#The Doll Hut
fruitbatfanclub · 2 years
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This restroom smelled like piss, obviously.
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slrmagazine · 3 months
Tempermental at The Doll Hut in Anaheim, CA on March 29, 2024 by Don Adkins
Tempermental at The Doll Hut in Anaheim, CA on March 29, 2024 by Don Adkins. #tempermental @TEMPERMENTAL_
One of the coolest new arrivals on the LA music scene in the last couple of years is Tempermental. We first heard of them as a nominee for an award last year at the Hollywood Independent Music Awards, pretty cool for a band just out of the gate. One of the busiest bands in LA we’ve already seen them gracing all the cool venues including the Whisky-A-Go-Go in Hollywood. This week we caught them at…
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soaring-trash · 7 months
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Will you hold me?
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haveamagicalday · 3 months
Battle of the Barbies! Bonus Round: Just for Fun
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b-andherbooks · 1 year
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just a guinea pig enjoying the spoils of her reading
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girloftheisland · 1 year
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I already have 4 characters who live in 1999, and the temptation to buy this set for them is wild. As the kid who always read the most books in my class, received the highest AR points, and had a couple book it tickets to my name, this speaks to me on a deep level.
Though my family didn’t care for Pizza Hut for inexplicable reasons, so I rarely redeemed those tickets. All that free pizza… wasted… from 1999-2003. RIP 🙏
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shutterandpencil · 9 months
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"Mako's Feast"
Lulu's wondering where Mako's got all this food from and where she got the money. Someone's debit card got barrowed.
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rottenberry-cookie · 1 year
OK SO ,,,,
i imagine that candlelight has an old radio in their treasures so when rottenberry comes over candlelight plays waltz and dances with rottenberry (all though neither of them are good at it)
candlelight has no actual parents, and rottenberry doesnt know it's very well and basically they see onion basically as this upset little child who doesn't know their dead and basically act as parental figures to them because (if u get what im saying 🩸)
candlelight knows that their partner is a jellywalker and basically tries to help all they can with remedies they found in books or just try in help in anyway they can, which even goes to paying cookies like cauliflower, wasabi, or alchemist in candy wrappers or really random things.
strawberry crepe cookie and energy drink cookie knows about this mutual love interest between the two. strawberry crepe will tease and make fun of the two while energy drink might give suggestions to how to try and form a closer bond to it.
when rottenberry first showed candlelight HTF they thought they were in for something happy like my little pony but instead got subjected to the horrors that i call "wishy washy". while watching rottenberry has this smile and is happy stimming while candlelight looks in pure horror wondering what fucked up their partner to make them like this show. (i.e this image https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsmOizHXgAA4b1u?format=jpg&name=medium)
one time rottenberry saw candlelight walking in the streets during a rainy day, candlelight (i got from that one hc of yours) was about to pass out because light = being concious so rottenberry sprinted at light speeds, took off their hoodie and gave it to candlelight and walked them home.
rottenberry has the absoloute worst flirting skills, sometimes even using their hyperfixations to flirt like, "do you want to be the petunia to my giggles" and candlelight would be confused but be like... "sure... if it makes you happy... :]"
rottenberry has made a tumblr account for candlelight, and even if candlelight doesnt use it whatsoever candlelight will still match icons with rottenberry.
they had to deal with rottenberrys constant screaming about the fact that "SNIFFLES LOST THE TOURNAMENT IN THAT POLL :[" candlelight most likely does not know who or what a "sniffles" is but still tries to comfort silly.
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bunnyb34r · 2 years
Hate how my brain overthinks everything like how I shouldn't be buying so much lush stuff even though I WILL use it and what I don't like I'll give as gifts, and my brain is like oh bc you bought something nice for yourself youre a terribly selfish person wasting your money!
And it's like 1.) I don't really indulge in anything anymore and I've been working my ass off so I DO deserve this 2.) I'm not even spending more than like 10% of one paycheck ONCE A MONTH and 3.) I worked hard for my money and I'm saving way more than I spend so it's not like im wasting my money anyway
Like brain why are you like this??? I deserve some dopamine for enduring retail hell AND a disability! I deserve to treat myself! It's okay for me to be happy!!!
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torresdesigns · 1 month
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On Etsy this week: 05/16/2024
: https://thesupplyloft1.etsy.com
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guinevereslancelot · 6 months
anyone else have a parent relentlessly matchmaking ur friends with ur siblings
#my dad is playing with my brothers and my friends like dolls rn#listen i love all my friends very much but of the single ones these is only ONE i would be ok with marrying any of my brothers#and my dad is fixated on one of the worst ones just bc she's super pretty and can sing#and i love her but she's way too self obsessed and immature#anyway im not a matchmaker but i mentioned to my little bro im really close with abt the one friend who i think he would hut it off with#but he isnt really interested in dating at all lol#but i would advise verg strongly against the one friend my dad so so wants to set up my brother with#also the worst brother for her honestly#she's not down to earth enough and he literally doesn't care abt the kinds of things shes into#i only have one friend who has similar interests to him and she's very down to earth and emotionally stable and he is aware of her#annoyingly these two girls have the exact same name also and they're inseparable besties lol#but my dad wont let go of the idea#i would get over it if my dad succeeded in setting them up and i sincerely love her and want the best for her#but i think she would make my bro miserable#but fortunately he absolutely could not be less interested in her#bc with all the love in the world she is so self absorbed and self obsessed#anyway.....how do i make my dad stop doing this#or at LEAST recognize that my autistic af bro would get along way better with my writer friend who is into anime and comics#and all the things he likes too#anyway#awkwardness#thankfully none of my friends have noticed he's like this im p sure but he's not that subtle
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userscully · 10 months
i was today years told when i discovered ken says “blonde fragility” and not “blonde virginity”
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crabbunch · 1 year
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if it had teeth he would have braces al la weird 80s school picture
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jujianjes · 1 year
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kuradoberijam · 2 years
Being an ambivert is so fucking funny I will just vibe and make friends all day but as soon as any of them invite me anywhere I get like a fucking fever why am I an Edwardian woman.
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bessifantasi · 2 months
The witch’s hand was suddenly on your throat. She pushed you back against the wall of the hut, forcing the air out of your lungs with a gasp.
“You little slut,” she hissed. “Every day I hear you wander past my cabin, howling like a bitch in heat.” Her voice switched into a mocking falsetto. “‘Oooh, I hope a hot mommy dommy witch doesn’t catch me and turn me into her slave, or a pet, or a doll! That would be sooo awful!’
“Because the thought is so… fun for you, isn’t it? A little ha’penny hedge magic, sex with some sparks and stars, and then I send you back home with a slap on the ass, hm?”
She leaned in close. “I’ve caught you,” she whispered. The words oozed like ice. “And now you’re mine. And when I fuck you, I’m going to fuck you until I say you’re done, and when I curse you, I’m going to turn you into whatever I want. Do you understand?”
You tried to swallow against her hand. You nodded. You saw her pull out a long vial of potion from a pocket as she stepped back. She popped the cork with one hand; its contents fizzed dangerously.
“Now be a good slut and open wide.”
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