#The Greatest Showtime au
elizart5 · 2 months
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Caine was not originally on board with the first digital circus. After all, he and his estranged brother were the only humans able to blend in with the AI. In this world, humans are the lowest class, seen as inferior freaks in the perfect world of AI. Caine and Able created this world and knew how to blend in with the AI and were able to get away without being scorned by the computers. However, after years of humans going in and going insane, Able decided to start a digital circus in which humans could meet up and interact with each other whilst also working on a way to raise their importance to the AI. This made Able an outcast to the upper "Pure" AI society and Caine had to turn his back on his brother in order to focus on making an exit. After Able got the circus off the ground, he found his brother and convinced him to join. There, Caine let out his true, eccentric personality being a great ringleader for the group. Along with this, he met the female acrobat Pomni, and was immediately infatuated with her. He spends a lot of time trying to find ways to connect with her and eventually, it works. In the end, Able hands the circus off to Caine who eventually comes clean that he is not AI to pomni.
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pinky-in-blankets · 4 months
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(Did this for showtime week a while back skskss)
《 Imagine being a professional Rodeo Clown who purposely gets into stuff so the Star of the Show gives you extra attention. 😳 》
(Rodeo au By ME >:D )
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sorascribbless · 4 months
Guys hear me out... Greatest Showman Digital Circus AU
Caine as PT Barnum and Pomni as Charity (because I'm a sucker for showtime, you can rip it from my cold dead hands)
Think about it, Caine chasing a life Pomni never really wanted. Her being completely satisfied with the life she had and a circus coming in the middle of it.
Jax as Phillip Carlyle and Ragatha as Anne Wheeler (cuz you can also rip bunnydoll from my cold dead hands)
Kinger and Queenie can be Pomni's parents, except the kinda asshole dad can just be Queenie worried asf that some random boy took her daughter and left (I SUPPORT WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND THEIR WRONGS).
Zooble and Gangle are part of the circus too :> I'm thinking Zooble can be covered in tattoos >:3 and Gangle can be Lettie Lutz. Just have the most beautiful voice ever.
I know I have to finish the Tangled AU but if this gets enough notes I might write this fic im actually so tempted rn-
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le-poofe · 27 days
Ok but like, The Greatest Showman and TADC should now be a new AU to be put out there. It should be called something like, The Greatest Digital Circus.
Also I love the Showtime drawings. Keep it up!
That’s a brilliant name for it omg. Genius. I believe someone has made a Greatest Showman AU involving Showtime, I can’t recall if they named it anything specific. The music is excellent AU fodder tho, and not just Rewrite the Stars! A Million Dreams, Tightrope, Never Enough, and From Now On all have strong cases in my brain.
Also thank you!! I’m glad you like them!
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Batman's Bird Watching Scrapbook
This fic for the @batfam-big-bang was written for @jube-art's AU concept and artwork. The way the fic is done up, it just... it would be way too much work to post all 35 chapters on tumblr, so you get the first one, and the AO3 links. So far, the first 4 parts are up on AO3.
There are two versions of this fic.
The Cool Version, which has all the coding and formatting to make it look like an actual scrapbook. And
The Simplified Version, which does not have all the coding and formatting to make it cleaner and easier to read on mobile.
Chapter 1: Arrival of Haly's Circus in Gotham
The circus wouldn't normally attract my attention, but Alfred had been telling me shortly before, to lighten up and do something fun. I think he could tell that my mission had been taking me to a particularly dark place at that time. I snapped at him when he made the suggestion, and ended up taking it as a way to apologize to him. I had no idea what awaited me. — Bruce W.
Gotham Gazette April 5, 2009 Traveling circus comes to Gotham by Bill Finger
Though known to many as a dreary city, Gotham does have its bright spots. Yesterday afternoon, Haly's International Traveling Circus set down in Amusement Mile and set up their striped big top in the fairgrounds on the waterfront.
Performances begin tomorrow at 6 P.M. and are planned to continue daily until the night of April 18th, so be sure to get your ticket to see the show while they're still in town.
Haly's Circus boasts a wide variety of acts, carnival games, and sideshows including performances of trained, live, wild animals. Among those animals are Zitka the Asian elephant, and lions Gunther and Gurbel who perform alongside Wild Wilhelm the Lion Tamer. Haly's talented horseback dancer Linda Grey does the ballet atop Dungi the Zebra.
I had the privilege of being able to interview Mister Haly before opening day, though he was very busy, and am excited to pass on some of the highlights of what he shared with me.
"We've got all sorts here," he said, "all your standard circus folk, like Sando the strongman, Pedro the dwarf, our knife-thrower Zane and his lovely assistant Zephyr, a fabulously talented group of fire-dancers, as well as the greatest menagerie of clowns you'll find in any traveling circus around the world, if I do say so myself."
I asked him what made his circus special, and Mr. Haley was more than happy to answer me. "Well, sir, our circus may have many acts you've seen before, contortionists, and magicians, and a pair of stunning tattooed ladies, but you've never seen anything like the Flying Graysons," he claimed.
The main event at Haly's Circus, the Flying Graysons, Mary, John, and their son, are widely regarded as among the most skilled acrobats on Earth, with their young son, Richard, holding the high esteem of being the youngest acrobat in history capable of successfully performing a quadruple flip on the trapeze.
As if that weren't impressive enough, the Flying Graysons fearlessly perform all their daring trapeze stunts without a net. You'll definitely want to stay until the end to catch their closing act.
(showtimes for Haly's International Traveling Circus listed on pg. 14)
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
nattie my loveliest 💕 just wanted to say i adored the last two jasya prompts!! the drama and seriousness of the showtime one and then the sweetness of the high school au?? i am in love, sending you a big big thank you hug for sharing your ideas and stories with us 🥰
also here's a cat and a cow best friends for you, hope your week's going great😌
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Sorry I’ve just been reeling from getting this because JANNIE! Stop ur making me cry in the club and I cannot! Thank you so so so much for all the love and I’ll give it right back to you babs!!
You’re the greatest human I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and someday you’ll be the bad ass Chilean Elle Woods we all know you can be💖💕
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Cow Hi Five!
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Prompt: Nessian’s daughter just broke up with her boyfriend
word count: 796
Cassian x Nesta x 2nd gen, modern au
Cassian frowned as he stood outside of his eldest daughter's door. His arms were crossed as he hesitated, listening to her quiet sobs coming from the other side.
“Will you go in or just stand outside, dwelling in her misery?”
Cassian looked over his shoulder at the owner of the quiet voice and met the concerned eye of his wife. She was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed as she wore Cassian’s old, oversize sweatshirt. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her face was clean of makeup. Seventeen years after marrying her, and she was even more beautiful now than she was then.
He had no idea how it was even possible.
Seventeen years of marriage, and three daughters later, Cassian considered himself a very lucky - and very overpowered - man. As his daughters began to enter their teens, he felt himself tested around every corner. Tested....that’s exactly how he felt as he stood outside of his sixteen-year-old’s bedroom as she cried over some little prick that never deserved her in the first place. 
“I’m afraid I’ll just annoy her and make things worse,” he confessed, quietly. “I seem to do that a lot these days.”
“You’d be surprised,” Nesta said, and kissed his cheek as she passed him and went down the stairs.
After a deep, calming breath, Cassian knocked quietly on the door. 
“Go away!”
“Telling me to go away in my own damn house,” he muttered, then sighed. “It’s dad, I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
Silence followed, then the soft click from the lock sounded. When the door didn’t open, Cassian tried the knob and slowly pushed the door open.
Sasha sat on her bed, hugging her pillow with her legs crossed beneath her. Mascara had run down her cheeks, and she didn’t bother to wipe her eyes as Cassian entered the room. 
“Hey,” he began, rocking back and forth on his heels. “I thought we could go get some ice cream and see a movie, like we used to.”
Sasha sniffled into her pillow. “No, thanks.”
Cassian pretended like the words didn’t feel like a knife in his gut. “Why not?”
She shrugged. “Don’t feel like it.”
“Well, you can’t just sit in here all afternoon,” Cassian said, with a slight edge to his voice that he just couldn’t help.
That edge made Sasha start to cry, again. “Just leave me alone, dad.”
Cassian let out a breath and turned toward the door, but stopped himself. With a shake of his head, he turned back toward his daughter and sat down beside her. 
“I hate to see you hurting,” he said, his voice quieter than he thought it would be. “This ass-.” One look from his daughter had him rethinking his choice of words. “This boy does not deserve your heartache. He doesn’t deserve to have you sitting here, crying over him. You are too smart, and kind, and beautiful to let any boy make you feel the way you’re feeling right now.”
Sasha was quiet for a moment then she wiped at her face. Then, she said, “I can’t help how I feel.”
“I know,” Cassian said, and looked down at her.
His firstborn.
He knew this day would come, knew it when she was young and then when she began to date. He knew that she would have her heart broken by some little asshat that was too dumb to see how amazing she was. And no parenting book had prepared him on how to handle it.
“Unfortunately, I can’t help how you feel, either, even though I wish I could,” he continued. “I wish I could take away every little ounce of pain you’re feeling right now. But, I can’t. I can, however, tell you that I love you. I can also take you out for ice cream, and to see a movie. That new horror movie just came out. You like that creepy kind of shit, just like your mom does.”
Sasha, despite herself, snorted. “You hate scary movies.”
“But I like spending time with you,” he said, without missing a beat. “So, I will grant your wish and leave you alone, but showtime is in an hour, so....let me know.”
When Sasha said nothing, Cassian got up, kissed her on the top of the head, and made his way toward the door. 
It wasn’t until he had crossed the threshold and nearly shut the door behind him that he heard, “Dad?”
Cassian stopped, and peered back at his daughter. 
“I’ll be down in ten,” she promised. 
Cassian’s eyes softened as he nodded and said, “Take your time.”
It wasn’t until the door was shut behind him that he allowed himself to smile and dwell in one of his greatest victories yet. 
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
When Stars Ignite - Chapter 29
HPHM Rockstar AU
A/N: General Warning: This whole fic has a general warning of being NSFW / 18+. We will give specific warnings for every chapter in itself, but several adult themes will be more or less present in every chapter, may it be explicitly or in mention. These include sexual topics, drug abuse, (ab)use of alcohol, smoking and a whole lot of cursing. Specific Warning: Language, drinking, Jason Everett, a whole lot of bad decisions ~~~ Find the masterpost here, the previous chapter here and the next one here. The songs featured before every chapter can be found on this pretty badass playlist here. ~~~ This work is a collaboration with @the-al-chemist Taglist: @slytherindisaster @night-rhea @carewyncromwell @thatravenpuffwitch
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I'm in the details with the devil
You know, the world can never get me on my level
I just got to get you out the cage, I'm a young lover's rage
Gonna need a spark to ignite
~ Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark ~
Despite her fears, Lizzie managed to find and calm down Everett before he had been able to do anything stupid.
The amount of sweet talk involved in getting him to come back with her had been obscene; Lizzie wasn’t sure if she’d ever had to flatter someone as much as Everett. But no matter how blatantly exaggerated her words had been, they’d had the intended effect and had coaxed the huffy singer back to finish the soundcheck.
When the two of them returned, Artemis was still nowhere to be seen, which was probably for the better.
Charlie was working on the igniters that were still unchecked in silence. His brow was creased in concentration as he worked his way through the devices with the greatest care; he would make sure a blunder like the one before would not happen again.
It had been an accident, of course, but an igniter going off unprompted was the worst thing that could happen to a pyro tech; Lizzie could tell how much it was eating away at Charlie that someone could have been severely hurt.
Although Everett had agreed to come back, the hard words between the two men were far from forgotten. Both of them seemed to have come to enough of their senses to ignore each other, however; at least for the time being.
Everett held his head high as he strutted past Charlie to his microphone, while Charlie didn’t even bother looking up. Lizzie sighed as she sat down behind her drum kit.
Why did it always have to be like that with Everett these days? He’d always had arrogant tendencies, even back when he had joined Equinox, but if they had known what fame and pressure would turn him into, maybe they would have thought twice about Ethan’s idea of signing up the charismatic singer.
But even so, when Everett sang his first lines, his voice was warm and soft like honey, as if nothing major had just happened. The sound carried Lizzie away, her mind shutting off and her hands taking over the well practised patterns she had to play.
It was in moments like these when the old Everett was shining through, showing that he was still there, hidden under all this rockstar bravado.
He had always been a fun guy to be around, easy to talk and joke with. Lizzie truly wished there was a way back for him from the path to ruin he was walking on, for the sake of the band and for himself.
If there was one thing every member of Equinox had learned over the years, it was how to put their personal grievances aside when it was showtime. Even so, Lizzie was surprised just at how good their performance had been.
The crowd had been ecstatic, the people rocking along with them, screaming on the top of their lungs. Lizzie had been able to hear them shouting for more long after the lights had turned on again.
After they had all taken a well deserved shower, they met up in one of the more spacious dressing rooms of the arena.
The atmosphere was quiet but tense as everyone was waiting for Ethan to return with news; even though it was already far after midnight, he and the representatives of their record company had already started discussing their new deal.
The amount of time it took them to reach an agreement made Lizzie nervous; where she was concerned, tonight’s show must have been among the best they had played.
But why wasn’t Ethan back already?
Her fingers itched for the red pick buried in the pocket of her jeans, but she resisted the urge to let it wander through her fingers.
For whatever reason, Orion still wasn’t talking to her, only adding to her restlessness; if there was one thing Lizzie hated above all else, it was not knowing what was going on.
Everyone’s eyes darted to the door when it opened what felt like an eternity later.
Ethan’s face was stony as he walked into the room, everyone inside waiting with baited breath on what he would have to say.
He left them guessing a moment longer before an impish smirk spread on his face. He drew his hands he had held hidden behind his back to the front, revealing a thick brown envelope he waved at them triumphantly.
“We did it everyone!”
A collective cry of relief went through the room. The cold knot in Lizzie’s chest dissolved in an instant, and she and Skye clasped their hands together with big grins on their faces. Lizzie felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulders; she hadn’t even realised how on edge she’d been.
Her eyes went over to Orion; naturally, he wasn’t as exuberant as the others, but the relief radiating off him was almost palpable.
As if feeling her eyes on him, Orion caught her gaze. But instead of smiling, he dropped his eyes to the ground and turned to Merula. The cheerful smile on Lizzie’s face faltered, if only a little.
“I just want to say, I’m proud of you, everyone. I know it hasn’t been the easiest tour so far, but like always, we’ve come out on top,” Ethan beamed at them like a proud father would at his children.
“The show was a success all the way through. The execs were over the fucking moon.”
Ethan smirked as he continued.
“The deal was good as done even before they came here. You really did the trick with all the charity shit. They just wanted a last confirmation,” he went on, clearly satisfied his plan had worked.
He nodded to where Charlie and Artemis were standing.
“They told me to give our pyro tech their regards, they were blown away by the new effects. Keep up the good work, Charlie and Alexis.”
Lizzie and Skye exchanged a look; the irony of the fire effects being praised especially after the catastrophic soundcheck wasn’t lost on them.
“We might have our budget in the bag, but that’s no reason to half our efforts,” Ethan said. “There are some fans waiting to meet you in the bar and I’ve prepared a little surprise for you as well.”
As it turned out, Ethan’s surprise consisted of several boxes of ice cold champagne he had sent to the bar adjacent to the arena.
When the band arrived, most of the fans waiting for them were already holding glasses of the sparkling golden drink; they weren’t quite sure what was going on, but not complaining about it either.
Lizzie noted that there were far more people present than there would usually be, and she suspected Ethan behind that as well.
There were far more women than men present, and most of them rather pretty, too; with a flash of annoyance, Lizzie could even spot the familiar face of Emily Tyler among them.
Lizzie forced herself to smile when all she wanted to do was roll her eyes; count on Ethan to turn their moment of triumph into a publicity event.
All of a sudden, Lizzie wasn’t in the mood to celebrate anymore; she spent the time that was expected of her talking to their fans, politely thanking them for their support and enthusiasm. She usually enjoyed interacting with them, but today it felt more like a chore than anything else. All she wanted to do was go back to the hotel, curl up in her bed and sleep the day off.
She watched Orion, who was still avoiding her company; he was standing next to Emily Tyler and some other girls. The influencer was twirling the ends of her long brown ponytail, which was decidedly less messy than Lizzie’s own, around her finger while laughing at something Orion had said.
Lizzie’s hand brushed over her own tangled curls in an unconscious attempt to make them appear more neatly, and she turned from the sight with a frustrated sigh.
After a while, Ethan escorted a part of the fans - those who were only there because they had bought VIP tickets - outside, and then left for their hotel himself; Lizzie was glad to see all of them go. She was tired of smiling all the while when she didn’t feel like it.
She would have loved to have a little chat with Charlie, who never failed to cheer her up; but her childhood friend was standing in a corner of the room with Andre and Artemis, and Lizzie wasn’t in the mood of being snapped at.
So she stuck with Skye and Erika, who was watching the people in the room with her usual unmoved expression. At least the blonde head of security seemed to enjoy herself as much as Lizzie did, which wasn’t that much at all.
Lizzie was good friends with both of them, but she could also tell when her presence was tolerated rather than enjoyed. So when she had finished her drink, she lingered at the bar, giving Skye and Erika some space.
Her eyes swept the room, unsure of what to do now; Lizzie wasn’t used to having to look for a conversation.
After a few minutes, company found her in the form of Everett. Considering how many girls were scattered around the room, Lizzie was surprised he’d come to her instead of weighing his choices for the night.
“Hey,” he said quietly.
His tone wasn’t the overly confident one Lizzie was used to hearing from him these days. If anything, he looked very serious.
“What’s up?”
“I wanted to talk to you for a bit.”
Lizzie raised her eyebrows. “What about?”
Everett dropped his eyes and sighed. “Today. What happened at the soundcheck.”
Lizzie tensed, fully prepared to hear a whole load of excuses or, even worse, allocations of blame towards Charlie and Artemis. She wasn’t in the mood for arguing with him and wanted to tell him so, but he cut her off prematurely.
“I wanted to thank you for getting me back before I could do anything stupid. I didn’t expect anyone to come after me, to be honest. I know I don’t have the best standing in the band at the moment.”
He chuckled, but it was a bitter sound. “It’s no secret that all of you wish I wasn’t part of this anymore.”
Lizzie shook her head. “That’s not true. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“Yes, it is,” Everett shrugged. “No need to sugarcoat, we both know how it is. No one really gives a fuck about me anymore,” he snorted, “For fuck’s sake, most days not even I do.”
It made Lizzie sad, hearing him talk like that.
While he had a point in the relationships between him and the band being complicated these days, they had been friends for years. And it wasn’t like Everett was the only one feeling the strain of being in the spotlight.
“Don’t say that,” Lizzie said softly, “you have a lot on your shoulders, we all do. But you’re front and centre, you’re pretty much getting the thick of it. I always thought you didn’t mind much, though,” she added after a moment.
“Most times I don’t,” Everett said, “but it’s been getting worse ever since we came back from the break. All that shit with the record company wanting us to be their perfect little money making machines. It’s just modern prostiution, if you ask me.”
They had wandered over to one of the sofas with their drinks. Lizzie was astounded at his bitterness; she had never known him to be so cynical. It was something she’d expected from Merula, not from the spotlight-loving extrovert that was Jason Everett.
“Don’t you think that’s a little harsh?” she said. “We’re incredibly privileged after all. We get to do what we love most, and we can share our passion with people who love our music just as much as we do.”
Everett regarded her for a moment and shook his head.
“Jesus bloody Christ, Liz, listen to yourself. You’re beginning to sound just like him.”
Lizzie didn’t need to ask who Everett was referring to; his derogatory tone spoke volumes by itself.
But that was something she wouldn’t let stand, not even today.
“I’m not,” she replied, “but I stand by what I said. Most people can only dream of doing what they love for a living, and a decent one at that. We all knew it would come at a price.”
Everett tilted his head to the side.
“What would you know about that? Don’t get me wrong,” he added hastily as he saw her brow creasing, “we all know you’re the popular one. You’re one fucking ray of sunshine after all,” he snorted with a lopsided grin that made Lizzie chuckle.
“But still, you get to hide behind your drums if you want to opt out. Not me though, I have to serve the masses, all day every day.”
Lizzie hummed in response, thinking about what he had just said. In some ways, she had to admit, Everett had a point.
“Is that why you’re doing all that shit?” she asked quietly. “The drugs, and the girls, and all that? To cope?”
“In some ways,” Everett shrugged. “It’s become a bit of a habit. A decent line and some good, meaningless sex do take the mind off things. But of course you’d know about that, wouldn’t you?” he said with a strange glimmer in his eyes.
Lizzie didn’t like the direction this conversation was taking at all.
Most of their friends seemed to know about her and Orion at this point, so she had expected word to reach Everett sooner or later. But that didn’t mean she was feeling comfortable talking with Everett like that either.
“We all have our ways to wind down,” Lizzie answered evasively.
Her eyes fell on Artemis and Charlie, who were still talking to each other, and jumped at the chance to change the subject.
“I find it hard to believe someone like Artemis would be among the girls running after you. No offence,” she added quickly.
She didn’t want to offend Everett; one hissy fit per day was more than enough.
“She just never struck me as the type.”
“Well, not all that glitters is gold, is it?” Everett remarked wryly. “We should know, we’ve been in this fucking business long enough.”
He motioned at the people gathered in the room, indicating all and no one in particular.
“Just look at all of us. Everyone fighting their own demons, and putting on a show for the world to see.”
He looked at her, and for the first time that evening a genuine smile crossed his features.
“You might just be the only decent person that’s left.”
“I very highly doubt that,” Lizzie laughed; maybe Everett hadn’t figured things out after all.
“I mean it,” he said earnestly. “You’re caring about everyone. You were the only person who gave a shit about me running off today.”
Lizzie shook her head. “That’s not true. Orion offered to go after you first. If anyone is the good one in this God forsaken band, it’s him.”
Everett raised an eyebrow.
“Funny you’d say that,” he said casually.
“Believe me sunshine, Orion is not all that he makes himself out to be. Not letting me sing because I don’t get the songs right? Bullshit. I’ve been getting his songs right for six years now. No, he loves the attention he’s getting, but doesn’t want to admit it. Wouldn’t suit his troubled poet persona.”
“You’re wrong,” Lizzie answered.
She was still annoyed with Orion’s behaviour, but what Everett was suggesting was ridiculous. She knew Orion like the back of her hand, and if he could make his music without the spotlight, he’d do it in a heartbeat.
“His music is all that counts for him. He never cared for all the rest that comes with being famous.”
“Really?” Everett said with a smirk and nodded to where Orion stood with Emily and her posse.
Emily was standing as close to Orion as she could without actually touching him, fluttering her eyelashes everytime he spoke.
“Just look at him,” Everett said quietly, “stealing my thunder and my girl, over and over again.”
His eyes never left Lizzie as he spoke.
“He’s not stealing anything from you, don’t be ridiculous,” Lizzie quipped with much more conviction than she felt. “It’s not like he wants all those things.”
“If he doesn’t want them, then why is he taking them from me? How much of a good person does that make him?”
Lizzie wanted to defend Orion but couldn’t really think of a proper reply.
She refused to believe he would do anything like what Everett suggested; she knew Orion after all, didn’t she?
But the nagging voice at the back of her mind had to admit Everett had a point.
Orion had told her the reasons for refusing to let him sing the new songs, but would that have been really so bad?
They had been playing together for years now, and although Everett would probably never get to a deeper understanding of Orion’s music, surely it was good enough to give a credible performance.
Instead, Orion had chosen to dabble with the well-established dynamics of their group - thrown everything off balance, as he would have put it.
“You see what I mean, don’t you?” Everett said with a gleam to his eyes. “He could be in my place right now, spending the evening with you. But instead he’s content having that fame hungry slapper all over him. What a good one he is.”
Lizzie frowned. “Wasn’t she the girl you took home yesterday?”
“Neither one of us was exactly first choice. She was fun enough for a night or two, though.”
Had she listened to him, Lizzie would have told him to stop speaking in such a derogatory way, but her attention had shifted away from Everett.
Orion had gone to get a new round for himself and his admirers. Lizzie desperately wanted to speak to him, make that voice in her head that was agreeing with Everett shut up for good.
Quickly downing her drink, she stood up from the sofa and pointed at Everett’s half finished glass.
“Do you want me to get you something?”
He leaned back into the sofa with a satisfied smirk.
“No, thanks. I got everything I could possibly want.”
When Lizzie stood next to Orion, he had just ordered white rum with cherry juice for one of his silly girls.
Lizzie fought not to roll her eyes; she had wanted to get herself the exact same drink, but couldn’t think of anything less appealing all of a sudden.
“Having fun?” she asked casually while she had the barkeeper fill her glass up whiskey.
“I would prefer other means of entertainment but as far as it goes, yes, I’m having fun,” Orion said, and his tone was guarded.
He could tell something was off by how much whiskey was already filling Lizzie’s glass; it was almost double the amount she was usually having, and she made no sign to stop the barkeeper either.
“Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?”
Lizzie snorted. “Oh, now you suddenly care? After not talking to me for the whole day.”
She sipped on her drink and put it back onto the counter a little more forcefully than she had intended, the golden liquid sloshing up the walls of the glass.
Orion raised an eyebrow. “No need to snap at me, drummer girl.”
Hearing his nickname for her vexed Lizzie more than she cared to admit.
“Don’t ‘drummer girl’ me. You’ve been ignoring me the whole day without even telling me why. So why should I tell you now?”
“As you know, I put my focus on the important matters at hand,” Orion said, “and I simply advised you to do the same.”
Lizzie made an indignant sound and she took another sip of her whiskey. The sharp taste burned in her mouth and made her grimace.
“I can tell that you’re focusing on the important matters at hand,” she said coolly.
Her eyes trailed over to the group of girls waiting for Orion to come back. When hers and Emily Tyler’s eyes met, the influencer’s painted lips curved into a smirk.
Orion had followed her gaze, a mix of surprise and understanding forming on his features.
“If I didn’t know you had neither reason nor motivation, I’d say you’re jealous.”
“In your dreams.”
“Then care to tell me why you’re acting so out of your mind?”
Lizzie’s eyes flashed. “I could ask you the same. You’re always going on about how this is not your thing, being the centre of attention and all that shit. But here you are, enjoying the way these brainless bimbos are dancing around you.”
Orion raised his hands defensively.
“Easy now, this is still our fans you’re talking about here. And I’m being friendly to them, that is all.”
“Yes, I can see that,” Lizzie rolled her eyes. “Admirable how much you care about these fans in particular.”
“Liz, you’re being ridiculous,” Orion replied, the hint of a strain stealing into his voice.
Lizzie saw the group of girls watching them, giggling between themselves; she had the sudden urge to go over and pour her glass out over Emily Tyler’s head.
Orion’s voice drew her attention back to him.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” he asked, a bitter ring to his voice. “Lie low, act like nothing ever happened. Well, here we are, then. A perfectly normal conversation between two perfectly normal friends. Although one of them is a little off balance tonight, if I may say so,” he added sardonically. “Come talk to me when you have found your centre again.”
With that, Orion turned his back on her and made his way back to the group of girls waiting for him. Handing out their drinks, he smiled before touching glasses with all of them.
When Lizzie saw him draping his arm around Emily Tyler’s shoulders, she’d had enough of it. Orion wanted to play dirty?
Well, so could she.
She grabbed the bottle of whiskey still standing on the countertop and marched back over to Everett, who had watched the whole scene unfold with a badly concealed smirk.
“That looked like it went well,” he chuckled as Lizzie slumped back onto the sofa next to him.
“Shut up,” she said glumly, refilling her glass before holding the bottle out to him. Everett took it from her with a mischievous glint to his eyes.
They continued in that fashion, passing the bottle between them until it was almost empty. Lizzie’s head was spinning but her anger at Orion hadn’t subsided one bit; on the contrary, with Everett reassuring her that it was Orion who was the one acting like a jerk, Lizzie was madder than ever.
She couldn’t even remember when she had last spent so much time talking to Everett.
It was a shame really; when you got past the boisterous and arrogant first impression, he was fun to talk to. He had a biting sense of humour, and his dry remarks made Lizzie laugh more than once; it was nice to laugh with him for a change.
Lizzie was starting to feel dizzy, and the only thing which wasn’t tilting ever so slightly around her was the glass in her hand. If she kept perfectly still it was alright, but as soon as she moved, she needed a moment to find her balance again.
Lizzie snorted at the thought; fuck that stupid balance talk.
“Hey rockstar, are you alright?”
She raised her head slowly, carefully not to make the room around her spin. She hadn’t even noticed Charlie joining them.
“Charlie,” she called out to him, her West Country accent thicker than usual. “What’s up? You all good, mate?”
He blinked at her in confusion.
“Uhm, yeah, I guess. Thought I’d check on you once in a while.”
He eyed the almost empty bottle of whiskey in Everett’s hand. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough for today?”
Lizzie wrinkled her nose indignantly.
“Don’t tell me what to do. Why do men always have to tell me what to do?”
“I’m not. I just want you to drink a little water once in a while.”
“Leave her alone, Weasley,” Everett chimed in. “If she wants to drink, let her.”
“Exactly,” Lizzie agreed; she noticed her words were slurry and tried very hard to keep them clear. “Everything is alright, don’t you worry about me.”
Charlie looked at her, and then at Everett’s arm, which lay draped half over the back of the sofa, half around Lizzie’s shoulders. It was only now that she noticed how close she was sitting to him.
“You sure about that?”
She made an effort to give Charlie her best reassuring smile.
“I am. I’m a big girl, Charlie. I know what I’m doing.”
“If you say so,” he sighed. “Just take care, will you? If you want me to get you home, just tell me.”
With that, he pressed a bottle of water into her hands and returned to Artemis.
Lizzie noticed he was glancing over every now and again, much to Artemis’ dismay. She was watching them as well, her face guarded and her expression unreadable.
But the young pyro tech wasn’t the only one who had their eyes on them; Lizzie could feel Orion’s gaze on her as strongly as if he was physically touching her.
When she looked in his direction and they locked eyes, he frowned before turning his attention to Emily in his arms again.
Lizzie’s eyes narrowed at the sight; Everett must have seen it, too, because he moved his arm from the sofa around her shoulders fully. Lizzie jumped slightly when he leaned in and whispered into her ear.
“What do you say? Want to make him jealous for real?”
Orion was already looking over to them again; he smiled half-heartedly at something Emily said to him, his hand running through his dark hair as Lizzie caught his gaze. She held his eyes for a moment before turning to Everett with a smile.
“What did you have in mind?”
With a smirk Everett stood up and held his hand out to her, and Lizzie walked closely behind him as he led her to the door. She didn’t have to make sure Orion would see them leaving; Lizzie knew he was watching, she could feel his gaze burning between her shoulder blades.
As Everett opened the door, she shot a last, pointed look over her shoulder at Orion, before stepping into the darkness of the deserted hallway.
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mihrsuri · 3 years
I'm going to ping your question right back at you - are there any of your fics you'd like to see adapted for TV/movies? Casting/director/soundtrack? (for OT3-verse, who would you cast to play the children? I am completely intrigued by this 'verse and its implications and when I have the mental energy I am absolutely planning to work my way through all of it! :D :D :D )
OT3 verse for a TV series without a doubt (it’s one you could probably do so help me. Maybe. I don’t know if Showtime would be a fan).
So fun fact I made a whole casting for the kids as adults but I need to find kid actors for the kids and that, that I have not yet done. My headcast for the main trio is James Frain, Natalie Dormer and JRM but it’s also a lot ‘in the AU universe version of the show it’s James Frain but he’s biracial/jewish and ditto Natalie Dormer’ but that’s hard to translate so mostly I just go ‘it’s those three actors’ (I think James looks hot now but it’s a ‘in his twenties’ James and Natalie ;))
The very first long fic I wrote in this AU I actually wrote to First Burn from the Hamilton Soundtrack (I also wrote it to Rewrite The Stars from The Greatest Showman for which I can only apologise but it’s a lovely song etc) so in my head a lot of the soundtrack is composed by LMM and Howard Shore (Tolkien Nerd Reasons).
The show itself is based on the book by my fictional Dr Maya and the showrunner is also an awesome fictional lady partly based on The Witcher Showrunner. I think the episodes would have a variety of directors/writers (like James Frain’s IRL wife actually directed him in a Star Trek episode so I have her direct an episode) - kind of want to get some of the Ted Lasso writers/producers in on it now *g*
The movie/mini series I’d also love is Such A Time As This which is my Story Of Esther Retelling Self Indulgence featuring Persian-Jewish Biracial Anne Boleyn.
Also re the Tudor Triad/OT3 Verse I have a reading order in my pinned post if that’s something people need <3333. (It does not contain every fic because I have uh, written a lot but it will get you started)
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
546 Days Without You — Ten: Day 300
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Pairing — Seokjin x Reader
Tags — boyfriend!Seokjin, older brother!Yoongi, producer/songwriter!MC, military au (ish), idol au (ish)
Genre — fluff, angst
Word Count — 2.7k
Summary — Kim Seokjin is your entire world, and that world falls apart the moment he and your older brother Yoongi are conscripted into the South Korean military.
Part — 10 / 15
Warnings — none
A/N — I am so sorry for the long wait for this update, guys. Same old story; all work, no play. Hope it's made up for the absence somehow. Thanks for sticking with me <3
Previous — Next
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The roar of the crowds grows louder and louder as showtime gets closer. Fans pour in for hours, elated and ecstatic to see the boys in person. Singing and dancing, cheers and laughter, all forms of joy fill Olympic Stadium. As the time grows nearer, you can feel the auditorium start to tremble under your feet. It's far from the first time you've been this close to a show—this has been part of your life for the last eight years—but being such an integral part of it gives the night a whole other feeling.
The only way you can describe it is pure wonder.
Peering down to see the massive crowds finding their seats, ensuring that you remain hidden behind the large stage lighting on the highest balcony, you force yourself to take a deep breath and hold it. It's the one thing that's worked consistently through the last year, and it's the one thing Seokjin's told you on a regular basis. 
"If your breath is off, you'll feel it," he'd repeat over and over on every call. And then he'd follow that up with a silly joke and force you to practice breathing with him. 
To which you'd always give him an eye-roll and sarcastic quip—while practicing with him, of course. It's his way of showing how much he cares. He'd talked you through plenty of moments of self-doubt.
"Remember: Sing for yourself first—the rest of the world can follow suit."
But the shoulder you leaned on that particular night was that of your brother. He'd been promoted recently and was given similar freeing privileges, so you no longer had to rely on such an archaic way of communication.
"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" he'd asked the night before, voice soft and timbre as you remember.
You'd tried to make it seem as if the nerves were gone, but even with the slight tremble in your voice, you could tell that he knew right away. You might've been able to fool most people that you were conquering the hoard of butterflies in your stomach, but Yoongi reads you like an open book.
"And don't lie."
"It's my first live show," you explained. "We've been practicing for the tour for months. I've been nailing my singing and rapping. All of us are spent, and tour hasn't even begun...but we're also the most excited we've been in a while. It feels like we haven't been with the Army in so, so long. Like years have passed."
"So you're torn, aren't you?"
Even though you knew he couldn't see you, you nodded your agreement. "I never thought I'd be so excited to tour with them. At first, I was horrified at the idea. And then I saw the benefits and thought it could be fun. Everyone's been so supportive and helpful. The boys and the team have guided me through all the parts I'd only seen from the sidelines. Now that I'm in the middle of it...I feel both honored and thrilled and terrified and nervous."
Yoongi chuckled softly at the confession. "That's awfully honest of you. Normally I have to pry it out of you."
"What can I say? I've spent an ungodly amount of time with Jimin. Like, even more than before. I'm now a professional feeler."
Your brother's laughter grew in volume, then fades as he insisted, "Well, your feelings are totally valid. The older I get, the more I realize that it's both normal and fine to have conflicting emotions. You can be both excited and scared. You can be nervous and thrilled. You can both be impatient to begin and scared of it, too. That's life. That's the human condition."
"Even if I feel sick to my stomach?" you asked with a chortle. 
"Especially if. We paint our lives as two distinct sides and tell ourselves that we must be in one or the other. We're happy. We're sad. We're scared. We're delighted. There are no in-betweens. But here's the thing: life is not binary. There's no black and white, and you have to learn to be okay with being all of these things at once. It's a lot, but it's the greatest part of life."
"And the worst," you added.
Yoongi laughed, "Well, that's part of it, too!"
You let out a huff of air and felt the uneasiness in your body settle down as his words hit home. "When did you get so wise, Yoongles?"
"I've always been wise. You're just now enlightened enough to see it."
Thinking back on that conversation, you can't help but chuckle and bring your attention back to the moment. The night is unraveling perfectly. All of the work and time and money that's been invested in this tour, especially the first night, is paying off. For once, the universe is on your side, and all is going according to plan. In a few moments, you'll begin the trek down to the stage interior and begin the final prep for the performance.
But in this moment, you stand with arms braced against the metal railing, gazing from the Army, to the stage, and up to the periwinkle sky. The lights are twinkling as bombs light up across the tens of thousands, and the horizon wraps around the stadium like a blanket. The weather is clear and the stars are beginning to show themselves. 
It brings a smile to your face when you realize you're comfortable with the medley of feelings in your chest, and that you find yourself more than willing to face the night with them.
Straightening up, you raise your hand to catch the wind as a breeze sweeps down from the clouds and into the crowds. Your smile grows, and a joyful sound builds in your chest. And for the first time, your heartbeat quickens not from fear alone, but from excitement.
Bounding down the stairs, two at a time, you sneak around the Army and make your way back to the boys. Most of them are already dressed for the first performance, with a couple finishing touches being added to their hair and makeup. Jimin catches your gaze first, forever the worrisome one. You give a reassuring smile, and the tiny line between Jimin's brows dissipates. 
Taehyung pulls you towards the stylist. "You need to get ready," he orders with a playful smile. "We have the first couple of songs, then you're up."
Nodding once, you turn towards your flashy tour garb that hangs on the rack to the side. "Got it."
"Are you ready, [Y/n]-ie?" Hoseok inquires.
You give the now-senior member two thumbs-ups, grin widening. "I got this. We got this!"
Namjoon ruffles your hair as he passes, surprised and thrilled with your eagerness. To which Jungkook shouts, "Let's get it!"
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After the vocal line's song comes to an end, and the cheers begin to fade, you're ushered to the lift under the stage. Jimin holds your hand along the way, and he's the one that helps you up the step and onto the platform. Jungkook hands you your sparkly, white mic and leaves his tattooed hand on your trembling fingers as reassurance.
Hoseok adjusts your matching earpieces so that they stay in place, and Taehyung places a stabilizing hand between your shoulder blades. Namjoon's eyes lock with yours, and even though no words are said, the nod he gives you says everything.
Focusing on a calm exhale, you give a thumbs up to the members. As they visibly relax and back away from the platform, you raise your thumb towards the crew. A lever is pulled, and the gears in the lift groan to life. You crouch down as the platform begins to rise, letting your eyes flutter shut in one final moment of tranquility.
White noise. It's the only sound you can hear through the muffling of your earpieces. Not even technology can block out the cheers and elations of Army. The pitter-patter of your heart causes the smile to spread across your face.
Opening your eyes, the platform halts at the top of the stage. You straighten your legs as a rush of adrenaline pumps through your body. The sudden resurgence of energy has you blasting out onto the stage, as perfect as all those days of practice could be. Except this time, you have a sea of lights that play against the dark.
The live track begins to play, and you strut to your on-stage cue. Lifting the microphone to your lips, you begin to sing. From the very first note, the crowd goes wild. It's everything you could've dreamed and more. The way they immediately sing along, the way they dance along with you despite not knowing all the choreography, the way they cheer for someone who's as new to this stage as a trainee. Their support lifts you and carries you along your well-practiced routine.
The melody flows from the first verse to the chorus, then into the second verse. Not once does your voice crack. Not once does your memory falter. Not once do your feet tangle under you. If ever there were a perfect performance, especially with the high note in the bridge before the final chorus, it was this night in Seoul.
You know Seokjin and Yoongi would be proud as hell.
When the song comes to an end, the mic drops from your lips and your head rolls back. You take a moment to let the sight around you imprint in the back of your mind. Every part of this first performance, you want to remember it forever. Even the bittersweet fact that your brother and lover are far away from such an impactful moment.
Tears well up in your eyes as the lights fade. The backup dancers rush off stage, and you're pulled with them. You hadn't expected the sadness to hit you this soon after performing; by the time you're backstage with the members, your sight is blurry and your lips quiver.
"Whoa, whoa." Hoseok is over at your side in an instant, and Jimin cups your face between his palms. "You did great! Why are you crying?"
"You killed it," Jungkook agrees with a bunny-esque grin.
You shake your head fervently, brushing away the tears with the back of your hand. "It's not that," you murmur, and Taehyung wraps you in a back-hug. "It's not that at all."
That's all you have to say, and the others fall silent with understanding. Namjoon gives your shoulder a squeeze, and Jungkook offers you a bottled water. 
"Drink slowly and sit down," the leader orders softly. "Hoseok and I are up next, but take it easy with the maknaes for a second, okay?"
Nodding your acceptance, you watch as the two oldest skip out towards the stage for another wild and passionate performance. Jimin grabs your hand and, threading his fingers through yours, ushers you towards the break area backstage. The music and crowds fade away, replaced by quiet.
Jimin kneels down in front of you, while Taehyung wraps you in a side hug. Jungkook grabs a small snack from the side table and insists you get some food into your system so the shakiness stops.
"We got you," the youngest of the three chides. 
You give the brunet a grateful expression and take the chips from his grasp. It takes all your energy to focus on the three around you, in this moment, and not on the two that are absent. It'd taken you by surprise as you left the stage; you thought you'd come to terms with Seokjin and Yoongi being so far away. But after performing the song that poured out your emotions, you feel raw and exposed and drained. It's near impossible to tear your mind away.
However, eventually, you're calm enough to drink and eat a little, much to their relief. Blinking away the remnants of your tears, you heave a short breath and murmur, "Sorry...I don't know why I got caught up in that again."
Jimin's thumbs brush across your cheeks. "Don't be. It's always emotional performing a song for the first time. We should have warned you."
"And one of the members is always crying after a show," Jungkook chuckles. "So don't beat yourself up."
Taehyung adds, "It's almost always one of us."
The comments cause you to laugh, and the tension in the room dissipates. One of the producers pops her head through the door and says, "Jin's recording is up next. Are you still okay to go on stage?"
The boys turn to you, and you nod assuredly. Standing up, you drag them with you. The gentle squeeze your fingers give lets them know of your choice. They follow you without question.
It’s time to face the music.
And that’s what you keep telling yourself, time and time again, as the stage stands dauntingly ahead. Curtains and props rise up around you. Bombs light up the arena with their iridescent glow. Armys chant and sing, bringing your mind back to the present moment.
Despite the wondrous things you have seen the first day of the tour, despite being surrounded by five of your closest friends–men you consider your brothers, despite the great adventure that lies in front of you, the only thing consuming your mind at this moment is him. What you wouldn’t do to have him beside you, what you wouldn’t trade to thread your fingers through his, what you wouldn’t sacrifice to hear his angelic voice harmonizing with yours.
Then you hear it. 
As if from a hazy dream, somewhere in the fog that is your mind you recognize the vocals that begin to play. Unlike most of the performance, this particular piece is a recording. You’ve lost count how many times you’d watched it, in your darkest moments when the heartbreak in your chest becomes too much to bear.
As you glance to the side, to the gigantic screen at the back of the stage, you see Seokjin’s face exactly as your memory promised. This recording isn’t one from a music video or short film, nor is it from the tour or live show from earlier last year. No, the Jin singing now is barefaced and adorned in an ocean blue sweater with an image of RJ on the chest. A guitar in hand, he sings in the privacy of your home, the one you shared for almost two years before he left. It’s intimate and beautiful and goofy, everything you love to death about the man himself.
And it brings a smile to your face when you hear the song he wrote for you.
A gentle hand grasps yours as the song nears the second chorus. Jimin stands at your side, a look of cautious worry on his makeup-enhanced features. He doesn’t say a word, but his expression tells you what he would say if the microphones weren’t turned on.
Are you okay? Are you holding up? Do you need a moment before we go on again?
Giving a small nod of reassurance, you squeeze the hand of your closest friend in an attempt to reassure him. Jimin nods once and rests his chin on your shoulder. Both of your gazes shift back to the screen, back to Seokjin, back to one of several people you miss more than the world.
You’ve made it 300 days thus far, but it breaks your heart when you remember that you still have 246 days yet to bear. No one should have to stay away from the one they love for 546 days.
At that moment, you pray even harder for the strength and courage to make it 246 more days.
But until then, you’ll keep repeating those six words over and over until your fear disappears.
It’s time to face the music. 
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Taglist — @joyful-jimin​​​, @gracehiii​​, @live-2-fangirl​​, @rjsmochii​​​, @btsnatalena​
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leobashi · 4 years
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The stabby bois!
I wanted to draw this, it’s your greatest show unearthed au, or as I jokingly called it, the showtime au. I was watching your video when I thought, ‘wait henrick has suspenders and knifes, Wilford has suspenders and knives!’ So I dug up an old design I made for a circus au I thought might be fun, and drew Wilford with henrick with their stabbys.
(And I was that random anon, and you didn’t ruin it, if anything you made it so much better!)
SHOOT I LOVE THIS!!! SOOO MUCH!!! Gosh Wilford is so extra!! His rainbow jacket and those bows!! His knife is serrated and his knife guard looks like a mustache?!? Amazing!! They love their stabbies so much!! I love this so much!!
Thank you you have blessed my eyes!!
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elizart5 · 2 months
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Pomni is one of the humans who are trapped in this digital world. As a member of the lowest class of society, she hides with her older brother figure, Jax, (yes, I thought about making W.D Wheeler Kaufmo, but I couldn't quite find a design that would work for him being an acrobat...) and they spend their time entertaining the AI through their acrobatic feats. She was forced to become an acrobat by the AI who insisted it was the only way to join their society, but in reality, it just made her an item in their bias world. when she and Jax hears about the circus they both jump at the opportunity for something remotely human. Able takes them in and they join the show as two of the first members. When Caine shows up, Pomni is hesitant. She believes he is AI and that they could never be together because of this. She figured it would just be a matter of time before he turned this circuss into just another part of the AI's "pure" world. Eventually she finds out that he is a person and they start dating after he gets the circus from his brother.
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pinky-in-blankets · 5 months
TADC: ✨️SideQuests ✨️
A Clue! A Clue!
Route: S.O.S!Au
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Scribbles hissed in protest at the thought of going through every single book in the Potion makers shelf. Pomni, Caine, and herself were currently investigating the Ragdoll's Quarters.
The little Jerboa had taken one of Ragatha's Favorite ribbons and hidden it somewhere with the assistance of Jax under a guise of a prank, So they'd have plenty of time to search. If anything, those two could annoy eachother for hours.
"SO My Dear, Do tell me.. what exactly are we searching for?"
Caine mused as he poked a few of the empty vials and nearly knocked them over. Pomni was Quick to catch them and gave him a look.
"Anything that's suspicious or out of place."
She replied while placing the vials back in order. The last thing she wanted was Caine to be here during her investigation, seeing as he's a suspect.
But she need to keep a closer eye on the riddlemaster.. as he was the hardest to get a read on. It would be better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer after all.. yeah. That was totally the reason.
"Everything in this place is suspicious. I feel like I'm in a witches Cavern.."
Scribbles murmered under her breathe as she filed through the different books. She probably wasn't looking as throughly as she should- but ughhh this was so dusty and boring. "Tears of the world", "A handmaidens guide to Etiquette", "Darling, If you only Knew-"
Scribbles let out a slightly agitated cry as a big book fell on her noggin. The other two turned their heads to see what the commotion was.
"Little Knight?"
Caine asked as he walked over curiously to see what was wrong.
"You okay?"
Pomni asked as she also headed over, trying not to laugh. Whenever something hit scribbles, she sounded like a strained squeaky toy.
"Mmhm.. I'm okay.. just this silly Book.. Huh? That's weird.. this is the only book in another language. Isn't everything here set to "English"?"
Scribbles mentioned as she held up the book to the two. The entire book was written in French.
"That.. That is odd."
Pomni mused as Scribbles opened it and flipped through the pages. She squinted at the fancy calligraphy and let out a frustrated hiss.
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"How can anybody read this stuff? I cant even read the title."
" Base de données des utilisateurs."
Caine chimed in, causing Both Pomni & Scribbles to look at him. He simply spun his cane around with a bit of pride, assuming that he's managed to impress the two.
"Why I can read MANY languages. French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian-"
He began to list off one of his many setting before pomni put her fingers to his teeth and shushed him.
" YES yes that's very impressive Caine but could you maybe just read this in ENGLISH?"
She motioned to the pages of the book the little Jerboa held out to him. He gave an awkward chuckle before nodding.
"Ah- But of course my dear! Allow me to shed some light on this verbal mystery!"
He stated as he began to read out the listed words in the pages... he was reading out names. But not just any names.. Names of all the missing persons on this case.
This was a HUGE piece of evidence.
Pomni Said with a bright grin as she did a little jig in place. After months of wild goose chases she's finally making some solid progress. Caine had no idea how this book made her so excited but the sight alone made his non existenant heart flutter a little bit. Might as well join in the cheerfulness.
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"That's simply marvelous my dear~"
Pomni couldn't contain her excitement as she immediately ran up to Caine and threw her arms around him. He was taken aback but happily spun her around a little as they had a small victory.
Scribbles was quick to catch the book before handing it back to Caine when he finally stopped spinning Pomni. Her face had flushed with the silly laughter she had.
"Finally.. I'm finally one step closer to finding out who's behind this all. Thank you. Thank you so much Caine.."
" Oh no, It was my Pleas-"
Caine began but immediately stopped mid sentence as he felt something wrong. It was as if the ground had went out from under him...?
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As if he slipped on something, Caine went crashing to the ground and the Book went flying.. and landed right into Ragatha's Main Calderon.
It bubbled and fizzled as the book all but discenigrated into the green liquid.
A deathly silence fell over the room as Cain slowly sat up, Feeling the burning stares of the two Behind him.. even He knew that a Simple "Oops." Wouldn't fix what he had just done.
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He felt his Code run cold as the strained Sound of Despair in Pomni's Voice can be heard.
"Caine... What did you do..?"
Song of sorrow Au belongs to @snuffydoo
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sorascribbless · 1 month
God i need to chill i have so many writing wips-
I have the Tangled Bunnydoll AU, Boxer AU Bunnydoll fic, Greatest Showman (mostly showtime) fic, and a Guardian Angels fic akndkskdksk AND I HAVE AN ACTOR AU ONE SHOT TOO?
Why do i do this to myself-
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kirstenvangsness · 4 years
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It’s Showtime! (Revised)
Penelope’s opening night conflicts with a case; Luke, who was meant to be home, is now still on assignment with Matt but sends in his place, the next greatest thing - her best friend.
A Garvez social media au (Part sixteen - again)
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bellerenard · 4 years
It´s showtime!
Dann starten wir doch mal meinen ersten richtigen Eintrag. Yay! Ich habe jetzt wirklich ewig darüber nach gedacht über was ich als erstes schreiben möchte, und heute Nacht kam mir dann mal die Idee. Man kann sich vorstellen wie ich gelangweilt in diesem überschwemmten Streamingdiensten das suche worauf ich Lust habe. Und wie üblich bei sowas lande ich dann bei irgendeinem Musical oder Film in dem gesungen wird. Ich liebe einfach die Musik, Schauspielerei und sowas. Klar nicht jeder mag das gesinge, das rumgehopse aber ich steh dadrauf. 
Es bringt mich immer nochmal in eine andere Welt als Bücher oder Serien. Okay, manchmal nervt es schon wenn jede Emotion besungen wird, aber manchmal brauch man das einfach. Ja die Seele aus den Leib weinen mag toll sein, aber schon mal versucht über Schmerz zu singen? Oder all seine Kraft in eine Rolle zu stecken? Das ist nochmal etwas komplett anderes!  Ich spiele jetzt seit 7 Jahren nebenbei in einer kleinen Laien Theatergruppe. Eigentlich nichts nennenswertes, ist halt Musicalplayback und ab und an Sprechtexte dazwischen. Und damn hat das dem kleinen 15 Jährigen Mädchen damals geholfen. Einfach mal jemand anderes sein, die Sorgen und Gedanken hinter sich lassen. 
Und es gibt kein Aufregenderes Gefühl wie vor einer neuen Premiere.  Klappt das alles? Sitzt das Kostüm? Wird es reichen sich umzuziehen? Was ist wenn die Perücke mir vom Kopf fliegt? Oder wenn ich mich verspreche. Und dann ist es soweit, die Musik fängt an, man geht mit Herzklopfen auf die Bühne, und all das ist weg.  Und dann kommt der erste Applaus. Ich werde nie vergessen wie mein aller erster Applaus war. Damals war ich so scheiße nervös wie noch nie, und in dem Moment in dem die Leute klatschten überkam mich ein Selbstbewusstsein das ich vorher noch nie hatte. Einfach das Gefühl etwas zu machen das Leute zum lachen bringt, es schafft aus ihren Sorgen und Gedanken zu fliehen. Und sei es nur für ein paar Stunden.
Dann ist da noch der letzte Applaus, beziehungsweise der Applaus bei der Verbeugung. Wenn man hinten sich schon teilweise in die Arme gefallen ist, und man weiß man hat es geschafft.  Die Musik zum Verbeugen beginnt, man sucht sich die Personen mit denen man sich verbeugt, geht raus und ist einfach überwältigt in diesem Moment.  In dem Film The greatest Showmen wird genau dieser Moment, zumindest meiner Meinung nach, perfekt eingefangen. Ich kann es nicht mal beschreiben.  Schaut den Film, der ist sowieso wunderschön!  Und steht für alles was ich an dieser Kunstform liebe. Man erschafft damit einfach eine wundervolle Illusion, sowohl für die Leute vor der Bühne als auch auf und hinter der Bühne. Und alle Sorgen die man davor hatte ob alles klappt sind auf einmal weg.  Allerdings sollte man eine Bühnenweißheit nie vergessen; Erstens spuckt man sich gefälligst vor dem Auftritt an, und zweitens lass die Generalprobe so scheiße wie möglich sein. Umso besser wird die Premiere!
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