#The Three Broomsticks
severussnapemylove · 19 days
Headcanon; Every August 31st, the entire staff of Hogwarts gathers at the Three Broomsticks for a night out before the school year starts the next day. Without fail, they always get entirely sloshed. Severus always makes sure to brew an extra large batch of hangover cure potion to sort everyone out the next day.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 20 - Established Relationship
@wolfstarmicrofic May 20, word count 546
“Godric, I love you,” Sirius moaned into Remus’s ear as he clambered onto his lap in the booth they sat at with their friends in the three broomsticks. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Marlene burst out, grabbing the back of Sirius’s robes. “It is too early for sappy Sirius to make an appearance. I am not sitting next to you speaking sweet nothing's into Remus’s ear at full volume because you can't figure out whispering when I am this sober.” Sirius reached over and pushed a glass of something that smelled like paint stripper in front of Marlene. 
“Then hurry up and get drunk, so I can make out with my boyfriend.”
An hour later, they were all a bit worse for wear and Sirius had somehow lost his shirt. He couldn’t even see it. He turned his bleary head to look behind him and found himself eye to eye with Dorcas. She was sitting on Marlene’s lap, giggling as she whispered something into Marlene’s ear and stroked her fingers up and down Marlene’s arm. Marlene had her hand splayed across Dorcas’s thigh, the tips of her fingers disappearing up her short skirt. 
“Oi,” Sirius complained. “If I can’t be soppy,"
“I said sappy,” Marlene corrected. 
“Whatever,” Sirius stuck out his tongue. “Either way, if I can’t be, then neither can you.”
“Oh hush, we’re nowhere near as bad as you two when you get going.” Marlene scoffed. Sirius turned to grin wickedly at Remus, who stole a kiss from his boyfriend and winked at him before he took another sip of his drink. 
“I don’t think you can chastise us, Marlene, when James and Lily are at the same table. Together, the four of them looked across the booth. James’s glasses were hanging on for dear life from one ear. His hair was completely upright and looked hilarious and Lily, like Sirius, and Dorcas, was sitting on her lover's lap. She had her hands fully pushed under James’s jumper and pressed into his chest. 
Sirius grimaced, he was almost certain he’d just seen James’s tongue pushing against the inside of Lily’s cheek. 
“There isn’t enough alcohol in Hogsmeade for me to sit here with that going on. Fancy a stroll, my love?” He asked Remus. 
“Thought you’d never ask.” Remus replied, gathering their things, Sirius’s shirt magically reappearing. He threw down a few Galleons and they made their escape. 
“Hey! Wait for us!” Marlene cried out and raced across the pub and out the door, dragging Dorcas behind her. James and Lily were blissfully unaware that they’d been ditched. 
Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius and Sirius snuggled in close to his warmth. 
“Shall we head back to the dorm while James is otherwise engaged? There’s something I want to try.” Remus had that look in his eye that drove Sirius wild. 
“Bye guys,” He called over his shoulder as he allowed Remus to lead him towards the edge of the village. He was so lucky to have Remus in his life. He felt so loved and wanted in a way even James couldn’t give him. Why did the castle have to be so far away? He wanted to know what Remus had planned. Whatever it was, he knew it would be fun. It always was.
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eternalremorse · 6 months
✨ Do you love everything Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter and Wizarding World related? We have a Discord server just for you! ✨
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Whether it be a love of the books, movies, games, or simply the ✨ magic ✨ we've got everything covered!
A fun and safe space to post your thoughts and feelings.
Share artwork, writing, screenshots, theories - you name it!
Chat with fans of the universe from all across the globe!
Discuss your other favourite passions and interests - music, movies, tv shows, books etc.
We even have optional and casual roleplay of your MC's/OC's as well as canon characters.
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Interested? Send a DM to myself, @blueraineshadows or @slytherin-paramour (Server is 18+ only)
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Déjà vu✨
The Golden Trio had this exact conversation✌️🏼
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slytherin-paramour · 3 months
Hi everyone! Just thought I'd extend an invite to our Discord Server for anyone 18+ that might be interested! Just send any of us a DM if you'd like to come hang out!
@blueraineshadows @eternalremorse
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johnmchacker · 1 year
Happy birthday, Harry!
Just a little microfic to celebrate our boy's day.
Inspired by this heartwarming artwork by the inestimable @blvnk-art
Read it here, or on my AO3.
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Perfectly Ordinary (July, 2013)
Today was perfectly ordinary.
I'd arranged to meet Susan for breakfast so she could report on her case, but she cancelled. Looking back now I realise the reason is obvious. Either Ginny got to her, or she remembered the date, or James owled her, the scamp. Whichever, the result was that I didn't need to go in to work early.
I was woken by a very loud squeal in my ear, Lily-Lu bouncing on my chest, Al sitting on my stomach and letting off Muggle party poppers, while James held up a giant-sized birthday card. They all did a round of the birthday song, at the tops of their voices, and for good measure finished with a loud shout of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!"
"Alright, alright, I get the picture," Ginny grumbled sleepily beside me. "No, James, no fireworks in my bedroom!"
Then the children made her play camerawoman and take a dozen pictures. Then they insisted on a couple shot, me and Ginny blinking sleepily into the camera.
"Just remember, you started all this, Potter," she whispered as we posed, bed-head and morning breath and all, "you and the brain you keep in your pants."
"I don't recall you objecting at the time," I murmured back. "Quite the opposite..."
Then we had birthday cake in bed for breakfast, because "Why not?" as Al said. And yes, they'd gotten up at three to bake it, using every utensil in the house and spilling flour and sugar everywhere. How had we not heard them? Because James had put up a Silencing Charm.
Auror-me choked on cake when I heard that, and Al punched me in the kidneys and handed me a glass of water. The sponge was chewy, stodgy, and lopsided; the icing was at least two inches thick. But it was quite nicely decorated; there was a big Golden Snitch, and a stick figure in green icing on a broom with long red icing hair, and another stick figure with huge eyes looking up from below. And lots and lots of red and pink hearts.
"I drew the picture on it!" Lily-Lu said. "That's you, and that's Mummy catching the Snitch for you, and then you fell in love!"
"It's beautiful, Lily love," said Ginny, hugging and kissing her. "James, if you Silence the house again, I'm confiscating your wand."
The rest of the day was also perfectly ordinary. We're close to a breakthrough in the Macboon Murder, but Robards made me go home early "so's your bloody well-wishers won't clog up my bloody office!", the darling bastard.
So I spent the evening playing with the children at...
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"You're quiet," Ginny said, nuzzling Harry's cheek, in the darkness of their bedroom. "What's up?"
"Just writing a letter," said Harry, squeezing her close. "Telling them how nice it is to be perfectly ordinary."
She understood, of course. "Okay. Love you, darling." Ginny kissed him, laid her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes.
* * *
Good night.
Love you, Mum, Dad,
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animasola86 · 8 months
The Three Broomsticks (daytime)
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[ The Three Broomsticks (nighttime) ]
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Happy Birthday to my favourite character! @thethreebroomsticksficfest
“Hi, Hedwig,” Harry stroked his snowy owl’s head, settled comfortably in one of the nooks of the Owlery. The view from the window was astounding; even better, perhaps, than the one from the Gryffindor common room and dorms.
Hedwig made a crooning noise, flapping her wings as she hopped up his arm. Harry knew several fellow owl owners had special gloves or arm-covering they wore for this, but he had never felt the necessity for one. Hedwig never hurt him, and besides, the digging in of her claws into his skin was comforting even as it stung sharply.
“Ron and Hermione are fighting again,” he started on the update he always gave his owl about his day-to-day life. It was nice, telling it as though he had someone who cared.
Hedwig did care, after all.
“And this time. . . I dunno, Hedwig. It feels more permanent this time. Last time was – indirectly – because of me, and the Firebolt. Oh, and the Firebolt!” Harry gushed. “It’s amazing! It’s tons better than even the advertisements, and those would make you think the broom is worth your life. We won the match with Ravenclaw using it! I mean, I’m pretty sure we would’ve won even without—” He felt a dull pang for his beloved Nimbus. “But the Firebolt was a lot of encouragement, I’m sure. I bet I could outfly even you on it, Hedwig.” He teased.
He liked to think the look Hedwig gave him now was one of extreme derision. Sometimes he genuinely thought she could understand what he was saying. Hermione would know if magical messenger owls had any more special abilities.
The thought of Hermione was enough to bring down his euphoria. He drew his knees to his chest. “I dunno, Hedwig. I just miss her. But she is in the wrong here!” He added, voicing the thoughts he hadn’t dared to since that disastrous conversation with his friend. “I mean, it does look like Crookshanks ate Scabbers, and obviously that’s natural for cats and rats—” Harry spared a grimace for the school that allowed cats, rats, owls and toads as pets (he was sure this wasn’t the first nor last incident of animals clashing), “But she should still apologize, right? I mean, I don’t know. What do you think?”
Hedwig blinked at him, nipping his ear gently.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m going to let them resolve this on their own.” He decided. He hadn’t liked the thought of interfering anyway, and the resolution was a relief. “But I hope they do it soon. I miss all three of us together. The homework help, too,” he joked. Hedwig hooted admonishingly.
“Good thing I got you, huh, girl? If I had a cat too, this’d be a never-ending mess.” He mused.
Hedwig fixed him with a stare, as if to say he should have gotten her anyway. “Yeah, obviously. You’re the best. Even if I don’t have that much mail that needs delivering,” he added guiltily. Hagrid, the Weasleys and Hermione used Hedwig too, but he still felt bad about her sitting in the owlery all the time without any work. “I wish I had someone to write to. For the sake of it too, but also for you.”
Hedwig just huffed, flapping her wings in his face.
Harry grinned. “Yeah. I’m glad I have you anyway too, Hedwig.”
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For Day 2 of @thethreebroomsticksfic 12 Days of Yule Bash, I've done a little Romione celebrating Christmas in Australia mood board. One of my HCs is that Hermione's parents stay in Australia after they get their memories back, so the Granger-Weasley's have Christmas down under ever other year.
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Hello Pub Patrons! To celebrate the upcoming birthday of our favorite slightly-reckless-but-mostly-endearing protagonist, we're hosting a microfic event running today through Tuesday, August 1st. The guidelines are very simple:
Your microfic must center around our BFF Harry.
It should be microfic (ish). There's no hard and fast rule and we won't count words, but aim for under 500.
You can share the microfic on our discord server and/or share it on Tumblr! Tag TTB and we'll be sure to reblog!
Happy microfic writing, and Happy (almost) Birthday Harry!
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jolly4holly · 1 year
Sirona is in shock. But we all know it was a Slytherin student. 🍻
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the-al-chemist · 9 months
The Lights That Never Go Out
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Chapter 7: About Time
A/N: It wouldn’t be a proper British Christmas Eve without a trip to the pub. This chapter is for @thethreebroomsticksfic’s Yule Bash prompts ‘Hogsmeade’ and ‘mulled mead’.
Warnings: alcohol and references to war/character death.
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24th December, 1998
There always was something special about Hogsmeade at Christmas; the thick blankets of snow that covered the roofs of its buildings and the twinkling lights that shone from their windows, the sound of carollers somewhere in the distance, and the smells of hot sugar and mulled wine wafting through the air from Honeydukes and The Three Broomsticks.
The snow crunched under Artemis’ feet as she made her way down the cobbled village street in the direction of the inn, which had been decorated in boughs of greenery. A wave of warmth from the hearth washed over her as she opened the door, and behind the bar, Rosmerta put down the tankard of Butterbeer she was halfway through pouring.
“Merry Christmas, love,” she said to Artemis. “You look half-frozen. Let me just serve this and then I’ll get you something to warm you up. You like mulled mead, don’t you?”
Artemis was not going to say no to mulled mead, not when her fingers were as cold as they were now. She gratefully accepted the mug Rosmerta offered her, holding it in her hands to heat them before she took a sip.
“So,” said Rosmerta, leaning on the bar to talk to her, “is this a flying visit, or have you decided that you do want to stay here for Christmas after all?”
“I’m just dropping in to give you your present and say hi. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry. It won’t be a very relaxing Christmas here, it rarely is. Too much work.”
“I know, and I would have helped, but Charlie asked me to go to theirs,” Artemis said, raising her mug to her lips. “I get the feeling he sort of needs me there more than you need me here.”
That feeling might have been wishful thinking on Artemis’ part. With the way things were between her and Charlie at the moment, she wasn’t entirely certain that he needed her at all anymore. To others, their friendship must have looked the same as it always had, but it was obvious to her that something had changed. Their conversations had become stilted and their pauses awkward, the easiness they had always felt in one another’s presence replaced with something fraught, something tense and self-conscious. And it was her fault. It was all her fault.
Rosmerta smiled kindly. “Don’t you worry.” She conjured a cloth from thin air and started to wipe down the bar as she spoke. “I’m not surprised you want to be there for him. It’s only fair, all those times he’s been there for you when you needed him.”
That was true. Artemis had lost count of the times Charlie had been there for her when she needed it — when she needed him — most. On every path she took through the world, no matter how far from him she had been in distance, he had somehow been at her side each step of the way, stoic and solid and sure, making her feel like she belonged, like she mattered, like she was worthy of care, of…
“Love?” Rosmerta’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Is everything okay?”
Artemis wasn’t sure how to answer that question. The truthful answer was ‘no’, everything was not okay. Her memories of the war continued to haunt her, she panicked whenever she entered a room and the door closed behind her, Tonks was gone, Fred was gone, she couldn’t stop thinking about those too-few kisses she had shared with Charlie, and she couldn’t bring herself to start thinking about what that might mean. Thinking about it was too hard. If Artemis was being honest, it scared her.
It was easier not to think, and it was easier to lie.
“Nothing’s wrong, Ros. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.”
Unfortunately for her, she had never been a good liar, and Rosmerta had always been good at discerning what was true and what wasn’t. Artemis could tell from the way the landlady put down her cloth and stared at her that she didn’t believe her in the slightest.
“You know,” said Ros, summoning another cup and filling it with more mead, “they say that if you have something on your mind, the best person to talk to about it is either your bartender or your hairdresser.”
Artemis wrinkled her nose. “I don’t have a hairdresser.”
“That’s a shame.” Madam Rosmerta picked up the second mulled mead and carried it with her as she walked out from behind the bar to the stool next to Artemis’ own. “Looks like you’ll have to make do with me, then.” She sat on the stool and took a sip of her drink, before placing it down on top of the bar and raising her eyebrows at Artemis. “Spill.”
The look on her face made it clear that Artemis wasn’t going to be able to avoid this conversation. Still, she couldn’t tell Rosmerta everything, after all, it was not only her secret to share. She sighed heavily, her breath rippling on the surface of her drink.
“I dunno,” she said eventually. “I just thought that with the war being over, everything would be sort of simple again. Easier and less scary, but that’s not how it is at all. Everything is just as hard, and everything keeps changing.”
“Things do change. But that’s not a bad thing. Change can be good.”
“It can be, but it isn’t always. And there are some changes, even if they are good, that are just…” She swallowed, despite the fact that she had barely touched her mead. “I’m still so frightened, Ros.”
Rosmerta’s eyes were wide and sympathetic. “What are you frightened of, love?”
“Lots of things. More things than I ever even thought to be frightened of before. Maybe it’s just me that’s changed. Maybe I’m just not brave anymore.”
Artemis was being serious, but Rosmerta chuckled.
“Now, that I’ll never believe,” she said. “You, love, are the bravest person I’ve ever met.”
Her words should have made Artemis feel proud, but instead they only made her feel like a fraud. They echoed in her ears, acutely familiar.
“That’s what Charlie said,” she told Rosmerta.
“Well, he’d know.”
But Artemis shook her head. “He’s wrong. Maybe I used to be, when I was younger. I hardly even got scared at all back then.”
“I remember. You were fearless,” said Ros. “But fearless doesn’t mean brave. I’d say that being afraid and still carrying on and doing the right thing is braver than not being afraid at all.”
“Yeah, I know. And I know I was probably a bit too bold and reckless, and I got into all sorts of trouble because of it, but… I miss it. Being fearless, I mean. I want that back.”
“You can’t get that back. I’m sorry. Everyone loses their fearlessness when they get older. It’s just one of those things that happens with time.”
“I’d rather be fearless than brave. Fearless is easier.”
Slowly, Madam Rosmerta raised one hand, using it to tuck a loose strand of Artemis’ hair behind her ear. Artemis looked down at her own hands.
“The things you’ve done and seen and been through… It’s no wonder you aren’t fearless anymore. You’d be mad if you were. But you aren’t mad, you’re just bold. Bolder and braver than anyone I know.”
“You can take it or leave it, love, but brave is what you have now.” She leaned forward and gave Artemis a conspiratorial smile. “It’s good, I promise. Much better than fearless. Give it time, and you’ll think so, too.”
Artemis didn’t feel like she’d ever think that. Then again, she never had been much good at thinking. She still wasn’t good at thinking, even now.
She left the Three Broomsticks despondent. The snow was falling thick and fast, the way it rarely did in Ottery St Catchpole. She walked through the village without purpose, and before she realised it, she reached the fork of the path where a signpost pointed in the direction of Hogwarts School up the hill and Hogsmeade Station down it.
She looked up at the castle that stood watching over Hogsmeade, the castle that had been her home for almost seven years during her youth and a hell on earth for over seven hours earlier in the year. She had loved and she had lost, found friends and fought foes, had been challenged and been changed, all within its walls and on its grounds. Now, the castle itself had changed, had been half-destroyed and rebuilt again, and yet, it was still recognisable as Hogwarts, right down to the Thestrals she could just about see in the distance, frolicking in the snow in the shadow of the turrets and towers.
For a moment, she considered walking up there to get a closer look, but instead, she followed the path downhill, towards the station. The platform was empty, almost eerily quiet. The station clock read ten past ten, the way it had done for years. It was as if the station were…
Frozen in time.
Tears pricked at Artemis’ eyes. Years ago, when she was young and bold and reckless, she had stood here with Rowan, her best friend, even now that she was gone.
Now, Artemis was Charlie’s best friend. If it weren’t for her lingering love for Rowan and out of respect for her memory, perhaps she would call Charlie her best friend in return. She cared about him enough. He meant enough to her.
So, why couldn’t she just do as he asked and think about what it meant to kiss him, to want him to want her, to feel this new pull towards him that had never been there before?
Because, thought Artemis, she wasn’t ready to open the door to the truth of what she was feeling. She was afraid of what those feelings might mean, and what might change as a result. Facing that required bravery, but she had never needed to be brave before. She had only ever been fearless. Could she ever be that brave, as brave as Charlie and Rosmerta believed her to be? Could bravery really be better than fearlessness?
The sound of a train whistle echoed down the tracks, piercing through the cold air. Artemis jumped, and hastily rubbed her damp cheeks with the heel of her hand as the Hogwarts Express pulled into the platform. But though the doors opened, no one disembarked.
She was still entirely alone. The clock still read ten past ten.
Perhaps, if Artemis had been brave instead of fearless, Rowan would still be alive, would still be here, still with her.
Her breath caught in her throat. Once upon a time, she had lost her best friend to thoughtlessness. She couldn’t afford to let that happen again.
Turning her back to the station clock, Artemis walked down the length of the train, peering through each and every open door as she passed by the carriages until she saw the ticketmaster.
“Is this one going back to London?” she asked him. He nodded in response. “How long does it take?”
The ticketmaster hummed before relying, “Eight hours, give or take.”
It was nearly sunset. By the time that the train reached its destination, it would be gone midnight. It would be Christmas Day.
“It’s a Sickle for a single journey,” the ticketmaster told her. “You want a ticket or not?”
It took longer for Artemis to find a Sickle in her pocket than it did for her to answer. Once she had been handed her ticket, she found an empty compartment and opened the window. She took the seat nearest the open window and leaned against it, her breath fogging up the glass in front of her face.
Another whistle, and the train pulled away from the station, the tracks leading it away from Hogsmeade village and into the vast, snow-driven wilderness, the sound of the engine steadily chugging away. Artemis closed her eyes and took a breath of the cold, smoky air.
It was time for her to be brave. It was time for her to think.
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a-m-lestrange · 6 months
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"I decided to try having my hair down every once in a while. That and I can't seem to find my packet of hair ties." ~Andrea.
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New Side hustle. Thanks to the lovely Sirona Ryan for helping me out. Anyone want a Butterbeer?
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fandomfrenzy97 · 6 months
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My 5th 1st ever trip to Hogsmeade…naturally I invited Sebby along to be my travel companion…I have no regrets 😁. It did annoy me slightly that I had to undo the damage Trolls had caused by casting Reparo, all on my own…I’m trying so hard not to hold a grudge against Sebby while I become smitten with him once again…how can a girl resist, after all 😍🐍💚.
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eternalremorse · 1 year
Oscar Weasley - Welcome to Hogsmeade Quest [3/3]
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