#The Techie Answers || Asks
technitango · 4 months
People I wanna know better tag meme
Thank you so much for the tag @fourth-quartet (also very lovely rare took selfie 🥰)
Last song?
i've been very feelsy these days. so i replay this song a few times and cry it out rinse and repeat.
Favorite color?
pastel pink
Currently watching?
i'm re-watching the x files while simultaneously introducing the show to a friend, we are on season 3!
Relationship status?
Current obsessions?
dpr ian. coffee. the x files.
Last thing you googled?
what is the most expensive organ to sell on the black market (don't ask haha ;;)
Selfie or another pic you took?
pls accept this pic of my cat~
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tagging @clawbehavior @yohankang @thedeviljudges @bearinglight @rocknghorss @uweiy (no pressure, of course 🥰)
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taterswithranch · 1 year
would the teeny tiny little lamb form tabi react to a laser pointer?
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justsingersandbeats · 10 months
OH NO NO!! No killing here!! No sir ree!! We just wanted to ask you for a couple of directions lil guy!! ^_^ we don’t want to wear your skin!!
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@midnightrosesblog @techy-the-bot-anon @lavthequad
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???: That sounds good! Okay. Just give me a bit and-
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???: ...
Fresh: GODS! I'm not here to infect or shatter anyone or anything!
???: BUT YOU-
Fresh: Look, I'm not in Combat Form! No spikes!
???: I don't- and- well-
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Fresh: You can at least trust these other guys, right? I'm here with them. I promise.
???: ...
???: Fine. Where do you want to go?
First / Previous / Next
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Hey I have a question, how do u make the links were they are underlined?
I’m tryna cook something up for a special thing in spring but have no idea how to do this. So any help would be great!
Ty so much!
I really hope I can explain this, I’m horrible with directions!
OK see you type out your text “links for mana” and then you wanna go selected, and there should be a little icon (see image) and you click on that and then you just paste the link to whatever your doing.
Also, if you are looking about posts off of Tumblr, the three dots in the right hand corner of a post, click that and there’s a little button, this is copy link!!
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warsinmyhead · 9 months
Briggs Tag Dump
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nope-body · 1 year
#it sucks that it’s like the third day of break and I already need a hug#I can do 2 hours of e shop work. I can’t do a full workday 6 days a week of it#and if I want to go into lighting I don’t really see any other option#I need to do something with my summer and ideally something that pays but I’m finally learning what my limits are and I don’t think I’m#physically capable of doing a summer stock job#an alternative could be seeing if I can go back to the district summer musical and design lighting for that or something#and then just getting a job for over the summer#I want to do lighting! I want to be able to do lighting so badly!#but I don’t know if I’ll be able to go into the industry because you have to work your way up and I don’t have the ability to do that#let me design shows and give me experience with that and I’ll design the best damn shows you could imagine#but when the opportunities for that are locked behind working in electrics I’m screwed#I don’t know what to do#and I just want a hug or someone to talk to so I’m not just talking to myself or letting the silence drive me crazy#I don’t even know who to talk to about this because my academic advisor does his best but also seems to be learning about disability issues#from me so I don’t know if he’ll have any answers#the disability group on campus is amazing but no one there is a theater person even remotely#disabled techies are basically nonexistent#in other areas of theater disabled people exist but it’s next to impossible to find them in production or design roles#so the internet is useless (I’ve scoured it believe me)#and sure! I could ask my dad! but that’s the absolute last thing I want to do#he doesn’t understand the extent to which I am impacted by my disability#and pretty much every time I’ve bought up joint pain or whatever to him before he’s been dismissive#and it’ll probably be somewhat different now because I finally got a doctor to say I was right#but I would still have to explain to him how much I’m impacted and I mean. he doesn’t even want me to major in theater!#he seems willing to help now because I’ve been so determined but how willing to help will he be when he learns that getting into#the industry is going to be 10x harder for me than he thought it was going to be?#I’m scared that if I explain it all to him he’s going to tell me to find another career period.#no requiring backup majors or anything. I’m afraid it’ll just be no more pursuing a job in theater end of story.#and I’ve worked so fucking hard to get here#I won’t be able to handle it if I’m told that I just can’t
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poipoipoi-2016 · 1 year
Apropos of nothing
If you are the techiest person in the house (and for many of you, this is not techy at all), today is a good day to build a pihole thanks to Google's new TLDs.
For the record, this straight up stopped Dad from getting computer viruses when coupled with the Ublock browser extension, so I will volunteer my time to get you set up. We will find an evening and do a Zoom call. I am serious.
Before you start, this will be way way easier if your router has a magic way to:
Set static IP addresses
Set a custom DNS server
If you can't do this, I'm not saying you're stuck, but there's some non-obvious failure modes and maybe it's time to buy a better router.
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Raspberry Pi 4B. 2GB if you just want to set and forget, 8GB if you want to do more things on this than just your pihole (Coughs in a MarioKart box) -> https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/
Spare USB-C charger if you don't have one already. I'm a fan of https://www.amazon.com/Argon-USB-C-Power-Supply-Switch/dp/B0919CQKQ8/ myself
A microSD card at least UHS class 3 or better. 32 is fine for just a pihole, I have a 512 in some of mine that I use for more stuff. https://www.tomshardware.com/best-picks/raspberry-pi-microsd-cards
Some method of flashing the card if you don't have one (Some come with SD to micro-SD adapters, if not a USB to SD/micro-SD adapter is about $10 off Amazon)
If you really feel like going nuts, go buy yourself an Argon case and then very very carefully never ever install the software for the fan that does nothing. The value is entirely in having a big giant brick that is self-cooling. If you want to play MarioKart, I would consider this a requirement. https://www.amazon.com/Argon-Raspberry-Aluminum-Heatsink-Supports/dp/B07WP8WC3V
Do yourself a favor and ignore all the signs telling you to go get Raspbian and instead go grab an ISO of Ubuntu 64-bit using RPi Imager. Because Raspbian cannot be upgraded across version WHY U DO THIS
Download Rpi Imager, plug the microSD card into your computer,
Other General Purpose OS -> Ubuntu -> Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
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So now you have an operating system on an SD card.
Assemble the case if you bought one, plug in the SD card, power supply, ethernet cable if you have one or mouse and (mini) HDMI cable if you don't. If you bought that Argon case, you can just plug a keyboard (server OS means no mouse gang; In this house, we use the Command Line) and HDMI cable into the Pi. Turn it on.
Gaining access
The end state of this is that your pi is:
Connected to the internet by cable or wifi
You can SSH to it (Also not scary)
If you plugged in an ethernet cable, once it's done booting (1-2 minutes?), you should be able to ssh to "ubuntu@<the IP of the system>". Look it up in your router. It may make sense to give the static IP NOW to keep it stable.
If you've never used SSH before, I think the standard is Putty on Window or you can just open a terminal in Mac. (And if you know enough Linux to have a Linux computer, why are you reading this?)
If you didn't plug it in, and need to setup the wifi, there's magic incantations to attach it to the wifi and to be quite blunt, I forget what they are.
Your username is ubuntu, your password is ubuntu and then it will ask you to make a new password. If you know the meaning of the phrase "keypair-based access", it may make sense to run `ssh-copy-id` at this point in time.
Router settings (part 1)
Give your new Pi a static IP address, and reboot your pi (as simple as typing in `sudo reboot`).
Open a new SSH session to the pihole on the new address.
Installing pihole
Open up an SSH session and
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
This is interactive. Answer the questions
When it's done, on your other computer, navigate to <the ip>/admin
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Login with the password you just set. Router settings part 2
Give your new Pi a static IP address then point your router at that address
Set the DNS servers to the static IP
Then ensure you're blocking something. Anything.
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Then do what you want to do. You'll probably need to whitelist some sites, blacklist some more, but the main thing is going to be "Adding more list of bad sites". Reddit has some lists.
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And... enjoy.
/But seriously, there's some stuff to do for maintenance and things. I wasn't joking about the pair setup.
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fishsticksloser · 6 months
May I ask for a female reader x Rise Donnie where they both decide to drink a shit ton of coffee to see which one stays up longer only to wind up falling asleep together the moment everyone else wakes up?
Caffeine Crash
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Donnie x fem!reader
Warnings: cuddles, fluff, coffee addicts, his brothers are actually nice in this one, kinda short
A/N: I hope you don't mind, but it's more about his brothers finding you guys. :)) Not sponsored
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You're not sure why you agreed. You really don't. One minute you were telling Donnie this was a bad idea, the next you and Donnie are downing coffee after coffee. It didn't take long until both of you were buzzing from the caffeine.
Everyone else was in bed, going to sleep or already asleep. So Donnie tinkered in his lab while you spun ideally in a spare chair he had in there. You two were shooting sarcastic remarks back and forth, both of you laughing a little.
Eventually, after a few hours, he got bored of doing techy things and drug you to his room. He hooked his switch up and you played Mario Kart together. He was crushing you obviously. Did you really expect anything less?
But as the caffeine crash started coming, both of you wanted a more relaxed game. So he put on Animal Crossing.
⋆。 ゚。☁︎👾。 ゚。⋆
Mikey was making breakfast which had woken everyone else up. Leo yawned really loud, stretching on his toes. Raph was already setting the table, making sure that he had all 5 of their things out.
"Hey, Leo?" Mikey asks, turning to his brother. "Can you see what Donnie's up to? Normally he's tripping over himself to get here when I make his favorite."
"No problemo, hermano." Leo yawns, giving Mikey a thumbs up before heading to Donnie's lab. Leo stepped into Donnie's lab and it was eerily quiet. "Donnie?" He calls into the lab, but there's no answer. Maybe he actually went to bed?
Leo makes his way to Donnie's room. The door was closed, but he could see lights under the door so he slowly opened it. Purple LEDs still on as well as Animal Crossing on Donnie's TV. Thanks to the light from the TV Leo could see you laying on top of Donnie, both of you asleep. Your face resting on his shoulder, Donnie's arm draped over you as if to keep you close.
Leo grins and silently runs out of the room to get the others. "Guys! Guys! You've gotta see this!" He whispers excitedly.
"What did Donnie make this time?" Raph sighs, rolling his eyes a little. That menace is always getting into something after all.
"Nothing. That's the thing, come on!" Leo grabs Raph and Mikey's hands and drags them to Donnie's room.
"You know how much Donnie hates when we go into his ro...." Raph's voice fades as they see what Leo is talking about. From what they can tell, you fell asleep first. Mikey quietly goes into Donnie's room, saving the game and shutting it down. Mikey pulls a blanket over the two of you before retreating again, Donnie shifts a little, rolling to his side but keeping you close.
His brothers can't help but watch for a moment. Leo's grinning, Mikey is practically vibrating with happiness, but Raph? Raph is still shocked, but a little happy.
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mrsmandalorian · 2 months
meeting your parents
--cowboy!joel x techie!f!reader
-one-shot in the city lights, country nights series
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summary: a year into your relationship, your mother learns about your relationship with joel. she insists you bring him to dinner after you agree. joel gets rewarded for his good behavior, though.
series masterlist/main masterlist/word count: 3.4k
warning: 18+ mdni, reader is able-bodied, no outbreak AU,  pet names (baby, angel, darling), fluff!!!!, flirting, make-out, drinking, parental issues, talk of trauma, drinking, handsy make-out, oral sex (m receiving), sexual teasing, joel's southern charm 🥵
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a/n: howdy, everyone! i hope all is well with everyone! i am super sorry for the delay in this. i hope you all enjoy it! comment, reblog, and like to show your love! i appreciate you all! much love 🫶🏼 maddie
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It was common for you to have noon meetings during the week. These meetings ruined your lunch break and made the day go by longer. Your break was usually when you got to catch up with Joel and socials throughout the day, so this meeting ruined your vibe. 
You sighed in relief as your boss let you all out about ten minutes earlier than usual. Gathering all your items, you hurry to your little office and get out a little lunch from your bag. You grab your phone, planning to text Joel when you see your mother has tried to call you. After closing your office door, you call her back with a slight eye roll. 
Your relationship with your parents was okay, but you were very independent and broke many generational curses that disappointed your mother. Your mom was the type to try to set you up with all her friends, coworkers, and kids, and she wanted you to go to the University of Virginia like her and your father. You have never told her about Joel. The two of you have been together for almost a year now. You were not ashamed of your sweet and sexy cowboy at all. You just enjoyed the peace of them not knowing. Your parents were just tricky and old in their ways of thinking. That’s why you did not get along. 
“Hi, honey! I thought you would be on a lunch break, but I guess not,” she uttered as soon as she answered, causing you to shake your head. 
“Hi, Mom. I had a meeting during the first half of my lunch break. I'm just calling you back. How are you today?” you asked as you sat back in your chair. Your mom only calls every other week, usually to get gossip for her book club or country club women's group. Your apartment was about thirty minutes from their house, but you only went over once a month, if that. 
“I’m doing okay. Leanne just told me some interesting news,” you could hear the fake grin on her face as she spoke. “It was about you.” Why the hell would she know anything about you?
“Oh really? What did she have to say?” You hesitantly asked her as you sat up, wondering what her friend had news about you. 
“She was telling me about how she was on your side of town going grocery shopping because there were better prices on fruit and vegetables there. She ran into her old construction worker, and once she got to the check-out line, you were there with him checking out two lanes down all lovey-dovey.” She began her speech on ‘how could you’ as you started to fidget your fingers across the top of your desk. “Hello, are you there?” 
You slowly take a deep breath before you respond to her. “I’m here. Yes, he’s my boyfriend,” giving her a short response was the best you could do right now as your stomach turned. 
“Boyfriend? How old is he? Leanne says that he has kids! Honey, you are only twenty-five years old! You don’t need to be with some older man and some woman’s kids.” She nagged back at you, and your fingers were immediately at the end of the call button. 
“Mother, whenever you find the time to be respectful and happy for me, you can call me back, and we can discuss Joel.” You say as you finally hit the end call button and let out a shaky breath. You sit back in your chair, wishing you could simply disappear to your country heaven. 
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It took her three days to call you back. You almost did not answer, but your drive to the ranch was on a Friday evening. I was hoping you would lose the phone service anyway. 
“Hello, sweetie. I am sorry for how I reacted the other day,” she started the talk in a sweet apologetic tone. It caused you to wish you had not answered. 
“I’m not saying I forgive you because you said very unfair things about Joel the other day.” You replied quickly as you continued to drive farther away from the city. 
“I know. I judged a book by the description and cover. I am sorry, sweetie.” She lets out another apologetic plea. “I was calling to apologize for my behavior, but also invite you and Joel for dinner at the house on Sunday if you are both free. Your father and I would like a chance to meet him.” 
You bite your lips as she speaks and tap your fingers along the steering wheel. “ I will have to talk to Joel about it. I’ll let you know by tomorrow morning.” 
The rest of your conversation was short as she tried to catch up with you a little. Because of her old manipulative ways, you knew not to play too much into her games, but she was still your mother. You eventually lose service before you get to the ranch, so you end the call. You try to relax a little before you pull into the driveway as you roll down the windows, enjoying the cool breeze. 
The drive past the ranch gates was quiet; usually, you could see someone out in the pastures. You pull into your regular parking spot and still cannot see anyone around. 
Sassy comes running the house from the direction of the barn, barking at you. She let you give her some quick love but started herding you towards the barn. “Alright, I’m coming,” you say to the dog as you follow her directions. As you come around the side of the house, you see Joel waiting for the two of you to join him with a smirk. 
You noticed he was covered in dirt and sweat when you approached him. His black T-shirt helped hide some dirt, and his large biceps peeked out. His large, dirty hand was wrapped around a cold yellow can of Coors. “Howdy, sweetheart,” he greets you with a gentle hand around your waist, pulling you into a small peck. He didn’t show much affection because Ellie and Tommy sat with him. It all looked like they had a rough day.
“You guys just slacking off and drinking today?” You joked with them as you pulled away from Joel to hug Ellie. You reached up to wipe some dirt off her chin like a mother. Ellie and your relationship was something you worked hard for. She gave you hell, but you won her over reasonably quickly. Her protectiveness over Joel was the biggest obstacle, but she accepted you in her small circle after seeing how you cared for and loved him. 
She jokingly pulls away in disgust, which makes you roll your eyes dramatically. You hear the sound of a cooler opening as you turn towards Tommy, yellow jacket in hand. He nods and gives you a beer, “Evening, city girl. I would hug you, but your old man decided to work my ass off,’’ he jokes with his giant smile and southern drawl. If you had not found Joel and Mariah wasn't in the picture, you could picture yourself with Tommy. You lift your beer to the two men (Ellie is still a senior in high school, but Joel told her she had to wait till she graduated to drink with them) as you all take a sip of the beer. 
“As much as I would love to sit here and drink beer all night. I need to go get ready for my hot date,” Tommy says as he finishes his beer in two big gulps. He lets out a loud belch as he grabs his cooler and puts it in the back of his truck. “I will see you guys in the morning. Call Ellie if you need anything. I will not answer if you call me.” 
You all chuckle as he waves and drives off down the driveway. The three of you all chat while you finish cleaning up the stables; then Ellie says she’s going to her room to shower so she can go into town later. 
Joel gently pulls you into his chest as the two of you watch her walk up to the big house. “You look mighty pretty today, little lady, but you seem tense. Let me help you with that.” He whispers into your ear as he moves your hair. Joel cups one side of your cheek as he pulls into a passionate kiss, pulling away slightly with a smirk and then going back in. He starts kissing down your neck, to the collar of your shirt, and to your ear. His wandering hands move from your waist to your bottom, kneading your ass. He held you still and gently guided you against the wall as he continued to kiss and let his hand wander. 
“I need to,” you stopped, letting out a small moan as he started to move his hands under your shirt. “I need to talk to you about something, Miller.” You couldn’t help but bring it up as it weighed heavy on you. You wanted to go ahead and get it over with, then ride your cowboy from sunset into the night.
Joel quickly stops his movements as his body eases off you gently, his concerned brown eyes meet yours. “What is it, darling?” He asked as he rubbed his hands gently on your hips, his eyes scanning your face for an answer to what could be wrong. 
“My mother called,” you say as you lay your hands on his chest. “She has invited us to dinner on Sunday. Her friend saw us together the other day and spilled the beans. We don’t have to go through.” 
“Why won’t we go? I mean, it’s been a year now,” he rubs your shoulders to reassure you that everything will be okay. “It would be nice to meet the parents who made me my favorite person.”
“She said some ugly things on the phone about our relationship. I made her call me and apologize for it,” you quickly tell him as you bite your lip, waiting for his response. 
He runs his thumb across your cheek as his brown eyes intensely meet yours. “I’m happy that you stood up for us. We can go, baby. I will just blow their socks off with my Southern charm,” he whispers as he kisses your forehead. Joel was insecure about never being good enough for you but never worried about other people’s opinions on your relationship, especially the age gap. 
“I’m sure you will,” you mumble back as you lean into him to give him a heartfelt kiss. “Now, we can resume our activities, cowboy.” 
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Sunday evening came too quickly for your liking. You and Joel drove into the city together, and Joel drove your little sedan, which was always cute. You pull into your parent’s driveway with a slight groan escaping your lips. Joel’s hand gently rubbed your thigh, comforting you, “We got this, darling.”
Joel dressed more than usual in a solid button-up shirt rolled up to his forearm with nice dark jeans. You wore a simple dress that made you guys almost late whenever Joel saw you in it. 
Joel takes the lead as he gets out, opens your door, and helps you out of the car. He holds your hand as you both walk up to the door.  You ring the doorbell and look at him quickly with a small smile. He squeezes your hand and slightly winks as the door swings open, revealing your father. 
There is silence as your father awkwardly stares down at Joel, which causes you to stop breathing for a second. Joel breaks the silence as he lets go of your hand and puts it out for your father to shake: “Good evening, sir. I’m Joel Miller.”
Your father glances at his hand and shakes it hard. “Nice to meet you, Joel. Please don’t call me sir; we are too close in age for that. I’m Dave.” He says it almost as a joke and moves out of the way to let you in. You give Joel an eye roll about the comment as he walks in with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Dad, don’t be a dick,” you say as your mother walks into the room. She looks horrid at what you just said but gives Joel a small smile.
“Hello Joel, it’s so nice to meet you finally. I’m Tracy. Our daughter has been keeping you hidden,” she jokes beside your father, then gives you a death glare to behave. The tension in the room was giving you significant anxiety as you fidgeted your fingers as you all walked into the living room. “Would either of you like to drink? Dave could get you a beer or whiskey, whatever you like.” 
Joel looked calm and collected as he sat beside you on the couch. Your mother sat across from the two of you on a decorative chair. “Thank you. I’ll take a whiskey,” Joel responded as he smiled back at your mother. Your father started rambling about his whiskey collection, and Joel entertained it. He was putting that Southern charm to work tonight. 
The tension faded as you all sat at the table in the dining room, which your mother had beautifully decorated for the night. You helped her serve all the food. Joel tried to help, but you told him to return to entertaining your dad. 
As you help your mom in the kitchen, “I like him. I’m sorry that I judged him too early,” she says as she finishes plating the last dish. “I’m happy he makes you happy. I think I was just hurt that you kept it a secret.” 
You smile at your mom as she does a genuine behavior. She was lovely, but she could be very fake with her friends. “I’m happy you like him, Mom. He’s pretty okay,” you joked as you hugged her quickly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I have no excuse for it.” 
“I can’t blame you either, honey. I didn’t tell my parents about your father until we moved in together. They were pissed when we got married three months later,” she giggles as you carry out plates to the table. 
Everyone starts eating as you all make small talk amongst each other. 
“The dinner is excellent, Tracy. Thank you guys for inviting us over for dinner,” Joel says after he wipes his face off with his napkin and then places it on his lap again. The two of you had been playing footsie under the table all night as you sat across from one another. You also took your shoe off and teased his crotch every once in a while, which caused you to get a stern look from Joel. 
“You are more than welcome, Joel. I’m so happy you guys are here,” your mom says back to him, smiling happily. The southern charm was still heavy as Joel won everyone over more and more, especially your dad—even the discussion of going to a University of Texas football game next season and a visit to the ranch soon. 
“Joel, if you don’t mind me asking, I heard from my friend that you have children. How old are they?” your mom asks as she finishes her meal. She seems genuine with her question, and there are no games. 
“I don’t at all. They are one of my favorite topics to discuss besides your daughter. I have two daughters, Sarah and Ellie. They are both seniors at the high school in the closest town to the ranch. Sarah comes from my previous relationship; her mom left us when she was two. Ellie is my not legally adopted daughter, and she is a spitfire. Ellie’s parents should burn in hell for how they were treating her. Luckily, she and Sarah were close enough for her to say something, and we could help her,” Joel spoke, and it made you want to get emotional as he talked with such love for his girls. They are his world and mean everything to him; he will do everything for them if they let him. 
“Aw, I’m sorry for the hardship of being a single parent. It is hard, I bet,” your mom says as she gives him a small smile. 
“My brother, Tommy, and his wife, Mariah, have been there for me as I am with them. This little lady has been heaven-sent as the girls get older and more challenging. Changing the diapers is easy, but feelings and relationship trouble are more challenging,” Joel jokes as his brown eyes meet yours with a grin. He reached across the table to your hand and held it briefly.  
Dessert was served, and the men drank one more drink as they helped wash the dishes in the kitchen. It was finally time to start heading back home. Your parents walked you out and gave you both hugs and farewells. 
Joel gently held your hand as he walked with you to the side of the car. He helps you in with a squeeze of your ass out of sight of your parents. As Joel pulls the car out of the driveway, you wave back to your smiling parents. 
“They loved you and your charm, handsome,” you look over at him with a smirk. “I think you deserve a reward for your good work.” You slide your hand over his clothed crotch, which earned a low groan from Joel.
“Are you trying to wreck us, darling?” He asks you with a chuckle and bats your hand away from him. “Either wait till we get away from the street lights or get home.”
“What if I didn’t do either,” you teased him as you slowly slid your hand back over his crotch. You bite your lower lip and palm him gently as you bat your eyelashes at him. 
“You better, or your ass is grass when we get home,” he grumbles as he bats your hand away. “You only have to wait ten minutes. I don’t want to get pulled over with my dick out.”
The next ten minutes were full of you teasing Joel as he got more and more sexually frustrated with you. As soon as the city lights went out of sight and pastures started, Joel gave you a stern look. “You have been teasing me all fucking night with that damn dress and your under-the-table activities. You will be punished for that,” he sternly tells you as you get an idea to get yourself out of trouble. 
“Or,” you dramatically drag the R as your hands slide back over to Joel’s clothed erected crotch. “I could reward and ask for your forgiveness now.” You trusted Joel that he could handle driving if you continued to pleasure him, and you would stop if not.
He lets out a shaky breath as you start to unbutton and unzip his jeans. You spit into your hand as you begin to pump his cock in a rhythm that makes him groan loudly. Eventually, after your hand starts to sting, you lean over and take him in your mouth. 
“Fuck, darling,” he lets out as his non-driving hand entangles your hair, gently pushing your head in rhythm as you are going in. “You’re going to make me come, angel.”
You continue to bobble your head down as your tongue glides against him, with some extra pressure applied that causes him to grip your hair a little harder. His quick breaths come a little sooner than you thought. You work him a little harder as you meet his brown eyes with big eyes. 
“I’m about to come, darling. Do you want to swallow?” he asks as he tries to calm down to give you time to answer. You nod and make an agreeing noise as you continue. Shortly, white ropes are shot into your mouth as Joel’s moans meet your ears. “Fuck, good girl.” He reaches down and cups your cheek as you pull up. “Just wait till we get home, little lady.”
“Oh, I can’t wait, sir,” you giggle back as his hand wanders under the skirt of your dress. He runs his thumb over your clothed pussy, which causes you to spread your legs. Joel teases you until you pull into the driveway. 
“You better get inside and on all four in about two minutes,” he warns you as he parks the car with a smirk. 
Luckily, the girls were away at a friend’s house because the two of you had a very energetic night from the couch to the bathroom shower. Joel’s Southern charm worked for him and worked with everyone, especially you. 
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thank you for reading!let me know what you think!🤍
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technitango · 3 months
3, 4, 17, 24, 25
feel free to answer what you like if you don't have time to do all and lmk if you're open to receiving more asks like this!
thank you so much for the ask, sorry it took me awhile to get to, and of course i am always up to receiving asks like this ;; <3
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Ah so I actually have a lot of details that I tend to reuse throughout my fics. I realized at some point when re-reading my works that I focus a lot on hands? I’m constantly describing the way characters clench their hands into fists, or their hands feeling cold and clammy, or their knuckles going white from tension. I also like to use a specific descriptor to do with taste with things that don’t really have specifically to do with taste, like comparing emotions to taste, if that makes sense? Some other things that are characteristic of my fics are a character feeling unmoored or uncertain, overwhelmed by their emotions, and needing another character to ground them. The way I write, at least from my perspective, can sometimes feel a bit flowery or not very straightforward, but I really try to find a balance and still have my fics be accessible and understandable, for the most part (hopefully that’s the case). 
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
Since there wasn’t a specific fic in the ask, I just picked one myself. Not to overly brag but I’m really proud of the entirety of my The Devil Judge Yo Han-centric fic, The Devil In Me. I haven't revisited it in awhile, but the last time I did I remember having a surprised moment where I was like, wait, I wrote this??? Haha. There’s this particular small scene that I like:
“Yo Han looks at himself in the mirror and he hates what he sees. His reflection whispers at him, smiling crookedly.
You're a monster.
"I know." He says back.”
The fic doesn’t get a lot of love on ao3, probably because of the sibling incest tag, but I think it deserves more love than it gets, if I can be so presumptuous to say so. 
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This is a great question, because I have an AU I’ve wanted to write for The Devil Judge for a long time, which is a Blade Runner AU! Except it would be entirely self-serving and probably not that many people would be interested in it. But it’s always sitting on the backburner of my mind, maybe one of these days I’ll get around to it~
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
To be honest I don’t think I’ve put any easter eggs in my fics?? At least, I’m 99 percent certain. 
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Hmmm, aside from the source material I’m taking from when I’m writing fic, I rarely use other resources. Every now and then when I’m struggling to find a word, I might use google to figure out exactly what I’m looking for. If my fics require research about something I’m not super familiar with, I’m up for doing some digging through google to make sure I’m getting details accurate, at least to the best of my ability. 
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taterswithranch · 11 months
heh, the current drawing reminds me of the "GTFO my house" meme~
lol hdjdhsk
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justsingersandbeats · 10 months
welp, we won't stop ya, so might as well tag along and see if we can help along the way
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@im-just-the-askages @lavthequad
Fresh: Alright, good to hear.
Fresh: I think I remember the general direction of the Volcano, so just come with me...
(As you leave, you can't quite shake the feeling that...)
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(...you might be being watched.)
First / Previous / Next
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clownery-and-fuckery · 3 months
Take it... I was feeling sappy :")
"Do you believe in soulmates?"
Three tired cadets groaned at the question asked into the dark room. They should be sleeping, not listening to silly questions whispered into their safe space.
"Go to sleep." Is the immediate response from the second youngest, who's scowl is thankfully hidden. The first voice pipes up again with a whine.
"M'not tired yet! Please, just answer this one question and I'll sleep!"
"You said that five questions ago, Wrecker."
The oldest sighed. "Answer the question, guys. Wrecker promises to sleep after, don't you?"
"I do!" Wrecker insisted with a muffled laugh that decidedly informs them of his fib. "Promise! Please?"
The second youngest groaned again. "Fine." He grumbled, turning over to face the room. "I don't. Goodnight."
"D'aw, why not?" Wrecker probed. "Everyone's gotta have someone out there!"
"I'm with Wrecker," Hunter, the oldest, admitted into the quiet before Crosshair could snap. "It's a kinda nice thought. To be destined to have someone to call yours."
"It's stupid." Crosshair grumbled. A fourth voice spoke up, soft with sleep as he was pulled from slumber.
"I am in agreement with Crosshair," The youngest slurred, rubbing his eyes. "That would imply there is an even and definite number of people in the galaxy, which there is not."
"You don't have to be born at the same time!" Wrecker protested. "Maybe they're older. Or younger!"
"That does not erase the fact that it is illogical." Tech huffs. "We are not pairs meant to be joined. We are individuals with our own personal definition. To tether us to another would..." He trailed off for a moment. "It is not logical."
Hunter sighed, and tapped Wrecker's bunk. "There's your answer, big guy. Now sleep, all of you. We're up early."
"We're always up early, Hunter." Crosshair grouched. "We know."
The four boys settled for sleep, and just as he felt himself fall under, Hunter heard the barely audible whisper from Wrecker to Tech.
"...despite the lack of any tangible means of your theory, and while I do not believe it for a second. I–" A breath of hesitation. "I enjoy the thought of it."
Hunter fell asleep with a smile.
Years later, when they were older, tired but happier than they had ever been. They were on the Marauder, tired but unable to sleep.
Wrecker brightened, after so long of not seeing his siblings, when he could finally turn to face the ship. Face the bunks that had been empty for so long.
He itched to speak. To reconnect, to catch up with his siblings he had missed so fiercely, yet he hesitated. They must be tired, they must be utterly shattered from the last few days, it would be selfish of him to—
—to see out his siblings who were clearly still awake? The brawler jumped. "What's up, Techie?" Wrecker's response was eager, shifting closer to catch the shadow of his youngest brother as he moved slowly.
There was a pause, a pained breath as Tech readjused on his bunk. Wrecker heard Hunter and Crosshair shifting up in unison to help him. "Do you remember when we were small?" Tech started softly, voice tight with the agony of effort.
Wrecker hummed, listening intently for any more signs of discomfort. "When you had asked us about our stance on the existence of soulmates?"
There was a long pause. "Sure I do," Wrecker said, half truthful. "Why?"
"I was giving it some thought." Tech admitted with a sense of sheepishness. "While I was undergoing... extraneous experimentation."
Wrecker couldn't see it, but he could feel the anger that coursed through the room at the mention. "And I've found–" Tech paused again, but this time, Wrecker could pinpoint a small amount of nervousness in Tech's confession.
"–I've found I think I do believe."
Wrecker huffed a laugh. "S'been a long time since I've thought about that," He admitted. "I kinda stopped believing it."
"I do not believe it in a romantic sense." Tech continued. "Not- entirely."
Wrecker thought of Phee, of the private moment he was not meant to see between the two, and kept his mouth shut. "Mhmm." He said slowly.
"Although- the theory behind a 'soulmate' is an unbreakable connection- one that allows the individuals to meet and find each other regardless of the situation."
Wrecker heard Hunter hum in agreement, and Crosshair's quiet, "Get on with it, what's the point?" As he listened intently.
Tech's voice was quiet, but the affection was undeniable. "I believe that, in a sense, that is how I would describe us. The six of us, against all odds, managed to find each other again."
The room went silent, as if Tech had stolen the air from the room.
"If there was ever a chance of other universes," Tech waved a hand. "If such a concept exists, I would very much hope we are together in all of them."
Wrecker swore he heard a sniff. "We-" He hesitated, tears filling his own eyes. "–I'd say we are, Techie. Like any force could drive us apart."
Tech smiled at him through the dark. "I'm glad to know that." He said softly. "It is a nice theory.. one I hope holds weight."
Wrecker slipped off the bunk, joining his brother before gently, oh so softly, hugged him. Leaned back against the wall just like they used to, where the scariest thing to exist was the thunderstorms on Kamino.
There was no more Kamino, there was no more simple fears that were easily chased away.
They were still there, though. That was enough.
In his arms, Wrecker held a piece of his whole galaxy to his chest, sniffling as the rest of his purpose floated into orbit, easing into the single bunk.
Echo had grumbled a complaint of space as he finally was risen to join them. Omega never minded their squished cuddle piles, opting to hold Crosshair around the chest as she slept.
Hunter, ever the eldest, was near enough to all of them, just within reach. Wrecker smiled softly as he felt Tech drifting back off in his arms.
Yes, maybe soulmates did exist. In any form but the traditional, sure, but when had they ever been conventional?
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gaybananabread · 7 months
Oh my gosh congratulations on the milestone!! 🥳💖 I would love something for ROTTMNT! Maybe lee Mikey and ler Leo or lers Raph, Leo and Donnie. I’d love Dragon Fruit, Oranges & Grapes! Take all the time you need and I hope you’re doing well! 💖
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Fruit(s): Dragon Fruit, Oranges, Grapes
AAAAAHG THANK YOU! You're so nice all the time, just make my brain go (>w<)✨! Been a hot second since I've done something for Rise, these boys need some more love from me. (Got carried away but we don't talk about that shhhhhshsh) Again, thank you sosososo much, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Mikey
Lers: Raph, Leo, Donnie
Summary: Mikey tries making a treat for his bros, but things don't go as planned, bumming him out. The boys quickly notice and, after a quick wrestling match and some questions, manage to get their baby bro back into his high spirits.
Warnings: none! This is a fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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“No no nononONONO!”
Feeling his heart sink, Mikey pulled his fruity Danish pastries from the oven. The charred surfaces and burning smell of the treats brought tears to his eyes. Three hours of work down the drain…
The teen had been trying to make desserts for his brothers; they’d been really supportive during his recovery from the Kraang invasion, encouraging him and helping him wrap his arms. Even Donnie had put aside some extra time to shop for arm braces. They deserved it.
His arm had a flare-up during the baking, making him take a break to put a brace on. The timer had gone off without him in the room, his poor confections roasted beyond recognition. He sniffed, dumping the marred fruits of his labor into the trash. Maybe some music and drawing would help…
“Okay, family meeting.” Raph sat down with his two of his brothers, Donnie quickly correcting him. “Teeechnically, it's a partial family meeting. If we count the main seven family members and round the percentage, it's only about 42%-” He got a hand clamped over his mouth, the blue-themed turtle interjecting. “HUSH the nerd stuff! We know what we're here for, right?”
Donnie scoffed, but stopped spouting math. All three brothers knew what the problem was. Raph took charge again, attempting some order. “Mikey's been really down all day. Raph's worried about him.”
The purple clad turtle tapped his wristlet, frowning. He had been keeping track of Mikey's expressions from the past few days.“He seemed fine yesterday. Angelo’s face only drops around two today. I hadn't seen him for a few hours, my data’s a bit incomplete. I think he was in the kitchen.”
Leo blinked, seeming shocked. “Wow. Your number craziness finally paid off.” A claw extended from Donnie’s battle shell, whacking the snarky teen upside the head. Raph stepped between them before any more chaos could ensue.
“HEY! Donnie, do ya know what he was doin’ in there?” He huffed before answering, looking down. “I…do not. Dr. Delicate Touch made me promise not to install cameras; even I won't defy him.”
That was fair; none of them wanted to go against Dr. DT… Leo sighed, twirling his mask tails as he spoke. “I've tried asking, but no dice. The dude's clearly not okay, but he won't talk about it. Little hypocrite…” 
The techy teen offered an idea. “We could try to interrogate him.” Leo snorted, snapping out of his little trance. “Interrogate? What is this, one of dad's movies? Besides, it'd probably only make him more upset.”
Raph bit his finger as he thought; one bad habit he'd tried and failed to drop. He got an idea, snapping his fingers and smiling. Bingo. “I got it! Listen up boys, here’s the plan…”
Mikey was sitting on his bed, moping and dragging a pencil across some cardboard. He wasn’t making anything; it was just a nice way to destress. Things weren’t working as well as they usually did, though… A knock at his train car door startled him, making the typically upbeat boy flinch and drop the pencil. “C-coming…”
The metal slid open, an obviously forced smile on his face. All three of them wanted to wrap him in a hug, but they had to follow the plan. “Hey guys…what is it?” 
Leo stepped forward, looking his brother over. He took special notice of the arm braces. “Alright hermano, the jig is up. What’s wrong?”
The boy’s fake smile faltered a bit, though he tried to keep the act going. “J-jig? I dunno what you’re talking about, Leo. I’m good!” His artificial confidence got a bit stronger at the end. It was clear he wasn’t telling them without a fight. 
Raph was next to get closer, trying to sneakily box the boy in. This time, however, a small smile was paired with the chasm. 
A small squeak escaped the youngest as he backed up, recognizing the look on his brothers’ faces. They wouldn’t…would they? “C’mon Mike, this can go quickly if ya just hold still.” Oh. They would.
Feeling a slight giddiness rise in his chest, Mikey ran farther into his train car, diving for his escape hatch. Raph stopped him in his tracks, using his mystic tonfā power to catch him in a giant fist. Leo ran over, being careful of his brother’s arms as he tossed him into his hammock.
“GUys- guys wahait! Mikey squirmed and kicked, the hammock swinging as he thrashed. Leo flipped his sword, opening two portals to hold his brother’s arms safely. Didn’t want him getting hurt after all that recovery time.
“Nah, there’s no fun in waitin’. Raph’s out for giggles and the truth.” Wasting no time, Raph started poking at his brother’s armpits. A genuine smile formed on the younger’s face, giggles spilling from his lips. “Rahaphie! Nohohot thihis!” 
“But this is the best! You get to giggle, and we get to hear it.” Leo smirked, not wanting to miss out on the fun. “Big man’s right, Miguel. The truth will set you free~!” He moved his hands to Mikey’s plastron, scratching and scribbling on the area where his stomach would be. “LeheheHEEOOOOO! C-chohOHOME OHOHOhohon!” 
“Just tell the truth, Micheal. You know there’s no simple way out of this predicament.” Donnie took in the sight of them; his co-conspirators smirking, enjoying the sound of their brother’s laughter, and Mikey, laughing and sounding happier than he had all day. He supposed it was worth breaking a few of his rules for the occasion. He pressed a button on his bo, the feather he used against Shredder popping out. 
“D-dehehee? Whahat ahare youHU- NYAAAHAHAHO!” Mikey squealed as he felt the soft fibers of the feather run behind his knees. Curse him for taking off the knee pads… The armpit pokes, the tummy scritches, the feather on his knees; it was all too tickly. It was nice to be able to laugh with his brothers, though he didn’t know how much longer he could take all of them at once.
Raph chuckled, smiling warmly as his brother laughed. Those goofs were gonna be the death of him…but he loved them more than he could ever express. If it takes some playful tickles to get one of his bros to open up, then so be it. “All ya gotta do is fess up, Mikey. What’s been goin’ on today?”
He still didn’t seem like he was giving up, though it was clear he was reaching a breaking point. Donnie, ever the over-achiever, wanted to speed things up. He sent a claw from his battle shell to his brother’s knees, having it squeeze and scribble along the underside. That did him in. 
“K-GAHAHAHA! DOHOHONIEHEHE! *snrk* NAHAHAH!” Raph gave the purple-clad turtle a look, sighing. “The goal is to get the truth, Donnie, not kill him.” Dee just chuckled, continuing the metallic tickles. 
Kicking and thrashing like crazy, the teen finally reached his limit. “OHOHOKAHAHAY! IHI- *snrk* IHI’ll TEHEHELL!” 
And just like that, it all stopped.
Donnie begrudgingly retracted his tools, a small smile still on his face as he watched his little bro giggle. Leo followed suit, though Raph’s hand moved to the underside of the boy’s chin. He gently wiggled his fingers into the soft skin, chuckling as his little bro melted into the touch. His loud and bubbly laughter died down to soft, breathy giggles.
“Spill it, little man~” Raph practically purred as he said it, his tone softening with the next phrase. “We promise not to judge.” 
Mikey whined through his giggles, but didn’t squirm. Leo had long since released his arms; he just hadn’t noticed. “Uh-uhuhum…I wahanted to make youhuhu guhuys some d-dahanishehes for helpihing me throuhugh recovery.” He looked down, still not pulling away from the loving tickles. He’d never say it out loud, but he loved them.
“Ihi uhm… Ihihi kinda buhuhurned them. H-hahad a flare-up whehen they went ihin the ohohoven…” All three brothers’ expressions softened, even Donnie’s. The thought was incredibly sweet, and it wasn’t his fault his arms still hurt sometimes.
“Mikey…listen. We love ya. Even if you weren’t an awesome baker, we’d still take care of ya.” He continued to gently scritch under his chin, though the big guy limited it to one finger. Donnie jumped in, not making eye contact. “It’s not your fault you still get pains. Based on typical recovery times, you’re actually making exponential progress. Occasional aches are to be expected.”
“If you ever need anything, we’re all here for you. I could help with the baking and stuff, if you want.” Leo’s offer made his heart soar, as well as his other brothers’ kind words. Heartfelt moments like those would forever be cherished, especially that one.
He felt a few tears spring to his eyes, arms reaching for his bros’ hands. “Youhu guys are the behehest…” Raph stopped tickling, enveloping them all in a hug. Donnie whined, but he relaxed into the embrace. Mikey sighed, his heart full and the sadness from earlier in the day completely gone. He loved his brothers so freaking much…
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
Semantic Error | Jeon Jungkook | Chapter 8
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: Jungkook comes over to your studio to return your notebook...again Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Word Count: 1.4k Warnings: No warnings lol just a flirty Jungkook a/n: I know I said I was going to take a break for a few days... but this chapter was almost done lol hope you guys enjoy it!
"What are you doing here?" I question taking a step back to give myself some more room to breathe. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Jungkook questions with a tilt of his head, amusement written all over his face. "Not until you tell me why you're here" I reply, crossing my arms in a defensive stance.
"I came here because you forgot your notebook back at my studio. Seems like you're always leaving this behind. Is it because you want me to chase after you so I have to return it to you every time? You could've just told me that you wanted to spend more time with me" he says dangling it in front of me, not letting me get in a word edgewise.  
As soon as I try to reach for it though he moves it back out into the hallway with him. "Jungkook give it back" I demand, done with his games already. "Say please" he taunts with a smirk, clearly enjoying the sport of pissing me off. "Give it back please" I say and put my hand out flat, expecting him to place it in my palm. "Say Jungkook please" he continues, "Jungkook please" I say looking up at him, hopeful this game of his is done. 
"Good girl" he says under his breath, placing the book in my hand while my brain short circuits, him using that as an opportunity to invite himself in. "I like your place, but it could use some color" he says poking and prodding around. "I like for things to be in order and uniform. I don't need the extra distractions that color might bring" I say, following his form with my eyes, him having changed into what seems to be a different red hoodie and black jeans since I had seen him last.
"Don't you ever get tired of wearing red?" I say finally shutting the door, leaving us in a small enclosed space together yet again. "Don't you ever get tired of wearing black?" he questions in return, opening my closet and finding nothing but black. "Don't worry though," he starts, turning towards me after closing it and walking towards me, "it's a good look on you" he finishes, lowering his voice and looking down at me, somehow having backed me into a wall. I look up at him and open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. "What's wrong Pretty? Cat got your tongue?" he says tilting my chin up a bit more. 
I'm suddenly broken out of the spell he's put me under once I hear a knock on my door and I slip out of the position he had put the both of us in immediately to answer it . "Hey Jimin" I say a lot more cheerful than I usually greet someone as a cry for help, taking him by surprise. "Um hi y/n, I got the lightbulbs" he says holding them up but slowly lowering his arm once he finally notices Jungkook leaning up against my wall now facing us with a smug look on his face. 
"Oh hyung, what are you doing here?" Jimin asks looking between the two of us and taking note of how flustered I look. "She forgot her notebook at my studio so I wanted to come over here to return it" he say simply. "What are you doing here?" he asks, now coming closer to the door. "I was helping y/n put her lamp together. She came to the store I work at to grab one and I offered to help her carry it back" he says nodding towards the box and packaging in a pile on the floor. 
"Oh that was really nice of you, but why don't you let me take it from here?" Jungkook says standing right behind me, close enough to place his back against mine. He holds out his hand expectantly and waits for Jimin to give him the box. "Oh um okay, see you guys around" he says almost disheartened after handing it to Jungkook. He exchanging glances with me but I immediately look down, not really sure what I could say in a situation like this. "See you" Jungkook says and closes the door before Jimin even has a chance to walk away. 
"Why did you do that?" I ask turning around and pushing past him to sit down at my desk. "Because I wanted to ask you a question" he says, leaning up against the door. "Okay and? What's your question?" I ask, annoyed that he doesn't just come out and say it. "Would you like to go out to dinner with me?" he questions, this time giving me a somewhat genuine smile. "Why would I want to do that?" I question, turning around and grabbing my laptop out of my bag to turn it on. 
"Hey, I'm talking to you" Jungkook says coming over to stand next to me and closes my laptop gently. "Why should I go to dinner with you?" I ask again, sitting back in my chair, waiting impatiently for him to come up with a good reason. "Because you're hungry?" he offers shrugging his shoulders. "Who said I was hungry?" I say and at that exact moment my stomach decides to growl, calling my bluff. "Looks like that tummy if yours says differently" he says trying to poke it. 
"Stop being weird" I say brushing his hand off and getting up to get a glass of water. "So is that a yes?" he asks trailing after me like some oversized puppy wanting to stay close to his owner. "No, leave me alone" I say and start drinking the glass I just filled. "If you really wanted me to leave you alone then why did you let me kick your little boyfriend out?" he taunts, making me choke on my water, having had it go down the wrong pipe. 
"Jimin is not my boyfriend" I say through coughs, trying to regain my composure. "Okay well then why haven't you kicked me out?" he continues and leans up against the counter next to me. "Because I'm waiting for you to leave. I don't have the energy to throw you out right now" I say and walk over to lay down on my bed, him following close behind. He decides to take a seat on my desk chair, thankfully keeping his distance with the position I've put myself in. 
"Well what if I don't want to leave?" he asks and I stay lying flat on my back not bothering to look at him anymore. "What can I do to make you leave?" I ask him, staring and the ceiling. "Tell me you'll go out to dinner with me and I'll leave" he says, rolling the chair over to me. "And if I don't?" I ask, sitting up on my elbows to face him now that he has come a bit closer. "Then you're not gonna be able to get rid of me tonight Pretty" he says while leaning in closer, almost as if he was going to kiss me. 
I shut my eyes immediately not being able to deal with the increasing proximity between us, hoping he'll go away. I can feel his breath fan my lips and I can tell he's contemplating on what he might do next. I wait there holding my breath, terrified as to what might happen next 'He doesn't know that I kissed him right? Of course he doesn't. He was fast asleep when I had so there's no way' I think to myself, hoping and praying that he doesn't know. 
He nudges his nose against mine a bit and I open my mouth, trying to figure out the first thing I could say to make him stop but before I have the chance he whispers "See you at 8" and nudges his nose against mine one more time. I can feel that he pulls away immediately after and I open my eyes as soon as he does and see him putting on his shoes.
"I-" I start off but no words come out so he decides to jump in. "I'll text you the address Pretty, unless you want me to come get you?" he asks "No!" I say quickly, scared about what he might do next if he were to be at my apartment again. He gives me a soft smirk in response and walks out the door without another word.
'I should've never kissed him' I think to myself, trying to calm down my racing heartbeat. 
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reading-backstage · 2 years
ok so nina and jesper? actors. through and through. they’re the extraverts on stage.
but everyone else? techies
inej: lighting and possibly run crew
she’s used to blending into the shadows and knows what to light up to make that possible. she’s short and doesn’t hit her head on the catwalk.
for run crew she’s silent and good at hiding in the dark. enough said.
kaz: stage manager
keeping things organized? knowing everything? lists upon lists? bossing people around? kaz. someone asks him when they use a prop and he answers with page and line number.
wylan: sound
first off: no reading. second off: he’s literally a musician. he knows what sounds good. he can balance the mics well with everyone’s voice and loves the calculations behind it.
matthias: set
very physical but i think he also likes the design aspect of it. he’d probably really like making a super detailed plan and execute it perfectly somehow.
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