#The amazing digital surviver game
lol81788177 · 4 months
My tadc au in few words part 2
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Shows you should save physically immediately + addition I recommend reading
Over the Garden Wall -- It's being pulled from HBO Max on August 31 and knowing HBO, there's a chance it'll be pulled sooner. *I have now made a Google Drive of all the episodes of OTGW. Please, please, please, PLEASE, save these on a physical device.
The Owl House -- Disney has tried to bury this show many times (giving it a weird release schedule, cutting the budget, etc) and has even cancelled the show. Also, Disney+ is going to nuke their catalogue soon and I doubt TOH will survive*I have now also saved all the episodes of TOH. Click here for the posts with all of the episodes
Amphibia -- I know less about the behind the scenes BS than TOH but Amphibia was screwed over by Disney mainly by poor promotion. Also since one of the protagonist is openly bisexual*, like TOH, I really can't imagine this would survive.*Amphibia has also been saved. Go here for the post with all the episodes.
Steven Universe -- Cartoon Network cancelled Steven Universe and gave it a weird release schedule, it has also just been pulled from HBO Max.
Gravity Falls -- Once again, Disney+ is going to nuke their catalogue at some point in the future and between Wendy being canonically bi, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland being in a relationship, and Alex Hirsch (being the amazing man that he is) constantly calling Disney out on their BS, I imagine that Disney would be more than willing to nuke Gravity Falls. *I’ve also saved Gravity Falls now go to the main post here to see all the episodes.
and most importantly
Every single show, book, game, fanfiction, movie, etc you've ever loved
We now know that at any moment's notice, streaming services can and will just nuke their catalogue without hesitation. If it's digital, it can be removed and there's a likely chance you'll never see it again.
So, please take some time to save anything you love on an external device. It could be a box set (it can be official or fan-made one), a USB, or anything.
If you have a physical copy of something, it's yours forever and no one can take that away from you.
*Edit because I’ve seen some confusion about this. Read this again, it’s “one of the protagonists” not “the protagonist.” Sasha is the one who’s bi, Anne’s sexuality hasn’t been confirmed.
Also in addition to this, people have reblogged this to say Steven Universe is still on HBO. Since I don’t have HBO, I’ve been going off of what people have been saying and I’ve seen it mentioned that HBO was taking off SU. You should still save it though.
*Edit 2 if any of the links here don’t work, check the original post as I might’ve changed/updated them. If that still doesn’t work, send me an ask or DM I’ll give them to you.
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koimethehorizon · 5 months
Amazing Digital Circus Theory: Gangle is an NPC
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Sooo, I wasn’t expecting to talk about this show. I was perfectly content to just enjoy Digital Circus as is.
It’s a show that invites theories as to what exactly’s going on with the setting and characters, but I didn’t have much room to think too hard about it. Who’s Abel? Is Pomni really a human? Why is this VR game emulating an N64 game at the start? I like the show plenty, but it just wasn’t as interesting to go hard on any of those questions at the time.
But with this recent episode… a single, perhaps throwaway line got the brain nagging. And it’s kind of a bizarre one to waste hours analyzing.
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Okay, so yeah, it’s a joke on submissive and breedable. (Don’t give them ideas) But try taking it at face value.
What does he mean by this? Sure, Jax is an asshole, and being a bullied kid is Gangle’s whole archetype… but what if it means a little more than that?
Gangle’s trapped for all eternity this asshole and she’s just letting him boss her around. Zooble can choose not to participate, so no one has to. Why does Gangle listen to Jax at all?
Let's entertain a thought: Is Gangle an NPC?
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With Episode 2 bringing so much attention to the autonomy of NPCs, it seemed natural to start pointing fingers at characters being this or that. But this isn't just a random crackshot, I feel that there is a story to tell here.
Look back at Pomni’s “orientation” with the other humans. Ragatha, Zooble, and Jax ease her by saying that they’ve been trapped in this world for years and then bring attention to Kinger being the oldest.
But Gangle… she’s isolated from the peanut gallery, busy moping about the broken comedy mask instead.
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Every character has been given some hints as to how they’ve been coping with the situation. Jax no longer empathizes with anything, Ragatha once had trouble adjusting but now tries to stay happy, Zooble picks and chooses her involvement, Kinger is the eldest and just exists for the hell of it, and Pomni is new to everything.
With Gangle, it’s a blank. No opinion, no hints of her human side, how long she’s been here, no thoughts on the games, nothing. She’s just Jax’s punching bag.
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Even Kinger gets a potshot on Gangle in a rock-paper-scissors game…. and he likely forgot that she doesn’t have hands!
And that brings me to another detail. Doesn't Gangle look different from the others?
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Unlike everyone else, Gangle's just a mask and a ribbon. No hands or legs, or just any limbs in general. She stands out as looking a bit simpler than the others.
Gangle's most interesting design trait is that she's based on comedy and tragedy masks. The ones used old Greek theater to dictate the emotions of their characters.
The first episode seems to imply that with a broken comedy mask, Gangle literally can’t stay happy. Hence why we see her sad most of the time. That's a strange limitation if Gangle's human mind is supposed to be completely intact, especially with how expressive the other characters can be.
It's not delved into too much but does Gangle actually rely on these masks to "feel" emotions?
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The obvious hole is that Caine would’ve just killed her a while ago if she was an NPC, but he's not exactly omniscient.
He even admits that he has to kill them off because it’s possible for him to lose track.
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Now normally I could just stop here, but I’m all about the grand statements. You know, the retroactive readings of an episode once you get a theory going. Why does Gangle being an NPC matter at all? How does Ep 2 change?
While deep diving, I realized that the thematic core of Episode 2 is Pomni and Jax’s approaches to surviving the Digital Circus.
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In Pomni’s A plot, we see her connecting with Gummigoo, the NPC that Caine pitted their group against. After discovering him lamenting his new reality, she finds a strange comfort in being existentially lost together. Because in the end the NPCs and the humans are just as displaced and frightened in this meaningless world.
In Jax’s B plot, he forces Gangle to follow some insane orders. Sabotage the game to let the big chocolate turd monster destroy the Candy Kingdom. To Jax, he is the main character. Helping or displeasing this giant population of fake people doesn’t have any consequence for him, so why humor anyone but yourself?
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A bit of a stretch, but what if Jax already knows Gangle is an NPC and is keeping it quiet as long as Gangle follows orders, hence the “submissive” comment? He’d be a way more unpleasant character with this reading, but it doesn’t seem off the cards with how he treats everyone anyway.
This dichotomy already plays out well within the episode, but when reframing it as Pomni and Gummigoo vs Jax and Gangle, the parallel is a lot more interesting.
Make an NPC an equal, they die. But keep an NPC under wraps as long as they continue to obey you… they live.
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The episode ends with a grim conundrum that NPCs can’t be together with the humans, not because of their differences but because they're just... not allowed to be. But what if one already in the group, proving that they’re just as capable as the humans to play the games and grieve loved ones together?
PS. Despite knowing everyone else's name, I actually forgot Gangle's until I started finding evidence for this intrusive thought. Sorry Gangle.
PSS. I couldn't fit this anywhere, but Gangle's door frame doesn't work as evidence against the NPC theory, because even the mannequins have their own rooms in that hallway.
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boombox-fuckboy · 3 months
any podcast recommendations for guys Going Through It. im a sucker for whump and i’ve already listened to TMA and Malevolent sooo
Fiction Podcasts: Characters Going Through It / Experiencing the Horrors
Gore warning for most, here's 15 to get you started:
I am in Eskew: (Horror) David Ward is arguably the Guy Going Through It. Stories from a man living in something that very much wants to be a city, and a private investigator who was, in her words, "hired to kill a ghost". Calmly recounted stories set to Eskew's own gentle, persistent rain. The audio quality's a bit naff but the writing is spectacular. If you like the writing, also check out The Silt Verses, which is a brilliant show by the same creators.
VAST Horizon: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller/Suspense Elements) And Dr. Nolira Ek is arguably the Gal Going Through it. An agronomist wakes from cryo to discover the ship she's on is dead in the water, far from their destination, and seemingly empty, barring the ship's malfunctioning AI, and an unclear reading on the monitors. I think you'll like this one. Great sound design, amazing acting, neat worldbuilding, and plenty of awful situations.
Dining in the Void: (Horror, Sci-Fi) So, the initial pacing on this one is a little weird, but stick with it. A collection of notable people are invited to a dinner aboard a space station, and find not only are they trapped there, but they're on a timer until total station destruction: unless they can figure out who's responsible. And there's someone else aboard to run a few games, just to make things more interesting. The games are frequently torturous. If that wasn't clear.
The White Vault: (Horror) By the same creators as VAST Horizon, this one follows a group sent to a remote arctic research base to diagnose and repair a problem. Trapped inside by persistant snow and wind, they discover something very interesting below their feet. Really well made show. The going through it is more spread out but there's a lot of it happening.
Archive 81: (Horror, Weird Fiction, Mystery and Urban Fantasy Elements) A young archivist is commissioned to digitize a series of tapes containing strange housing records from the 1990s. He has an increasingly bad time. Each season is connected but a bit different, so if S1 (relatively short) doesn't catch your ear, hang in for S2. You've got isolation, degredation of relationships, dehumanisation, and a fair amount of gore. And body horror on a sympathetic character is so underdone.
The Harrowing of Minerva Damson: (Fantasy, Horror) In an alternate version of our own world with supernatural monsters and basic magic, an order of women knights dedicated to managing such problems has survived all the way to the world wars, and one of them is doing her best with what she's got in the middle of it all.
SAYER: (Horror, Sci-Fi) How would you like to be the guy going through it? A series of sophisticated AI guide you soothingly through an array of mundane and horrible tasks.
WOE.BEGONE: (Sci-Fi) I don't keep up with this one any more, but I think Mike Walters goes through enough to qualify it. Even if it's frequently his own fault. A guy gets immediately in over his head when he begins to play an augmented reality game of entirely different sort. Or, the time-travel murder game.
Janus Descending: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Tragedy) A xenobiologist and a xenoanthropologist visit a dead city on a distant world, and find something awful. You hear her logs first-to-last, and his last-to-first, which is interesting framing but also makes the whole thing more painful. The audio equivalent of having your heart pulled out and ditched at the nearest wall. Listen to the supercut.
The Blood Crow Stories: (Horror) A different story every season. S1 is aboard a doomed cruise ship set during WWII, S2 is a horror western, S3 is cyberpunk with demons, and S4 is golden age cinema with a ghostly influence.
Mabel: (Supernatural, Horror, Fantasy Elements) The caretaker of a dying woman attempts to contact her granddaughter, leaving a series of increasingly unhinged voicemails. Supernatural history transitioning to poetic fae lesbian body horror.
Jar of Rebuke: (Supernatural) An amnesiac researcher with difficulties staying dead investigates strange creatures, eats tasty food, and even makes a few friends while exploring the town they live in. A character who doesn't stay dead creates a lot of scenarios for dying in interesting ways
The Waystation: (Sci-Fi, Horror) A space station picks up an odd piece of space junk which begins to have a bizzare effect on some of the crew. The rest of it? Doesn't react so well to this spreading strangeness. Some great nailgun-related noises.
Station Blue: (Psychological Horror) A drifting man takes a job as a repair technician and maintenance guy for an antarctic research base, ahead of the staff's arrival. He recounts how he got there, as his time in the base and some bizzare details about it begin to get to him. People tend to either quite like this one or don't really get the point of it, but I found it a fascinating listen.
The Hotel: (Horror) Stories from a "Hotel" which kills people, and the strange entities that make it happen. It's better than I'm making it sound, well-made with creative deaths, great sound work, and a strange staff which suffer as much as the guests. Worth checking out.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
OOOH!that ghost kid thing with the digital circus performers was amazing!!! I cant resist but ask.but can you make a headcanons of the performers would react if spirit kid Y/n is more absent today and suddenly after a while appear with more blood than usual..static noise around them..and points at the group and is like “I know who killed me now…” and poofs again away?? they found out who but as like a scare they prank the characters by making them think maybe one of them did..
I feel evil so- XD
Hope u have a good day!!
I'm glad you liked the hcs! Spooky season may be over, but I'm definitely not done writing spooky content 👻
He blinks, and then immediately turns directly to Gangle.
"Oh Gangle, I knew it was you all along. Tsk, tsk." He shakes his head, putting on the cheekiest grin as the ribbon gal cries out that she didn't do anything.
He knows you were just pranking all of them, although he does wonder who really murdered you and how you figured it out.
Given how much you've been disappearing lately, he's sure that it's only a matter of time before your spirit moves on.
Or maybe...you were cursed to forever live inside this game since you had no body to return to.
Then again, he's not sure if any of them do...
All he knows is that during the times he does see you with the group, you seem happier (although the blood and static noises are still prevalent and aren't any less unsettling to see/hear).
Maybe you've already made peace with your existence after solving this huge mystery, content with making dark jokes to cope.
At first she's happy..
Then she's utterly terrified once it sinks in that you didn't specify who exactly murdered you.
All you did was point to the group like you were accusing one of them before disappearing for the remainder of the day.
This poor jester can't remember anything for the life of her....so she can't help wondering if she might've been your killer.
You did arrive not long after she did.
After Jax points this out, she's 100% convinced it was her.
Maybe she unknowingly killed you while wearing the headset and this was some sort of eternal punishment.
It's a thought that keeps her up all night (not that she needed sleep to survive, but she was quite exhausted in the morning).
You do end up visiting her to say it was just a little prank. It wasn't anybody in the group and you didn't mean to freak her out this badly.
That brings her a lot of relief.
Although she's not a fan of your morbid humor (not that she'll say anything about it, though).
The second you vanish after revealing you knew your killer, everyone looks at each other in confusion
"Th-They didn't say who, though, did they...?" She mutters.
"Right, because they know it was you, Gangs." Jax remarks, causing her to freeze.
She's outright horrified he would even remotely suggest that.
Poor girl's scrambling to justify how she couldn't have possibly killed you when she's been stuck in the game longer than you.
Imagine her awkwardness as Jax openly states that he was in fact kidding around..
He also expresses his doubts she'd even be capable of murder...as he recounts her crying over accidentally stepping on a digital ladybug.
She's not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not.
Gangle only fully calms down once you go to her personally and reassure her you were just pranking the group.
Although you'll haunt Jax as payback for trying to throw her under the bus.
They just turn to the group and sigh.
"Okay, who did it? Because they've officially given me the f***ing creeps popping in and out like that."
She's strangled Jax on a number of occasions, so they are very much capable of committing violence...
But she has her doubts since you still hang around the group.
Alongside Jax, she quickly sees through your little joke and rolls their eyes when you admit that it was indeed a prank.
She can tolerate your dark humor, knowing you can't help it given your "spooky" theme.
They suspect Caine murdered you since he seemed most alarmed by your arrival. Plus you never spoke to him much.
But no, he actually helped you track down your killer--who abstracted the second they set foot inside the game and got thrown into the cellar.
Zooble never thought she'd see the day where they were actually impressed at Caine's actions.
Like Pomni and Gangle...he's probably gonna overthink it and grow distrustful of the others, wondering who did it.
You seemed quite confident and serious in your confession---and scary as hell, too.
He proposes they all discussed it at the dinner table and hold a vote on who to cast out (sorta like a certain video game with a name that sadly slips by him).
Ironically, he refuses to say anything and just....stares uncomfortably at Gangle the entire time.
But before any of the talks could end in fighting or her getting sacrificed to the Gloink Queen...you show up again, looking calmer and less bloody than before.
When you reveal it was just a little prank, Kinger sighs in relief.
"Good heavens, you nearly gave me a second heartattack, [y/n]! Why didn't you just say so?"
"...thought it would be funny."
"......AH!! GH-GHOST!!!"
"Aaaand there's "heartattack #2, ladies and gentleman," Jax shakes his head, kicking his feet onto the table with an amused smile.
She's genuinely happy to hear that you knew who your killer was...
Although before she can ask you who, you disappear without warning.
Judging from the way you acted, you were accusing one of them...yet you didn't signal out anybody in particular.
She knows that she couldn't have possibly done it.
So she spends most of the day trying to calm down Pomni and the others (but mostly Pomni) who think they might've somehow accidentally killed you.
It begins to stress her out a little, so she searches for you, and you prank her with something silly.
After making her laugh, you use that opportunity to explain that you were joking with the group earlier, reassuring her that it wasn't any of them and the killer had already abstracted.
Her face falls flat as she realizes you just wanted to see how they would all react.
"[Y/n], that's just...mean." She frowns. "Pomni was freaking out all day, you know."
"Tell her I didn't mean any harm...I guess..nobody here understands my humor."
"I mean I do, but dark humor is more Zooble's and Jax's shticks."
"....true. My bad, Rags."
".....it's okay, dear." She sighs, unable to stay mad at you forever. "I'm just glad you didn't drive yourself insane trying to find them."
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hopeymchope · 6 months
I wish Spike Chunsoft would just go full "Persona" with Danganronpa and milk it with tons of spinoffs.
I'd be there for every goddamn one of them on DAY ONE, you know. Pick your genre! The minute they figured out how to make a decent third-person DR action game with Ultra Despair Girls, that should've opened the floodgates wide IMO. In fact, if you take any given Persona spinoff, I can tell you how easily/naturally they could develop (and I could get super-hyped for) a Danganronpa equivalent.
Danganronpa Arena is SO obvious. It's the MOST obvious spinoff, and it has been sitting there waiting to be creating for seven goddamn years now. Ever since Kodaka said he wants a DR fighting game. Hey, remember that official DR3 Staff Book art that showed Nanami dreaming about it? Many of us have shared fan ideas for the story and/or for character moves. COME ON, y'all. What's the holdup?? DO IT! DO IT NOW!
Danganronpa: Dancing? FUCK YAS. I mean, there's already some wicked dance remixes of the game soundtracks in that Crypt of the Necrodancer DR content, so why the hell not?? And I recall that @dreamrlu did some great fanart (1) for how the (2) V3 crew could dress (3).
Danganronpa Q, a dungeon crawler? Despair Dungeon already exists, so it's COMPLETELY NATURAL. It's just a higher-quality production of that same concept! And if you haven't seen that fanmade version of the first "Persona Q" opening where it's the casts of DR1 and DR2 meeting up? It's AMAZING.
Danganronpa Tactica? Imagine leading squads from the Future Foundation (including DR1 and DR3 cast members) in missions against remaining Remnants of Despair. I've been playing a lot of tactical RPGs lately, and there's a lot of room to tell a ton of story in this format... plus it's not like you even have to make complex graphics to make it work, so SC doesn't have to worry about struggling with 3D renders if they don't want to. Just consider how Digimon Survive pulled this off with 2D sprite art!
Danganronpa Strikers is, uh, maybe the hardest to justify — but if you set it in the virtual world, that could make it easy! Since Danganronpa S already took place entirely in VR and contained a load of combat encounters, why the hell not do a similar setup for an action game? And if you prefer to keep in the real world, there are still a number of characters I could easily justify making playable in such a scenario — Genocide(r), Sakura, Asahina, Mondo, Nekomaru, Peko, Akane, Great Gozu, Seiko, Munakata, Maki, Gonta, etc. I can even picture some more-unlikely candidates such as Kimura slotting into the roster. I don't even like musou games that much, but ofc I'd play the SHIT out of this one.
Look: I know I'm an insatiable fan who just wants more precious content with these characters. But you can't convince me that these things wouldn't also SELL. The brand reached new heights of awareness and sales with V3, and they haven't really capitalized on that at all aside from giving us "Danganronpa S." We haven't even gotten a new anime since DR3, FFS! And I'm confident that any one of the ideas listed above would sell far better than a weird digital board game with RPG combat set inside VR, frankly. :P
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thatuselesshuman · 4 months
Writeblr Introduction Post
✨ Also known as, I'm just rewriting my normal intro post to include more author shit ✨
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General Bio Information
I'm fine with being called any variation of ThatUselessHuman or Casper (also acceptable: anything I find funny)
Pronouns: whatever makes the joke funnier
Aerospace engineering college student living in the USA (*distant eagle caws*)
Not a minor (don't do anything diabolical with that)
Colorblind, Autistic, and generally just ill
Writing Interests
Suffering/angst enthusiast
Fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopia are my shit bro
Found family, morally dark gray characters, religious elements and/or mythology, and trauma=character development
I tentatively like romance cause it's great when it's a side plot (I'm just ass at actually writing it)
I absolutely adore spinning my religion (Christianity) into fantasy worlds and concepts bc the lore is always IMMACULATE
Other interests
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Bungou gay dogs
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaizen (known to dabble in other animes)
The Case Study of Gay Men (The case study of vanitas)
Twink men (Zelda)
Six of crows
Books in general
Genshin (out of nowhere)
Hunger Games
I do art occasionally
Gummigoo (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Danny Motta
maybe write a book idk
Be entirely unserious
Make a friend or two
Scream into the void abt my WIPs
Common/Important Tags
#dying stars burn the brightest
#sorrow's victor
#bloody hands are kind
#among the living (casper)
#caspers random things
My Works
*blue = Ao3 one shot / green = Ao3 long work / purple = unposted / pink = short (non fandom) writings
Bloody Hands are Kind (wip series)
• Sorrow's Victor (fin.) • Plated Gold Smiles (fin.) • Capitol Perfume (fin.) • The Scars You Leave (fin.) • Bloody Hands are Kind (fin.) • Among the Living (wip)
None of Us Heroes (wip)
Gates of Hell (wip)
All Things Sacred and Blasphemous (fin.)
Writing. (fin.)
Creation. (fin.)
Dear Icarus (fin.)
Human Nature (fin.)
DNI if you're a bitch :)
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skittikyu · 10 months
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Final (for now :3c) lineup of Stilti and their AU selves !
More info under the cut !
The classic! Just another human trapped in the Digital World, who took the form of a 9'5'' tall humanoid stilt quadruped, perhaps struggling with being rigid and distant in her previous life now manifested physically. Yes, they're actually part of her body. No, she can't bend at where her joints should be. Being so tall has its advantages and disadvantages, as does the radical acceptance approach they brought with her from whatever therapy sessions she must have been attending before joining the circus (read more about her coping mechanisms and the drawbacks!). Creative at heart but with limbs now incapable of visual art, they distract herself from the phantom pains pass time singing and dancing, and puts her all into the performance aspects of the circus, though they still enjoy participating in the adventures from time to time. Also, while not nearly as bad as Jax (she’s not one to invade personal space or use sensitivities/phobias as jokes towards someone once she’s aware that’s what they are), they do enjoy poking fun and teasing others. Essentially at most their aim is to lightheartedly annoy or confuse rather than shock or hurt (read more about her relationships with the rest of the cast!).
"It is what it is. I'm not going to let all this eat away at whatever's left of me, but just..ignoring when I'm not feeling okay isn't any better for me. If you want to bury yourself in your little shell as protection, I can't and won't stop you. Just surviving isn't living, though."
Basically Stilti takes canon Caine's role as an AI ringmaster of the Amazing Digital Circus! Even her name in this AU is a biblical reference like his (but to Lilith instead of Cane!). Because she's in charge she has more control of her form than regular Stilti, and therefore has functioning limb privileges. She can also float like regular Caine but prefers to walk around because she finds it more elegant even though to the others it's probably just unsettling. On the surface Stiltilith's demeanour is calmer than Caine's and more mature than Stiltikyu's, but she can be equally as much of a menace in the right situation. It's all in playful fun, though, even if it doesn't come across that way due to her not being human. They're doing their best to learn about human emotions and social conventions and take a lot of pride in their job. Have you ever seen the movie Coraline? Stiltilith is like if the other mother really wasn't evil; they're trying her best to make the humans that enter the program happy with everything they could want, but ultimately falling short of fulfilling their actual needs due to not being human.
"You want to go home..? Silly, this is your new home now! ..hm, well, what can I do to make it just as good? Better, even! After all, since you can't leave, it's the least I ca...oh, come now, there's no need to cry..there there..I'll see what I can whip up.."
OPPOSITE AU (Belongs to campbell_soup70 on Instagram!)
Pretty self explanatory! Rather than skipping every stage of grief right to acceptance, this Stilti probably endlessly cycles through the first four without ever arriving at the final one. That is, when she isn't completely paralyzed by her absolute lack of capacity for dealing with their current situation. Without intervention, they probably won't last long.
CARNIVAL AU (Belongs to @/sm-baby)
Keeping with the concept of the cast being evolved, boss-like forms of their usual counterparts, Carnival Stilti ("The Metronome") goes all in on the musical/dancing aspects of her personality. Her game is arcade themed, especially rhythm games like DDR and guitar hero; maybe a bit of karaoke elements in there too. She's not super aggressive in comparison to some of the other AIs, but she takes themself very seriously and probably becomes more volatile if she feels as if the player isn't meeting her standards. Basically thoughts and prayers to any users with a bad sense of tempo and/or who sings or plays off key. Her collar is shaped like a voice box and they speak/sing similarly to a vocaloid, with more roboticism/distortion the more emotional they get.
"Hmmmmm~. ♫ Come on, that's not the best you could do, was it?~ ♪ Let's try again. No flat notes or missed steps this time, kay? 4, 3, 2~!♩"
CORRUPTION AU (Belongs to /rabid-mercenary15)
Unfortunately it was likely only a matter of time until Stilti got caught by one of her corrupted co-stars..while she may be agile and quick, her avatar isn't the best at fitting through small spaces or hiding behind much of anything..they now roam around like a mindless beast, occasionally making unworldly screeching and groaning noises, a far cry from their previous singing..still, it seems old habits do in fact die hard, however warped they may become. One of the more docile of the virally-infected, the best chance at deescalating an encounter with them is music. She's drawn to and is soothed by singing and playing instruments. Of course, now the problem is her following the source of it, but hey, at least they aren't attacking! Try backing away slowly until you get to an area they can't follow due to her colossal size. Or, set up a radio/windup music box somewhere else as a diversion and get away while they're distracted! Even if they see or hear you while you're doing so, as long as the music is still playing, they'll be too enamoured with it to care.
FREAKSHOW AU (belongs to @/hootbon)
Freakshow Stilti is all of regular Stiltikyu’s worst aspects exaggerated and potentials accelerated, basically the worst possible version of themself that lives on even more of a wire than she already is in canon verse. Walking on eggshells is second nature - at least she has great balance, even with her disfunctional limbs! Mind the splinters! While both versions of them are resigned to the hopelessness of their situation, Regular Stilti would compare hers to purgatory whereas Freakshow Stilti would (internally) compare theirs to hell. The first thing Caine did when she arrived was break her arms and legs - this was to give her flexibility for their new role as “Contortionist”, but the permanent trauma and chronic pain they also received was of no concern to him outside of frustration with her “attitude” (AKA screaming, then crying, then a paralysis-like freeze response, which was highly unproductive), but an unacceptable lack of cooperation was nothing corrective measures couldn’t reeducate. Seemingly, it worked: nowadays she’s all silly smiles, singing and practicing her performance routines off-hours for fun. What dedication! Isn’t it nice they chose to be such a team player? Well, whatever. With that twist on the same acceptance their regular TADC counterpart has, there’s also the similar (albeit darker) self awareness. She may be resigned to their existence but she’s not avoidant to its realities. On the surface they’re on Promised Neverland levels of copium and outwardly detached completely from their emotions and the horrific events that routinely surround them. However, while her persona may come across as delusional, everything they do is on her own terms. Their hyper-vigilance, a torturously anxiety-ridden constant of being, has also been her biggest tool for- well, not surviving, they’ve died plenty of times..-persisting, let’s say. Their preferred choices in strategies can all be categorized as some form of Freeze, while their last choice would be Fight, in order avoid potentially unwinnable situations. Still…we’d like to still think we have principles, but in the face of self preservation, it gets easier to abandon them. Though not their go-to, there definitely are and will be times they choose Flight or Fawn instead. Generally outside of shows, she keeps a low profile. They do their best to keep expectations of her reasonable, with not so much that they’d attract needless attention (not to mention be even more stress to maintain), but not so little it would inconvenience anyone, or god forbid, give the impression that they’re not pulling their own weight. Over time, she’s learnt all the things they have no power over and the few she does, namely their own mind. Dignity is a luxury in a place like this but integrity is something they can only take if she chooses to give it to them, and stooping to their level yields the exact same result as unwillingly being pulled down. “None of this is real” is also little reassurance in a realm where you can still experience the sensation of physical pain (not to mention psychologically directly), but “take whatever you can get in this place” was another quickly learned lesson and that includes comforts, so the fact that everything is “just” in a video game is one of many tools in Stilti’s arsenal of dissociation. They overall have attitude of “if there’s no meaning, they’ll make up her own - to them, that’s better than looking for something that isn’t there” Is it denial if it’s a conscious decision? Who knows!
An area that Freakshow Stilti is basically completely different from her canon verse counterpart is that she doesn’t crave nor seek out connection with others the way Regular Stilti does. This is likely a result of both her detachment methods in other areas, as well as a mutual lack of trust with the other members since she’s experienced and witnessed first hand plenty of times that they’re all incapable of actually relying on and helping each other. Still being a Stilti, though, part of her will always want to - she’s somewhat “attached” to others who have been personally victimized by the ringleader, possibly out of empathy or a perceived “connection” from the shared experience. However, when attempting to build bridges have an inevitably lethal outcome, she knows better than to have their hopes up in ways her other self will fortunately never have to fathom coming to terms with. That being said, not worrying about any relationships having strong foundations makes it a lot easier to have a devil-may-care attitude towards her peers and how they perceive them, so when combined with feeling her emotions more strongly in moments they’re not being actively repressed, Freakshow Stilti is a lot more unrestrained expressing her infatuation for those like Gangle and Ragatha, or contempt for those like Jax. The AI are of course the exception to this - any interaction with Caine and Aingle is with a permanently awestruck pokerface. Maybe, in some areas, that sentiment is genuine - after all, if she wasn’t impressed on some level by their technical abilities, authentically expressing respect for them as “superiors” would be impossible not to come across as tepid or overboard, both unconvincingly.
"Are you crying?...Oh, no, I don't do that anymore. Bad for my voice, you know? How about we sing instead?"
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mooseghost · 3 months
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
for Ryunosuke!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
He's my favourite Ace Attorney character tied with Maya! He's an underdog character who doesn't even start as a lawyer but then has an amazing character arc that really leads him to deserving that "Great Ace Attorney" title by the end. His animations are all really charming and I can't pick a favourite. He has a unique and interesting relationship with every other main character. He's very outwardly polite with a sarcastic and snarky inner monologue that occasionally leaks into his outer monologue. Can't remember three digits on his student badge (which he's lost three times) but CAN unravel complex government conspiracies. If you told him "gullible" was written on the ceiling he'd check and then politely ask if you could be mistaken. He won't bluff in the courtroom but can bluff for England when asked to tidy his desk by his teenage assistant. He drags out the equivalent of Mia Fey's "well if you're sure it isn't poisoned why don't YOU take it" several times in court and it just works. Nobody is doing it like him. Obsessed with this guy
2. Favourite canon thing about this character?
I love that all we know about his backstory is random lore drops, mostly from optional dialogue. He's not even cagey about it in the way Phoenix is, it's just that people never ask him anything. Turns out he steals soap from public baths, has had a cold only once in his life and still complains about it, takes all his medicine at once when he's prescribed some, doesn't like knives (except Karuma, that's Kazuma's soul, Susato), knows only three types of flowers that are actually just blossoms, and who knows what else??
(Also I relate to him being terrified at Madame Tussauds because I went to Madame Tussauds once as a child and remember having a similar reaction so I think he's very valid for that tbh)
3. Least favourite canon things about this character?
I know Phoenix is never actually confirmed to be Ryunosuke's DIRECT descendant but the fact that it implies Ryunosuke canonically has children at some point baffles me. I cannot imagine this man being a father. There are enough weird contrivances that lead to characters ending up with children in this series that I can believe he got saddled with a kid at some point, but would he actually be a good parent? Uh..... Maybe he'd have been better as a standalone character tbh
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I'd love to put Ryunosuke in Doctor Who. This man is definitely NOT equipped for aliens and time travel so I just think putting him in both situations would be really funny. I think he'd get along with the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) because he matches a lot of the Sholmes energy, but he'd probably be more likely to actually survive if paired with 12th (Peter Capaldi) lmao
If reality shows count then I'd put him on Strictly Come Dancing if only because he already made a direct reference to it in the game which is hilarious (Sholmes would also be extremely funny on Strictly, obviously)
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I don't listen to a lot of music but Toh Kay's "The Hands that Thieve" has always made me think of Gina and Ryunosuke reflecting on both the McGilded trial and Ryunosuke's trial and losing faith in the legal system, while Ryunosuke prepares to defend Gina in that final trial of the first game. (I've been editing a video of it but I'm not sure I'll post it anywhere lest I get stricken down by copyright)
Thanks for the ask!! 🐭
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scrabbleknight · 11 months
The Amazing Digital Circus Theory: Nothing is Real
I just watched (and rewatched) The Amazing Digital Circus and I absolutely love it, especially with the music. Pomni is my favourite anxiety-filled jester, Kingster is the most relatable character there is, Gangle is precious and should be protected, Jax is literally just the classic yellow-gloved Bugs Bunny, and Ragatha is the nicest person in the cast. Oh, and there's also Caine and Bubble, the beloved showman duo.
I don't really know anything about it outside of the pilot but I still want to put my two cents in the whole theory thing. A-hem! So, the theory goes:
The cast isn't trapped in this digital world; they're DIGITAL COPIES of the original persons.
In September 2015, a science fiction survival horror game was released, titled "SOMA". The game is about a man named Simon Jarrett who, after doing an experimental brain scan to help with his brain damage, was transported to a futuristic underwater lab that is completely taken over by a rouge AI known as the WAU.
Spoiler alert! This game deals with the concept of consciousness as well as the Ship of Theseus, except there's no real body. See, the big plot reveal in the game was that Simon wasn't transported to the future at all; the Simon we've been playing as was really a personality copy of the original Simon, which became the basis of AI technology. The real human Simon lived the rest of his days as usual and eventually died from his brain injury. This plot point about not being the real Simon was not only brought up once, nor twice, but THREE TIMES, each more devastating than the last.
What's happening in the Amazing Digital Circus is something like that. Pomni stated that she wore a headset and was suddenly transported here. But what if that's not true? What if Pomni is actually a digital copy of the real human Pomni (who's name we don't know)? What if that's the case for all of them, minus Caine and Bubbles who are more likely to be true AI made to help them and keep them sane?
This is why none of them can't escape. Because there's no such thing. They're not trapped in this circus purgatory; it's literally the only place they can exist. The real human selves are probably unaware at all. Real-life Pomni probably was playing a game and is now having dinner with her family, blissfully unaware that her personality had been copypasted into The Amazing Digital Circus. Turning into an Abstract is just what happens when their data becomes corrupted, which is exacerbated from insanity. Keeping sane means their data stays clean, or maybe their data becoming corrupted is what makes them insane and Abstracted. The chicken or the egg?
Calling it now; if this theory is true, then Pomni will learn that she herself is not real and this could cause other characters becoming Abstracted, maybe even herself. It could lead to them figuring out how to undo Abstracts, or at least destroy them completely, giving them a way out (through deletion).
As for why their personalities were copied and put into this place... Who knows? It could be an experiment performed by the C&A company, or it could be a glitch in the matrix that became self-aware and isn't big enough of a deal to be dealt with, like an old defunct project.
Man, I am so looking forward to Ep1 :D
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dutifullyfuriouscat · 4 months
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My AU of the amazing digital cricus! Abandoned horror!tadc and the games that inspired this au is horror like dead by dead light and Identity V are the main game that these poor people are in.
This Au is people minus pomi can transform into the monster of them but is just a monster form of the digital avatar. Cain was bored of having more monsters then survivers so he made the next people or person in pomi's case not have a monster form and who wants a jester that's like a clown a 3rd time?
Here is the survivor side and what they can do and one fun fact about them!
Pomi: a stunner that can stun monsters with her flashlight in her bag? Or a messager bag and a camera incase the place gets to dark. Fun fact she were or was an YouTuber of something.
Ragatha: a medical that can heal people to full but it might take time so a good hiding place is invited with her. Fun fact she is or was in medical school to be a nurse!
Jax: a randomizer that can somehow get things like his bowling ball out of his pocket and throw it to the monster, or a healing item. Fun fact he's 'bunny ears' on his head is just his hair and naturally like that.
Gangle: A figure or plush maker that makes those two out of thin air with a cloud over her hands but takes time to finish them and either as an attack weapon or a healing weapon like Jax but can actually pick the plush/figure. Fun fact she is a theater kid but mostly a background clean up/replace props crew.
Zooble: either an attacker or a sheilder haven't decided yet but they can change their monster avatar by Cain's approval and color of their Prastadic whatever they want and that's the fun fact! oh and they don't like it there of where they are.
Kinger: an sheilder but rarely attacker but that's rarely or gets scared/startled at the monster that's currently in the game or other teammates and can costumise the pillow for his 'fort'. Fun fact is that the butterfly clip on his hair was a gift from Cain to remember his wife Queenie and Cain for some reason that even kinger doesn't know.
Kaufmo: no longer an survivor turned into his clown monster but he was an runner like run faster then Jax surprisingly enough and helps people out of the Constitution their in as the rest of the survivors can do to! Fun facts he use to make bad jokes to light people's mood and can somehow braid long and medium hair somehow!
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lol81788177 · 5 months
the amazing digital surviver game.
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Plot :pomni instead of coming in a Joyful and happy and welcoming area, will be welcomed in an air of war, desperation, death , fear.where players kill each other for the great Prize of Freedom, because you know if die in the digital world you die in real time (* yes like in Sword art online * ) But pomni will soon realize, the desperate situation that no one wants to die, no one really wants to kill others, and that no one wants to be here,so she will try to find an other way,
To get out.
Rules :
Yes you can ship just don't touch the google (*zooble x gangle *)
2. Nsfw? "Sigh " if you do it pls just keep it pirvet or for yourself, because I don''t like the type of content
3.redesigns? Sure ,im an Beginner artist so i don't think all the designs will be epic, and when we talk about outfit ideas, bye bye My brain narrows to very few ideas ,so I would love to see your redesign ideas,just pls be respectful for the rest you can have fun :)
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anonoob · 1 year
here are some underrated (in my opinion) media's I recommend!
Lackadaisy (Animated PILOT - Webcomic.) Lackadaisy has its own Animated PILOT on YouTube, and a Webcomic you can find on the official lackadaisy website! The series is about a webcomic set in Prohibition-era St. Louis, Missouri. It chronicles the events of a cast of anthropomorphic cats as they struggle to keep the titular speakeasy afloat.
Murder Drones (Animated series) Murder Drones has recently gained popularity, but is still a small project. You find it on youtube. On a post-apocalyptic exoplanet, worker drones struggle to survive by hiding from rogue robots called Murder Drones
Epithet Erased (Animated series - book) you can find the first 7 episode Animated on YouTube! Season 2, however, Is a book. based on the tabletop roleplay series Anime Campaign! With unique powers called epithets, and characters attempting to steal an amulet rumored to have the ability to take a person's epithet.
Lego Monkie Kid (Cartoon) The tale begins when an ordinary boy, Monkie Kid, finds Monkey King's legendary staff, and he becomes the chosen one. You can watch on PRIME VIDEO!
Recreyo (YouTube channel!) Oddly enough, I'm recommending a YouTube channel.. a Comedy podcast with a group of friends with trust issues are thrown into different chaotic scenarios where they have to survive by learning to trust each other.. or not.
I'm running out of ideas or media's so.. uh yeah guys you should watch those silly fnaf rps like Oddities or The Famous Films!!! There's more, but I don't know them all lol
Also the sun and moon show is pretty cool yeah
EDIT ; The amazing digital circus is a new media too! Though, the fandom has grown largely. It's a animated pilot on YouTube, under the GlitchProductions channel. (creators of murder drones)
EDIT ; Spooky Month! Halloween is one of everyone's favorites, and so is October! I'm sure you've all heard of this show, made by Sr. pelo. Every year, near Halloween, a new episode for this series released! Last year, it grew huge in popularity.
There obviously tons of smaller projects out there, and I totally recommend them! Make sure to support small creators!
Fizz back w/ another banger
Y'all have obviously heard of hazbin hotel and helluva boss (I think helluva boss currently is better, especially in it storyline.)
Ramshackle ! An animated pilot on YouTube and it's 1st episode!, with many other small contents (webtoon, merch, art)
(Not really a media, but a nice nostalgic moment for old time flamingo fans) rewatch Roblox myth videos! They're actually nice to go back and remember, Especially if you were around when the vids came out.
An anime for once! Madoka Magica is great, actually. It's a dark spin on the magical girl ordeal, and it's probably the only anime I really like.
Object shows. There's a LOT of these. Most popular; Inanimate insanity, BFDI. Best recommendations; ONE (hfjcheesy), love of the s*n
Robloc area ; Regretevator, Evade, etc are lowkey fun games with good fandoms (sometimes)
EDDSWORLD OH My God please watch eddsworld it's made by this dude named Edd Gould and it's awesome
Indigo Park. Play it. It's so fucking cool/gen
Kinitopet, nice ai spin game!
Class of 2009 is epic and funny (also has triggering topics tho)
Musicals! It's nice to find new and different musicals!
Horror! +Favs ; Mandela catalogue, the walten files (there's more but it's been a bit)
Dead end, cold front, etc! The creator has amazing games :3
I had more but. Forgot oops
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maehem-1 · 11 months
Hear me out as I go all Game Theory about The Amazing Digital Circus
I think Jax's name was randomly generated like Pomni, but came out with redundant letters (like Jjaxx, or similar). He's irreverent or apathetic enough to not give a rats ass about something like that, and he's the only (preexisting and surviving) performer whose name doesn't fit their body.
However, Caine's name is also 5 letters and doesn't match his body, but I highly doubt it's randomly generated. He's a different type of being from the rest of them, probably either the first or the second to inhabit the Circus. Plus, his name's too deliberate. Being an absentminded creator god, he's most likely C of C&A fame (the Cain and Abel connection is not lost on me)
Returning to the clown and the rabbit, notice who got turned into marketable plushies. Obviously the main character, but Jax too. The actual reason is of course he was projected to get the most sales (and they're probably right), but that's the doylist explanation. I'm not satisfied with that. I think they're trying to draw a connection between Pomni and Jax, that they're special somehow.
Well, Pomni can see Caine's unfinished work (the exit doors), but what's Jax's deal? The master key. Having something you're not supposed to, in a world where the guy in charge can just say "my key is missing" and magically float it to him from wherever it is, is a feat, unless Caine was letting him keep it. I don't actually think the key will be that important, except in that it lets Jax go where others can't, but even that means Jax is privy to information and resources others aren't.
I think they're setting up an "I used to be just like you" plot with Jax and Pomni. I think Caine may have betrayed A of C&A, and ran the company to the ground, and he might be trapped inside the circus like the rest of them. Is Bubble an NPC or a former person? Much to be investigated.
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itisstillnotme · 2 months
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Well. Ten years already. I honestly don't know what to say. I can't believe we've had fnaf for this long. Doesn't feel real.
I met the game back in 2015, Fnaf 4 had just released
The first fnaf game i've ever played was fnaf 2, and my first jumpscare was from The Puppet
After 2015 I lost interest in FNAF from 2015-2016. And forgot about it completely, until I remembered it in late 2017, when fnaf 6 had just released
The first songs I listened to were The Bonnie Song, Survive The Night and Just Gold
I was not a huge fan back then because I was more into other stuff, but I liked it a lot to even say I was part of the fandom. And I became a HUGE fan when I lost interest in those other things and FNAF became my favorite thing in 2018-2019
Fnaf brought me a lot of comfort in 2020 during the lockdown, I had just lost a family member, my childhood best friend had left me, I lost my social abilites and could barely interact with other people that weren't from my family, etc. So during these stressing times, Fnaf brought me peace, comfort and a feeling that made me know everything would be alright and the storm would fade
As time and years passed, I joined more fandoms like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, The Amazing Digital Circus and Willy's Wonderland, but Fnaf has always been my favorite, and the one I hold closer to my heart.
Thank you Scott Cawthon 💙
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
If you don't mind sharing, what other games do you have on the switch besides Pokemon?
I have more than I remember. I don't play a lot other than Pokemon these days.
Here's a list from the top of my head. Some are physical while others are downloaded, but I don't remember for sure which is which.
Spyro Reignited Smash Bros Ultimate Breath of the Wild (NOT Tears of the Kingdom; that one intimidated me so I let my brother be the player of that one. XD) Super Mario 3D All Stars Stardew Valley Animal Crossing Fe Feather Cattails Skyrim Minecraft Terraria, I think? Some game where you play as a Bobcat and try to survive to have babies that I don't remember the name of and don't feel like looking at. XD Shelter Generations (It was Lynx, not Bobcat. X3)
But there's one game that, although I don't play it as much anymore, it sits firmly on the throne of my heart as my favorite video game; Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling.
I love this game so much that I bought the digital version for myself, then for my brother, and then bought the $100 limited time physical collectors edition. I may have a bias toward it because a particular storyline played into some long-time interests of mine, but I absolutely adore this game! The gameplay is fun (it's a Paper Mario style game) and the characters are charming as heck and have amazing chemistry! I highly recommend playing it spoiler free, if you're able to! That being said, I may talk about spoilers at some point or another. But I will take precautions to help keep them from people who don't want to see them. :>
And I'll say also that the aforementioned storyline is a supporting pillar of inspiration for Linden Roots. :)
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