around your little candle, you have the most romantic dinner of your life
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To be honest, you were having a terrible week
You completely forgot about a really important essay that you needed for one of your AP classes, your favorite shirt got eaten by the washing machine, and now, your friends cancelled on you last minute when you were all supposed to go to the fair
You were sitting on your bed, still dressed in the outfit you were going to wear for the day, staring down at the text message from your friends
And you just started sobbing
It was too much
Jasper was downstairs at the time, he could feel your creeping sadness, but when your tears erupted, he knew he had to step in
He flew up the steps and stopped just outside of your door
He knocked and waited until you permitted him to come in
"What happened?"
"My friends... what are the chances that all four of them had something come up so suddenly? Do they hate me? I bet they do..."
He just took your hand and crept his ability into your mind, easing your sadness at least a little
When your sniffling finally came to an end, he grabbed your face to look at him
"Do you still want to go? To the fair, I mean"
You just looked at him shocked
"But, Jasper, you hate being out in public. I would never ask that of you"
"That's why you're not asking, I'm offering. Come on, let's go"
With that he pulls you out to the car and drives you to the fair
You drag him everywhere
From all of the food stands to every single ride, he goes willingly
If he is uncomfortable being around all of the sweet-smelling humans, he makes no indication of it
As the night is coming to an end and the blinking lights on the tents illuminate your face, you stand in front of a Pop-The-Balloon game
Just within your reach, so close you can taste it, a giant orange monkey stuffed animal hangs on the edge of the stall
The only thing between you and the monkey is your terrible darts skills
You've easily gone through 50 bucks, Jasper next to you always ready to hand the Carnie another couple of bills
"Are you sure you don't want me to try at least once?"
"I got this, Jasper. One more try, this next one is the one I can feel it."
He just sighs and fishes another couple of dollars out of his wallet
Of course, this round goes just as well as all of the other ones, leaving you even more frustrated
"Now can I try?"
"Ugh, go for it"
He pops every single balloon so fast you wonder if he used his super speed to race behind the counter to pop them all
The Carnie reluctantly handed over the monkey, and you were all too eager to take it
You didn't even care that you were still in a very public spot, you pulled Jasper in for one of the biggest kisses you've ever given
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You had been talking for weeks about buying a one-of-a-kind action figure from a seller online
There was someone on ebay who repainted various dolls and sold them
There was one that you had been eyeing specifically because it reminded you of Rosalie
Personally, she didn't think it looked like her at all but whatever
The two of you were laying in bed one afternoon peacefully when all of a sudden you shot up and screamed
She is on her feet instantly, looking around for the threat
But then you turn your phone screen to her, screaming about how someone outbid you at the very last moment and that now the doll is gone
"You can't just scream like that! You scared me"
"But Rose! It's gone! I can't believe it this is so unfair"
Cue the waterworks
She feels bad, she tries to console you, but you can't be reasoned with
Over the next couple of days, she tracks down every single detail that she can find about the person who "stole" the doll from you
She hacks into ebay's security system to find their address
And then she tells you that her and Alice are randomly taking a road trip
When she comes back, she invites you out to a nice dinner
She books out the entire dining room of a fancy restaurant and brings you there
As your appetizer and entree come out, you two talk
She makes up some made-up story about her "road trip" with Alice
Just as the waiter leaves with your dessert order, you see Rosalie pull out a wrapped box with a silver bow around it
"What's that?"
"A gift for you"
She hands you the package and on the inside is the little Rosalie look-alike and one more doll that strangely bears a striking resemblance to you
"Is this... is that... oh my god"
"I didn't go on a trip with Alice. Well, technically I did. But we drove to that guy's house and stole the doll back. Since he stole it from you in the first place, it's only fair you got it back."
"And this one? Where did this one come from?"
"He had a couple more in his house, I thought you might like that one too."
So now there are two dolls standing on one of the shelves in your room <3
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You had no clue why Emmett was being so weird today
He seemed fidgety all day
That morning he woke you up with a plate of pancakes in bed, drizzled with syrup that he made himself
Then he took you out to the mall
He took you to a really fancy clothing store and had you pick out the most dazzling outfit you could find
He even got it custom tailored to you
After that he took you to the spa where you both got a deep tissue massage
You had tried to ask him multiple times what all this was for, but he never answered
He would just usher you on to the next thing
Now you were in one of Edward's nice foreign cars and he was driving you to somewhere else
"So... as much as I appreciate everything you've been doing today, really, what is this all for?"
"Oh come on, don't act dumb. And before you even ask, no, I don't need anything in return"
"You're literally not even making sense. What is today?"
"You know what day it is :) "
After that he doesn't answer any more of your questions
You just hold your complaints in the passenger seat as he finally parks the car in a spot along the pier
Out on the water, you see multiple couples floating in those pedal-powered swan boats
And then you see the grin on your idiot boyfriend's face
"Ugh, Emmett. Are we really getting on the swans?"
"Yes we are now come on and stop complaining"
You sit across from him floating atop the water, the fairy lights twinkling across your face
Emmett is smushed into his seat, it clearly wasn't made for someone as beefy as him
"So. Now are you gonna tell me what all of this was for?"
"Do... you really not know?"
He sounds hurt
"No I don't. I've been racking my brain all day. It's not my birthday and it's not yours. I haven't won anything recently or been promoted, and it's not an anniversary. Just help me out here"
"It IS our anniversary, though. Our three year anniversary!"
"Our anniversary is SEPTEMBER 28th... not August 28th"
You start cracking up laughing, doubling over in your little swan seat, the boat rocking with how hard you're laughing
He apologizes over and over again for getting the date wrong
You reassure him that it's fine
You spend the rest of your 2 years and 11 months anniversary seeing how fast you can make the swan boat go
You both get kicked out and blacklisted
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A while back, you watched Bridgerton
The plotlines and characters didn't really stand out to you too much
What really stood out was the clothing
You made Esme sit down and watch it with you
The whole time you were just raving about the costume design and how much you wish you could wear what they were wearing
Time passed and you eventually forgot about it
Working, going to school, watching different shows, you know, life
You were sitting in the living room, lounging on the couch while some random cooking show played
Edward and Bella were sitting on the couch too, not really watching either
All three of you were just sort of zoned out until you heard Esme yell your name as loud as she could
You and Bella jumped, Edward probably heard it before it happened
Instantly, you shot up and ran down the hall to Esme's workroom
You flung the door open and looked inside
"Esme! What's wrong, what happened?"
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong! In fact, it's all perfect! Come here, come here"
You stepped inside of her studio and instantly spotted it
In the corner was a mannequin that seemed too specific to your height and weight measurements to be a coincidence
Hanging off the mannequin was a beautiful outfit
It looked straight out of the 1600s, made out of fine silks, golden fabrics, and fine linen
There were various imperfections on it, the wrong color of thread used here, a hole in the fabric there, but it was beautiful regardless
"A while back you mentioned that you wanted to look like someone from that show, so I made you this! I hope you like it, if not I can change anything you want me to"
"You made this, all by yourself?"
"Yes! I watched so many tutorials and I even went to the tailor shop in town to ask them for some tips. It's obvious that I'm no seamstress, but I'm still pretty proud of myself"
"Proud? You should be overjoyed! This deserves to be in a competition, on TV, at craft shows, anywhere!"
When you tried it on after a couple of minutes of insisting that she did a wonderful job, you were blown away once more
It fit perfectly, you looked like you just walked out of a fairytale book
Her next project is making one for herself
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You had a little habit of leaving notes in Carlisle's packed lunch for when he goes to the clinic
He didn't need the food, but he did need to keep up appearances
It's already not a very human look when the best doctor in town willingly works almost every shift and is always on call and ready to work
So he needs something to bring him back down
You found out not too long into dating the little routine
Esme packs him a sandwich and a bottle of water, she takes it to him at work, eats it in the very public break room for everyone to see, pukes it up cause his body can't digest it, and then comes home
So the cycle continues after that
The first time you saw Esme making a little ham and cheese sandwich, you were confused
After she explained, you asked if you could put something in there too
So you started your own routine of writing Carlisle a cute little note
Usually just about how much you loved him, sometimes accompanied by a little doodle
A couple of times when he would come home, he would thank you for your note
But other than that, you thought that was it
Until one day you were admittedly snooping in his office
You were just bored and wanted to see what fun stuff there was to read in his office
You were pulling book after book off of his shelves, flipping through them, and then putting them back
But then you stumbled across a small book with only the word "Love" written on the front in the handwriting you recognized to be Carlisle's
Inside was every single note you had ever given him
Each one was lovingly placed on the page, making a collage
Some pieces of paper were lined, some plain
Some notes were written with black ink, some with whatever other pen was lying around at the time
The only similarity was that underneath all of them, Carlisle had dated them
You flipped through every page, until you got to the second half of the book that was still blank
Your heart surged, this man
"You caught me"
You whipped around to see Carlisle standing in the doorway, his white lab coat still hung across his shoulders, and a slight smile on his face
He walked over to you, grabbing the book gently from your hands
He set it on his desk and sat down in the chair, you peered over his shoulder
From his breast pocket, he pulled out the note that you wrote that morning
He opened the book to the next page, and glued the slip in
He dated it with a flawless ease and swiveled to look up at you
You just tackled him with a kiss
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Vampire! Bella:
You were really worried
You'd been dating Bella for a whole year now, but she still hasn't seen your bedroom
That wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't coming over today
And if your room wasn't a fucking mess
You knew that Bella would be coming over for like a week
You told yourself days ago that you had to clean your room for her
But now the day is here, Bella is on her way
You were frantically running around your room, trying your best to round up all of the dirty clothes on the floor, get all the trash picked up, and light a couple candles
But it was too late
From downstairs you could hear the front door open and your mom called up the steps that Bella was here
When she opened the door, you had a bundle of dirty clothes in your hands as you attempted to at least get one more thing done
"I'm so sorry, Bella. Really, it's not usually this bad, I promise. I just forgot to clean my room yesterday and the day before and this morning and-"
"Woah! Calm down!"
She walks over to you and takes the dirty clothes from your hands, throwing them effortlessly into the hamper across the room
"I promise, I don't mind. You should have seen my room when Edward left me a couple years ago... ugh, terrible"
"No, I'm- I'm so sorry. It's so bad in here. I promise it's not usually this bad. This is not the first impression I wanted to give you"
After some more back and forth, but really more of her being stubborn, you finally agree to let her help you clean your room
It only takes about 5 minutes
The place was covered in dirty clothes before, dishes piling up, trash on every surface
And now it looked brand new
You were cuddling on your freshly cleaned bed and watching a movie
"You know, that was pretty fun. You should call me the next time your room gets really dirty"
"... are you a psychopath?"
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tvgals · 1 year
harvard professor! toji x black! elle woods! reader
getting into harvard law was a piece of cake, but somehow getting into your professors pants was harder!
cw: black! reader, age gap by like 15 years, set in 2001
you pull your pink satin eye mask over your bonnet and stretch. today was the day, the day you’d finally get professor fushiguro to give in. you’ve had your eye on him since you were a freshman, his brood and sarcastic demeanor making him even more attractive. you hop out of your bed and start to get ready. after half an hour of doing what you need to do, you grab your bella louis vuitton tote and slide into your heels, walking out the door. arriving to your first class you’re already out of breath, not from the route there, of course not, but the fact your english teacher, is sitting on toji’s desk. laughing. you purse your lips together and stare, holding your designer purse in front of you. it didn’t take long for toji to notice the girl wearing all pink in his doorway.
“need something?” toji said in his oh so deep and gravely voice. “oh no! i was just about to ask a question but i see you’re already talking to someone. i’ll be on my way.” and with that you speed walk down the hall, the familiar clacking of your heels against the schools polished marble floor getting further and further. tears well in your eyes, but why? it’s not like you and toji are dating, and if you two were, you’d be sure you still wouldn’t let these fat tears roll down your face. you race to the bathroom and push your bottom eyelids up on the way, forcing them to close. once you arrive you take the biggest stall there is and sit on the toilet, hiding your face in your hands. after about six minutes of sulking by yourself, you hear another pair of heels clacking against the floor.
“y/n?” spoke your english teacher. “yes?” you respond, trying to make it seem as if you weren’t just crying. “toji doesn’t like crybabies. i know you’ve been trying to get in his pants and all, but don’t bring the whole class down because you can’t handle your urges.” and with that, she leaves, leaving you a dumbstruck mess. the day just started. it’s only 7:30 in the morning. you take a moment to regather yourself, and walk out. this has been terrible already. you walk into your first class and sigh, ten minutes late. you’ve never been late a day in your life! you plop down in an open seat and grab your notebook, jotting down notes when it’s needed. everyone has had their eyes on you since you’d came here, your bold style and personality attracting attention wherever you went. now was not a good day to have eyes all on you. your usual behavior being a stark contrast to your now sad and mopey one.
“y/n stay after class please.” you teacher slips in during a lecture, you were lucky you caught it unless you’d be in for a treat. class was over and you stood by your teachers desk. “yes?” you ask, fiddling with the straps of your purse. “you’re never late. is something wrong?” she asks. your calculus teacher was a nice old white lady who wore a huge pair of wired glasses. “nope. just tired from exams and stuff.” you chuckle, fidgeting with your hair. “okay okay. well, make sure you get your eight hours to stay beautiful.” she grins. you leave with a “thank you.” and go to your next class.
lunch rolled around and you decided to make your way into toji’s classroom, standing in the doorway as seductively as you could. “hey, toji.” you say, rocking back and forth on your heel. “y/n.” toji says without even looking up from the paper he was grading. “could i speak to you?” you ask, walking towards toji and stopping in front of his desk. toji looks up at you through his glasses a smirk adorning his face. “speak.” toji tells you, looking up at you fully. “is there anyway i could get extra credit?” you ask, putting your louis vuitton bag on his desk, starting to unbutton the top of your blazer. toji starts laughing, standing up and towering over you. you look up at him, swallowing hard.
“you think seducing me will get me to want you more?” he asks, pulling you into his body into the small of your back. he leans down into your ear, his breath hitting the shell of your ear. “because it’s working…” he says, trailing his hand down your skirt. you let out a sigh, bringing your arms around his neck. “lunch ends in 10 minutes…” you whine out, propping yourself against toji’s desk. toji looks up at you with a hungry stare. “better cum in 10 minutes then…” toji chuckled, pulling your panties to the side and slipping two fingers into your cunt with a groan. “look at you.” he grins. “what’s your grade?” toji asks, making casual conversation.
“a…b minus..” you whine, arching your back. “mmm…you’re a smart girl. i don’t have any idea how you have a b minus in my class. it’s as if you’ve been planning this for a while.” toji smiles, pumping his fingers faster. he was catching onto you. it was as if he knew your every move. when you only responded with breathy moans and a whine of “five minutes left…” toji grinned at you, curving his fingers — hitting that spongey spot in you. you arch your back and cum on toji’s finger with a high pitched moan. toji slaps his hand over your mouth and takes his fingers out of you, sucking on his fingers.
“go to class.” he says, popping his fingers from his plush lips.
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mxcnliight · 2 years
baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? (cyj)
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Choi Yeonjun your longtime bully has finally had enough of your and puts your in your place, but the teacher catches you guys. so you get to sent to detention with him. when you’re all alone with him, what will happen? ♫ I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension ♫
Paring: Bully!Yeonjun x Fem!Reader
Theme: One shot; SMUT, PWP, fluff (?)
Word Count: 2.8K
Warings: sexual tension; dirty talk; degradation; swearing; breath play(?); oral sex (f receiving); p in v penetration; unprotected sex + creampie (use a CONDOM)
You yawn as boredom hits you, waiting for your math class to start. You have never been good at math nor were you ever interested in it, so you always just hope the teacher won’t call on you. 
You look out the window and see the sun shining, it’s a nice day today. No rain or clouds! You know you have to do something after school, maybe go to the ice cream shop with your friends or get a tan by the pool. 
Whatever it is, you know, you just can’t waste a day like this. Suddenly, you hear a jingle, right on time. You look over, and see your bully, Choi Yeonjun, walk into the classroom. 
He wore his signature black leather jacket with a white undershirt paired with black pants and black boots. His crimson red hair catches attention, so everybody can tell it's Choi Yeonjun. 
His eyes meet yours as you hold eye contact until he sits down at his desk. Looking away, you roll your eyes and wonder what torture you’ll be experiencing today. 
From the time you were a freshman, Yeonjun was your designated bully. He would slam your locker in your face, throw paper airplanes at you with nasty words in them, make you trip, etc. 
You didn’t know why he was bullying you, but you found out one day and it was the stupidest thing ever. You became best friends with a girl named Yuna and the reason why Yeonjun was bullying you was because he had a crush on her and you were "taking her away from him".
It was so dumb that you wanted to punch him for his stupidity, but you never got the chance (or strength). When Yeonjun first started bullying you, you were frail and fragile. 
You didn’t know how to handle him, but now as a senior year in high school, you have gotten used to his antics. You know how to handle him and protect yourself from him. 
You thought he would have stopped years ago, but he told you, “I’m not stopping until either I get caught or you go and be a little bitch and tattle tale on me, got it?” You still remember the cold glare he gave you that day. 
You would have told the school counselor, but you just felt too guilty to. Speaking of feeling guilty. Another thing Yeonjun did to you was manipulate you, but you wonder after you both graduate what he’s going to do? 
He’s not going to have another doll to play around with, unless he still keeps in contact with you, and you hope to god he doesn’t. Just then you feel something hit your head as you look down at a paper airplane now in your lap. 
You give Yeonjun a disappointed look as he gestures for you to open it. Rolling your eyes, you open it and it reads ‘You look like a witch with that makeup on you, did you even try this morning?’ You look back up at Yeonjun and he's stupidly smirking now. 
You roll your eyes and scoff before crumpling the paper airplane into a ball and throwing it in the trash can. Not cool Choi. You cross your arms and look up at the board. 
“Wanna piece of gum?” You look over and see Yuna holding out a piece to you. You nod and take it into your mouth before chewing. “Thanks.” She hums as you both look back at the board. “Alright class… let’s get started, shall we?”
Forty minutes later and class is finally done, thank god. You barely understood any of the material, so you know you’ll need Yuna to explain to you later when you get home. 
You look to your left and see Yuna putting her folder in her bag. “Hey, could you explain the notes to me tonight?” You ask her. “I would love to, but I have a cheer meeting after school” she frowns. 
“I can teach it to you during study hall before class tomorrow?” “Yeah that’s fine, thanks.” She nods and smiles at you as you smile back at her. You begin to gather your things when you jump in your seat from hands slamming down on your desk. 
You look up and see Yeonjun towering over you and you frown. “What do you want, Choi?” “Did you do my English homework?” You smirk and scoff at him before laughing. 
“What’s so funny bitch?” He asks as you deadpan him. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Yeonjun, does it look like I’m your little servant? No.'' You begin to sling your bag over your shoulder when Yeonjun suddenly chokes you as you widen your eyes. 
Your hands go over his neck trying to pry them off of your neck. “What’d you say to me, you little bitch?” He says in a dark tone, staring dead into your soul. “I-i’m not your little servant… bitch.” You say, stuttering as he becomes enraged. 
As he was about to do something, he was interrupted. “Choi Yeonjun and Y/N L/N!” You both look over at your teacher who is fuming with anger. “I will not be having this type of ruckus in my classroom! Detention for both of you!” Yeonjun’s hand leaves your neck as you both look at each other and sigh. 
It felt like forever to walk to the principal's office because Yeonjun was staring at you the whole time. You’re now sitting outside the principal's office waiting for him to get done with Yeonjun. If he hadn’t started this, you wouldn’t be here right now. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms; this was not the time to do something Choi. 
Out of the corner of your eye you see a lady walking towards you. “Here’s an ice pack, sweetie.” Your eyes widen at her kind gesture as you take the ice pack.
You thanked her as she left. You then put the ice pack around your neck. Just then you hear the door open as you look to your left and Yeonjun comes out with the secretary. 
Yeonjun sits beside you as the secretary lady squats down to your level before taking off her glasses and rubbing her forehead.“Alright so we have come to the conclusion that Yeonjun was the person that was responsible for this ruckus, but you were still involved, Y/N, so I will need both of you to report to Mrs. Hans’ room after school, is that understood?” 
You both nod as she puts her glasses back on and gets up. “I will write both of you passes for your next class.” She goes back into her office while you turn your head to match Yeonjun’s deathly stare.
Once the end of the day hits, you go straight to Mrs. Hans’ room, not wanting to be late. Once you arrive in her room, you see Yeonjun isn’t here yet, which isn’t a shocker. 
You make your way over to a desk and sit down. You then put your bag in your lap, waiting for the period to start. A minute before the bell rings, Yeonjun arrives, looking angry as ever. 
You see him take a seat only 2 desks away from yours. You look back at the board before getting your lip gloss from your bag and applying some to your lips. 
You then smack them before putting the lip gloss back into your bag. The bell rings as Mrs. Hans sighs. “Alright, since both of you are here now, we can start. Welcome to detention, Yeonjun is a regular here, so I’m not surprised, but for you Mrs. L/N, I’m rather disappointed.” She gives you a side eye as you look away. 
“Anyways, you all know the drill. Phones in the basket,” she says, holding out a small basket. You look over at Yeonjun, who is getting out his phone, and so do you. 
You both get up and put your phones in Mrs. Hans’ basket. Once you sit back down, you put your bag on the floor next to you. “Now, silence for the next forty-five minutes.” You see her open her book as you roll your eyes; this can’t get any better, can it. 
Minutes pass as you are extremely bored; you get so bored that you count the tiles on the ceiling. You occasionally sneak glances at Yeonjun, but he is just as bored as you are. He is just staring at his hand; you wondered what was on there. 
Just then you hear a teacher come by Mrs. Hans’ room. Mrs. Hans then looks over at the teacher, then back at us. She sighs before grabbing her keys. “I’ll be right back,” she says before leaving. 
That's easy, huh? Now it is just you and Yeonjun both sitting in silence. “Why do you have to be such a bitch?” You look over at Yeonjun, oh, he’s starting this now? “Oh, so I’m the bitch? Says the guy that has bullied me for four years straight,” you say, before rolling your eyes. 
“I wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for you,” he replies. “Oh no Yeonjun. I wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for your selfish, greedy, egotistical self! I have done nothing wrong, it’s all your fault, Yeonjun!” You raise your voice as you stare at him. 
He clenches his jaw and balls his hand into a fist. “No, it’s all you, Y/N. You’re the selfish egotistical bitch, you always have been!” “For what?! For taking your girlfriend?! If you really wanted her, you should have just asked her out!” He goes silent as you sigh until you suddenly get slammed into the desk next to you. 
You look up in confusion as Yeonjun wraps his hand tightly around your neck. “Who told you I liked that little bitch?” You look at him confused. “You do like her, don't you?” He then does something unexpected: he kisses you. 
Your eyes widen as he roughly makes out with you. You whimper, trying to pry Yeonjun’s hand from your neck because you can hardly breathe. He breaks the kiss and stares at you intensely. “I like you, you little brat” Your eyes widened; he did not just say that. 
“W-what?” You say as he flips you around and your hands meet the cold service of the desk. “Yeonjun, let’s talk about this-'' Just then he rips your patines off from underneath your dress and throws them away. 
He then wraps one of his hands around your mouth. “Be a good girl and keep quiet, okay?” He then removes his hand and goes down between your legs, holding them open. Your face heats up as you can feel his breath on your pussy. 
You whimper, “Y-yeonjun… what are you doing?” He then chuckles as his hands meet the sides of your thighs, “I want your slutty fucking pussy in my mouth.” You moan at his words. “But Yeonjun, we can’t… not here.” “Yes we can and you are going to give it to me.” 
You feel his tongue on your clit as you whimper; you put your hand around your mouth trying not to moan. He licks back and forth up your slit as you're trying so hard not to moan. 
He flattens his tongue on your clit and begins to kiss at it. You whimper a bit, but not too loud. You could get caught at any moment, but it feels so good. Along with him making out with your pussy. You’re still trying to process that Yeonjun apparently likes you. 
His tongue moves to your hole, slowly teasing it. “I want your fucking pussy cream on my tongue,” he demands as you moan at his words. He then slaps your thigh with his free hand and you let out a yelp. “What did I say about keeping quiet?” He growls as he begins to flick his tongue along your hole. You close your eyes in pleasure. 
“You like that?” He asks as you hum, still trying so hard not to moan. “This pussy’s fucking mine. I own it.” He growls as he starts to sloppily kiss your hole. You whimper at his words as he growls on your pussy. 
“Don’t you fucking cum yet,” he demands as he increases his tongue movements as you try not to moan. His fingers then move up to your clit, slowly circling around it, sending you more pleasure. 
“Yeonjun, please,” you cry out as you can feel him smirk. He moves two fingers to your hole and slowly pumps them inside as you moan. He continues to lick your pussy while his fingers are fucking in and out of your wet hole. 
“Shit… you feel that? My fingers in your pussy and tongue on your clit?” You whimper at his words as you nod. “I just want you to give in to me. Give it to me, yeah? Push your pussy in my fucking face.” You push your hips down a bit at him as you feel him growl at your pussy sending vibrations up your back. 
“Fuck baby, I need you inside of me.” He then gets up and puts his hand on your chin, forcing you to look at him before he kisses you. His hands sneak up your body to meet your clothed breasts, slowly massaging them. 
He then breaks the kiss and takes his pants off along with his boxers. You look back in anticipation for his cock to be inside you. “Fuck baby, are you ready?” You nod as he lifts your dress up with one hand and uses the other to slowly push his thick cock in.
You both moan at the feeling of him stretching you out. “So tight, only for me right?” “Mhm, all for you,” you say as he completely bottoms you out. You whimper at the feeling as his hands meet your hips. 
One of his hands reaches up and wraps around your mouth; again, he gets close to your ear and whispers. “Be quiet” Before he starts thrusting into you, you throw your head back in pleasure.
It feels so good, you have never felt anything like this before. “You’re mine, alright? Mine. Nobody’s else’s. You belong to Choi Yeonjun.” You moan into his hand as you feel tears in your eyes.
He then grunts out, “Oh fuck baby pussy’s so fucking good, who knew it would only take a dicking down for you to shut up?” You whimper at his words as his thrusts increase, pounding into you. 
It feels so good, yet you feel a wave of embarrassment hit you with Yeonjun fucking you in detention. “Mhm, fuck baby,” he lets out a low chuckle. “You’re going to be my dumb little bitch, hm? Gonna take all of my cum in your tight little pussy mhm?” He mumbles in your ear as your eyes close, you are so close to your orgasm. 
“Oh baby, you close? I can feel you fucking clench around me. You wanna cum hm?” he says as you nod vigorously, wanting to release the tension building up in your body. 
You feel Yeonjun smirk as he kisses your cheek. “Nobody's  stopping you Y/N. Cum for me.” His thrusts increase as you almost yell into his hand around your mouth as if it is so much pleasure. 
You then feel Yeonjun’s free hand move down to your clit, rubbing to the pace of his thrusts. “Come on baby. You don’t want to get caught, do you? So then fucking cum for me,” he growls into your ear. 
His words give you the final push, and your orgasm shoots through your body as your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Fuck yeah baby! Just like that, mhm, you’re going to make me cum too,” he says as he releases his hand from your mouth as you crash onto the desk while Yeonjun’s still trying to chase his orgasm. “Oh shit-“ He says as his cum shoots into your pussy, filling you right up.
You both try to catch your breath as you’re still lying lifeless on the desk. You feel Yeonjun slip out as he breathes heavily. “Who knew a brat like you had a good pussy?” You roll your eyes at his comments and turn around to kiss him. 
His thumb rubs on your jaw as you kiss. You break it and huff out at him, “I hate you.” He chuckles, “Says the one who just came on me.” You roll your eyes when you hear something as you both scramble to get your clothes on. 
You then return to your seats like normal as Mrs. Hans comes back in. “You two didn’t do anything while I was gone?” She asks as you look back at Yeonjun, then look back at her to nod. Once detention is done, you both finally get your phones back as you are about to walk out the door. Yeonjun stops you as you look back up at him in confusion. “Could I have your number, baby?”.
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idontplaytrack · 18 days
Capri Donahue x fem! reader
Warnings: age regression, a bit of baby talk, fluff
Capri finally figures out why reader regresses.
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The morning started off great, as per usual actually. Time in classes seemed like it was passing by quickly, you could focus and you were in a good mood. You have most of your classes with Capri, your girlfriend, so that’s why you were happy. Usually, you two were separated for at least half the day. Thursdays were the only exception.
Eventually, it was time for lunch. You were pretty hungry so you were glad to have been let out of the previous class on time and managed to get your food quickly. While you sat down at a table, Capri excuses herself to go use the restroom. In the meantime, you ate your food while scrolling through your phone.
When Capri returned, she wasn’t alone. She was giggling along with Darby— her best friend. “I’m back.” Capri pecks you on your cheek and sits down next to you. “Darby can join us, right?”
You blinked, smiling at them both, “Sure.”
Wasn’t she always sitting with Alex? Where was he today?
Eh. You shrugged, looking at your lunch tray as you poked at the food and ate. You swallowed your feelings and let lunch go on as per normal, chatting with them and all, chiming in whenever you felt like it. You didn’t hate Darby, you hated that you got jealous over the most little things. You despised that. When lunch was over, you left the cafeteria just a little quicker than they did. It wasn’t unusual for you to do that— sometimes. You liked getting to class on time, or early even. Though typically, you went everywhere with Capri, including arriving to classes together.
You were aware you had the issue with jealousy. You even knew what caused it all to begin— thanks to a childhood where you constantly had to earn or fight for any bit of attention. But, as much as you tried to stop yourself from spiralling whenever you felt that feeling start sitting on your shoulders like a heavy weight. It slowed you down, literally slowed you down. And you began to lose focus— whatever your teachers or anyone else said after that sounded like gibberish. You felt a little sleepy after having lunch, so then you were cranky— like you wanted to cry. Then, you wanted a hug from Capri. But she wasn’t in this class. You’d only see her in your next and last class of the day. You stared at your phone, then looked to the front at your teacher. Your hand itches to grab your phone, you wanted to talk to Capri, tell her you wanted a hug. But you also feel yourself start to feel unlike your usual self. Your head emptied itself soon enough, and you rested your chin on your folded arms for the remainder of this class, but looked right at the front so your teacher couldn’t fault you for not paying attention. You managed to get by, now making your way to your last class— Bio. You sat down at your bench, that you now shared with Darby since three days ago when Mrs. Milton decided to ‘shake things up’ for a project by drawing names out of a box. So thanks to that, you were paired up with Darby while Capri was paired up with James. Her ex boyfriend. Yippee.
Your bench? It was right in front of Capri’s, so you could hear her chatting and giggling with James, all throughout the class, word for word. She barely looked at you once. You looked at her over your shoulder and sulked before you turned back around. She saw that, she saw you. You caught her smirking, then chuckling. “You alright?” Darby asks while leaning closer. You shook your head. You were never this direct unless you were regressed. It was starting to happen and you were fighting it. You couldn’t let it happen now. You were in public. Darby knew it was unusual for you to say no so straightforwardly. Therefore, she was worried. You seemed fine and all, but of course, who could tell right now? You hoped they couldn’t tell that your ‘grown up mind’ was slowly but surely drifting away. You stared down at your feet when you saw Darby turning around. “Baby?” Capri leaned forward, “What’s wrong?”
You pursed your lips together, not wanting to talk, knowing that you would sound different. So you just ignored her, Capri fought a sigh and let you just sit there. Seeing this interaction, Darby didn’t push you to do a lot right now for the project. With her guidance, you thankfully got through the class just fine. Once Mrs. Milton said the class could be dismissed, you grabbed your bag and bolted out of the classroom. Capri could barely catch up with you. “y/n.” She caught up with you, grabbing your wrist. You didn’t reply, just yanked your hand away and continued walking out of school. Capri wasn’t having it. She sat you down somehow, and tried to talk. But you flat out refused. She sighs, “Baby, talk to me, please.”
You breathed shakily, “Wanna go home.”
Capri’s hand on your knee froze, she squints at you, thinking. Why were you talking like that? Barely coherent and barely complete sentences.
Capri ultimately decided the school wasn’t the right place to have a conversation if you were already so obviously upset— among other things. You sat in the front with her and she made your your seatbelt was buckled before she started to drive. It was a quiet journey to her house, you’d dozed off rather quickly. She didn’t have the heart to wake you, but did anyway since she didn’t want you to be sitting in the car to sleep. She would very much rather have you sleeping properly on her bed than here.
“Hey.” She says, shaking you carefully. Your eyes fluttered open as you stirred in your sleep.
“We’re at my house.” She continues while your eyes fully opened up. You only nodded, then she unbuckled your seatbelt for you so you could get out. Capri was getting a little frustrated with the fact that you hadn’t said much of anything to her for the last hour or so. But she didn’t really show it, you couldn’t tell she was annoyed. Something was going on, and she wanted to know what to do so she could help you. Capri goes up to her room and you were right behind her, like a little kid clinging onto their parent.
Capri’s heart fluttered, feeling you hold onto her hand so tightly, her frustration died down, fully replaced by worry now.
You drop your backpack onto the floor at the foot of her bed. “Come here, baby.” She sits you down on her lap, “How are you feeling? What’s wrong, why’ve you been keeping to yourself all day?”
“I don’t know.” You blinked profusely, “I don’t feel like myself, I feel like my mind’s switched off.”
Judging by the way you were clinging onto her like your life depended on it, you had seconds before you officially slipped into that headspace.
She cups your chin, tilting your face so you were looking at her. “You’ve got to let me know next time, lovey.”
You exhaled shakily, tears slipping from your face. Why were you even upset? Why were you regressed? You don’t know and can’t remember why. Capri knew you tended to regress sometimes, so she knew how to take care of you. But your triggers were still unclear to her— and yourself honestly. Because once you were in that headspace, you don’t know anything else. You just knew that you wanted Capri. You wanted Capri to cuddle with you and kiss you, watch cartoons with you and share some snacks.
She knew she wasn’t going to get an answer out of you right now, so her caregiver mode kicked in and took over. You shifted yourself and wrapped your arms around her neck, your head was resting on her shoulder.
“Aw, does my baby want hugs?” She teased, chuckling over her words.
“Yes.” You nodded, sniffling pitifully.
“Are you okay?” She asks quietly, “What do you want to do, baby?” Tears were still streaming down your face as you kept quiet.
“Hey.” She rubs your back, “Don’t cry, don’t cry. You’re okay.”
Like a reflex, you cried harder, just babbling incoherently as she shushed you and rubbed soothing circles on your back. “I don’t like you talking to James.” She managed to make out those words.
Jealousy. Now she knew one trigger.
“He told me funny jokes, so I laughed. He doesn’t like me like that anymore, angel.” She whispered, carrying you off her lap. Capri held your face in her hands, squeezing your cheeks, “Don’t cry, hm? What can I do to make you feel better?”
You were now taking some deep breaths to regulate your own emotions, lips pouty and eyes wide and glossy. Just…looking at her. Capri puckered her lips and kisses you on your lips, then slowly, peppering soft fleeting kisses all over your face. So much so that you started giggling. Just what she wanted to hear. She laughs, squishing your cheeks again, a cheekily smile on her face. “I think you still need a visit from the tickle monster.”
You squealed, she didn't care and just tickled you to make you laugh harder. You were screeching and squirming on her bed beneath her, your hair all over your face now, obstructing your sight. “Stop, stop, stoooop.” You squealed, laughing heartily.
“Okay, okay.” Capri laughs, laying down next to you, a hand on your abdomen. Your breathing slowly evens out. “What do you want to do, buttercup? You wanna play with your toys?”
You rolled over onto your side. “Can we go to the playground?”
She hums, “The playground? Of course we can. Are you hungry? If you are, we should eat something before we go.”
She’d noticed that you didn’t have quite as much to eat at lunch at school.
“I’m not.” You told her.
“After we get back, we’re having dinner, alright?” She coaxed. You nodded, “Okay.” Lips still pouty— she loved it. You were so cute.
“Good girl, come on let’s go.” She smiled, chuckling to herself and pressing a kiss to your forehead. She held her hand out so you could grab it and get out of bed. Before taking a walk to the playground nearby, she got you changed into something that was easier for you to move around in.
Once at the playground, you climbed on and started to just run around and slid down the slide. “Baby, be careful!” She shrieked, watching you carefully.
She followed you on the side of the playground structure, making sure you weren’t going to trip and fall and get hurt. “Don’t run, please.” She quiets down, stopping you in your tracks easily, “I don’t want you to run. You might fall and that’s gonna be an ouchie.”
You looked at her in thought, but gave in and agreed. She smiled, satisfied and let go of your wrists.
You two didn’t stay for long, because after about half an hour, a couple other kids showed up. You didn’t see it but their parents gave Capri and most importantly, you, weird looks. She convinced you to leave before you heard anything they were going to say. “Let’s go, okay, buttercup? It’s time for dinner. Don’t want you to go hungry, lovey.”
“Aw.” You frowned, “Okay.”
“We’ll come back very soon, okay? I promise.”
“‘Kay.” You agreed, “I want nuggies.”
“Sure, babe. I’ll make you some chicken nuggets.”
You were clinging and leaning onto her, but she let you, clearly. “Tired?”
“No.” You muttered, “I want a hug.”
Rubbing your back, she gave that a thought and gave in, picking you up with ease and walking the rest of the way home like this.
“Do you wanna eat first or shower first, angel?” You two were back in her room again. You couldn’t answer her, seemingly frustrated about something. She figured it was the sticky, sweaty feeling. “Okay.” She decided, “I’m gonna give you a quick shower first.” Stroking your cheek with her thumb, she added on, “Give me a minute, I’ll pop those nuggets in the oven so they’ll be ready when you’re all nice and clean, okay?”
You didn’t say anything and just held onto her arm, following her around to the kitchen, the fridge, the oven. Then, around her room to gather you a fresh set of clothes and towel.
You were cranky given how uncomfortable being sweaty felt, but Capri made do, successfully giving you a shower then got you dried and dressed. “There we go.” She beamed, holding your face by a hand under your chin, “Let’s go eat, baby.”
The day came to a close with you both having dinner in front of the TV watching your favourite Disney movie, Lilo & Stitch which you insisted on watching even though Capri said no— she knew you’d cry, and you did when it came to the scene where Stitch walked out of Lilo’s room.
“Shh, hey. Hey, it’s okay, baby. It’s okay. It’s just a movie, it’s not real.” Capri cajoled, both arms wrapped around you and holding you close. Your head was on her chest, face looking away from the TV and pressed up against her chest. She stroked your hair as you cried, thanking her lucky stars that you’d already finished your food otherwise she’d have another problem of you possibly choking. She skips ahead in the movie, setting the remote control back down.
“Do you wanna take a nappy?” She asks, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“Right here.” You hiccuped, snuggling closer to her as your hand rests on her chest on the other side, tracing the fabric mindlessly.
“You wanna nap here?” She chuckled, “Okay, baby. Not a problem, hm? You get all the snuggles you want.”
You gazed up at her, lips puckered, she giggled, “Oh, my baby wants a kiss?”
You nodded sleepily, eyes barely open already.
“Please?” You sulked.
“Aw.” She bit back a laugh, “Okay, okay.” Pecking you on the lips, and then a few more times on your face just to hear your laughter.
“Yaaay.” You replied, eyes fluttering shut thanks to her company and the soothing motions of her hand going up and down your back.
Capri smiled to herself watching you quiet down and succumb to sleep. Once you were out for long enough, she carried you to her room and tucked you in to spare you a backache when you woke up.
Well, eventually, she climbed into bed with you after putting your dirty clothes in the hamper feeling herself in need of a little bit of a nap too. She held you close again, it helped her relax too knowing that you were right there with her. That was all you needed now. She knew she needed to talk to you about a few things, but that could wait until you were up for it later on.
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Ended up being longer than I expected🫣 I’ll also be doing fics with this theme for the rest of the characters that I’ve not written for yet :)
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wandurrlust · 2 years
hating you
pairing : akaashi keiji x reader
genre : academic rivals to lovers (?)
words : 1.2k
a/n : if you've read this before, it's cuz i'd posted it before but then took it down...my bestfriend forced me to made me repost it :)
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Akaashi Keiji loves hating you.
He loves the subtle frown that takes over your otherwise smooth skin as the teacher dismisses your answer and permits him to speak over you.
He loves the way your eyes narrow down to slits as they rake over the unbelievably large crowd that has somehow gathered around the school's volleyball team - effectively causing you to push past numerous people just because you want to use the washroom that is on the other side of the hallway.
He loves being the first and probably the only one to notice the scowl that sits on your lips as the entire gymnasium howls with joy because Fukurodani has scored against the opponent team thanks to an excellent setter dump.
He loves being the cause of your sour mood because you'd come second in class - only next to him.
He loves the exasperated sigh that finds its way past your lips as you're told that this assignment has to be done in groups of two and the person sitting next to you just happens to be Akaashi himself.
He loves the way you roll your eyes as he slams some bills on the top of the wooden table of your favorite snack bar because the library was exceptionally crowded today and you simply needed to get this project done before Tuesday.
He loves the defeated groan you emit as you throw your head between your palms because you practically got nothing done in the past four hours but he had somehow managed to complete the entirety of his share of the damned assignment.
He loves how you discreetly flip him off with your middle finger because he chose to occupy the seat next to yours. On a fucking Monday when he knows you're bound to be late. You loathe Mondays.
He loves the shade of crimson that paints your face and makes it glow abnormally under the cafeteria lights as you almost spit out your lunch when you finally process what Bokuto has asked you: Are you and Akaashi a thing now? I barely ever see him anymore unless we're at practice.
He loves how you're forced to thank him for dropping you off at your front door because you chose to ignore the weather forecast and didn't carry an umbrella with you today and much to your luck, its pouring like hell.
He loves how you both suddenly have a group of mutual friends and you're all paying a visit to the ice cream parlor that stands a few meters away from the school campus 'cause you all deserve some time to unwind after that hell of a week of midterms all of you had to go through.
He loves the unintended giggle you let out as he cracks a super lame and admittedly cheesy joke that even has a few of your classmates booing.
He loves the sceptical look on your face as he finds himself holding the glass door ajar - for you to pass by before whispering, "This isn't very comfortable for my arms, hurry up."
He loves how the both of you are vaguely growing close.
He loves the faint whispers that surround the two of you as you bump your shoulder accidentally against his while the both of are walking beside eachother and are heading to class - together.
He loves the soft smile you shoot his way while you drop all your stuff on the glistening surface of the library table that has him seated on the opposite side.
He loves the faint tint of pink that suits itself upon your skin as you bid eachother goodbye.
He loves the butterflies that flutter around his ribcage as he tells himself that he'll be seeing you again tomorrow.
He loves how you randomly show up at practice one day and congratulate the team on their recent victory over Nekoma whilst urging them to call it a day as you had promised to treat him to onigiris if they managed to win.
He loves the unamused groan that rings through the class upon hearing your decision to team up with him for the upcoming debate competition because 'it simply isn't fair if two of the smartest people of the class team up together'.
He loves how you try to mask up the tiny gleam of disappointment that settles itself upon your eyes with a broad smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes upon realising that he introduced you to his parents as just a friend from school who was there to get some stuff done.
He loves how you let his arm wrap around your shoulder and pull you into a little side hug the second his bedroom door shuts itself with an ungodly creak - a gesture that quite literally translates to 'I don't know where we stand but you're definitely more than just a friend from school'.
He loves how you don't hesitate to counterattack his point with your own despite the fact that you're both a part of the same team when you finally start studying after bickering for what seems like eternities.
He loves how you rake your fingers through his soft hair and hum in response when he asks if he needs to get it trimmed as his head rests on top of his desk - worn out from the sheer hard work the both of you had indulged yourselves in since the past couple hours.
He loves it when your eyes snap up to meet his cerulean ones when your geography teacher calls out for him in class - for it isn't exactly his strongest subject.
He loves seeing you throw your head back with laughter as a response to something Konoha has said - unaware that the lad was doing a fair job of entertaining you as he let some of Keiji's embarrassing stories accidentally slip past his mouth - glad that you're getting along with the rest of the team.
He loves the cheery thumbs up you shoot his way as he scores a point against his teammates in a three on three match, shrieking at him to do it again.
He loves it when you assure and reassure Bokuto that you'll be there for the sleepover that Bokuto's hosting at his place this Saturday, cringing upon encountering the loud cheer that Bokuto lets out upon hearing your answer.
He loves the dainty shade of pink that dusts your cheeks as he steals a glance at Bokuto's messy kitchen just to see what exactly Kaori, Yukie and you are upto - his own skin mimicking the flimsy shade of crimson upon realising that the girls were wiggling their eyebrows as you loudly pondered over what would be an okay thing to gift him as a present for his birthday.
He loves how you scoot a little closer to him on the couch as a jump-scare in the horror movie causes you to flinch by the slightest.
He loves tight embrace of your arms around his torso when you're informed by your teacher that the one who came first in the class this time wasn't Keiji but you. But you quickly retract yourself because you realise the awkwardness and irony of the situation - you had afterall studied relentlessly for this test with Akaashi.
Akaashi Keiji simply loves hating you.
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zeke-in-devildom · 7 months
Dissonance - Chapter 15: Clicking, Clubs, and Crushes
Zeke practically fled the Devildom Law classroom the moment the bell rang, not wanting to chance Simeon attempting to talk to him so soon. He needed to mentally prepare himself before facing the angel again. He couldn’t handle any more Simeon smiles. That was asking way too much of him. He hated that his face was definitely flushed. Why was it so hard to keep his poker face in the presence of the angel? Was it because Simeon was an angel? He wasn’t entirely sure why that would make a drastic difference. The obvious answer was pretty simple - he just found the angel that attractive. Maybe the whole forbidden fruit thing had an impact too. Who even knows at this point? 
“Oi! Human, wait up!” Mammon actually had to hurry to keep up with him. “What was that all about? Ya were gawking at Simeon the whole class!”
“Oh yeah? How would you know unless you spent the whole class looking at me?” Zeke wished the ground would swallow him whole right about now. His face was still hot. He rarely blushed so much, why now? 
“W-well I wasn’t! Why would The Great Mammon stare at some dumb human? Ya were just super obvious, is all!” Since he got the demon to sputter he was counting that as a win.
“I’m not dumb.” Zeke scowled as he stared straight ahead, refusing to look at the demon walking beside him. At least he felt like he was finally regaining control of his composure, his heart was not beating so wildly anymore, and he didn’t feel flushed either.
“Well o’course not! I didn’t mean - That is…uh…” Mammon trailed off, clearly at a loss for how to respond. At least it got the greed demon to be quiet until they reached the front of the school.
“What happened to your hair? It looks stupid.” Belphie was remarkably blunt, but Zeke had forgotten that his hair was currently nearly silver in color.
“LOL. You look even more like a normie than before.” Levi chimed in unhelpfully.
“Don’t listen to them, sweetie. You’d look great in any color!” Asmo really did act like a personal cheerleader. He rewarded him with one of his genuine smiles.
“I think it looks nice.” Beel smiled at him.
“Thanks Beel, thanks Asmo. Satan, Solomon, and I made a potion that changes hair color for class today. I tested ours. It worked.” He ran his hands through his new hair. It felt softer than usual, but that was thanks to Asmo’s beauty products, not the potion. “It’ll be back to normal by the end of school tomorrow.”
“Yes, the effects should definitely wear off sometime tomorrow afternoon. The teacher said our potion was of exceptional quality.” Satan had a cute, satisfied smile on his face. 
Just when Zeke had finally gotten those damn butterflies under control too. Why was Satan so damn adorable? He quickly looked anywhere but at the blond demon.
Asmo narrowed his eyes at him and stepped closer, looking intently at his face, even when Zeke tried to look away. Was he blushing again? Damnit! Why did were his reactions betraying him like this? Usually nothing phased him anymore. He had learned to hide his thoughts and emotions better than this!
“Ohoho~ Someone’s feeling amorous.” Zeke flinched when he heard Asmo’s sing-song voice call him out. Although he wasn’t sure amorous was the word he’s use. “Tell me! Tell me! Is it a succubus? I know everyone, I’ll introduce you ~”
Mammon scoffed and Zeke groaned. Most of the brothers suddenly looked like they had swallowed something sour, except Beel, who only tilted his head curiously, and Asmo who seemed jealous but also excited. He could feel the envy radiating off of each of them - none more than Levi, but that was to be expected. Actually, why would he expect any of them to be envious of his attraction to someone? They were all very attractive, very powerful demons. He was just some human. A psychic human, but still.
“It ain’t no succubus. Zeke was staring at Simeon all class.” The greed demon complained moodily while Zeke covered his face to hide his embarrassment.
“How naughty!” Asmo gasped as if scandalized, but there was a delighted glint in his eyes. “Simeon’s so pretty. Who could blame him?”
“Really? The angel? It’s never going to happen.” Belphie seemed angry, but he could also sense other emotions, like guilt and fear. Zeke finally lowered his hands once he felt that he’d gotten a little control back over his expression and his face had cooled a bit. 
“Angels are forbidden to have romantic relationships with humans.” Satan seemed mildly jealous, but not overtly angry, and his words were more logical than driven by emotion. Zeke appreciated that. Ever since coming to the Devildom he’d been bombarded with auras full of emotions that he simply couldn’t fully wrap his head around. He couldn’t understand why they all cared so much, why they worried, and now why they seemed jealous over him.
“I kind of figured that out, but good to have it confirmed.” Of course the angel was off-limits, that was just common sense.
“Boo. You totally have a chance with anyone you want, even Simeon. You’re gorgeous, darling. Oooh, maybe you have a corruption ki-“ 
“Look, it isn’t a big deal. So Simeon’s really pretty, so what? Like Belphie said, it’s never going to happen. I was just caught off-guard. I’ve never reacted so strongly to someone before. Like, when I shook his hand, even through his gloves, it was like static shot up my arm. There was just something about him that really hit me.” Zeke felt himself get slightly exasperated.
Why did they all look so uncomfortable about what he’d said? It wasn’t like he had plans to date while down here. He was only going to be in the Devildom for a year. There was no point trying to form romantic attachments. That would just make it harder when it came time for him to leave. It wasn’t any of their concern about his love life either.
“Only about him? What about me? I’m the most beautiful, most charming creature in the three worlds!” Asmo was pouting at him slightly, although he didn’t seem genuinely upset.
“You’re definitely beautiful and charming, Asmo. I just don’t usually feel like this. I might find some people aesthetically pleasing to look at, but I don’t really feel an attraction to most of them. Sometimes there’s a person I look at and something just clicks in my brain? I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s only happened twice. Until now, at least. I thought the weird feeling might be because he’s an angel, but maybe it really is just it clicking again.” Zeke had never had a real love life, and that had never bothered him. He usually had to really connect with someone to be interested and since he kept himself distanced because of his circumstances, well it just had taken a backseat to everything else. 
“So no click with me?” Asmo pouted. “None of my brothers?”
“Ah, no, sorry Asmo.” They all seemed to deflate a little. Why were they being so weird about this? Also that was a partial lie. Zeke hadn’t felt such an immediate, physical attraction with any of the brothers, not quite like with Simeon, but he had felt a gentler sort of attraction with one of them - he could easily see himself falling hard for him, but the heartbreak at the end of the year would be self-inflicted torture, so why do that to himself? Not that he’d be able to control falling in love or not.
What a mess. Why couldn’t he just be normal about anything?
“Oh hon, don’t ever apologize for something like that!” Asmo draped himself around Zeke’s shoulders, hugging him. “We like you just the way you are, darling. Besides, nothing wrong with a harmless crush.”
“It ain’t harmless! Listen, forget about it, human.” Mammon seemed both jealous and concerned. The others did too, but Mammon kind of lived with his heart on his sleeve, metaphorically speaking.
“Yes, well fascinating as this conversation is, there are club sign-ups after school today, and Zeke needs to choose at least one to participate in as part of the exchange program.” Satan steered the topic into something much safer.
Or so Zeke thought.
“Oh! I’m obviously in the anime and gamer clubs, but normie you have to sign-up for The Cohen Files fan club with Satan and me!” Levi was certainly enthusiastic about it.
“I dunno…” They had a whole fan club for his book series? It was one thing to watch the Devildom versions with the brothers and watch them speculate, but an entire club full of unfamiliar demons?
“It’s only right as a fellow E.J. Novak fan!” Oh this was going to be awful.
“I agree that it would be a good club for you to participate in, and an easy one, considering it’s mainly a club consisting of discussing things related to The Cohen Files.” Satan was awfully quick to jump on this bandwagon. Probably because he was also going to be in the club. They all seemed to want to monopolize as much time with him as possible, for some reason. It probably had something to do with making sure he enjoyed his time with the exchange program so Lord Diavolo could call it a success at the end of the year.
“I’m not getting out of this, am I?” Zeke let his shoulders slump in defeat.
“No way, normie. Let’s go!” Levi grabbed him by the sleeve and started pulling him back into the school, with Satan falling into step on the other side of him. Zeke noticed a pattern of being sandwiched between two of the brothers whenever possible. Was this part of them protecting him?
“There’s also a literary club that I attend, would you like to join me for that one, Zeke?” Satan seemed to be in a good mood.
“Uh, yeah. I actually would like a club like that, and I assume I have to have one of you with me for any club I participate in anyway, so tagging along with you is a good idea.” A literature club was definitely more his speed. Plus it would give him more time to spend with Satan, which was definitely a perk in his opinion.
There were club representatives lined up in what seemed to be an auditorium, with sign-up sheets ready for new club members. He got a few sneers as they made their way through the throngs of demons signing up for various clubs, but pointed looks from Satan stopped most of those. Levi ended up practically hiding behind him as they made their way to sign Zeke up for the two clubs they’d picked out for him. 
The Cohen Files fan club representative actually seemed excited - genuinely - to have one of the human exchange students sign-up. He supposed that made sense, if they were already a fan of a human author then they might be more open to a human member. It was good to know not every demon was completely prejudiced against him. The literary club representative didn’t seem as excited, but at least seemed receptive, even mentioning the idea of including more human world literature into the club since Zeke was joining.
Amid the sea of demon auras Zeke almost missed the three other auras mingling in the crowds, although he wasn’t sure how he could have missed the angels. Of course they would need to participate in extracurriculars too. Luckily they hadn’t run into them yet, and Zeke was content to keep it that way. He was not prepared to meet Simeon again, although he should probably have tried to meet up with Solomon for another magic lesson. He would have to apologize to the sorcerer later. For now he grabbed both Satan and Levi by the arms and started pulling them back out of the school at a brisk walk.
“Why the rush?” Satan asked with a knowing smile.
“I want to get a head start on homework. Would you be willing to help?” Zeke gave Satan his best pleading look.
“Of course.” Satan gave a soft chuckle.
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just-dino-maggie · 2 years
"What the hell were you thinking?" "In all honesty, I'm not sure." With Cole Caufield please!
I love this prompt! Thank you for the request, I hope you like it!
Cole Caufield can only be described in one word, frustrating. We attend Northville High school together in Michigan. He’s part of the popular group of athletes. The USNTDP boys are a tight group, all the guys want to be friends with them and all the girls want to be with them.
I don’t blame anyone for wanting that. They are attractive and fun. Being apart of the coolest group at Northville would probably feel amazing for most people. For me, well I’m just trying to get through school.
High school isn’t my end-all be-all. It’s a stepping stone to get to college. The person who loves to get in the way of my plans is Cole Caufield. We are always in the same classes and for some reason he loves to sit next to me and bug me.
Today in English our teacher announced our end of the year project. It’s worth 20 percent of our grade so I need to do well. It’s a partner project and I’ve already decided that I want to do with my friend Amber who is acing the class.
In order to pick our partners we have to go up to the teacher’s desk and tell her who we want to work with. I walk up to the desk and say “I want to work with Amber on the final project.”
She throws me a confused expression, “I already have you marked down as working with Cole. He told me about the partnership last week.”
My eyebrows shoot up, “No I’m not working with Cole, I didn’t even know he chose me for this!”
“I’m sorry Y/n but unless you both agree to switch or there is a genuine issue then I can’t change it.” She looks apologetic, it’s not her fault.
I sigh and give her an awkward smile, “it’s fine I’ll figure it out.” I practically stomp back to my seat. I’m angry but I’m trying to calm myself.
The bell rings signaling the end of class. I grab my things and hurry to catch up with Cole. “Cole, hey can I talk to you?” He turns around. He has a big smile on his face, what a dipshit.
“Yeah Y/n what’s up?”
I take a deep breath, “Why did you pick me for the final project!? What the hell were you thinking?”
"In all honesty, I'm not sure." He replies scratching the back of his neck.
“Well you better start thinking. I know you probably thought you could just have me do all the work but I will make sure you do your half.”
Part of me hopes those words will scare him off but it doesn’t. He just smiles and says, “Okay, sounds good.”
“Put your number in my phone, I’ll text you my address. We can get started this weekend.” I huff shoving my phone into his hands. He types his number in quickly and walks off to his next class. I glance down at my phone and the name Cole :) stares back at me. It makes my face heat up, I’m not sure why.
Over the week we decided on a time for him to come over. Saturday at 11am. On Saturday I get myself ready, I even clean my room for him. Which is weird because I’m not sure if we’ll even be in there but my nervous energy had to go somewhere.
Suddenly it’s Saturday and Cole is late. At around 11:30 I begin to think he’s not showing up. I’m in a pit of my own anxiety because he’s not answering his phone. I’m trying to keep myself calm but it’s hard.
Finally at 11:45 I hear a knock at the door. When I open the door Cole is standing there. “I’m so sorry I’m late,” he says. “My phone died or I would have texted you. Practice ran late.”
“Right, okay.” I mumble. My mind mixing with anger and relief. “We can study in my room.”
He walks up with me and we are sitting on the bed together. We start brainstorming ideas and we are having trouble agreeing on anything. “Are you trying to be difficult? Why did you even choose me as your partner? First you’re late and now this.”
He sighs, “No Y/n, I’m not trying to be difficult. I’m trying to put in my input to make this work. I know you’re really smart but I also have some good ideas. I chose you because you’re really smart and I enjoy being around you. It’s the same reason as why I sit by you in class. Also I’m sorry I was late, it won’t happen again.”
I can’t but blush. It’s stupid how much I crave academic validation and him telling me I’m smart feeds into it. “Thank you Cole. How about we mix my first suggestion with your second. I think it could be really cool.”
We start working as a team instead of two bulls butting heads. It’s almost magic, he’s so much more dedicated and passionate then I thought he was.
After a while I’m starting to get tired of school work. “Do you want to call it quits for the day? We have a great start.”
“Yeah sure,” he replies. “Would you maybe want to hang out sometime? Like without all the school work.”
I smile, “I’m free the rest of the day if you want to watch a movie or something.”
“Yeah, yeah let’s do that!”
We sit down next to each other to watch the movie as we’re watching he gets a text from someone asking how it’s going with his ‘literature crush’. I’ve never felt better about a school project.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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Phoenix arrives at his new school. As he stares up at the building, with cliques of students chatting out front and making their way inside, he can’t help but wonder why the hell he agreed to come here. He could easily drop out, earn his diploma online, and move on with his life. Tempting…
For now, he makes his way inside, looking for the main office.
“Hey Phoenix!” calls the familiar voice of his new friend, Aurelio. They haven’t seen each other since the day in the park. They’d somehow forgotten to exchange numbers.
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Phoenix: Hey, man, how’s it goin? Aurelio: Oh y’know, another day in paradise. This is my friend Morgan. [Morgan waves distractedly while glancing around, clearly looking for someone else.] Aurelio: So what’s your first class? Phoenix: Not sure yet, I’m supposed to meet with the principal to g—Morgan: SOPHIA!!! Over here!
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They are quickly bombarded with squeals as a blur of blonde hair rushes over to tackle Morgan.
Aurelio: Aha, and this is Sophia.
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Morgan: Soo?? How was it? Did you LOVE it? Sophia: It was fucking amazing!! It was so hard, I literally played until my fingers bled, but it was fucking amazing! Oh my god Aurelio, you would’ve loved it, I wish you could’ve come. Morgan: I’ve missed you so much! You need to tell me everything! Sophia: Yes yes! I’ll fill you in… but first, who’s your friend and why is he looking at me like I’m a crazy person? Phoenix: I’m Phoenix, and I actually have to run. I still need my class schedule. I’ll catch up with you guys later!
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Aurelio: Way to go, Soph, you scared him off! Sophia: oh whatever [laughs]
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Phoenix makes his way to the principal’s office around the corner. As he steps inside, the woman behind the desk stands to greet him. Mei: Mr. Realta, I presume, come on in. I have your paperwork… here we are. This is your class schedule, along with a map, and this will be your locker and combination. Unless you have any questions, I’ll let you be on your way. Phoenix: I’m good. Thanks.
Pleased with how quick and to-the-point the meeting was, he made his way to his locker to check the combination before heading to his first class.
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As usual, the first day was pointless. As the teacher drones on about expectations and schedule of exams, he’s already plotting how to get out of this tiny, boring town. He’d need to get a job. He has some money saved, but not enough to get him far. If he had a job, and the money for a down payment, would Julian co-sign for him to get a studio apartment in the city? He felt the one thing holding him back was being too young to sign a lease, and he still had six months before he turned 18.
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the bell. Lunch time, finally.
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As he makes his way into the cafeteria, he spots Aurelio and his friends from this morning.
Morgan and Sophia are deep in their own conversation as he takes the seat across from Aurelio.
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Phoenix: So, is there anything to do in this town? I’m going stir crazy over here. Aurelio: Usually, no. People hang out by the thrift store in town, or out at the pier sometimes. Buuuut… I did hear there’s a party at the Bluffs tonight, if you’re interested. Morgan: Seriously? Sophia: Yup! It’s nice out there today. Storm rolls in tomorrow so it might be our last chance for a while. Aurelio: You in? Phoenix: Yeah, I’m in!
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Just then someone takes the seat next to Phoenix. He’s immediately annoyed by how close the guy sits next to him, clearly trying to make a point as he leans in.
Wolfgang: So who’s our new friend? Phoenix: I’m Phoenix. [hoping to convey his irritation in his tone]
Wolfgang chuckles to himself, but Morgan interrupts him before he can speak.
Morgan: What do you want, Wolfgang? Wolfgang: Easy… y’know, Morgan, we used to be friends.
Morgan rolls her eyes.
Wolfgang: I overheard you guys talking about the party tonight. I’m collecting money for supplies if you want to pitch in. Morgan and Sophia: (in unison) We’re good. Wolfgang: What about you, Penis? You want in?
Phoenix smirks, there it is, the push… ok, more of an annoying nudge… but it was enough. But just as he’s about to speak, Aurelio reaches over and hands Wolfgang a twenty, throwing him off.
Aurelio: Here. You can go now. Wolfgang: Why thank you. I can always count on you, Leo.
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As Wolfgang walks away, Morgan and Sophia are staring daggers at Aurelio.
Aurelio: What? Easier than trying to get it myself. Sophia: Oh, you’re trying to get it, alright.
Aurelio just laughs, leaving Phoenix thoroughly confused. He’s clearly not in on whatever joke this is. But the bell rings before he can try for any explanation.
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Poses by StarrySimsie, rebouks, Simmerianne93, SamsSims
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Seventeen p12-14
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I sat in the office and the discussion began
"So what brings you in this morning Mr. Newton? I assume about Isaac given" she says looking at me
"Yes, it is. You see his many injuries"
"I do, has he had an accident at home?"
"No, as a matter of fact, these were caused here. By one of your students yesterday."
"AHH yes the janitors did leave me an email so I have been partially briefed on the situation"
"I'd like to know why there was no intervention firstly"
"Well we don't often step into altercations between students unless absolutely necessary We find it helps their social skills and of course, this was after final bell and clubs so really hours is not our jurisdiction"
"Regardless it was on school property if your janitors knew enough to tell you why didn't they intervene?"
"Well, it could have risked injury"
"Injury? My son has a black eye and a thousand other cuts after being slapped and kicked into the wall. I'm sure insurance can cover whatever damage that seventeen-year-old could have done to your janitor"
"Yes but I meant Injury to him"
"Him? The other boy involved!"
"Yes you see the other half of this altercation was student Ben Smith and you see-"
"Let me guess. His parents are on the board?'
"They do add a lot of funds to the school, but it's mainly due to him being one of the stars of our track team a real example of the school and if he were to get hurt that could cause Issues in upcoming competitions"
"Okay, I see. So because the track team is the shining example of the school, all the kids are treated like gold stars are shinning out their asses and can do whatever they want. The rest of the kids namely my son who I will mention is captain of the scholastic decathlon team which has won more trophies, wins and subsequent funding in the last two years than in the last fifteen of your previous track team. These kids have to stiffen their lips and deal with the assholes who can run fast. I have that right?" He asks and she is completely stunned "I expect an apology from the boy, from his parents and from you by the end of class today or I call the police on that little thug. Have a nice day Miss Paige"
I was admitted pretty damn impressed. 
Go, dad!
I followed him out and by now people were busy so I walked him out
"Have a good day okay"
"I'll try"
"Anything happens let me know"
"I will do Dad. Thanks for everything"
"No problem. Hey, what's this Ben Smith drive anyhow?"
"Blue Corsa why?"
"I'm gonna key his car on my way out" he smirked "Hey, talk to y/n today"
"I told you I can't -"
"Just give it a go, maybe the whole Florence Nightingale effect might kick in with that eye. But you actually grow some balls and talk to her today we'll get pizza for dinner"
"I'll try"
"Alright, see you at home" 
I felt a lot safer but I still kept my head down just trying to get through the day without getting beat up again when the bell went for lunch I scampered too the haunted boy's bathroom so I could put some cream that my mum gave me on my eye "Owww... Owww... owww" I whined as every time I put pressure on my skin it hurt and honestly the cream kind of burnt Once I was done I headed out to the usual bench Alby was off elsewhere likely had a class president meeting or something so the table was a passed out zart, fry working on adding cheese to his cafeteria supplied fries and.. some dust I don't know what, Thomas who was sat clearly texting Teresa as he had a wide smile and his backpack over his crotch, And jack sat at the table in his jeans and blue button down.
Jack Hampton, was one of the younger kids, I think he is in my maths class I'm not sure, but he was well known as the tech kid, he is who the teachers call when the smart boards fuck up, he is the one you bring your glitching phone, and the one who offered a complimentary walkthrough service for any videogame issue you could bring him. 
I sat down at the table and ran my hand through my hair 
"You okay man?" Fry asks
"I mean... I can't completely see, it hurts to breathe and walk, I'll keep you updated on my system later if you want"
"I'm good, Ben really took it out of you" he laughs 
"That's why I'm here," Jack says
"Right, Hi Jack" I smiled 
 "I am here to offer my services" He says grabbing a card from his jacket and handing it over, it was a literal business card with his name, number and email address 
"I offer many different services for any price range, I can go from mild to intense cyberbullying, I can do hacking, docking, and if you have the cash I can do my full destroy life package he'll have his life destroyed, get cancelled and have to move away" He explained
"Uhhh I'm good thanks Jack"
"You sure?" 
"Yeah, I'm good no cyberbullying" I told him going to hand back the card
"Keep it, my services are always available," he says before heading off elsewhere 
"I'm scared of that kid," Thomas says
"Yeah, I think we all should be" I nodded 
I didn't have much lunch left so I went to my locket threw my lunch in grabbed the books I'd need for this afternoon, I heard a gentle tap on my locker door and I didn't even bother to look.
"I told you Tommy, I don't have tomorrow's test answers," I said
"Ohh that's okay" Her voice spoke up
I know that voice! 
I looked through the small vents in my locker door and saw her sweet face immediately I fixed my hair and shut my locker door 
"Y/n! Hi" 
"Hi" she smiled as she stood in her sneakers, little cheerleader's uniform her books close to her chest 
"You... uhhh you wanna talk to me?"
"Of course" she smiled "I...I wanted to apologize"
"I felt awful when I heard what happened last night, It broke my heart that you got hurt because of me," She says looking into my eye, her face making it clear she is upset "Are you're eye okay?" she asks trying to reach my eye but I moved back
"It's okay it stings a little is all,"
"I've spoken to Ben he was such an ass for what he did. I promise it won't happen again"
"Thank you, I didn't think -"
"I hate to think I caused you so much trouble over a slushie" she says getting something from her pocket and offering me some money enough to cover the slushie
"No, please don't worry about it. It's not your fault Ben was just being a dick it's okay really" I told her folding her hand back in around the money and pushing it close to her 
"Still I feel terrible about it. Here, I made you something to say sorry for everything that happened, and to make you feel better" she says getting a little black box from her bag 
"For- for me?"
"Umm humm" she nods 
"Y-you're sure?"
"Of course" 
"This- this isn't some prank from the cheer squad?" 
"No, they don't know. I was worried they'd stop me" she says "Here take it"
I happily took the little box "Thank you, so much y/n"
"You're welcome" she smiled "Are uhh are you coming to the track meet tonight?"
"Oh, No. I have a meeting with the scholastic team" 
"Oh, that's okay I'll see you around then"
"Yeah, see you around. Thanks again"
"You're welcome"
"Good luck with the track Meet tonight"
"Thank you" she giggled "Good luck with the scholastic team" she smiled waving as she headed down the corridor 
"Thanks" I waved until she disappeared 
She spoke to me! I touched her hand! She gave me a present! She all but asked me on a date! She wished me luck on my team... I think I might faint. 
Fuck! I locked my key in my locker... 
Well, Guess I'm off to the office. 
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Understanding John 12:32
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by John Samson
Question: I read your recent article on John 6:35-45 entitled “The Perseverance of the Saints,” and I understand the following to be a brief summary of Jesus’ words regarding God’s Sovereign purpose in election from John 6:35-45: Unless it is granted, no one will come to Christ. All to whom it is granted will come to Christ, and all of these will be raised up to eternal life on the last day. So, this being the case, can you please explain to me the meaning of John 12:32, where Jesus said: “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.”?
Answer: Thanks for your excellent question. What I will say here may surprise you, but as I have sought to explain elsewhere, the word “all” has a number of different meanings in the Bible. We tend to assume that when Jesus speaks of drawing “all men” that He is referring to every last person on the planet. Well, that may or may not be true, but it is in the CONTEXT where we find the phrase that tells us if this assumption is correct or misplaced.
Even today we use the words “all” or “every” in many different ways. When a teacher in a classroom of people asks, “Are we all here?” or “is everyone listening?” we understand he is not talking about every one of the 6 billion plus folk on the planet, but all the students who have signed up for the class. Context determines the proper interpretation or meaning of words. When the word “all” is used, it is used within a context.
In this illustration, the “all” had a context of the school classroom, which did not include “all” the hockey players in Iceland, “all” the dentists in Denmark, or “all” the carpet layers in Atlanta, Georgia. To rip the word “all” out of its setting and say that the teacher was refering to all people everywhere, would be to totally misunderstand and misinterpret how the word was being used. Again, it is context that determines correct interpretation.
I believe you are correct in your understanding of what John 6:35-45 teaches. So how do we understand the nature of the drawing in John 12:32? Who is being drawn?
We find answers to these questions by refusing to be lazy, doing some serious study, and by consciously allowing our traditions to be exposed to the light of Scripture.
So if understanding the context plays such a major role in getting the correct interpretation, exactly what was the context in John 12? Well it is a very different setting than the one we find in John 6. In John 12, Greeks were coming to Jesus and believing in Him.
John 12:20-22 – Now there were some Greeks among those who were going up to worship at the feast; these then came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and began to ask him, saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” Philip came and told Andrew; Andrew and Philip came and told Jesus.
Dr. James White, in his book the Potter’s Freedom (p. 163), describes the background as follows: “John 12 narrates the final events of Jesus’ public ministry. After this particular incident, the Lord will go into a period of private ministry to His disciples right before He goes to the cross. The final words of Jesus’ public teachings are prompted by the arrival of Greeks who are seeking Jesus. This important turn of events prompts the teaching that follows. Jesus is now being sought by non-Jews, Gentiles. It is when Jesus is informed of this that He says, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” This then is the context which leads us to Jesus’ words in verse 32:
John 12:27-33 “Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour ‘? But for this purpose I came to this hour. “Father, glorify Your name.” Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.” So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him.” Jesus answered and said, “This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes. “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” But He was saying this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die.
I believe that in its context the “all men” refers to Jews and Gentiles, not to every individual person on earth. Through His work on the cross, Jesus will draw all kinds of men, all kinds of people to Himself, including those from outside of the covenant community of Israel. We must bear in mind that this would have been an extremely radical thought to the Jews who were hearing Him say these words.
But lets look at this issue from another angle by asking the question, “Is it true that everyone on earth is drawn to the cross?” Is that what the Bible really teaches about the cross?
What does the scripture say? It says that the cross is foolishness to Gentiles and a stumbling block to Jews. 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 says, “For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”
Question: Who views the cross as something other than foolishness or a stumbling block?
Answer: “…those who are the called, both Jews and Gentiles…”
Again, to quote Dr. White: “To whom is Christ the power and wisdom of God? To “the called.” What is the preaching of the cross to those who are not called? Something that draws them or repels them? The answer I think is obvious. The cross of Christ is foolishness to the world. These considerations, along with the immediate context of the Gentiles seeking Christ, make it clear that if He is lifted up in crucifixion, He will draw all men, Jews and Gentiles, to Himself. This is exactly the same as saying that He has sheep not of this fold (John 10:16), the Gentiles, who become one body in Christ (Eph. 2:13-16).”
If we assume that God is drawing every single individual on the planet we run into a major problem when we use this interpretation of John 12:32 (out of its context) and to try to understand the drawing in John 6:44 in the light of it. Lets also bear in mind that we would need to demonstrate that the simple word “draw” MUST have the exact same meaning and objects in both contexts – something I don’t believe bears out at all. What is the problem? Well, if we do this, we end up with the unbiblical doctrine of universalism (all people will be saved).
Why? Because Jesus said in John 6:44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.” The one drawn here is raised up to eternal life. If everyone on the planet is drawn, then all will be saved, which, I am sure you will agree is not a biblical position, for scripture teaches clearly that not everyone will inherit eternal life.
Rather than solving the issue, this interpretation causes severe problems and in fact undermines the truth of the Gospel. I believe we therefore need to discard this assumption, and interpret both passages in their biblical context. The result will be, as I believe I have shown, a consistent revelation of the Sovereign purposes of God in drawing His elect to Himself, for His own purposes, from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.
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Once upon a night, I was able to close my eyes and vision fantastic worlds. I used to trip to beautiful places, and experience wonderful stories. But nowadays my dreams are collapsing, and they feel too close to the reality. I'm not sure if midnight is my friend anymore.
When he's there, I can handle it. I'm not scared when I see him, I'm scared when I saw him but don't see him anymore. When I know he's around, but can't predict the moment he's gonna try to trap me in his web.
3 - PATH
It is always the same dilemma: go right, or go left. I could think I already know which way is the best, but I will never be sure, not before choosing, and sometimes not even after. I only know my dilemma: go right, or go wrong.
I remember this time in PE when we were learning boxing. I didn't want to, but the teacher encouraged me to try, and try harder. So I hit my partner's glove with all my strength. And my own fist bounced back into my nose, and broke it. This day I learned the one person who'll never fail to hurt me, would be myself.
5 - MAP
You can't find the pirate's treasure if you don't know where to search, right? Well, the all life is this same hunt, and you always need a map.
Unless you have the privilege to be born with a part of the treasure.
You know what? Today is gonna be a good day. I have the feeling it's gonna be soft as a dawn, bright as a zenith, and warm as a sunset. Thank god it's Friday.
7 - DRIP
I've been a very bad girl, a very, very, bad bad girl. And I've still got some dripping at the corner of my mouth, and probably leaking somewhere somewhere else...
8 - TOAD
Toad is a playable character from Mario Kart. To play Mario Kart Wii, you need full charged batteries. I wish I had that last night.
Life is ups and downs. Sometimes you're on top, and sometimes you're in the bottom. Everything is a cycle.
The wheel of Fortune is a reminder that everything happens for a logical reason, whether we can understand its logic or not. We are all parts of greater patterns, which are always in motion. Only the past is already written, any future is still up to come.
Gender. Work. Family. Drugs. Projects and plans. Memories. Expectations. Preferences. Relationships. Art. Death. Identity.
I will always be looking for who I am.
12 - SPICY
Each flavor tells a story. Vanilla is the best friend who never lets you down. Cinnamon likes to offer Christmas gifts. Paprika dances in the club only during summer. Rosemary makes love to you in the garden. And so on. So tell me which spice is your favorite and I'll decide what I'll do to you with my mouth.
13 - RISE
Fascination. Temptation. Ascension.
I must rise to the occasion.
Aim for the moon, shoot in the stars,
Did you know you could go so far?
References made me, I can't stop.
Now from the top, make it pop.
Rejoice and love yourself today,
'cause baby, you are born this way.
Once upon a time, the northern kid finally decided to take control of his story. He believed that his home, the House, would protect him from hate, loneliness and danger. Sadly he realized that he could not escape from himself, nor from anything at all.
I thought blades were the most effective artillery. You stab, they bleed, you live, they die. Simple. Then I discover words. How much you can hurt with words, how long it might take before their wound heals. Impressive. However now I'm sure: the best weapon is silence.
16 - ANGEL
"What a cute guy", every girl said about him - and they were right. But the blondie wasn't straight, and had zero interest in these obtuse teenagers. The only question that completed his mind was: "do I have a gag reflex?"
17 - DEMON
And so the cute guy went looking for the answer, sucking cocks always larger and larger, to discover that no, he had no gag reflex at all. He was a true succubus, and sure an angel for those he was happy to kneel before.
I have no inspiration today. What do you want me to say? Some depression drama like "you don't have a saddle for living life hurts". Or some optimistic bullshit like "when you fall down you get back up and keep on riding". Well, you got both, pick yours. I'm not riding horses anymore.
19 - PLUMP
I don't want to write about weight gain, food OCD, the way I dislike my body changes, nor fatphobia. And I don't see any other point of view for this theme. So relax, take it easy, and see you tomorrow.
20 - FROST
I was born during the coldest night of the coldest winter. It was so cold my heart turned into ice. But i'm not the frozen bitch they call me, I do have warm feelings deep inside of me. And they all are as unique and beautiful as a snowflake.
When I'm looking at you, laid down naked in your bed, wearing only a leather harness and purple handcuffs at your wrists, I realize it's so good for once to be at the right place at the right moment with the right person.
When your own body is too much to handle,
when you want to feel less and less yourself,
when your skin becomes the enemy to defeat,
when you need this burn to rise from your ashes.
The truth is in the stars for whom is able to read it. However these days the night sky is cloudy, polluted, blurred; it's complicated to read it properly. The future is not so bright, I'm afraid.
I wish I was able to let you see all my layers, not only the most accessible but also the deepest ones below the surface. With that said, I also wish you wanted to dive inside of me to discover them.
Is it worse to be a danger for others, or for oneself? (They answered "for others", I say "for myself".)
You can't remove the milk after you poured it into the hot chocolate, you can't remove the bad text after they read it in the chat, and you can't remove a bad thought after it popped into your brain.
27 - BEAST
I know there is some beauty in everything, but I'm exhausted to try to find it behind all the ugliness in this world. And it's getting difficult to find it in me.
If homosexuality was a choice, I would choose it only for the lifestyle. I mean, being extra and fancy and colorful and not vanilla flavoured, it's a yes. But liking men... well, choices.
"Massive", of course I was going to make a joke about my dick. Some people will say I'm bold, but above all the truth is that I'm bald.
30 - RUSH
Life is like a bottle of poppers. It comes in different sizes and perfumes, it's not the healthiest but you kinda like it, and the more you take the hotter it gets ('cause, you know, global warming). And the ends comes before you know it.
31 - FEU
Au commencement il y avait le feu, et à la fin il n'y aura plus que le feu. Le feu est maître, juge, et roi. Le feu est naissance, mort, et renaissance. Qui joue avec le feu périra dans les flammes. Et je suis un grand joueur.
0 notes
shahronak47 · 1 year
Can you be vulnerable?
June 26, 2007. It is our result day. I was in 10th standard and this was supposed to be a very important day. 10th standard is very important in the sense that based on the marks that you score in this exam your college for your next education is decided. Fortunately, most of us got good marks and everyone was called into school for felicitation of top scorers and a final get-together with our friends and teachers.
The school was special, for many of us as this was the place that we were coming every day to for the last 13 years. For someone, it was 10 years, etc. I was one of the kids who had spent 13 years here and this was kind of our last time in school. We were all going to go away to college now and leave this place.
After the event was over we started talking with friends, asking them what their plans are going to be for college. Some said they are going to do CA, some said they are interested in engineering, some wanted to become doctors, and so on. A few students were also talking with teachers and discussing their plans. Teachers were meeting with a few mischievous kids as well telling them to reduce their naughtiness since they are now going to college they should be more serious about their career.
I and my friends were "cool" kid who don't talk with teachers unless they have to like in oral exams. We want to be more around friends because it is awkward around teachers and we don't know what to talk about. We were so self-involved that it never occurred to us that we should at least thank our teachers for all the hard work they did for us.
Suddenly, we hear that one of our classmates (let's call him Raj) who we use to tease as a teacher's pet started crying in front of the teacher because he was going to miss school, teacher and friends. Things are going to be different now. As soon as we heard this we started making fun of him. "He is such a weak person, what is there to cry in this?", Someone came in saying "He is still trying to please the teachers. Someone please go and tell Raj that these teachers are no longer giving us marks".
Deep deep down we all were very sad. We all were feeling what Raj was feeling but none of us were mature or brave enough to dig our feelings so deep. On the surface, we believed crying is for losers, showing any kind of vulnerability is a sign of weakness and we have to portray ourselves to be stronger so we never gave our sadness a chance to express itself. Today, I know Raj was much more mature than us at that time to allow himself to express what he was feeling and he did not hold back. Being vulnerable is just another characteristic of humans and just as we feel happiness, sadness, and other feelings we also feel vulnerable at times. There is nothing wrong with that and it does not show if a person is strong or weak based on that.
It was 13 years of my life in that school. All our childhood was spent in that place. Some of my friends were friends of mine for 13 years and most of them would no longer be as close as they were earlier. That moment deserved crying, that moment deserved thanking our teachers, and that moment required us to be mature enough to understand this.
It has been 16 years since then, and today I understand what was required 16 years ago but do I know what is required now? If a similar situation arises to be vulnerable at the moment will I be able to do it? Or am I going to avoid it by pretending to be strong from the outside so that I am happy with my self-image and I can avoid the awkwardness that comes with it? I will pretend to be strong so there is nothing to talk about for others like how we were talking about Raj then?
I don't think anything has changed in these 16 years in this aspect because I can think of numerous occasions even today when I had an opportunity to be vulnerable but something deep down in me avoids it from happening or at least showing in public. It is deep-rooted in me and not easy to identify when this is happening. The natural reaction is to avoid vulnerability without even me knowing it. So maybe, after another 16 years, I will be writing about one such instance that is happening today because I could not overcome this deep-rooted resistance in me.
0 notes
For Teacher Appreciation Day, Shaun brought Melendez an apple. Naturally, he tried to play his student’s gesture off by dryly commenting: “I’m surprised you could get it all the way here without eating it yourself.” He hesitated before he added: “We’re not in elementary school, Shaun; you didn’t have to bring me a present.”
Shaun wasn’t disheartened. “I didn’t know what you would like as a gift,” he said. “But I know that I appreciate you as an instructor, and I am grateful to you for giving me a chance when at first you didn’t want to. So I wanted to give you something anyway. To say thank you.”
Melendez was stunned; he wasn’t sure what to say. He just stared at him in a little bit of surprise. Shaun didn’t really need a response, though, and Claire was calling him for help with something. So he just nodded once and turned, leaving without another word.
His back was to Melendez, so he didn’t see the smile that gradually wormed itself over his attending’s face.
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kageyuji · 3 years
realizing he loves you
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⤷ iwaizumi, oikawa, kyotani, kenma, atsumu ; [gn!reader]
WARNINGS/GENRE: fluff, mild swearing, food mention (iwa)
NOTES: aha reblogs are so cute :lipbite: please and thank you ;-;
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━━ iwaizumi;
he doesn’t realize he’s falling in love until someone points it out to him — which surprisingly doesn’t take long. iwaizumi, who generally didn’t take time to learn random facts about people, knowing every little detail about you? strange.
“do you think y/n would appreciate it if I got these?” iwaizumi asked, squatting down to pick up a bag of your favorite candies. “they usually like these, but not really this brand.”
oikawa raised an eyebrow at his friend. he knew the two of you were dating, but he hadn’t realized iwaizumi had noted something like that. a smile worked at the corner of oikawa’s lips.
at the lack of his friend’s answer, iwaizumi turned to look at him. “why are you smiling? if you’d like me to buy you somethin’ too, go pick somethin’ out, damn.”
“hey, iwaizumi,” oikawa smiled again. “what is y/n’s favorite flower?”
“well, I got them- wait, why do you care?”
“you love them, don’t you?”
“n- uhm,” iwaizumi cleared his throat, setting the candies next to the register. “just let me buy my damn candy in peace.”
━━ oikawa;
oikawa thinks he’s been in love before. and he has, sure, but it’s never been like this. it’s almost painful; he just wants to tell you all the time, to climb to the highest point and yell it to every person in the world.
he was staring. he knew that, but he didn’t really care.
feeling eyes on you, you turned and flashed him a smile, asking him what was wrong. but he shook his head and smiled back. and he really was fine for the most part. just a little distracted.
“really?” you pressed. “something is on your mind, just tell me.”
oikawa shook his head once more. “can’t tell you yet. it’s top secret, shh.”
you narrowed your eyes at him playfully, but turned back around in your seat at the order of your teacher. his eyes never really left you though. it wasn’t in a creepy way — at least he hoped it wasn’t. he just likes to admire you.
he liked to imprint you into his mind, keeping you there long enough that he could imagine how you’d react when he finally felt bold enough to tell you the truth.
because he does love you, but he doesn’t know how to tell you that.
━━ kyotani;
he knows that he loves you when he starts to value your opinion. he wouldn’t give anyone else the time of day, so why does he always find himself thinking that your every word is like gospel?
“you love them.” oikawa stated simply, staring at him from across the table.
normally kyotani wouldn’t participate in the team’s adventures to restaurants after games, but you had plans, and he had nothing better to do.
“no, I don’t.” kyotani stated, glaring at oikawa.
oikawa’s lips curled up into a smile. he knew that he was right, that kyotani was wrong. but he also knew that he would never be able to talk sense into the other guy. not alone, anyway.
“really?” hanamaki asked, quirking a brow. “so you didn’t light up whenever you saw y/n at the game today? and you definitely didn’t start blushing when they complimented you after?”
kyotani blinked a few times, staring at the other people at the table. then he rolled his eyes, looking down at his plate, though he was just pushing his food around the plate.
“...shut up.” was all that he responded with, but he was starting to consider what they’d said.
━━ kenma;
the idea that he loves you starts small. and then the spark turns into a flame, though kenma still refuses to believe there’s a fire at all until it’s burning him.
kenma knew that this was in no way normal... but he couldn’t help it. he didn’t have a full-blown love for you, but he couldn’t help but think about you so often.
what started off a simple adoration had somehow turned into him thinking about you every second of every day. as if that wasn’t enough, everything reminded him of you.
video games had once been his escape from the rest of the world; a nice way to block out all of his problems. of course, he could never see you as a problem, but he hated this feeling. he wishes he could put a name on it.
however, that was short lived. even games that required his full focus and attention, there were things that reminded him of you.
it was frustrating, to say the least.
“kenma,” kuroo said, smiling at his friend. “I know you don’t wanna think about it, and you won’t admit it to yourself, but you love them. it’s kinda obvious.”
━━ atsumu;
he likes to think he can deny his feelings until the day that he’s six feet under, but he can’t. eventually he finds himself unable to shake the thought of you, and he thinks that is what is slowly going to kill him
the red lights of his alarm clock seemed to be mocking him. he knew that it was almost one in the morning, but it’s not like he could help it.
thoughts of you had been running rampant in his head all day. it was making him sick, he’s sure of it.
rather, the fact that he could never get sick of you is making him sick. and he hates that — because of all the people in the world, he was stuck on you, the person he didn’t know how to tell.
it was close to three in the morning whenever he finally decided enough was enough. he hoped you were asleep by now and that he could play this off in the morning whenever he was thinking more rationally.
after reaching for his phone, he took a deep breath, and opened his messages.
“hey do you think i can ask you smth? unless ur asleep i mean”
“no i’m still up !! what did u wanna ask?”
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (vii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, existential crisis, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, lil bit of angst, clint barton being a lil shit
Word count: 3.4k
A/N: hey shoutout to @ugherik for suggesting a spin on the “A PLATYPUS!??!“ [perry puts his hat on] “PERRY THE PLATYPUS!???” thing. i used it in here, it’s a really small part and probably missable but i tried!! also i like the next chapter better than this one, i just wanted to put this here so it doesn’t seem abrupt <3333
my ko-fi
if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
Bucky can’t stop staring at the mirror.
He wishes it was for narcissistic purposes. He had enough reason for it to be. His age may be a hundred but he had the youthful exuberance of a very drained sixty year old.
But no, it wasn’t because of the steel cut jawline or thousand gigawatt smile.
After last week’s mini-spiral, he does what almost half the videos on TikTok warn him not to do.  
He got a haircut.
Everyone’s reaction stopped him from following it up with an ear piercing, but he can’t confidently say he didn’t at least consider it once. Maybe a neck tattoo. 
He pulls at a lock of hair. It’s not even longer than his finger.
What did he do-
“It’s just a haircut, man,” he says to no one in particular, almost like he’s trying to reassure himself.
He runs his hands through his hair. It takes lesser time than he was used to.
Steve had told him he looked good. But then again, Steve wore a fugly costume 90% of the time, what did he know?
Clint acknowledged it and didn’t outright call him ugly, which he supposed was a compliment. Wanda simply smiled at him.
“FRIDAY?” he reaches out.
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes?” comes the automated reply.
“How are you?” It took him some getting used to her, given that she was constantly listening to everything, and in general seemed to go against the universal idea of privacy. 
But his therapist told him he needed to form friendships. 
She didn’t mention it had to be human ones.
“As good as ever. Is there anything I can help you with?”
He wants to ask her what she thinks of his hair until he realises fashion advice from a faceless AI is a new low for him. Maybe ‘Do you think I should crawl into a pit and die?’ would be more appropriate. 
“Never mind,” he dismisses instead. “Any messages for today?”
“A reminder to buy a harder bed because you can’t keep sleeping on the floor.” Ah, that was on Sam’s recommendation three months ago, but he wasn’t going to stop any time soon. “And a text from a contact named Nuisance saying to meet them at the attached location in thirty minutes.”
“Where is the location?”
“The local sports centre.”
“Isn’t that closed today?” 
If he had to go out in public looking like this, maybe he could wear a cap and sunglasses and no one would recognise him. Unfortunately, as he was reminded several times before by anyone with an iota of common sense, it was a stupid disguise. 
Beanie it was, then. Bare minimum. 
“It is, yes.” Fewer citizens to worry about.
“Okay.” He hesitates in front of the mirror again, adjusting the hat on his head. “Thank you, FRIDAY.”
“You’re welcome, Sergeant.”
He stares at the little tuft of hair at the front that refused to stay down no matter how much he shoved it back.
“Come on, man,” he exhales in slight despair. “Whatever.”
The lock of the door leading to the pool is easy enough to pick. He can see how you got in without a hitch even though it was closed. 
The deck around the pool was absolutely drenched in water. No one was using it, there was no reason for water to splash out unless it was deliberately kept like this.
He catches sight of you easily, being that you’re the only two people there. You were standing at the end of the hall, head ducked as you scrolled through your phone.
The door closes behind him with a soft thud.
You don’t look up from your mobile when you start talking, “What do you think 6 year olds like?”
Because James Barnes, carbon dated to 1917 and therefore certified young person, would definitely know the answer to this question.
“I don’t know. Lego?”
“Just how much money do you think a teacher makes-”
You stopped mid-sentence, finally lifting your head to catch his eye. He stares back at you, steps faltering when you don’t move.
"Who are you?" you squinted.
"It's me," Bucky says, tugging off the dumb beanie and using it to gesture vaguely towards himself. Fuck, he shouldn’t have worn it, it was ridiculous anyway-
"You sound like him..." You narrow your eyes. “You don't look like him.”
He rolls his eyes before putting on a mock scowl. Can't have Bucky Barnes without a sense of eternal disgruntlement.
"Oh hey, that is you." You grin. "You got a haircut."
“I did.” He suddenly feels the awkwardness increase. His fingers fidget with the beanie.
“Nice.” You nod in acknowledgement.
He wants to hit himself at the words that just spill out before he could think about it. “You hate it.”
“I never said that,” you snort. “And since when does my opinion matter?”
“It doesn’t.” But now he wants to know what you think since he didn’t trust anyone else to tell him honestly.
“Must cut down on time in the shower, huh?”
It did.
He shrugs. He shoves the beanie into his back pocket.
“Was it a crisis haircut?” How did you kno- “Are you going to get bangs next time?”
“Shut up,” he says lamely, a dull burn in his cheeks. 
“I know a place where you can get hair dye for cheap. Not technically FDA approved, but I think purple streaks are a good place to start-”
“What are we doing here?” he interrupts, sighing.
“Skinny dipping. Take off your shirt, Barnes.” 
“Funny,” he says dryly, eyeing your shoes when you straighten up.
Ice skates.
“Fine, pants then.” You don’t make any effort to move from your end so he does, walking closer to you. 
“What are those for?” He doesn’t hide the annoyance from his voice when he points at your feet.
“Oh, these?” You look down at them. “Yeah, I’m going to freeze the pool.”
That seems... mild compared to the shit show you wanted to do last time.
“For?” He halts where he is. 
“’M gonna take my friends ice skating.”
“Is that all?” He wants to make a comment about the fact that you have friends but bites it back.
“Today is just a trial run. Tomorrow I’m gonna go freeze the East River.” There it is.
“The East River is not your personal ice skating rink.”
“Not yet it isn’t.” You lift up a middle finger.
It was too early for you to flip him off, even by your standards.
He raises an eyebrow.
Your face scrunches in confusion. You follow his gaze to your finger. “Oh yeah, no, that’s a freeze ring.”
Only then he notices a ring around the finger. From where he was standing he could make out the blue stone that adorned it.
“Joy.” He rolls up the sleeves of his black bomber jacket. “Let’s get this done with, then.”
“No no, wait.” You hold up your hand and he complies, having nothing to lose anyway. You pull out your phone and press a few buttons before shoving it back into your bag and tossing it aside.
The soft sounds of a piano start playing from a boombox near the corner of the room. A child starts singing following a series of knocks.
His eyebrows furrow. “What the fuck is this?”
“The Frozen soundtrack.” You beam at him. “I thought it was fitting.”
He doesn’t know what that is and at this point, he’s too afraid to ask. He can vaguely make out the lyrics being about a snowman but he isn’t too concerned.
He takes one step forward. You immediately point your fist at the ground in front of him, forcing him to jump back when a blast hits right in front of his shoes. Suddenly he gets why the floor is covered in water.
It sounds like a series of cracks as the water starts freezing over, a layer of ice now separating him and you.  
"You ready?” The mischief was woven in your voice as the blasts continued throughout the deck, effectively turning the entire floor into ice.
Bucky takes a step tentatively forward. Not bad. He takes another. Okay.
The third one is when shit starts to hit the fan. His hands shoot out to hold onto his balance when his footing slips from beneath him.
His Nike sneakers aren’t used to snow. They’re used to well manicured lawns and pavement trips to Starbucks and marble floors of the compound. Not swimming pool decks covered in ice.
He can hear you singing in the distance and every time he looks up you’re a little further away, making sure every inch of space is frozen.
It takes him a while to get over the initial fear of breaking his skull and just move forward swiftly with short steps. A goddamn penguin is what he looked like.
“There you go, you’re getting it,” you chirp as you whiz past him. He reaches out to grab at you, only to miss by an inch. He staggers, arms flapping wildly to regain his stability.
He hears crackling beside him. He gets a second or two to watch ice crystals spread through the water before turning it completely solid. You step onto the now frozen pool, testing your weight with one leg before cautiously getting on.
A triumphant smile emerges on your face. “Awesome.”
He manages to press himself against the wall as a form of support. 
There is no point to this whole thing. He knows this. It’s been well over 6 weeks and there is genuinely no point to this.
He realises it again when he moves from side to side, body erupting into a waddle. 
Why is he doing this. He doesn’t get paid extra. He doesn’t get any kind of compensation. All he gets is more wisecracking geniuses, embarrassment and the mortifying ordeal of getting caught imitating a penguin.
The song changes to a woman singing about doing something for the first time, forcing him to pay attention to it. He hears something about ball room and balls and tunes right back out.
Bucky manages to find his way to the actual pool since that’s where you’re twirling around, opting to land on his mental arm in case things go wrong. He takes a sliding step forward, followed by another. Maybe he can do this. 
“If a 200 pound super soldier can stand on this, I suppose it’s strong enough,” you muse, watching him slip and slide as he tries to invent makeshift ice skating.
Unfortunately, his method doesn’t have any brakes, so while he’s too busy trying to move forward, there’s no way to actually stop. He finds this out very soon when he almost launches himself off the edge of the pool.
Something yanks him backwards and back onto the ice.  
“Honestly, this is utterly useless since you can’t really do anything but it’s the most fun I’ve had all week,” you admit when he goes sliding towards the middle, arms flailing.
“You had to pick fuckin’ ice of all things.” He thinks that maybe he’s getting a hang of this. He can definitely move faster than what he was doing like, 10 minutes ago. It’s not like you were going anywhere, anyway. 
“I like to keep things spicy.”
He stays where he is to glare at you. You mouth the words to the song, watching his every move whenever it interested you. 
Okay, change of plan; a temporary distraction till he figures out how to actually get the ring from you. He settles on skating towards the edge of the rink slowly, taking a step off, slipping almost immediately when his foot comes in contact with the deck. 
“Where are you going?” you yell over the music initially but immediately break into song when it ends in a crescendo.
He takes a knee, lifting his metal arm up before driving it into the ground. It shatters magnificently, leaving small shards of ice at his disposal. 
He picks up one of them, waiting for you to complete your dumb twirl. He takes aim, and-
“Ouch, what the fuck?” You stop your off key singing to rub your shoulder where the ice hit you.
He wordlessly picks up another piece to throw at you, hitting you squarely in the leg.
“Stop that!”
He may not be able to move as fast but he can definitely throw. 
“Give me the ring,” he commands, stretching his arm behind his back before releasing another piece to hit your forearm. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” There’s nowhere you can skate to avoid his stupidly good marksmanship. 
“You gotta do what you gotta do.” He shrugs, breaking another patch of ice to replenish his ammo. “Hand over the ring.”
“Over my dead body,” you shriek when a particularly big piece lands next to your feet. You knew he missed that shot on purpose.
“I feel like I’m finally acting my age,” he says casually, finding your darting about in order to avoid him more fun than he initially thought. “Can’t throw pebbles at meddling kids so this is the next best option. Thanks.” 
“If you acted your age you’d be in a casket, Barnes,” you hissed, finding that skating in zig zags helped your cause, but not by much. “I’d be- you bitch- I’d be more than happy to help you get there.”
You raise your arm, ready to send another blast to freeze the water that was starting to melt around him, hopefully, keep him where he was if it froze around him. 
He flinches. You notice immediately, hand dropping slightly when you realise what it looked like.
“I’m not gonna freeze you,” you say, softer than you intended. From what you knew, he had enough and more experience with that and you weren’t going to contribute to it. 
He swallows thickly, giving himself a little shake of his head as if to jolt him out of his train of thought. 
Another piece of ice hits you in the leg. You let out a string of curses at him.
“The more ice you make, the more I have to throw at you, Y/N.” He waits for you to regain your balance when you nearly take a stumble. 
“Shut up, you’re so immature.”
“Remind me whose plan this was again?” No point waiting for you to regain your balance when you fall over only a few seconds later. 
He gathers a few shards in his beanie, tucking it into his belt like a little makeshift rucksack just in case before venturing out on the main rink again. 
It’s more difficult for you to stand without railings to guide you, giving him enough and more time to make his way towards you, staggering and skidding. 
Both of you looked ridiculous. 
“Stay away, fiend.” 
“Ring first.” He holds his hand out in front of you. He even considered pulling you up if you just made things easier.
Next thing he knows he’s on his ass on the ice beside you. 
“I hate you,” he groans, watching as you inch away from him on your knees.
He doesn’t really have any other options so he shoves aside the humiliation and gets on his knees, using his arms to drag him along the ice.
“For the love of Christ, none of us are winning here. Just give me the ring.”
The bitch from the soundtrack sings about letting it go but he won’t. 
“Never,” you shout, sliding away from him as fast as possible. 
You make use of the fact that the top layer of ice is starting to melt, using the ring to freeze it again. His knees and fingers get stuck as the water freezes over but he has super strength. It barely takes him a second to free himself. 
“Great,” he huffs, just settling down on the ice, ignoring the sting of cold that was spreading through his limbs. Running after you wasn’t going to work; he needed a way to get the ring. 
“You won last time, I’m not letting you win again.”
“Are we seriously keeping score?” He watches as you scramble towards the edge.
“No one likes a loser, Bucky.” You use the pool stair railings to pull yourself up.
“Explain why you have friends then.” He can’t help himself this time. 
“Hardy har har.” You roll your eyes. 
He doesn’t make an effort to move. Instead, when you take a step back into the rink, he raises his arm and pummels it into the ice, just to annoy you. 
The ground damn near shakes, pushing you dangerously towards losing your balance again. 
“Are you crazy?” Your arm shoots out in front of you to keep you from falling headfirst. 
“No.” He does it again. This time there’s a crack in the ice. “I’m just very tired.”
“If the ice breaks we’re both gonna be underwater, you moron!”
“Fine by me.” He shrugs. “Freeze it again. I’ll just find different ways to ruin it for you.”
You glare at him. He raises his arm above his head again.
“Fine! Fine, stop.” You eye him as he lowers his arm. 
He reaches for his stash of ice pieces from earlier, throwing one at your shoulder again.
“Boy, I swear if you don’t stop doing that-” you duck when another one comes at you. You had no idea he could be this annoying. 
It suddenly hits him, like a lightbulb going off in his brain. He wipes his hands off on his jacket, getting on all fours before slowly managing to pick himself up again. 
He looks at you, tilting his head slightly like he was studying you.
“What?” you ask suspiciously, eyeing as he starts inching closer towards you. “What are you thinking?”
It’s like watching a newborn deer stumble its way through the world, albeit more gracefully, until he starts picking up speed. The motherfucker was going to mow you down.
The skates are useful but not so much when an extremely determined bumbling oaf is barrelling towards you, his speed beginning to match yours even without equipment. 
You don’t know why you’re running, you don’t know why he’s chasing after you but when you see the end of the pool you take a sharp left only to have him knock right into you, sending you both sprawling.
You land half on top of him, breaking your fall but it doesn’t stop the very loud groan that escapes your mouth. He’s already in the process of sitting up straight, giving you less time to analyse what just happened.
“What the fuck was that for?” you speak through gritted teeth. “Fuckin’ acting like the both of us have free healthcare.”
“You refused to give up.”
“So your plan was to tackle me like a quarterback?” You threw your hands up.  
“One part of it.” He drags himself to the edge, away from you. 
“There's more to your monkey brained plan?” He doesn’t look at you. The ice around the pool has more or less melted, letting him gain proper footing on the floor before he stands up. 
“Oh, yeah.” He turns to you. “The other’s a trick I stole from Stark.”
Bucky holds up the ring. Your jaw slightly drops, eyes searching your finger for the now missing piece of tech. 
“Suppose that’s two points for me?” 
You’re impressed. You also want to stab him. So you do the next best thing.
“When I imagined you holding a ring in front of me, the circumstances were very different,” you comment.
“Bye, Y/N.” He spins on his heel, not even giving you a second’s worth of reaction. You found it amusing.
He heads towards the door, clothes all wet. He empties out melted ice water from his beanie before stuffing it into his pocket. Just when he’s about to leave, you remember something. 
Do you mean it genuinely or just because it has an effect on him? 
“Just for the record, Barnes, about your hair-” you call out, earning his attention from over his shoulder. “I think you look really good either way.”
The world may never know. 
You swear you can see the corners of his lips quirk upwards before he turns around again. 
He slips on a block of ice, cursing and clenching on to the door to keep him upright, quickly yanking it open and leaving before he has a chance to embarrass himself further.
Next part
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