#[ Place Here for a Quartermaster ]
warsinmyhead · 1 year
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fanaticsnail · 10 months
Bachata (Dance Series)
Masterlist here.
Word Count: 3,105
Warnings: Fluff. Pure fluff, dancing, sensual dance descriptors, mention of alcohol (if you squint).
It was beta-read by the ever wonderful @sordidmusings (thank you bby grl, you are a blessing)
Song Suggestion: Stand By Me, Wake Me Up, la Isla Bonita
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Your lips remained parted, eyes glossy and hyper-fixated on the movement of swaying hips, bent knees, and the biceps and forearms of your captain who effortlessly led one of the locals in a sultry dance. All his movements were in time to the beat of the drum, the fingerpicking of nylon guitar strings and the push and pull of airy piano accordion accompanying the lilt of vocals.
The atmosphere surrounding the beach-front festival on the coastal shore was loud, the crash of waves in the distance resonated within the chasms of the wooden dock where the Going Merry was harbored. Several vendors had set up temporary huts with canvas roofs atop wooden poles, selling their wares, local cuisine and fountains of exotic drinks of flavors you had never heard of before.
Although the musicians sang out their romantic souls into the air, prompting many a traveler to engage with them in dance and singing along to the tune: your eyes remained fixed on the way Luffy effortlessly spun the local girl within his arms, steadying her hips with his hands. His nose was scrunched with laughter, his grin drawn wide against his cheeks to bare his teeth in unbridled joy.
“Quartermaster?” the green-haired swordsman addressed you, “your thoughts?”
“Hmm?” you hummed in question, snapped from your entranced gaze held against your captain’s swaying body.
“You’ve been staring at him long enough,” Nami giggled at you, leaning back to recline against the wooden log behind her, “surely you have a bit of a hypothesis.”
You furrowed your brow, looking between the remaining companions you’d found yourself serving with on the Going Merry. Nami had a playful shimmer falling in her eyes, Zoro quenched his thirst by draining the remainder of his brown-stained beer bottle, while Sanji was making his way back from collecting the evening meal for the crew by bartering with the vendors.
Usopp and Luffy opted to join in the festival celebrations by swaying with the locals to the beat of the drum. Both men began surprising the crew with how effortlessly they danced to the tunes produced by the band, but Luffy was exceptionally surprising everyone by the way he almost had an air of sultry seduction in his movements. As soon as you witnessed the first effortless and tasteful gyration of his hips, your breath caught in your throat and a warm flush weaseled its way from your chest to tint your cheeks with its presence.
“On the dancing?” you asked again, Zoro chuckling at your thoughts.
“Alright, let’s backtrack then,” the swordsman rolled his eyes with a chuckled scoff, “look at him.”
“Oh she’s been looking at him enough, Zoro,” Nami scrunched up her nose, her tone light and teasing. You scrunched up your own nose in light mockery at her jest, prompting her to release a laugh into the night air.
“Looking at who?” the blonde chef asked as he placed the food down on the stretched canvas mat on the sandy floor in front of you all.
“Alright Sanji, non-biased opinion,” Nami said, leaning forward to sit herself closer to the food in front of her, “our captain. Where do you think he learnt how to dance like that? Look – no, really Sanji – look.”
The chef rolled his eyes and lulled his head over to look at the captain of the Going Merry. Luffy spun his dance partner to face her torso away from him, her back pressed flush against his bare chest as he ghosted his fingertips over her vertical forearms held upwards. His lips traced the back of her neck, his eyes fluttered closed as he swayed his hips against the beat, with his brows furrowed in passionate concentration.
��O-oh,” Sanji stuttered, his eyes widening with a downturned smile rising within his fluster.
“I know, right?” Nami loudly whispered in her hushed enthusiasm.
“I can honestly say: I have no idea,” the blonde nodded his head in confirming his words more-so to himself than to the group, “he doesn’t give off that kind of energy at all.”
The music concluded, the captain breaking away from his dance partner, and giving her a clap on the shoulder as a gesture of encouragement and joy at the time they spent together.
“Oi, Luffy, Usopp!” Zoro called to the two crewmen, “grub’s up, come and get it!”
Your captain’s face snapped over towards the crew; his eyes first meeting with yours. A large grin drew itself against his cheeks once more as he found Usopp and they stampeded together towards the canvas mat.
“You guys, the sand- the sand,” Nami aggressively shooed the two rapidly approaching men, their feet kicking up the coarse grains of sand dangerously close to the food placed on the floor. You giggled at them, looking to your captain and patting the unoccupied space beside you in a gesture for him to sit down.
Usopp claimed the vacant space next to Nami, taking a portion of the local cuisine for himself as he did so. Luffy, smiling at your gesture, immediately plopped himself down ungracefully. He playfully nudged your shoulder with the top of his head, giving you a small smile, his curls feeling soft against your exposed skin as his hat remained fastened to his back via the drawstring. You laughed, reaching your palm and fingertips to brush some of the strands away from his forehead to reveal his hazelnut-coloured eyes to you. You shook your head, scrunching your nose and playfully nudged him away from you.
Your role aboard the Going Merry was the Quartermaster: an aid in the navigation and smooth sailing amongst the waves, while being the secondary loyal soldier behind the first-mate. Luffy, upon finding you in a tavern off the shore of Shells-Town, immediately was taken with your skills and ease in breaking up a tavern brawl. Two rival pirate crews had stumbled into the family-run tavern and began immediately meddling in the affairs of one another’s business. The boiling point flashing like water to scorching oil within the halls of your favorite tavern: foreheads touching, guns withdrawn, fists flying and the breaking of brown, glass bottles. You threw yourself into the crowd, opting to disarm and do no harm, dancing effortlessly within the heat of the battle and incapacitating those who opted to remain fighting. It took little to no time to stop the fight, your skills drilled into you at the hands of many a brawling instructor and mentor throughout your childhood.
After the fight had finished, a brown-haired captain adorning a straw hat with a red ribbon approached you, telling you straight out, “Pack your bags, I need you on my ship,” to which you shrugged with a simple “aye, Sir”.
In your travels with the young captain, you were immediately taken with his innocence and fearlessness to be anything other than what he is: a simple man with the charm and charisma he needs to lead a crew, but also with the mischievousness and playfulness that comes with his inexperience. His heart is intensely displayed on his wrists, his desire to serve and protect those in need was admirable. You would follow him to the ends of the earth, with nothing to add than a simple: “aye, Sir.”
Friendship, proximity, and sleepless nights by each other’s side had a small whisper of emotion beginning to form within the very central point of your heart. The longer you remained with him, the more this feeling began to burn within you. You put it all down to the need to serve your captain well or perhaps a small crush if anything else. Choosing not to engage with such childish emotions, you smothered the feelings as soon as they began.
But there was something about the way his hips were swaying tonight. Something about the way his eyes sparkled, his nose scrunched and his lips drew out to reveal his playful grin under the glittering stars around the festivities that held you hostage to your unquenchable emotions.
“Nice meat!” Luffy’s voice cut through your inner monologue, prompting you to shake your head and blink slowly away your enchantment, “you had any yet-? -You haven’t had any yet! Here, have some!”
Your captain thrust an empty paper plate into your hands before piling a mountain of food atop the plate; it bending beneath the weight of the variety of items.
“Captain, slow down!” you giggled, shooing his hand holding tongs with the dangle of cooked meat waving from the end, “I’m not going to be able to get through all this, but thank you for thinking of me.”
“Anything for my Quartermaster,” he shot you a small wink, “gotta make sure you’re taken care of, you know?”
Your eyes fluttered rapidly in a flustered blink. You shook your head once more and furrowed your brows at his comments. He looked down at your plate, gesturing with his hands for you to begin eating.
“Whatever you don’t eat, I will,” he shrugged, leaning back in his place beside you and looking up at you with eyes full of adoration and appreciation.
“Thanks Luffy, I trust that you will,” you giggled, placing the plate down on the ground and tucking your hair behind your ears and away from your mouth. He smiled up with his broadening grin as the rest of the crew continued to eat the delicacies this area graced you with.
You felt his gaze continue to hold to you as you continued to dine with the other straw-hats, then pouring drinks from the large jug for one another and laughing to a tale Usopp was recollecting. He sat up briefly, noticing some strands of your hair began to fall back in front of your face and immediately reached up to tuck the locks behind your ear with his thumb and index finger. A warmth drew itself upwards to your cheeks at this unrestrained gesture, but you did not shy away from his affection.  
Sitting in silence, Zoro continued to hold his intense gaze in unwavering focus against your interaction and dynamic with the captain. His left brow arched at the subtle touches, lingering on your flushed face before looking to the mischievous expression your captain currently was adorning.
“Hey Cap’n,” Zoro smirked up, collecting a beer bottle from beside him, “why don’t you and the Quartermaster have a little dance after dinner? She hasn’t had one all night.”
Your eyes widened at Zoro, a scowl falling to your lips in wordless reprimand. Zoro’s smirk broadened with his left brow arching upwards to taunt you further. Before you managed to get a word out to chastise him further, Luffy spoke up to interrupt your thoughts.
“Sounds good to me!” he exclaimed with joy, “how about it, Quartermaster? Dance with your captain?”
Words fell halted in your throat, the breath you were going to use to speak them caught behind your parted lips. You snapped your gaze back to your captain, snickers from your crew began to whisper in hisses behind their clenched teeth.
“I-I don’t think I could-,” you began, watching your captain as he eagerly rose to his feet and extended his hand out towards you.
“-You’ll be fine,” he smiled, collecting your hand from beside you, “let’s go, music’s starting again.”
“Aye, Sir,” you nodded, allowing him to pull you to rise to your own feet.
You turned your head back to your crew as Luffy began leading you towards the open fire, closer to the vicinity of the music. Zoro’s smirk-like grin was plastered openly on his lips, shooting a small wink towards you at your unsettlement. Nami gave you a small wave, wordlessly uttering to you: “learn why he dances like that.”
You inhaled sharply through your nose with eyes scolding your crew before being twirled within the arms of your captain to meet his hazelnut orbs.
“Just relax, okay?” he scrunched his nose up while pressing his forehead against yours, eyes twinkling with mischief, “I know what I’m doing, let me lead you.”
A small squeak found its way to your throat, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. He chuckled, taking both of your hands within his and began to effortlessly sway with you.
Crossing your arms upwards, he spun you to face away from him; rocking you within his arms briefly before experimentally intertwining his limbs with your own. He twirled you once again to face him, collecting your right hand within his left and placing his right hand wrapped completely around your shoulders beneath your left arm. He held you close in a tight and flush embrace, exaggerating his hips outwards and leading your feet to the beat and rhythm of the music.
Your eyes were wide and frantically looking everywhere else, breath hitching as he led you in the movements with such poise and ease. Meeting your eyes with the taunting and teasing gaze of the green-haired swordsman, you began to fall out of time to Luffy’s movements and stumble a little. You watched the swordsman’s chest tremble as a laugh fell from his lips at your stumble.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luffy’s voice called to you, drawing your face up with his left hand weaving itself away from your right, “what’s the matter, are you okay?”
Your breath caught in your throat as he reached his hand up to touch your cheek tenderly. He continued swaying the both of you to the music while his eyes searched yours for the source of your unease.
“I-I just,” you began, your own eyes fluttering its concentration between his, “I’m a bit self-conscious dancing like this. It’s a bit-, uh-…”
He nodded with his brows furrowed, leading you with his verbal tone; “-a bit…?”
You clenched your teeth with a small grimace, “-a bit out of the ordinary? A bit unusual to be dancing like this?”
“Oh!” he nodded, returning his broad smile to his lips. He released your cheek from his left hand and again sought out your right to claim, “you don’t have to be self-conscious. As I said, I know what I’m doing. And if the attention bothers you so much, keep your eyes on me!”
The flush returned to your cheeks, the warmth threatening to tint its way to cover the entirety of your face as he confidently wove your right knee between his legs and swung his hips to the beat. You released a shaken breath from your lips, closing your eyes to bring your focus away from the Straw-Hat crew and their teasing gaze. Reopening your eyes, you met with the warm smile of your captain.
“There you go!” he complimented you while tracing small and indistinct lines on your spine, “‘atta girl!”
Internally, you were screaming. Your captain’s praise was nothing foreign to you, especially when in the heat of combat. Within the proximity he currently held with you, dancing you provocatively within the romantic atmosphere, this praise felt especially outlandish. Shaking your head to rid your mind of the fog his verbal praise rose within you, you kept your eyes fixed on him. His eyes softened as he began to hum along to the melody, twirling you away from him. Although his twirls moved your body far from his, he would always bring you back to hold you securely within his arms with his hips almost flush against your own.
As the dance continued on, you began to get more confident in your movements and trust for him to always support and lead you through it. He would sweep you into long-arched dips, circling around his body before having you snap back up to fall within his grip. All laughs and smiles drew upwards against your cheeks, a laugh or two flinging from your chests in glee to the music.
“How do you know how to dance like this?” you breathily asked him while he again twirled you to face away from him.
He released your hands from his grasp as he slowly ghosted them over your ribs, dragging them to rest on your hips. With closed eyes, he brought his lips up to your exposed neck and whispered against your skin: “Shanks taught me.”
Your glazed eyes opened widely, a small “oh” parting from you in surprise. You had heard many tales about Red-Haired Shanks and his crew of seasoned pirates from your captain. It should come as no surprise to you that he had shared more knowledge than the influence of a life of piracy onto your captain, but apparently the charm that comes with sensual dancing.
“When you were a child?” you asked him, lulling your head over as he continued to hold his lips a hair’s length away from your skin. He hummed in confirmation, the vibration prompting your pores to spring upwards over your neck and forearms.
“And the knowledge wasn’t lost to you over the years?” you quizzed him. His hands shifted you within his arms, turning you to face him again.
“I practiced with my brothers,” he chuckled, placing his forehead against your own, “my biggest brother would play guitar sometimes. I’d make my other one dance with me to the music.”
Before you could ask Luffy any further questions on the matter, the music concluded and your captain released you from his arms and cheered loudly to praise the musicians for their song. You trailed your gaze from the raven curls atop your captain’s head down over his sun-kissed skin to hold your lashes half-lidded as they sought out his eyes once more. He was so handsome, you knew that much was certain. All the time you spent together aboard the Merry had you drawing yourself closer to him, but now; you were completely smitten.
His joyful and lilted praise drew itself to a close, him turning to meet your eyes once more with his warm eyes. He reached his left hand down to collect yours within his comforting grip.
“Did you want another dance?” he asked hopefully, before he tore away his gaze to seek out a vendor’s stand behind him, “or we could get a drink? I could go for another one of those juice-things, I think.”
You giggled, reaching up your left hand to caress his smooth cheek. His skin ignited beneath your touch, glowing alongside the smoldering embers of the beach-front fire.
“As long as I'm with you, I’ll follow you anywhere,” you answered whimsically, prompting him to reach his forehead down to touch against your own. His nose scrunched up once more, his lips drawing out to a large smile as he answered you.
“Okay, great! Juice first,” he confirmed, nodding against your head, “then more dancing.”
“Aye, Sir.”
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timetravellibrarian · 4 months
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Luffy x Reader
First time posting my writing and here it is.
Luffy x femreader
What is a Captain without his Quartermaster?
No one ever knew the answer to that.
Where ever Luffy went, you were surely around.  Same was vice versa.
But the only thing that left many bamboozled about how two opposites could be such great friends.
The both of you had met at Shell's Town. You had been attending to a headache and took a sip of some juice at a bar when the sound of yelling had  irritated you.
Turning to find the resident Draco Malfoy yelling at some lanky boy around your age with a strawhat on you groaned.
Helmeppo pointed an accusatory finger at the teen and was just about to order the marines beside him to arrest the guy before you intervened. Annoyed, tired and in need of a good night's rest.
"Could the both of gentlemen take the fight outside, this place just got it's repairs done, we don't need hooligans messing it up."
The blond man turned to give you a piece of mind but his words stopped in their track when he came face to face with the look you gave him. He backed down immediately, the fight within him already taken out.
He turned to the lanky boy again. "You're lucky I'm taking mercy on you  boy! My father would have had you beheaded in an instant."  
You rolled her eyes at the statement and took a gulp of her juice and asking for a refill. "Thank you, Y/n."The girl nodded at the woman,
"No problem ma'am."
She could hear a pinkette speak in awe of her being able to shush the whiny man. Her cheeks felt warm at the compliment but she remained serious.
Her eyes caught sight of the lanky boy staring deeply at her. She stared back unwaveringly.
"What's your deal , Strawhat?"
He merely smiled at her before calling the pinkette to follow him to free some pirate hunter.
Later in the day she saw a crowd of people at the harbour, she moved through the crowd, a bag of her belongings in hand. She was going to sail off to another island later on.
Reaching the main focus of the crowd she saw the same boy, this time a tall green-haired man beside him. They were settling into their boat but the strawhatted boy yelled about needing to find someone first.
Once he turned to meet your eyes his eyes widened before he ran to you.
"Hey, lady. I need you on my crew!"
You merely stared at him in shock. He barely knew you and he was already dragging you towards the boat even with your protests.
"My name's Monkey D. Luffy. I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" He declared as you sailed along with him with the man you came to know as Roronoa Zoro.
"The name's Y/n."
And thats when an unexpected friendship occured.
Where Luffy was childish and playful, you were responsible and careful. Not to say you didn't have fun. You were just more level headed.
Luffy dragged you everywhere with him. Whether you wanted to or not.
Dangerous island? Let's go!
A raging sea King was attacking, Luffy , You  and Zoro would make quick work of it.
The both of you loved food. Sometimes the most shocking times would be when Luffy would give you some of the meat off his plate if he saw your food wasn't enough. Much to everyone's shock.
The permanent scowl or resting face of yours wouldnt be shown in the slightest when your captain was around. Just as when you give him advice on something he listens. Which shocked Trafalgar Law when he had given up on trying to make another well detailed  plan. Soon anyone who worked alongside him knew to have you around if they needed him to properly listen. Without even a smack to the face to make him focus.
He wouldn't admit it but he would immediately wrap a rubbery arm around you when someone tried to flirt. Man nearly fought Sanji when he kissed your hand.
He knew you could hold your own in a fight, in fact you wiped the floor with anyone you fought, but he still watched out for anything.
If he wasn't nearby he'd give either Zoro or Sanji a nod. A silent order to make sure you came back to the ship alive. Unscathed was more preferred but he wasn't one to control your actions.
Whenever you let out your monsterous power, enough to cause fear in the highest ranking navy officials and pirates, he'd have his eyes on your every move, adoring even the crazed smile you'd have on your face. Bro would be cheering like a soccer mom.
When questioned by Robin and Nami about what he felt about you it was as though he were talking about the One Piece.
He didn't know he was in love with you. He just saw it as being overprotective and caring towards his friend.
When he finally understood what romance and love was when Rayleigh explained to him he merely shrugged and thought about Y/n before he realised he was in fact in love. More like he loved you for a long time. Much to Boa's dismay. But she understood when she had met you.
The most angry they had seen Luffy was whenever he found out someone had hurt you. If someone even made you cry that was when he reigned down all hell on that person.
His favourite thing to do was to take a nap beside you when he felt tired, which rarely happens. Robin would chuckle at the sight of her captain snuggled close to your side when all of you ladies relaxed on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. He looked so much at peace.
Sometimes he'd even run up to you unexpectedly, kiss you on the cheek/ forehead or even on the lips and run back to join Ussop while he's fishing.
Sanji was going through the five stages of grief at how single he felt when Luffy stood beside you, holding onto your hand.
Your first kiss together was a mess, the both of you nervous, cheeks overheating and eyes not leaving each other.
It took for someone to accidentally bump into Luffy that led to a proper kiss. ( That someone was Robin)
On some nights you'd cuddle and he'd recall his childhood with Ace and Sabo. His tears coming down slowly only to flow like a river when you cradled him in your arms against your beating heart.
You were there to remind him to takecare of himself. Not just eat a whole restaurant but to also care about his mental and emotional health.
At the end of the day, everyone all had Luffy to count on and Luffy  had learnt to count on you too.
You, Zoro and Luffy were a deadly team whenever you fought by each other's side.
The Captain, the Quartermaster and the First Mate.
The heavenly trio
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xomakara · 2 months
Passion On The High Seas
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | After running away from your life as a noblewoman to become a pirate, you meet Yunho, a handsome pirate who has an equally shocking past.
PAIRING | Yunho/Reader
GENRE | Pirate!Yunho, smut with no plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), oral, fingering, vaginal sex,
RATING | Mature
LENGTH | 4758 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE | Might make this a series or something LOL. Here’s to my first Ateez fic!
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You stretched your limbs after you had finished loading cargo onto the ship earlier that day. Your hair was tied up in a messy bun so that it didn’t fall onto your face as you worked.
Your clothes were tattered, stained with dirt and grime and most likely smelled horrible due to you wearing the same clothing for days on end. But despite all that, you felt pretty damn happy at that very moment.
Happiness. Something that you hadn’t felt in a very long time.
You were the daughter of one of the peninsula’s most prestigious families that served the king. You grew up in a gilded cage with servants attending to your every whim. You went to fancy balls with nobles and royalty. You wore dresses that cost thousands of gold coins each. Every evening, you went to parties hosted by important merchants or dignitaries where you drank the finest wine and ate the most delectable foods. And yet…despite all that, you never felt happy. Not once in your life.
Until now.
You smiled to yourself as you thought about what it would be like to live life on your own terms. No rules. No laws. No royal decrees preventing you from doing what you wanted. Just you and the sea. The only one that cared whether or not you lived was you. And you loved that feeling. More than anything.
And as far as you knew, it was that feeling that had drawn you to the life of piracy.
You’ve been living life on the seas for a few years already, rising to the ranks of Captain through sheer determination and blood, sweat and tears. It wasn’t easy being an outcast among the noble classes but you never let that get you down. There was no place else you’d rather be than here: sailing around the world, exploring new lands, making friends, conquering foes and seeing sights no one had ever seen before.
The wind blew gently against your face as you looked upon the island that stood in front of you. Sails flapped lazily as the pirate ship moored itself to the shore and as you gazed out over the horizon, you could see your next destination appear in the distance: the City of Thieves. A land filled with thieving pirates and thieves where anyone could do whatever they wanted without fear of punishment or retribution. Where there were no constrictions, no boundaries, no restrictions. You couldn’t wait to get there. You grinned wickedly as you imagined running wild and free amongst its teeming streets and crowded alleyways, laughing and partying until the sun came up again.
No more dresses. No more high heels. No more boring noble gatherings. This was going to be a life of pure pleasure, no holds barred. If you weren’t having fun, then you weren’t doing it right. This was what freedom was all about!
With a chuckle, you hollered to your crew as the ship was preparing to dock. “Looks like we’re finally here!” You said excitedly. “Open up those cargoes so we can sell them off. Check in with the Quartermaster to see what jobs he has for you and once work is done, and I really mean done, then you are free to do as you please! Huzzah!”
The men cheered in excitement as they began working on the tasks that were given to them, shouting out commands to their colleagues as they continued to unload crates and barrels onto the dockside. While this was happening, however, you were busy thinking about how you were going to spend the rest of the day. What would you do? How will you spend your day? All these questions swirled around your head like the churning waters of the ocean.
Once the ship was docked, work was done and you had distributed everyone’s pay, you led your crew towards the nearest tavern. Once inside, you ordered some food and drinks and made your way to a secluded table where you watched your men frolic about. Soon enough, a buxom waitress came over and placed your order down before giving you a warm smile. You noticed a few of your fellow men giving her a wolfish grin but you paid no mind to it as she left.
You weren’t looking for female company but rather the company of men. But all the pirates you knew were old, young, drunk, had missing limbs or were not that attractive to look at, which means you wouldn’t be able to pick any of them as potential mates. And as much as you loved taking lovers, nothing quite compared to a cold, hard drink with a handsome man who knows exactly how to treat his woman right. Or maybe someone who had nice eyes and lips? You did like a man with nice features. You wondered if you’ll ever find a man like that. Maybe you won’t. Either way, you didn’t care. You didn’t need a man. Not even if you found one. You’d be fine on your own. Better than fine, in fact.
“I hear you’ve just returned home from a voyage.” Said a familiar voice.
Your ears perked up as you turned around and saw another pirate sitting at the table beside you. You immediately recognized him as one of your regular drinking buddies and a captain of his own right. “Are you keeping tabs on me, Hongjoong?” You asked, sipping your drink.
“I just got into town a few days ago. Leave me alone.” Hongjoong laughed as he ordered a bottle of rum.
“Oh come on! Aren’t you curious about my latest adventures?” You questioned, playing along.
Hongjoong let out a laugh. “If it doesn’t have pretty woman involved, then no thank you.”
You scoffed and pointed at yourself. “But I’m a pretty woman.”
“You’re a whole different story, my noble lady.” Hongjoong chuckled, finishing his drink and ordering another one. “You’re out of my reach.”
“Too bad, my friend.” You replied, sipping your drink. “Anything new happening with you these days? Got any juicy stories to tell?”
“Apart from recruiting new men?” Hongjoong teased, winking at you.
A frown formed on your lips. “What does that mean?”
“I got a few pretty boys on board.” Hongjoong said as he gestured to a few men that were engaged with talks with a few of yours. “Snagged them before you could, so I’m feeling lucky. Are you jealous?”
You shrugged. “Don’t care.”
“Why don’t you join us later tonight?” Hongjoong offered, turning towards you. “We can grab a few bottles of wine and then go somewhere quiet and intimate.”
You arched an eyebrow at him. “So now you’re interested in me?”
“Nah…you know my type.” He chuckled. “But I do know the type of guys you like. I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed. Like that one over there.”
You looked over to where he pointed and noticed a rather tall, handsome man talking to a few of your crew members. Your eyes trailed downwards to take in the sight of his well-built body and those long fingers that rested upon the wooden chair. God, what you could do with those fingers. They would feel good wrapped around your throat. But more importantly, those legs. Long and strong. Perfect for fucking.
That, and his eyes. Those beautiful dark eyes…they almost hypnotized you.
A low growl escaped your lips before you looked at your friend. “Damn you, Hongjoong. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but for once I’m glad we’re friends. I’ll join your party as long as he’s there.”
“Good girl.” He grinned before he drained his glass. He called out to the tall man. “Yunho!”
His name was Yunho. You liked that name.
Yunho approached the table and turned to Hongjoong. “Captain.”
Hongjoong clapped the tall man’s back as gestured to you. “Say hello. This is my good friend, Y/N. She’s the captain of ’The Aurora’.”
Yunho gave you a friendly nod before turning his attention to you. “Hello. Pleased to meet you.”
You nodded in return. “Likewise.”
Yunho opened his mouth to say something but was cut short when you waved to the others, signaling for everyone to join you.
All the men eagerly moved towards the table and took their places as you pulled up a chair and joined them. “Let’s get to know each other, shall we?” You suggested as you raised your glass and gave a toast. “Here’s to better opportunities, a brighter future and everlasting friendships.”
After you had finished your drink, you signaled for a waiter and ordered two bottles of wine before moving to sit next to Yunho. He immediately leaned towards you and whispered into your ear. “You’re awfully forward, aren’t you?”
“Can’t help it. You’ve caught my eye.” You whispered back. “There’s something intriguing about you. What’s your story? You seem different from all the pirates I’ve met.”
Yunho smiled as he tilted his head to the side slightly. “How so?”
“You just have a different air about you.” You stated. “Not as cocky as the others. More mysterious.”
“I could say the same about you, Captain.” Yunho let out a laugh. “It’s not everyday that I get to meet a female pirate, much less a female captain. You’re different from all the women I met. You sit differently, talk differently. It’s as if you were born into a different life than the other women.”
“I’ll tell you my story if you tell me yours.” You countered.
“Alright.” Yunho muttered, eyeing the group of men across the room. “Do you want to walk with me? We can exchange stories as we go.”
“Sounds good to me.” You agreed. “Lead the way.”
As you and Yunho headed out of the tavern, the men gave you knowing glances knowing that you wouldn’t be returning any time soon. Some smirked, wondering what the attraction was between you two while others winked. You ignored them and allowed Yunho to lead the way as you followed behind him. His movements seemed so smooth, almost as if he was dancing with the night breeze as he walked along. With each step he took, you felt like your heart skipped a beat. Just watching him made you weak in the knees.
Damn it, why am I like this? It’s not like I haven’t fucked hundreds of men already. Why do I feel so drawn to this one man?
“So what’s your story?” Yunho inquired, stopping near a tree as he looked at you.
“Tell me yours first.” You commanded, still unable to hide the obvious longing that shined through your gaze.
“Would you believe me if I told you that I was the son of a noble? One that went through a lot growing up because of the rumors about his father’s involvement in treason?” Yunho asked, giving you a sad smile. “Of how my family had been stripped of our title and exiled instead of executed for being traitors?”
“So you’re Minister Jeong’s son.” You said as you sat down by the tree.
“Do you know of my family?” Yunho asked in surprise.
You gave him a sad smile in return. “Would you believe that I was the daughter of a noble as well? Raised in a gilded cage, unable to live freely as she waits for her father to marry her off for his political gain? A noblewoman who ran away during a shopping excursion when a riot occurred?”
“So…You’re the missing daughter of Minister Yoon.” Yunho surmised, studying you carefully. “It explains why you’re different from all the other women I met.”
“Does it?” You questioned as you furrowed your brows.
“I think you understand what I’m trying to say.” Yunho said, his eyes gazing into yours. “You and I lived the life of privilege and even though it looks like we’ve adapted to the life of being a pirate, there are things that only people of nobility would understand. Things we both experienced. Things that we know about each other.”
“Yes.” You admitted. “I agree with you. In many ways, we do understand each other.”
“Then why did you run away from everything you know? Don’t you miss the life you once had?” Yunho asked as he pulled a few leaves off a branch and handed it to you. “Have you forgotten all about it?”
“I was raised to be a dutiful daughter and if I stayed, my fate would be to marry some powerful man for his wealth and political power.” You explained. “I didn’t know it at the time but I hated my life back then. I wanted to live freely. To be free. To be myself. So I ran away and never looked back.”
“And here you are now, living on your own. No one to guide you but yourself.” Yunho added. “Surely that must be lonely.”
“At times, yes. Sometimes I miss having someone to talk to.” You admitted as you watched Yunho pull a few leaves from the branch. “My crew are great men but sometimes it’s hard to talk to them about my life considering we all had different pasts. If they found out that I was a noblewoman, who’s to say that they wouldn’t look down on me or treat me differently?”
“I get it.” Yunho looked up at the night sky. “I haven’t told Captain Hongjoong my identity as well. But I’m sure he already knows. The man seems to always be able to read me like an open book.”
“He’s quite gifted in that area.” You mused as you turned to face Yunho. “He found out about my identity the first time we met. But you can count on Hongjoong to keep your secret. That’s one thing you can trust in him.”
“Now that you mention it…” Yunho stared at you intently. “Why do I feel like I can trust you?”
“Maybe it’s because you want to trust me?” You suggested with a soft chuckle.
“Perhaps.” Yunho sighed as he stood up and started walking towards you. “However, that doesn’t explain why I suddenly became attracted to you. I’ve had my fair share of lovers in my life and yet I find myself wanting to know you.”
“I feel the same. Strange, isn’t it?” You smiled at him. “Normally, I would sleep with someone and then leave the next morning without giving them any thought. Yet with you…it feels different.”
Yunho returned your smile and bent down so that he could whisper into your ear. “Me too.”
As you glanced up at his lips, you wondered how such a large man like him could make you feel so small. As his breath fanned against your skin, you could feel your heart beating faster and harder. Before you knew it, you found yourself leaning closer towards him and slowly moving your body closer towards his.
Your lips parted and he placed his finger on your lower lip, coaxing you to close the distance between you. Instinctively, you leaned forward and closed the gap between you. His tongue swirled around your bottom lip and for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you but instead he nipped lightly on your lower lip.
You pulled back slightly, your hand reaching for his. “Do you want to continue this somewhere else?”
“Wherever you wish.” Yunho answered, his voice thick with desire.
“Come on.” You grabbed his hand and tugged him in the direction of the inn. “I rented a room earlier and we don’t want to waste any time, do we?”
Without waiting for an answer, you led him inside and led him straight to the room you rented. Locking the door, you removed your jacket and tossed it onto the bed as you kicked off your shoes. When you reached for the buttons of your shirt, Yunho stopped you and helped you remove it. He tossed it on top of your jacket before placing his large hand on your naked skin.
Yunho inhaled deeply as he ran his hands up and down your torso, enjoying the smoothness of your skin beneath his fingertips. Suddenly he leaned forward and captured your lips in a searing kiss as his hands explored every inch of your upper body, gently caressing you. “Yeah, you’re definitely a noblewoman with how soft your skin is. So supple and smooth.”
As he continued kissing you, you lost yourself in the sensation of his touch. One hand reached up to grab hold of his hair, entwining your fingers within it as you held him tightly against you. He pressed himself against you as his long fingers trailed down your body, pausing briefly at the hem of your pants before gently sliding underneath it.
A shudder ran down your spine as he touched you intimately, softly brushing over the sensitive spot below your navel before tracing the outline of your sex. As you arched your back, pushing yourself further against his hand, you moaned as you realized that you were getting wetter with each passing second. A loud moan escaped your lips as he slipped his middle finger into you, exploring every nook and cranny as you grinded your hips against his hand.
You grasped at his shirt, tugging it upwards so that you could feel the warmth of his bare chest against your own. Pulling his shirt over his head, you tossed it aside and cupped his face in your hands, kissing him passionately as you moved his hand away from you.
“Too much clothes on.” You murmured as you pushed Yunho backwards onto the bed.
He let out a laugh. “I could say the same since you still have your pants on.”
“That will come off later.” You teased as you dropped to your knees and began unbuttoning his pants. “For now, you can enjoy my mouth first.”
Yunho’s hands gripped the sheets as he watched you strip him of the rest of his clothing piece by piece. Taking a deep breath, he allowed himself to get lost in the sensation of your warm breath upon his skin. Your hair brushed against his stomach, tickling him as you slowly worked your way downwards.
When you finally reached his crotch, Yunho gasped as you wrapped your fingers around his hardness. Slowly running your hand up and down his length, you smiled as he visibly shuddered under your touch.
“Just like I expected.” You whispered as you lowered your mouth and licked the tip of his cock. “Very stiff and very hot. Very big.”
Licking the underside of his cock, you continued stroking him until he was panting heavily. He bit his lip, trying to remain silent as you feasted on his cock. With each flick of your tongue, you drew tiny groans from him. Unable to control himself, he thrust forward and hit the back of your throat.
Moaning as you took his entire length into your mouth, you loved the feeling of his dick slipping in and out of your throat. Squeezing your eyes shut, you imagined him buried deep inside you. Imagining his hands caressing your skin while your breasts filled his palms. Without warning, you felt his cock swell in your mouth as he shot his cum right into your waiting mouth.
Swallowing every last drop, you pulled your mouth away and kissed his thighs before standing up. Grabbing the waistband of your pants, you quickly removed them and threw them onto the floor before sitting back down on his lap. Leaning forward, you pulled him towards you and passionately kissed him again.
Yunho took the chance to flip you on the bed and cover you with his body. Grasping the back of your neck, he gently massaged the base of your skull as he kissed you more intensely than ever. “Your turn to enjoy my mouth.”
His lips traveled down your neck, nibbling and sucking every part of your flesh as you arched your back and purred. Pushing you further down on the bed, he took your left nipple into his mouth and sucked on it gently. He flicked his tongue against it causing your body to jolt slightly.
“More.” You breathed out, needing more of him.
“If you insist.” Yunho answered as he lifted your right breast into his mouth.
The sensations coursing through your body intensified as he sucked on your nipples, gradually increasing his speed. He took turns licking and sucking each one of them, paying special attention to your left nipple. It wasn’t until he finally reached your other nipple that he paused momentarily. Gazing into your eyes, he licked his lips and gave you a sexy smirk before trailing his lips further down your body.
Inch by inch, his tongue traced your skin until he reached your belly button. Placing his hands on your legs, he spread them apart before gently grazing his lips across your sensitive skin. You cried out as you felt his teeth scrape against your skin.
Kissing the outside of your pussy, he slowly slid two fingers inside you. He heard you moan as he moved his fingers in and out of you, sliding them deeper with each thrust. The sounds of your wetness echoed in his ears as he tasted your sweetness with his tongue. When he finally reached your inner walls, he inserted another finger and began thrusting his digits in and out of you, creating a rhythm that was driving you mad.
He thrust his fingers in and out of you, pulling your clit into his mouth and gently suckling on it. As you bucked against his hand, Yunho could feel your juices flowing freely from your slit. “God, you taste good.”
Leaving his fingers inside you, he dipped his head between your legs and slowly moved his tongue along the length of your slit. He flicked his tongue against your clit, drawing small whimpers from you.
Yunho lifted his head and watched you squirm beneath him. “Can I?" 
You nodded and silently prayed that he didn’t stop. Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and engulfed your clit into his mouth, sucking on it gently as you cried out in pleasure. Every single sensation heightened tenfold as his lips made contact with your most intimate areas.
You arched your back, moaning loudly as he gently tugged on your clit. Overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure washing over you, you lost all sense of self. Nothing existed except for the feel of Yunho’s warm tongue dancing against your most intimate parts.
Suddenly he pulled away, leaving you panting for air. Looking down at you with hunger in his eyes, he sat back up on the bed. With one hand, he caressed your cheek while using the other to grasp his cock.
"Please.” You begged. “I need you inside me.”
With a look of pure lust in his eyes, Yunho positioned himself at your entrance. Pressing forward, his thick cock plunged inside of you, filling you completely.
Clenching your eyes shut, you bit your lip as he stretched you wide open. “Oh god…” You groaned as he entered you further. “It’s so big.”
Yunho placed his hands on either side of your head, locking his gaze with yours as he began pumping his cock into you. Each stroke made him go deeper into you as he enjoyed watching your reactions.
Each thrust drove him deeper inside of you, making you cry out louder with each thrust. Reaching up, you placed your hands on the sides of his face, holding him in place as you gazed into his eyes. You could see the heat radiating from them as he stared at you hungrily.
“Fuck, Yunho.” You moaned as you felt his hard dick sliding in and out of you. “You fill me up so well.”
Taking a deep breath, he placed his forehead against yours and let out a shaky sigh. His breathing was ragged as he savored the sensation of being buried deep inside you. Looking into your eyes, he knew that there would never be another person like you. Someone who understood him without saying a word. Someone who finally knew his identity and did not judge him for it. For some reason, he knew that nothing was more important to him than this moment. Nothing could ever come close to the feeling of having you wrapped around him. Nothing could possibly come close to what he felt right now.
Pulling back slightly, he stared deeply into your eyes before meeting your lips with his in a heated kiss. His lips crashed against yours as he deepened the kiss, exploring your mouth with his tongue. Pressing harder against you, he rocked his hips against yours, grinding his cock against your swollen clit. Both of you moaned loudly as he thrust faster and harder, intensifying the feeling that was building up within you.
Grinding his hips against yours even harder, he could feel his balls tightening. He let out a low growl as he slid his hands up and down your thighs, gripping your ass as he rocked into you faster and faster. You moaned into his mouth as he pumped into you harder, hitting that magical spot that sent fireworks shooting through your body.
“Oh fuck.” You whimpered as you arched your back, pressing yourself against him. “Yes, yes, yes. Cum in me, Yunho.”
Gripping your hips, he slammed his hips against yours as his cock exploded into your tight pussy. Warm cum flooded your depths, spilling over his shaft and causing both of you to cry out in pleasure. He stayed motionless within you, letting the pleasure wash over him as he slowly slid his softened cock from your body.
Unable to move or breathe, you laid there, trembling in ecstasy. The aftershocks of the orgasm were still coursing through you when he lifted his head and looked at you.
“Are you okay?” He asked you softly, his voice full of concern.
You smiled weakly. “More than okay.” You answered as you reached up and kissed him softly.
Yunho laughed quietly, kissing you once more before pulling away. Laying next to you, he stroked your hair as you snuggled against him.
“Remind me to thank Hongjoong later.” You said as you ran your fingers through his messy hair. “If he hadn’t convince me to stay and join his party, I would have missed the oppurtunity to meet you.”
Smiling, Yunho closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of you. “We would’ve found each other eventually.” He mumbled as he nuzzled your neck. “We’re pirates that are secretly nobles. How could we not find each other?”
Chuckling, you laid your head on his chest and sighed contentedly. “True.”
Yunho rested his chin on top of your head as you lay next to him. “Can I ask you something?”
You turned your head and looked at him. “Of course.”
He hesitated for a few seconds before continuing. “If somehow my family still had our title and status, would there have been a chance that we would have met? Would things have turned out differently?”
“If you were still Minister Jeong’s son and I was still Minister Yoon’s daughter, there would definitely have been a chance.” You answered honestly. “Who knows, our fathers would probably marry us off to each other.”
A slight smile appeared on Yunho’s lips. “Maybe they would have. Do you think you would have accepted an arranged marriage if it was me?”
You let out a laugh. “Maybe… if I liked you.” You teased him.
“Ah… that might be difficult then.” Yunho laughed. “Because I’m pretty sure I would have ended up trying to win your heart.”
“That’s possible.” You agreed with a nod. “But that’s just wishful thinking. The past is the past. All we can do now is make our future bright.”
“You’re right.” Yunho replied.
“I always am.” You grinned.
Yunho chuckled. “Just promise me one thing.”
“Anything.” You replied immediately.
“If one day, you or I, were to return to face what we left behind… will you return with me?”
Startled, you looked up at him, surprised by his question. Your first instinct was to answer no. After everything that had happened, you wanted to forget about the world of noblemen and their royalty. But looking into Yunho’s soft eyes and sincere expression, you knew that you couldn’t say no to him.
You grasped his hand tightly. “I promise. If we get the chance to return to that life, I’ll return with you.”
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00Q au edit for @ironpe: pre-MI6 relationship
AU where Q and James had a relationship before James was recruited to MI6. After a hasty recruitment, James disappears suddenly, ordered not to contact anyone from his past life, including his lover, the man who would become Q. He's pronounced dead from a botched Naval mission that never happened, and Q goes on to search for him tirelessly for years. Until, one day, they finally meet again, as agent and quartermaster.
After one particularly close call, James decides enough is enough. If he can die at any moment, he'd rather do it without any more regrets adding to the pile. So when he goes to return his equipment, he ignores R completely, marches into Q's office and stands right there, locking the door behind him.
Q's mouth opens, but James beats him to it. "I'm not leaving."
"007," Q sighs. "Unless the world is actively imploding, I have nothing to say to you. Kindly return your equipment to your designated handler."
"Alright, Q, you don't need to talk. I only need you to listen to me."
Q stands up, arms folded. Though his demeanor seems guarded, James notes the excessive blinking and the clench in his jaw. "I don't want to listen to any of your excuses, 007."
"No excuses, Q. I'm here to apologize." James lets out a rumbling breath. He can practically hear the grief and regret rattling in his bones, he's tired. "I shouldn't have left like I did. I've broken rules before, could've easily snuck away to contact you. Truth is, by the time I could, I had so much blood on my hands, I couldn't risk staining you. Every day since I've hated myself for hurting you. I'm sorry."
The moments stretch out between them silently, until it's suffocating. When Q finally does break the silence, it's with a whisper. "I thought you died. I've committed treason several times over, hacking into government records just to find you. I didn't want to accept you were dead."
Q looks up at him for the first time, eyes wet. "I grieved you, James, and to find out that you've been alive this whole time--"
James moves closer, but Q holds his hand up to keep him at bay.
"-- and not only that, but to find out you've moved on." Q swallows thickly. "I know about Vesper, James. Do you know what it says in your file?"
He does.
"You almost retired for her. So I suppose I never mattered enough for you to give all this up."
James sighs, defeated. "What can I do to earn back your trust?"
"I don't know if you can." Q hugs himself tightly. "And if you could, this is not the way to do it. You can't just barge in here and ask for things to go back the way they were! This isn't something you can fix with an apology!"
"I know that. I'm not trying for a quick fix, Q, I'm in this for the long run. Whatever it takes, however long it takes, I want to earn your forgiveness, please."
The last word softens Q, the fight dissipating from his posture. "I'll think about it. For now, put what's left of your kit on the table and fuck off."
James nods once, taking the small leather case from his suit pocket and placing it on the desk. "Thank you, Q."
With that, he leaves.
Q opens the case to reveal a gun, radio and electronic lock pick, all fully intact. Despite his better judgment, his battered heart skips a beat.
203 notes · View notes
forjongseong · 1 year
first mate // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: quartermaster!jay x firstmate!fem!reader
genre: pirates!au, smut (minors dni) // warning: profanity, mentions of death, unprotected sex // wc: ~2.3k
summary: After the passing of the Captain, you had to mourn in your own way. Your ship's Quartermaster, Jay, showed his concern for you, and it tugged your heart in a way that you never thought could happen.
author’s note: you didn't think that I would look at Jay's wet pictures and just leave them be, right? of course I had to make a fic out of it.
my immediate reaction was that the HALF concept pictures were perfect for my fic on my sfw acc, but then I figured I should just leave that fic alone and just write something new. so here it is!
no song inspiration either for this. just a little wordplay towards the end. hope you like it! and do let me know if you prefer longer fics like the archer and his queen, or shorter ones like this and free fall
taglist (please send an ask or DM if you want to be added or removed!) @end-hyphen @hee-pster @maggstar @shinkenprincess-oh @nyanggk @yoursjaeyun @thots4hee @bucketofhiros @dimplejaehyuncutie @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy @rosesbxrry @excusememissiloveyou
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The light of the moon was reflected against the deep blue sea, providing enough for the ship’s crew to see everything that was taking place. The flames on the lit candles were fighting against the soft breeze of the night, and every time a candle was blown off, the Quartermaster stood up to light it again.
“You know that is not your job to do, mate,” Jake said, putting his jug of rum down beside him.
Jay shrugged. “I’m not gonna wait for any of you to do it.”
The other two boys snickered at each other before they continued playing their self-made board game, using peanut shells and actual shells as bets. Heeseung, while waiting for his turn, stretched his neck and spotted a figure leaning over the deck above the captain’s cabin.
“She’s staring at the water again,” Heeseung commented.
Sunghoon and Jake lifted their heads to take a good look before redirecting their focus to the board game. Jay merely sighed after the men resumed playing.
“It’s only been a week since her father’s death,” Jay replied. “She probably needs some time.”
“We do need to vote for a new captain, though,” Sunghoon chimed in. “Given that she has served as First Mate for our late captain for years, I think she’d be fit to lead.”
Jake eyed Jay wearily before looking at Sunghoon. “You really just said that in front of the Quartermaster.”
Jay scoffed and waved his hand. “I’m not looking for a promotion.”
Heeseung cleared his throat. “Well, I think you’d make a great captain too. Which is why we need to vote. The crew is divided at this moment.”
“Maybe you should have a talk with her,” Jake continued. “You know, since you are second in command.”
Jay took a last sip of his ale before wincing and nodding, gulping his drink down. “I’ll do it later.”
After a couple more games and half-drunken conversations, the three men returned to their cabins after helping Jay clean up. Jay then noticed that you were still standing in the same place, but this time closer to the edge. He decided to have the talk with you right then and there.
With light footsteps, he walked up the stairs. As he approached your figure, he called out for you.
“Miss Wood…”
His voice trailed off after he witnessed you jumping off the ship, leaving your shoes and your jacket behind. After the loud splash, Jay blinked twice and had his jaw hanging before he came to his senses. He rushed and peered over, squinting his eyes to look for you.
“Miss Wood!”
He waited for you to emerge out of the water. Five seconds. Ten seconds. Then he lost count and got restless, so he decided to jump after you. He had to adjust his sight to the darkness of the water and the saltwater burned his eyes, but he spotted your white nightgown and immediately swam to you, grabbing you by your waist before swimming upwards to the surface.
“Miss Wood!” Jay coughed, wiping his face with one hand to get a good look at you.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
You yanked Jay’s arm away from your body and steadily floated away from him. Jay looked at you in confusion.
“Miss, I know it’s hard, but there’s so much more to live for. Your crew needs you!”
“Shut up, you idiot! Stop yelling!” You angrily splashed water on Jay’s face before brushing your hair back. “You’re gonna wake up the crew.”
“I-I don’t understand,” Jay began to stutter.
“I just wanted to take a dive to clear my thoughts,” you explained.
“But you were under the water for so long…”
“It was barely a minute! You don’t think I can’t hold my breath for long? Seriously…”
The annoyance in your voice was starting to make Jay uneasy, so he let the water slowly drift him away from you. You looked up at the ship, looking around for your crew.
“I’ll go get someone,” Jay said. “Unless you still want to clear your thoughts?”
You squinted at Jay, and he swore he could hear you growl. He then made a loud whistle as he bit his lower lip, and within seconds, two men were already lowering ropes for you both. After they helped you up to the main deck, you quickly ordered them to go back to their chambers, but Jay felt so bad that he kept tailing you to the captain’s cabin.
“What do you want now, Jay?” You asked as you opened the door without even looking back, sensing his presence.
“I just wanted to make sure you returned to your cabin safely.”
You turned around and looked at Jay, then looked at the main deck which was literally not even fifty steps away. He then realized how stupid he sounded, so he just bowed for no reason before turning around and leaving you. You retreated to the captain’s cabin and began cleaning yourself up.
Moments later, you heard a knock on the door. You had no plans to sleep soon, so you decided to entertain whoever the buffoon was, bothering you so late in the night. When you opened the door, of course, you found Jay standing in front of you.
What you just noticed, though, was how good he looked with his face clean, his hair still half-wet and slicked back, and his sheer clothing that barely hid his chest and biceps.
While you were lost in your thoughts, Jay was thinking the exact same thing. He never noticed how beautiful you looked without all the garments necessary for a pirate. Your hair was let down, and the black nightgown that you changed into was also made of a similar sheer fabric that barely hid your curves. He even thought that the small scar along your right cheekbone was cute.
Cute? That was an adjective Jay never would have thought to use to describe you.
“Since you’re still awake,” Jay broke the silence. You blinked and redirected your gaze to his face. “I think I need to speak to you about our ship’s crew and their roles.”
You knew the conversation was going to take long, so without saying a word you stepped aside as you pulled the door open for Jay, letting him in. When he entered the cabin, he found that it was neat and clean, and it smelled like flowers and incense.
He wondered if that was how you smelled too.
“The crew was wondering when we will hold the vote, Miss Wood,” Jay began, shaking his head as he tried his best to focus.
“You can drop the honorifics,” you said. “It’s not like my father is still around.”
Jay hesitated for a while before he cleared his throat. “Right,” he licked his lips. “Y/N.”
You smirked to yourself as you cleared out the desk and had him sit across from you, and you did not know exactly how it happened, but you ended up having a lengthy and deep conversation with him. It started with him asking more personal questions regarding the captain, and as you answered him you began to open up and started asking him similar questions.
After a while, you reached for your pocket watch to check the time, and when you were putting it back your hand slipped. The pocket watch almost fell to the floor if you did not quickly reach for it out of reflex, but Jay did too, so now his hand was covering yours.
Again, you never noticed how thick his fingers were. Or how veiny his hands were. Or how soft his skin was.
“It’s getting late,” you sighed, pretending to be nonchalant. You stood up and the sleeve of your nightgown slipped off your shoulder. If you did not pull it back up quickly, Jay would have seen more of your chest.
Jay stood up after you and walked slowly behind you, obviously reluctant to leave the room. You sensed that he was dragging his feet, so when you held the door open you stepped only slightly aside to make way for him. While he was passing you, you did not know what came over you, but you reached for his arm and tugged his shirt.
“Jay,” you said, barely a whisper. You could not find the exact words to voice out what was in your head.
Luckily, Jay did not need words for him to understand you.
He reached for the door and pulled it away from you, carefully pushing you to the side just for him to close the door shut. He moved closer until you backed up against the door, and when you felt his hand on your waist your breath hitched.
Jay placed one hand over your head before he leaned in to kiss you, and the way your body reacted to his lips on yours was almost embarrassing. You almost melted to the wooden floor if he wasn’t holding you up, and you brought your hands up to his face to pull him closer.
You whimpered when you felt him place his leg between yours, making it impossible not to grind your crotch against his thigh. His hand that was on your waist slid downwards, bunching up the edge of your nightgown until his skin grazed yours. You continued to kiss him passionately, letting him take the lead as his tongue danced with yours, and once in a while, you would moan softly into his mouth to signal the pleasure that he was clearly giving you.
Jay lifted you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist as he carefully made his way to the center of the cabin. You pulled away from the kiss to look at the bed, and Jay understood immediately. After laying you down on the bed, you quickly pulled your nightgown down to reveal your breasts, and Jay chuckled at your enthusiasm, taking his time as he took off his top and his pants.
As he stood naked in front of you, you did not even realize that you were biting your lip. Your eyes were focused on his crotch, and to save you from the embarrassment of staring too long, he began hovering over you and covering your face with kisses.
“You need to take this off completely so we can be even,” he whispered into your ear.
The tip of your fingers grazed the back of his neck as you leaned in to answer him. “Then you pull it off.”
Jay nestled his face in the crook of your neck and began kissing you there, gradually getting more aggressive until he was sucking and biting your skin. He tugged your nightgown down to your knees and you kicked them away. Immediately after, you spread your legs and pulled his body closer, and you felt the tip of his cock come in contact with your wet slit.
“Fuck,” you breathed, your hands resting on Jay’s shoulders.
“I’ve barely touched you,” Jay snickered.
You let one of your hands travel downwards, grabbing his shaft. He groaned loudly and almost collapsed on top of you, and you giggled at the sudden change of his demeanor.
“Enough teasing,” you purred, stroking his length. “Let’s just fuck.”
You aligned his cock with your entrance, coating the tip with your arousal. Jay’s biceps flexed as he tried to contain his reactions, but when he entered you, you could hear his shaky breath beside your ear. You moaned in pleasure as he bottomed out, bringing your hands back up to his shoulders. You lightly tapped him, and he began grinding his hips at a pace that was not too slow but not exactly fast either. You found it intriguing since you always viewed him as someone rough, but he held you with so much care that you had no choice but to melt in his touch.
With every stroke he made, your body moved with him. Your skin shivered wherever he touched you, and whenever he kissed you, it felt like you were wrapped in a type of warmth you had never felt before. The sounds that left your lips were like music to his ears, and as he increased his speed his hand grasped your thigh, holding your leg in place. You could almost see yourself reaching your high, but he rendered you speechless, and all you could do was frantically scratch his back with every thrust.
Eventually, your hands found their way back to his face and you pulled him into a kiss once you climaxed, softly moaning into his mouth. His thrusts slowed down, but once you stopped whimpering, he began speeding up again. Your eyes began to water from the overstimulation, but after a couple more strokes he pulled out and spilled his seed over your stomach.
Jay collapsed beside you, brushing his hair back with his fingers and wiping the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. You looked at him as he panted, catching his own breath. Once he did, he looked at you and you smiled.
“Not bad,” you commented, hovering over him and straddling him for one second to leave a quick peck on his lips. He reciprocated your kiss and spanked your ass before you hopped off and walked away to retrieve your nightgown.
“So, if the crew end up voting me as the new captain,” you said as you got dressed, “does that mean I get to choose a new first mate?”
Jay shrugged, still lying down on your bed in all his naked glory. “If they choose me, will you still be my first mate?”
You looked at each other in question for a couple of seconds before Jay started laughing. You rolled your eyes and walked away to grab yourself a drink, trying to ignore the fact that what you did tonight with Jay had completely changed the meaning of the words ‘first mate’.
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© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
!!! do not copy, translate, or repost any of my work to any other platform.
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pommedepersephone · 3 months
Report to the Quartermaster on MI6 employee social media accounts
Rin Rigg is online
R: Hey Q, you asked me to keep an eye on everyone’s social media accounts, so here is this week’s batch! M has an officially sanctioned Facebook account which is purposely bland and mostly composed of pictures of his grizzled old sausage dog, Pickles.
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Q: That is… adorable? No, wait. Please forget I ever called Mallory adorable.
R: Moneypenny loves Pinterest, because of course she does. Her boards are VERY aesthetic and filled with shoes, bags, and surprisingly a good number of DIY furniture refurbishment projects. Also, she has a wonderful collection of fashion exhibits.
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Q: I didn't even realize there were that many fashion museums in the world, let alone the UK.
R: Tanner has somehow been dealt the short straw of keeping up a presence on The Platform Formerly Known As Twitter and does a good job of sharing relevant public service announcements and the like.
Q: Always was a reliable, affable sort of chap, so it is rather his fault he is stuck trying to make us all look respectable... He has a lot of sunrise shots?
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R: Oh yeah, that is his thing. The only extra info he asks for in his mission briefings is the best place to see the sunrise.
Q: So wholesome. Makes me want to say drink.
R: 004 is on Tik-Tok. She appears to love dance videos. Also follows a number of history accounts. And she does, um, cosplay... Very, um, sexy cosplay...
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Q: She sews these? Do you think we can convince her to work in Textiles after she retires?
R: You really are quite gay.
Q: Quite.
R: Alright, last one. Remember I asked if we should track retired staff accounts? 007 maintains a surprisingly robust Flickr, an account that goes back over a decade. It is am impressive travelog! A Shinto shrine glowing in the late afternoon sun. A spread of colorful spices at a market. Rolling lavender fields and blooming cacti and bits of mosaic work.
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Q: ...
Q: Not surprising. You remember that human peacock's wardrobe. He always had a skilled eye for color and composition.
R: Oh the last few months are a lot of really artful shots of this lovely blond woman.
Q: ...
Q: ...
Q is offline.
R: Q? Q are you still there..?
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oddzo · 5 months
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What's this? A mini comic?
@brewingcoffi I'll get to the second part of your comment later, that one feels more like a full piece plus another mini comic so it'll definitely take some time.
Quartermaster and Ford are talking about the multiverse and their experiences with the unnatural. Both are most certainly leaving out big pieces of personal information while doing so.
Stan is weary about Harrison due to his likeness to Bill Cipher, but not outright hostile. He is also a lot more subtle than the rest of his family about his mistrust when actually interacting with Harrison. (Harrison can't hear what they're saying in this btw)
I'll have to draw a "first meeting" thing later, gotta decide if I want to do one big one or a few separate ones that focus more on each character.
The way I'm doing this au so far is just bits and pieces all over the timeline. I might do a full linear comic at some later point in time but this is a lot more fun haha (gotta chase the happy chemicals)
Speaking of timelines, this au takes place in the first summer of Camp Camp (so no season 5) and a year after Gravity Falls so Dipper and Mabel are 13, almost 14. The Pines probably come in sometime after season one of Camp Camp? I need to rewatch both shows and take notes to be sure on the exact timeline.
Oh, also my friend wanted me to mention that I draw all my things on my phone? And that I sometimes draw on my laptop with a mouse on Animal Jam (haven't posted any of that on here tho). They think it's insane that I do that and that I only somewhat recently switched to using a pen instead of my finger. It is a lot easier and quicker with a pen tbh
Anyways, feel free to comment or use the ask box! Not everything will result in an art response but I'm always happy to talk more about this silly little crossover :]
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edwardantes · 4 months
From a Land Beyond
It was with rotten luck that newly made Captain Connor Lok'yn...was in want of a ship. That mutinous bastard Sebastian had turned the crew against him, far too easily, he might add, and pitched him overboard. Within sight of land, it goes without saying, but it was still a damn long way down, and he still ached from the plummet and the turmoil of the sea beside.
Cursing whatever fates devised such a descent for him, his wit and cunning had afforded the young 'would-be-again' Captain the opportunity to...borrow, let's say borrow, a sloop.
Whatever the fuck a sloop was.
God's of Sea and Spray, the thing was ancient. Looked to run off solar power. Who even *used* solar power anymore?
"What...what is your heading...Sir?" The second mate quivered out, as Connor had rapidly dispatched the First Mate. Let them try to catch him with *that* trick twice!
"To the skies, damn you!" Connor roared. "And be quick about it! I can't get my bearings from down here." 
"To the...what, Sir?" 
Growling, he leaned over the side and realized...this damn tub didn't have any engines! 
What kind of vessel didn't have *engines*? 
"You there!" He pointed at a shivering crewman. 
"Sir?" He attempted a sloppy salute. 
"How..." He swallowed and attempted to wrangle his bravado back in place, "how does this vessel operate?" 
The crewman shared a look with the man Connor had, correctly, identified as the Quartermast, and gulped.
Within the next horror, it sunk in with alarming speed and horror, that for lack of a better word, Connor...
Was grounded.
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fanaticsnail · 1 year
To the ends of the earth
I am so sorry, I let the words run away with me again. I had no idea how much I had in me for this plot until it sprung onto the page.
Word Count: 6.814 (Again, I apologize but I truly couldn't resist!).
This is angsty, and I am sorry. This is my first time writing for Koby, at the request of @bonedaddi3. (I hope you and your friend enjoy!)
If you enjoy my writing, please let me know. It really encourages me to continue honing in on my little hobby.
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As the sails lay rustling in the breeze directing the large, sea-worn ship into Shells Town. You closed your eyes and relished in the scent of the salt-riddled water engulfing your senses. Seagulls shrieked above, directing your attention to the beams supporting the crows nest. You squinted your eyes and smiled at the sight as you continued to bring the vessel into harbour.
“Lieutenant!” you heard Vice Admiral Garp call, addressing you by your formal title. You snapped your head towards the direction of his voice and stood to attention as he briskly made his presence known to you.
“Sir!” you sharply responded from your place adjacent to the helm, saluting to welcome him to the deck.
“At ease,” he directed you while raising his right hand and nodding his head. You responded by separating your legs and releasing the hold of your firm posture, pulling your hands behind your back and resting them with interlocked fists. You trailed your eyes over your Vice-Admiral before looking behind him to acknowledge commissioned Officer Bogard, nodding to him.
“We’re going aboard shortly,” Garp said, bringing your attention back to fall before him, “as you had been informed yesterday evening, things have been slipping here for some time.”
You nodded at him as he continued to instruct you in your duties.
“As discussed, I am relieving the Captain of his title and issuing a formal reprimand for his behaviour,” Garp added, looking to the approaching shore, “I may even string him up in the stock-yard for losing the map to the grand line.”
You noticed a small smirk appear on Bogard’s face at the thought of knocking Captain Morgan down a few paces.
“I’ll be leaving my ship in your command, Bogard will join me in Shells Town,” he added, nodding to the man behind him. You accepted his orders with curt, “yes, Sir.”
“From what I’ve gathered, he’s got a volley of cadets in dire need of training,” he smirked slightly, his eyes twinkling in thought, “I’ll be bringing them aboard for you to train.”
You smiled at the new command broadly. Your current title of lieutenant was thrust upon you at a hastened pace; as your renowned battle-ready and iron-clad will were the topic of many dinner conversations with the higher-up military generals. This was part of the reason why Vice-Admiral Garp requested you personally to join him on this particular voyage. Your military expertise at running drills until your underlings either passed out from exhaustion, threw up the contents of their stomachs or withdrew their applications from the Marines in service would break in the most successful cadets Garp had seen.
“Yes, sir,” you responded, prompting him to smile and turned on his way towards the dock where you steered the ship to make port.
Vice-Admiral Garp and Bogard exited the ship, leaving you with a bare-bones crew to continue to maintain the vessel against the port. You sent off your Boatswain to collect enough ingredients for the chef to prepare rations for the new recruits, leaving you to your duties as Quartermaster.
You maintained an air of formality while instructing your crew to create enough crew-quarters for the new arrivals as they were brought aboard.
After several hours of preparation, the Vice-Admiral and his Brigadier returned aboard the vessel with twenty fresh-faced recruits trailing behind them. In acknowledgment to Garp’s arrival, you marched down the steps atop the deck to welcome your leader to his ship.
“Vice-Admiral,” you stood to attention as you did hours prior., saluting him in respect.
“At ease, Lieutenant,” he responded with a curt nod. He used his beard-whiskered chin to nod for you to follow him away from the new recruits with Bogard following along silently.
“Quite the array you’ve managed to claim, Vice-Admiral,” you acknowledged the troops with a downward nod, prompting Garp to follow your gaze.
“That I have,” he agreed with you with a slight, downturned smile, “I can’t wait to see what you’ll mould them into.”
You smirked at his compliment before asking him, “how did the formal reprimand go with Captain Morgan?”
“As well as you could expect,” he chuckled, “I’ve instructed the newly branded Captain to leave him tied in the stocks for a week or so.”
You hummed in response, turning again to look at the cadets as they climbed aboard your ship. Your attention was immediately drawn to a small cadet with circular broad-rimmed glasses who was slightly drowning in his oversized uniform. You quirked your brow at him slightly, prompting Garp to follow your gaze.
“Ah, that one,” he acknowledged, prompting you to return your sights to your superior officer, “he’s the newest recruit.”
You nodded in response before furrowing your brows.
“And you are certain you desire me to train this troop exactly as I would back at base?” you asked him before looking over the young recruits. Vice-Admiral Garp paused for a moment before leaning in close to your ear and issuing one final command.
“Break them,” he voiced above a whisper and clapped his left hand atop your left shoulder before turning back to address the cadets.
“Cadets, you had better prove yourselves if you are to sail under me!” he ordered in a booming voice, “the pirates who attacked Shells Town have a head start, but once I sink my teeth in; I won’t let go.”
You turned your head slightly to the right to release a sharp crack from the joint at the nape of your neck.
“Am I understood, Marines?” Garp barked.
You joined the ship-wide singular voice responding to his question, a loud: “Yes, Sir!”
He smiled at his crew before gesturing to you to step forward to begin an introduction.
“This is my Lieutenant,” he boomed as you stepped forward into view. You held a determined look adorning your features as you assessed the twenty young members of crew.
“She is under my direct instruction to train you and rid you of any inadequacies you had learnt under the former Captain Morgan,” he continued sharply, “she has my sanction to use any means necessary to break you in, understood?”
“Yes, sir!” echoed throughout the deck as the cadets began to bring their attention to you. You rolled your shoulders back began issuing your first commands.
“Fall in, recruits,” you sharply ordered, prompting five rows of four cadets per row. You wove between them, sharply assessing each of them as they stood. You noticed several cadets had their cravats slightly skewed, prompting you to reach up and firmly readjust them with your hands. Stalking their forms and trailing your merciless gaze over them, not uttering a single word as you began your trial of intimidation. You flicked a loose button on the vest of a cadet with your index finger, prompting them to trail your gaze to your administration.
“Repair that,” you ordered under your breath.
“Yes, Ma’am,” they responded sharply, holding their gaze ahead. You continued your stalking assessment through the final two rows, noticing two mismatched individuals at the head: the smaller cadet with glasses and a tall blonde with a ridiculous hair cut and what appears to be a fresh blackened eye.
You focussed your gaze on the smaller of the two, looking him over as you assessed his presentation.
“You need a new uniform,” you commented in a monotonous voice, “this one is far too large.”
“I-it was all they had, Ma’am,” he quietly managed to stutter out while not making eye contact. You noticed the tall blonde snicker at the comment made by the cadet you formerly addressed and snapped your gaze over towards him.
“Something amusing, cadet?” you sharply asked him, prompting a small smirk to disappear at the corner of his mouth. He looked at your sharpened gaze, eyes wide at your immediate attention.
“No, Ma’am,” he responded quickly in a hushed tone.
“What was that, cadet?” you asked him with hard direction, narrowing your eyes and sizing him up.
“No, Ma’am!” he responded withholding no hesitation in his voice.
“Disrespect your fellow cadet again with something as atrocious as a snicker, and you will be dealing with more than just a black eye, understood?” you threatened him, prompting him to again reissue a resounding: “Yes, Ma’am!”
You returned your attention back to the pink-haired recruit with a sinister gaze. He continued to stair ahead, a slight quiver from his shoulders did not escape your attention.
“What’s your name, Marine?” you asked him, bluntly.
“Koby, Ma’am,” he responded in a quiet tone.
“When I give you an order, you respond with ‘Yes Ma’am’, understood?” you reiterated.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he responded quietly, fixing his gaze at the floor and quiver slightly under your direction.
“Eyes forward, Koby!” you barked at him, prompting him to jolt his shoulders slightly before bringing his gaze up to meet your unrelenting aura of authority.
“Cadets, what are we?” you barked.
“Marines, Ma’am!” you heard them respond in unison.
You nodded your head and began to pace the front of the five rows silently before beginning a small monologue.
“We are Marines,” you confirmed, pacing the rows and staring out into the open sea with slight pause.
“I have been instructed to break you,” you continued, again pacing the five rows, “and believe me when I tell you, I will.”
Several cadets appeared to be slightly rattled at your threat, but continued to fix their gaze ahead.
“There will be pain,” you said, stopping in front of the right-most front facing cadet, “there will be sweat and blood pulled from places you never thought you could sweat and bleed from,” you said, continuing to stop in front of the leaders of the lines.
“And you will take every inch of training I bestow upon you until you feel yourself break under my authority, is that understood?” you directed at them in a firm voice.
“Yes, Ma’am,” they responded, keeping their eyes fixed on the horizon line before you.
“I do not care who you are or where you’ve come from,” you halted in front of the blonde who snickered moments prior before moving on to the circular glasses-clad cadet in front of you, “you are mine.”
You saw his Adams-apple visibly bob as an indication of him swallowing a wad of collected saliva behind his lips. His eyes flittered between your hardened gaze, before triangulating down to rest his sights momentarily on your lips before hastily returning them to your eyes.
“Do I make myself clear, cadets?” you fixed your gaze, baring directly into his eyes.
“Yes, Ma’am!” their confirmation resounded in unison, but your sights were continued to be fixed on the small cadet in front of you.
“Good,” you said with a small smirk and an arch of your brow. Up closer to the small cadet, you accidentally assessed his features. Your attention was brought to the semi-frightened intensity displayed freely from his blue irises before your eyes flickered down to rest slightly on his supple, parted lips before you hastily returned your gaze to his eyes once more.
“Boatswain!” you called suddenly to your coworker.
“Yes, Lieutenant!” he responded, stepping forward with a salute.
“Assign the the cadets their chores,” you ordered, turning to face your boatswain, “I will be watching them very closely.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he responded with a salute. You nodded your acknowledgement at your coworker before returning to your cadets.
“Dismissed!” you said, prompting the twenty newcomers to fall in line to receive their orders from the boatswain. You remained stationary as your eyes trailed the cadets as they eagerly scurried to receive their orders from the boatswain, paying particularly close attention to the smaller, pink-haired individual you intimidated moments prior.
You watched him as he, even before receiving instruction from the boatswain, began checking the rigging for faulty knots, moving any hazards from the pathway between the arched corridors of the large vessel. You narrowed your eyes in thought, almost not hearing the approaching footprints of your Vice-Admiral.
“Nicely executed, Lieutenant,” Garp complimented you, prompting you to angle your body towards his without breaking your gaze from the small recruit; nodding to him in gratitude. Garp followed your gaze to the small recruit and arched his brow before bringing his sights back to your form.
“Impressed already?” he asked you, prompting you to tear your sights from watching Koby successfully undo a slipknot you had purposefully rigged and retied it skilfully before he turned to receive his orders from your boatswain.
“The cadet, Koby,” you began, looking slightly behind Garp to address Bogard, “who is he?”
Garp let out a small chuckle at your question.
“He was travelling among the Alvida pirates as their prisoner until arriving in town with the leader of the Strawhat pirates,” Bogard informed you monotonously.
“A pirate prisoner?” you asked him with your eyes slightly widened.
“I thought you said you didn’t care who they were or where they came from,” Garp taunted you slightly, prompting you to bring your attention back to him, “do not relent your training on his accord.”
“Yes, sir,” you responded with a curt nod, “may I be dismissed so I may supervise the cadets, sir?”
“You are dismissed,” he nodded at you, prompting you to salute and turn on the balls of your feet to supervise the newest members of your vessel.
“I was initially hesitant at your request to bring her along,” Bogard addressed the Vice-Admiral and stepping beside him, “she seemed far to young to undertake this task, but after that little display; it’s safe to say I’m impressed.”
“I wouldn’t let her youthfulness dissuade your confidence, Bogard. I’ve seen the marines she trained, and her results speak for themselves,” he confirmed with his underling, which prompted him to nod in response.
Over the course of several months, the marines would only eat when you allowed them to eat; slept when you permitted them to sleep and you trained them in combat until exhaustion would overcome their bodies. You taught them to maintain their uniforms to an appropriate standard; teaching them to maintain their stitches and polish their brass buttons with ample discipline. You continued to monitor the progress of Koby as he quickly rose to become one of the best cadets this particular allotment produced. It also did not escape your notice that he hastily became the starred protégé of Vice-Admiral Garp, who called him into his office for intellectual challenges.
One evening, Bogard came to fetch you while you were leading a particularly heavy cardio and combat-intensive training exercise for the recruits.
“I know you can give me more than that, cadets!” you taunted them with a smirk, prompting them to make their movements harder, sweat dripping from their faces at your command. Koby flicked his eyes over to you while panting hard through partially open lips at the drill you were instructing him. His face was flushed partially from the over-excursion of the drill and the fact that you were focussing your eye contact with him as you continued to taunt them.
“This is the final stretch, cadets,” you called to them, stepping closer to Koby as he continued to push himself at your command, “make me proud.”
Koby wanted nothing more than to push himself beyond the point of exhaustion to satiate your desire for absolute excellence. He adhered to your taunt and strenuously pushed his body to complete the spirited task you had appointed all of the cadets. You smiled in response at him with slightly surprised eyes before turning your attention to another recruit. Although your eyes no longer focussed solely on him, he continued to push and push, tasting the familiar metallic twinge of blood over his tongue as he exhausted his body for you.
“Lieutenant, the Vice-Admiral requests you join him in his office immediately,” Bogard interrupted your instruction to inform you. You growled slightly at the interruption, but relented.
“Alright, Marines,” you addressed your cadets, “that will be all for today. Cool down your bodies so they don’t seize up. Focus on your arms first, they’ll need it most.”
A collective, resounding sigh of relief could be heard passing through the lips of the marines, after acknowledging your instruction with a: “Yes, Ma’am”.
This prompted you to laugh slightly in response to their relief. Over the past few months, you successfully broke the young recruits in and eased up on your hardened exterior; forming friendships with several of the newcomers. Although you continued to hold an air of authority over the troop and never engage in inappropriate conversations with them; you were closer in age to this lot than any you had trained prior, and it showed.
Garp would often watch you engage with the recruits and smile at how organic you were with this collection. After he requested your attendance on his vessel, he grew very fond of you and the rapport you engaged with him.
“Don’t be too relieved,” you said with a small smirk, “I will be pairing you up in size and skill tomorrow and lead you in sparring against one another. You are not to hold back, only stopping once your opponent is either unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. Is that understood, cadets?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” the cadets responded in unison.
“Dismissed, then,” you said to them with a small salute and a warm smile, “I’ll see you all at dinner.”
You turned to bring your attention to Bogard and grinned at him before stepping forward to greet him. You walked in step with one another towards the office of your Vice-Admiral, blissfully unaware of the eyes baring into your retreating form.
“Alright, out with it,” Helmeppo prodded his fellow cadet with a roll of his eyes, “What is it, Koby?”
He noticed Koby’s eyes were continuing to focus on the lieutenant as you finally fell out of sight beside Bogard.
“N-nothing, Helmeppo,” he responded, turning back around and readjusting his uniform to be as pristine as he could make it.
“Are you sure it’s not the fact you have a little crush on our commanding officer?” he teased him slightly with a nudge from his shoulder to Koby’s. Koby’s eyes widened and his face immediately flushed a warm pink tone.
“I don’t have a-,” he stuttered slightly, “-a crush on the Lieutenant.”
Helmeppo smirked broadly and felt as if he finally had a leg up on Koby. Although he had the history and knowledge of someone who grew up on a marine base under the command of his father; he did not foster favour with any of the authorities on this vessel. He needed to use this to his advantage somehow, hoping sharing this moment with Koby would grant him favour with at least one of the commanding officers.
“Oh yes you do,” Helmeppo reiterated, “I’ve seen the way your beady little eyes trail her when she’s ordering us around. I know you push yourself hard to impress her in physical training, even though you absolutely suck at it.”
Koby gulped the saliva he collected in his mouth and nervously flickered his tongue out to dampen his lower lip. Helmeppo widened his sinister smile at the reaction he managed to bring from Koby at his sudden taunt.
“The sooner you come to terms with it, the sooner you can do something about it,” he advised off-handedly. Koby didn’t grace Helmeppo with a response, choosing to kneel down and undo and retie his shoelaces.
You made your way throughout the hall to meet with your Vice-Admiral, knocking lightly on the doorframe to alert Garp to your presence.
“Enter, Lieutenant,” Garp called to you, prompting you to open the door. You pushed on the frame to reveal your boss seated at his desk.
“Sir,” you addressed him, clicking your heals and offering a salute, “you asked to see me?”
“That I did, Lieutenant,” he responded, “at ease.”
You widened your stance and laced your hands behind your back at his direction. He reached down to a draw beneath his desk and retrieved a bottle of rum and twin crystal short-glasses. You knit your brows together at his movements, prompting him to smile.
“Come and sit,” he gestured to the chair in front of him. You nodded your head and made to walk over to the chair before him. You pulled it out and took a seat, keeping an alert posture as you watched him pour the liquid into the glasses.
“You have done a more than excellent job in training the recruits,” he said, placing one of the glasses in front of you, “they have made me proud.”
“Thank you, sir,” you said, accepting the glass he placed before you.
“They are a direct reflection on you,” he continued, “which means you, in turn, have made me proud.”
You smiled slightly at his comment, before adding another; “thank you, sir.”
He smiled, clicking the side of his glass against your own and raising it to his lips and taking a small sip. You followed his example and brought the liquid to your lips and taking a sip, savouring the smoky and burning liquid on your tongue before swallowing it.
You both sat in comfortable silence as you sipped at your rum.
“What do you make of the cadet, Koby?” he asked you with a small twinkle in his eyes.
You searched your mind for an adequate response, thinking only of words of absolute praise. You can admit to only yourself that you harboured more than the feelings of comradery for the cadet, but you would never express those to a commanding officer.
“I was taken with him immediately, as you recall,” you said, nodding your chin to the Vice-Admiral.
“Yes I do remember that,” he confirmed, bringing the glass again to his lips.
“His strength has improved,” you added, “he pushes himself further in physical training than any of the others, although they all give me their strength. He’s determined, experienced in sea bearing activities and eager to learn.”
“That he is,” Garp smiled into his glass.
You finished your glasses and reflected on the various months of strenuous training you had provided to break in the cadets for several more minutes before Garp dismissed you to retire for the evening meal.
“There looks like there’s a storm brewing,” Garp said, gesturing out his window towards the grey clouds eclipsing the once clear sky, “go get some dinner before making sure everything is fastened to brace for some choppy waves.”
“Yes, sir,” you said as he dismissed you.
You walked down the corridor of the large ship towards the dining quarters. The waves began to pick up, clashing against the wooden frame of the ship and rocking you slightly as you walked down the hall. You held onto the side of the ship to brace yourself against the hull, steadying your movement over as another choppy wave flung itself against the ship. After pausing, you continued to make your way towards the dining hall. Turning one final corner, another large wave seemingly threw you from your feet. You attempted to brace your body, in the process colliding your form directly into the chest of the circular glass-wearing, pink-haired cadet.
“Apologies, Lieutenant,” he said, stepping back from your close proximity and saluting to you to the best of his abilities. You smiled warmly at the cadet.
“At ease, Koby,” you chuckled slightly at his immediate reaction, “it was my fault. I was miles away and these waves don’t help either.”
He released a nervous chuckle from between his lips and smiled at you. You collected yourself and used his arms to steady yourself and rode out the final reverberations of the wave as it quietened.
“I don’t think I have ever expressed this to you before,” you began, bringing his blue irises to rest on your own, “I’m truly proud of you. You’ve come so far and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching you flourish under my instruction.”
He gasped slightly at the affirming words you were bestowing onto him. You released his forearms from your grip with a light chuckle, nodding to him in thanks for allowing you to brace yourself against him.
“Thank you, lieutenant,” he said with a warm smile, eyes shining brightly at your compliment. You smiled warmly at him as you watched him beam in the ambiance of the compliment.
“I-I can honestly say,” he stuttered with a smile, “I have enjoyed having you break me. I-I’d do anything for you.”
He froze after speaking those words, his smile dropped and a tinge of red overcame his features. You widened your eyes at his confession.
“I didn’t mean it l-like that,” he spluttered out his words hurriedly, “I mean, I would follow your commands. I would do anything to continue to make you proud-.”
You creased your brows with a small smile as you watched the cadet continue to use a hypothetical shovel to dig a deeper hole for himself, choosing to remain silent; giving him all the time he needs to find the correct words he wished to express toward you.
“-The marines, Ma’am!” he continued to correct himself, “-to make the marine’s proud. I would follow you to the ends of the earth to make the marines proud.”
You broadened your smile at him, enjoying watching him squirm slightly while falling over his words. As he continued to depict his affections for you, and you refused to smother the growing feeling of affection rising in your chest for the pink-haired cadet. As he continued to spur words of adoration for you, the well seemingly erupted as your body tingled with an almost giddiness you had not experienced prior.
“I just-,” he halted his words, “I just want you to know how much you mean to me-.”
You giggled slightly at his words. The waves began to swell again and clash against the wooden ship once more, your bodies both swaying slightly as you rode through them together, interlocking your knees to steady yourselves against the impact.
“-to all of the cadets, Ma’am,” he furrowed his brows and avoided your eye contact by looking all throughout the empty hall; focussing on anything other than your gaze. The waves began to dissipate once more, allowing you to steady yourselves. Koby continued to blink sporadically around the cabin and avoid your gaze in an attempt to stifle his flushed emotions.
You reached up with your left hand and placed it on his right shoulder, immediately bringing his rose-tinged attention to fixate on your face. He gazed into your eyes, triangulating down to your lips and holding his attention there slightly as he did the first day he met you before bringing his blue orbs back up to your knowing eyes.
This was not the first time a subordinate had developed feelings of affection towards you, especially as you trained them over the course of several months. It was, however, the first time you felt yourself reciprocate the affections of a crewman; and a cadet at that.
“It’s ok, Koby,” you reassured him with a fond smile, quirking your head to the side in amusement. You allowed a momentary softness in your formal demeaner as you gazed into the affectionate, timid eyes of the pink-haired cadet. He flittered his sights to the placement of your hand against his shoulder, feeling the warmth you offered so freely to him before looking back to your face.
He switched, flittering his eyes between focussing on one of your irises before swapping to the other nervously.
The waves again began to swell aboard the vessel, prompting you to release the cadet from your grip and look to your surroundings to ensure the rigging to be completely secure in the lower decks. He followed your gaze slightly, focussing on the rattling chains adorning the walls as they shook in sync with the waves.
“Lieutenant?” he asked you suddenly.
Your face adorned a slight amount of unease at the large swell of the waves breaking against the hull of the ship. You reached again to Koby’s shoulder and brought his body against yours while you both braced for the swelling impact of the approaching tidal waves. You frowned in determination and fixed your sights to the stairs leading to the upper deck. You saw water begin to flow down the steps and enter into the lower decks, indicating an object not correctly fastened above the chambers below.
“Stay below decks, Koby,” you commented before releasing your grip from his shoulder for the third time since you interacted with him.
“Ma’am?” he asked you, focussing on fixating his gaze following your own.
“Cadet, I need to go and secure the loose object above decks,” you said, turning to look directly in his eyes, “stay below deck and stay safe,” you emphasized your final instruction.
You began to brace yourself against the walls as you were thrust into them from the swelling waves brought onto you. You wiped stray hairs falling into your face that became damp with offensive seawater away from your vision and pulled your body above deck by the ropes adorning the walls.
While maintaining a blissful ignorance to your surroundings, you were unaware that the cadet you instructed moments prior to remain secure within crew quarters disregarded your orders and followed closely behind you.
As you brought yourself above the deck, you noticed several weighted cannons had become loose at their rigging, prompting you to spring into action to resecure them in place. Squeezing your eyes shut between sprays of sour seawater as they splashed onto your face, you paid them no mind as you continued to make safe the cannons by securing them with complex knots.
While securing the last cannon in place, you felt the true weight of the object as it barrelled into you, successfully trapping you between the polished wooden frame of the ship. Freshwater sprayed onto your face as the clouds above swelled the substance over your face, combining the with the prior saltwater from the swells to successfully shield your vision from any approaching figureheads.
The surrounding bellowing clashes of thunderous clouds combining with the swelled waves provided no response from your struggle against the weight of the final cannon. You felt yourself begin to panic slightly under the weight of the cylindrical object as it pressed you against the side of the deck.
You witnessed a large wave begin to swell, your eyes widening at the sheer size of it. Before you could utter a sound of plea for rescue, you noticed a truss of candy-pink damp hair field your vision. You felt the cadet audibly strain against the weight of the cannon, utilising all of his strength to pull the object from its hold on your body.
“Koby, what are you doing here?!” you barked at him in surprise, “I ordered you to remain below deck!”
“With all due respect, lieutenant,” he said while grunting, pulling the cannon from your body by issuing all of his strength, “you can’t do everything alone.”
You nodded at him, still with a frown adorning your features as you both utilised the reserves of your strength to pry the weapon from crushing your body.
You managed to feel the cannon pull away from your body, meeting each other’s gaze with a laugh of relief. The relief, however, was short lived as the large swelling wave thrust itself against the stern of the ship and managed to sweep you from your feet and carry you overboard into the dangerous waters.
“Man overboard! Lieutenant overboard!” reverberated in your ears as you felt yourself be pulled beneath the surface, your senses becoming overwhelmed with the pressure of the water below. Although you were a confident swimmer, you felt yourself continually be pulled beneath the surface of the water; unable to claim a breath of air to sustain your lungs. As your vision began to spot with darkened circles, you saw a small object join you beneath the surface of the water; an arm claiming your body and bring you to rise to the surface. Your vision became clouded and you found yourself succumbed to the darkness the water had desired to bestow before you.
Before your body could comprehend what was happening to it, you found yourself suddenly thrown back against a hard surface. You had no idea if you were dead or merely unconscious for some time. All you were alerted to was a pair of soft lips against your own as you felt air enter your lungs as water sprayed onto your face.
“Breathe, lieutenant!” you heard orders being thrust onto you, “please breathe!”
You coughed slightly, ridding your lungs of the toxic seawater. You rolled onto your side as you continued spluttering up the liquid consumed by the chasms within your chest. You heard a sigh of relief from the form above you while you gasped for breath and continued your coughing.
After you inhaled a burning breath into your chest, you rolled onto your back as you felt the waves subside. You watched a small eye in the clouds above begin to form, flowing beams of warm rays from the sun onto your skin as you continued to inhale the air surrounding your body. You shut your eyes and focussed on deeply inhaling life-sustaining oxygen before reopening your eyes and focussing on the cadet kneeling in front of your reclined form.
You narrowed your eyes, noticing the pink-haired cadet no longer supported his spectacles on his face and his uniform was incredibly damp.
“Koby?” you breathlessly asked him, confirming the individual was exactly who they presented themselves to be. You searched his eyes for security, noticing his waterline was slightly red.
“Lieutenant,” he gasped, eyes wide and an air of anxiety pronounced over his features.
“You disobeyed a direct order,” you reprimanded him sternly, bringing your elbows up below your torso to rise your chest from its reclined position below you, “why did you disobey my direct order?”
He immediately bowed his head before you in apologies, bringing your attention to a slight sniff from his nose as his shoulders began to shake slightly.
“Because I couldn’t let you go,” he murmured while maintaining his concentration on the wood below you, refusing to bring his sights to gaze upon your own.
You brought your fingertips to your mouth and traced the outline of your parted lips. You noticed a slight swell beneath your fingertips, indicating a pressure had been applied to your body.
“I was down, wasn’t I?” you asked him, eyes widened in shock.
“Yes, Ma’am,” you heard him confirm in a low tone above a whisper.
“How long was I down?” you asked him, releasing your lips from beneath your fingertips.
“Twelve minutes, Ma’am,” he uttered, continuing to keep his head bowed to you. You coughed slightly before lifting your body into a seated position, feeling the weight of your lungs that you believed to be priorly weighed down with seawater.
You gazed to Koby’s form, noticing his bent knuckles as he grasped the polished wooden floors beneath his fingers, his face shrouded by his candy-floss pink hair. He appeared to be trembling slightly at the shoulders, whether it be from the cold water dampening his clothes or from the adrenaline spiking his senses as he brought you back above deck; you were unsure.
“Koby,” you whispered, bringing your hand to his chin, claiming it between your fingers. He stifled his shuddering slightly, his shoulders solidifying at your sudden touch. You lifted his gaze to meet your own, noticing tears had began to well at his glazed-over eyes.
“Why did you dive in for me? The sea could’ve claimed you, too,” you said, releasing his chin from your grip and tracing them gently against the line of his jaw, prompting him to inhale sharply and shut his eyes, leaning into your caress.
“I told you, lieutenant,” he whispered into your palm before reopening his eyes and looking beneath his long eyelashes and baring his blue orbs into your own, “I would follow you to the ends of the earth.”
You upturned your brows at him and offered him a half-smile at the corner of your lips. He looked away from you, turning to the righthand side of the deck.
“Koby-,” you began with a deep sigh, releasing his jaw and cheek from your caress.
“-and I know it’s inappropriate, lieutenant,” he interrupted you with a slight sigh, “but I couldn’t leave you. I-,”
He paused, bringing his gaze back to yours before again declaring; “-I-I love you.”
You felt the air hypothetically this time flee from your chest at his sudden declaration.
“A-and I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way-,” he began, halting his words only at your sudden outburst of adoration. You claimed his shoulders in a warm embrace, holding him against your torso and smoothing over his back.
“Koby,” you again whispered into him, bringing your cheek flush against the side of his pink hair.
“Ma’am,” he responded in a breathily whimper. You released his shoulders from your embrace before bringing your forehead to rest against his own, your eyes closed. You inhaled through your nose, breathing in any anxiety he continued to hold, feeling the waves of his unease dissipate with each passing moment.
You felt him snake his arms around your waist and bring you closer against his body, continuing to press his forehead against your own for as long as you would permit him to do so. You opened your eyes and brought your forehead away from his own, keeping only a few centimetres between you.
“I owe you my life,” you whispered into his face with a warm smile, “and I am willing to spend each moment of the rest of the life I could’ve lost just now to show you just how much love I truly have for you.”
You heard him inhale sharply first before you witnessed how wide his beautiful blue eyes were, beginning to brim slightly at your declaration. You giggled slightly at his reaction, scrunching your nose; teasing him slightly.
“Does that mean I can kiss you?” he innocently asked you in a hurried voice, prompting you to giggle in response.
“Koby,” you half laugh-sighed deeply before hooking your elbow behind his neck and suddenly bringing his face flush with your own. You leant your lips into his and pressed a deep kiss upon him, filled with the adoration you truly held for him. You were apprehensive to express yourself further to deepen the kiss than what he was comfortable with, noting his anxiety in your prior interactions.
His enthusiasm was quickly expressed through his administrations, bringing both of his hands to your lower ribs as he pulled your torso against his own with a small whimper falling between his lips. You smiled into the kiss and gasped into his lips as you unhooked your elbow from behind his neck and opted to cradle his cheeks within your palms. You could feel his body begin to shake with all of the emotion he was holding back, prompting you to respond empathetically as you continued to hold him against.
Koby nearly lost you; not only his superior officer who had trained him so vigorously in his quest to achieve his dream of becoming an elite marine, but the woman he came to truly love. He administered chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth to your unresponsive body for twelve whole minutes before you sucked in a shaky breath and ridded your body from the salt-water your lungs had filled beyond capacity. He cried for you, willing every fibre of his being to bring you back from the brink of death to be at his side.
You felt warm tears freely spill down his cheeks as he continued to press his lips against your own, exchanging angles to deepen your kiss between gasped breaths.
You broke from his lips only to bring your thumbs up to his cheeks and soothe over the free-falling tears he released from his eyes as he was overcome with a tirade of intense emotions. You opted not to speak, but continue to administer a gentle touch over his skin as his body trembled. You kissed his cheeks softly as he whimpered into your touch, bringing his hands to your wrists and gently holding them against his face as he continued to enjoy your touch.
Masterlist is here.
He pressed his lips into each of your palms before looking deeply into your eyes with a broad smile after he worked through the complex emotions, emitting a laugh from his lips in absolute joy as he processed the fact you were returning his affections.
You returned his laugh with a small chuckle of your own as you gazed affectionately into his eyes before bringing your lips to press against his once more as to seal an unspoken promise made between you both.
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
20 - ᴅᴇᴇᴘᴛʜʀᴏᴀᴛ/ᴄᴏʟʟᴀʀɪɴɢ -
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ꜱʜɪɴʏ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏʏ
pairing: pirate captain! hongjoong x stowaway! reader (fem)
summary: you press your luck as a stowaway on a random ship.
w.c: 2.1k
warnings: hard dom! hongjoong, sub! reader, pirate misogyny, dirty talk, sadomasochism, master and pet are both equally nasty here <3, praise, name calling, choking, collaring, deepthroating, slapping, dumbification ? slutification ? idk, snuck a little breeding in there for a sec
a/n: day twentyyyyy <3 fff is almost over ahhh i’m so sad but at least i still have some more filth to share <3 and also i wanted to make this a lot longer but i didn’t have the time ;; but i have a pirate au that i’m working on so at least there’s that!
FFF Masterlist
When the pirates on the ship found you in their cupboards eating their food, you knew you were in for it. You managed to last two weeks, at least, so that was something in itself. However, this wasn’t the greatest situation to be in. You knew they were the worst of the worst, like every other pirate, trying to outdo each other when it came to violence and debauchery. It also didn’t help that the ship’s captain was a raging sadist, always going out of his way to make sure his men knew their place. He was their Master and they were simply his obedient pets that he could use to his advantage.
Well, shit.
You pulled out a small dagger from your trousers, yelling at the group of pirates to suck your dick. They didn’t appreciate that very much. As soon as you were overpowered, you were dragged to the deck, forced to remain on your bruised knees, with your arms bound behind your back.
Heavy leather boots pressed into the creaking wood floor in a slow, deliberate manner, heading in your direction, the sound of the previously vocal men quieting down as soon as they got closer. “Is this the little stowaway?” Hongjoong asked in an eerily giddy tone, licking his lips at the sight of you. It had been quite a while since he’s fucked a nice, tight little cunt. He didn’t mind fucking his Quartermaster’s ass every now and then, but it just wasn’t the same. He licked his lips, imagining what you’d be like when you were completely broken for him. Just a slave for his cock and nothing more. It was a delicious thought.
You kept your head down, staring at the perfectly polished buckles on the pirate’s leather boots, your fingers twitching behind your back. “The one and only,” you replied flatly, playing along with the man’s antics, but in your own way.
He placed his hands on his leather bound hips, making his belt sag down slightly, his voice suddenly low and empty-sounding, “The one that thought it was perfectly okay to eat our food and sleep in our quarters? How did you do it for so long, I wonder?” When you didn’t entertain him again, he reached down with a gloved hand, grabbing you by your hair and yanking your head upwards, forcing you to look up at him. “Did you fuck my men for their leftovers, little whore?”
You slowly lifted your eyes up, glaring at him past a few loose strands of hair, muttering, “I would if there were actually any men around. All I see is some overgrown children playing make believe. You never felt the warmth of your dear mother, did you?”
Only you would look death in the face and spit at its feet. How typical.
A visible vein began bulging out against Hongjoong’s neck, his hand going to your throat so incredibly fast, you didn’t even have time to take in a proper breath. “Do you have a death wish, pretty girl? Should I carve you up right here and now for my filthy pets to enjoy?”
Maybe you did. Maybe you didn’t. You were just a person aimlessly searching for the reason you were even experiencing this life in the first place. Going from ship to ship, island to island, and waiting for something to happen. Maybe this was it.
“You could, but then all the fun would be over, you know?” you answered in an extremely strained voice, feeling yourself being lifted up from the ground just enough to send more fear and arousal straight into your core. “I thought Masters liked to play around with their pets.”
Hongjoong’s fierce rage was replaced by clear perversion, his cat-like lips forming a wide smile, slowly letting go of your neck. “The gods answered my prayers. I’ve always wanted a bratty little masochist at my feet, just asking me to destroy them. To train them. To mold them into a perfect little toy.”
You caught your breath, squeezing your thighs together in an effort to quell the fire burning in the pit of your stomach. Pushing all of your proverbial chips onto the table, you tilted your head, looking him up and down. “Yet they haven’t answered your prayers to be taller. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pint-sized captain before.”
You could see the darkness spread evenly across Hongjoong’s face, his eyes hooded and dark, glazed over and devoid of any semblance of humanity. Though you were in for a world of hurt, you couldn’t even begin to express how eager you were to take every last punishment. This was definitely what you were waiting for.
A few more weeks went by, and all the while, Hongjoong spent every night training you to become the ideal fuckdoll for him. He enjoyed fucking you into a coma as much as the next degenerate, but there was something about your throat that he was obsessed with. It was wetter, warmer, and even tighter than your cunt, and it drove him absolutely mad.
Though you could suck dick without a problem, it was different when you sucked off Hongjoong. You couldn’t just give him head and call it a day. He always needed you to choke on it until you cried, gagged, and were covered in a mess of spit and cum. However, once he was bored with seeing you struggle, he decided to train you to take his cock properly, without having to worry about you getting sick and ruining his fun. It went quite well, he had to admit, training you night after night, stretching your throat out with his heavy cock and not having to hear a single sound coming from you besides choked, muffled moans. You were his perfect toy, sent down from heaven to be used as an obedient little cocksleeve just for his pleasure, with no other purpose, except to guzzle down his load after a long day of running his ship.
Once the moon shone brightly in the cold night sky, you walked up the stairs that led to the captain’s quarters, idly running your fingers over the pretty velvet collar that Hongjoong gave to you. He stole it from another ship, making sure to clean off the blood and polish the small ruby that sat in the middle of it. He was so good to you.
Hearing the door creak open, Hongjoong looked up from his desk, dropping the feather quill inside his hand. “There you are, pet.”
You walked up to him, giving him the same perverse smile he was giving you, slowly pulling at the strings of your dress and letting it fall off your figure. Your body was covered in bruises and lovebites that Hongjoong never seemed to let you go without. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, Captain.”
“Of course you were.” Hongjoong stood up and walked around so that he could stand in front of you, placing a hand on your head and slowly pushing it down, watching you sink down to your bruise-covered knees. “I remember when you were a feisty one, only learning to listen to me after you had to cry and beg me for forgiveness, but now look at you…You’re my empty-headed little fuck toy, aren’t you?”
“That’s all I’ll ever be, Captain. How can I give you a hard time when you treat me so well?” You ran your hands up his black, form-fitting trousers and unbuttoned them, slowly pulling them down to take out his already hard cock.
Gasping at the sensation of you sliding the majority of his cock into your mouth, Hongjoong reached down to run his fingers through your hair, watching you with half-closed eyes. “I do treat you well, don’t I? I fill you up night after night and leave you with a tummy and cunt full of cum. What more could a toy ask for?”
You pulled off of his cock to lick around the tip like it a melting ice cream cone, replying, “Nothing at all, Captain.”
Grunting at the loss of your warm mouth, Hongjoong sent a quick, but rough slap to your cheek and grabbed you by the hair, licking his lips. “That was a rhetorical question, little slut. Did I tell you to stop sucking my cock?”
Sighing at the burning sensation lingering on your skin, you shook your head, opening your mouth back up just in time for Hongjoong to shove his cock back inside, not stopping until your nose met his pelvis. “Mmmff…”
“My pretty toy likes Captain’s big cock inside her tiny little throat, doesn’t she?” he asked, in between thrusts, gripping the back of your head, his cold rings pressing into your scalp. “She likes getting her throat fucked like a pussy, doesn’t she?”
“Mmm…hmmm….” You tried to look up at Hongjoong, always enjoying the sadistic smiles he sent in your direction, his lips always curling into a joker-like grin, his tongue just barely poking out past his teeth. You couldn’t though, since your eyes were already rolling back into your head.
“Good little pet,” he praised, his voice coming out low and gravelly, bucking his hips so quickly, he accidentally slipped out of your mouth. “Fuck, your throat is dripping like a pussy too…” He slapped his heavy cock onto your flushed face for good measure, rubbing his pre-cum across it, before shoving himself back inside your mouth, going at it like he was running out of time.
You reached down in between your thighs, rubbing your wetness around your cunt, not even bothering to actually play with yourself, just enjoying that you were being used. It felt amazing finally finding your purpose. Orgasmic, even.
“Gonna fill your throat pussy with my seed, pet. God, I wish I could get you pregnant this way. It’s a shame, really.” Hongjoong reached down to clutch your neck, feeling his cock slide in and out at a rapid pace, enjoying the sensation of your moans vibrating against his fingers. “Even when you’re full of my kids, I’ll still fuck your throat and pussy raw every night. I hope you know that.”
Moaning heavily at his filthy words, you continued to spread your arousal around, feeling it dribble out of you at an alarming rate. You were throbbing nonstop. If you focused hard enough, you could probably cum just like this, with your Master’s cock down your abused throat and his fingers pressing onto your collared neck.
Shuddering at the feeling of his sweat dripping down along his neck, Hongjoong let out a strained shout of pleasure, drilling himself into your throat so rapidly, he barely noticed when his cock began spurting his load out. “Yeah, fucking take it! Take it, take it, take it!”
And take it, you did. Like the obedient cum dump you were. “Mmmn!” you moaned loudly, squeezing your thighs together, your lower-half trembling and jolting. You were cumming hard, just like you thought you would. If you were the angel that fell down from heaven to please Hongjoong, then he was the demon that supplied you with all the hellish pleasures you could possibly ask for.
“Godddd,” he groaned out, stopping his movements, but holding you all the way down on his pulsing cock, your jaw beginning to ache from being open for so long. “Swallow it down that tight throat of yours, pretty doll.”
You gulped and gulped, gasping for air when Hongjoong finally pulled you off of him, long strings of saliva still connecting his cockhead to your swollen lips.
Hongjoong pushed his damp hair back, trying to catch his breath after all that effort. “Say ‘ahhh’.”
“Ahhh,” you responded, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out to show him that nothing was left.
He smiled softly, patting the top of your head. “Good girl.”
Whining at the stickiness between your legs, you grabbed his length and licked a long stripe from the bottom of it to the very tip, eventually nuzzling his hardening cock and letting it rest against your sweaty face. “One more time, Captain? Please?”
The gods truly did answer his prayers. What was better than this? Pillaging and murdering during the day, only to fuck a cock-hungry toy like you during the night? Talk about a perfect life.
Stroking your hair as gently as possible, as if he didn’t just get done breaking your mind to the point that you couldn’t think about anything else, except for him, Hongjoong leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Of course, pet. Though I might not stop until sunrise.”
Licking at his cockhead and giving it kisses, you emitted a small giggle. “I’d love nothing more, Captain.”
FFF: @hwalysm @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner @dilucpegg3r @yeosxxx @gemjimin @wonwowzers @sanjoongie @manipulatedstars @k-drizzle 
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© toxicccred, 2023.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Pirate Punishments in the Golden Age of Piracy
Pirates in the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730) both dished out and received a wide range of imaginative punishments. Victims of piracy endured torture, floggings, and ceremonies of humiliation, but when brought to justice, the pirates were given such punishments as lengthy prison sentences, transportation to work in the deadly conditions of African mines, or public execution by hanging.
Punishments Between Pirates
The use of a whip to dish out punishments was a common occurrence on ships of all kinds of the period. For pirates, the risk of bearing such treatment was much reduced since a captain rarely dared to use such methods on a crew that had probably turned pirate in the first place in order to escape such harsh features of a life at sea. A flogging was usually only decided upon as the form of punishment if the whole crew, or at least the majority, agreed that the man had broken one of the ship’s articles, that is the list of rules they swore to abide by. The man who dished out the flogging on a pirate vessel was the quartermaster. Floggings were given for such misdemeanours as bringing women on board, striking another man, or not keeping weapons in an efficient state of readiness.
If a mariner was flogged, then he was tied to the mast or a grating and lashed on his bare back with a cat-o’-nine-tails. This special kind of whip consisted of nine lengths of rope, each of which was around one-quarter of an inch in diameter (c. 6 mm) and up to 2 feet (c. 60 cm) long. Each of the nine lengths had three or more knots to make the whip’s bite even sharper - sometimes more knots were added for more severe crimes. During a flogging, the sailor often bit on a bullet so that he did not cry out and raise the ridicule of his crewmates. If he did call out with the pain, then his mates would thereafter describe him disdainfully as a 'nightingale'.
To be keelhauled was just about the worst punishment a sailor could expect to be given short of death, and even here his chances of surviving the ordeal were no more than 50:50. The punishment involved tying a person with rope, throwing them overboard, and then dragging them either under the ship from one side to the other or along the entire length of the ship. Even if the victim escaped drowning, they would be severely cut and bruised from being dragged against the ship’s barnacle-encrusted hull.
For mariners guilty of a serious crime like mutiny, theft, or cowardice, their punishment could be a delayed death sentence. The sailor was marooned, that is deposited on a remote island and given nothing but a keg of water and a pistol; sometimes they were even stripped naked. An alternative to leaving the person on land was to set them adrift in a small boat with no oars or a single oar. Fully aware that thirst and starvation were all they had to look forward to, some mariners asked to be shot straight away. For others, the gift of a pistol allowed them to end things before they went mad from the privations. The most famous mariner to be marooned was Alexander Selkirk (1676-1721) who was left on the Juan Fernández Islands in the Pacific in 1704. Another man to be marooned was Edward Low whose crew had had enough of his sadistic antics with friend and foe alike. The origin of the word 'maroon' is the Spanish term for an escaped slave, cimarrón, meaning wild or untamed.
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Headcanons for a Camp Camp season post-David adopting Max
(Because I got back to Camp Camp for no reason at all and it is now everyone's problem. Also apparently new episode incoming? YOOO)
Here we go!
No one knows at first
First episode starts with something random (Idk maybe something about change that makes everyone freaking out, you know how CC goes) and the entire time there are hints, like Max arriving at Camp with David and David always being in the proximity of Max. Towards the end Max makes a half-assed comment about it
Neil: Well, I guess some things never change
Neil: This place is still pretty fucked up
Max: Yeah, this is weirder than David adopting me at the end of last summer
Everyone: WAIT WHAT?!
Casual episodes have background scenes where David puts a hand in front of Max whenever he wants to do something dangerous, or he picks him up
Max is now enrolled in Camp Campbell for Music Camp. He is never seen actually practicing during afternoon activities, he kinda just stands on his boot, but when no one is watching, especially at night, he does play a bit. He plays a guitar that was the first birthday present he got from David
He's genuinely good, he just thinks that the others will make fun of him for specifically playing guitar and ask him what campfire songs did David teach him
He's right and the answer is ALL OF THEM
Max is back to the plan of making David snap, but the idea evolved from "no way a person can be this happy" to "no way a parent can be this happy". That's totally NOT projection of his own trauma and he DOES NOT expect David to abandon him the moment it becomes too much (wink)
THE AMOUNT OF DAD JOKES ISTG. Max is 100% sure he'll go crazy out of tree puns alone. David is fully convinced that's peak dad behavior and non-negotiable
David: I'd love to take you on a vacation to trees' favourite city!
Max: David no.
David: Montreeal!
David: Why so tense, Max? Are you okay?
David: Should I... leaf you alone?
Max: *groans forever*
A full episode where David is terrified of making preferences for his son and struggles between being a counselor and a father, fearing that the others might feel left out. Ultimately it is pointed out by everyone that Max was always his favourite, therefore he was a shit about it from the beginning and no one really cares (David feels relieved and quite conflicted about this)
Whenever the campers need permission to do something dangerous and there is REALLY no other option, Max sighs and does his best "please I really wanna do this, you are my guardian right?" act. It's embarassing how quickly David caves in
An episode about being a young single father, maybe David going on a date (I'm thinking the cute waitress from the Bonquisha episode and/or the bartender guy from the town episode, just to make some comebacks), having tons in common and getting along, but not wanting to commit with someone with a son. David feels pretty lonely, but he 100% can only be with someone that accepts Max as well (also pan David my beloved 🩷💛💙)
Max discovers David's tipping point when the kid gets seriously hurt because of a stupidly dangerous adventure. Max gets scolded like he didn't think David was able to. It follows a pretty tense period where Max thinks this is it, but David is just very embarassed for snapping like that and while he thinks Max can survive more than he can, he needs him to be safe. After talking they get much closer
David has no idea how to ground someone, especially his son. Usually, when he feels like he has to, he consults Gwen or, heaven forbid, Quartermaster
An episode where the ideal camper arrives. Loves outdoors, loves activities, loves singing along and saluting the flag, so David gets excited. The entire time the campers try to figure out if Max is jealous, but he shows no sign. Obviously the camper is someone evil because this is Camp Camp, and at the end Max stomps the person with a "sorry sweetheart, I'm his favourite"
Max doesn't call him dad, David knows this and never presses him. But the kid slips sometimes and corrects himself quickly, although David never seems to notice
He actually does notice and every night he proceeds to giggle into his log pillow like a high schooler with a crush
An episode where the campers try to figure out how the whole adoption situation happened, since neither Max nor David really explained it. The hypothetical story becomes increasingly crazier and more complex, between alien invations, warlocks and internal monologues. At the end a flashback is shown of Max waiting at camp. Gwen is in the cabin, then David arrives with his cheek red and bloody
David: It took some convincing
Gwen: Oh, David...
David: I'm alright. I knew who I was dealing with, and apparently they're this aggressive only to strangers. It could've been a lot worse, and they said yes anyway
Gwen: So... now what?
David: Now? Now I'm bringing him home
David had everything ready for adoption way before meeting Max, stating that as a counselor you never know what might happen. He thinks it's commendable. Max thinks it's fucking creepy
After The Forest episode David developed a bit of feral instincts, but never really showed them. Since Max can usually defend himself better than David does, there is no need to intervene. Until Daniel comes back, and makes the mistake of kidnapping Max this time, wanting to play with David on how to find his kid. He did not know. David turns into wolf dad, literally growling and hunting for his cub. Imagine a feral David roaring and growling "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY KID DANIEL??". Suffice to say, Daniel is sent to the hospital (praying the ultra lord) and Max starts to think, between Daniel and David, maybe it's his dad the psychotic one
He doesn't mind it that much
Possible outcome is Daniel being astonished by such energy, realizing that David just won't die, and feeling something strong for him, starting to ponder if David is an reincarnation of Xemug... he is giving himself an excuse, he basically just got a crush on David. If that would turn him madder or start his redemption arc, I have no idea, but I kinda like it 😂 (actually I might make a separate post about this, I got an idea for another season sequel to this one and yes, pretty Dadvid 💕💕)
Post this incident that ruined it, Mr. Honeynuts now wears a little Camp Campbell counselor uniform. David made it of course, and while Max voices his contempt, the bear was getting rough to hug and the shirt is soft
Idea gag of Max saying "did you know that *insert disturbing emotional abuse practice* isn't okay? Learned that last year"
They got blackmail material on each other. Max obviously uses it the most, between embarassing underpants and sleep talking, but in extreme cases David is not above pulling out his cute Max photo collection
Yes, he got several of those
Yes, he is waiting for someone to ask about it and show them like the proud parent he is
After David adopted Max, he started to work two jobs to make ends meet (I'm thinking teacher and maybe night guard, very standard). He's actually pretty good at both, but it makes him very exhausted. He once snapped at Max out of exhaustion and since then, he decided to rest whenever he feels tired (you know, like a normal person). Max jokes that he was supposed to make his life a nightmare, not help him develop a better and healthier lifestyle
They got a method for asking permission, "bullshit for fun": David allows him some usually unallowed stuff and he gets to have some cute father-son moments in exchange
Max: Okay, it's a huge concert, so I'm willing to go as far as a full week of tucking in bed
David: I'm not letting you go out of town all on your own that easily, young man! The week of that, and three days of hand holding when we get into a crowd!
Max: Mmm... one hand holding and... urgh... one day of camping together
Max: It's a really good concert
David: DEAL!!!!
During a particolarly bad night of Max having nightmares, David spends the night comforting him. Max jokes that perhaps David can get even a hug out of this. David states that their system is a fun thing between them for treating responsibilities and boundaries in a less serious way, but if Max needs comfort, that's always free
An episode in which Max hears David talk to Gwen, saying stuff like "I don't have enough money for him. I don't think I can make it. I'm so sorry, poor Max". He then starts the most effective escape from Camp Campbell plan he has ever put in motion, genuinely making it except he comes back because he misses everything. He screams at David for making him love him only to dump him. At last David understands the situation and hugs him, revealing that... he was talking about a dog he wanted to adopt for Max. Max will never live that down, and David is in absolute glee for the following days because his son loves him
Sometimes Max says "Language!" without realizing. It's horrifying for all people involved, even David
On the other hand, David starts to swear more. The thing is, he's used to Max and it's such a foreign thing to him that sometimes he doesn't realize it was him
David: Hold on, now where the fuck is everyone?
David: Language!
David: ... wait-
Idea crossover headcanon, David's last name is Corduroy, his dad is a cousin of the Corduroys of Gravity Falls. But as a matter of fact, David never calls his father dad, going for either sir or sergeant
I have the idea of introducing this father in an episode flashback from before the adoption. David's father, sergeant Jeffrey Corduroy, comes to the camp to "visit his son and reconnect after such a long time". The man is huge and affable, friendly like David, but David turns into a Max version of himself when he's around. After everyone states that he seems cool, David gets pissed even more and basically ditch camp activities the whole day
Max gets a moment alone with the sergent and presses a little more, thrown off by meeting the first person David seems to openly hate. As Max is being Max, Jeff loses it pretty quickly, revealing the kindness is a mask. As he is on his way to hit Max, David puts himself in between. He scolds his father, mad like never before, stating that one apology won't make up for ten years of hell. Jeff leaves, David is so tired his legs won't hold, Max helps him get back to the cabin and they stay there
When the two are alone eventually, David tells him his story: he actually learned about survival from his dad first, he got trained mercilessly to the point of spitting blood, for ten long years. At some point his parents decided to divorce, and he was sent to Camp Campbell to not be in the way. He felt happy there for the first time, but he spiralled after leaving, as his dad left and his mother was depressed. She sent him to France at the clown school, again to not be in the way, and when he was old enough he simply left his house to find his own way to be happy. The only place where that was, was Camp Campbell
David apologizes for making his first story about camp too cheerful, as he should have been sincere. Max comes to two conclusions that night: that they are way more similar than he expected (something he didn't believe when he first heard the camp story from David), and that... maybe David is kind to everyone because he used all the hate he has on that asshole
Possible last episode of the season is another Parent Day. Everyone is teasing Max over the fact that every day is Parent Day for him, and Max complains but passively shows how he can't wait for it. Obviously David is way too gleeful about it. Then David disappears and no one knows where he is, and Max gets in the worse mood possible, making it everyone's problem. Everyone is actually kinda supportive and that turns him from angry to simply sad, although Gwen states that whatever happened to David, he promised to be there therefore he will be
At the exhibition part, when it's Max' turn, David arrives just in time, running in full survival attire like in The Forest. Basically David had another canoe incident, and was hunted down by two more wolves. It turns out that they're the pups of the wolfie he befriended before, they were hunted by men and that's why they were very aggressive towards him at first. Another adventure ensued, with the pups learning how to survive nature
Of course this is not explained to the people (just like The Forest), David apologizes for the late, Max says "fuck you dad" and hugs him in front of everyone
Follows the most mundane celebration between parents, with David (after taking off the survival look) looking a bit goofy and uncomfortable with so many adults while being a young man, but he does his best. Finally a moment of tranquility for the campers, as they watch their parents
Neil: You know Max, maybe you had to learn to appreciate the hell that is Camp Campbell, to meet a parent that truly cared for you. Maybe it was all a learning experience, and this is your reward
Max: ...
Neil: ...
Max: Well, this place sucks, and my dad is a fucking idiot. Definitely not worth it
(Max scoffs, then he smiles at David waving at him. The other campers hold back laughter, clearly not believing him)
It's implied that from then on Max starts calling David dad full time
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tragedycoded · 1 month
character profile tag!
@the-golden-comet how did you know I needed to repopulate my characters tags <3 Thank you for the tag!
I know everyone here knows him, but let's do this for the protagonist of Doom Metal Love Story anyway.
Name: Cole Francis Sullivan
Nickname: First Sergeant (his rank), variations on his rank ("Top" is pretty funny); Kentucky (Hofer); angel/dear-heart/whatever the current hyperfixation is (Royston)
Kind of Being: Human
Age: variable (born 1835; story takes place 1872-74)
Sex: Male
Appearance: Average height and sturdily built, wearing the field uniform and calf-length boots he only took off to change into his parade dress every evening, Hofer knew who he was looking at before he saw the man's face. (Prologue, Hofer POV)
Until Sullivan sat up, unfurling as he prepared to ride into battle again. Glowing with life, invigorated, half-mad with knowing what he wanted, finally. Ambitious in the way of warrior-kings of old, invulnerable and ageless, lamplight catching the gold and the silver in his brown hair, his red beard aflame. That bayonet scar on his shoulder marking him as human. That bullet scar on the back of his calf. Royston could adore the man and not put him up among idols. Why make him an angel, or a god, or a star. There were so many already, hundreds and thousands and countless of all. There was only one him. (February 1873, Royston POV)
Occupation: First Sergeant in the United States Army Cavalry Division; fort sheriff of Fort Sarras, Kansas
Family members: William (father, deceased); Aileen O'Hare (mother.) Only child.
Pets: Molly, a 12-year-old Morgan horse
Best friend: Major Erik Hofer, Surgeon of Fort Sarras, Kansas; Royston will annoy the shit out of me if I don't acknowledge that he is Sullivan's lover.
Describe his/her room: In the Golden Ending, he sleeps in a barrack with the rest of the NCOs. Based on photographs I've found, it would appear he does not have a roommate. He has a bed, a bureau, a nightstand to put a lamp on, and a peg over his bed for his weapons (rifle, revolver, saber.) This is a fucking hotel compared to the Bad Ending, where he's in a barrack with three other people (Quartermaster Sergeant Harrelson, Hofer, and possibly Sergeant Miller? or else it was the sergeant who dies in the bombardment the weekend before Royston Kool-Aid Mans into Fort Cano.)
Way of speaking: No indoor voice. Direct -> firm -> blunt if you're really not listening to him. Polite, until you give him a reason not to be. Hiding an accent.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): Always at attention. Observant. Ready to react. Always carrying at least two weapons; is a weapon.
Royston wants everyone to know he "fills out that damned uniform."
Items in his/her back pocket/ purse:
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(This guy's a private, don't even worry about it. He'd be carrying the same equipment and hey he has the same facial hair right on.)
Hobbies: Reading, playing chess, throwing darts.
Favorite sports: Bat-and-ball.
Abilities/Talents/Powers: Marksmanship mastery, horseback riding expertise, melee combat (saber specialization), leadership. Is the 10th Cavalry Regiment's filthy joke repository (he has a strong memory when it comes to dick jokes.)
He acquires additional, uh, "abilities" in Book 2 but that's a massive spoiler.
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): Preoccupied. Easy to lose touch with. Will go HAM on anything/anyone threatening someone he loves.
Fears: He just told me he doesn't much care for broccoli. When I asked him why he said the fact that it's shaped like a tree is disconcerting.
I understand.
Faults: He's stubborn. His refusal to follow orders that are counter to his own code of honor has cost him promotions. "HE ONLY EATS LIKE FIVE FOODS," Royston says.
Good points:
He may flinch, but he is brave.
He's a leader.
He's loyal (possibly to fault.)
He's physically and mentally strong.
"HIS ASS," Royston says. (Translation: He has a healthy sense of humor.)
What he/she wants more than anything else: To go to sleep at night knowing he did the best he could to protect his country and the people he loves; and, if is his time to die, for his death to not be in furtherance of an unjust cause.
"Since he's wandered off and appears to no longer be listening... I want Arthur safe, and alive, and with me. Which I recognize is both a far more difficult condition to satisfy and antithetical to the previous answer."
@lychhiker-writes @cowboybrunch @saturnine-saturneight @ashfordlabs @autism-purgatory
@noblebs @aintgonnatakethis @the-golden-comet @asablehart @mauvecatfic
@leahnardo-da-veggie @sableglass @gioiaalbanoart @words-after-midnight
@lavender-bloom @jev-urisk @wyked-ao3
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DM Tip: Better Loot
Treasure is ubiquitous in D&D, it’s presumed to be one of the default motivations, if not the only motivation behind many adventures, despite the fact that very little thought has been put into the systems by which the DM generates the treasure and the party plays around with it. After nearly two decades of being a DM I can’t count the number of times I’ve made a treasure horde and handed it out to the players while feeling as if the fun game we had been playing had suddenly been put on pause. 
It took me a while to realize that this was because unlike combat ( the favourite child among d&d’s many subsystems) very little attention had been made to making loot feel good at any stage of the process whether it was down to the mechanics or even the presentation. 
While below the cut I’m going to get into systems about easier ways to generate treasure,  rebalanced magic item prices, and how to get your players in on the fun, for now I want to focus on this element of presentation when it comes to handing out loot.
Here’s some of my findings, in no particular order:
Just like combat has “ Roll initiative” and “how do you want to do this?”, handing out loot should have codified phrases to indicate that the party is entering into a specific period of game time. It’s a ritual that will not only get them excited but have them in the right kind of headspace required for absorbing new information. The phrases I’ve been using are “ You spill out your plunder across the table/dungeon floor and there you find_____”  and “With that sorted, you pack away your spoils, and return to the adventure at hand”
I completely ignore art items/gems, they’re a neat idea for flavor but they slow things down at every turn ( coming up with them during loot generations, players recording them) and are almost always junked for gp at the first possible opportunity. The exception to this is valuable trade goods/collectors items, which I mention being worth X gp in value but worth MORE if the party can find an associated merchant ( as a questhook)
GP comes first, followed by the names of the items and a brief as possible physical description. Players can ask questions generally on what items do but either have to call dibs then or divy them up on their own time.  Listening to the dm dispassionately read out the stats of an item is boring as hell, only eclipsed by the dm describing the indepth  LOOK of various items and then asking the party to roll checks to identify/figure out of the items work. Speed in divvying loot keeps the momentum of the game going and you want to tap into the “OOOH, SHINY” impulse of your players before their eyes glaze over.
I HIGHLY suggest keeping a party doc with the stats of all your items copy/pasted into it. Divide the doc up by characters/in the cart, so your party can always remember where shit was. Ask one organized player to be the one to keep track of the party doc and share it with the others. Call them “quartermaster” they’ll love that shit. 
Unless the item in question needs to be used immediately “ It’ll be in the party doc” is your answer when they ask for stats. Update the partydoc after session so your group can have the whole week to look at it and get used to things between sessions. Gearing up with new loot is just as much homework as leveling up a character, and is best done away from the table.
After you’re done checking out the treasure generation rules below, also be sure to check out my systems on handling shopping trips, making identifying items more interesting, and managing party wealth. I’m sure you’ll find something there that can help improve your game.
The magic item chart to rule them all
Figuring out a better way to generate magic items was actually pretty simple once I had all the pieces in place, though it took me a many attempts to realize what I actually wanted in such a system:
It had to be simple and time saving, requiring the least amount of math/chart references as possible
it had to be relevant at every level accommodating to 3rd party material
d&d already divides items and adventuring parties into tiers, and the game already allows lower level parties the chance at finding items that outstrip their tier.  
Absolutely no effort should be spent generating items wroth random amounts of gp when players are going to instantly sell them.
Which led me to this thing of elegance:
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To generate a hoard of items, roll a single set of dice (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d10, 1d12, 1d20) and compare the numbers rolled against the chart above. Every 0 represents an item relevant to the party’s adventuring tier ( so a lvl 1-5 group would get common, lvl 6-10 group would get uncommon and so on). +1s represent an item of a grade above, -1s represent an item of a grade below. I had to invent a tier below common, but d&d already has rules for “trinkets” as fun but mechanically useless items that were easy to adapt.
After I’ve got a string of -1s, 0s, and +1s, it’s only a matter of comparing them against whatever list/books I’m using to supply items. For sake of ease, I’ve got multiple google docs where I’ve sorted my collection of 3rd party and homebrew items by rarity and theme, but if you don’t hoard material like I do you don’t have to worry about that. 
New Magic Item Prices
having several thousand GP worth of wiggleroom for high level items helps no one, so instead we’re going with a base 5 system that’ll guide us through the rest of this doc. These prices are meant as an absolute baseline for things like crafting and haggling down to, as well as determining the value of non-magical rewards later on.
Trinket: 10 , Common: 50 , Uncommon: 250   Rare: 725 , Very Rare:  3625 , Legendary: 18,125
Having a concrete price also lets you use my chart to generate raw GP in coinage:  too many items cluttering up your list? run out of ideas? convert the leftover item slots into thier price in GP and worry no more.
Other Uses for the Chart:
If you’re the type to run magic item shops ( and you should), using a set of dice to generate treasure is a great way to pick out the inventory.  Most shops are going to be at common rarity, but for major shops the party is going to return to over several levels, I do a new inventory drop every 5 levels.
Since Overthinking d&d is my passion, I was caught up in weighing the value of treasure that was scattered throughout the dungeon  vs treasure that was all in one place. The former encouraged the party to explore (which is the entire reason for going into a dungeon) but risked the party missing out on important rewards if they didn’t figure out a clue or feel like fighting a particular beast.  The latter felt like a proper reward for overcoming a gauntlet of challenges, but encouraged players to race to the end. The answer was to do both, One hoard at the end of the dungeon, one scattered around in nooks and crannies for the party to discover on their own. That meant that a party could count on almost doubling their plunder if they explored the content I’d made for them... which is exactly where I want them to be.
Frequently my parties will do a bit of unexpected looting I haven’t planned for: They’ll pick through the ruins of a destroyed town looking for salvage, harvest alchemical components from a garden of feywild flora I’ve only intended as set decoration, or load up a cart with the contents of a bandit armoury and hit the market with it. I want to reward players for taking the initiative, but I always feel like raw gold is too flat a prize and I don’t like making up stuff on the spot. My system offers a solution: every time they do that they get a stack of loot ( graded common to very rare, based on who or what it is they’re looting). When they hit the market, they can cash in any number of loot stacks for the roll of 1 dice, scaling up. If they hit 7, they get to roll the full array and get themselves a loot drop. This is always done in the aftermath of a session, so that I have time to tell them what they’ve won. ( 5 stacks of loot is worth 1 of the next grade up and visa versa). I similarly let my players attach a wishlist to this loot drop ( vague things like “ healing potions” or “ I’d like a new spell focus” to guide my search through my item lists.
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pub-lius · 2 months
Why don't you have any detailed posts about Steuben smh do better
Early Life
Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich Ferdinand Baron de Steuben was born on September 17, 1730 in Prussia. He joined the Prussian army at the age of 17, so he got a real early start.
Note: I've written his name here as "Baron de Steuben", as this name is from a French record, however he is typically referred to as "Baron von Steuben", as "von" is the translation of "de" from French to Prussian, and they both mean "of" in English. I just wanted to clarify that for the sake of my own linguistically correct sanity
Steuben began his service in the French and Indian War (or Seven Years War if you're a dirty European) as a second lieutenant, and was then wounded at the Battle of Prague, a Prussian victory. Then, he joined General Johann von Mayer's adjutant and principle staff officer in a special detached corps.
Then, he was promoted to first lieutenant and wounded AGAIN at the Battle of Kunersdorf, which was a Russian and Austrian victory. He was then transferred to general headquarters as a staff officer in the position of deputy quartermaster (this is important!!).
He was taken prisoner when Major General von Knoblock surrendered at Treptow, and was released after a year in 1762. He was promoted to captain and then became an aide-de-camp to Frederick the Great, which is as metal as it gets. He joined the King's class on the art of war, where he learned even more super cool military leadership skills.
Life Between Wars
Steuben met St. Germain in Hamburg (a notoriously great place to meet people). If you aren't in the know like I clearly am, St. Germain would eventually be the French Minister of War during the American Revolution. They'd meet again in France when Steuben was serving as Grand Marshall to the Prince of Hollenzollern-Hechingen, and if that sounds made up to you, it's because you don't even know him like I do.
Steuben continued looking for military work, but those European assholes (the British, French, and Austrians) rejected my man for no good reason (probably because he was gay or something). It was during his stay in France where he heard of the rowdy Americans across the pond.
St. Germain introduced Baron von Steuben to Silas fucking Deane and Benjamin "Slim Shady" Franklin, but they weren't able to promise Steuben anything but some regurgitated American propaganda, since, by this time, they were already getting yelled at by Congress and Washington for allowing too many incompetent Frenchmen into the Continental Army. They told him that the only way he could assist in the American fight for independence would be to go to America and present himself as a volunteer to Congress (like Lafayette ended up having to do).
This obviously pissed off Steuben since he was actually experienced trying to get a job, because its not fun being an overqualified, unemployed gay man in 18th century Europe. But still, he settled for being a volunteer, and set out for America, his passage being paid for by the French government.
Steuben traveled to America with his Italian greyhound, Azor, and his two assistants, Louis de Pontiere (ADC) and Pierre Ettienne Duponceau (military secretary). They arrived in New Hampshire on December 1, 1777. They were almost arrested upon arrival because Steuben had a blond moment and mistakenly dressed them in red uniforms instead of blue. They traveled through Boston to York, Pennyslvania, arriving on February 5, 1778.
In Steuben's letter of recommendation, Franklin mistranslated Steuben's rank to "His Excellency, Lieutenant General von Steuben, Apostle of Frederick the Great", which made him seem way more distinguished than he was. As a result, he was presented a much higher rank by Congress.
Steuben was ordered to report to Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge, where he arrived on February 23, 1778, and was described by a soldier as "a perfect personification of Mars."
Steuben's good first impression also had an effect on Washington, who appointed him temporary Inspector General, and it was in this position that he had his largest impact on American history, and changed the course of the war
Why Every Army Should Have Gay People, An Essay by Publius
Baron von Steuben began his transformation of the Continental Army by writing training drills, overriding the regional trainings of the state militias into a unified and universal regimen. There was a significant language barrier, however, as Steuben originally wrote the drills in French, which were then translated into English by Duponceau, John Laurens, and Alexander Hamilton. Then, they were given to the brigade inspectors, who made the copies which were then copied to be delivered to each officer. There was definitely a more efficient way to do this, but you know. It was also Valley Forge.
General Washington's Life Guard and some men from each state (totalling around 120 men) were used as a model to show the rest of the army how they were supposed to go through the drills. As they trained and demonstrated the drills, Steuben was writing new ones, only a few days ahead, which is a massive time crunch. This was done intentionally to make the drills as simple as he could, so the training of the army was dispersed in a rapid, orderly fashion. This man was a genius, I can't emphasize it enough.
The officers in the British army, which was the standard for Americans in many respects, would allow the sergeants to drill the men, but Steuben said fuck that, I'm gonna do it myself. This made many American officers uncomfortable because the men developed a bond with him because of how talented he was (and the fact that he was funny and used profanity in multiple languages), and along with the fact that Steuben's office seemingly had no limitations, this caused them to complain to the big boss, Washington. To make them feel better, Washington issued orders on June 15, 1778 to govern the Inspector General's office until further word from Congress.
The reformed Continental Army showed off their swag on May 6, 1778 when they celebrated the news of the Franco-American Alliance, which impressed soldiers, officers, and civilians. More happy news came when Steuben was given his commission from the Congress as Inspector General, with the rank of Major General.
It was at the Battle of Monmouth when the new training of the Continental Army was able to take what would have been a losing battle for the Americans to a technical draw. Steuben was actually almost killed/taken prisoner (depending on the mood of the British) during this battle because he was wearing so many metals of honor that he glimmered in the sunlight, and was spotted by the British. He was fine, though.
General von Steuben went to Philadelphia in the winter of 1778-79 to write his book of regulations, referred to as The Blue Book. Lieutenant Colonel Francois de Fleury, a volunteer, assisted in writing it. It was with the assistance of ~Benjamin Walker~ and Duponceau that the blue book was translated into English, which is why we know Walker as being important! And the fact that he and Steuben totally boned! Anyway, Captain Pierre Charles L'Enfant was illustrated it, and the book was used all the way until 1814.
After the war
General von Steuben rejoined the Continental Army in April of 1779 to serve through the end of the war. He was an instructor and supply officer for General Nathanael Greene's southern army from the beginning of the southern campaign until Yorktown. Steuben commanded one of three divisions in the Continentals at Yorktown. He assisted in demobilizing the army in 1783, and resigned his commission in 1784, which is actually the latest I've heard of a Continental General resigning his commission!
Steuben continuously petitioned Congress for financial compensation for mesothelioma (not really) and fuck ass Congress only gave him a part of what he was owed, which was pretty typical. But! New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia all gave him land grants, which he sold portions off to have enough money to live. So, he retired from NYC to his land holdings to live the remainder of his life.
Oh, and fun fact, Steuben was present at one of the riots in New York that Alexander Hamilton tried to stop, and they both had bricks thrown at them. It might have been the Cadaver Riots, but I could be wrong since I didn't feel like double checking.
Steuben never married, and instead lived with Benjamin Walker for a long period of time. He died on his 16,000 acre farm tract in the Mohawk Valley of New York on November 28, 1794.
The source I used for this does not mention his homosexuality at all, but I'm going to, because the last thing you'll ever see me do is pretend like gay people didn't exist or are "unprofessional" to talk about in history.
If you say that Alexander Hamilton was gay, you have to say Steuben was, and vice versa. Rumors of homosexuality followed Steuben from Europe all the way to America, and play a large role in why he relocated many times, and never seemed to have a permanent home until the end of his life. This was a form of unofficial exile that many queer people faced in times where their existence was illegal. As soon as your name was associated with possible homosexuality, you couldn't get comfortable anywhere.
But von Steuben wasn't brought down by this, and you've gotta respect that. He threw elaborate parties starting almost as soon as he arrived at the Continental Army. If you're new to the amrev community here, this is what we mean by "flaming shot/pantless parties", because they had shots of liquor that they would light on fire, and in order to get in, at least part of your breeches had to have been missing. While straight men did attend these parties, the subtext in discussions about them seem to imply that they were also a gathering place for queer men.
These parties continued, and some familiar faces were there, such as Duponceau, Walker Hamilton, Laurens, and, later on, Charles Adams. However, I'm not going to speculate on who was fucking who, though it has been largely accepted by historians that General von Steuben and Benjamin Walker were lovers, and I personally think there is substantial evidence to support this when you align their personal correspondence with the close proximity they maintained throughout their lives.
General von Steuben is a figure that is very important to many queer people as a conspicuous queer man in history who had an undeniable impact on the course of American history. Portrayals of Steuben in media typically disregard this, however more and more biographers are discussing his homosexuality and the significance it plays in queer history. So, I'll end this post by saying this: Steuben is just as significant in American history as he is in Queer history, and it is irresponsible to pretend like he isn't.
National Park Service- Valley Forge
British Battles.com- Battle of Kunersdorf
George Washington's Indispensable Men by Arthur S. Lefkowitz
John Laurens and the American Revolution by Gregory D. Massey
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
Anyway, thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about Steuben lol. I didn't previously know much about his life before the American Revolution, so I was very happy to learn. I actually bought a biography about him not long ago, The Drillmaster of Valley Forge: The Baron de Steuben and the Making of the American Army by Paul Lockhart, but I haven't read it yet. If anyone has, pls let me know if it's good or not. After Massey and Chernow, I'm practically on my hands and knees begging for a male author to treat queer history seriously. Anyway, thank you for the ask! I'm going to go watch the george washington mini series for steuben content
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