#Thank you themundanemudperson
jtl-fics · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kevin Day/Aaron Minyard/Katelyn MacKenzie, Background Andrew Minyard/Neil Josten Characters: Kevin Day, Aaron Minyard, Katelyn Mackenzie Additional Tags: car games, Introspection, mention of internalized biphobia, Kevin is bad at car games, Comfort No Hurt, Pining, Poly Relationship Series: Part 2 of Holiday Gifts to Friends (2023) Summary:
Kevin is already bad at car games when he's paying attention, let alone when he's distracted.
A gift for my buddy @angry-kid-with-no-money I hope you enjoy!!!
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rekikiri · 7 months
ooh for the ask game:
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
hii im so late on responding to this im sorry.
okay I’ll give an answer for my two long fics:
I’m not entirely sure if this counts but for my raven au I’m going to say the part leading up to Neil getting kidnapped. Im excited to implement the ideas for how I think baltimore would change in a situation where the sale did go through, because I think even if the sale goes through nathan would still want to kill him given the chance lmao
for my different first meeting, I am so excited to write the banquet scene, because Neil is not at all scared of Riko in this au and I am both excited and frightened to find out how this scene ends up. neil might get away from me and say some…questionable things that make the Foxes fear for his life
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thornilee013 · 2 months
prev | Baby Jean | WW 20.3.2024
Camille pressed her hands against the glass, while on the other side a few sharks drifted through the water of their enormous tank. Jean had no idea what kind of shark they were, but he knew Camille would tell them everything they needed to know, and then keep talking. He had to admit though, there was a certain elegance to their movement in the water that other fish simply didn't have. It was as though they were cutting through the water they inhabited rather than moving through it.
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writeblrfantasy · 8 months
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The Red King is known around the world for being a wise diplomat—and for being tragically single.
King Randall III has everything one could want: power, charm, beauty, and enough diplomatic wit to earn him the nickname 'Emperor of the Continent.' The one thing he's lacking is a husband. When Randall's sister invites men far and wide to woo him, only three make the cut: a noble sorcerer, a royal alchemist, and a mysterious easterner who reveals nothing of himself other than a name. A fourth lingers in the shadows, dreaming of the chance he's been too afraid to take for four years. Each of them is hiding a secret, including King Randall himself, who falls victim to a beastly curse when night falls. As pasts are revealed, relationships formed, one thing becomes clear: no one will leave the Red King's court the same they entered.
I'm so excited!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to every person who has helped me and encouraged me along this journey!! I'm so thrilled that the book is going to be in people's hands at long last.
The first of many books to celebrate!!
@transmasc-wizard @synthesizer-dyke @magic-is-something-we-create @tc-doherty @softbroiled-doomdesire @somealienquill @sagasofazeria @super-writer-gal @ren-c-leyn @crazy-like-us @ashen-crest @shrunkupthejams @themundanemudperson @sarahlizziewrites @faithfire@hungryslothwrites
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime @myhusbandsasemni @chayscribbles
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joanofexys · 19 days
tell me about Merrick?
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@themundanemudperson @codename-adler
thank you guys for asking about him
as always quick little overview of Merrick Carew:
usually goes by Merr
25 years old
gay aspec, trans man
english major
played for the foxes for 5 years and attended on a scholarship
5’7, brown hair, hazel eyes, has tattoos under his top surgery scars (and other tattoos lol)
striker, plays pro for a team i will come up with a name for eventually
had an older sister
quick warning now that Merr touches on a variety of heavier topics cause yk he is a fox so yeah just be prepared for that
specific tws i can think of: substance abuse, suicide, domestic abuse, child abuse, COCSA (SA)
this got really long so it’s under the cut 😭
Merr was recruited to the foxes after his coach recommended him to Wymack. His coach had noticed a variety of signs that pointed to abuse at home and also signs of addiction. When his coach asked why he hadn’t applied to any colleges Merr admitted that he couldn’t afford it and that no one wanted to put up with his attitude since he wasn’t much of a team player.
When he was offered a full ride to PSU knowing their reputation and it meaning that they’d be the only school who would take him
Now for the reasons why he’s a fox:
Merrick grew up in a big house where he lived with his parents, his aunt and uncle, his older sister, and his 4 older cousins
He and his sister were close and pretty much attached at the hip and they got along with their cousins as well. Both his parents and aunt and uncle were neglectful and his uncle was abusive to both his aunt and his mom while his dad tended to look the other way. Because of this they were largely unsupervised and it landed on his sister to do a lot of the caretaking.
His dad was an alcoholic and his mom seemed to like pain pills a little too much so substances went largely unchecked in the home and Merr was even offered things like alcohol at a very young age which was the start of his own addiction. Merr didn’t love alcohol but he did learn to mimic his mother and developed a preference for pretty much any pills he could get his hands on.
As they got older his uncle’s abuse also turned onto his cousins and in turn their abuse turned on him (and his sister when she tried to intervene). One of Merr’s cousins started to sexually abuse him when they were 14 and he was 11 and it didn’t end until a few years later when his uncle was fired and they had to move to a different state for his new job.
Until that had happened Merr’s family had realized how dependent they were on his uncle and aunts income and they lost their house and ended up living in a variety of hotels. In this period of time both Merr’s and his parents addictions got really bad and his sister was put under a lot of stress working and trying to take of him and their parents. Eventually she started skipping school, she got rejected from all of the colleges she applied to (all out of state), and she ended up committing suicide on her 18th birthday when Merr was 14
After her death both of Merr’s parents decided to get clean, shocked by their daughter’s death and realizing they were so wrapped up in their own addictions that they hadn’t noticed anything going on with her. They both started going to rehab, group therapy, and locked down to full time jobs and got to the point where they could afford an apartment when Merr was 14. Merrick, on the other hand, got worse and became more dependent on any substance he could get his hands (even harder now that his parents were keeping a clean house). Because he had never had to worry about a lack of access to drugs before he started going through withdrawals and with it he started heavily lashing out. At his school he found ways to get high still but it wasn’t the same as what he had been getting before and he remained irritable. He snapped at people a lot including his parents which led to a lot of fighting which turned into verbal abuse
He started looking for excuses to be out of the house and decided to try out for his high school’s exy team and actually made it. He played all through high school, it forced him to keep up his grades, and well he still didn’t get clean but he had another outlet and a coach who was doing their best to look out for him.
When he moves to PSU he has no idea what he wants to do with his life, he’s focused on getting his next fix, and he’s so incredibly lonely.
Moving to college forces him to finally process his grief for his sister and he has a breakdown where he keeps trying to call her old, deactivated, number and begging to go home. His roommates end up calling Wymack who takes him to his apartment and he refuses to move back into the dorms for about two months after that. But that means he can’t hide his addiction and when confronted with that he agrees to finally actually talk to Bee. He makes it through his first semester at Palmetto and ends up checking himself into rehab over winter break.
He gets clean, relapses a few times, the summer of his sophomore year he ends checking himself into rehab again for the duration of it and ends up staying clean.
I guess he’s one of Wymack’s successes and he’s plenty fucked up and still feels like a mess trying to be a person most days but he considers Wymack and Abby and Bee and even some of his teammates family and knows he’s got them to fall back on.
When he goes pro the media ends up falling in love with him and he ends up adoring press duty for the positive attention and being surprisingly good at it with a little media training.
He’s not a huge advocate about addiction or mental health necessarily because he keeps his issues incredibly private but he’ll repost little infographics and he’s the always the first to like Jude’s posts about his struggles and leave a supportive comment.
This is getting really long so I’m gonna try and wrap it up now. Other than his addiction and his sisters death he doesn’t end up confronting his other trauma until he’s into his 20’s. After graduating he keeps Bee as his therapist and that’s where he starts unpacking everything that happened to him as a kid. He still has a lot to work on and heal from, a lot of it he’d rather pack up in a box and never address, but when the feelings on it get too big he’s learned a lot of healthier outlets over letting his frustrations get the best of him
And yeah idk if he ever makes court but I am toying with the idea of him and Jude getting together
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quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
Same to you, Quo-tato!
Find an object near you and somehow fit it into any one of your wips and share!
Quo-tato Your nicknames are getting better and better
Tim nodded. “Yeah. Did anything happen? Why were you and Hood on the floor? And… is that guy over there having a seizure?” “May as well be by how fucking loud—”  Dick nudged Jason to get him to shut up. “Nothing, baby bird. It’s fine. You go home and… drink some cold water. Lots of it, in fact. We’ll tie them up.” Tim’s forehead creased by a fraction. “I…” “It’s nearly the end of patrol anyway.” Dick stood up, brushing himself off. “Oh, and have this.” He took a Kitkat bar from one of the secret pockets in his suit and threw it at him. “Thanks?” Tim still looked confused. Dick could feel Jason bubbling with curiosity beside him, but he waited until Tim shot them another suspicious look before grappling out.  “What the fuck was that, Dickwad?” Jason blurted out as soon as he was gone. “I have a plan.” Dick got to tying up the crims. “Care to share?” “Not right now, no.” He flashed a reassuring smile (which, he had been told, only led people to believe in mischief rather than assurance). “But soon.”
We love big brothers planning their little brothers' downfalls.
I saw a Kitkat wrapper near me which I forgot to throw it in the bin and so I incorporated that into the fic - which is a batfam one! I was gonna choose a Merlin wip, but Kitkats weren't invented then and I don't have any Modern reincarnated wips (yet) so...
Gonna tag some people to incorporate the first object they see around them into a wip and share a small snippet- No pressure tags: @pevensiechase @ah0yh0y @themundanemudperson @pericreatesstuff + anyone elseeeeeeeeee?
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 10 months
Find the Vibe Tag Game!
My vibe was "Go ahead, make me," and I was tagged by @xansmenagerie a small eternity ago. I don't know why it won't let me tag you but if you see this thanks!! This is from Blue like don't forget about me and I just wrote it last night so kindly look away from all the typos I can't see yet.
Teddy scrubs his hands against his thighs, then stuffs them in his armpits as his breath fogs in front of him. The moon is a faint crescent and the stars are washed out by the city lights but the wind is strong here on the pier and that’s all that matters tonight.
“That one.” He jerks his chin at a large rock sucked deep into the mud. “As far as you can.”
“I can’t pick that up.”
Nash turns to face him with flashing eyes and teeth bared. “When are y’all gonna tire on givin’ me orders. I am goddamn sick—,”
“That’s perfect. Hang onto that and throw the fucking rock.”
“Go to hell.”
“Excellent. Now, the rock.”
“How ‘bout I throw you instead?”
Teddy ticks his head. He’s not a great swimmer but he could probably—
“Lord, I ain’t throwin’ you out there. Quit with that look.”
Teddy shrugs. “Whatever, man. It’s your choice: me or the rock.”
“Oh do I get choices now?”
“Just this once.”
It’s the wrong thing to say. The fire in Nash’s expression wavers and then snuffs out. Gone. Like smoke. Instead of embracing his anger and venting it like Teddy wanted, Nash folds his arms atop the railing and shifts his weight to his good hip. The river crashes against the legs of the pier and slops up near their feet.
“When’s this gonna be over, Ted? I’m tired. I wanna go—,” He bites down on the end of his sentence and drops his chin atop his arms. He sighs. “Never mind.”
Teddy steps up onto the lower rung of the railing and peers down at the dark rush of water below. “It ends when we end it. There’s no other way around it. You know that.”
“Yeah.” He burrows deeper into the knit sweater he “borrowed” from the apartment. “I know.”
Teddy plays with his bracers. They feel natural on his wrists now. He never takes them off except to shower. He feels oddly light without them.
Tink tink tink— he builds up a charge and feels the energy build inside of him. He channels it, corrals it down into his hand and then into his finger until it’s a hot throbbing ball at the very end of his pointer finger. He points it at a buoy in the distance and says, “Pew.”
It disrupts the air with a warble as it launches from his finger in a brilliant burst of blue and then smacks into the water just to the left of the buoy.
“Someone is going to see.”
“Let ‘em.” Tink ,tink, tink. “Why should I hide?”
“Because you’re a criminal? Because powerful people out there want you dead?”
Teddy hums and fires his second shot. Too high, it sails over the top and hits the water with a splash. “I’m a powerful person.”
In silence, he readies his third shot, fires, and curses as it goes wide yet again.
Nash sighs. Then the wind whips around them, stronger and stronger until there’s a wet sucking sound and the rock rips up out of the sand, turns end over end, then rockets into the buoy—a direct hit.
“Asshole.” He steps down off the railing. Ting, ting ting. “Lucky shot.” He readies another energy blast, fires, and is finally rewarded with a sparking collision.
“I’ll show you luck.” Another rock rips up out of the surf and tumbles oblong and awkward through the air, but it hits the buoy dead on.
“Three times or it doesn’t count.”
They abuse the buoy until they’re both sagging under the strain and then a little longer after that. Nash manages to sling a rock in front of Teddy’s blast and it explodes in a firework of blue light that throws Nash’s victorious whooping into sharp relief and Teddy realizes that they’re all liars. Everyone who ever said time heals all things lied because he’s just as in love as he was six years ago. Maybe more.
Tagging: @sithbelle @harlstark @harleyification @keenerkey @sender-paulson aaaaandd everyone on blue's taglist! @wildswrites @themundanemudperson @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @theirtheretheyre @plonccc @thedumbestavenger @yors-truly @thephoenixandthecrocodile @cljordan-imperium @writeblrvotes
Your vibe is, "Who did this."
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arionawrites · 5 months
got tagged by @themundanemudperson but the post was super long so for convenience decided to make my response separate instead of adding to it. thank you for the tag!!!
rules: shuffle your "on repeat" playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people (i always leave tag games as open tags because i overthink who to tag lmao)
1. stupid deep by jon bellion
2. just a man from the epic musical
3. hazy by rosi golan
4. i knew this would be love by imaginary future
5. cineramascope by galactic (SO GOOD!!!!)
6. achilles come down by gang of youths
7. the call by regina spektor
8. killing me to love you by vancouver sleep project
9. open arms from the epic musical
10. me and the devil by soap&skin
fun fact: basically the entirety of all three sagas from epic are on here. i have been playing it front to back on repeat a lot recently lmao.
like i said above, i always leave tag games open ended so that anyone who sees this and wants to do it can do it!! consider this me tagging you!!
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applesandbannas747 · 5 months
Character trips over a Christmas tree
Thank you for the prompt! And thank you @themundanemudperson for suggesting tree decorating--I had such a fun time writing about these Christmas tree shenanigans <3
Absolutely RIP to both of you, but I did use it to fuel one of my stupid & niche ships (Coach Brooks/Alessandra Donati) in Menace of a Miracle rather than any of the semi-normal ones. I appreciate your donation to the cause uwu 💜🤝
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allforthebirthdays · 10 months
Hi!!!! This idea is so cool!!
My birthday is May 16, and my pronouns are she/her. My user is @themundanemudperson
Thank you for doing this!
added! <3
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quotidian-oblivion · 10 months
Get To Know You game
Got tagged by @ah0yh0y THANKS BUDDY!!!! Here's the link to her original post
Questions: last song you listened to, currently watching, currently reading, current obsession
Last song: I'm listening to What Else Can I Do? from Encanto sung by Diane Guerrero and Stephanie Beatriz on repeat. I just love Encanto's songs. The part when Mirabel sings to Isabel about her being perfect her whole life - and her voice changes from doleful to joy and happiness for her sister? MMMMHMMMM 👌TEARS ME UP.
Currently watching: Not... anything really. I haven't been reading novels or watching TV shows or movies lately. Gosh, school is so consuming, especially with the extracurriculars I've taken up.
But I remember watching Danny Phantom last. I got DVDs from the library and was watching it in our old laptop which had a DVD player. They dont make laptops like those anymore. And we dont have a DVD player for the TV. And that laptop broke. So idk where else to watch Danny Phantom :(
Currently reading: As i said, not really reading many novels atm. I'm reading fanfic! The last fanfic I read was mine XD More specifically Let Them Be Siblings. I wanted to check out how far along the series I was and then got sucked.
But the other last fanfic i read was... I'm Just a Kid (I Know That It's Not Fair) by StoriesAreMagic cuz they updated <3
The last novel I read? ...I can't recall. It was that long ago- NO WAIT! I picked up some novels from the library for my sisters and I sometimes read my sister's books. There's this one series I especially like. It's called 'Phoebe and her Unicorn', and it is good, I tell you. Very good. The jokes aren't like kid jokes. They speak something deeper.
Current obsession: So many. Idk. Tim Drake? DC?
No pressure Tags: @sardonic-sprite @pevensiechase @themundanemudperson @spiiderpunk @tristicorde @wakkoroni @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego @cygnusdoesthings @uncertainwallflower @betterthanbatman1 @birdybat @mispeltnostalgia @tireddruid
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writeblrfantasy · 1 year
Mark your calendars, people! My debut novel, The Red King's Mystical Suitors, is going to be released...
...August 1st!
I will let yall know when I have preorder details and possibly ARCs, all that good stuff!
I am so excited to announce this, and when August 1st comes, I hope to see you there! Reblogs appreciated, as well as spreading the word! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me in the process so far, and to everyone who has supported me on writeblr over the years! Here's to the first of many novels to come.
@transmasc-wizard @synthesizer-dyke @magic-is-something-we-create @tc-doherty @softbroiled-doomdesire @somealienquill @sagasofazeria @super-writer-gal @ren-c-leyn @crazy-like-us @ashen-crest @shrunkupthejams @themundanemudperson @sarahlizziewrites @faithfire @hungryslothwrites
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime @myhusbandsasemni
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writeblrfantasy · 8 months
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Do you like queer fantasy worlds? Dramatic kings? The tragedy of student loans in a fantasy world? Alchemy, sorcery, and werewolf-esque curses? Lovesick bodyguards? Mean polyamorous lesbian soldiers?
Then you'll love The Red King's Mystical suitors, available October 24th wherever you buy books!
I am excited to announce that Advanced Reader Copies are available. You'll get a free copy of TRKMS pre-release in exchange for a review on Amazon or Barnes and Noble!
If you've ever wanted to support me or read my books but don't have the money to spare right now, this would be a wonderful way to do so!
Get your ARC here! There are a limited number, so be quick if you want one! Additionally, you can:
@transmasc-wizard @synthesizer-dyke @magic-is-something-we-create @tc-doherty @softbroiled-doomdesire @somealienquill @sagasofazeria @super-writer-gal @ren-c-leyn @crazy-like-us @ashen-crest @shrunkupthejams @themundanemudperson @sarahlizziewrites @faithfire @hungryslothwrites
GENERAL TAGLIST: @worldbuildng @muddshadow @nikkywrites @47crayons @directionoftime @myhusbandsasemni @chayscribbles
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 9 months
Two Truths and a Lie Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @aether-wasteland-s! I'll tag: @quisyop @firesmokeandashes @pure-solomon @harleyification (I specifically want your takes on Daisy/Skylar whatever you named her lol but you do you)
Rules: Post two truths and a lie about one of your OCs
I'm going to do Teddy from Blue like don't forget about me
Blue tag list (remembered!!): @wildswrites @themundanemudperson @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @theirtheretheyre @ploncc @thedumbestavenger @yors-truly @thephoenixandthecrocodile @cljordan-imperium
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it is worldbuilding wednesday my dudes hiiii I just found out about a writeblr weekly ask game called worldbuilding wednesday and i love pestering people for lore! You can answer this for whichever of your wips you're currently more excited about, but i'm curious about Blue Like Don't Forget About Me's magic system. Like for example, does everyone have superpowers or is it a more recent thing? Thank you have a good day!
Shhh don't tell anyone this is from last Wednesday
Happy Wednesday my dude! Thanks for sending this 😊 and for being totally cool and patient 🫠
SO the magic system in Blue like don't forget about me is completely new and completely alien. Literally alien.
The aliens (yet to be named bc ugh) have a warrior ritual where they partake in an elder's blood circulatory fluid and this grants them a special ability. Only the elite get this honor. There is a whole training thing that is supposed to happen beforehand, not just to prepare the body for the change, but to get their mind in the right state to be able to influence a meaningful change.
So they get super pissed and offended when they find out that humans kidnapped one of their own and have been drinking her blood circulatory fluid. Unfortunately (or not) the humans don't know about the state of mind thing.
So they keep blowing up. The trick is that the ability you get is going to be reflective of your state of mind and your top of mind desire when you ingest it. In that moment. So someone falling may end up with the ability to levitate or teleport or absorb kinetic energy. But someone who is seeking absolute power is going to erupt in a gory explosion.
Which brings us to our protags who were injected unwillingly by the humans who had blown up enough of their people that they needed fresh meat to experiment on. And when our boys got got, one wanted to live and one wanted to be free.
Tag List: @wildswrites @themundanemudperson @the-gayest-tree-two-point-oh @theirtheretheyre @ploncc @thedumbestavenger @yors-truly @thephoenixandthecrocodile
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 11 months
Happy Tuesday!!
Do you hate any of your characters? Like they are essential to the story, but you want to hit them with a bus?
Happy Tuesday! Thanks for sending this 🥰 I think I should hate Gray and I know readers will because he's such a creep, but tbh I delight in his nastiness. I think I'm much more likely to put him in the driver's seat of the bus that arrives masquerading as salvation only for the door to swing open and reveal him smiling behind the wheel.
Gray steps into view, scalpel in hand, teeth gleaming under the pool lights.
“I won’t talk next time,” Nash says quickly. “No deviations. I’ll do exactly—,”
M turns his back on him. To Gray he says, “You have permission to touch until I return. Do not kill him.”
“Aw, come now, M. I wouldn’t break my favorite toy.”
M heads for the door and Char and Dandy fall in behind him.
“Please,” Nash whispers.
The echo of the door closing reverberates through the room while Gray descends the stairs from the shallow end, slow and deliberate like he’s savoring each step. His teeth scrape over his lower lip as he looks Nash up and down. “Let’s get this shirt offa you first and then we can play.” He smiles as he sets cold steel against his clavicle. “Missed you, Indy.”
“Oh, are you beggin’ this time? That’s sweet. You know it’s my favorite.”
Blue Taglist: @wildswrites @themundanemudperson @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @theirtheretheyre @ploncc @thedumbestavenger @yors-truly @thephoenixandthecrocodile
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