#The deadliest of all deadly things
formulaonedirection · 2 years
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The Brilliant Chaos of a Retired Racing Driver
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koolades-world · 1 year
Demons and Humans not understanding each other
Inspired by several other posts I read about this same thing <3 honestly even if the brothers insisted it was safe, I would consult Satan, Lucifer or Barbatos
this is mostly mammon freaking out
Humans think the deadliest things are like, adorable, like Cerberus. Mammon especially does not understand why Mc wants to run towards the very dangerous, very mad three headed dog. A few times he has had to throw Mc over his shoulder to keep them from staying behind
“But he’s so cute! He just needs a snuggle buddy”
Humans can also be very stubborn if they’re too hot or cold but refuse to admit it. It’s fine with Lucifer does it because he’s one of the most powerful and therefore resilient demons in Hell, but not so much when Mc does it. Beel and Mammon love playing in the Devildom snow, but given that it’s the Devildom, it’s definitely a lot colder than it is in the human realm. Even after ten layers, Mc is still freezing but refuses to admit it.
“Mc, are ya shivering? I thought ya would be too warm under all that”
“I’m sweating with this one jacket”
“I’ll live! Let’s go back to the snowman”
“no I don’t think you will”
On the same note, sometimes demons forget humans can’t withstand crazy temperatures. Asmo will invite Mc to a popular bathhouse, sauna or hot springs, forgetting that the temperature would literally boil Mc alive
“Hey Asmo this is the place you wanted to go, right?”
“Yes! Isn’t is cute?”
“Everything except the part where I boil alive”
Some foods can kill humans just by being near them so imagine how the brother would feel when they learned this, it’s giving that lunatic pudding incident with Diavolo from that one card
“Mc! You’ll love this. Open wide!”
“Asmo I feel funny”
In retrospect, humans probably sleep a lot compared to demons. Some demons probably don’t sleep at all, except Sloth demons. Setting aside about eight to nine hours of the day just to sit idly might not make sense to them until they learn they will shut down without it
“How are you feeling about the exam we just took? Exam week is finally over.”
“Mc? Mc, Satan is talking to you. Why are you on the floor”
“No, I think they’re just asleep idiot”
“oh. wait, THEYRE ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALL lucifer is gonna kill me”
I’d say both demons and humans are social creatures, but humans will go insane without social interaction. Yeah a demon would probably be upset if they didn’t talk to someone for thousands of years but I don’t think a human could last more than ten without losing grip on reality. Humans tend to copy each other, which is probably bizarre to demons. Humans don’t even understand yawning so demons definitely won’t
Going back to the food thing, demons can probably go ages without eating, besides Gluttony demons. Humans need to eat so frequently compared to them
“So you’re tellin’ me that if Mc doesn’t eat for a whole week, their insides start to eat themselves?!”
“Yes. But, Mc ate a few hours ago.”
(Mammon was already gone when Satan turned back around)
Demons probably also play game that would definitely kill humans. My brother and I used to play crazy games when we were little (our favorite game didn’t have a name but we would put Barbies in the toy train tracks and see what would happen when different Thomas and friends character would hit her. The train tracks would glow in the dark! I did not let him put my favorite doll in the train track and he had to listen since I was the older one, she was not a barbie and had bendy feet? that’s not for now) but we never seriously got at each other throats. I cannot imagine what games demons and demon children must play. Satan was born fully grown but imagine if he was born little and the brothers had to play his favorite games with him. I feel like they would find the Barbie game I played a little weird too. Like, they would probably tell me that I should’ve done it in real life since that would be better experience or something batshit like that
“Aww, Satan, do you remember all the times we played “Five minute eye stab” with Lucifer? You were so cute. Sometimes I think Luci let you win.”
“Do not talk to me Asmodeus.”
“I’m sorry, you played what?”
“One time we gave him an actual knife by accident and since he was good, he ended up stabbing Lucifer’s eye.”
“You’ll be next if you don’t shut up and let me read”
“Oh he’s fine now, clearly. Only took him a few hundred years to regain normal eye functions”
“Can we not talk about this anymore?”
Babe it is a miracle Mc is still alive
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xmalereader · 4 months
Simon Riley x High Ranking! Male Reader
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Requested: Could I request a Ghost x male reader story. Male reader is also in the Task Force 141 as a high ranking officer. He never goes out on the field with the others. Ghost and male reader know each other for a long time and are together. (You can decide if they are married , etc). So reader is very shy and has an innocent and introverted aura. (Wears glasses, barely talks etc.) That’s also why they all were surprised when they found out that Ghost and Reader are together, because Ghost is… well Ghost. So, the reader defects to Makarov and because of the reader Makarov succeeds. So the 141 ‘hates’ reader and sees him as a traitor. So Ghost has to decide, if he is loyal to the Task Force or his lover. [You can decide what happens of course and also if reader survives and etc. Just don’t make a twist were reader goes back to 141 or kills Makarov :) ]
WARNINGS/ CONTENT: Language, angst, hurt/no comfort, specific details to reader, Soap being soap, mentions of Makarov, MW3 mentions, slight fluff, more dialogue, betrayal, simon is ruined.
WC: 3.4K
TAGS: @dzeilan
NOTES: I may have over done it with this fix but at least I got it finished 😂 but anyways hope you enjoy this request! I tried my best to keep it angsty and tempted to make a second part but for now I’m putting it in the maybe drafts. I decided to end it in a semi cliff hanger!
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Task Force 141 was monitored and by someone above Price. Not many people knew who it was but they didn’t hear stories about the man being ruthless to his team, always giving them the hardest missions and dealing with the most deadliest and dangerous people. Everyone thought figured that he was a cold blooded man who stayed cooped up in his own office, never leaving or joining the field like the rest of the others. That’s. how everyone saw him.
When in reality he was the total opposite which surprised the 141.
In reality he was quiet and only spoke with authority when meeting up with the team, but when alone he was very closed up and not very social with the others, keeping to himself and not getting close with the others. Y/n had heard the gossip floating around about him and usually ignored it. He was a higher ranking than anyone else and could have easily found a way to stop the murmuring, but he wasn’t that power drunk to do something stupid.
Only his team knew what he was really like, he’s spent enough time with Price that he’s warmed up to the captain, always addressing him as ‘sir’ each time they meet only for Y/n to remind Price that he doesn’t need to call him that whenever they were alone and considered the man as a friend. Price was actually the one who approached him about building a team of his own, wanting his approval and guidance.
Y/n was surprised by this and intrigued by what he had in mind. When Price showed him the files of the people he wanted in his team, he can’t help but hide his small grin when his eyes land on a familiar name, finding it funny that he would be the boss to his own deadly boyfriend that everyone feared, wearing that scary mask that only made his silence much more deadly and intimidating for others.
He had told Price that he wanted to review the files first before giving an official approval, getting the time that he needed to review each soldier that he chose and memorizing every little thing about them and finding them impressive by the second. It didn’t take long for him to approval Price’s team and granting the man permission to gather them up and move on with a mission regarding Hassan during that time.
As much as Y/n hated being out in public and in front of others he had no choice but to be present during the time that Hassan was terrorizing the world. Many other soldiers had a chance to finally see who the scary man was only to grow confused when they saw him for the first time, wearing glasses while he squints at some paper work and maps, trying to figure out Hassans next location or if could find any other information regarding the man.
He would stay up all day and night looking for anything to help him, cooping himself up in his office with papers scattered around and computer opened as he did his own research. How he received a high ranking title he will never know, but his skills brought him this far.
Those quiet nights when everyone is sleeping a shadow creeps inside his own room, hovering over him from where he sat. He can feel their presence and doesn’t move his eyes from the computer. “If you are here to force me into bed, then I will have to decline.” He speaks up, hearing a familiar chuckle and tilts his head back to find Simon standing over him, hands on the back of his chair as he wore that skull mask over his face, gear gone and leaving him in black clothing and a jacket.
“You’ve been working day and night with no sleep.”
“How do you know I haven’t slept?” Y/n raised a brow and lowers his head to focus back on his computer screen only for Simon to place his fingers around his neck, using his index finger to tilt his head back in a gentle manner as he stares down at the man.
“You have bags under your eyes.” He moves his fingers up his cheek and grazed his finger under his glasses near his eye, noticing the lack of sleep from his own lover. “You know I can’t sleep.”
Simon lets him go and sighs as he watched his lover focus back on his work and moving maps around as Simon watched him from behind. “You won’t lose anything if you sleep.”
“But Hassan—“
“Is out of sight. For now.” Simon cuts in, using his own authority voice on his lover in order to get some sense into him. The two have been dating for about a year now, keeping it on the down low and preventing anyone from finding out. Y/n over ranked Simon and doesn’t know how the others would react when finding out that he’s dating their deadly weapon. He knows that Simon cares for him and his health and wants to make sure that he at least gets some rest.
“Fine…” He mumbled out and with that Simon reaches over to close his computer the room grows dim and the only light shinning through the window is the moonlight. “Time for bed.”
“I’m not a kid.”
“You sure act like one.” Said Simon, chuckling at his own words which makes Y/n roll his eyes and cracks a tired smile. He gets off his chair and follows Simon to bed as the other soldier helps him out by removing his glasses first and setting them on the desk with the rest of his stuff and gets him into bed.
These nights are special to them since its the only time that they are able to spend time together without getting caught, having to sneak around like high school teenagers in order to avoid any trouble, but sooner or later they’d have to let the rest of their team know. As he snuggled up against Simon he lets out a deep sigh, feeling exhausted from all the work his mind was all over the place thinking about the mission and the things that could be happening without their knowledge, but they had no ability into knowing it.
“Stop thinking.”
“Can’t help it.” Y/n mumbled out in the dead of night.
The silence of the base was killing him and he hated it. “Your thoughts are loud.”
“You telling me that you can read minds?” Y/n raised a brow at Simon while chuckling. “If I could read minds I would have gotten to Hassan by now.” He did have a point.
Y/n lies his head on Simons chest and taps his fingers against his stomach as he thinks. “I just worry for everyone and I’d feel guilty it something happened to you and everyone else.” When Y/n received such a high ranking he didn’t expect the amount of stress to come with it since he was in charge of his own team and deciding the fate of the mission. When he got his first team he had to take multiple risks, almost costing him the lives of his own soldiers which devastated him.
There were times that he wanted to leave his rank to get rid of the guilt that he felt only to learn that he couldn't’ always save everyone even if he tried.
“Not everyone can be saved, Y/n. It takes one life to save millions.”
But it also takes one mistake to risk millions.
After last nights reassurance, Y/n is able to work a lot better all thanks to Simon in forcing him to sleep. Tracking their target was getting easier, finding the locations and sending in the proper help in order to get rid of the missiles that were lost. It wasn’t until Shepherds betrayal that they were separated.
Y/n had lost communication with his team and Simon, stuck back in base where the shadow company was taking over Alejandro’s people. He caught on quickly when chaos erupted in base, collecting his things quickly and hiding them in the vents and getting his own gun ready when facing the shadow company.
Even though Y/n looked like an innocent man due to how quiet he is around others he was also deadly when others were in danger getting through the halls and gunning down anyone who came after him, not hesitating to fight back as he sneaks around the halls and onto the second floor where he makes his escape, he uses one of the shadow companies uniforms to get through the base without being noticed, making it through the gates and towards their radio station.
He uses it to communicate with the rest of his team, checking up on them and hoping that they are still alive. His anxiety spiked when he doesn’t get a response fearing the worst has happened to Simon, fearing that he’s lost the one person he loved. He wasn’t one for crying, but the lack of response was bringing him to tears, close to giving up and heading back down to hunt Graves down.
“Are you crying?”
Y/n gasps, turning around quickly with his gun out when coming face to face with Soap. “Soap.” He sighs in relief to see him alive as he lowers his gun, ready to scold the man only to see Simon climbing over the wall along with Rudy. His eyes widen when the land on Simon. “Simon…” He shoves Soap aside who's left flabbergasted and makes a beeline towards Simon, not hesitating to hug the man and sniffling against his shoulder. “You dumb bastard, why didn’t you answer? I thought you were dead!” He was mad at Simon for making him worry.
Simon smiles under his mask and warps his own arms around Y/n, relieved to see him too. “We got caught up trying to get here.” He responds back, pulling away and cup his cheeks and cleans his tears away unaware of the audience.
“Uh, what the hell is going on?” Soap finally decides to speak up by this shocking discovery.
It wasn’t until after they rescued Alejandro that Y/n tells his team about his and Simons relationship when regrouping. He expected Soap to be shocked by the news while Gaz and Price technically already knew about the relationship but never said anything about it until further confirmed. Y/n couldn’t be happier to have them.
“So what do we do about Graves?”
Everyone turns to look at Y/n waiting for him to make the final call only for Y/n to surprise everyone by his response.
“Do whatever you want.”
He lets Price take the lead on this one, coming up with plans to get rid of Graves and his men after what he did to them. Y/n remains at the safe house along with the others, guiding them through the coms where he was safer and giving out clear orders on Graves location when they all went back to base.
The entire day was hectic, taking down Graves and Hassan on the same day and recovering the last missile gaining a victory. Everyone was finally able to relax and head back home to rest before being called out to another mission. Things were fine until they weren’t.
After a year since their last mission, Y/n had spent most of his time at base, helping out with the simple things and helping Price out as always. Until he received anonymous messages through his private number the only one who knew his number was Simon along with Price and the others and no one else. He received the text the day that Simon went out with the others for a drink, staying back home to relax for a bit until eh got that message.
He was about to ignore it until private information about him and his entire team was sent to him, threatening him to listen or else his friends faced the consequences. Y/n would have taken action to find out who was messaging him and take them down quickly only to realize that this person knew far more than anyone about him and Simon. He was forced to keep these message hidden from Simon if he wanted to prevent a lose.
Y/n knew that Simon was smart and would slowly grow suspicious by his constant phone checking and the amount of times that he’d flinch out of fear when receiving those messages. Simon wasn’t one to jump to conclusions, especially with his lover but the amount of time that he kept his distance was slowly irritating him.
Simon was able to corner him in his office when back at base after finding out about Makarovs escape. “Somethings wrong.” He points out, getting Y/n’s attention as he leans back against the wall that he’s caged in. “Nothings wrong.” Y/n couldn’t allow Simon to know that was responsible for Makarovs escape at the prison.
“You’ve been distant and quiet.”
“I’m always quiet.”
“Not this quiet.” Simon knew him well enough to see the smallest changes.
Y/n’s anxiety grows by the second as Simon looks him dead in the eyes. “I’m worried about Makarov.” He blurts out, trying to throw Simon off from his real worry. “The most dangerous man escaped and we can be facing something far bigger and I’m worried on what we have planned.” He continues on, noticing how Simon finally relaxes when getting an answer even though it wasn’t the truth.
“Will get him and stop him before anything else happens.”
“And if we can’t?” Y/n wants to tell Simon the truth, but he can’t risk losing him. “We will.” He feels his gloved fingers caress his cheek as a way of soothing his worries.
“Now lets figure out how to take down Makarov.”
Y/n spent the last hour listening to Price form out the plan, memorizing every little detail in order to report it back to Makarov. It took him some time to figure out that the man he’s been communicating with was none other than Makarov, threatening him and his friends for information about their plans to stopping him. As guilty as he felt doing this behind their backs, behind Simon’s back he had no choice but to do it.
After their meet up he’d find a way to communicate with the Russian man sending him everything he knew about their plans only to get a response back from with a notification of millions of dollars being transferred to his banking account. That pushes him over the edge, his anger getting to him as he throws his phone against the wall, smashing it into pieces as he groans in anger. He was doing this to save his friends not for money and yet Makarov goes and pushes all the right buttons.
Because of Makarov the transfer was shown under the list of information trading. When Simon and Soap were sent to interrogate Milena about Makarovs next location they were expecting themselves to find some answers only to come up with more questions when Y/n’s name shows up on the list.
Soap is the first to point it out to Simon when it shows up on the computer. The two refuse to believe that Y/n had been communicating with Makarov only for Milena to laugh at the two.
“Why do you think Makarov isn’t here? It’s all thanks to your little birdie on the inside.” Her own lips form a mischievous grin when Soap glanced over to Simon who remained quiet under his mask, clearly processing everything and denying the fact that his own lover would turn their backs on them. On him.
“You’re wrong.”
Milena raised a brow as she crossed her arms. “Am I?’ She questions. “He told Makarov that you were coming for him, told him about the plans and the bombings and now he knows about the stations.”
Simon stops himself from killing the women, not believing a word she’s saying only to think back to their previous failed missions. Every time they were close to getting Makarov he always escaped them clearly finding a way around the problem as if he knew about them. Simon left the island fuming, anger boiling inside of him as they flew back to Makarovs last destination a base hidden in the train station.
Soap can tell that Simon isn’t happy about the discovery of Y/n betraying them and working for Makarov. He knows not to ask about it since the man was already too upset to even talk about it and focused on their arrival. Simon communicated with Price and Gaz about the location and to meet them there.
Getting down to the station was chaos due to Makarovs soldiers trying to kill them resulting into him and his team getting separated and laving Simon on his own as he takes down as many soldiers as he can. From the corner of his eyes he spots Makarov getting through the station. “Makarov spotted.” He speaks through his coms, alerting the rest of his team.
“Take the shot!” He hears Price shout from the other end getting permission to kill Makarov.
Before Simon could take the shot he’s shoved to the side when the other side of the station explodes, ruble collapsing around him as he groans and leans back against a wall. His ears are ringing by how loud the explosive was and the amount of shouting he hears through his coms is ignored as he tries to get up, feeling pain shot up from his arm makes him wince, realizing that he’s injured. The place is merely collapsing and knows that he has to get out of the station before its to late.
As he gets up from the ground he hears a giant grown across from him, holding his gun up as his eyes land on one of Makarovs soldiers. He was to pissed off to care about their injures and cocks his gun only to stop when the soldier coughs harshly, reaching up to remove their own helmet and mask, revealing Y/n’s face.
Simon froze when his eyes land on him.
Y/n groans and placed a hand over his abdomen where he feels pain and turns to his side, trying to get up only to gasp when he hears the sound of a gun cocking, looking over his shoulder to face Simon.
The two are frozen in place unable to move by the realization in their faces. Y/n wants to speak up to defend himself from everything but knows that he can’t not after what he’s done. He slowly moves to stand, hand still on his abdomen as he keeps his eyes on Simon and a hand out in surrender.
“Don’t.” Simons voice is harsh, hand tightening around his gun.
Y/n expects that tone as he shuts his own mouth. It wasn’t until rumbling is heard, the walls around them were about to collapse and they had to get out before it was to late for them. “The place is going to collapse we have to go.” Y/n tries to convince Simon to follow him out of the subway station if they didn’t want to get crushed.
“Why?” Simon finally speaks up. “Why should I go anywhere with you?”
Y/n swallows nervously. “Look I can explain once we get out of here.” He takes a step forward to try and pry the gun from Simon only to freeze when Simon holds it up, keeping it pointed at him. Y/n knows that Simon won’t kill him if he wanted to he would have already.
“You were helping Makarov you helped him escape you helped him do all of this.” Simon nods at their surroundings the place was full of faint screams of panic from the citizens and the sound of his teammates voices were close by as they shouted for Simon. The place was falling apart all because of Makarov.
Y/n’s breath was picking up, grown into panic as he quickly tries to explain himself. “I didn’t know it was Makarov he was going to kill you—I didn’t have a choice—!”
“How long have you been lying to me?”
His breath hitched when hearing Simon’s words, unable to respond back as he opens and closes his mouth, words caught in his throat. He’s been helping Makarov since the beginning of everything and telling Simon wouldn’t change his mind about him.
Not matter what he says or what he tries it wouldn’t work. He’s broken the trust between them the trust that Simon gave him only to see it crumble away. Y/n takes a cautious step forward, ready to apologize for his mistakes only for the place to crumble, giving them both the time to escape. Only this time they don’t escape together.
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Did you know there’s an Australian Basketball team named Carins Taipans
Australia has 8/10 of the worlds deadliest snakes I read once
Are you able to confirm if that is true?
Mind you the Australian state I live in the Basketball teams mascot is also a deadly Australian bird (Magpie)
That's cool! I was never into sports but snakes are awesome mascots!
Here's the thing about Australian snakes, though. It's true that if we measure venom potency in a lab by testing it on standard sizes of mice, Australia has a lot of snakes that have unusually potent venom. The inland taipan blows everything else out of the water in the LD 50 test.
But. And this is a big but.
Real-life snake bites do not happen in a lab on standard sizes of mice. In real life, Australia's venomous snakes are not at all that exceptional.
Yes, inland taipan bites are extremely potent and can become an emergency very quickly! But that's not unusual among elapids in general; the same is true of king cobras and black mambas. King cobras are actually the snake whose venom can kill a healthy adult human the quickest.
All of Australia's venomous snakes have bites that are manageable when given medical care, such as antivenin and supportive hospital care. This isn't universally true; with Malayan krait bites, for example, even antivenin and supportive care does not guarantee recovery.
Snake bite deaths are very rare in Australia. About two people die from snake bite every year in Australia; that's lower than the average of 5 per year in the US. In India, in contrast, where medical care and antivenin can be difficult to find after snake bites, it's estimated that about 50,000 people die of snake bite every year.
We know the four deadliest snakes in the world, and none of them are Australian. They're called the big four and they're responsible for the most snake bites in the Indian subcontinent. They're the Russell's viper, the common krait, the Indian saw-scaled viper, and the Indian cobra.
So, yeah. Australia's venomous snakes stand out in a lab, but in realistic terms they're nothing special.
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bonefall · 3 months
what poison/s were used in riverstar's heir at moth's celebration and when bright and flowerstar ate together? suggestion (if you hadn't decided yet): Monkshood/Aconite/Wolfsbane (Aconitum napellus) its a VERY poisonous plant native to the uk and europe, lethal with both ingestion and body contact and has historical use in killing and murder. symptoms appear quickly and death often comes in only a few hours; its a shame it wasn't used in canon lmao
Oh symptoms don't just appear quickly-- Aconite's name is said to be ancient Greek for "Without Dust." That refers to how aconite kills SO quickly that you will not even kick up dust in your death struggle. Death coming in a few hours is from the minimum deadly dosage, any good assassin worth their salt would use more (and take care to mask its bitter taste, it's not a subtle flavor like cyanide is.)
Forget "deathberries." Yew is nothing next to aconite.
Yew's deadly compound, taxine, acts by stopping your heart. Yawn. Aconite targets your heart, liver, kidneys, AND brain all at the same time. It's so potent that handling young roots will make your hands go numb. Only 2 miligrams of the deadly compound, aconitine, is a fatal dose in a human being; a single grain of rice weighs 20 miligrams.
Anon, my friend, you undersold aconite. It's not just a very poisonous plant in Europe, aconitine is top 5 deadliest poisons period. Members of the aconite family are widespread through the northern hemisphere-- indigenous Alaskan people have used it to hunt whales for tens of thousands of years. Its toxic properties break down within 24 hours, leaving the meat completely safe to eat.
So naturally, suggestion accepted. This is going to be SICK.
Especially since no one will be able to tell what happened. It looks like every major poison because it is. You might assume it was some kind of toxic cocktail from the symptoms. Convulsions, rapid heartrate, vomiting, numbness. It looks like yew, nightshade, and bryony all at once.
It'll be very easy for Bright Whisker to survive this and shake off suspicion simply by poisoning herself with a small amount of something else. If I go with Maple Whisker being a sibling instead of a cousin, I could have her simply join their meal a little late and realize that her mouth feels numb, just as everyone else enters convulsions, so she spits it out.
(Autism win! Avoided a poisoning because texture bad! Maybe she was waiting for the food to cool down too lmao)
And LASTLY... Aconite is Wolf's Bane. I think this is a really cool place to see the earliest incarnation of the Wolf Motif that will later show up in Bluestar's family. It tickles my brain a bit to think of Flowerstar somehow having the "hood" shape of the flower, and then she loses her first life in her gambit to poison the wolf among sheep.
I also had a stroke of inspiration and had an idea for one of the BB!DOTC cats, too. Dappled Pelt gets massively neglected in canon, imo, and I could set up the wolf thing even earlier. African Wild Dog time (painted wolf.)
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universallychaoticpan · 9 months
OK! OK! ok! It's not a theory that Chuuya WILL be the next Mafia boss ( at least without Dazai in mafia) so for a change of pace it's now Chuuya's beloved Darling Tigress to take up as his right hand man🤭🪄
YES- hope you enjoy this one even if its more of a spillage of thoughts. I love tigress reader ;))
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Anyone in the Port Mafia knew who you were by the sound of your heels on the cold floors- a distinctive and sharp series of click click clicks that had those beneath you up against the walls, standing at attention like troops ready for inspection. Your eye was sharp and your standards were high- you took your time everywhere you went, daring anyone to say a single thing to the Mafia's second in command.
You spoke little; your subordinates knew your moods from a simple purse of your lips, or a subtle cock of the head. You had them watching for the slightest flicker of your eyes to the right or left, knowing your satisfaction was all but paramount.
You kept yourself poised and confident while dripping in designer, but on the battlefield, you made sure everyone in the Mafia knew why you were so close to the top. You'd clawed your way there, and those claws were sharp. Wielding ability and weapons alike, you cut down your enemies as though your body was simply another well sharpened blade. When surrounded by gunfire, you seemed more at home than ever; you walked with power, like the smell and sounds of being so close to the edge woke up some dormant part of you aching to be freed.
The Tigress of the Port Mafia was as formidable as ever.
Since establishing your reputation in your late teens as someone to be revered, feared and respected in the city of Yokohama, you'd taken the banner and run with it. Now 22, the dark side of Yokohama buzzed with your name- a faceless and ruthless executive who formulated twenty ways to kill a man while shaking his hand.
Of course, it wasn't only your name in their mouths.
Chuuya Nakahara, the Mafia Boss since Mori Ogai's unfortunate passing. That was the only person who you answered to. And yours were the two names everyone in the city knew; the vessel of a god and a veritable angel of battle. Untouchable; that's what you two were.
And you were ready to enjoy it.
You were ready, hungry even, to have such power; even after years of being one third of the most deadly trio in Mafia history, it wasn't enough.
You wanted more.
You craved power, craved standing and respect since Mori had plucked you from the streets as a child. He had seen it in you then; your fury, your starving eyes. In some ways, you were grateful to him. He had opened up the world to you and you'd only had to prove you were ready to take what was yours. That was how you'd made your name for yourself. That was how you found yourself dripping in more finery than your child self ever could've imagined. Sure, he had opened the door for you, but it was you and you alone who had decided to risk life and limb in your endless pursuit of your goals. It was your wit and cunning that had kept you ahead of your enemies, that had kept you sharp. It was your endless drive that had drawn Chuuya to you; your intensity, always burning, never ceasing, as though you held your fingers above flames to see how long you could stand the pain. He'd admired you then; he was in awe of you now.
And you loved him.
He was the one with whom you wanted to share your power. You wanted to be at his side, fighting, climbing, proving to the world you were more than what everyone else had decided you could be. Like you, he wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. Like him, you admired power in all it's forms.
Everyone had expected the Mafia to fall into the hands of the deadliest trinity in the history of the organization.
But Dazai's departure left the weight of expectation and the delicious prospect of power to the two of you.
When he'd left, you'd been given a choice- you'd been given another opportunity to become even more The Tigress people said you were.
And you weren't one stupid enough to let opportunity pass you by.
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kidukami · 5 months
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☾┅ about me ┅ ☽
hi, call me mika! i'm 21+ and i go by they/them pronouns. i'm a se asian writer + aspiring literary translator based in the uk. this post is essentially a writeblr reintroduction as i am starting anew in the community with this blog, and i'm really excited to share my wips and connect with all you lovely writers out there! i'm also tag and/or interaction friendly (although my reply speed is... not the best especially for tag/ask games, but i'm trying!), so please don't be afraid to say hi ♡
☾┅ writing interests ┅ ☽
important note: my works may contain mature and potentially triggering topics. viewer discretion is advised.
╳ i'm mainly a prose fiction writer, although i may dabble in scriptwriting and poetry at times. ╳ genres: speculative fiction, historical fiction, thriller, literary fiction. ╳ themes: sociopolitical commentary, satire, dark comedy, angst/tragedy, tragicomedy, morally grey characters, queer romance. ╳ open to reading all genre and themes! you're more than welcome to reblog this with your wips or tag me in them, whether or not they feature any of the above. the above lists are not exhaustive because to this day i still don't know how my writing brain works. ╳ i take plenty of writing-related requests (beta/proofreading, critique, collabs, translation work, etc.)! please refer to my carrd for more info, or contact me directly for inquiries.
☾┅ main wips ┅ ☽
will o' the wisp :: adult sci-fi/thriller novel. ╳ award-winning talk show host and journalist noe crane is constantly treading a tightrope as he assumes his secret vigilante identity behind closed doors, but things get worse when his past comes back to haunt him. ╳ features: tragicomedy, morally grey characters, lgbt+ characters, complex relationships, modern setting, superpowers, conspiracies ╳ wip intro here!
the duña duology :: adult weird fiction duology. ╳ a troubled man in his 30s attempts to escape from his past and seeks refuge in a run-down inn, only to find himself caught up in a dangerous conspiracy against the world. ╳ features: adult (30+) characters, unlikeable protagonist, multiple universes, high concept, complex worldbuilding, retrofuturism, found family, conspiracies, aliens (?) wip intro coming soon! message if you want to be tagged.
a history of the tenshima gang feud (working title) :: new adult sci-fi/romance novel. ╳ when a national museum tour guide somehow travels back to the city's deadliest era in history as one of its disgraced figures, he will soon find that his beloved city isn't what it claims itself to be. ╳ features: time travel, alternate future, fictional setting, criminal underworld, ensemble cast, sociopolitical commentary, morally grey characters, lgbt+ characters, love triangle, lovers to enemies, friends to lovers, mcd, tragedy wip intro coming soon! message if you want to be tagged.
lilium carnage :: historical steampunk visual novel (collab with @nana7esque) ╳ four characters on two sides of the same coin. each of them are determined to deliver their own justice in the corrupted land of navona, even at the cost of their own lives, but little do they know that there will always be a bigger price to pay. ╳ features: alternate history, fictional setting, choice-based story, multiple endings, morally grey characters, lgbt+ characters, tragedy, enemies to lovers, complex chara dynamics wip intro coming soon! message if you want to be tagged.
☾┅ side wips ┅ ☽
shelved wips, wip ideas i have yet to develop, etc.
╳ by the kiss of the sleeping night :: thriller/romance webtoon collab with @nana7esque ╳ retelling of the nyi roro kidul myth ╳ modern setting character-driven script with each characters being an allegory to the seven deadly sins
feel free to interact with this post especially if you're also a writeblr! ♡
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 9 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 10
Summary : Loki Meets Mrs. Geller, Things are heating up between you and him.
Warning: mention of psychological torture, angst, insecurities, self deprecating behaviour, Melissa, some much needed steam , 4k words
Note : This is the mandatory fun fluffy steamy chapter of the series (Gif is how i picture him on the bed)
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"You have my phone number right?" You mumbled softly so he nodded,
"I have memorized it"
"Recite for me"
He looked at you for a moment before he proceeded to recite the number, however just to be safe you did write it on a note and shoved it in his pants pocket. This morning you woke up in his arms thanking all your stars that last night wasn't just a heavenly dream. He had to leave soon so you were enjoying most of the time you had with him, by enjoying you meant you couldn't stop kissing him.
"Give me those bird like kisses" he mumbled so you pulled away and looked at him.
"Whaaaat?" You giggled so he cupped your cheeks, placed his lips on yours and pecked you again and again until you got the point.
"You like that I see" you mumbled so he nodded, then you did the same to him until he was all giggly. God you wanted to keep him in your pocket
"Okay before you leave I want you to meet Mrs Geller" you told him so he stood up from the sofa with you in his arms.
"God sometimes I forget all about the inhuman strength" you placed your legs down but he still had his hands around your waist, holding you in the air as if you weighed nothing, you looked down at his forearms, the rolled up sleeves made him look hotter somehow, he was wearing the white shirt from last night with a pair of formal black pants.
"Mmhm you enjoy that?"
"Ohh yeah, I like the idea of you being so strong, knowing that you can just fold me in half like a log of wood with a snap of your fingers is super sexy" you whispered in his ear and his cheeks went red again. He needed his erection controlling charm. Now he had filthy images in his head about bending you over in several ways and taking you like that. Erection control charm Stat.
"Well I would never fold you in any way that would make you feel anything but delighted" it was your turn to get bashful. He was cute and sexy, the deadliest combination.
"You know what else I find sexy?" You whispered as you planted your lips on the soft skin of his neck.
"That even though you're such a strong deadly powerful man, I am the safest when I'm with you" he hummed as you said that, a smile appeared on his face. He'd always keep you safe.
Before things could get dirty, you grabbed his arm and took him with you to meet Mrs. Geller.
"I love this dress on you princess"
"You know I dressed up for you right, I mean you have seen me in my natural habitat" he chuckled as you said that.
"I have. You resemble a dainty little wild creature in your natural habitat" you gasped at the comment before you hit on his chest with your fist playfully "Especially when you hair is all matted and uncombed you look like a bear cub"
"Staaapp I'll kick your ass" you chuckled
You knocked on Mrs Geller's door and as soon as she opened it she couldn't take her eyes off him. You didn't blame her though.
"Can we come inside?" You asked her
"Of Course my dear, come come" she mumbled hurriedly so you took him in and he looked around, her apartment was similar to yours.
"Ahhh sit down please" she looked up at him so he smiled and sat down on her couch. She was even shorter than you and he didn't want her to strain her neck just to have a conversation with him.
"Mrs Geller first of all I just wanted to thank you for the last night and secondly this is Loki as you must know"
"Hello Mrs Geller" he mumbled politely so she smiled
"I am soooo confused" she let out a nervous laughter
"I know you see..you know how he escaped with the tesseract and ended up in an apartment?"
"Yes I follow Melissa McKay on Instagram, she just posted this photo.. see" she said excitedly as she showed you a picture on her Android phone and you controlled the urge to roll your eyes. People were deeply invested in this fake couple.
"Uhhh yeah about that, you see when he escaped he didn't end up in her apartment, he ended up in mine, he has been living with me for more than two months before Thor, his brother found him and took him back. Remember when Thor came to Minnesota a month ago? He wasn't just on vacation, he came for Loki" You spoke as fast as you could and her eyes widened in shock, she took a step back and stared at him, he was just looking at her with that typical confused puppy look on his face.
"Oh wow. I knew you were hiding a boy in there because I heard voices…but woww" she gulped as she finished her sentence "But what is this thing with Melissa then?"
"It's all lies, trust me I had no clue of such a thing before the press conference, i never wanted to hurt y/n like that" Loki answered her and she nodded.
"Okay let me make you both a cup of coffee" she offered but you told her that he had to leave soon.
"So what does this mean, are you seeing him?" She took you aside and questioned you,
"It's umm..we are friends "
"Best friends " he chimed in so you smiled.
"Sharp hearing " you told Mrs Geller and her eyes widened even more.
"I just know that he's someone very important to me and I don't want to lose him. Againn" you told her as sincerely as you could, you wanted her to understand that he wasn't just some guy you were seeing.
"Oh he's the one isn't he, the guy you couldn't get over" she said it as a matter of fact.
"Yeah I don't blame you"
You smiled and his face flushed, he was easily embarassed and you had planned to have so much fun with that knowledge.
"Ummm so can you please promise to keep this with you for now, i don't want my mom to know about all of this, I'm not ready to deal with her just now" you requested her so she hugged you and promised you that she won't share anything with your mother. You hoped she'd be able to keep that promise because she loved gossiping and you weren't ready to deal with your mother's opinion about this just yet.
She sat down next to Loki and asked him different things as if she was testing him whether he actually cared about you or not. He learned that it was her birthday tomorrow so he conjured a fluffy sweater for her as a present, it was something he had made for Frigga but never got the chance to give her.
"You can knit?" You asked him as you brought him back to your apartment
"It was just a phase where i enjoyed knitting, i have grown out of it" you cupped his cheeks and kissed him as he said that.
"You're so cute"
He smiled and kissed you back but then you suddenly pulled away from him,
"Wait i have to see this picture your fake girlfriend posted again" you grabbed your phone from the kitchen counter but he tried to snatch it away.
"You need to do no such thing darling"
"Ohhh but I do" you swiftly walked away from him to get away but he followed you,
"Why?" He asked you so you shrugged, he tried to snatch it away from you again so you ran towards your bed and unfortunately you didn't have much space to run around in your apartment, he picked you up and laid you down on the bed, you placed your hands up so he won't be able to grab the phone but your attempts were futile, he pinned both of your hands with one hand and used the other one to grab your phone then it disappeared. Damn super strength and magicky stuff.
"I don't want you to hurt yourself like that, you hear me?" you bit on your lip at his sharp commanding tone.
"Mmmhmm" you hummed in response
"She means nothing to me'
"And I do" that wasn't a question but a statement, you knew he cared about you, if he didn't he never would have come back for you. And he definitely wouldn't have been there on top of you at the moment.
"You do, only you do" he whispered as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
He couldn't stop staring at your lips so he lowered down and kissed you, he didn't let go of your hands and kept them pinned over your head while his other arm grabbed your thigh and he curled it around his waist one by one.
This definitely was the most sexual kiss you have had with him until now, or with anyone really, your body felt warm, weak and tingly all over, you just wanted him to keep going and do whatever he wanted to do with you, however a knock on your window made you gasp in his mouth. You craned your neck up and so did he to look at the window, Thor was standing on the other side with a huge smirk on his face
Loki immediately let go of you and then he helped you off the bed like the gentleman that he was. How come he wasn't aroused by that kiss? You felt it deep in your soul but when you had your legs around him you felt nothing, no bulge. Nothing.
"Okay give me my phone or we won't be able to talk" you placed your palm forward so he conjured your phone and gave it back to you. You wanted to kiss him but you could feel Thor's eyes on you both so you looked at him and he turned around, he made sure that you both saw him rolling his eyes.
"Okay call me whenever you can..I'll miss you" you mumbled as you kissed him, your eyes were teary and they made him sad too. He wished he could have taken you with him or better he wished he could have stayed here but it wasn't possible. He was on a probation, if he was to fuck up again he'd be sent back to Asgard and he didn't want to go so far away from you at any cost.
"I will ring you tonight only i promise" you smiled as he said that before your arms curled around his neck so you could hug him tightly, once you had your fill, you walked him towards the window and he somehow stepped out even though the window was too small for his large frame.
"Ummm hiiii and thank you for your help" you said to Thor and raised your hand forward so he shook it gently.
"My pleasure lady y/n" you smiled at him before you diverted your attention back to loki.
"Take care okay? And eat and miss me" you told him as you fixed the collar of his shirt and it made him smile. Norns he found you all kinds of precious.
"You do that too please, no more skipping meals" he mumbled softly so you nodded.
When he left you sat down on your bed, you needed a moment, everything felt so good when he was there but as soon as he was gone you felt gloomy again. Oh the rush of the new love, well technically this was your first love since you have never actually been in this sort of love before.
You picked up your phone and despite his resistance you couldn't help but stalk Melissa again, she had posted a picture with him where he was looking at the camera, a small smile on his face while she was looking at him like a love sick school girl. Now you knew why his eyes seemed that way, he was sad and miserable. She had tagged a profile so you opened it and it belonged to Loki but you didn't think he was the actual owner of the account, he probably didn't even know about it.
He already had like 200k followers and that shocked you.
As Thor and Loki reached the tower, loki used the invisibility charm to disappear, when Tony spotted Thor he stormed towards him.
"Where is that reckless brother of yours?" He asked Thor, even though Loki was right next to him Tony obviously couldn't see him, Loki took off his shoes and started to tiptoe around Tony so he could get away without being noticed.
"How would I know I just returned from my morning stroll? What a beautiful morning in midgard today" he smiled widely.
"Well he missed the training sesh with Cap, you know he can't leave the tower without permission right?"
"Did you even check his chamber thoroughly?" Thor asked him, hoping that Loki was back to his room by now.
"I knocked ..he didn't open up"
"Norns, he must have consumed buckets of midgardian liquor at the celebration last night" Both Thor and Tony walked towards Loki's room together and knocked loudly, a moment later Loki opened the door, looking half asleep and hungover out of his mind.
"You really need to set an alarm" Tony told him before he walked away, as soon as he was out of sight Loki waved his fingers and he was back to looking his perfect self.
"We have to be more careful than this, you can not be out this late in the morning" Thor said as he huffed
"I am being treated like a prisoner"
"You are a prisoner" Loki rolled his eyes and shut the door on Thor's face. After an hour he stepped out of his room in order to not make them more suspicious of him. He wanted to call you and hear your sweet voice but you must have been at your workplace already and he didn't want to bother you or distract you.
He was trying to find something to eat in the kitchen but as soon as he spotted Melissa his appetite died.
He didn't say anything but she kept walking towards him and then she hugged him.
"I'm sorry about my behavior last night..i was drunk" she smiled so he pulled her away.
"That is fine, just, do not embrace me without my permission" he told her as he pushed her away by holding onto her shoulders.
"Honestly, what is your problem?" She asked him as she crossed her arms. Sometimes she scared him but not in a good way.
"Where should I begin?" She glared at him at the sarcastic response.
"I'm just trying to be your friend here Loki"
Okay now he was actually upset by her. She was starting to take the fake relationship too seriously, he already had a friend, he didn't need more and especially not the ones who he knew just wanted to hurt him and use him for their own benefit.
"You don't want to be my friend, you want to be my concubine so let us not even play pretend here"
She got upset by his words and stormed out of there, why didn't he want her? She was attractive, several guys would have killed to be with someone like her.
In the evening Loki was being interviewed along with Melissa so you sat down on the couch with a glum look on your face. You hated seeing him with her,
"So Melissa tell me about the moment when you knew he was the one" You saw her blushing at the question, she was sitting so close to him and only you could tell how uncomfortable he was.
"That would be the moment when he kissed me for the first time, the moment we kissed I just felt this chemistry between us, this scorching heat and it was the most amazing thing in the world" No not the heat, the heat was yours. How much did he tell her about you? You felt a little upset but the thought of him talking about you made you feel warm immediately. He talked about you when he didn't know of her intentions, he had a gorgeous woman in front of him but he was only interested in talking about you.
"Fuckkk yeahh" you let out a noise of excitement. If your exes knew who you were seeing they would seethe and burn, nobody wants their exes to date someone better than them, and you were literally being blessed by a real god.
"Loki what was your first thought when you met her, I am sure it must have been terrifying especially since it was right after the chitauri attack and she must have been scared by your presence"
Well you were scared out of your mind at first but then he won you over with his calming personality.
Loki placed his fingers on his lips, a smile appeared on his lips as he thought about you, he didn't even look at Melissa before he answered.
"I often think about that and I wonder why I was taken there, the tesseract could have sent me anywhere in the universe but somehow It took me to that tiny little apartment in mi..New York City" he corrected himself immediately before he continued to speak "That space belonged to such a sweet precious angel and it is fearsome when I think of it now because a miniscule amount of deviation in time, even just a mere fraction of second could have diverted my destination but it knew, the tesseract knew, i suppose I ended up in the right place at the right time" his eyes glittered as he spoke and yours teared up. The studio audience cooed at his response so Melissa kissed his cheek.
"He wasn't talking about you dumbass" you groaned as you muttered to yourself.
At night you laid down on the bed with your phone stuck to your chest, you were waiting for his phone call desperately, you missed him already and it was killing you. As soon as your phone rang you picked it up,
"I thought you wouldn't call at all tonight"
"What?" You heard your mother's voice and your eyes widened, probably should have checked the number, you were glad you didn't say his name.
"Ummm hey mom you know i wanted to talk about the party, Mrs Geller invited you right?" You gulped.
"Yes, I'll just stay with you tomorrow night, David won't be able to join me" she mumbled so you hummed in response, you just hoped Mrs Geller wouldn't tell your mom anything about Loki. As she hung up you took a deep breath but your heard your phone ringing again so you picked it up, maybe she forgot to criticize you for something and remembered just now
"Yes mommmm" you heard him chuckling on the other side and your face flushed.
"Darling, I know your mother can be overbearing but replacing her with me is hardly the solution" he said to you so you chuckled in response
"I'm sorry I was just talking to her, i thought you wouldn't call tonight"
"Oh I promised, didn't i? I just got back to my chamber"
"Chamber huh"
"Rooooooom..happy? Is that better"
"Uh Huh"
"I have missed you princess"
"I have missed you more"
"Well that can be argued"
"I will win"
"Perhaps you will lose"
"Yeah how?"
He paused for a moment before he spoke again.
"Ohhh. Did you see me on the television today?"
"I might have"
"Well then I am afraid you have lost already"
"How come?" You giggled and it made him smile.
"Because you got to see me and you heard me speaking but I went all day long with just memories of you in my head" you bit on your cheek as he said that. Smooth fucker
"Okay I'll let you win this time"
"Thank you, I truly wish I was there darling "
"I know..me too. Good thing I stole your suit jacket last night"
"You devious woman, I need to learn this game, are you wearing it?"
"Mmmhmmm I am" your voice turned sultry and it made his breath hitch in his chest.
"Ohh norns "
"And I'm wearing nothing underneath" you mumbled and then you heard the sound of his telephone hitting the floor, his mouth opened wide as he pictured you on that tiny bed, with you wearing nothing but just his jacket.
"Lokiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" you whispered his name so he came back to reality.
"I am here, you have painted a sensuous picture for me"
"Mmmhmmm i didn't know this was going to be that type of phone call" his cock went hard as he heard your flirtatious voice, fortunately he didn't have to fix it with the charm this time, he can be as hard as he wanted and he could also touch himself.
"It doesn't have to be sweetheart"
"Goddddd you're cuteeee" you giggled and it made him smile. Your comfort came first always.
"How do you look right now? Do you have clothes on?" He gulped again, how come a mortal made him so nervous?
"Just a trouser"
"That's nice, that's how I was picturing you anyways" your voice almost came out in whispers and he placed his free palm on his bulge to calm himself down. His mouth opened and eyes closed as he couldn't help but think of your half naked body underneath him.
"Can I ask you a dirty question?" You smiled as he said that.
"Mmmmhmmm go ahead"
"The jacket, are they buttoned all the way up or you left them unlatched, if I was to look at you right now would I see your bare skin?" He questioned softly and it almost threatened a moan to escape from your throat, the man you fancied and lusted after was thinking of you in such a way, it made you squeeze your thighs involuntarily.
"I left them all open lo"
"Norns darling you're killing me" his sexy husky voice melted in your ear and you pictured him right next to you
"And it smells like you lo, i smell like you, it's like you're right here holding me, whispering in my ear" you bit on your lips as you finished your sentence. His hand rubbed over his clothed bulge and then he realised something.
"You're not wearing my jacket are you?" He asked you so you chuckled.
"Would you be upset if I say no?"
"Not at all, you can have all the fun you desire, i fancy such harmless mischievous pranks, i wasn't named god of mischief for kicks and giggles"
"oh my god..So do I. Thank you, you really do get me" your eyes teared up at the intense emotions you were having at the moment, it was a mixture of arousal and the deep affection you felt for him. You were so in love with him.
"Mmmhmmm you're a naughty naughty girl, that is fascinating" you chuckled as he said that.
"Well at least you find me fascinating"
"You are amazing princess, never let anyone make you feel differently"
"Okayy if you say so"
You both talked for an hour, everytime you said something sexy his cock got hard immediately, he desperately wanted you to touch him but he had no problem staying patient as well, this thing between you two wasn't just romantic and definitely not just sexual, he needed your friendship and he wanted to be your confidante, your one and only, he just hoped his feelings were reciprocated. He always feared that he'd do something or say something that would turn you off and make you see him differently.
He took a deep breath and smiled, he was tired from the day but knowing that he wasn't going to lose you made him feel calm. He couldn't even describe in words how much he valued your presence in his life, the past month felt torturous for him, his heart felt empty and devoid of any emotion but since last night those cracks were starting to fill again with your care and possibly love. Did you love him? He hoped so because he was falling deeply and irrevocably for you. How could he not when you were nothing short of a goddess for him.
You said your goodbyes, though it wasn't something any of you wanted but you had to cut the call at some point and sleep. Next day you got ready for Mrs Geller's birthday party and you weren't expecting to see the whole building plus several other people you didn't know at all. It was a small apartment so that's why it looked even more crowded, your mom had come too and you looked at Mrs Geller nervously but she assured you that your secret was safe with her. .
You went to her kitchenette to make yourself a drink but you gasped as you felt a pair of arms circling around your waist.
You turned around and placed your hand on his chest, you couldn't see him but you knew he was there because you could touch him and you could definitely smell that scent of him that drove you crazy..
"What are you doing?" You asked him as quietly as you could, you made sure nobody was looking at you because they would definitely think you were a lunatic for talking to the air. He leaned closer to whisper in your ear. He was playing a dangerous game but you were into this game.
"I'm here to take revenge for last night, you lied to me sweetheart, you didn't think I'd let it slide so easily, did you?"
Tag list (if you want to be tagged or removed let me know.. also I’m not able to tag some of you, please check your settings)
@annoyingsweetsstranger  @mcufan72
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@obscureenigmatic  @janineb86  @sflame15-blog  @nyxlaufeyson  @lokidokieokie  @purplekitten30
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The Widow - Simon "Ghost" Riley
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summary: A new member of task force 141 has the team anxiously awaiting a new mission.
Warnings: nothing good in this chapter just setting up for the plot, eventual fluff, eventual smut, Ghost is whipped, Ghost being completely in love at first sight, strong reader.
You aren’t a stranger to hard work, not at all. Even before you joined the army, you were never a normal girl. 
You worked against human traffickers and rapists, killing without hesitation. You never got along with the police, especially when they finally caught you. 
They arranged a meeting with a man named Price, deeming that your skills were a necessary evil.
“You have two options. One, you come work for me in the US special forces. Or two, we send you off to prison where you belong.”
“I'm not sure, what do I get if I come work for you?”
“More freedom than prison, and you can continue your ‘work’.”
She stopped for a moment, in mock thinking. Her hand moves to her chin, well as far as they can chained to the table.
“It’s a deal then.”
They call you Widow. You're beautiful yet deadly, and the most venomous in the whole damn world.
They haven’t seen your face, it's usually adorned with a black sheet of cloth that covers everything except for your eyes up.
But your eyes, they hold a darkness that they haven’t seen before. And it's beautiful. 
As soon as you joined the rumors spread.
She’s gorgeous.
Her face must be scarred to all hell.
Deadliest damn woman alive
she’s insane
She can steal your soul with just a look
Most were just rumors, others held a hint of truth. but the fear they held for you, that was what got you where you are. A lieutenant.
Nothing could stop you, not even him. Or at least you thought.
Sakha, Russia 
After Chicago, Ghost thought he was done for a while. Don’t get me wrong, he loves his work, his purpose but he silently hoped for at least a break.
He aches for the comfort of his home, where he doesn’t need to be Ghost. He can be Simon Riley.
But he doesn’t get that luxury, instead he’s standing on a plane runway with Soap waiting to meet up with the new member of Task Force 141.
He’s heard of her, of course he has. She’s about as infamous as he is. If she’s even as half as  insane as they make her out to be, then he’s screwed. And so is the team.
Soap is sure excited though, considering he won’t shut up about it.
“Oh I sure bet she’s hot, mate.”
Ghost doesn’t reply, leaving Soap to stand in awkward silence. 
Captain Price walks off the plane with a woman who -from what little of her face they could see- was in her late 20s or so. 
Her hair was tucked into a braid thrown over her shoulder, she wore tactical gear and her face was half covered with a black sheet of fabric.
Immediately Ghost’s eyes went to hers. And he was shocked at when he found.
There was a beauty in them, but they held a darkness he’d only seen looking in the mirror.
She’s killed before, he’s seen it before. and not just killed, No- Enjoyed killing.
It was something he’d never seen in a woman before. 
She said nothing, only looking forward and staring expectantly at them.
“Ghost, Soap. This is The Widow.” Price introduces them and Soap excitedly puts his hand out to shake hers.
“Soap.” he identifies himself, and she notices the thick scottish accent as soon as he speaks.
She doesn’t move to shake his hand, only staring blankly at him like he’s the most ridiculous thing she’s seen in her life.
He presses his lips together and puts his hand down.
“Not friendly? Yikes.” he attempts to shake off the awkward tension. 
Ghost continues to stare at her, trying to figure her out. Until she walks past him, her shoulder brushing his as she moves to the van parked just off the runway. 
Soap turns to him, pointing at her receding figure.
“I think she likes me.” 
The car ride back is long and filled with silence.
Ghost has yet to hear her speak, it seems she isn’t in the mood for niceties. 
Soap is sitting in the passenger seat, and Price is driving. Leaving Ghost to sit in the back with Widow.
She’s picking what seems to be dried blood from underneath her nails, bored. His attention is on her face, her eyebrows are neat somehow, and her face expresses no emotion.
Slowly, she turns her head to look at him and he doesn’t attempt to hide the fact that he was staring.
She nods her head, and leans in to him.
“Watch this,” she whispers, and his heart drops when he hears her voice.
It's sultry, and soft. It doesn’t seem deadly like the voice of a killing machine. 
She picks up a bundled up straw wrapper off the ground, and looks Ghost right in the eyes before flicking it straight at Soap.
She immediately turns her head to look out the window, minding her own business.
Soap makes a noise of shock when it hits him in the back of the neck. He turns around, to find out who the culprit is.
Widow turns her head towards him with a confused look on her face. 
“Ghost! What the fuck, mate?” Soap looks straight at Ghost, who’s staring dumbfounded at him.
He just shrugs, and Soap turns back around with a huff.
They’re in for a long car ride. 
Half way through the ride, Price got a call. He was very vague about the details of the mission, just stating that they’d get the files when they get to the temporary base.
The outside is completely concrete, it’s not very inconspicuous. It looks like a prison. It’s got two floors and the bottom floor has no windows. The top floor has several small windows perfect for snipers.
Inside the car, The Widow runs her finger over the handle of one of the many blades strapped to her belt. Price pulls the car to a stop, and steps out, Soap follows his gun raised to scout out the area.
The widow pulls on the straps of her vest, and steps out of the car, pulling her pistol out of its holster. 
Ghost steps out behind her. She walks forward, pistol raised.
Price reaches the first, signaling Ghost and The widow to go around the back. Price waits until they’re on the other side of the building before opening the door, and moving in.
The first level has a kitchen with an attached living room. It also has a hallway that leads to several rooms. The rooms are plain and each one has a twin sized bed and a desk.
Ghost and the Widow make their way into the kitchen through the back door, and up the stairs. The second level has random walls, and windows, it looks like a training area.
“Clear!” Price shouts from downstairs. Ghost peers around a corner before shouting ‘clear’ as well. 
They make their way back down the stairs, and back out to the car to grab their bags. The widow, duffel bag in hand walks to the first room she sees. It is quant but she doesn’t have a problem with it, she sets her bag on the bed and begins taking out the little trinkets she’s acquired throughout her several years of service. A small teddy bear sits at the bottom of the bag, she pulls it out and holds it to her chest. After a moment she places it back inside the bag, and puts the bag on the floor. 
Her room has an attached bathroom, and when she walks inside she notices another door. It must lead to the room next to hers. She walks back into her room, pulls her hair out of its braid and sets the hair tie on the desk. 
A knock sounds from her door, and she opens it. She’s met with the anxious face of Soap.
“Price has info on the next mission for us,” He leads her towards the kitchen where Ghost and Price sit at the table going over files. She sits next to Ghost and across from Price. 
Price slides a file towards her, with one name written on the front.
“Let’s get started.”
A/N: I'm sorry its so short i was really struggling with this one, send requests and ill get right on them.
taglist: @sweetybuzz25 @johnshelbywife @wistariq @targazyen @simpingoverfictionalman @boliversworld @prodyng @coffinofcuriosity @chit-chat-ting
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Random Facts about Dahlia Rosenheim
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(have a chart, too, inspired by @amber-of-tharaval :D)
Dahlia's surname is completely coincidental. V (the creator aka me, since that is my initial) just thought of the surname in the middle of a blackout in school. Assuming it was original, V takes Rosenheim as Dahlia's surname. One day, when she randomly searched up 'Rosenheim' in Google, she discovered it was actually an existing city in Germany.
Dahlia is unsurprisingly named after a flower. Her mother always loved flowers, especially dahlias. Therefore when Dahlia was born, her mother named her after the flower.
Dahlia's main occupation is a lawyer. She works in her own law office, formerly working under her uncle's law firm. She owns a rice business to invest money faster, advised by her mother.
Dahlia's income per month is 200K-300K. During harvest months, it can reach a million.
Dahlia prioritizes the things that she love such as her family and friends. But as a Christian, she always puts God first.
Dahlia once wanted to be a psychiatrist, knowing that mental health nowadays is completely overlooked by many. But she stopped achieving the dream when she discovered their monthly income.
People would most likely know her by 'Atty. Rosenheim' than her own name.
Whenever it came to the seven deadly sins, Dahlia's main enemy is envy. Her second is lust.
Dahlia was formerly twenty-two (22) years old. But due to her experience with past lovers, V changed her age to twenty-four (24) years old.
Dahlia is a huge Swiftie. Her favorite album is 1989 and her favorite song is 'this is me trying'.
Dahlia uses a lot of skincare products. Those are cleanser, moisturizer, sunblock, face mist, and cherry lip balm.
Dahlia's body is slightly chubby. She also has stretch marks.
Dahlia's breasts are lower than average. At often times, especially when in the beach, Dahlia feels insecure.
But then she hears from her friends with a bust that they suffer from huge breasts. Suddenly, she is thankful.
Dahlia's family is complete. Her parents are alive and well, and she loves her siblings with all her heart. They also have a pomeranian dog.
Dahlia has siblings! She is the eldest of them all. She has a younger brother named Ray (middle child) and a younger sister named Sapphire (youngest child).
Dahlia loves all animals, though she prefers dogs over cats.
Dahlia loves mathematics, and her intelligence in school is rather high according to her classmates.
Dahlia is a huge bookworm. She owns many novels in her shelf. Her favorite genres are fantasy and mystery. Romance is a subgenre for her.
In personality, Dahlia is in between extroversion and introversion. However, she leans more of being an introvert. Therefore her MBTI is INFP-T.
Dahlia likes to cook at times when she is by herself in RILM. She is especially proud when she cooks Filipino cuisines.
Dahlia is a huge sweet tooth. She loves to eat a lot of sweets.
Dahlia's body isn't entirely flexible. In fact, she is quite stiff. This can be noticed whenever she dances.
Speaking of dancing, it may not look like it but Dahlia loves to dance. She loves to imagine she is in a ballroom, dancing with grace and passion. She often laughs during dance practices.
Dahlia can play instruments. She is great at both the guitar and piano, though she much prefers to play the guitar.
Dahlia's guitar is inherited from her father.
Dahlia knows how to do Muay Thai. Muay Thai is a martial arts in Thailand, one of the most deadliest martial arts. Her father wanted to help her learn self-defense, and Muay Thai was perfect. In fact, Muay Thai is suitable for small people.
Dahlia's voice is mildly deep compared to other women. Her voice is also soft and gentle.
It is rare to see Dahlia angry. And if she is, beware not to push her buttons.
Dahlia is lowkey into science and technology, even archeology! She loves to see such historical items and new inventions that can help today's society.
Dahlia can fluently speak Filipino. She also once tried to learn Japanese in Duolingo. However, she stopped during her lesson in directions.
Dahlia learned Russian in Duolingo before she switched to Japanese. She cannot catch up with the information and difficult words.
Dahlia is often mistaken to be an earth sign due to her appearance. When in reality, she is actually a water sign. Her personality explains it all.
Dahlia, although she is very embarrassed and ashamed, Dahlia has higher than average libido. This is because (tw. implied early exposure) Dahlia's cousin introduced her to those things at a young age. Her cousin was still a vibe, though since they get along very well.
Speaking of the past lovers, Dahlia has four exes. Three of them were serious, and one was only a fling that lasted for only four months. (This will be elaborated in a future post.)
Just like most of the girls, Dahlia is a delulu.
Dahlia's face shape is a diamond, eye shape is upturned, lip shape and eyebrows are thin, and eyelashes are quite long.
Dahlia has a small circle of friends. Her best friend is Zarnaih Marchessa (Zarnaih belongs to @naihhhhe, my bestie <3)
Despite drinking milk everyday in the mornings (she prefers chocolate milk), Dahlia is still short in height. She always questions herself about this.
Dahlia's love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. She likes to receive physical touch and words of affirmation.
Dahlia and V know each other. The character and the creator bond together a lot, making them close.
Okay, this is a lot or information about her. This is enough for now. She has more, but I guess this will be good. Thank you for reading!
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danikamariewrites · 1 month
Hey, I saw you wanted some dark Elain requests and I loved your head canon that involved Elain growing poisonous plants so I was thinking what if Elain has become successful growing some of Prythian’s deadliest plants and is also an expert at making poisons? Maybe Reader was sent by someone to collect a potion from Elain and she’s captivated by the juxtaposition of her soft aesthetic along with her ability to be super scary with her poisons.
Then maybe Reader keeps coming back with the excuse of buying potions from Elaine when in reality she’s just throwing them away when she leaves. Elaine finds out and is really annoyed and then it is revealed to her that it was all a ruse for Reader to spend time with her. Then maybe a bit of fluff or smut once Elaine finds out the truth?? Whatever you think fits and feel like writing 💕
Totally get if this isn’t the sort of thing you are looking to write, but I had it floating about in my head and I feel like you’d be the perfect person to write it ❣️
Sorry for that essay 😂
Hope you have a lovely day! 💖
Pick Your Poison
Dark!Elain x reader
A/n: this was perfect anon! Also I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I haven’t been feeling great lately but I’m trying to get over it.
Warnings: not fully dark!elain, mentions of poison
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Poking around the different elixirs laid out on the table you were careful not to touch them. Not knowing what they were capable of. Glancing around the apothecary and taking in the familiar warm scent you couldn’t help but feel at home.
Elain’s shop was odd but perfect for her. The soft pinks and greens that decorated the walls at odds with the dried up deadly bundles of plants hanging from the ceiling and walls were discerning to most. But not you. You could spend hours in the tiny shop.
Many people avoided the middle Archeron sister’s shop. The rumors of her powers mixed with her occupation of poisons kept most people away. Some were crude and called her the Weaver of Velaris, turning her into a ghost story meant to scare children. Some just claimed she was the worst kind of witch. That angered you. Elain is too sweet for that kind of treatment.
You remember the first time you came to Elain’s apothecary. Your boss had asked you to pick up a special plant (not out right of course). Knowing your boss’s business and where you were being sent you knew it was poison. Entering the shop your fingers were trembling, you didn’t know what to expect.
Elain’s sweet demeanor relaxed you as she helped you find what you were looking for. After an hour and over a hundred questions from you later you had the plants for your boss and an oil to help your hair grow faster. Since then you have made it a point to stop at Elain’s shop once a week.
Tonight you stopped on your way home from work. When you walked in the shop was empty, Elain missing from her usual spot behind the counter. You figured she was in the back with a client, so you decided to peruse. You were here to buy something anyway, your blanket excuse to see Elain.
The office door opened causing you to stand straight, abandoning the elixirs you were bent over. Elain bid the lesser fae goodbye. Once the shop door closes she turns to you, a bright smile on her face as she takes you in. “Y/n, how are you?”
You just stood there, practically gaping at her beauty, like an idiot. You always stumble over your words and blush around her. “I’m well, and you?” You stuttered out.
Fuck. You should just pick up something random and go. This conversation is already ruined, you tell yourself.
Elain was speaking to you but you couldn’t hear her over the blood rushing in your ears from nerves. A tightening sensation worked its way down from your chest to your stomach. All you could do was nod and smile at her. “Were you looking for something? Let me show you these new oils I made.” She said, that excited look she gets when talking about her creations plastered on her perfectly round face.
“Oh no! That’s ok,” you rush out. Cauldron, where was this anxiousness come from? Snatching a bundle of something from the wall you held it out to show Elain, “Just this.” Elain nods her head slowly, giving you an unsure look. You followed her to the counter, pulling out the money to pay her. Rushing your goodbye that tenseness built up in your chest to an unbearable amount.
Fleeing the shop you drop the bundle of poison, starting to jog until you knew Elain couldn’t see you.
An hour later Elain couldn’t help but go over your conversation. Did she do something wrong? She’s been doing her best not to scare you off like she has with others. You were different. Elain didn’t feel the need to draw you in and dispose of you, she wanted to keep you, forever. Even though it had only been two months you already felt like hers.
Locking the shop, Elain noticed the bundle you just purchased lying on the ground. Scowling, she bends down to pick it up. What the hell? She worked hard on each bundle of poison. Why would you do that?
Marching up the steps of your house Elain didn’t think twice about confronting you. How dare you waste her talents like this! After three quick knocks you opened the door, stunned to see Elain on your front stoop.
“Care to explain why I found this on the ground after closing?” She thrust the little bundle out for you to inspect. You stared between the poison and Elain’s angry face at a loss for words.
Elain was quickly finding herself at a loss for world (and in la la land) as she scanned your appearance. In her rage Elain didn’t realize that you were only dressed in a small nightgown, black lace lining your breasts and a thin nightgown slipping from your shoulders.
“I should probably tell you the truth,” you move aside to let her in.
Elain took in your home. The warm light and dark furniture making her feel relaxed and welcome. She followed you into the sitting room, setting her stuff down on the low lying table by the couch. As Elain sits you drape a fluffy, crème blanket around her shoulders. Elain mumbles out a thank you, shocked by your kind gesture.
Siting on the other end of the couch you picked at your nails, anxious to tell her about your feelings. You had planned to tell her earlier tonight but that building feeling in your chest stopped you. It’s been hours and though the feeling has lessened it was still there. With Elain now mere inches away from you the feeling was growing again.
“I’ve been stopping by your shop for you. I’m-I have been working up the courage to tell you that I like you. And I understand if you don’t feel the same. And I’m sorry that I just threw that on the ground, I didn’t mean to be wasteful,” you rambled on and on, looking down at your lap the whole time.
When you finished you look up to find a small smirk on Elain’s pink, plump lips. In the time you spoke she had inched closer to you. A small gap separating your thighs. You wanted to close it, to feel the warmth of her through her dress. But you restrained yourself, waiting for her response.
Elain placed a hand over your tangled fingers. “Can I tell you a secret?” She whispers. You nod, that feeling in your chest turning to a comfortable warmth. Elain leans in so close to your face that her nose brushes slightly against yours. “I really like you too.” Elain pecks your blushing cheek, running her fingers through your hair.
Your heart soars at her confession. You throw your arms around her neck, pulling Elain into a crushing hug. She hugs you back tighter, burying her face in your neck to inhale your familiar scent.
In that precious moment the bond roared to life in Elain’s chest. That warm, golden thread connecting her to you forever, tied tight around the rib closest to her heart. Elain was overjoyed. You are hers forever. To hold and to keep. That night as she laid next to you in bed, watching you sleep peacefully, Elain vowed that no harm would ever come to you. That she would kill anyone who dared to touch what was hers.
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chemical-killjoy · 6 months
Here's a few reminders about the current heat wave in australia and global warming.
Things you may not know:
2023 is the world's hottest year on record, and 2024 is looking to be worse.
Heatwaves are Australia's deadliest natural hazard. Let that sink in. It's not fires. We all know how devastating those are. It's not floods either. It's heat waves. It's not just a little heat, it's a hazard.
With the cost of living and inflation currently happening, a lot of people are rationing air conditioning or can't afford any. This puts more people at risk
It's not just the heat, but the humidity with it that adds to the danger
If you live in a suburban area, you are more at risk, as the concrete and lack of trees traps in the heat
The La Nina (sorry my laptop won't let me do the tilde) years we're going through are now hotter than El Nino years 50 years ago.
Risks with the heat wave and temperature rise in general:
Heat stroke can make you quite nauseous, so you may not be eating enough, making it harder for your body to look after itself.
There's such a thing as over-hydration and it can be just as serious as dehydration
With hotter nights it's harder to sleep - another thing effecting how well your body can handle things and cope
A cold beer can sound soothing, but alcohol warms you up, as well as dehydrating you, and causing lower blood sugar; keep this in mind as you enjoy, make sure you get plenty of water as being dehydrated with this shit is... let's say, subpar.
Heat exhaustion is real, no one is able to think lightning quick with the brain fog that comes with this heat. That means if you're not fully with it, things like driving become more dangerous
If you can't cool down within 30 minutes when you have heat exhaustion, or worse, heat stroke, it can become deadly
If you have a mental health disorder (and if you're on tumblr, chances are you're either neurodivergent, lgbt+, mentally ill or a funky mix) the heat literally changes your mood and exacerbates things. This has been linked to an increase in suicides and attempts, please make sure you have a support network in place, as if things are hard, call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or 000.
There is a point where sweating doesn't help as the hair is saturated/there's high humidity and the sweat cannot evaporate, therefore not cooling you down
The heat can kill, the link at the bottom of the page tells you how
Safety tips:
YOU ARE NOT STRONGER THAN THE FUCKIN SUN!!! Please make sure you are wearing sunscreen if you have to be outside or even near a window. Sunburn and cancer aren't funny, it's painful and deadly.
Drink plenty of water. No one cares if you look uncool carrying around a water bottle, because they either are as well, or are putting themselves at risk. If you're putting a bottle of water in the freezer for the next day, make sure you have non-frozen water to drink straight away
Seek shade as much as possible, even if it's carrying a small umbrella with you, or literally just a cap. Anything is better than nothing. This includes sunnies.
Cold baths and showers. I don't care that they're not pleasant, they can save you. If you have heat stroke, one of the best things to do is to have a luke-warm bath (as this temperature will likely already be painful - I saw my sister go through it) and make it colder to cool yourself down SLOWLY (but really, best advice is to call the doctor, 000, or go to the hospital)
Keep an eye on your body temperature if you can. If it gets over 41'C, your body begins to basically cook itself inside out
If money is an issue and you have a working air conditioner, set it to a higher temperature and turn on a fan. This will make the air feel cooler while saving money
If you don't have an aircon, here's a link on how to create a makeshift one
Alternatively, take turns with your mates going to each others houses to all be in an air conditioned room, while saving money of not having your aircon on everyday.
Aloe Vera at night when you're sunburnt will help ease the pain and cool you down. Also things like using mint body wash will make you feel cooler
I know we're all sweaty but do NOT overdo it with the deodorant. It will clog up your pores, you won't be able to sweat... this is bad
Take a break from exercising; your body will not start to deteriorate muscle until about 3 weeks of not using said muscle passes (I learnt this from my physio). If you're struggling with the idea of not exercising for a while, you might be struggling with over-exercising or an eating disorder - please think this over and consult a doctor.If you need to continue exercise for medical reasons: make sure you are in a cool area, hydrated, have time to cool down after your workout, and do NOT attempt anything too intense. No HIIT or anything high intensity. Aim for things like yoga or pilates (it's not just for women!!!)
You can buy hand held misting fans from kmart for $5 (these really work... I was at a concert in 41'C heat and the lady next to me had one... it helped so much)
Now is not the time for body insecurity, you are fucking gorgeous, I swear, just put the fucking crop top and shorts on or go topless if you can. It's too hot for insecurity
Make sure you've got a good fly screen and leave your doors/windows open but locked over night to keep you cooler. If you don't have a fly screen, try putting a mesh curtain over the door/window.
Silk sheets are not a good plan, you want cotton for absorbancy
Stop having hot meals. You need something cooler, no one gives a shit if you're having weetbix for dinner if you're not dying from your body temperature rising!! It's already gonna rise from the energy expenditure of digestions! So just eat something cool, ok? And make sure you're getting enough carbs, they're not evil, they keep your brain functioning, and you need that extra help with the heat fog brain.
Last of all don't be afraid to call 000 or your country's emergency/crisis number. Thanks for reading and stay safe!
Here's the link to where I got most the info, feel free to add more info to this!!!
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transgendersquiddo · 4 months
Hey do you maybe have any lifesteal fic recs? There’s not a lot of rec lists in this fandom and I’m not sure where to start!
okay so um. i am perhaps the Worst person to go to when it comes to this stuff because. You See,
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if you want a more. comprehensible list, my two swagdoons fic recommendations is probably the best place to start (1, 2). i am also going to shout out the nevada series and no bills in the mail since i've seen a few people talk about them on tumblr and i love both of them!
but i have gone through my bookmarks and have complied some fics! all of these fics are complete :)
Sweet Berry Pie by beaningeneraldenial
Clown is a busy assassin with too much experience on him to not attract a lot of potential clients and employers. One contract has him going away on the week of his and Branzy's 2nd anniversary, which Branzy doesn't appreciate much. He knows, however, how to make their anniversary celebration good! He makes a pie… he only adds a bit of gunpowder in it. or: Clown should've left a post-it note on the fridge saying "Do NOT touch, Branzy!" before he left for the week. He regrets it only a little.
Repent, Harlequin by trafficpose
The problem with knowing Clown: suddenly, chaos was an option.
Tunnel Vision by jukeboxtea
Mid is far from a quiet person. But when she’s in battle, she’s deadly silent. (or, a short character study on Midmysticx.)
Wire snare by dogdomesticated
Getting a read on intent. What will kill you first: the toxin or the detonation? A short abstract exploration of Rekrap's character and themes in Lifesteal season 3.
Rollercoaster by Thrills (IWantToRemainASecret)
Branzy compares Clownpierce to a rollercoaster and other shenanigans.
i wouldn't blame you if you turned around by Anonymous
sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. it's a story clown has heard time and time again.
What do you see when you look at the stars? by lovecore_jpg
“..What do you see?” “..What?” Planet paused, a little confused by the question. “Like– when you look out at the stars. What do you.. see? ..Besides stars?” ---------------------- Planet likes to stargaze when everyone else is asleep. This time, somebody joins him.
Olethros by arospecitzsubz (Octaveice)
"Theoretically, the ruin goes before the grace. He'd named his sword for a reason."
Brown Eyes by PacificSeaOtter
Nobody knows what color Clownpierce's eyes are- not until Vitalasy, Subz, and Rek start a bet trying to figure it out. Thus ensues the saga of failed, but hilarious attempts to get Clown's mask off.
and I swear I could slit my throat with your dull knife by Scared_Rodent
Like a frozen lake, Branzy noticed how Ashswag's expressions hardly changed, how nothing he saw surprised him at all. Branzy remembered falling in love, remembering dates by the beach with nothing but his smile. On the deadliest server in the world, Branzy remembered him.
winter in prague; 1618 by whichlights
winter in prague; 1618. tensions are high after the defenestration of multiple catholic officials, and a war will break out not quite two years later. in this time of tensions, a vampire by the name of clownpierce is injured. his friend is there to care for him, at least.
drinks in new york; 1926 by whichlights
drinks in new york; 1926. prohibition has swept across the country, but that doesn't mean the party stops. world class performers, drinks, and more- all at greenwich village, a historical hub of gay activity. clown and redd have holed up in a townhouse in the village, and have been having a wonderful time in new york.
games to play on work break by Felix_J
"A boring place is what it is. Hell." Jaron says, and it might sound a little bitter. Ash gives him a blurry look. "No, why do you look at me like that." They've stopped asking questions, (Jaron knows asking questions is not a good thing, and generally, he doesn't care). "You think, that was such a hot resort, and Satan is the greatest of 'em, you're curious, right."
A man, a squid and a clown walk into an elevator… by Thrills (IWantToRemainASecret)
Branzy is crushing hard on the dutch man he and Chief share their elevator rides with, and he seeks to learn Dutch in order to form a connection with him. Too bad he can speak English. Too bad Chief isn't going to stop Branzy.
Now as the curtains rise up by softnoblade
Maybe next it’ll snow. Maybe the remains of this server will be preserved, frozen under layers and layers of snow and ice. Perhaps, decades from now, some unlucky archaeologist will stumble across the remains of this server, and simultaneously uncover both the preserved remains of war and the immortal beings that had slaughtered them.
def function (singularity): by Anonymous/np13
it's always why did you mess with your player data and you're missing half your data structures and never ‘how was playing with your data. messing with code looked fun was it fun’ (it is, right up until it's not.)
sunsets on powerlines by w_nter
It starts with a broken lightbulb in his hands, or maybe in a forest, or maybe in a cabin tucked deep in the woods. (or: a purpleduo + the darkest minds au)
bona fortuna by sinoptics
The god of chance enjoys a visit to the human realm.
throw a punch by vanivanilla
there’s not much to do in prison, or: planet and jaron have a brief conversation as they reset their hunger
In Moments Alone (In His Office, With Pillows And Tissues) by Clownsplin
Although his outward appearances suggest otherwise, Clownpierce's moments alone are filled with stiff joints, aching muscles, and tear-stained cheeks. He gets small moments throughout the day when his pain lessens, even if by an infinitely small amount.
atlantis by Anonymous
Planet is stuck in a space between life and death, waiting. (A million miles away, Jaron is in the same position. A couple of feet away, Bacon had tried to run. Turns out there's not a lot to do when you can't respawn without being immediately killed)
farewell to the port by Anonymous
The day Branzy becomes a pirate he wakes up on a small island somewhere in the Caribbean, drunk out of his mind and distinctly lacking shoes.  He thinks, somewhat despairingly, that he really should not be gambling again anytime soon.  or, The Golden Age of Piracy, and the situations and decisions that drive people to become outlaws.
lose the battles by Felix_J
"you lost." it states. unless there are any more tricks up planet's sleeve, which there shouldn't be. but planet... is a strange one. "thanks." they say, and that's right, that is a full blown smile. krow still can't figure out exactly how planet's expression works, but this piece shines out, same as his eyes shine. "thank you." planet repeats, like they're not sure krow heard, or do know it can't exactly believe its ears.
Phantom in Your Foyer by arospecitzsubz (Octaveice)
Half the damn crowd had been cheering.
Kiss me in the corridor, but quick to tell me goodbye (You say that you're no good for me) by Mx_Artemis
Ash is no stranger to evil, nor is he a stranger to ClownPierce. Honestly, is it such a crime that he wants to catch up with him?
The immortal and his assassin by Thrills (IWantToRemainASecret)
He opened the door without any theatrics, no slow creak open or dramatic swing wide, he simply opened it like he was an old friend visiting a familiar face. And- Hold up, that is a familiar face. The soon-to-be-dead man was sitting on the edge of his bed, eyes shut as he slowly sipped at his cup of tea. He opened his eyes lazily, half-lidded gaze settling on Clown’s face in a way that made him feel as if he had been drenched in freezing cold water. Because he had killed his man before.
no hard feelings by sinoptics
“Hey, Redd,” Clown starts as he reaches Redd, voice ever so slightly out of breath, and then he pauses awkwardly. “So.” “So?” Redd repeats, confused as to where this is going to go. “Our arrangement is off. From now on.” Clown states. What the fuck.
or; the fic in which Clownpierce fumbles not one but two bad bitches
anything you say can and will be held against you by Felix_J
It's funny to see how Red tries to process the little things and guess if they belong to Ash, or Ash's persona that doesn't differ from him as much as he thinks, or maybe much more so, or just things Ash makes up. Ash likes to add a lot to the last pile. Poke around, like a little challenge, reminder he's not all that easy. Currently, with the fucking fish. roses and smoke week, day 6: aquarium | fantasy
For that star trapped in your chest by dogdomesticated
Thunderclouds. Stuck waiting around for Vitalasy to show up, Subz goes down a line of thinking he's been avoiding, and by then it's too late. Something about trust, something about defining what you can't see. Light, and where to find it.
The Boy and The Forest by BearAndHoney
As the tale goes there is a boy who wants to be king adn loved. And as the tale goes there is a forest full of mysteries that one else has been brave enough to explore.
the fox's young master by Felix_J
He finds a fox in the forest, dark fur-broken leg, and it reminds him, as it always does. He takes it home to fix it up, and it doesn't matter if it's just a mindless creature, if. To pass its time, he tells it a story. roses and smoke week, day 3: myths | gods
foreguess by Felix_J
I'd never go on dates just like that, after being married so long, you know that, Ash? Red'd move his head on the seat, and he wouldn't be able to see his eyes through the sunglasses. What's even the point of that kinda date? He would continue, not really ask, because of course he has to poke and argue, it always goes in a loop. Even though he knows, and he agrees with Ash. Thanks, Red, Ash'd answer and break it, because there'd be something in his stomach that's so soft, there is. roses and smoke week, day 2: swap | horror
predictable shows by Felix_J
"I'm rewatching the footage for the auditions, yeah." Red nods, slack. He considers picking the remote from his hands to push unpause, but doesn't think Ash won't find it a serious offence and make it end up on the floor in a corner at all. or, "one of them is lying" boosfer + swagdoons swap. roses and smoke week, day 2: swap | horror
The Mourner by Anonymous
The mourner stands in the open, partially hidden in the smoke. Holding out a bouquet of roses as they wait for their loved on to return.
Case #091413 - Always Bet On Red by orphan_account
Case #091413 Statement of… Branzy? No last name given apparently, about a relationship of unclear nature with someone only known as “Clown”. Dated September 13th 2014, recorded by Zachery Prince at the Institute Cordum.
little comforts by sinoptics
He turns to Vitalasy then, who’s tending a pot on the stove. “Hey, uh,” He starts, and Vitalasy makes a hum of acknowledgement. “Zam could probably use some affection.”
Mutual Hell by Kappuccinokat
Mapicc exhaled, frustrated, and stood up, walking over to the empty window. Zam tried not to relax too much. “I’m assuming this is hell, then.” He drummed his fingers on the window sill. “That’s what I gathered, yeah.” — Or; Zam had lost it all, and now as he awaits his fate in hell, a familiar face threatens to break his resolve.
Homemade Headache Cures by ros_is_writing
“Vitalasy,” Subz announced. “I can’t fucking see, and it fucking hurts.” He emphasized his point by knocking his head against Vitalasy’s shoulder, the metal of his armor hurt slightly. Vitalasy made another sympathetic noise in the back of his throat and bumped his chin to Subz’s head. Normally their head bumps were comforting to Subz, but now they just made his head hurt worse. Damn these fucking glasses.
Siren's Song by KingdomKey
The Phantoms are a renowned pirate crew who sail the seven seas. Their ship comes across a rocky island, and as they carefully traverse it, they come upon a strange creature. It certainly isn't friendly.
sweet dreams i'll always share with you by Anonymous/cutthesky
Red can transform into a plush version of himself (a big Minidoons). Shenanigans ensue one day as Ash and Red wait to fall asleep.
Cut it Out by Anonymous
He always had Ro and his knife, didn't he?
Lifesteal > Eastside > Create a Posting by bloodynocturne (avoxutopia)
Craigslist has always been an odd place, a collection of people in the same place; selling, buying, searching, looking to give or take something. And sometimes, there's small connections. People searching for each other in a circle, narrowly missing one another every time.
Southbound by ros_is_writing
“We could always use the above ground station,” Planet said in the same tone of voice that they used before. Nonchalant, bored even. Like they hadn’t just suggested an actual crime. “No.” Bacon said immediately. “That’s illegal.” “What’s illegal?” Jaron asked.
Poopies' Fun Day in the Hypixel Pit by rainy_writez
With the end of Lifesteal season 4, Poopies the endermite (who is still here somehow because it defies the mere concept of law) has become restless. So Spoke takes it to the Hypixel Pit for a fun day of incomprehensible violence. Surprisingly, Poopies ends up leaving with a new friend… or maybe more?
losing by B0LTZ
take a breath, spit out the blood in your mouth, and get back up on your feet. you still got a couple of motherfuckers to prove wrong
see with your two eyes by Felix_J
He's not a god, because the flag Red sails under doesn't believe in gods. And then he's wrong. In the reasoning, not the other thing.
carry me to tomorrow by Anonymous
Ash chooses to trust himself to the unwavering night.
mixed media: flesh, electricity, bone by Anonymous
“Do you think we’re friends in other universes too?”
(hello) my old heart by Anonymous
What he doesn’t ask is why Ash chooses, over and over, to step through that door, through Lifesteal and Earthbound and the wastelands of an apocalypse. The void knows how many other worlds they’ve followed each other through without a second thought.
fun activities to do with the person you're stuck under house arrest with by oneirogen
Open heart surgery doesn’t even rank up high in the number of weird shit he’s done on this server. Maybe approaching the top tens, if he's being generous.
smile for the camera (repeat and do it over) by gin (tabanthas)
You’re an ally and an enigma at the best of times. At the worst, you are a challenge. You are never, never a friend. OR: rek and his trust issues &lt;3
divine intervention by Anonymous
"If we went through this all again," he says, and it sounds so far away. "Would we still find each other?" (Less than a metre away, Jaron stares at the sky. To his side, Bacon looks at the rubble by their feet. Even when you know it's coming, the end still feels like a loss you can't prepare for)
a parting of clouds by genesis_frog
What do you say, after all of that? Subz and Zam's first conversation after the sign room.
there will be darkness again by genesis_frog
Zam has been in the Eclipse Federation nearly a month now. Subz is getting more and more obvious by the day. Vitalasy steps in.
let me hold it lightly by genesis_frog
It’s a quiet life, outside the world border, but it’s one Zam and Subz have made for themselves.
to the previous respondee: by orioncataclysmic
IMAGE: more bolded comic sans. This time, it’s held up by washi tape, patterned with dicks. It reads: i like war and death and asthma attacks and if you don’t you���re a bitch and your moms a hoe OR: a battle of wits, told through an apartment corkboard, messages between Zam and Mapicc, and glimpses into Mapicc and Bacon's lives
Steam Heart by enderpearlnecklace
After sneaking onto an airship full of pirates, Branzy tries to find a way to escape.
Dear Diary: Today, I killed someone by Fey_wilde
Squiddo prides herself on her excellent memory. It’s one of her only positive attributes, one she can count on in nearly every situation. In just a blink of the eye, she can recall a story, an adventure. Every single bit of data crams itself into her head, sorting into neat piles, ones she can sift through with speed and efficiency. Mobs, history, abandoned places, extinct worlds, glitches, she knows them all. Her memory never fails. Yet, no matter how hard she tries, no matter how many hours she spends lying awake, unseeing eyes staring at the ceiling of her makeshift base, she just can’t remember why. Why did I join Lifesteal?
New Years Eve by Nox_aMillion
Going to the roof was a tradition the two of them had for New Years because apparently they liked extreme parkour off a roof while fireworks actively went off. Or the privacy was nice. Something like that.
Halloween Night by Nox_aMillion
Honestly they had done everything else there was to do on Halloween at this point. They were even dressed in repeat costumes, Red as a demon and Ash as a vampire. (Yes they could be more creative but any costume was a costume.) The two had been coming back from a fear farm when Red mentioned that there was a party at this house tonight. It was nearly two in the morning by the time they got here but the party was still going strong. Parties in houses like this didn’t end until the police got there.
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miss-atena · 10 months
Hellooo, hope you are having a nice day! I discovered your work not long ago, but I already liked it a lot! I'd like to order a Cody/X Virus x Reader, in which the Reader is a biology nerd who is enthralled by Cody's skills and knowledge! Just the two of them being adorable nerds together!! 👉👈🤧💕
((it's so hard to find content about Cody, and it makes me particularly sad because he's my favorite creepypasta! 🥹🥹🥹))
Anyway, thank you in advance!! 💞
HIHII! I'm so sorry for the long wait, my life has been wild this last couple of weeks, but I'm back at writing and YES CODY'S FANS RISE UP!! Love me when he is a psychopathic scientist lol. Hope you enjoy this!
X Virus x Biology Nerd Reader
Cody normally keeps to himself in his lab, and is not really used to having people besides EJ or Toby around. So when he gets assigned a lab partner, he got skeptical.
He couldn't understand if this was some wild scheme from the others to make him interact more, or if you were actually someone with enough knowledge to work with him, but he couldn't complain since it was orders from the proxies.
You were going to be Cody's lab partner due to your area of knowledge on biology being similar in level to his, and you were certainly excited to find someone with an interest similar than yours, from what you heard of him.
When you did come to the lab, and looked around the place, you were certainly excited with the amount of biology related stuff. It was all you ever wanted, and it made your love for the subject bubble out.
Cody met you right there, on the lab, and at first he was REALLY skeptical, because you looked decent.
'since when does a scientist looks decent? They will not understand at all what I'm doing'
But the moment you opened your mouth and started accurately guessing what each thing he had was, his eyes sparkled. No way...
"Oh my god, you have a guide to the human cardiovascular system! Do you use it often? I bet you do, look at the amount of stuff that needs an intravenous application..."
"Wait, you actually know what you're talking about?"
It didn't take long to Cody to open up about his current researches and projects, like his experiments with the xelymtopa virus, or how he was experimenting on the maximization of effects on cyanide based poisons.
You were excited and eager to know, even bringing your own hypothesis on what could happen depending on the person he experiments on, which he appreciates.
Soon enough you were one of Cody's closest friends (and maybe he had a bit of a crush on you too), and were together everywhere, freaking everyone out by your casual talks about deadly diseases and poisonous animals.
Cody, while doing his work on the infirmary with EJ, opened up about how he felt close to you in a deeper level than anything, but he couldn't put a finger on what exactly he felt. EJ advised him to be open with you besides the work talk.
Cody felt confused and even a bit scarred. Open up about feelings? That is not like him at all...
His mind went in circles on how this was a bad idea and how he would lose your friendship, and you were the only one that actually understood what he said for once, but... EJ never wronged him. Why would he be wrong this time, right?
The next day, on the lab, you were working on one of your projects, some vaccines for one of the many viruses samples Cody had, when he came inside the labe with something behind his back.
"Hey, uh, I hope I'm not interrupting but... Can I talk to you for a second?"
After you looked at him and nodded, he basically dumped all of his feelings for you at once, and you couldn't help but giggle at how the usually confident in himself Cody was a blushing and rambling mess.
You did feel the same towards him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He did have something to give you, your very own test subject. It was a golden poison frog, which was being securely held in a small vivarium.
Let's just say that both of you are probably the deadliest couple in the manor, and that if anyone bothers one of you, the other is very capable of performing inhumane tests on them just out of spite.
Hope you enjoyed it! I am not particularly knowledgeable on Biology, never had very good teachers on the subject, but it was certainly fun to write this. We need more Cody love in the world fr fr.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 years
Humans are weird: Need for Sleep
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)      
Alien: Where’s crewman Morris?
Alien 2: He is sleeping.
Alien: But it is almost half past sun rise.
Alien 2: Yeah, he said he was going to use his day off to catch up on some sleep.
Alien: Why does he need to catch it?
Alien 2: No; it’s a human expression meaning they need more sleep.
Alien: How much sleep do they need?
Alien 2: On the safe side, 8-10 hours.
Alien: 8-10 hours!?!?
Alien: That’s absurd!
Alien 2: It’s pretty standard actually.
Alien: That is essentially spending almost a third of a day cycle in bed!
Alien 2: Is this your first time serving alongside a human crewmember?
Alien: Technically, yes; but I’ve heard all the stories.
Alien: I thought humans can function on little to no sleep and still remain at peak performance?
Alien 2: Well, technically they can but trust me when I say it is not recommended.
Alien: What do you mean by that?
Alien 2: Have you ever seen a human that has been deprived of sleep for too long?
Alien 2: They enter a trance like state that makes them either the dumbest or deadliest creatures in the galaxy.
Alien: Now I know you are pulling my florpal.
Alien 2: I chid you not.
Alien 2: One time our human cook went three days without sleep to make sure the entire crew was fed during a run through the Kem Nebula.
Alien 2: By the fourth day he had entered a sleep deprived trance like state and somehow locked himself in engineering.
Alien: Well that doesn’t sound so bad.
Alien 2: He activated the self-destruct thinking it was a soup ladle.
Alien: Please tell me you are joking….
Alien 2: No one knows how he even got clearance levels to get into engineering.
Alien 2: Had security not blown the hatch doors in time the entire ship would have gone up in fiery explosion.
Alien: I assume he was thrown in the brig afterwards?
Alien 2: The captain wanted to have him executed on the spot, but because the sleep requirements were stated in their health file and ignored his hands were tied.
Alien 2: They confined him to quarters until he could be transferred to another ship.
Alien: That sounds flarp’n crazy.
Alien 2: It’s not even an isolated thing.
Alien 2: A comrade I knew from the academy told me how their human had been able to function for ten days without sleep due to a series of combat drugs.
Alien 2: Near the end of it they started freaking out and going completely ballistic.
Alien: What do you mean by ballistic?
Alien 2: They swore they could hear the voice of god and that he demanded his skin.
Alien: What?
Alien 2: So the human started peeling off his skin bit by bit and kept it in a pile.
Alien: Why didn’t your friend’s crew try to stop them?
Alien 2: The human vanished into the depths of the ship before they could get him to medical.
Alien 2: It took another day involving a ship wide search before they found him nestled between the armory and command decks.
Alien: Were they alright?
Alien 2: The poor human had peeled off all of the skin on his left arm and it just hung limply next to him.
Alien: *Vomits violently*
Alien 2: They shot him with tranquilizers and had him in a medical coma for four days before he woke up.
Alien: That’s disgusting.
Alien 2: Pretty freaky to hear the first time, I know.
Alien 2: Hard to believe that one of the most deadly species in the galaxy becomes even deadlier and more deranged if they don’t get their biologically mandated sleep time.
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eldritchamy · 7 months
Hey! I'm sure you're tired of it being referenced by now, but I once again saw the cone snail post come up--that time of year, I suppose, when we all warn each other of the dangers of the blue-ringed octopus?--and was as always struck by the narrative about the person who picked up a pair of cone snails and was instantly killed. Over the past several years I've repeatedly looked for source on that, but not been able to find it--can you link me? I'd love to read about it.
Yeah that's one of the many things in that post that is
because it turns out the show that I "learned" and paraphrased most of that information from (The Most Extreme, which aired on Animal Planet in the 2000s) was
sensationalized horseshit
that didn't use reliable sources or in some cases appears to have just straight up made things up out of thin air.
You can't find the story because it isn't real.
As far as I can tell, the source is the show I watched, which just made it up. Much of that post isn't actually based on anything credible.
The last time I looked at the wikipedia page for cone snails (not counting several paragraphs later while writing this post), several of the claims in that post were literally called out and debunked, although not directly in reference to my post.
Conotoxin IS very potent, but cone snails are not considered the most venomous animals on earth. There are several species whose LD50 far exceeds it in terms of toxicity. I do not remember which, although I'm probably going to compulsively go look it up.
I'm gonna go compulsively look it up.
So the answer is fact checking for this specific topic sucks because there's no direct answer from a reputable science organization that shows any actual data or ranks animals by toxicity of venom rather than how "deadly" they are to humans, but the answer is PROBABLY a box jellyfish? Inland Taipan almost certainly has the most toxic venom of any land animal. It's hard to find anything that even MENTIONS venom by toxicity in terms of a median lethal dose, and most sensationalist articles go by DEADLIEST rather than MOST VENOMOUS, which factors in the amount of venom administered at a time and how frequently they encounter humans, which are honestly probably more important factors anyway.
Still, it'd be nice to have a real answer.
I still wouldn't go around picking up any 4-to-6-inch cone shaped snail shells, but they are nowhere near as dangerous as many people who have unfortunately read that post now believe. You DO still need immediate medical attention in the highly unlikely event that you get stung by one, but under no circumstances will you be dead before you hit the ground. More like 1 to 5 hours without medical attention.
You shouldn't pick up a blue ringed octopus, either, but I think the original picture on that post turned out to actually be a painting.
I really hate that post.
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