#The Secrets of Lady Lesso
The Secrets of Lady Lesso - Chapter 5, Rumors
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Rumors have a way of reframing the way you look at a person. Whether they’re true or not, they can make you question everything you’ve ever known about them. Rumors invite the imagination to get creative. And while often harmless, rumors could also bite. 
The students of the School for Good and Evil were rising heroes and villains waiting for their own epic tales to be written. But at the end of the day, they were still, at their core, children. And as children are prone to do…they gossip. That was how Professor Clarissa Dovey found herself in quite the predicament one spring morning. 
The sun glittered merrily outside, melting the last vestiges of the winter’s snow on the lawn. The bright rays through the window caught the crystal gem hanging against the glass and reflected colorful rainbows across the room. The dance of colors was truly beautiful and brought a wistful smile to her face. 
A tentative knock sounded against the office door, drawing Clarissa out of her wandering thoughts. It was soft enough that she wasn’t certain it had happened at all. A second knock followed, just as hesitant as the first. 
Clarissa rose from behind her desk and opened the office door, peering curiously out into the hall. A small Ever student, one of their youngest around age twelve, shuffled awkwardly in the threshold. 
“Elia, dear!” Dovey said with surprise. “What can I help you with?”
The poor child looked up at her with absolute dread etched across her features. 
“It’s about your wife, ma’am…”
“My wife?” She asked, confusion clear in her voice. 
“I told them not to do it, but they didn’t listen to me.” The girl exclaimed in a hurried rush. “They took her cane from the chair while she was yelling at Elliot.”
Heat pooled in her cheeks as she understood the implication before being washed away by the concern for her friend. 
“She was heading over to the School for Evil, but she didn’t look too good, ma’am. Snapped at me when I offered to help. I thought she might feel better if it was you.” 
“Thank you, Elia. You did the right thing.” Dovey hushed. “If you would please leave a note on my desk with the names of those students, I would be ever so grateful.”
She collected her skirts and started running down the hall. 
“Oh! And Elia... Please, let’s not use spousal terms when referring to the staff. It will be Lady Lesso or Dean Lesso from now on. She gets a bit tetchy about proper titles.” Clarissa called over her shoulder. 
She would deal with that at a later date…after she has had the opportunity to speak to Leonora about it. 
Clarissa made it to the dark castle in record time, despite her heels and cumbersome skirts. The halls were blessedly empty and she only had to navigate two corridors before finding the other woman. Lady Lesso was leaning against the grimy, stone wall in a darkened corner of the alcove. She was holding her thigh in a white-knuckled grasp and, even from this distance, she could see the pain in her posture. 
“Lady Lesso!” Dovey greeted casually as she closed the distance. “Fancy meeting you here!”
Upon closer inspection, Lesso’s face appeared unnaturally pale. Beads of sweat clung to her hairline and her hands trembled in her effort to appear composed. 
“I was just heading to your chambers to find you. I was hoping to get your opinion on a suitable punishment for a set of Ever students who believed that torturing others was great entertainment.”
“Of course.” Lesso grit through bared teeth. “I have several ideas, actually.”
“Oh, but my feet are killing me from these heels. Be a dear, and help me the rest of the way?”
Clarissa didn’t ask. She linked her arm with Leonora’s and pulled the taller woman’s weight onto her frame. To anyone else, it would have looked like they were going for another one of their evening strolls. To Lesso, it was an immediate relief to her throbbing leg. They finished the stretch of the corridor and turned into an archway with a spiral staircase heading to the corner tower. Halfway to the top, Leonora pulled away and sat on the stairs with a hiss of pain. 
“How can I help you right now?” Clarissa whispered, joining her on the step. 
Her hands hovered anxiously over Lesso’s bad leg with a lost expression painted on her face. 
“I’m fine.” Lesso groaned, slapping her hands away. “Let’s just keep moving. We’re almost there.”
A sharp frown pulled at Clarissa’s lips, but she allowed the avoidance. She stood and offered her arm once more to her struggling friend. Together, they stumbled up the remaining stairs and into Leonora’s private chambers. 
“What happened?” Clarissa asked her as she collapsed onto the edge of her bed. 
“Oh, I thought that was common knowledge. I trained Cerberus for Hades back in the day as a favor.” Lesso answered blankly. 
Dovey’s heart constricted at the emptiness in Lesso’s response. She wrinkled her nose and sat gingerly next to her on the bed, trapping Lesso’s hand between her both of her own. 
“You don’t have to pretend with me, Nora.” She whispered against the tears burning in her eyes. 
“Yes, yes, I’m fine Dove.” Leonora sighed. “Just wondering the best way to kill some teenagers and manage to keep my job.” 
Dovey snorted a laugh and leaned her head onto Lesso’s shoulder. “I may or may not have a list waiting on my desk of the students responsible.” 
“Little shits. Your little Evers were too cowardly to try something face to face, they had to team up while my back was turned!” 
“I'm sure it’s the only way anyone at this school could have possibly gotten away with it. I defer all consequences to you, dear.” 
“When I’m done with them, they’ll be the ones needing a cane.” Lesso muttered darkly. 
Dovey pulled away and dipped to the floor, pulling at the laces on Lesso’s stiletto boots. The Dean of Evil quirked a curious eyebrow but said nothing. 
“You kind of set yourself up for it, you know.” Clarissa stated matter-of-fact as she tucked the boots neatly under the bed. “You don’t let anyone get close to you and you keep them guessing. Me included! Especially when you spin your fantastical tales about your injury. They’re dumb teenagers, Leonora. I’m not saying what they did was right. I’m just saying they are testing their boundaries and they have no earthly idea as to what consequences might come of it.”
A pensive pout pulled at Lesso’s lips and Clarissa was overcome with the sudden desire to kiss it away. Shaking the thought away, she quickly stood and fled to the ensuite to retrieve a glass of water and some pain medication, using the opportunity to hide the blush surely forming on her cheeks. 
“You know, I heard this fascinating rumor today.” She heard Lesso shout over the sound of the faucet. 
“What did you hear?” Dovey questioned with genuine intrigue as she passed Lesso the pain relief. 
Clarissa allowed herself to relax on the already rumpled bedspread and propped her head up with her hand, looking at her friend curiously. Leonora set the glass on the nightstand and mirrored her position. 
“We look and sound like a couple of teenagers gossiping.” Clarissa giggled. 
“Oh, just you wait, Rissa.” Leonora barked with barely contained laughter. 
The redhead cleared her throat dramatically and lowered her voice into a stage whisper. 
“I heard some Ever boys saying some rather salacious comments about the lovely shape of…” She gestured rudely in the direction of her chest. “And then something about being a fairy godmother they’d like to…”
Clarissa’s offended gasp cut off the rest of Lesso’s statement. A wide and entirely too mirthful grin split across the Evil Dean’s face. 
“Based on the very descriptive details I overheard, I don’t think they were referencing our resident beauty teacher.” 
“While disgusting and highly inappropriate, that’s not exactly the definition of a rumor.” Dovey sputtered. 
The glee in Lesso’s eyes ignited and, if possible, her smile only widened. 
“One of your less than chivalrous boys asked how long the rest of them thought we had been dirty dancing for. Elliot, I believe his name was? He had some rather imaginative scenarios as to what we really do during the weekly staff meetings. Should I describe it for you?”
Clarissa choked on her own saliva and said a silent  prayer to the Storian to kill her now. Lady Lesso must have seen the mortification plain on her face, as she finally released the uncontrollable laughter she had been holding back. 
“I will cherish the horror that dawned on their faces the second they saw me behind him for as long as I shall live.” Leonora sighed as her laughter dissipated, wiping the joyful tears from her eyes. 
Dovey was still recovering from the heat of embarrassment and covered her face with her hands. She couldn’t look at her. If she looked at her, it was over. Lesso would be able to see the want and love staring back at her and this farce of being happy with merely friendship would be over. 
“Well, as a Dean of this hallowed institution, I, of course, could not let this behavior abide. While delivering a verbal reprimand, one of yours thought it would be hilarious to take my cane. And here we are.” Leonora concluded. 
“Well thank you for defending my honor.” Dovey said with only a hint of sarcasm from behind her fingers. 
Lesso let quietness settle between them. The stillness was comfortable, but she could feel the unexplained tension rolling off of the Fairy Godmother. 
“Thank you for coming to find me. I know that Ava girl sent for you.” She said quietly. 
“Elia.” Clarissa corrected. 
“I’m not a liar!”
Clarissa rolled her eyes at Leonora’s antics and didn’t fight the smile pulling at her lips. Lesso gave her a small smile in return, relieved to feel the tension dissipating with her terrible joke. 
“Leonora, how do you deal with all the rumors?” Dovey asked after a beat. 
The question was soft in its earnestness. Though quietly spoken, the weight of it seemed to fill the room. Clarissa watched as Leonora’s eyebrows knitted together in thought. A contemplative hum reverberated in her throat and she rolled herself to her belly. Lesso rested her head in the cradle of her folded arms and studied Clarissa intently. 
“It has been my experience that people are going to talk, no matter what you say or do.” She said slowly, choosing her words carefully. “No amount of threatening or punishment truly makes it stop. They just find other ways to communicate it. I have found that dealing with it, as you say, is more about not letting the things that are said affect me.”
“How do you do that?” Clarissa probed with genuine interest. 
“Well…” Lesso drawled. “I can’t be surprised or offended by a rumor if I’m the one creating it. I like to get ahead of the curve. It lets me control the narrative.”
The Fairy Godmother closed her eyes and nodded in a sorrowful understanding. 
“That’s why you make up stories about your leg.”
“It’s…easier than having to listen to idiots try to guess about something so outside of what their teeny tiny brains could possibly understand.”
Leonora shrugged her shoulders and pushed herself off the mattress. She held out her hand and helped Clarissa to her feet. 
“Come on, princess. At this rate, we are going to miss lunch.”
She rummaged through the wardrobe and retrieved the raven-headed cane and opened the door. 
“And we don’t need any more of those kinds of rumors going around.” She joked with a flirty wink. 
Clarissa flushed once more and let loose a nervous laugh. “About that…I heard this lovely little rumor from Elia this morning…”
“Who?” Lesso asked with feigned ignorance. 
Dovey’s expression fell flat and she deadpanned, “Ava.”
“Oh! Yes! Delightful girl, that one.” Lesso smirked. 
The pair began their descent down the staircase and into the hall. 
“How do you feel about a spring wedding?” 
Clarissa felt a broad smirk of her own form as Leonora’s steps beside her faltered. Maybe she wasn’t the only one feeling so affected by the implications of wild gossip. 
Chapter 4 (previous chapter)
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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dolphinavip · 1 year
Secrets- Chapter 1
Warnings: None
Pairing: lady Lesso x fem reader
Word count: 1732
Hello everyone! This is my first story and I hope you enjoy it!!
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You had join the school for good and evil quite some time back yet not so long ago that most professors still considered you as new. You had began teaching only at the school for good for not too long before the two schools had merged together. Before the merge you didn't quite interact with your evil counterparts as much, only the quick glances during dinner, or in the corridors but after the merge meetings with the two sides were much more frequent.
Due to this a very unlikely friendship had sparked between you and the red head. It began with her looking at you during meeting yet ended up with late nights being spent in each others private chambers just chatting away or small walks around the gardens at night.
You sat in your office finally finishing up grading the last few papers. Long ago had night fallen yet there had been so much work to do that you didn't want to leave it till tomorrow. The clock finally struck 9 as you put away the last sheet of homework.
Dovey had asked you to discuss with Lesso about some lesson plans and her opinion about them yet you hadn't found time at all to visit Lesso. Glancing at the clock it wasn't too late and it wasn't going ti take long. Plus the lesson plan was for tomorrow and you didn't want to deal with an angry Lesso.
You knocked on the large oak doors of her office, with the light from the room peaking out. A audible groan came from the room before a voice came.
"Enter" she said sharply.
As you entered the room was in pristine condition, not what you had been expecting. Looking over at the Dean she was still busy at grading papers not even bothering to look up as you entered.
"Got lost Princess. Surely you need your beauty sleep?" She smirked briefly looking up from her papers amused at realising it was you at the door, putting down her guard.
You just scoffed making your way into her office "Dovey asked me to discuss the lesson plans with you"
"And can't you see I'm busy" she interrupted still refusing to look up as she carried writing away.
Mumbling something under your breath you stood up ready to leave which did catch Lesso's attention.
"Alright fine go on, don't go sulking" she glanced up gesturing back to the seat as she saw the annoyed look on your face.
After an hour or so of discussion a yawn escaped your lips.
"I think we should continue this in the morning" Lesso said abruptly as she looked towards the cloak, even she was exhausted from the long day.
As you got up a chess box caught your eye.
"You play chess?" You smiled raising an eyebrow.
"Have enough time to join me in one game?" She questioned, picking up the set "I think beating a princess would be quite enjoyable"
You scoffed "i want to see you try"
After a couple of games, Lesso groaned as you pushed her king from the board.
"And check again" you smiled winking as Lesso composed herself.
"That was just luck and it's just again" she acted as if she didn't care she had been beaten yet looked extremely annoyed.
"Well I should get going, it is extremely late and I do suppose you need to recover from loosing this many times" you smiled again as you began to leave the room.
"I-" Lesso began before backtracking in her thoughts.
"Hmm?" You questioned as she stopped in her thoughts.
"Nothing" she replied quickly returning to her cold demeanour and nodded as you began to leave the room. 
"Same time again tomorrow?" She asked more gently as you waved good night "of course" you smiled back closing the door behind.
Secretly Lesso enjoyed the late meetings at nights even the late night walks in the garden. Although it was always cold spending some time with you seemed to make up for it.
In the morning during breakfast you sat at your normal seat as Dovey and Emma sat beside you. Busy in their talks you noticed Lesso enter the room, her hair was more of a mess than usual and she looked like she hadn't got even an hour of sleep. Lesso couldn't hide her discomfort with her leg pain flaring up, her face contorting  in pain as she accidentally put too much pressure onto her leg. She looked up to meet your eyes which looked on with concern before quickly glancing away, returning to her cold demeanour.
Even her mood was as bad as you saw her growl towards some Nevers you came in her way pushing the roughly aside with her cane hitting them in the shin much to their displeasure. She glanced between you and the spare chair next to Dovey. Honestly she didn't want to put up with her smiles and rainbows but just wanted to sit down.
"You look even worse than normal Lesso" Emma smirked glancing over.
"Thank you for that Emma," Lesso scoffed rolling her eyes.
"You sure your okay?" Dovey asked gently clearly concerned for her counter part.
Lesso just nodded before a group of Evers had came and interrupted. Before you could even talk to Lesso classes had already begun so you had to make your way to your room.
You hadn’t seen Lesso all day, she hadn’t shown up to any meeting throughout the day nor came to your office for your regular walks in the garden.
You looked at the clock as it ticked past 8 then 9. Lesso was meant to be here an hour ago and for her to be this late was unheard of.
You had checked her office first to see if she was there. Although she wasn't you were met with a huge mess with papers all scattered across her desk, with the pot of pens and pencils spilt next to the desk. The lamp beside her desk still switched on. The room was completely a mess, a total opposite of what I was like just the day before.
Quickly switching off the light you head towards her private chambers which happened to be on the other side of the campus much to your displeasure.
"Lesso?" You asked ear against the door as you knocked on it.
Your face scrunched as you received no response from inside. Knocking again you listened impatiently from any noise from inside the room.
A loud thump brought you from your thoughts as something hit the door with quite some force.
"Nora it's me" you said more gently slightly pushing the door open.
Even though you could only peek into the room the scene in front was even worse than her office. You pushed open the doors completely searching for Lesso in the room.
"I said go away" Lesso commanded turning her back to face away from you not allowing you to see in her in this state.
Only then did you see her sitting on the floor to the side of her bed, leaned up against the frame. Her cane which she had probably thrown at the door lay beside your feet.
"Lesso..." you said barely audible reaching down for the cane.
"I do not require anyone's help" she hissed as she saw you approaching navigating round the mess of her room.
Lesso sat up straight, quickly wiping any tears threatening to fall and got up from the floor.
You looked at the state of the dean. Never even once had you seen her such in a weakened state, always being used to the cold and distant behaviour. Lesso frowned at the sight of you having pity on her- The Dean of the school of Evil. Yet here she was.
"I said I don't need anyone's help, especially from an Ever like you" she hissed once again, a tone of anger hinting behind her voice as she stood sharply.
"But..." you began
"Leave me alone" she cut you off gesturing to the the door, yet she still refused to look at you.
You paused, unsure of what to do before leaving the room and closing the door gently behind.
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annie-creates · 2 years
Dearest Mrs. Lesso
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1000
Note: I wanted to write something short and sweet for this. You didn't say much in the note so I hope this won't disappoint. I think it turned out kinda cute, let me know what you all think.
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Everyone knew Lady Lesso spent most of her days in the school for evil. It made sense for a dean after all. But not many realized the school wasn’t really her home and she vanished every night to come back with the first rays of sunshine the next day. She had a home and it wasn’t the dark dorm she occupied in the castle of chaos. Her home was Y/n, her beautiful wife who waited for her no matter how late Lesso was coming. She scolded her for bringing work home with her occasionally, but she was even more mad when Leonora fell asleep over the papers in her office late at night and didn’t come home at all.
The little cottage like house just on the edge of Endless woods was really her home. It was filled with the smell of Y/n’s excellent cooking and baked sweets, photos from their many dates and adventures and the laughter of their little daughter. No matter how many spells Lesso witnessed in her classes, this was the real magic to her. The peace and quite that hit her the moment she stepped over the threshold. This was her own little piece of heaven she wouldn’t have even dreamt of a few years ago. And she realized quite well how precious and fragile her happiness is.
She was currently sitting in the staff room in the middle of a boring and in her opinion completely unnecessary meeting checking her pocket watch every few minutes. She hoped to be done with this at least an hour ago, but apparently the good teachers still had a lot of stuff to talk about. Stuff of which none interested her. It was already dark outside and if she isn’t done in half an hour here, she won’t make it home before midnight. She was wriggling in her chair like a hyperactive child unable to stay still anymore. Finally the meeting ended and the moment Dovey said her goodbyes Lesso was out the door at the speed of light.
Leonora quickly passed the school gates, lake and woods, not stopping until she saw her little house. She quietly stepped into the dimly lit living room connected to the dining area through an open plan after she took her coat off, finding her lovely wife hunched on the sofa soundly asleep. Lesso couldn’t help but smile at her sweet innocent form. She deserved better from Leonora, yet she still stayed and the dean was infinitely grateful for that. Bowing down Leonora placed a kiss on her wife’s forehead.
“Hm, welcome home baby.” Y/n greeted keeping her eyes closed.
“I’m sorry to wake you up.” Leonora answered, she’d be happy to carry her wife to bed and let her sleep.
“It’s okay. The dinner is in the oven.” her wife got up from the couch ready to serve her the portion she saved for her. “How was work?” she asked while preparing her plate and adding a glass of water with a lot of lemon to it, just how Lesso liked it.
“Dreadful as always.” the dean waved her hand over it. “The meeting took too long, I’m sorry to be so late.”
“it’s alright. I’m happy you’re home.” Y/n reassured her with a kiss to her cheek once Leonora sat at the table to eat.
“You know you don’t have to serve me right? I’m grateful you even kept my dinner warm.” Lesso shook her head. “I should be pleasuring you, not the other way around.”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous now. Eat your dinner and come have a shower.” Y/n laughed knowing that’s exactly what will relieve her wife’s stress.
“Fine. How was your day here? Was D/n good?” Leonora asked while she ate, you were a great cook. Honestly to her you were perfect in everything.
“Oh yeah, we’ve been on a little walk by the hills and then we had baked apple rolls for lunch. She’s been an angel.” Y/n told her about their day while she ate.
“Well she definitely takes after her mommy.” Lesso laughed and got up to wash the dishes.
“Leave it, I’ll wash it in the morning.” Y/n offered but her wife was having none of it.
“Nu-uh. You’re doing everything around here and you’ve prepared dinner, I’ll at least wash up.” the dean insisted and cleaned the dishes and kitchen. “Now we can go have that shower you promised.”
With a suggestive wink she took her wife by the hand and led her upstairs where the bedrooms were. She walked by her daughter’s room, sneaking in quietly as to not wake her up. D/n really was a little angel. There was no doubt she had such pure soul just like her good mother. It was probably best she didn’t take after Leonora, cause who knows if Y/n would have enough nerve to deal with two of them.
“Good night and terrible dreams my little bat’s wing.” she whispered and gave her daughter a little kiss on the forehead before sneaking out of the room and closing the door.
The wives took a relieving hot shower together, snuggling into bed afterwards. Lesso sighed out in contentment as her dearest wife curled into her. She could spend whole centuries right in this position. They talked about their weekend plans for a bit, wanting to plan as much as they can for the little time they get to spend together. One of Leonora’s biggest fears right after her wife leaving her was not getting to witness her daughter growing up. It was one of the reasons she made it her priority to be at home every chance she got, opting out of staff teambuilding activities and such. That and the fact she finds them boring.
“I love you Leonora.” her wife whispered in her ear as she was slowly dozing off.
“I love you too my dearest missus Lesso.” she quietly answered back planting a kiss into her wife’s hairline. This was her home.
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I’m Yours!- Lady Lesso X EverTeacherFemReader!
Synopsis: You couldn’t hide anymore, you never wanted to hide to begin with.
Warnings: It’s a song fic (sorry?) but adjusted to fit, angst (with a happy ending of course), let me know if I missed any. Not proof read so I apologize for any errors.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/n: YAY! I’m so glad I finished this. This is shorter than I wanted it but I got it longer than I had it! Song is ‘Secret Love Song’ by Little Mix, and I used a sentence from ‘Secret Love Song pt.2’. I have a few more Lesso fic ideas, one in the works but I work full time AND I’m currently moving so, as of now there’s not a time guarantee for release.
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly welcomed!
During the meeting about the joining of the schools, there was only one thing you could pay attention to. Only one person. And that was the Dean, not the Dean of your school though. No, there was something that only you and the Dean Of Evil knew. You and her knew that it wasn't allowed, that no one would approve, but that is what made the desire for each other even stronger than it was already.
You and Lady Lesso were together, or at least you thought you were. The way she would entirely disregard you when any one else was around had you wondering if the fact that you were an Ever professor was the reason, or something else. Sure, you knew that you couldn't be seen together in the way you want, you couldn't hold her the way you yearned to when you were outside of her quarters, but that didn't make it any easier.
Everybody was dismissed from the meeting, and you would've known that if you were paying literally any attention. You were so consumed with your thoughts that you hadn't even realized that you were the only one left in the room, everyone besides Dovey.
You heard some shuffling, "Y/n, what is going on? Something's been off with you."
You looked up from that, seemingly, interesting spot on the table to see that everyone else in the room had left. How had you not heard her cane or her heels as she left? Did Lesso even spare you a glance?
You didn't want to tell Dovey what was actually going on, you knew she wouldn't possibly understand, "Nothing, I'm fine."
"Come on, you can talk to me."
You sighed and the tears were instantly welling up in your eyes, "We keep behind closed doors and every time I see her, I die a little more."
Dovey's face shifted, no longer hiding the worry she had for you, "What are you-"
"The stolen moments that we steal will never be enough. Every second, every thought, we're in so deep but we'll never show it on our faces." You wiped the stray tear from your cheek.
"I don't, I don't understand..." You knew it.
You stood from your seat, just wanting this conversation to be over, "I know you don't, and you probably never will. I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down, she and I will have to hide on the outside, where I can't be hers and she can't be mine."
"Y/n, who? Who is this woman? I'm sure it's not truly like this." Dovey spoke softly, as if her sweet smile and wave of her hand would make it all better.
That. That is why you didn't want to talk with Clarissa about this. After all, she is practically the sole reason you have to hide your relationship. She’s the reason you can’t brag about your girlfriend, why you can’t show off your perfect Leo.
"We've got a love that is hopeless, and we both know that. Why can't she hold me in the corridors? Why can't I kiss her on the dance floor?" You remembered back to the spring ball, when Lesso explicitly said that any physical closeness wasn’t allowed in public.
A distinctive voice sounded from behind you, a voice you know well, "I wish it could be like that."
You turned around to be faced with the owner of the voice. Lady Lesso was standing just a few feet behind you in the doorway. Her face stoic, you saw through her though. You knew there was something deep within her that she wasn't ready to reveal.
Agitation joined your sadness when you wiped another tear, "Why can't we be like that? ‘Cause, I'm yours! I’m, yours…"
Lesso took a deep breath as she began walking towards you. Dovey became invisible the moment you two locked eyes, neither of you could care less if she witnesses this interaction, whatever this may turn out be. As she got closer to you, you saw the way she was truly feeling hidden deep within her eyes. You could see the longing in them, this was destroying her as much as it was you.
She reached out as if she wanted to touch you, but she stopped just shy of the skin on your upper arm, "I'm living for the day-"
A scoff escaped your lips before you could even think about stopping it, "Someday, right?"
"It's... Lady Lesso? That's who you were talking about?" You closed your eyes with a light groan, not bothering to turn towards the Dean Of Good.
"Yes, I was talking about my Leo." You opened yours eyes again, instantly entranced with the small smile Lesso had at the sound of her nickname on your tongue.
Dovey abruptly spoke up, "But- Nevers and Evers don't date! It's the biggest rule!"
"FUCK YOUR RULES!" You snapped as you turned back to face Dovey, you could tell your little outburst surprised both her and Lesso
"Why can't I say that I'm in love?! I wanna shout it from the rooftops!" You weren't sure what you were feeling. "I am so tired of hiding, I'm done with it. I won't hide us anymore. And I don't care what you say or what anyone else has to say."
You turned back to Lesso, letting yourself free of the binds that were constricting you both.
You placed your hand on Lesso's cheek, "It's obvious you're meant for me. Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly."
Something new glinted in her eyes and she didn’t waste any more time. One of her hands went to your waist and the other to your neck, pulling you into a kiss.
A kiss that shared all the emotions you two had felt. The longing, the anticipation, the love, the fear, all of it, you could feel it all.
You couldn’t help but pull her into you, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her impossibly close. Everything but her left your mind, where you were, who all was there, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because you had your Leo.
Your lungs were burning with the need for air, only then did the two of you pull back from one another. Your foreheads rested together and you subtly began toying with the baby hairs on the back of Lesso’s neck. The moment was great and all-consuming, until it was forcefully broken.
Dovey had yet to wrap her head around this. One of her lovely Ever teachers and the Dean Of Evil? Together?
You should’ve expected this reaction, but it’s not the reaction you wanted.
“You two- for how long?” Lesso moved to face Dovey, unconsciously pulling you slightly behind her.
You weren’t sure why, but you liked how her protecting you became second nature to her. You both knew you could take care of yourself, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t like to be taken care of every once in a while.
“For about a year.” Lesso replied nearly stone cold, she already knew the kind of things Dovey had to say and she wasn’t having any part of that.
“That’s, that’s great!”
“What?” Both you and Lesso questioned simultaneously, not quite sure if you heard what you actually had.
“I said it’s great! This is perfect for the unification!” She clasped her hands together in front of her with delight.
Both you and Lesso kind of froze for a moment, before ultimately realizing that this just means you won’t have to deal with Dovey being down your throats, and maybe that you could start showing each other off more, well, just start.
Lesso leaned towards you just slightly, “I’m not even going to question it, let’s take it as our leave and go.”
You silently nodded in agreement. Just as Dovey opened her mouth to speak again, you and Lesso swiftly turned out of the room.
Your hand joined with hers as you walked the corridors, matching smiles on your faces, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tag List: @v3nusxsky @littledollll I’m sorry if I annoy you guys with tagging, it’s just that you two are 1) My favorite writing blogs and 2) My mutuals! I kind of just want you guys to have first dibs at reading :)
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jzixuans · 2 years
i love your school for good and evil posting because i was also obsessed with the series and had the same thoughts about the movie. for something that was built up for so many years i felt like it fell a bit short. if you haven’t read the series it’s probably fine (except for maybe the nemesis but cause that was terrible) but when you have it’s a bit. bad. also the thing about the wolves and fairies being from the schools was so meaningful in the books and i was excited to see it but they didn’t have it at all :/
like. disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer etc i have no hill to be a novel purist when i'm like 60% of the time a primary cql-er. that being said,
i know that often the easiest route for novel-to-movie adaptations is to just take the main pairing, the next most prevalent side characters who inform the main pairing, and the villain, then Only keep the scenes/arcs that are relevant to getting them from point a to b. this is all well and good, and i was perfectly fine accepting this for tsge, but honest to god for a novel that contains as much as tsge has, a movie is a terrible constraint to put on it.
off the top of my head, there was a lot of symbolism to be had in agatha's own reflection being the one to keep her from crossing the bridge/forcefully separate her and sophie. this i can see being taken out because it's minor and they can adapt it other ways! same with say, the sidekicks/henches!
BUT one thing that i cannot forgive them for taking out (amongst the many other things i can't forgive them taking out) was the relegation of forest survival to a good-only class because it was a major emphasis that both evers and nevers had to survive the forest in order to get their own story in the first place. it calls to the common fate of all men (death) that poets love to ruminate on, because nobody can get glory if they die before doing so. not only that, this class was the vehicle for so many plot/character-important scenes. i can forgive the pumpkin/troll/casket blind tests as well as the whole cemetary digging scene, BUT the biggest thing that came out of it (pardon my memory) was yuba teaching them the things good does vs the things evil does and this set the parameters for every good v evil interaction/altercation to follow. i liked this because yuba was an unaffiliated third party who was neither Good nor Evil, and professor dovey teaching this to the girls kind of detracts from this being something sophie knows as well, especially since she says that iconic line at the nevers' no-ball.
similarly! the nemesis thing! it was 1) the subject of envy and later abject horror for the coven to watch sophie undergo this transformation and 2) the cause of pure unadulterated glee for lesso to learn that one of her students finally had potential to win, survive their story, and turn the tides. not to mention the secret third 3) again, pardon my memory: one was only evil enough to be worthy of a nemesis if they committed murder. this was so representative of how the nevers were all bark and no bite and that they were KIDS because at the end of the day! even hester and anadil were horrified that someone was actually murdered on school grounds and even more so when they learned that it was sophie who did it!
this was supposed to be the cue to the audience that sophie truly was on her way to becoming irredeemable evil and that we were supposed to root for agatha to overcome her (when one has a nemesis, the story does not end until one of them dies) and get her happy ever after! that's how the stock story goes!
and from there, to return to your point abt the wolves and the fairies, this is where it got SO MUDDLED. the wolves were actually failed good students, the fairies were failed evil, both parties were letting themselves get hurt so they could protect the kids. and then the ball, and then the no-ball, and then and then and then. this is what truly flipped that aforementioned predictable stock story on its head. which, to refer to my post abt the school master, was soooooo so good about the whole question of what does it mean to humanize fairy tales? and then returned to the novel's earlier point (as spoken by yuba) that only the best evil can disguise as good! how were we supposed to tell now!
which like, i'm not about to hem and haw about how the movie removed a chunk of grey/nuanced morality because again, i'm a cql-er, but the thing is that the movie really felt like it was going for that grey space that the novel was (agatha very explicitly shouting "why can't you see beyond the black and the white they're forcing you into!" and again, the "you're human" line) but then in the same breath the big bad at the end of the movie is the literal manifestation of Pure Evil. because everyone gets to be grey except rafal apparently (mind, again, been years since i've read the novels i don't remember what happens in the second and third books but i recall rafal being indecisively portrayed in sympathetic vs unsympathetic lights which ate my brain). so like. hard flop on that front.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 6 months
The Assistant (Leonora Lesso x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Lesso is certain her assistant is working to take her down. After all, you're too good to be true.
Words: 4.6k
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of smut, choking
You should be scared. That was the only thought going through Lesso’s mind as she loomed over you, staring down into your wide eyes and small smile. One hand had slammed into the wall beside your head and she was leaning in, teeth bared in a snarl. You weren’t cringing away from her, looking up at her expectantly, as if she was amusing you with her antics.
“Yes, Lady Lesso?” you asked, voice light and bright, the way it always was.
She growled, pushing away from the wall. She could feel the weight of your eyes on her, the way she always could. You watched her often, assessing her, trying to read her motives. It itched, the way your gaze seemed to burrow beneath her skin, seeking out her vulnerabilities. That had to be what you were doing, searching for ways to hurt her or bring her down, to manipulate her for your own gain.
Only you remained as you always were, sitting outside her office, following her orders like the obedient little thing you wanted her to believe you were, never influencing or questioning.
“You’ve been missing from your post for too long,” she said, needing an excuse for her anger towards you.
If you knew she was on to you, she’d lose the upper hand. She wouldn’t be able to ferret out your true intentions if you buried them further in the face of her suspicion.
“My apologies, Lady Lesso. Billious was holding me up in the kitchen,” you replied, voice soft, a note of guilt darkening your words.
You were a wonderful actor, she would give you that.
“No excuses,” she snapped.
She swept away from you, leaving you leaning against the wall beside your desk. You followed her into her office, the familiar scent of vanilla following you. It would linger, she knew from experience, far longer than your presence would, and she would be forced to inhale the putrid scent for the rest of the afternoon.
You were careful as you placed the cup of coffee you’d been sent to retrieve on her desk, avoiding the stacks of paperwork she’d been ignoring. Counting the seconds you’d been gone had taken up enough mental energy to keep her occupied.
“Will that be all, Lady Lesso?” you asked.
She lowered herself to her seat, considering you on the other side of her imposing desk. You stood with your hands clasped in front of you, in one of those infuriating dresses she found herself so distracted by. Dipping necklines and flashes of your knee when you walked had her mouth turning dry and her thoughts fleeing her like a scared fairy. A small smile was curling your pink lips and your eyes were looking at her from under long lashes, sparkling in the fire light.
“Remove yourself from my presence,” she ordered.
Your chin dipped in a small nod and she watched your back as you slipped from her office. She would find your secrets, the plans you were building on the back of her work, the betrayal you would be committing. It was a perfect ruse, innocence and sunshine, hiding a deeper insidiousness she would root out. She would expose it to the light and sneer at your snivelling body, grovelling for mercy under the weight of her might.
She settled back in her chair, leaning back as she considered the door. Of course she’d hunted through your desk, picking the singular lock to discover a drawer full of sweets and notes filed away in perfect order. Nothing suspicious which only piqued her interest further.
You were smart. Of course you were. She wouldn’t have tolerated your appointment as her assistant if you weren’t. You held your own and anticipated her needs before she could ever voice them. In all ways, you were the perfect assistant. And it grated on her.
You had grown to be the bane of her existence.
Straining her ears to hear your movements on the other side of the thick wooden door, she found herself leaning forward. A curl of steam rose from the cup of coffee before her, placed there by your sure fingers, not a single drop spilled. Raising it to her lips, she had to admit you made a wonderful cup of coffee. She would miss that once she’d crushed you beneath the heel of her boot.
Your voice was muffled when it finally reached her ears. Bright and airy, your tinkling laugh made her stomach clench. Joyous laughter was wrong in her school, an aberration she aimed to squash from her halls. All attempts had failed with you, indulgence lining your expression whenever she tried.
She rose from the desk, tiptoeing to the door to listen in. Stealth was of the upmost importance, not wanting to alert you to her presence. To stay one step ahead you must be kept in the dark. Pressing her ear to the cool wood, she listened, hoping to overhear something you wouldn’t want her knowing.
“I’m hardly going to show up at the crack of dawn,” you said and she could just imagine the bright smile on your face, “I’m more of a midnight stroll kind of gal.”
“But they only bloom in the early hours of the morning,” the person you were talking to was saying, a hint of a whine in his voice.
One of the new teachers. Young and enthusiastic, built in the style of Hort with his overeagerness to prove his villainy. Villainy was not provable, it simply was. Apparent in every action you took.
Which is how she knew you must be a spy, looking to ingratiate yourself into her trust only to strike her when she least expected it.
In every sense of the word you were the complete opposite of villainous. You were bright and happy, smiling at every turn. You laughed and you hummed, your singing voice sweet. When you walked it was like you were floating with the grace you exhibited.
And worst of all, you were kind. To everyone. Including her.
“And I’m sure they’re beautiful but I’m at my worst in the morning I’m afraid,” you said.
Lesso filed that fact away for later use.
“Well, perhaps we could take that midnight stroll,” he said, turning a touch cajoling.
She could understand his desperation to secure your undivided attention on a romantic stroll. She’d noticed the way people looked at you when walking the halls, in meetings, on arrival day. People were drawn to you, most likely due to your wide smile and the pretty fluttering of your eyelashes. A less cynical person would describe you as beautiful and engaging.
She never would.
“Unfortunately Lady Lesso keeps me working all hours of the night,” you said, presumably trying to let him down nicely. She rolled her eyes. The more prudent course of action would have been to give him a dressing down until he felt so low about himself he would never bother you again.
“Is she awful to work with? I’ve always assumed she is,” he said.
Lesso held her breath, wanting to hear your answer, refusing to miss a single syllable.
“Lady Lesso is a genius. There is no one in this school who could do what she does. It’s a privilege to work so closely with her, and I’m grateful to be able to serve her. Isn’t that what all of us want? To put more villainy out into the world? To triumph over good? If anyone is going to bring about our success it will be her. I really believe that. So if I have to work long hours then it’s all worth it. I love this job. Any sacrifices are worth it.”
Your entire speech held far more passion and emotion than any other answer you’d given him, the witless man that asked you to join him in the moonlight. Too much so? She couldn’t rule it out as a performance, assuming she might be listening in on your conversation.
She wasn’t sure what happened then. A soft mumbling, footsteps, the chatter of students sweeping past. She sighed, returning to her desk to find the stack of paperwork no smaller and her coffee cooled. Her nose wrinkled as she took a sip of the lukewarm liquid. She could demand you make her a new one, but then you would not be there to keep an eye on. You’d be loose in her school and who would be able to say what you were doing then. It was bad enough when she had to teach class, her mind constantly wandering back to what you were doing, what secrets you were uncovering, what devious plots you were concocting.
A soft knock sounded on her door. Your head poked through the door, a soft smile on your face, her heart thudding in her chest just at the sight of you.
“What?” she snapped, hoping to see some flicker of displeasure in you at her rudeness.
“Billious is here to see you,” you said, your voice almost a caress over his name.
“Tell him I’m busy,” she replied, nose wrinkling.
“Of course, Lady Lesso.”
Your head retracted for a moment for it returned, looking at her with an expectation that made her want to wrong your neck.
“Oh, and the books you asked for have finally arrived. Should I bring them through or would you prefer they’re brought to your chambers?”
“You figure it out,” she snapped.
That damned smile appeared again, knowing and intuitive. She felt a flicker of fear, wondering what you had discovered. The anxiety you inspired had to be stopped.
The door was silent as it closed, the creaks she’d spent so many years curating gone under your touch. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she cursed you over and over until you might be struck down by lightning outside that very door.
A loud knock on the door had her jumping in her seat. Manley shouting through the wood. A hushed conversation on the other side. What sounded like a boot kicking the door. An admonishment. Then silence.
In less than thirty seconds you had taken command of a situation that could have so easily spun out of control. She ground her teeth, frustration sparking through her veins. You were the perfect assistant, making yourself indispensable to her, ensuring you were so enshrined in her life she couldn’t fire you. You’d wormed your way in and made it impossible to get rid of you. All by being wonderful at your job.
No one else could see your genius, but it was plain to her. You’d figured out how to function so far under the radar that no one would ever suspect you were more than the vapid woman you made yourself out to be. No one but her. She knew. And it rankled her more than she cared to admit.
You lived under her skin, every day a taunt to expose you, as if you thought she wasn’t smart enough to. It was a dare, your continued presence. You were waiting for her to break and she refused to.
It was all some sick twisted game and the only kinds of those Lesso liked were when she was the game master, not the player.
She watched you at dinner that night, your table manners impeccable, as if you’d been schooled next door. Your smile was friendly, inviting, and all she could focus on was how she wanted to ruin you. To turn you into a mess. To make you…
Well, she thought begging for mercy would sound sweet on your tongue.
If she found herself following you from the shadows as you returned to your post, flitting through moonlight drenched halls, almost dancing from window to window, then it was to watch you in your unguarded moments. You turned your face towards every window, smile soft as you looked up at the night sky. She wondered what you saw up there, if you found pictures in the stars, if the moon made you dream, if you searched for a different life.
You paused at one window, facing towards the forest, staring out. Hands flat on the window sill, you lent towards the glass until your breath misted before you. Your eyes were turned upwards and inexplicably she felt the need to sneak up behind you and trace her fingers over your exposed neck. She wanted to find your pulse, feel it thrum under her thumb, feel it race the way she never could when she tried to menace you.
“You’re not chained to your desk.”
That witless man again.
A soft sigh passed over your parted lips and your mask slipped for a moment before you fixed your smile back on your face. The truth of it had her breath catching, both frustration and pity mingling together into something almost sickly. You turned towards his approaching footsteps, stepping out of the shadows just as Lesso could do. In contrast, she shrunk back, watching and waiting.
“I thought Lesso would have you kept like a pet outside her door,” he said. Something passed over his face, too quick to see, but ugly enough to make her curious.
“She’s not a monster, you know,” you said, your voice quiet, almost soft in your assessment of her, “I think you’ve mischaracterised her into the monster under the bed.”
“Isn’t she?” he asked.
“She’s far more subtle than that. Elegant. Wickedly intelligent. You won’t even know she’s five steps ahead of you until you’re already caught in her trap. It’s beautiful, the way her villainy unfolds,” you replied.
Bare shoulders shrugged and she found herself considering the line of your body. Relaxed and at ease. It must be some kind of facade. It had to be. No one was so relaxed in her school. Not even the teachers.
“You sound smitten with her,” he said, taking another step towards you.
“I’m not some pathetic Ever,” you laughed, “I know it’s what plenty of people here think but I’m not looking for True Love’s Kiss.”
“You can tell me if she’s forcing you to say these things about her. I won’t tell,” he said, giving what he must have thought was a conspiratorial wink.
Lesso felt her nose wrinkle, watching this scene play out in front of her. The insipid man trying to win your trust and you standing with a straightened spine and the smile dying on your lips. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen it so much as falter before.
“No on forces me to do anything I don’t want. Not even her,” you said, “especially not her.”
“What then? More pirvelleges? A place in her bed? Extra food at meal times?” he demanded.
Your smile was gone.
“Your loyalty may be so easily bought, Derrick, but I can assure you mine is not,” you said, the lightness in your voice vanishing the longer you talked. Steel was taking over. If you were anyone else she might be impressed.
“Loyalty?” he scoffed, “I think you just think you’re better than me because you’re Lesso’s little pet. You think I won’t risk my own ass by harming you. But you’re not better than me. You’re just a stuck up Ever.”
“You want to hurt me?” you asked, “go ahead. She won’t save me. And it certainly won’t make me go on that moonlit walk with you. I’m holding out for someone more impressive to ask.”
There was a glint off metal, a dagger in his hand that hadn’t previously been there, moonlight reflecting off the blade. Lesso found herself leaning forward, waiting to see what would happen. She’s never heard you speak so cruelly to another person and while she could sympathise, she didn’t realise you were capable of sneering at the unworthy. You usually met them with a smile and respect, two ideologies she refused to subscribe to.
The dagger flashed and a soft lavender glow lit the hallway. Dangling from one ankle, upside down and glowering, the witless man hung in front of you. He slashed the dagger towards you, a howl of anger coming from him. You simple stepped back, considering him for a moment, head tilted and lips curling up at the corners in an almost devilish smile. This was a side to you she’d yet to see, just another lie and secret to keep your true motives from her. The heart in her chest thundered with anger, the new knowledge burning through her.
“This is your one warning, Derrick. Try something like this again and I won’t be nearly so kind. See how easily I overpowered you? Just consider what I’ll do when I’m not holding back,” you said, voice turning silky smooth.
“You bitch,” he snarled.
“I’m sure one day you’ll be more imaginative too,” you said.
A wave of your lavender finger glow and the dagger was torn from his grip, floating into yours. You looked down at it, nose wrinkling in an uncomfortably fetching way. Tucking it away into your bodice, you looked down into his face, hovering somewhere around your navel.
“Trust me, Derrick. I am not someone you want to cross. Run along now,” you said.
With a lazy flick of the wrist, he fell to the stone floor in a crumpled heap. You watched him scrabble to his feet, trying to look composed in his rumpled clothes and mussed hair. Resentment. That was the expression that had flashed over his face when he’d begun the conversation. He resented you for everything he was not.
“You’ll regret this,” he said.
“Somehow I doubt that.”
You watched him flee down the hall with cool indifference before turning back to the window, your thoughts already slipping past him. Looking out on the night pressing in, you sighed, relaxing again as if the altercation had never happened. A small smile ticked your lips up, bright and joyful, head tipping back in the moonlight.
“You can stop lurking in the shadows,” you said.
She stepped out, cane clicking on the floor, a sign for those in the immediate area to begin panicking. You didn’t even turn in her direction, the only indication you were aware of her presence the flutter of your eyes opening. She stopped at your shoulder, looking out on the forest, wondering what creatures might be lurking out there.
“Who are you?” she asked, voice harsh when compared to you.
“Your assistant. Nothing more, nothing less,” you replied.
“No one is that loyal to me,” she said, voice barely more than a rasp when it came from her lips.
You had to be a rival. You had to be. She couldn’t handle it if all her instincts were so wrong about you.
She raised her hand, not sure what she was going to do. You turned, finally, looking up into her eyes. That damned smile was still in place, softening when you looked at her. Fingers curled around your neck, her thumb rested against your pulse, just as she’d dreamed of doing. It thrummed under her touch despite your calm exterior.
She pushed you back until your back hit the glass of the window. You shivered, making her smirk grow. Your discomfort was her pleasure.
“No more lies.” She felt out of control, her perfect veneer slipping.
“I’ve never lied to you once, Lady Lesso,” you said, sounding so calm despite her hand wrapped around your neck.
“You want to destroy me,” she snarled, her face drawing closer.
“I want to serve you,” you replied on a sigh.
She pressed you more insistently against the glass, her fingers tightening. She could imagine the bruises blooming over your skin, the pretty canvas holding her art. And what a masterpiece you would make.
“You’re nothing,” she spat, “a pathetic spy who can’t even notice when you’re the one being watched.”
“I always know when you’re watching me,” you replied.
“You can’t,” she snarled.
“I can,” you said, not shying away from the rage on her face or the pressure of her fingers on your windpipe, “when it’s you, I always know.”
“Shut up,” she snapped, voice tight.
You were staring up at her with those wide eyes, sparkling. Teeth sunk into your bottom lip, keeping you from giving her one of your patent smiles and she was so aware of the knife hidden in your bodice. One of your hands reached up, gently curling around her wrist, skin to skin. Lightning flowed from the point of contact and she flinched.
“You must be my enemy,” she said, but her voice was losing its harsh edge, “you must be.”
“Why must I be?” you asked.
Your fingertips brushed the vulnerable skin of her inner wrist and she snatched it back, leaving your throat bare and her skin tingling, cane clattering to the ground from the other. You kept your back pressed to the window, watching her with an openness that made her skin itch.
“You pay close attention to me. What other reason if not to find my weaknesses?” she said, sounding less sure of herself with every passing word.
“Can you really think of no other reason I might be paying such close attention to you?” you asked and she could hear how amused you were.
“That’s the only reason you’d do that,” she said, her hand slamming into the window beside your head, rattling the glass in its frame. You didn’t flinch.
“It’s not why you’ve been paying such close attention to me,” you said, “it’s not why I scare you.”
“You don’t scare me,” she replied, almost on autopilot.
Your hand reached up, finger wrapping itself in one of her fiery curls. Her heart thudded and she waited for the pull.
Eye fluttering shut, she felt your other hand came up, fingers ghosting over her lips. She was going to die. You were going to kill her and she wouldn’t be meeting Death with her eyes open. Her breath was dragged from her lungs and she thought she might collapse.
“I think you’re terrified,” you murmured, fingertip tracing the shape of her lips.
She couldn’t argue. Her pulse was racing, heart thumping, and all she could focus on was the path your finger was taking. She knew you’d be her downfall but she’d never expected it to feel so soft, as if she had permission to sink into your devastating touch.
Your finger disappeared and she didn’t have time to readjust before something soft ghosted over her lips. Her eyes shot open, finding you so close, your lips pressing more insistently. She felt herself coming apart at the seams. Her eyes fluttered shut again as your tongue traced the seam of her lips. You tasted of sugar and spice and everything nice. It made her blood boil.
Her hands grasped your hip, and she pushed your body back. She took control of the kiss, teeth sinking into your lip until copper burst on her tongue. You made a small whimpering noise and she felt drunk, under a spell, enchanted. Your fingers tangled in her hair, pulling just enough to make her feel her sanity slip away.
She drew away, your lips painted red with your own blood. They tugged up into a smile and she groaned, kissing you again. You sunk into it, the soft sigh too sweet for her. She pushed her leg between yours, feeling your heat through the layers of cloth. You moaned, fingers tightening in her curls with a sharp tug.
Maybe her feelings towards you were less about taking you down and more about going down on you.
She tore her mouth from yours, panting hard as her eyes darted wildly over your face. You were looking up into her face, lips kiss swollen and eyes glassy. She could see your chest heaving and she took a step back. If she didn’t, she wasn’t sure she could stop and if she didn’t stop she wasn’t sure she would be in control anymore. She could lose herself in you, and you were right, that terrified her.
“What have you done to me?” came out as a breathless whisper.
Your chuckle was too close to knowing and she wanted to stop it. Her fingers itched to curl around your throat again, wanting the sound to cut off. You took a step towards her, the chuckle dying, leaving behind a small smile and sparkling eyes.
“Don’t come near me,” she snapped.
You stilled, freezing in place like she was some kind of frightened animal prone to startling. Her teeth ground together and a frustrated sound came from her lips. You waited, giving her the space to calm down and it made her want to scream. You were too accommodating.
“Don’t do what I tell you,” she snapped but it was less controlled.
“So I should come near you?” you asked, your smile turning into a small smirk.
“No,” she shouted, “yes. Fuck. What have you done to me?”
“Nothing,” you replied, taking another step towards her and she wanted to raise her hands in defence and blast you through the window behind you, “I think you just like me.”
“I don’t like anyone,” she snapped as a reflex.
“Then why do you stare at me all day? Why did you kiss me like that?” you asked, advancing on her until her back hit the stone wall behind her in the shadows she’d emerged from, “why are you still thinking about kissing me?”
“Lust isn’t the same as like,” she replied but even then she knew you had the upper hand.
“Maybe not, but you definitely like me, Lady Lesso,” you said, placing one hand on her hip, keeping her pinned to the wall.
“Your delusions are not my concern,” she tried to snarl but it sounded like a wolf without teeth.
“Then leave,” you said, “if I’m wrong, it should be easy for you to leave me here heartbroken and rejected.”
She wanted to push past you, to shove you out of the way, but she found herself unable to do it. Her hands landed on your shoulders but that’s as far as she got. Your smile turned into something soft and understanding and she hated it.
“Stop that,” she said.
“Stop what?” you asked. You blinked and your eyelashes were so long they brushed your cheekbones like a stupid princess.
“Making me feel these things,” she said.
“No can do, Lady Lesso. That’s one request I can’t accomplish,” you said.
“What kind of assistant are you?” she demanded but there was no heat behind it.
“The kind that does this.”
You lent forward, capturing her lips in another searing kiss. She groaned into your mouth, fingers sliding into your hair, tangling and tugging until she heard you whimper and press your body against hers. You nipped at her lower lip and all she could think of was all the ways she wanted to defile you.
“Fine,” she mumbled against your lips, “but you’re not getting a pay raise.”
“I don’t need one,” you replied, before kissing her again.
Maybe you weren’t trying to destroy her, but you still made her feel weak in all the ways that mattered. But maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. Not if you were going to continue kissing her like that.
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horeformilfs · 10 months
Requests: Open
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Mother Miranda
Little Crow
Blood and Broken Art
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An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind
Sacrifices in the Name of Love
Blood Bag
Rescued From the Nightmare
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Cassandra Dimitrescu
Shattered Past
Unsheathed Fears
Daniela Dimitrescu
Dimitrescu Sisters
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Searching for Home
I'll Protect You...Because I Love You
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Violet Bridgerton
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I Told the Moon about You
The Trix
Its Okay to Feel
Lady Lesso
Little Raven
Stubborn Little Princess
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Constellations of Love
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Jessica Chastain
Catherine Zeta-Jones
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Lady Leonora Lesso Masterlist
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Mommy…Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
Games w/ Sex Pollen Part 1*
Part 2*
Drunk on You Part 1
Part 2*, Part 3*& Part 4**
Anytime Soon… Part 1
Part 2*
You’ll Pay, Pet Part 1*
Part 2*
Unexpected Desires ~Dom!lesso xDom!Anemone xSub!Dovey xSub!Reader Part 1
Part 2**, Part 3
Extra Credit ~Dovesso xReader Part 1*
Part 2*
My Project ~Dovesso xFem Reader Part 1*
Part 2
One Shots
What’s My Name*
Fortunate Circumstances ~top!dovesso x reader*
My Mess*
Rescue Each Other
I’m Here for You ~motherly!lesso
Goddamnit, I like You
Now and Forever ~dovesso
Black Knickers*
Our Little Secret*
Red Fever*
Her Softening Heart ~soft!lesso*
A Very Pressing Matter*
Mommy & Wifey Cure Panic ~dovesso xreader*
It’s Mommy, Baby*
My Sweet Sub*
Beautifully Enough ~Soft!Lesso
Call Her Daddy*
Would You Look at That ~Sub!Lesso xDom!Anemone xDom!Reader*
Can’t Get Enough of You*
Who’s in Charge…*
Blazing Care in Your Eyes ~Soft!Lesso*
Takes One to Know One ~Lesso xLarissa Weems**
Careful What You Wish For*
Hold Me Tight Imagines ~Soft!Lesso xgn!Reader
Come Let Me Eat You Up*
Picnics, Need, & Care*
I’ll Rock Your World ~Top!Lesso*
Call Yourself Mine ~GN!Reader*
Happy Reunions ~Dovesso xWife Reader*
Too Much ~Soft!Lesso
Can’t Pretend It Doesn’t Bother Me ~Soft!Lesso xAFAB Trans!Male!Reader
Birthday Comfort ~Soft!Lesso
Begging for You*
Begging Kink w/ Lesso ~Kinktober*
Rope Uncut
Venus’ Seduction ~Sub!Lesso
It’s Okay to Be Not Okay ~Motherly!Lesso
Sadism with Lady Lesso*
Holiday Shopping Fun*
You Misunderstand Me, Baby*
Enchanted Choices with Unforeseen Consequences*
Oh You Are In For It…**
Stress Relief ~Daddy!Lesso x Emma Anemone*
You Make Submitting So Easy ~Dom!Lady Lesso xFem MascPresenting!Bottom!Sub!Lesbian!Reader
Sneering at Daddy ~Sub!Bratty!Lesso xFem Dom!Daddy!Reader
Caugh In Your Web ~Younger!Leonora Lesso xFem Dominatrix!Reader ~College Au
My Good Little Sluts ~Sub!Lady Lesso xSub!Larissa Weems xFem Dom!Reader**
Strip Me of My Power ~Dom!Larissa Weems x Sub!Bratty!Lady Lesso**
No One Cares About Logistics ~Dom!Cipher xSwitch!Lady Lesso xFem Sub!Reader**
Stay Away From Him
Oh and I take Requests, so hit me up with your ideas 😉 Requests & Prompt-List
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I don’t if ur request are still open but if they are I was wondering if I could request lady lesso x reader we’re they are in a secret relationship and they got kissing or something by dovey
She is different
Warnings: Secret relationship, jealousy, fluff, warrior princess, bad liars
Word count: 2.3 K
Pairing: Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
Prompt: It is impossible to hide that Lady Lesso was completely captivated from the first moment she saw Y/N
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Charlize Theron characters masterlist]
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From the moment Y/N set foot in the school, the green eyes of the dean of evil did not stop admiring her figure.
Despite having a 'thin' build and short stature, Y/N wasn't your typical princess. The legends that ran through the corridors of the school, recounted the great feats that she had achieved as the star warrior of the greatest known kingdom; making the redheaded dean's curiosity grow with the passage of time.
Lady Lesso had always met the stereotype of the perfect princess, just like Dovey herself; so, hearing that that sweet-looking princess had been commissioned to slaughter thousands of enemies, just to protect the queen, only made it inevitable that Lady Lesso would wander into Miss Y/N's class.
Y/N was one of the first teachers to get a mixed class, getting both 'Ever' and 'Never' to learn to defend themselves and attack in combat, from small combats in a classroom of the, now, gigantic school, to fights that They executed on the school horses in the large gardens of the same.
At first, Dovey thought that Leonora's presence was due to concern (if that's what it could be called) for the performance of her students, but seeing how those eyes sparkled with a strange sparkle every time Miss Y/N, she brandished that weapon to teach the young princes how to defend themselves, she thought that her assumptions were not entirely correct. Lesso never missed a Y/N class, not even on the days they had practices in the gardens just like they were doing today; having a great simulated fight in the gardens of that castle.
A few minutes before class ended, Professor Dovey approached the stables, knowing that her students would arrive there, only to realize that Leonora was already there, staring at Professor T/N's braided hair
"My, what a surprise to find you here, Lesso," Dovey teased, smoothing the non-existent wrinkles from her beautiful dress.
“I would like to say the same”
Silence reigned for a few minutes, both with their eyes fixed on the training, until Dovey's gaze returned to rest on her senior partner, noticing how small and tiny black hearts came out of them.
"May I ask? What has been the reason why you delight us with your pleasant presence?" Dovey tried to persuade her partner, causing the redheaded teacher to just make a small face.
"No, you can't ask" she replied, in her typical annoyed voice.
Before Dovey could object to such behavior, the murmurs and laughter of the students, together with the galloping of the horses reached the ears of both women, causing their eyes to look at the boys, who quickly entered the stable to to let the steeds rest. Y/N was coming backwards, on top of her own horse.
"Oh, hi Dovey, I didn't see you there."
While Dovey and Y/N never became the best of friends (as Dovey always thought that a rebellious mind like Y/N didn't quite belong on the 'Ever' side), they have been courteous to each other, and more when Dovey found out that thanks to that woman, many of her friends and students were still alive.
“Lady Lesso, it is always a pleasure to greet you”
And for her counterpart was that beautiful redhead. When they were both young, Y/N remembered feeling self-conscious, clumsy, and even naive around her (the few times they happened to meet); when Y/N was taken to her friend Jade's kingdom to become what she always dreamed of, a warrior, she assured herself that if she ever met Leonora again, she would no longer be that shy girl; if she was capable of killing men in the name of what she considered fair, she was clearly capable of meeting this woman.
When the school received her, after those injuries that made it impossible for her to fight again, seeing how both the 'Evers' and the 'Nevers' young people applauded her with admiration, made her feel even more powerful. She was capable of instilling respect, pride and admiration on both sides.
Everything went overboard when her eyes collided with those of the dean of evil.
At first, he didn't recognize her, but, Y/N couldn't get over those beautiful eyes so quickly.
She felt how her knees began to give out, even a little unsure if she would be able to cross the entire room on her own.
To say that Leonora Lesso was beautiful was an understatement, the woman was the epitome of beauty and sensuality. Those green eyes like the grass bathed in morning dew, rosy lips like the petals of the most fragile flowers in her home kingdom, and that wild hair, like the flames she had seen on many of her travels.
She thought that with the weight of time, the impression before such a woman would diminish… but that never happened. Even to this day, she could feel the penetrating gaze of the dean in each and every one of her lessons, waiting for some mistake on the part of the young warrior, just to be able to take advantage and unleash her fury against her.
"Oh dear, that was a wonderful class," Dovey congratulated, watching as Y/N climbs down from the horse and begins to stroke the animal's head, while her other hand begins to remove the animal's saddle.
“Well, Dovey, thank…”
"Well, I expected to see someone injured" Leonora's hoarse voice commented.
Both Dovey's glare and Y/N's puzzled glare landed on the tall figure of the woman.
"Leonora!" Dovey scolded
“Well, my lady, I'm sorry to disappoint you this time. I promise that in the next class one of yours will have to be attended to urgently" Y/N joked, watching out of the corner of her eye, how the dean raised the corners of her mouth a little, showing a little amusement.
"Y/N!" Dovey scolded again, the princess looked at how her companion's corners were slightly raised, but, realizing the look, she quickly returned to her usual straight lips. "Both are impossible, I'd better go"
"I'd better go too" announced the redhead "I wouldn't like to see those freaks behave in a proper way"
"I hope that's not the case" Y/N joked again, watching how both deans walked away to let her clean the stable in peace.
Night came, and with it, secrecy and mystery.
T/N had always been taught that night was the time for evil, the terrifying and the forbidden. Over the years, she realized that it was not entirely true; night was the time for secrets, intrigue, curiosity, mystery, and of course, the forbidden.
A knock at her door startled the poor girl, who quickly put aside her parchment and quill to open the door, revealing those sweet green eyes.
"Until you deign to open"
“It was only seconds, don't be exaggerating”
"Well, seconds that could well be used in something else"
"Like what?"
"Maybe kiss you"
If Y/N were ever to tell that the fearsome dean of Evil had a soft spot for honeyed words and cheek kisses, no one would believe her. But, here she was, leaving a trail of little kisses on Y/N's cheeks.
"Today you were splendid" she murmured against her ear.
"Do you believe it?"
"Oh sweet girl, I've never seen someone attack like that before. No warrior will ever be as great and skillful as you are."
“Oh honey, you flatter me, but, out there, there are thousands of warriors far better prepared than me. It took me years to convince my parents to teach me how to wield a sword, whereas these men are required to do so at a very young age."
“Well, princess, that just proves my point. You are beautiful, intelligent, strong, brave and capable woman, what more could I ask for?" Leonora spoke while her arms embraced the small waist of her beloved, bringing her closer to her chest, so that she could smell a little of her hair.
"Maybe a make-out session in my bed?" the princess asked cheekily
“Wow, that sounds like a great idea to me”
Dovey's feet made it impossible for her to stay still. She was so anxious that, without realizing it, her feet moved her throughout her office, until she heard how the doors were opened violently, listening to Leonora's unmistakable walk, along with the annoying clicking of her cane.
"Well Clarissa, I'm here now, what do you want?"
But, seeing Leonora's raised eyebrow, the question stuck in her throat. Lady Lesso was well known for being the thorn in Professor Dovey's side, so wasn't it fair to get even a little revenge?
“I've been thinking about doing a new dance,” Dovey commented, performing in her everyday way: bubbly and happy.
"Other?" Leonora asked tiredly "Wouldn't it be like… the eighth this month?"
"Oh Leo, but this is for a special occasion"
"What could be so special as to warrant a school dance?" Now, the dean desperate, she crossed her arms, tapping her forearm with her nails.
“I have found the perfect prince for Y/N”
Lesso felt how the blood ran down from her head to her feet, making her fist take that stick with more force, until leaving her white knuckles.
"What?" she slumped into the chair across from Dovey, not helplessly, but furiously. "I thought I heard from Y/N's own mouth that she didn't want a prince in her life"
"Well, we can all change our minds, and believe me, when she see Prince Henry, her mind will change."
“Henry? What kind of name is Henry? It sounds completely ridiculous…”
"Leonora, if I didn't know you well enough, I would dare to say that you are jealous" Dovey teased, raising an eyebrow.
Lesso only managed to let out a sarcastic laugh, causing Dovey to laugh internally.
"Jealous? Of whom? Of your star princess? Not at all! I just make fun of the poor girl, having to deal with a man as… simple as this Henry"
"But if you don't know him yet"
"I don't even want to meet him" Lesso got up again, with her cruel director's facade, she hit the cane against the ground emphasizing her next words "So, was that all? Is that why you wanted to call me?"
"Yes, just to let you know to prepare your best clothes, because Y/N is getting married soon"
Dovey only listened as her companion's footsteps receded and with her, small murmurs, only affirming Dovey's theory.
Unfortunately for Lesso, the dance came faster than she could process. Before she least wanted to know it, Dovey had introduced stupid, muscular, pretty face Prince Henry and Y/N and forced them into the middle of the room to do a little waltz.
"Don't you think they make a cute couple?" Dovey asked
"Oh yes, can you imagine how cute their babies would be?" Emma asked.
“They will have beauty and courage alike”
Lesso only felt her blood boil. She promised herself (and Y/N) that she wouldn't kill anyone again, but at that moment, the bloody prince had a red target painted across the middle of his face, taunting Leonora. One more torture wouldn't hurt anyone… except him.
"What?!" Emma's loud scream snapped Lesso out of her thoughts, causing her to let out a growl to get the attention of her companions.
"How much do they murmur?"
"Dovey just told me that Prince Henry is planning to propose to Y/N tonight." Emma groaned and clapped her hands, showing her excitement.
“At least, the young prince confessed to me this morning. He said he would take her to the balcony to do it” commented Dovey trying to hide her emotion.
"There they go!" Emma pointed out.
And indeed, both were heading to the balcony, getting away from the bustle of people.
Without thinking about it, Leonora got up from her chair and began to follow the young people, until she found her beloved, with her back turned and completely alone.
"Y/N" Leonora murmured, causing the girl to turn around and give her a smile.
"Where is the prince?"
"I punched him when he tried to kiss me"
Both women laughed, knowing that no one could be lucky enough to kiss Y/N's lips. Nobody except Leonora.
"He's an idiot"
"Yeah, next time Dovey wants to find me a boyfriend, I hope she finds a better one."
"There won't be a next one"
"Honey, we won't know, if we carry on like this…"
"I don't want to continue like this" Leonora cut off Y/N's sentence while her arms hugged her girl's waist. "Yes this is the feeling the got from hiding you, I don't want to feel it again" the dean buried her head in the crook of Y/N's neck.
"Are you sure, my love?" Y/N's soft but firm hands took Leonora's face, forcing her to look at her and be honest. “I know how much your reputation has cost you and I wouldn't want it to be affected by me. We can be discreet…”
"Fuck discretion, I just don't want to see you in the arms of another jerk like that Henry guy"
And without further ado, Lesso planted a kiss on her beloved's lips, proving that the love he feels for her is worth much more than her stupid reputation.
Carefully, Y/N encircled her girlfriend's neck and stood on her toes deepening the kiss full of feelings, affection and true love, in the light of the full moon.
"I told you, you owe me five doubloons" Dovey joked as she and Emma watched as their friend Leo finally admitted her love for that girl.
“It amazes me, how being so different, they seem to work well"
"She's different" Dovey pointed at Y/N with a look "Lesso is just… Lesso"
Maybe tomorrow I'll upload a little message for my followers for Christmas… but if you don't see it, Merry Christmas!
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hiiii! So I have a lady Lesso request
Lady Lesso x drunk reader (either a student of age or teacher) whichever you are comfiest with
Reader is a very goofy drunk until they start to sober and then they are very emotional and they just keep explaining how in love with Lesso they are in front of the staff and beautiful they find her inside and out. How they want to marry her and live forever with her. Reader is also super snuggly and clingy when sobering up and pushing her away would make her cry.
Emotional Love
*Authors notes~a small break from the smut, not that I don't love it but this one's been sat here for a while now*
Trigger warnings~ drunk reader teacher of age x dean Leo pining reader trying to initiate sex under the influence
Prompt~ see ask^^^^*
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A simple plan, a few drinks with some of the fellow Ever staff soon resulted into a game of never have ever. The rules were simple, if you did something you drink a shot, and then get to ask the next question. If there was multiple people who took the shot it was always passed to the left. It was no secret that you walked the line between good and evil, so it should've been obvious that you'd be the one who ended up the most drunk. Yet you still indulged the woman to play.
"Never have I ever wished for a child" Clarissa murmured watching as a few of the woman and yourself took a shot before taking her own. "Never have I ever had a sex dream of another woman" Anemore chose with a smirk, of course you would take a shot. "Never have I ever hated my subject" you smirked back at Emma as she took a shot. "Never have I ever had a personal conversation with Leonora" Helga whispered, her eyes stayed away from yours. In their male form Yuba and Leonora were sort of acquaintances. You took your shot alongside Clarissa. The game continued on much like that until you were very very drunk. "Oh! Let's do dares!" You giggled excitedly as if you'd just said the most amazing idea ever known to man.
"I'll go first, truth or dare Rissa?" Emma asked and naturally the dean choose truth. "Is it true you wish to join the schools together as one?" A silent nod was all she was given. "Truth or dare professor Espada" a small pause before "dare" was whispered. "I dare you to show us where your most hidden dagger is on your body."  Standing up the more masculine woman pulled a dagger from the middle of her bra. "Truth or dare Y/n" you were so far gone you honestly went for what you thought was the better option, a dare. "I dare you to go and find Leonora and call her min söta tik." "Min söta tik" you repeated before standing up and leaving to find Leonora.
On the walk between the schools the air seemed to be harsher than before, instead of caressing your face it was now whipping it. Only then did it really hit you how drunk you truly were. Giggling as you tried to walk in a straight line which only resulted in you toppling over. Everything seemed to have you in a burst of giggles. The moon appears to have a face on it and you were happily having a conversation with the moon about why it was so yellow. Why yellow? Didn't it know yellow was not the way to go? No wonder why everyone says it's made of cheese if it wants to look yellow.
Arriving to Leonora's chambers you didn't even bother to knock, just barrelling into her room with a newfound confidence. But that very thing disappeared as soon as the redhead spoke up. "Dove?" Was all it took for you to burst into tears. "By the gods? What on earth is wrong?" She asked but her tone seemed to make you cry more. "I just I love you so much, you don't even know I exist! You're so pretty. On the inside. I wanna get inside you and stay foreverrrrr! Buy you don't know I want that. You're so beautiful Nora. M wan marry you and wake up with you next to me. Gods Nora I wanna make you feel so good, I could you know? I could make you feel like every colour of the rainbow, every star exploded in the galaxy just by my tongue in your-" your rant was cut off by the red head. "Woah woah dove you're drunk, you don't have a sound mind right now, you probably don't feel those things love" she rationalised but that made you sob, "I do feel them! I want you! I want to fuck you, marry you and love you! Why don't you want me?" Your tears and sobs were now bothering the woman, she hates to see you cry, let alone be the cause for it.
"Come here dove" she demanded opening her arms to you in an offer. One you immediately took, settling on her lap as her arms snaked around your waist. "Shhh see I'm here okay? But you're so drunk darling and I'd much rather have this conversation with you sober" she whispered to you hoping to soothe you with her presence. "M not drunk! Drunk can't go this" you explained with a goofy smile before attacking her neck with your lips. A hand trying to trail between your bodies only for Leonora to stop it on its way. "Darling, not while you're drunk. You're to special for that dove."
"min söta tik" you mumbled to her being absolutely star struck by her eyes, you look so adorable that she almost missed what you said to her then. "Pardon?" She replied with shock evident in her tone. "min söta tik, they said I had to say it? Is it bad Nora? I don't know what it means" you explained and Leonora knew she'd be having a word with Clarissa in the morning to discuss this. "It's not so nice darling, so we don't say it again okay? You're a sweet girl and that's why I love you." You snuggled into the woman's body in response, not processing that you'd just called her "my sweet bitch" but she was comforting and warm and that just made you wanna get closer and closer to her.
"Dove, you need to hop off my lap darling, my knee isn't liking the position" Lesso whispered to you only for you to start crying again. "I want stay. Warm!" You sobbed trying to cling to the woman but in your drunken state you interrupted it as her trying to get rid of you, why would she push you away? Doesn't she believe your feelings for her? Doesn't she care? Does she care for you like you do her?" You stiffened as your mind went round these thoughts on a loop. "Hey you, what's going on in that pretty kind of yours? I just thought we could snuggle in bed? You know Nora has a bad leg dove, it was cramping up so if I lay down and stretch it I can still hold you" she explained as you sniffled all tear eyed. "Mkay" you mumbled and allowed her to lead you to the bed, magically changing you and herself into some sleep wear before allowing you to come and snuggle up to her chest. "Sleep my dove we can talk in the morning about this emotional love."
Word count~ 1272
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So you're taking requests, huh? Could I ask for a Lady Lesso x Reader fic with a "secret" relationship? 😗 Something along the lines of Lesso having a whole damn family (like a wife and a kid or two) but no one at the school knows, maybe because they've never actually seen R. And then one day R comes to the school in search of her wife (for whatever reason, you decide) and basically everyone finds out and the students and other teachers are like "Lesso has a wife???". I've been exhausted lately and I could use some fluff and fun. ☺️
I thank you in advance and I hope you have a wonderful day! ✨️
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> requested? yes!
> content/warnings: pregnant R, shocking revelations, L finding fun in D's suffering
> a/n: this was adorable to write! i finally got to debut my OC, which is Millie/Millicent! 🥹 tysm for requesting!
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To my Ever,
How has your month been? Has it been miserable since I left? Thought so. I wrote this letter for you to know I am not dead... yet. But I know Dovey is planning something. I don't hold it against her, I am a Never after all. Bringing and causing trouble is what we do. I deeply miss you, the corridors of the good side has never been empty. Your eyes are the only ones that make the Good side worth to step on. How are the little Never-evers? Tell me if Milicent has been causing any trouble, I would gladly send a flying lizard in her dreams. But what about the bun? Have they kicked yet? Do write to me whenever they do. I would love not to miss it, but the children here would not last a day without me. Yesterday, Hort tripped on a root in the Blue Forest and got himself bitten on every part of his body by the roses. What an idiot. That's all I can give you over letter, I'm counting the days I get to be with you and the little devils soon. I love you.
- Your Never
“Write to you huh?” You smirked and caressed your bump whilst Milicent laid on your lap. Brushing Milicent's hair from her face, you pinched the girl's cheek. “How about we take a little trip to Nemmy?”
As soon as you mentioned Leonora's name to your child, Milicent dropped to sit down on the floor and stared at you excitingly. “We're going to see Nemmy? Me wikey!”
You gave your eldest a chuckle. “You wikey, huh? Then go on, pack your things!” With that, Milicent ran off to her room.
Smiling to yourself, you gazed at the portrait of you and Leonora on your wedding day. “I miss you, my Never.”
“I swear! Lesso, you always do this!” Dovey stomped in front of Lesso and plopped down on the chair.
Rolling her eyes, Lesso scoffed and massaged her temples. “What have I done now, princess?” Dovey was driving her mad. Leonora knows she didn't do anything, yet here was her counterpart scolding her.
Dovey grumbled and sat up straight. Waving her hands, Dovey conjured a piece of paper and flicked it on Lesso's desk. “Were you ever going to tell me that you have a daughter?”
Lesso's eyes widened as she listened to Dovey and read the contents of the paper at the same time. Written on the paper was- ‘Can't wait to see you Nemmy! Love, Millie.’
Breathing heavily, Lesso closed her eyes and folded the paper in half, hiding it at a cabinet in her desk. “You–” Lesso pointed a finger to Dovey's direction. “will not speak of this. To anyone. Understand?”
Eyes widening, Dovey gulped and nodded frantically. Dovey has had her moments wherein Lesso has been vile, evil, and unmerciful. But the Lesso in front of her was different. Dovey noticed the passion fueled by love behind Lesso's eyes. Relaxing slightly, Dovey fiddled with her thumbs and leaned forward. “So– a family huh?”
Sighing and leaning back her chair, Lesso nodded and conjured a photo frame. “Yes. Millicent is five years, turning six next month. The bun is due for another two months.” She explained to her counterpart. Lesso found something to laugh about as she watched Dovey panicking.
Stretching her fingers and blowing her baby hairs, Dovey took it upon herself to not look into Lesso's eyes. “May I ask, who?”
Lesso raised her eyebrow at Dovey, making the Ever restate her question. “Who's the lucky Never?”
Dovey winced at her words and watched as Lesso's face went through different emotions the past minute before it settled into a mocking smile. “Oh no, you've got it all wrong, Clarissa.” Lesso smirked at Dovey, knowing that her revelation will shock the Dean of Good. “Y/N is an Ever.”
Dovey gasped and choked on thin air at Lesso's words. Y/N... THE Y/N?! “You–” Dovey pointed her index finger at Lesso. “married Y/N? THE Y/N?!”
Lesso shrugged and gave Dovey a victorious look. “Well.”
Lunch came and Dovey found herself staring at Lesso and avoiding the Dean of Evil's eyes when Lesso shot her a look of annoyance. It wasn't that Dovey was... well surprised. She's more shocked than surprised. What she means is, Y/N of The Isle married someone like Lesso? The scariest person in their school.
Dovey continued to stare at Lesso, but her attention was gotten by a knocking on the door. Standing up, Dovey frowned when the fairies flew in one line. “The fairies never behaved like this before, Clarissa. What is happening?” Anemone, the one standing beside Dovey, asked the Dean.
But before Dovey could reply, a small child came barreling down the hall and ran towards Lesso.
“Nemmy! Nemmy!”
Every Ever and Never who had food in their mouths choked whilst the others had their jaws dropping as they saw the Dean of Evil stand up and meet the child halfway.
“Why hello there, sweet child.” Lesso knelt down and embraced the child whilst caressing her hair.
“Nemmy... I missed you! Did you see my wetter?” Millicent played with her mother's tie and looked up innocently.
Lesso hummed and nodded. “I did. Now where is your mother?”
Just as Millicent was about to answer, the fairies made way to the tired Ever. “Right here, m'love.”
Leaving Millicent a kiss on the forehead, Lesso motioned the child to run towards Dovey and Anemone as she waltz towards her wife. As you were arms length away, Lesso took your hand and dragged you towards her and locked you in an embrace. “How has my wife been?”
Not believing her eyes earlier, Anemone trusted her ears and gasped as she heard Lesso's question towards you. Leaning towards Dovey, she asked. “Lesso... has a wife?”
Millicent grinned up at Anemone and answered while holding up two fingers. “And a kid too!”
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The Secrets of Lady Lesso, Chapter 4
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They hadn’t seen much of each other in the time following their walk around the lake. Previous years, Clarissa might have thought that she had been too familiar with her. But these months had allowed her to hope that maybe Leonora enjoyed their friendship just as much as she did. She knew enough of the more guarded woman, now, to feel secure in their interactions. 
The weeks bled into each other in the rush of the end of semester exams and upcoming holidays. Most of the students and staff returned to their homes for the break. As respective deans, their responsibility was to the school and the students with no homes to return to. 
Clarissa had scoured the grounds from top to bottom looking for her friend. The halls were relatively empty and no one had seen the severe teacher. 
Dovey knocked softly against the door to Lesso’s personal chambers and frowned at the hollow echo. No answer was forthcoming. There was only one more place to look. She gathered her skirts and made the dangerous trek to the dungeons below and to the Doom Room. She hoped no student was unfortunate enough to unleash her ire so close to the holidays. But even she knew the fiery woman could be unforgiving at the best of times. 
Clarissa pushed the heavy, wooden door aside and peered into the darkened chamber.  Light from the small, solitary window in the room trickled down to a chair on a raised podium. Lady Lesso sat in it, casually reclining with her legs draped over one arm. She was tossing a dagger into the air in lazy circles before catching it by the hilt. 
Dovey cleared her throat softly to alert the other woman to her presence, and to avoid a knife being thrown at her. 
“Professor Dovey, what a pleasant surprise! What brings the most wished for Fairy Godmother in the Endless Woods to my humble, little Doom Room?” Lesso drawled without so much as looking in her direction. 
The knife never slipped as she continued to toss it. 
The quiet sloshing of water in the corner of the room ceased, drawing the attention of both deans.
“Did I say you could stop?” Lady Lesso snapped at the Never student mopping the floor. 
“Already?” Dovey asked her incredulously. “Break has hardly just begun and you’re torturing poor children in the Doom Room.”
The knife finally stilled as Lesso embedded it harshly into the arm of the chair she occupied. “He deserved it.”
The unfortunate boy began scrubbing the stone floors with increased vigor. 
“Well, I had come to see…” Clarissa trailed off as she eyed the student eavesdropping. “I had come to see if you had the budget reports for next quarter. If not, it would be ever so good of you to bring them to our office this evening after dinner. It would be best to go over them before the meeting next week.”
If Leonora was surprised at the ease of which the lie so easily fell from Clarissa’s lips, she did not show it. Dovey, herself, was shocked at how casually she was able to feign an administrative meeting. 
“You know damn well I don’t have those reports ready.” Lesso grit, playing along. 
“I will see you in the tower, then. No later than eight o’clock, if you would please. I need my beauty sleep.” 
Leonora’s sarcastic snort echoed through the dingy chamber. 
“Don’t be late!” Clarissa called over her shoulder as she made her exit. “I have some other things I would like to give you, too.” 
The heavy door slammed and Leonora fought the amused curl of her lip. 
“Does that mean I can go?” The student asked dumbly from the corner. 
“Shut up and get back to work.” Lady Lesso snarled. 
Clarissa stoked the wood burning in the fireplace and sighed in contentment at the surge of warmth and crackling pops that emerged from her attention. She turned a critical eye to the decorations she had placed around the office. While it was a shared space, she knew Leonora still preferred working elsewhere. She wasn’t quite sure if it was the library or her personal chambers. Actually, she wasn’t sure Lesso did paperwork at all. 
She had, unfortunately for herself, scaled back on the amount of holiday decorations she normally decorated the castle and her personal quarters with. While Dovey knew that Lesso did, in fact, enjoy and celebrate the Christmas season, she knew the Dean of Evil was more reserved in the expression. 
A nine-foot evergreen from the forest beyond stood proudly in the corner next to the hearth. Atop, a glowing, golden star shone brilliantly. She had used just a touch of magic to preserve the small dusting of snow on the branches and the occasional cone still clinging to stem. Sheer, golden ribbon was wrapped in loose waves around the bulk and white lights twinkled merrily in between. Underneath, a long package lay pristinely wrapped underneath in shiny, green paper and adorned with a perfect, red ribbon. 
Clarissa twirled her finger and let the glow shine brightly. Sparkling lights began to form swirling trails around the edges of the ceiling, illuminating the darkened corners of the room warmly where the fire’s light couldn’t reach. With a satisfied nod, she smiled widely. 
The clock had barely struck eight when the office door swung open. 
“Now what was all that cloak and dagger…” Leonora trailed off as she took in the decorations. 
She softened her stride and inspected the tree. Clarissa bit her lip in self-consciousness, claiming a seat on the sofa in front of the fire. 
“Do you hate it?” she asked hesitantly. 
Lesso did not turn to face her. Instead, she reached out a hand and plucked at one of the tree’s branches. With raised brows and a teasing smirk, she lit her own finger and a large box appeared in her hands. 
“You’re forgetting the best part! Get off your ass and come help me.” She said as she lay her cane atop the fireplace mantle. 
Clarissa let a relieved smile break across her cheeks. Peering curiously around Leonora’s shoulder, she spied polished, glass orbs of a magnificent red in the box. 
“In Gavaldon, magic only existed in the fairytales we would read about.” Lesso said quietly. “So the decorating of the trees was always done by hand.”
Lesso placed a few of the ornaments before sharing the box. They worked together in silence until they both felt the tree was sufficiently decorated. As they finished, they relaxed into the plush cushions of the sofa. 
“Thank you for sharing that part of yourself with me.” Clarissa said softly. 
Leonora nodded succinctly, clearly uncomfortable with the attention. She cleared her throat and tilted her head toward the tree. 
“Thank you for sharing that with me.” She said, gratitude unfamiliar on her tongue. 
Clarissa allowed the subtle deflection before depositing the long package from under the tree into Leonora’s lap. 
“What’s this?” Lesso asked with arms askew, as if the parcel would reach out and bite her. 
“That, Nora dear, is called a Christmas present.” Clarissa grinned. “One generally gives them to friends and family to celebrate the season.”
Lesso raised a perfectly arched brow in response to the nickname and the unabashed sarcasm. She brushed against the seam of the decorative ribbon before reaching into her coat pocket. She withdrew a small box and thrust it haphazardly into Dovey’s chest. It was unwrapped, but Clarissa was in shock that the Dean of Evil would have even thought to have gotten her something. Clarissa held the box tightly to her chest and nodded to the present in Lesso’s lap.
“Well, open it!” She said excitedly. 
Leonora gave her one more hesitant glance before using her sharp nails to cut the tape at each end, preserving the pristine wrapping without a single tear. The paper gave way to a hinged case. She unsnapped the fasteners on either end and curiously lifted the lid to peer inside. 
Nestled snugly in the custom molded case was a beautifully crafted, ebony cane. Clarissa’s eyes watched as her fingers trailed up the length of the polished wood and ghosted over the handle. A perched raven was carved expertly into the wood, separated from the length by a silver cap. 
“Pull it out.” Dovey encouraged quietly. 
Lesso carefully removed the cane from its cradle and pulled at the raven handle. With a sharp ring, the head slipped from the body, revealing a thin blade within the casing. Leonora’s eyes widened in awe. 
“I just thought that it might make a fine addition to your collection.” Clarissa justified with obvious self-consciousness. “I wasn’t sure about exact measurements or function versus comfort, so I just did my best guess.”
Leonora looked at her askance. “You had it made custom?”
Clarissa smiled warmly in affirmation. “Of course! I wasn’t about to go pick something meaningless off the shelf! I ordered it from Gepetto quite a few weeks ago. I was actually worried it wouldn’t be here in time for Christmas.”
Lady Lesso swallowed thickly and looked away. 
“You’ve told many stories about the reason you use one. I may never know the truth, but I know you use them and you enjoy spinning some creative tales.” Clarissa continued, trying earnestly not to offend her friend. 
“It must be the Reader in me.” Leonora sneered. 
Clarissa frowned at the tone and scooted closer. She settled a confident hand against Leonora’s forearm and squeezed tightly. 
“It must be the strength in you.” She corrected. “Reader or no, you had the brains and the desire for a different life. It takes incredible bravery to be offered something new and unknown and to make it yours.”
A heavy silence built between them, but Lesso didn’t pull away. A wry smile found its way to her face and she tapped the cane pensively. 
“I don’t actually need to use them.” She said finally. “I just like it. Gives me an air of dashing charm and intrigue. Don’t you think?” 
Clarissa scrutinized Leonora’s face for a long moment. Unable to contain it any longer, a toothy grin broke free from Lesso’s control. 
“You’re never going to tell me, are you?” Dovey laughed, slapping Lesso’s shoulder in chastisement. 
Leonora shrugged and rapped her knuckles against the box still clutched in Clarissa’s free hand. “Your turn.”
The box was plain and white, giving no indication to what contents it hid inside. Clarissa removed the top lid and found curled wisps of parchment cushioning another box, this one wooden. The cherry wood was polished with a shiny lacquer. It reminded her of a music box. 
“It’s beautiful!” She whispered, pulling it out to inspect it further. 
“Wait till you see what’s inside.” Lesso said with a firm roll of her eyes. 
Clarissa eased open the front latch and pulled out the prize. Pinched between her thumb and forefinger, a chain swung low and heavy. A cluster of clear crystals that looked like a burning star made up the bulk of the unusual pendant. Above it, smaller circular and tear-shaped crystals decorated the chain. It was stunning. 
“What is it?” Clarissa gasped as she twirled the gem. 
“It’s called a sun catcher. It uses the sunshine to cast rainbows.” Leonora stated. “It’s nothing special. I just saw it and it made me think of you.”
Clarissa placed it carefully back in the box and set it aside before trapping Leonora in a bone-crushing hug. “That’s what makes it special.” 
Lesso sat stiffly in the embrace but made no attempt to escape. Dovey reveled in the unexpected tolerance and smiled into Lesso’s hair. She smelled warm like smoky sandalwood with a dash of bergamot. And a hint of the bourbon she had likely imbibed prior to their meeting. 
Leonora cleared her throat and Clarissa pulled back quickly, an embarrassed blush burning across her face and ears. An awkward silence settled between them. Lesso stood suddenly and smoothed the non-existent wrinkles from her trousers. She took a few strides around the room with her new cane and graced Clarissa with a wholly unexpected and genuine smile. 
“It’s the perfect height. Thank you.” 
She bent to retrieve the sun catcher from the box on the floor and beckoned Dovey to the window. She cast a quick spell and affixed the long chain to the top of the window and draped the crystal in its center. Clarissa felt that familiar rush of affection fill her chest as Lesso continued to fiddle with it, making sure the placement was just right. And with dawning clarity, she finally realized that the warmth that filled her was more than a platonic fondness for her friend. It ran deeper than that. Warmer and stronger. 
Clarissa closed her eyes against the sudden epiphany and willed the rising anxieties away. She had worked so hard for a simple friendship with Lesso. In what world could she ever hope for anything more? 
No, this friendship would be enough. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Lady Lesso asked, pulling her out of her spiraling thoughts. 
Lesso’s fingers were cold as her knuckles bussed against the apple of Dovey’s cheek. The touch was fleeting. It was as if she remembered herself and pulled her hand quickly away. 
“Yes!” Clarissa chuckled with a watery smile. “I just…thank you. I love it. And I can’t wait to see it in the morning sun.”
Leonora’s eyes narrowed in disbelief but she let it go. “Thank you, as well. I should be heading back to my side. I have patrol tonight.” 
Clarissa nodded and walked with her to the door. Leonora paused at the threshold. 
“You’re staying?”
“I still have some things to attend to. I won’t be much longer.” 
Lesso’s eyes pinched in thinly veiled disagreement. “Don’t work yourself too hard, princess. It’s the holidays, after all.”
“Half an hour, tops.” Dovey promised. 
Lesso hesitated for a moment before leaning in and brushing a featherlight kiss against Clarissa’s cheek. 
“Merry Christmas, Dove.” She murmured, brushing her thumb against the lipstick she left behind. 
Leonora didn’t wait for a response and strode toward the stairwell. 
Dumbly, Clarissa held her cheek. 
“Merry Christmas, Nora.” She whispered to the empty hall.
Chapter 5
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merci-bitch · 2 years
Charlize’s characters and how they kiss??
Of course!
Warnings are of course a little nsfw and such. Not the longest but it’ll do ! :)
Not my gifs!
Lady Lesso
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Girl is all about teeth
Maybe she'd grip your jaw as she kisses you
Quite rough and teasing kisses
Using her teeth quite a bit
Biting at your lips
Perhaps a little french kissing...
I think Lesso would only go slow to tease you
Make you lean forward for another kiss as she pulls back
A playfull smirk on her lips
Charlotte Field
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She's a great kisser
She loves kissing
Specially during...
She kisses you
She doesn't try to eat your face like some
She's soft sometimes
Kisees your forehead
Gives you a peck when she passes
She's one of the only characters that I think don't only use it in bed
It's comfort in a way
She places her hand on your cheek much when she kisses you
Queen Ravena
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She isn't the biggest kisser
But she does share kisses in secret every now and then
I think she'd prefer you kissing her hand, her cheeks or her body in general
Since Ravenna has struggled with true love, I think she would finding kissing on the lips very ground breaking
Not saying that she wouldn't kiss you on the lips
I just think she'd prefer to do it elsewhere
Andromache the Sythian
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Andy is a hopeless romantic
I think she'd also give you small kisses if she passes you
Or perhaps kiss your head if she stands behind you
Big fan of kissing the corner of your mouth
Neck kisses 100%
She'd love to kiss during naughty times...
Lorraine Broughton
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There's two sides to Lorraine
Either you just know british!Lorraine or you know the real her
I think british!Lorraine is a rougher kisses than her real self
As seen with Delphine
She's a french kisses either way
Likes to kiss and bite every part of you
I think the real Lorraine would be one of those who would give you small kisses when she passes you
Don't think british!Lorraine would
I think for real Lorraine, kissing would come more natural
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Think she'd be a bit like Lesso
Isn't the one for soft moments
She really just takes what she wants
She'd perhaps let it build with small kisses
Not any less steamy of course
Clea Strange
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She's more soft
A little french here and there
Likes to hold your chin up as she kisses you
Loves the height difference
Adds to her ego
Elaine Markison
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Boy is she cocky
That red lipstick?
She reaplys it many times a day
It's very importaint to her
She likes it when you kisses down her body
She doesn't like to ruin her lipstick
She takes pride in her lipstick
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“Home is found within her arms”
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Request by @camilaxmartin
hii! i'm not sure if your requests are open but if they are i've got a fluffy idea. maybe you could write something about reader being lady lesso's student and dating her in secret. (of course she's at the age that it's legal for her to date lesso) but one day reader is just in a terrible mood so lesso tries to make it better (in her own way) and maybe like not care anymore that they should be hiding their relationship and just wants to help the reader feel better? (I'm thinking about lesso not caring at the moment that a lot of students and even teachers {just dovey probably} notice they have something going on) i literally adore your writing and all of your fics. i hope you have a great day/night! love you! <3
funny story haha (frankly, i’m pissed) acupofqueercoffee is still shadowbanned and it being shadowbanned was like rain on my parade. now normally i love me some rain but this? geez it sucked me dry of motivation, and subsequently all the inspirations i’ve had for some of my fav characters too went down the drain 🙃
Everyone has those kinds of days. Such days where the sweet serenades of birds may sound a little too boisterous, so you wake up feeling awfully groggy. Then, a cup of your morning coffee which is usually your saving grace may have been a little too hot, and since the universe has decided to make a mockery of you anyway, why not entertain her by burning yourself too?
So, instead of black orchids and dark butterflies splendidly backdropping you, storm clouds hang gloomily above you as you sit in class on a not-so-fine morning.
In the meantime, Lady Lesso is finding it odd and maybe a touch- oh who is she kidding, awfully unbecoming that her little vixen is not paying her any attention. You are completely immersed in the subject at hand, or so you appear to any onlooker. The evil dean, having mapped a good few inches of your body with her lips however, is not just anybody, far from an onlooker, and so, she knows. Your usual cheeky little grin along with a wink here and a blow of kiss there whenever the two of you lock eyes has been absent the whole morning. By the time the sun is directly overhead, and you have yet to maintain unabashed eye contact with her, let alone, blow her a kiss, she decides to take matters into her own hands.
When you find a bouquet of your favourite flowers on your desk, if only for a moment, your mind travels back to the conversation with your professor-girlfriend. It is the same conversation that eventually leads you to the conclusion that this beautiful and overly conspicuous bundle of sweet fragrance cannot have been from her. She has made it abundantly clear after all that your relationship is to remain strictly private. Although the flowers are rather painfully charming, and the scent, heavenly divine, the giver not being your lover takes all the glee and giddiness out of the equation. You do not want it if it is not from her, honestly cannot care less from whom it is. Hence, out the window and down into the moat, it goes.
It has come out of her lips themselves that public display of affections is highly inappropriate and therefore, strictly prohibited. And yet, here she is, finding it even more unacceptable the fact that you are making do without your sly little displays that are meant for her. They have wormed their way into her heart as have you. She is craving, according to herself, the very inappropriate itself. The irony is an eye-roll worthy.
During lunchtime, the dean deliberately plants herself in front of you, subsequently blocking your path out the main hall, but her intention may have flown over your head, for you navigate around to leave.
Uncaring of the many eyes observing the two of you, she catches you with the hook of her cane, pulling you back until your bodies collide.
“Something’s wrong. Now, speak.”
When the all too familiar voice that oozes charisma caresses your ears, your back is pressed against an equally familiar body. You look up, gaze into those arrestingly beautiful eyes.
“I’m in a terrible mood today is all.” Your sigh is received with a scoff. “Welcome to my world.”
A befuddling silence has befallen the hall. A silence so profound that if a pin is to drop, it will echo through the whole chamber. When you peek around the dean’s body, you understand why. All eyes in the hall are on the pair of you.
Immediately, you are jolted into action, moving away, or rather, trying but failing miserably to yank yourself out of firmly fixed arm that is twining round your waist with stubborn determination.
“What will remedy that?”
The query colours you slightly dazed.
“Wh- huh?”
“Your terrible mood.” Her voice is smooth when she explains, and smoother still as she repeats. “How can I remedy that?”
Thinking is not necessary. Your answer is immediate.
“Oh, well, you will not find my needs agreeable.”
“Oh?” Not only do you hear her voice, but you also feel it on the very tip of your ear. “Test me.”
“Forehead kisses and a hug. A hug alone is fine too, but preferably both.”
Although you are secretly hoping that she will meet your needs, a part of you is adamant that she will certainly refuse any kind of affectionate displays especially in public. All thoughts leave your head when she surprises you by swivelling you in her arms. And just like that, you find yourself engulfed in an embrace. She has as good as swept you off your feet, for only the very tips of your loafers remain touching the ground. Almost instinctively as if it is where it belongs, you bury your face into her chest, breathing her in, the scent of home. Your home.
“Are the flowers not to your liking?” She asks after a moment.
“Hmm, what flowers?” It takes you a while to think, but, as soon as the monstrosity of a bouquet comes rushing back into your head, so does the realisation. “Oh, no!”
The urge to dive into the moat and search the bouquet is all consuming. And you almost do, trying and yet again failing to disentangle yourself from your woman.
“Leave them be.” She says, cages you in her unwavering arms.
“But, they’re from you!”
“These, too,…” You feel her lips descending onto your forehead, peppering one, two, three kisses before you feel them move once more. “…are from me.”
As Lady Lesso stands with kiss-stunned little you snugly enveloped in her arms, she catches Dovey staring at them, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Her good counterpart seems to be totally oblivious to the fact that her teacup is overflowing with the tea that keeps pouring out of the teapot in her hands. There, too, sits Anemone moving to stop the teapot that keeps making a mess of their table, but once her eyes follow her friend’s and lands on the two of you, the evil dean watches, eyes teeming with cheeky amusement, as her jaw falls comically open.
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state-of-being · 2 years
Imagine Lady Lesso discovering that there was a group of students meeting in secret to fangirl over her. And it wasn't just composed of Nevers.
You could accuse Lesso of a lot of things, and she’d heard most, but you’d never accuse her of being oblivious. They brought her tea and trinkets. They stuttered shyly. When a student chanced to stare at her, she’d always notice, matching their gaze until they snapped their head away. 
Students — they were all little bugs. They swarmed the hall, they swarmed the food, they swarmed her. Little Evers were the obnoxious flies you caught with honey. Neverlets were drawn to raw power like powdery moths to a flame. Well honey, she was on fire. 
It didn’t surprise her, really, when she silently followed a student who had snuck out past curfew and found a circle where she was the center of gossip. But she was undeniably pleased. It was a fairly diverse mix. As she pressed her back to the stone wall out of sight, she recognized a few Nevers from her first year seminar and some Evers from the great hall. Lesso grinned to herself in the dark. She had raised an army without trying. That was power. 
She gave herself a few minutes to listen to their chatter before turning the corner.
Her tall figure cut an imposing shape in the doorway. 
The room froze. 
Silence screamed in their ears. 
One of the Nevers opened their mouth, then promptly closed it. 
“Cur-few,” she said in a sing-song voice.
And the students ran, flooding around her like a river around a rock. 
She stood in the empty doorway another moment and breathed deeply. 
Oh yes. That was power. 
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annie-creates · 2 years
The roses you sowed
Pairing: jealous Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst
Words: 1600
Note: OMG guys I just got my first request! Of course you can ask and I shall deliver. Hope this is gonna be up to your expectation dear. This is a free continuation of Barely a friend (can be read as a series or separately). I have a good idea for a third final (happy) part, but I'll only write it if I get a request for it so feel free to slide into my inbox.
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Down and burned out. That’s how you have felt for the past two weeks. And the reason for that was just one, Lady Lesso. Your now ex-lover and friend who you thought you’ll surpass the whole world with. Everything was going so good at first. You became friends, then lovers. You’d spent so many little and big moments together, watching the stars, dancing under the moon, or just talking and reading together. You thought you’ll become the fated couple, the one true love no one could keep apart. Your happily ever after.
That was until she said you’re just a waste of space and time. The fact she took you for just a fuck buddy in the end broke your heart. You were too innocent, too naïve, too good for such evil truth. You didn’t want to believe it at first. Every morning you hoped it was just a bad dream, a nightmare the wicked spirits prepared to torment you. And every day you were broken a bit more to find out it was actually the harsh reality.
You became more distant and colder, something all your colleagues and even some students took notice of. You were still the sweet and caring Y/n, yet you never smiled anymore, your answers lacked compassion and your outfits were made of cold dark tones. Even the dean of good herself got a bit worried about your state. But nobody knew why the sudden change. How could they? You and Lesso always kept your somewhat relationship secret. No one could know the reputable dean of evil shares bed with the cute little teacher of good.
You carefully hang up a flower garland around the hall, preparing the place for the arrival of royal families. Your school hosted an annual meeting every year, welcoming new princes and princesses who finished their own story. The new winner had a chance to meet their seasoned counterparts and the first year students had new heroes to look up to. Maybe you’d consider inviting the villains too, if only they’d win anything in the last hundred years.
You busied yourself with preparations as you couldn’t stand standing around all day doing nothing. It gave you too much time to think and with thinking dark thoughts came immediately. So you offered yourself to decorate the room and prepare the menu, running it by the kitchen chief. Professor Dovey was happy you decided to involve yourself, it might be good for your mental health. You needed to get out of your shell soon, or you’ll become one dark stormy cloud.
As you were manipulating the flowers to look exactly how you ideated, you leaned over just a little too much and the stepladder under you gave up leaving you to fall to the ground. You screamed in shock, yet you didn’t painfully land on your butt as you imagined. Rather in strong hands that kept you safe from the hard floor. You slowly opened your eyes not sure you wanted to see where you ended up.
“Hello.” a sweet man’s voice greeted you. “Hope you didn’t get hurt too much?”
You couldn’t help but smile back for the first time in weeks. “No, thanks to you. I believe you saved my ass and my pride.”
“No need to thank me, it was my pleasure. Saving princesses in trouble is kinda my job.” he jokes.
“And it is my job to be polite mister..?” you looked at him questioningly.
“The name is prince Phillip my lady.” he smirks at you with a toothpaste commercial worthy smile.
“Well Mr. Phillip I think it’s time you put me down.” you remind him politely, not flirting too much but still enjoying his company.
“I wouldn’t mind carrying you around tho.” he remarks but sets you gently down regardless.
“Are you here for the hero celebration? It’s still two days till then.” you curiously ask.
“Yes, I came early to take care of other business too. And maybe I could help you out a little since I’m already here? You know, so that you don’t risk your life on the ladder again.” he offers.
You gladly agreed, hoping to get the work done faster and maybe have someone to talk to while doing it. Prince Phillip turned out to be educated, funny and actually not at all self-centered. You laughed with him and for a minute forgot to be the sad gloomy teacher. When you finished, he accompanied you to dinner and you offered to show him around the castle tomorrow. Neither of you noticed the redhead piercing you with her eyes the whole time. You’ve spent too much time pining after her when she wouldn’t spare you a glance to care now.
Leonora was desperately trying to convince herself she doesn’t care. She was just fucking you, and she can fuck anyone. Who cares you seem to be vanishing in front of her eyes? Who cares you look like you haven’t slept in a month? She doesn’t. So why should she care that you have a prince dancing around you? Taking you out? Making you laugh? Holding your hands? She definitely doesn’t. She isn’t one to care.
Except she does. And she can’t stand the image of you being happy with somebody else. Nobody should be allowed to make you laugh but her. She has to divert her eyes every time she sees you walking around the gardens with him. She feels like throwing up seeing him holding your waist. She has felt many emotions in her life. She felt satisfaction of torturing her failing students. She felt malicious glee secretly destroying Dovey’s flower beds. But she has never felt such jealousy like she felt now and she hated it.
Leonora Lesso was jealous. Jealous of the way this stupid prince was looking at you. Jealous of the fact he made you laugh. Jealous you let him touch you so intimately nobody else but she did. She tried avoiding you, having sex with someone else, burying herself in piles of work. But nothing could take this foul feeling of jealousy away. It was eating her alive every time she set eyes on you and your seemingly undetachable prince charming.
On the night of the hero welcoming she wished to be anywhere but here. She didn’t care to dress up, it’s not like she planned to spend more time than absolutely necessary. Opting to keep her standard attire of tailored suit and cane, hoping to blend in as much as possible. Yet her eyes were unconsciously looking for her princess in the crowd. And they found her as she stepped into the room, all dolled up, on the hand of the prince. She looked ethereal, like a fairy tale gone real. And Lesso wished nothing more than to be the one whose hand she’s holding.
Lesso clutched her cane so hard her knuckles were going white as she watched you dancing the night away, laughing and drinking with the foolish prince. She even contemplated arranging a little accident. Falling off of the astronomy tower suddenly didn’t sound so bad for the prince. If only looks could kill, hers would be deadly now. Sadly they can’t, so it did nothing but bother her and her alone, having to witness your rendezvous.
“Well you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself.” Dovey’s cheery voice snapped Lesso out of her murderous thoughts.
“And you find it surprising?” the dean of evil countered, she was never happy to make an appearance at such events, but it was her unpleasant duty.
“Maybe try to cheer yourself up a little, loosen up. You might find the ball surprisingly entertaining.” with unsolicited advice the dean of good got lost in the crowd with her glass of punch.
I’d find it entertaining cutting this fool’s head of, Lesso thought. But as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t do that. So she had to painfully stand around and watch you being lost in this dude’s eyes and dumb hero stories for at least half an hour more before she could inconspicuously disappear. Good thing is she didn’t have to see you the whole day after that, making excuses of being intoxicated from the night before. It was a lie, she barely had a glass of champagne. But she rather locked herself in her bedroom than risking seeing you with the dipshit again.
That was until the afternoon teachers’ meeting. Lesso didn’t rush to the library, knowing she’ll have to face your probably too happy face. What she didn’t expect was prince perfect standing by the table too. But she knew better than to ask questions and appear too interested in the good school’s business. She took her place by the head of the table, Dovey sitting across from her.
“Good afternoon. It is my pleasure to start this meeting with happy news.” the dean of good took the word. “Prince Phillip agreed to be so kind and join our staff. I believe he will lead our students to their amazing abilities and victories.”
Half the table started clapping but Lesso was having none of it. Her face was void of emotions, just blankly staring at the table. The rest of the meeting flew right pass her not keeping attention on anything. He’s staying. The poor excuse of a hero is staying, teaching right by your side at the school for good. You’re gonna share your methods and knowledge with him. He’s gonna take you away form her… more than he already has. And she can’t do anything about it. She’s reaping the roses she sowed.
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