#The brother bit? Yeah... ('danielle has a brother' okay dude... He knows he knows everyone was gonna get stuck there)
theirloveisgross · 8 months
wait wdym chicago it's about hannah? 👀
oh, that's just my theory, anon. and i believe a few other people's as well.
it just makes so much sense to me, with all we knew about them back then. and i believe we don't know anything about hannah in recent years... so, who knows where she is, how she's doing, etc etc.
louis has also said it's about someone (duh), and when he played the album for jojowright everyone was like 'omg who's this about?' but obviously he wasn't gonna say.
now, naming it chicago... that's classic louis behavior. he knew EVERYONE was gonna focus on the city AND make the connection to danielle, etc etc. i mean, hannah could be living in chicago for all we know, tbh.
just- really listen to the lyrics and think about their relationship. to me the line about knowing someone's number is one of the biggest clues... because back then you knew people's numbers by memory. sure, there were cellphones that stored contacts and stuff already, but- you had to be there, hajshajs. i still remember a few phone numbers that no longer work... and louis is only 2.5 years younger than me, so...
alright, this was meant to be a short answer... but i got carried away. i love this song a lot, and in this context it gives me so much warmth too. they did love each other... they were, like, best friends! but... IT JUST WASN'T MEANT TO BEEEEEEEEEE.
because gay.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Bad Company - Shooting Star - Live at Wembley" on YouTube
There's an image of me in a museum he said and we have it early and I don't know how it's getting back there and I usually know the stuff it says cuz it being CGI I only can take your image from some bath house and modify it yes but a lot of stuff has been matching up oddly and he goes wow that's weird I said I've never seen anything like it and I do know that hermaphrodite used to do it but there's not a lot of them left so he started freaking out and that was me like that Mac daddy is speaking now. I heard they're not doing s*** and tons of people start hearing me we have to get out of this now this is going to be too much mac Daddy says
Is feeling a little better I was just not going to drown or be blown away. Let me know about faith let me tell you about faith he's with these people and they're threatening his life all the time and he has to overcome it and tell you what he has a hard time sometimes they are so really really rude the same family and Garth. He told us this song is about a period in time and BJ's life where he is actually with one of my husband's grandmoms and it's Cher and it is about the time where they go to Cuba and bja is excluded and he goes to Spain. And that's why Elton John sang the song because PGA goes there as Daniel and it's very strange because nobody can figure it out because now BGA is singing and he is the brother of Elton John and he wants to be the first Elton John and that's why he did it and they do that a lot but he's in a grave he died just the mask he's drinking whiskey that night thought it would thin his blood and move the poison and to his heart and he wanted to die and you said why don't you just let me alone and so he figured out what he's saying and said I think that face inflammation is different I said what does dude he said do you have it somewhere so you tried to find it and you look forward and you couldn't and he said well sometimes your face might get big how do you prevent it she has less cholesterol if you move it out of there you'll die I said why is it in his face she started to figure out something it's a reaction and it's coming out slowly so you beat him in the brain so she checked and it's in his skull he says it has to be drained and that's really easy it's Black and Decker I said no so you do it so he's getting drunk to drain it. So his son said there's like a oxymoron or catch 22 and it started laughing and fell asleep and didn't wake up any diet and they buried him in the Los Angeles. And they're looking at the horizon saying that this is what Chris saw and what he thinks about the area is that it's kind of hell I said you're making me feel sick that's what you thought about the area I said sometimes a lot of times I thought about families and people are getting along and people had lives in the middle of what looks like chaos and disorder they have minority friends and they have areas where they can go and have fun and eat together and their homes where they go in and they close the door and they live a private life like that and everyone's awhile it looks like that as if hell is rising I don't know why but yeah it was kind of hellacious for me at times I think that's what it is you can live in LA he says and at one point you're doing fine and then the next you're not in downtown is a big reminder she laughed and said skid row that's correct when we start thinking about it all the time it's kind of strange it's a lot more to it but that's part of it so she says this is what he thinks about it's like an area of trash and danger and a lot of people think of it that way and now I do this boy shouldn't be treated this way they do it tomorrow time suddenly she got it and she says he's supposed to be the angel that's his role instead he's kind of like compost but worse and she started to scream no and getting bit by one is symbolic, of the Macs. And she's laughing in the future saying it's typing it now this is how to save yourself you'll be okay let's go by the guidebook and there's no guide book that's why I know you have to be careful that's what it is he's smiling and laughing a little and crying and she says my little boy is calling me saying I'm probably in danger cuz he's out so I have to be careful and the ship is probably sailed. And she says it's going after the remainder of his fleet and is crushing it and it needs to be done badly and he says he's aware and we know who's here and we listen to the song now I understand something there's other stuff going on
And it was a break and she started crying and couldn't stand it and she said you're involved got off the line and ran fast too thinking that he's probably attracting them so they were possessed and it's not the same she slowed down and says cheeseman and I believe so and bid him to hit him and they're having a fight so she got it just slow down and said what are they doing I said probably a lot worse that's nowhere to run to and you need to find yours and calm down so she did but it's about BjA and these are fighting and it's ridiculous a waste of time as an a****** next door is. He's outside and he's starting to curse and yell again and needs to leave. They say they cleared out so many it's not funny but it's more to be done so asking people to step on it and we're going to get permission.
It's an upsetting story because they're saying it about my husband the whole time he was there you're saying they were going to do it to him and where he is the symbolic and a gesture and it's saying they're going to bring him back there when he goes to Utah and it's not the trumpsters it's Max and they're going to capture him and he knows about California and why and they're really saying that they're going to move him to New England and they don't he knows about that and why and it's symbolic and the symbology comes out in mad Max fury road the particular vehicle that someone looks like a racist attached to the thing no someone who's driving does but that's really Dave stager and it's symbolic okay
It's a sad story it's a sad place and my husband has been near there and you said it looks like that and it's sad because they're choking on the fumes of their prosperity they're supposed prosperity and they have lives and they have some love and they have some care for each other it's just not enough to make it work right but that's not what makes it sad it's a place of death and the cemetery is a place of full death and there he lays the guy who played his brother helped him get through school and help them get through each day and he helped him too and they're fighting him stuff but really it's a place where the max took him to use him as a symbol to try and harm our my husband and our leader and are people we do need help here we need more troops and we need people to sign on now as many as you can muster. She's in a horrible way all the time it's not doing well and people say he's okay but he really isn't there's too many people who bother him and too many people add him to help them and he can't even help himself
It's a sad place and share is usually full of so much joy and happiness and positive energy and you can see her she's shaking and she's afraid she says she's afraid because she'll be blamed I don't think that's what she's afraid of she sees it happening all over and it made me sad to think her being so sad and she's staring off at the horizon and sort of get what I think and she said it and sent it back it's a very sad place and the smog makes it look odd. It's not overly dangerous it's not a place where people die all the time it's just a place where people are let go it's a guy and it's too easily though quick, funeral and afterthought. And life goes on and Life goes on because you must California is a strange place cher says we had to spend a long time there
She adds. And will and Bill say it's a gross place and some people know it it's not massively gross a lot of people survive there but you can get picked off and just disappear and people don't see anything it's like disarray and society without as much law as there should be with the law is there. So you understand it and you're walking around and you take your chances everybody has that attitude and you also can make it big it's a feeling of loss and Gain and joy and satisfaction and fun all at the same time but mostly that type of lifestyle is repressive and it's happening here even though it usually doesn't and someone has brought it here and it's really Tommy f who not only makes it happen but makes it feel like it's happening will and Bill say now they're getting beat and we're starting to see a change I was trying to know what it is a lot more than we did and we cannot believe how deep the stuff is and how really this son of thrym is he found the problem with him a little not completely and he's solving it somehow, and the max we're just going to continue drumming until they all were gone and he did The impossible and saved his most hated enemy which it really is and stands partly to be given credit for and even the moloch changed what he was thinking because they're not as bad as someone is making them out to be and these guys turn to be really bad news these clothes are bad news they're very weird they just to eat you up okay. I felt sad when I saw the movie it's hard to keep your emotions in check when you see it and you hear what they're saying who's a great boy and he did a lot of work you have to give him credit for it he stood up for us even though at times he could hardly stand up for himself. An army of theirs came and pulled them out and saved a lot of people in Los Angeles from clones they're all over the place and it's me now Thor and my Goddess Wife Freya it's a sad time. It's about to get much worse when you figure out what he's talking about
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Chapter 8
Angel Reyes x Black Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst Secrets coming to a head, Death and Clayton Cardenas making his debut.
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"Dr. Helena to Surgery 3, Dr. Helena to Surgery 3", goes over the PA as you pace back and forth waiting in the waiting room.
Your Mayans brothers as you now call them are there with you for moral support as you all are patiently waiting for her Doctor to speak with you.
"Colibri, have a seat please", whispers Angel stopping you in your tracks.
"I can't Angel. I can get over this just that easy".
"I feel like I'm somewhat responsible for this".
"I haven't come to see her in a while and it's caught up with me for not doing so", as you break down and cry in front of everyone.
"Hey now, I won't have any of that now my beautiful sister, and I'm sure that bad ass in there who is your Granny won't have that foolishness either", says Naomi as she wipes away your tears.
"She knows you're an adult and have a lot of things on you plate right now. So don't feel guilty about not seeing her like you want to. Besides Bishop and I along with everyone else has been keeping her company as well too sugar", as your head rests on Naomi's shoulder.
Just then the doctor walks into the waiting room putting everyone on alert.
"Hello Ms. L/N. I just wanted to fill you in on your grandmother's condition. She's stable for the moment right now but, she will need surgery to repair the fracture in her hip".
"Wait a minute she'll need surgery? Will she survive this?", as a lump forms in your throat as Taza rests his hands on your shoulders.
"It's touch and go from here on out. Also, I will be performing the surgery along with Dr. Anders so we'll keep you all posted as she's getting prepped for surgery. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna scrub in".
"Can we see her now please?", you ask.
"Oh, yes you can. But, please don't bombard her all at once", says the doctor as he leaves to prepare for Mama Sadie's surgery.
Taza and Angel escort you to your grandmother's room as everyone else waits behind.
"Hey, Y/F/N", you hear being called behind you as you turn around seeing Margo and Neron together holding hands.
"Hey, Margo. Hey Creeper. What's going on you two", you say in a sing-song tone as Angel chuckles to himself.
She walks up to you giving you a hug as you eye Angel over her shoulder as he shrugs his shoulders like he's innocent as Taza suppresses a laugh.
"Lo siento Y/N", says Creeper kissing your cheek.
"We'll be in the waiting room okay", says Margo.
"Yes, we will. Anything for you my Mayan sister", says Creeper as they head towards the waiting area.
"Margo and Creep?", says you and your grandfather simultaneously drawing a smile on Angel's face.
"I'll tell you both later", says Angel as you all finally reach your grandmother's room.
"Hey let me get some air first okay? Then I'll be back to see her okay", you whisper to Angel.
"Want me to come with you mi dulce?", he asks not letting your hand go at the moment.
"No my King. I'll be fine", you say tip-toeing a kiss from Angel as he finally let's you go before stepping outside into the cool air.
Walking through the door to a seated area outside you breath a heavy sigh as you sit down on a bench in the well lit area. You take this time to respond to emails, texts and calls as you hear voices shouting. You walk to the corner of the building as you peek around it.
"Look he's is busy right now. Why do you keep coming around looking to start some shit. He's with his girl right now so just get the fuck out of here before he sees you", shouts Coco to the other person.
"You all know why I'm fucking here Coco. He needs to know and no one is going to stop me from telling him", speaks the female with a heavy accent", as you hear Gilly telling the female to leave.
"It's like what they say nowadays. What happens in Mexico stays in fucking Mexico. Now get the fuck out of here", says Coco gritting those words through his teeth.
The woman says nothing more as she takes her exit to leave. You accidentally step on a twig as your brothers look towards your general direction. You suddenly hear fast footfalls to the ground as you quietly ease your way back inside the hospital heading towards the ladies room where its empty of other occupants. You step into a stall as you sit on the toilet seat. You attempt to wrack your brain about what you just heard from outside between Coco and this female. You notice Bishop speaking quietly to what seemed to a be another doctor. You couldn't make out the entire conversation but, the only words you could make out was "paternity" and "DNA Test" causing you to almost stutter step in your tracks.
A nurse was just wrapping up checking vitals and making her comfortable as she quietly leaves the room. No words are spoken as the sounds of her heart being monitored beeps and your grandfather says a prayer in Native American Tongue.
Your body was stiff as you stood in the threshold of her room as Angel and Taza looked on with patience. You felt a bit queasy and dizzy as you swore the room suddenly begins to spin.
"Whoa, little one. Are you alright my dear", asks Taza with concern as he looks toward you.
"Angel", you shout as he catches you picking you up.
"Hey nurse, please help. My girl almost fainted", shouts Angel as you girls come running to check on you.
A male nurse brings a wheel chair for you to sit in as you grandmother's doctor approaches.
"Honey, are you okay?", asks Scarlett as they watch the doctor check you as Angel holds your hand.
"Have you been eating well?"
"Not really".
"And what what about your sleeping Y/N? Has it been good for you?"
"No, it hasn't
"When was your last period?"
"Period?", your girls whispering looking at each other.
"Whoa dude!!! What you asking her that for?",says Angel grabbing the doctor by the collar.
"Goddammit Angel, STOP!!!. Let him do his job please", you say as Angel releases him straightening his collar back to normal.
"I'm so sorry doc. Didn't mean to do that to you sir.
"Oh, it's alright son", says the doctor letting out an uneasy chuckle as he continued to check on you.
"My last period was the week of April 20th", you spoke calmly to the doctor as your friends eyed each other with suspicion as Taza and glared in Angel's direction as he suddenly felt hot and nervous under the collar.
BUZZ BUZZ BUUUUUZZZZZ!!! Goes your friends phones as they all check them simultaneously.
"Biiiiitch, that was over two months ago", as your girls read Scarlett's group text as they all eye each in agreement as Bishop, EZ and Ariza walk up behind them quietly peaking over their shoulders without them noticing.
"Girl, I had a feeling Angel was back to waxing that ass", says Naomi responding next in the group text.
"No wonder she been all Minnie Ripperton "Looooooving Yooooouuu" and shit", goes Danielle next as your girls share a giggle.
You became dismissive of the thought of possibly being pregnant. You didn't have time to be a mother right now since you were more concerned about the well-being of your grandmother.
"You know what it's probably just stress Doctor. No need to do a test. I have been under a lot of pressure lately. With work, getting ready for this show that's coming up in a couple of weeks. Hell my girls been working their fingers to the bone as well getting this show together for the whole world to see", you say as you quickly dropped the subject. The doctor pleaded with you as you said no.
"Sir, im here for Mama Sadie right now. Not me. So can I spend time with her before she has surgery please.
The doctor doesn't argue as he respects your wishes leaving her room. You lay beside in her bed lacing her fingers with yours as you fall asleep.
"Colibri. Wake up Colibri. They're here to prep her for surgery", says Angel.
You give your grandmother a kiss as she's being wheeled away towards the operating room. Dr. Anders gives you words of comfort before heading off to the O.R. for your grandmother's surgery.
You're pacing back and forth in the waiting room as you wait for Mama Sadie. At that point you receive a text message:
CC: Hey babygirl, I heard about Mama Sadie from Margot. Im so sorry to hear that. I was thinking of coming there to see you all. Is that okay?
You contemplate on what exactly to say back to Clayton. At the time you didn't think it was a big deal so you answered his question.
Y/N: Sure no problem.
CC: Okay I will see you all tomorrow evening sweetheart. 😘⚘⚘
Y/N: Thank you. See you then. 😊
Its the next day as the sun is skimming the clouds when everyone was still waiting as you were asleep with Angel's arm around you. Well when you woke up with a jolt it wasn't Angel's arm around you it was Coco.
"Hey Coco? Where's Angel?".
"He's outside taking a smoke break".
Taking a long stretch you survey the waiting as you see all the couples fast asleep. All except for Angel. You decided to stretch your legs a bit as you grab your jacket. You was about to step outside as you bumped into Angel who looks upset.
"Hey, I was just looking for you. Are you okay baby?".
"Yeah, I'm good Colibri", as he grabs your hand pulling you away to leave the hospital.
"Whoa, wait a minute where are we going?"
"I need a shower and I'm hungry. Then we can come back".
"Okay well let me get my purse okay".
You head back to the waiting room to retrieve your purse without disturbing anyone. You made sure to tell the nurse at the front desk that you will be back shortly.
You were in the shower singing as Angel was cooking something quick for you both. You step out if the shower feeling good. You get dressed as you walk towards the living room hearing hushed tones of an argument. You didn't turn the corner as between Angel and the other person.
"Look it's not my fucking baby. And stop calling me. Stay away from my fucking brothers. I. DON'T. FUCKING. WANT. YOU", you hear as he tosses his cell phone across the room landing on the couch.
You put your biggest smile on your face as you come around the corner. You hug him from behind as he turns around to give you a deep kiss. You were about to say something when both of your phones go off simultaneously.
You both arrive at the hospital hand in hand running towards everyone else. Suddenly you stop in your tracks as you feel something fly right through you. As if another spirit touched your soul giving you a warm hug.
"Baby what's wrong?", asks Angel.
"Oh nothing im fine", you say as you finally see your grandfather being consoled by Hank and Bishop.
"Hey what's happening? How is Mama Sadie doing?", you ask Dr. Anders as you approach him
"I'm sorry Y/N. We tried everything but, your grandmother suffered an aneurysm and we couldn't get to it in time".
"So, are you telling me that my grandmother is dead?", you say raising your voices catching everyone's attention.
"Yes, Ms. L/N", as you began to wail and cry as your girls are there to comfort you.
Angel approaches you offering you hug as you stop him.
"I hope it was worth it Reyes. Since you have a baby on the way by some chick named Adelita", you say giving him a shove.
"Or as Coco called it "What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico".
"Babygirl, just calm down. I know your upset right let's just go somewhere we can talk and make arrangements", says Bishop attempting to calm you down.
"Oh, here you go Obispo. How is that paternity test coming along huh? I'm curious to find out what kid will you be fathering along with Angel?", you shout wiping tears away.
"He could be your father Y/N", goes a voice as you turn around to see that its your life long best friend Naomi.
"What do you mean Bishop could be my father", you ask with disbelief on your face.
"Bishop told me this a while back. He confessed to me with tears in his eyes saying that he could be the father of my best friend".
"That's not true Philip is my father to me and my baby brother" you shout as you run off.
"Give her some space Hermano", says EZ grabbing his older brother's shoulder.
Clearing the hospital front door you see Clayton walking to those same doors. You run toward him jumping into his arms as you break down and cry. Angel walks out first with his brothers in tow catching a glimpse.
"Hey Hey Hey, what's the matter babygirl", says Clayton comforting you.
"Can we get out of here Jonathan?".
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
Field Trip From Hell | Peter Parker x Daniel Stark, FT. Carter Rogers.
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Fandom: Marvel Pairing: Peter Parker x Daniel Stark (OC) Summary: The Field Trip Fic
A/N: I REALLY wanted to write a field trip fic! I was originally gonna write it as an insert, but then I was like...NO, DANIEL! Cause I love my boy with all my heart. So enjoy Peter being worried about his field trip while his future brother in-law, Carter, acted as his tour guide. Also thanks to @loubrary for their OC Kauri, Carter's boyfriend.
“Everyone please take your seats! I know the bell’s about to ring but I have something special to announce!” Mr.Harrington called out. Everyone quickly took their seats as Mr.Harrington placed a stack of papers on his desk before standing up straight. He had a massive smile on his face which...was pretty rare now.
“What I have to say is so exciting, I almost died when I got confirmation.” Harrington was really giddy and by the way everyone in the room looked, they were just as confused as Peter was. “Sorry, Sorry, I know I’m dragging this out. What I mean to say is...WE’RE TAKING A FIELD TRIP TO STARK INDUSTRIES!”
That made everyone gasp and shout. The entire class was excited about the trip. Well...everyone but one person. Peter Parker. He was supposed to be happy that his Decathalon team was going to be touring Stark Industries? Aka his second home. Aka the tower filled with the Avengers who would tease the ever-loving crap out of him? Yeah, he wasn’t excited at all.
“Ha! Now we finally get to see just how much of a fraud you are Parker!” Flash’s voice broke Peter out of his embarrassment. Of course Flash would have said exactly that. He never did believe Peter’s ‘Stark Internship’, which was half true. If only he knew the full truth. Of course, Flash’s comments made pretty much the entire team laugh...all except Ned and MJ who knew the truth.
“Mr.Thompson! That would be enough.” Mr.Harrington said before putting his smile back on. “Now if you all could please get one of these permission slips and one of these NDA’s and get them signed, return them to me by the time we’re ready to get on the bus.” The bell rang and everyone got up and grabbed their papers. Peter was about to do the same but was stopped by Mr.Harrington. “Peter, would you mind staying back for a bit? I need to talk to you.”
“Oh. Sure.”
Once the rest of the team had left Mr.Harrington took a deep breath. “Peter...As you know this is a very important trip for all of us. Stark Industries is a very prestigious place to visit, we need to be at our best behavior.” Peter wasn’t liking where this was going. “I understand you’ve had some trouble with Flash and them, but I’d really like it if you could stop lying about your Stark Internship while we’re on our trip. You can keep up the act afterward, but not while we’re there.”
Now THAT was something he really wasn’t expecting to hear. Especially from someone he trusted. “But Mr.Harrington I’m not lying. I really do have an internship there. The office should have gotten all the papers needed for it too!”
“Peter, please. This isn’t easy for me. You’re a good student, but even the secretaries could tell that those papers weren’t real. All I ask is for you not to mention this on the trip alright?”
Peter didn’t want to handle this anymore. He let out a sigh and grabbed the papers. “Yes sir.”
Mr.Harrington got a look of relief on his face, completely unaware that he had lost both the trust and admiration that Peter had for him. “Thank you, Peter. I appreciate that very much. It’s just for the day.”
“Yeah...of course.” Peter turned around and left the classroom. Ned was waiting for him outside. “Hey dude, everything okay?” His friend asked following after him. “It’s...He doesn’t believe me about the Internship. Told me not to talk about it on the trip.” That made Ned’s eyes go wide. “WHAT!? Dude that’s so messed up! He should believe you!”
The two boys left the front of the school and stood at the door. Peter sighed. “It’s...it’s fine. I mean it’s not but, I’m sure the Avengers will end up proving all of them wrong. I hope not though. I’d rather just get through this.” Peter saw Happy by his car waiting for him. “Sorry Ned. Gotta go.”
“Yeah of course. See you Peter.”
Peter walked to the car, Happy opened the passenger’s door for him. “Hey kid, how was school?” Peter slipped inside. “It was alright. Nothing too exciting.” Happy closed the door and got into the driver’s seat. Then they began their drive back to the tower. Happy didn’t need much to see Peter was kind of out of it. Normally the boy would be chatting his ear off and annoying him, but today he was really quiet. It was honestly kind of worrying.
“Everything okay kid? I mean...you’re acting a bit different today.” He looked at Peter before turning back to the road.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just...don’t tell Mr.Stark or anyone...ESPECIALLY Daniel.” He breathed in. “My Decathalon team is taking a field trip to SI.”
Happy smiled. “Ah. Yup, that would do it. Wow, your Parker luck strikes again.”
It didn’t take too much longer for them to reach the tower. Peter hopped into the elevator and took it up to the living room. “Welcome home Peter. Shall I tell the Starks your here?” Peter smiled. “No thanks, Friday. I’m sure they know already.”
The door opened and Peter stepped out of the Elevator into the living room. Carter and Daniel were sitting on the couch watching a show on the tv. Both of them saw Peter and broke into smiles. “Peter! Welcome home!” Carter said. Daniel had stood up and walked over, pulling Peter into a hug. Peter was glad to be with his boyfriend. Daniel pressed his lips to Peter’s, pulling him into a passionate kiss. “Ew get a room!” Carter said chuckling. Daniel pulled back, “Says you. You ever see you and Kauri?” But Daniel could feel something was off and looked at Peter. “Hey what’s wrong?”
“What? Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.” Daniel gave Peter a blank look and Peter knew it wouldn’t be so easy. “Seriously. It’s nothing. Just a strange coincidence at school.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” All of them turned to see Tony walking in. “His school’s having a field trip here.” Tony was grinning a bit too wide for the field trip to be a coincidence.
“What?” Daniel asked, turning to Peter.
Peter sent Tony a look. “This was you wasn’t it? You set this thing up?”
Tony shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not in control of Stark Industries anymore. That would be Pepper’s doing.” Tony began pouring a drink of water. “Might have...suggested a school for a trip though.”
“I hate you.”
“WOAH!” Tony said faking being hurt. “Is that any way to talk to your future father-in-law?” That made Peter blush.
“Dad.” Daniel said taking Peter’s arm. “Come on, tell me everything...in private.” With that Daniel lead Peter to his room and closed the door. He pulled him onto the bed and began rubbing his back. “Tell me what’s on your mind honey. I know you’re nervous about this trip, but I’ll do my best to make it easy for you.”
“Thanks. Really that’s all I need. I’m just nervous about the avengers embarrassing me during it.”
“Oh they will. I just won’t let them go too far.”
Peter only let out a groan.
Finally, the day arrived. The day of the trip. Peter arrived at the school and the bus was waiting out front for them. The entire Team was bouncing with excitement, well except Peter and MJ. Peter rushed over as the team boarded the bus and handed the paper to Mr.Harrington. The teacher smiled as he took the paper. “Thank you Peter. Remember what we talked about?”
Annnddd there went his somewhat good mood. “Yes sir.”
“Excellent. Thank you, Peter, remember it’s just for today.”
Peter didn’t say another word as he stepped onto the bus. He went to where Ned was sitting and sat beside him. Ned looked absolutely ecstatic about the trip. Peter wished he could share in that excitement. MJ sat in the seat across the aisle from them and began reading a book. Soon the bus was off. Peter was on his way to his doom.
The bus ride was going a bit slow because of traffic, but they had left early so they’d still be on time. It wasn’t long into the drive that Peter’s spider senses went off and a paper ball hit his head. “Hey Penis! You ready to get your lie exposed?” Flash shouted. Oh yeah. This was going to go great today. Flash was actually going to be killed by the Avengers.
“Don’t you ever shut up?” MJ asked without even looking up from her book.
“Shut it freak.” Flash snarled, MJ only lifted up her middle finger in response.
The bus eventually came to a stop and heard of oo’s and aw’s came from all over. Peter looked out the window and sure enough, they had arrived at the tower. He took a breath before standing up and leaving the bus along with the other students. You know, he never felt nervous about entering this building until now...it was strange.
The class entered through the front doors and once more the sound of aw’s was heard. Everyone was taking in the sight of the main lobby which was absolutely huge and futuristic. People dressed in fancy suits and lab coats passed in and out of the building from here. They all were either coming or going. There were also some tourists taking photos but they’d get no further than this part of the building.
Mr.Harrington walked over to the receptionist. Peter recognized her, Sonique. She had been there since Peter started coming there. They had been good friends. She smiled as she saw Mr.Harrington approach, when she caught sight of Peter her smile grew wider. “Hello. Welcome to Stark Industries and Avengers Tower. How can I help you?” She said. “Hi. Midtown Decathalon team here for our tour.” Mr.Harrington said, you could tell he was a bit nervous. Sonique typed something into her computer. “Ah yes, I see you right here. Please take a seat over there in the glass waiting room and your guide will come and get you soon. Please, enjoy your visit.”
“Thank you! Come along everyone.” Mr.Harrington took the class to the glass waiting area. Sonique sent a smile and wave to Peter who returned them back to her. “Stop trying to pretend you belong here.” Flash said. Peter didn’t see the way Sonique frowned hearing that. She sent a quick message to Friday to watch over the tour group carefully.
The team sat in the waiting room. A video of SI played on the TV, Pepper showing up and saying a few things about the company and the tower. It didn’t take too long before the door opened and the tour guide came out. “Hello Midtown!” Peter froze. He knew that voice. He turned and almost passed out seeing who it was. “My name’s Carter and I’ll be your tour guide today.” Carter smiled and sent a wink towards Peter. “Now, I have your badges here. These are INSANELY important so PLEASE, don’t take them off any time during the tour or you WILL be kicked out of the building. Also, I must remind you, you all signed NDA’s so you can’t take your phones or any other sort of recording electronics into the building. Don’t worry we have lockers here which are perfectly safe. If any of you DO take one of these devices, our in-house AI Friday WILL know and alert us. You will then be swiftly kicked off-premises and your electronic device confiscated. One final thing to go along with all of that, you can’t talk about ANYTHING you see or hear today, there are strict information and projects here which we aren’t ready to show. If you DO talk or share any of this information, you will find yourself so deep in lawsuits you’ll wish you were never born. Understood?” The entire class was absolutely frozen in fear. They didn’t know this trip would be THIS strict. “Good. Now, who’s ready to have a great time!?” Carter shouted with a grand smile, which somehow miraculously, brought the class back to full enthusiasm.
“Alright come get your passes.” Carter said as he started handing them out. “Excuse me, Carter. What do these markings mean?” Betty asked.
“OH! Those are the clearance modules. See we have three levels. Alpha, Omega, Beta. Each level has subordinate levels. Your passes all have B3’s. These are visitor passes and will let you onto the designated floors and to the visitor areas, but won’t let you into anywhere TOO important. We still need SOME secrets.” Carter said with a wink.
Carter continued to pass out the badges until they were all out. He didn’t give one to Peter. Of course. “Alright let’s get going.”Carter said but was stopped by Mr.Harrington. “Excuse me Carter. It seems like Mr.Parker didn’t get a badge.” Of course, Mr.Harrington noticed that, but he didn’t notice Ned and MJ both hadn’t received one either. There were some snickers from the team, mostly Flash and his cronies.
“Yes of course.” Carter said with a smile, straightening out. “You see Peter here doesn’t need a pass. Neither does Ned or MJ. All three of them are in our computer system already and have their designated clearances.” That seemed to get the class to shut up. Even Mr.Harrington seemed shocked at that. “Now, are we ready to start the tour?” Carter lead the team to the security pass.
Carter passed through first. “Carter Rogers. Alpha 1 clearance.” Friday said. Everyone went wide-eyed at Friday’s voice, no one seemed to notice Carter’s last name or his clearance. “Oh, that’s Friday, the AI I spoke about earlier. Don’t worry about her. Come on through guys.” One by one the team passed through security.
Finally, it was time for MJ, Ned, and Peter to go through. Ned went first. “Ned Leads. Alpha 3 guest.” That made the class really confused. Ned blushed but continued on. MJ came through next. “MJ. Alpha 2 clearance. Welcome back MJ.” MJ smirked seeing Flash’s face and joined Ned. Finally, it was Peter’s turn and he saw the way Carter was looking at him.
It actually seemed like the entire class was waiting to see what would come from Peter. He sighed and walked through. “Peter Parker. Alpha 1 clearance. Welcome back Peter, I hope your tour goes well.” Peter blushed. “Thanks Fri.” Oh yeah, that REALLY made his class go wild. Before they could say anything Carter spoke up. “Alright, everyone. The elevator isn’t large enough for all of us so please split up into two groups and we’ll take them up at the same time.”
The group did exactly what he had asked. Ned and Mr.Harrington took one of the elevators while Carter, Peter, Mj and Flash took the other. Once the doors closed Flash spoke up. “Alright Penis how did you get them to say that clearance?” Peter froze once he saw Carter glaring at Flash. “Excuse me. We don’t tolerate that here. I suggest you apologize to Peter and keep quiet otherwise you will face something far worse than a simple telling-off.” Peter actually froze a bit. This was the most serious he had ever seen Carter...it was kind of scary. “S-sorry Peter.” Flash said. Peter knew he didn’t mean it but he didn’t want to fight Carter. Carter laughed and looked at Peter. “I’m so sorry Pete. Today is going to be awful for you...especially after Danny saw that.”
Peter froze and blushed. “H-he saw that?” Peter asked. Another voice came out of the speaker, not Friday’s. “Yes. He saw that.” Daniel. Shit. “Don’t worry...I’ll be good. For now.” Peter could hear just how held back Daniel’s voice was. Yeah, he was pissed. This wasn’t going to be good.
The elevator came to a stop and the door opened. Carter and the group left and met up with the rest of the team. Carter lead the way until they eventually found themselves in a large museum. “Welcome everyone to Avenger’s museum! Here you can learn more about your favorite Avengers and see some of their old gear. Now We’ll be here for twenty minutes then we’ll move on. Please enjoy, just not too much.” Carter joked.
Immediately the team dispersed all over the museum. Peter took this chance, he moved over to Carter. “What are you doing here?” Carter smiled. “What? I live here Peter, you know that.” Peter sighed and face palmed. “I’m talking about being our guide. You never give tours.” Carter smiled and peter knew. “Daniel.”
“Yup. He knew I wouldn’t tease you too bad and trusted me to keep that guy…” He pointed at Flash. “Off your back. But honestly...I think it’s because if Daniel was doing the tour, he’d actually kill him.”
“You could have just got a regular tour guide.”
“Not for who alls showing up today.”
Peter froze. “Who all’s coming today?”
As if on cue, there was the sound of movement coming from above them. Clanging in the vents. Both boys knew exactly what was causing it. Carter stepped back and just in time. Clint popped out of the vent and landed beside Peter, right where Carter had been. “Hey Peter! Good to see you kid. Carter.” Hawkeye appearing of course gained the attention of the entire team who came swarming after them. “Oh hello everyone! I was just stopping by. Hey Peter, thanks for those new arrow upgrades. They work like a charm. Alright gotta go, otherwise, I’ll be in trouble.” Clint left the same way he came in, through the vent.
Peter felt someone tug him and soon Flash was glaring at him. “How’d you do it Parker? How’d you get Hawkeye to talk to you. How much did you pay him? He wouldn’t talk to some freak like you.” Both boys were unaware of the archer, still in the vent listening in on the conversation. Or the Stark boy watching from his room, angry beyond imagination.
“Alright everyone! Let’s move on shall we?” Carter said. The team fall in line and followed him after. They eventually arrived at the labs. “These here are our R&D labs. This is where I have to remind you of the NDA’s you signed. This is where they REALLY come into play.” Carter walked through the doors, the team walking behind him.
The labs were filled with people in lab coats working hard on multiple things. Peter recognized some of them for when he’d help out here. Some of them were college interns that he had bonded with very quickly. Speaking of bonding very quickly, they turned a corner and everyone gasped and talked with each other.
There in front of them were Bruce Banner, Thor, and Kauri. Peter looked at Carter and saw him smiling largely with a bright red blush. Something told Peter, Carter hadn’t known Kauri was coming. Kauri caught sight of Carter and pretty much jumped over the table pulling him into a hug. “My prince! Oh I’ve missed you my love.” Carter pulled back and kissed Kauri. “And I you, my king. Now...I hope you don’t mind. I’m kind of working.” Kauri saw the group all blinking at him and he laughed. “Oh, right. Of course. Apologies. Hello everyone.” Kauri said. Thor and Bruce walked forward. “Carter.” both of them said. “What are you two doing here?” Peter asked, not caring about how the team reacted. “Well we heard you were having a tour today and we figured we’d stop by.” Thor said. Kauri squeezed Carter closer. “Plus one other thing.” Carter blushed more.
“Is Loki here too?!” Ned asked excitedly. Thor laughed heartedly at that. “Yes. My brother is currently upstairs though. Something about a meeting of the magical beings?” That didn’t bring Peter much confidence. That meant, Loki, Wanda, Strange and Daniel were all planning something. That wasn’t good.
Mr.Harrington decided he wanted to be brave and ventured forward. “Dr.Banner I don’t know if you remember me but…” Bruce smiled and shook his hand. “Of course I do. I had to get you pizza to use the lab.” Mr.Harrington blushed and stammered. “Y-yeah.” Bruce chuckled and let go. “I’m glad to see you’re helping influence the minds of the future. Hope this one isn’t giving you too much trouble.” Bruce said pointing to Peter. “He’s a good kid with a great future ahead of him.” Bruce said, making Peter blush. That meant a lot. “Oh. Of course!” Mr.Harrington said making Peter roll his eyes. It was ironic for him to say that after what he told Peter to not talk about working there.
“I hate to break this up but we need to keep this tour going.” Carter said, Kauri seemed to give him a look. “Can I come with you?” The entire class seemed to like that idea but Carter shook his head and kissed Kauri. “I love you but no, I’d be too distracted by you plus…” He leaned in and whispered something into Kauri’s ear which made the boy’s eyes go wide. “O-oh! Right! Then I shall let you all depart. I shall see you later my prince.” Kauri says with a bow. Carter giggles before turning around to the group. “Alright everyone! Follow me!”
The group entered the large cafeteria for all the employees. Tons of different food places lined the court. “Alright everyone! It’s lunch time! We’ll continue on in another twenty minutes. For now, eat and enjoy!” With that everyone broke apart going to get food. Peter watched Carter retreat, he could tell he was going to see Kauri. Peter himself grabbed some food from one of his favorite food places in the tower and took a seat with Ned and MJ.
“Man...this place is so cool!” Ned called out. Peter and MJ both gave him a look. “Dude. You’ve been here lots before.” Peter said. “Yeah! But not like...all over! I’ve just been with you and Danny!” Ned tried to defend himself. Both MJ and Peter shook their heads. Suddenly Peter’s spider senses went off. MJ’s eyes got covered by hands. “Surprise.” MJ gasped. Actually gasped. She quickly turned around and jumped up, engulfing the person in a hug. Peter was honestly surprised to see this person here. MJ’s girlfriend…
Princess Shuri of Wakanda.
“Shuri!? What are you doing here?” Peter asked. “Yeah seriously! Why didn’t you tell me you were in town?” MJ said, a slight look on her face. Shuri only laughed. “Because we only just got here. Mr.Stark told us something about a field trip.” Peter went Pale. Of course Tony would. “I’m guessing that means your bother’s here too?” MJ asked. “Yep. He’s currently upstairs talking with the others.”
“Well well, who do we have here?” Ugh. No please no. Flash came walking over, a grin on his face. “Hey babe, what are you doing over here with these losers?” Flash said speaking to Shuri. He was completely ignoring the murderous look on MJ’s face. Shuri was only smiling. Flash stepped forward. “How about you and I-” He went to reach for her.
Before Flash was even able to land a hand on Shuri, another hand grabbed his wrist. “If you want to keep your hand, I suggest you keep it to yourself.” That would be why Shuri was smirking. Okoye. The General of the Dora Milaje. Peter was pretty sure Flash actually peed himself. “Do you understand?” Flash nodded and Okoye let go. Immediately Flash booked it away.
“What a disgusting little creature.” Okoye said with a look. She then smiled at the rest of the group nodding her head. “MJ. Peter. Ned. A pleasure to see you all again.” They all waved at her. “Oh look General. A starbucks.” Shuri smiled and pointed to the starbucks in the food court. Okoye stiffened and Peter noticed. “What’s wrong?” She kept her star on the Starbucks. “It’s nothing. I’ve just been wanting to try it.”
“Well why don’t you?” MJ asked.
“I promised Daniel I wouldn’t go without him.”
“Yeah that makes sense.” Peter said. It was true. Daniel, even though he hates coffee, would totally want to be the one to take Okoye to Starbucks. “Sorry about that.” Okoye only smiled. “No need. We’re going right after your tour. Speaking of-” It was then that Carter walked back in. He seemed to be readjusting his shirt and Peter knew exactly why.
“Alright everyone! Let’s keep going! We get to have a Q&A with the Avengers!”
At that the entire class erupted into shouts and screams. Peter was not one of them. The entire class got up and followed after Carter. Shuri gave another hug to MJ before departing with Okoye. Peter went to meet with the others when his spider senses went off again. He looked down at his shoulder and saw it. Scott. A very tiny Scott on his shoulder.
“Scott!?” He looked around and then whispered. “What are you doing?!”
“Oh hey Petey! I was just...just stopping by!” He looked around. “Bye!” Before he was able to leave, Peter caught him. “You’re going to tell me what you were doing or I’m going to put you in my shoe and leave you there until the tours over.” Scott gulped. “Fine, fine. Daniel wanted me tag along on you and to make sure that Flash dick didn’t try anything again. I gotta say...your boyfriend isn’t in a good mood right now.”
Peter sighed and placed Scott back on his shoulder. “I know.”
With that Peter joined the group. They all boarded the elevator again and took a ride to another floor. The moment the elevator doors opened Peter shivered. He could feel the angst in the air. Yeah, Daniel wasn’t in a good mood. By the way Carter was looking, he could tell too. “A-alright everyone. Let’s go!” Carter said, his voice faltering a bit. Peter felt like he was actually walking to his execution right now.
As they walked the halls, Peter recognized that they were heading to one of the large conference rooms that was used for SI reveals or Avengers Business. In a way...what was going on was. Carter opened the door and everyone began whispering, Peter actually froze. There on the stage were all the Avengers. Tony, Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, T’Challa, Shuri, Okoye, Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, Carol, Wanda, Vision...all of them. And there in the corner, was Daniel. Oh boy, did he look PISSED. Peter could notice the little sparks of electricity sparkling around him.
“Everyone please take a seat.” Carter said before going to join by Daniel. As they all sat down Peter noticed how the Avengers all seemed to smirk and smile at him. Great. He also heard his other classmates talking.
“Who’s that boy?”
“Is he a new Avenger?”
“Why does he look so angry?”
After everyone settled down, Tony came forward. “HELLO MIDDLETIN!” He said with a smile. That got everyone to giggle. Leave it to Tony to make a joke during all this. “I don’t need to introduce myself, you all know who I am. I hope you all have enjoyed the tour of my tower, seeing all the cool new gadgets and gizmos. Now...I’m sure some of you have questions, so please. Fire away.”
Immediately everyones hands went up. Tony seemed to look over everyone before pointing to someone. “You. Pigtails.” One of the smarter kids in the team stood up. “Hello yes, I had a question for female avengers. Is being part of the Avengers cool? Do you feel like everything is fair, or at least fair enough being heroes?” That made everyone on the avengers smirk. Tony rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. Even Daniel smiled at that.
Nat spoke first.”Yeah. At least I would say so. I was one of the founding Avengers and never felt like there was any unfairness. In fact I feel like more and more progress has been made as more diverse people enter.”
“You.” Tony said.
A boy stood up. He looked really shy and could barely talk. “I-is it true you and Captain Rogers are married?” He blushed asking it but you could tell he was actually curious. Tony turned to Steve who was smiling at him. Tony then turned back to the boy. “Guilty.” That made the team erupt in ‘ooo’s’.
There were many different questions, so really good and deep, other’s just being stupid fun ones. Eventually, there was one final question. “Yes, you.” Flash stood up and as he did, Peter felt his stomach fall. This wasn’t going to be good. “Yes, hi. So there is SOMEONE in our class that says he has an internship here. Is it possible for a high schooler to be an intern here?” Flash asked with a smug look. The Avengers all didn’t look happy with him, they all looked like they wanted to kill. Poor Flash thought they were mad at Peter. Daniel was particularly angry. Tony was still smiling but below the surface, he was just as furious. “No. A high school Student can’t apply to be an intern.” Flash immediately turned and pointed at Peter. “HA! TOLD YOU! NOW YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS!” Peter noticed how Daniel gripped his hands. Red Alert.
“However.” Tony said making Flash turn to him. “There ARE some cases, like Peter here, that I ask personally to become an intern. In fact, Peter is my PERSONAL intern.” Tony gave Flash a pointed look warning him to apologize. Now. Flash didn’t get that message and continued on. “PENIS!? HE’S JUST AN ORPHANED FREAK!” Wrong thing to say.
Immediately Daniel was out of his chair and holding Flash up in the air by his shirt. “WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” Daniel shouted. His eyes were glowing as his powers flared. “I-I didn’t-” Daniel gripped harder. “OH YES, YOU DID! DON’T BACKTRACK NOW BITCH!” Some of the Avengers tried to move forward to hold Daniel back but he only shot out his arm and created a barrier between them. “APOLOGIZE! NOW!” Flash actually began crying now. “I-I’m sorry!” He said to Daniel. “NOT TO ME! HIM!” Daniel threw Flash onto the ground in front of Peter. Flash looked up at him, tears staining his eyes. Peter hated saying it...but he was happy to see Flash like this. It was what he deserved. “I-I’m s-sorry Peter.”
Peter only gave him a blank look. He wasn’t going to accept this apology. Not so easily. “Good.” Daniel said, his powers dimming. “Now..Flash was it? I’ve been watching you. I’ve seen how you’ve treated my boyfriend. I won’t let you do that again. So I’ll keep my eye on you and if you so much as LOOK at Peter the wrong way I will turn you into a grain of sand and drop you in the deepest part of the ocean. Do you understand?” Flash only nodded. “Good. Now get the hell out of this tower.” Daniel waved his hand and instantly Flash disappeared. Daniel looked at Peter who was giving him a questioning look. “Don’t worry. I just sent him back to his house.”
Daniel let the barrier between him and the Avengers drop. Daniel composed himself before turning back to the rest of the class. “Sorry about that. Let that be a warning to all of you though. If any of you, and I mean ANY,” He gave Mr.Harrington a pointed look. Mr.Harrington knew he had made a mistake telling Peter not to talk about working here. “Hurt my boyfriend. I WILL make your life a living hell. Understood?” Everyone nodded and Daniel smiled. “Good.” He grabbed Peter’s shoulder before teleporting both of them out of the conference room.
Daniel and Peter both appeared in Danny’s room. Before Peter could say anything Daniel hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry.” That’s not what Peter was expecting. “I know you wanted this day to be nice and drama-free but...the way they were looking at you. Talking about you behind your back. I saw and heard it all. And Flash...that dick was awful! I just HAD to do something, get them off your back. I just-”
Peter cut Daniel off with a kiss. “Thank you.”
“Well...I had been nervous about this trip, like SO nervous. You knew that. And you’re right, I DID want a drama-free trip but...then I loved seeing all of the guys during the trip. They made me feel better...somewhat. And I won’t lie...seeing Flash crying on the floor and making him apologize...I shouldn’t say I liked it, but it’s what he had coming. I was just never brave enough to say it. So...thank you.” Peter said before hugging Daniel again.
“I love you, Peter.”
“I love you too.”
A/N: :)
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five-rivers · 4 years
Adoption (part 2)
A gift for @a-flower-lover!  This wound up being more along the lines of vignettes...  Little snapshots into Danny’s life after being adopted by Clockwork.  I hope that’s ok!  (PART 1)
Mr. Lancer had met Charles Worth before, albeit briefly. The man had fostered a number of Casper High students and with that responsibility came parent-teacher conferences. He had struck Mr. Lancer as being steady and reliable, if, perhaps, impersonal, despite his predilection for clocks and ominous announcements. A decent foster parent, if not... ideal.
Mr. Worth just didn't seem to connect with his fosters, although he certainly didn't neglect them. Then, too, were the persistent rumors that his home was haunted.
Alright. So, Mr. Lancer didn't think Charles Worth was really a children person. Oh, he was a good person! It took one to do well as a foster parent, but... yeah.
Which was why the scene in front of him surprised him so much. Not the who of it, but the what.
The who was Daniel Fenton and Charles Worth waiting outside the office. The what was smiling and having a conversation. True, Mr. Fenton's smile looked like it was pasted on over several layers of anxiety, but it was genuine.
"Mr. Worth, Mr. Fenton?" he said, tamping down his surprise. "Come on in."
"Hi," said Mr. Fenton, his voice hoarse.
Mr. Worth smiled and nodded, pushing him up with his cane.
But Mr. Fenton must have noticed the curious look Mr. Lancer was giving him. "I knew Cl- Uh. Mr. Worth before this." He winced and smiled widely to cover it up. "So, uh, make up work? Since I missed the past week?"
"Yes, well, circumstances being what they are," aka his parents trying to murder him in public, in broad daylight (and didn't that give Mr. Lancer a chill?), "your teachers have put together a few packets for you to look over this weekend. They should get you more or less up to speed with where your classes are. I'm also willing to stay after school, to help you with anything you've missed in my classes."
Jazz knocked on the door of the Worth house. She had been made aware, via various supernatural (she did not particularly appreciate writing suddenly appearing on her fogged-up bathroom mirror) and mundane (Danny did have her phone number) means, that the man known as Charles Worth was actually the ghost known as Clockwork.
How this had occurred was not entirely clear to her. She assumed ghost powers, specifically time travel, were involved somehow.
But, to be honest, that didn't really matter to her. It was secondary, less than.
What was important here was that she hadn't been legally allowed to see her little brother in over a month. To keep her parents from contacting him. To keep her from letting her parents near him. Because they were legally barred from seeing him.
Because they had tried to kill him.
Jazz planned on never seeing her parents again, as soon as she got all of her and Danny's things from their house.
But now that prohibition had been lifted, because Clockwork had forced through what had to be the speediest adoption in the history of adoptions, and Danny was now legally his son. In the eyes of both humans and ghosts. Which was... Well. Danny seemed to be excited about it, anyway. He'd looked up to Clockwork for a while, from what he told Jazz.
Internally, Jazz had more than a bit of trepidation. She didn't know what adoption meant to ghosts, didn't have any context for it. And ghosts, even the good ones, even Danny, tended to be... obsessive. Extreme. She wasn't sure how that would translate when it came to interpersonal relationships.
The door creaked open, ever so slowly, the squeak it made grating on her eardrums. At first, it appeared to have opened on its own, then a hand gripped the edge of the door, and Clockwork, in human guise, leaned out from behind it.
Jazz raised an eyebrow.
Clockwork raised one right back. "This house is haunted, you know," he said.
Okay, never mind. The only thing she had to worry about was the fact that her brother and his mentor both had terrible senses of humor.
"Hi, Jazz!"
Being used to having a half-ghost brother, Jazz only yelped a little bit at his unexpected appearance behind her. Then she sighed and ruffled his hair. He hugged her and then bounced over the lintel into the house.
"Come on! I want to show you my room! It's so cool!" His voice became fainter as he went farther into the house, until his last exclamation was an eerie whisper.
Jazz looked at Clockwork as she stepped inside. "Is he doing that on purpose?"
Clockwork smiled blandly. "I am very fond of the acoustics in this house."
She looked at her surroundings with a skeptical eye. "It seems... dark in here."
"We are ghosts," said Clockwork. "Daniel is very excited to show you his room, by the way."
"He's human, too, don't forget," said Jazz.
"I won't."
The house was creepy.
Really creepy.
This was coming from someone who had spent most of her life living under the same roof as two ghost-obsessed mad scientists.
But Danny seemed to enjoy it, and he was the one living here. It wasn't like there was anything wrong with the house. Or anything in the house. It was just... off.
Danny was half-ghost, however, so maybe this was something he needed. Perhaps not all of his peppiness could be attributed to being the heck away from his murderous former parents.
Even so. Jazz had a duty, both as a big sister and an aspiring psychologist.
"I already read it," said Clockwork, setting a cup of tea down in front of her.
"The book you were about to give me. I've already read it. And a number of others. I am not the kind of person who goes into things unprepared."
Danny rolled into the kitchen on the ceiling. This was easy to ignore. After her life, an Exorcist reference made by her over-excited younger brother, was, well. Underwhelming.
(Okay, she was a little distracted, but only by his glee.)
"Well," she said. "That's good."
"I know this house is out of the way," said Clockwork, craning his neck to look up at his coworker, "but you are rather conspicuous."
"Hm. Am I?" asked Pandora, craning her neck down to look at her comparatively tiny colleague.
"Yes. At that size, humans with average eyesight will be able to see you from town."
Pandora looked out over the trees. "Interesting," she said, mildly. "Do you think the ghost hunters will come?"
"You've spoken to Daniel."
"Yes. He stopped by earlier today, on his way to visit Mattingly. Although, I suppose you knew that already."
"Indeed I did. May I ask, is it your intention to lure the ghost hunters here, fight them, defeat them, and then leave them just close enough to here to constitute a breach of their terms of bail and the restraining order against them?"
"I am not terribly well-versed in human law," said Pandora, "but, why, yes. That is exactly what I'm doing. Best to get it done while Daniel is visiting friends, isn't it?"
"Yes. If you had done this while he was here, I would be significantly more annoyed." Clockwork smiled the sanguine smile of a parental figure who would commit murder if their child was upset.
Pandora returned a matching grin, one that promised retribution against persons who had harmed said child in the past. "Please, Clockwork. You know me better than that. I wouldn't subject him to being in the presence of those fools."
"Good," said Clockwork, eyes glinting.
"Hey, Clockwork? Do you know why there were police cars driving down the- Oh. Hello?" He stopped at the sight of an unfamiliar woman sitting at the dinning room table, next to Clockwork. He blinked and tilted his head to the side. "Wait. Pandora?"
"Perceptive," said the superficially human olive-skinned woman. "You seemed so happy when you stopped by, earlier. I thought I would come check in on you."
"You didn't have to," said Danny, beaming.
"Pandora has been trying to convince me to set her up as one of my relatives," said Clockwork, rolling his eyes. "Would you care for a cup of tea, Daniel?"
"Umm," said Danny, dubiously. "I'll try one, I guess. Does that mean you'll be my aunt?"
Pandora smiled. "Why, yes, it does."
Clockwork groaned theatrically.
"Ah," said Mr. Lancer, at the next parent-teacher conference. "Are you Mr. Worth's wife?"
"No," said Pandora, grinning. "I'm his sister."
Mr. Lancer looked back and forth between the two very different-looking entities. "I... see."
"We're adopted," said Clockwork.
"Oh! Alright then. Now, about Daniel..."
It was a bit strange to see Danny with so much energy, Sam reflected. Strange, but good.
It just went to show how drained he had become over time, how much the constant ghost attacks and worry, all the lies and stress and impossible expectations had worn away at him over time. She hadn't seen her friend this happy since freshman year. If that.
On the other hand...
"Dude," said Tucker. "Your house is spooky. And this is coming from someone who's been inside a literal mad science lab."
Danny rolled his eyes. "Mad science labs are campy, not spooky. Besides, you knew coming in that this house was haunted." He draped himself over the back of the couch, rolling until he was 'sitting' upside-down. "Anyway, what kind of movie do you want to watch? We've got a bunch, because Clockwork apparently collects media from doomed timelines."
"He's got a hobby?" asked Sam.
"Yeah, three," said Danny. "Gardening- you should talk to him about that, by the way, I think he'd like it- baking, and alternate timeline movies. And some books, too, I think. He's got a huge library back in Long Now. I've read like. Two books from it."
Clockwork's voice floated in from the other room. "You've read significantly more than that, Daniel."
"I guess," said Danny, doubtfully. He flopped off the couch, picked himself up, and started prodding at a shelf of movies. "This is from a timeline where the Earth got beaned by a massive asteroid. It's, like, a romcom, but it was made when everyone knew the asteroid was coming. This one is, uh, this is actually a dramatization of real events, apparently, but their timeline split from ours in like the fifties, so the events are pretty wild." He waved the DVD at them. "It's surreal?"
"How'd they die?" asked Tucker.
"Wacky superscience. No, really. Irradiated the entire planet."
"How do you know?" asked Sam.
"Oh, Clockwork puts notes on the boxes. He thinks it's interesting. And there does seem to be some correlation between how cursed the movies are and how bad the timeline was. Which maybe shouldn't surprise me? I mean, if they were bad timelines..." He shrugged. "Oh, this is a CGI Lion King. I can tell you: very cursed. Absolutely soulless. And this is from a timeline where copyright laws weren't changed, so Mickey Mouse and a bunch of other stuff was in the public domain."
"Isn't that a good timeline?" joked Sam.
"You'd think so," agreed Danny. "But apartheid in South Africa apparently never stopped, and they got a nuclear bomb, and, well... World War Three."
"Is that like, a domino effect, or...?"
"I'm not sure... Anyway. Uh. Genre?" He clapped his hands together.
Tucker leaned forward. "I want the wildest version of the Matrix you have."
"Ooh, good choice. There are, like, six with Will Smith. I haven't watched them all yet, but I think the one where they've got another sequel and Zion is also a- Wait, I shouldn't spoil it."
"After that, can you see if there's a non-crappy version of Dracula?" asked Sam.
"Sure. I haven't seen one yet, but I will look."
"I have popcorn," said Clockwork, entering the room, "and various baked goods. No dairy."
"You're the best."
Clockwork selected a thick blanket from the chest, then teleported himself to the living room to drape it over the three teenagers passed out on the couch. Overall, he found pretending to be human oddly enjoyable, but it could be trying at times. Tedious. All the finicky little motions humans had to go through to do the simplest of things added up over the day.
So, Clockwork tended to ease off of them when no one was watching. It made life easier.
Heh. Life.
(He would say that Daniel's puns were rubbing off on him, but in truth Clockwork's sense of humor had been like that for, well. Eons.)
He put the kitchen in order with an absent wave of his hand, and double-checked the stove out of habit. It wasn't nearly as good as his actual oven, back in Long Now, but it was serviceable.
One of Daniel's friends mumbled in their sleep, and Clockwork looked in on them. Still peaceful. It was good for Daniel to have them here. Beneficial for both his human and ghost halves.
He hummed to himself and patted Daniel's head as he thought about their plans for the weekend. He had arranged for some truly aggravating evangelical missionaries to darken their doorstep. It would do Daniel good to inspire a touch of terror. In an entirely controlled and risk-free way, of course. No matter how unpleasant the people coming were, Clockwork had no intention of harming them, or suggesting anything of the sort.
But, well. They were ghosts. Being feared was soothing.
(Clockwork knew this wasn't what Jasmine meant when she suggested Clockwork engage in family bonding activities with Daniel. But what she didn't know...)
"I think my teeth are getting sharper," said Danny, pulling a face at the mirror. "Is that normal?" The last was shouted, to get Clockwork's attention. Intellectually, Danny knew he didn't need to do that, but a lifetime of habit was hard to shake.
"It is difficult to say what is normal for someone like you, but many ghosts do have fangs," said Clockwork. "Including myself."
"Hm," said Danny. "This isn't, like, a ghost puberty thing, is it? Because I already used up most of my evil puberty jokes."
"Oh, only most?" Clockwork slid behind him and started rubbing the tension out of his shoulders.
Danny shrugged. "Eh, give or take. But, seriously."
"No, it isn't a ghost puberty thing."
"Oh, good. Because dealing with one puberty is more than enough."
Clockwork was silent. Danny looked up and met troubled eyes in the mirror.
"Daniel," started Clockwork, before giving Danny an uneasy smile. "Speaking of puberty..."
Danny blanched. "No."
"No. Nope. Not doing the talk today, no sir. I got that at school."
"Daniel, as strange as Casper High may be at times, I highly doubt they taught you anything about immortality."
"It's why ghosts put so much forethought into relationships like this," explained Clockwork, careful not to look directly at Daniel's hiding place. "They might last forever. I certainly hope this one does."
"But I don't want to be a teenager forever!" wailed Danny. He had mastered the art of making his voice sound like it was coming from a completely different direction than it actually was.
Clockwork was older than human civilization and had been worshiped as a god by several civilizations. He did not wince at the heartbreak in his child's voice.
"Your shapeshifting abilities should come in after a few years," said Clockwork. "You'll be able to pass as older."
Daniel answered with a moan.
"I must confess, I'm not sure why you are so upset about this. I can see that you are, but could you explain why for me?"
"I don't knoooooowww..."
"I don't want everyone to die and leave me alone," admitted Danny, hunched over a carton of ice cream. "I don't want to see my- my people die." He sniffled.
"We don't have to stay in Amity Park if you don't want to," said Clockwork.
Danny shook his head. "No! That's worse," he said, hating how his voice tilted into a whine. "That's- I can't abandon them! I can't- can't miss their time. I just..." He let out a huff of air. "It's hard."
Clockwork wrapped an arm around Daniel's shoulders. "It may not help much," he said, "but people in Amity Park have a much higher chance of becoming ghosts. It's the ectoplasm in the air."
"Promise?" asked Danny.
"Promise. Although, who, exactly, becomes a ghost is outside of my control. All I can tell you is that the people here have a better chance."
Danny leaned against Clockwork. "Thanks," he mumbled. "Clockwork?"
"You don't think I'm a freak, do you?"
"Of course not."
Mr. Lancer squinted down at Daniel Fenton's latest assignment with a mix of appreciation, disbelief, and shame. This was easily the best work he had ever received from Daniel. In fact, it rivaled papers he had received from Jasmine.
It made him wonder- How long had Daniel been suffering? What had Daniel been suffering? He was no expert when it came to abuse, but all teachers had some training, and he knew that abusers tended to escalate, starting with something relatively innocuous and ending with a travesty. For things to progress to attempted murder... What had it started as? When had it begun?
(Could Mr. Lancer have stopped it?)
(That question would haunt him more than any ghost.)
Well, there was a silver lining to this, Mr. Lancer supposed. He had rarely seen two people who got along as well as Daniel and Charles Worth. It was good, he thought, for the man to have someone in his life on a more permanent basis, rather than the revolving door of temporary foster children.
How rapidly the adoption went through was a little odd, but... Mr. Lancer shrugged. Undoubtedly, Mr. Worth had taken the time over his years as a foster parent to familiarize himself with the system, and with Daniel's former parents unfit to be anywhere near children...
He shrugged again and stamped Daniel's paper with an A+.
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Out of Time (9)
Read on AO3
Word Count: 4248
Previously: After realizing there's three possible outcomes of a looming battle with Dan, Danny asks Valerie, Dani and Vlad for their help.
Now: The calm before the storm. Aka things are about to hit the fan.
Link to the next chapter will be in the replies once posted. As always - please let me know what you think!
"Danny- you in here?" Jazz asked, opening her brother's door tentatively. To her surprise, she saw both Danny and Phantom in the room, both looking sombre and upset. She frowned slightly, looking between the two like a hawk. "Are you okay?"
Danny's eyes briefly flashed green as Phantom disappeared, smiling at his sister. "Yeah," he replied softly. His blue eyes watched her as she crossed her arms determinedly.
"Good, cause we're ready for you." Jazz observed Danny closely as he stood up straighter, a quiet reservation embodying him. She frowned as she examined him again. "You sure you're okay? We can postpone-"
"No," Danny said tiredly. "We really can't." He walked over to his sister, ignoring her suspecting gaze as he gave her a hug. Jazz bristled in surprise, but quickly returned it. "Love you," he murmured into her shoulder.
"I love you too," she replied, pulling away from the hug. She poked his nose affectionately, making the younger teen scramble away with a scowl. "Now come on, you're needed Ghost Boy."
With a devious smirk, Danny transformed and grabbed his sister by her arms. He turned them both intangible and flew up to the Ops Center. He dropped Jazz unceremoniously to the ground as he turned tangible again.
"Ugh! Danny!" Jazz protested, shivering slightly. "Give me warning next time!"
Danny chuckled, floating in the air as he watched Jazz try and recover. "You're the one who said they were ready. Where's that Ghost Getter attitude?" he teased.
Jazz glared half-heartedly at her brother before sighing. "C'mon," she said, gesturing to the crowded Ops Center.
Both Fenton children made their way into the room, weaving through many of Frostbite's subjects as they attempted to reach their parents. Maddie, Jack, Sam and Tucker were crowded around one of the screens. Jack saw them first.
"Kids! There you are!" he boomed, causing Sam and Tucker to jump in surprise. "Vladdy's on the T.V."
Danny exchanged frowns with his sister as they moved the screen. Vlad was sitting at his desk in the Mayor's office, looking stoic and political as the T.V. station ran a banner underneath him labelling it as a mayoral address.
"Citizens of Amity Park," Vlad began. Danny rolled his eyes at the condescending tone his arch-enemy used. "As you've been aware, local hero Danny Phantom has held a large dome of energy around our beloved town for the past four days. After a brief meeting with Phantom this afternoon, we now have true confirmation of what is afoot."
Maddie turned to her son, frowning in disapproval. "You went to Vlad?"
Danny shrugged. "He needed to know what was going on. The last thing we want is him making a story up and it causes people to get hurt." He turned back to the press conference.
"There is a dangerous ghost making its way through the Ghost Zone," Vlad continued. "Dangerous enough to cause many ghosts to take refuge here in our world. Phantom has put up this shield in order to protect our town from harm." Vlad folded his hands together, looking very grim. "However, this ghost has challenged our resident ghost and has thus threatened the safety of this town. Tomorrow, these two will clash somewhere in our world, with Phantom unsure of how much protection he can give us.
"The Fentons and I have created a contingency plan in case Phantom's shield is compromised, however it is very likely that this will rival our run in with the Ghost King last year. Unfortunately, it is too late to evacuate the town. Rest assured that your safety is our number one priority. We are asking you to stay indoors until we determine that it is safe to return to our normal lives. I must implore you all to be careful – the only warning we'll have is if this shield goes down.
"As for Danny Phantom – if you're watching this: Good Luck."
Vlad faded from the screen as Lance Thunder started his analysis on what he just heard. Danny let out a breath as he turned to his parents. "We ready to figure out a plan?"
Jack gave his son a reassuring smile. "You bet kiddo," he told him, leading the way to a large round table. Ethelwulf, Frostbite and Clockwork all sat waiting for them, with many more white yeti ghosts standing behind them. Frostbite grinned readily as he saw Danny approach, while Ethelwulf looked him over searchingly.
Danny ignored them, instead floated above the table and waited for his friends and family to take a seat. Green eyes found the large fold out map of Amity Park with various pieces placed strategically across it. A small frown appeared across his face as he saw the large amount of pieces outside of the shield.
"We still have about 10 hours before Dan attacks," Maddie said, snapping Danny out of his musings. He floated back, giving her his full attention. Maddie pointed to the large group that was furthest away. "Our intel shows that Dan is East of the town gathering his army." She gestured to the rest of the town. "Danny's shield will hold for a bit, but our main priority should be getting the Fenton shield up and running. Once that's up, it should cover the entire town – the only problem is we still can't isolate Dan's ecto-signature from Danny's."
"The good news is between Frostbite and his people, we're able to scan all the ghosts hiding in Amity Park," Jack told the crowd. "This way, the shield will still be able to protect the ghosts and the town from Dan's wrath."
Danny nodded, agreeing with the line of thought so far. "And you'll keep working on the shield?" His parents nodded. His frown deepened as he surveyed the plans now on the table. "We need to keep him out of the city at all costs." Danny moved closer to the table, pointing to a large structure on the map. "Until we get the Fenton shield up, we'll have to be divided." Maddie glanced at her son nervously, but stepped back as he started to take more command at the table. "We'll split up in two teams. Ethelwulf, Frostbite; you both stay here. With Ethelwulf's shield around the Fenton Portal, it's the safest point in all this. If anything goes down, you're the best people to defend it." He traced the outer layer of the map with index finger. "The Red Hunter, Danielle and Plasmius will be at the shield holding back the shadow army. If these things are anything like Vlad's copies, then there's going to be a lot of them."
Maddie and Jack exchanged surprised looks before addressing their son. "Are you sure you can trust Plasmius?" Jack asked him. "Or the Red Hunter for that matter? She did trap you and Danielle a few weeks back."
Danny didn't look up from the map, concentrating hard on his next point when he answered. "We've had truces before," he explained. "It's fine. Besides we'll need all the help we can get."
Frostbite cleared his throat. "My fellow Far Frozen brothers will also protect the town," the yeti ghost told the group in front of them, garnering murmurs of agreement throughout the crowd. "If any of the shadows make it in, we'll be ready Great One."
"Thanks Frostbite," Danny said gratefully, flashing his friend a smile. It quickly disappeared as he continued. "Unfortunately, I think that'll happen sooner rather than later." He turned his gaze to his parents. "No matter what Vlad's said during that press conference, we're going to need people to clear the streets and provide cover if needed."
Maddie stroked her chin in thought. "I think we still have time to reach out to the Ghost Emergency Response team," she said. Seeing the look of confusion on her son's face she elaborated. "We reached out to a few people after the Ghost King attack to help with evacuation efforts in the event we couldn't get to them in time. They'll be able to use some public spaces to get people to safety in a pinch. Plus, this was set up before Vlad was mayor; we don't have to go through him for his approval."
Danny eyed his Mom suspiciously at her tart tone but nodded his consent. "Okay, let's do that," he said. His eyes darted across the map in front of him, before he paused and sighed heavily. "I don't think there's any way I can keep the shield up and fight Dan."
"Especially if you're going to be an idiot and go off alone," Tucker said. Danny scowled at him. "What? We can see your self-sacrificing shtick from a mile away dude."
"Not exactly what I meant," Danny shot back, green eyes running over the map avoiding everyone's gaze. "I'm using my base powers to keep the shield up. If something's attacking it - the best place to keep it up around the town is to be right on it."
"Making you a sitting duck," Ethelwulf finished, yellow eyes scanning the map with quick precision. "Which is what Dan is counting on; he tested your abilities in your last battle. He'll wait until you're distracted before striking."
"Which is where Jazz and I come in," Sam jumped in, moving closer to the table and pointed to various sections of the town. "We can provide cover some extra cover on you from the highest points of the city." She pointed out four large buildings. "If we station ourselves up there, we can hit the ones that close in on Danny's position."
Danny stiffened slightly at the suggestion, eying the pieces outside of the shield again and the other two buildings that Sam had suggested. He let out a breath before looking up at his family and friends. "We'll need more than just you two. Mom, Dad, Jazz and Sam will be on these four buildings," Danny grabbed four mini pieces that indicated their side of the battle and placed them on the map. "Tucker, you'll be at FentonWorks working on the shield and be our eyes while we're out there. Apart from my parents, you're the only one who can work on those calculations." He moved another piece. "I'll be at the top of the shield, keeping it up until the Fenton shield is ready. Then we can regroup here and think about our next phase of attack."
"And if your shield goes down before the Fenton one is ready?" Sam asked sceptically.
Danny floated above the table, looking grim. "Then we fight," he said simply. He floated above the crowd, his face reserved as he surveyed the crowded ops center. "This won't be easy," he told the crowd. "In a different time, he destroyed the entire world. I want to say we'll make it… but there's no guarantee that we'd be back. If we fail – our worlds as we know them are doomed." The half-ghost crossed his arms. "Dan isn't invincible. If we work together, we can bring him down. Who's with me?"
A loud roar of approval echoed through the ops center from the members of the Far Frozen. Danny scanned the crowd and found Clockwork, regarding him curiously with his red eyes. Time seemed to slow as their eyes met, Clockwork searching for an answer from the young ghost. Clockwork gave Danny a brief nod of approval before Danny floated back to the ground toward his friends and family.
Danny waited until the ghosts left the Ops Center before taking a vacant seat and transforming back into Danny Fenton. Tired eyes scanned the table again, looking at the small pieces and the map with reservation. "If this doesn't work…"
"It will," Maddie told him sternly, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine." Danny couldn't tell if she was trying to reassure herself as well.
"If there's anything this year has shown us, it's how to kick ghost butt as a family," Jack added confidently.
"Dad's right," Jazz told him, coming around Danny's other side, giving him a big hug. "Dan may have the power, but we have the numbers and heart. Remember that, okay?" Both Fenton parents joined the hug at their daughter's words.
Danny smiled softly. "I'll remember," he said. His family released the boy from the hug, smiling. He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. "This will work."
Maddie kissed the top of his head affectionately. "Get some rest sweetheart. We'll see you off in the morning." With that, the three Fentons exited the Ops Center, leaving Danny, Sam and Tucker alone.
Tucker walked over to the table, nudging Sam along the way and sat next to his best friend. "That was kinda weird…right? I mean… in a good way?"
Danny chuckled. "A bit, yeah." Sam finally moved to Danny's other side at the table, watching him intently. "This is the first time my parents are involved in such a big ghost attack and know all the stakes going in. It's made it easier….. but also so much harder."
"What do you mean?" Sam asked.
Danny shook his head, smiling softly. "It doesn't matter. I'm just glad we're on the same side for once." He pulled out a small pouch from his pocket, putting it onto the table. His logo reflected the light from the Ops Center above him. "Can one of you ask Ethelwulf about these? Vlad gave them to me."
"I'm pretty sure that's a red flag and should be thrown out," Sam said, narrowing her eyes at the pouch.
Danny shrugged. "He said they're Ecto-Enhancers – something to help give my powers an energy boost. While I don't trust Vlad with a ten foot pole, I think he's actually trying to help. I'd ask my parents, but Mom's been acting strange about me interacting with Vlad. I don't think she knows anything, but she definitely suspects."
"Hence Ethelwulf," Tucker finished, watching Danny confirm with a nod. Tucker stared at the pouch as a few ideas raced across his brain. "Apart from Ethelwulf, Plasmius is the only other person who knows about half-ghosts on a molecular level. Maybe these will help us separate the two of you."
"If there's one time for his creepy clone experiments to come in handy, it's now" Danny replied with a grimace.
"Gross," Tucker said. He reached over, grabbing the pouch of Ecto-Enhancers and waved them in the air. "I'll get started on this – hopefully we can get that shield up before morning." Tucker stood, giving Sam an exaggerated look before moving quickly to the stairs. "Sam, make sure this one doesn't do something stupid without me. I am the brains of this operation"
Danny chuckled at the joke. "Don't let it get to your head, techie."
Sam shook her head at their antics. "No promises," she said slyly as Danny made a noise in protest. Sam caught Tucker's equally sly smile as he made his way downstairs, realizing suddenly that he left her alone with Danny on purpose; she nearly groaned in annoyance.
"Jerk," Danny muttered in amusement. He rose slowly, gripping the table to hold himself up. His arms shook as he looked over the plans again, blue eyes darting back to the large amount of pieces on the ground.
Sam frowned worriedly. "You're exhausted," she stated.
Danny nodded. "We really need that shield," he told her wearily. "If these numbers are right then I'm going to be putting all my energy into defending the town."
"What you really need is sleep." Sam replied sharply. Danny ignored her and continued to glance at the figures on the table. "When was the last time you actually rested without those time visions?"
Danny shrugged, turning his face away. "Few days maybe," he replied. He traced the outer layer of the map toward the top of the shield, frowning in thought.
Sam sighed, standing up and put her hand on his shoulder. Danny's body relaxed slightly at her touch but remained focus on the map in front of him. "You need to rest," she said softly. "You've been heading straight for Dan ever since he escaped. Not to mention, you've been flying around and using your powers quite a bit today. Isn't it time to take it easy?" Danny only hummed at the suggestion. Sam sighed again, bracing herself against the table as she looked out in the other direction. A few moments passed, neither one speaking as they stood in the Ops Center. Finally, Sam let out a long breath, steeling her resolve. "About earlier…"
"You were right," Danny told her, cutting Sam off before she had a chance to continue. He glanced at her quickly before his eyes returned to the map. "Before. This isn't just some ghost fight."
Sam frowned, confused at his reserved demeanour. "You told me you weren't afraid anymore," she accused softly.
"I'm not."
Sam turned to him abruptly, violet eyes flashing dangerously. "So why are you holding back now? What changed in a few hours?"
Danny sighed tiredly, his black hair covering his face from her view. When he finally spoke, it was so quiet it made the hairs on the back of Sam's neck stand up. "If we make it through this, then we'll talk."
Sam blinked before nudging him hard with her shoulder. "When we make it through this, I'll be waiting. You hear me? When." They stood quietly, Sam's last remark hanging in the air as Danny made no attempt to answer. She nudged him again. "Danny, when you make it back. Not if."
Danny raised his head slowly, smiling as he looked at her. Sam's eyes widened slightly at the changing emotions across his face. "Yeah," he agreed softly. "You're right." He turned away as Sam looked at him, concerned. "I think I'm gonna head downstairs."
Sam frowned; something didn't feel right. "You're not going to sneak off on our own are you?" she asked searchingly.
Danny shook his head and brushed her off. "Nah – you'll miss me too much," he replied lightly. She wasn't convinced.
With a small wave, he took off down the stairs. Sam watched him go, still frowning as she tried to figure out his sudden change of mood.
"A little early for an adventure, isn't it Halfling?"
Danny didn't turn from his position on the Ops Center, opting to look at the stars through the green shield around the town with a small smile. There were still a few hours before dawn and apart from the ghosts throughout the house, everyone was asleep. "Not an adventure if I'm still here."
Ethelwulf chuckled as he walked up beside the seated young ghost. "True, but you are your ghost self on a rooftop, alone, right before we do battle with that monster. Forgive me for thinking you were sneaking off without telling us."
Danny shook his head. "I couldn't sleep," he admitted. "Stargazing helps me clear my head." They looked at the stars in silence, Ethelwulf waiting for Danny to continue. Eventually, Danny sighed, standing up to face the black wolf ghost beside him. "I keep seeing various parts of how today will play out," he said dismally. "Regardless of how much planning we do, it doesn't seem like we're going to win."
Ethelwulf opened his mouth, but a voice beat him to it.
"What have I told you before, Great One?" Frostbite floated toward them, an eyebrow raised questionably at the younger. "About fears and battles?"
"I'm not afraid of Dan," Danny told them confidently. "I'm not facing him on my own so we have more of a chance than I would normally. But…" Danny looked up at the stars again, frowning. "In order to win, we need to know his plan. With these time visions, I think I have some idea of… how he thinks."
Frostbite and Ethelwulf exchanged confused looks. "Isn't that a good thing?" Ethelwulf asked him.
"If I'm right… then it's not a good thing," Danny replied seriously. He rubbed the back of his head. "It means that our plan doesn't account for him exploiting our weaknesses – which he'll definitely do. Dan has nothing to lose, meaning he's more dangerous than ever. He doesn't care."
Ethelwulf let out a soft "Oh," as he realized what the boy was trying to say. He lowered his head close to Danny's face, big yellow eyes looking into worried green. "Danny," he said gently. "Going into battle thinking you'll lose means you've already lost. The things that you need to fight for? That makes you more dangerous too."
Danny smiled sadly. "I want to believe that. More than anything."
Ethelwulf nodded. "Then do." Ethelwulf looked him over, frowning. "Though you're not completely healed from yesterday; are you sure you'll be alright on top of that shield?"
Danny nodded. "I'm good. The faster we get that shield up, the faster I can recover and kick his sorry butt out of existence. How's that going anyway?"
Ethelwulf sighed. "Tucker gave me the Ecto-Enhancers; Plasmius seems to know quite a bit about your ecto-signature Halfling. We were able to identify more of a distinction between the ecto-signature we have of you and his. It seems like the key here is your mid-morph sample – but until you're able to recover, I believe it's unwise for us to take that sample. Though, now that we know what we're looking for, we might be able to manipulate the shield enough for us to put it up. These Ecto-Enhancers should be safe if you wish to use them."
Danny nodded in confirmation. "Good to know – probably best to leave them here for now. Last thing I want is for Dan to get a hold of them." Danny looked away, making Frostbite and Ethelwulf tense slightly. "If anyone can figure out that mid-morph sample, it'll be Tucker. He's been working with my parents for so long and knows my powers pretty well. Will you-"
"Don't worry," Frostbite assured. "We'll make sure your family is safe. No one will get through."
Danny smiled gratefully, looking up at the stars again. "Thank you," he said simply. They were quiet for a few minutes, before Danny closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "Clockwork," he called as he opened his eyes and faced his two friends.
Clockwork's spinning clock appeared promptly behind Frostbite, the latter shuffling aside for the Time Master to materialize. Once appeared, Clockwork brought his staff toward the ground, a grim smile directed at Danny.
"I think I finally understand," Danny said quietly. "When you told me that acting on the knowledge of time was a burden."
Clockwork inclined his head in acknowledgement. "I believe so," he said simply. "I'd ask you what now, but judging from that response, I can only guess."
Danny sighed again. "I need you all to promise me something," the half-ghost started, getting the attention of all three spectres on the roof. "If I….. If I stop responding on coms…..or if I go down…please don't come looking for me until my shield falls. Keep my family and friends away from it too."
The boy's request hung in the silence that followed.
"I've seen some….. things," Danny continued, green eyes pleading for them to agree. "I don't know if they're true – but I might have to make decisions out there that go against the plan to protect Amity- To protect my friends and family. I need to know that they're safe behind this shield. It's the only way I'll….Please – keep them from coming after me."
Clockwork looked at Ethelwulf and Frostbite's shocked faces as he floated past them, red eyes glued to the determined, pleading face of a fifteen year old half-ghost that started this. "I said once," Clockwork started, "That I'm inclined to trust your judgement. Through all those twists and turns of time, my view on that has never wavered Danny Phantom." Clockwork put a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Time has asked so much of someone so young – this is the least I can do."
"Are you sure this is wise, Time Master?" Frostbite asked worriedly. "The Great One is still not healed. If he goes in alone –"
"Frostbite is right," Ethelwulf said, cutting the Far Frozen leader off. "Danny, this is ill-advised. You just said you're not fighting him alone – why do you want to prevent us from helping you in your time of need?"
"We have a plan right?" Danny asked, an eyebrow raised. "No matter what happens to me, we need to make sure it gets followed. We're more likely to succeed that way. If my shield is still up, I'm okay - I'm still alive. The last thing I want is for Dan to use anyone I love as bait."
The two wolf-like ghosts looked at each other and sighed, defeated.
"I will protect them with my life Great One," Frostbite told him earnestly.
Danny turned to Ethelwulf, who sighed deeply. Yellow eyes met green once more. "You are truly remarkable, Halfling," he said proudly. Danny's eyes widened in surprise. "I will honour your wishes – however if your shield falls, I will come after you myself. I will not let you die."
Danny smiled, looking at each of the ghosts directly before nodding. "Alright, then let's-" Danny's knees buckled slightly, cutting his train of thought off as he grimaced in pain. Frostbite and Clockwork moved toward the boy. Ethelwulf winced, swearing under his breath.
"Something attacked my shield," Ethelwulf said.
"Mine too," Danny ground out as he recovered. He looked up in thought, frowning as his eyes scanned the shield. He closed his eyes, trying to find where the attack on the shield came from before sighing. He turned to Frostbite and Ethelwulf. "If I'm not back in half an hour, wake everyone else up."
"This has to be a trap," Ethelwulf said. "Danny, you shouldn't go up there alone."
"He did say he wanted to divide my attention," Danny replied bitterly. "Probably, but I don't want to chance the shield. Ethelwulf, check on the one around the portal. I'll have my Fenton Phone with me – Frostbite, head to the control station and we'll stay in contact. I'll be gone thirty minutes tops. If I'm not back, tell my family…" he paused, looking conflicted for the first time on the rooftop. "Tell them… to defend Amity. To get the Fenton Shield up and running. To…to be careful. I'll be back as soon as I can." Without warning, Danny leapt into the air and teleported somewhere outside of the shield.
Clockwork sighed, breaking Frostbite and Ethelwulf out of their surprised stupors. "Frostbite," he called. "You heard him, get to the control panel. Ethelwulf, check on that shield. The faster we do that, the faster one of you can go after him."
Frostbite and Ethelwulf exchanged confused glances. "I thought you said you trusted his judgement?" Ethelwulf asked suspiciously.
Clockwork looked at the shield above. "I do," he replied simply, a small frown on his face. "That does not mean I have to like it."
Danny held his hand to the shield, concentrating on finding the point that was attacked earlier. It's too quiet Danny thought, eyes darting from side to side looking for a threat. "Frostbite?"
"I'm here, Great One," Frostbite's voice came through the Fenton Phone urgently.
"No. All clear on the radars."
Danny frowned, more unease rising from within him. "Yeah, here too," he said, standing, on top of the shield. It was holding strong; if anything attacked while he was up here, it would hold. He looked down and saw the mass of black surrounding the town, faint dim auras outlining each of the shadows that Dan created. Danny swallowed nervously as he lost count. "I'm headed back now," he said evenly, attempting to mask his concern.
"I'll await your arrival."
As the line went dead, Danny gasped as his ghost sense came alive, the icy cold sending a small shiver down his spine. He tensed, left hand alighting in green as he readied for an attack, the right going back toward his Fenton Phone. He barely had time to react as a large amount of ecto-energy surrounded his senses. He cried out in pain as it subsided, falling onto the shield in a heap. He barely managed to see a pair of white boots before the world faded to black.
"Sam, wake up," Jazz said urgently, shaking the girl awake. Sam rolled over, squinting slightly at the person who dared disturbed her slumber. "Sam, come on." Jazz shook her again.
Sam blinked before she recognized the urgency in her voice. "Is it time?" she asked, sitting up quickly and rubbed her eyes.
"Sam, Danny's missing."
Whatever tiredness she was felt left Sam instantly. "What?!"
Jazz sat back with a worried frown on the bed, her red hair glowing slightly from the light in the hallway. "Frostbite said he went to check the shield and was supposed to be back an hour ago." Her teal eyes met Sam's violet ones. "Danny told them he was coming back – then the line went dead. Ethelwulf went looking for him, but they couldn't find him."
"Was there anything on the radar?" Sam asked, grabbing both her time medallion and the violet jumpsuit as she hastily put them on.
Jazz shook her head. "No – but Frostbite said Danny just disappeared. No teleportation or anything, just… gone. Like he was never up there; we're meeting downstairs to create a game plan."
Sam nodded, putting on her last glove. "Okay, I'll meet you down in a few minutes."
Jazz gave her a nod in confirmation. "Good, I'll go check on Dad then. He probably got an hour or so of sleep before Frostbite woke Mom." Jazz headed out of her room, a worried frown still across her face as she raced down the hall.
Sam let out a shaky breath as Jazz left. Her eyes drifted to the small clock on the bedside table - 4 am. Two hours before dawn. Two hours before the fight of their lives. Two hours to find Danny.
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grantyort · 4 years
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Clearing the Air
[The trio cruises along the empty city streets. Chris is fast asleep in the backseat while Daniel fidgets anxiously in the front.]
SEAN: Need to pee or something? 
DANIEL: Nah, I’m just nervous.
SEAN: [chuckles] About what?
DANIEL: Uh… Nothing. Never mind.
SEAN: [sighs] Whatever you say dude.
DANIEL: [turning to Chris] Is he... okay?
DANIEL: Yeah. He just hasn’t slept well since… you know.
SEAN: Well before he wakes up, we need to have a serious talk about all this.
[Sean pulls the car over to the side of the road. He gets out and sits on the hood, motioning Daniel to join him. Daniel reluctantly agrees]
DANIEL: Sean Iisten-
SEAN: No, you listen! I went through hell just so we could stay in this country, so you could live a normal life! Now you’re just gonna throw it all away on some wild goose chase?! Don’t you even care? I swear this is like Nevada all over again!
[Daniel looks ashamed and on the verge of tears]
DANIEL: I’m s-sorry Sean. It’s just that… we haven’t seen each other in months, and you don’t answer my texts and I thought if I-
SEAN: No… you’re right. That wasn’t fair. I’m guess I’m still… trying to figure this whole thing out.
DANIEL: I know.
SEAN: Why didn’t you just tell me, instead of pulling a stupid stunt like this?
DANIEL: I… didn’t want to drag you into this.
SEAN: Well guess what Daniel? I’m in it now whether you like it or not. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of a package deal.
DANIEL: I’m sorry.
SEAN: There you go again. Always apologizing after the fact. For once, I want you to think things through before you go running off on your next crusade!
DANIEL: I’ll try.
SEAN: You damn well better. Remember the deal we made with the Feds, no big splashes! If they catch even a whiff of what you’re doing… ¡se acabó! They’ll throw my ass back in jail and lock you in some government black site. We’ll never see each other again. Is that what you want?!
DANIEL: No of course not! It’s just… Chris has lost everything. I just want to help him get answers and justice. It’s the least we can after all he’s done for us. We owe him that much!
SEAN: [scoffs] You’ve really grown up, haven’t you?
[Sean leans over and hugs Daniel who is taken off-guard but sinks into Sean’s arms, savoring the familiar comfort]
DANIEL: What was that for?
SEAN: Oh nothing. Just getting you back for earlier.
[Daniel smiles and rests his head on his brother’s shoulder]
SEAN: Enano, listen… I’m sorry I’ve been so… distant. College’s just been hectic as fuck. I’ve got a side-gig going on, and I know haven’t always been… there for you, like I should be.
DANIEL: You don’t have to apologize, Sean. You’ve already done so much. You should go live your own life for a change. Besides, I’m not a kid anymore. I can take care of myself now.
SEAN: [laughs] I’ve heard that one before.
DANIEL: I’m serious! You don’t have to worry about me. Go to parties, hook up, cram for exams or whatever. I don’t wanna be a burden anymore.
SEAN: You’re not a burden, Daniel and worrying about you is kind of in the job description. I mean the hours are long and you don’t get paid, but at the end of the day it’s all worth it, you know?
DANIEL: Yeah I know… thanks, Sean.
If Daniel threatened Sean back at the bus depot:
DANIEL: S-sorry for what happened back at the bus station. I don’t know what got into me.
SEAN: You should be. We don’t see each other for weeks and the first thing you do is try to pick a fight.
DANIEL: I just… got caught up in the moment.
SEAN: Hope you haven’t been doubling up on your pills again.
DANIEL: Of course not! I’m not stupid Sean!
SEAN: Never said you were.
DANIEL: Sorry. I don’t wanna fight.
SEAN: Me neither. But just for the record, I would have kicked your ass.
DANIEL: (rolling his eyes) Sure Sean.
SEAN: I did last time.
DANIEL: That didn’t count! You caught me off-guard!
SEAN: That’s kind of the point, genius. You think the bad guys are gonna warn you before attacking?
DANIEL: What bad guys? Besides, even if one of them got the jump on me, I’d still stop them all. Easy-peasy!
SEAN: This isn’t a superhero movie, it’s real life. You gotta pay attention to your surroundings at all times!
DANIEL: (mockingly) Whatever you say… sensei.
DANIEL: Are you… doing okay?
SEAN: What do you mean?
DANIEL: You know… with college, and track and everything. I don’t really know much except what I hear from Lyla-
SEAN: Oh you mean your little spy? I still haven’t forgotten about the library incident you know.
DANIEL: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
SEAN: Yeah, yeah! play dumb! You’re lucky that marker was washable otherwise your ass would be grass right now!
DANIEL: I thought you were supposed to be able to see that sorta stuff coming.
SEAN: I was asleep! Besides that’s not how it works!
DANIEL: Pfft excuses!
SEAN: Don’t push it. I’m still mad at you, you know.
DANIEL: (making a funny face) Yeah? How about now?
SEAN: [laughs] Okay. I’m letting you off the hook this time.
[Daniel pulls a chock-o-crisp out his pocket and begins to eat]
SEAN: Still eating those?
DANIEL: (mouth full) What? I’m hungry!
SEAN: I read an article that chock-o-crisps can stunt your growth. You better cut back or you might be stuck an enano forever.
DANIEL: That’s bullshit! I grew 3 inches since Christmas. I’ll probably be taller than you soon!
SEAN: Ha You wish! [he ruffles Daniel’s hair]
DANIEL: Stop it! You know how long it took me to get it just right?
SEAN: Since when do you care so much about your hair?
DANIEL: Chris says that it looks cool like this.
SEAN: I thought you “always looked good”.
DANIEL: Yeah, but I just like it better this way.
SEAN: Okay, okay. Hands off the hair. Got it.
DANIEL: So Sean, you...
Seeing anyone? 
Talk to Mom lately?
Seeing anyone?
SEAN: Taking an interest in my love life? Who would've thought?
DANIEL: It’s not like I really care. I just… don’t want you to get lonely.
SEAN: Don’t worry about that, enano, I got plenty of term papers and angry TAs to keep me company.
DANIEL: I’m being serious Sean.
SEAN: Well if you must know, I did meet someone recently. We were actually supposed to have dinner tonight but… you know.
DANIEL: Oh… sorry.
SEAN: (jokingly) You should be. We don’t even live in the same state anymore and somehow you still manage to cock-block me!
DANIEL: (cheekily) That’s my real superpower!
SEAN: (rolling eyes) Yeah, yeah keep laughing. Who knows? Maybe someday, I’ll return the favor.
(They both laugh)
SEAN: How about you? How’s school? Anyone giving you shit?  
DANIEL: Nah. Everyone likes me, well except Wilkes and Brad. But they’re assholes. Anyway, there is this dance coming up next week and I still don’t have a date. I was thinking of asking this one girl, Millie. We text and stuff and I guess she’s pretty!
SEAN: Whoa dude, slow down! Focus on keeping your grades up. You’ve got plenty of time for that stuff later. Me on the other hand. I think I’m just about ready to die alone.
LYLA <-> FINN/CASSIDY (Determinant)
DANIEL: What about Lyla? She’s single! 
SEAN: Dude no! It’d be way too weird. We’ve known each other since forever. It would never work. And besides, I’d never take her from you.
DANIEL: S-shut up. That was just a stupid crush! I’m totally over her! 
SEAN: (deadpanning) Oh no. I’m sure she’ll be devastated.
DANIEL: What about… what’s her name? The smelly hippie with the purple wig.
SEAN: Cassidy? She’s all the way up in Canada, dude! Plus, I need to get clearance every time I leave the country. It would never work.
DANIEL: That’s okay. You can totally do better!
SEAN: Oh ouch. Still holding a grudge, eh?
DANIEL: I just think… you’re too good for her.
SEAN: I’ll take that as a compliment. I guess.
DANIEL: What about Finn? Weren’t you totally into him?
SEAN: Finn’s still in jail dude. What are we supposed to do? Make out through the glass?
DANIEL: Haha true.
(If Sean forgave Finn in Episode 4)
DANIEL: Do you ever wish things turned out differently with him?
SEAN: Sure… sometimes, but life’s too short for regrets.
DANIEL: You’re starting to sound like Mom.
SEAN: I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that.
(If the player did not forgive Finn in Episode 4)
SEAN: He’s applying for early parole and wants to me be at his hearing. Can you believe that?
DANIEL: You’re not going, are you? He totally used us. He deserves to be locked up!
SEAN: Whoa where’s this coming from? Didn’t you use to be his biggest fan?
DANIEL: What are you talking about?
SEAN: (mockingly) Oooo Finn’s so cool! Finn lets me do whatever I want. I wish Finn was my brother!
DANIEL: What?! I never said that! Besides, I was just a stupid kid back then!
SEAN: Yeah and no one’s denying that.
DANIEL: Whatever. If you want to go, go.
SEAN: Nah… I’m done with Finn. There’s plenty of better guys out there.
Talk to Mom lately?
SEAN: Yeah got a call from her two weeks ago. Business has been booming ever since… they legalized it in Arizona. So, expect an extra big birthday present this year.
DANIEL: Bet you want to move there so you can (he makes a toking motion)
SEAN: Haha, maybe after I graduate!
DANIEL: (sigh) I miss Away.
SEAN: I do too. There was something special about that place. Everyone there was so chill. Not like here.
Ask about Away
DANIEL: And Joanne? Is she still-
SEAN: [sigh] The latest round of chemo didn’t work. So they’re preparing for the worst…
DANIEL: I want to see her Sean, before…
SEAN: I know enano. But Arizona’s too far and way too close to the border. The Feds would never go for it.
DANIEL: I don’t care!  I need to say goodbye to her, in-person.
SEAN: [sigh] Okay. I’ll talk to Flores, see if we can work something out.
DANIEL: Thanks Sean.
SEAN: Arthur and Stanley got a new puppy! His name is Rufus. He’s a bit of a handful but super cute.
DANIEL: No way!
SEAN: I’ve got pictures.
DANIEL: Dude! Send them now!
Ask About Sean’s Eye:
DANIEL: How’s your eye?
SEAN: Can’t complain. Still gets itchy from time to time but that’s what the eye lube’s for. 
DANIEL: Ew, can you not call it that?
Ask about Sean’s Appearance
DANIEL: Dude what’s with the beard? It looks all itchy and gross!
SEAN: You’re just jealous cuz you can’t grow one!
DANIEL: Could too! I just don’t want to.
SEAN: Yeah sure… Have your heuvos even dropped yet? 
DANIEL: Ewwww, shut up!
SEAN: I’ll take that as a no. And since you love my beard so much. Here, feel it! [He rubs his cheek against Daniel’s.]
DANIEL: (laughing) Stop Sean! That tickles! Quit it!
[Sean drapes his arm over Daniel who leans on his shoulder. They look at the night sky together]
DANIEL: Whoa... check out that moon!
SEAN: How about a team howl? For old times’ sake?
DANIEL: Yeah! Diaz Lobos! 
[They howl together as “Into the Woods” plays]
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rootiebaga · 3 years
nobody asked, i know, but heres my departments thus far! (with nicknames, of course)
note! i do use mods, one of them being the ultimate fashion corp mod from reddit, a mod that lets you keep your employees after you reset a run, and some other useful ones
also its under the cut because uh- long
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control team! (aka the OGS! (because control team is the first department people unlock when starting a run))
morty (former employee)
-may the brave fool rest, gone, but not forgotten.
rootieee (captain)
-its, its my self insert what do i have to sa
-the most boring in the facility (and the most sane one in the department,)
-just wants to do his job correctly.
-not much to say about him, really
maxim (morty’s replacement after he died, rest in piece morty, you were a brave hero, yet a little dumb after trying to fight a green dawn in the early runs i had)
-morty’s big bro, a little sad that morty died but he didn’t know all that much in the facility,
-takes his job too seriously
-usually chills in the main room alot,
-an absolutely innocent baby, even if they some horrifying abnormalities, they would still think of them as cute
-just, likes being here, many friends for them!
-they also like hugs!
igoree (rip)
-the sleepy employee has come back! wowie
-still sleepy and also hungry,
-the one who doesn’t work all that much
-..”how did she.. die? did she just want to? what in the world happened there? is it because of that behaviour adjustment thing?”
“just forget about it and keep working,”
“but, paul im curious-”
-woooooo returning!
-one of the calmest people in the department
-probably wouldn’t even be phased by the effect [CENSORED] gives her if we had it
“hey uh, eden? i got something to tell you..”
“go on shao,”
“didn’t... something happen to you? h-how are you even-”
“hey hey, dont worry about that! just, make sure you stay safe, alright?”
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information team! (aka the threeks! (named by tom, who is dead, an idiot, and couldn’t count))
tom (dead)
-an idiot
-okay moving on
-the only one with aleph gear, seriously (edit (draft edition): hes the first one with aleph gear after i got nothing there’s gear, the second being daniel)
-chill once you get to know him,
-likes protecting others with his gear, since, you know
-usually anxious, he doesn’t mean to be though!
-”alright calm down.. never mind this is not the time to calm dOW-”
-probably likes ryn??
-a little bit crazy, yet kind nonetheless! 
-just wants some friends, unfortunately not many people are willing to befriend her due to her kinda crazy nature
-basically someone who cares for everyone in the facility, y e e
(also whats known as a “bow kinnie” to the control team captain) /j
-looks really kind until you try to talk to her, shes an asshole is what im trying to say
-likes to bite things with the sharp teeth she has, because why not
-absolute chaos
-i dont know why she exists, shes just there
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safety team! (aka the wind wielders (named by isabel, cause he likes flutes))
-brother of gregory
-the second innocent bean,,
-likes playing the flute whenever hes done for the day
-i accidentally gave him crumbling armour’s gift
-brother of isabel
-prefers acting over playing instruments,
-a bit more serious,
neville (prefers nelville)
-an absolutely tired employee, they just like waiting till everyone is done for the day to go home
-they’d be at home if they weren’t forced by their friend to work here
-hates everything right now
-the joyful friend
-wanted to work here because of the people here, so many unique faces!
-likes all things unique, she usually loves trying different things that look nothing alike from the things she tried before
-the mute employee in the facility, uses notes to communicate
-another sane one, yet still kinda nervous
-a bean
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training team! (aka “nobody here is fine” (named for the fact that almost everyone is very nervous, and then we got firenze))
-the one thats sad most of the time
-really helpful for when it comes to working on abnormalities!
-gregory has a crush on them (why would you say tha)
-before you think of him as edgy, hes not all that edgy personality wise, he just likes the aesthetic
-hes just a really chill and friendly dude
-yes, he can see more with the e.g.o outfit hes wearing, it is pretty strange to him though
-the narcissist, he really thinks hes the king of this department
-hes wrong its actually hana thats the captain of this department
-nobody likes him
-actually used to be a clerk! the face was a little different then before but hey, thats fine
-the third pure bean
-hes a really good friend to have!
-what can i say about her?
-well i mean
-shes susan
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central command team! (aka where is everyone? (due to there being not many agents here))
-the most sane one in the facility (while being the dead inside captain)
-really good when it comes to tech
-”oh sh** did anyone check on mika?”
-the bald employee, doesn’t mind being bald, that just means she can take care of the “your bald” abnormality
-”ignore the second mouth i got on my armour, please”
-plays vibe games on roblox
-absolutely. chill
-doesn’t know where he’s going most of the time
-the one that works on child of galaxy everytime
-really bad sight, she doesn’t mind it
-nobody can spell her name right
arang (prefers ayang)
-you thought sobin was the edgelord huh? think again
-easily annoyed.
-also was a clerk before
-the newbie!
-hes trying okay?
-hes still a little nervous but thats fine!
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disciplinary team! (aka f**k (also nicknamed “why do we have red” due to me choosing little red riding hooded mercenary every run where theres disciplinary))
-another person that takes their job way too seriously but doesn’t mean to
-not really that rude sometimes, but most of the time she can be a bit of an asshole, probably because of something that happened in the past, nobody wants to talk about it though
-has a slightly torn snake tongue, it makes them not able to speak, they mostly make noises like growling,
-nobody knows why their like this, they just are, but dont be afraid to talk to them if you need anything! they usually write what their trying to say
-the expert, especially at finding things, even if they cant speak
-another returning employee! wooooo
-still dead inside, but feeling a little bit better!
-might be the oldest out of everyone
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welfare team! (aka “sleep tight” (nobody knows why its called that)
-very calm, most of the time doesn’t mind anything, but still does get a little nervous at times
-nobody knows why her eyes are always closed, (ara specified that her eyes look like a galaxy that can only be opened for a couple of seconds because if she opens them for more than a few seconds they’ll start to glitch, when others see it happening, it looks like the galaxy is becoming more like an image other than a real galaxy, parts of the galaxy become misplaced and reverted back to their original place quickly repeatedly (kinda like the select thing in paint, usually in the shape of the rectangular selection though) and parts of the galaxy turn into static and back very quickly and repeatedly. we she sees it happening her vision becomes the same as how other people see the galaxy when it starts glitching, randomly shifting from original place to different place, or from static back to normal, some ominous, glitchy sounds have been heard when this is happening aswell, (i thought of this because of a small dream(?) i had when i was in a certain state of almost about to fall asleep, maybe i was napping i dont really know, it was a strange dream, i dont remember much of it which is expected, i think it was something about discord and some sort of strange thing that had a little timer on it, and after it was done the thing it was in started glitching, the background it was in and even the button that used to be the timer was glitching, i heard some sounds that were glitching a little (it looked like those screens you see when someone’s streaming something on there,) and then i woke up, yeah kinda weird,)
-like eugene, cares for everyone! especially ara, since space herself is the one who helps ara through tough times
-gets bored alot, just wants to work on the difficult abnormalities
-really snarky
-a smartass
-yet still a little friendly if they trust you
-i’ll upgrade them soon dont worry (i have upgraded them/him dont worry)
i’ll probably update this soon, but in the meantime have this, sorry for being dead lately, on both this and my sideblog
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cameronspecial · 5 years
King of CSCC (Prologue)
Pairing: Rich Kid! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: When Y/N gets a scholarship to attend Collegialiter Schola Currere Cucurri, a prestigious boarding school in England. She’s very studious and organizes, everything needs to be a certain way for her to be happy. Tom is the resident fuckboy at school and,  with his daddy being the richest man on earth, he practically owns the school. What happens when Tom falls completely in love with Y/N, but she doesn’t want to be with him because of his reputation.
Words: 2 159
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Y/N stands in front of the massive brick building with beautifully and neatly done cobblestone tiles on the roof. From where she stands, Y/N could see that two big towers and two smaller ones are attached to the main building of the school. To her left, a soccer field and to her right, a rugby field with an outdoor running track. Behind the soccer field, she could see a big rectangle building that, from what she read about the school, must be the school’s gymnasium. Y/N couldn’t believe that she is actually here in front of Collegialiter Schola Currer Cucurri which is Latin for something she couldn’t remember anymore. It’s the best school in the world, the only people that could attend the school are the elite, rich and famous, but once every year, the school awards a scholarship that covers everything (laundry, meal plane, books, uniform, etc) to one lucky student going into their 11th school year. The chosen student has to be the best and brightest out of all the applicants and this year, it just so happened to be Y/N L/N. She has been working her whole life for this and now her dreams for a better future are finally coming true. Her home life in Toronto wasn’t the best in terms of education. She didn’t learn enough at the public school she went to, so when she saw the opportunity to attend the most prestigious boarding school in the world, she jumped at the chance to apply. It also helped that she’s always wanted to live in England. She finally manages to shake off her nerves and walks into the school.
Upon entering the school, Y/N notices how much cleaner and how the equipment is so much better than what she had back at home. The hallways were empty seeing as it was the Saturday before school started, so she is all alone in the school. After a few minutes, she manages to find her way to the principal’s office while struggling to bring all of her bags with her at the same time. The new student gently arranges her bags near the door to make sure they are not in the way, then she lifts her hand to the door and knocks. “You may enter,” an authoritative voice instructs her. Y/N enters to see a middle-aged woman sitting at her desk looking over some documents with her glasses balancing off of her nose. The older woman looks up at the sound of the door closing and motions for Y/N to sit on one of the chairs in front of her desk, “You must be Miss. L/N, our scholarship winner.” Y/N nods her head to show her agreement, she isn’t going to lie, but she is a little intimidated by the principal. “Alright, classes start on Monday at 9:00 a.m. sharp. Miss. Daniels should already be at the front office waiting for you. She’ll be your guide for the day. Here is your schedule and some other information you might need. If you have any questions, then you may ask Miss. Daniels and I would also like to inform you that if your marks slip even by a percent that you will lose your scholarship. Is that clear?” Ms. Sinclair informs the pupil. “Yes,” Y/N answers quietly because she’s slightly terrified with how cold the principal seems. “Good, you may address me as Ms. Sinclair and nothing else. You are dismissed,” Ms. Sinclair demands. Y/N quickly gets out of her chair and goes towards the door.
Y/N grabs her bags a little bit more easily now that she knows how to handle all of them and makes her way back towards the front of the school where she saw the front office. When she gets to the front of the school, she notices a girl around her age waiting in front of the office. The teen notices Y/N approaching and immediately rushes to help her with a smile on her face.  “Hi, you must be Y/N L/N. I am Delilah Daniels and I’ll be your tour guide. I’ll give you a tour of campus, then I can help you move into your dorm if you’d like. You don’t have to worry about your bags, I’ll call the concierge to come get them and bring them to your room. Now, the first stop is going to be the science labs where you bio and chemistry,” Delilah introduces herself. Y/N notices that Delilah has a British accent that is as smooth as butter.  The girls place the bags near the entrance and shake each other’s hands, “I am Y/N. Nice to meet you. And the science lab sounds like a great start.” Delilah makes a quick call to the concierge, then they walk down the hall to the left and up the stairs to her biology lab. “Now, upstairs to the left is the science wing, so you have all the science labs up here. Your bio lab is in room 203 and your chemistry lab is in room 220,” Delilah starts off, “Let’s head over to where you are going to be taking geometry and algebra, which is on upstairs on the right side of the also known as the mathematics wing. This term you’re only taking geometry, algebra, biology, and math. Next term you’re taking media arts, English literature, French, and psychology, right?” Y/N nods along to what Delilah says, “That seems right. Your last names Daniels right? As in your parents are Anna and Maurice Daniels, Daniels? They own practically every chain hotel I can think of.” “Yep, those are my old folks. They could be a little hectic and gone, but they have always been there for me when I need them and I know they love me. That’s all that really matters, right? So what do your parents do for a living? You live in Toronto right?” Delilah questions the new girl. “Yeah, I do. My mom works as a social worker, she tries to help kids in the system. My dad is a baker, we actually live on top of the bakery he owns. My little sister and brother always like to head down to the bakery at the end of the day and steal whatever leftovers are left. Do you have any siblings?” Y/N explains. “No, I am an only child. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but that’s alright. I would love to live over a bakery! The smell of freshly baked pastries would waft into the house and it could smell like freshly baked croissants every day. The math wing is just around the corner,” Delilah rants a little as they head over to the math wing.
When they rounded the corner, two other people were rounding the corner at the same time. A collision would have happened, but Y/N’s quick reflexes stopped them from crashing. In front of the two girls were two boys about their age wearing Versace, Prada, Gucci, and some other clothing brands that Y/N could never dream about owning. The boy on the left is taller than the boy on the right, he has dirty blonde hair and clear blue eyes. He’s handsome, but the boy on the right is the show stopper for Y/N. He has dark chestnut brown hair that matches his eyes. His nose is a little cricked and his lips are a little thin, but she liked how the nose made him look rugged and how his lips still looked perfect to kiss. His jaw looks so sharp that she believes is she were to run her finger along it she would cut it. No matter how badly the young girl wanted to go on a date with him, she knew about who he is and what his reputation is. He’s the infamous Tom Holland or as the tabloids like to call him, Holland the Lady Killer. His motto is hit then quit it and that really isn’t what Y/N is looking for. “Hey, just who we were looking for! I told Haz that you’d be showing the scholar bee around the school. You’ve always loved to meet new people. Thought we’d come join you seeing as this year’s scholar bee is a female and not another boring ass dude. So does the little lady have a name?” Tom inquires slyly as he makes his way over to Delilah and slings his hand around her neck. “My names Y/N. What’s it matter to you?” She snarls not liking what he said at all. “Damn, you got a mouth on you. I like a girl who isn’t afraid to talk back. Well, I guess it’s my turn to introduce. I am Tom and this div beside me is Harrison,” Tom tries to say in the most charming voice he could. Y/N just scoffs and keeps walking, “Whatever. Nice to meet you, Harrison. Now, let’s head over to the mathematics wing.” “Looks like we finally found someone who can resist Tommy’s charm,” Haz whispers to his two comrades as they follow Y/N down the hall.
After finishing the tour of the campus, the four newly acquainted friends headed over to Y/N’s dorm so that they could help her unpack. “Okay, everything is labelled clearly so it shouldn’t be too hard trying to figure out where everything should go,” Y/N elucidates while tying her hair back and picking up one of the boxes that was labelled closet- Hoodies and Shirts. Everyone went to work on cleaning out the boxes while they worked they talked, reminisce about old stories, joked around, and listened to some music. Symphony by Clean Bandit played on her phone and Y/N started swaying to the music. “I’ve been hearing symphonies before all I heard was silence. A rhapsody for you and me, and every melody is timeless,” she sang as she organized the books onto her bookshelf. Tom looks up from the clothes he was folding for her and stares in awe of her voice. To him, she sounded like an angel and all he wanted to do is listen to her sing all day. He may not have noticed it, but the whole afternoon he found himself noticing little things that he liked about her and he just wanted to be closer to him. He liked how she had all these random facts and how she could joke about anything and everything. He liked how organized she is and how she hasn’t fawned over her this whole afternoon. Y/N places the final book onto the shelf and looks over at everyone, “Alright, I can finish putting the clothes away after dinner. Why don’t we get something to eat? I read on the board that it’s taco night.” Everyone voiced their agreement and started to make their way over to the door, but before Y/N could leave, Tom gently tapped her on the shoulder and asked if he could talk to her. “Sure,” she tells him. Tom stands straight and fixes his jacket nervously, “I was wondering if we could restart. I know, I was a jackass, but I would really like to be friends with you. Plus, I know you, Deli, and Haz get along well and I really don’t feel like being kicked out of my own friend group.” Y/N smiles at Tom to show him that everything is alright. “Tommy, it's fine. Sometimes people start off on the wrong foot and that’s fine. Let’s start, over. Hey, I am Y/N. I don’t believe I got your name,” Y/N says nicely as she sticks her hand out for Tom to shake. He chuckles and takes her hand, “It’s Tom, Tom Holland. You may have heard of me. My dad owns the world’s best phone company as well as several other companies you may have heard of.” “Okay, now you just sound like cocky. How about we just head over to the mess hall and call it a day?” Y/N suggest as how she links their arms and walks off to the mess hall.
When dinner was over, Y/N was feeling a little jet-lagged so she headed back to her dorm to get some sleep while the other three decided to head to the game room. They were playing pool when Harrison decided to bring up the conversation. “So you and Y/N…” he wonders out loud as he aims the queue at one of the balls. Tom leans on the wall and retorts, “Nothing is going on between us. We are just friends that’s all.” Delilah snorts and laughs, “Yeah, right! I noticed your side glances at her, but I’ll let you deny whatever you want if it helps you sleep at night.” Tom just shakes his and continues the game without mentioning Y/N again, but that night when he was trying to get to sleep all he could do was think back to the conversation they had in the game room and Y/N’s angelic singing voice.
I hope you guys enjoyed and I would love to hear what you guys thought!
Taglist:  @bookgirlunicorn  @itsjstz  @rachaeldonnaspiteri1  @madithemagicalfangirl  @glcssyholland  @marisophie  @truestrengths @mjsholland @iwastornsincethestart @saltysebastianstan @loxbbg @linnyalou @scoobieboobiedoo
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crybabycounselor · 4 years
(TW for yelling and talk of child abandonment)
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Elise never expected to actually go through with Driver’s ed, let alone actually pass the tests. She figured once she got past the written test, the fact she physically had to drive would foil her ability to pass.
But, to her (and, well, everyone’s surprise), she actually made it. Pratically with flying colors, as a matter of fact. The disbelief on her face was priceless when she was told to go get her picture taken for her Driver’s License, definitely one for the books.
Sitting on a bench outside of the building as Robin finally finished with her picture, Elise looked up at the sky as she fidgeted with her license.
“Man,” Robin sighed, “I can’t believe we’re actually done”
“Yeah, no kidding. Felt like it took forever to study and practice, then the actual driving test was like a blink,” Otis stated as he scootched over for her.
“I totally thought I’d screw up during parallel parking. They wound up having me skip it after a few goes since a lot of people avoid it, anyways,” Robin said, flopping on the bench as she flipped her hood over her head.
“Yeah, my mom said that happened to her, too,” Otis added.
Robin hummed before she leaned her head back and took in the sun.
As February was weaning out, Spring was begining to make itself known in Sleepy Peak. After a harsh winter that delayed school and work, the sun was back in swing, melting all the snow and warming the forests in anticipation of the new season.
“So, when are your folks coming to pick you guys up?” Robin asked, leaning forward as she checked her phone for any messages.
“My mom gets off in about 7 minutes, I think. She said she might be a little late, so who knows,” Otis stated.
“Ah, that sucks. What about you, Elise?”
Elise glanced over at her with a shrug, “David and Gwen are at work, Daniel’s not allowed to drive, so I wound up texting Cody”
“Woah, you texted him by choice? That’s new,” Robin said with a light laugh.
Elise rolled her eyes. “It’s better than walking. Besides, I wanna... talk to him... About stuff...”
Robin and Otis went quiet for a bit, before Robin finally spoke up.
“Is it about your perio-” "No, Robin.”
Robin shrugged, “different ‘stuff’ then, got it.”
Elise sighed as she unscrewd the cap from her water bottle.
Otis stretched in place, scuffing the heel of his sneakers against the sidewalk.
“Man, I can’t wait til spring break,” he states.
“Why’s that?” Elise asks.
“Well, now that we got these bad boys-” he holds up his license, “-we’re free to drive out basically anywhere. Except we uhh... Can’t get a hotel, not til we’re 18. But we can go basically anywhere regardless”
Elise hummed, “yeah, that’s true. I never really thought about the fact we can do that, now”
“Yeah,” he says. “We can drive to the movies whenever we want, late night gas station snack runs, drive out to go watch the sunset, we can even go into the city literally whenever we want!”
“Damn, you’ve got a point there,” Robin notes. “We could even go out camping if we wanted to”
“...Robin,” Otis says.
“We work at a summer camp”
“But it’s not summer right now, is it?”
“That’s true,” he admits.
“I just can’t wait for the summer. I wanna give that Carnival another go,”
“Robin, you literally had a panic attack!” Elise stressed.
“Well, that was the old me. Besides, I didn’t even get to try all of the carnival food! I saw you guys hype up those corndogs, and I know I don’t like meat, but they just sound really good!!” Robin whined.
“...you can get corndogs literally anywhere. Even at the store. Although, they do taste better at the fair, I guess” Elise said with a shrug.
“Robin, you need to drive yourself to therapy,” Otis stated.
“Excuse you, I’ve been to therapy. I don’t like it, though. Sitting around and talking to a stranger about my feelings and trauma sucks. Besides, it’s easier to open up about that stuff with you guys”
Elise let out an “aww!”, and Otis simply rolled his eyes with a smile.
Soon enough, Robin’s dad showed up, later on followed by Otis’ mom, and evenatually, Cody showed up.
Rolling down the window, he was nicely dressed up. A nice business casual look, complete with a tie that probably took him longer than neccesary to put on. He had a travel mug in the coaster next to him, probably filled with coffee.
He looked... Professional, to say the least. As professional as her brother could manage to be.
“Hey, bugger. How’d the test go?” He asked, opening the passenger door (which was easy, dude has long arms)
Elise forced a smile looking at him. “It uh... It went great, actually,”
She dug out her brand new license, and his face lit up. “Oh my God, look at that! Congratulations, kid!”
He was being so nice, he looked... proud.
Her expression strained as she sat in the car, putting the license back in her wallet before she put it back into her backpack.
He pulled out of the parking lot, and briefly glanced over at her in the passenger seat. Her expression had dropped while he wasn’t looking, and he could sense something was off.
“Is everything alright?” He asked.
“I... Yeah. I’m just tired, is all”
He exhailed quietly, he could tell that wasn’t it. “No, seriously, talk to me”
She looked out the window, her fingers drumming against her backpack. “Well, uh...”
She didn’t know how to talk to him. She didn’t just want to be like ‘hey, you care more about your family that isn’t even all there yet than your little sister who you abandoned then stuck around with. Isn’t that fucked up?’
But it was how she felt. Lost and abandoned, but he was right there. He was in her life, but he didn’t want her there initially. She was simply just a background character in his new life, someone that was just there to be there.
He didn’t stay at camp for her, he stayed because he met a girl, then he dated her, knocked her up, and married her. Now he wants to play happy family while she’s just there?
She drew her knees up carefully, “Well, um...”
They reached a stop sign, and the road around them was basically empty. He could afford to stop for a moment, so he looked at her.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’ll listen”
She sighed. “I know you will, and... That’s kind of the problem...”
His brows raised, “what does that mean?”
“Well...” She sighed once again. “I don’t know, man! You’re confusing me! Over a year ago you didn’t really want much to do with me, then you meet Octavia, and since we were friends, you came back into my life, but... You don’t feel like you’re supposed to be my family anymore...”
His heart dropped. He went quiet as he pulled into an empty parking lot nearby, they needed somewhere to just stop. 
“I... I’m sorry you feel that way,” he stated quietly, unsure what to say in that exact moment.
“I... y-yeah...”
“You know I don’t mean for you to feel that way...” he said.
“I-I know... I think...”
The two of them went quiet, nothing much said for a good two or three minutes as they just tried to figure out what to say.
“You said... You said ‘we were friends’ when talking about Octavia... Do you not consider her to be your friend anymore?” He asked softly.
“I... I-it’s not like we’re not friends... We just... We’re not that close anymore, I guess...”
“Why’s that?”
“Because she focuses more on you, I guess”
“You ‘guess’ a lot, is that how you actually feel?”
She went quiet again, and Cody sighed into his palm.
“Octavia still loves you, did you know that?”
“I know... She likes a lot of people, though”
He puts a hand on her shoulder, “Elise, I’m pretty sure Octavia would lay her life down to save you if she could. You’re family to her”
Her expression fell again, and Cody pressed his lips together.
“A-And you’re my family, too”
Elise’s eyes started to gloss over and she looked away from him. His expression fell and he tried to scoot closer. “Come on, Elise, I didn’t mean it like that!”
“Th-then how did you mean it?” she asked, and her voice started to hic.
“I-I... I dunno... I wish I knew, honest! I...”
He went quiet again, palm pressed against his face to prevent himself from saying something to make the situation worse somehow.
Elise forced a sigh, probably to try and breathe the best she could. “I just wanna know why... W-why you were so happy to have dad’s side of the family back, b-but you can’t even call me family naturually!”
“Wh-what?” he asked.
“Your instinct was to say that ‘I’m like family to Octavia,’ not to the both of you. You gave up costudy of me, you only really refer to me as your sister, but do you even consider me to be your family?”
Cody’s mouth was ajar, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything.
“A-and now you’re having your own family with Octavia, and you’re gonna be a dad and suddenly your life is soooo perfect! And you’ve got his new job, and you never even bothered to tell me you got fired in the first place! I had to learn all of this from your wife.”
Yikes. That one hurt. His expression had fallen big time, and there was nothing he could do about it.
“I’m just... I’m just tired of being a secondary thought to you, man... What are you going to do if you and Parker get into a fight, are you gonna ditch him, too?”
“You know for a FACT I wouldn’t dare do that!” he screamed as he pounded his fist against center divider, and Elise quickly shut her mouth in a panic.
Elise cowared her seat, and the two of them went quiet again. Cody took a few shakey breaths as we watched Elise shrivel in fear next to him. It hurt to see. It hurt him to see that he did that.
“E-Elise... I-I’m sorry...” he states quietly. 
He isn’t sure what to say in this situation, he wants her to calm down, he wants her to stop looking so scared. He wants to see her smile like she did when she entered the car... But... She’s scared. And of him, no less.
She... She thought he was going to hit her. It didn’t help that he just yelled at her. His first instinct when he felt threatened was to scream at her.
“Y-You said we could talk...” She reminded him with a stutter.
“W-we can! We can totally talk! Please, talk to me-”
“You yelled at me! You said you’d listen, you said nothing about you yelling!!” Her voice raised. Her hands clenched into fists, and she feared having to actually use them against him.
But... She was prepared to do so. She wouldn’t let him run, and if she had to fight back, she figured she could manage that.
But Cody didn’t want to fight. Already, he wished he could take back what he had said. He felt horrible. 
“Listen, Elise... I didn’t mean to yell-”
“But you did.”
“I- I know... A-and I’m sorry...”
“Are you really sorry, or are you just saying that?”
“I... I really am sorry!”
“Last time you told me you were sorry was after you abandoned me. And now you yelled at me! When’s this bullshit gonna end, Cody?”
“What bullshit?” He asked with a strained expression.
“This bullshit about being my damn brother! You abandoned me when I was 14, man! You lost any rights to be in my life, but now that you essentially fucked your way back in through Octavia, you think we can just be a family again?”
“Please don’t bring her into this,” he asked.
“Why not? You were the one who started dating her!! You knew we were friends, I’ve known her way longer than you have!” she pointed out.
“She doesn’t have anything to do with this, Elise!” 
“But she does!! If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have you straggling onto me!! God damn it, Dakota, you’re smothering me!! Do you want to abandon me or not?! Do you hate me or not?!”
“I DON’T!” He yelled.
The car went quiet again. Cody didn’t dare say anything as Elise sobbed to herself. He wouldn’t bud in this time,  she needed to cry.
Truth be told... He wanted to cry, too. He was so excited when she’d asked him to pick her up from Driver’s ed, but it just turned into a shit show, and he deserved it.
It had been at least 8 minutes. He was surprised she could cry that long in a sitting without her voice going out. He felt like pure shit.
Cody looked at Elise finally, his hand gently hovered over her shoulder as he was unsure if she’d let him touch her.
“Listen... I... I think we should get some help... L-Like family therapy, or something. Or even seperate counseling, a-anything, really... I’ll admit... We-we do have some issues... And if I’m going to be a dad soon... it’d probably be best for me to get some of these worked on...” He stated, now looking away from her in shame.
She looked over at him quietly.
“I... I don’t want you to be mad at me forever,” he says.
“...I... I don’t know if I want to be mad forever...” she stated quietly. “I don’t like being mad...”
He sighed. “Thanks... Thanks for talking to me, at least...”
She went quiet again.
“...I know it probably doesn’t mean much right now, but... But I really am proud of you... U-um... Sis...”
Elise snorted.
“Wh-what was that?”
“You sound gay.”
“...Elise, my last ‘serious’ relationship was with a dude, you know that, right?”
“I know, I know. You just don’t say ‘sis’ a lot, haha...”
The laugh was so dry, like her voice was finally wearing out. She wiped her eyes, and her nose sounded stuffy after crying so hard.
He sighed with a light smile. “You want to go grab something to eat or drink? I think there’s a drive in down the street calling our name”
“...Only if you get me a milkshake,” she insisted.
“...Alright, I can work with that.”
Starting up the car, Cody looked straight ahead, and Elise seemed to settle quickly as she relayed her order to him.
While things between them weren’t the best, the future seemed to have a light in the end of their chapter’s dark tunnel.
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itsjuliak5 · 4 years
My thoughts on the final episodes of season 3 of The Rain on Netflix
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These are literally just a stream line of all my thoughts as I watching. The review I did for episodes 1, 2, and 3 can be found here.
~ Spoilers Below for episodes 4, 5, and 6 ~
Episode 4
- Kira backstory! Kira backstory!
- Omg what building is this? Where are they? This reminds me of that Stranger Things spinoff episode with Kali and that whole misfit group.
- Martin’s tripping balls.
- Rasmus is getting annoying again and is about to be more annoying than ever I can feel it.
- Rasmus just killed a guy, ok. Sarah take him out we’re rooting for you sweetie.
- “Why don’t they like me?” You just killed someone in front of them.
- Martin does what he wants Mr. Scientist.
- I love the post apocalyptic city setting.
- It’s laundry day!
- If Kira dies I will riot.
- I love the abstract bunny graffiti.
- SHHHH DANIEL! --- See this is what happens, silly bitch.
- Rasmus is straight up a cult leader.
- Kira backstory! Kira backstory!
- Ok, honestly that sounds like a good and fair deal for everyone.
- Oh this bitch is lying about the cola. -- KNEW IT
- So, the more Rasmus uses his power, the more drained he gets? Got it. Or unless it’s reverse somehow?
- Oh no, they won’t kill Fie right? She’s pregnant, they wouldn’t kill her, right?
- Thank you Jean!
- I love Patrick and Fie together. I love how much Patrick has grown since Season 1.
- Oh they’re all dead. I love that they stopped at the door before going all the way in.
- AH! Omg that eye makeup effect is amazing! And that guy got some of the juice, yay!
- I love Kira!
- Preach Kira! Simone I love you, but you need to listen to Kira.
- FUCK Daniel. Fucking why? I hate him, he’s so annoying and Martin saw it and is gonna freak out and kill Dan. Daniel is such an annoying and unnecessary character, like the actor is already bad at acting.
Overall:  9.4
Episode 5
- The squeal I let out when Simone and Martin were reunited omg..
- Sarah and Fie better team up or Patrick recruits Sarah to save Fie.
- Love the camera work and directing while Rasmus is stumbling through the halls sick.
- “He’s your little brother again.” No he fucking isn’t.
- Martin...no...Martin and Simone used to be IT. This stupid virus is ruining them.
- Oh...If Rasmus dies do they all die?
- I love the foggy setting.
- One little vial? Yeah, well Fie could probably replicate it in the lab so calm down.
- “How self centered are you?” She’s literally not? She’s just trying to be hopeful and optimistic.
- Rasmus sort of looks like my nephew and it freaks me out.
- Fie just tell Sarah that Rasmus threatened to kill your baby.
- Okay Jean...you’re growing on me.
- Daniel is such a bad actor omg.....
- Fie....noooo! Don’t be alone with Rasmus please be careful!
- I loved the long pause after Rasmus’ freak out on Fie before he asks for help. That was such a great way to build tension and add emotion.
- “We’re friends now.” Damn I like Jean now. I feel bad for hating him for so long.
- “Why is it our problem that Rasmus might die all of the sudden?” - THANK YOU PATRICK!
- Dan’s in love? I wouldn’t have known, ‘cause his acting sucks and he can’t portray it himself.
- “You’d have to be a pretty big jerk.” How about a literal virus?
- If Rasmus dies I won’t be mad.
- Yes Sarah, I love you bitch! I ain’t never gonna stop loving you biiiiitch! Also I love the song they’re playing right now.
- I’m ready for this dramatic ass reveal with Martin. Hell yeah with all the fog around it, too? --- Well I didn’t get one right now but Simone knows something’s up.
- It’s not a routine check-up oh no. FUCK YOU RASMUS FUCK YOU!!!!!
- Omg my heart is in my throat.
- Martin isn’t dead, nice try.
- OMG I HATE IT HERE!!! MARTIN ISN’T DEAD LIFE ISN’T REAL. Martin isn’t dead nice try, he’s not dead, I refuse.
- Patrick thank you for saving us all.
Overall:  RIP Me. (9.6)
Episode 6
- Fuck me, they made a carrier. I wanna die.
- If Dan even thinks about coming in and cuddling with Simone I will riot.
- Also I absolutely love the intro music.
- Not the flashbacks, stoooop. They’re trying to kill me, just kill me please.
- Kira I fucking love you and Simone baby it’s gonna be okay.
- OMG the actress playing Simone is singing this song. She’s a good singer and this is a good song.
- Luna you’re a sweetie.
- When did Sarah get let out of the room and I would’ve liked to have seen Fie and Patrick escape.
- OMG we’re gonna have a baby!
- 🎵Flower gleam and glow!!🎵
- Pat and Fie?! YAYYYYY!! Oh no, now they’re gonna know Martin’s dead, damn.
- Omg they put Simone’s tracker on his grave.
- Fie is gonna go into labor while Rasmus arrives A Quiet Place style.
- Me to, Jean. I like him now. I like the parents now, too, although the mom was being weird about the labor thing.
- Kira better not die.
- Aw Pat and Fie are so cute! --- Pat’s gonna die isn’t he?
- Well the plan with Pat was cool for a little bit.
- I HATE RASMUS!! Sarah I love you save Fie. I fucking love Sarah, that’s my girl and I love Fie, too.
- I hope Daniel dies. They better not set some shit up with him and Simone.
- My heart is pounding omg.
-  Simone is gonna trigger the flower, maybe??
- I love the little girl with the bow, you get ‘em queen.
- Yeah, a flower. Flower gleam and glow my dude.
- Look I hate Rasmus, but he’s a fantastic villain and the actor is acting the hell out of it.
- The effects are really cool.
- 🎵Flower gleam and what the fuck?🎵
- I don’t care that Rasmus died, but Sarah deserved better.
- The flowers wrapping around their bodies is cool.
- How is Fie able to walk after giving birth?
- Omg them all traveling as one giant family, I love it.
Overall:  8.8
13 notes · View notes
Characters: Angel Reyes x black reader
Summary: You return to Santo Padre after being gone for nearly 15 years. Your life and also others will change. Affecting everything you hold dear including your Mayan MC Family.
Warnings: Language and Angel Reyes being a sexy nasty fuck as Angel Reyes always is. And there’s soft and sweet Angel that you’ll see a bit of this time. Sex/Oral Sex Female Receiving
Its getting hotter with this one.
Pic Credit: @angels-reyes​
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“Mujer Fenomenal” Angel says reading the front of your t-shirt as you roll your eyes.
“Oh, hello Reyes” you say as he towers over you in such close proximity his body heat is making you nervous as suddenly his eyes are in a trance staring at your droolworthy cleavage
“Oye Chico Monstruo my eyes are up here”, you tell Angel snapping your fingers bringing him back to reality.
“Give me a hug Phenomenal Woman” as Angel snakes his long arms around your body.
“You look good enough to eat girl” whispers Angel as you gasp in his arms making you blush.
He finally releases the hug as he is still looking at you with his beautiful eyes making your body temperature rise.
“You smell even better gorgeous” he says making you feel shy and suddenly small in his presence.
“You look dashing yourself there Reyes” you say as he kissed your hand he has not let go yet while Ezekiel, Coco and Gilly have grins on their faces.
Looks like the “Lady Killer is at it again”, says Creeper while standing with Tranq and Taza. Who both shake their heads while laughing at the same time.
He takes his time twirling you around checking you out for the second time. Taking in your beautiful curves of your soft perfect body.
“Dude why you keep twirling me around?”, you ask laughing as he spins you again.
“Mmmm, so nice I had to do it twice querida”, as your soft body meets his hard one.  
“15 years have been a blessing to you I see”, says Angel kissing your cheek as you inhale his cologne and leather.
“Thank you, Angel,”, you say as your friends look on giggling and teasing you.
“Hey beautiful, can we go somewhere and talk some more”, asks Angel as a huge smile spreads over your face showing your deep dimples.
Angel suddenly has a look on his face as if his brains overheats as he rubs the back of his neck looking nervous.
“Damn, this girl is so fucking gorgeous”, whispers Angel thinking to himself as he looks up to the starry night sky sighing heavily.  
“Hey dreamer. You okay”, you ask lacing your fingers with his pulling him towards you.
“Come on tough guy let’s go talk somewhere”, as you two head toward the clubhouse.
You two sit at the bar and talk for what seems to be a long time. Just a simple and casual conversation as he made you laugh like you never have in a long time. He also apologizes for how he treated you in school when you two were younger. You could not help but notice the big silver rings he had on both hands. You wonder what his long thick ringed fingers would feel like mingled on the curves of your body or pushed inside your deep into your core.
‘I was a fat little fucker then” says Angel as he laces his fingers between yours kissing the back of your hand warming your insides and awaking the butterflies again in your stomach.
“I have a question for you to answer Angel and you must be honest with me okay?”
“Sure, carino what is it?”
“Did you come to your father’s last night and were you watching me sleep?”
Angel’s mind jumped to the visions he had as he watched you sleep. The scent of your body, softness of your skin and your beautiful legs. Which stumped him as you laughed at him.
Then as the conversation went on, he is standing up with your hand in his.
“Damn your tall Angel your making my neck do extra work right now” you say as you rub it.
Without hesitation he grabs you by the waist picking you up and setting you down on top of the bar with little to no effort.
“Is that better gorgeous?” asks Angel as he look you in the eye causing you to smile and roll your eyes. Angel notices a small tattoo on your wrist that reads “Colibri”. Making lazy circles and caressing your palm which was doing an assault on your stomach and lower regions. He brings your wrist close to his lips kissing your tattoo as his beard tickles your skin as goosebumps show on your skin.
“Did someone use to call you that when you were younger?”
“Yes, my father use to call me that. Because when I was fast, small and beautiful just like a Hummingbird”.
“Well your pops was a very smart man”, says Angel kissing it again.
“But he was right about one thing though”.
“What’s that Reyes?”, you ask playfully tilting you head to the side.
“You are indeed beautiful. Curious to understand why no one has put it on lock and gave you a house full of children?”
“I’m going to tell you just like what I said to Gilly and Coco earlier. I haven’t found the right man yet.”
Angel rest his hand on one of your thighs giving it a squeeze as he steps between your legs.  The bartender steps away from the bar as she sees this exchange heading in the opposite direction. Your breath is held in a bit as Angel’s eyes look directly at your luscious red ruby kissable lips as he inches away from your face.
“Who knows he could be standing right in front of you”, rubbing your legs and kissing your tattoo. Suddenly you hear a noise as you turn away. But soon as you turn back to face Angel his hand grabs your neck gently as he pulls you in for a kiss. One of those type of kisses that is scorching hot. That rocks your body back and forth which causes you short circuit you brain momentarily. You wrap your arms around his solid and hard upper body as he grunts while kissing you. Running your hands up and down his long torso as you get a feel of his warm tatted arms. You two are so busy kissing that you do not realize that the front door opens and your homegirls along with the rest of Angel’s Mayan brothers sneak inside to the sound of your moaning noises filling the bar.
Suddenly a throat is cleared loudly behind you both breaking the kiss.
“Mierda” whispers Angel as everyone is whooping and hollering carrying on as you giggle looking at Angel’s not so pleased face as he needs a few minutes to calm his erection down to relax.
You point at Angel’s lips as he has your lipstick on his.
“We’re finishing this later Colibri”, says Angel as he kisses you again before he pulls out his handkerchief wiping away your lipstick as he follows Coco and Gilly to grab food for you all to eat.
Everyone is eating as Angel and you steal looks from across the way at each other as he winks at you causing you to giggle.
“We’ll have none of that young lady”, shouts Scarlett bringing you back to reality.
“Uh, so aren’t you going to touch up your lipstick”, asks Danielle.
“Yeah, bonita aren’t you going to put on some more lipstick” says Angel grabbing you by the waist as you yelp in such surprise.
You two are back at the bar and alone in the clubhouse. He has you sitting up on the bar again as he is whispering naughty things in Spanish to you. You’re giddy right at this point because of the invisible spell Angel Reyes has cast upon you. You cannot deny that he has it going on and is more dangerous than a five-alarm fire in progress. You cannot place what it is about this man in front of you. Is it his swagger, his charisma, that dirty and sexy sense of humor he has or merely his “Larger than Life” presence he has over you right now? Hell, the tattoos running up and down his arms and one on his hand makes it even worse by turning you on. You picture those tatted strong arms around you. You hate to admit it but, Angel Reyes is beginning to make you melt and fall for him which you do not know if it’s a good thing or a bad one.
“Where did you just go right then Colibri?” asks Angel as he stands between your legs kneeding your thighs with his thick ringed fingers causing you to pool between your legs again. Staring at your lips as he bit down on his own bottom lip as goosebumps appear on your overheated skin again.
“Oh, I was thinking about something. Nothing serious though.”, you say to yourself knowing damn well your mind just turned curious and dirty.
It’s like he could tell you were lying because he asks you that one question you didn’t want to answer.
“Am I making you nervous querida?” he asks as his solid body is now occupying your space causing you to put your hands on his chest to alleviate some space. You can feel his harden muscles of his chest and rock-hard abs as you attempt to push him away making him chuckle under his breath. You wonder how his body will feel on top you. Or how would his beard feel between your legs taking your very spirit as his tongue is lapping at your sweet honeypot bringing you to endless orgasms that would reach the ends of the cosmos.
“You gotta do better than that gatita” says Angel not moving an itch as you feel his rock-hard length on your thigh. You try your best to not have a reaction as your breathe hitches.  
He takes a firm grip of your neck again massaging it as his soulful eyes look into yours as both of your foreheads touch.  He rests his face in the curve of your neck as he inhales your body scent placing a soft kiss on your neck.
“Let me look at your feet gorgeous. I want to see them.” says Angel as he reaches down grabbing your feet. Removing your shoes, he notices your perfect pedicure and cute toes as he massages your foot with his rough hands sending tingles all over your body. He rubs his rough thumb over your Yoshi tattoo giving you a look of question.
“The dinosaur from Super Mario? Really carino?”, says Angel.
“Hey, don’t judge me Reyes”.
“You have your tats and I have mine”, you say flicking out your tongue out at him as he laughs.
“So we sticking out tongues now? Fuck around baby-girl and I’ll do something you won’t expect” gloats Angel as you roll your eyes.
“You talking shit shorty?” says Angel as out of nowhere runs his tongue at the heel of your foot up to your toes as you scream and shout. Running his tongue along your toes as he keeps his eyes on you as you become antsy. He sticks your big toe in his mouth as he rolls his tongue around it. He finally pulls it out by making a big pop leaving you speechless as you hold your breath.  
“Are you ticklish anywhere else?” he says as you hop off the bar trying to make a run for it.
With two long strides to your four paces Angel catches you as he tosses you over his shoulder with a  smack to your ass before settling you back down on the bar.
“You gotta run faster than that if you want to get away from me Colibri” says Angel as you grab his kutte pulling him in for a long kiss.
Now you leave him woozy and at a loss for words as your girls come in looking for you.
“Damn will you two ever come up for any air instead sucking each other’s face off?”, shouts Riz with Scarlett hot on his trail.
“Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.” says Angel.
“The party is winding down now but, some of us are going for drinks. Do you two want to come along with us? Or be alone and play catch up?” says Scarlett as Riz hugs her from behind kissing her neck.
“Catch up alone” you two say simultaneously as Scarlett holds her hand out towards Riz as he sighs heavily reaching into his back pocket pulling out a $100 dollar bill slapping it into her hand.
“HA!!! Thank yoooooouu”, sings Scarlett taking the money happily from Riz.
“You can buy a round of drinks then big baller/shot caller”, says Riz playfully.
“You have to wrestle me for it”, giggles Scarlett.
“You playing with fire nina traviesa”, says Riz kissing her on the nose.
“Let me say goodbye to my girls”, you say as Angel helps you put your shoes back on.
“Don’t take too long Bonita”.
“Yes daddy” you whisper to Angel as you walk away with a bit more shake in your hips as you know he’s watching you from behind.
“That’s my girl”, says Scarlett as you two head outside of the clubhouse.
You see Coco and Gilly talking to Ezekiel and Danielle who are still joined at the hip. While Naomi is sitting in Bishop’s lap facing him as she strokes his salt and pepper beard being all cute and giggly.
Danielle whispers to Ezekiel as she kisses him on the cheek leaving his side to join her girls.
“Where’s Naomi?”, you ask.
“Over there playing house with Daddy Bishop” says Scarlett pointing towards them.
“When I see them two y’all know what song comes to mind?” says Danielle.
“What song girl?” you ask.
Danielle: “I will be your Father Figure”, snapping her fingers and shaking her hips as you and Scarlett sing the lyrics.
You: (OH BABY)
Scarlett: “Put your tiny hand in mine”.
You: (I’D LOVE TO)
Danielle: “I will be your preacher teacher”.
Scarlett: “Anything you have in mind”.
Danielle: “I will be your Father Figure”.
Scarlett: “I have had enough of crime”.
Danielle: “I will be the one who loves you”
All three of you shout: “‘TIL THE END OF TIME”
“HEEEEYYYY NOOOOOWW” you yell getting into the groove.
“What you tricks got going on about over here” says Naomi joining the group.
“Oh, don’t act brand new?”, says Scarlett.
“We were singing about you and El Presidente over there”, says Danielle as all four of you look in Bishop’s direction to see that he’s joined now by Riz, Angel, Coco, and Gilly.
“Were you telling Daddy Claus Obispo your Christmas list while he was bouncing you on his knee Telling him you’ve been a good girl all year?” you ask making Naomi blush with embarrassment.
“Hopefully, I will be bouncing on his lap tonight. Butt ass naked and getting felt the fuck up”, says Naomi as you all hoot and howl laughing out loud.
“So, I take it you felt it while sitting there huh?”, you ask.
“Hell, yeah I did”, says Naomi circling her hips like she has a hola hoop.
“Girl, you better keep that dime between your legs like what your granny told you honey” says Danielle.
“Too late. Bishop done already asked for change” says Naomi gyrating her hips causing you all to laugh louder.
“You ladies ready to go now?”, asks Ezekiel grabbing Danielle by the hand as your girls are joined by Riz and Bishop.
“Y/N sweetheart thank you for coming and having a good time. I’m sure Angel wasn’t too difficult for you, tonight, was he?” says Bishop as he snakes his arm around Naomi pulling her towards him.
“Oh, he was practically a house kitten”, you say as a shy smile crept up on your face and your cheeks warm up.
Your so preoccupied with talking that you didn’t hear Angel stalking you slowly behind you. Like the King of the Jungle with his sights set on his prey. Of course, no one says a word to you so of course your totally oblivious to it.
SMACK!!! “Maldicion, that is beautiful”, shouts Angel smacking your ass startling you.
“Cochino! No te soporto”, you yell as Angel bellows with laughter.
“Did you just say that you can’t stand me Mujer Fenomenal?” asks Angel coming up behind you peppering soft kisses on your neck as a moan escapes from your lips.
“Yes, I did”, you say rolling your eyes.
“You ready to leave Colibri?” Angel whispers in your ear.
“Thought you’d never ask Angel. But, first let me visit the ladies’ room”, you say kissing him on the lips as he watches you walk away.
“We’ll go with you sis”, says Danielle as she is followed by Scarlett and Naomi.
  “Ughhhh, I’m really nervous y’all”, you say washing your hands.
“Why honey?”, asks Naomi.
“I’m afraid something is going to go wrong tonight”, you say biting your bottom lip nervously.
“This isn’t Marcus from 4 years ago. This is Angel Ignacio Reyes. A totally whole different breed of Man”.
“AKA The Maintenance Man”, says Scarlett in the bathroom stall.
“Wench stay your ass on that damn porcelain in there” you shout to Scarlett as everyone else laughs.
“Hell, who knows. On the other hand, I might turn into a slut bucket and try to hop on his dick tonight”, you say as Naomi and Danielle giggle under their breath.
Suddenly the toilet flushes as Scarlett steps out to wash her hands.
“Do you remember that game on the Price Is Right with the little mountain climber?”, says Scarlett as she wraps her arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah I do.”
“Why?” you ask.
“Well sweetie if you chose to do so just make sure you have your hard hat, your waist harness and ropes okay. So, when you do reach the top of Mount Reyes just make sure you go YO DE LOOOOO LEEE LOOOOOOO”, says your girls teasing you again laughing at you.
“I really can’t stand you salty wenches right now”, you say stomping off playing like your upset.
You all leave the ladies room arm in arm to outside the clubhouse as you see your men ready to go. Bishop and Riz are talking to one another waiting on Naomi and Scarlett by their motorcycles.  As Danielle gets tossed over Ezekiel’s shoulder as she screams with surprise as he walks to his own. You stand alone as you watch your friends leave on the back of roaring Harleys with hot Mayan guys as you wait for Angel.
Angel surprises you as he comes up from behind kissing your temple.
“You ready precioso?” he asks as you two sway from side to side as he holds you.
“Si!!”, you say as you turn to face his tall frame as you pull his face towards you to kiss the tip of his nose. Giving him your signature heart swelling smile showing your deep dimples.
“Damn, you’re so beautiful Y/N”, says Angel as he grabs your hand kissing the top of it.
“Come on baby, let’s go for a Midnight Drive” as you two head toward a 1962 Black 2 door Ford Falcon as he helps you in on the passenger side.
“You want some ice cream Colibri?”, he asks as he starts the engine as it purrs around you.
“Sure. Then what after that”, you ask raising an eyebrow.
“We’ll see. The night is still young beautiful”, as he pulls out from the clubhouse.
You both arrive at a local spot which happens to be popular in Santo Padre as you sit in the car while Angel is in line outside the building to get your frozen treats. You get out of the car as you lean against the passenger door watching him. Every so often Angel would look in your direction making goofy faces at you as you smile and giggle. You could not help but, notice how sweet, playful and sexy Angel can be as he was chatting with the older lady at the window as she took his order.  But you know what the Mayans are all about. Which if course was not just full of motorcycle enthusiasts. These dudes were the real deal and of course you knew it was in Drugs, Guns and money. When your parents were alive, they gave you the rundown of what your father did for the Mayans and even SOA from Charming when he was called upon. So, you already know in your heart that all these people you grew up with who are all Mayans have done some terrible things to survive and take care of their loved ones. So, you know Angel has done the very same things for his family of Mayan brothers along with Ezekiel and Mr. Reyes. You thought of this many times over when you first back here in Santo Padre. Your decision was to let it go completely and take it for what it is. Which you assume it will not be nothing serious and just strictly physical and fun between 2 consenting adults with no strings attached. But then again that is only what your mind is thinking. Your heart and body have different plans for you.
“Gracias Maria”, says Angel as he walks back to you with the ice cream.
A few minutes later you both are on the highest point of Santo Padre over-looking the entire town as you look up at the starry night sky finding the biggest moon you’ve ever seen.
“Mind if I turn on the radio?”, he asks you.
“Sure no problem”, as he turns it to an oldies station.
“Oh, thank you Angel”, you say as you as he finally hands you your frozen treat licking your lips ready to dive in.
“De Nada Colibri”, says Angel as he stands beside you eating his swirl ice cream cone.
“My god this shit is soooo fucking good”, you say as Angel stares at you with his mouth gaped open as you eat your sundae.
“Damn mama”, is that how you sound when you cum on some good dick?
You nearly choke at his comment causing you to cough as Angel pat and rubs down your back.
You sit down your sundae on the hood of the car as you step to Angel leaning your soft body against his hard one looking into his dark sexy eyes. You run your fingers through his soft raven locks as a low growl rumble from his lips.
“Thank you, Angel. And for the record Papasito honestly, I wouldn’t know any good dick since I’ve never really had any”, you say removing yourself from Angel as you stand back next to him as you finished your sundae.
You hear you cellphone ring as Angel hands you your purse from inside the car as he grabs his cigarettes for a quick smoke. You reach inside to answer your call as other contents fall out hitting the ground without you noticing. You hop off the car to answer the call and you notice its Naomi calling as your back is facing Angel.
“Is everything okay honey?”, you whisper to her as you have her on speaker.
You hear a lot of giggling in the background as a male voice gives a quick command.
“Don’t take too long baby girl. I might start the second round without you”, goes Bishop yelling to Naomi.
“I won’t daddy, Just checking up on Y/N”, she shouts back sounding breathless and all giddy.
“Really cow you want to talk to me all post-coital and shit. I smell the sex through this damn phone”, as you both giggle.
“Have you had your legs up in the air tonight?” asks Naomi.
“No there won’t be any of that from me tonight darling just catching up with Angel that’s all”, as you here giggling and rustling in the background.
“I guess daddy gotta take whats his”, says Bishop grabbing and tickling Naomi.
“Wait daddy wa-”, says Naomi as Bishop cuts the conversation by kissing which turns to moaning as Naomi drops the phone. As you can hear them fucking Naomi moan Bishop’s name as you quickly hang up.
“Uhhhh Colibri do these belong to you?”, says Angel as you turn around to see him holding a line of Magnum XL Condoms as your mouth drops open as your face dead pans.
“WHAT THE FUCK? These are not mine Reyes”, as you snatch them from as he bellows with laughter out loud.
“Goddammit Scarlett”, you mutter to yourself stuffing them back into your purse as Angel is now staring at you. Backing you up against the car again. His warm tall figure has you pinned against the car as you suddenly feel his hardened bulge on your stomach.
“Damn mami you looking to go some rounds with me? I mean all you have to do is just ask querida”, as he continues to laugh as you smack his arm.
“You playing with fire little girl. Don’t make me put you over my knee and give you a nasty ass spanking gorgeous” says Angel as he looks at you with a hot rage in his eyes. As he runs his thumb across your lips again as a squeak escapes your lips as he bits down on his bottom one again.
Your entire body shudders as you toss your empty container in a trash can nearby as you needed to distance yourself from the tall man himself.
“In order to do that you have to catch me first speedy”, you say slowly back away attempting to run.
“You already know I will slow-poke”, says Angel as you break out running and he starts to chase after you around the car as you laugh and scream.
“Damn my feet hurt”, you wince as you stop running as you bump right into Angel stopping you in your tracks.
“Come here babygirl”, says Angel as he picks you up settling you back on the hood on the car.
“Here let me help you mama”, says Angel as he removes your heels massaging your feet with his rough hands sending chills all over your body.
“Hmmm, is that better mi amor?”, asks Angel as helps rub your feet again.
“Gracias Guapo”, as you grab Angel by his leather kutte pulling him into your space.
Suddenly music tickles your ears as the night D.J. introduces “These Arms of Mine” by Otis Redding.
“This use to be my mom and dad favorite song when I was a kid. A lot of times I would catch them slow dancing to this being all CUTE, SWEET and AFFECTIONATE”, you say as Angel listens to you.
“Should I turn it off?”, asks Angel as you grab his forearm stopping him.
“Please let it play”, as you pull him back towards you body as you two become silent listening to Otis crooning from the radio.
“These arms of mine, they are lonely. Lonely and feeling blue
These arms of mine, they are yearning. Yearning from wanting you
And if you would let them hold you. Oh, how grateful I will be
These arms of mine, they are burning. Burning from wanting you”
You smile up at him flashing those dimples of yours again as he remains silent taking in the contours and angles of your beautiful face. He notices the tiny mole you have just above your top lip on the left side of your face. His burning gaze stops at your full soft lips as he traces them with the pad of his thumb as he takes your lips in for another kiss. Slowly drags his long thick ringed fingers down your arms as your body shivers. But lingers with your bottom lip as he sucks and nibbles on it deepening the long kiss causing goosebumps to form on your body as you can not help but to grab onto his soft mane again. Suddenly your face is warm as you turn away from staring into his warm and extremely dangerous eyes. He grabs your chin forcing you to look at him again.
“Please don’t shrink from me baby girl. I know you are afraid of being hurt again. I overheard you and your girls talk about how you were treated like shit and I am sorry for that. But, let me reassure you that I am not him. Okay sweetheart?” says Angel as he kisses you on the lips.
“Si Papi,” you say as Angel’s forehead is resting against yours as you are playing with his hair again.
“Come on let’s get out of here”, as Angel helps you back into the car.
“Heading over to my place. Is that a problem colibri?” asks Angel as he looks at you.
“Uhhh, no problem. You can even toss the condoms if you want”, says Angel as he detects right off that you are a little uneasy about it.
“Hey, we don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do”, says Angel as he grabs your hand kissing it and pulling you closer to him across the long front seat.  While driving, he wraps one long arm around you as you rest your head on his shoulder. Suddenly you are sleepy as you rest your eyes a bit.
You arrive at Angel’s place as he lets you take a shower and get ready for bed. You find that he’s left you a black wife beater for you to wear as you pull an extra pair of boyshorts from you purse you keep for emergencies.
“Damn mama you were right about keeping extra underwear”, you say as you remember what she told as you were growing up.
Finally dressed for bed you crawl in under Angel’s sheets taking in his natural scent of sandalwood and leathery smoke. Suddenly you hear the shower turn off as you feel nervous for no damn reason.
“Damn it keep yourself together Y/N”, you say chastising yourself.
You couldn’t sleep so you sat up and noticed the moon again beaming bright through his bedroom blinds. You just stared at it as your back was facing the bedroom door. So, you were not aware that Angel walked in quietly as his lower half was wrapped in a bath towel hanging just below his Adonis belt. He was still damp from the shower as his hair was in his face. Your legs were folded to your chest as you let your hair down from the messy bun you had. Angel stopped and stared as you just did something that was so mundane but, to him it was so rare and beautiful. You felt the bed dip behind as Angel pulled you close as your back was too his shirtless chest.
“You smell nice querida” whispers Angel as he moves your hair aside to kiss your neck.
“Your body is so warm Angel”, you say as you stare at the moon in amazement.
“Look at me Y/N”, says Angel as you turn to face him.
“You’re doing it again colibri”, says Angel looking at you.
“Doing what Angel?”, you say as you roll your eyes.
“Hiding from me again is what you’re doing”.
“I have good reason to”, you say as a scowl forms on your face as Angel raises his eyebrows.
“How many women have you fucked from those parties or brought back here?”, you quizzed him.
“Whoa like what the fuck Y/N? That was some random as shit”, he says shaking his head.
“Don’t worry about it Reyes you don’t need to tell me. You probably lost count by now”, you say as you turn away from him. He grabs your arm pulling you to face him again as he’s inches away.
“I take it that every man after this Marcus motherfucker has to pay for what the fuck, he did to you right?”, he says as he rubs his face in frustration.
“Doesn’t matter Reyes. I’m sure you’re looking to add another notch to your long belt”, you as you try to get out of bed. Angel grabs you by the waist tossing you on your back as his weight is on top of you.
“I’m not him querida”, he says leaning close to your face as you both are breathing heavy.
He kisses you and you don’t stop him at all. He grabs your small hands with his one large one holding them above your head. You whine as he kisses as you so desperately wanted to run your fingers through his soft locks again. He releases your hands as he roughly removes his shirt from your body exposing your perfect breasts.
“Man fuck this shit”, he grumbles taking one of your chocolate pearls into his mouth as your entire body nearly arches off the bed.
“Ugggghhhh Fuck Angel”, you squeal as he drags his thick fingers slowly to your center as he releases one dark pearl and devours the other as you grab onto his hair.
With a pop he releases your hardened nipple as he elevates his upper half. The moon shining through the blinds has cast a glow about him as you can see every beautiful line in his face. His thick dark eyebrows that compliment his eyes. Which are probably the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen as they take your breath away every time. You notice that he has two scars on his face that are healing. You sit up as your inches away as he bits his lower lip. You trail your thumb along those two scars as you hear a growl. As if your face to face with a wild Lion that remains calm only to your soft touch. You two switch spots as his back is to the headboard and you are in his lap with your back against his chest. He pinches a nipple as he whispers into your ear.
“Ride my leg mama.” he says as his hand disappears into your boy-shorts.
“Think of me having you on your back. Sucking on the beautiful fat pussy of yours. Just taking the very soul that belongs to me mi dulce”, he says as you move back and forth on his thigh.
“That’s it babygirl. Fuck daddy’s thigh. Just like that mama”, he says as his thick fingers make tiny circles on your clit as your body starts to sweat.
“I see daddy is making you work huh? You don’t mind that now do you amor?”, as he pinches one of your nipples as you gasp.
“Damn girl, you wetting up my fucking fingers. Here bonita, lick my finger like its cake frosting from a spoon”, he says as you suck your juice off his finger.  
“My fat pussy taste good Colibri”, whispers Angel as the first wave of an orgasm hits you.
“I’m going to cum Angel. Just keep rubbing my clit like that daddy”, you pant.
“HA!!! What you just say girl? Did I hear that right? Your clit? Your pussy?” says Angel with a dark chuckle as he rubs you faster as your moans get louder and out of control.
“Looks like I gotta put my mouth where my pussy is. Prove to you who this pussy belongs to”, says Angel as he ripped your boy-shorts to shreds flipping you onto your back as he dives in head-first throwing your legs over his shoulders.
You grab onto his hair as you ride toward that first orgasm. Your body becomes stiff as a board as the first orgasm washes over you taking some of your energy with it.
“That’s one mi amor. How many more can I get from my fat pussy before this night is over?” he asked as he dives right in again adding a thick ringed finger making you moan again. Feeling his beard against your core just heightened you toward the edge as another orgasm nears. It comes at you fierce as flashes of light appear from behind your eyes as you scream his name.
“Let me switch this up baby girl”, says Angel as your face was on the mattress as he continued his assault on your clit sliding a second-thick finger causing you to wail again. You swear this time the neighbors can hear you at this point but, all cares flew to the wind as he dragged a third earth shattering orgasm from you. You tried to push his mouth from your center.
“Are you running from my mouth-piece baby? Because that’s number 3. Guess I gotta make you pay for pushing me from my pussy”, laughs Angel.
“Ride daddy’s beard carino. Wet it up for me”, as he pulls you onto his face holding you there with his strong arms as your body is facing the window.
Between his scratchy beard, hot mouth and stiff tongue he latches onto it like it’s his only life source. Continues with sucking and humming driving you into a frenzy as you shake and rock against his mouth as you hold on to the headboard. Your body is on fire as from the sweat Angel caused your body to react. Your making incoherent noises as he pulls the fourth orgasm from you as your body is humming and your mind is in a daze of confusion. Little did you have time to react as he pulls a fifth orgasm from you as you know for sure with the half brain cell you have left you yell his name at the top of your lungs. He watches you open like a rose before him as he sucks the last of you as he catches you.
“Hey. Hey Colibri. Are you okay”, whispers Angel as he snaps his fingers to bring you down from that Euphoric Multi Orgasmic trip he just sent you on.
As he’s looking you in the face you notice that his beard is covered with your essence and his face is a shade of red smiling at you. Kissing you deeply as your body is still hot but, you still can’t talk. You lick his beard for extra measure as you taste yourself getting a throaty growl from him as he winks at you.
“You must ate some Pineapple today because that beautiful pussy tastes delicious” says Angel your knees go weak again from his comment.
“Here baby, let daddy take care of you” says Angel while bringing a warm washcloth to rub you down cooling your overheated body down.
Your voice finally comes back as you tell him “Thank you daddy”, you say as he changes the sheets on his bed and taking your wet clothes to the washer.
When he returns to his bedroom, he sees that you are fast asleep with a light snore coming from you as he smiles looking at you. He notices you have other tats along your body. Stars, Beautiful Flowers and a Care Bear he sees in various spots on your smooth skin. He kind of feels mad that you would cover up your beautiful skin. It is something he had had to get use to. But one thing for certain is that he is not going to let you slip between his fingers now that you have come back into his life. He would dare hate to ruin everything with you. Especially since Bishop and Taza were very vocal on if Angel broke your heart that they would hack him up to pieces and leave his body for the coyotes in the desert if he fucks things up with you. Of course, Angel Reyes would move Earth and the Heavens to have you as his own on a deeper meaning. He finally strips down naked as he climbs into bed next to your sleeping form. He places covers over the both of you grabbing you from behind pulling you close to him as he softly kisses your shoulder.
“Buenos Noches princesa” as Angel falls asleep with you in his arms.
The next morning you wake up as you stare at the ceiling with a smile on your face. You look to the right and notice that the spot is empty. You sit up to the aroma of fresh coffee as you head to the bathroom to relieve yourself. Despite being a dark-skinned woman Angel left some noticeable marks upon your body.  You looked at yourself in the mirror as you studied your reflection. Love bites on your neck and hips as you looked at yourself furthermore in the mirror. Your curly coif was all over your head as your eyes were satiated from the night before while your lips were puffy as you smiled and headed to the kitchen. His back was facing you as a dish towel was draped over his tatted shoulder as you stood still taking in the glorious view behind him. Wearing only black basketball shorts and barefoot.  
“You know I could smell you coming querida” says Angel separating eggs, bacon and potatoes onto two separate plates as you sit on a stool watching him move around the kitchen. You could not help it as you stepped down from the stool and walked into the kitchen.  
“You must be part wolf or something because you can always smell me coming towards you”, you say as Angel turns toward you gently kissing your forehead and smacking you on the ass as you hopped up onto the counter.
“Oh, and your phone has been going off all morning baby, You might want to check it”, says Angel.
You head to the coffee table in his living room to check your phone. You have 12 missed called and a shit load of texts from your girls. You already know what it’s about.
“Bitch are you dead or just haven’t come up for air yet” from Scarlett.
“You reach the top of Mount Reyes yet? Yodeling all over that dick”, asks Naomi with smiling emoji.
“Are you limping for last night with El Presidente”, you ask Naomi as she responds with a woman on crutches emoji followed by an emoji with a huge ass smile on its face as you laugh at her response.
“You look sexy in my black wife beater mami. I might just buy a shit load more of those to have on hand”, he says as his eyes feasted on you.
“Come sit on Daddy’s lap baby girl”, says Angel as he pats his lap for you to sit on it.
“Why is he doing this?”, you whisper to yourself as you try your best to eat what Angel has prepared but how can you do this simple task.
Of course, last night at the clubhouse and with Angel after it was different before he bought you back to his house. Now you are swimming in uncharted territory as you think about what can possibly come being with Angel. You can attest that so far he is nothing like that fucking douche bag Marcus from 4 years ago.
All you want to do is eat your breakfast and be on your way. Not when this man is eating his food quietly with one hand while the other keeps rubbing your thigh by making lazy circles on it. You dare not look him in the eye because he is watching you like a hawk.
“Can I eat without you watching me like a fucking hawk dude”, you say as you slip up and look him in the eye as he sips his coffee as he remains completely silent as breakfast goes on.
“FUCK”, you think to yourself as you realized that you slipped up and looked at him. And the fucked-up thing is that he really didn’t do anything just took a drink of his coffee as you saw his dark dangerous eyes of the rim of his cup. You can’t help it, but your mind goes back to Angel’s bedroom of what transpired between you two.  Maybe it’s because he watched that coil inside pop and butterflies flap like crazy as you came multiple times last night as he watched you unravel, shed tears and beg for him to stop. You remember you wanted to stop just after the first orgasm that sent you over the edge.  
“Do you want daddy to feed you gorgeous?”, asks Angel bringing you back to the present.
“No, uhhh I got it Angel. Tttthank you”, you say as you dig in and try your best to eat but, you can still feel his hard-on under your ass from his basketball shorts as you try your hardest not to moan and grind on his lap.
You cannot enjoy the food like how you want to because Angel is assaulting your senses by being who he is and, in his presence, now. Which is 6’3” of sexiness on a fucking stick, a man’s man and a Lady Killer with his charm. Dudes wanted to be him, and women of course wanted to be fucked by him including yourself. You cannot deny that you are curious what his dick would feel like inside your slippery walls as you would collapse around him. Begging for him to fuck you harder, spank you, and pull your hair. Making you sweat and quiver at his touch. Demanding you to swallow his fat dick in your mouth catching his pearly essence.
“You care to share what’s going on mi amor?”, says Angel making you jump at his deep voice.    
“Honestly Colibri I want us to have breakfast first then I was gonna lick that sweet tasting pussy and fuck you into oblivion until you wet up my brown dick so you can pass out again”, says Angel as he’s semi hard right under you again as you dare not to speak of it.
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Fallen Idols: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,811
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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“Yahtzee,” Sam grinned.
“What is it?” you asked with your head on Dean’s shoulder as he messed with his laptop. Sam wanted him to do some research, but he was playing an internet game secretly.
“The seeds aren't from around here. In fact, they're not from any tree or plant in the country. They’re from Eastern Europe from a forest in the Balkans, which is not even there anymore. It was chopped down, like, thirty years ago. Apparently, local legend has it that the forest was guarded by a pagan god whose name was Leshi. Um, a mischievous god, could take on infinite forms and feed from his worshipers. He could only be appeased with the blood from his worshippers. It would drain 'em, then stuff their stomachs with the seeds.”
“Okay, so how's he doing it? What, he touches James Dean's keychain and then morphs into James Dean?” you wondered as you got up from the bed.
“Hm. It's as good a guess as any.”
“Yeah, well, whatever. How do we kill him?” Dean asked the important question.
“Says here to chop off his head with an iron axe.”
“All right. Let's go gank ourselves a Paris Hilton,” he said with the most serious face he could muster up.
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Being back at the wax museum was mortifying, but there was a teenage girl’s life on the line. A flashlight was in one hand while you tiptoed through the museum, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Sam and Dean split up in different directions until you heard Sam whistle for you and Dean to join him. Walking over to the tallest Winchester, you noticed two signs on the door which might be where Leshi is. “CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS” and “DANGER DO NOT ENTER” hung on the door. Rolling your eyes, you broke the latch with your magic before entering the place. Dean had the axe ready to use in case Paris Hilton does show up.
The room was decorated to be like a clearing in the woods with a path leading up the middle to a white house with a wax figure of a man in a suit standing on the front porch. Upon entering, you noticed a woman tied to one of the trees, and you knew it must be Danielle. Pushing past the brothers, you barely made it to the girl before the axe in Dean’s hand went flying into the trunk of another nearby tree.
Leshi appeared behind Dean with a wicked smile before punching him multiple times in the face which caused him to crumble to the ground.
“Go help. I got her,” you whispered to Sam who rushed over to help. 
Leshi flipped her hair as you worked the girls’ binds. Leshi shoved Sam as hard as she could into the post of the fake house, effectively knocking him out.
“Awesome,” she grinned. 
She raised her stiletto-clad foot and stomped on Dean’s face which knocked him out. She finally turned to you with an evil smile.
“I don’t think so,” she declared as she raised her hand to use her powers to send your head flying into the tree that the girl was tied to. 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you collapsed in darkness.
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The sound of metal sliding against metal is what woke you up. The ground is what you saw first, and you realized from the restraints on your hands was that you were tied just like the young woman. Sam and Dean woke up not too long after you, and Leshi grinned when she realized you three were awake.
“Oh, I'm so glad you're awake for this. This is gonna be huge.”
“Super. Yeah, I wouldn't wanna miss it,” Dean grumbled. 
He looked over at you just as your eyes flashed blue to let him know you were going to get the ropes untied before doing the same to his and Sam’s.
“I mean, I've been stuffing myself with fast food lately. So, it's nice to do the ritual right. Prepare a nice, slow meal for a change,” she grinned as she filed her nails against the carving knife she had in her hands which was causing sparks.
“Just like the good old days, huh?”
“You have no idea. People adored me. They used to throw themselves at me, with smiles on their faces.”
“Yeah, I guess these days nobody gives a flying shit about some backwoods forest god, huh?” Dean snapped, and Leshi stopped filing her nails with a threatening glare.
“No, not since they cut down my forest and built a Yugo plant.”
“March of progress, sister,” he chuckled. Focusing all of your attention to the binds, you felt your magic dance around your wrist as they began to untie the ropes to set you free.
“For years now, I've been wandering, hungry, and scared. Scrounging for scraps. So not sexy. But then, the best thing ever happened. Someone tripped the apocalypse, and I thought, what the hell, I'm tired of watching what I eat. I wanna pig out. So, I found this little place. It's awesome. Adoring fans stroll right in the door.”
“Yeah. But they're not your fans,” Sam tried to reason.
“So? They worship Lincoln, Gandhi, Hilton... whatever. I'll take what I can get.”
“You know, I gotta tell you, you are not the first God we've met, but you are... the nuttiest,” Dean chuckled. Your binds were loose enough so they fell, and you kept your hands where they were to keep up with the illusion that you were still bound before shooting your magic over to Dean’s wrist secretly to have his binds untied.
“No, you, you people, you're the crazy ones. You used to worship Gods. But this? This is what passes for idolatry? Celebrities? What have they got besides small dogs and spray tans? You people used to have old-time religion. Now you have Us Weekly.”
“I don't know, I'm more of a Penthouse Forum man myself,” Dean smirked with a wink as his binds fell to the ground. He kept his hands here as well just as your magic bounced from his wrist to Sam’s.
“Maybe,” she stalked over to Dean, “but... there's still a lot of yummy meat on those bones, boy.”
“Well I hate to break it to you, sister, but, uh... you can't eat me. See, I'm not a Paris Hilton BFF. I've never even seen House of Wax.”
“No. But I can totally read your mind, Dean. I know who your hero is. Your daddy. Am I right?” she smirked and walked over to the axe she threw into the tree earlier. “And this belonged to him. Didn't it? Poor little Dean. All you ever wanted was to be loved by your idol. One distant father figure, coming right up.”
“Not today, bitch,” you grinned as your eyes flashed a bright blue.
She turned around just as a ball of blue magic hit her square in the face. She stumbled a bit from the impact, and Dean raced at her before tackling her to the ground. The binds on Sam’s wrists snapped, and he wasted no time in rushing over to the axe before yanking it out of the tree. Leshi punched Dean before you sent another ball of magic straight to her chest which knocked her off your boyfriend. She groaned as her healed lolled on the ground seconds before Sam brought the axe down on her neck… again… and again… and again… and then a final time. Her head rolled off to the side as blood poured from her body.
Panting, you looked over at Danielle who moaned in pain. Rushing over to her, you placed your fingers at her neck to search for a pulse. It was barely there, but there nonetheless.
“She’s alive. Barely, but still.”
“Not a word,” Dean groaned as he pointed a finger at his brother who had blood sprayed over half of his face.
“Dude. You just got whaled on by Paris Hilton!”
“Shut up,” Dean groaned in pain.
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After the motel was packed and cleaned out, you and the brothers left with your bags slung over your shoulders as Dean hung up the phone.
“That was Sheriff Carnegie. Danielle's gonna be all right. She's sworn off The Simple Life, but other than that, she’s going to be okay.”
“Glad to hear it,” you nodded.
“It gets better. Sheriff's putting out an APB on Paris Hilton. That ought to be good,” he laughed as he took out his keys and opened the trunk of the car. Putting your bags inside with the boys’, Dean sighed as he looked at his brother.
“Hey, listen, I was thinking about what you said yesterday. About me keeping too tight of a leash on you. Hell, maybe you're right. I mean, look, I'm not exactly Mister Innocent in this whole mess either, you know. I did break the first seal.”
“You didn't know.”
“Yeah, well, neither did you.”
“I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most,” you sighed. Even though you had nothing to do with the apocalypse, you still had guilt for shutting Sam out when he needed you the most.
“I'm not saying demon blood was a great way to go, but, you did kill Lilith.”
“And start the apocalypse.”
“Which neither of us saw coming, I mean, who'd have thought killing Lilith would've been a bad thing? Point is, I was so worried about watching your every move that I didn't see what it was actually doing to you. So, for that I'm sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” you added.
“Thanks,” Sam nodded as Dean closed the trunk.
“So, where do we go from here?” Dean asked.
“The way I see it, we got one shot at surviving this. Maybe I am on deck for the devil, maybe same with you and Michael and Y/N with Amara, maybe there's no changing that. But, we can stop wringing our hands over it. We gotta just grab onto whatever's in front of us, kick its ass, and go down fighting.”
“That we can do,” you grinned.
“Okay. But we're gonna have to do it on the same level.”
“You got it,” Dean agreed. “I say we get the hell outta here.”
“Yes, please,” you nodded. Sam and Dean were about to go their respective ways when Deans topped his brother with a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, you wanna drive?” Dean offered.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I could, uh... I could use a nap.”
“Hell shot gun!” you grinned before rushing to the front of the car. Both brothers laughed at this before Sam took the keys from his hand. Everyone got into the car before Sam started it and drove off.
“Next time, I’m driving,” you declared.
“Keep dreaming, sweetheart,” Dean grinned teasingly.
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alejaosbastardos · 5 years
On the Road
Summary: Ten years after the massacre at the border, Daniel’s life had changed a lot, the death of his father and brother, his escape to Puerto Lobos to start a new life, dragging a past that he could never leave behind. When Daniel decided that he would never see a familiar face again, the past and the present cross in his road.
Chapter 6: Friendship II
Chris looked curiously around, there were many people walking on the streets in the morning. In the place where Daniel had parked his pickup there was a stall with a vendor in each corner.
"Hey, don't get lost, stay close to me." Daniel said when he saw the blond man approaching the stall of crafts to see what they were selling.
"Dude, I'm not five years old, let me see those small pyramids."
Daniel laughed.
"If you want any cliché souvenir from Mexico you should buy a Mexican hat."
Chris ignored him and took a small sculpture that had a Mayan calendar.
"How much does this cost?" Chris asked the woman who was selling it.
"500 pesos, young man." Said the woman. "Take advantage, it's very cheap!"
Daniel took Chris by the arm and approached him.
"Dan! Let me buy something!"
"Dude, that woman wants to cheat you."
"It’s cute."
"500 pesos for a poorly painted small souvenir?"
"Well, but it has a Mayan calendar."
"Dude, she knows you're a foreigner and wants to take advantage of you." Daniel said shaking his head. "If you want something like that I'll take you to a better place later."
"You know what? I want to buy souvenirs just to contradict you." Chris said amused.
"Well, if you want to spend 500 pesos on that ugly souvenir, I'm not going to stop you." Daniel said raising an eyebrow.
Chris laughed.
"Geez, it doesn't matter, let's buy the things we need." Chris said as he pushed Daniel to keep walking.
Both boys turned their heads.
A dark skinned boy with green eyes and black hair taken in a ponytail quickly approached the boys as he raised his hand in greeting to Daniel. The boy has several tattoos on his arms and has a nose piercing.
"Man I didn't know you were going to be here today." Said the man surprised while clashing his hands with Daniel's.
"Hey, Alex." Daniel greeted. "It's weird to see you here in the morning."
"Dude, you say it as if I could never wake up early." He said laughing and his eyes stopped on Chris.
Chris felt uncomfortable with his presence, Alex looked at him from head to toe and a smile formed on his lips.
"Hey.. Who is your friend?" He said looking curiously at Chris.
"Alex, don't bother him." Daniel said and sighed. "Chris, he's Alex, my coworker."
"Nice to meet you Chris." Alex said shaking his hand as he winked at him.
"Umm, hello." Chris said returning the handshake and quickly withdrew his hand when he felt the man squeeze it.
"Ignore him, he just likes to bother you." Daniel said while nudging Alex. "Well man, Chris and I are leaving, see you tomorrow."
"Wait, I want to tell you something." Alex said to Daniel. “It’s very important.”
"Hey, anything about work is spoken on the cell phone." Daniel interrupted him as he directed his gaze at Chris.
"It's something I just found out.. Chris, do you mind giving me and Daniel a few minutes?" Alex asked to Chris. "I promise to return him in a few minutes."
"Um .. Sure." Chris said not very sure looking at Alex and then Daniel before walking to a store of crafts.
When Chris walked away from the boys Alex jumped towards Daniel.
"Dude, where did you get him?" Alex asked excitedly. "Your friend is very cute, can I do him?"
"Did you really hold me back for that?" Daniel asked amusedly as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "I doubt he's gay so leave him alone."
"Mmm, do you really think that? I had my gaydar on"
Daniel rolled his eyes.
"Anyway, I'm leaving, see you tomorrow." Daniel said walking away.
"Daniel! Hold on a minute! Besides your friend being hot, I received a call from Alejandro." He said.
"What did he want?"
"Man." Alex said as he lowered his voice. "The military stopped the boat that was going through Panama."
"Holy shit."
"I told him that he had to send us the packages again or return the money to us."
"Well, what did he say?"
"He is going to return the money to us since he wants the issue of the police investigation to calm down a bit."
"What a shit."
"I already talked to another supplier we have."
"And it will be more expensive."
"Yeah, the supplier is in Mexico, so we avoid another drama like the one that just happened until things calm down."
Daniel clicked his tongue.
"Whatever, when do they arrive with the packages?"
"Tomorrow morning at 3:00a.m." Alex explained. "He told me that we had to wait for them at the entrance of Puertos Lobos."
"Have you transferred the money?"
"No, not yet, I wanted to ask you first what do you think about the new supplier."
"Do it, see you tomorrow."
"Whatever my boss wishes." Alex said winking.
"Tell Andrés to join us too."
"Damn it." Alex cursed. "Why does that guy have to work with us? he ruins all the fun."
"Because he has my total trust and is a good bodyguard unlike you."
"Come on dude, do you still hold a grudge? I swear they had the gun very well saved and I didn't saw when they aimed at you."
Daniel rolled his eyes.
"See you tomorrow."
"Hey, call my sister, she keeps asking me about you! She says she called you several times yesterday and you didn't answer any calls."
Daniel ignored him and went on his way.
"What a jerk is this guy." Alex sighed.
"I will buy it for 250 pesos." Chris pointed out a small pyramid of various colors.
"I sell it at 400 pesos." Said the woman.
"300 pesos?" Chris asked hopefully.
"350 pesos, and it’s my last offer."
"Deal." Chris said as he looked for the money in his pockets, but before giving it to the woman who was happy, Daniel took him by the arm and pulled him to where he was.
"Chris, stop giving them money."
"I thought we had agreed that you weren't going to get in." Chris reproached him as he released his arm from Daniel's grip.
"I don't want those motherfuckers to make easy money by taking advantage of you."
"it's okay, you win, jesus." Chris said resignedly. "Did you finish talking to your weird friend?"
"Yeah." Daniel laughed. "Weird?"
"Yes man, he made fun of me without knowing me."
"Chris, he didn't make fun of you, why do you think that?"
"Dan, didn't you see what he did when you introduced us?"
"Yes? Flirt with you? He does that with whom he thinks is cute."
"Yes, don't worry, I told him you don't go that way." Daniel said laughing as he patted Chris on the back.
".... Alright." Chris said without saying much.
"Well, let's buy the things we need, it’s getting late." Daniel said while looking at the time on his phone.
Chris nodded and followed him.
After Daniel and Chris bought the things they needed, they decided to first leave the flowers in Sean's grave before arriving at Daniel's house.
"Dan is very late, it's 2:00 p.m." Chris said as he entered the house with some bags in his hands and looked at the old clock Daniel had in the kitchen.
"It's never too late to eat, can I help you with something?" Daniel said leaving the bags on the table.
"You can help me chop the tomatoes and the onion, I have to put the pasta in the pot and prepare the pan." He said leaving the bags on the table to look for things he needed.
Daniel took the first knife he saw and began to chop the tomato.
"Dude... did you wash the tomatoes?" Chris asked when he saw his friend chop them on the table.
"... No?" Daniel replied not very sure of his answer.
Chris laughed.
"Jesus, you're gross Dan." He said laughing. "You have to wash them and then you have to chop it into small pieces, those pieces that you are chopping are very large."
Daniel looked at the pieces he had that were the size of a finger.
"What's wrong with that size?"
"Later the sauce won't cook well." Chris explained as he took the knife and chopped a tomato. "See? This should be the size."
"Well, we have a chef over here." Daniel said with a mocking tone.
"This is super basic cooking." Chris explained. "Seriously, how do you feed when you don't buy street food?"
Daniel shrugged.
"Normally I buy TV dinners, I just have to heat it in the microwave, like ramen or pizza."
"Dude, that is disgusting."
"The pizza you ate yesterday was one of those frozen pizzas sold in the supermarket and I didn't see you complaining about the taste."
"You know what people say, if they are giving you free pizza you have no right to complain." Chris said smiling. "But starting today this kitchen is mine until I leave, and therefore we will eat what I cook, none of those disgusting frozen things."
"Shit, I didn't know that my friend's visit included a housewife." Daniel said laughing. "If I had known this I would never have let you into my house."
"Your worst nightmare became true." Chris said laughing.
"Chris, seriously I don't care about it, do whatever you want, this house is now yours too..."
"Well, that's very nice of you, thanks Daniel."
"... I don't care while you cook for me."
"Well, I guess somehow I have to pay for my stay, but you're going to clean the dishes."
"Damn it."
Chris was sitting drawing in one of the beach chairs that Daniel had placed in front of his house.
In the neighboring house, there was a family gathered near the beach, everyone drank and laughed while some children played on the shore.
Daniel left the house with two beers and a sketchbook in his other hand.
"For you." Daniel gave Chris a beer.
"Thank you." Chris said opening and drinking it.
"What are you drawing?" Daniel asked curiously as he sat on the chair next to Chris.
"I'm just practicing landscapes." Chris said as he showed him what he was drawing.
"Shiiiit, dude, that is fucking awesome. It looks like a photo." Daniel said while admiring the drawing.
"Thanks to many years of practice and many afternoons going to the outskirts of Seattle to practice landscapes."
"You have fucking talent." Daniel said as he passed the sketchbook pages, on several pages he could see drawings of faces, animals, landscapes and superheroes. "I mean, you draw amazing, you cook very well. That pasta was delicious."
Chris smiled, his cheeks flushed.
"Thanks, I don't think I'm so amazing but I'm still trying to improve."
"You are the only one who doesn't see how incredible you are, Jesus." Daniel stopped at one of the pages where there was a drawing of two superheroes. "Chris.. This drawing.."
Chris smiled sadly.
"Yeah, it's another version of what we drawn together 10 years ago." Chris explained as he looked down. "You should look at the last page."
Daniel quickly turned the pages until he reached the last drawing.
"Our drawing, wow." Daniel said and laughed. "I really drew so badly?"
"Dude, I also drew pathetic." Chris said. "I was a disaster and thought those drawings were amazing."
Both boys laughed.
"I never forgot you.. well, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be alive right now."
"Man, don't say that."
"I met you at the time I needed more someone to help me.. literally." Chris said. "How could I forget someone who did so much for me?
"Well, I'm glad those damn powers saved you."
"You think I’m lying because I feel pity, but you are special, and I don't think you have those powers for nothing."
"Oh shit, here we go again." Daniel said as he drank of his beer. "I won't have another talk with you about my powers."
Chris shrugged and drank of his beer too.
"I already fulfilled part of our deal." Chris reminded him. "Now you must show me your sketchbook."
"Please, have some mercy, don't be so hard on me." Daniel said in a mocking tone as he gave his sketchbook to Chris.
"How do you want your score to be, from 1 to 10 or from 1 to 100?"
"I think 1 to 10 would hurt less."
Chris laughed and opened Daniel's sketchbook.
He saw several drawings of faces, animals and landscapes of Puerto Lobos.
"Dan, they're awesome!" Chris said admiring Daniel's strokes and the shading he used in each of his drawings. "I love how you draw the shading.. And your strokes, you have a unique technique.."
Chris turned the pages until he got one that caught his attention.
This drawing.
Daniel has it tattooed on the left side of his chest.
"Dude .. Is he your brother?" Chris asked curiously. "You tattooed the drawing."
"Yeah .. I got that tattoo 4 years ago."
Both boys remained silent for a few minutes while watching the sunset.
"I wanted something special on the chest, near the side where the heart is, so I thought a picture of Sean would be perfect." Daniel explained. "I made the design of the picture and I took it to the tattoo artist."
"Well, it looks amazing." Chris said sincerely.
"How did you know it’s Sean's face? I always hide it with my clothes." Daniel asked as he looked at Chris rising his eyebrow. "Little stalker."
"Well, I don't know if you remember, but this morning you did a striptease in the room after I left the bathroom." Chris said with a smile.
"Oh shit, you're right, you were there." Daniel said laughing. "You enjoyed the view, right?"
Chris rolled his eyes and looked straight ahead, hiding the faint blush on his cheeks.
"It's not like there was much to look at, to be honest." Chris replied as he finished drinking his beer.
"That was fucking rude man." Daniel said laughing. "Hey, I'd like to show you something, hold on a minute."
Daniel got up from the chair and entered the house, Chris kept looking at Daniel's drawings.
Many of Daniel's drawings Chris saw a person who looked like Sean but with a beard.
Esteban, Daniel's dad, of course, Chris had read what had happened to him in the news after he began investigating the whereabouts of the Diaz brothers.
Chris suddenly felt sad thinking about what Daniel had to suffer when he was just a child, knowing his father died.
God dammit, there's nothing fair about it. Chris thought bitterly.
When he closed the sketchbook Daniel left the house with something red in his hands.
Chris's eyes were wide with amazement and he got up from the chair when Daniel showed him what he had in his hands, his memories displayed in his mind like a movie.
"Here." Chris said while taking off his cape. "This is your cape"
"Do you remember it?" Daniel asked with a smile on his lips.
"You are the real superhero"
"Daniel, that is my old cape.." Chris whispered without even believing that Daniel still had his cape with him.
"Yes, I kept it with my stuff when Sean and I fled Beaver Creek." Daniel said while looking at the cape with love. "It meant a lot to me when you gave it to me, so I made sure to keep it safe and not to lose it."
Daniel looked at him surprised, and gave him a sad smile.
"Thanks Chris, that is super cool."
Chris touched his old cape and felt his heart beat faster.
"Like you."
"I guess it's time to give it back to the true hero of this story." Daniel said smiling wistfully as he gave it to Chris. "Thanks for everything Captain Spirit."
But before Daniel could do something, Chris hugged him.
"I already have something better back to my life." He said with tears in his eyes and resting his head on Daniel’s shoulder. "And that's you."
Daniel was surprised by the gesture of his old friend, but a few seconds later he smiled and hugged him tightly too.
"Me too." Daniel said, he felt his heart warm.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
Frat, Part 1
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(Sort of a One-Shot Part 1/3, Based on this post)
The first day of school had always been nerve racking for him, but the first day of university? Stress city. Alex couldn’t help but shake with nerves as he got to the frat house. He was a legacy, his father had pledged here eighteen years ago, just as his father did before him. He’d always joked that his blood ran green as the Pi(Π) Rho(Ρ) Gamma(Γ) colours. He even felt like he remembered the very steps of their house as he came up to knock on the door. “Divide?” The guy at the door was tall, blond, and hot as hell. Alex’s father always told him there was never an ugly face at ΠΡΓ. Alex didn’t realise they’d be doing the password as soon as he got there, but he had memorised the answer since he was five years old. He shook his head. “Multiply.”
The guy smiled and nodded slowly. “You must be the legacy.” Alex offered a hand. “Alex Sheffield.” “Right on. Where’s your rec?” “Huh? Oh, Lewis’s parents got caught up in traffic but he’ll be here a bit later.” “Cool. We’ll do it tonight then.” It was tradition for the legacy to bring a friend, known as the recommendation (or rec for short). They always had to be an honour roll student (the legacy too), but it always just worked out that way somehow. Just like how legacies always had male children. Somehow, the universe just made it happen. “Tonight?” Alex asked, though he had a feeling he already knew. “Oops. I wasn’t supposed to tell you, but I’m sure you guessed it. Every frat’s got hazing,” the upperclassman said. “Don’t worry though. We’ll take real good care of you.” “Oh. Okay…” Alex let himself loosen up a bit. “What’s your name?” “Thomas Martinez. Your room’s up on the right,” Thomas said. “Oh. Nice to meet you,” Alex said. “Were you the legacy or the recommendation?” Thomas grinned. “Rec. I gotta head out for a bit, but we’ll get to know each other real well later.” “Oh, cool. See you later then,” Alex said. He made himself at home, unpacking his bags and putting up a picture of his Dad and his Dad’s frat brothers. The group was usually pretty small, often about eight guys. Sometimes there’d be the odd twin legacies but that was it. Typically two per year. His Dad’s group had one eight as usual and they all smiled proudly to the camera. Lewis joined him later and with four bedrooms in the building, they shared a room. Not to say the rooms were small; they could’ve easily fit one or two more beds in there but with such high academic standing with the university, ΠΡΓ was pretty well funded. “This place… Dude,” Lewis collapsed back on his bed. “I knew you were from money, but this…” “You earned it, dude,” Alex beamed. “4.0 bros!” “4.0 bros!” They high fived and laughed. They met in middle school and were fast friends. Prided themselves in their education while the other kids goofed off. Alex had a couple other friends too he’d considered for ΠΡΓ but he knew Lewis was ride or die when he was there for him when his grandfather passed away. They were inseparable ever since. “Pledges!” Another guy let himself into their room. He was tall, dark and devilishly handsome. “Welcome to ΠΡΓ! I am Steven Coles, senior legacy and head of house. We are very happy to have you here. As our senior rec spoiled for you, tonight we will have our hazing ritual.” “Hazing? Dude,” Lewis smirked. “Shouldn’t you be like, waking us up in the middle of the night, throwing bags over our heads or something?” Steven shook his head lightly. “Here at ΠΡΓ we like to make sure ever pledge is comfortable. This is a very special fraternity and we wouldn’t want to ruin your time here.” Lewis tilted his head to Alex. “I’m a little disappointed, gonna be honest. I was looking forward to being abducted mission impossible style.” Steven rubbed his hands together. “Trust me, you’re not missing out. ΠΡΓ has our own very special way of making sure our pledges are truly loyal to the house. Please, boys. Join me downstairs. The guys would love to meet you.” Alex got up off his bed and went over to hug Lewis excitedly. The two of them followed Steven down to the dining room. A feast was waiting for them as well as all the other frat brothers. They soon found out that the seating arrangement had all the recommendations on the West side of the table and all the legacies on the East, year levels descending from the North and ascending from the South respectively. They found this a bit confusing at first but it was done to foster new friendships between the fraternity as each year, the boys would be across from a different brother. With this arrangement, Alex was across from Thomas and Lewis was across from Steven. Between them were sophomore and junior legacies, Cameron and Jordan respectively, and sophomore and junior recommendations Daniel and Chris also respectively.  Throughout the whole meal, Alex chatted with Thomas. He listened to everything Alex had to say and watched him closely, smiling gently. The legacy felt safe and warm just looking at him. Afterwards, they broke off into pairs for activities. They soon found out ΠΡΓ was a very fun group. It started off as they expected, some drinking games, stripping, body painting, but at no point did anything feel intense or unsafe. It was a lot more like a party than hazing. And the pledges were treated like kings. After a small ceremony where they were given robes monogrammed with their initials and made to drink the blood of past brothers (a fruit punch), everyone retired to bed. Steven escorted Lewis back to their room, but Alex was invited to Thomas’s room with him.
The next morning, Alex woke up next to Thomas. The senior was a bit of a cuddler and had his arms wrapped around the pledge’s torso. He had to gently squirm out to try not to wake him before grabbing his robe and shuffling back to his own room. When he opened the door however, he found Lewis and Steven passed out on Alex’s bed. Alex whisper shouted his friend’s name a couple times but Lewis didn’t budge. He gave up and just tied his robe closed and headed downstairs to look for ice for his behind. He stopped in his tracks when he found another frat brother sitting at the table with no less than a baby cradled in his arms. The brother, who’d introduced himself as Daniel, sophomore rec, the night before, had appeared tired and worn out at dinner and now it was quite clear why. “Morning,” Daniel mumbled over a mug of coffee, keeping the child in his other arm. “Morning…” Alex answered, staring at the infant. “Are they yours?” Daniel smirked and nodded slowly. “My son, Tyler.” “You look exhausted,” Alex commented. “Yeah… We get nannies and daycare services through the frat, but I just wanted to spend as much time with him over the summer before classes start,” Daniel said. “I can’t imagine being a Dad in school…” Alex said, walking up and looking down at Tyler. “I admire your courage.” Daniel smiled, looking sympathetically at Alex. “It’s not all that hard… They really do take care of you here. Do you want to hold him?” “Sure.” Alex took little Tyler into his arms and rocked him gently. The baby gurgled and stared up at his holder curiously. “He’s so cute… A new legacy, I bet.” “Naw,” Daniel stated. “Rec’s kids can’t be legacies...” ”What? Really?” Alex commented. “Weird.” ”Number control.” “Oh. So… They accommodate these kind of…surprises here?” Alex asked, trying not to be rude. “I’d figure… Well, it’d look bad on the uni.” Daniel shook his head. “I get why you’d think so, but really, it’s basically the contrary. Children born in the house are like royalty.” “That’s really great,” Alex said, booping Tyler’s nose. “Such a little prince.” Daniel sipped his coffee and then nodded in Alex’s direction. “…I see you got lucky last night.” Alex blinked quickly. “You-You can tell?” “Yeah.” Daniel pointed. “You’ve got Thomas’s robe on. TM.” He had a small chuckle. “He’s trademarked you.” Alex blushed and looked down at his robe to see Daniel was right. “Shit! I left mine in his… Daniel, it’s not—uh, um… I’m not…” “Don’t worry about it,” Daniel laughed. “Seniors and pledges always hook up. It’s tradition.” “Oh.” Tyler had started to pick at a loose thread in the monogram so Alex handed him back to his father. “…So then Thomas… Was supposed to do that. He doesn’t actually… I’m so stupid.” “Whoa, now. Chill dude,” Daniel said. “We’re frat brothers. We’re not really supposed to date each other. I mean, you can but like no one ever really ends up together. That’s the point. Seniors and pledges hook up because the seniors are on their last run. But we all care about each other here. They’re the best group and know exactly what you’ll be going through in your years here. You got me?” Alex nodded, but he was still a little heartbroken. “Anyway, you’re not supposed to be up yet,” Daniel said. “Juniors are supposed to make you breakfast your first morning, but we ran out of bacon so they’re shopping.” “Aw, that’s cool…” Alex shrugged and went to the fridge. “I’m just looking for ice for, um…” “Got you covered,” Daniel said. “There’s a pair of butt doughnuts in the freezer.” Alex nearly squeaked in embarrassment, thinking about how his frat mates had actually prepared for that in advance. But his Dad had always assured him things always went to plan at ΠΡΓ.
Part 2
Part 3
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crescentmoonrider · 5 years
so uh, i was telling @ishibooty about my daydreams and the fact that somehow in two of these scenarios, marcus ends up joining libra, and all of a sudden it was 5am and i had 3k words of summary of marcus’ arc for one of them
there are two parts to it. this was supposed to be a side-plot. why am i like this
anyway enjoy my ramblings i guess
Mushroom arc
Marcus and Leo meet at the hospital (Daniel came to visit/interrogate/make fun of Steven and kicked Leo out of the room) and leave a good impression on each other. (“So uh, are you also a cop ?” “Why does everyone assume that ? Is it my name ??”)
Later, Libra investigates on a drug ring. Because the drug seems to incorporate magic in its fabrication, making it as potent on humans as well as all sorts of beyondians, Leo is sent alongside Zapp to get a sample and get a closer look and maybe identify the spellcaster or something. Marcus is in the club and makes himself known, and it turns out he is part of the gang. Zapp and Leo get invited to a private room and meet some of the higher-ups (Marcus included), buy their sample, and are then asked to breathe into a container, of which they are assured it is perfectly safe, just a security measure. Since murdering clients seems like a pretty bad business plan for a drug ring, the duo does what they’re asked. They pass out and wake up in the club, with no memory of the past 30 minutes.
Later, Leo is greeted by Marcus at Diane’s Diner and they have a chat, during which Leo feels like he met Marcus recently but can’t seem to place it ? Marcus makes fun of him, asks if Leo has been hanging with Mushroom beyondians and at Leo’s confusion, mentions the amnesic effects of their spores.
Leo comes back to Libra all “MOM HOLY FUCK”, and the team decide to investigate that memory-erasing spore thing. Also one of Steven’s “contacts” discouraged him from looking deeper into the drug ring geez I wonder why that might be.
In parallel to that whole investigating, Leo goes to eat out with Nej, accidentally bumps into Marcus, and they somehow become a trio of burger pals ? (“wait what do you mean you sold Nej burgers for profit” “it’s money my dude”) Hanging out together during lunch break regularly, all that jam. At some point, following Leo and Marcus complaining about their respective workplaces and co-workers (preluded by Marcus being all like “work ? like, part-time ? aren’t you in high school ?” “… I’m 21…” (quietly) “what the fuck”), Nej mentions having an actual job but can’t seem to remember it. Cue laugh track I guess.
Plot twist it’s not funny it’s actually tragic because the place Nej works at is the spore extraction factory that serves as the center of that Mushroom traffic. Chain, Zapp, and Leo storm the place, Leo gets beaten up, Nej is traumatized, the Mushroom beyondians are evacuated, the building is burned down and so are the spores. Meanwhile, Marcus is allowed for the first time into the laboratory, meets the spellcaster, looks around the place and asks non-suspicious questions, he’s just curious and enthusiastic and kind of dumb in his cleverness but that’s just how Marcus is haha look at him, such a good and loyal guy (we hope).
Someone caught Leo and Zapp on tape while they destroyed the factory and since Marcus is friends with Leo, it’s a bit uhhhhhhh suspicious ? Marcus is all “do I look like I have control over whatever every single one of my friends does ?”, the Chief goes “okay well, would you fucking mind getting that kid over here so we can know where he learned about the spore factory ?”, and so Marcus goes to do just that.
Except he doesn’t. What he does is go see Leo at the hospital, offers to go on a walk in the hospital park, covertly gives Leo a vial of his own blood, and tells him to act like they’re fighting and then run away and bring the vial to Daniel. He then makes as if to grab Leo to take him with him.
Leo knees him in the dick and books it. The gang guy dispatched to make sure Marcus actually did his job watches and comes to the conclusion that Marcus is on their side because, like, yeah.
When he gets the news and the blood, Daniel calls the narc brigade to start the tracking, grabs Leo, gets in the car, and starts driving. The “tracking” is actually blood magic, the vial of blood Marcus gave Leo reacting to sigils he left at the lab and even on the spellcaster and forming spikes in the direction of it all. Turns out Marcus was an undercover narc looking to get his hands on the spellcaster (drug labs are rather easy to make, having a magic user able to apply their knowledge to that kind of craft is a lot less common).
Of course when magic is activated, it risks being picked up on by other magic users, so any intervention needs to be swift, and also Marcus seems to have been under some suspicion (why else would he ask Leo to serve as a middle-man) so things need to move real fast. (“wait so you’re going on a drug busting operation with a civilian in your car ? I know I said I wanted to know what the hell is going on but that’s kind of, like, uhhh” “you’re holding the vial and giving me the directions, I can’t do that while driving”)
Anyway, most of the gang is arrested, Marcus ends up in the hospital because he saw some kids crossing the road without watching and jumped in to save them, ironically saving him from being exposed as a cop to the underworld, and Leo later apologizes for kneeing him in the dick. End of arc
Boss arc
Marcus takes advantage of his old gang being disbanded, and of him still looking like a regular crime guy, to join another, bigger group. The Boss welcomes him with open arms because 1) Marcus sells himself really well (“yo my brother’s a lieutenant of police, I got some intel”) and 2) they actually knew each other before the Collapse, and while Marcus never worked for him, the Boss has a lot of respect for him.
The burger trio still hangs out together, and sometimes Marcus also hangs out with Leo alone. It’s a nice break from work for Marcus honestly, Leo is a chill guy, and it’s great to not have to pretend to be someone else, with someone who isn’t Daniel, for once. And for Leo it’s also a nice break from the usual Libra madness. They share wacky stories, some gossip, one time Marcus arrives like “LEO HOLY FUCK” because he spotted Steven at Daniel’s flat and they both lose their shit. They also get a little more real sometimes I mean, both of them have some heavy baggage, and Marcus doesn’t have a lot of emotional support outside of his brother (who is married to his work and not great at emotions himself). In short, they’re friends.
Anyway, Leo may or may not be developing a crush – whatever the truth is, Zapp has decided to go on Big Brother mode and drag Zed along to stalk Marcus and make sure he’s an okay guy. (“are you sure this is necessary ?” “this is HL, and this is Leo, he’s like, a trouble magnet ! and if things turn out badly, guess who will have to deal with the fallout ?” “… you actually care, don’t you” “shut up !”) Of course, Marcus publicly performs as a Crime Guy, so that’s a little… well…
Zapp and Zed follow Marcus to a shady pub where Marcus has a meeting with the Boss (“wait isn’t this guy like, a crime lord” “god fucking dammit”), get spotted, but since Marcus isn’t about to out them as Libra if he can avoid it, he just ironically buys them a drink. And that’s how a hot mess and a merman end up sharing a table with a Crime Guy and a Crime Lord. Zapp, always the diplomat, asks Marcus to break up with Leo. Marcus is obviously very confused because, like, they’re not ??? A thing ??? So Zapp instead tells him to not start a thing, while Zed sits there nervously and very obviously tries to not look at the Boss.
Marcus laughs it off, but he ends up a little shaken by the encounter honestly, not because Zapp said anything particularly clever, but because it echoes doubts he’s been holding about himself for a while now. He’s been doing his job for quite a long time, has done quite a lot of shitty things to keep his cover up, and he – he isn’t quite sure he’s really helping. Sure, he’s lead to the dismantling of some drug rings, but was it worth it ? If he looks at what he did for the past years, how exactly is he different from the people he targets ?
Also there’s like, Collapse trauma, which in his case is also closely related to that whole issue. For three days, Marcus walked around with a suitcase of “merchandise” from whatever his gang was at the time, doing his best to survive and get that thing where he was supposed to get it and not lose it and not act like a servant of the people who would actually help, or try to help at least. Marcus made it out of the Collapse with his cover intact, his gang mostly dead, and a suitcase full of shit he didn’t know what to do with because the people he was supposed to bring it to died and he did it all for nothing. He let people die for nothing.
And he does feel a kinship with some of his “co-workers”. He’s friend with some of them. He slept with one of them, at a time when he had just lost whatever purpose he’d had for the three days the Collapse lasted, at a time when he couldn’t get in touch with his family and make sure they were alive and he was just so desperate for someone he knew, for some human warmth, for whatever comfort he could get. And the Boss (at the time not his boss, but someone he knew and who made business with whoever he used to work for) was kind and praised his determination and good work and just held him with no judgement.
Marcus enjoys the Boss’s company. What happened after the Collapse was a one-off thing, but they’ve been in touch ever since, drinking out sometimes, sharing some quiet comfort together. The Boss introduced Marcus to a new group in exchange for his merchandise. The Boss keeps on vouching for him, trusts him, and Marcus almost feels a little guilty.
He feels guilty a lot, he finds, whether that be when he enjoys drinking with his co-workers or when he works at home on a spell that would identify the caster in charge of their drug.
One time, Steven comes to the Boss with a deal, information for whatever price the Boss gives and Marcus sits there, at the Boss’ right, watches Steven and the apparent friendship between him and the Boss and thinks “ah”. Same fucked up hat, same dilemma, same constant walking a line you can barely see.
At Daniel’s place (Steven has been there a lot more often lately, and Marcus a lot less, but they still end up meeting at times), neither of them mention that moment of recognition. But Marcus mentions being a little tired, and Steven half-jokingly offers him a place in Libra, should he ever want a change of pace.
And Marcus thinks maybe, just maybe, this would be better. Maybe he could help, really help, the way he wants to. He just needs to finish this job. Just this one job.
It’s not that he means to isolate himself, he just really needs to figure this spell out, and anyway Zapp was exposed as Libra and that brought suspicion on Marcus because of the whole “don’t date my friend/colleague” incident and while the Boss trusts him, there’s this one guy who has some amazing instincts (and maybe holds a grudge for that time Marcus beat him up for trying to sell stuff to kids), and that means hanging out with Leo is probably a terrible idea. And he has work. And he is so, so tired. He has nightmares, too, a little more than usual. Maybe more than that.
It’s a good thing that there are spells offering protection against nightmares, really, a good thing there are spells that provide energy too. Marcus has a rule against ever consuming something he sells, but he’s been so tired lately that he gets close. But there are spells for sleep that work better than alcohol, and spells for energy that work better than cocaine, with none of the less appreciable side-effects, and it’s a shame the only magic he knows is blood magic because drawing blood to activate them is a pain, literally. But it’s a small trade-off for the ability to keep it together and finish his work.
Leo actually seeks him out once, and while the encounter is short because Marcus can’t afford to hang out with “most definitely Libra” and tells Leo that (and also mentions Zapp and Zed’s visit because he is petty), it’s also nice to have Leo be all “if it’s because you’re afraid of getting me into trouble, friendly reminder that this is HL and that I am Libra” at first and just. Miss him, apparently ? Marcus will have to treat him to lunch once he is done.
After that, after his eyes pick up on the weird magic going on over Marcus’ shoulder, Leo looks up spells by shape, and if he was worried about Marcus avoiding him before, he is now worried for an entire different set of reasons. Square-shaped spells are reinforced exponentially, and there’s no way anything stronger than a level-1 energy spell (the equivalent of an espresso) can be healthy. Also he is going to kill Zapp.
And finally, finally, Marcus gets his breakthrough. He finalizes his identification spell, drops a little blood on the powder in the middle of the circle, and gets a signature. He can track this caster. He grabs paper, a pencil, writes down the signature sigil, calls Daniel to tell him that he got it, and – and there was a defensive spell inside the drug because of course there was and Daniel needs to come here right now.
At the time, Daniel is wrapping up a case with Klaus and Gilbert nearby, and there is no question what the fastest vehicle here is. The others can manage without him. Daniel reaches Marcus’ flat in record time, Klaus on his heels, and they find Marcus unconscious on the floor, left arm injured, in a state that seems much worse than it should be.
Daniel grabs the paper Marcus is holding, Klaus compresses the injury and carries Marcus to the car, and Gilbert drives as fast as possible in these conditions. Calls are made – to the narc brigade, sending them the signature so they can do whatever it is they need to do with it and so they can prepare to start the tracking of what Marcus left for them to find, and to Steven, who is currently free and can absolutely help in the capture of the higher-ups of the gang (Leo definitely helps spot anyone who escapes).
Luciana welcomes them with the same determination she has at all times, and the slight annoyance she always expresses at seeing Daniel, and hurries Marcus inside. “What did he take ?” she asks, and Daniel could strangle her. Marcus doesn’t take anything, he is a professional, how dare she – but he is overdosing, Klaus was the only thing keeping his heart beating during the drive there, and the powder on the floor of his flat seemed weirdly crystallized, like it had solidified and broken. And there was no weapon that could explain Marcus’ injuries. And the conclusion Daniel and Luciana reach is. Bad.
He answers Luciana’s questions, asks for a small sample of Marcus’ blood, shouts at whoever he has on the phone at the time, and goes for the car. Luciana is baffled, Gilbert readies to drive, and Klaus says he will stay at the hospital and call if anything happens. It’s not a pretty arrangement, but the look on Daniel’s face was one that promised death to anything that tried to stop him, so.
I could go into length about the capture, about the way Daniel almost killed the Boss for his words, about the return to the hospital and the gruelling wait for news, about the way the Luciana on coffee break duty told Daniel off for criticizing her devotion to her work when he isn’t much better himself, about the relief Daniel felt at it being personal, a revenge of sorts, instead of something he’s heard much too often about his being heartless. He isn’t, if Marcus died it would break him, but he simply doesn’t know any other way to deal with these emotions than drowning them in work.
Later that night, after Steven has dragged him home to make him catch at least some sleep, he will tell Steven about the death of his grandfather, back when he was a kid, about Marcus crying for an hour, about himself not shedding a single tear, instead finishing the model boat the three of them had started because he needed to do something. It will be the first time they have that kind of discussion, the first time it feels like whatever they have going on is a serious relationship. But that is a story for another time.
When Marcus wakes up, a few days later, he asks Daniel to transmit his resignation letter. His recovery will take time, months even, to get back to a functioning state both physically and mentally, but that is the first step towards that. Another step will be to buy Leo and Nej lunch when he gets discharged, reconnecting with them. And another will be to ask Steven if the job offer was serious, and to accept it.
Marcus joins Libra as a blood mage with some background information on drug dealings, and he thinks, for the first time in forever, he can help.
(Also he hasn’t told Daniel anything about that last part and he is not looking forward to that conversation, at all.)
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