#The Battle Between Nezha and Red Boy
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
The Battle Between Nezha and Red Boy (1950) 哪吒大戰红孩儿
Picture: N/A
Director: Yip Sheng / Liang Chen / Kuang Guang
Screenwriter: Kuang Guang
Starring: Kunlun Huang / Tian Qifang / Yu Jia / Hu Tian / Lu Zhongxia
Genre: Fantasy
Country/Region of Production: Hong Kong, China
Language: Cantonese
Date: 1950-05-03
Duration: 90 minutes
Also known as: The Battle between Nazha and the Red Kid / 哪咤大战红孩儿
IMDb: tt5821710
Type: Reimagining
Red Boy was imprisoned in Purple Bamboo Forest by Guanyin. One day, Guanyin went to the assembly of immortals, and it happened that Tang Seng came to pay a visit. Red Boy was playful for a while, his avatar was so strong he of forcibly brought Tang Seng back to Fiery Cloud Cave. Knowing that Master is in trouble, Wukong hurried to rescue him, and started a big battle with fake clones, but finally let fake escape. Princess Iron Fan wants to take Tang Seng as her own, so she tricks Red Boy back to Purple Bamboo Forest, and then takes Tang Seng back to the Cave of White Bones. Wukong came to Taiyi Zhenren’s Cave to look for Tang Seng, only to find out that Tang Seng had been captured by the fake.
Nezha was ordered by his master Taiyi Zhenren to go around to investigate Tang Seng's whereabouts. He happened to meet Princess Iron Fan, but Princess Iron Fan sent him thousands of miles away with a plantain fan. Princess Iron Fan failed to seduce Tang Seng, so in a rage, she started to cook Tang Seng in a pot. Fortunately, Wukong arrived in time and turned into Red Boy to trick Princess Iron Fan to return to Fiery Cloud Cave. Princess Iron Fan learns that she has been deceived, and when she fights Wukong. How can he use the fixed wind beads borrowed from the Dragon King to deal with the plantain fan, but finally he repelled Princess Iron Fan. After a fierce battle with Red Boy, he was finally defeated and bound by the fairy rope, and was sent back to the Purple Bamboo Forest to be dealt with by Guanyin. .
Source: http://chinesemov.com/1950/The-Battle-Between-Nazha-and-the-Red-Kid.html
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
What If, somebody attacked monkey Y/N and she didn't tell Monkey King But he finds out anyway.
This is a part 2 to when Monkey Queen (Y/N) got revenge 😈😈😈ca
Believe it or not you're the most merciful between the tool of you so You know I don't feel sorry for that somebody at all😈🔪😈🔪😈🔪
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(Lmk Wukong) You were attacked by one of your husband's enemies. They couldn't defeat him, so they went after you instead. of course, that was a mistake on their part since you beat the c*** out of them before they ran off. Of course, they got a few heads on you, too. So all you did was just bandage up you at injuries. You weren't gonna tell what's wrong about this because while you took care of it already. But when he went to go greet you, he's saw the bandages and he may be oblivious, but he's not stupid.
(Lmk Wukong) (Y/N) do you think you can tell me what happened???😠😠😠
Oh sh*t the fact that he actually called By your name instead of peaches you know how serious it is
Monkey Queen (Y/N) It's nothing dear just got into a scuffle
He raises an eyebrow at you before giving you his dark look
(Lmk Wukong)(Y/N)👿👿👿
You squeaked a bit before telling him everything from where you were to when the attack happened and who attacked. He sat in complete silence as he listened to every word. You said before telling you to rest on the couch and leaving the house. He came back later with the decapitated head of the demon that attacked you. He mountin it next to the one you got. Ah romance🥰🥰🥰
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(MK Reborn Wukong) Oh man, this is bad worse than that. You've got it to fight with one of your husband's enemies. And, of course, you fought them off before they ran. But you got seriously injured in the process. Although it's nothing worse than what you could possibly gotten it's still gonna be tricky to hide this from him. You covered yourself in ointments and bandages. Then, put on your robe to hide them. That should deter him from noticing anything different. Too bad it's not that easy, and he's not an idiot. He smelled blood the second He saw you and demanded that you tell him what happened. Of course, you're gonna do yet another argument before. Finally telling him what happened and who attacked you. to He was deadly angry was a severe understatement. You'd never seen him like this well. That's kind of a lie, but this is different. He had blood red eyes, and smoke was coming out of his nose and ears. He then tells you the weight right where you are before storming off. All i'm going to say is he came back covered and blood.
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(HIB Wukong) You had protected Liuer from some rowdy demons but not without getting injured. You had begged him not to tell your husband about what happened to you. Answer: Just say that you were we playing too rough and stuff. Liuer felt horrible about lying to the king, but he didn't say anything. When you both met Wukong, he had asked what happened then, and you told them that he would. You guys had a bit of rough housing. What you didn't expect was for Liuer. I'm too burst crying to your husband about what happened and how you got hurt protecting him. You just sat their and stared as the monkey king listened to the small boy's story. Then he slowly turned his head to look at you. As you basically just lied to his face. You both are definitely gonna talk about honesty right after he puts the demons who attack you into an early grave.
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(Nezha Reborn wukong) Li, and you got attacked by some street thug who claimed that you were on their turf. Of course, Li didn't want any unnecessary trouble. But you weren't about to let some pathetic demons tell you what to do. So So you guys fought in battle and won, but at the expense of your dislocated shoulder and bruised face But you were happy. Then you told Li not to tell your husband about what happened tonight as you handle you guys's injuries. And he agreed, except your husband was more observant than you thought. He interrogated Li about his injuries, and He lied telling him it was from sparring, but that could be because Wukong spars with him the most, and Li is deathly afraid of the idea of fighting you. Finally, Li spelled the beans about the attack. And how you basically force them not to tell Wukong about what happened on the count of you already taken care of it. Wukong just shook his head before saying bye to Li and gone home. First, he's gonna make you tell him exactly what he heard earlier from Li and finally to go make those thug demons wish they were never born.
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(Netflix Wukong) Oh no, oh no, you remember him getting incredibly unhinged in his battles. Once he finds out that some nobody goes and attacks you. Oh, you don't want to think about it. So you quickly patched yourself up and covered yourself in as many clothes as possible. But what you forgot about us is how you twisted your ankle during the fight. And let me tell you, it looks bad. You can hardly walk on it, but you're gonna have to burn your teeth and walk through the pain. Because you can't afford your husband to find out about this, it would be a blood bath. Now, due to his naive nature, it might be easy to hide it for him. But later that day, you slipped off and yelped when he hugged your leg. And that's when he noticed your swollen ankle.
(Netflix Wukong)(Y/N) what Happened
When you finish telling him what happened, his eyes turn bloody red before storming out the house. This is exactly what you were afraid of. Hopefully, you can get the blood out of his shirt like last time😥😥😥
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Whew, between drama involving a second predator being revealed in my server and gathering the proper evidence, it's been quite the hectic few days.
I noticed a disturbing trend among these two...and that's that they both were simps for Li Nezha. As such I will no longer be posting or writing romantic content for Nezha. I do not want to attract that kind of demographic to my blog. Not only that, but regarding this decision I decided to do research into the whole "Nezha age debate". People's arguments have mainly been that in some media Nezha is an adult. Highly inaccurate media that is clearly not meant to be a close representation of the story. Throughout JTTW Nezha does not physically age, it's safe to assume the child immortal cannot physically age (or else Red Boy would have physically aged as well as an Infernal child who is hundreds of years old). I've also seen people saying that since LMK Nezha is aged up it's fine...no it is not. If you look at a minor and go "God if only they were older I'd totally do dirty stuff to them..." That. Is. Pedophilic. And. Gross. You are looking at that minor with sexual intent. Nezha is fundamentally designed to be a child. Lemme use this image of a statue of Nezha:
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This is an accurate Nezha depiction. A child. One with hair buns, a common hair style for Chinese children to wear. The lotus flower Nezha is so attributed to is the flower of purity and innocence, and in this instance it is supposed to represent the purity and innocence of a child. The necklace Nezha is wearing is something known as a "longevity lock" and is specifically given to children. One person (a white Catholic who had done absolutely no research into the JTTW or Buddhism, mind you...) tried to lecture the server about Buddhist lore and how Nezha smut is okay...ignoring the fact that if Nezha is ever depicted as an adult it is a temporary form for battle purposes and is not Nezha's "true form". His true form is and always will be a twelve-year-old child. This person sums up my thoughts on the matter quite well. I did so one person argue "well it's impossible to know because there was never a need to establish Nezha as an eteral adult before" and I would answer that is because no one thought the population would look at a historically depicted child figure and try to fetishize it to give pedophiles and predators a place of refuge. It's the same argument as "Well Nezha might be physically twelve but he's thousands of years old!" Regarding my Nezha content I will only be posting platonic/QPR content from here on out. Thank you for your patience. This whole drama with Silver has worn me out, I will be trying my best to mentally bounce back so I can work on content here again. Likely I might end up posting about the Yandere Cowboy AU I have on the Discord server as that's been keeping me sane.
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The 8 Most Powerful Artifacts in History according to the World of Lego Monkie Kid
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Okay, this screenshot was taken in the Season 1, episode 3. Princess Iron Fan was talking about Mei’s family Legendary Dragon Blade when she let out the holograms of the “most powerful artifacts in history.”
I’ll try to identify these holograms. 
Disclaimer: I maybe proven wrong by the time future seasons of LMK come.
1. The Wheels of Fire and Wind / Fenghuo Lun (风火轮)
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The Wheels of Fire and Wind were used by Nezha, a powerful child god and warrior, who fought the Monkey King and later on became allies. 
Nezha uses the wheels to summon supernatural fire  and travel great distances by standing on top of them. [1]
2. Diamond Snare OR Shimmering  Golden Rope
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The Diamond Snare was made by Lao Tzu. This was the weapon used to finally capture the Monkey King while fighting Erlang Shen (nephew of the Jade Emperor) in Journey to the West. 
The Diamond Snare has another form which is the Golden Jade Ring, used by the Single-Horned Rhinoceros King to suck away weapons. [3]
This can also be the Shimmering Golden Rope or Huang Jinshen (幌金绳) is previously a waist sash of Lao Tzu. It is one of the many treasures of the Gold and Silver Demons. By throwing the rope, it will instantly bind to an enemy. [1]
3. Magic Demon-Destroyer Staff / Jiàng Yāo Bǎo Zhàng (降妖宝杖)
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While there wasn’t any mentioned unique capabilities, it was said that this weapon was made by Lu Ban, the Chinese deity of contractors and builders. [4]
 It is wielded by Sandy in Journey to the West.
4. Banana Leaf Fan / Bajiao Shan (芭蕉扇)
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Princess Iron Fan’s Banana Leaf Fan that is capable of summoning cyclones and storms. [1] This weapon was one of the conflicts between the Monkey King and the Demon Bull King.
5. The Golden Staff / Ruyi Jingu Bang (如意金箍棒)
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The Monkey King's staff made of iron and gold. While few can lift it (it weighs 7,960 kg), not many can command it as it only listens to the Monkey King alone.
Rú yì meaning "as you wish"
Jīn meaning "gold" or "metals"
Gū meaning "band" or "ring"
Bang meaning "staff" or "stick"
Before it was the "Ru Yi Jin Gu Bang", it served as the stabilizer of the four seas named "Tian He Ding Di Shen Zhu Tie." It was made by Lao Tzu and acts as an enormous pillar in the Eastern Sea Dragon King's palace. [8] 
4. Dragon Blade
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I haven’t found any source for this yet. But according to the Lego Monkie Kid, it is linked to the Dragon of the West, Ao Run, father of the White Dragon Horse who was Tripitaka’s steed during JTTW.  
Ao Run imbued it with powers so that the true clan member can weild it to protect the family. 
5.  Seven Stars Sword - Qixing Baojian (七星宝剑)
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Judging by the marks on its blade, this might be the Seven-Star Sword [5] or Precious Sword of the Dipper [1]. It is made by Lao Tzu and stolen by the Gold and Silver Horned Demon Brothers. [5] It allows them to match the Monkey King’s prowess during battle and were only defeated when the sword was taken away.
The Seven-Star Sword is similar to to Chinese straightswords that have seven brass plugs inserted into the blade.[6] 
However, the marks on the blade above might indicate that this is the Qingfeng Sword (青锋剑). It is wielded by the Southern King of the Buddhist Four Heavnly Kings named Zeng Zhang Tian Wang (增长天王). It could summon winds and a fire-spewing serpent. However, unlike the Seven-Star sword, this weapon has appeared in Investiture of the Gods and not JTTW. [1]
6. Red Boy's Zhang Ba Fire-tipped Spear OR Nezha's Huojian Qiang
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This spear can be Red Son’s Zhang Ba Fire-Tipped Spear (丈八火尖枪 zhàng bā huǒ jiān qiāng) that he used to fight with as Red Boy. [7]
Or this can be Nezha’s Fire-Tipped Spear or Huojian Qiang  (火尖枪) that can shoot fire. [1]
7. Purple-Gold Red Gourd /  Zijin Hong Hulu (紫金红葫芦)
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I don’t think this is the Calabash in Season 1, Episode 5. I believe this is once again one of the treasures of the Gold and Silver Horned Demon Brothers made (once again) by Lao Tzu. 
The Purple-Gold Red Gourd can capture a living being and reduced them to goo. [1]
8. Precious Sheet- Metal Rake /Shangbao Qinjin Ba (上宝沁金耙)
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This weapon is also known as Nine-Toothed Rake or Jiuchi Dingba (九齿钉耙). [1] It is wielded by Zhu Ba Jie or LMK Pigsy's ancestor, Pigsy.
It's made by Lao Tzu and bestowed to him by the Jade Emperor. It resembles an iron farmer’s rake with elaborate carvings. [1]
It’s interesting how there are 8 powerful artifacts when 8 is a lucky number in Chinese numerology. 
[1] https://owlcation.com/humanities/chinese-legendary-artifacts
[2] https://www.chinabeastsandlegends.com/jiu-long-shen-huo-zhao
[3] https://chine.in/fichiers/jourwest.pdf
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha_Wujing
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Journey_to_the_West_characters#Golden_and_Silver_Horned_Kings_and_associates
[6] https://www.mandarinmansion.com/glossary/beidou
[7] https://www.chinabeastsandlegends.com/hong-hai-er
[8] https://www.chinabeastsandlegends.com/ru-yi-jin-gu-bang
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
Thoughts on Lostbelt 3: SIN
So overall, I found Lostbelt 3 really fun. I felt more engaged than in Lostbelt 2, which I personally found dry with a lot more monotonous text. Part of it was probably because there wasn’t really any ‘fun’ allies besides Bryndhild, but that’s a different topic entirely. Lostbelt 1 was fun as well, but so far, Lostbelt 3 is my favorite— this isn’t just because of Li Shuwen, because if it was then I’d have liked LB2 more because of Sigurd. Anyways. Lostbelt 3 was very unique in terms of world building. While LB1 was a dog-eats-dog sort of survival of the fittest, and LB2 was all about uhhh killing children (?) who dont have their own children, LB3 just felt super unique. This is the first LB where the King really did help us and seem inclined to actually listen to what we said. You know, instead of yeeting the first person to play piano in battle. Thanks Ivan. I really enjoyed some of the lines here, and I found Koyanskaya to actually be funny in this rather than irritating. 10/10 for the dollar store line.
(more under the cut)
I love Jing Ke and I loved how she straight up handed Qin Shi Huang a cellphone with malware on it to kill him— even if it didn’t work, it was still funny. Nezha, I feel like, should have certainly gotten more screen time, but I loved her “Mom Mode” at the end, and ofc, Mordred and Spartacus’ friendship and their interactions too. Prince of Lanling didn’t have much of an impact on me as the other Crypter’s Servants, but that’s certainly to do with how he died very early on— I do love that theres the tie in with Yu Mei-Rin, however, and that DW and TM didn’t just chose a random Chinese servant to give her. On the topic of Yu Mei-Rin, I found her fight frustrating, but I did love her as a character. Once again, she’s very different than the other Crypters IMO and so it was very cool to see her and Xiang Yu.  Smaller side note— Han Xin was just the right amount of concerning and unhinged to really portray the battle-hungry monster of a general that he was written to be. And Li Shuwen was just fantastic in his exclamations and so forth— and how he took down Koyanskaya made me laugh. If you couldn’t tell, his fight terrified me (ha!) more than the rest of them. I’m really looking forwards to throwing all my money at Bajiquan-jiisan more than before. There’s a shit ton of stuff to unpack with Li that wasn’t touched on, like the fact that he’s like 150 years old (I had said he was 166 but my math was off? I guess? I’m an art major, not a numbers major) and also old. In a place that being old was uhhhhh not allowed. I certainly have no desire to ever ship Li and QSH, but thats yet another thing to unpack in a place that’s not here. And with Red Hare and Chen Gong, the two were simply amazing. The humor and dynamic between them made me laugh a lot as well. Chen Gong’s spotlight was all in his quips despite not fighting and Red Hare was fun to use in fights when I felt like I could manage without Friend Support. 
Lastly, Qin Shi Haung, the Mothjesty themself. Honestly, I quite enjoyed their (his?) role in this. Certainly more active than Ivan and Surtur had been. By no means is Mothjesty a good person, but I did like his heel-face-turn. Also the fact that he said “lets settle it in smash” but like with real fists. That was fun.
Anyways, overall, the Lostbelt was enjoyable. I found myself having a lot more fun than in the previous two along with finding the story of “this is a place of peace, why destroy it?” more interesting that the quasi-peace that LB2 sort of had going on. While we didn’t really get a chance to “bond” with a normal person or character in this like we did in LB1 and LB2 (or at least not a named person, ‘Boy’ is sorta just... generalized), we did sorta bond with their Mothjesty. So uh, mission complete? They’re on the CE we got, so yeet.
To wrap this up: LB3 10/10 out of the three for making me laugh and for Jing Ke basically giving Qin Shi Haung the equivalent of the ILOVEYOU Virus to attempt to kill him. 
I probably wont be posting much for the Samba event, but you can bet that I’ll be posting about the New Years Bennienma event!
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rwby-fan-theories · 7 years
sun and neptune will fight adam taurus together and kill him with possibly yangs help
sun wukong is themed/inspired by sun wukong from journey of the west and an antagonist in story who sun wukong fought is  the bull demon king while neptunes inspiration/theme is the roman god of the seas but he  will also reference/represent zhu bajie
on neptune vasilas His last name “Vasilias” is a derivative for king in Greek, giving him an obvious connection to the God of the Seas. However, it also gives him a connection to a Journey to the West character, too. King Neptune was a famous World War 2 US Navy mascot, a pig that managed to raise millions for the war effort and was buried with full military honours when it died. The Monkey King’s pig-themed companion, Zhu Bajie, shared Neptune’s habit of hitting on every woman he met. He was also formerly Tiānpéng Yuánshuài, the Heavenly Naval commander( commander-in-chief of 80,000 Heavenly Navy Soldiers.)    who was cursed to become Zhu Bajie for his inappropriate feelings for a moon goddess.
Bull Demon King (牛魔王) is a demon king based in Sky Scraping Cave (摩雲洞) on Accumulated Thunder Mountain (積雷山). In the early chapters of the novel, he becomes sworn brothers with Sun Wukong and five other demon kings. He is ranked the most senior of the seven, and styles himself “Great Sage Who Pacifies Heaven” (平天大聖). He marries Princess Iron Fan and has a son, Red Boy, with her. He appears again in a later chapter when the protagonists arrive at the Flaming Mountains along their journey. Sun Wukong disguises himself as Bull Demon King to deceive Princess Iron Fan and takes away her Banana Leaf Fan. The real Bull Demon King visits Princess Iron Fan, who then realises she has been tricked. Bull Demon King disguises himself as Zhu Bajie to trick Sun Wukong and retrieves the fan. In the ensuing fight against Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, Bull Demon King reveals his true form, a giant white bull, and attempts to charge towards his opponents. Nezha shows up, captures Bull Demon King, and brings him to Heaven to let the Jade Emperor decide his fate.”
(maybe yang will help in the defeat of adam since nezzha was known for going on aa fit of anger before a certain event  and yang has shown that she had a temper  and nezha “His mother then secretly built a temple for Nezha and this temple later flourished. This temple became very well known and grew vastly because Nezha granted miracle cures to the sick and the crippled. However, Li Jing soon found out about this temple and burnt it down because he was still angry at Nezha and felt that he had already caused too much trouble for their family.Li Jing burning the temple caused Nezha to desire his father’s death. Thus, enmity between father and son grew. Nezha was later brought back to life by his teacher, Taiyi Zhenren, who used lotus roots to construct a human body for his soul and gave him two new weapons: the Wind Fire Wheels (風火輪) and the Fire-tipped Spear (火尖槍). With the reincarnation of Nezha by his master, Li Jing and Nezha fought many battles. However, Li Jing soon realized that his mortal body was no match for Nezha and so he ran for his life. On the run, he met his second son, Muzha, who fought and was defeated by Nezha. At this, Li Jing tried to commit suicide but was saved by Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun, who also contained Nezha. In the end, Nezha was forced to submit to his father by another deity, Randeng Daoren.Nezha is often depicted as a youth, instead of an adult. He is often shown flying in the sky riding on the Wind Fire Wheels (風火輪), has the Universe Ring (乾坤圈) around his body (sometimes in his left hand), the Red Armillary Sash (浑天绫) around his shoulders and a Fire-tipped Spear (火尖槍) in his right hand. Sometimes, he is shown in his “three heads and six arms” form (三頭六臂). “
Nezha’s colors are green, yellow/gold highlights, and pink/purple
and yang has purple eyes  and her color motif is yellow
and nezha ended up going on a fit of rage against his father so he hd been known for his anger and yang had a temper where she caused a good amount of property damage and is associated with fire  and nezha took bull demon king to face judgement at jade emperors  (gods) hands  by capturing him so either ren could take adam to prison to face judgement  or yang would assist in the fight as a 3 v 1 . or yang  wouldnt appear in the fight but adam will still die at sun or neptunes hands to cause him to face gods judgement
I think this fight between sun wukong and zhu bajie will be referenced with sun and neptune vs. adam taurus (who is a bull faunus his last name taurus means bull and when he activates his power his masks visors glow red  ( nad it would fit for adams semblence to  represent the bull demon kings true form since when the bull demon king activates his true form he glows)and adam has some of the  aspects in common with what we would imagine a demon king to be like a powerful, dangerous, maniacal, cruel, coldhearted, manipulative, individual with a plethora of individuals on his command   so it would fit for him to be placed in the role of bull demon king (antagonist) and would fight sun and neptune and after their fight adam will be defeated and captured or defeated and killed by them in the fight where after adam after his aura is broken trys to make an attack on someone lets say someone who is unconscious and they  act resulting in his death
and it would be fitting since adam had hurt blake (suns love interest , the girl he likes plus sun already had a a distaste for the white fang and adam is a high ranking member of the white fang who also hurt blake 
suns thoughts on the whites fang : “Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!“
so adam will be taken down by a faunus who hates the white fang and his human best friend ( we could see neptunes semblance  and if he hasnt activated his semblance yet he will before or during the fight  coming into contact with sea water
neptunes inspiration is the roman god of the sea so it would be fitting for his powers to activate when he comes into contact and ttouches or submerged in sea water like how nora whose inspiration is thor gains power through electricity. and its possible neptune never been near the ocean/sea and was afraid of touching it due to the aquatic grimm annd will end up falling into sea water which he activates his semblance  which is versatile
edit: (
while neptunes inspiration is  roman god neptune he also references zhu bajie son wukongs  companion
on neptune vasilas His last name “Vasilias” is a derivative for king in Greek, giving him an obvious connection to the God of the Seas. However, it also gives him a connection to a Journey to the West character, too. King Neptune was a famous World War 2 US Navy mascot, a pig that managed to raise millions for the war effort and was buried with full military honours when it died. The Monkey King’s pig-themed companion, Zhu Bajie, shared Neptune’s habit of hitting on every woman he met. He was also formerly Tiānpéng Yuánshuài, the Heavenly Naval commander( commander-in-chief of 80,000 Heavenly Navy Soldiers.)    who was cursed to become Zhu Bajie for his inappropriate feelings for a moon goddess.
zhu bajie once commanded the heavenly rivers and in the journey of the west son wukong couldnt fight in the water while zhu bajie could for he was at ease at deep waters
Sun Wukong’s abilities . Though he is by far the stronger than, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing arehe is  still more effective water combatants than he is
so this could be referenced with neptunes semblance activating when he falls in sea water when its the form of a big body of it) (and he could possibly be inspired for it after seeing blake being worried about adam taking out everyone she loves and could decide to go after adam in order to quench her fears
and given how it was revealed that blakes dad was the leader of the white fang and cheiftain of menagerie blakes technically a princess
“ Bull Demon King”. Like Adam, BDK is an extremely powerful opponent who often defeats those in his way with one big blow, is obviously based off a bull; and is often depicted as having a black, red, and white color scheme. If Adam was solely based of “The Beast” from fairy tales, it would make more sense for him to be depicted as a boar or lion-faunus as those are the types of animals “The Beast” was traditionally depicted as resembling, not a bull. Maybe it and Adam’s color scheme are a hint that Journey to the West played an influence on him? 
some people might say that yang has to help in order to get closure  by beating adam but what if she doesnt get involved in th e fight and say adam dies without yang ever being able to face him again anda get closure through their so she will have to get closure through a different method and deal with it without ( not saying it will happen just something I thought of)
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Are there any JTTW adaptations that expand on SWK’s old brotherhood in a significant way?
Sadly I can't say that there is a lot of media with Wukong's brotherhood in general beyong Demon Bull King. There are so many movies and shows with Demon Bull King...
But I can say that there is just a small amount with the entire brotherhood being present!
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Bull Demon King (2017) 西游之牛魔王
Under the seat of Patriarch Bodhi, the seven holy sages of the demon world, Bull Demon King, Sun Wukong, Peng Demon King, Dragon Jiao King, and others are bound together with Jinlan, vowing to live and die together. At this time, the Taishang Laojun brought Princess Iron Fan to entrust to Bodhi Patriarch, and the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan fell in love for a long time in private. But the Taishang Laojun still had an unruly heart for Princess Iron Fan, so he brought her back, and the Bull Demon King rose up to unify the demon world and wanted to save Iron Fan. However, the Bull Demon King was still captured by the Taishang Laojun. In the end, they finally married because Iron Fan was pregnant and he became a back-up man. Emotionally, Bull Demon King gradually fell in love with the Jade-Faced Fox, and then the brothers fought against each other, and the husband and wife turned against each other. In the end, the Bull Demon King was beaten back to his original shape, and Iron Fan, Red Boy, mother and son depended on each other for life.
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The Legends of Changing Destiny (2023)凌云志
The way of heaven is fissioned, Stone (Lin Feng) turns into a demon by chance, and becomes close friends with Canary (Jiang Yiyi). As monsters, they encounter a lot of cold eyes and prejudice since their formation. He has a dream of being a hero but has nothing to do. After going through untold hardships, he finally worships the ancestor of Jiekong in Yaoguang Cave as his teacher. Fortunately, his innocent fellow student Fengling (played by Cheng Yanqiu) takes care of him. Stone practiced hard day and night. During this period, he became a confidant with the lonely and cold Yang Lan (played by Jiang Mengjie), and built Qilai Mountain together. In the heavens, the heavenly soldiers headed by Marshal Beichen (played by Wu Kequn) drove out all the demons, and the demon world rose up to resist, but all this was actually secretly manipulated by the Wuji Holy Venerable (played by Yue Yueli) after the invasion of the Hongmeng Heart Demon. Stone led the bloody battle between the demon world and the heavenly world, and became a hero to protect the weak monsters. At this time, the Holy Lord Wuji's goal of disrupting the Three Realms is about to be achieved. In order to revive the way of heaven and protect the common people, Stone rushes to the Dao Stone of Heaven without hesitation, trying to smash the Holy Lord of Wuji's conspiracy... The movie is adapted from the novel Turtle Is Not a Turtle.
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Seven Sages (2030) 七圣
The first press conference of the mythical film "Seven Sages" was held. The film was directed by Ma Chucheng and starred by Huang Minghao, Andy Lau, and Zhong Chuxi and others. It is reported that Andy Lau will play Sun WUkong in the film, and Huang Minghao will play Nezha in the film. At the same time, Andy Lau will also serve as the producer of the film. "Seven Sages" are the seven sworn brothers in Chinese mythology. This mythological group is also mentioned in "Journey to the West" It is also mentioned in the "Seven Saints" that they are: Bull Demon King (Heaven Parrell Sage), Flood Demon King (Grand Sage Covering the Sea), Peng Demon King (Sky Soaring Great Sage), Lion Camel King (Mountain Removing Great Sage), Macaque King (Sage of Ventilation), Snub Nose Monkey King (the great sage who exorcised the gods), Monkey King (Great Sage Equal to Heaven). In "Journey to the West", only the Bull Demon King and Monkey King Sun Wukong appeared. This time it may focus on the story of their seven sworn brothers, The film tells that the filming started in May this year, This is also the first time Andy Lau played the role of Monkey King
Now these are not all the media that has ALL of the brotherhood as some series like Journey to the West 1999, 2010, and 1987 does have all the brothers together but I didn't include them as they are not explored.
Also there are movies with some of the brothers INDIVUDALLY are in it but not all of them. Like The Real vs. Fake Monkey King (2020) 真假美猴王之大圣无双 has the Lion Camel King as the main villain but they don't have any other brother so I don't think that would count as exploring the brotherhood so to speak.
Here are some pics of the 1999 Brotherhood! Love their designs.
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Bull Demon King, Flood Dragon King, Peng Demon King, Macaque King, Lion Camel King, and for some reason, they chanced the Snub-nosed Demon King into some king of armadillo-looking thing. This was interesting to me that rather than showing how loyal his brothers are in this version is how unreliable instead they are. They were partying with 99 Wukong up until the point that heaven was attacking and in that moment, abandoned Wukong to save themselves.
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But I think that having the entire brotherhood is only a recent idea that more filmmakers are starting to want to explore with Wukong's character and honestly I hope that we see more of that in the future!! I love the idea of seeing Wukong's warlord years and whether his brotherhood was made from a hard-earned trust or rather flimsy alliances that only stay together when Wukong is guaranteed as the winner.
I think in either case can show the lengths that Wukong went to get these men and whether they followed Wukong out of fear, being the strongest warlord in the area and it only made sense to follow him and that Wukong overestimated their loyalty to him in times of trouble. And that perhaps reflects his current brotherhood with the pilgrims and how instead they all suffered together through tribulation rather than Wukong being left to heaven's punishment. Highlighting how Bull Demon refused to see Wukong as a brother after he lost to heaven the next they meet.
Or if they got the route that the brotherhood did follow Wukong out of a strong bond and how that fell apart from the battle of Flower Fruit Mountain, perhaps Wukong taking advantage to only keep his own monkeys safe in the battle while his brotherhood's armies were captured instead like in the books. And it’s only when he lost what he had, lost his brothers and lost his title as warlord and now turns into a pilgrim he sees the errors of his way in how he took advantage of those that followed him blindly. He might not be able to change the past but he tries to do right with his new brothers in the life ahead of him.
So much can be done!
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