#The Adventures of Merlin gif
the-mother-of-lions · 5 months
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what have you done to elyan!
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I was thinking about how usually when someone claims they would “die for you" or they would “kill for you".
The next thing their lover usually asks of them is, “but would you live for me?”
Because someone who is that deeply in love, doesn’t want to live after their partner has died.
Now, I’m thinking about Merlin and how (even if he could die; which he can’t 💔).
I think he would have stayed alive as long as possible, just to have the opportunity to see Arthur again.
Because staying alive all that time, would be painful beyond measure and yet it wouldn’t be a fraction of the pain he felt, as the king he loved died in his arms.
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zoyalaaai · 3 months
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[there is something about you, merlin,
i can’t quite put my finger on it.]
it’s magic.
of course, it always has been magic.
but the something that arthur feels immediately when they two of them meet for the first time, is what he has already experienced once before, while he wasn’t even born yet, but still surrounded by his mother’s love and surrounded by…
the very magic that gave him life.
it dies with ygraine, that inexplicable feeling of something and arthur doesn’t even know he longs to feel it again, until he meets merlin…
and it’s merlin’s magic that will give him purpose.
to become the Once & Future King, to finally establish peace in Camelot, to restore the magic to her lands and unite her people.
to finally be able to feel this warmth, this love which he was denied before and unknowingly missed desperately for all those years.
merlin’s magic loves arthur, who is obvious as always, but can still feel it from the very first moment their paths cross
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Arthur: "For the last time, you can't speak to me that way. I'm the prince."
Merlin, with a megaphone in hand:
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regulusrules · 2 years
You know what's so special about this scene aside from its destructive irony?
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It's that Arthur is addressing Merlin as if he was his knight for real, acknowledging all the times Merlin stood by his side so fearlessly (something we rarely got: thanks bbc writers). At this point, Arthur began to see Merlin as his 𝘬𝘪𝘯 not just his servant, and for a prince who grew up never knowing how to express admiration, he could only voice it in terms of honour.
Which takes us to another point actually; why did Arthur never really knight him? In 3×12? Or when he became king?
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At first I shrugged it as the writers' fault (as with everything) because they were always so inconsistent specifically with Arthur's characterization. But while writing to you I swear my solemn oaths, a different lense just popped in front of my eyes and nested in my soul and brain.
Arthur wanted to protect Merlin from himself.
Let's be real; these two had zero point zero self-saving instincts. They blatantly expressed how they would live and die for each other. They fought on who to do it literally every episode when Arthur was not robbed of making that choice. But elevating Merlin's status would've strained their relationship. How?
Because it labels their unwavering loyalty to each other. It solidifies that they were merely just master-servant, not the earthshaking combination they were. It threatens to erase how Arthur always viewed Merlin as his pillar of strength, because if he knights Merlin he could no longer favour him and his companionship over the rest.
Also, knighting Merlin would have required for Arthur to first accept the fact that it's Merlin's duty to be there with Arthur, not because Merlin wants that any longer. Being given everything on a silver platter from the start only for Merlin to be the only one who denied him this narrative and was real with him, this is something Arthur could never let go of.
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Lastly, knighting Merlin would have involved Arthur making peace with the fact that Merlin is OBLIGATED to die for him, and I don't think he could've ever accepted that. Even if he always took Merlin with him everywhere, he did it because he always believed he had Merlin's back and that he'll be there to protect him. This reciprocation of loyalty is so important to Arthur that if he ever knighted Merlin it would completely overthrow their little status quo they created for the two of them only.
So there is no denying the fact that Arthur really always saw strength and bravery in Merlin that surpasses any knight, but he never acted on knighting Merlin because he never wanted to put him in that position.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Magic Divide - Arthur Pendragon (Part 1)
Arthur x fem!reader
Warnings: judgy-ness?
Word count: 2,310
Summary: Arthur has found out Y/n has magic. He didn’t react in the nicest way so Y/n decides to leave Camelot.
Authors Note: My first writing for Merlin BBC, love Arthur from the adventures of Merlin. Hope you all enjoy it! P.S. theres a part 2! (an its already written!)
Merlin BBC Masterlist
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Y/n stood not far from the stables as she packed up some of her stuff, getting ready to leave when she heard footsteps and yelling of her name.
“Merlin?” Y/n spoke as she turned to face the people she considered family. She was confused as to what the rush seemed to be.
“Y/n!” merlin shouted again as they all came to a stop around her. “What are you doing?”
Y/n looked to all their faces before looking to the floor feeling slightly ashamed. “Leaving.”
“Leaving Camelot?” Gwen wondered with a furrowed expression like the rest as to why she would be leaving.
“Why?” Lancelot asked feeling concerned about the girl he considered like a sister.
“Arthur found out.” Y/n sighed out softly.
“About your magic?” Merlin questioned now feeling alittle worried.
“Yes. And feels betrayed, as he should.” Y/n added feeling disappointed in herself. It was a lose lose situation. Tell him about her magic and risk losing him or he find out and still lose him. Or worse.
“No, he shouldn’t.” Morgana stated shaking her head ‘no’ as she walked forward to wrap her friend up in a hug. They grew up together, practically sisters. Morgana always trusted Y/n and Y/n always trusted Morgana. It hurt Morgana to see her hurting over stupid Arthur.
Y/n turned to look at Morgana, she could tell the y/h/c-ed girl had unshed tears in her eyes. “Yes, he should. He had every right to feel betrayed and angry. I kept something big from him.”
“No, Y/n. If anything he should understand why you never said anything.” Lancelot agreed with Morgana. With how Arthur was raised, and his views on magic he should’ve understood why Y/n didn’t say anything.
“Doesn’t matter now. He hates me. Arthur hates me now because I possess magic.” Y/n’s voice cracked and it broke their heart to hear. Y/n snuffled and cleared her throat before giving them a tight smile. “So I’m leaving.”
“You can't leave.” Lancelot wanted to change her mind.
“We’ll miss you to much.” Gwen gave her a sad smile.
“Don’t leave. Not because of Arthur.” Morgana scoffed at the future Kings idiocy.
“I value my friendship with all of you. With the other knights, with Gauis. But-” Y/n didn’t want to leave but what was holding her for good anymore. “I don’t have anything holding me here anymore. Not in the way I was. With Arthur and I’s relationship- or even just friendship. I don’t feel welcome in the castle, and if I don't feel welcome where I’m staying what's the point?”
“Your not just staying in the Castle, but in Camelot. We’re-” Lancelot waved around to acknowledge them all who were there. “In Camelot.”
Gwen smiled at Y/n, stopping forward. “You could stay with me.”
“Or me. Gauis loves you.” Merlin added, also smiling at the princess.
“No one want’s you to go.” Morgana pointed out smiling at Y/n. They all would miss her so much if she decided to leave. Who knows when they’d see her again. “You could stay with me. We’re like sisters.”
“I love all of you.” Y/n smiled gratefully at them but she needed time to think. Plus she hadn’t been home in what felt like forever due to her and Arthur's somewhat courtship. “But I think it’s time I go back home. I haven’t been in almost a year.”
As much as it saddened them they all also understood where she was coming from. “You better come visit me.DOn’t leave me alone in that Castle forever okay?” Morgana smiled getting both of them to laugh alittle.
“I won’t.” Y/n smiled at Morgana, who didn’t know that castle needed more women. Y/n looked to Lancelot, Merlin, Gwen, and Morgana smiling at them with a mixture of sadness and happiness. “An your always welcome to come visit me as well. All of you are welcome. Anytime.”
“I’ll miss having you here.” Gwen told her with watering eyes. 
“I know.” Y/n gave her a tight smile. She’d miss them to.
“Be careful.” Lancelot stated as he pulled her into a hug, resting his head against hers.
“I will.” Y/n smiled into the hug.
“An expect a visit soon.” Lancelot smiled sending her a wink as they pulled out of the embrace.
Y/n laughed nodding. “Ok.”
“Arthur’s a clotpole.” Merlin said shaking his head at what the princes’ actions were causing.
“Sometimes.” Y/n nodded in agreement. Arthur could be at times.
“Please visit.” Merlin pleaded pulling her into a hug.
Y/n smiled at his actions. “I will. But I need to be home right now.”
With goodbye’s said and hugs done they did try to get her to stay once more, especially once the rest fo knights found out she planned to leave. Y/n decided she had to tell the her main reason for leaving. The things Arthur had said to her since he found out, they were horrible things. About something, she had no control of inheriting. After she told them they all agreed she needed to get out of Camelot for a while, and away from Arthur.
^     ^     ^
“What's with the look’s Morgana?” Arthur grumbled, he was getting fed up with the looks she had been sending him for a while now.
“Screw you, Arthur.” Morgana scoffed before she stalked off out of the castle, pissed.
“What’d I do now?” Arthur asked looking to Gwen for an answer since he was confused.
“No offense your majesty but I agree with Lady Morgana on this particular topic.” Gwen stated before following out where Morgana had went.
Arthur now shocked and even more confused turned to his knights before asking. “What’d I do?”
“Sorry Prince but we-” Gwaine turned guestering to himself and the rest of the knights, then back to himself looking at the prince. “Agree with the women.”
Arthur walked over to Merlin in a slightly dazed state of shock before asking his servant. “Merlin-”
“Don’t look at me sire.” Merlin shook his head, looking away from the prince. In fact, looking anywhere but at Arthur.
“You agree?” Arthur questioned, with raised brows.
“Yeah.” Merlin gave him a quick nod before he pursued his lips together. Leaving Arthur with no real answer.
^     ^     ^
“Have you seen Y/n around, Merlin?” Arthur asked curiously. He hadn’t seen her in a while even though he had been avoiding her. When Merlin stayed quiet Arthur called his name. “Merlin?”
Merlin gulped he decided having to be the one to tell him this sucked. “She’s no longer in the castle, sire.”
“Then where is she staying?” Arthur asked puzzled to where else she would stay.
“At her home.” Morgana stated giving him a deadly look with her eyes.
“Morgana-” Merlin tried to cut in but Morgana wanted to rip Arthur a new one. She’d been holding her tongue long enough.
“No. He should know. After all if he’s just now aksing after a week of her being gone from Camelot,and many more weeks that he had avoided her. He should know what he did. What he caused.” Morgana continued, letting out her thoughts she’s held in.
“What are you talking about, Morgana?” Arthur squinted at Morgana’s rant. Not knowing what she was talking about. Not a clue.
“Y/n left.” Morgana stated plain and simple. Maybe that he’d understand.
“Left?” he repeated now very interested.
“Yes, left. Y/n left Camelot and went home about a week an half ago.” She explained and watched Arthur’s face morph into one of shock. “You look shocked Arthur? Did you really think she’d stay? After you said such horrible things to her. About something she was born with. Something she’s only used to help people with. You ignoring her, not speaking to her, acting as if she did the most terrible thing in the world.”
Arthur sighed. “She has magic Morgana-”
“So what?” Morgana shouted,how could he just forget about all the good times, how could he forget his love for Y/n over something so little. “Not everyone that has magic uses it for evil intentions. Y/n has saved her kingdom, Camelot, my life, yours, she had done nothing but good things with her magic and you made her feel awful about it. . . SHe thought you loved her more than that- hell Arthur most of us thought you loved her more than that. Thought you loved her enough that something like that wouldn’t matter. Guess we were all wrong.”
Arthur felt hurt by all the things Morgana was saying. He knew they were true which also hurt a lot. But magic, he’s been taught it’s evil. Didn’t that matter? “She kept it a -”
Morgana thought she knew Arthur but if he kept this up she knew she’s been dead wrong.
“From you? Yeah, she did. She kept it a secret from everyone the only reason some of us knew was because we caught her saving someone or something.” How could he not see she was scared? How could he not see why she was scared to tell him? “Arthur, don’t you get why she hid it from you? Uther hates people who wield magic. An you sometimes tlk the same, because he taught you to think it’s all bad and to kill them when you find them.”
That stunned Arthur. Y/n actually thought he would hurt her? Is that why she left? She feared for her life and feared him. “She thought I would’ve had her killed?”
Morgana looked at Arthur and really looked at him to see his emotions. He looked distraught in his eyes, so she sighed. “With the things, you said, how you looked at her and then how you treated her after? I would’ve thought you might of if I was in her shoes as well.”
Morgana left to let him think on her words. And he did. Arthur turned to Merlin. “Was I really that awful to her, Merlin?”
“Yeah, Arthur. You were cruel to her.” Merlin admitted to the blonde. He kinda felt for him though.
“y/n really left?” he whispered hoping if he spoke softer his voice wouldn’t crack.
Merlin sighed sadly. “She said she was here because of you. She no longer had you, so she left. Went home.”
“God, Merlin.” Arthur rubbed his hands over his face and then through his hair. “How do I fix this?”
“I don’t think anyone but you can fix it, Arthur.” Merlin told him, it was one of the rare times he actually wanted Merlin's advice. So he was happy to give it to him.
“Yeah. But how do I fix it is the question.” Arthur muttered to himself before he headed off to his room. He needed to think on this one.
^     ^     ^
“You asked to see me, father?” Arthur spoke as he entered the throne room. Hoping he wasn’t in trouble.
“Yes, Arthur. It seems Morgana would like to go visit Y/n. Now since she had gone home she’ll have to travel. I have to much to do so you’ll be escorting her. You and your knights. For Morgana’s safety.” Uther explained to his son. He was way to busy with King Duties to leave Camelot right now. Besides he had other motives for sending his son. Y/n had gone home 2 months ago maybe this was the chance he needed to fix things between them. The chance he’s known Arthur has been looking for.
“Yes, father.” Arthur nodded, ready to leave now if possible.
“You all leave tomorrow so inform your knights. All of you should pack tonight.” Uther stated.
“Yes, father.” Arthur answered turning to leave to go inform his knights to pack.
“And Arthur.” Uther spoke up stopping Arthur before he could leave through the double doors. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but you might want to fix it.”
Arthur nodded in understanding. “I have a plan.”
“Good. Now go pack.” Uther dismissed his son to leave the room.
“Yes, Father.” Arthur said before leaving the room, nervous and excited.
^     ^     ^
“So where are we heading out to this time, Prince?” Lancelot asked as they finished packing up the horses.
“Valmore.” Arthur stated as they got ready to head out.
Everyone looked at eachother in question before Gwaine spoke up. “Valmore?”
“Isn’t that-?” Leon questioned out loud looking to the others for confirmation.
“Y/n’s kingdom.” Morgana finished and confirmed with a nod and smile. Morgana mounted her horse. “Yes, it is. I miss my friend.”
“So we’re visiting.” Arthur stated as he to mounted his horse and the others followed.
“So, do you have a plan?” Merlin asked as he came up beside the prince also on a horse like the others.
“Yes, Merlin. I have a plan.” Arthur rolled his eyes at his servant's question.
“Is it good?” Merlin turned his head to look at the prince.
Arthur scoffed and turned to glare at the scrawny manservant that gets on his nerves all the time. “Yes, it’s good, Merlin. I don’t have bad plans.”
Merlin squinted and gave a tilt of his head, teasing the prince. “Well…”
“Back off Merlin.” Arthur stated before he went ahead of everyone else, leading the way.
“He have a plan?” Gwen asked as her and Merlin became parallel on their horses.
Merlin shrugged his shoulders at Gwen's question. “Says he does.”
“It better be a good one.” Morgana said riding next to the two. Morgana hoped Arthur would pull his head out of his ass and fix things with Y/n. She missed her friend and truthfully she was worried about Arthur. He’d been different since Y/n had been gone, not the bright Arthur he was usually was.
“Hopefully.” Merlin sighed.
Tag list:
@gruffle1 @padawancat97 @mininjageek
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Merlin fans!
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What songs make you think of Modern Merlin/Merlin Reincarnation fics.
Leave suggestions with artists down in the comments down below.
Especially if said songs could be taken as platonic!
Girlie here needs some musicial inspiration for her modern Merlin series.
Songs I got so far:
"The one that got away" by Katy Perry.
"You got a friend in me" by Randy Newman.
"I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young.
"See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa.
"Castle on the Hill" by Ed Sheeran.
"Don't You Worry Child" by Swedish House Mafia.
"I Lived" by OneRepublic.
"Brother" by Kodaline.
"Centuries" by Fall Out Boy.
"Time is an Illusion" by Rebecca Sugar.
"I Remember You" by Rebecca Sugar.
"A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri.
"Coming Home" by Diddy.
"Stressed Out" by Twenty One Pilots.
"Dead Hearts" by Stars.
"House of Memories" by Panic! at the Disco.
"Counting Stars" by OneRepublic.
"Warriors" by Imagine Dragons.
"Thnks fr th Mmrs" by Fall Out Boy.
"Long Live" by Taylor Swift.
Enjoy this Modern Merlin fic regarding Will I wrote:
William of Ealdor No More.
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szczepan-homeless · 8 months
Shipping stages while watching The Adventures Of Merlin:
First stage:
"Oh my! They look cute together!"
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Stage two:
"I feel the chemistry between them! Merlin should tell her about his magic, they will live happily ever after!"
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Stage three (last):
"Arthur and Merlin are truly meant to be together! Their destiny must come true! They are my OTP!"
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It was like that for me xD and what about you?
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fanficwritinggremlin · 5 months
"Even when the world is falling apart, there is still hope inside your arms"
Summary: Merlin and Lancelot say goodbye before the battle of Camlann.
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Tag List: @wlwlancelot @nie-narzekam @owlswithfins @observaureium @personaje-fics @kairennart @fratricideknight @certifiedkenstary @comma-souptra @cursedmerlinedits @bbcdumbsterfire @lancelotdeservedbetter @in-love-with-morgana-pendragon @toocool2btrue @taxicabinmemphis @twosidesofthesameidiot @that-nerd-who-writes-fanfiction @rainbowvamp @sapphickittykatherine @aaand-read-all-over @fuckyeaharthuriana @queer-ragnelle @little-ligi @lit-in-thy-heart @lanccelot @eowynlyra @eruthiawenluin
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mekazashitpost · 2 years
No one speak to me tomorrow. Merlin ended 10 years ago and I am going to be very sad. Give me more british queer coded medieval knights, gay wizard and himbo king. This is so unfair, this show was a dog shit but it was my favourite dog shit show.
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merlin-emrys-wyllt · 1 year
Permanent starter call!
Specify which version of Merlin you wish to interact with. (If you don't, it will be random or whichever we have muse for).
🔮 Like for a gif starter.
🔮 Comment for a written starter (lengths will vary)
🔮 DM to plot together
Open to everyone regardless of muse or verse!
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the-mother-of-lions · 6 months
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make me choose - @dollopheadsandclotpoles asked morgana or sansa?
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sir-borre · 1 month
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🎶In days of old, when knights were bold
This story’s told of Lancelot.🎶
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shy Merlin
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Day Three [Oct. 28.]
prompt: A Witchy Quote ↳ your favourite quote said by a witch or your favourite quote about witches
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Magic Divide - Arthur Pendragon (Part 2)
Arthur x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 2,554
Summary: Now in Y/n’s kingdom Arthur has some making up to do.
Authors Note: Maybe a part3 ? I’m thinking about it. Like Arthur see her do magic and getting to understand it.
BBC Merlin Masterlist
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It didn’t take them more than a day and a night to reach Valmore. As soon as they reached the city Morgana quickly caught eyes on Y/n. She jumped off her horse and practically ran over to the y/h/c-ed girl, everyone else followed in Morgana’s direction.
“Y/n!” Morgana yelled out happily.
“Morgana?” Y/n questioned with a furrowed brow as she turned around to fcae where she heard her name called from. Upon seeing who she thought she heard calling her name. Y/n moved away from her knights, handing her horse's reins off to one of them, meeting Morgana halfway in a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“You said to visit anytime.” Morgana smiled at the princess.
“I know I did. I just didn’t think you would so soon. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy you're here. All of you” Y/n smirked happily to have them in her home. Her gaze went across everyone but it lingered a little longer on Arthur before she cast her eyes down.
“What happened to your arm?” Merlin asked with a worried expression after everyone had greeted eachother with smiles.
With Merlin's question, all of them turned their eyes to Y/n’s arm. Noticed the not so pretty gash on her bicep. It was obviously healing and had been stitched up nicely.
“Oh, this?” Y/n pointed to her upper right arm. She shrugged, compared to other injuries she’s had this was a cakewalk. “Happened when I was training. Hadn’t done it in so long I botched a move and well this happened.”
Everyone felt shocked at how she addressed her wound as nothing. But then Arthur spoke up. “Are you ok?”
Y/n looked up at the blonde prince again and nodded before answering. “Yeah, I’ve had worse. Especially when it comes to training.”
Arthur nodded in understanding but it didn’t stop his concern.
“Was it a sword? Or-” Leon asked wondering what made the slightly jagged cut.
“No, no. Swordfighting I wasn’t rusty at.” Y/n shook her head at the young knight. “This came from hand to hand combat. Kind of- a few moves I was rusty at which made me mess up and fall. This cut I got from a very sharp nasty rock.”
Leon nodded in understanding. Gwen stepped forward with a worried look before she asked. “You’ve had worse? That bruise on your upper back looks horrid.”
The others had to agree the bruise looked worse than the healing cut.
“Oh, if only you’ve seen how into it we can all get when it comes to hand to hand.” Y/n smiled letting out an amused laugh. Things were different here than in Camelot. “We go full out. No holding back. Lots of dislocations, torn muscles, cuts, all of it.”
“Women fight?” Gwaine raised his brow in shock and it showed on his face.
Y/n smirked at their shocked faces, so she continued to explain. “In my kingdom, women are warriors, Knights, fighters. We don’t discourage women from wanting to join in on those kinds of things. We encourage them.”
“But the princess?” Lancelot raised one brow in a teasing manner, having seen her fight before unlike most of the others.
“Haha, Lancelot.” Y/n playfully glared at him. “Yes, even the princess. I should know how to defend myself and my kingdom, and my people.”
Y/n spared a glance to Arthur, trying to read his feelings on the words she had said.
“Well, we should probably go up to the Castle.” Morgana suggested with a proud smile on her face. She truly wished she could spend some time in Valmore, enough to learn skills in combat. Maybe even something more magical.
“Yes. I bet you're all tired from the journey. Follow me and my knights. We’ll escort you.” Y/n nodded in agreement to Morgana’s words.
Y/n headed over to her horse, as she went to get up Arthur noticed a slight grimace came across her face as she mounted her horse.
“Do you need some help?” Arthur asked stepping closer to just in case her arm gave out as she pulled herself up onto the saddle.
“No, I uh. I get it.” She answered flustered to having him so close after so long of being apart. Once she was up on the horse she looked down at Arthur with a small smile on her lip. “As I said, I’ve had worse injuries than this. They’ve never stopped me before.”
With that said Y/n escorted her friends from Camelot up to the castle. Once they got their Y/n and her knights took them into the throne room where her parents were currently. After getting them arrangements to stay for as long as they want. With that everyone was shown to their rooms.
It was the next day when everyone decided to do some training in the morning. Some from Camelot had come down to watch Y/n train.
And she wasn’t kidding when she said they trained hardcore.
“Should she be fighting with her arm?” Merlin asked out to anyone that would give him an answer. He winced as he watched his friend fight.
“No.” Arthur answered leaning against the waist high wall. He to was concerned about her but she could hold her own, he knew that. Arthur was more concerned about her fighting and breaking open the freshly healed wound. “No, she shouldn't be, Merlin.”
“Well, are you just going to stare and watch her or go over and talk to her?” Morgana spoke giving Arthur a knowing look.
Arthur glanced Morgana's way before turning his attention back to Y/n. “She’s in the middle of a fight. She needs to concentrate on that.”
“Y/n wasn’t kidding when she said they don’t hold back.” Leon commented as he to watched the training.
Gwen agreed. “Yeah. They really go hard at one another.”
“She’s fighting with men.” Lancelot stated impressed.
“And winning.” Morgana stated proudly.
“She can hold her own.” Merlin nodded in agreement before asking Arthur another question. “When are you going to talk and make up.”
“When I can get her alone.” Arthur told him refraining from rolling his eyes.
“Good luck with that. She’s always surrounded by her knights.” Merlin countered with a tilt of his head.
“They're her friends.” Gwen tried to defend but Morgana cut in wanting to join in on Merlin’s pestering of Arthur.
“Their also men.” Morgana smirked. There were a few girls as well but if she wanted to get at Arthur. Mention all the other men around the girl he loves.
Merlin sucked in a breath in a teasing manner. “She seems very close to knight Jon and Knight Wardlow.”
“I get it okay?” Arthur snapped at them. He didn’t need to be told what he was seeing with his own eyes. Not that he’d admit it but he did feel jealous.
^     ^     ^
It was the next day that Arthur found a moment to get Y/n alone to talk.
“Y/n!” Arthur yelled after her down the hallway.
“Arthur.” Y/n said as she turned around to look at the prince as he came to a stop in front of her.
“Can we talk?” Arthur asked and he glanced nervously to the knights that were beside her.
Y/n stood still just watching him for a moment before giving him a ‘yes’ nod.
“You gonna be okay?” Knight Darby asked the princess with a look Arthur couldn’t decipher.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine.” Y/n nodded sending Darby a grateful nod for checking first. She was indeed close with her knights and when she came back she had told them what had happened. So they were on edge about leaving her alone with the prince of Camelot.
“If not just yell out. I won’t be far.” Knight Jon stated with narrowed eyes pinned on the young prince. Which was very intimidating to Arthur. He’d seen the man fight, he was pure violence.
“Hmmm” Wardlow hummed and nodded in agreement with his fellow knight and friend. Y/n nodded as the 3 men walked to the end of the hallway not so subtly watching.
“What is on your mind Prince Arthur?” Y/n asked shifting on her feet.
“Can we talk in private?” he sighed not feeling comfortable being watched with what he wanted to talk about.
“Of course.” Y/n gulped nodding before turning and giving her knights a wave. Told them it was okay and to stay. So her and Arthur headed into the nearest room. “What is it you would like to talk about prince Arthur?”
He sighed leaning his head to the side. “Are we really going back to using ‘Prince before my name?”
“How else should I address you?” Y/n said looking down at her hands. She didn’t know how to act around him anymore. Not really.
“As just Arthur.” Arthur said loudly before taking a breath. He wasn’t mad at her he was pissed at himself. For putting them here. “Like before.”
It saddened him to realize he made her feel like they had to go back to the beginning. He hated himself for it.
“But things aren’t like before.” she told him with a sigh. God did she wish they were like before. She really missed him but how could they be together now?” We were together before. Now we’re not so I should address you with your title.”
“Are we really that far gone? Our relationship?” Arthur asked with slightly worried eyes. He couldn’t lose her.
“You tell me.” Y/n lifted her shoulders and then her eyes to look at him. The decision was in his court, he’s the one that ruined things, to begin with.
“y/n-” Arthur went to start but Y/n knew his tone of voice so she cut him off.
“No, Arthur. I can’t go through all that heartache again. I-I just can’t.” Y/n’s voice broke as she spoke and that made Arthur's chest ache.
“I’m sorry.” he didn’t know how else to start.
Y/n shook her head. “Don’t apologize when you don’t mean it.”
Arthur squinted in confusion. “What makes you think I don’t mean it?”
“Because you despise magic! An I have magic so therefore you despise me!” Y/n yelled out before taking a deep breath looking at Arthur with unshed tears in her eyes. The love of her life hated her because of something she frankly enjoyed about herself. “You hate me because of something that is a part of me.”
Arthur stepped forward shaking his head quickly at her words. “I don’t hate you.”
“If you hate a part of me then you hate me.” He couldn’t hate her magic and not hate her. And she couldn’t be with someone who hated her. “That’s how that works Arthur.”
Arthur raised his hands to cup her cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away tears she didn’t notice were falling down her cheeks. “I could never hate or despise you Y/n.”
“The things you said to me when you found out and the way you looked at me and acted towards me all say otherwise, Arthur.” Y/n looked into his eyes, she could see the regret in his eyes.
“I felt betrayed and I was angry.I said things that weren’t true and that I didn’t mean.” Arthur explained but it didn’t make him feel any better and he didn’t expect to fix things. But she deserved to know. “It's no excuse for what I did. There’s nothing that could excuse my behavior from before. But I want to repair what we had. I want to make it up to you. If that's even a possibility.”
Y/n shook her head, it was a hard decision to make. And she didn’t know if she could, no matter how bad she wanted Arthur back. “I don’t know Arthur.”
Arthur sighed dreading asking this next question. “Are you afraid of me?”
“What?” Y/n looked at him in shock.
“Are you afraid of me? Were you afraid to tell me because you thought I would have had you killed?” He asked with a gulp afraid himself of the answer she’d give. He wouldn’t blame her though. With how Uther felt about magic and him raising Arthur to be the same. . .
“As much as I wish I could say I wasn’t. . . Besides hiding my magic I have never lied to you. I don’t plan on doing it now.” She told him before letting out a deep breath. “Yes, I was afraid that you might tell your father and we both know how I would have been ‘taken care of’.”
“y/n” Arthur's gaze dropped feeling even more disappointed in himself.
“It's not that I didn’t want to tell you, Arthur. It’s just-” Y/n hated that she felt this was but it was true. “I saw how your father flt about sorcery, and then how you felt about it. . . I was scared.”
Arthur nodded solemnly. “You had every right to be.”
“I’m sorry.” she said looking away from him. She felt guilty, even though she had no reason to be.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to be sorry for.” He shook his head, dismissing her apology she had nothing to apologize for it was all him. “I’m sorry. For how I reacted and treated you. It was wrong of me.” 
“Its ok-”
Arthur immediately stopped her. He didn’t want her to forgive him that easily or pretend it was nothing. He treated her horribly, that wasn’t okay.  “No, its not. An I know I hurt you.”
Y/n but her lip as they starred at eachother for a moment. “You could’ve just given me a chance. Magic a chance.”
“I hate myself for hurting you. I’ll never forgive myself for all that I put you through.” Arthur agreed with her, he could’ve given her a chance. Prove and show him she didn’t use magic for evil. “But I do want to make it up to you.”
“How?” She asked with a tilted head. If his views didn’t change how could he make it up to her?
“Well, against my views I was taught growing up. I want you to show me your magic.” Arthur gave her a small smile. It didn’t excuse what he did and said but maybe if he could understand her magic and that part of her then they could get back together.
“Are you sure?” Y/n asked, she knew how he felt if this was uncomfortable for him then maybe things should just be done. She didn’t want to force him to like all of her. If they didn’t work then they would have to accept it.
“More sure than I am about a lot of things.” Arthur said shifting closer to his princess. “But I’m even more sure that I want us to get back together.”
Y/n took a deep breath. “Arthur- we can’t just go back to what and how we were.”
“I know that. It’s going to take time for me to gain your trust back. I’m determined to do so.” Arthur looked into her eyes with determination and passion. He was going to gain his princess's trust back. No matter what.
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