#The Colossaeus
terry-the-insane · 10 months
Palaeophis is a type of giant aquatic snake that spawns in tropical oceans and rarely in mangroves. Palaeophis prefer to use coral or plants as cover to ambush their prey, they mostly prey on dolphins and don't hunt players because I'm not adding vore to minecraft.
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In real life, palaeophis was one of the largest survivors of the K/PG mass extinction reaching lengths of up to 40ft long, making it the third largest snake behind Gigantophis and Titanoboa.
Edit: More recent finds suggest that it was even bigger than Gigantophis, albeit still smaller than Titanoboa.
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yahoo201027 · 2 years
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Now: Naruto Shippuden
Next: Primal
Later: Ballmastz 9009
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Primal S2E8: The Colossaeus
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pleistocene-pride · 21 days
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Palaeophis is an extinct genus of marine snake and type genus of the extinct snake family Palaeophiidae, which lived during the Ypresian to the Priabonian of the Eocene epoch some 56 to 33 million years ago. The first fossils now known to belong to Palaeophis consisting of several vertebrae were discovered in France in 1822 by Georges Cuvier who attributed them as belonging to a giant snake. However they would not be formally named and described as Paleophis proper until 1841 by Richard Owen. The name Palaeophis is derived from the Greek words “palaios,” which means “ancient,” and “ophis,” which means “serpent.” This type specimen remains at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Since then many more palaeophis remains have been recovered from throughout Europe, Africa, North America, India, and Central Asia. With there being around 18 recongized species: P. toliapicus, P. typhaeus, P. vastaniensis, P. virginianus, P. porcatus, P. longus, P. littoralis, P. grandis, P. africanus, P. maghrebianus, P. casei, P. colossaeus, P. zhylan, P. ferganicus, P. nessovi, P. tamdy, P. udovichenkoi, & P. zhylga. These species varied broadly in size; Palaeophis casei is the smallest at 4.3ft (1.3m) in length, while the largest species Palaeophis colossaeus is estimated to have reached 27 to 40ft (8.1 to 12.3m) in length, making it one of the largest known snakes. The many species of Palaeophis can be separated into two assemblages of species or grades: a primitive grade include species whose vertebrae are weakly laterally compressed and have less developed and low process of vertebrae, and an advanced grade characterized by vertebrae presenting a strong lateral compression which translate to being much better adaption to aquatic life. It had a long, slender body that was well-suited for swimming and prey capture in water. It is likely that it used its sharp teeth and strong jaw muscles to grasp and hold onto its prey, and may have used constriction to subdue larger prey. In life palaeophis would have inhabited shallow seas, warm coastal oceans, and brackish lagoons, acting as generalist ambush predators feeding upon a variety of fish, invertebrates, birds, marine mammals, and other marine reptiles.
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goldengay49 · 11 months
Each states favorite extinct animal:
Florida: Palaeophis colossaeus
Louisiana: Baru darrowi
Texas: Aurochs
California: California grizzly bear
New York: Maclear's rat
Any others?
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tribbetherium · 1 year
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The tetracorns are a group of remarkable ungulopes native to Austro-Easaterra, with a most unusual trait: their highly-pronounced sexual dimorphism. While females are smaller, and drably colored, males boast four huge prominent horns and striking patterns, even ones of peculiar colors, thanks to pigments in their diet that accumulate in their skin and hair as a marker of a well-fed, and thus strong and fit, individual.
One of the largest tetracorn species is the fourform fourhorn (Quadratus colossaeus), whose males can grow to three tons or more and sport a distinctive dull muddy-yellow hue of their hair and a pale saddle-like marking on their backs, in contrast to the female's browner, earthy tones. Like many of the larger tetracorn species, they are monogamous for the breeding season: one male and one female pair up to guide and defend their calves, usually born two at a time as twins, together as a pair (though often split up after the young disperse and may take a new mate the next breeding season), and herds of them consists of mated pairs and their young grazing and traveling in close proximity: yet noticeably segregated in small groups of four, two parents and two children.
Yet something most peculiar has happened to this particular species: a gene that guides the growth and hormonal activity in male tetracorns flipped in a chromosomal inversion, several million years ago, and became passed down as an inverted mutant copy of this gene. This has also reversed its function, leading to rapid growth and later sexual maturity in a female, as opposed to a male, which in turn displays a more gradual growth rate and an earlier sexual maturity like a female if it inherits this gene. Thus, fourhorns that inherit the mutant gene display a reversed sexual dimorphism size-wise, though still retaining their color patterns as those are governed by a separate, unrelated gene and affect a different androgen hormone. Present on one copy of each gene, half of the offspring of a fourhorn with the mutant gene will also exhibit the gene themselves if they mate with a normal partner.
But what has allowed this gene to proliferate and become widespread in their population is the way the resulting differences affect the fourform fourhorn's social behavior. Being larger and physically stronger, the males, or specifically, large-morph (normal) males are bigger as to defend their single bonded mate from rival bachelors during the breeding season and the resulting calves from predators during their vulnerable first year, while, being smaller and less powerful, small-morph females would rather seek out and prefer pairing with large-morph males for safety. As such, it would seem that normals would pair off only with normals, and mutants only with mutants with smaller males conversely relying on bigger females, resulting to those two groups eventually reproductively isolating from each other's gene pools and becoming separate species.
Yet, with predators like blubbears and lipgrips to concern them, calves born to a large-morph male and a large-morph female have two stronger parents to defend them and have a greatly heightened survival rate, and so, over time, these pairings became more frequent and more favored by natural selection: leaving small-morph males to pair off only with small-morph females, which compensate for their smaller size by gathering in larger groups to find safety in numbers. Thus, by usually segregating their mate selection to a partner of a similar size, they, inadvertently, make mutant + normal pairings the vast majority of mated pairs over normal + normal and mutant + mutant pairs, ensuring that the mutants and normals' genes keep mixing and preventing them from diverging into separate gene pools, and also allowing the mutant genes of large-morph females and small-morph males to persist as, by mating with normals more frequently, half of the resulting offspring are mutants, and half are normals.
The fourform fourhorn has thus, in essence, evolved a pseudo-sex chromosome that determines its morphology based on its sex--and functionally has become a species with four "sexes": large-morph normal male, small-morph normal female, large-morph mutant female and small-morph mutant male. To the pairs of large-morphs, their combined might against enemies virtually guarantees that both calves make it to their first year. To the pairs of small-morphs, less-favorable "left-overs", they have instead resorted to adaptive gregarious behaviors to compensate for the less-than-ideal circumstances. Either way, the next generation, generally a half-and-half mix of normals and mutants, become independent at about two years of age and disperse: forming loose herds that include random assortments of all four forms, until they pair up in the next mating season, often every two to three years in the spring or summer, depending on food availability in each particular year.
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wolfinshipclothing · 2 years
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I finally watched Primal S2.
I didn't hate it. In fact i think 90% of it it's great. I just think it had a lot of pacing problems.
First of all, "The Primal Theory". Good ep, even if the ending was stupid ('And there you have it'. wtf? how do you end an episode so violent and dramatic with a punchline?) But it would have worked better as a stand alone episode rather than as a part of S2.
Then there's the Chieftain. Make no mistake, the first episodes with him are awesome, and him being turned into a fire breathing, water-walking fiery beast of destruction is amazing. But after his transformation, he is kinda forgotten. Again, not necessarely bad. Him coming back at the end of The Colossaeus part III was a great come back.
Now that we're talking about it, The Colossaeus episodes were great, from beginning to end. Nothing bad to say about that. I like that they had a villain protagonist and how Spear, Fang and Mira are stuck in a situation were simple brute force won't work for them. And this extends for months!
I think (just an opinion), that it would've been great if the Chieftain and the Queen joined forced for the ending. That would've made a full circle of the season.
Now, off to the final episode. TOO. MUCH. INFO. I'm a fan of compressing information when the storytelling is good but i feel they have too much in their hands to show in just 20 minutes. Spear's origins, Mira's reunion with her tribe, Spear's feeling of alienation from the tribe, the Chieftain reintroduction, the fight with the Warchief, Spear's final death and the flash forward at the end... ITS JUST TOO MUCH, and since its too much it feels rushed and i can't fully connect with everything that is happening. Damn, the building off of the Chieftain is ruined with how short the battle actually is.
Aside from that, i like the controversial ending. Look, its Gendy Tartakovsky. The man lives for drama and violence. I'm not dissapointed Spear died. Primal is all about survival, and he'd reached the end of his rope. As for Mira, well, i think that not only does she likes Spear enough to mate with him, but also i think she wanted to carry something from him. A memento to remember him. A way to keep him in her life and add him to the tribe. And thats when the kid comes into the picture.
SO, those are my thoughts. Again, i'm super late to this party but i wanted to give my opinion (that's its not worth much, everyone's opinions are valid).
All in all, a really good watch. 9/10
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palaeophis-fr · 1 year
Dragonhome, Secondary, and Lightweaver?
Dragonhome - What’s the meaning behind your username?
The genus of prehistoric sea snakes, Palaeophis! The species Palaeophis colossaeus was the largest known sea snake. One-word usernames are cool and science is even more cool. Plus it's obscure enough it's usually not taken on websites :P
Only downside is that no one can spell it this drives me NUTS. I absolutely get that it's hard to spell, it's an obscure scientific name, but I even put in my signature to copy and paste it and I still miss pings all the dang time. Please just copy and paste it. I beg
Secondary - What’s your proudest gene project, if you have one?
Oh, that's a good question! I've got some breeding projects that took a long time to complete, and I'm very proud of them.
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The Guardian took literally over a year to get. Even with changing all the parents to Plentifuls and not caring about offspring genes. I like long-term projects but dang.
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Honorable mention: my first-ever breeding project, for Swamp/Swamp/Cerulean! Florida dragon. :D
Here's some of my favorite gened G1s, too:
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Lightweaver - What’s the story behind your clan?
I've actually got a bunch of little lore clans/areas in my different tabs! Here's a quick summary for some of my favorites:
Redrock(my original clan): A small coastal clan was nearly destroyed by the Great Hurricane(BoTE), and split into two clans: those waiting for the Tidelord to come back, and those who stayed put and started rebuilding, Tidelord be damned.
The Deep- This tab mainly centers around a pod of Mirrors living on the abyssal plain near the Leviathan Trench, but there's a fair few other stragglers in the area, including a paladin of the Tidelord and a zombie. Also some Deep Sea Beasts.
Herringbone Atoll- My Kingdomlocke challenge! A band of survivors from a destroyed clan on the Ashfall coast founded a new kingdom on a remote oceanic atoll. Everything about it is documented here!
I've got quite a few more mini-clans, including a Mirror pack in the Abiding Boneyard, Dragon NASA, the Fishspine Reef, Swamp, and Eldritch University. FR lore is so cool I cannot resist using all my ideas
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2023.03.25
Saturday, March 25th:
(streaming weekly): Divorce Attorney Shin (netflix), Tokyo Revengers (hulu)
(original made-for-TV movies): "A Picture of Her" (HALL, 2hrs), "Every Breath She Takes" (LIFE, 2hrs+)
(other highlights): Murdoch Mysteries (OVAtion), Act Your Age (Bounce), Masters of Illusion (theCW, repeats), Austin City Limits (PBS, "Sylvan Esso | Lucius"), Saturday Night Live (NBC, repeat)
(latenight "Toonami" [adultswim]): My Hero Academia (#6.18), My Hero Academia (#6.19), Food Wars! (#5.02), One Piece (#16.31), Naruto Shippuden (#20.19), Primal ("The Colossaeus, part iii"), Ballmastrz: 9009 (#2.05), Ballmastrz: 9009 (#2.06), Superjail! (#4.01), Superjail! (#4.02)
[episode titles at ToonamiNews] and [adultswim]
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal: The Complete Second Season Coming April 25th, 2023
Eat, or be eaten! Kill, or be killed! Get in survival mode as Adult Swim’s #1 prehistoric animated series, Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal: The Complete Second Season, arrives on Blu-ray and DVD on April 25, 2023. The critically acclaimed series from Cartoon Network Studios has won a total of 5 Emmy® Awards including “Outstanding Animated Program.” Binge all 10 episodes from the second season and go behind the scenes with an all-new featurette exclusive to this release.
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Named “Best Animated TV Show of 2022” by Vulture, Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal follows the tale of a caveman at the dawn of evolution as he forms an unlikely friendship with an almost extinct dinosaur. In Season Two, Spear and Fang journey to a new world to rescue Mira from her captors only to find it is a place filled with savage brutality.
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal: The Complete Second Season will be available on April 25, 2023 to purchase on Blu-ray Disc and DVD both online and in-store at major retailers. The series is also now available to purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more. 
SPECIAL FEATURES Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal: Inside the Evolution (New Featurette) - Go Inside the Evolution of the Emmy award-winning show, with Genndy Tartakovsky and his team. They share their inspiration behind the second season and how a four-legged friend inspired one of the most beloved characters.
Includes all 10 episodes from the second season:
1. Sea of Despair 2. Shadow of Fate 3. Dawn of Man 4. The Red Mist 5. The Primal Theory 6. Vidarr 7. The Colossaeus, Part I 8. The Colossaeus, Part II 9. The Colossaeus, Part III 10. Echoes of Eternity
PRODUCT                                         SRP Blu-ray                                               $29.98 SRP ($39.99 in Canada) DVD                                                   $24.98 SRP ($29.98 in Canada)
Blu-ray and DVD Audio – English (5.1) Blu-ray and DVD Subtitles – English SDH Total Runtime: Approx. 221 Enhanced Content Runtime: Approx. 13 min Rated: TV-MA
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offscreendeath · 2 years
they hate to see a girlboss sovereign warrior queen doing an imperialism
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ima's got it all: an endless army of faceless goons, a collection of rare and powerful slaves, non-stop sources of entertainment, the biggest ship, the most opulent and lavish sense of taste, she can dance and got hands too. she's the big slime. her bodies got siege warfare numbers man. not just a village. there is no dispute here. she is the biggest threat we've seen yet. and she hasn't said a damn thing.
she does what all of the real-life royalty have inevitably done in order to keep their positions and rule over their subjects. sacrificing lives, destroying and separating entire families, plundering and enslaving on a mass scale, is all part of the job. your enemies' lives are forfeit. the rules are simple: if you are of no use to the crown, you will die. resist the will of the crown, and you will die. if you're not a killer or conqueror, if you do not expand your territory, use every advantage you can acquire, manipulate your enemies and their weaknesses, you are not prepared to win a war. you will lose.
this is the kind of person who will succeed in combat, but risks everything else in pursuit of their domination, by definition. empires are lethal abominations that demand human sacrifice and warrant massive ecological destruction and disruption, all in service to the whims of exactly one person. kingdoms and military dictatorships are responsible for a scale of devastation that has never been witnessed before in human history, and has not been surpassed since. final boss shit. a true leviathan.
it makes for some compelling drama. i can't think of a better opposite for spear or fang. spear is pretty clever, and obviously capable of producing plenty of brutality on his lonely, but he's no martial artist either, as evidenced by ima, a military tactician, holding shit down and whooping his ass a good few times solo dolo. fang is a clever girl too, and also a tank, but she's clearly still not equipped to lead an army, much less fight one alone, or employ psychological warfare.
even kamau, despite his gargantuan build and resilience, will not sacrifice his love and empathy for another in order to win. he's fighting not to dominate, but to protect someone he cares about. spear, fang, and mira all know what that's like, and are all just as trapped. it's tragic -- but that's what war is like. in contrast, the queen has allegiance to no one but herself. her authority is indivisible, her rule, absolute. what weaknesses?
when people think of queens and royalty, they might think of all of the beauty and regalia, the treasure horde, various outfits and pomp -- but behind this dazzling spectacle, (which is just a distraction, really,) is the stench of death emanating from corpses piled high, trailing off miles into the horizon. yours will be next if you don't give up and become a willing thrall. if you've gotten intoxicated by the elegance and grandeur, it means you've already fallen into the trap...letting your guard down is a mistake you'll regret.
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yahoo201027 · 2 years
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Now: Naruto Shippuden
Next: Primal
Later: Futurama
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Primal S2E8: The Colossaeus
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alexthegamingboy · 2 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 08/27/2022
Yashahime: The Second Act EP#29 (05) - The Girl Named Rion: The Half-Demon Princesses learn that Rion had perished six centuries earlier, but had her soul perpetually bound to her father Kirinmaru. With her will to stop Kirinmaru and bring forth the Degenerate Age foretold by the Sacred Tree of Ages, he visited every corner of this world, except for the beyond time and space that the future world Towa she was living in and Kagome originally lived, so Kirinmaru has to find and capture a spirit named Akuru to move the Windmill of Time, that the world of the living will come to an end, Rion sustains her soul within her body. Towa receives the ancient Star-Slicer Flute transforming into the magical sword, Zanseiken. Plus in ancient times, Amatsumikaboshi, the God of Stars, gifted the two swords. With it separated from another twin sword Bakuseiken, the Half-Demon Princesses prepare to confront Kirinmaru and Zero. Sessh?maru kills the dream butterfly, in order for Setsuna to restore her ability to sleep. Riku accompanies Rion, before leaving the girls behind.
Primal Season 2 EP#07 (17) - The Colossaeus, Part I: The Chieftain succumbs to his wounds and awaits the Valkyries to take him to Valhalla, but is instead dragged to Muspelheim by goblin-like creatures and brought before Surtr, who offers to return Eldar's soul in exchange for Spear and Fang's. The Chieftain agrees and is transformed into a fiery being. Meanwhile, Mira, Spear, and Fang set sail to reunite with Mira's people, but encounter a city-sized ship, the Colossaeus, and are boarded by Egyptian warriors. Spear and Mira defeat several of them, but struggle against the 10 ft. warrior Kamau. The ensuing fight leads to one of Fang's eggs being destroyed and the warriors' queen taking the remaining two hostage. Spear and Fang are imprisoned on the Colossaeus alongside Kamau, who is also a slave, while Mira is imprisoned with other females. The queen uses Fang's eggs to force Fang and Spear to join Kamau and her soldiers in laying siege to a Babylonian city. Though reluctant, the pair successfully break through the city gates as the Babylonian king emerges from his palace.
Lupin the 3rd Part 6 EP#18 - Fakes Attract Lies Part 1: Lupin visits the florist shop where Mattea has returned to work, and she explains that she is planning a holiday. Lupin sees a news item about Ms. Hazel, Republic of Cotornica's rising politician who credits her missing private tutor, Tomoe, as the key to her success. Intrigued, Lupin takes his crew Cotornica to investigate and runs into Mattea. Lupin visits Hazel to ask about Tomoe, and while there, they receive a fake video of Hazel being present at the assassination of a captive. Lupin is photographed at her apartment causing a scandal for Hazel. Later, Lupin sees the photographer's vehicle and follows it to a kebab restaurant where he notices some shady characters. He follows them and finds Hazel's associate, Selim, working with a group plotting to discredit her, as Lupin takes all their data. He gives the information to Hazel who warns that he must not approach her again to maintain her reputation, so he leaves the country. Later, Zenigata visits Hazel's apartment and finds her shot dead, but suddenly the local police arrive and arrest him for her murder.
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spinojp · 2 years
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Portrait of Palaeophis colossaeus, the giant Eocene sea snake from Mali, surrounded by Pycnodont fish while swimming to the surface to drink freshly fallen rainwater
It took forever to finish but here it is ! I tried to emulate the very weird (but beautiful!!) bony projections of the vertebrae, called pterapophysis and characteristic features of the Palaeophiidae family, on the neck pattern.
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nnekromancy · 2 years
Tbh I thought the devil man turned viking into a bigger black guy
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