#The Hobbit imagines
shirefantasies · 1 day
Marti it is Moss *does small dance* sending in a Hobbit imagine should it strike your fancy to answer. If not feel free to delete you come first and foremost! Your blog is always a delight and i read everything you post like its the morning newspaper.
Im wondering if you would write a hobbit headcanon for a reader who uses a mobility aid like forearm crutches!
I myself use forearm crutches (named Catcher and Holder a la Dwalin) for dizziness and weakness due to neurological issues, but there are many reasons for their use from joint pain to hypermobility. Sometimes people use them all the time and other times they are only used when they have flare ups (some have to have them available all the time in case of The Return tm)
Sometimes you use one and sometimes you use two. All depends on condition severity, needs,what youre doing, and preference
Even when you have a flare up you may not prefer to use them for short distances ie in your house some people choose not to. I use mine on the steps unless im doing something hazardous and dont want to risk a fall (and be able to walk in general)which ive become prone to over the last two years.
You still live your life and do what you do sometimes its a bit different other times its not. Sometimes you have a stick or two.
You can make a lot of fun decorations and functional tools like cupholders and pouches for your crutches and stickers make them unique and customizable. Honestly the biggest challenge for me is mugs and stairs+ other two handed tasks 😩 let me see someone smack a warg protecting their bestie and then lament not planning their cuppa retrieval rofl.
Im wondering how our lads would have a time with this- not acceptance wise as i know Dwarves are very accepting. More along lines of shenanigans wholesome fun bonding the good daily stuff that you write so beautifully and capture each one of them so well!
Thank you so much and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out
Hello Moss 🥰💚 OMG Catcher and Holder that's perfectttt! Sorry this post is so fuckin long in the making but hopefully you enjoy it and this captures it well! I confess I don't personally use a mobility aid at this time so I may not have the greatest frame of reference 😅 but yeah I hope you like these little moments! *does small exit dance in return*
Warnings: canon typical violence in some
Thorin's Company + Reader With Mobility Aids
“Might I ask who built that?” Polite as ever, Balin motioned to the chair upon which you had affixed a pair of wheels. “I did,” you answered, “I was the only person in my little village who needed something like this.” “Well, you are quite the craftsman. Would that you had no ties to your hometown and the Lonely Mountain could snap you up! You could see those skills built up tenfold.” “R-really? I came here to Laketown for something just like that! But I’ll confess I think you will be a far better teacher.” Winking, you gave Balin a smile he mirrored. “You’re resilient. Smart as a whip, too! It would be my honor.” “And after all,” you added, “If anyone would know how to mount a crossbow on the arms, it would be dwarves!” At that, even as polite a dwarf as Balin could hardly help bursting into a wicked grin.
“Nice axes.” “Forged them myself,” Dwalin answered with a nod, “Grasper and Keeper. One grasps your soul, the other keeps it.” “How funny,” you remarked, raising your forearm crutches, “I call these Catcher and Holder. Same idea only with the body. Suppose that isn’t nearly as impressive, though.” “Impressive?” Dwalin burst out. “We’ve all got our battle scars. Our wounds. Never be ashamed of that. The fact that you’re still up ‘n’ going? Be proud. I can show you plenty o’ scars myself!” At that last bit, Dwalin began lifting up his tunic to reveal toned skin paled in some places and darkened in others by all manner of scars and at that, you couldn’t help shyly laughing. Proud indeed.
Yes, the king had not denied you entry into his company when Gandalf had recommended you, but he had raised and furrowed his regal brow in the skeptical look all but branded into your mind. He’d asked Gandalf if he was certain, and from then on the fire in your heart blazed. Certainly Thorin treated you as an equal, giving you the tasks he gave all others, but he had been yet to see you in battle and you knew that was where your proof would solidify. In fact, the first time wargs closed in upon you, you were one of the first to run back at them. Hearing the way Thorin called your name, but thoroughly ignoring it in favor of landing a solid crack upon the nearest adversary's skull. Luckily your body was having a better day anyway despite all the walking, because you spun and smashed your way through the orc pack, especially once you saw the way one bowled Bofur and Dori over. Fire took over your heart and eyes as you swung your mace until you could swing no more, all but deaf to the cracking of heads and the clattering of your allies’ blades through that pounding adrenaline. At the end of it all, Thorin approached you, his expression surprisingly mild. Then it broke into a smile. “The wizard was right about you,” he told you, clapping a hand to your shoulder, “Invaluable in all respects indeed.”
“Oh, that’s clever, that is!” “My eyes are up here,” you quipped, crossing your arms and smiling sardonically down at the dwarf bent over peering at your wheels. At that, Oin tilted his head up to look back at you, giving a raucous heh heh heh of laughter. “Never seen anything like this lot before,” he commented, shaking his head and running a hand over the frame of your chair, “You’d think dwarves’d be the first to make ‘em! ‘S beautiful.” Your lips parted wordlessly for a few moments before you spoke, head still slightly tilted. “Beautiful?” “Course!” Oin replied, smiling widely as he rose to his feet again. “A real beauty for sure. A marvel, actually. It is quite the privilege to get to see it in action!” “No one has ever told me that before,” you replied quietly, a smile spreading across your lips.
Orcs rushed you from every side, sending you scrambling as fast as your crutches could support you. Carrying a sword aside it all was about as unwieldy as one imagined, but you knew no different. In fact, your best strike that fight had nearly taken a whole arm off. Catching sight of you, though, the nearest of your blood-spattered adversaries grinned and gave a savage kick, sending your crutches flying from beneath you. Teetering, you pitched forward, trying to catch yourself with one arm and steady your sword with the other as the shout rang out. “You think you’re so clever, you great filthy buzzard? I don’t think so!” With a savage growl of his own, Gloin flew into the fray, and with a violent swing of his axe the orc’s head was sent unceremoniously tumbling to the dirt. “Serves ‘m right, eh?” Gloin asked with a smug look as he extended a hand, helping you up, handing you your crutches, and even gently dusting you off.
You had seen the way he glanced your way. How his eyes traced the lines of the crutches extending from your forearms, the extensions of steel that made walking less painless. And running more painless if you were a charging warg on the receiving end of a bash to the face. Bifur had seen the way you slid your arms free to motion and sign to him, indicating the interesting things seen along the road. If you had a tendency to go nonverbal, he would aid you in removing your crutches when you needed to sign. Such things had been floating in your mind when you sat by his side, asked him if he understood in a way. You certainly felt understood in his presence, after all. Bifur glanced away with haste, but still you caught notice of tears in his dark eyes, just for a moment. A moment before the smile spread across his face and he leaned in, gently resting his forehead against yours- carefully, of course, so you barely felt the brush of the axe against your joined skin.
“Bofur!” Uncaring how earsplitting your scream may have been, you charged forward, heaving one leg before the other as fast as you could while still keeping a hand on your walker. Which was faster than even you realized, sped by adrenaline and rage and urgency all pounding through your ears. Loading your crossbow again and again, you fired three successive shots into the assailant’s side, shoulder, and finally with the last you struck his ugly head and knocked him down onto his ass. For good. Sighing heavily, you leaned for just a moment on your walker frame before making your way to Bofur’s side, this time at a less painful pace, and turned it around to take a seat. Leaning down, you reached for his hand. “Bofur, are you alright?” “I am thanks to you,” he chuckled, his hazel eyes fixed upon you fondly, “Maybe I need to get myself one of those. Seems to aid the aim, having something to lean on.” Grinning and blinking back tears, you procured a cloth and a strip of bandage and started to dab away the blood on his shoulder.
“Hope this isn’t rude…” You were surprised by the sound of Bombur's soft voice coming from your side, turning from the journal you wrote in and setting your implements aside. A part of you wanted to roll your eyes, well aware of all the 'not rude' inquiries you'd received over the years as to why you carried crutches, especially if some days you did not. However, knowing this one came from sweet Bombur softened you. He actually meant it. "...But what's the hardest part of having those?" You couldn't resist a snicker at the thought that immediately rose to your mind. "You'd really like to know?" "Yes," he nodded, "If I may." With another little snort, you smiled and told him, "Mugs." "Mugs?" "Mugs and stairs. Can't tell you the number of times I've spilled on my way up. Anything that takes two hands, really." "I see!" The conversation ended with Bombur's eyes lighting up. At least you thought it had ended... Several days later, he came shuffling up to you with that same sweetly eager glint and his hands behind his back. "I've made you something," he told you, pulling out an open cylinder of steel and unfolding another little piece from it, "Hope it works. It's a little mug holder. Go on, let's see if it fits." Snapping the little unfolding piece to your crutch, Bombur watched your face break into a grin as it remained in place. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me, Bombur. Thank you." "You deserve it," he replied, smiling fondly at you.
“I wouldn’t exactly mind having one of those.” “A cane?” You arched a brow. “I’ve always thought it made you look distinguished,” he admitted with a smile. “Now that is a new one,” you commented wryly, “All for use of my leg.” “Nothing wrong with it,” Dori shrugged, “We all do what we must. Seems a shame you’ve such a plain one, though.” At that, your proverbial ears perked up. “As opposed to what?” “Well,” he shrugged, “I don’t know. Haven’t you seen all the nice silver tips and things they put on canes?” “Ah,” you nodded, “I see what you mean! It is a bit of a shame I haven’t anything to decorate mine with, isn’t it?” “Haven’t anything? What do you call this?” With that emphasized last word, Dori reached behind into his pack and procured a little silver charm, one carved richly with dwarven runes and even centered with a little green stone. Fiddling at his back more, the dwarf also found a section of string and hastily tied it to your cane’s handle. “Now what do you call that?” He asked, waving a hand over the charm. “I have a bit of luster dust if you’d like something more.” Needless to say, it was the most fun night you’d had in those endless weeks of trekking.
Raising one eyebrow at Nori, you stared in skepticism as he held a hand out and repeated his request. “Your cane, please?” “How do I know you won’t just run off with it?” You shot back. “You’re sitting,” he pointed out, “Not like you really need it. Besides, do you really think I’d be so incorrigible a scoundrel as to make off with someone’s means of walkin’ for no reason?” Nori’s gaze slid upward from your carven wood cane back to your eyes, which remained as they were. “Second thought, don’t answer that. Just trust me, hm? You won’t regret it. Dwarf’s honor.” At the invoking of honor, an action infrequently taken by Nori, your brow lowered to form a more neutral, though inquisitive, expression as you handed your cane over. You were quickly distracted by conversation from Dori as you sat, folding your hands in both complacency and content and shivering a bit in the snow. The conversation continued for some time until an ‘A-ha!’ rang out and Nori came running back up, triumphantly hoisting your cane, to which he had crudely affixed one of his many knives. “And what,” you asked, “Is this?” Nodding beyond your night’s campground, Nori indicated the ice extending across the ground. “Aid in your trek! Can’t have you slipping, can you? Not that I won’t catch ya.” He winked.
“Your sticks!” Ori gasped, brown eyes wide with horror. “Where are they?” “My crutches?” Eyebrows sliding upward in amusement, you made your way toward the young dwarf, who was stitching a sock a handful of feet away. At that, he simply nodded, repairs completely abandoned upon his lap. "Oh, I simply had no need for them today," you answered with a small shrug of your shoulders. At that, Ori gave a curious little frown. “So you can walk some days?” “It isn’t only a matter of walking,” you chuckled, “Moreso that some days my pain and balance are worse.” “Like when Gloin’s leg bothers him?” Ori asked, face turning to childlike eagerness. “Or how Bifur doesn't talk some days?" A little smile spread across your face and your chest expanded with warmth. "Yes," you agreed, "Just like that, Ori."
Mind drifting off in tandem with the pulsing ache of your limbs, you gazed at the flicker of the fire, faintly drifting smoke curling into the air from pipes and the kindling itself. Your hands idly wrung your cane until the sensation of warmth brushing your leg drew you from your empty focus spiral. Shifting your gaze, you were met with the sight of Fili sitting at your side. "Think I might need one of those after today." Following his gaze, your eyes fell back down to your hands, more specifically the cane held there. "Your own mobility aid or the other?" At your last words, Fili quirked up a golden brow. "The other?" He repeated. Smirking proudly, you slid the end off your cane, revealing a sword hidden within. “The other,” you repeated once more with emphasis, “Guess you weren’t paying attention to how I heaved so many goblins off that bridge.” “You’re right,” Fili agreed, blue eyes lighting up in the fireglow, “I do want that. How long has that been there?” “Whole time.” “Just waiting for the right moment, eh?” “Of course,” you bantered back, “Gotta make a show.”
“Can I try?” Kili smiled up at you as you blinked at him, face blank with thought. Reaching down, he pantomimed using your crutches for a step, swinging his arms back and forth. "You want to give my crutches a go?" Your eyebrows shot up, a smile building upon your face. Memories flooded your mind, deep knowledge of the struggle that nearly always comes with those first steps and even far beyond. Loosening the grip you had upon your aids, you handed them off to Kili as you took Oin's hand and allowed him to help walk and lower you onto a makeshift camp seat. Hooking his arms in, Kili stood up, adjusting his posture after several moments. He took a step, then swung them. "Wait, that doesn't make sense. Hold on." You giggled from your seat at Oin's side as Kili raised one leg, thought, brought the crutches down again and wobbled such that you were tempted to extend hands that could catch him.
“I was scared first, but trust me: you’ll be grateful in the end once you get on these fellows,” Bilbo told you, looking down at you as he patted the pony he sat upon. “It isn’t that,” you answered, gaze dropping from the hobbit’s, “It’s…well, it is a bit embarrassing, to be honest.” The dwarves had been sweet enough to fortify the feet of your forearm crutches, though they still could not understand why you didn’t ride. The answer, quite frankly, rose a bit of a flush to your cheeks. Bilbo must have caught this. “You shouldn’t be ashamed. Nothing of it is your fault. You can tell me. Probably better me than all those dwarves, right? I won’t tell a soul.” His voice dropped to a playful whisper for that last sentence, which though it didn’t help the heat radiating beneath your skin did open your heart and your mouth. “If I were to get lightheaded or a shock of pain riding a pony I could fall off. And...And I would need someone to hold onto me.” “Ah,” the hobbit replied, this time taking his turn to shyly gaze away, “Well, if you ever change your mind, I would be more than happy to hold you.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @kpopgirlbtssvt | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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kaminokatie · 3 months
so i watched the hobbit for the first time yesterday and my god does that thorin have me in a chokehold. i so desperately want to write a fic about him, but would anybody be interested? i’d make a whole account dedicated to lotr/hobbit fics if it did well!
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faeriichaii · 7 months
My Sweet Valentine ~ Kili x Human!Reader
A/N: So yesterday I asked who shall receive a lil love on this day and Kili won!! So here ya go it is literally just a tiny little short one shot but its smth :)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 424 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: No :) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Amrâlimé ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: You spent your morning hours with the wonderful dwarf prince Kili
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Soft fingers stroked your cheek gently, making you stir awake from your slumber. You see Kilis brown eyes fill with warmth, as you woke up beside him. After the two of you decided to court, you were basically inseparable. You even shared a bedroom with the prince, which of course he doesn’t mind.
“Good morning Amrâlimé. Did you sleep well?” A smile graced your lips, as his groggy morning voice filled your ears. “How could I ever sleep bad beside you my love?” Your arms snaked tighter around him. Head on his chest you listened to his heartbeat. Chuckling at your words, he gave you a gentle kiss on the top of your head.
“Well if we consider yesterday-“ Your hand slapped at his chest playfully to stop him from finishing his sentence. Yesterday was another one of the infamous festivities that are celebrated in Erebor. And of course you attended them with Kili by your side. So one thing led to the other and now you were waking up beside him, completely bare.”You are such a tease.” You say while hiding the blush on your face by cuddling further into his chest.
One of his hands moved from your back to your head. His fingers nimbly brushed through your hair to get rid of knots while you hummed contently. You loved it when he played with your hair. And so did he. One of your favourite past time activities is braiding each other’s hair. Sometimes you sing during these times. And sometimes Kili plays a few soft notes on the flute while you add cute accessories into his braid.
You remember the first time you braided his hair. You were on your journey to win Erebor back when you found beautiful wildflowers which you thought would look stunning in Kilis hair. So you asked him if you could do so. Which resulted in him suddenly getting really quiet and blushing a bit while nodding. After you have finished his braid he asked you if you knew what it meant to braid a dwarfs hair. And so he explained the customs of courting to you. Which in return coloured your cheeks red. He even offered you a courting bead.
The sudden kiss on your lips takes you back to your reality. Smiling softly you let your hands brush over his stubble. “I love you Kili.” You gave him another soft peck. A sigh left his lips, as he pulled you closer. “Let me show you how much I love you Amrâlimé.”
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Hii, just saw that you take requests for the hobbit! Could I please request a Thorin x Reader fic where Thorin wants to cuddle after a long day or something like that? <3
A/N: First Hobbit writing! To say I'm excited is an understatement. I listened to a lot of Hozier in preparation. The line of Durin will always have me in a choke hold.
Words: 432
Warnings: None
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The day had been long, unending. One problem to solve after the next. It was expected - almost welcomed. Still, the exhaustion seeped into your bones leaving you weary. You wanted nothing more than to lie in bed and forget the rest - if only for a small time.
You welcomed the soft padding of the bed. A sigh escaping your lips as your head rested against the pillow.
"And I thought I could only illicit that noise from you."
Lazily, you turned your gaze to Thorin as he began to undress.
"Thorin," you warned, your smile betraying your mock annoyance. You moved to help him undress, but he simply waved you off.
"Was the day truly that long?" He asked, his warm gaze never leaving yours.
You let out a huff of annoyance. "Those nephews of yours only know trouble."
Thorin let out a barking laugh as he climbed into bed next to you. "I will speak with them in the morrow."
Thorin pulled you close to him, your face nuzzling against his neck as he breathed you in at the crown of your head.
"What else troubled you today," he murmured, rubbing his hand gently against your back.
"Nothing of import," you replied, basking in Thorin's warmth. He was always warm - a soft constant heat. "It does not matter now," you whispered, placing a kiss against the base of his throat.
You enjoyed the low grumble you received in response - his hands moving to grip at your waist.
"And your day?" you questioned, pulling away slightly to meet his gaze despite his silent protests.
Thorin merely let out a low huff of annoyance, turning to lay on his back.
"Surely it was not that bad?" You asked, leaning towards him more you placed your hand on his chest.
"Thorin," you prodded.
"Trouble with trade agreements - I wish not to discuss it."
Your eyes searched his - you knew better than to push him. Thorin would discuss it with you in his own time. The more you pushed the more closed off he would become.
Thorin reached for your hand on his chest, he brought it to his lips, placing a gently kiss against your hand.
"I wish only to think of you," he said gruffly. His voice low and quiet.
You delicately turned his face towards yours, his hand still placed gingerly on top of yours. Leaning his forehead against yours, you felt him breathe deeply.
"As you wish," you replied faintly, relishing in the embrace you shared.
Problems were for the morrow. At the present only the moment mattered - only each other.
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theaskywalker · 5 months
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Imagine being Fili and Kili's younger sister and joining them and your uncle Thorin on the Quest despite their disapproval
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Fire Moon
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Kili Durin x Reader
Words: 2482
Summary: While on an escort detail with the dwarven princes, you and Kili witness an event that prompts him into a romantic realization. 
Notes: I’ve written a lot of angst for Kili and you know what, the boy deserves some fluff. So I’m going to attempt some cozy adventure fluff for one of my favorite fantasy boys of all time. 
Exhaustion weighed heavily over the camp. 
Every step took more effort than you thought you had left. You’d just about completed your patrol when you heard the footsteps behind you. You reached for your sword. 
“You look too tired to lift that, let alone use it,” Kili teased, stepping into the light of your torch. 
You huffed and took your hand off the hilt. Still, even through your fatigue you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be helping your brother look over the supplies?”
He shrugged. “Fili can handle it. Besides, he always accuses me of stealing the apples.”
“Don’t you?” You scoffed. 
Kili winked and tossed you the bright red fruit. “Though you might be hungry.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Thanks.” You took a bite, the bright taste helping restore you a little.
“We should be in Rohan in a couple of days,” he said, taking another apple from his pocket. He spoke with his mouthful of the fruit. “The merchants should find decent trade there.”
“If they can manage not to get themselves killed.” You started walking again.
He followed, chuckling. “They aren’t exactly the exploring type, are they?”
“I’ve saved at least a dozen from poisonous plants alone.” Your hands moved with your words, emphasizing your frustration. 
He thought it was adorable. 
“I’m worried, should we run into any Dunlendings, these people won’t just be unable to defend themselves, they’ll get in our way of defending them” you sighed. 
“I’m sure we’ll manage.” He nudged your shoulder, grinning. “You look so serious.” Kili mockingly mimicked your expression, unable to hold it for long before he was beaming again. “This is supposed to be an adventure.”
“We’re charged with keeping them safe and I can’t do that if they keep putting themselves in danger!” You exclaimed. 
Kili raised a brow. “You really are tired, hmm?” He snickered. 
You laughed, running a hand down your face. “Shut up.” 
A content quiet settled between you as you took in the scenery around. Even in the dark, the silhouettes of the Misty Mountains still took your breath away. 
“I’d forgotten,” you mused. 
Kili tilted his head. “Forgotten what?”
You smiled and took his hand. “Why I agreed to come on this venture in the first place.”
Kili brought your hand up to his lips, holding it a little tighter. His dark honey eyes met yours with nothing less than utter happiness. 
“Well, we’re fortunate you could join us,” he chuckled. “Who knows what kind of trouble Fili and I would get into if you weren’t here to keep us in line.” 
You snorted. “I’m sure he’d say the same about you and me.” 
“He mentioned it just this morning, actually,” Kili beamed. 
“What a trio we make.” You looked over the camp and sighed. All these people traveling to gather supplies to take all the way back to their homes. They worked and prayed and fought to protect something you’d never had. Not that you always minded. With the stars over your head and Kili’s hand in yours, you knew you would be content anywhere. 
Besides, you were far too restless to ever stay in one place. As were your traveling companions. Even now, Kili could hardly stand still. 
You stretched beside him, yawning. 
“You should get some rest,” Kili said. “I can take watch for the next few hours.”
You shook your head. “I’ll be fine.” You yawned again before you could stop it. 
He shook his head and pressed a kiss to your temple. “Sleep, my darling.” The rumble of his voice warmed every inch of you. 
You knew there was no point in arguing. 
“Only if you promise to sleep as well.” You leaned in, lips brushing his ear. “It gets too cold without you.”
Kili turned his head, quickly capturing your lips in a kiss. He smirked. “I’ll do a few rounds and then switch with one of the others.”
You gave him another quick kiss before heading back to where you’d set up your bedrolls. 
Kili watched you go, his grin never faltering for a second. In all the years he’d known you and all the time you’d been together, Kili had still never gotten used to simply gazing at you. 
“You’re supposed to be watching the whole camp, you know,” Fili teased, appearing at his brother’s side. 
Kili cleared his throat and turned to the tents. “I am.”
Fili chuckled, shaking his head. “I still can’t believe that the girl who followed us around, demanding archery lessons grew up to be-” he motioned to your retreating figure, “well, Y/N.”
“I think she’s always been beautiful,” Kili mused, the taste of your kiss still lingering in his smile. 
Fili snorted. “That’s not what you said the first time you took her shooting.” He ruffled his younger brother’s hair. “Ah, the power love has over memory.”
Kili stopped dead. “L-love?” He stammered. 
“It’s only an expression,” Fili laughed. He watched Kili’s face turn red. “Unless… by the gods, you are in love!”
Kili yanked him aside. “Would you keep your voice down?” He hissed. 
Fili lit up with a mischievous smile. “You haven’t told her?”
“There hasn’t exactly been a good time.” Kili crossed his arms and turned away, looking more bashful than Fili had ever seen him. 
Fili pat him on the back. “Well, I wish you the best of luck, brother.” He snickered. “You’re going to need it.”
Fili cast many knowing looks in your direction the next day. Every side-glancing smirk made you wonder just what the dwarven prince was keeping from you. Unfortunately, you took the middle of the party while he stayed in the back, so you didn't get the chance to interrogate him. 
Kili, on the other hand, couldn't seem to get away from you quickly enough. Every time you approached him, he came up with some excuse to get away. Even last night, he’d remained distant, staring up at the stars while he lay across the grove from you. Between that and Fili’s odd attention, you couldn’t help the doubts that began to flit through your head. 
Had you done something wrong?
Another day of travel passed, vast and rolling fields to one side and jagged, towering peaks to the other. The mountain breeze wisped through your hair. Its briskness carried the scent of wildflowers and helped to distract from your thoughts. 
Kili, who was leading the party, called everyone to a stop. This would be where you camped tonight. It was a good spot- near a creek, trees for firewood, and plenty of rabbits for restocking previsions. But since he was giving you the cold shoulder, you kept this praise to yourself. 
He and Fili met you in the middle to tie up your ponies and discuss the evening’s plan. But once the ponies were secured, the three of you just… stood there. An odd and unfamiliar tension hung between you. 
So Fili took matters into his own hands. 
“Some of the merchants were talking,” he said, glancing between the two of you. “Apparently, they saw some smoke along the ridge.” 
Kili made a face. “I didn’t see any smoke.”
“I did,” Fili said- a little too quickly, you noted. He put a hand on you and Kili’s shoulders. “You two should go scout it out.” And before either of you could argue, he continued. “We wouldn’t want to be surprised by a group of Dunlendings, would we?” He hurried off to join the others, turning back just for a moment. “Don’t get killed. I’m sure you’ll have plenty to talk about when you get back.”
Fili shot his brother a wink. 
Kili promptly reddened and muttered a string of curses. 
“He seems… odd today,” you noted, watching the blonde vanish amongst the tents. 
“It’s a long story,” Kili grumbled and started up the path. 
You took a deep breath, trying in vain to banish the worries pounding through your head like a war drum.
Fili was right about one thing. 
It would certainly be an interesting night. 
It was hard to remain irritated once you began to take in the beauty around you. Massive trees enveloped you on either side, giving you glimpses of the rocky landscape through their branches. Birds and frogs filled the air along with the bubbling of creeks made from snowmelt. The setting sun cast the world in hues of orange and gold, giving the mountain peaks the illusion of being capped with fire. 
“We should be at the top of the ridge within the hour,” Kili said, hiking slightly behind you. 
“I’m not sure we need to go that far,” you observed. “I see no sign of smoke at all. And besides, why would Dunlendings be camped out this far?”
Kili caught up to you. He looked strange, almost nervous. This only worsened your confusion. 
“Why don’t we go anyway?” He gave you a small smile. “Just to be sure.”
You watched him for a second, tilting your head as if he was a riddle you couldn't solve. 
“Alright,” you finally said and the two of you continued onward, now walking side by side. 
Kili felt more anxious than he was when he faced his first one. Every time you glanced at him, the butterflies in his stomach turned brutal, and each time you smiled at the stunning view, he wanted to catch your lips with his and never let go. 
You tried your best to pretend like everything was normal despite the fact that lightning seemed to shoot up your arm every time his hand grazed yours. 
“I heard of a town with a goblin problem not far from Ered Luin,” you said. “Perhaps we could head there when we escort the merchants home.”
Kili nodded. 
You continued in silence.
A deer ran across your path to drink from the creek. Its large brown eyes watched the two of you and must have determined you posed no threat for it bowed its head down to the cool mountain waters. 
This, you thought, was all you needed. The air of the Misty Mountains, the pleasant tiredness of a day’s adventure, and someone to share it with. 
You just hoped that Kili felt the same. 
With the sun almost set completely, the first stars blinked their soft white light over you. Even Kili, who’d only ever seen them as a cold, distant light, couldn’t help but marvel at their splendor. Everything just seemed more beautiful now. 
By the time you reached the top of the ridge, you both knew there’d be nothing to find, but you stayed to enjoy the view anyway, lit by the stars and the lingering light just on the horizon. 
Across a canyon, evergreens painted the rocky hillside with shoots of autumn gold running in between like veins. A distant waterfall twinkled in the starlight. 
Breathless, you stood at the edge, taking in every sight and sound. 
“It’s beautiful,” you gasped. 
“Yes, it is,” Kili agreed, though he wasn’t looking at the mountain at all. 
You turned and he quickly glanced away. Your heart pounded. It was now or never, you supposed. 
“Have I done something?” You blurted. 
Kili’s nose scrunched up adorably, his brows drawing together. 
“Well, you’ve been different and I thought I may have done something.” You could feel your cheeks grow pink. 
“No,” he paused, smirking at himself, “well, I suppose, in a way-” He thought of the way you smiled at every person in the camp, even when they irritated you. He thought of how your eyes lit up when you saw something beautiful, like the view before you now. How, even in the dark, it pained him not to see you for a single moment. 
Your stomach sank. You took his hand. “What is it? If I’ve said something or done something to upset you, then please tell me now.”
Kili’s expression morphed, a bright smile taking over his features, bringing a light to his eyes that rivaled the stars. 
“No, Amrâlimê,” he said sweetly, “the only thing you have done is be the incredible woman you are.” Kili took a breath, holding your hand to his chest to feel you closer. “The woman I have fallen utterly and completely in love with.”
He kissed your fingers, then your palm, then the inside of your wrist.
“K-Kili,” you breathed, feeling as though you’d given all of the air in your lungs away. Like you had given yourself to him completely. You opened your mouth to tell him this, but both of you turned as you were swallowed by a warm light like the most powerful and enchanting sunrise. But it was not the sun rising about the dark peaks and emerald trees.
It was the moon. Impossibly large and glowing it embraced everything in reds and oranges and golds. It turned the already incredible view of the canyon into a wall of magic.
“A fire moon,” Kili gasped. “I’ve only ever heard tales of them for old explorers. Truly the stories cannot compare.”
The moon continued its ascent slowly, both of you frozen by its brilliance. The pure rays washed over you, giving you all the clarity you needed. 
“Marry me,” you said suddenly.
Kili tore his eyes away from the celestial splendor to look at you in surprise. The light surrounded you with an ethereal glow. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
You continued, stepping closer to him so that your faces were breaths apart.
“I love you, Kili of the Line of Durin,” you beamed, tucking a strand of chestnut hair behind his ear. “This journey has shown I don’t want a single adventure without you by my side. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You paused, trying to gauge his response, but he remained entranced. “If you’ll have me.” 
Speechless, Kili simply took your face in his hands and brought your lips to his for a kiss with a passion that outshone the light of the Fire Moon ten times over. When he pulled away, he could hardly contain his joy.
“Yes,” he said. “A thousand times yes. Amrâlimê… my love… my Y/N.” He kissed you again and again in between each wonderful phrase until you were both breathless and laughing. Kili’s eyes widened with realization. “We must tell Fili at once! This was all his doing, getting us to come up here so I would stop being such a coward.” He grinned, his boyish playfulness returning. 
You smirked. “First, let’s punish him for his trickery and stay here a while longer. Make him worry a little.”
Kili chuckled. “You are a devious thing, aren’t you?” 
“Yes,” you giggled, “but you love me anyway.”
Kili laid a hand on your cheek. “That I do.” 
He pulled you into his arms and held you beneath the brilliant moon.
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zoozvie · 5 months
Imagine: a Dragonborn in The Hobbit
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With my poor memory of Tolkien lore, my love for D&D, and just fantasy in general, I've been thinking about a Dragonborn reader going on the adventure to the Lonely Mountain with the dwarven company + 1 Burglar, and sometimes a Wizard.
Please be chill about semantics, I'm so terribly sleep-deprived.
I like to imagine Reader as a Dragonborn can shift and phase through how much of a dragon they look like. Their more human form makes them look odd, something is still strange about them, but most don’t know they’re hiding something unless they are receptive to magical concealment.
Reader is picked up and tagged along with the company shortly before they reach the elven woods, so the dwarves are wary of them because of what has happened to their bloodline involving dragons. Thorin is the least trusting, accusing them and being nitpicky about how they are with the party.
Thranduil is also not pleased with a dragon walking among the dwarves when they get captured in the Mirkwood forest, because of his own history. He can see through their lie to conceal themselves very quickly.
The elves put them on the spot when Thorin and Thranduil are bickering and Thorin is also intrigued by the interrogation.
Their response is more so, “Would you look at yourselves, see how well you get along because you both hate dragons?”
When questioned if they will turn on the dwarves, and the elves then after, because of the temptation of gold in the lonely mountain they reassure that gold is not their fascination, and they have no interest in keeping it. 
Everyone gets into it about dragon hordes, and yes they’re dragon-like but not wholly a dragon, and yes they collect things but a massive hoard is too overkill they prefer something more personal. 
This forces them to show everyone a sachet hanging from their belt pouch containing smooth and bright-colored stones, sea shells, and things you’d find on the ground. The Dragonborn is very uncomfortable doing this and gets quiet and grumbly, eyes calculating where everyone is around their “hoard”.  (While traveling on this adventure, an acorn Bilbo gives them is added to the sachet, to remember him by)
This is only step one of proving to the others that Dragonborns are not entirely dragons, everyone makes their own choices and has their path in life so we should just not assume someone’s entire character based on their birth, right? Hopefully, the Dragonborn can get through to everyone so they'll at least calm down enough to lessen the tension. Or else this will indeed be a long, long journey.
(Bonus points if Reader sings the Misty Mountain song, as an offering to show that they’ll stand by the dwarves)
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
I belong with my One; Fili x Dúnedain reader
*Author's note*
So this took me a few days to finally get finalized and write down so I hope @futuristicyouthvoid I hope you enjoy this fic. For this fic I've put that instead of Kili getting shot by the Morgul arrow, reader gets shot saving him and ends up getting sick.
Warnings: reader poisoned, near-death experience, some angst and some fluff.
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So much has happened in such little of time.  First Gandalf offers me a proposition for aiding a company of Dwarves, then we’re being pursued by orcs, then get imprisoned by the Elven king Thranduil.  Now we find ourselves at the mercy of the Men of Laketown.
Thankfully another friend of mine Bard was willing to let us stay the night at his house but of course the Dwarves had to screw it all up by going to the armory to steal the weapons and end up getting caught by the Master of the Lake’s guards.  But by some miracle, we were granted the supplies we needed to get us to Erebor to complete the quest before sunset.  Of course I knew it was because of the Master’s greediness that he agreed to help, he never was a good man.
“You do know we’re one short, where’s Bofur?” Bilbo asked.
“If he’s not here, we leave him behind.” Said Thorin.
“We’ll have to, if we’re to find the door before nightfall. We can’t risk no more delays.” Balin agreed grimly as everyone began piling into the boat.  But as I was just halfway over the plank, I felt a hand stop me.
“Not you.” I turned to see Thorin.
“We must travel at speed, you’ll only slow us down.” He told me.
“I’m coming with you all to the Mountain. I promised Gandalf that I would.”
“(Y/n), you have been a big help to me and my kin. The first Ranger to truly stand for our cause. But lately you haven’t been up to par on your health. Stay here and rest, rejoin us when you’re healed.” Just because I’ve been feeling a bit sluggish since the river incident, doesn’t mean I’m helpless.
“I will say no more on the matter.” Without another word, Thorin went back onto the boat whilst I had no choice but to sit back down on the docks, feeling a chill suddenly come over me.
“I’ll stay with the lass, my duty lies with the wounded.” Oin said as he voluntarily got off the boat and came up to me.
“Uncle, (Y/n) has done more for this company than any other outsider could’ve done for us. You cannot repay her by leaving her behind.” Fili stepped up for me.
“Fili no.” I told him.
“I will carry her if I must!” Fili argued.
“Fili, one day you will be king and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of a Ranger. Even if she were the only one willing to help us.” As Oin began feeling my forehead for a temperature, I soon watched as Fili stormed off the boat but Thorin stopped him.  “Fili, don’t be a fool. Your place is with the company.”
“My place is with her!” he snapped back at his uncle before taking back his arm and came over to me.
“Why did you do that? I thought you always wanted to see Erebor, you told me so yourself.”
“I’ll have plenty of opportunities to see the kingdom in my lifetime, but your wellbeing is more important to me than all the gold in Erebor.” I felt my cheeks grow warm as I softly thanked him.
“And don’t think it’ll just be Fee that’s gonna help you get back on your feet.” We turned to see Kili had also left the boat.
“Kili, you didn’t have to stay behind too.” Fili said.
“Yeah I could’ve gone but it’s my decision too.” He came up to me and stood on my right side.  “You saved my life back in the Woodland realm, I’ll gladly do everything I can to help you now (Y/n).” I smiled and looked at the brothers.
“You guys truly are the best friends I’ve ever had. Thank you.” They both nodded and as the Laketown band played a victorious fanfare to wish our friends luck, a sudden dizziness overcame me. 
My vision was going in and out of focus and as the crowd cheered as the boat with our friends departed from the docks, I suddenly fell forward, the last thing I heard was Fili’s voice calling my name.
*3rd Person POV*
When (Y/n) had passed out on the dock, Fili cried out (Y/n)’s name as Oin came up and began searching over her body for any trace of an infected wound or trace of blood.  Knowing that she had saved Kili from that arrow back when they were trying to escape the orcs on the river, there must’ve been a wound he might’ve missed before they came across Bard.
“OH, did you miss the boat too?” they soon heard the missing Dwarf, Bofur’s voice say.  But the moment he saw (Y/n) passed out, his concern grew as he asked Kili.  “What happened to her?”
“We don’t know. She just—suddenly passed out.”
“Her fever’s spiking lads. We have to get her help right away!” Oin said.
“Kee, help me out here!” together the brothers lifted her up by her arms while Oin and Bofur got her legs and they walked back towards the Master’s manor to ask for help.  After pushing through the guards, Fili cried out. “Please wait! Please, we need your help. Our friend is sick!”
“Sick? Is it infectious?” the Master exclaimed fearfully as he covered his nose with his handkerchief and fearfully cowered behind Alfrid. “Get back! Alfrid, Alfrid don’t let them come any closer!”
“Please. We need medicine.” Oin pleaded.  Alfrid walked closer as he sneered at them.
“Do I look like an apothecary? Haven’t we given you enough? The Master’s a busy man, he hasn’t got time to worry about sick Rangers! Let alone this one right ‘ere. All she’s ever done for this town is ruin the Master’s good name and turn the people against him.”
“She’s helped these people in their hour of need! Are you willing to let her die because of your own selfish needs?!” Kili demanded.
“None of our concern. She’s not a paying citizen here, therefore she’s not our problem. Now off you pop! Less we use more drastic measures.” With that Alfrid and the Master shut the doors and the guards ordered them away.
After being rejected by the Master, they tried going to other people to see if they could help but all of them were either too scared to go against the Master’s wishes, or didn’t have enough supplies to help aid her as well as their own sick family members.
With no other options left, the Dwarves raced back to Bard’s home.  Knowing of their friendship, they’d hope that at least he could help them.  Bofur knocked on the door frantically and as soon as Bard saw them, he sneered.
“No, I’m done with Dwarves. Go away!” he went to shut the door but Bofur stopped him pleading.
“No, no please! Please! No one will help us. (Y/n) is sick.” Bard opened the door further to see his good friend now sickly pale, strands of her hair stuck to her face from the profuse sweating she was doing, and her breathing was now choked gasps.  “She’s very, very sick.” Even with the grievance he had with the Dwarves for risking the safety of not only his children but the entire town of Dragon fire, he didn’t have the heart to turn his dear friend away.
“Bring her in.” Bard stepped aside and the four dwarves quickly piled in while Bard quickly looked around before shutting the door.  “Put her over there. I’ll see what I have.” Bard went to the back of the house as the Dwarves set her down on the nearby couch.  Fili took her hand between his and squeezed it.
“Hang on (Y/n), we’re all here to help you. Just…..don’t go where I cannot follow.” He whispered to her stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.  Kili watched his older brother and knowing of his feelings towards the Ranger, he couldn’t help but feel guilty knowing that it was because of his carelessness that the woman his brother loved got hurt to save him.
As the night overcame the lake, (Y/n)’s health was gradually becoming worse.  Oin did managed to find a small graze just underneath her elbow.  A graze that came from an orc arrow tipped with poison.  Already the wound (even for as small as it was) had already started to become infected and the poison was spreading fast.
(Y/n) was tossing and turning, panting as her body was glistening with sweat.
“Nothing’s working! Can you not do something!?” demanded Fili who was growing more frantic by the second seeing the woman he came to love be in such agony.
“I need herbs! Something to bring down her fever.” Bard soon came in with some more supplies and began listing them off.
“I have nightshade, feverfew…..”
“No, no there no use to me. Do you have any Kingsfoil?” said Oin but Bard told him.
“No. It’s a weed we feed it to the pigs.”
“Pigs? Weed. Right. Don’t move.” Bofur said before leaving the house.  As Kili was continuing to dab a damp, cool cloth across (Y/n)’s face and neck to ease her of her sweating, a rumble was soon heard coming from the mountain.
“Da?” asked one of Bard’s daughters Sigrid.
“It’s coming from the mountain.” Answered Bard’s son, Bain.  Bard had feared the worst, the dwarves had awoken Smaug the Terrible and soon the prophecy would come to pass, the Lake will shine and burn.
“You should leave us.” Fili said as he walked up to Bard. “Take your children, get out of here.”
“And go where? There’s nowhere to go.” Bard told him in defeat.  Little Tilda stepped in front of her siblings and asked her father fearfully.
“Are we going to die Da?” Bard looked at his youngest child and assured her.
“No darling.”
“The dragon, it’s going to kill us.” Bard then turned towards a beam just above the kitchen and gripped a thin but firm piece of what appeared to be black iron.  He pulled it down from the beam to reveal that it was a Black arrow, the very same black arrow that can only be used to kill the dragon.
“Not if I kill it first.” Bard said determinedly.  He then asked his son to come with him while the girls stayed behind with the Dwarves to help take care of their Aunt.
Time passed and (Y/n)’s fever was getting even worse.  Her breathing was sharp and panicked and she was now starting to writhe in agony.
“Durin’s beard where is Balin with that Kingsfoil!?” Fili demanded.
“I have the right mind to go out and look for him myself!” Kili snapped.
“You can’t leave! With the guards on patrol, they’ll arrest you too and aunt (Y/n) will never get better!” Bain said.  “No one is leaving this house understood!?” hearing the young man take a stand against the Dwarves made them both feel shock and admiration.
“Very well laddie. But I don’t know how long (Y/n) has got left, she’s growing weaker by the second.” Oin said to Bain.
“Tilda, Sigrid, come with me to get more rags and water for aunt Hela.” The siblings soon left while Fili gripped (Y/n)’s hand tighter.
“Fi…….li.” she choked out.
“I’m right beside you (Y/n).” he whispered to her.  Slowly opening her eyes she croaked out.
“Fili…..if anything hap-happens to me—”
“Don’t talk like that (Y/n). We’re going to heal you, Bofur’s probably found the Kingsfoil by now, he’s just probably ducking the guards and taking longer. Please don’t give in now.” He squeezed her hand between his.  “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
Suddenly a scream was heard and next thing everyone knew orcs began dropping down from the rooftop or coming in through the front door.  The dwarves grabbed whatever they could to fight off the orcs but there were too many of them, and with the tightly constricted area the house provided, there was hardly any fighting room.
Kili got the children to duck under the table and fought off any orc that tried to come close to them, while Oin and Fili worked together to fend off any orc that came near (Y/n).  When they thought they were done for, help came from both Legolas and Tauriel who had been tracking down the orcs since they left Mirkwood.
As Fili managed to block an orc’s attack with a kitchen knife, (Y/n) had managed to crawl out of the couch and use a fire-poker to stab the orc through its spine.  But she soon let out a cry of agony as she collapsed to the ground, the poison fully starting to overcome her.  Eventually, all the orcs were either killed off or had begun to retreat from the house.
“You killed them all.” Bain said as he and his sisters got out from under the table after all went quiet in the house.
“There are others, Tauriel.” Legolas ordered but Tauriel was hesitant.  As Oin came down beside (Y/n) and felt around her neck to feel her pulse was slowing down, Fili and Kili came down beside her as Oin said fearfully.
“We’re losing her!”
“Tauriel.” Legolas said to her.  She turned back to her prince and said.
“The Ranger has done no harm to us, is there nothing we can do to help her?”
“She is beyond help. I’m sorry, there’s nothing that can be done for her.” Footsteps could soon be heard racing up the stairs and as the two elves prepared for another battle with orcs, they stopped to see that it was Bofur carrying some Athelas in his hand.
“Athelas,” Tauriel exhaled as she took it from him and admired it. “Athelas.”
“What are you doing?” Bofur asked nervously.  Tauriel looked into the room before looking back at him and said.
“I’m going to save her.” Legolas’ eyes briefly narrowed.
“You may go if you wish Legolas, but I cannot leave the she-ranger to perish in such agony. Not whilst she still clings to life and that I now have her only salvation.” The young prince took a deep breath then exhaled.
“What would you have me do?” the two elves raced back inside and Tauriel ordered.
“I need water fast. Get her on a solid, stable surface. Lay her flat on her back.” Every in the room reacted quickly.  Tilda gave Tauriel the bowl of water for her to mix the Athelas together, whilst Legolas and the Dwarves worked together to get (Y/n) on the table.
She was screaming and writhing in pure agony, her mouth starting to grow black with the poison.
“Where is the wound?” Legolas asked.
“Underneath her left elbow.” Oin said.  Legolas took hold of her left wrist and raised her arm above.  But when she tried to struggle, he was forced to also grab her forearm to pin it down and there he saw it.  The black graze and he could see the infection had fully spread and blackened her entire elbow.
“Hold her down.” Tauriel said.  Kili and Bofur held down her right leg while Bard’s children held down her left.  Fili held (Y/n) by the shoulders and Oin helped Tauriel brew the medicine.  Once it was brewed, Tauriel cut through the sleeve of (Y/n)’s shirt to get a better access to the wound.
The female ranger appearing like a rapid animal, screaming, grunting and thrashing about trying to free herself.  Tauriel took some of the Athelas and began rubbing it onto her hands as she chanted.
“Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth.” She then placed her hands over the ranger’s wound and (Y/n) let out an agonizing scream.  Fili softly shushed her stroking through her hair and whispering in her ear all the while Tauriel kept chanting the spell.
Bit by bit, (Y/n)’s animalistic behavior quietened and then she went still.  Her breathing now soft and not as frantic as it had been.  Fili looked down at her worriedly and Kili asked.
“Will she be alright?”
“Athelas has powerful healing properties. With time and rest, she’ll regain her full strength. A few more minutes and she would’ve been beyond even with the aid of the Athelas.” Responded Tauriel.  The dwarves and Bard’s children breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank you.” Fili said to Tauriel.  She gave him a soft but tight smile as well as a soft nod.  Then both she and Legolas left to deal with the orcs.
After her healing, Fili wrapped up (Y/n)’s wound with some bandages and kept vigil at her side.  Never before had he felt so scared than he had felt at that moment.  Fearing that the woman he had come to become fond of—nay love throughout this quest, he wouldn’t have known what to do had she been lost to him.
“She’ll be alright Fili. She’s strong, she’ll be back on her feet in no time.” His brother tried to assure him.
“I know. But seeing her go through all that pain, all that suffering, and who knows if she even knew she had been hit.”
“Even if she did, she’s got the stubbornness of a Dwarrowdam. Perfect woman for a guy like you.” Fili turned to his brother.  “You may try to have hide it from the others but you can’t hide anything from me Fee. I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at her since Rivendell. You care for her more than just as a friend.” Fili sighed and looked down to her.
“I don’t even know how it happened. But after all that we’ve been through, seeing her in a—domestic way. The way she was with her younger cousin, the way the sunlight seemed to reflect off her hair, and the way her eyes shone like jewels in the dark. Kee……I feel as if she is my One.”
“And you should follow through that brother.”
“But would it work? A dwarf and a human? It’s never been done before?”
“Is that what’s really troubling you? Or is it that you fear she doesn’t feel the same way?” Fili remained quiet.
“This quest has shown me that life is too fragile. And at any moment, any one of us can be taken away by any means. I want to tell her my true feelings but—not now. Not while our lives are still in danger. Perhaps when we reach the mountain, I’ll work up the courage to tell her but I—”
“I understand brother. The turmoil that must’ve been stirring in your heart seeing her on death’s doorstep, if you had confessed your love for her beforehand and it be too late to save her……I can’t imagine the pain that would’ve been.”
“She’s too precious to me.” Fili said as he stroked her cheek with the back of his finger.  “I feel like if she had died tonight, my heart would’ve died with her. My body may have continued to live on but my heart would never be full again.”
“Take comfort now that she’s alive and that she’s recovering. No more darkened thoughts need cloud your mind anymore.” Kili said as he placed a comforting hand on his brother’s shoulder, gently shaking it.  Fili turned to his little brother and nodded giving him a soft smile.
“Thank you Kili. I know I’m supposed to be the older brother here but, I’m glad that you were here to be the one to ease my mind.”
“I’m always here for you brother, and I always will be. Together forever right?” he extended his other hand out.
“Together forever little brother.” Fili clasped his other hand with Fili’s as they pressed their foreheads together, drawing in each other’s strength.
*My POV*
 All I remembered was darkness, as well as a voice reaching out for me.  Then a bright light and soon silence.  I don’t remember much after that but I do remember hearing Fili’s voice along with Kili’s.
“This quest has shown me that life is too fragile. And at any moment, any one of us can be taken away by any means. I want to tell her my true feelings but—not now. Not while our lives are still in danger. Perhaps when we reach the mountain, I’ll work up the courage to tell her but I—”
“I understand brother. The turmoil that must’ve been stirring in your heart seeing her on death’s doorstep, if you had confessed your love for her beforehand and it be too late to save her……I can’t imagine the pain that would’ve been.”
“She’s too precious to me.” I felt something graze my cheek with the most gentlest touch.  “I feel like if she had died tonight, my heart would’ve died with her. My body may have continued to live on but my heart would never be full again.”
So did Fili actually feel the same as I have come to feel for him? Oh Fili, I-I love you too. And I do hope that one day I can say that aloud, but for now I was just too weak to even open my eyes.  I soon passed out once again but it wasn’t until the sound of giant wings flying towards us had me opening my eyes.
Smaug was coming for us. And he was out for blood.
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multific · 1 year
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Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Summary: Thorin's sickness was getting worse by the day.
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As you stood there and looked at yourself in your gold gown, you felt utterly lost.
Dwalin did warn you about this sickness that overtook Thorin. You knew, yet this was worse than you could have ever imagined.
It all started when you entered the mountain.
Thorin's confession and promise of eternal love came as a surprise, yet you accepted his love. You felt the same way about him for a long while now.
Ever since you first saw him in that blacksmith workshop.
And now, he called you his Queen as he sat upon his throne, calling out for you to join him while the others looked for the stone.
He requested for you to change as he had placed a dress in your room.
The door behind you opened and in came Bilbo. With tears in your eyes, you looked at him.
"You have it." you whispered and he nodded once. "Give it to Gandalf, or the Elf King, I do not care but this... man, is not my Thorin." you said as he nodded once more and you exited your room heading to the throne room.
You dried your tears before Thorin could see and offered him a smile.
"My Queen! My gorgeous Queen, dripping in jewels and gold as you deserve." he said as his hand moved to your face and his other to your waist.
You held back your tears and leaned in to kiss him.
He twirled you around, but he wasn't admiring you, no, he was looking at the gold.
You begged for this to end soon.
"Thorin! We must help them!" all of the dwarves begged but Thorin didn't listen.
"Are you against me as well?" he looked at you and you looked at the floor. "TRAITOR!" he yelled which made you jump.
You finally had enough.
"You are not the dwarf I fell in love with! Not the King I followed here! Not the man I want!" you said before you turned and got ready for battle with tears running down your cheeks.
On your way out you did see Dwalin enter the room, you only hoped he would put some sense into Thorin.
You were out of breath as you ran.
The fight was over and you have won.
But where was Thorin and Bilbo? Kili and Fili?
You asked Gandalf but he just smiled and as you turned, there they all were. Thorin, injured yet alive. Kili was in bad shape and so was Fili but they will survive.
You rushed over to Thorin, hugging him close as he groaned but soon stopped with his complaint.
You pulled back and looked at him.
"Now, this is the dwarf I fell in love with." he smiled as you kissed him.
"Marry me." he said when you pulled back to catch some air.
"I thought you would never ask." you said with a laugh as everyone around you cheered and celebrated.
It was so much better to get ready for a wedding than a funeral.
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smallesthobbit · 3 months
The Hobbit & The Dwarf {P.I} || Thorin Oakenshield
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Synopsis - You and your brother, Bilbo, meet Thorin (& Company).
Warnings - SFW.
Notes - Guess this is going to be a few-parter and a slow burner, sorry in advance!
Word Count - 1.2k.
{Caffeinate Me}.
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That morning, you had been sitting outside with your brother Bilbo Baggins, smoking a pipe of tobacco and betting who could blow the biggest smoke rings over The Hill when the sun was quickly shaded from your vision. You and Bilbo turned your heads to the side to see an elderly man grinning down at you: he was dressed in grey, with a long grey, scruffy beard, a pointed hat and a staff clasped between his hands. Bilbo looked at the man with wide eyes, as in awestruck before chiming out a loud “good morning!” 
Well, that was the start of a conversation then but to be honest, you weren’t really listening, you were still blowing large smoke-rings over The Hill and basking in the warm shade the mystery man was creating. You had overheard that this man's name was ‘Gandalf’. Not to mention, the word ‘adventure’ was being thrown around a few times, that was before Bilbo stood up and stormed inside leaving you sitting on the lawn with the elderly gentleman. “Your brother,” Gandalf mumbled to you, shaking his head as he walked up to the large circular front door. You watched with curious eyes as Gandalf used his stick to draw a small glowing symbol on the door. Then, once his masterpiece of vandalism was complete, Gandalf turned to you and placed a finger to his lips and chuckled before walking off into the sparkling sunlight. 
Later that day, you and Bilbo had been merrying your way around the markets, picking up food for the week's suppers and buying little trinkets that you found rather appealing. Before you knew it, night had fallen and you were back in your hole in the ground, ready to have a nice, quiet supper with your brother… or at least that’s what you thought. 
You were both about to tuck into your supper for the evening when there was a knock at the large, round front door. With a confused expression Bilbo looked at you but you just shrugged, your face showing equal confusion. Slowly and hesitantly, Bilbo walked to open the door, and the last thing he expected to see was a dwarf. “Dwalin, at your service!” The dwarf spoke loudly, curtseying as he introduced himself. 
“Bilbo and Y/N… at yours,” Bilbo mumbled, looking at you with that same confused expression. 
“Where is it? He said there would be food, and lots of it!” Dwalin said, pushing past Bilbo and walking towards you in the kitchen. 
“He said? Who said?” Bilbo asked, but the question fell on deaf ears as a second knock came to the door. While Bilbo answered the door, you showed Dwalin to the supper table and offered him the food off of yours and Bilbo's plates. When Bilbo opened the door, another dwarf with a white long beard was standing there, a grin on his lips. “Who are you?” Bilbo said, the words tumbling off his lips before he even realised what they were. 
“Balin, at your service!” The dwarf, Balin, bowed to Bilbo and walked into the dining area where you and Dwalin sat. The second the two dwarves' eyes met, they were hugging immediately: it was clear they knew each other, maybe they were even related. While Bilbo spoke his mind to the two dwarves who had now moved their conversation to the pantry there was yet again another knock at the door. Well, expect both yours and Bilbo’s surprise when there was not one, but two dwarves on the other side. 
“And Kili-”
“At your service,” they chime at the same time. 
“I think there must be some mistake,” you gasped as the two dwarves at the large door looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Has it been cancelled?” One of them asked. 
“No one told us!”
“No, nothing’s been cancelled,” Bilbo stressed, raking his hands through his hair. 
“That’s a relief,” Kili and Fili smirked as they pushed their way inside. They looked around inspecting the furniture scattered across the room and art that adorned the walls, taking in the homeliness and comfort of the hobbit hole. 
“Kili! Fili!” Dwalin and Balin cheered, pulling the two younger dwarves into a hug. 
“What in the middle–earth is going on here?” You hissed at Bilbo, looking towards the four dwarves now standing in your pantry and inspecting your food. 
“I don’t know! Don’t ask me!” Bilbo hissed back at you, frowning. 
“You invited one too many people for tea and now we have four dwarves we do not know in our home!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up in the air. 
“I did not-” Bilbo tried to defend himself when he was, once again, interrupted by a knock at the door. “I swear to whoever, if this is someone’s idea of a joke I am not going to be happy!” 
Before Bilbo opened the door, he took a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself for another dwarf or two - but not eight! One after the other they fell on top of each other onto the floor of your home, grunting in pain and discomfort. Just as Bilbo was about to squeal in disbelief, shock and pure horror, a large figure bowed down revealing himself: Gandalf. Bilbo’s eyes met with the wizards and he shook his head, helping the dwarves off the floor and begrudgingly welcoming them into your shared home. “Bilbo my boy!” Gandalf exclaimed. The wizard ducked to allow himself entry into the home. Then he began to introduce each dwarf as they hung up their cloaks. “Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur.” 
“Welcome,” you smiled weakly, watching as the dwarves piled into your kitchen and began to merrily chat with one another. Meanwhile, Gandalf and Bilbo were speaking quietly in the corner of the room. You were lost, standing in the middle of the entrance surrounded by a Company of dwarves. 
“It seems we’re one man short – Where is he?” Gandalf asked, looking around at the dwarves, taking in each of their dishevelled appearances.   
“He’s running late, but he’ll be here,” Dwalin replied confidently. Gandalf nodded his head in response, taking in Dwalin’s answer as fact. Then, the Company began to chat amongst themselves again as they ate and drank. They were growing in confidence when all of a sudden a mighty bang came from the large front door. 
“That’ll be him,” Gandalf said, standing up and heading to open the door. When Gandalf opened the door, yet another dwarf stood there, his head down. “Thorin!” Gandalf chimed, forcing the dwarf to lift up his head. 
The dwarf, no doubtedly called Thorin, offered a weak smile to the wizard before turning to walk towards you and your brother. “So you are the Hobbits Gandalf insisted on bringing to our Company?”
“I say you’ll find no better members than these two Baginses!” Gandalf said sternly, placing a hand on Thorin’s shoulder. Thorin looked between you and Bilbo, an almost knowing smirk on his face. That smirk gave you two reactions: firstly, it made you visibly tense up and secondly it made your heart soar like a bird in the sky. You decided it best to keep your distance away from the one they call Thorin.
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queenstarlight2 · 3 months
My requests are open!
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My requests are open!
check my masterlist, and if you want a character that isn't on it, feel free to send the request anyway! I will try my best to get close to what you want! I will write smut, angst, platonic, and yandere. I don't usually do Character x character I am fine with doing male readers I will not do watersports, incest, or pedophilia I will do non-con
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shirefantasies · 3 months
The Hobbit Characters + Pregnant Reader (Wife!Reader)
I just love fluff ok and, say it with me, I did this for LoTR 😁 (you can think of the older characters’ as being set when you guys are younger, not during book/film events 😊)
Warnings: conception mentions, some implications of infertility, pregnancy-related illness and symptoms, very long post 😂
✧ Five years. For five years you had tried. Six you and Balin had been married, happily as anything, but children never came. Your struggles had broken you down, leading you to try all the remedies well-meaning elders and healers alike recommended. Eat more good, strong foods, less of that greasy stuff. Drink this tea, it’s great for women! It’s only a bunch of tiny needles- the pain of birth will be worse anyway. Don’t be so active, let yourself relax for Mahal’s sake, girl! Remedy after remedy, you put your body through it all and put your hands up and prayed. Weeks passed and you had taken ill, attending the healers’ just to get something to ease your nausea, and that was when the questions began. Illness forgotten, you wandered in a grinning daze out of that hall and straight into your husband’s arms. When he chuckled and asked what this was all about, all you could do was snuggle into his chest deeper and whisper “It’s finally happened.”
✧ Such years leant of course to Balin being a bit extra protective of you. You often chastised him, good-naturedly of course, that he hovered so over you, and every time he would simply kiss you and say "That's right".
✧ It brought you both to tears when you began showing, when your condition had persisted long enough to be real, to last beyond the known months of danger. Forehead pressed against yours, your husband held you tightly and warmly for some amount of minutes you did not know, but minded not at all. Balin's words of love and reassurance were as music to your ears.
✧ Hormones confound you some days, pulling you from peace to ruin in mere moments, but Balin is always there with warm arms and wise words, reminding you that whatever you may think, you will never be alone.
✧ The one time during your entire pregnancy that you saw Balin cry was the day you brought home a tiny red coat that looked just like his and showed it to him with pride glowing in your eyes.
✧ He is so calm during all the worst sides of your condition, standing right by you through the good, the bad, and the ugly and dusting and cleaning you off each and every time. "We fought hard for this," he reminds you, "And I'll keep fighting with you every step of the way."
✧ You had wanted children all your life, certainly, and you'd seen Dwalin around them a few times, but what would he say? Your husband was a renowned warrior, hardened in the face of blood and steel and tolerant of no foolishness. But still he went soft as clay when his beloved wife fell into his arms. Thus that night you softened him up but good with all the great food and affection you could muster, so much that you had him remarking what a wonderful home he'd been blessed with. "And would you be willing to share it?" At that, your husband rose from his chair, hands tensing at his sides. "You don't mean-" "I do," you nodded. Without warning, you were swept up into Dwalin's arms, hoisted gently into the air with a giggle. "Just when I thought Mahal couldn't bless me any more! My beautiful wife, with child."
✧ Cue the two of you bickering back and forth like, well, a married couple, about who the child is going to look like. "I'll have 'em look just like you, thanks." "I for one relish in the thought of toting around a miniature Dwalin." "Come now," your husband teases back, running a hand over his shaven, tattooed head, "If they look like you they'll have better hair!"
✧ Dwalin has tiny wooden swords and axes made in time for your little arrivals, ensuring the axes match his to a tee.
✧ He sleeps flush against you now, head leaned against your growing belly and one hand firmly atop it like a lovely little line of defense.
✧ You have him absolutely wrapped around your finger, even more so now. Bat your eyelashes at him and make any request and he melts like butter. You’ll never want long for anything you crave!
✧ Admittedly he knows very little of a woman’s workings, but the moment he hears all your explanations he dubs you as great a warrior as he! “Beautiful as the stars and strong as the mountains to boot! That’s my girl.”
✧ He has waited so long for this. So many years of this hanging pressure and yet when he has you by his side, all the feeling of necessity behind trying fades away. You two can simply enjoy life. So when you return to Thorin's side one day, eyes brimming with tears, all you say to him is "It's happened". And with that you see your king, your husband, collapse as if his whole body is sighing, pulling you into him like he needs you to breathe. One hand reaches up to hold the back of your head, gently caressing your hair.
✧ Vows every day that he will protect you both, be the father and husband you deserve, taking your hands in his and then leaning down to address both his queen and your child.
✧ Thorin also assures you that despite what any members of the court say, your new addition will be equally loved and equally worthy of the throne whether you welcome a son or a daughter. "All I wish is a healthy child with their mother's heart." "And their father's good looks," you tease in response, pulling your husband in for a kiss.
✧ You begin stealing his clothes, stating that his tunics are so much more comfortable than your dresses with an innocent bat of your eyelashes that has Thorin relenting every single time, heart rent at the way they begin fitting you tighter.
✧ You see a different side of Thorin in this stage of your marriage, one you’ll never complain about, not when he softens so, gazes down upon you with such love as he hovers over you, kissing your lips, your neck, your belly.
✧ There is no denying that you both glow during this time, pride and joy illuminating Thorin’s features right alongside the radiance of your childbearing state. Everyone stops you to say what a beautiful couple you are and you cannot help the flush of heat that rises to your face as Thorin thanks them and guides you away from the crowd, a protective hand on the small of your back
✧ Predicts it before you even realize because you’re exhibiting all the telltale symptoms; annoyed as you may be by his insistence that you are with child, what do you know? Oin is right. Oin is, unfortunately, also quite smug about this. Once the initial triumph wears off, though, he’s shouting for joy and crushing you with a hug!
✧ The absolute dream husband to have when you're with child, for he has worked taking care of countless dwarrowdams in your condition. He knows what you need. He understands. And most importantly, he does not judge.
✧ In fact, you two get a kick out of poking fun at the other husbands who roll their eyes at their wives' demands or take shots at their cravings because, frankly, that could never be you. "He doesn't know her body needs more iron!" "I bet he moans and groans about grabbing her a pillow, too."
✧ Having married such a well-known dwarrow, you’ll have all manner of strangers approaching you with congratulations that you reluctantly just accept, correctly assuming they’re patients of Oin’s that he’s proudly blabbed to.
✧ He’s always asking you to guess if you’re having a boy or a girl, insisting that “‘tis the mother’s intuition, after all.”
✧ You insist on remaining on your feet as long as possible, and your husband does not protest, knowing that exercise is good for the baby. That doesn’t mean he won’t be right behind you to catch you if you fall or check on your precious little bump, though, of course.
✧ Not so subtle in his so-called 'baby fever', your husband has been going on and on about how his child will be his little flame, the apple of his eye, his world. You have no fear, then, sharing the news, in fact you amuse yourself by dropping your state in conversation like the plainest fact. "I'm glad you've got those new blankets, dear, what with the baby coming in winter and all," you told Gloin, taking a sip of your tea. Deafening is the only word you can use to describe the roar of celebration he gives, wonderfully bone-crushing and teeth-rattling your embrace and kiss.
✧ Tackles you to bed almost every night the first week, covering your cheeks and belly alike with kisses.
✧ Spends that very same time period sharing with absolutely any soul who even remotely listens that he’s going to be a father!
✧ Gloin is very insistent upon your care, even taking it upon himself to make your meals by hand. Which, suffice it to say, is a bit disastrous the first few times but he emerges triumphant in the end and succeeds in filling you with all the hearty things your budding dwarrowling needs!
✧ Being married to a dwarf means you have a husband who absolutely adores the extra pounds you put on and has no qualms about showing you in and out of the bedroom! Even just stopping by the market he’ll be wrapped around you.
✧ Encourages the baby every time they kick, shouting out praise of their strength while you tell him to cool it, all those kicks are going to you!
✧ A large part of him thought that he would never be able to experience fatherhood. Not since the injury, and that had happened at such a young age. You cut right through that fear, assured Bifur that he would be an amazing father regardless of if he did some things differently. And that he would soon see, for your family would be growing early the next year.
✧ In all honesty, you feel blessed to have a husband who signs, for your baby will likely be able to communicate early! When you tell Bifur this he breaks out into tears, for what an angel you are to see the beauty in him. Every side of him. He promises to do the same.
✧ And make good on that does he! You will never want for love for even on your illest days Bifur is right by your side, his caresses gentle and speaking volumes of adoration.
✧ Absolutely adores jumping into the bath with you! His excuse being he has to help you and may as well rinse his beard off, but you can see how eager he is to run his hands over your hair and see the way your body relaxes at his cleansing touch. He wants nothing more than to feel useful, needed, and you assure him you cannot do this without him.
✧ Again and again, in fact, on the days when he stands behind you, holding up your burden and cheering you with little jokes and flirtation in Khuzdul even as you are overcome with exhaustion.
✧ Proudly tells everyone who will listen that he’s got a little warrior in there whenever the baby kicks!
✧ You hadn’t exactly been trying. You hadn’t exactly been not trying, either. The news comes to you through a haze, muffled by the great rush of other thoughts bombarding your mind and sending your heart beating, but at their heart comes the image of Bofur holding a little one and bouncing them upon his knee and your chest flutters and soars. Your visit is completed all in smiles, and upon returning him to your husband’s questioning about the flu you’ve gone in for, you tell him it likely will not go away until the end of the year. “The end of the year? Why ever that long? I’ve never heard of a flu like that, not even-” “‘tisn’t a flu, my darling,” you smirk at him, “it’s a baby.” “A- you’re- we’re gonna have a-” Bofur is all agape, stepping closer and hovering his hands over your middle like he doesn’t want to grip you in a way that breaks you. “That all right?” You ask, half-teasing, for he has recently confided in you his envy of Bombur’s family. “All right? Song of my heart, I could kiss you!” “Well, what’s stopping you?”
✧ If you thought Bofur was affectionate before, well Mahal be with you, for you haven't seen anything yet! He falls even more in love with your body knowing it's carrying his and your child, hands nearly always holding or roaming you. When you're out and about, your husband usually has a hand at the small of your back, supporting the weight you carry as you walk and running soothingly up and down. Kisses all over your belly in private.
✧ This lends to how quick your husband is to reassure you on days you don't feel so friendly with your body, those times when you'd like nothing more than to shatter the looking-glass. "All I see," Bofur tells you one day, a hand on each of your shoulders as you peer together, "Is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my lucky eyes upon, and she's not got an easy job. If I were her, I'd be proud of myself. Proud of making a comfortable home for our little one. And if I was her husband, why, I'd take her as she is right here and now! Right nice for me I am her husband, eh?"
✧ “Imagine havin’ a little girl.” Lying side by side, you heard Bofur’s wistful tone and felt a small smile creep onto your lips. “I’ll do her hair up in braids and tie them with ribbons. She’ll have all the pretty things she wants, because I have mine right here,” he adds, turning over to caress your belly and pull your lips into his.
✧ Marrying a toymaker comes with distinct perks: your husband crafts the most magnificent little wheeled contraptions and carven animals for your new addition! He spends hours carving and glazing them, and sometimes you catch him having fallen asleep at his workbench when you struggle to stay in dreamland, covering him up with a spare blanket.
✧ You worry because the baby doesn’t seem to move much, but Oin confirms everything seems to be going fine. “Your wee bairn just got this one’s personality, it seems!” He jokes, stabbing a mock-accusatory finger Bofur’s way.
✧ A baker's dozen. For as long as you've known him, that's how many wee ones Bombur purported wanting. Thirteen more than most dwarves have, you always tease him, but in reality every time you see your sweet husband with children and hear him dream of a family your heart leaps. That is why the moment you take his hands and tell him it's come true is special, intimate, a quiet draw in and out of breath that has him sobbing joyously and nuzzling into your embrace with so much love your chest bursts from the flight of it.
✧ Sixth senses never seemed real to you until you became pregnant and it was like Bombur knew what you were craving and was making it before you could even say anything!
✧ Cannot keep away from you. Always wants to be kissing you and cupping your cheeks and holding your hands, just so so sweet!
✧ Bombur is so much more good-natured than you, for all the jokes about how you'll be as big as him soon have you swinging, but he just holds you back and laughs alongside them, saying he's looking forward to it with a twinkle in his eye.
✧ Literally baffled if you ever feel bad about your body; his legitimate confusion alone halfway snaps you out of the sad reverie, and all the following words about your beauty and your husband's appreciation of every inch does the rest.
✧ "You know I'll keep you safe, right? Both of you," he tells you one day, a hand resting upon your bump, "I may not be some great warrior, but Mahal help anyone who comes between us."
✧ From even before you were actually wed you knew that Dori would be an excellent father. Having taken care of his younger brothers from quite an early age, he had knowledge atop a naturally caring personality you fell for. Gentlemanly Dori waited with you, keeping chaste until after your wedding, but once it is official you know your news could come at any time and you accept that. On your one-year anniversary, in fact, your first gift to Dori is the tiniest bracelet of fine amber beads. “Does this mean…?” As soon as he sees you nod, Dori is taking you in his arms, cradling you gently as if you were made of fine porcelain and thrice as precious.
✧ Caring father-to-be. A little too caring. "If those are too heavy for you, I can carry them!" "They're just books, I'll be alright, Dori." "Oh, don't eat that, you got sick last time." "I haven't been sick in a month!" "That's a lot of steps, should I carry you?" "...Actually, sure."
✧ Always sleeps with his arm wrapped around your middle. No exceptions.
✧ Has every manner of tea and remedy you could desire on hand or otherwise purchases it. Same goes for supplies- Dori even found a ring-shaped cushion for you to lay on! He has your back for any ailment and is often there to make or apply your cure himself. After all, he wouldn't trust anyone else to do it!
✧ You love this dwarf with all your heart. He takes it upon himself to find dwarrowdams willing to let him practice changing diapers on their wee bairns and surprises you with this newfound skill when you return home one day!
✧ Dori’s love of the finer things absolutely carries over into his future fatherhood, as he has the loveliest little velvet clothes made and procures the dearest little bejeweled hairbrush. All in all, both of you amass far more than you need because any time you go out it inevitably devolves into you two clasping your joined hands between each other, gushing over all the wee things, and taking them home!
✧ He never thought he would get married at all, let alone have a family, but as time goes on the desire to continue his lineage and finally settle down takes hold. Then suddenly there he is desperately trying to seduce you into trying for a little one! It doesn't take long, not with his charm, until the day comes when you teasingly tell him that he got his way. Smirking until the realization takes hold of him, his arms are then snaking around your waist to pull you close.
✧ Always talking about how he's going to teach his little one everything he knows. When pressed about it, responds with such things as fighting and picking locks. His defense? "What if 'e gets stuck somewhere, or-"
✧ Impatient! "When am I gonna be able to feel 'em?" He asks, a hand upon your belly, which has yet to display any changes. "Not for another few months, Nori! I haven't even begun to show!"
✧ Hides things sometimes or puts them up places you can't go just so he can swoop in and help you, saving your day and pressing a kiss to your cheek as he tells you he can handle it, don't you worry your pretty little head.
✧ Nori always teases you when he pours himself a drink. "Bet you'd like some of this, huh? Not for three more months!" He chuckles. Your brows furrow. "Three months? What about when I'm feeding?" "What does tha- oh. Does that really-" "Yes, yes it does." "By the stars, I could have got my baby drunk!"
✧ Talks to the baby quite a bit, especially when he finally can feel the kicks. "Where you running off to, huh?" He chuckles, feeling the flutters against his hand pick up. "That's 'cause of me, isn't it? You hear me? That's right, it's your da. Can you believe it? Me, your da! I'll take good care of you, you hear?"
✧ "Ori, dear," you implored your husband, "Might you knit something for me?" Looking up from the scarf he'd just finished, Ori's eyes fell upon you and he gave that smile, the special one reserved just for you. "Of course. What would you like?" "A wee pair of booties," you replied, hands clasped and expression dreamy. "Who needs booties?" He asked, head cocked. "We will in the fall," you answered, stepping closer and resting a hand upon his. Ori's jaw dropped. "You... I... We-" Smile widening, you nodded. "I. You. We," you agreed.
✧ Nearly from the first day you know you are with child, Ori is rattling off names. After tossing out a great deal, he finally pauses and gives a sheepish apology. "I'm sorry, I suppose I've thought about this a lot," he confesses with a grin, "I just can't believe it's happening." Your hand joins with his, resting over your little bump. "Neither can I. It's like a dream."
✧ "So," you ask Ori one day, leaning your chin upon the couch where you'd lain, "What should our plan be for when my water breaks?" Your husband's brows furrow. "When your what?" "Oh, no," you mutter. Cue Ori spending his afternoon receiving a great multitude of lessons. What he got for being raised by other dwarf men, you suppose. "That really all happens to you?" He asks, gaping at you as though you came of the Valar themselves. "Yes, it does. Birth is a great deal of work. They don't just run on out, you know!" "Yes, I know. Of course I know." Ori's voice is faint; he excuses himself and you assume it's to faint or be sick, but about an hour later he returns bearing gifts. "I'm sorry I'm putting you through all that." "Sweetheart," you chuckle, cupping his cheek, "You know it takes two, right?" Your sweet husband reddened, but he nodded.
✧ Ori takes on almost all the cleaning himself- you haven't even asked! Finally curiosity gets the better of you and you inquire as to why he's gotten so into housekeeping. "Well, aren't you tired?" He asks simply, innocently, and you wonder how you got so lucky.
✧ He also knits far more than that pair of booties you requested- all three of you will have matching sweaters before your little one has arrived!
✧ Ori's favorite thing in the world is sitting with you in his lap, one hand cradling your growing bump and the other holding a book as you two take turns reading aloud, filling your cozy hollow with the sounds of voices your little one will come to love. The books are hand-drawn, written, and bound by him, of course!
✧ You two speak of little ones so much it borderline infuriates the others, Kili himself even bursting out in frustration one day at yet another interruption about tiny clothes, "Just get her pregnant already!" "Good idea. See you later," Fili replies, scooping you up and carrying you off bridal-style. "Wait, I- Damn, brother..." In reality, Fili just carried you around the corner and set you down while you two burst out laughing, but about a month later your tries were in fact successful!
✧ Honeyed words were no trouble for your husband before, but now? Praise falls endlessly from his lips. "Never did I think you could get more beautiful, and yet each day you succeed beyond my wildest dreams."
✧ Fili has a near-magical sense for your new struggles of coordination, all but flying to your side to catch your hand or waist whenever you trip or even whenever you must rise up again from your seat!
✧ He loves to tease you, asking what disgusting thing you'll think of him to fix next or joke that he can finally beat you in a fight in this state, but every joke is punctuated by the most loving eyes and gestures that they cannot do a thing but warm your heart and make you chuckle.
✧ Your baby is very active, kicking all the time! "We've definitely got a little Fili in here!" Your husband exclaims with a grin, hand resting atop your belly to feel your little one's exuberant motions. "A strong babe for sure," you sigh, "Much to the pity of my ribs!" "Too bad we aren't having a Kili. Nice and lazy for you." "Hey, I heard that!"
✧ He turns his head, peering over his shoulder at you as you waddle after him, golden hair cascading down. "Care for me to slow down a little?" "I care for you to shut up," you shoot back, crossing your arms and fighting your smile.
✧ The thought crossed your mind far before it did your husband's. Not that Kili had no desire for children, it was simply that the possibility was all the more yours to consider. It took a visit from your young cousin, who had Kili wrapped around your finger, for the fire to light in your husband's head as well, a smile lighting up his face. "We- we could..." "I know, Kili." You could and you certainly did but a few months later.
✧ "I hope they look just like you." "Me too." Kili pulls his head out of the crook of your neck. "Hey, that is the part where you say 'no, I hope they look like you'!" "I'm doing the work of carrying for how long again? Nine, ten months? Least they can do is resemble me a little," you shoot back with a smirk.
✧ It was Oin who brought the news: "Both babies seem healthy as far as I can tell!" "Both?" You gape. "Both babies?" "'s right," Oin replies, "I know I can't always hear the best, but I haven't been wrong on a heartbeat yet. You can feel 'em." "Guess we did pretty good, eh love?" Kili teases, earning him an elbow to the ribs, but he just shakes his head and tugs you closer against his chest. "Should we make their names confusing as well?" "Don't you think it might get old for them?" "Fili and I switched names plenty of times and we aren't even identical!" You should have known.
✧ Kili takes to sleeping facing you, close enough that sometimes your cheeks brush. Others he slips down lower and you awake with your husband cuddled up to the bump of your belly.
✧ Will come running from any room, anywhere, to feel the babies kick, and also loves tugging along any of his family he can take, too. Childlike wonder fills your husband's eyes every time and pride glistens in his dark eyes when he's brought along his mother, his brother, even his uncle the king!
✧ Never once do you doubt yourself or have one moment of room for insecurity, for Kili still flirts with you as if you were tweens and sneaks all sorts of touches, pecks, and affectionate hands in your hair wherever he can find it! The notion of a baby destroying the romance of your relationship is laughable to you, who married a dwarf that has no shame telling you you're the most gorgeous creature to walk the earth and warm his-and the baby's in a different way-body.
✧ Bilbo's a perceptive hobbit. He knows something's off with you. You don't usually scurry around the way you are like everything has to be perfect. That's his job. "Something the matter? Are you... expecting someone?" Your husband follows you down Bag End's hall as he gives his inquiry, eyebrows shooting up at the look on your face when you turn around. Consternation, resignation, finally a smile. "I was going to tell you after dinner," you answered, "But since you asked it like that, yes I am expecting someone. Our child this spring." At that, it was Bilbo's turn to shift through expressions. Shock, realization, finally a smile.
✧ Nursery shopping has become Bilbo's favorite pastime. Baby Baggins isn't arriving for months and yet your husband is returning from market with all manner of trinkets for the shelves and paper for the walls. You cannot help giggling at his armfuls of supplies and kissing his cheek as you relieve as much of his burden as he allows you to.
✧ So sweet, always helping you dress, pulling on every garment with the utmost of care and even avoiding your reflection on days you feel bad. Quickly kissing each part of your body before he covers it with something he knows will be comfortable.
✧ You'll be eating well whether you like it or not! Bilbo will make you anything under the sun if it means you and Baby Baggins are getting nourishment and he certainly will not have you skimping! Anything that makes you sick simply is not allowed in Bag End at all, end of discussion.
✧ One night, you awake to soft whispers and your heart melts at the sight of Bilbo resting his chin on your growing bump talking to the baby. Not uttering a word, you simply watch, taking in the moment beneath the sheen of tears in your eyes.
✧ "Careful, careful," Bilbo is always telling you, holding your hand and guiding you over the smallest of obstacles, even little puddles and rocks.
✧ He has talked about getting you pregnant before, but speaking of it and doing it are two entirely different things, especially with...well, words of such nature. Thus, you find yourself nervously wringing your hands before your husband as he strokes your face, asking whatever is the matter. At Thranduil's touch, his intense gaze, you fin yourself melting and admitting all, confessing that you are expecting his child. You are certainly not expecting the way his confident smile utterly falters, dissipating in favor of the look of a man near tears. "Truly? A little one of our own?" "Yes," you whisper, finally able to smile as the tension melts from your body, which is soon pulled against the Woodland King's. "Long have I dreamed of this day, my love."
✧ One of his favorite new activities is commissioning you new maternity dresses; you will certainly have plenty to wear if Thranduil has any say about it! In addition, when the time comes of course he requests that you model them for him.
✧ Thranduil loves to sneak up behind you, lightly wrapping his hands about your waist and laying them atop yours, his head resting in the crook of your neck and breathy, pleased laughter warming the skin there.
✧ When you start showing, oh, he loves it. One more sign that you are his, utterly and truly his queen, his beloved, claimed by Thranduil in every sense. He follows your lead, a hand around your waist, letting you shine like the gem he knows you to be. Rarely will you two be seen apart, not when the king can bask in your glow, relish the eyes upon your beautiful form, heavy with his child.
✧ There is one day he catches you in tears and heart tearing he steps to scoop you up against him, cheeks held gently in his elegant hands, which begin to glitter with your tears. "My rings no longer fit," you sob, head falling to his chest. Thranduil holds you close, grip loose as though you might break. "That is not your fault, meleth nîn." "I feel so... so massive." "Who wishes a small dwelling, hm? Piteous thing not to have any comforts. Your body is a host of life, the vessel of a bloodline. Beautiful in all its forms. Never forget that, oh dearest one."
✧ Thranduil is experienced; he knows many little tricks to help you feel better, be they massages or ways to bear your weight. He impresses you with the knowledge he has of the ways of women, understanding your water breaking, dilation, and every complication the healers warn you about and telling you before they even do!
✧ First to know was neither you nor your husband, but rather your cat, for she had suddenly become your little shadow, following you about your home and taking rest upon your lap as often as she could. "I wonder what it is that got into her," you commented one afternoon, smiling and stroking her back. "Growing up, ours got like this when my mother was carrying my younger sisters. Both times. It was like he could sense it," Feren replied. You both sat in smiling silence for a moment longer before simultaneously straightening, looking each other right in the widening eyes.
✧ Gets a little flustered, frankly. Not so much at your news itself, simply the realization sinking in that he is to be a father. He, Feren, will have a child. He says this out loud several times before suddenly breaking out into a smile. You tease him for going through half his emotions at once, but now the wave of joy has swept him up!
✧ Playfully rolls his eyes and mock-complains every time you remind him that he has to clean up after the cat now! Subsequently adds that he would fetch you the moon if you asked it.
✧ Loves helping you bathe the more difficult your condition makes it, scrubbing your hair with such care and gently massaging your sore feet and ankles as you wash up. Despite your husband's skill in battle, Feren's hands are the most loving and delicate you could ask for.
✧ Your husband has a natural tendency to rise early, so now that your sleep has become more fitful you do find that you have more time to spend together. Your head falling to his shoulder as you whisper to each other, seated as you are upon your bed with blankets draped over your shoulders.
✧ Feren wins your heart time and time again, like the day he lowered you down gently onto the grass of a sunny meadow, basking with you and weaving flowers. He made you a ring, crowned you with a wreath of flowers atop your head, and made another little one to place gently on the curve of your belly, bringing your heart to soar.
✧ Uncertainty wracks your heart and wrings your hands at the would-be-cheerful news. In fact, you yourself do feel joy, have since your suspicions were confirmed, but would Bard see it the same way? He already has three mouths to feed, three children all old enough to take care of themselves. Will he wish to start it all over so? "What's wrong, love? Your lip is bleeding." So it is. You've practically gnawed the poor thing off in all your stewing. A sigh escapes you. Bard is your husband. No sense in delaying a very necessary conversation. "I know we should have spoken more about it..." You begin, trailing off. At once, Bard senses your reservation and rises to your side, taking hold of your arms; the love in his dark eyes brings a small smile to your lips and relaxes you slightly. "I'm with child, Bard." Almost childlike is the wonder and joy spreading across your face, and before you can say another word you are being pulled into Bard's chest, face snuggling into the fur of his coat.
✧ He knows what to expect, naturally, so Bard is definitely not the type of husband to gripe about your requests, though he does smirk and poke fun if you’re especially outrageous with it or have a funny enough delivery. Then kisses you if you pout about it before fetching what you seek.
✧ Caution overtakes you and your husband as you make to tell his older children the news, particularly you, but your wringing hands relax when you can see the joy in their eyes, particularly the girls! They hope the baby is another girl, hugging you so tight you almost cannot breathe, but you complain not.
✧ Happy is Bard to take on assistance cooking; he knows it can make you sick sometimes and besides, it's a nice excuse to make sure you get all the nutrients you need! You are certainly very lucky in the skill and domesticity of your spouse.
✧ Stands behind you and reaches his arms around you, lifting up the weight you carry and smiling, kissing your neck and cheeks as you relax from your burden.
✧ He also has no qualms about making you rest, down even to physically lifting you up and carrying you to bed if he must!
✧ Hesitant as he always would have claimed to be about bringing more Skin-Changers into a world so cruel to them, Beorn feels his nesting instincts kick in very quickly after you become his wife. You see it in the things he gathers, the way your husband moves things such as your blades to higher, safer locations. He is anticipating something. Something you cannot help pulling him aside and asking about, and when your feelings on the subject are made known, well, it is entirely possible you conceived that very night.
✧ Beorn has an almost eerie sense for all the changes taking place in your body. You feel a sharp pain in your back, and without a word your husband is behind you, ushering you down for a massage with some of the oils he's pressed.
✧ The aforementioned nesting instincts manifest early on, your husband carefully blunting corners and tucking away the best blankets so the little one-or ones!- will be nothing but safe and comfortable.
✧ Withdrawn as he could be, Beorn's affection is drawn out by your condition, his big brown eyes soft upon you as he pulls you into his lap, large hands secure about your waist and sliding gently up and down your growing belly.
✧ And grow it does! It seems to get heavier by the day, but that is explained thanks to your husband's exceptional hearing. "Four heartbeats. One is yours. A litter- three are coming!" Spots dance in your vision at that news, but Beorn's smile as he grips your hand brings you back to the light. You could do it with him by your side. "Our little litter."
✧ He attempts to reassure you anytime your anxiety grows. "My dearest flower, I have delivered hundreds of calves and piglets in my day! You will see this through." Reassuring? Perhaps not so much. But in your heightened emotion, that does break you into a wild laughter that does indeed relax you nonetheless.
Want to meet the little ones? Perhaps there will be a Part 2 😉
Taglist: @lokilover476 @kilibaggins @fuckyoumakeart @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🩷
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 9 months
Dance at a Feast
Happy New Year everyone! The good thing about having two weeks off from work is that I am able to get some writing done! I'm trying to get drafts done for a lot of fics I have plans for, so I can have some things to post when I go back to work.
Also, please feel free to make requests! I have a list of prompts which is linked below, and a master list that has the fandoms and characters I write for. If there is someone and a something not listed that would like to make a request for, feel free to and I will let you know if I know enough about it to write for it. Also feel free to make requests for this verse!
This is another part in the Covered in Steam verse. A fluffy piece between female reader and Thorin, it is set after Covered in Steam.
Warnings: Talks of a sexual nature. Dain being disrespectful - nothing insane just not acknowledging the reader as the Queen *yes I think this should be a warning*
Tag list: @catt-leya @bunson-burner
Master List
Prompt List
Covered in Steam
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You fiddled with the sleeves of your dress tugging them down before pulling them back up and then down again. You glanced at the mirror in Thorin’s, no your chamber you hadn’t slept in the chamber that was yours since that night. You wore a beautiful gown in the colours of the family of Durin, the blue almost matched that of your Kings eyes. Your hair had been left down showcasing the braids and beads that Thorin wove into it every morning. You were nervous, this was the first feast since you were behaving as a true married couple. And you didn’t want to do anything that would embarrass Thorin. Which was why you were concerned about the dress, the shoulders of the dress could sit normally or be pulled down to expose your shoulders and collarbones, and the plunging neckline was lower than what you normally wore but it worked the best with the necklace Thorin had gifted you with on the day you got married, and you hadn’t worn it yet.
“Sister?” you heard Dis’ voice call out from the sitting room next to the bedroom where Thorin received any guests that came to your chambers.
“In here!” you called back, shifting the bodice of the dress a little, unsure about the gauzy material that ran in panels down your ribs before forming into the princess style skirt.
“Oh my,” Dis whispered as she laid eyes on you. “I think you may very well kill my brother in that dress.”
“Is it too much?” you spun around eyes wide with concern as you smoothed down the billowing skirts. “It’s a normal style in my homeland but I know it isn’t overly common amongst the women here.”
“You look stunning my Queen,” Dis assured you as she came to stand in-front of you grabbing your hands. “You do not need to pretend as if the culture and norms of your homeland do not exist, my brother would not expect you to only dress as a dwarven woman.”
“I know he has told me as such, but I just don’t want to…embarrass him in-front of his court, especially since everything between us is still so new,” you nibbled your lower lip before yelping a little as Dis pinched your arm.
“You’ll ruin the makeup,”  
“Can’t have that can I?” you laughed, your nerves slowly leaving you in your sister in laws presence. Something she has always managed to do.
“Now, come on,” Dis tugged on you before stopping for a moment. “Wait, you are missing something.” She let go of your hand to go back to your dressing table and lifted the small crown from its resting place to put it on your head. “There.”
You lifted your hand to gently touch the crown as Dis went back to tugging you out of your rooms and towards the main banquet hall. You were still not use to wearing a crown, as you and Thorin both only tended to wear them when you absolutely had to. Such as at a feast welcoming Thorin’s cousin Dain. You could hear the celebrations before the door even came into view, you smiled. Dwarrow truly knew how to throw a feast and celebration.
“Introducing her Highness Princess Dis and her Royal Majesty Queen y/n,” the herald at the doorway announced both you and Dis causing the court to become quiet as Thorin stood from his chair and walked around the table that housed the royals. His eyes burned with a fire as he took in your appearance, you could feel the eyes of every dwarf on you as the king walked towards you and Dis quickly left your side to greet her sons. You could only guess the dwarf sitting on Thorin’s left was his cousin Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. You briefly caught his eyes only to quickly break eye contact and focus on your husband. Dain had the same colour eyes as Thorin only his were cold and calculating, and you did not like the way he looked at you.
“My wife,” Thorin rumbled, this voice bouncing around the room. “You are a vision.”
You dropped into a small curtsy as your body warmed, your eyes locking onto his as you lifted your head back up. Thorin stepped closer to you to place a kiss upon your lips before gently taking your hand, guiding you to stand in-front of his cousin, who remained seated.
“Cousin, my wife, your Queen,” Thorin’s voice was hard as stone as he noticed the disrespect being shown to you. “Greet her.” Dain’s eyes narrowed before a friendly mask fell over his face as he stood and bowed low to you.
“It’s an honour to finally meet you, Your Majesty,” Dain’s voice didn’t sound overly pleased and you were concerned but you nodded back at him regardless, knowing now was not the time to raise concerns.
“And it is lovely to finally meet you Lord Dain, Thorin has spoken highly of you,” you responded voice soft, your eyes looking at a point over his shoulder as you didn’t want to look into his cold eyes again.
“Come my Queen, you must be hungry,” Thorin’s arm wrapped around your waist and led you away. You smiled gratefully up at Thorin raising on your toes to press your lips to his cheek in thanks. His arm squeezed you in kind, his eyes full of love as he stared down at you.
“Hello aunty mine,” Kili smiled up at you as you walked past. You grinned down at him, unable to resist messing up his hair. Kili pouted up at you as he tried to fix his hair, you dropped a kiss on his head in apology as you did the same to Fili as you walked past. Dis’s sons had been as welcoming as she had when you arrived, always smiling and including you, you were forever grateful for those three Durin’s.
“Aunty,” Fili smiled as you sat down beside him, Dis was in the middle of her two sons, who leaned around her oldest to smile at you. “Don’t worry about Dain. He’s a traditionalist but Uncle doesn’t pay any mind to those old dwarves.” Fili had lowered his voice and leant close to your side. His eyes, the same shade as his uncle was soft and kind as he looked at you. Your heart squeezed at his words.
“Thank you Fili,” you whispered back. “I will keep that in mind.”
“But, should he or any other dwarf look to cause you problems promise that you will let myself, my mother, Kili, Dwalin or Balin know. Of course Thorin should be your first choice but if you cannot find him, you also have us on your side,” Fili added squeezing your arm before letting go and focusing on his food.
You could hear the conversations going on around you as you picked at your food. You never ate much in-front of large crowds, but would always find a plate of food waiting for you in your chambers after a feast. You had always wondered who ensured the staff left it but never thought to investigate it too much.
“Are you alright love?” Thorin asked removing himself from the conversation with Dain to check on you. He had picked up on your added nerves after meeting Dain and wanted to do everything he could to be sure that you were fine.
“I am,” you nodded turning to give Thorin a smile but you could tell from the look on his face that he didn’t buy it. He leaned close enough to whisper into your ear.
“If I had known Dain would show such disrespect to my wife I would never had invited him here,” Thorin promised you. “Tell me at once if he ever does so again or makes you uncomfortable at all. Erebor if your home and you are the Queen.”
“You Durin’s and your need to protect,” you teased nudging your nose against his.
“Fili just gave me a list of all the dwarves I can tell if Dain or any other dwarf causes me problems,” you explained. “It was pretty much you four and Dwalin and Balin.”
“Hmm,” Thorin hummed his eyes full of pride at your words. “Well, us Durin’s are fiercely protective of those we care about. And once we care for someone it is next to impossible to get rid of us. So I’m afraid my heart, you are stuck with me, and my sister and nephews.”
“Such an imposition that,” you laughed.
“You weren’t thinking I was an imposition this morning,” Thorin growled his eyes darkening as heat filled them. “With my tongue between your thighs.”
“Thorin,” you gasped in shock. “You can’t say things like that here.”
“I am the King,” Thorin shrugged kissing your lips and whispering his next words into your mouth. “I can say such things when I please. And no-one can hear us.”
You playfully glared at him about to say something back when Dain interrupted leaning around Thorin to gain his attention again, sending you a cold look before placing the mask back in place before Thorin could see. Thorin kissed you once more rounding on his cousin, you could hear the harshness in his tone as he spoke in dwarvish. You sipped at your wine, as music started to play, as it always does at a Dwarven feast. The boys beside you quickly stood up looking to find some partners to dance with, Kili raced off instantly looking for Ori. Fili however, hesitated, Dis had left seeking out Balin to discuss some matters.
“My Queen,” Fili said, his voice loud and pointed as he bowed low at his waist holding a hand out. “May I have a dance?”
You grinned up at Fili, standing up and reaching to take his hand but you were pulled tightly against a hard chest. Thorin’s scent surrounding you. Fili smirked, his eyes playfully challenging his uncle, as he continued to wait on your hand.
“My wife will be dancing with me first, nephew,” Thorin’s voice rumbled.
“I think Her Majesty can make that decision, Uncle,” Fili grinned.
“I am honoured Prince Fili,” you grinned, trying to keep your voice regal. “However, I would think you would prefer to seek out someone else to dance…and even maybe court?”
Fili’s face flushed bright red his eyes automatically going towards a dwarven woman that was standing off to the side near Bofur. The look in his eyes was similar to how Thorin would look at you and you knew that maybe you and Dis could do a little pushing.
“I mean…I can’t…” Fili stuttered in an uncommon show of nerves.
“Yes you can nephew,” you encouraged him stepping a little out of the circle of Thorin’s arms but he kept a hold of your hips. “I have seen that young woman look at you, in the same manner you look at her. You are a Durin, take the courage that all you Durin’s seem to possess in enough abundance to take on a Dragon and ask her to dance.”
You felt Thorin’s hands squeeze your hips and his lips pressed into your neck, you could feel the smile that tugged at them. You reached out to squeeze Fili’s hands, forcing his eyes back to yours. The red of his face had calmed down to a light pink.
“Right, yes, true,” Fili nodded.
“You are my heir Fili,” Thorin added reaching out to pat him on the shoulder. “You can do this.”
Fili nodded once more before he turned around and strode towards the woman in question. He forced the Durin swagger into his steps as the two of you watched him in amusement. Thorin tugged you close again turning you around, you smiled up at him wrapping your arms around his neck.
“So, that dance?” you asked. “Better make good.”  
“Come along then,” Thorin smirked. Pushing you backwards, you giggled turning around and taking hold of his hand and pulling him onto the space in the middle of the room that was used for dancing.
Thorin spun you around before tugging you close, wrapping his right arm around your waist and grabbing your right hand with his left, you placed your left hand on his shoulder. You allowed him to led you around the floor trusting him to keep you from backing into anyone. The tune was a fast past one, your skirt flying out every time he spun you around quickly. He grabbed both of your hips and lifted you up and turning the two of you before putting you back down and grabbing hold of your hand again to lead you around.
You giggled as your dress managed to hit Kili and Ori on your way past them, you threw an apology over Thorin’s shoulder causing the two young Dwarves to laugh. Thorin couldn’t take his eyes off of you, your eyes were bright with happiness and you had not stopped laughing and smiling since Fili had first asked you for a dance. Your face was flush from your wine and from the dancing, you had danced to two fast paced songs before a slow paced song started to play. Thorin wrapped both his arms around your waist pulling you as close to him as he could get you. You looped your arms around his neck, using one of your hands to tilt his head down, he grinned as he rested his forehead against yours and swayed the two of you in time with music.
“You truly do look beautiful tonight, my Lady,” Thorin whispered. “Seeing you in my colours, I wish to take you from this hall and feast on something else entirely.”
“My King, was this morning and last night not enough?” you asked, stroking the back of his neck, his thick hair covering your movements.
“I will never have enough of you,” Thorin answered. “I will never have enough of your taste, of your body, of you. I will always want you in my arms.”
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faeriichaii · 1 month
i was wondering if you could write kili x gn!reader where the reader wants to braid kili’s hair and they have no idea what that means to dwarves and kili lets them braid his hair. later the other dwarves notice and tease kili about it cause he’s clearly in love with the reader.
thank you sm<33
Braiding Lessons ~ Kili x Reader
A/N: Omg Kili request!!! I love him and I am such a sucker for this plot!! so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do omg!! Also funfact but I almost deleted everything that I wrote during my roadtrip cause I was so unsatisfied with it ;-; Which is probably why it took me so long to actually publish it yikes
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.0k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋAmrâlimé ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: You always knew dwarves had various beautiful braids, but how come Kili doesn't? So one night you decide to change that and help him out.
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You tilted your head to the side, as you let your eyes skim over the various dwarves, whom you were accompanying on their journey. Being the only human, surrounded by one hobbit and several dwarves definitely let you notice a few differences about their culture to your own. For example, they could eat almost double their size almost as if they have two stomachs. They also tend to not care much about their appearance. Except of course their beards and hair in general. They take care of it almost as if their life depended on it. One detail that definitely stood out to you were the different braids that decorated each of them. You remember once staring at Fili, while he undid his small beard braids just to redo them.
“How come dwarves always have braids in their hair?” You once asked him. He smiled at you and continued weaving his fingers through his hair. “Braids are very important to us dwarves. Which is why we rarely let others touch our hair.”
Ever since that day you have noticed the intriguing designs and ways each of the dwarves intertwined their strands. Except for one. Kili was the only dwarf who seemed to be lacking any kind of braid and you have been wondering why that is. You also once asked Fili about it but he wouldn’t answer you. Maybe he doesn’t know how to braid? And he is too embarrassed to ask others for help? Observing Kili, who was laughing along his brother to some jokes, you quickly let that thought settle in your mind. He doesn’t know how to braid and you were determined to change that.
So later that afternoon you bribed Fili to change his night shift with yours (which cost you a few of your travel snacks), in order to spend some time with Kili. You wanted to teach him how to braid and due to the fact that it is quite a sensitive topic to dwarves you wanted to make sure that nobody else would notice the two of you. So as soon as the sun set and the snores of your companions filled your ears, you made your way to Kili. He was perched upon a log which was behind the campfire that slowly burned down. His hands were carefully crafting something delicate, which you didn’t quite see in the dark. “What are you working on?” You asked him, taking a seat beside him. His gaze swerved from the item between his fingers to you. A smile graced his lips.
“It’s a surprise.” He quickly put the item into a small pouch that was secured to his pants. “I thought Fili was supposed to be my night-watch-partner?” “He was but I wanted to switch with him.” A smirk formed on his lips, before he put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer. “Well, in that case I will make sure that this will be the best night of your life.” Blushing at the double meaning behind his words, you tried to separate your body from his. Of course, not because you didn’t enjoy him being so close to you, but because you were in desperate need of some cold air to cool you down and sort through your thoughts.
“I just wanted to ask you if I could braid your hair.” A dumbfounded expression accompanied by a gentle blush fell over his face. “I know you probably were just embarrassed to ask any of the others for help when it comes to braiding your hair and knowing that you don’t know how to I just-“ His laugh interrupted your rambling. “You think I can’t braid my hair?” You nod. “(Y/N), that is one thing we dwarves get born with. No dwarf in this world knows how not to braid hair.” “But why do you never braid yours? Fili told me they were incredibly sacred and important in your culture.” A blush dusted his cheeks as he stared into the campfire.
“Simple. Nobody has asked to braid my hair before.” Your hand moved to his and gave him a reassuring squeeze. “But I just asked to braid your hair. So please, let me take care of you.” He smiled at you and moved one leg over the log so his whole body was facing yours. You let your fingers comb through his soft hair a few times, before taking a strand and dividing it into three sections. Weaving your fingers through the wafts, you made sure to be gentle while also ensuring that there won’t be any bumps or strands sticking out of your small braid. After you have reached the end of his hair, you took out one of your slim leather straps and tied it at the end. Your gaze wandered from the braid to Kilis eyes and you realized how close the two of you have been this whole time. “Thank you Amrâlimé. You have no idea how much this means to me.” You let your gaze wander to your hands in your lap while a shy smile graced your face. “Of course. I am glad you like it.” Kili put his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. A bright smile framed his face. “Now it is your turn.”
The next morning the company as well as you quickly packed up their belongings to get back on their journey. While talking with Balin about some of the dwarvens history, you suddenly heard a gasp from behind you. “You never told me about this Kili!” Fili held up a braid between them both. “When did this happen?” “Last night while you-“ “What is going on back there?” Thorin asked, slowly approaching the princes. “Kili finally got his braid! Probably by someone he seems enamoured with.” Fili teases, while letting go of his brother’s hair. A blush dusted Kilis cheeks, as well as your own as the words settled in.
“Was about time they tied the knot.” Dwalin let out a boisterous laugh at Balins words. Tilting your head to the side, you moved your attention to Kili. “What does he mean by that?” “(Y/N) doesn’t even know? You didn’t even explain it?” Fili asked, flabbergasted at the newfound information. “I hadn’t had the time yet.” Kili turned towards you and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. “But I will explain it to you when the time is right.” His radiant smile was enough reassurance for you. You will wait, until he is ready to explain the meaning behind the dwarvish braiding custom.
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luna-redamancy · 3 months
Fires of the Heart Part Four (Thorin x F! Reader)
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One, Two, Three, Four (You're here!)
You were standing, or were you spinning? No, surely standing. Your brow furrowed as you felt your body sway back and forth. Your eyes refused to open, as if held shut by an unseen force, while you struggled to maintain balance in unfamiliar surroundings. Forcing a deep breath through your nose, you exhaled slowly as the world around you began to still.
Finally, the pressure released. Opening your eyes, you squinted at the dim light that shocked your senses after what felt like an eternity in darkness. The room revealed itself slowly—a stone floor, stone walls, and a breeze billowing from down the hall, where countless ornate doors stood shut.
Your tongue felt heavy as you tried to speak, to call out. “Maybe now isn’t the best time,” you thought, surveying your surroundings. With a newfound sense of mobility, you realized you could move.
“Feels strange,” you murmured aloud, the sound breaking the silence and making you startle, eyes darting down the hall as if expecting someone to appear.
“Why am I... afraid?” The words slipped out before you could stop them, a realization dawning that you weren't entirely in control.
“Where am I?”
Suddenly, as if observing from above, you watched yourself move down the hall with purpose, seemingly knowing where to go. Panic gripped you, your heart pounding in your ears. “Wait, no! We don’t know if it’s safe!” You tried to call out, but your voice echoed unheard down the hall.
You couldn’t move to follow. Looking down, your form was no longer in the stone hallway but in a bedroom. A crackling fire caught your attention, warmth flooding through you and drawing a gasp from your lips.
“What—” It had been so long since you’d felt warmth. Your gaze swept the room, but a nagging feeling nagged at your mind. A dull ache throbbed in the back of your skull as your eyes landed on the tools in the corner. “Smithing... tools?” You attempted to move closer for a better look, only to find your feet rooted in place.
Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and the whispers of a discussion made it’s way to your ears. You drifted closer to the voices, the air crackling around you and the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. One voice felt familiar, warm and gruff tones resonating in the hallway, mingling with a measured tone of an elder. Your curiosity pulled you forward, almost as if drawn by an unseen force.
The door creaked open silently as you entered the room, finding yourself in a library bathed in the soft glow of ancient manuscripts and maps. Thorin and Balin were deeply engrossed in their discussion, their faces etched with determination.
“There must be a way around them, Balin,” Thorin's voice rumbled, echoing with a mix of frustration and determination.
Balin nodded thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the intricate details of the maps spread out before them. "Their surveillance is tight, but not impenetrable," he affirmed. The council was lazy, often putting up displays like this for show. He reached for a map that seemed newer than the rest.
He laid it out on the table, revealing what appeared to be a map with detailed surveillance plan dotted with symbols and annotations. Your eyes traced the lines and markings until Balin drew your eye to a corner of the map. No dots. No symbols. No annotations.
Thorin leaned in, studying the map intently. "This opening," he murmured, pointing to the spot with his finger. "Could this be our way through?"
Balin's eyes gleamed with a flicker of satisfaction as he nodded, tracing a route on the map with a deliberate finger.
"Yes, it's a blind spot in their patrols, Thorin" Balin explained, his voice steady but with a hint of something unsettling beneath the surface. "If we move swiftly and quietly, we can bypass their main defenses."
Thorin straightened, his jaw set with determination. "We leave just before the first peaks of the new dawn," he asserted, his voice resolute. "They'll be changing shifts."
Balin's gaze sharpened as he nodded slowly. "The perfect moment to strike," he murmured, his tone betraying a calculated edge that sent a chill down Thorin's spine.
Thorin glanced at Balin, a flicker of unease crossing his features before he masked it with a nod of agreement. “Aye, perfect indeed.”
Before you could attempt to speak again, it was like you were pulled underwater. A rushing sound pulsing against your eardrums as the view in front of you dulled and morphed into a blank void. You jolted awake with a cry, tears streaking down your face, your heart racing in panic. The remnants of the dream clung to your mind like cobwebs, but the details slipped through your grasp like water through fingers. Confusion washed over you as you struggled to make sense of the swirling emotions and now fragmented images.
"Thorin!" you called out, the name bursting from your lips with a desperate plea, though its significance remained elusive to your clouded memory. Sitting up in bed, you clutched the sheets tightly, your chest heaving with rapid breaths as fear gripped you.
The room around you felt unfamiliar, shadows dancing in the dim light of the moon filtering through the window. A fireplace crackled softly, casting flickering shadows that seemed to flicker like elusive memories just beyond reach.
Who were Thorin and Balin? Why did their names stir such raw emotion within you? How did you know them? Where did you come from before waking in the forest? These questions echoed in your mind, accompanied by a profound sense of loss and yearning that you couldn't quite place.
"No, who are they?" you murmured aloud, your voice trembling with uncertainty. The dream had felt too real, too vivid to dismiss as mere fantasy. It had left you shaken, vulnerable, and grappling with a sense of foreboding that chilled you to the core.
Your hands shook as you wiped away tears, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within you. A clock chime broke through your thoughts as you looked out the window. “Noon, already?” Your brows furrowed as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed. The chill of the winter air sent shivers down your spine as you hurriedly put on your day-clothes.
Outside, the clergymen’s voices grew louder, their urgency rising as they implored the masses to heed their call. “We must repent to end the suffering! These winter clouds are no natural phenomena, they are messages from the gods! We must heed their demands!”
The words echoed through the narrow streets, mingling with the whispers of the wind that carried the biting cold of approaching winter. You hesitated as you went to grab your boots, visions spurring in your mind. 
“Thorin--” He shushed you with his lips, his embrace enveloping you in the scent of forges and the comforting aroma of pine and cedar that lingered around his hearth at night. His kiss was sweet, reminiscent of pomegranate seeds—a taste you savored, knowing it would soon be a memory.
As his lips danced with yours, a bittersweet realization dawned. This was your farewell with the god of fire and invention, the deity who had brought warmth and love into your life.
“Please don’t forget me,” you whimpered, your voice barely audible amidst the rush of emotions. A tear trickled down your cheek, tasting of salt as it slipped past your lips. Thorin pressed his forehead against yours, his touch a mix of solace and sorrow.
“I could never forget you,” he murmured against your skin, his breath warm against your ear. 
The memory unfolded like a fragile parchment, revealing moments of laughter and whispers shared in the glow of his hearth, moments of tenderness and passion that now flickered like embers in the recesses of your mind.
The urgent calls still echoed through the streets, but you brushed past them, your mind consumed by fragmented memories and unanswered questions. Thorin’s kiss lingered on your lips, a fleeting taste of something lost yet unforgettable. His and Balin’s presence in your dreams felt too vivid, too real to dismiss as mere figments of imagination, and now this...
As you walked, the cold air nipped at your cheeks, reminding you of the harsh reality outside the confines of your own mind. Each step forward felt like a hesitant plunge into the unknown, guided by an insatiable need for clarity. 
Your feet guided you, moreso than your own mind, as you left the main streets for a less traveled path. The snow crunched against your feet, making you all-too-aware of the silence and solitude now encompassing you as you made more distance between you and the city. 
Ahead, you spotted the stone structure, tall and imposing against the pristine white of the snow-covered landscape. The door, once grand with intricate carvings and gilded accents, now showed signs of neglect, its paint chipped and faded with time.
With a shaky breath, you reached out and pushed open the heavy door, wincing at the loud creak it emitted as it swung inward. The interior greeted you with an eerie stillness, the faint scent of ancient incense lingering in the air. Before you stood an empty altar, its surface bare save for a few scattered remnants of offerings long since gone.
A flicker of uncertainty washed over you as you stepped further into the dimly lit sanctuary. Shadows danced along the stone walls, casting ghostly shapes that seemed to whisper secrets of forgotten rituals and silent prayers.
You approached the altar cautiously, the weight of your questions pressing upon you like the chill of winter outside. What were you seeking here?
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Fires of the Heart: @abiwim @tschrist1
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theaskywalker · 6 months
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Imagine being an Elven warrior aiding Thorin's company and Thranduil taking an interest in you
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