#The bad guy
lalalalupia · 3 months
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Their official Design is sooooo good.
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chabooey · 1 year
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diane foxington from the bad guys
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katrinthecat · 1 year
Dylan and Ashley's family members - wolf, wolfox and fox puppies
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shield-to-shield · 1 year
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Anastasia Doaga+Selene Caramazza, The Bad Guy
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icedcoffee-cream · 1 year
Me to Quaritch: Babygirl, baby.
Also me to him: Evil.
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art by FPV
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blinkysadventure · 6 months
ladies and gentleman
the bad guy
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Stop tiptoeing around people who are hell-bent on twisting your words and actions to fit their vision of you as "the bad guy".
You could lead the most pious, upright life and these people will still find aspects of you or your behavior to nitpick. They will always misinterpret your most innocent, selfless actions in a sinister way. They will always have fuel for their rumor mill, because they make most of it up, anyway.
So STOP wasting your time and sacrificing your mental health, trying to tiptoe around these people in the hopes that they won't label you with evil ulterior motives, today. No matter what you do, they will hate you and try to drag you down.
Go out, live your best life, and pay them no heed.
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buddyhollyscurls · 10 months
I really don't get Marcela, I really don't.
Because when Armando says that he's gonna drop of Alejandra at her hotel she tells him that she'll never forgive him for it.
She tells Patricia that the relationship has no more room for any more forgiveness.
When he arrives back at her apartment she tells him if you want to end this relationship great. Grab all your shit and go.
But when he is like let's end this peacefully and maturely she refuses she's like I won't allow you to waste four years of my life.
Baby girl, what do you want? HONESTLY WHAT. DO YOU WANT
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justasecretwriter · 2 years
Frode (Part Twenty-One of "The Bad Guy")
Title | Frode
Series | The Bad Guy (Part Twenty-One) 
Summary | It's tradition on Asgard for Odin to throw a banquet when important guests visit, and now Y/N and Loki get to learn more about each other when everything goes wrong. 
Pairings | Loki Laufeyson x Y/N, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (married) 
Genre | General Plot Chapter, Fluff, Angst
Story Warnings | Odin, Cursing, Angst, PTSD, Mention of Reader's Past, Bullying
Series Warnings | Cursing, Mental Illness (Depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.), sex, explicit sex, drinking, possible drug use, mentions of LBGTQ+, subtle and not-so-subtle homophobia, tell me if you see more. 
Translations | None :)
Author's Note | I'm so sorry this took me so long, I've been so incredibly busy lately. My photography business got a complete rebrand and remodel, and I started taking some classes this fall to further my education. So, I'm very busy. 
Words | 2,335
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"People of Asgard!" Odin addressed us, standing before the banquet guests. Everyone immediately fell silent and I saw Loki peaking at me, trying to judge a reaction, I assumed. I gave a soft, reassuring smile. 
"We are gathered here tonight to welcome some guests to Asgard which my young son, Loki has brought. Please welcome Lady Y/N of Midgard, who is joined in courtship with our very own Prince Loki. Also, welcome Captain Steve Rogers and his husband Sergeant James Barnes!" 
Everyone clapped as he motioned towards our table, making Bucky and I both shrink back from attention. Steve looked awkward as he smiled at everyone and wrapped his arm around Bucky gently. 
Odin started a speech about how we are to be welcomed with open arms during our stay on his planet, and then he thanked the cooks and announced that the feast would begin when the food came out shortly after. 
Almost as soon as Odin dismissed them, Loki and Thor stood, rushing to our table. Loki sat next to me, immediately kissing the side of my face and making me smile as he pulled me closer. 
"Now the fun can begin," Loki murmured. 
"Uh oh," I replied, scared about the tricks he surely had up his sleeves. 
With a wolfish grin, he kissed me. "Worry not darling, my planned tricks are harmless."
My eyes narrowed on him, but he just smiled again, turning towards everyone as servers started laying food on the table in front of us. They had already served the small appetizers before the speech had begun and now the meal in front of us looked like an actual course. It looked delicious, whatever it was. 
It was some sort of brown soup with chunks of meat that I couldn't fully identify. There were also green leaf-looking pieces in it and smaller squares of something I couldn't see well since it was all brown. 
"No offense, but what is this?" I murmured to Loki. 
He smiled as he picked up his spoon. "Hreindýri Soup."
"Loki, I know that's Norse, but I don't know what that is."
"I believe the closest animal you have to a hreindýri is a reindeer." He was smirking and nearly laughing when my face dropped. 
"Like Rudolph?"
"Yes, but in our culture, we respect deer a bit more than on Midgard."
Timidly, I took a bite. Though I was probably already on the naughty list, eating a reindeer probably didn't help. And if that was so, then loving the way it tasted, definitely didn't help. I took another, bigger bite, humming. 
"How so?" I asked Loki, regarding his previous statement. 
"Well, for us, deer are seen as peaceful but protectors. For example, Eikthyrnir is the deer that stands above Valhalla and watches over it. You Midgardians hunt and butcher them for sport, consider them weak since they are peaceful. Whereas we consider them strong because they are peaceful. Look at their horns, the strength they have. They are very fast and agile. They are capable of great violence, but inside, they are hunted."
I thought about what he said as we ate and then Sif's conversation with Thor pulled me back into reality before I had time to ponder too much. Sif was asking about Wanda and Natasha it sounded like. She thought that it was very cool that some of the women were more powerful than the men. The hierarchy was still popular in Asgard. 
I ate the entire bowl of soup, struggling to do it gracefully since I was generally a messy eater. The chunks of meat were difficult but I was able to eat some of the smaller, easier-to-chew ones. 
"Do you like it?" Loki asked as I wiped my mouth off and took a drink of water from the wine glass. 
"Mmm, good." I nodded. 
He smiled brightly and put his hand on my leg, rubbing it softly. "After this next course, they open the floor for dancing. They'll bring out other deserts and food, but most people just dance. Would you like to?"
"Oh, Loki, I don't know…"
He grabbed my hands. "I will lead, that is the important part. Please!"
I sighed, melting under his gaze and nodding. "Okay, fine."
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Spinning in circles with Loki, I began to feel the dizziness soon but didn’t want to stop. I’d never seen him so happy before as he held my hand and pulled me close to teach me how to do a particularly dizzying Asgardian dance. 
When it came to an end, I gasped, clinging to Loki while I regained my balance for a moment. He laughed, kissing my temple and then my ear. 
“Fun, isn’t it?” 
“It takes some getting used to,” I replied with a smile before he pulled me back to our table and sat next to me. 
His arm never left my waist, but I had no complaints. Sif and Thandrall were still at the table, but the others had gotten up to dance and join the celebration. Even Steve and Bucky were dancing, and it brought a smile to my face to see them so happy. Maybe there was a silver lining to this whole thing. 
“Have you told her about Frode?” Sif leaned forward, speaking to Loki. Immediately, he rolled his eyes. 
“No, and didn’t plan to. Thank you, Sif.” 
She smiled and sat back. “Come on, we show all the newcomers Frode. She will love him.” 
“Who is he?” 
Before Loki could step in, Sif leaned forward, excited. “He’s a man in the city that can read minds and see people’s past by just touching them. They use him in court proceedings mostly, but if you are nice enough, he will do it just for fun.” 
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“This is such a bad idea,” Loki growled, again. 
“Live a little.” Sif insisted. 
“The man is a fraud, he’s using magic not some special born abilities.” 
“That has never been proven.” Sif kept on as we walked down the streets of Asgard. 
I began to tune out their argument so I could look around better and admire how beautiful Asgard was. Nearly everything was gold, to start with, and the people were even better. I didn’t see any homeless people on the street or really anyone that seemed lower-class. Had they fixed that issue already? Probably, they were much older than Earth, so it would make sense. 
We went down an alley that had clotheslines hanging through it like in all the old movies. Some kids were at the end of the alley playing with chalk and giggling wildly at whatever was going on. As soon as they saw us, they ran to us. 
“Prince Loki! Prince Loki! You are back!” He smiled down at them. 
“Hello Astrid, Siri.” 
The younger one with dark hair, Siri, threw her arms around Loki’s waist and hugged him tightly, making him chuckle as he ran a hand through her hair. The older girl hugged him too while the younger jumped up and down. 
“Are you staying for long?” Astrid asked. 
“I am not sure. If I do, I’ll come to the square, hmm?” 
They jumped up and down, nodding and talking over each other. Loki laughed again before stepping back. 
“Scurry along, tell your mother I said hello.” 
They ran off giggling and Loki turned to me, watching as I tried to pick my jaw up off the floor with a confused expression. 
“You’re good with children!” I exclaimed, nearly laughing. “I would have never seen that.” 
A pink dusting took over his cheeks as he rolled his eyes and opened the door to one of the buildings creating the alley. He stepped inside and I followed, with Sif behind me as she spoke teasingly. 
“Oh, he didn’t tell you? Loki could name every kid in the village. The children adore him.” 
Loki seemed to be pretending to not hear her as we walked through what seemed to be an apartment building. I squeezed his hand a little that I held, but only got an eye roll as a response to Sif. 
“He used to go to the square to teach them magic and tell them stories. If anything needs to be done with the children, Loki is the first to volunteer. Norns, before tonight, he always sat at the children’s table at banquets.” 
“That is quite enough, Sif.” He growled, knocking on an old wood door with the number seven engraved on it. 
A young girl opened it, maybe a teenager. She looked like one of the palace maids, but not quite as extravagant. As soon as she realized it was Loki who had knocked on the door, she bowed respectfully. 
“Prince Loki, I did not know you were back.” 
“Only for a short while. Is he here, Eira?” Jesus, did he know everyone’s name? 
“Of course, come in my prince.” She stepped aside and Loki bent down to get through the threshold as we stepped inside. 
It looked like a regular apartment, except there was much more brick and wood than the regular one on Earth. There wasn’t quite a couch, but what looked to be a pile of blankets and cushions in the shape of a makeshift bed. Was this lower-class? Then again, I knew people on Earth that prayed for something this good. 
On the makeshift bed was a man, very old looking, who sat up straight as soon as Loki approached. I noticed then, that he was crippled, his legs were skinny and frail-looking, so he didn’t stand but somehow still managed to bow. 
“Prince, I was not aware that you were on Asgard.” 
“Just visiting,” He explained, sitting on the floor in front of him and pulling me with him. We both sat with our legs crossed and I had a minute to situate my dress accordingly while the man and Loki spoke. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“This is Y/N, she’s… curious about your abilities.” You could tell Loki was a skeptic, and the man seemed to know too since he laughed and nodded. 
“Alright then, Y/N? You said?” I nodded and he held out his hands. “I assume they explained?” 
“You see the past.” He nodded as I slid my hands into his. 
“You will see what I see as I see it, but it will appear very fast to you, too fast maybe, to see, but for me, I’ll understand.” 
I nodded and took a deep breath, closing my eyes when he did. I felt something coming from his hands, like warmth, and then my thoughts weren’t in my control anymore. There was a lot of flashing, but I couldn’t see what it was. A few things stood out, like my father's death, and when I first met Tony Stark. The most recent one that I could decipher was meeting Loki. 
He gasped, showing my hands away and using his hands to lift himself up and away from me as he exclaimed unintelligibly. 
“You are a monster!” He yelled. 
“Excuse m–” He cut Loki off, shaking his head vigorously with a horrified expression on his face. 
“You don’t know! You have no idea what she has done. She is evil!” 
Loki stood, pulling me with him angrily. “We’re leaving. He has gone mad.” 
“You don’t know!” He called after us. “She will kill you too like she did her family! Her own family, in cold blood!” 
Sif walked out first with me and Loki shadowing before he slammed the door angrily. Sif watched me, almost looking scared. 
“Y/N, what was he speaking of?” She asked. “Did you kill your family?” 
“How dare you?!” Loki shouted. “She does not owe you that, that is none of your business.” 
“Loki, Frode has never been wrong before, what–” 
“Frode is a fraud! He uses black magic and manipulates people to see what he wants them to see. For you to suggest that Y/N is some kind of villain is absurd, and you are overstepping!” Loki got close to Sif, towering over her. “She is your future queen and you will respect her as such.” 
When we got back to the palace, all the guards were assembled and told us that Odin was waiting to speak with us. Apparently, he had cleared out the banquet guests and tables. When we entered the throne room, Odin and Thor were both seated. Thor gave me a sympathetic look. 
“Frode sent us a message,” Odin announced after we’d done the bowing and everything. 
Loki tensed at my side and squeezed my hand tighter. 
“I will give you two options. You can either leave Asgard or be punished for your crimes.” 
Loki let go of my hand to step forward, and immediately guards stepped in front of Odin. Loki paused, rolling his eyes and stepping back to my side. 
“Please, father, just let us explain. Her crimes were not in cold blood. She was–” 
“Silence!” Loki shrank back. 
“We will leave," Loki announced, bowing and pulling me into a bow too. He pulled me closer to him. "Don't say a word to Steve or James about Jotunheim."
All Works @snigdha-14 (can't tag) @wolfsmom1 (can't tag) @nixymarvelkins
Loki General @lulubelle814 @vbecker10
The Bad Guy @slytherinintj13 @psyc-hot-ic-gingers-kitten @anikka-bee @huntress-artemiss @vbecker10 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @ladymischief11 @alexakeyloveloki
If you see your old username on here that can no longer be tagged, shoot me a message and I can update it!
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This hilariously slutty Razor Ramon beach towel.
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veryaliveinsp · 2 years
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nitw · 2 months
i miss the bad guys. like they really took the only good thing about zootopia (furries) and made it infinitely better by Not being copaganda
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mybreadsmybutters · 5 months
when i was a kid i wanted to be a famous youtuber like dan and phil so that people would gay ship me with my irl best friend and we would be sooo weirded out by it and laugh and make videos joking about it but secretly it would make her realize her repressed gay crush on me and i'd help her through her gay crisis and then we would have a sickeningly sweet sappy romance and read fanfiction about ourselves together... anyways just found out she's married to a guy in the mafia now so i probably don't have a chance
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goldiipond · 6 months
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if there's anything i've learned from the current state of social media it's that this is one of the worst possible notifications you can receive upon opening an app
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woolydemon · 4 months
LISTEN TO ME RN, when the character is supposed to be rlly strong and muscular and buff PUT FAT ON THAT GUY fat is so fucking necessary to have a physical build that is so strong MAKE THEM FATTTTTTTTTTTTT
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