#The Bradford Four-OC
please do one where lucy and/or the kids take care of tim specifically giving him massage when his back aches because there's no way that man has no chronic pain from a freaking spinal surgery and his other gsw's
I hope you like this!! Rated m for the end (it’s not graphic or anything but just in case!)
please do one where lucy and/or the kids take care of tim specifically giving him massage when his back aches because there's no way that man has no chronic pain from a freaking spinal surgery and his other gsw's
Take care of you.
Tim sits back in his office chair and leans his head back and groans a little when the twinge in his back worsens. It’s not like his back hurt every single day. Only when he really strained it doing different activities or training.
Like when gave Levi and June a piggy back ride yesterday. Together. It didn’t even hurt at first and then when he got up this morning he had an ache in his back and it only grew worse.
There’s a knock at his door and calls out come in. Lucy walks in with a small smile on her face, she already has her bag on her shoulder.
“Are you ready?” She asks. He nods and gets up but winces when he does. Lucy notices because of course she does.
“Are you okay?” She asks as she makes her toward him. Tim shrugs and shuffles towards her trying not to wince as the pain gets worse.
“Yeah I’m fine.” He mumbles but she shakes her head at him almost rolling her eyes at his stubbornness.
“No, you aren’t.” She says now frowning. “What happened? Did you hurt your back?” Her eyes go to where his hand his holding his lower back.
“I think I just strained it a little too hard.” He says not looking at her. “I’m fine.”
“Strained it doing what?” Lucy asks her eyes narrowed.
Tim blows out a breath and then turns his eyes on her. “I gave the twins a piggy back ride.” He starts. Lucy tilts her head at him in confusion. He did that all the time. “Together. At the same time.”
Lucy frowns. “Tim..” She begins and he knows what she’s about to say. He has spinal surgery and gunshot wounds and he’s fallen on his back. He knows he needs to be careful. But she should try saying no to two pouty faces that look a lot like her when she pours. He had no willpower to say no to her, how did she expect her to say no to their kids
“I know. It wasn’t the smartest thing but you try saying no to them.” He says and Lucy rolls her eyes coming up behind him and rubbing his back a little.
“I do.” She says. “All the time.” Now Tim rolls his eyes and looks behind him to look at her.
“That’s a lie Luce. Just the other day you let all four kids sleep in our bed. One who kept kicking you and you fell out.” He pauses briefly and then coughs out “Ava.”
Lucy works her fingers into his back and then gives it a gentle hit. “Oh please. You let them climb all over you like a jungle gym.” She says.
Tim huffs out a breath. “Why are we arguing about who our kids hurt the most?” He asks. Lucy hums in reply and keeps digging her hands into his back.
“Come on.” She says and she stops massaging him and he groans.
“That was magical.” He says softly. She comes around so he can see her.
“Don’t worry I have more of where that stuff coming but we have to pick our kids up.” She says reaching up to kiss him.
Tim tries not to groan too loudly.
Tim sits on the couch ready to relax and not move but of course his kids have other plans.
“Daddy!” June says excitedly watch me twirl. “I learned it in dance class.” She twirls around just as Levi comes crashing through knocking her on the ground.
“Sorry Junie!” He says immediately as June’s brown eyes fill with tears. He helps his sister up and Tim watches with amusement as she twirls around again wishing he could get up that fast.
“Dad!” Ava runs into the room and bounces on the couch causing another twinge in his back. “Can I practice on you?”
“Practice what on me?” He asks nervously as Ava’s blue eyes search his face. She grins and karate chops him on the neck.
“Ava!” He scolds but his daughter doesn’t look regretful. In fact she looks proud, just like Lucy when did that Lucy lesson on him when they were figuring everything out.
She just shrugs. “You have to be ready dad!” She says.
Tim huffs out a laugh but before he can reply, Lucy comes into room with Daisy behind her. “Ava, you need to be nice to your dad. His back hurts.” Lucy says and she sits down on the couch and coaxes Tim to sit so his back is facing her. He does wincing a little as he does.
“What are you going to do to him?” Levi asks curiously watching as Lucy starts massaging him. “Does that hurt dad?”
“It feels good.” Tim tells him. Levi sits down on the floor and watches them.
“Can we help?” Ava asks her eyes lighting up. Lucy taps him on the shoulder and he nods.
“Be gentle Aves.” Lucy warns her. Ava licks her lips before switching positions with Lucy. Tim doesn’t really know what to expect from Ava, she could be really rough and sometimes she didn’t know her own strength.
But when she starts, he can barely feel it. “You can go harder than that sweetie.” Lucy tells Ava. And so she does digging her little hands into his back. And honestly Tim would do anything for some relief.
Soon the other kids want to help so they take turns. And soon Tim is feeling more relaxed than he has all day.
“All right.” Says Lucy. “Everyone go wash their hands for dinner.” The kids all scramble off and Lucy takes over again putting her chin on his shoulder first.
“I have one more thing we are going to do but its for later.” She whispers. Tim sighs anticipation running down his spine.
“I can’t wait.” He whispers back and he knows whatever she has planned is going to be better than good. It’s going to be great.
Once all the kids are put to bed, Tim shuffles into the master bedroom only to hear the bath running in the bathroom. He pauses and peeks in to see Lucy in her robe sitting on the edge of the bathtub. She looks up and smiles when she sees him.
“It’s all ready.” She tells him. He looks at her wearily, he wasn’t the biggest fan of baths unless of course Lucy was involved in them.
“I know you aren’t the biggest fan of baths.” Says Lucy reading his mind. “But..” she unties her robe and lets it fall to the ground. Tim nearly swallows his tongue and is already stripping off his shirt moving faster than he has all day.
Lucy grins and steps in the bathtub and waits for him to get undressed and then he slips in falling under the warm water. Lucy sits down in front of him and pulls her close and closes his eyes the warmth of her and the water lulling him to sleep.
“God I love you.” He mutters into her hair. She turns to look at him and kisses him on the lips softly.
“Do you feel better?” She asks. “I know you were in pain.”
Tim tugs her closer to him. “You always make things better. You take away the pain.” He whispers. “I am so thankful for you.”
Lucy turns further in his arms, and reaches to stroke his cheek. “You take away my pain too. And the kids. You do so much for us. It was time we did something for you.”
Tim kisses the top of her head and he does feel better. The ache is still there but it’s subsiding. And having Lucy taking care of him is everything he could ever need.
There is a long silence before there’s a noise outside the bathroom.
“Tim you did lock the door behind you right?”
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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OC Kiss Day Four: Charm
Shawn Daniel Bradford, little witch Aurora Elena Bradford and Hallie Anne Campbell
AURORA: Now kisssssssssss!
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skeletonspirt · 22 hours
my 2012 tmnt universe ocs
My OC Émilie Richard, Aka Emy or Em
She’s half Cajun-Creole half Japanese, fluent in;Japanese,Cajun French,Louisiana creole, and a little Mandarin Chinese. Often makes fun of Casey’s Canadian French.Great cook and even better shot(master marksman). Originally worked for the shredder as a bargaining chip over her father but betrayed him and joined the turtles. Shredder trained her along side Bradford and Karai making her a kunoichi training. Hates Bradford with a passion. She’s secretly half mutant, her father being Tiger claw, hid her ears under a beanie and her strips with either makeup or long cloths. Later shows off her strips and ears while with the turtles.Is dating Lei.
My other OC Lei
Chinese American and the younger brother of Hun. Fluent in Mandarin,Cantonese, and Taishanese. Was raised by his brother as member of the purple dragons till Hun left on business. Master of martial arts but prefers kickboxing. Joined the turtles after realizing he did not want to be a part of a gang or join up with shredder. Still has the purple dragon tattoo. Later gets mutated by dog pound into a dragon like mutant who has Karai’s ability to turn human. Is dating Emy. Him and Casey did not get along at first due past encounters. Later gets over it after having to work together to save each others lives in one of Baxters traps.
Same skin tone as mutant mayhem April with tiger strips all on her body. Deep brown eyes that sometimes have slit pupils. Natural orange tiger striped hair she wears in shoulder length locs and lies and says it’s dyed. Has tiger ears on the top of her head she hides with a green beanie. Puts fake ears on to keep people from noticing her lake of ears. Has a tail and claws in both her hand and feet. Has a more wrestler like build due to her teasing and high muscle density. Signature color is dark green and later revives a green bandana from splinter once she joins them.
Similar hairstyle to Huns until he joins the turtles, afterwards he grows if out and wears it in a loose bun. Dyed his hair to have purple highlights when part of the dragons, now dyes it green. Hazel eyes. Large purple dragon tattoo that goes from the left shoulder to the wrist. Boxer build. Mutant form, long green snake like body with four legs, horned lizard like head with hair, spikes all along the body, extremely sharp teeth(keeps in human form along side the horns on his head), thin flaps he uses to glide. mutant dna was horned lizard,spiny viper, Draco lizard. Yes he can do the blood thing like horned lizards, he just find it absolutely disgusting.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Hannah Hook Verse masterlist part 2;
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Part 2 to my descendants oc's masterlist.
Hannah and Luke art request:
Summary: what the title says.
Treycor art request:
Summary: what the title says.
Info on characters;
For your OC Remi de Vil, Carlos's younger brother;
For your OC Hope Sid;
For Hannah Hook:
For the OC ask game for Haul and Hannah;
About your character Jenny who was killed by a shadow in Neverland;
How does it look when Storm Bringer crew goes out for an ice cream?;
Hi. So, I'm interested in knowing more about your OC Herlando ( that is his name, right?)?;
Which of the Hook siblings, both in canon and in your AU, are the best at actually talking about feelings?;
From your fanfiction The Failed Shovel Talk;
What is the relationship between Mal and her younger brother, your original character Treycor? ;
Why Hannah doesn't get along with the core four (at first);
In Haul's mind, he had to go;
How does Haul's family react to what happened in the 7 years he was gone:
Random fact about Alex Aoratos-Sinclair:
Random facts about Hannah Hook;
Random facts about Hannah Hook part 2;
1st descendants oc?:
What about Fiona?:
Hannah Hook's enemies;
Moxie and Hope info;
Random facts about the stormbringer crew;
Reasons why Hannah Hook ranaway;
The magic of friendship part 1:
What the Stormbringer crew is going to be for Halloween;
The Stormbringer crew's favorite Halloween candy;
Are Stormbringer crew doing anything for Halloween?;
Soulmate Marks (Storm Bringer Crew Edition);
Genesis and Evelyn!;
Noah info;
You have the following items;
Hopxie's wedding in a nutshell;
Storm Bringer Crew Friendship aesthetics part 1;
What is the most flashy thing Hannah did to torment Judge Frollo?;
Eugunzel kids and Hannah's relationship;
Do you have any AK ocs?
What are the ages of Mal's siblings? Mal at sixteen is one of the oldest, right?
next time, think twice;
Frollo must pay;
What does your version of Cj think of my oc, Hannah Hook?;
Do you have a backstory for Remi de Vil?;
Hannah Hook character heights by the end of d3;
Hannah Hook's Auradon class schedule:
Meet the characters;
Meet Hannah Artemis Hook;
Summary; Meet Captain Hook's Adoptive daughter, Hannah Hook.
Meet Prince Lucas Larson Tremaine-Westergaard of the isle;
Summary; Hans and Drizella's son, Lucas "Luke" Tremaine-Westergaard.
Meet Isaac William Cipher;
Summary; meet Bill Cipher's son, Isaac William Cipher.
Meet Fiona Freeland Foundling;
Summary; Meet dark fairy, Fiona Foundling.
Meet Noah Sage Napoleon Bradford Aoratos;
Summary; Meet Persphone and Hades' son, Noah Sage Napoleon Bradford Aoratos.
Meet Treycor Zagreus Adonis Fae-Aoratos;
Summary; Meet Treycor Zagreus Adonis Fae-Aoratos, the son of Hades and Maleficent.
Meet Remington Phoenix de Vil;
Summary; Meet Remington Phoenix de Vil, the son of Cruella de Vil.
Meet Phoebe Anne-Marie Gothel;
Summary; Meet Peachy Gothel, the daughter of Mother Gothel.
Evil Hannah Hook aesthetic and song;
Lands Hannah can't be!;
Descendants Detention slips (oc addition);
Descendants Detention slips (oc addition) part 2;
Descendants Detention slips (oc addition) part 3;
Hannah Hook Barbie Posters;
My oc bedrooms part 2;
My descendants oc ships part 2;
My descendants oc aesthetics part 6 (for Hannah Hook's crew);
My descendants oc aesthetics final (for Hannah Hook's crew);
Hannah Hook universe stories:
Dr Jiminy part 2;
Summary: where Jimmy Cricket had a show that is a mix of Jerry Springer, Dr Phil, and Murray.
The Hooks are terrible narrators and Hannah Hook is no better;
Summary; this is what happens when you let Hannah Hook narrate.
Hannah Hook Narrations part 1;
Summary; this is what happens when you let Hannah Hook narrate.
She has a way with words (with her feet? Not so much);
Summary; Hannah Hook is clusmy.
An odd meeting;
Summary; Hannah Hook meeting Captain Magnum.
James Hook facing Hannah Hook's teenage wraith;
Summary; What the title says.
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brokenhardies · 3 years
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Buzzfeed Unsolved AU - Blissfield Unsolved featuring Ricky Bradford & Joshua Detmer
@seize-the-droid @anotherunreadblog @ocfairygodmother @kazinejghafa @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @seymours-secret​ @witchofinterest @akabluekat @booty-boggins @anna-phora @starcrossedjedis @bravelittleflower @jewelswrites-ish​ @ryutabas​ @thecaillic
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nikosasaki · 3 years
Notebook ask for Benny Bradford?
to avoid turning this into a a mile long answer, I only did his thoughts on the four characters that he has the most/most fun interactions with;
Jughead - I love me a good new kid, especially when they're good looking. managed to get Forsythe all red in the face again today - he's really cute when he's not trying to sound smart
Sweet Pea - every time I see Sweet Pea I get a stomach ache, which I bet isn't normal. we've just been friends for forever but he's so tall and handsome and kissable and... if anyone ever finds this notebook I will be faking my own death
Betty - today I had the absolute displeasure of meeting Forsythe's girlfriend, my god is that girl something. I get the feeling that she isn't entirely fond of me either...
Veronica - gonna bet Sweet Pea ten bucks that Mack is gonna fall in love with miss Lodge before the end of the week - she's pretty, smart, and has a mean edge, she's everything Mack loves in a girl // I won
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send me an oc and I'll tell you what they would write in their notebook about canon characters!
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Move in day: 1 (part 1 of Ponytails & Overnights)
An ot7 MX (non idol) x OC university au series.
Warnings: little bit of swearing. Self esteem issues, but gets very wholesome.
Character profiles
Series opening song: Breathe For You by Monsta X
This must be the address. The house looks bigger than the pictures! I hope the inside is just as nice as the outside. The landlord’s garden in the yard is well kept, I wonder if they grow their own vegetables in the greenhouse. I should’ve waited till Hyungwon was free, so he could help me move in right away. It’s ok, he’ll be here soon. He lives in the house next door anyway.
I go to the front door and punch in the code for the lock that was sent to me by email. The decor is very homey, definitely done with love and time. I’m welcomed by a sweet older woman, who was tending to her indoor plants.
“Wang Mi-Ja?” I ask, hoping it was the landlord. She cheerfully nods.
“Please, call me Mimi” she introduces herself. I bow while she puts down her watering can.
“You must be Chae Hyun-Jae, I didn’t expect you to come early” she gestures to the stairs.
“Oh, I’m sorry” I apologize.
“No, don’t be sorry, hearing what Hyungwon says about you, I should’ve known you would be punctual” she grins, leading us up the stairs. She knows that Hyungwon is my brother?
“Hyungwon talks about me?” I worry.
“All good, sweetie. He told me about your application right after you sent it” Mimi unlocks the upstairs door. I hope him talking about me wasn’t the deciding factor in accepting me.
Touring around the apartment, I am so impressed by the space! Fully furnished. Updated appliances. An actual walk in shower next to a deep tub in the bathroom. There is a small dry-erase board by the front door that has a list of house rules.
No boys staying overnight.
Clean after yourself.
Don’t be too loud.
I get to my bedroom and it’s definitely better than the pictures Hyungwon sent me. I could see myself living here.
“Remember, you’re the first one here, the rest of the girls are moving in soon. Ji-Eun should be coming in later today, she will be staying in the first bedroom to the right. I left envelopes for everyone that has keys and facility numbers” Mimi informs.
“Thank you so much, you took wonderful care of the place” I compliment.
“Thank you, if you need me, I’ll be downstairs” she nods before exiting the apartment. This is so much better than my last place! Even if my roommates aren’t the best, I’m still going to enjoy this! Speaking of the roommates, who are these girls? Checking out the envelopes on the dining table, it seems like Mimi addressed them with the girls' names. Cecily Bradford, Phoebe Adler, Park So-Yi, and Lee Ji-Eun. Two Americans I see. This is going to be new, but nothing I can’t handle. I plop on the couch to get a feel for the living room. Wrapping myself in the soft throw blanket, I finally get the sense of “home”. The silence is cleansing. Yes, I grew up in a silent household, but at least this silence isn’t brewed by passive aggressive tension.
Brought a suitcase to my bedroom to slowly unpack. Filling up my dresser and closet before I start the rest of my room. There’s a knock on the front door, it must be Hyungwon.
I greet him at the door, his arms are full of food.
“Since today is your move-in day, I’m treating you to lunch” Hyungwon greets. That’s very sweet of him. It’s not unlike him to treat me to food, but I didn’t expect this much!
“Aw, thank you”. We set the table and enjoy the menagerie of delicious food.
“When do the rest of the girls come in?” Hyungwon pauses from eating.
“Ji-Eun is coming in today, everyone else I don’t know” I shrug.
“Are you and the boys excited to have new neighbors?”.
“Seeing pretty girls everyday sounds nice, but you’re living next door so I’m shit out of luck” he teases.
“Eh!” I exclaim, smacking his arm. He laughs like a mischievous child.
“I could catch someone's eye” I pout.
“Yeah, someone is going to wonder why this animal escaped the zoo” he cackles. “Come on, you make it easy”. I stick my tongue out at him.
“Tell me about your roommates. You told me their names before, but do you like them?” I wonder, changing the subject.
“They’re all great, closest things I could have for brothers” he nods.
“Then why don’t you talk about them more to me?”.
“I don’t know what I could say. They’re all so different, but we all get along so well”.
“I hope it’ll be the same way with me and the girls” I sigh.
“Doubt it. The last group of girls that lived here got into so many fights, some of the guys had to step in to stop them from hurting each other” he leans back. Oh shit, there’s no way! What could’ve prompted that fight? Why haven’t they moved out if they keep fighting?
“Did Mimi do anything about it?” I wonder.
“She gave them warnings, but nothing more than that. She didn’t know how violent they got, she only heard the yells” he shrugs. “I hope for your sake those girls can’t fight”.
“Oh stop, we’re not going to be like that” I shush him.
“Says you and you haven’t even met your roommates yet” he laughs.
“I have a room to myself, if things start getting nasty, I’ll just stay in my room” I compromise.
“That way if someone gets stabbed, you can perform first aid” he jokes. Ha ha, I get it, it’s because I’m a nursing student, how cute. Smartass. I roll my eyes.
“Whatever ever happened to that scholarship you applied for?” Hyungwon changes the subject. My taste turn sour. I didn’t want to be reminded of it, but I guess the truth has to come out.
“I didn’t get it. I asked the department head and they told me I was supposed to get it, but someone came in at the last minute and got it” I confess. Always second place. Every single time.
“Damn, how many times have you applied for it?” he continues. My skin begins to crawl. Please stop talking about it, I already felt the shame, I don’t want to see the disappointment in him. God help me if he tells my parents.
“Every semester for the past four years” I mumble, slouching in defeat.
“Well screw them. That’s the problem with those scholarships, they only see what the application says, they don’t know who the actual person is” he groans. Seeing his frustration worries me. He must be so disappointed that I didn’t get it.
“You’re not upset with me?” I avoid eye contact.
“Why would I? They’re the ones that messed up. You did your best and they failed to see that” he scoffs. That’s a better response than I’d hope for. If only our parents were that considerate.
“Hey” he nods at me. I look up from my bowl.
“Don’t let that stupid scholarship let you down. You’re a great student and even better nurse” he points at me. Although he can be a smartass, he still can find a way to make me feel better about myself.
“What boxes did you already bring in?” Hyungwon changed the subject.
“Just clothes. I didn’t bring my school supplies or kitchenware out of the car yet”.
“I’ll bring them in” Hyungwon insists before throwing his trash away. I put the rest of the food in the fridge, saving the leftovers for dinner. Hyungwon exits the apartment, heading to my car parked just outside. There’s a knock on the front door. Hyungwon? He doesn’t need to knock unless the door has accidentally locked behind him. I open the door and I see what seems to be a model from a magazine, grinning cheek to cheek.
“Hyun-Jae?” this gorgeous stranger asks.
“Ji-Eun?” my eyes widen.
This is the place! This place is so much closer to campus, only a short bus ride away! And with the price of rent, I can’t beat this. According to the landlord, a roommate should already be there. The interior reminds me of my grandmother’s house. It definitely smells like my grandmother, the classic choking perfume smell. A very distinct contrast from the exterior, a modern lively chic. Looking at the emails of information, the apartment is in the north staircase. The south staircase is for the boys. A group of men live here? Weird, but it's nice that the landlord is providing affordable housing to students, she must be making bank.
I knock on the door to the apartment, hoping she’s home. The door opens and I’m welcomed by a natural beauty. Her hair is up in a cute loose bun, complimenting her comfortable outfit of a print t-shirt and jeans. I feel a little overdressed for this occasion, wearing a dress and flats.
“Hyun-Jae?” I ask, hoping it’s her.
I cheer with glee. I always had good luck with roommates and I’m sure it’s going to be the same here.
I switch my shoes to my slippers and run around the living space, leaving my suitcase by the door. She’s obviously taken back by my behavior.
“I’m sorry, I’m just so excited” I apologize. I’m a bit more cheerful than the average person, everyone has a different attitude about it.
“It’s ok, I just didn’t expect you to be so...energetic” she hesitates.
“Don’t worry, just give me a minute and the adrenaline will wear off” I joke. There’s nothing wrong with being energized over a new chapter in your life. Getting closer to my goals is something to celebrate, right? I’m getting closer to finishing my second degree, a new environment will give me the final push to succeeding.
“Let me show you around” he smiles. The tour was brief, but I love the space! The furniture looks comfy, the energy in just the living room feels fresh. I take my suitcase to my bedroom. I can pick the bed?! A perk of being here early! I pick the bed by the window to enjoy the view.
“Do you know about the other girls?” I ask.
“I know their names, but that’s it. We’re going to have two American roommates I guess” she sighs. Two Americans? I had an American roommate before. Nice girl, had a hard time adapting.
“That sounds fun. It’s always cool to learn new things from them. A past roommate showed me how she made sandwiches and it changed my world” I keep to the bright side.
“You had roommates before?” she smiles.
“I have, very lovely girls. Have you had roommates before?” I nod.
“This is my first time with roommates. I’m excited that you all are going to be the firsts” she laughs. This girl is very sweet, but seems uptight. She’s probably just nervous, if her not having roommates before is true, then I totally understand the anxious feeling. I’m going to try to make this transition as fluid as possible for her. I wish I had that help when I was first on my own, the least I can do is do that for her.
“We’re lucky to have you”.
“Did you eat?” I add. She nods.
“Do you mind if I go grab some groceries for us till the rest of the girls come?” I gesture to the door.
“You don’t have to do that” she nervously laughs.
“I’m not going to get a lot, it’s ok” I insist. I mostly just want to see how close the store is to here.
“Let me grab my wallet and give you some money” she rushes to her room. I would be fine if I paid for it, but since it’s food for us, I don’t see why not split it. She gives me some cash and tells me to grab some freezer dumplings and dipping sauce. Simple enough. I was probably just going to grab some ramen and drinks.
Opening the front door, I bump right into someone holding a stack of large boxes. The boxes were tall enough I couldn’t see who’s behind them. Thankfully, the boxes aren’t knocked over.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going” a man’s voice groans.
“I’m so sorry!” I apologize, grabbing the other side of the boxes in case I knocked him off balance. I see a head pop over the side of the pillar of boxes. He’s very tall, I thought it was just the boxes that were tall! His eyes widen as if he saw a ghost. He’s pretty cute for a guy who just yelled at me. His lips look divine. His black hair looks long enough to put into a man bun.
“You’re not Hyun-Jae” he states. He must know her, lucky girl.
“Correct, I’m Ji-Eun” I introduce myself with a laugh. He bashfully smiles, pushing his bread cheeks out, making me want to pinch them.
“I’m Hyungwon” he chuckles. The mystery pole of a man has a name. He has such a cute little laugh. Very few laughs I’ve heard in my life are as contagious as his.
“I’m sorry for yelling, I thought you were my sister” he apologizes. That solves how he knows her.
“I’m sorry for bumping into you, come in” I move out of the way.
“It’s ok, you can go ahead” he moves away from the door.
“I was in your way, you go first” I justify for him to go first.
“Ladies first” he rebuttals. Checkmate huh? He turned quite charming rather quickly, hasn’t he?
“What a gentleman” I smirk at him. I walk past him and he’s broader than a pole. Why do I get the sense I’ve seen him somewhere before? I easily could’ve seen him at the store or something, but he’s the kind of man I would remember, right? He bites his lip, restraining himself from saying something, I assume something cutely foolish.
“I hope to see you later” I boldly mention. He raises his eyebrows in surprise. Is he surprised I want to see him?
“You will” he turns confident, giving me a wink.
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
Basics 4, Appearance 2, Facts 2, Bonus 5 for all four of your girls, please! (You asked me a long ask, you’re getting one back!)
4) Any secrets?
Lizzie: Especially when she's tired or in a bad mood, there are times when Lizzie really has to keep it together when she's talking to Orion and would just wish he'd get to the goddamn point. Ain't nobody got time for that, darling.
Ava: Before she met Charlie, she might have had a little crush on Bill. Maybe. The smallest. Do not ever tell anyone or she might die of shame.
Selene: Selene seriously considered cutting her hair to a pixie once a) to anger her parents and b) so she wouldn't have to bother with hair-dos anymore. But even she couldn't bring herself to do it, she loves the way it blows in the wind when she's flying too much.
Carolyn: She'd rather die than admit it, but sometimes Ethel's (@the-al-chemist) carefree, devil-may-care attitude impresses her. Don't you dare tell her or you'll rue the day.
2) Do they wish they could change a part of their appearance?
Lizzie: Lizzie would make herself taller if she could. More length to reach the Quaffle, y'know.
Ava: Ava has a big scar across her lower abdomen where she got hit by a curse, which she can't bear to look at. Sometimes she just wishes it would disappear but then again, it reminds her every decision made comes at a cost.
Selene: She'd love to have a warmer skin tone, that tans in the sun rather than getting freckles.
Carolyn: What are you talking about? Why would she ever? What a ridiculous idea.
2) Any things that are super important to them?
Lizzie: Her birthstone necklace she keeps as a lucky charm even after all these years, the charm bracelet Orion gave to her as a Christmas present during her last year at Hogwarts (still in love with that @kc-needs-coffee) and her first Wanderers jersey bearing her name and number because she actually played for them (and not because Skye had it made for her).
Ava: A feather of Poe she uses as a bookmark. A picture of her and Charlie she never looks at but can't get herself to throw away either. Her ceremonial dagger she doesn't solely carry for work purposes but because it was one of the first things she brought back from a field trip after Hogwarts and was allowed to keep.
Selene: A bunch of letters she and Ethel (@the-al-chemist) wrote to each other during summer break, dreaming up their future in the wildest of colours. She always takes them out when she is home and needs something to distract her from the gloomy atmosphere. A tiny glass phial that once contained a swig of whiskey she was allowed to help brew with her grandfather. A tiny horse figurine made of smoky quartz her uncle Mortimer slipped into her pocket one day just because it reminded him of her.
Carolyn: A pressed twinflower from Gotland, it reminds her of what she considers home. The portrait Bradford (@kc-needs-coffee) painted of her and that still stuns her. The gorgeous dress Marigold (@that-scouse-wizard) designed for her and that is one of her favourites to this day.
5) What's your favourite headcanon your have for your OC?
Lizzie: Since Skye is a catastrophe at Transfiguration, Lizzie is the one to regularly dye the blue section of her hair with Colovaria. It's the most girly their friendship will ever get.
Ava: Wherever she goes in the world, as soon as she sees anything picturing a dragon she has to think of Charlie immediately and smile before she catches herself and she hates herself a little bit for it.
Selene: She is top of her year in Defense Against the Dark Arts and you'd better not challenge her to a duel. It might hurt.
Carolyn: Whenever she visits her grandmother in Sweden, she is like a completely different person. Something about Gotland makes her happy and carefree and - she shudders to think about it - even soft.
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bakurik · 4 years
A little drabble of my Oc, Oscar and Fethry...
This isn’t very good but i’ve been thinking about them a lot so if wanna give it a read then I hope you enjoy! 
Fethry glanced down at his feet, the tips of the webbing hitting the cool ocean as he sat on the sand. It was a nice date, nothing too strange, no bizarre antics, just a simple dinner and a walk down the cape of Duckburg. 
"You know, " he began, catching a small glance at his partner as the larger bird settled beside him, "looking at the water is so different then being under it. The water looks so much clearer when the sunlight hits it." How long has he been in that lab? Four...five years? Time really stopped when all your clocks died and your team of krill didn't know how to count past 7, he really did need to restart that lesson-
"I kinda like it better. I know uncle Scrooge is annoyed with me, ‘lot of people get annoyed of me, but you're one of the few that doesn't. If I was less optimistic I'd be scared you'd leave me!" *he sounded too happy but Oscar could see his expression. Eyes down, brows saddened with the tail of his hat slightly swaying in the breeze, "But I also feel like you care about me...I just hope I'm right, ya know? It's nice to be right for once.."
For a duck known to have the most cheerful personality in all of the McDuck family, Oscar has learned that he had one of the biggest secrets. He was sad. He hid so much away from the rest of his family and only ever seems to open up once you sit with him long enough and let him speak. And since it seemed nobody was willing to listen he kept it bottled up all these years. “...” He had opened his beak, a few things came to mind to say. Yet he stayed quiet, only moving his hand just enough to lightly lay across the smaller one as he looked back out into the sea. He had to admit, Fethry was right about the ocean. It was full of such amazing life and color.
With a new idea in mind, the larger duck moved his hand away and got back up from the sand. Fethry was shocked for a moment, taking the action as a sign to get up as well but only stopping as his lover shook his head and instead gestured to the camera he had dangling from his neck. 
“Stay there. I want to get a few nice shots of you and the bay.” 
With that, Fethry seemed to switch from the melancholy emotion to one of pure glee. When he and Oscar met it was after the Mooninvasion, every newspaper and amature fame seeker had gone to great trouble to try and catch the McDuck family and speak with them but only a few were granted the rights. Scrooge had reasons to worry after all. Yet when the two siblings came around, speaking from a small blog that only wanted a few snapped photos and maybe an interview he let them do so. Nobody ever thought the photographer and the dimwit would hit it off so well. 
Yet here they were. 3 weeks of simple talking, a few outside dates, and even one romantic picnic that the Duck had been able to have in the backyard of the manor. No outsider had ever been this close to such a family, and yet Oscar was there. “Why don’t you sit with your back to the water, If I can get the angle just right with the sunset..”
Moving back a good foot he dropped to his knees, watching as Fethry did as he was asked and even crossed his legs and fiddled with his cap enough to blend in with the already orange sky. Even draped in the shadow of the coming night he looked perfect. With a few more moments of fidgeting he pulled up the camera and looked through the lens, the sight of the Duck’s smile mixed with the light and position was so....breathtaking. Well to him at least. 
“That’s perfect, Feth..” There was a soft click from the camera as it shuttered and loaded up on the digital end. Once it was ready he let the smaller man climb up beside him as he showed off the latest image. “Orange-ish purple really suits you.” He said, seeing the gleam of joy in his boyfriends eyes as he looked from the photo to the sea.
“I never thought i’d look so nice!”
“Well believe it, I can do a lot of stuff but photoshop is still a work in progress.” And with that he leaned down, finally meeting beak to beak for a small kiss as he handed the camera over to Fethry to browse through, he seemed to enjoy taking pictures as well and he had plenty of space. Yet when his phone began to buzz he stood back up and waved for the man to continue to click away as he made his way far from the sand he wasn’t heard. 
He already knew who was on the other line… “Progress.” It was a statement, never a question from the Buzzards. “Well. He has already opened up to me about another vault, said he remembers it from his childhood.”   
“Good, what is inside? Did he say?”
“An old McDuck charm, he said his Uncle kept it for protection. Give me another week and i’ll be right inside the manor. I’ll get photos for Ganda to look into, once she maps the place we’ll be able to enter-” “Phase 2, don’t act like you’re a genius.” Damn Bradford, “Cut the date short, your sister needs assistance with another client. F.O.W.L. thanks for you for your services, your money will be sent over once we get the pictures. Bradford out.”
Closing the class, Oscar glanced back down at the water, seeing that Fethry had found a small tidepool and was happily documenting the small crabs that laid inside with a few quick snaps while he was away. What would happen when he found out? When he learned he was being used, lied to? Would he be angry? Upset? He couldn’t image those feelings coming from the duck...so he pushed those ideas aside. Instead he smiled, waved back to the man and called him over. He’d drop him back off at the manor with that small spy camera hidden on his cap and they’d meet again in a week. He’d say I love you, share a quick kiss at the gate and hope that when this was over...that Fethry would be safe, even if he hated his guts.   
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Marvel OCs
Ultimate Spidergirl Summary of Season 1:  Its been more then 5 years since the team disbanded. A new one is forming, but so are foes. New member, Spider Girl will soon realise though- that life, is now no longer a game, and once she loses this game, she loses for real.... Quotev Link
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Name: Spider Girl/Madeline ‘Maddie’ Evans.  Mentor: Spiderman.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Circe/Kylie Ross.  Mentor: None.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Black Hood/Amber Johnson. Mentor: Hawkeye.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Avatar/Kiko Amori.  Mentor: Iron Fist. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Mindbender/Brandon Miles.  Mentor: None.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Wire/Clark Robyn. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Across The Galaxy: Summary of Series: TBA. 
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Name: Stargirl/Celeste. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Blackwings/Angelica.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Bright Crystal/VePatt.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Dark One/Iusdejne.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Astra/Selina Miller. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Young Avengers: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Mentor: Thor. Love Interest: Red Falcon/Dorothy ‘Dot’ Wilson.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Trickster/Lupe Dalton-Lokison.  Mentor: Thor.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Artemis/Nicola Patterson. Mentor: Hawkeye. Love Interest: Gamma Girl/Reene Jones.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lazarus/Casimir.  Mentor: Loki (formerly). Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Miss America/Peggy Rogers.  Mentor: Captain America (cloned from). Love Interest: Thomas Stark. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Iron Girl/Zoe Stark. Mentor: Iron Man. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Thomas Stark. Mentor: Jarvis. Love Interest: Miss America/Peggy Rogers.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Red Falcon/Dorothy ‘Dot’ Wilson. Mentor: Falcon.  Love Interest: Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Red Wing/Jake Wilson. Mentor: Falcon. Love Interest: Spider Girl/April Parker. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma Girl/Reene Jones. Mentor: Red Hulk, Agents of SMASH. Love Interest: Artemis/Nicola Patterson.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Slash/Lila Jones. Mentor: Scaar, Agents of SMASH.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Sparks/Destiny Jones. Mentor: She Hulk, Agents of SMASH. Love Interest: Bane/Ben Banner. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Bane/Ben Banner. Mentor: Hulk (cloned from). Love Interest: Sparks/Destiny Jones. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Spidergirl/April Parker.  Mentor: Spiderman, Nick Fury. Love Interest: Red Wing/Jake Wilson. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Shadow Spider/Petal Parker.  Mentor: Spiderman (cloned from), Nick Fury. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Agent Shadow/Mark Roberts. Mentor: Black Widow. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Ant Girl/Kasey Andrews. Mentor: Ant Man. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Pyro/Pandora Storm. Mentor: Fantastic Four. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Star Girl/Victorie Lockson.  Mentor: Guardians of The Galaxy.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lone Wolf/Leah Cortex. Mentor: Wolverine. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Miss Doom/Dawn Page. Mentor: Doctor Doom. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Calamity/Robert Holland. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Apollo/Lewis Patterson. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Cybergirl/Snow McLean. Mentor: Red Skull. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Black Hood/Mickey Glass. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma/Oliver Randy. Mentor: The Leader. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Evolution X: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Marvel Boy/Kaiden Sanders. Abilities: Telekinis and Telepathy.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Miss Disappear/Skylar Sanders.  Abilities: Turning invisible.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Plant Boy/Nico Sutton. Abilities: Creating and controlling plant life.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Hydro Girl/Piper McKay. Abilities: Manipulation over liquids.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Sparks/Mia Viola.  Abilities: Turning anything into kinetic energy.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Nightshade/Axel Tompkins.  Abilities: Manipulation over darkness and shadows.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Untitled Story: Summary: TBA. 
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*Pandora Nigel- twin of Freddy- main twin of story. *Freddy Nigel- twin of Pandora- appears later.  *Annabelle Nigel- the twins mother.  *Bonnie Watanabe- older sister of Sadie.  *Sadie Watanabe- younger sister of Bonie- best friend of Pandora.  *Orion Howard- mutant boy.  *Silas Norwood- boy who studies magic. 
Dark Marvel Universe: 
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Name: Soundwave/Dexter Lowell.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Magnetic Girl/Dakota Coldwell. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: X-Girl/Bianca Hearst. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Metal X/Alistair Kline. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Ghost Girl/Piper Redcliffe.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Animal Controller/Zayn Harding.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Iron Maiden/Blair Hawthorne. Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: LaJos.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Artemis/Quinn Windsor.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Charmcaster/Celeste Morgan. Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma X/Eason Sullivan.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Deadnite/Grey Bradford.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Spidergirl/Harper Maury.  Story: Spiderman: Twisted Responability.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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stargazerdaisy · 4 years
Relationship: Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen
Characters: Tim Bradford, Lucy Chen, Riley Bradford (OC)
Tags: chenford week, cw 2020, Day 3, Off Duty, Future Fic, Parenting woes, Tim has the feistiest daughter ever, she might be the only person to out-stubborn him, Lucy is wise and knows when to fight and when to fold, Tim is still learning
Four year olds are stubborn creatures by nature. And the daughter of Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen is no exception. In fact, she proves the point more so than most kids. And when her dad insists she eat something she really hates, she’s not going to take it lying down.
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kaylahmariehall · 5 years
Forged in the Fire, Lost to the Flame
(A Chronicles of Narnia fic)
This is my first non Riverdale fic, so I’m not posting on my RiverdalePoet blog, but this one instead.
I recently reread and rewatched The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and I had some questions and concerns.  What of the life the Pevensies left behind?  Why, if they spent the majority of their life in Narnia, was it discarded and brushed off so easily? The people and the things that were left dangling in their absence really gnawed at me, so I did the only thing I knew to do...I wrote about it.
This is a fic about what Edmund left behind.  I hope you enjoy!!
(Aside from the OCs, I own nothing)
              He knew.  When he fell to the oak floors from a life long forgotten, he knew.  Spare Oom, The Wardrobe.  It wasn’t a dream; they were back.  Narnia, their people, Cair Paravel, and she were all a world away. Edmund heard the Professor approaching and addressing them, but his hands went immediately to this pockets.  Lucy placed a hand on his shoulder and he jumped.  One look at her cherub face was almost as if he was seeing a ghost. “It’s gone, isn’t it?”
               Peter and Susan turned their attention to their brother.  “Oh, Ed…” Susan whispered.
               “What were you all doing in the Wardrobe?” Professor Kirke asked.  Edmund could barely hear Peter’s reply through the ringing in his ears.  If he hadn’t been so nervous, he would’ve never insisted on hunting down that White Stag.
               “Edmund,” Peter nudged him.  “He’s gone.  We can figure out how to get back.” The eldest, a good foot shorter than he was just a few moments ago, scrambled to his feet. “There has to be a way.  They need us.  She needs you, Ed.”
               Edmund’s stomach dropped and his mind went straight to her face.  “Peter, stop,” he muttered rushing to stop his brother from busting the back of the wardrobe.  “You heard him.  It’s no use. It’s over, it’s all over.”
               From the other side of the room, Lucy clutched her hand to her mouth and Edmund made sure to avoid her sad gaze as he hastened from the room.  “This is all my fault.” The youngest Pevensie’s mind was whirling.  She knew that Edmund wanted this day to be perfect. She never should’ve let the familiarity of the Lamp Post distract her.
               Susan had followed Edmund, but Peter remained. His steady arm slung across her shoulders and drew her into his side as she began to cry.  “No, Lu, it isn’t.”
               “Ed… Edmund! Talk to me!” Susan chased her brother down the hall.  Each fuzzy memory of this place she thought she dreamt was coming back to her making her sway on her feet, but she pushed through anxious to get to Edmund.  
               Each glance at his hands, that were two times bigger a mere five minutes before, was surreal.  His gait was clumsy, having long outgrown the gangly limbs he found himself with once again, but he couldn’t stay in that room.  The child faces of his brother and sisters, the ghosts of who they no longer were yet became again, made him ill.  There was no denying the obvious truth.  There was no use.  Iris- the girl who stumbled into Narnia from their birth land in his fifth year as the Just King, the girl he protected and grew to love, the girl he planned to propose to that very night was an entire world and lifetime away. Edmund was devastated.
               He collapsed onto the bed clutching a pillow tightly over his head.  The slight dip of the mattress and the subtle pressure of his sister’s hand on his shoulder meant that she had found him.  “I’m so sorry, Edmund.”
               Although he did crave a moment alone, he was glad Susan had followed him.  If Lucy or Peter were at his bedside, they would fill his head with false hope of finding some way back home. He didn’t need valiant bravery and unwavering blind faith in happy endings.  What he needed was Susan and her gentle truth.  She would let him grieve with dignity- acknowledging the immensity of what he had lost.
               “What will become of her?” he muttered, not able to even speak her name.
               “Narnia will care for her.  Mr. Tumnus, the Beavers….Aslan.  She’ll be named Queen no doubt.  Our people love Iris, because you did.”
               “Aslan… He brought her to us.  How could He let this happen, Su?” Susan sighed, tugging at a loose thread in the duvet and choking back the sudden onset of her own homesickness.
               “He must know what He’s doing.” Edmund rolled to his side to look out the window at the vast dreariness that was this world. He longed for his kingdom and the beauty that lay beyond Cair Paravel’s walls, just outside his office window. But in truth, he would give anything for Iris to be here with him now.  He never should’ve left her sleeping in her chambers. Now, a world and a lifetime separating them, he worried about her just as much as he missed her.
               Iris Bradford, formerly of Brighton, England and currently ruling over a land she stumbled into at the mere age of twelve in the absence of her Kings and Queens.  King Peter, Queen Susan, and Queen Lucy became her family. They welcomed her into their kingdom, keeping her safe and showing her the beauty Narnia had to share. King Edmund always kept a careful eye out for any sign that she was homesick as she adjusted to life away from England was the man she grew to love.  Losing them made breathing even breathing painful and leading an entire world despite her grief nearly impossible.
               General Orieus, King Peter’s right hand man, took on as much of the load as he could after the disappearance to keep Iris from falling apart, but the Narnians looked to her, a daughter of Eve and the beloved of their Just King, to become their ruler.  Months after the search parties halted their efforts, Iris still roamed the woods where the four siblings were last spotted, desperate for any sign of them.
               Mrs. Beaver begged her not to wander beyond the grounds alone, but Iris couldn’t justify giving up on the very Kings and Queens that would never give up the search for her if she were the one to be missing.  She also couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing them again, and the woods made her feel somehow closer to them.  She had to keep hoping they would return, so she did.  
               Ninety four days without Edmund holding her had her feeling heavy and she found herself bound to her bed.  The beautiful crooked smile she loved so much haunted her and she shut her eyes tightly to fight off the ache of longing that followed. When she couldn’t take it any longer, Iris snuck through the palace halls to the stables.  Saffron, the keeper of the horses, gave her a knowing look as she reached for her saddle.
“Your Majesty,” he greeted, bowing slightly.  Iris cringed, her mind going instantly to the coronation only two weeks away that would officially make her Queen, a title that she couldn’t bear accepting without Edmund at her side.
She cleared her throat before forcing a small smile on her face.  “I’ll only be a few hours today, Saff, I swear.”
Saffron took the saddle from her trembling hands and settled it on Edmund’s horse.  “Take as long as you need.  Right, Phillip?”
The horse nudged her in response and she lifted her hand to his mane. “Just as long as I get to go as slow as I need.  To the woods, again?”
Iris averted her eyes knowing how close Phillip and Edmund were and how devastated he was to return to Cair Paravel that dreadful day without him. “If that’s okay? I don’t mind walking some of the way.”
“Absolutely not! If I let you do that, I’d never hear the end of it.  King Edmund would…” he trailed off, noticing the gasp that Iris gave at the mention of that name. “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
Iris took a moment to regain her composure, smoothing her hands against the silk of her dress before hoisting herself onto the saddle.  “Don’t fret, dear Phillip.  Just get me out of here.”  Iris loved to ride through her kingdom. Horseback riding was the first thing Edmund taught her to do, and once she got the hang of it, there was no stopping her.
Phillip led her through the woods, and with his permission, she ventured further than she had dared in previous excursions.  Her dark hair had tangled from their ride and she pulled her cloak up to cover her head.  They came upon a patch of trees with one that was shorter and appeared to be made of metal. She dismounted and went up to put her hand to the trunk. Her eyes trailed up to the peculiar fire at the top.
“This isn’t a tree…” she whispered.  Her mind was racing with the stories that Lucy had told her of how they came to Narnia all those years ago.
She rushed around to face Phillip, her eyes blazing with the new discovery. “This is a lamppost.  This is THE lamppost from Spare Oom, don’t you remember?” She circled the lamppost and ran through the woods that surrounded it. “We have to be close! This is it!”
She ran until she was breathless, finding no further sign of the Kings and Queens she so desperately wanted to find.  Phillip finally caught up to her and she fell to her knees.  “Queen Iris, please!” he wheezed out.
Her breath hitched and her hands clutched at the ground beneath her, but her fingers circled around something firmer than the soil.  She lifted it up to find that it was a gold band, polished perfectly.  Engraved in careful script on the inside of the ring was, “With all my heart- Edmund”.
There, in the woods, with Phillip beside her and all the hope she was holding onto vanishing, she broke down. Her friends, her family, the love of her life were truly gone, and she would do anything to get them back.
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sherlockxreader · 6 years
A Time Of Change - Chapter Eleven - The Man With The Umbrella
Title: A Time Of Change Chapter Eleven: The Man With The Umbrella Summary: Ava Bradford is a former Behavioral Analyst of the Miami Police Department. After the events of the past force her to journey to England and take up a job away from the family she had created, she tries to start anew. At Scotland Yard, she struggles to keep to herself and her life under control, as her nightmares from her past come to haunt her once again. Author: Alexa @alex-awesome1023 Words: 3240 Characters/Relationships: OC x Sherlock Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Past Physical Abuse, Nightmares Author’s Notes: Ho ho ho ho... Wow four chapters in one day is just crazy
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All you could hear was the ringing of your ears and the fiery pain coming from your upper arm. You let it a grown as you felt your adrenaline lessen and the pain rush in. Holding your arm you slowly get up and walk over to Jeff who was whining and squirming from the painful gunshot to his right shoulder.
Sherlock rushed over to the window seeing the bullet trail lead to the other building across the courtyard. You knew it was John… It was a good shot. You stood over Jeff's body watching him squirm with pain and discomfort making a grin appear on your face.
“Who is your sponsor?” You said sternly glaring down at his body, you watched as he shook his head at you which made you clench your teeth. “You're dying but there's still time to hurt you.” You said a you lifted your foot above his wound and applying slight pressure. “Tell me!” You didn't register Sherlock’s gaze as your vision became closed with determined rage.
“Who told you about me?! You shouted
“A name!” Sherlock interjected as you put pressure into Jeff's wound. His agonizing scream filled the classroom.
“Moriarty!” You removed your foot and the whole room was silent once more. You met Sherlock's gaze and he was as confused as you were. What kind of name is Moriarty?
The question rattled in your mind, never dulling as you sat on the back steps of one of the ambulance with a paramedic tending to your arm. Good thing was that it was just grazed from the bullet; nothing a few painkillers and gauze couldn't fix. Across the way, you see Sherlock similarly sitting on the back of another ambulance and you watch as a paramedic puts an orange blanket around his shoulders as Lestrade walks over to him. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him waving it around in Lestrade’s face. They're talking about the shooter I bet.
As the paramedic finishes tending to you, they placed another blanket on your shoulders and you instantly felt warmer, bringing the edges closer to your chest to tighten the cocoon. You thanked them and stood, noticing Lestrade was gesturing you to come over. Reluctantly you obeyed making your way over. You started nibbling your lip as soon as you got within hearing distance.
“Ok, before you fire me let me just say this. After you sent me home, I deduced that it was the same cab driver that had drove me home earlier this morning. And then I figured it was him and he had the phone so I tracked it with the tablet.”
“Detective Brad-” Lestrade said but you were too immersed in your own guilty words.
“I'll take the responsibility for any reckless endangerment. I worried because I figured out that he was after Sherlock so I took action. I know it was dangerous but-”
“Ava!” Lestrade said raising his voice a bit to get your attention. The sudden outburst made you flinch but not enough for him to see, but of course Sherlock noticed. The middle of his eyebrows creased in concern. “I'm not firing you. You did what you were trained to do and both you and Sherlock caught us a serial killer.”
“Well, more or less.” Sherlock said bluntly to Lestrade.
“So you're not firing me?” You asked looking to Lestrade with hope.
“No, I’m not. If anything you helped Sherlock catch him. You were the one who found him.” Lestrade said confidently looking between the two of you, making you look to Sherlock for a moment watching as he mumbled out a yes and cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact. “But next time call it in first.” Lestrade said jokingly making you smile. “Now, since we have nothing on the shooter, I'll need to pull you both in tomorrow to take statements.”
“Yes sir.” You said quickly nodding your head, as you did you noticed John standing some distance away behind the police tape, looking as if immensely interested in the architecture of the school. The sight made a smile appear on your face. Sherlock seemed to noticed him as well and without a word he walked over.
“Hey, wait up!” You jogged to his side, waving to Greg over your shoulder kindly. “Have a good night.” As John notices you both approach, he scuffs the toe of his shoe on the concrete and Sherlock, taking his time in crossing the street, takes the opportunity to speak to you privately, albeit briefly.
“Thank you, for um, what you did.” Sherlock said lowly making sure those words were only for you. Turning your head to him politely, you watched as he threw his shock blanket through the window of a nearby police car, his eyes darting to look everywhere after except to meet your own. You smile at his obvious nerves. You could tell he didn't do ‘Thank yous’ well.
“No problem, you're worth keeping around.” Your cheeky smile brought his gaze to your face and you could see the surprise, amazement and genuine relief upon his own.
“Um, Sergeant Donovan's just been explaining everything to me, about the two pills. Been a dreadful business, hasn't it? Just dreadful.” John mutter nervously looking around. Sherlock looks to you for a moment, confirming his suspicions.
“It's a shame about the shooter.” You said giving him a small, knowing smile, shrugging towards the building.
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“Ava, I'm so sorry that I-” John started muttering an apology but you cut him off by look him in the eye.
“No, I told you not to miss and you didn't. End of story.” You said quietly putting your hand on his shoulder to reassure him that it wasn't his fault, and really, it wasn't. You were the one who jumped in front of the bullet.
“But good shot nonetheless.” Sherlock said quietly to John making him shuffle once again in his shoes trying, and utterly failing, to look innocent.
“Yes. Yes, must have been, through that window.”
“Well, you'd know.” John looked up to him, still unsuccessfully trying not to let his expression give him away. “But you’re getting rusty.” Sherlock added gesturing over to you making you glare at him. You knew John felt horrible and you didn't want him feeling any worse.
“Anyways, you need to get the powder burns out of your fingers. I don't think you'd serve time for this, but let's avoid the court case.” Sherlock finished noticing the glare you sent his way making him think twice about what he was going to say. You notice John clear his throat and look around nervously.
“Are you alright?” You asked as you squeezed his shoulder making him look to you.
“Yes, of course I'm alright.” John says with a smile trying to his his nerves.
“You’ve just killed a man.” Sherlock says looking intently to John.
“Yes, I…” John trails off making Sherlock look at him closely. “That's true, innit?” Making you grin, Sherlock continues to watch carefully. “But he wasn't a very nice man.” You watched as John’s expression change and his body language relax you knew he was okay in a sense and you dropped your hand back inside your blanket. You look to Sherlock who noticed the same and continued, nodding in agreement.
“No. No, he wasn't really, was he?”
“And frankly a bloody awful cabbie.” John adds making the three of you burst into quiet chuckles as you start to walk away. You couldn't believe these two grown men. Laughing at a crime scene.
“That's true. He was a bad cabbie. Should have seen the route he took us to get here.” Sherlock continued making you and John burst into giggles and Sherlock smile.
“Sherlock! Quit it, we can't giggle, it's a crime scene! Stop it!” You whisper shouted over your shoulder trying to shush the laughter coming from the two men behind you. But you couldn't help the laughter coming from your lips. You couldn't believe these two.
“He's the one who shot him. Don't blame me.” Sherlock sassed back to you making you turn and face a face at him.
“Keep your voices down!” John looked around and found that Donovan was walking past the three with a distasteful look. “Sorry - its just, um, nerves, I think.” John said towards Donovan as she passed. Hearing Sherlock mutter a ‘sorry’ in her direction as well.
“You were gonna take that damned pill, weren't you?” John asked spinning around and looking puzzled to Sherlock. As he did, Sherlock shot a look your way, knowing what you heard and saw…
“Course I wasn't, I was biding time. Knew you two would jump in at some point. I needed Ava to figure out the end game beforehand so I bought her time, well she did but not long after you fired your shot, hence her arm.”
“No you didn't. This is how you get your kicks, isn't it? You risk your life to prove you’re clever.” John says looking at him with disbelief and amusement.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you're an idiot.” You spoke up answering his question simply making John chuckle and agree with you.
“Exactly.” John agreed with a satisfied grin on his face.
At that moment you saw Sherlock's eyes soften and his lips form into a beautiful smile, one that you could tell doesn't come often. It was a look of contentment and delight. He had finally found people who understand him and, more to the point, didn't care about his eccentric behavior. But he only showed it long enough for you to witness before forcing his smile down.
“Dinner?” Sherlock asked looking to both of you.
“Starving.” John simply replied. You on the other hand watched as the to men walked ahead of you. You watched the back their heads and couldn't help but feel a crack in your mask. You had never met any men like these two and strangely, it was comforting and refreshing. As you were getting lost in your inner thoughts, John’s voice brought you back.
“Ava, are you coming or are you gonna stand there and shiver?” John yelled turning to you making your train of thought come to a stop. Quickly you sped up to catch up with them. 
“Yeah, sorry. Where are we going?” You asked as the three of you continue to walk. Unconsciously you snuggled closer to your shock blanket. Was I meant to return this? Oh well.
“At the end of Baker Street, there's a good Chinese place that stays open ‘til two. You can always tell a good Chinese place by examining the bottom third of the door handle.” Sherlock starts to explain as you walk. Looking down the road you see a car pull up and a tall man with an umbrella and a very pretty woman exit. Apparently John noticed them as well.
“Sherlock. That’s him. That’s he man I was talking to you about.” John says quickly not braking his gaze on the duo. As Sherlock’s eyes lock on the man, his expression and body language change.
“I know exactly who that is.” Sherlock says before walking over to the man with an angry look. John looked around searching out where the police were in case they needed to be summoned.
“So, another case cracked. How very public spirited… Though that's never really your motivation, is it?” The man says pleasantly to Sherlock who returns it distastefully.
“What are you doing here?” Sherlock asks angrily.
“As ever, I'm concerned about you.”
“Yes, I've been hearing about your ‘concern'.” Sherlock replied gesturing slightly to John who was avoiding the man's eyes. At this moment you too the opportunity to ‘look' at the mystery man.
Telling by the suit, he had money and the way he held himself with such high regard means that he has power but he's humble about it, but still wants to subtly show others his success. Tiny ink stains on his fingertips and jacket; he's a busy man, probably government official of some sort going by the car and assistant. You tilted your head as you started picturing a brotherly figure. Telling by his shoulder and body language he’s an older sibling, probably seven or eight years apart. John said that he was interested in Sherlock and his whereabouts… Looking down to the man's umbrella you notice an engraving ‘To my brother, Mycroft’. You smiled to yourself as you read it, looking up to Sherlock who still held a distasteful look for the man. You looked between the two of them for a long moment. Sherlock and the man had noticed your movement and turned to you. John had seen the change as well and looked to you as you were spaced out in your deductions.
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“Ava?” John's voice went unheard as you continued to gaze at the two men.
Looking back and forth between the men you start to make the connections. The structure of their faces are a bit off but uncanny. The heights are right and the mannerisms are on par. Finally you looked hard to their eyes and made the final conclusion. 
“You both have your mother’s eyes. But Mycroft, you have her smile.” You said aloud making the man, Mycroft, freeze in shock for a split second. Sherlock on the other hand, grinned at the fact that you had figured out that he was if fact his brother so quickly, exactly 7.4 seconds. Mycroft tightened his grip on his umbrella but other than that, he seemed as composed as ever.
“And you must be Ava Bradford. Sherlock’s new colleague?” Mycroft started to ask in a annoyed manner, his voice making you snap out of your thoughts and look quizzically to the men.
“Oh! I’m sorry, did I say that out loud? I didn’t mean to, I swear.” You asked worriedly to John who had disbelief written all over his face and Sherlock was in complete awe.
“No, no, wait. Who’s mother? Ava, are you saying that they're brothers?” John spoke up trying to figure out what was happening.
“She's not wrong.” Sherlock said looking to Mycroft with a raised brow.
“She’s good, almost better than you. She might even be faster.” Mycroft said with a challenging look on his face to Sherlock who rolled his eyes at the comment.
“Oh I wouldn't say that at all, I’m just… He’s more precise and to the point with his deductions. I’m mostly… wrong.” You spoke up looking between them then down to your shoes realising the words as they left your mouth. Unconsciously you spun the ring that was on your right ring finger. And once again Sherlock notices your thoughts change.
“He’s your brother!?” John sputtered with disbelief, thankfully pulling you out of the spot light for a moment.
“Of course he my brother.” Sherlock says rolling his eyes, annoyed of how obvious it was.
“So he’s not…”
“Not what?” Sherlock asks as both him and his brother turn to John who shrugged out of embarrassment.
“I dunno - a criminal mastermind?” You could see him grimace at even having suggested it. Sherlock looks to Mycroft disparagingly. All you could do was laugh at how childish their brotherly bond was.
“Close enough.” Sherlock replies looking to Mycroft who rolls his eye and sighs. Even their eye roll is the same! As the thought came, you couldn't help but cover your mouth to try to muffle the laughter trying to escape.
“For goodness sake. I occupy a minor position in the British government. Nothing more.” Mycroft says with a sigh looking to John.
“Oh please, you practically ooze ‘British government’. By the car, video surveillance, your tailored suit and freshly polished shoes.” You said looking him up and down to emphasize his authority. Mycroft was taken back by your knowledge, not confirming his use of video surveillance.
“Did John tell you about the cameras?” Mycroft asked with raised brows. Looking to John with distaste.
“Lucky guess.” You said coldly making your point clear. Mycroft stayed silent, failing to look unmoved by your skills. You could practically see his skin crawl. “I’m not a fan of people who use power to intimidate others, especially my friends. Now, it was very nice meeting you Microsoft, but I haven't slept in forty-seven hours and all I've eaten in that time is coffee and sugar cookies so good day!” You stated with an innocent smile but your eyes held only a cold stare. You spun on your heels, the orange blanket flaring out spectacularly and, with your nose in the air and a Cheshire Cat grin on your face, you began to make way, yet you turned back briefly at hearing the eruption of laughter come from Sherlock and John.
“Good evening, Mycroft. Try not to start a war before I get home. You know what it does for the traffic.” Sherlock bids him goodbye, walking away to catch up to you. John starts to follow him but then turns back to Mycroft, who has turned to watch his brother.
“So, when- when you say you’re concerned about him, you actually are concerned?” John asked making Mycroft turn his attention to him.
“Yes, of course.”
“I mean, it actually is a childish feud?” Mycroft turned back to watch his brother.
“He’s always been so resentful. You can imagine the Christmas dinners.”
“Yeah… no. God, no.” John shaking his head to rid himself of the image he had created, before half-turning to follow the both of you. “I-I’d better, um…” John said to Mycroft but before he could he eyes the woman from earlier,  ‘Anthea’, who has been standing nearby throughout the conversation with her eyes fixed on her BlackBerry. “Hello again.”
“Hello.” She looks up and smiles brightly.
“Yes, we- we met earlier on this evening.” John explains but she only stares at him as if she's never seen him before.
“Oh!” She says pretending to remember him making John give up hope on her.
“Okay, good night.” John quickly bidding her and Mycroft a somewhat exhausted ‘goodnight’ before catching you to you and Sherlock. “So, dim sum.”
“Mmm! I can always predict the fortune cookies.” Sherlock says confidentially, side glancing John.
“No you can't.” John says straightly without having to look up at him.
“Almost can. You did get shot, though.”
“In Afghanistan. He’s talking about your shoulder, John.” You spoke up, leaning forward to look past Sherlock to John innocently. Sherlock wasn’t even surprised
“Oh, yeah. But how did you…”
“When I had squeezed your shoulder back in flat when I thought you needed a seat. You didn't notice but your shoulder tensed by the pressure. I thought it was just because you were nervous but when I did it a moment ago to the opposite one, there was no tensing.” You explain simply without taking a breath.
“So you can tell that my shoulder was shot but Mycroft’s cameras? That was a guess?” John stops in the middle of the pathway, looking at you in puzzlement. Sherlock had also stopped to see what you'd say.
“Oh but John, I never guess.” You said spinning on your heels to look at the boys. “Now, come on. I don't know the way back home and I'm starving.” You turned your attention back to the road leaving the boys to catch up, all the while your smile hid the worrying topic racing through your head. Who is Moriarty?
As Mycroft watches the three of you walk away down the street, ‘Anthea’ turns to him.
“Sir, shall we go?” ‘Anthea’ gestures towards the car.
“Interesting aren’t they? That soldier fellow and the detective woman.” ‘Anthea’ looks briefly at the departing trio, then turns her attention back to her BlackBerry. “They could be the making of my brother – or make him worse than ever. Either way, we’d better upgrade their surveillance status. Grade Three Active.” ‘Anthea’ looks up from her phone.
“Sorry, sir. Whose status?” She asks looking between him and the street. “Sherlock Holmes, Doctor John Watson and Detective Ava Bradford.”
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heyyyalexa · 6 years
Title: A Time Of Change
Chapter Ten : The Name
Summary: Ava Bradford is a former Behavioral Analyst of the Miami Police Department. After the events of the past force her to journey to England and take up a job away from the family she had created, she tries to start anew. At Scotland Yard, she struggles to keep to herself and her life under control, as her nightmares from her past come to haunt her once again.
Author: Alexa @alex-awesome1023​
Words: 2,400
Characters/Relationships: OC x Sherlock
Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Past Physical Abuse, Nightmares
Author’s Notes: Lets go boi!!!!!!... sorry i’ll stop.
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All you could hear was your sneakers clapping against the stairs of the college. You had already been through the downstairs rooms nearly running over the maintenance worker who was cleaning. After explaining you just had to cram for exams you asked her where you could study. “Yeah, there’s a study hall classroom upstairs on the third floor. But there might be students there already though.” She said with a raised brow looking at you like you were crazy.
“Did you see them?”
“I just saw a guy in a long coat, he was real tall-” You cut her off, nearly running out of the room shouting behind.
“You said third floor?” You asked over your shoulder as you exited into the corridor looking up to the stairs. Hearing a faint ‘yes’, you quickly bounded up the stairs as quickly as your legs would go.
When you reached the third floor, you saw the light shining from under on the far left doors, hearing voices conversing back and forth just barely. You make your way closer to the doors with as much stealth as you could muster,Taking your gun from your holster as you did. Finally getting to the entrance, you leaned your back against the wall, readying your gun with a faint click but you stop your hand reaching for the doorknob as you realize Sherlock was talking.
“Oh, I am playing. This is my turn. There’s shaving foam behind your left ear. Nobody’s pointed it out to you.” You heard him say. You grinned at the fact that he was naming off the deductions that you had picked up just this morning.
“Ahh. Three years ago - is that when they told you?” You heard Sherlock speak again. He deduced it.
“Told me what?”
“That you're a dead man walking.” You grinned to yourself as you hear the words leave his mouth. You heard Jeff Stewart to explain an aneurysm as you readied to open the door until you heard Jeff speak your name.
“Any breath could be my last but I'm impressed, your lady friend Ms. Bradford already deduced that part.”
“Oh?” Sherlock's interest perked a bit.
“Yea, I have to admit, I was surprised at first when she asked the questions but after a little deducing myself I could see how naive she is in her young mind.” You heard him say making your group on your gun ever so tighter.
“Why do you say that?” Sherlock asks as he could help but be intrigued.
“I dropped her off and she started muttering this nonsense about talking to my kids about my being sick and something about not letting precious time with my family go to waste.”
“Was she wrong?” Sherlock asked
“No. But this is how I'm spending my time.” You heard Jeff say making you furrow your brow. He’s not killing people because he's sick. He's killing for another reason, something stronger than bitterness.
“So because you're dying you've just murdered four people?”
“I've outlived four people. That's the most fun you could have on an aneurysm.” He keeps anchoring the conversation with his kids. It has to be about them somehow.
“No… no, there's something else. You didn't just kill four people because you're bitter, bitterness is a paralytic…” As you heard the words leave Sherlock's lips it clicked. Hiding your gun once more you opened the door.
“Love… can be a much more vicious motivator when it comes to, well, anything really.” You said as you stood in the doorway, making the both of them turn to you with shock.
“So this is about your children.” Sherlock asks turning back to Jeff who had a hurt expression on his face making it harder for you to keep your composure. How could a man who loves his kids, make an excuse to kill four people with no remorse? Wait… the sponsor…
“You both are good aren't ya? Jeff said looking down to the desk as if trying to keep his emotions in check.
“But how?” Sherlock asked ignoring his statement. You took this opportunity to walk closer as you did you saw that there were two bottles on the table. Wait what… no he's not serious? That's when you noticed the gun.
“When I die they won't get much, my kids. Not a lot of money in driving cabs.” Jeff said still looking towards the desk.
“Or serial killings.” Sherlock said making Jeff look up to him with a grin.
“You'd be surprised. He said condescendingly. Making you speak up.
“Then surprise us. Let me guess your weird killer sponsor?” You moved to the side of him making him look up at you with another grin.
“For every life I take, more money goes to my kids. The more I kill the better of they'll be. Ya see? It's nicer than you think.”
“Who would sponsor a serial killer?” Sherlock asks in a low voice.
“Who’d be a fan of Sherlock Holmes? Or even you?” Jeff said looking to you over his shoulder with a smile making you clench your jaw. “Ya see, he really liked the little stunt you pulled in the cab. Your deducing skills. The original plan was to pick up Mr. Holmes but he wanted you here as well.”
“Who?” You asked slowly marching your hand over to your gun.
“You're not the only ones who enjoy a good murder.” Ignoring your question and looking to Sherlock. “There are others out there just like you, except you're just a man. And there's so much more than that.” Jeff said looking straight at Sherlock. Something doesn't feel right, all of the question and answers have been directed towards Sherlock. It was only a coincidence that I got into his cab and saw his deduction. He would’ve killed me if I didn't. But up until this point, it's been about Sherlock. As you were trying to get a hold on the situation you could heard the frustration and confusion in Sherlock's voice, maybe a hint of rage.
“An Organization? What?”
“There's a name no-one says. And I'm not gonna say either. Now, enough chatter.” Jeff gestured towards the bottles. “Time to choose.” Jeff said with a trophy grin. You, on the other hand, were filled with all kinds of emotion mostly confusion and integument. You looked to Sherlock asking the question with your eyes and he just looks to you and then the bottles.
“What if I don't choose either? I could just walk out of here and Detective Bradford could arrest you here.” Sherlock said looking to you for a moment then back to Jeff. As he did you watched as Jeff adjusted himself in his seat as he reached into his pocket and pulling out the pistol.
“You could take a 50-50 chance? Or I could shoot you in the head. Funny enough no one's ever gone for that option.” Jeff said point the gun to Sherlock's skull. You could help the snicker that escaped your lips. As your giggles filled the silent room the both of them look to you in shock.
“Oh I'm sorry. Don't mind me I just think… you need to work on your sales pitch a little better there Jeff.”
“Really? Because I have killed four people.”
“Is that a confession?” You asked in a taunting manner. Looking at the gun in his hand you noticed the little chip of paint coming off the gun. You grinned at how idiotic people could be.
“I mean really? I can empathise with the four people because they were blinded by fear and the fact that they were going to die. But using it on well him is just… sad.” You continued as you made your way down the aisle towards the door.
“Do you really want to take that chance Mrs. Bradford?” Jeff asked still pointing the gun at Sherlock. “Should you really be talking, going by your past at least?” You came to a sudden stop as you heard him say this. You tried to calm the thump of your heart as you exhaled and turned to meet his eye.
“Excuse me? I couldn’t quite hear you.” Your eyes challenged his own as you glared his way.
“My sponsor sent me a kind wrap sheet of yours and I'm just saying, you Americans are quiet pitiful.”
“Doesn't everyone have a wrap sheet.” You asked playfully, trying to play along.
“Sure but not like yours. You're quite the secretive one, especially when comes to your past.” Jeff said turning back to Sherlock who was intrigued but cautious.
“Really? Find anything you like?” You asked looking to your phone seeing what time it was and texting Greg to come to your location.
“Oh yeah, especially the bit about your mother.” As the words left his mouth you felt your heart stop mid-beat. Instinctively, you reached for your locket around your neck that hung low on your chest. Liar!... Sherlock saw that he had hit a nerve that struck you hard, going by your bodily reaction to reach for the necklace.
Your eyes never strayed from Jeff’s, your glare full of fire and rage and his filled with  condescending mirth. You nearly flew off the desk shooting your way over to him but were stopped by a firm arm blocking your way. You hadn't noticed Sherlock get up when you were blinded with rage. He barely registered to you as you pushed against him.
“You're lying! You know nothing about me.” You said through your teeth trying to push Sherlock away to get to Jeff's neck and face.
“Oh I'm sorry, I've said to much.” Jeff said over his shoulder and your vision turned red. Sherlock saw the rage on your face and knew it was real. He just wanted to leave. Jeff was a disappointment of a serial killer and what ever you were hiding, he knew it was something that you’re trying to keep out of the light for good. This was no way to address it. But his curiosity was getting to the best of him.
“Ava. We're leaving. This was a disappointment anyway.” Sherlock whispered down to you making you side glance up to him. As he let go of you, he continued. “Well this has been very interesting. I look forward to the court case.” Sherlock said making his easy way towards the door. Turning towards the door you heard Jeff turn in his seat.
“Just before you go, did you figure it out?” You see Sherlock stop and half look at him. “Which one's the good bottle?” You heard him say, making you look to Sherlock with a furrowed brow as he looked down to you with a bemused grin for a short moment.
“Course. Child's play.”
“Well which one then?” Sherlock opens the door but showed no signs of leaving. “Which one would you’ve picked, just so I know whether I could have beaten you?” You couldn't believe this man. Sherlock wasn't dumb enough to fall for this… was he?
Your answer was quickly answered as you heard the door close making you roll your eyes. Of fucking course he is. You watched Sherlock's expression change, completely ignoring your presence. Jeff chuckled behind you from he was still sitting and you’re blood picked up it’s rolling boil once more.
“Come on, play the game.”
“Sherlock…” Slowly, he walks back towards him. You grabbed his upper arm, ready to drag him out of the room yet when his eyes met yours, you quickly let go. The fire there was burning fiercely and knowing you couldn’t stop the flame in Sherlock’s eye at that moment, you watched his back as he approached the table; an addict looking for their next fix...
He gets the table and reaches out, sweeping up the bottle nearest to Jeff then walking past him. Jeff looks down at the other bottle with interest but his voice gives nothing away as he speaks.
“Oh. Interesting.” He picks up the other bottle as Sherlock looks down at the bottle in his own hand. Jeff opens his bottle and tips the capsule out into his hand and holds it up and looks at it closely while Sherlock examines his own.
“So what d’you think?” He asked as he looked to Sherlock. “Shall we?” At that moment you wonder where John was before Jeff spoke again. “Really, what do you think?” Standing up and facing Sherlock fully. “Can you beat me? Are you clever enough to bet your life?” As the silence filled the room you couldn't help but look past the both of them to the opposite building across the courtyard in a window of a seemingly identical classroom seeing John’s horror-filled eyes. You saw him yell but you couldn't hear.
Unaware of the discovery that you made Jeff continues, holding up his pill as looks at Sherlock.
“I bet you get bored, don't you? I know you do. A man like you…” You watch as Sherlock unscrews the lid of the bottle, “...so clever. But what's the point of being clever if you can't prove it.” You see as Jeff glances to you over his shoulder before returning his gaze to Sherlock. Wait a second…
Sherlock takes out the capsule and holds it between this thumb and finger, raising it to the light to examine it more closely. Everything about thing didn't feel right to you. This sponsor person is a psychotic fan of Sherlock. I'm just here on coincidence. This whole thing… is made up to bait Sherlock! As you made the assumption you hear the words.
“Still the addict.” You hear the words as you look to Sherlock who was practically in a trance. “But this… this is what you're really addicted to, innit? You'd do anything… anything at all,” You notice the tremble of excitement and anticipation in Sherlock's hand as the pill comes closer and closer to his lips. “To stop being bored.” Jeff matches Sherlock's slow movements with his own pill towards his mouth. Snap out of it Sherlock.
“You're not bored now, are you?” At this point the pills were inches from theirs mouths making your anxiety burst. This wasn’t about the four murders and it wasn't about the sponsor. It was about Sherlock’s weakness!
“Innit good?” You heard Jeff say as your deduction appears you shoot forward reaching for the pill. “Sherlock stop-” but before you could reach him, a gunshot rings out filling the silent classroom with a deafening thunderclap.
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brokenhardies · 4 years
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(gif by @hannahrph​)
Everyone knew that Ginny’s family were art collectors. No one knew the one thing that they had in their collection that would be dangerous for them. Ricky Bradford, wannabe cryptozoologist and true crime fanatic, did.
Following the four teenagers deaths at that house, Ricky is shocked to discover that the killer took La Dola, a mystical Aztecian ritual knife. While everyone is too focused on how this is the return of the Blissfield Butcher, Ricky really wants to discover why he wanted that knife.
It turns out it was for a sacrifice. Specifically of her best friend Millie Kessler. But the sacrifice failed, and instead she swapped bodies with the killer. Now, there’s a murderer running around the school, and Ricky has to help her friends fight back. Their clique doesn’t take any shit.
@seize-the-droid @anotherunreadblog@ocfairygodmother @randomfandoming1 @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @vivis-ghost-wife @witchofinterest
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junker-town · 4 years
Jake Luton is a little-hyped QB who can do much more with the Jaguars
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Photo by William Mancebo/Getty Images
Luton’s 28:3 TD:INT ratio makes him an intriguing prospect for any team (but maybe not the Falcons).
The Jaguars selected Jake Luton with the 189th overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft. Here’s what Christian D’Andrea had to say about the Luton ahead of the draft.
Jake Luton didn’t win many games in college. Spending a career at Idaho and Oregon State will do that.
What he did do, however, was prove to be one of college football’s steadiest and most efficient passers. His senior campaign saw him compile a stellar 28:3 touchdown-to-interception ratio in 11 games — a stunning tribute to Super Bowl 51, but also a testament to his ability to find open targets and avoid mistakes. He led the Beavers to their best record since 2014, his only season with more than five starts.
While that may have only been five wins, it included victories over bowl-bound schools like California and Arizona State. It was capped by a 53-54 loss to Washington State in what may have been the low-key most entertaining game of 2019:
That firefight served as the highlight of Luton’s career. It also, cruelly, kept him from squaring off against Justin Herbert in OSU’s annual Civil War showdown against Oregon due to a forearm injury. But despite ending his senior year on a heater, the Beaver alum has rarely come up in discussion when it comes to the 2020 NFL Draft’s class of quarterbacks.
And that could make Jake Luton one hell of a Day 3 bargain for a quarterback-needy team.
Luton will start his NFL career as a backup, but he has the potential to be more
Luton simultaneously does, and doesn’t, look like an NFL quarterback. At 6’6 he should be something crafted from John Elway’s general manager laboratory. At a somewhat-skinny 225 pounds, he can look more like a Mike Glennon impersonator than a legitimate prospect.
The player he looks like on paper and the one the Beavers got are two different things. He’s got the frame of a passer who’d likely launch the ball downfield with impunity. Instead, his college career was built on rushing through his progressions to an option near the line of scrimmage.
That was a good thing for Oregon State. Luton’s preference to fall back to short routes rather than incur risk was a helpful trait for a Beaver team that lacked the pure talent of its opponents. While players like Timmy Hernandez and Trevon Bradford outplayed expectations and former four-star wideout Isaiah Hodgins lived up to his, the Beavers largely didn’t have the athletes that allowed the towering QB to throw a ball into a contested area and trust his guys to make a play.
So Luton checked down — early and often.
That’s a shame, because Luton has the arm strength and touch to be a reliable deep-ball master. He has the power to sling an absolute dart to a streaking tight end 20 yards up the seam and the accuracy to drop a rainbow into his receiver’s hands by the sideline (23 seconds in):
Per Pro Football Focus, he completed 26 of his 51 passes of 20+ yards as a senior. His 136.2 passer rating on those throws was No. 1 among all draft-eligible quarterbacks in 2019. Surround him with NFL talent at wideout and tight end, and he’ll be able to up those attempts without completely sacrificing the efficiency that makes him such an interesting prospect.
That’s a potent counterbalance to his ball-protecting philosophy. Luton typically found his open man, even behind an offensive line that ranked 69th among FBS teams in sacks allowed last season.
He’s the kind of quarterback who absolutely knows the hell out of his playbook, who will be where, and how likely they’ll be available.
“I think the big thing is just preparation,” Luton explained of his 2019 success at the NFL Scouting Combine. “We did a great job throughout the week, every week, of making sure that we’re on the same page, making sure that I understood the defense really well. But I think also, it was the first time in my career that, as a starter, I had the same OC back-to-back years.”
Luton will start his pro career as a backup. His baseline suggests he can be an NFL quarterback who maintains an offense’s flow and take advantage of the opportunities given without back-breaking turnovers.
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That’s valuable! If he can continue to grow like he did in 2019 — where he improved his passer rating from 135.9 to 149.8 — he could one day up a starter on Sundays. In other words, he’s got the career floor of a useful backup who won’t lose a game with avoidable mistakes.
If he can’t continue his development, however, he might not be the player who can win those games on his own.
He’s got demonstrable weaknesses that could keep him from building from his efficient 2019
Luton doesn’t turn the ball over, but he’s not exactly an excitement machine when loosed upon opposing defenses. He’s impatient when it comes to allowing routes to open up downfield, and there are times when he does decide he’s going to throw the ball past the sticks ... and then stares down his intended target the whole way.
This isn’t always a problem in the Pac-12. It would be in the NFL.
Then there’s the issue of his inaccuracy near the line of scrimmage. There are entirely too many instances of him finding a wideout, back, or tight end in an open window five yards downfield, then throwing the ball where they’d been two steps before (or worse):
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His eagerness to run down a route tree can lead to annoying checkdowns in big-play situations and even more frustrating misses on short-range throws. Additionally, for a guy nearing 6’7, Luton certainly gets a lot of passes either batted or altered at the line of scrimmage.
That plays a big role in his lack of close-target accuracy. That’s fixable, but development on that end may depend on how reliable his NFL offensive line can be. While he’s mobile enough to escape some pressure and squirt past defenders for first downs, he’s not a dual-threat quarterback and his targeting ability drops significantly on the run.
He’s also 24 years old. That makes him two-and-a-half years older than Jordan Love, who was selected in the first round despite a 20:17 TD:INT ratio last fall. He’s only started 22 career games, while Love started 32. His potential for growth is murky, at least compared to the younger, yet more experienced players in the 2020 draft.
Where does that leave a player who improved every year in college and finished his Pac-12 career as one of the nation’s most efficient quarterbacks? Luton’s relatively short highlight reel and lack of collegiate success at OSU has made him an under-the-radar prospect at the 2020 NFL Draft. He was a checkdown god in Corvallis because that was the optimum path for an undermanned Beavers offense to follow.
That leaves him with plenty to prove at the next level. He’ll have to convince coaches that arm strength and the flashes of brilliance he displayed in college are sustainable. He’ll also have to show he can read defenses with the clarity and familiarity he brought to his own playbook the past three years at Oregon State.
Those questions have left him overlooked at this year’s draft, but that doesn’t bother him.
“It’s a great class,” Luton answered when asked whether his lack of recognition in the pre-draft process was bothersome. “There are a lot of great players in it. I’m confident that I can play with the best of them. It will be exciting to see what happens. Whenever I hear my name called, I’m going to go in Day 1 of minicamp and show that I belong.
“It’s not about where you start, it’s about where you end up.”
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