#Thats My Stand Point.
ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Demon Twin AU 
Tim Drake comes across a LOA manuscript detailing the sacrifice of a Demon Heir that’s dated around the time Damian is born and brings it to the cave. There’s no other mention of what went down, but it looks like Damian was a twin and the twin was thrown into the Lazaras Pits- Tim kind of forgets about it but shows it to Damian cause he figures that the guy deserves to know, and leaves it out for Bruce to see (basically the same thing as telling him). It doesn’t really change much but there is an obscured name in the corner so they can presume that the kid’s name would have been something starting with D A N. 
Well here’s the thing: Names carry power. Damian reaches out to John Constantine to ensure that the child is actually dead, because presumably John can do that. John wants to give the kid some closure, so he does what is supposed to be a super chill seance to an infant. He pricks Robin’s finger, chants a little and the air... turns violent.
Uh oh. Dan appears, unshackled from his prison in the Infinite Realms now that John has called upon them by someone with Familial blood. He cackles madly about the fact that it’ll be a good time to bring about the apocalypse again, promising to spare the bird for now, since he would have to get answers later. 
The alarms are blaring, the whole JL is hands on deck to try and stop Dan as he attacks across the globe. They’re saving as many civilian lives as possible but its getting very HAIRY in less than 2 hrs. Robin is out in the chaos, trying to track him down with John and Zatanna trying to recapture him and banish him back to the realms. 
Phantom touches down just as the three of them reach Dan- Danny has some choice words for his older alternate timeline self, including “This is why you have no friends.” and “Seriously, you didn’t even stop to say hi to my timeline’s Jazz this time.” and “Soup time for 1,000 years and then we can talk remediation.” 
After a short but brutal fight, Danny floats over to Damian, John and Z. After making sure they’re all right he’s like “Maybe you can never do that again? Also tell me how and why you did that so I can banish that spell?” And Damian explains that it was meant to ensure that the infant twin he never knew had passed peacefully and clearly that was not the case. Danny blinks a few times, uh, a twin?
Damian goes through the shit, John explains that it was a familial summoning meant to be an advanced seance (hence the lack of safe guards to keep the entity in) and Z confirms that there was nothing special to it beyond that. 
Danny then explains, that uh, “I guess my parents weren’t kidding when they told me I was adopted. Hi? I’m your brother. Uh, I go by Danny though. Dan was me in a different timeline and he’s normally under super strict lockdown.” 
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yetanotherknitter · 3 months
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all of chilchuck's interactions with leed are funnier when you know she's 14. this man has children older than her.
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dimonds456 · 6 months
Okay, I'm done being subtle about this.
I keep mentioning in my tags and in a post recently that World War II was allowed to happen because Hitler started conquering Germany's neighbors.
The world didn't interfere at the time due to 1) not wanting to start another war so soon after WWI, and 2) The Great Depression was nearing its end, but still happening.
Hitler's excuse at the time was to "reunite Germany" since part of the treaty of WWI was taking all of Germany's military away and splitting the country. They brought it to its knees as much as possible. So when Germany started taking that back, when they started rebuilding their army, it was illegal to do so because of the treaty, but no one stopped them.
Things only escalated to a full-on war when Hitler invaded Poland, after being threatened not to do so by several other countries. He did it anyway.
This is what we are currently seeing in Palestine right now.
What Israel is doing is, by international law, illegal. The people who have the power to stop them are not doing so. Israel is operating under an excuse ("self-defense," and religious zionists support them because they are "taking back the Holy land and fulfilling God's promise" or whatever), and Israel is now attacking Lebanon and Yemen.
They're just going to keep going.
I've been hesitant to call Israel a Nazi state due to the sheer amount of baggage that comes with that, but there is no denying it at this point. They're neo-nazi fascists who are following in their own oppressors footsteps, spreading hatred and violence to other parts of the world while no one in power stops them. Hell, even worse, this time around, the people in power are fucking funding it.
If you think this "war" won't affect you, think again.
If you ask me, looking back on history, if we don't put a stop to this in its tracks soon, then I fear this is only the beginning.
Know your history. Stand with Palestine. Ceasefire NOW.
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
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part 18 (gore)
yeah... you're kept conscious during neurosurgery, ahaha it's to make sure they aren't hitting anything too important
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kami-kun1003 · 9 months
TWST fic writers stop reducing Silver’s entire personality to just “sleepy boy who falls asleep all the time and is sooooo sleepy and tired and did i mention he sleeps a lot and also he loves his dad” challenge (impossible) (gone wrong)
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silviakundera · 5 months
one thing that's striking me when reading the My Stand In novel scenes that align with ep 1-2 is that Joe aka ZhouXiang isn't stupid or oblivious. He doesn't know Ming is obsessed with his sister's man & using him to vent frustrated desires. But he knows Ming is completely self-absorbed, has "a bad temper", and swings hot & cold. Yet Joe/ZhouXiang is infatuated, a bit lonely, and is simply at a place where he's ready to settle down and get domesticated. Joe KNOWS this is Not Great Bob 🙃 but he finds himself justifying the allowances he's making (everyone forgives beautiful people!) and whenever Ming is involved now, Joe is acting out of character. He's fully aware that he started out just attracted and now he's digging himself deeper and he should stop, but he doesn't. And doesn't and doesn't.
It's painfully relatable: being self-aware that you really shouldn't get more enmeshed with someone... but not able to stop yourself from impulsively clinging. Watching yourself slide into a slow-motion car accident. Knowing it's partially your own damn fault.
It makes the tragedy that we know is coming - we know these circumstances somehow lead to his DEATH - even more pathetic, because he has his own part in this.
Like, he KNOWS the feelings are unbalanced but he's thinking, oh I'm making headway. I can make him return my feelings if I just put in the effort. Haven't we all been there once, chasing affection from someone withholding and almost addicted to the emotional highs/lows, thinking you've gained ground (they texted back! they stopped by late at night! they confessed a vulnerability!) only to see it yanked back.
If Ming is a villian in Joe's story, it's also because Joe is helping it be written that way.
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igneous-croc · 6 months
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Never take me to an art museum
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haunted-xander · 1 year
Ryne and Gaia are like. Such good parallels and foils to each other it makes me just a little insane.
Like Ryne is sweet and caring and she always wants to help others and make them feel better even to the detriment of herself because she has seen and known suffering and doesn't want others to have to live like that too. If she can make someones life better, even if just a little bit, then she will. But she also puts everyone elses well-being and feelings so far above her own that she often ends up trying to help in a way that doesn't actually solve anything because it still ends up with someone hurt (such as trying to properly fuse with Minfilia knowing it might end up with herself disappearing). She's not a doormat, but she does have some people-pleasing tendencies.
Gaia, however, is the exact opposite. She's prickly and sarcastic and thinks of herself and her needs first and foremost, everyone else is secondary. It's not that she's cold or uncaring, she doesn't ignore people's problems, she just doesn't see them as her business most of the time (A product of being raised in Eulemore most likely). She doesn't consider the long-term outcome of what she does or says, she lives solely in the present and the future is a problem for when it happens.
These opposite traits also play into each other. Ryne inspires Gaia to care more about others and Gaia inspires Ryne to prioritize herself more. Gaia makes Ryne live more on the moment without thinking solely of what the future will bring, and Ryne makes Gaia think more on what her life will be going forward and to actually consider what she does and says and how that affects things. They feed into each others good traits (Ryne's caring nature and Gaia's sense of self) while also helping them deal with the bad traits (Ryne's people-pleasing and Gaia's aloofness).
Their pasts are good paralells too. Ryne was isolated and lonely until Thancred took her away but even then, he was distant and emotionally neglectful, so she ended up lonely in an entirely different way. Gaia had a family and caretakers that she wasn't particularly close to, but after the 'Fairy' started talking to her they got even further away until she couldn't even remember them, and the 'Fairy' was the closest thing she had to a friend even though it was what isolated her to begin with. Ryne had constant companionship but no support, and Gaia had 'support' but no companionship.
Even just. Regarding the whole identities thing they are just. Perfect. Ryne has lived with Minfilia's shadow on her shoulder her entire life and never got to learn who she actually is. She thought that she had to become Minfilia for her life to be worth anything, that it's the only way her existance is justified. The person closest to both her and Minfilia(Thancred) indicated(in her mind at least) that he wanted Minfilia to be here in Ryne's stead(which wasn't really the case but she didn't know that). The only way to get her out of that shadow was to remove her from the identity of Minfilia, hence why her new name is so important(as well as the hair and eyes being her natural colors instead of Minfilia's all too recognizable ones).
But Gaia didn't even know about Mitron or Loghrif until Eden. She had the 'Fairy', but to her it was just some voice in her head which was nice enough to her. To her, Loghrif is just some lady Mitron loved, she has no real connection to her. She has a connection to Mitron, both as the 'Fairy' and as remnant feelings from Loghrif, but none to Loghrif herself(aside from the obvious reincarnation stuff). Gaia has always been her name. It may have been Loghrif's originally, but she is so far removed from that identity that even for all of Mitron's effort to 'return' her to Loghrif, it'd never work. Loghrif is Gaia, but Gaia is not Loghrif. Simple as that.
Eden's story works so well because Ryne and Gaia are opposites in that specific way that compliments each other, rather than pits them against each other.
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maskedchip · 1 year
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I wanted to share this little comic I’ve had in my folder for a while, it was actually one of the first mini comics I planned right after finishing the game but I battled with the perfectionist demons so I never posted until now 😭
But yeah, I think Susato is really sweet and caring and deserves little breaks :’) 
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hballegro · 2 months
i drew sunflowers for her <3
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regretted it immediately but by then i had already finalized the halter-top tennis-skort romper-outfit idea and the nice happy yellow. eough
bj hunnicutt
jesus fucking christ i have to do a tall person next this is way out of hand. she was supposed to stand next to BJ but hes too fucking tall
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anyway i am chronically bad at drawing women. i am no michaelangelo but i feel like those painters that haphazardly slap some bazongas on a very muscled man and go 'there'
bts again [not that fun];
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here you can see me going slightly more boxy. as i am want to do. before i Membered
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brief panic [trust me when i say it is vital to her face as a whole]
might eventually replace bj's dogtags with a whistle.
four down. i HAVE to do someone in green next. ive given 6'7" BJ THREE short people. hes too fucking hugelarge
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whos-hotter-jjba · 2 months
Hottest Stand Battle - Second Round Match 8
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Stand abilities under the cut:
Soft & Wet: Soft & Wet generates star-embedded floating bubbles. The signature ability of Soft & Wet's bubbles is to temporarily steal and contain physical properties, objects and substances. If a bubble pops on contact with an object, it will take away a certain property from the object for a short amount of time. If it doesn't, it will store the property inside, allowing Soft & Wet to pop the bubble later and transfer that property to another object. 
Moody Blues: It possesses the ability to imitate the form of individuals and reenact past events with precision.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 month
you can't be a good leader, let alone an ultimate-level one, if you can't work with people or connect with them on a personal level? DICE are referred to as 'friends bordering on family' for a reason. just because he doesn't do that in game doesn't mean it's like 'oil and water'/something he's fundamentally incapable of
I meant that he's like that *in the game specifically*. Of course he's close to DICE, or else they wouldn't've been in his motive video. Hell, outside of the killing game he probably would've worked just the same with the other v3s. Its just the situation that he's in that has him acting on edge and paranoid, pushing the others away do better do what he wants in what he thinks is for their own good. And so he eschews collaboration in favour of trying to pull the strings from outside to best "lead" the others through the killing game as much as possible.
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gemaydin · 8 days
say "I would fuck my clone", nobody bats an eye. say "i ship mike/michael" and society goes wild.
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rocker-socks · 1 year
On one hand the Slade design is REALLY funny because it’s such a total subversion of his intended design and is pissing off his diehard fans that thinks he’s the shit but on the other hand it completely fucks with the timeline and removes his absent father dilf swag that makes his character so interesting in the first place
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spent way too long on this. Anyway, I love them, and I think about them forever
(that isn't a joke I've been a #1 radiohusk bitch since the pilot and have actually been reworking/writing fic ideas I've had for nearly 3 years lmao. call that shit disordered daydreaming OR, worldbuilding✨ )
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ghostellie · 25 days
Williams removed Logan from the drivers standings on their website then put him back in P21 under Franco Colapinto?? That’s just so pointless. I actually don’t understand anything that team has done or is doing right now.
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